#the shorter one looked so cool though so im looking forward to getting it changed
chanstopher · 2 years
fam: something about fam always makes me think of a 2010 early K-pop vibes so in a way it is a nostalgic sound for me to hear again. we all know how cute the lyrics are and I am reminded how cute for a change, instead for the fans, they be penning for each other and making like a compliment relay. honestly who are skz's biggest fans if not skz themselves? - helloskz anon
ok im gonna put all of these under this ask and use a readmore so i dont have to bother anyone else by trying to answer these one at a time.
 i adore both versions of this song, i love that they really compliment and tease each other in the song, it really speaks a lot about their relationships as members and as friends. and i think the really electronic track definitely leans to a 2nd gen sound thats so true!
connected: this feels like a song that has the whole aesthetic of being secret lovers and taking the hidden, lesser roads to get away and be alone together in some 3 star motel where nobody knows the both of you and you talk to each other through 'body language'. 10 out of 10 vibes of one person in fwb catching feelings. not me listening and thinking well christopher, magnets are not the only things that can be connected :)
im so obsessed with this song the whole vibe is so good, i t makes me think of early zayn music which i know chris is a fan of. the song does have a really good vibe of being almost a secret i can totally see that, im just praying i never have to see what kind of choreo would go along with this song because i dont actually want to die thank you very much
limbo: it feels like the song is much shorter than it actually is even though it is 3 minutes but that is maybe the turmoil and emotions i went through while listening to this song idk. limbo makes me think of like someone going through the memories of their ex in their head and the more they keep going through the memories, the more the memories fade or wear off over time because of how often it is looked back on and you know how people say our memories are not reliable because we can remember things differently from what actually happened. they know they should move forward but they are stuck in limbo as looking back is the only way to see them again 😔
that is such a good theory, i havent really had the ability to take the song in in that way because i think im still just so focused on minhos vocals and like FINALLY getting a solo from him that i spend the entire song just squealing lmao but the darker meloncohlic vibe is not what i expected at all. honestly i assumed his and chris' song styles would be flipped because danceracha keeps putting out the more r&b songs as a unit and chris is sad™️ but this song really showed off minho's vocals which i appreciate because ive been screaming to no one for so long at how amazing he is
doodle: is that song where you can imagine in an underground club where all the cool, alternative kids hang out and give each other tattoos or something idk i was never cool. or alternatively, it gives me the vibes of changbin standing in the middle of like cars circling around him while he is rapping and there's fire burning around somewhere to show how fire he is. maybe some monster trucks thrown in here and there, dmx tricks somewhere. 10 out of 10 nobody will ever be cooler than changbin ever, confirmed.
doodle is exactly what i expected from changbin, it goes hard and fast the entire song and something about the way he says doodle really tickles my ear in the best way!
alien: to be very honest, i had only listen to alien once it first came out and i know, i know, it sounds like blasphemy for me to say that but i guess i was not in the right mind and mood to properly listen to it and i did not want those factors to spoil my actual feelings on the song. now that i am listening back to this, i can better appreciate him having made this song, a song that many of us have related to but still holding for a brighter tomorrow
alien is literally one of my favorite songs ever actually! its brought me a lot of comfort since he first released it so i listen to it constantly! if it had counted toward my music wrapped this year it would have been like my 3rd most listened to song lol its also the reason i have a tattoo for jisung
because: the song that is like the embodiment of a warm hug, hot chocolate and reassurances. especially remembering how this song came out around the time we had our hyunjin drought? this makes the song all the more special and sweet to me. to get a song with just changbin and felix on it, especially hearing them sing? we are blessed and spoiled by them, really. 
i think because perfectly sums up changlix and how soft they are together and toward each other! they’ve always has a particularly cute bond since the beginning and i think this song really suits them. and like u said its really like a soft hug
piece of a puzzle: now this, this is the song when i heard the snippet of it during that variety they did that is slipping my mind at the moment and 3racha was at chan's room working on this and up all night- ANYWAYS. sure the song got released on youtube but it's not the SAME as compared to being able to save it on spotify and experience the song completely. even though the lyrics are rather sad, in a way, it oddly comforts me.
to me this song sounds so much like its supposed to be an ost, something about the emotion of it really just feels like it should be playing in the background of important moments, and i agree being able to hear it crisp really amplifies just how amazing it is
wish you back: it is at this song that i had the realisation yet again for han's passion for music for not only the genres he explores but also how he has the most songs on this album as he is constantly working on music. music really does make him happy huh. we can always appreciate the interesting ways the boys are able to mix genres and even right now, the best i can think of is acoustic guitar tropical dance hall for this song? only these boys. 
HaPpY: if you were beautiful or letting go by day6 had an angsty but somehow chill lofi hip hop younger sibling, it would be this song. you can always depend on han to have generally upbeat sounding songs and then having lyrics that are the complete contrast to them. he really has us guessing his next move every single time and not knowing what to expect.
i think something about jisungs writing style is just so perfect, i always find myself drawn to the songs he writes the most. his solo things and the songs for their albums. he seems to be able to hit the nerve of hopeful melancholy so perfectly. i think he really knows how to embody the feeling of being someone in their 20′s trying to navigate their life and emotional changes
up all night: the best i can describe this feeling this gives me is you attending a halloween party and everyone that you thought that are just dressed up as these odd, mythical beings are just that, costumes but they are in actuality all these odd beings and the weird adventures you have at this party from dusk to dawn. 10 out of 10 more than willing to hang out with vampire skz even though they probably suck at it 
this song is so cute and fun and the fact that it was one of the first songs chris ever made makes it even more special, like he had it saved on his computer all this time to make something silly and cocky at the same time during a stressful time for everyone
drive: i think enough has been said and joked about drive and i have nothing else smart and witty to add to this conversation. but the two eldest knew exactly what they were doing and they can be all hehe coy about it but we know. we know they know. they knew what they were doing
so true, and its just such a good song, and as a massive minchan stan i live for it and appreciate it so much lol
ice cream: what a palate cleanser to have this as the last long huh? what more after drive. simple, sweet, melodic. they saw we needed peace and they delivered us ice cream. much appreciated and needed. i can attempt to peacefully go to bed despite the roller coaster ride of emotions this entire ass album put me through. but would i sign up for it again? exactly
hyunjin and his soft artful sweet voice finishing the rollercoaster of an album is truly perfection on their part.
11 notes · View notes
molotovmetro · 2 years
My metal collection has been expanded
3 notes · View notes
wizkiddx · 4 years
a friendly face
a lil one inspired from seeing the recent interviews abt cherry - yes im a couple days late but am very slow. This is basically stolen and adapted from another of my stories so I don't think there's any bits left over by my dyslexic proof reading isnt that great so apologies!!! very speech heavy so sorry am trying to balance my writing more
Summary: Tom is having a hard time filming Cherry and dealing with the emotional baggage of it, so Harry recruits someone to make everything that little bit better.
fluff and a little angst I guess?
Harry, Tom and their driver Sian where all sitting in the car having left the set 20 minutes ago, heading back to their accommodation. Or more precisely, Harry and Sian sat in the two front seats- Harry only in the front as to allow Tom to lie down across the three back seats. He was asleep, or at least looked asleep, but Harry knowing his brother so well knew he was just wishing he was. The day had been torturous for Tom, they’d been filming a hospital sequence in which his character was heart broken. The sequence had involved him being thrown onto the floor multiple times, by a heavy handed stunt double who was not nearly as precise as those he’d worked with at ‘marvel’. Furthermore, there was also multiple scenes of him having to properly cry on camera, which although it sounds tame, is one of the hardest things you can ever ask an actor to do. At least, someone who commits half as much as Tom. For him to show that emotion, he had to go back to a place in his life where he didn’t really ever want to venture again. But even then, this character was such a fuck up, he had to do deeper.  He felt completely drained, emotionless and cold. But he couldn’t sleep, not for the guilt he felt for being short with everyone on set- he had never been like that before, he just felt like no one was respecting or understanding what he was going through. So instead he just lay on his side, facing the backs of the leather seats, arms folded in stubbornness- even if he had no idea why.
“Tom?…Tom, I know you’re awake… Look, we need to make a quick stop. You gotta come out.” Harry was actually slightly nervous his brother would just point blank refuse, even if he needed this so bad.
“I just need to get back to the apartment. Please Harry. Can’t we do it tommorrow?” The desperation dripping off Tom’s voice actually pained Harry to listen to. He knew Tom was having a crisis about how he treated everyone today, so chose to ignore his please in favour of some assurance.
“You know everyone understands… They just kept asking me if you were alright?” Harry could see the guilt radiating off Tom. It hurt him to see his big brother like this. 
“Please… I just need to get back” His small voice barely made it to the front of the car, but Harry heard it all. 
“It will take 2 minutes tops, I had a delivery but I need a hand carrying it, come on” Harry spoke as Sian turned on the indicator to pulled up next to the sidewalkpavement; the car slowing to a gentle halt. Tom didn’t reply, instead huffing as he used the head rest of the middle seat to pull himself up. Already out the car, Harry opened the door for him waiting patiently, because Harry knew he would be a hundred times better off in just a few moments. 
“What the hell have you even ordered that’s so big?” Tom sighed while ducking through the door into the cold Cleveland air, keeping his eyes on the sidewalk as Harry motioned for him to follow his feet. 
“Oh um don’t know, a good friend sent it actually” Harry tried to hide the grin that was spread over his face from showing in his voice, as he saw a very familiar head of hair running toward them.
“What friend?” Tom looked up sassily toward Harry, shortly questioning who would send Harry a parcel from England that was too big to be delivered or carried by himself. Only then, nearly 5 metres away from Sian in the car, did Tom look up to see where they were. It wasn’t the nearest post office or delivery warehouse - they were at the airport. “Harry what’s going on?” Tom questioned with a low and warning voice, skipping a step or two in order to catch up with his younger brother. 
“We’re collecting her” Harry smiled as he nodded forward. Following his gaze with eyes wide open, Tom turned forward just in time to see Y/h/c  flying over his face as he was engulfed by someones arms. Immediately sensing exactly who this was, Tom did not hesitate to wrap his arms around your waist and push his head into your neck. Smelling the familiar perfume, Tom couldn’t help but scoff, allowing a the jerky breath to leave his lungs as you arched away from the hug, cupping Tom’s face with both her hands. 
“I’ve been reliably informed you could use a friendly face” you smiled, noticing his raw emotions threatening to overtake him, so swiftly pressing just pressing your lips onto his. Seemingly frightened to move, Tom barely reacted to the kiss, so you pushed and deepened into it a little more- till you felt him relaxing against you. With that, you arched away again and smiled massaging his stubbly hair behind his left ear.
“How are you here?” He croaked staring deeply at her, switching between her left and right eye as if that somehow would confirm that this was real, not some cruel dream he was having. 
“Someone somewhere knew you were in need and bought me a plane ticket over… I’m coming home with you on monday” You grinned while  watching Tom’s eyes light up, he leaned in again to your lips instead of replying. 
“Er-cuh-huh” Harry loudly cleared his throat, causing the two to pull away from each other. “Sorry to interrupt, but Sian isn’t really allowed to stop there long sooo” They both nodded, before Tom lunged at his brother, holding him close and whispering thanks too. It was clear this was at least partly Harry’s doing, and he could never thank his brother enough.
“Umm.. as much as I’m enjoying this brotherly love we really do have to get back in the car” Harry awkwardly spoke as he almost pushed Tom off him. 
“Awww my favourite little brother being all mature” You giggled, taking your turn to hug Harry, admittedly a little shorter than Tom’s, but still with lots of gratitude.
“Please get stop loving me and get back into the car!” Harry yelled as he stormed off to Sian, leaving both you and Tom in fits of laughter. Grasping each others hand simultaneously the laughter continued as you followed Harry down the street to the car. 
Seeing you standing there; feeling your arms wrapped round his neck ; hearing your oh so sweet voice had Tom feeling…. Feeling lighter. It was as though your mere presence gave him the strength to carry all the things that were previously weighing him down like a truck. What was extraordinary though, was how it wasn’t just psychological. He literally felt his joints feel looser, he felt his body flood with warmth and he felt his heart calming down. When you’d first been getting close to each you’d had rather the opposite effect. Which was surprising because that was at the point Tom had never felt more confident - he had just returned form a avengers press tour, where naturally everyone had just loved him and played up to his every whim. He had legions of girls, some of them drop dead gorgeous where falling at his feet. And yet, when he met you it was as though he was transported back into his incredibly awkward teenage years. It was infuriating, he knew he could act cool and unbothered and smooth however as soon as you stood informant of his it was like his mind melted, filling it with utter gibberish and garble. In fact, he was plainly floored by you - how kind and pure hearted you were, how respectful and how you found hhis jilted flirting adorable and not to forget how drop dead gorgeous you are. 
It had taken a while and a hell of a lot of opening up, but over time he found the opposite happening. Your presence became something else entirely, not one that would put him on his toes and have his heart racing - more of a comfort. He slept better when you were beside him, his nerves never got the better of him if you were there to cheer him on. He could relax completely without any fear of judgement, any worry at all with you. What you had done is change the definition of something so fudemental and a given in life. You’d changed home from a place to something much more intangible. A person; a feeling; a connection. You were his home.
“Sian are we close?” You asked, turning your attention away from the two brothers annecdotes from filming, realising Sian must’ve been driving for about 30 minutes. 
“Yep just the next right I think” Sian replied gently while turning the wheel as the indicator clicked.
“Where are we going?” Tom asked, looking first at you then pleadingly at Harry- knowing he had more of a chance with his brother. 
“Well” You started and he whipped his head back round “I know it’s late and you’ve been working all day, but you have alater  10 o’clock call time tomorrow instead of 6, so this is the best night to do something. We found a driving range-with heaters” which was a very important factor since Cleveland was bloody freezing “- that we thought you’d like to play a game or two?” The massive smile in response meant you’d hit the nail on the head.
“And soz but I’m crashing the game otherwise- and no offence, but you would win waayyyy toooo easy Tom” Harry butted in and sniggered as he interrupted the lovey-dovey stares. You gasped at that in mock offence, holding your hand over your chest. 
“Oi you, Paddy has been teaching on the Holland boys days out you both missed- I’ll have you know I now am aware that you have to get the ball into the hole, not a goal as previously thought.”
The boys both groaned in unison and Y/n wiggled her eyebrow grinning, elbowing Tom slightly in the side. “Things might have changed since you left you know?”
Yet another thing Tom loved so completely about you, was how effortlessly you had fitted into his family. Honestly, none of the Hollands could imagine life without you anymore - especially Nikki, who had quite literally attempted adopting you so she officially wasnt the only female in the immediate family. Sam used you as an expert taster for all his marvellous culinary creations (even if your judgement was always the same, it was very good); Dom often ended up picking your brains about your work, he found you ‘actual proper’ job as a doctor simply amazing , where all his family had never been especially acadmeically gifted; and Paddy just plain saw you as his older sister. So it was hardly surprising at all that when two of their actual kids flew across the world , you’d been the obvious placeholder. Yes, golf was most definitely your forte - but you were enthusiastic, with a positive (if flightily misguided) give it a go attitude. 
The try-try-and-try-again attitude that never really worked … until Paddy taught you how to hit a clean drive.
“I am not joking, I am asking the lady at the desk there’s no way!” 
“Tom you are the worst looser I have ever met! I didn’t cheat, I’ve just taken up a new hobby”
“There is no way Tom… no way she can get that good” Harry huffed as he ran straight past you to catch up with Tom, making sure that you did see the harsh glare he shot him. The outrage that Y/n had beaten them both at the driving range was way worse than anything you could’ve predicted- now you sort of were wishing you’d let them win. Oh wait…. Of course you weren’t  - this was priceless. Especially their faces when you’d launched your first ball super accurately inn the centre of the second furthest away target. They had reacted as if you had just stripped butt naked, you thought; standing their jaws hanging with a look of almost fear in their eyes.
“You could see the balls land with your own eyes! Practice makes perfect!”
“Thats not fair though! It took you like 8 weeks to be like that?”
“I mean you were obviously just taught by the wrong Holland, Paddy’s a  pretty good teacher!” You smiled as your trio turned the corner and walked through reception, seeing Harry desperate to ask the receptionist but Tom just looking over his shoulder to give a hurt look to at you.
“I’m going to ban you from being closer to my brothers than me”
“I can’t help if he’s cuter then you alright?” You smirked and raised an eyebrow, as Tom stopped in his tracks and turned to face you.
“That’s it… your gonna get it” he spoke in a low voice, with a mischievous look in his eye, abruptly he launched himself at you -  barely having  time to swerve away from him and start a sprint towards the exit, giggling as you took a glance back to see Tom chasing you out, Harry quickly in tow too. 
“Your not allowed to beat me at golf!” In a jokey voice, you heard Tom yell, just as you reached the sleek black 4x4 and hurdling yourself into it. 
“I’m in the car it’s a no fight zone!” You cowered in the corner,back pressed up against the opposite door and  arms crossed to make an ‘x’ sign in front of her body. 
“That is not how it works” Tom and Harry grinned from the open door. As fast as lightning they both vaulted in and started tickling you, making you screech curses at the two of them.
“Alright alright kids, no fighting while I’m driving thats an order.” Sian calmly spoke, trying to hide the laughter from her voice, as the two men retreated and helped to pull you up from the position half on the floor that your squirming had gotten you to. 
“Get off my leg Tom… arghhh… thanks Sian, I’m sorry they’re so moody, I just whipped their asses at golf”
“You’re here to make me feel better right? Not doing a good job so far” Tom’s snide remark meant you scrunched up your nose while plugging her seatbelt in, making sure to jab Tom’s side hard as you did so.
“How did I end up sandwiched in between you two twats then?” You grinned from the middle seat as Harry just rolled his eyes looking out the window, and Tom gave you a loving smile- not able to hide his relief of your presence.
“Think it’s about a 40 minute drive you gotta enjoy” Sian smiled looking at you via the rear view mirror, to which Tom couldn’t quite stifle the yawn that escaped. 
After all he had done much more than the typical 9-5 hours work, and the golfing was an unexpected addition to the already long day. His excitement and just pure joy at having you here had made him forget about It all for a couple of hours - but now his exhaustion was catching up with him with a vengeance. Instinctively you wrapped you arm round Tom and in doing so pulled him into your side. 
“Get some rest huh?” You whispered into his forehead, and all Tom could do was reply with a weary nod, letting his eyes slip close to the constant beat of Ally’s heart. You immediately sensed Tom was properly out of it, and contented yourself looking out his window for a few minutes,  before you felt something heavy briefly whack your other shoulder. Jumping a little at the contact, you looked round to see Harry’s head bobbing side to side in a light slumber. In the midst of worry for Tom, you hadn’t realised the kid had been doing the same long hours as him. Plus dealing with Tom and being Tom’s support, which surely took it out of him. Harry had always been ‘the most important brother’ in your eyes. Just because Tom trusts him so implicitly and completely, they had an understanding only real brothers could get to but also extended far beyond blood. When you’d first been introduced Harry had been colder to you. It wasn’t personal though, he just wanted to be sure on you and your intentions with Tom because as he well knew often when people saw Tom they didn’t just see an opportunity for love. It was an opportunity for a lifestyle, for fame, for relevance. Harry took a while before he trusted you but now you were miles and miles beyond that point. So now, being at a stage with Harry where he was phoning you to come and fly out to save Tom (and him too). It was not to be taken lightly.  Therefore, you gently pressed your hand to Harrys face and pushed him to lean against her other shoulder too- hoping to cure the dark circles under his eyes a little bit too. 
You were quite content for the rest of the journey, feeling warmth radiate through your body as the two men breathed deeply and calmly either side of you. You sort of didn’t want the car journeyer to end - but sure enough it wasn’t long till Sian was pulling into the hotel entrance.
“Get you a girl that can do both, beat yo ass at golf and look after your family” Sian whispered as she handed the phone back to you, after having taken some of your favourite ever photos, the 2 boys asleep on your shoulders while you pulled a variety of different faces. Smiling back at Sian, you then sighed-knowing she had to wake the two up, given their exhaustion you didn’t really want to either. 
“Boys…boys… hey let’s get you both into bed yeh?” You spoke softly, gently raising your shoulders in order to disturb them both. Harry’s head immediately shot up, his eyes puffy and half open, but a sheepish look on his face as he realised how he was sleeping. Just responding with a smile that said it was all okay, before  you turned her attention to Tom- forever stubborn to wake up, at least nothing had changed there. 
“Come on Tom, can’t have you sleeping in the car all night” You pushed again, this time lifting Tom’s head, earning a very deep groan as his eyes slid open and he pushed against the movement. It was at this point Harry slammed the car door shut, making Tom jump out of his skin, you loosing the hope of any serene wakeup call. Rubbing Toms arm, relaxing the tension now present in his body you encouraged him once again. “Come on lets get inside mister” 
His hotel room was exactly what you’d expect for an a-lister and lead actor in a million pound film. Large, modern, squeaky clean and posh. It was almost too big to be filled by one person though, Tom had always found it a bit cold and just not cosy - why he opted to spend the majority of his down time either fast alseep or in somebody else’s company. Both of those also stopped him getting too much in his head - or more accurately in his characters head. Cherry was a weird character and from interviewing all the veterans and lengthy discussion of his past, Tom almost felt as if he had in some small way experienced what Cherry had. Felt what Cherry did. Thought like Cherry did. 
And that was a sure fire way to fuck yourself up.
Now, with you here in his room haphazardly digging through your case, if felt warmer. The cold but brilliant white lights seemed to have softened to a gently warm glow that bounced off your skin and made your figure look almost angelic to Tom. You were his home. 
“What are you waiting for?” You mused while turning away from your (now) inside out suitcase, proudly carrying her pyjamas which you had found hidden at the bottom the whole time- not the most practical packing in the world. All the while Tom sat on his bed, back leaning against the headboard and arm bent behind his head too.
“Just thinking that I need to go through all the scenes for tomorrow” A monotonous tone laced his voice, for he knew he couldn’t spend the night the way he really wanted to, safely wrapped up with you.
“Oh… well let’s go through it together then hey? We will be done in no time; but if you want we can go over them again tomorrow morning.” It was a practical suggestion, a helpful action you could implement - even if you had a feeling Tom wouldn’t just agree. Since his lines clearly weren’t the only thing on his mind this evening. 
“Yeh but everyone on set is already sick of me after today… I can’t be being shit as well as horrid” his voice was small as the memory of how he snapped at some of the extras had him cringing inwardly at himself. He shouldn’t have been that rude, shouldn’t have blurted it out, should of offered a solution rather than just critiquing.
“Hey would you kindly shut it? No one is sick of you, everyone is just ready for christmas and missing their families. Now get changed” Your soft tone turning into an imperative order, as you threw his pyjama bottoms at the him, smashing into his face before falling into his lap.
“Oi” he shouted, but followed instructions and stood up reaching round to pull his hoodie off. Stood shirtless, his side was exposed to the now changed you, the sight making you gasp and clamber over the bed to gently touch Tom’s back. You followed the outline of an impressive patch of bruising, stretching from the bottom edge of his shoulder blade all the way to his hip. 
“Tom, what the hell happened?” Whispering in fear, Tom turned round to face you, seeing your eyes watering up as you kept glancing at his back. He was littered in a variety of purple, yellow and slightly green marks on the whole of his left flank. It looked like a minor crush injury, not something a pampered actor gets after a day of filming infront of tens of people including an onset medic and health and safety risk assessor. 
“What?” Tom asked before turning to the mirror and looking back over his shoulder to see the bruises for himself. He hadn’t expected the ache to look that bad. “oh - I - er… Today the scene, I get smashed to the floor by someone and I kept doing it wrong so we had to do it lots I guess.” He looked away and down at your feet, not being able to meet his girlfriends eyes suddenly. You just nodded, trying to blink back the tears-  he had truly been broken by this role both physically and now mentally- he hadn’t even put a stop to the constant and clearly severe pain. 
“Put your stuff on” your  voice was muted, as you waited for Tom to get prepared. He turned around again and then replaced his trousers and quickly pulled a top on to hide the marks, suddenly embarrassed. In the silence the sound of his clothes dropping to the floor, then of him sitting on the bed again- throwing his legs over so now he mirrored your position - the sounds were pretty defeaning.
“I love you so much….” Barely whispering, you suddenly ripped the duvet out from under you both holding it over you as you swung a leg over Tom so you straddled him, slightly leaning over him and letting the blanket rest on top of your back.In your position you looked down in an almost scary way to his warm brown eyes. Tom swore you were literally reading his thoughts, your intense gaze absolutely crumbling any walls he thought he’d be able to hold up. Pressing a gentle peck to his lips you then whispered onto his lips, letting him feel your words as well as hear them. “ …So that’s why we are going to sleep right now and you can worry about all of that tomorrow”
“Y/n I-“
“Your safe with me.” You were not standing for his nexuses and arguments, as you slid down his body - ending with your head resting on his chest, you legs tangled with his. Once you’re properly rested you’ll learn them ten times faster than what you can now… Before you get ill I am telling you to take a break. I’m not going to let you not. So relax and-….Tom?” Ending with a whisper, you delicately lifted your head off his slowly rising chest to see your broken boyfriend already asleep; lips parted as soft snores crept through the silence. In reality as soon as you’d said that he was safe the exhaustion had completely over taken him. Desperately needing to recharge his batteries, no matter how much he had wanted to stay up and work late it could never really happen - at this point physically impossible.
“Sleep well Tom” she smiled, planting a kiss on his cheek with a sad smile.
The next day rolled around all too quickly, but the morning was much better than any of the past couple of months because you were together. Tom, having had a solid 7 hours of sleep compared to his normal 5, was for once ready for the day. He’d gone through the script with a certain someones help in record time, and now the three were just pulling up at the set. 
“You’ve been awful quiet this car ride…” you grinned as she clasped Tom’s hand across the empty seat, making Harry turn around and give you a warning glance. Oops. In a moment where Tom went to the loo at breakfast, Harry had fully disclosed everything that had happened on set yesterday- especially the  burst of anger. So naturally, Tom was feeling nervous and scared to face everyone. 
“It will be fine I promise… and if not tell them I’m your personal body guard- no one will be rude to you if me and Harry are ready to attack” Tom let out a breathy nervous laugh, only then meeting your eyes.
“ A fly wouldn’t be threatened by you two. Harry would just take a photo while you’d check their pulse or something”
“Errrm” Harry furrowed his eyebrows as he contorted round from the front seat so Tom could see his disapproving look, meanwhile Tom was dodging your affectionate fake-slaps.
“Children we’re here” Sian sighed as she brought the car to a steady halt “and if you could get through the day without killing each other I’d appreciate it, otherwise I’m out of the job”
“Not promising anything when I’ve got these pair to deal with” Tom grinned as he opened the car door, before anyone else could retaliate.You laughed before quickly following suit, joining Tom at the front of the car and interlocking your fingers with Tom’s. Hesitating for a moment Harry took a second before unplugging and leaning for the door handle.
“You see what I mean?” Turning his head to look at Sian “It’s sickening how happy they are.”
“Yeh but your glad about it don’t lie” she grinned, before practically shooing the poor boy out her car.
“But dont tell them!” Shouting in reply, as the car was already pulling out. 
Tom’s body seemed to tense more the closer you walked to the crew tent, you could feel the way he squeezed his shoulders back and his jaw tensed and untensed. There was little you could do apart from squeezing his hand that little bit tighter - further reiterating the fact you would always always be in his corner. Perhaps the most telling about Tom’s own character was how truly guilty he felt for the way he was with the crew. Normally, he was one of the most down to earth actors around - no trace of an ego or superiority complex. It didn’t matter if you were a cleaner or head of a multimillion dollar studio, Tom would pay both the same amount of respect. He always out that completely down to his upbringing and mum and dad, but even that was being humble. He was just a good person to the core, no one saw that more than you either. It’s part of love, you see the good and the bad parts of a person and promise to unashamedly love them all. 
Just before you both had made it into the main tent, Tom was pulled away. “Oh Tom we wanted to talk to you about yesterday!” The familiar voice of Joe Russo called, as he and Anthony  ran up to Tom from his left, giving a little nod of greeting to the actor, before falling in step with him.
“Morning, I-uh I wanted to apologise actually-“Tom was cut off while you hung back off to his right, not wanting to intrude on this conversation.
“No we should. The team were all being slow yesterday, and they were making some hard scenes harder on you. We really appreciate what you are putting yourself through for the sake of the film.”
“But still I acted like a brat and I’m sorry”
“Tom” Anthony spoke up for the first time. He was a man of limited words- but whenever he spoke everyone listened. “ You are one of the best, most-dedicated actors we’ve ever worked with. We’re all overtired, run down and ready for the holidays. You’re missing your family too. It’s already forgotten… So let’s just get on with the movie?” Tom smiled, pressing his lips together to stop their kindness overtaking his emotions. Tom always felt safe with the Russo’s. They’d dealt with him when he really just was a kid actor - overwhelmed and without a clue what was happening. They’d dealt with hiM adjusting to fame and the much bigger part Marvel seemed to want him to play in the future. They trusted him with this, most incredibly complex and also personal film for them. So when they spoke and they said it didn’t matter, Tom was much more likely to agree.  Then proceeded the bro-hugs, as the men all showed they were good with each other. 
“Well lets make a motherfucking movie!” Tom exclaimed once they broke the hug and the brothers laughed at him. “Oh where-d….” He muttered as he looked round before meeting your eyes, still standing rather awkwardly a couple of meters behind them. “ Joe, Anthony you remember Y/n?” Nodding and smiling the brothers beckoned you over; both greeting you with a warm handshake. 
“Good to see you again!” You grinned and the directors responded nodding.
“We didn’t know you were coming! I would’ve made a list of all my doctor question for you.” Joe winked, knowing your pet-peeve was people asking you all their gory body questions as soon as they found out she was a doctor. You didn’t need to know about you dentists acid reflux issue, you didn’t need to know about your granny’s friend’s constipation, and you really really didn’t need to know about an old friends erectile dysfunction.
“Ha ha ha “ You rolled your eyes sarcastically “ and no it was a bit of a spontaneous trip, I just landed last night.” Throughout the whole of the exchange Anthony had taken an aloof stance, just  observing you and Tom. Observing the bright smile Tom gave you, even when you were simply making small talk. The way he looked so much healthier, well rested and just happy, in the space of a single evening.
“I’m glad you’re here” Anthony basically interrupted the conversation, addressing you then immediately turning on his heel towards the set. 
“Uhh right- get to make up we’ll call a cast meeting in a bit” Joe stammered, giving his brother a funny look before addressing Tom “ and we’ll have to have a proper catch up later.” You nodded in response, as Joe turned and did a half jog to catch up with his brother. 
“That was weird!?” You frowned as you looked up at Tom. He explained the encounter in rather simplistic terms.
“That was Anthony.”
The morning was spent with Tom doing what he does best in front of the camera. They were shooting a larger scene for the army section of the movie, with at least 100 actual soldiers as extras, all geared up in full camo outfits. It was impressive, but also gave you a chance to meet Ciara - you’d been dying to meet her since Tom told you what a laugh she was. Fair to say you weren’t disappointed at all, you guys hitting it off instantly and you going as far as giving Ciara some embarrassing Tom stories that she could wind him up with in the future. Of course though, the main attraction was seeing Tom act first hand. Every time it astounded you, even though you knew that face so completely, in all his movies he fully had you believing he was someone else. It was mesmerising and you couldn’t be any prouder. 
“You’re amazing! I seriously forgot how good you are!” You ran over as Joe Russo called cut to the end of the morning shoot. 
“Well er thanks I guess” Tom furrowed his eyebrows as you wrapped him in a hug. He’d just canned a pretty hard scene and everyone was more than ready for a lunch break. You’s been watching from behind the cameras with Harry the whole time, after Tom gave you permission to sit in his special set chair.
“Seriously I’m very…. “ Her speech broken with an impressive yawn “….very proud of you.” In thanks Tom gave you a kiss first to your nose and then lips. 
“I take it someones not adapting to jet lag?” He chuckled as he pulled away and cupped your face in his hands.
“Which I’m totally ashamed about considering I work night shifts… my body clocks supposed to be better than this” Angrily, you vented, frustrated at your own body when all you wanted to do was stays within reaching distance of Tom. Even if Tom had had the best sleep of this whole shoot last night, you’d been to over excited and enthralled just absorbing every little thing about him that you’d missed so much that you’d been wide awake the majority of the night. If you blamed you fatigue on jet lag alone, it would be an impressive lie. 
“Go take a nap in my trailer… Harry can you take her?”
“Yes master” Harry bowed down and wobbled his head sarcastically, making you giggle. 
“At least this way you get a break from him” You grinned to Tom’s brother, which Harry could only agree with. Giving Tom a parting kiss , you followed Harry away from set. It was at this point that Anthony excused himself from the monitors reviewing the footage, and approached Tom.
“Kid… that was great that scene.”
“Thanks mate, means a lot” Getting his directors approval forever reassured Tom, letting him relax his shoulders a bit as he nodded gratefully to Anthony. 
“Well it’s just truth… so your girlfriend, Y/n right?”
“Yeh that’s her” Tom nodded, suddenly a little concerned as to where Anthony was going with this. You had met the Russo’s a number of times, and it never before seemed as though Anthony had an issue with you- at least to Tom’s knowledge.
“Right well um… you know how I don’t really get involved in all this stuff…” Tom nodded, folding his arms apprehensively. “But I just thought I should say that she’s really good for you.” Tom silently breathed a sigh of relief and waited for Anthony to get to the point. “Joe told me you had a rough patch at the beginning of the year so… I don’t know our industry is hard. And harder for you and her in the spotlight… Just seeing you with her today…Don’t be afraid to take the next steps with her…Don’t let her get away.” Tom was stunned to say the least. Anthony is the last person he had ever expected to get relationship advice from. 
“I um yeh… I don’t know I hadn’t really thought about it. I mean we’ve been together for 2 and a bit years, well including the break… she means the world to me-“
“Well don’t waste it”
And that was the end of the conversation. Anthony turned to his trailer to get lunch and Tom just stood, replaying the conversation in his head. Weird to say the least. 
But it did get the cogs turning. It did get Tom really seriously considering his future. Or rather considering your future together.
And that was for certain. It was you and him, always. 
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Manager!Seijoh IWA ROUTE
a/n: uwuwuwuwuwu my mans iwa chan :’)
uwu filo!iwa in this :)
and also, listen to lauv while reading this since i wrote this and that song was playing on repeat O_O and also this song
this is my self-request uwu
Tumblr media
onwards we goooo
hihihihihihi yey im so excited for this yall dont even know
when iwa first saw you, he thought you were just a cute little thing
your shorter height, your puffy cheeks, and the wide eyes you had whenever you saw someone, or him, do a really cool spiking move
he initially thought of you as a cute little sister hes never had
ehehe that finna change
then the,,,, bullying thing happened
if youd like to read this part, its right here
when he saw you bloodied, all battered,
dear lordie he was finna break some ankles
like that image of you will probably stay in his memory until he dies of the ripe age of 200
ngl it kinda traumatized him a little bit of how tired and pained you look with the tears rolling down your face and the blood that was escaping your body through your wounds
god you didnt deserve any of that
you deserved the world and the universe yet some people dared to take away your worth
ooo he was so mad
miyo was,,,, hurt??
can i say that??
i dont wanna,,,, explain bara arms iwa hurting a girl so youre gonna have to imagine that for yourselves
but at the end when they said slap, he didnt just ✨S L A P ✨ her
he ✨ B R O K E   S O M E   A N K L E S ✨
oiks is actually scared of him after that
like oiks had to peel him off of her and towards the infirmary where you and the team were
oof the first and last time oikawa tooru ever said that full name
he was breathing heavy and he was so ✨ A N G R Y ✨ with what she did to you yet he hears your soft scoldings, telling him off for hurting a girl
he wanted to see you
like right now
iwa tore himself from oikawa’s grasp and ✨ N Y O O M E D ✨ himself to the nurse’s office
there, you sat on the bed with the others scattered either on other beds or on the floor 
you smiled at the sight of him and he walked towards you and engulfed you in his arms
‘youre okay now. im here’
he whispered and you buried your face into his chest, breathing in his unique scent
lavender mixed with peppermint
he refused to leave your side so he ✨ M A D E ✨ some room on the bed beside you to sit and he wrapped his arm around your waist, holding you close
you held his hand while oikawa talked to you and as you shamefully bowed your head
but you were forgiven and everything was all good until the third years really got into plan
makki and mattsun promised to handle it all as they had family in the justice field while oikawa would go and get the girl suspended
‘but what about me?! i want-’
‘iwaizumi, you literally hit her. it’d be best if you’re not involved right now as you were the only one who physically touched her in a harmful manner like that’
ong when it come to y/n, the meme team is replaced by the assassin team
he tried to fight but in the end, 3 overpowered 1 and he was forced to sit back and opted to comfort you instead
he made sure you were safe to walk home but that day, you were the one who asked him to spend time with him
just you two
like after seeing him seethingly enter back into the room, you reached out and held his hand in yours, eyes trained on your fingers fiddling with his
‘iwa-san,,,, you said you downloaded the new godzilla movie?’
you whispered but he could still hear you and his heart swelled at your meek voice
‘yea, i did. and my mom bought those chips you like’
your eyes flitted up to meet his eyes and a soft smile spread on your lips and there was this thumping in his heart
maybe that was the first time that iwaizumi hajime felt differently towards you
a smile that seemed to be differently perceived than the rest
and it wasnt for the whole team
it was for him
and him alone
the trek to his house was quiet but you would hum nursery rhymes or the songs you heard earlier in the radio while skipping every few steps and tightly holding on to his hand
iwaizumi’s olive eyes watched you still radiate energy despite being so hurt for a long time
they then trailed to your linked hands and he unintentionally squeezed it, only figuring out he did it when you looked up to him and squeezed it back with a smile
he wanted to do something to make you forget of what happened
he didnt want you to think about the cruelty and pain so he was going to make sure you would continue smiling 
thankfully, his parents werent home so he wouldnt have to explain why he has a bandage-covered girl with him 
iwa led you upstairs to where his room was and your eyes widened when you saw what was inside
tiny action figurines of animes like bakugo from boku no hero academia or a tiny pikachu on his desk
there was a large country flag that you didnt recognize and a few godzilla posters and volleyball players decorating beside it
however, besides those normal things you wouldve expected,
there were many polaroids
polaroid pictures that were everywhere with no specific layout pattern and just placed anywhere that had room
iwa watched as you dazedly walked forward and entered the room to move towards the wall by his desk that had the most pictures against it
from pictures of him and oikawa to the third years to him and his parents or just the sunrise and human silhouettes
your fingers reached forward and traced the picture of him and the third years when they were still first years and took a spontaneous trip to the beach
‘mattsun stole his dad’s car and drove us to the beach without a license’
iwaizumi’s voice answered your questions and you looked back, shimmering eyes
this room,,, wasnt just a normal, teenage boy’s room
this was a room that represented iwaizumi hajime
from his natural character description like his love for volleyball evident in the volleyball player posters to the underneath description that was hidden like his love for godzilla and his love of taking pictures of the people he cares about the most
it was all that made up iwaizumi hajime
your feet took you to stand in front of him, still standing at the doorway, and you stood on your toes to try and be eye-level with him
‘youre really cool, iwa-san’
you whispered and his ears turned red, not from the compliment, but by the close distance between you two
iwa clearedhis throat and ruffled your hair roughly, pushing you down slightly back to the balls of your feet
‘i already knew that, brat. now go and sit over there and be comfortable or whatever while i go get the food’
he hurriedly turned to hide his growing red face but you stopped him
‘iwa-san,,, ano,,, can,, i borrow a hoodie?’
you mumbled, nervously thinking he might refuse 
but he grunted a response, not bothering to turn around
‘take your pick’
you smiled and thanked him before bounding over to the wardrobe that was pushed against the wall across his bed that was against the corner by his window
inside had so many hoodies and there were also shirts that were hung up on the other half
they were all graphic tees that either had american bands or anime or game references
opting for a mint green hoodie that says ‘SONIC NYOOM’, you had an undershirt under your button up and as you slipped the bloodied long sleeve off, he swung the door open, eyes focused on the tray of coke filled glasses
then he looked up and almost dropped it at the sight of you,,, like that
he shrieked and carefully but hurriedly backtracked back to the hallway
ofc you were shocked too but you quickly put the hoodie on and went to get him
iwaizumi’s heart was hammering in his chest and he was VERY red with embarrassment 
how could he see you like that?!
a girl who wasnt his shouldnt be seen like that by his eyes!
a touch on his arm reminded him of his position and he was still holding the tray but it was clear from the liquid in the cups that he was shaking slightly
‘iwa-san, its okay. i still had a shirt on so dont misunderstand’
you reasoned and he nodded, still not looking at you
the beginning of the movie was quite awkward as you both were sitting next to each other on the floor, backs against his mattress while the laptop played godzilla in front of yall
but it seems it was just him who was feeling this way bc you were intrigued at this weird monster that was squshing building under its foot and you continued munching on the food
iwa stood up and coughed
‘im going to take a shower’
you paused it and stared up at him, a chip halfway in your mouth
‘oh? you want me to wait for you?’
he agressively shook his head
‘no! its okay i watched it already. just,,,, watch it’
at the end, his words came out jumbled in his hurry to go and calm his heart down
you shrugged and unpaused the movie to continue watching
iwa spent his time in the shower, thinking and trying to think of stupid thoughts like the time oikawa almost choked on a peanut when they were in middle school to distract him of thoughts of how adorable you were
‘no, i said she was like a sister to me. and a sister she’ll remain’
okay ngl even though theyre not related, im worried yall would be like ‘iNcESt’ but bls a lot of people have tried to sibling-zoned people yet realized they liked them in THAT way
as he wrapped himself with a towel, he then realized
oh my god he didnt bring clothes
iwa frantically looked around and he saw his mother’s sakura themed robe and he paused, arguing silently with him if he should wear it
well, it was either that or he went back into the room and showed you,,,,,, this
sucking in a sharp breath, he kept the towel around his waist and slipped his arms through the tight arm holes and he awkwardly tried to keep it tied since he was so much bigger than his tiny mom
what is happening
you saw the door opening and excitedly turned to tell him about this one scene when your voice died down in your throat at the sight of him 
here was iwaizumi hajime, ultra muscle buff man who gets abs with a simple glance of the gym, wearing an all too-tight pink, cherry blossom print robe that was so tight the tie around it was shaking to keep it together
he whispered and that snapped your remaining surprise to double over in laughter
‘its so cute! iwa-san, youre so cute!’
you shrieked and he growled and hurriedly went to to grab grey sweatpants and a shirt before running straight back to the bathroom
when he finally came back out, his face was still red and he was pouting as he sat next to you back to his seat
he could feel you staring at him while looking constipated as you held your laugh in and the second your eyes met, your giggles fell out
iwa rolled his eyes
‘yes yes let it out’
‘hehe, iwa-san, i didnt know you had that style’
‘it isnt! i didnt want to walk in here practically naked with you in the room!’
he growled and you nodded, still not quite believing it
‘hai hai. just say you like pink, i wont tell’
you waved and iwa felt offended
‘what do you mean ‘hai hai’?! its really not!’
your lips pursed to keep more giggles in and iwa growled again before lunging to grab your sides and tickling you 
of course being careful to not touch your wounds
you shrieked at the ticklish feeling and iwa laughed as you made weak attempts to push him off
‘huh? what was that? whatd you say? cant talk anymore, can ya?’
he teased
‘NO!!!! IWA-SAAAAN!!!!!’
you shouted in between your laughter and he finally let up when you squealed out your apologies and promised to never say it again
you breathed air into your lungs and sat back up to recollect yourselves 
iwa saw the strands that escaped your bun and they were scattered everywhere looking messy with your flushed cheeks and teary eyes
oh my god you were beautiful
he was so happy that you still kept that smile despite what happened and he was going to fight to keep it there
it was about nearly the end when you finally realized how different iwaizumi’s hair looked
‘oi, iwa-san, your hair is not naturally spiky?’
he continued eating the chips while still watching the movie
‘what would you expect? even shittykawa’s hair is like this. did ya know that he wakes up extra early to curl it into that shitty mess?’
your jaw dropped
later, you asked him how he does his hair for school and he blindly reached for the gel that was resting on his desk before tossing it to you
you looked at it and flickered over to his hair and then you had the greatest realization
you pointed and he stopped eating, turning to give you a confused look
you shrieked in an another round of laughter
you doubled over to the floor, clutching your stomach and iwaizumi’s flustered expression made you laugh harder
he knew you were smart but,,, not this smart
you figured out his secret
the secret he’s hidden since he was practically a toddler
even his best friend, the guy hes known since he was born, never made the connection
yet here you are, figuring it out not even a year of knowing him
was this part of the many reasons he,, felt his heart beat for you?
oikawa was relieved that you had the bright twinkle in your eyes the next time he saw you and you were actively talking to iwaizumi in that early morning practice
‘oh? y/n-chan, is iwa-chan your best friend now?’
he tried not to sound jealous for his own best friend’s closeness to you and he added a teasing smile for extra measure
okay that hurted me a bit
iwaizumi snarled and blasted the volleyball towards his face before he could even yell or shout
‘iwa-san, dont do that’
you chided softly, small hands wrapping around his muscly arm
but iwa patted your head
‘deserving people deserve things to happen to them’
you rolled your eyes but smiled at him
‘hai hai’
the next week, iwa still kept a close eye on you in case someone else decided to mess with you 
but you told him that you swear youd tell him if someone did and he trusts you so he backed off a little
one day, he was eating lunch with the other third years in their classroom when you busted through the door, excitedly holding your phone
‘iwa-san! i figured out what country your flag was!’
he was halfway of shoving rice in his mouth when iwa looked at you
‘oh? you couldve just asked me though?’
you pouted and went to pull a chair from another desk to sit beside him
‘nooo. i wanted to work for that information. so you’re from the philippines, iwa-san?’
he nodded proudly
your eyes shone with interest
‘really?! you look japanese so it must be one of your parents. hey, iwa-san, which island are you from? i read about them and they have like 7641 islands-’
the others watched as you read through the article in your phone and iwa wasnt even following your words, instead staring at you with a dazed look and a lovesick smile
mattsun, makki, and oikawa exchanged looks of surprise because in all the years theyve known him especially oikawa, iwa was never interested in girls and such
he was a straight forward man with goals and straight sight to get them done with no distractions like relationships or love
yet here he was
slowly falling in love with you without even knowing he is
he continued to fall with the simplest things about you
from the perfume that you wore everyday to the way you would tuck your hair behind your ear when you were talking to someone
little quirks he used to miss was now being noticed even if you were right behind him and not in his line of vision
now, the boys were starting to see the difference of their precious ace
it was as if when he started to like you, they knew immediately by how he was acting
then one day during practice, you were late and they were all looking around for you and when they couldnt find you, they met back in the gym with nervous looks
iwa was already pacing around, a scary aura radiating off of him, and kindaichi, who went with him to look around the school, warned the others of iwaizumi’s worry
‘he was slamming doors open and he was walking so fast i had to run to even keep up with him’
then you busted through the gym door
you were actually picking up food for the team and sweets and you were held up when makki’s puffs were still being cooked
they rallied around you to make sure you werent hurt and you assured them but iwa pulled them away like picked them up and threw them off to the side and took you in his arms
iwa thought you were hurt and he was so worried something happened to you again
the hug was bone-crushing with how hard he was squeezing you but you felt his worry though and you freed your arms to wrap them around his neck
‘im okay, iwa-san’
you whispered in his ear and he nodded
‘let me hold you for a second’
he mumbled and you nodded
‘oi, theres food in the bags so make sure you eat it all. coach paid for it all so dont leave behind anything’
the mention of the food distracted them from you and iwa and they piled on top of each other to reach their food first
iwa was grateful that you distracted the others from seeing him being vulnerable towards you
‘i thought-’
‘shh,,, you have me right here, right now. safe and sound’
you knew how much seeing you all battered messed him up and his attempt of making you forget about it has been
and his worry of you being gone without no sign of where you went will forever be there and he will always have that thought in the back ofhis mind
the next time you came over, you actually met his parents
since you went home early before, you didnt catch his parents when they came home around 10 minutes after you left
but this time, they were already home with his mom cooking dinner while his father was sitting on the dining chair reading a newspaper
iwa walked through the door, shouting he was home, and you did the same thing to be customary
oof his parents were surprised
his mom turned around to share a look of surprise with her husband
sure they havent seen tooru in a while but they were pretty sure his voice wasnt that high pitched
‘hajime, did you hit tooru so much you ruined his-’
then his mother stopped talking at the sight of you holding iwa’s hand tightly when yall stepped around the corner
you sheepishly smiled at them and bowed your head in greeting
oh my
so this was why iwaizumi hajime-san was really really really handsome
his parents were freaking good looking
like his mother was aphrodite with her flawless melanin skin and doe shaped eyes with a mole under her left eye
and his father was like ares, so handsome yet still manly and his appearance was a special type of good-looking with his buffness and ruffed appearance
‘iwa-san, i didnt know your parents were gods’
you mumbled, still staring at them
iwaizumi choked and coughed, flustered
‘oh my!’
his mother placed a hand over her mouth
his father stood up to walk in front of you and held his hand out
‘i’m hajime’s father’
you let go of hajime’s hand to shake his own with both of your hands
‘really nice to meet you! i’m l/n y/n! seijoh volleyball manager! first year!’
you introduced then stepped aside to fully bow 90 degrees
iwaizumi thought it was so cute of how flustered you were at meeting his parents
‘ay nako! nak, i didnt know you had such a beautiful girlfriend!’
she squealed and hurriedly went to stand in front of you and gently grasped your arms to stand you back straight and took a good look at you
‘youre so beautiful, iha. nice skin, pretty eyes, ang ganda!’
even with your research of tagalog, you didnt quite understand what she was saying
iwa noticed your slightly confused expression and he laughed, tucking his hands in his pockets
‘sorry, my nay speaks in taganese when she gets excited’
‘tagalog and japanese’
you nodded in understanding
it was time to put your basic reserach to test
‘hello po’
you greeted her and nervously took her hand and pressed the back of it to your forehead before slowly lowering it down and letting go
her wide eyes made you think you did something bad or even offensive!
she shrieked 
‘YUNG-!!! YUNG-!!!’
okay im terrified
iwa noticed his mother’s malfunction and gently wrapped his arm around her shoulder and veered her back to her kitchen
‘sorry about her, l/n-chan. its just,,,, hajime hasnt brought home a girl before. and you doing that mustve done it in for her’
you worriedly watched hajime calm his mom down with a smile and talking to her hushed
in their perspective,,,
‘shes so nice, nak! marry her, okay? shes very pretty and she made an effort to please your nanay, so go and marry her!’
ohmylord im nervous
initially, iwa only wanted to go and hang out with you and watch a movie
not have a full dinner with his family
lmao i shouldve told you that youve been friends for months now
his mother cooked sinigang and adobo and more filipino dishes, adding even more when she saw you were joining them
the dining table was covered with a large plate full of food and you were so fascinated because this was a side of iwa that you wanted to know more about
you said, not thinking, at the deep-fried fish that still had its eyeballs intact
iwa genuinely thought you would’ve shyed away from it in disgust but your eyes were glistening with genuine interest
‘iwa-san! youre so lucky you get to eat this stuff!’
you told him, looking over at his direction
while mrs iwaizumi was lading in the soup into the big bowl, mr iwaizumi was sitting at the dining table, watching your interaction and hajime telling you what each food was and your noises of surprise
he watched his son laugh when you said the palabok reminded you of the orange boy hinata 
and he also watched his son look at you so lovestruck and exactly like how he looks at his wife
soon, his mother finished and they rounded the table before saying a quick prayer to bless the food and digging in
‘so, what do you want to start with, iha?’
mrs iwaizumi asked and your wide eyes looked around
‘hm, im not sure. whats your favorite iwa-san?’
you looked to your right towards hajime who was busy eating and stopped before pointing his lips towards a direction
‘that one’
you asked 
mrs iwaizumi laughed at her son’s actions
‘sorry, l/n-chan, my son has adapted my traits. he was pointing to this, adobo. do you want some?’
‘yes please’
the smell made your mouth water and you started to tuck in
maybe it was your managerial instincts, but you used your napkin to wipe hajime’s lips and he was also used to this and turned his head to make it easier for you then he went to grab the water jug and re-fill your glass
once it was done, you both silently went back to eating
his parents watched his exchange and it was like watching a married couple taking care of each other
‘so, l/n-chan, you said you were their manager’
mr iwaizumi started and you nodded, wiping your lips
‘yes. i have been for a while now and please, call me y/n’
‘hajime actually told us he had a new manager for his team and tooru told us too. but we didnt know you were a girl. its just so interesting for hajime to bring you home as he has never really had any female friends’
mrs iwaizumi’s comment made you chuckle and iwa’s eyes widened in embarassment
‘nay! of course ive had female friends! ive had friends from all genders!’
he reasoned but you teasingly smiled at him
‘ah, im not really surprised. iwa-san doesnt exactly have the appearance that girls are brave enough to approach’
he sent you a betrayed glance
‘hah?! what’s that supposed to mean?!’
you shrugged, going back to your food
‘im just saying that you always have this intense look in your eyes and youre always frowning. but its cute so its fine. and besides, i dont think theyve seen you laugh since you dont really smile a lot, iwa-san’
‘but you’ve seen me smile!’
‘eung. but its only to me. if they knew the stuff i knew like you being a godzilla fan or your collection of succelents, theyd see you like oikawa-san’
mrs iwaizumi held her husband’s hand on the table as they watched you both bicker and tease each other with a smile
hajime has always been on the rougher side of things and he doesnt really have many close friends other than the team and even then, tooru is the only one he can really be himself around
yet here you are, bringing out the boy hajime really is and making him laugh, a sound his parents dont really hear outside the house
and your eyes
god, your eyes held admiration, life,,,, and you might not know this yet,, but love
her eyes trailed her son who teasingly headbutted you and you faking a surprise and doing the same
then you heard his father’s cough which brought you back to where you were and the situation and the people that were there
you felt embarrassment creeping up inside you and you bowed
‘im sorry for acting like that, iwaizumi-san. i-’
‘no, dont apologize, darling. please, dont’
her soft smile made the nerves in you ease and hajime’s father winked at him and he knew exactly what his father was trying to say
after dinner, you volunteered to wash the plates but they veered you away from there and towards the living room 
‘oh my god, pops! stop her!’
hajime whined because he knows what his mother was going to do
she was going to show him his baby pictures
you sat on the beige couch and watched as she reached under the coffee table and revealed a few albums that had iwaizumi hajime written on the cover
‘now, y/n-chan, hajime wasnt always this pouty. in fact, he used to always have a smile on his face and laughed at the littlest things! like right here! a leaf fell on him and he-’
stories of his childhood was exchanged throughout the night and you were laughing so hard that tears were falling out of your eyes while hajime wrapped your shoulders with his arm and he would squeeze you tightly whenever you made fun of him
‘oh dear! iwa-san! you-!’
you didnt finished as you continued to laugh and he sighed
‘nay, can we go eat dessert now?’
he asked his mother and she was beginning to feel sorry for him so she smiled and nodded
‘okay. hajime, come help me’
‘iwaizumi-san, i can-’
‘no, y/n-chan. dont you worry your pretty little head about anything and just look through more of these pictures’
hajime followed his mother to their kitchen before she stopped and turned around
his mother’s height was around 5′1 so she had to look up to meet his eyes and her hands were clasped around his biceps
she is definitely beautiful and he cursed at how little he got from his mother other than her skin color
mrs iwaizumi married her husband and immigrated to japan to have a family and your polite action from earlier moved her as she hasnt experienced that in nearly 2 decades
‘nay, shes,,,, just a friend’
he reasoned, a wobbly smile to cover up his want for that title to change
yet mothers def knows best and saw right through it
she gave him a firm look with furrowed eyebrows and pursed lips
‘nak, dont lie to yourself. i raised you to never tell a lie and lying to yourself is considered lying to someone. she’s not your KAibigan, shes your kaIBIGan’
now, hajime knew a little bit of tagalog as his mother made sure he was able to at least speak to his relatives back home
so he got a hint of what she was saying yet was confused 
then he realized it
his blush creeped up his neck and he chuckled, ducking his head low to avoid his mother’s eyes
‘nak, listen to me. papunta ka pa lang, pabalik na ako. youre still growing and you may be confused right now, but make sure to think wisely and dont live with regrets. nanay doesnt want you to go through it all by yourself since she knows how hard it was. so please, listen to me and pursue her. shes special, hajime. she makes you so, so happy. i see it in your eyes, her eyes, god has fated you together. i feel it’
now if a filipino mother actually tells their son to go after a girl, thats a pretty big thing as its known that mothers are the hardest to convince and are fiercely protective of their sons, especially if its an only son, but mrs iwaizumi literally tells hajime to go court you because she sees how happy you make him and is willing to let hajime go to you 
definitely his mother’s words stuck to him and as he walked you home, he was busy thinking that he was quiet and you were worried as he would be talking right now
‘iwa-san? you okay?’
you asked and he blinked, taken back to reality from his daydream
‘hm, yea’
he answered to look at you
hes been pining for months now and he slipped his hand into yours, holding it tightly
uwu if you want to see iwa moments with y/n, read through the seijoh manager series as theres a lot of them in there
he wanted you yet, he knew it would be selfish of him to keep you in the future
he would be a college student while you’re in your 2nd year
would you want to be so far away from him?
could you handle it?
‘yanno, iwa-san, your dad told me something interesting’
you suddenly said, squeezing his hand and kicking rocks while looking up at the night sky
‘what was it? something embarrassing?’
he immediately feared that they told you that story when he was still potty training and he fell straight into the toilet 
‘hmm,,, no. he told me that he met your nanay when she was a high school student and he was a in an intern at your lolo’s company’
iwa listened and he had a smile at how you said the tagalog word for grandfather
‘he said she almost ran him over by her bike and she fled but they met again when she visited your lolo. through that, they became friends and then she confessed to him. apparently, he declined because she was younger than him, although just 3 years, and he was leaving for his own country in a few months so he didnt know if she would wait for him’
were,,,, you reading his mind?
iwa knew of his parents story yet with you telling it, it sounded a million times more interesting
‘yet she promised him. thats it, just a promise. that she would remain faithful to him, she would keep herself for him and when she finally graduates, she would go and find him and they could be happy together. he said it was the longest 3 years of his life yet when he saw in the airport, he felt like the wait was worth it. because he gets to hold the embodiment of happiness in his arms for the rest of his life’
you finished and he hummed
‘times have changed, y/n’
‘even you?’
you stopped walking and he naturally stopped too
‘would you wait for me like he did if i promised myself to you? if i promised you that despite the few years of waiting, i would still be yours and remain yours until we’re ready to be together?’
iwa’s heart was drumming in his chest and he wanted so desparately to look at you in the eyes but you were making that impossible as your head was bowed and your eyes were fixed on the concrete you both stood on
‘of course, i would’
your head snapped up and e/c clashed with olive eyes 
‘i would wait for you. we may,,, be young right now. and they might think we’re,,, being impulsive. but i dont care. because right now, all that matters, is you and me. we can think about the consequences later, but right now, i just want to kiss you’
he admitted, red ears seen by the moonlight
your body shook
‘do it, no balls’
well,,,, he has the balls
and under the moon, at 8:34 pm, iwaizumi hajime kissed you
it didnt come as a surprise to the team when yall announced your relationship
well,, you both actually didnt tell them outright until like weeks later
what can you say?
you and iwa are very private people and you dont really like to show off in public
even though yall lit rally are stuck to the hip and he does things that he doesnt even think hes doing but he is totally doing
you were only caught by,,, guess who
mrs iwaizumi
it was weeks when she met up with mrs oikawa bc theyre totally best friends and thats why their sons are best friends
she told her of her son’s girlfriend and how sweet you were and how mrs oikawa should be jealous that her son doesnt have a girlfriend like that and the standards for oikawa’s future girlfriend was raised just by that teasing
oikawa literally came into after school practice after a phone call with his mother, fuming
you were talking to kindaichi and yahaba with iwa beside you, arm around your waist totally not obvious guys
and yall just saw an angry oikawa stomping towards yall
‘y/n-chan, iwa-chan, why the hell did my mom just call me and tell me that im not allowed to bring home a girl if she doesnt have h/c with s/c (skin color) and e/c and h/m (height measurement)?’
you shrugged
‘oikawa-san, i’ve never even met your mom before’
but iwa had a hunch
‘ahh,,,, my mom mustve been bragging to your mom. yanno how they are’
oikawa shot him a disbelieving look
he ranted, completely unaware that he just outed your entire relationship to the team
tbh they werent even surprised
like they were all ‘damn now shes taken. but cant say i didnt see that coming’
they took it pretty well too
they know how iwa is and they literally respect this mans and if anything, out of the whole team, he is the best candidate for your boyfriend
dating iwa is totally normal and yall just have increased touches?? like i dont know how to explain like he’s constantly holding your hand or arm around your waist or shoulder etc
literally nothing changed
you still have dinners at his house and iwa also knows your family and all that
and the most important thing is,
he kept that promise
even when he was literally at the other side of the world,
he still remained yours and you kept your own promise and waited patiently for his return
a little girl with bouncing dark brown hair was giggling as she maneuvered herself around the tall people
a shout from her parents and little sister was only making her run faster until she crashed into the legs of the person she’s been looking for
his blue jersey was similar to hers and she raised her arms up with a bright smile
she yelled and he chuckled before hoisting her up to his arms
‘ah, reyna-chan, didnt mom and dad tell you to wait for them? look! tala-chan is crying because you left her’
she followed his finger to her little sister, who was in her father’s arms, crying and reaching out for her
she screeched
finally, her parents were there and you were scolding her for running off
‘reyna, just dont do that again’
you said and she nodded, pouting and holding her uncle’s thumb
‘thank you, tooru-san. i dont know what i would do if she got lost’
oikawa grinned then gently patted the hat-covered head of the newborn baby girl that was strapped to your chest
‘hehe, its okay, y/n-chan. after all! uncle is always there to save reyna-chan!’
she shrieked when he held her up and hajime shook his head in his antics
‘where’s the others? i saw them in the stands but-’
he was cut off when he heard the shouts and yells from the other side that could only belong to your boys
kindaichi’s voice echoed through the place and mattsuhana were rushing to greet their goddaughters
tala shyly accepted the arms of mattsun while makki was squealing quietly when darna was holding his finger tightly as she slept
‘taka-san, wanna hold her? she’s easier to hold when she’s sleeping’
‘oh can i?’
his eyes held the stars as the 11-month-old raised her fist then lowered it back down, sleep still heavy on her
‘waaa~ darna-chan is growing really quickly’
kunimi whispered, peering over his senpai to look at the baby whos eyes kept fluttering
you chuckled while looking at oikawa and him playfully bouncing reyna
‘tooru-san, congratulations on your win. it seems you’ve beaten hajime this time’
you complimented and the brunette smiled brightly at you, adjusting the little girls in his arms
‘ei, y/n-chan, i’ll beat him next time, and next time and the next time!’
every time he said ‘next’ he gave his goddaughter a kiss on her cheek making her giggle
your husband was pouting at the reminder of japan’s loss and you reached over to wrap your arms around him causing hajime to turn his head away from you
‘aww, my 4th baby is sad now’
you cooed and cupped his face delicately on your hands making him sulk and whine
the others, watching the scene, continue to be surprised at this side of their captain that remains to only be caused by you
‘ugh, nearly a decade later and theyre still sappy��
yahaba gagged and watari slapped his back
‘let them be happy’
‘come on! im in the mood for spaghetti! you like spaghetti, tala-chan?’
mattsun cheered with kindaichi and she raised her hands to share the same energy
once everyone was situated in a restaurant and ordered, small talks were shared around the table of the past
‘haha, spaghetti is how your baba found out about you, tala-chan’
yahaba’s comment made the walking group laugh at the memory of seeing the video you sent in the seijoh group chat
‘i wanted to be creative with my second child since my firstborn was revealed by this loudmouth’
oikawa winced at the indirect diss at him
‘y/n-chan! i was really excited to find out i was going to be an uncle!’
‘youre already an uncle, bakakawa!’
hajime has toned down the insults to keep it pg for the children
they started to argue, the oldest daughter looking disinterested as she sees this happening or hearing it whenever her dad and uncle video chat
‘it took me forever to find a ‘prego’ pasta sauce in the grocery store like i dont know why. was there a shortage?’
you complained, remembering the frustration
your fellow first years snickered at you and kindaichi prodded fun at you
‘is that why you just outright told him you were pregnant the day you found out?’
you rolled your eyes and watched makki and mattsun and tala watch the youngest as she wiggled her fists in the air and was awake enough to babble ‘makki’ over and over again
that was her first word and although she is now able to say a few words, she still repeats her first word over and over again
‘we had a fight and it just came out so of course i didnt have time to prepare!’
you defended and hajime finished his antics with oikawa just as you said that
‘what-what was your words again? ‘i really want to push you off the roof right now but i want my baby to meet their bastard father first?’‘
you gasped at that regretful statement and punched him in the arm
‘hajime! stop!’
you whined and covered your face with the sleeves of your his hoodie
‘hehe, y/n, you should do that again’
kyotani teased and you glared at him
‘shut up kyotani’
eyebrows were raised
‘eh? are you more hormonal?’
‘do you realize you already have 3 daughters?’
‘iwaizumi-san really wants to have a volleyball team family’
‘at least wait a year and a half, you animals’
‘so,, like hes that good huh?’
hajime growled and leaned over to intimidate but you snarled and jumped on your feet, being held back by the arms by kindaichi and hajime to stop yourself from leaping across the table to kill yahaba
‘keep talking like shite and i’ll make sure none of you become the godfather of this baby’
okay what
one, did you just curse
and two, this baby?!
‘im big sister again?!’
reyna ruined the surprised silence and then chaos ensued
you just realized what you said and smirked at the chaos you created and sat back down, leaning on the back of the chair and smugly taking a sip of your water
‘oh the power i hold in my hands’
you teased and oikawa pointed at you
‘when! how long!’
you looked at hajime who was so shocked that his eyes glazed over and a passerby wouldve thought he was dead
‘apparently 3 months’
oikawa started counting and his eyes widened at that thought
‘you-! you stayed in argentina! in my house! my house-!’
‘yep. both of them created under your house’
hajime fainted 
oikawa screamed
a/n: okay i admit i got a little too carried away with this one. i just love filo!iwa and this was mostly written in his pov bc cmon we all know we love iwa and fell in love w him the moment we saw him
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xnchxntmxnt · 4 years
Haiba Lev XGN!Reader
So this one is very roughly based off of this headcanon post by the amazing @nekomas-kuroo ! They’re amazing and I’ve been low key binge reading their headcanons lately😅 and they were nice enough to let me write something based off one of their Lev headcanons!
It’s not exactly the same but unfortunately my brain decided to go in a different direction when I was writing vs when I was actually plotting this thing. So I’m sorry it’s not the same but the way it turned out is pretty good! Please go check out their work, though, they’re amazing!
Secondly, this guy deserves more love. I love Lev so so so so so much and seriously he just. Deserves some more love.
The nice thing about writing this very tall man is ur probably shorter than him so I can make short jokes. I’m the tall one in my friend group and IM shorter than him. We are all small beneath this man who is 70% leg and 20% dumbass. Idk the rest. You tell me
Also, I mention disney movies in here. I tried to pick something that’s relatively well known and agreed upon. And seriously if you don’t like Disney movies what are you doing
CW//TW: minor cursing GN!Reader, High school reader
(n.) the act of loving someone who loves you; a love returned in full
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“Are you sure about this?”
“They’re great guys! I mean, they’re a little weird, but they’re great. And Kuroo is super cool!”
“If you’re sure…”
You sigh, running your hands through your hair nervously. You’d been friends with Lev since the beginning of the year, after being sat next to him in class. He’d joined the volleyball team a little late in the year, and recently mentioned bringing you to practice one day so you could walk home with him. You’d talked to Inuoka a few times, knowing he was on the team with Lev, but you never went near the upperclassmen. Some of them were scary. Or just weird.
“Hey, this is why you’ve got me. Awkward tiny introvert with..how did you say it, a chaotic dumbass twink?”
“Yeah, that would be it,” you laugh, nudging his arm. Even if he wasn’t only into boys, you still teased him about being a twink once in a while. Textbook definition after all (also it was funny to see him get confused because he didn’t know what it was, really). “And hey, I’m not that short!”
“Shorter than me.”
“You’re just a giant!”
“Who’s a giant?” A voice asked, making you spin on your heel as you and Lev walked towards the gym entrance. “Oh yeah. Mr-Too-Tall-For-His-Own-Good. Who’s this?”
The guy talking looked minuscule standing next to Lev—but then again, who didn’t? He had short brown hair with wide eyes that made him look younger than you were sure he was. Of course, he wasn’t in your grade. You’d never seen him. Maybe a second year?
“(Y/N), this is Yaku Morisuke. Yaku, (L/N) (Y/N). He’s a third-year and our libero.”
Third year? Wow, this guy was short. It probably wouldn’t be a good idea to point it out, though, so you decided against it. With a curt bow, you said, “it’s nice to meet you, Yaku.”
“Likewise. Unfortunately, I’ve gotta steal him so we can get changed and work on receives because someone doesn’t like to practice at home. Ever.”
“I’m tired after school and then practice half the night! I don’t wanna work more!” he complained, following after Yaku to the locker rooms. “Don’t make me do more receives today…”
“Can it, Lev, you can deal with it. Such is life. You need the help, anyway.”
The two carried on their bickering down the hall, making you laugh. They seemed to get along well enough, even if Lev was complaining. It was good he had some other friends. Now, however, you had to figure out how to walk in the gym without tripping over your own two feet.
You could wait for Lev. That could work. Wait outside. But that would look weird for someone to just be sitting on the stairs outside the boys’ volleyball gym as the team walked into practice.
Just as you were deciding what to do, someone ran into you, making you stumble forward. You caught yourself on the doorway, trying not to faceplant in front of a bunch of high schoolers you knew nothing about (and risk that being your first impression on everyone).
“Ow,” you mumble, rubbing the hand that caught the doorway—it stung for a second before returning to normal.
“Kenma, come on,” a voice behind you complained. You recognized the name Kenma from Lev—he was the setter for Nekoma and Lev thought he was a little weird. Then again, everyone was “a little weird” to him. Even you. Maybe that said something about him, too.
You turn to see two people behind you, one almost as tall as Lev (which was scary enough as is) while the other looked more average human height and not a giant. The smaller of the two (who you assumed was Kenma from Lev’s description of him) busied himself on the Switch in his hands, with the taller of them rolling his eyes.
“Sorry about that,” he said with a sigh. “You lost? Or—hey, coach didn’t tell me we were getting anybody new, but the more the merrier I guess.”
“As long as you know how to play, please, we don’t need another—“
“Lev, yeah,” you laugh, shaking your head. “He’s my best friend. Wanted me to meet the guys he thinks are ‘so awesome’.”
“Oh, so you’re the one he’s always talking about,” the taller of the two boys remarked. “Kuroo Tetsuro. Nice to finally meet you, (L/N). And this Kozume Kenma, our setter…”
Kenma waved, his eyes still glued to his screen.
Kuroo rolled his eyes at him “Kenma, I will take your Switch. We’ve gotta go get changed for practice, but you’re welcome to stick around. We’ve all been dying to meet the infamous (Y/N) Lev never shuts up about.”
“Never,” Kenma echoed, walking off towards the locker rooms, his bored tone giving away what he thought of Lev’s ramblings.
He talks about me? you think, brushing off the thoughts. You guys were close friends, was all. A lot of people thought Lev was a little weird (granted, he was), but that meant he didn’t have a ton of friends around all the time. You didn’t care, though. You got to know him first and foremost before worrying about what everyone else thought of him.
You waited for Lev to come back, looking around at the volleyball gym. It took Lev showing interest in it for you to learn anything about the sport--before him, the volleyball players were just more dumb jocks at Nekoma. Now, with meeting a few of them and knowing what Lev told you, that wasn’t as true as you once thought.
Through practice, you occasionally looked at your homework, but you were more focused on watching how they worked together. Specifically, you kept your eyes on Lev. You could tell he was nowhere near the player some of the other boys were, but he was trying his best. They’d break for water once in a while and you’d hear the boys making fun of Lev for trying to show off, but you doubted it. He didn't need to show off for you.
You offered to help Kaori, their manager, clean up after practice, which gave you a chance to talk to her and some of the other boys. You headed to the supply closet, getting a broom for her, and walking past some of the boys chatting as they cleaned up.
“I’m surprised you haven’t tried flirting with (L/N) yet,” Inuoka commented, shoving Yamamoto’s shoulder. You hadn’t formally talked to either of them yet, but you picked up Yamamoto’s name during practice.
Yamamoto scoffed. “You kidding? I am <em>not</em> one to mess with another man’s date. I’ve got some respect for Lev, man.”
“I didn’t know they were dating! I’m really behind, aren't I?”
“Yes, yes you are,” he laughed, changing the topic to something else you didn’t care to listen to.
He thought you were dating Lev?? Lev Haiba, of all people. Okay, yeah, he was pretty and tall and charming and a klutz and you’d kinda had a crush on him since the first few weeks of school, but that didn’t mean he liked you. Like that, at least. No, that was impossible! Right?
Part of why you went to practice that night was because you and Lev were supposed to have your monthly sleepover (that he was <Em>very</Em> adamant about not missing ever). So, you walked home with him after practice, still thinking about the comment Yamamoto made.
“You’re weirdly quiet,” Lev complained, shoving your arm. “Something wrong? None of the guys said anything stupid to you, did they, because I will—“
“Dude, relax, no one said anything,” you chuckled, shaking your head at him. So quick to be protective. He was adorable sometimes—not adorable, but...you knew what you meant. Maybe. “Nah, it’s just been a long day. You wanna do movie night tonight?”
“Sounds perfect.” He smiled, opening the door for you and ducking his head so he actually fit through the doorway. “Oh, I think I forgot to tell you—“
“(Y/N)!” Alisa squealed, walking over to you with her arms open. Sometimes you wondered if Lev’s sister loved you more than him with the way she acted, but you never brought it up unless Lev was picking on you.
You hugged her tight, smiling from ear to ear. You hadn’t known Lev long, but it felt like you were part of the family from the first time you visited. Alisa seemed to agree.
“It’s been too long since I’ve seen you!” she exclaimed. “Have you grown? I think so! Maybe I’m just wearing shorter heels or something. But it’s great to see you!”
“They can’t have grown that much. Still short,” Lev teased, leaning over to put his head over yours. He smiled at his sister, saying mockingly, “Hey, big sis, nice to see you, too.”
She rolled her eyes. “I saw you this morning, Levochka, but hello to you too. Any plans for tonight?”
“Movies and junk food,” Lev shrugged, laying his arm over your shoulders. You usually stood like this with him, but for some reason, you were unusually aware of it this time. “I had practice and it’s just been a weird week like they said earlier. We starting with Disney or did you wanna finish Sailor Moon?”
“We can watch that later. I’m in a Lilo and Stitch mood.”
“Sounds great.”
The two of you said goodbye to Alisa for the time being and headed up to Lev’s room. Almost immediately you laid on his bed, taking your usual spot. He left, grabbing a clean pair of shorts and a t-shirt to change into.
You pulled out your phone, seeing a text from Alisa. “Send Lev downstairs if you guys aren’t doing anything yet? I wanted to talk to him quick. Forgot to mention it”. Before you could respond, however, she added “And we both know how he is when I ask him to do things rather than you 😂 thank you!”
You chuckle at the message and respond with a quick “will do”as the door to Lev’s bedroom opened again.
“Hey, your sister wants to talk to you,” you say, reaching for the remote to his TV. “Dunno about what, but head downstairs, yeah?”
“If it’s what I think it is…” he complained under his breath. “Alright, I’ll be back.”
He went downstairs and you went back to your phone, scrolling through Instagram. You followed some of the VBC boys on Instagram, now, so it wouldn’t hurt to see what they were up to. Yamamoto was complaining about being single on his story, Kenma posted something about a new video game, and Kuroo was flirting with the camera with stupid chemistry pick-up lines.
It wasn’t until you heard your name that you started trying to pay attention to the conversation the Haiba siblings were having. The nice thing about their house (among a million other things)? Sound traveled really well. Perfect for eavesdropping.
“I swear, it’s not like that,” Lev complained with a sigh. “Alisa, I love you, but must we have this conversation again?”
“Yes, because this time I’m sure!”
“You say you’re sure every time.”
You crept out to the stairwell, staying out of sight of the siblings as they spoke.
“Okay, well, this time I mean it.” She sat down next to him at the kitchen table, putting her hand over his. “Levochka, you’ve liked them for what seems like forever, now. And I know they like you, too. What’s stopping you?”
“The fear of rejection, maybe? What if you’re wrong and they don’t like me, or even worse they don’t want to be friends anymore because I’m an idiot?”
“It’s better to ask and get a no than wonder ‘what if’ forever, right? I’m sure there’s no better boy they’d rather date, Lev. And if they don’t like you that way, then so what? You become friends again and we move on.”
Lev sighed again. “I hate that you’re right.”
“I’m your older sister. That’s what I’m here for.”
“Maybe...maybe we’ll talk about it tonight. So don’t come walking in randomly because if I’m in the middle of talking and you ruin it I might be mad at you.”
“Hey, you know I have to check on you once in a while. But I will try to buzz off.” she chuckled. “You got this. I believe in you!”
“Yeah, yeah,” he laughed at her teasing. You soon saw Lev stand up and bolted back to his room to not get caught eavesdropping.
Yeah, you were definitely not supposed to hear that conversation. You were glad you did, however, for one reason: you weren’t crazy for having a crush on your best friend.
You pulled your phone out and started scrolling through Instagram again when he opened the door. “Alright, we ready for movie night, then?” he asked, pretending as if nothing happened just a moment ago. As far as he knew, nothing did.
With a nod from you, he crawled over you and flopped down on the other side of his bed. He put his arms behind his head so he could see the screen better and you pressed play.
This was going to be a fun night, wasn't it?
Alisa came to inform the two of you around 11 that she was going to bed, but you were welcome to stay up. This meant within a few minutes, you decided to go downstairs and make yourselves some snacks to eat with your binge of Sailor Moon reruns.
You sat on the counter, listening to Lev talk about a movie he watched the other day that he was in love with. You were sure you’d end up watching it one day (probably with him) but he was still going to tell you the entire plot with character arcs and subplots.
Alright, so maybe dating Lev wasn’t a bad thing, though you were nervous as all hell because he liked you too. Apparently. And you knew it. But he didn’t know you liked him. Of course he didn’t. It would make things so much easier if he knew but he wouldn’t know until you told him.
Dramatic as ever, Lev talked with his hands, occasionally spinning around the kitchen in his excitement. You had to laugh at him--something about him was just so amazing. You couldn’t quite place what it was, but it was there.
“Alright, forget my rambling,” he said, pulling you from your thoughts. He leaned against the counter where you sat, smiling slightly at you. “You’re only been half paying attention for the last ten minutes and while I'm not offended, I wanna know what’s going on with you. So, talk to me.”
You roll your eyes. He knows you so well--too well, actually. There was no way to lie out of this one, but you could try your best. “Eh, it’s nothing. Just a long day.”
“Hey, don’t gimme that. You said that earlier, too, but you seem distracted. Are you okay?”
“Fine, yeah,” you mumble, looking down to half-hide your smile. This idiot was blind, wasn’t he? Or just dumb sometimes, but you knew that. He couldn’t be that blind, though, because he knew something was up.
“Hey, I know that look,” he teased, shoving your arm. “You’re happy about something...someone, perhaps? Tell me!”
“It’s dumb…”
“And I’m your best friend which means I don’t judge you. I just pull out my phone when you’re doing something stupid so I can laugh at you later. Tell me!!”
Well, there went your only chance at getting out of that conversation. There was no point in lying about who you liked—it would only break his heart. But how would you…
If he could figure it out, he could know. That would work.
“I mean...fine, fine,” you sigh, looking down at the floor beneath you. Suddenly the one floor tile beneath your feet became very interesting. “They’re in our year, at least. And they’re tall and like to pick on me for being short even though they’re just a giant and I am not that short.”
You looked up to see the wheels in his head spinning. He really had to think about this, huh? Maybe getting a little more specific would help.
“You are short, though…” he mumbled in confusion.
Exactly my point, you think, but decided it would be better not to say out loud. “No, I’m not. Anyway, he’s got these gorgeous green eyes that I swear I could stare at for hours, and he knows how much I love a good Disney movie after a long day, and always knows how to make me laugh.”
“Tall, green eyes, good movie taste...oh, come on! I don’t have the brain cells—this isn’t 20 questions, (Y/N), just gimme a name. Please?”
“Okay, okay, fine. Last hint, I promise. If you don’t get it from this…” you say with a sigh, running your hand awkwardly through your hair. “And he’s, uh...he’s standing right next to me.”
You focused back on the tile on the floor, tracing the marble pattern as Lev tried to figure out just what that meant. He mumbled a little bit, but suddenly stopped and his breath hitched. Genius figured it out.
“Wait, you--lemme get this straight. You like me??” he asked as you looked up at him, a huge grin spreading across his face. “Right? I’m right about that?”
“Yes, Lev, I like you.”
He pulled you off the counter and hugged you tight, laughing as he did so. You squeaked when he picked you up, spinning you around a circle in the kitchen. It was a little scary how easily he could pick you up, but you decided not to mind it and enjoy the moment,
Lev placed you back on the counter, his eyes wide and excited like a puppy’s. “I—I really can’t believe this—why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“I didn’t know you liked me too, dummy! Not till today at least!”
“Remind me to be mad at Alisa and thank her later,” he laughed, running his hands through his hair. “Hey, does that mean we can cuddle while we watch movies cause I have wanted to do that for a while now.”
You laughed, pulling him into another hug. “Yes, Lev, I will cuddle with you while we watch movies.”
He swayed you both back and forth, smiling from ear to ear. “You're so—you're amazing. What movie do you wanna watch after Sailor Moon? I think we’re almost done with it.”
“What about that movie you were just talking about a few minutes ago?”
“Perfect! I love that one!”
“I can tell!”
The two of you finished making your snacks and headed upstairs, talking about everything and nothing while the movies played in the background. It was almost 2AM till you finally settled down, casually wrapping one of your arms around Lev as you grew more and more tired.
“If you wake me up before nine tomorrow, I might have to kill you,” you mumble, pulling the collar of his Nekoma VBC jacket (that you stole from his closet) closer to you. It was cold, hence why you were stealing Lev’s body heat. “Now go to sleep. I’m tired.”
“Of course,” he said with a quiet chuckle. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
Several minutes passed, and you were just barely awake. Thinking about the events of the day, you smiled…
..until someone decided to start talking.
“Hey, do you think a hot dog is a sandwich?”
“Lev, I swear to god--“
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God he’s so wholesome
Can we talk about how his first reaction was you like me?? You wanna cuddle??
I hope you guys enjoyed this! I love Lev so so so much so I was so happy writing this😁 another super huge thank you to @nekomas-kuroo because they’re amazing for giving me the inspiration for this!!!
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bluebuckstallion · 3 years
the sun will rise again - mlp fic p2
part one contents: aj and big mac are like. 13 and 15. big mac realizes she is a trans woman, and is guided by applejack, but there is much more to it than just that lol. its also a little hard for her. sappy, feel-good, tough internal conflict but overall happy fic. paragraph one is previewed here, the rest is below the cut! disclaimer: there is no transphobia in this fic lmao im not gonna write abt horse transphobia. this is a feel good. but cw for fear of outing (note: i am aware my blog makes posts a little hard to read bc of a glitch, i am trying to fix it at the moment, i apologize D: i rec reading it on tumblr mobile or highlighting the words as you read, im sorry!) paragraph one: The wind whispered lovingly, cooling little Big Mac and Applejack's drowsy heads. A time like this in a young pony's life can be very confusing, something the two of them had grown to be very familiar with. Applejack rested his backside against the trunk of one of his family's old apple trees, if they had no where else to take solace, at least they had the orchard and each other's company, he thought. It felt nice, having this little secret kept safe by somepony you knew would protect it, and who still cared about you just the same. "If nopony accepts us, at least we have each other. I don't care if it's just you and me, Big Mac, we'll be jus' fine." Applejack stated in a soft voice, breaking the silence. He was accepting of his circumstances, no matter how they turned out. As long as him and his sister ended up okay. And again, he was sure they would. Big Mac smiled and folded her hooves neatly, "Eeyup."
Applejack worked his fluffy hooves through Big Mac's mane, doing his absolute best to make the fine ginger hair into a braid. He wanted to do something nice for his sister, something to celebrate her bravery and courage in realizing - and telling - Applejack, and he wanted her to feel nice in her own body, even if she couldn't change much right now, or for a while. No matter how small the act, Big Mac was especially grateful. Nobody had ever treated her like this, on purpose at least, like she was a mare. And every chance Applejack could sieze he would do just that, remind her that was what, *who* she was. "So, Big Mac, what do you reckon I call you now?" With that her eyes widened, and her brows furrowed, it caught her off guard. "Like...my name? I didn't know I could change my name..." she let out, slightly confused, a tender hoof raising to her chin as she thought hard. "Yeah!" AJ beamed, not straying from his tedious work. Big Mac, still lying down, started shuffling her hooves again. "Well... I always thought if I were a girl my name would be something pretty, which I mean, I am a girl and all, but I don't feel very pretty ever," she admitted disheartened. "You're plenty pretty! You're an Apple! You wouldn't say Ma or Granny wasn't pretty, would you?" Applejack pointed out, gesturing absentmindedly in the air with his hooves, then promptly returning back to his work, being sure to keep a steady hoof. "Well... Nope." Big Mac blurted awkwardly, pursing her lips. "But-" she began. "No 'but's'!" Applejack interjected, "You're an Apple, and a dang pretty one!" Applejack closed his eyes and lifted his head proudly, putting his non-dominant hoof against his puffed chest, "Look at me, I'm an Apple and I'd say I'm awful handsome, just like Pa!" he said with an endearing foal-like passion and certainty. He chuckled, his cheeks growing slightly cherry as he let out a tiny chuckle, and got back to his work, about a quarter way down the locks. Big Mac grinned slightly, "I suppose," and tapped her hooves together shyly, playing with the grass falling between them. "You know, I always did think my mane was a little long for a stallion," she laughed playfully, diverting from the subject and trying to reassure herself. She went to touch her mane, and was swiftly batted away by Applejack's quick hoof, "Nuh-uh Big Mac, I'm workin' here. Don't go touchin' it now," he said sternly but still non-maliciously. He just wanted it to look perfect for his big sister, he wanted her to be proud, and feel as pretty as she could. Applejack wanted to know how it felt to look pretty, too, but in the way he'd always dreamed of. He wondered often if he'd ever get the blessing of such a wonderful feeling. "Applejack, do you ever wish you were born a colt?" Big mac asked genuinely, still a little unsure of what Applejack was feeling, but knowing there was solidarity in it somewhere, she just had to understand it a little more. "Well - not really," Applejack spat out, his eyes looking away from his busy hooves, and quickly darting back to them before he drifted off in fantasy. He thought about it for a second, and still felt strange. "I wasn't really born a filly or a colt... or anything, I think, I was just born me. And I wouldn't really have it any other way. Sure, I mean, maybe I'd like shorter hair or somethin', or a uh," he struggled to find the words in his young foal vocabulary, "maybe if my nose was a little more colt-ish I'd be happy. But I think I'm pretty happy with me now. I do hope when I'm older my voice is a little better, though. I can't really do much though," he sighed dismissively. He continued, "I don't ever really feel too bad about who I am... I think I just feel happy about who I am. When I see myself as not a colt and not a filly, just a foal, a pony, it makes me real happy-like. But, I don't get too sad unless people are real serious about calling me a filly. I do get sad sometimes though, when I look too much like a filly to other people..." As Applejack placed an orchard blossom in Big Mac's hair, tucked snug and safe behind her ear, a thought went through Big Mac's head. "Applejack!" she jumped up, the rush of movement startling him, who was so concentrated seconds prior. "Let's give you a haircut! It'll be like how you braided my hair for me, we can cut yours!" Applejack nervously rubbed his elbow, then raising his hoof lightly beneath his muzzle, and he began to sweat. "Well, I, what if Ma and Pa don't like it?" Big Mac thought hard as Applejack grimaced, "Well, we can hide it with one of Pa's hats, an' I'm sure they won't mind," she suggested happily. Applejack considered briefly, just for a moment, the downsides of it all. He then immediately turned them all away and smiled so hard his eyes shut, stomping his front hooves against the ground up and down, "Okay, let's do it Big Mac!" As they galloped back to the barn, Applejack had suddenly realized he was so surprised with how much Big Mac had been talking, she never seemed so excited to talk about anything, and he realized how much this all meant to her. It meant a lot to him, too. Especially that his sister was so supportive while still knowing so little, but in her defense, he didn't know much either. It was a very special feeling, he thought to himself, very pleased. They skidded to a halt clumsily as they reached the doors to the barn. Foal-ishly peeking through the front windows, they realized it was only Granny and baby Bloom home, their parents must be out. They looked at each other, grinning, and cantered to the back, sneaking inside through the back door. When they made it to the bathroom, Applejack noted Big Mac looked a little worn out, wearing a tired look on her face. She figured all this chattiness probably made her sister a little exhausted. He shot a reassuring patended Sibling glance at her telling her all she needed to know, not needing words. Big Mac let out a gentle smile. She helped her little brother reach the cabinet above the sink, reaching the scissors that were so high up it took them both working together to reach. Applejack had a slight doubt in his mind, his parents probably didn't want him touching the scissors by himself, did they? But he had his big sister with him, and it had to be done! Nopony else would, and only they understood. Applejack balanced shakily with two hooves on Big Mac's back, warily reaching one back hoof up onto the sink, as he balanced with his two front hooves against the edge of the cabinet. He grasped the scissors between his teeth, and brashly jumped down, just barely missing a potential accident, even though they both knew better than to jump around with scissors, they threw caution to the wind regardless. Applejack happily put his front hooves on the rim of the sink, tapping them and bopping his little head, he looked at his big sister, who began working at his hair. Big Mac chopped with a great lack of care, playfully snipping one strand then the next. Applejack beamed the whole time, simply happy to have it happen, plan or not. Big Mac frequently spun around him, balancing on three hooves and sometimes getting in so close that she held his face with one hoof, his hair with another, and cut with the scissors firm in her mouth. Applejack's body relaxed completely and was kicking and rearing with every cut, wiggling and happily holding his front hooves together and constantly swishing his head from side to side to check how it looked, one side fell to his muzzle, and the other to his chin. He smiled bigger than ever before. With the final snip, Big Mac dropped the scissors carelessly to the tile below. She gently grasped Applejack's chin and turned her sibling's head forward to face the mirror, and his mouth immediately fell agape, his jaw slack, and his eyes slowly widening with the purest joy there ever was. He cupped his hooves to his mouth, removing them, turning his head to the side, and then fixing himself and putting his hooves to his open mouth once again. He felt a soft tug in his throat and his chest, and he couldn't control the watering in his eyes, "Big Mac!!" his voice cracked. "Yes Applejack?" the filly said apprehensively, fearing that she had done something wrong. "Oh Big Mac, oh my gosh I love it so so much!!" He bucked and whinnied, spinning in circles, his once-flowing tail too short to trip over now, and the euphoria of it all was the most overwhelming emotion little Applejack had ever felt. The tugging became so immense he couldn't ignore it, and he acknowledged it by leaping onto Big Mac with a hearty hug, squeezing her tight as his little arms could, and he rubbed his muzzle into her neck. Big Mac politely pushed her hoof between her neck and AJ's hoof, making sure he didn't squeeze too tight, struggling slightly to breathe. This foal was definitely a strong one. "Thank you so much big sis!!! I feel so great!!" he neighed, stepping back, one hoof raised wiping his immense wave of tears. The feeling of euphoria shot through his body in a rush, showing itself in the form of a tiny but powerful hop, as he lifted his legs into the air and threw them around. Applejack rushed back to the mirror, urging Big Mac to come look as well, as she didn't quite see herself yet with her hair "done all proper-like." Big Mac's face became pale, as she felt the rush of a thousand different emotions. The paranoia became astounding again, what if she didn't like how she looked as a filly? What if she still didn't feel right? What if it wasn't - Her thoughts were abruptly cut short by Applejack tugging her over, knowing her sister just sometimes needed a push in the right direction. "Lookie Big Mac!!" he placed his arm cheerfully around her, wrapping it over her back. Big Mac's eyes were glued shut, and she only bashfully peeked one eye open because curiosity would've ate her alive otherwise, and deep down she knew she had to see herself eventually. She uncovered her hoof from her eye, and opened both of them slowly. Her mouth opened ever so slightly, and she wasn't even aware she had stopped breathing, her eyes fluttered up and down the braided locks, along with her heart, and her eyes landed on the blossom in her ear. She couldn't speak, her throat clogged up from such elation. She felt the choking once again, but it wasn't like before, this feeling was quite welcoming actually. It rushed from her throat up to her head, and took her breath away. The sobbing ebbed at her cheeks right away, and she turned to look at her brother. As they spoke with lack of words, they stared with inordinate graditude. As Big Mac smoothly turned back to the mirror, Applejack stomped all his hooves again, one after the other with no apparent order or care, shaking his head in a frenzy as his ears twitched and he smiled a mile wide. He finally felt *pretty.* Big Mac watched herself adoringly, for the first time ever, and felt this acceptance and understanding of herself coursing through her veins with a confidence she'd never had. She blushed, and her ears fell downward, a small smile creeping onto her face. "Applejack," she whispered softly, as if she were too worried the world would hear her secrets. Applejack peered closer with wide, curious eyes, "Yeah Big Mac?" he whispered back. "My name.." she mumbled. Applejack raised his eyebrows, captivated, as Big Mac slowly lifted her hoof to the blossom behind her ear. "Blossom?" Applejack stated inquisitively, before Big Mac could shake her head AJ corrected himself, "Orchard Blossom!" he exlaimed, leaning back and jumping in the air, "Oh big sis, that's so pretty!! I love it so much!!" Orchard Blossom nervously gestured for him to keep it down, as he was prone to being unaware of his volume control. Applejack embarassedly covered his mouth with a shy smile, "Oops, sorry big sis." he cleared his throat, "Orchard Blossom!!" he yell-whispered, the excitement shining through him, he stamped his tiny hooves and clapped them together in celebration. "That's so pretty, Orchard Blossom!" Applejack told her earnestly, loving the new name. "I don't think I want a new name, but I'm really happy ya found one you like!" "Orchard Blossom, Orchard Blossom, Orchard Blossom!" Applejack repeated, playfully prancing in circles, excited by the sight of his short tail, he spun even faster. "What's all that commotion in there? Applejack? Big Mac? Are ya in there?" they heard through the shut door, hoofsteps gradually approaching, painstakingly slow but steady. Both of them felt their hearts drop from their chest as they froze, unable to even fathom moving. How would they explain any of this? Applejack hurried to clean up desperately, brushing the hair together with his hooves, coldly sweating from his brow as he frantically hurried to remove any evidence. He stopped mid-sweep to quickly shove his father's hat on his head, which slumped immediately and blocked his vision. "Oh dangit Blossom, Pa's hat's too big! I can't see!!" Orchard Blossom was still unmoving, sheer panic stopping her very breaths. Applejack felt the tugging in his throat rise up again as he began whimpering.
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orionwhispers · 4 years
Tear In My Heart // Alfie Solomons
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(A/N - hehe im back. im working on a bucky oneshot and a tommy series but both of them are super long and i wanted to take a little breather. this was supposed to be a drabble but you know me... ive got a few more ideas for shorter imagines like this with tommy and alf, requests are open! hope you enjoy. pls reblog and comment. love u see u soon xoxxo - also this is like the smuttiest thing ive written even though its not explicit but wow who am i)
warnings: violence, mention of fights and blood, protective alfie, heavily implied smut, lots of terrible language.
You knew something was wrong when Ollie practically crashed through the door. He took off part of the frame and made the hinges tear from the wood, nails and screws clattering onto the ground. The afternoon had been wonderful, perhaps too wonderful, and as always, real life found a way to shatter your rose tinted glasses.
It was starting to fall into autumn, the air chilly but comfortable, the streets slick with rain and the leaves turning into a sweet, buttery caramel all around you. The house was silent save for the birds singing in the trees and the rattling whip of the wind against your windows. The quiet was a perk of having house out in the country, far away from anything and anyone. Just the way he liked it.
Because to him, all he needed was his girl.
Well, and his dog.
The sun had barely risen when you got up - much to your husbands protests. You felt him stirring from beside you, a solid wall of warmth as he snaked his arms around your waist and pressed sleepy, half drunk kisses onto your spine. You laughed tiredly as his hands curled over everything they could reach, long calloused fingers roaming against your bare skin. He grumbled as you swung your legs from under the duvet and onto the floor, throwing on his white cotton shirt and letting it fall to your knees, trying to ignore the threats he was mumbling about what he was going to do to your boss for making you come in so early.
He made one last feeble attempt to grab you, exhaustion clouding his brain so he could do no more than swipe at the top of your thigh, making you laugh at his wandering hands.
“Stay.” He said, voice raspy and muffled by his pillow.
“I can’t.”
“You can.”
“Alf.” You sighed playfully, grabbing your strawberry slip dress and beaded heels and fur coat, darting into the bathroom to wash up and change. Through the noise of the running water you could hear the bed springs creak as he shifted, the entire frame groaning almost as much as him. Cyril watched you with his big chestnut eyes from the doorway as you fluffed up your hair and patted on coffee coloured lipstick, pinching the apples of your cheeks for a little flush.
You rummaged through your handbag as you made your way to the bedroom door, lost in your thoughts until you heard him speak, all low and gravelly and sending shivers up your spine.
“Oi. C’mere you.”
You rolled your eyes but walked into his outstretched arms, his body completely slumped and covered in thick duvets and pillows, just his tattooed skin and coarse, tousled hair poking out from underneath. He pulled you close into him, smelling like green apples and rum and sex and sea salt, like home. He mumbled something that you couldn’t quite make out, the sun starting to shine through the cracks in the curtains and as you started to get up he tugged you in tighter, placing messy, sloppy kisses down your throat and onto your collarbones.
You smacked his shoulder, grabbing his jaw and holding it still, placing a kiss on his lips, feeling him smile against your mouth.
“Bye, my love.”
You made it halfway down the hall before you heard: “Fred is driving you. Don’t even bloody think about walking alone at this time.” Followed by grunts and groans and finally deep, throaty snores.
You accompanied your boss to a few meetings, taking notes and helping him check stock. After a few hours filled with cinnamon lattes and finger cramps and ink stains, he took you aside at the office and gave you the rest of the day off. You were a little suspicious, and had a feeling his good deed might have had something to do with your slightly intimidating husband, but you accepted it nonetheless and headed to Camden after lunch.
The air was brisk and you pulled your scarf tighter around your throat, dodging puddles and fat droplets of rain as they dropped from the trees. You stopped off at a little cafe on your side of town, buying turkey sandwiches, a garden salad and a platter of seasonal fruit, ignoring the fried sugar donuts and sausage rolls and thick, crispy cuts of bacon. A routine check up to the doctor had lead to Alfie being told that perhaps a healthier lifestyle would benefit some of his ailments, so despite his grumbling and childish ways you were doing your best to make sure he was eating his five a day - no matter how much he protested.
But at the last second you grabbed a cherry jam donut. His favourite.
The rain had become torrential by the time you left, the clouds morphing into a block of ashen, sooty grey, teetering on black. Once upon a time the impending storm would have made you feel nervous, the rattling trees and flashes of lightning had been the reason for many sleepless nights when you were a child, but now you looked forward to it.
Because now it meant something different. You, Alfie and Cyril curled up in bed, the fire roaring and flickering a brilliant orange gold. Your husbands arms tight around you, squeezing softly every time there was a clap of thunder, his kisses warm and protective across your throat, knowing that he’d never let anything hurt you. Drinking tea spiked with rum and playing cards, listening to the rain against the windows, feeling the white burst of lighting every time it struck the sky. Falling asleep next to each other, Alfie always waiting for you to doze off first, unable to sleep unless he knew you were alright.
You had once hated storms, and now you wished for them.
Your umbrella was totally battered by the time you got to the bakery. The bottom of your dress was damp from puddles and your shoes were on their last legs, the satin ruined and black with mud, but you didn’t care, walking through the side entrance with a smile bigger than the moon. A few of the old boys saw you instantly, straightening up and grinning at you, welcoming you with whisky soaked aprons and calloused hands. Back when you and Alfie started dating he had all but forbidden his staff from looking, talking, or even thinking about you, but over the years you had formed a close relationship with his workers - something about your warmth and light easing up the darkness. At first Alfie huffed and puffed about it a little, but he couldn’t exactly blame his men for loving you - he was a perfect example of how you brought a strong man to his knees after all.
“Is he upstairs?” You asked George, one of the distillers. As soon as he nodded you left, your heels clicking against the cool basement flooring. You didn’t bother knocking as you approached the big, intimidating door to his office, instead just grabbing the brass lion head knob and twisting it, hearing the hinges whine in protest.
“What the fuck?” His voice was as deep and rumbling as a low tide, his tone so dark and sharp that it might have scared you, if you didn’t know him as the man who fed the ducks fresh bread at the park and cuddled Cyril when the vets had to give him an injection. “How many fucking times do I have to ask you lot to fucking knock. I mean it’s a - ”
He stopped short when he saw you, eyes going wide and lips twitching upwards just a little. He slipped into business mode whenever he sat at the leather chair behind his desk, but you always managed to chip away at his foundation.
“What the bloody hell are you doing here?”
“Nice to see you too.” You laughed, walking around his desk to see him, his legs naturally opening to let you stand in between them, his eyes following every curve and line of your face, settling on the natural rosebud flush of your lips.
“You’re a sight for sore eyes.” He mused, ring clad fingers darting around your waist and pulling you in. He toyed with the buttons on your dress and the jewellery around your neck, his fingers rough and large and as hot as a fire. His day had been shitty so far, but seeing the sparkle in your eyes and the loose curl of your hair had made everything much, much better.
“Hmm.” You said, leaning into his touch, batting away his hand as it slipped somewhere a little too low. “Marcus gave me the afternoon of so I thought I would come and surprise you.”
He blinked up at you, all wistful and love drunk and making your knees turn into blackcurrant jelly. “Did you now?”
“Yep.” You smiled, brushing your nose against his before pulling back and teasingly shaking the paper bag of baked goods in your hand. “And I bought gifts.”
“Yeah. Yeah. In a minute.” He barely registered them, instead dragging you into him, pressing kisses to your lips and letting you wash away any thoughts from his brain, not stopping until he was totally, completely drowning in you.
That was how you ended up cross legged on the sofa, devouring your new novel and sipping on the rose and oolong tea Alfie kept in the cupboard for when you visited the factory. You could hear the rain pattering down the windows around you, mixed with the scratch of Alfie’s fountain pen and the sound of him rifling through his papers. It was fun to watch him as well as listen to him, the way his eyebrows raised when he read something he didn’t like, the twitch of his nose and the way that he ran his fingers through the coarse hair of his beard, moulding it to a peak at the bottom of his chin.
He watched you as well. When you got so into your book that your brows furrowed and your nose wrinkled. The way your hair was loose and wild, your stockings a soft pink under the stormy sky, your eyes wide and frantic, desperate to read as much as you could. He smiled at the way your leg bounced, how you tried to pick the stems from your strawberries with one hand but then accidentally squished them, the juice running down your wrist. He especially liked the way you were using his winter coat as a blanket, drowning in the fabric like a child, the collar snug around your chin.
Everything was perfect.
Until it wasn’t.
You heard Ollie before you saw him, the crash of his laced black boots thundering up the stairs, the way that he collided with the door rather than opening it first. You and Alfie stood up at the same time, his eyes immediately darting to you, gesturing for you to get behind him.
“Eric’s here.” Was all the boy said, and you watched the colour drain from Alfie’s face.
“Eric?” You said, “Eric Martin?”
Your question lingered in the air as the two men walked around one another, gesturing wildly and talking under their breath; Alfie completely frantic and flustered. You had only heard of Alfie’s new business partner in passing, the two of them had spent the better part of a year talking through agreements and shipments and trying to manoeuvre a deal where the two of them could co exist happily - Alfie’s rum and Eric’s stolen goods sharing a boat so that the city checks would be easier. Alfie had never been particularly quite when it came to business. He liked to include you and get your opinion on things, he trusted you most of all anyway, but he had been secretive when it came to Eric.
You had heard through Ollie and rumours at the club and whispers in the factory that this “Eric” was a man not to be trifled with. Apparently he was unpredictable and violent, and he belonged to one of the major crime gangs in Cambridge. None of this scared you though, many people thought the exact same of the man you shared your bed with, and you knew a side of him that nobody else saw. The gossip was barbed and cruel though. They said he was conniving and underhanded, and that his last two wives had been admitted to hospital with broken and fractured bones.
So Alfie tried cutting him out as much as he could, never wanting to say his name or talk about him in the safety of his home, not with you around. Your home was his solace, and he wouldn’t taint his life with you in blood red - you were too important. You never thought much of it, but watching his reaction, his sudden overprotectiveness and stern frown and rattled demeanour, made you just a little bit frightened.
“What the fuck does he want?” Alfie snapped, pulling your coat over your shoulders frantically and starting to button it up, then helping you tug on your boots and lace them.
“He’s pissed about the Brighton shipment, he says his liquor didn’t get there on time.”
“Stupid fucking...” Alfie’s voice trailed off like smoke, something downstairs on the factory floor clattering loudly followed by distinct, angry shouts. “We told him it was too risky with the police there, he should have fucking listened. We were due a meeting next week, tell him to fuck off and come back then.”
“He won’t listen.”
“Make him.”
“I...” He started, but Alfie cut him off again, standing next to you and taking your face in his large, calloused hands.
“Right, pet. Stay here for a little bit, and when it clears up, Ollie will take you out the back, alright?”
“Alfie...” You started to protest, before exhaling and sighing as he turned to his protégée.
“You got that, Ol? Nothing is to happen to her.”
You were getting a little hot with being ordered around, but the visible anxiety swimming across their faces like the midnight sea was enough for you to close your mouth. Instead of agreeing with his boss, Ollie shook his head, sucking on his lower lip as he tried to think of a way to convey the sincerity of the situation.
“He’s really angry, Alfie. You need to go down, now. Before he decides to come up.”
“Yeah, alright.”
Your fingers clenched, and you darted out to tug on the edge of his sleeve before he left.“Alfie. Please be careful.”
There was a smog of anxiety in your stomach and warning signs ringing like alarms in your mind as he pressed a tender kiss to the top of your head, his lips brushing your hairline. You chewed on the edge of your lip as he left, and you wondered how your blissful afternoon had turned into this: your body shaking with nerves as your husband descended down the stairs and into the belly of the beast.
Ollie reached out and touched your shoulder, trying to help you feel calm but his face was the colour of tepid dishwater, paling by the second.
“He’ll be fine.”
You crossed all of your fingers and toes.
About twenty minutes passed, and the shouting had gone from ear piercingly loud to a low hum, which you found oddly comforting despite everything. You watched as Ollie fiddled with his pocket watch, the two of you waiting until it was safe to head downstairs.After a moment you heard the sound of the giant metal door opening, the one right at the front where the workers came in and the bakery goods were delivered, a clear indication from Alfie that Eric was leaving.
Ollie leapt up and smiled faintly at you, edging you towards the door as you swung your handbag across your chest. You scoffed a little as you walked, turning to face him.
“If Eric is gone, why can’t I stay?”
Ollie merely rolled his eyes, his hand migrating to your lower back as he all but pushed you forward. You might have been able to get away with ignoring Alfie’s orders, but he certainly wouldn’t. “You know Alfie won’t want you here after that. There’s no use fighting him about it, he’ll want you back at home.”
You sighed but conceded, allowing yourself to be guided down the staircase. At least at home you could distract yourself and have Cyril with you, his big treacle eyes were the perfect remedy to a bad day.
You were right beside the back door and ready to leave when you heard a voice cracking like thunder from behind you, something as sharp as a knife and as loud as a church bell. You both froze instantly, every nerve in your body feathering, your heart aching to know that Alfie was alright.
“You little fucking liar.” Cut around the room like barbed wire. “How long were you planning on hiding this shipment from me?” There was another crash, and you could hear liquid trickling and dribbling into a puddle, followed by the sweet, sour smell of alcohol.
“You don’t know what the fuck you’re on about mate.” It was Alfie speaking now, his voice lowered to a dangerous octave, and you could picture the lightning like anger on his face. “Calm down.”
“Calm down? Calm down? You’ve been sending things off without my knowledge!”
“I said. Fucking calm down.” The sound of a hand slamming down on wood, as fierce as a slap on the face. “You don’t want to make an enemy of me.”
There was another scuffle: rapid footsteps on the floor, the crack of knuckles and the smell of ash. A couple of the boys darted in from the other room, their shirts untucked and hands turning red. You watched them curiously, stepping forward on unsteady heels to try and pinpoint the commotion. You felt Ollie's hand reach for you but you leapt out of his grasp, at the same time a body flew from the next room and landed in a heap next to barrels of aged rum and whisky, the wood heaving from the strain.
You glanced at the man on the floor, his body oddly contorted, his bald head glistening with sweat and his body reeking of putrid alcohol and cigarettes. This was obviously Eric. Your eyes widened in disgust at the drunk, violent man taking swings at whoever he could, wanting nothing more than to get away from him. You saw Alfie emerge from the shadows, his gaze flitting straight to you, his hands swollen and his face flushed with visible anger at the man sprawled on the ground.
Before you could retreat, Eric’s wide, black eyes landed on you, practically bulging out of his head with adrenaline and anger and excitement. “ You know, Alfie.” He asked through bubbles of saliva, scrambling to his feet as best he could, lunging for you. You saw Alfie and a few of his best men move forward, hands ready like cocked guns to strike if they needed to. Eric ignored them, wanting to pack as many fatal blows in whilst he had the chance. “Everybody at the club talks about your little whore of a wife, Solomon’s.”
The room fell deadly silent. His words didn’t affect you at all, but you felt a pool of dread settle in your gut and you stepped backwards, warning him with your eyes. He was at the back of the room, but you could still feel the anger vibrating from your husband, and you heard him smack his lips as he tried to calm himself down.
Eric ignored your alarmed glare, spitting onto the concrete and looking you up and down with pure disgust and shameless lust. “You know that people only do business with you to get to her?”
“Don’t. You. Fuck - ” Alfie’s boots thundered like a stampede, his voice as dark and raspy as midnight, his words sharpened like butchers knives.
“Maybe I’ll have a go at her. Maybe it’ll teach you a little respect. If I have a go at that smug little whore and slap her around a little and....”
He didn’t finish his sentence, Alfie’s cane smashing against the side of Eric’s head with enough momentum to send his teeth flying, small milky white canines lying a few feet in front of you in a pool of sticky blood. He made some kind of noise from on the floor, his hands coming up to protect what was left of his face, his polished shoes desperately trying to grip onto something to help him up. There was a second hit. And then a third. Each accompanied by ear splitting cries, and the sound of flesh against stone.
“Don’t you ever, ever, speak about my wife like that again.” You could just about make out Alfie from the darkness, his silhouette mighty and terrifying, leaning over the shattered body on the floor, filled with a hatred that seemed to overpower him.
“I - ” Eric tried to speak but only blood pooled from his mouth, his body weakened and damaged from the attack. He tried to cover himself with his hands but failed, another ear piercing crack echoing around the room.
You lunged forward, wanting to stop your husband before he went too far. “Alfie! Stop! You’re going to kill him!”
He blinked up at you, his pupils swallowed by black. His gaze lowered from you onto the wailing man on the ground, his words playing on a loop in his brain, digging their nails in every time the record restarted.
He had said those evil things about you.
He glanced at Ollie, finally opening his mouth to speak. “Take her home.”
You struggled in Ollie’s grip, desperate to see your husband and knock some sense into him. Your heart hung heavy in your chest, equal parts terrified that he would either end up hurt or in a more dangerous situation than the one he was already in. You fought hard but Ollie’s hold was tighter, his fingers squeezing you tightly. He tried to be kind but forceful as he pulled you out into the alley, your heard turned back to face your husband, watching as him and the shadow on the floor faded to a dull, awful, obsidian.
You were certain you were going to make holes in the wood. You had been pacing back and forth the living room floor for almost an hour, and Cyril had abandoned his mission of trying to cheer you up, and instead watched you protectively and cautiously from his wicker basket beside the sofa.
You had chewed your sunshine yellow nails down to the wick, and your heart hadn’t stop thumping since you had left the warehouse. Ollie had left you to your thoughts, keeping watch outside to make sure nothing harmed you, and also that you didn’t harm somebody else.
Dealing with hysterical women wasn’t really his forte.
There had been no word from Alfie since you had left, and so you watched the teal wall phone endlessly, hoping that it would ring and you would know he was alright. You were greeted with nothing but ice cold silence, and so you resumed your pacing, biting down on the skin of your thumb until you could taste blood.
Right before you were about to lose all control and demand Ollie take you to see him, you heard the crunch of the gravel outside, and saw lemon headlights flash against the wall. Cyril’s head lifted quickly, and his tail began to thump, but your feet turned to concerted and you were unable to do anything other than wait.
You were as still as a spectre as you stood facing the door, your body prickling with anxiety and adrenaline. A car - you assumed Ollie’s - coughed and spluttered over the rocks and into the road, leaving you alone with Alfie. You heard the key in the lock, practically felt the metal ridges running over your spine as he pulled and twisted and finally came inside, the sky a gloomy, smoky grey, rain falling so harshly it was almost hail.
He was shaped so strongly, his figure so barbed and brawny and beautiful. You felt totally mortal beside a man like him, and he looked even more so like a God when you saw him under the icy white lamp light in the hall.
He was covered in blood. Soaked in it, really. It was matted in his hair and in ugly brown splotches across his once pristine shirt and under his fingernails and smeared across his boots in a shade of red you had never seen before. It was obvious he had tried to clean himself up judging from the uneven patches and water marks, but he had given up, deciding to risk everything and drive through the streets like an abattoir worker, just so he could see you as quickly as he could.
You let out some kind of noise and stepped forward, he caught you effortlessly, the way that he always would.
“Alfie.” You said, wide eyed and innocent and good, and he felt like a sinner holding something so angelic in his arms.
“I’m alright. I’m alright.”
There was blood in his beard, and a plum sided bruise turning nightshade on his upper arm. “Oh God, Alf.”
He shook his head, pulling you in and smelling the orange and cinnamon of your shampoo and the vanilla perfume on your neck and felt the softness of your hair and the curves of your body. The day had been bad. It had started so wonderfully and ended up shattered and splintered into something so awful and malevolent, and now there was nothing he wanted except you, his home.
“We need to - ” You started, but he frowned, his arms engulfing you and tugging you in. He pressed his lips to whatever flesh he could find, open mouthed and desperate, sucking and biting and aching for you.
“No. No.” He whispered into your neck, his voice so small and desperate that your heart throbbed. “I need you, my love.”
You knew what he wanted. How we got when he was like this. Touch starved. Greedy. Insatiable. How he wanted nothing else but the feel of you under him, the weight of your ribs and the feel of your body and love consuming him until nothing was left. Fuck his back and his cane, he needed to claim you and mark you and show you just how badly he needed you. He needed to find religion at the alter of your pliant, yearning body. Show you how much he loved you on the cold kitchen tiles with the rain casting grey shadows and his lips biting your own as the thunder clapped above.
The tap was still leaking.
Alfie had promised to fix it weeks ago and yet it still dribbled lukewarm water continuously, you didn’t mind for once though, the soft noise it made as it bounced into the water was somewhat calming.
His legs around you were as thick as tree trunks and covered in curly, coarse hair. His arms were tight around you, and you played with the jewels on his fingers as you both relaxed, letting the hot steam cover you both. You were cradled in front of him despite your instance that his back would hurt and it would cause more harm than good. He simply got in the water and dragged you on top of him, letting the pink bath salts do their job.
You hadn’t really spoken since you’d made love like teenagers on the kitchen floor. Afterwards, he tugged you on top of him and held you close, the two of you skin to skin, letting your pulses synch and breathing calm all whilst he stayed warm and throbbing inside of you. Needing to be joined with you for as long as he could.
Then you ran a bath and filled it with all of the expensive lotions and potions you had stockpiled. Cherry and rose and sweet mint and chocolate and lime, things that might have clashed but would easily cover the smell of sweat and sex and thick, coppery blood. The two of you sat in the water, not speaking but filled with love, despite all of the unspoken tension in the air.
You felt him shift behind you. His huge body sent water and bubbles lapping wildly over the tub edge, coating the floor in marshmallow pink. You giggled softly, and the sweet, angelic noise gave Alfie the final push to tell you everything.
“I know what you want to ask me.”
“Hmm?” You murmured, letting round, iridescent bubbles fall through the cracks in your fingers, knowing exactly what he was about to say but feigning innocence anyway.
“You want to know if I killed him.”
You didn’t say anything, but you didn’t need to, he continued anyway.
“I did.”
The bathroom fell silent again and Alfie could feel you stiffen under him. You knew from the moment he swung his cane across Eric’s head that he would be buried six feet by the end of the day, but it still hit you like a punch to the windpipe to hear the words aloud.
“Does that bother you?” He asked after a moment, the words thick and raspy, as though they had been stuck in his throat like congealed honey.
“I’m not sure.” You said finally.
It was the truth. You weren’t sure.
You knew he had killed people before. You knew what the war had made him do, what it had turned him into. You weren’t stupid, either. You knew that he often came home with dirt under his nails and blood splattered on his boots and that glazed look in his eyes that made your stomach tie itself in knots. You knew because you had been there through it all, cleaning him up and disinfecting his wounds, talking him down when the memories of gunshots and trenches got too loud, listening to him tell you all of the secrets that lingered in his mind like flies around a carcass.
But if you were being honest, you didn’t care that he had killed. You never judged Alfie or his choices, you understood the way his brain worked and how he made his decisions. Most of the men had been awful. Abusers and violent thieves and con men with dirty intentions. This was the business you had signed up for when you fell for the six foot man with questionable morals but a heart of solid gold. There was no way you were turning your back on him now.
It wasn’t murder that scared you, it was the possible repercussions that led you to sleepless nights and bloody, bitten lips. You were terrified that one day everything would catch up to him, and it would be your husband that ended up in a coffin. He was so powerful and dangerous and magnificent, but he wasn’t invincible.
You were about to say as much but he continued, the water sloshing around the two of you. “Don’t let it bother you. I’d do it again. Kill a fucking million men if I had to. If anyone talks about you like that - if they even think it. They’re gone. Bloody scum. The lot of ‘em.”
You sighed, shifting up and grabbing his hand under the water. You rubbed circles across his palm, conveying your love through actions. “I don’t want to be the reason you have blood on your hands.”
“I’m a big lad right, I can make my own decisions.”
“I know you are Alf, but you know how I worry.”
“Listen to me, right.” He muttered, the candles flickering clementine, his fingertips pressing gently onto the bare flesh of your hip. He cleared his throat, feeling the rise and fall of your chest against his belly. “After the war I had nothing - and then I met you and fuck me you changed everything.”
He paused, reminiscing internally about how you met and your early dates, thinking of toffee kisses and giddy, pure love and fucking in back alleys and winter walks and finally feeling something after the war had shot everything right out of him. “And you are my wife. I’ll never let anything happen to you.”
You tugged on his big toe, making him wince and playfully hit you, the air lightened just a little bit, but enough so that the two of you could breathe. “I don’t care that you killed them, Alf. I never have. But God, if something were to happen to you! What if the police start looking? What if...”
A million fucked up scenarios of your beloved in silver cuffs and a bullet in his head made you feel completely nauseous, but he held you tight, grounding you back to reality.
“I’m not going anywhere. And for the cops - they should be thanking me. Got rid of a lot of nasty criminals without them getting their hands dirty.” He pressed kisses to the back of your neck, the tip of your spine, the crook of your ear. “I promise you, my love, everything will be alright.”
The future was uncertain, but you knew that when you married him. Some days were just bad.
Clouded in darkness and tinged with blood and rust. Your relationship had always been a little unconventional, a little rough around the edges and at times, like a small wooden boat on a rough sea. But despite everything your love had been unwavering, as solid as a steel, the kind of dreamy infatuation that people longed for. For every bad day and every fight and every knot that wound itself in your belly - there was also so much good. Sleepy kisses and pillow talk and sharing the parts of yourself that no one else saw. A language without words, the safety of his arms, the home in your hips, domestic mornings and a love that could last through anything.And in that moment, with the storm starting to ease and the sky starting to lighten and his arms around you and Cyril starting to whine for his dinner downstairs...
It was enough.
Because you weren’t just the girl he would kill for. You were the girl he would live for.
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aethxr-ash · 2 years
Hi Ash! First of all, how are you? i hope youre doing well! Ive only seen your blog recently and i love your works! And i saw you’re doing matchups and ive never done one of these so i wanted to give it a try. May i request a matchup for genshin impact , bsd, and sk8 if thats alright
- genderfluid (but currently she/they)
- panromantic asexual
- gemini, intp, 5w6
For appearance, I look pretty androgynous and can pass as any gender (thankfully)with some makeup help. my aesthetic changes based on my current preferred gender; grunge (masc) 90s (they) or elegant/cottage core(femme) altho i mix and match when im in the mood. The closest character i look like is gin akutagawa, same eyes, same hair but wavy, and same physique but shorter and i have slightly tan skin. In fact, i cosplayed as her once and it was pretty cool!
For personality, As much as i would like to think otherwise, my friends described me having the same personality and temperament as a grumpy cat and even refer to me as one(lovingly). Silent, comes and goes like a ghost, Constantly judging, looks like is about to stab someone, hates being around people, sassy and sarcastic. Im the ‘leader’ of the group by virtue of being the oldest and looks like i got my shit together but i am as clueless if not more, im only good at pretending I understand and just going with it. when im in my element though i do talk alot more and i can go on and on about things im currently invested in. i would want to have more friends and talk to more people but i always chicken out and stare at people accidentally because i get stuck trying to gather the nerves to talk to them(which paired with my resting bitch face looks like a death glare).
As my friend said, im basically raiden shogun/ei(both the puppet and ei herself) but with scaramouche’s height and sass. I have been kin assigned and i didnt even know what that was at the time
I like aesthetics, fashion, food, art and music. I really like cute and fluffy things especially plushies!(My bed is mostly plushies now) My hobbies are drawing and painting or any kind of art and crafts. Though my free time is currently preoccupied with either reading or playing video games. Really i do anything that keeps me indoors and with least social interaction. If i dont have to leave my room, i wont.
As a person who reads a lot of fics, my favorite dynamics are enemies to lovers and idiot x “oh no thats my idiot”. My love language are quality time, acts of service and physical touch. Memories are my most cherished treasures, although i keep them all to myself and the closest to me only.
I hope i did it correctly. I look forward to reading more from you! Have a nice day and dont forget to hydrate and rest!
- 👻 (you can call me ghost :))
Ps: typing in mobile is hard lol
⊱┊personality matchup for ghost (anon) !
hi ^^ ! thank you for the compliments, it made me smile :) i hope you're doing well too ! enjoy ^^
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⊱┊ genshin impact
jean !
✧ knows how to keep you in check if need be
✧ gently but firmly
✧ you'll have to stop her from working herself to death though
✧ she'll listen to you talk whenever you need
✧ she's insanely good at multitasking, so she usually listens while doing paperwork (someone get her an actual assistant please, she's going to work herself into a grave)
✧ she has quite a few of your artworks in her office and she adores them
✧ acts of service as a love language !
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⊱┊ bungou stray dogs
margaret mitchell !
✧ she definitely calls her partner things like "honey" and "darling"
✧ you both are incredibly sassy and sarcastic but have a kindness in you
✧ she'll kill for you - after all, you're part of her family now, your honor must be protected
✧ she'll be the social face for you two
✧ loves making memories with you, no matter how small they may seem
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⊱┊ sk8: the infinity
reki kyan !
✧ lots of physical touch + quality time with reki
✧ he's not as sarcastic or sassy as you are but he thinks it's badass
✧ he'll teach you to skate (if you want)
✧ or encourage you to skate with him
✧ he really likes it when you come to the skate park to watch him skate, although he won't force you to at all
✧ idiot x oh no thats my idiot vibe
✧ he does stupid stuff sometimes but it's adorable <3
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
model citizen ricky horror x reader
college au
prompt: Character A sitting in a college 7am lecture and Character B sitting next to them pouring an energy drink into their coffee and says, "I'm going to die." (First interaction)
Song: pretty little distance by as it is
tag list: @musicsexandpizza69 @svintsandghosts @theoneandonlykymberlee @alilpunkrock @cynic-spirit @thisplace-ishaunted @lifeisabitchandsoareyou @xyours-eternallyx
i walked into the room and huffed as i took my seat, reaching into my bag for my notebook and a pen. i hated having a 9am again and missed being able to sleep-in like i did last semester. this was the first day though and i was hopeful my mind would change about it as the course went on. it probably wouldnt though. i sat there, catching a few more students walk in as i looked down at my phone.
nothing was too exciting yet and the teacher hadnt even shown up. i was more-so ready for the new art class though. it was my major after all and i was pretty well known by the professors at this point. as i sat there, a loud clatter grabbed my attention, making me look to my right. there was sat a shorter, skinny kid, with long inky black hair tucked under a beanie. my eyes went wide as he cracked the monster in his hand open, pouring it into his half=full trenta cup from Starbucks. he looked over at me and smiled.
"im going to die."
he said in the most sure-fire tone before putting the lid back on the cup and chugging it. i sat there in horror staring at him.
"are you okay?"
i asked and he shrugged, looking at me over the top of the cup. he had the bluest eyes i had ever seen, even in the low light of the art room. i was a little start struck for a second before shaking myself out of my daze, watching him put the cup down against the desk with a thud.
"if i pass out during class just push me out of the way and ill figure something out later."
he said, turning forward. i went to say something just as the teacher walked in.
"y/n! good to see you back. we missed you last semester."
professor crane said, looking to the student teacher as he ducked behind him and paced quickly to the front desk. his gaze followed him too before he shrugged and turned back to me with a smile.
"whatever, im sure he missed you too. but either way its good to have you back in class and i look forward to seeing what you come up with for the showcase in march."
i nodded with a smile before he walked away to the front of the class, instructing everyone to take their seats.
"you come here often?"
i heard from the kid next to me, hearing him laugh to himself as he took another drink of his coffee/monster concoction.
"yes, actually. im an art major."
i said a little dumbfounded. he nodded.
"cool, im here for film."
i drew my brows.
"youre doing film?"
i asked and he winked at me, looking to Brian as he turned the projector on. i opened my mouth before closing it quickly, feeling a little more confused than before.
"alright, first things first. i only make a syllabus because administration says i have to. the schedule is shit and we will most likely be doing something completely different so i suggest you keep a planner or something to keep track of your assignments. secondly, i will get to it later but i want you to start thinking about your projects for the spring showcase in march. we have a few short months so after you learn the basics of form you will be instructed to sketch something in your own style and present it to the board."
my mind went in and out after that, trying to catch quick glances at the kid next to me without being suspicious. every time he moved i could feel my heart pulse, giving me anxiety that he could actually pass out or something.
"y/n, your partner for this project will be mr olson."
brian said, standing over me and looking between the two of us. i nodded with wide eyes as he moved to the two kids behind us.
"guess that means we have pretty high chances at getting an A."
he said, raising his cup in cheers. i looked down at the assignment sheet, grazing over it and groaning. we had to come up with a comic strip in different style parts; the first panel a base sketch, the second panel a hard sketch, the third panel color blocking, and so on. god this was gonna be a nightmare.
"you dont seem too enthused."
the kid said amused. i sent him a testing look.
"im not, ive done something similar before and you have to get every step just right or they take points off. and we have to prove what parts we did."
i said, rolling my eyes. i looked over to him, blinking as a camera flash went off. i drew my brows as he looked down at the screen on it.
"where did you even get that?"
i asked, trying to inspect him. he sent me a smile.
"i always keep it on me. im ricky by the way, and you look great."
he said amused and i breathed deeply.
i said, looking back to the paper.
"well y/n i think this is going to be a great partnership-"
brian called, cutting him off.
"you have your assignments. i have nothing else for you today so you are welcome to either stay here and work until class time is over or you can leave and work on it on your own time. i dont really care either way, just get it done."
i hummed to myself before stuffing my notebook and the assignment sheet into my bag and standing up. i caught a glimpse of ricky starting at me with wide eyes as i turned to leave.
"what are you doing?"
he asked and i looked between him and the door, pointing at it.
"leaving, its not due for another week."
i started off, hearing him shuffle around before chasing after me.
"hey wait! cant we like plan what we're doing or something?"
he asked and i shrugged, looking over to him as he tried to put his paper in his backpack and hold the camera and cup of coffee. i stopped, staring at him as he struggled. i rolled my eyes, taking the cup and the camera from him. he looked to me in shock and i raised my brows.
"get to it, i dont have all day."
i said and he finished what he was doing, zipping his bag up and slinging it over it shoulder. i handed him the cup and camera back and kept walking.
"so uh, what kind of thing did you have in mind for this project?"
he asked and i looked to the sky, squinting but trying to think as we made it outside.
"i dont know, maybe a ball of some kind?"
he raised a brow, shuffling his feet as he tried to keep up with my long strides.
"like masks and large dresses?"
he asked and i nodded, opening the door to dinging hall.
"something like that yeah."
he nodded as i led us to a table.
"that sounds cool, i could get behind that."
i sent him a knowing look.
"you seem like the kind of guy who would."
i said, pulling my sketchpad out. he raised a brow, sitting beside me.
"whats that supposed to mean?"
he asked and i sent him  a look.
"im assuming you like vampires, and the Edwardian thing usually goes hand in hand with that."
he sent me a nervous smile.
"is it that obvious?"
he asked, rubbing his hands against his pants. i nodded.
"thats okay though, cause i like them too. so much so that i have costumes already, we can pose for each other. i think youd look great in this."
i said, sliding my phone across the table to show him the outfit i had for it. i just hoped it would fit him.
"you seem like youve been planning this for a while."
he said through a laugh and i shrugged.
"i just like to feel fancy, the projects on the other hand kind of fall into my lap."
i said, flipping through a few pages in my book. he placed his hand on one before taking it from me and looking over it.
"this looks insane."
he said and i looked around awkwardly.
"in a good way?"
i asked, finding his gaze.
"oh! yeah! of course in a good way. it looks super cool. i see why you wanted to do the ball thing now."
he commented, noting the sketch i had done already that was similar. it is what i was used to after all. he set the book back down in front of me and sent me a wide smile, picking his camera up and taking another picture of me.
"why do you do that?"
i asked and he laughed.
"i need models for my art and i think now that we've met you would be a great subject."
i set him a look, trying to hide the blush creeping its way up my neck.
"you really think so?"
i asked bashfully and he nodded.
"oh yeah, absolutely. and now that we're partners i think it will give me ample opportunity to find a new muse. you wanna be a subject for a music video?"
i sat back, a little taken aback.
"you want me to do what?"
i asked and he laughed, putting the camera on the table.
"in about a month my band is gonna need some girls for a video but its cool if not. i can live with us just being art project partners."
i cleared my throat, rubbing my hands together under the table.
"how about we get through this first and ill get back to you on that?"
he smiled knowingly at me, raising his coffee to me in cheers.
"sounds like a plan to me."
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Long Way From Home: Chapter 2
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: Teen Genre: Family/Friendship Characters: Scott, Tracy Family
Well, the first chapter certainly got some reactions, so I’m back again to either answer the questions from last chapter or make things more confusing.  Or both, because why not?  I’m planning weekly updates, but we’ll see what actually happens.  Thanks, uni.
<<<Chapter 1
Logic screamed that he was actually facing the Hood, the twisted man adopting his own appearance for some scheme or other that Scott really didn’t want to know about.  His gut told logic to go take a hike – there was no way the Hood would be standing there, barely two feet from his uniform, and not raiding any and all technology he could get his grubby little paws on. Nor would the Hood leave him unrestrained when he’d had plenty of opportunity to secure him during the gap in his memory.
Besides, the Hood was a perfectionist.  His disguises were flawless, a product of technology Brains rolled his eyes at but acknowledged was an engineering masterpiece, if sadly in the wrong hands. This Scott in front of him was not a carbon copy.
For starters, much to Scott’s chagrin, the man’s hair was a healthy brown all over.  No grey traitors wormed their way along his roots, signs of stress he desperately tried to ignore even as his brothers taunted him for their existence and pulled stunts that felt designed to increase their number. The brown was also slightly lighter than his own, although that could just have been a product of more washes and less gel.  Despite the lack of grey hairs, he also got the impression that this man was actually older than him, if only by a year or so.
“How did you get here?” His voice was different, too.  The pitch wasn’t the same, nor was the tone quite right.  Virgil could give a better summary of the nuances, he was sure.
The words, though. Those were all Scott, right down to the sharp delivery and clear expectation of a prompt answer.  Skipping pleasantries, and heading straight for the heart of the matter because they didn’t have time to dance around the issue.
“I might have a better idea if I knew where ‘here’ was,” he challenged.  “What is this place?  Where am I?” Where were his brothers?
The Other-Scott (Fake Scott? Hood-Masquerading-As-Scott?) locked gazes with him.  What he was looking for, Scott didn’t know, but he refused to cower away from his doppelgänger and met his steely, searching look with one of his own. Logic still insisted that the Hood, or at least the Hood’s technology, had to be responsible, but he’d learnt to trust his gut long before he’d even heard of his father’s dream of International Rescue and that was adamant that Kayo’s miserable excuse for a family member had nothing to do with the man in front of him.
What it couldn’t tell him was who the man was, aside from an imperfect clone of himself.  The unusual technology surrounding them – alien, Alan might call it for lack of a more rational explanation – was another piece to the puzzle that wasn’t slotting together.
Puzzles were more of John’s thing, not his.  There were many times his ginger brother had rescued the poor pieces from his hands as he tried to force them into the wrong places.
Why had John not made contact yet?
“Who are you?” he demanded when it became clear that the other man wasn’t intending on answering his other questions.  “Why am I here?  Where are my brothers?”
“Brothers?” Other-Scott repeated, frowning deeply.  “We found you alone.”
“Found me?” Scott spat.  “Where? Last place I remember was the securest part of my own home!  There’s no way you got near me without passing my brothers!”  His brothers, sleeping soundly in the belief that they were safe in their own home.  Even John had gone to sleep, secure on Five, but if they’d reached Thunderbird One’s hangar they’d have reached the space elevator docking system.  “So where.  Are. My.  Brothers?”
“You were in our home,” Other-Scott bit back, hands briefly balling into fists before being forced to relax again.  “Alone. Wherever your brothers are, it’s not here.”  Scott didn’t like the emphasis on brothers.
“Don’t lie to me!” he roared, temper fraying.  His brothers had to be with him, otherwise John would have made contact asking where he’d gone.  Otherwise this man – and others beside him – had invaded their home and taken him whilst leaving his brothers but that made no sense.  Why take only one member of International Rescue when you could have all five?  Why take only one Tracy – even if it was the eldest, the one with the most access to all their assets – when you could take more for additional insurance?
They hadn’t tied him down, and the wires hooking him up to the bizarre machines had long since lost their hold on him from his earlier movement.  A rookie mistake.  With years of Air Force training behind him, Scott launched himself at the other man.
Blue eyes widened just before a fist made contact with his cheek, and Other-Scott staggered backwards before catching his balance, his hand tenderly brushing over the injured area. The movement had put him to one side, no longer between Scott and the door, and Scott took full advantage of that. If this man wasn’t going to admit where his brothers were, he’d find them himself.
It was his turn to receive a punch as he jumped towards the door, putting him off-course and allowing Other-Scott to block his way again.  This time, his curiously wary look had changed to an angry one, and as they met in a flurry of blows Scott couldn’t tell which of them moved first.
“Let. Me. At. My. Brothers,” he spat between blows, gasping as an elbow caught him in the solar plexus just as Other-Scott doubled over from a fist to the gut.
“They’re not, argh, here!” Other-Scott insisted, hooking their ankles together and bringing them tumbling to the floor, where they pushed and shoved at each other, trying to get the upper hand.  Something fell off a table as Scott’s back slammed into it, shattering into many glass fragments and dousing him with a cool liquid.  Another bottle hit Other-Scott’s shoulder on the way down, before smashing on the floor and adding to the mess.
They were equally matched, neither able to get the upper hand as they rolled around on the floor, fists flying, heads clashing, and elbows jabbing whatever fleshy body parts they could reach in all the chaos.  Broken glass dug mercilessly into bare skin wherever it was visible, the liquid contents of the former bottles oozing through their clothes. Other-Scott’s head slammed against the bed, but he barely paused before Scott found his own head colliding with a metal table, darkening his vision for a split second.
“What’s going on here?” an unfamiliar voice demanded.  Scott ignored it, and Other-Scott met his latest attacks with equal fervour. “Scott, stop!”
Scott had no intention of stopping.  He didn’t recognise the voice, but Other-Scott had flinched so he did, which meant they were working together.
Strong arms grabbed him, hauling him away from Other-Scott with a grunt, and he kicked out at the warm body restraining him.  Other-Scott had been captured too, a shorter brown-haired man built like a tank firmly hooking him under the shoulders and frowning furiously as he fought to keep hold of Scott’s doppelgänger, who was as determined to get free as Scott himself.
“BOYS!” the voice thundered right in his ear, no doubt belonging to the owner of the arms restraining him.  “What is this nonsense all a- oof?”  Scott threw his head back, clashing with what felt like a nose, from the way it gave.
“Where are my brothers?” His demand came out almost as a scream, all his frustration at the situation pouring out of him as at least two more hostiles made themselves apparent.  Other-Scott was stopping short of causing any damage to his own captor in his bids for freedom, suggesting that while the man was breaking up the fight, he was still on Other-Scott’s side.
“I told you!” Other-Scott shouted back at him.  “They’re not here!  We only found you!”
“They must be here!” Scott insisted.  “Don’t lie to me!”
“E-nuff!” the man behind him joined in, the imperious tone ruined by the clear sounds of a broken nose. “Shedate im!”
Scott fought harder as a ginger man entered the room, looking at him with wide brown eyes before surveying the mess in front of him with trepidation.  He picked his way across glass-strewn floor carefully, but Scott was more interested in Other-Scott, whose attempts to get free had reduced to a token effort as his attention was briefly stolen by the ginger man. He recognised that look of concern too well, far too used to seeing it in the mirror.
“Oh my!” a frail woman’s voice sounded from the doorway.  “Oh, what a mess.  Jefferson, what are you doing to that poor young man?”
Jefferson.  The name was so familiar it hurt, but at least he had a name for Other-Scott – or so he thought until the man holding him responded.
“He’s quith ou o conthrol, muffer.”
Unable to help himself, Scott tore his gaze away from Other-Scott, who had now stopped resisting capture entirely in favour of looking in the direction of the doorway almost sheepishly, to catch a glimpse of the man holding him.  Silver-grey hair and a receding hairline weren’t immediately familiar, however, and the hold he was in preventing him from seeing much more. He could, however, see the elderly lady who had interrupted the fight.  Rosy cheeks, a slightly bent back and a quiver in her hands all pointed towards a particularly advanced age.
“Where are my brothers?” he asked again, reigning his voice in to an almost-level, if still intense, level.
“I told you-” Other-Scott started forwards again, only to be brought up short by the man still holding him tightly.
“Your brothers, dearie?” the old woman interrupted.  “Oh, I’m afraid I don’t know.  Jefferson, why don’t you help the young man find his brothers?”
“They’re not here, Grandma,” Other-Scott said, and Scott flared up again.
“Well then, dearie, it seems to me that instead of all this fighting, you should be looking to find out where they are,” Other-Scott’s grandmother pointed out.  “I’m sure their absence is terribly distressing him.  I know you’d be terribly distressed if your brothers were missing.”  She pottered towards him, the ginger-haired man sweeping back to her side and nudging broken glass out of the way with a foot before she could tread on any. “Jefferson, let him go.  Are you hungry, dearie?  I’ve got an apple pie that’s just finished baking.”
“Muffer!” the man holding him protested, but the woman was no longer paying her son any attention, bespectacled eyes homing in on Scott.  He looked around the room; Other-Scott was still held by the brown-haired man, and the ginger was hovering awkwardly by the elderly lady but shooting him assessing looks.  The grip on his arms was slackening, and it became clear that no-one wanted to fight with her in the midst, Scott himself included.
“Well, dearie?” the woman prompted, and he slid out of the other man’s grasp.  The instant he did so, a hand, just as frail and delicate as the rest of her, came to rest on his forearm.  “If apple pie doesn’t meet your fancy, I have an orange tart, or some banana bread.  Oh, if none of those tickle you, I’m sure I can find something,” she wittered as he found himself being coaxed from the room.
“Uh, apple pie would be… fine,” he said haltingly.  Behind him, he heard a noise of protest.  “Thank you, er, Mrs..?”
“Oh dear, I didn’t introduce myself.”  She sounded mortified at the omission.  “I’m so sorry, dear.  It’s Mrs Tracy.”
It shouldn’t have bothered him.  Tracy wasn’t an uncommon name, for all that there was only one family famous for it. The elderly lady looked nothing like his grandmother – either of them, even if his recollections of his mother’s mother were faded – but her grandson still looked like him, to the point he still didn’t trust the other man, or indeed anyone in the house.  In light of that, having his own surname thrown around startled him.
“Is there something wrong?” Mrs Tracy asked him.  “Oh, you don’t look well at all, dear.  Let’s sit you down.”  He found himself ushered into a seat as they reached what was clearly the kitchen.  A young woman was already there, pulling the promised apple pie out of a bizarre contraption that vaguely resembled an old oven. “Tin-Tin, would you be a dear and fetch your father?” the elderly lady asked her.  “This young man doesn’t seem very well.”
“But of course, Mrs Tracy.” Tin-Tin had a slight lilting accent to her voice, somewhere south-east Asian if Scott had to guess.  “I’ll find him now.”  She placed the apple pie, which smelled absolutely heavenly to Scott, compared to his own grandmother’s regular offerings, on the table and left the room.
“Eat up, dearie,” Mrs Tracy insisted, placing a plate in front of him.  “Help yourself to as much as you want.”
The apple pie smelled good, and despite his misgivings at the entire situation, a homemade apple pie was far too tempting and he found himself tucking in to a healthy slice.
“What would you like to drink, dear?” she asked.  “Tea, coffee? Oh, I have some juice somewhere, now where did I put it..?”
“Water is fine,” he answered between mouthfuls.
“Oh, are you sure?” she queried.  “It’s no trouble at all.”
“Perfectly,” he replied, only to blink as a steaming cup of tea appeared in front of him.
“You called, Mrs Tracy?” An older man had entered the kitchen while he wasn’t looking, an impressive and concerning feat considering Scott was still on edge about the entire situation.  His accent was the same as Tin-Tin’s, implying that this was her father.
“Oh, Kyrano,” the woman greeted.  “This young man, oh, silly me, I never asked for your name, dearie…  Dearie?”
Scott barely heard her, the cup of tea he’d started to lift falling from startled fingers to smash onto the table, spilling the liquid everywhere.
Kyrano. Another familiar name, if not a familiar face.  First, Other-Scott, who could have been his identical twin.  Then, Mrs Tracy, a name he knew all too well even if she didn’t look like his own grandmother.  Now, Kyrano, another name albeit one whose owner he hadn’t seen in too long, with a different face but the same intensity about him.
“Dearie?” Mrs Tracy asked again.  “Oh, what a mess.  He’s as white as a sheet, Kyrano.”
Something reminiscent of smelling salts wafted under his nose and he spluttered.
“You’re bleeding, sir,” the man said matter-of-factly.  “Allow me.”
Scott had forgotten about the broken bottles he’d been wrestling amongst with Other-Scott, but now the man had mentioned it, he could feel the sting of glass embedded in his arms. No permission was sought before a gentle yet firm hand wrapped around a glass-free section of his arm, holding it in place as a pair of tweezers were produced.  He was no stranger to medical attention, and while he didn’t know the man – Other-Kyrano, apparently, for all that he clearly wasn’t English, and probably couldn’t trump Scott in a fight – he did at least know the procedure for removing foreign bodies from open wounds and watched like a hawk as the man more or less followed the methods he would have expected.
“Please, drink your tea,” Other-Kyrano asked once a nasty, stinging liquid – disinfectant was horrible stuff and Scott would never like it – had been applied and bandages carefully wrapped around the worst of the wounds.  “You might find it helpful.”  A second cup of tea replaced the smashed remains of the old one, as Other-Kyrano efficiently cleaned up the mess.
How was tea supposed to help?  Lady Penelope might insist as such sometimes, but Scott would much rather a strong coffee chock full of caffeine.  Still, Mrs Tracy was looking at him with a worried look on his face, and Grandma would murder him for defying or otherwise offending an elderly lady who had done him no harm.  He cautiously pulled the cup closer to him, and was startled to discover it wasn’t an ‘Assam Blend’, or whatever other fancy teas Lady Penelope liked to serve up. It was herbal, and surprisingly delicious, he discovered after his first tentative sip.
“Kyrano serves wonderful tea,” Mrs Tracy told him, sitting down across the table from him.  She had her own cup of steaming liquid in front of her, and sipped at it delicately.  “Now, dear, I’m afraid I didn’t catch your name?”  Scott paused, taking another tentative sip of the tea to buy himself another moment to think.  Should he give them his name?  He didn’t know what they already knew.  Was it worth a lie?  No, he’d never be able to keep it up.
“Scott,” he admitted.
“Oh my,” Mrs Tracy said. “What a coincidence.  That’s the name of my eldest grandson.”  Scott’s gut churned unpleasantly, and he put the cup down before he dropped that one, too.  “Oh, you even look the same.  Isn’t that strange?”
Strange was one word to describe what was going on.  Suspicious was another.
“You’re the fella that punched Scott?”  A young man barged into the room.  He had pale blond hair and light blue eyes that should have made him attractive, except he seemed to have a permanent frown etched into his face.  “What gave you the right?”  Scott matched his glare with one of his own as the young man – barely an adult at all, if he had to guess an age – stormed up to him.
“Alan!”  Tin-Tin was there, resting a hand on his arm.  “Please, calm yourself.”
Another familiar name, and now that he’d heard it Scott found himself instantly drawing parallels between the man and his youngest brother.  There must have been at least five years between them, but Scott could see Alan looking like that man in a few years, although hopefully without the frown.
“But, Tin-Tin!” Other-Alan protested.  “Scott’s face is bruised.  I can’t just let that go!”  He even had the same personality, a rigid sense of right and wrong with little ability to see the other person’s side, and a reluctance to acknowledge that black and white was joined by a large span of grey.
“Your brother can fight his own battles, Alan,” Tin-Tin soothed.  “I’m sure it was all just a misunderstanding.”
“What about Dad’s nose?” Other-Alan demanded.  “You can’t expect me to…”
Scott tuned out the argument at that.  Dad. He tried not to be a petty person, but there were times when he couldn’t quite prevent envy bubbling up when he heard other people taking about their Dads, taking them for granted as though they’d always be there.  Over the years he’d got better at smothering it, but this was a man named Alan, with a brother named Scott, and a grandmother called Mrs Tracy, and they had their Dad.
He’d broken their Dad’s nose when he’d tried to stop him attacking one of his sons.  If that had happened to his Dad – if Dad was still around to break up fights on their behalf, no matter how unwelcome the gesture would have been in the moment – he’d be fuming, too.  He wasn’t going to apologise though.  Not now, when he didn’t know where he was, who he was with, or where his brothers were.  He didn’t even know what these people planned to do with him, regardless of whether or not his presence in their home was intentional on their behalf.
“Leave it, Alan.”  The blond man’s tirade was cut off by none other than Other-Scott – now confirmed to actually be a Scott himself – as he walked into the room.  “Is there any apple pie left, Grandma?”
“Oh, yes, dear,” Mrs Tracy assured him.  “Take a seat and I’ll bring some over.”
“Thanks,” Other-Scott said, pulling up a chair a couple away from Scott.  His face was bruised, as Other-Alan had said, a beautiful darkening along his cheekbone and narrowly missing his eye.  Other-Kyrano set a cup of tea in front of him, which he accepted gratefully and drank without hesitation.
“But, Scott!” Other-Alan complained, and his brother sighed.
“That’s enough, Alan,” he said, tearing into the plate of apple pie his grandmother placed in front of him.  “Leave it.”
Other-Alan caved, albeit with obvious bad grace, and stalked out from the room.  Scott watched him go.  Part of him was glad that the younger man was being openly hostile – at least he knew where, exactly, he stood with him.  Other-Scott was less clear, patched up from their scuffle and now sat at the same table, devouring his grandmother’s apple pie.  Suspicious glances remained, but there was no open hostility.
The door opened again, and Other-Alan re-entered followed by the two young men from the infirmary, and-
A second teacup smashed onto the table.
“Oh dear!” Mrs Tracy cried, hurrying over to him.  Other-Kyrano quickly swept up the remains as she took hold of his hand.  “Scott, dear, are you alright?”
“Scott?” one of the men asked.  He thought it might have been Other-Scott.
“Oh, Jeff, are you sure there’s nothing wrong with him?” Mrs Tracy was asking.  “This is the second turn he’s had in as many minutes!  Oh, look at him, he’s gone as white as a sheet again, Kyrano.”
Scott barely heard them. The man who had just entered the room had the obvious signs of a broken nose, identifying him as Other-Alan’s Dad. He also had salt and pepper hair, more salt than pepper, and a receding hairline.  Steel eyes fixed on him sharply, hard and unforgiving, and a five o’clock shadow did nothing to hide the dimples in his cheeks.  This was the same man that had restrained him, and while a glimpse in his periphery hadn’t been enough to cause recognition, now that Scott could see him properly he looked like Dad – an older version of Dad, but then he hadn’t seen Dad since he was nineteen.  No doubt, if Dad was still with them, he’d look very similar to the man in front of him.
This had gone beyond simple words like weird and suspicious.  Impossible sounded more like it.
“His medical results all came back clear, Grandma,” the brown-haired man from the infirmary assured her, squatting down in front of him and shining a penlight into his eyes.  He recoiled from the bright light, tearing his gaze away from Not-Dad – it couldn’t be Dad, Dad was gone – to frown at him.
“Did you call him Scott?” the ginger man asked, walking over to the table and slotting himself in a chair between him and Other-Scott.
“That is my name,” he said before anyone else could speak up.  A hush fell over the room, broken by Other-Kyrano setting a third cup of tea in front of him.
“Drink,” the man said. “It will help.”
“Your name is Scott?” Other-Alan demanded.  “But-”
“That’s enough, Alan,” Not-Dad interrupted.  The blond frowned, but obeyed.  “Scott, is it?”
“That���s what I said,” Scott retorted, taking a sip of the fresh drink.  As Other-Kyrano said, it did help.  Somehow.
“Scott..?”  Not-Dad trailed off expectantly.  Surrounded by too many familiar names, Scott decided against answering.  He took a longer drink, ignoring the patriarch of the family in favour of assessing the rest of the room.  Other-Alan and Other-Scott he already had some measure of, the former more so than the latter.  Mrs Tracy was a kind enough lady, and Tin-Tin seemed of a similar temperament. Other-Kyrano was difficult to read, but his focus was the two men whose names he had yet to hear.
The ginger noticed his scrutiny, returning it in kind.  There was something familiar about him, but Scott batted away the notion.  He was simply off-balance at the number of familiar names and faces already – that was no reason to start looking for more connections where there were none.  No matter now much the warm brown eyes of the two as-yet unnamed men reminded him of two of his brothers.
Not-Dad bristled when it became apparent that he wouldn’t give his name.
“I’d like to know, who, exactly, is trespassing in my home,” he said.  Clearly the man was used to being obeyed.
“I’d like to know how, exactly, I got here, and where my family are,” he retorted.
“You don’t know how you got here?” the brown-haired man asked, surprised.
“Virgil,” Not-Dad warned. The third teacup was spared the fate of the previous two purely by being on the table when Scott’s grip slacked.
“No,” he said firmly, powering through the unpleasant sensation dousing him again before Mrs Tracy commented on another ‘turn’.  “I don’t. I don’t know where ‘here’ is, either.”
“But how could you get here without knowing?” the newly dubbed Other-Virgil asked.  “None of us brought you here.”
Scott didn’t bother responding, draining the cup of tea before any more unpleasant surprises could befall it and standing up.
“Thanks for the tea,” he said to Other-Kyrano, “and the apple pie,” he continued to Mrs Tracy, ignoring Not-Dad as he pushed the chair under the table.
“Dear, are you sure you’re alright?” Mrs Tracy fussed.  He wasn’t, but he didn’t tell her that.  Instead he gave a short nod before choosing a door at random and walking through it, ignoring a protest from Not-Dad.
A corridor greeted him, with a neat row of doors on one side and a branch off to the left leading to who knew what.
“Now look here.”  A hand clapped down on his shoulder, and he was halfway to removing it forcibly before placing the voice.  Having already broken Not-Dad’s nose, thereby earning the wrath of at least one member of the family, it was probably not a good idea to injure the man further.  It didn’t stop him shrugging him off, however.  “I don’t want you walking around our home unsupervised, young man.”
“Then supervise me,” he retorted.
“I intend to.”  A hand returned to his shoulder – lightly, this time, Not-Dad clearly learning his lesson – and steered him towards what now looked a lot like an elevator from those old, vintage films Grandma occasionally put on even though they were from before her time, or so she claimed. Neither he nor any of his brothers were brave enough to dispute it.  “Gordon, I want everyone in the lounge.  Let’s start from the beginning.”
“Yes, Father,” the ginger man said – Scott hadn’t even noticed him behind Not-Dad – and tried very hard not to react to the name, even though the situation had flown past anything anyone could classify as a coincidence at this point.  Scott, Virgil, Gordon, Alan… all they were missing was a John.
Not-Dad gestured for him to enter the elevator, ignoring what seemed to be a perfectly serviceable flight of stairs, and he did so with trepidation, watching metal shutters slide across sharply before a jerk beneath their feet had them rising.
“Jeff Tracy,” Not-Dad said suddenly.  Scott glanced at him as the elevator stopped moving and the metal shutters opened with a clatter.  “Call me Mr Tracy.”  His cool, unpersonable approach was nothing like how Scott remembered Dad, and that helped, a little.  He didn’t intend on calling him anything, though.  Not until he knew why there was a clone of his father, and of himself, in this strange house.
Chapter 3>>>
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colourful-void · 4 years
Turnabout for Tomorrow!
alright turnabout for tomorrow!
for those like me who haven’t (yet) memorized every case title, this is case 5 of dual destinies
I have!! a lot of thoughts!!!! This is a ramble so it’s probably gonna a be a bit all over the place but!!
So first off, it’s really cool to have one case go right into the next, that’s awesome. Defending Athena is also awesome! I thought it was gonna be Apollo, still holding out for a case where Athena defends Apollo, but point stands!
However, i do gotta dock points for the lack of setting. Since it’s the same as the last chapter, there’s nothing really new, and new environments are like... my favourite part of ace attorney (and video games in general). I don’t Love the space centre, but I think it’s one of the better locations! I would’ve liked to see more of it I think.
I also think it was a little on the short side, now to be clear I very much prefer shorter cases in general for ace attorney, but I like having the nice long case at the end. This case felt long since it was pretty much part of the cosmic turnabout, but it sort of felt like it dragged, and we ended up getting less to do.
Other random nitpicks - do not like mr rocket space man - would’ve like the spy stuff to be introduced or implied or even hinted at just a little bit eariler. - juniper being there soley to tell part of athena’s backstory was not cool. either make juniper more active in the series or have athena come forward to tell her story of her own accord.
Nearly everyone in this case was super interesting and the story was rad!!
It was so freaking cool to do SImon’s mood matrix. Of all the minigames in ace attorney, (fingerprints, psyche-locks, whatever you wanna call apollo’s thing, etc) I think mood matrix is my favourite. It’s hard (emotions are confusing) but I like that I don’t lose health and that Athena helps me out. Also WIdget is cute, and having graphics is awesome!
Simon changing his story just made my heart sjdflkjsdfjlsdjflds!! even though he was lying, (iirc) he always made it so it was never athena’s fault and i just!!! he cares for her so much!!!
Athena’s whole backstory just makes me sob she deserves so much. And Aura and SImon and all of that is so cool too.
Alright so at this point i got distracted and looked through the whole dual destinies artbook, now im back.
I would’ve liked to see more Trucy (this is a general statement but) she was a hostage and it’s hardly focused on!!!! Come on!!!! I’m salty on that,,, If ur gonna do something like that, make it a bigger deal!!
This is coming off as way more negative than I actually feel!!
Watching Athena finally get to cry with relief at the end of the case was so cathartic and it’s probably one of my favourite sprites of her.  Seeing Simon freed of his chains was also amazing
Having the final trial in the ruined courtroom just fit the aesthetic of this case so well and it was super cool. Like!!! ajsdklajdlkjsa!!!!!!
So all in all: lots of great ideas, felt a bit rushed or underdevloped in some places, athena deserves the whole world.
(Send me an Ace Attorney character, ship, or trial and I’ll ramble my thoughts on it!!)
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molotovmetro · 2 years
My metal collection has been expanded
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angrylizardjacket · 4 years
the band with no name {Douglas Booth} 2
A/N: 1654 words. A bit shorter, but we’re getting into things now. idk how i feel about it, please give me feedback.
[PART 1]
Flop of The Month, your band, has an instagram account with exactly two posts on it, and Douglas feels like both and idiot, and a creepy stalker, for the amount of time he spends flicking through the two photos without actually liking them, for fear of you realising who he was.
Colson, however, seemed to have no such reservations.
“Look, I’m on their story,” Colson’s grinning from ear to ear as the cast and crew break for lunch the Monday after they’d seen your band play, showing Douglas his phone, and your band’s instagram story. It showed their notifications, highlighting how Colson had liked both photos and followed them, and had the caption ‘how’d the rap devil find us?’ and ‘not complaining tho’. 
“Bloody hell,” is all Douglas can bring himself to say, wearing a half-smile as they made their way to the costume department to get changed before lunch. It had been a low effort day, just jeans and t-shirts, but it was always safer to not eat in costume. Hair and makeup could stay and be touched up however.
Your band’s page had begun the day with 217 followers, and ended it with over a thousand. There wasn’t a link to your personal page, and so all he can do is scroll through your Facebook while waiting for Colson to be ready to go.
Y/N: weird question Y/N: also, hi Y/N: but yeh, weird question Y/N: was your friend last night mgk?
Douglas takes a moment to compose his thoughts before typing out his response.
Douglas: hi back Douglas: and yes.
There’s a few minutes of silence, and Douglas can feel his scalp itching beneath his wig, just a little, but he tries to ignore it.
Y/N: cool. Y/N: well it was nice meeting you guys!! Y/N: looking forward to seeing if ur band is real btw Douglas: probably wont be for a while Y/N: im happy to wait Y/N: if u want me there that is Douglas: if we ever actually play a gig, you’ll be the first to know
You send a blushing smiling emoji back, and Douglas finds himself strangely pleased.
“Is that her?” Colson asks, eyes shining as he pulled on his leather jacket; with his wig and makeup, he still absolutely looked the part. Douglas quickly slipped his phone in his pocket, knowing that a faint blush dusted his cheeks despite his best efforts. As he waffled his way through an affirmation, Colson’s smile just grew wider.
“I still don’t understand why you were being so vague; she probably would have jumped you there and then if she knew you were part of the Motley Crue movie, man.”
“Yeah,” Douglas said, his discomfort mounting at the insinuation, “that’s the problem, dude; first of all, I don’t know if she like the band themselves, or just the music, and if she does like the band,” he paused, shrugging a little, quietly embarrassed, “what if she likes them better than me?”
“They’re all married,” Colson says, like it immediately solves everything.
“Man, you know that’s not the issue,” Douglas sighed, but it’s clear he wasn’t done, and Colson just waited, eyebrows raised, “you know, girls who are like... like... how did you say it the other week? When that girl from Instagram was in your DMs every other minute?”
“Clout chasing,” Colson nodded sagely, suddenly understanding all too clearly his co-star’s apparent fears, “well she doesn’t know who you are yet.”
“Exactly,” Douglas exclaimed, glad the craft services tent was finally in view, feeling himself grow hungrier by the moment, “and I think I wanna keep it that way, just for now.”
“Better pray she doesn’t watch Jupiter Ascending,” Colson snorts, just as Douglas punches him in the arm. 
The next day, he messages you first, sends a photo of himself and the rest of the band out of costume, but holding their instruments, all wearing heels to help make it easier to wear them around set. 
Douglas: the band says hi Y/N: shit, you guys have instruments and everything Y/N: getting less sketchy by the minute
You follow it up with a winking emoji, and a photo of yourself, out in the sunshine, dressed impeccably, makeup dark and sharp, holding a stack of posters beside your head, advertising your band’s next gig; this Saturday.
Douglas: are you inviting me? Y/N: only if you’re saying yes
Your confident coyness amuses him, despite the way the shoes are pinching his toes, and he tells you he’ll be there.
The next day, you send a link to a band name generator, but more interestingly, you send it right around the time he’s getting his makeup done, early in the morning.
Douglas: early start? Y/N: my shop won’t open itself Douglas: your shop? Y/N: mini mall tattoo parlor hahaha
“She owns a tattoo parlor?” Daniel asks, reading over Douglas’s shoulder between takes, “you’d better make your move or Colson’s gonna go for her.” 
“Go for who?” Colson himself calls across set where his makeup’s being touched up.
“You weren’t meant to hear that!” Daniel shouts back, though he’s grinning, and adds, “Y/N. She owns a tattoo parlor.”
“Really, shit man, Doug she’s cool as hell,” Colson muses, before snorting, addressing Daniel, “gimme some credit, I’m letting the man shoot his shot; he’s my bro, not my competition.”
“Thanks man,” with the slightest smile, Douglas puts his phone away as the scene is reset around them, and Colson joins him in the middle of the living room set.
“I expect free tattoos, however,” he says with a faux seriousness, “because if you like her, like really like her, I’m gonna wingman the shit out of you.”
“Absolutely, man,” he claps Douglas on the shoulder with a surprisingly sincere expression.
It’s Colson who suggests, the following day, sending a video of Douglas playing the bass, asking if you had any pointers. They’re at band rehearsals again, blasting through their repertoire, when they get to Take Me To The Top, and as the song dies down, Colson makes the suggestion.
“Why are you filming it?” Iwan asks, and Colson’s smile is all teeth where he’s holding Douglas’s phone, answering before Douglas has the opportunity.
“Tryna help impress that punk chick from the band last weekend.”
“You’re actually talking to her?” Iwan asks with a bright, almost incredulous smile, “after everything that happened? She must really like you.” He muses, and Douglas feels his soul leaving this mortal plane.
“Smart move; asking for advice from her, lets her know you think she’s talented, and, well, you know,” Daniel shrugs, wiggling his fingers with a casual air. Douglas frowns, but Colson’s nodding.
“Exactly what I was thinking,” he agrees, and finally Douglas clues in. Dexterous fingers.
“Don’t be gross, guys,” he sighs, already regretting letting Colson help at all, “just take the damn video.”
It only takes thirty seconds for you to respond in All Caps.
“I’m fucked,” Douglas mutters under his breath, staring wide-eyed at the message.
Y/N: you play so well dude just relax your stance and shoulders Y/N: fkn love take me to the top Y/N: seriously a motley cover band??? Y/N: you just instantly got 100x cooler
“Okay, maybe I’m not fucked,” he concedes after a moment, quietly breathing a sigh of relief.
Y/N: now i have to see u guys play!! Y/N: if that’s alright of course
“Nah, you’re definitely a little bit fucked,” Daniel offers over his shoulder, and Douglas pushes his face away.
“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” Douglas grumbles, and Daniel shrugs bemusedly. 
“At least she thinks you play well,” but Douglas isn’t listening to him, he’s frantically tapping away on his phones, scowling, “what ‘re you doing?”
“Trying to come up with a name for our band -”
“Our fake band?” Iwan asks, arms crossed over his chest wearing an amused little smile, “do we have to play along with this too?”
“Not if you don’t want, just don’t... don’t tell her it’s fake is all.” Douglas offers, and the rest of the band nods.
“So how long are you going to play along with this bit?” Daniel ask, and Douglas heaves a sigh.
“Not sure; until I can trust that she’s not just in it to meet the actual band -”
“Which she doesn’t know you know,” Iwan interjected again, and Douglas nodded a little. After a beat, the rest of the band looked to each other, and seemed to share some sort of silent communication, before turning back to him.
“Okay,” Colson agrees easily, “if you’re serious about this chick you’ve known for five days,” he emphasizes, though Douglas doesn’t seem phased, “if we ever run into her, we’ll pretend we’re in a Motley Crue cover band.” He agrees, while Iwan and Daniel silently agree, though they look rather amused at the whole situation.
“There’s just something about her,” Douglas muses quietly.
“It’s the fact that she’s the coolest chick you’ve ever met,” Colson tells him with far too much authority, “and your little posh, school-boy brain wants to try something new.”
“Hey -” Douglas scoffed, though he was quickly talked over.
“She looks like she’d punch me in the face but I’d be okay with it,” Iwan adds, which, strangely enough, the rest of them agree to with various mischievous smiles. Douglas doesn’t exactly deny that he feels the same way.
“What’s our band name gonna be?” Daniel asks finally.
“The Fourskins,” Colson answers back immediately, grinning wide and proud of himself.
“Absolutely no-”
“That’s kind of genius,” Daniel snorts over Douglas’ protest, and so, on a three-to-one vote, their fake Motley Crue cover band is named The Fourskins, and Douglas kind of thinks he’d rather come clean there and then to you, rather than suffer through ever typing or saying that name to you. But he doesn’t. 
He really hopes you’re worth it.
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ofmiscreants · 5 years
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♡ ◟ ° ›   jung jaewon, cismale, he/him, twenty three   ⋯   ❛   thank you for applying to STONED RECORDS, MILO YUN ! before we start this job interview, i would just like to go over a few questions. you said your best attribute was ASSERTIVE, right ? well, word around town is that some people find you to be a bit more EGOCENTRIC … but, nevermind that. i’m actually more curious about whether you were actually THE ONE WHO LEAKED THEIR EX’S NUDES last year ? oh, you were ? that’s unfortunate. on the bright side, i heard that you excel at VIDEOGRAPHY …. so that’s cool ! now, one more question … your last manager said that you’re hiding that you’ve been CAMMING FOR TWO YEARS FOR SOME SIDE CASH AND YOUR BEST FRIEND’S FATHER IS YOUR NUMBER ONE TIPPER, is that true ? — haha , just kidding ! they didn’t say that, i just read that about you online . anyway , you got the job ! ❜ 】 eri, pst, she/her. 
hello i’m eri ! a cat obsessed, possibly nocturnal and very awkward individual. this is my first time joining an rp in .. years, and honestly i am very excited. i do work full time so i will likely be more active on line, but i look forward to writing threads on the dash as well ! i want to preface this with the fact that i am NOT my muse. the things that milo does / say are not me, i do not agree with his moral ( or lack there of ) and trust me when i say i probably hate him more than you. with that said, prepare yourself for the mess that is milo yun. 
so to start off, a brief history of milo's childhood: boy was a spoiled BRAT. his mother gave him everything, he basically never heard the word no, and although he ended up with a little sister by five years he still radiated and owned his only child energy. his mother married a very wealthy man when he was about 8, and milo always hated him for taking even more attention away from him. the only good thing that came from his step-dad was all the money he knew came directly from that man's bank account.
growing up, he was a generally decent person other than his hatred of the word no and not getting his way. personality-wise, he was tolerable. he teased people in joking ways, was a bit outspoken, but nothing too bad. that was until he got in his first relationship. he'd lost his virginity at 13 but didn't get with anyone for real until 15/16 ( i am hoping to get this connection so we can discuss that further if you're interested ). it was a year or so together before milo found out they'd cheated on him and that changed him for the worst. never having been the most romantic guy, he vowed to be the exact opposite from that day on. never again would someone make him cry, never would someone come close enough to his heart to break it, and he would never allow himself to be vulnerable with someone on a level like that again.
it wasn't just a fear of love he gained but an entirely fucked up and cynical attitude as well. he started acting out more, picking fights with people until someone else swung first and he couldn't be pinned for starting it (even though he 100% instigated it ). he wasn't miserable, but he had miserable moments. and soon it became harder for him to care about other's feelings or happiness, and started worrying only about his own happiness and his own needs.
by the time he finished high school he had a well-known reputation of being quite the casanova, and had left all too many hearts broken in his wake. he might not have the urge to love again, but he had a craving for every other part of it ... and deep down he missed it, feeling loved, even if he had no intention of reciprocating it.
ok so at 18 he graduated from high school as you do, naturally his parents assumed he'd be going to college but when he informed them that nah he was not, they waite a few months which were spent partying and acting like a crazed teenager in heat before finally warning him that if he didn't get a job he'd be cut off until he did. naturally, he went a week giving them both the silent treatment.. and in that time landed his first job at a coffee shop. it did not last long, and he worked at various other places around town and most of which he didn't last more than a few months at. authority? yeah .. he simply is not a fan. his luck was running out, that was until he decided to try out camming.
it started off slow, but by 21 he was killing it. getting paid to sit in his room and undress for men who are showering him in compliments and tips?? it was a dream come true. after realizing how much money he could make .. it changed a lot. he decided to only work part-time jobs in order to keep the illusion that he was making regular money a thing, and kept all his camming and sugar daddies behind closed doors.
this plan worked out great, two years in and he's working at stoned records and chilling, while nightly leading his double life as a very successful male cammer with a wide variety of fans from male to female of all ages. his favorites, however .. tend to be the older gentleman, the ones he can sucker into paying for skype dates and private videos, the ones who he has to resist rolling his eyes when he calls them daddy but that instant gratification of gifts of money being sent to him makes it all worth it. simple enough, until one of his top tippers turns out to be his best friend's dad. yikes .. and at first he questioned whether or not this was a good idea, but knowing how much money they had, it was hard to resist. he figured .. if it weren't him, it would be some other cammer so why not enjoy the wealth? well because of this he's been holding in a dark secret, having to avoid eye contact during those awkward run-ins, and pretending not to now intimate details about his own friends' family. this is a plot i would VERY much like to fill, and i am willing to change details or information around to make it fit better with your muse.
ok now that i have rambled forever i'm going to attempt to give a few more points that are much shorter
his rumor is about how he leaked his exes nudes after their break up ... this a heavily desired plot and i would love to have it. milo is a fucked up guy and honestly, they probably found out he cheated so in order to "win" this battle he leaked the nudes he had of them and then proceeded to dump them .. i'm sorry he's horrible
sexually he chooses not to label himself, he is attracted to attractive people and goes for what he wants. pansexual would be the closest description, but he himself will never put his sexuality into a box. with that said, he leans toward the dominant-top position, but he is also very open-minded and very filthy so opportunities are endless with him. sex to him is the biggest ego boost .. he loves being wanted, love the validation he gets from someone wanting him and feeling good because of him. he also very much gets off on others being vulnerable with him ( yes we get it he was traumatized bc he's a big brat ) and enjoys the power play dynamic that can come from sexual situations. anything beyond sex and .. he just stops caring. he knows ahead of time that he'll never be the one from them and doesn't plan on making that realization a very easy or pain-free one.
romantically he has only ever felt that attachment once. after he got his heart broken he vowed no more. he technically considers himself aromantic, but if you ask me he's just stubborn and refuses to relinquish power because he was embarrassed and his ego got very bruised. in reality, he's terrified of being vulnerable and giving someone else the chance to decide he isn't good enough. mind games are fun simply because he knows how to gain and keep the upper hand.
a few last things i feel like mentioning, he gets into fights often, drinks very often, does any sort of substance offered to him ( no injecting himself with anything though ), and basically is just ... a fucked up dude with an extremely distorted view of reality. his ego drives him 90% of the time, and he seriously lacks empathy. he's not the best dude in the world .... very far from it.
oh and his dream was to become a famous youtuber / influencer so he got really good at photography and videography but when he didn't become really famous within six months he gave up and instead started camming, just felt like throwing that in so i didn't forget oK now he's milo with the big dick and great lighting.
OK NOW THAT IM DONE RAMBLING .. hopefully some of you actually made it through this, i apologize again for the length of this. anyway i have stats for him and wanted connections so please feel free to check them out and hit me up if you want to do any of them OR if you have other ideas OR just to brainstorm together because i want all of the plots. ok thank you for reading and ily you !
p.s. all plots are open to any gender unless a specific one is stated where it says open. some may have certain pronouns already written but i am by no means closed off to other gender considering it is not something he has a preference for. i also did not have time to write out as many connections as i wanted so please don’t be discouraged with the lack of them .. i work full time and have been very busy lately i swear. i will try to fill them in / edit them as i get more.
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janetbrown711 · 5 years
“What are you doing in a place like this?”  Lena and Eva
Eva loved Lena's visits more than anything. She felt like for once in her life she had a real friend who really, really wanted to see her. Someone who was willing to make up the most ridiculous lies Eva had ever heard in her life just to say hi.
However, it seemed her visits were getting shorter and shorter which meant either Lena was getting busier or her mom was catching on. Either way, it came to the point where Lena would ask her for a favor and Mariella would just conjure it up without even leaving Lena's sights or giving Eva a chance to slip out of the temple to say hello. Eva knew if she wanted to see Lena again she had to do something about it.
So when Lena visited next, Eva slipped out of the front of the temple with a bag full of food and some water and went to her carriage. She saw there was a trunk in the back and was about to sneak in when her driver caught her.
"What are you doing?" It was a ghostly man. His eyes glowed with black smoke coming out, and his feathers were grey and sullen. He wore a long black robe and he either didn't have feet or they didn't touch the ground.
"I-i uh..." she panicked.
"Are you this... Eva that Lena won't shut up about?" He asked.
"Yes, yes i am," Eva nodded, putting on her best mask of confidence.
"I see," he eyed her up and down.
"Uh... who are you?" Eva asked.
"Louie, the god of death. Get in the trunk, she'll be back soon," Louie opened it for her. Eva smiled gratefully before stepping in. The trunk was much larger than she had thought (or maybe she was much smaller than she realized) so she fit quite comfortably. She knew that was likely to change once they got started, but she was fine with that.
Soon enough though, she heard Lena come back and enter the carriage. She shouted a few things and soon they were off. And fast. Eva could've sworn she got whiplash as she heard the skeleton horse's ear piercing shrieks.
The underworld sure was going to be interesting.
And hot.
She soon realized that as they traveled father down it was really, really hot.
Meh. She'd adapt.
Eventually, the carriage came to a stop and she heard Lena get out. Eva laid in the trunk a long while after Lena left before Louie opened the trunk and got her out.
"Thanks Louie," she smiled before taking a look around. There was a blue, glowing river flowing around the ground with what looked like souls of the dead. She looked up and saw smooth, dark stone creating a high and ominous roof. There wasn't a glimpse of sunlight. What did create the light were torches and the river of souls.
"You want me to take you to Lena?" Louie gestured to a small black gondola on the river. Eva shook her head.
"I think I wanna explore a bit for myself," Eva said.
"You still have to ride my boat then. You can't cross without dying very, very painfully without riding my boat," he stated flatly.
"I can't die, I'm immortal?" She chuckled, confused.
"It's not so much as dying as your soul being torn and broken out of your body. C'mon," he went into his boat and Eva obeyed.
Slowly they rowed along as Eva kept her eyes off the river. If she dared looked down she feared the souls would try to reach up and grab her and 'kill' her like Louie said. Eventually they reached the dock and Eva got off.
"I got to get back to work, but I'm sure you'll figure out a way past Cerberus," he grinned a little before disappearing in a puff of smoke.
"Cerberus? Isn't that just Lena's dog? How bad could that be?" Eva rolled her eyes when she suddenly heard loud barking behind her. She spun around and saw a three headed dog covered in spots barking at her.
"O-oh hello there," she smiled nervously. As soon as she spoke the barking ceased and the heads looked at her curiously.
"I didnt think that'd work," she thought out loud. She tried taking another step closer but one head growled.
"Hi there boys... I'm Eva. I'm a... guest here. Lena's talked all out me to you guys," she spoke in that 'I'm talking to a dog' voice everyone uses. When she said her name, Cerberus immediately perked up and wagged their tale. Eva stepped forward, to which he didn't object, so she went gave him some good scratches under his chins. Once Cerberus was happy enough to let her pass the gates, Eva patted all of the heads and and headed in.
Inside the gates was not too much different. There wasn't a river of souls to be the main source of light, instead there were crystals and other rocks that naturally shone. Eva wandered around a bit found a river of pure fire which was very... hot..., the river styx which looked inky black and painful, when eventually she stumbled upon a gate where a small garden was. Eva realized she had left her bag in the carriage so she was really, really hungry. Quickly, she made her way into he garden and picked a pomegranate from the tree.
"What are you doing in a place like this?" Eva froze.
"Well... not a place like this, this is the kind of place I'd expect you to be," Eva turned around and saw Lena looking very displeased.
"Hi Lena... long time no see?" She laughed nervously.
"Eva, put that down, you can't eat that," Lena took the pomegranate from her hand.
"Well why not?" Eva frowned.
"They who eat the fruit of the underworld become a part of the underworld," Lena explained.
"Well what's so bad about that?" Eva put her hands on her hips.
"It means you wouldn't be able to leave," Lena sighed.
"Oh..." Eva slowly understood.
"We need to return you to your mother before she makes a big fit and starts a famine until she finds you," Lena summoned the cornucopia Demeter gave her and handed Eva a peach from that. Eva accepted, but was still disheartened.
"How did you cross the river of souls anyway?" Lena asked as they started heading back.
"Louie helped," Eva said as she took a bite.
"Llewellyn," she sighed and shook her head.
"Well how did you get past Cerberus? He was in my office but i suspected intrusion when he lept away and to the gate. He surely would've at least tried to stop you," Lena asked.
"He just liked me, i don't know," she shrugged.
"Cerberus only likes me," she muttered to herself.
"I like to think im likable," Eva questioned her words.
"Oh no no no, I'm not saying you aren't or anything I-i just-... sorry. I'm sorry," Lena brushed her hair back.
"It's okay, it's okay," she laughed, "I get it. Dogs are usually particular."
"Cerberus more than others. But... i guess that's good to know," Lena smiled a bit to herself.
"Good to know why?" Eva asked the towering goddess.
"Well... if you... could ever... or would ever... want to stop by, you know?" Lena blushed.
"Oh i would love to! I'd love to stay b-but... my mother probably won't let me out of the temple after this," Eva lowered her eyes.
"O-oh..." Lena nodded, "Well... I'm sure Certain that Cerberus will miss you," she said as they walked past the gate where he was waiting. He wagged his tail and both Lena and Eva gave them good scratches behind the ear before they walked back.
"So... why'd you name him Cerberus?" She asked.
"It uh... it means 'spot'" she explained and Eva laughed.
"You're the goddess of the underworld, ruler over all the dead and all that creepy stuff, and you name your three headed hell hound spot? Why that's- well- that's-"
"Ridiculous?" Lena raised an eyebrow.
"Adorable," Eva snorted.
"Adorable?" Lena paused.
"Yeah, i think it's cute," Eva smiled at her and watched Lena's face turn bright pink. Eva chuckled more.
"Thanks... no ones... ever called me cute before so... i appreciate it," Lena smiled so nervously, it was so cute that it made Eva blush.
"No problem," she smiled back. Soon enough though, they reached the river of souls so she had to call on Louie to be their guide. The three rode in silence until they got to their carriage.
"So... the underworld isn't that far from the temple, right?" Eva asked.
"The underworld is under all the world. Its both near and far. If you want to travel the world, technically you could do that in the underworld," Lena explained.
"Oh! Cool!" Eva sat down.
"Yeah, I'm sure you'd like it. There's a lot you haven't seen," Lena sat too.
"...we keep forgetting about my mother," Eva said as the carriage started to drive.
"Well... I'm sure she's bound to let you go out again, right?" Lena asked, uncertain.
"I hope," she sighed, looking out the window as they sped by and by.
"I promise to visit more," Lena offered her hand.
"I think mother is never going to let me out again or even see you again if she thinks i ran off to see you," Eva said.
"But maybe if you just come twice a year like normal, that'd be nice. Maybe she'd let us chat longer... i don't know, but this doesn't mean we have to give up entirely," Eva tried to smile. Lena smiled tiredly at her.
"I'm sure we'll try," she said. They rode the rest of the way in silence. Once they arrived Eva looked out the window and saw most of their plants were dead, and an unhappy Mariella was sitting in a chair, talking with a nymph of sorts.
"I bet this is her doing. She gets all huffy when i disobey and kills some plants because she won't let them grow until i apologize," Eva said.
"Ah," Lena nodded.
"I... i guess i should go," Eva put her hand on the handle.
"Wait, Eva, I-" Lena touched her shoulder.
"Yes?" Eva asked.
"I... I'll miss you... a lot. Your company has been greatly... appreciated," she looked away. Eva grabbed her hand and squeezed it.
"You too," Eva smiled at her before heading out, not knowing when she would ever see Lena again.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
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vincess-princess · 6 years
just another night
some people are interested, so here it is! i kinda experimented with sound and flow and am a little bit nervous how it turned out. also, do you think i should post it to rockfic too? also it’s kinda long so im putting it under the cut. as always, giant thank you to my lovely beta @polska-tankietka , without you this would be so much more trashy
Fandom: Motley Crue Pairing: Nikki Sixx/Vince Neil Word count: 1547
The bar is stuffy and smelly. Music roars in Nikki’s ears, light flounces before his eyes; red-yellow-white, red-yellow-white. Nikki can’t make out the hair colour of the boy who’s been looking at him for the last twenty minutes. Nikki looks back and taps on the counter. Bartender serves both of them Jack Daniels, and he senses an understanding soul.
The boy has a girlfriend, and at first Nikki wants to throw them the fuck out. After observing them a little, he changes his mind. The boy doesn’t even look at her; she sulks, drinks shot after shot, leans on the counter, finally gets up and totters towards the toilet.
The boy watches her until she closes the door. Then he looks at Nikki. And smiles.
Nikki smiles back.
The boy nods, shows him three fingers, empties his glass and disappears in the crowd. The music is so loud the air seems to be vibrating, Nikki will soon be able to see sounds.
Nikki starts counting seconds. The whiskey messes up his count, and he has to start again. He gets angry, starts straight from fifty.
One hundred seventy eight. One hundred seventy nine. One hundred eighty.
Nikki gets up, throws his jacket on the stool and heads to the men’s toilet.
Here, he can’t see well either, but he makes out that the boy has blonde hair. There’s barely enough room for two, Nikki almost knocks his head on the lamp. He still has to lean forward, the boy pulls him closer, his fingers gripping Nikki’s hair, his breath smelling of whiskey. Nikki closes his eyes and opens his mouth, his world is bitter and wet, tasting like cigarettes and smelling like cheap perfume, and the fingers in his hair are pulling demandingly, almost painfully, almost. Nikki’s tired of bending over, he grabs the boy under his thighs and lifts him up, his back against the wall, he laughs without sound, “what a strong boy”, and Nikki thanks someone silently for bad lighting in the room.
The boy accidentally bites Nikki’s lip and quickly apologizes, Nikki wants to tell him that it doesn’t matter, even the taste of blood won’t dilute the bitterness in their mouths, but he doesn’t want to stop the kiss, not now, please. The boy is a very skilled kisser, but it’s not a contest for Nikki: his hand feels the hotness of the boy’s skin, the part of his back right above the belt of his jeans, and he slides his whole palm under his tee, and he just can’t get enough of him.
“We don’t have much time,” the boy whispers in his ear, and Nikki’s mouth feels so cold and empty without the blonde’s tongue in it. The boy’s hands are cold too, and Nikki shivers a little when these fingers brush his skin right above his jeans. Nikki tries not to look, this is not his first time but he still blushes like a schoolgirl. Instead, he looks at the boy’s hair that is darkened at the roots, tangles his fingers in it and pulls him closer. The boy doesn’t resist - he doesn’t need to see what’s down there to handle it, his breath is hot on Nikki’s neck, his hair tickles his cheek. Only now Nikki notices he’s a head shorter than him.
“Are you even eighteen?” he whispers hoarsely.
“Twenty already,” the boy looks Nikki straight in the eyes, resentfully, almost defiantly. His eyes are dark, brown, maybe. “Do you really care?”
“Don’t wanna go to jail because of such trifle.” Nikki smiles insincerely while everything inside of him screams, stop it, he will leave, he will leave you alone here, do you want it?
“I wouldn’t tell anyone anyway,” the boy says indignantly, and for a second Nikki fears he’s too angry to go on. But they’ve already got so far, and the boy, too, feels this growing tension in his crotch, and he doesn’t want to stop.
Nikki can’t help moaning when the boy’s hand slips under his belt. Nikki strokes his head, he would never think such a non-sexual gesture would work, and the bleached hair under his fingers is stiff, a little bit damaged already, but not in vain, definitely not. The neck under the hair is sun-burnt to dark-red, and Nikki can’t understand whether pain or pleasure is behind the boy’s moans, but he doesn’t try to stop him, so Nikki hopes it’s alright. And those strong fingers down there move faster and faster, and Nikki accidentally bites his partner’s shoulder, but the boy doesn’t listen to his apologies, “let’s talk later, after we’re over”. Nikki puts his hand over his mouth to muffle his screams, there’s another toilet just behind the wall, what if someone will hear him? Yes, a silly concern, the music is too loud, but Nikki doesn’t want to give them out, they really don’t need to be interrupted right now.
And then the world explodes in front of his eyes, and everything goes black and white, and for a few seconds Nikki can’t breathe and only presses his face into the tanned shoulder with a white trace of a strap.
They should have probably brought tissues with them.
The boy smiles, teeth shine like pearls in a brown face. “Was it good?”
“…oh fuck yes.”
Nikki buttons back his jeans. “My turn.”
The boy’s jeans are easy to take off, very useful in a club. “Did you forget underwear on purpose?” They don’t talk – they whisper, soundlessly, the music doesn’t let them hear each other, but it’s ok, Nikki understands almost every word, as though he finally learned to read lips.
“Sure,” the boy blinks in surprise, “why would you need it here?” and Nikki almost laughs, almost, because he’s kind of right.
Nikki got told a lot in the past that he has calloused fingers. He usually shrugged it off - it’s the cost of playing the bass, - but now he’s worried the boy won’t like it. He is wrong. The boy tilts his head back and moans loudly, openly, shamelessly, as though there are no people behind this thin door, but Nikki doesn’t care, not anymore. Let them hear. Let them envy. Something cracks behind the boy’s back, and they clumsily move around to avoid knocking down the fragile sink, and Nikki is not afraid anymore to cling to him, because it’s much harder to knock down the wall, although they probably could do it if they had enough time. Now they have too little of it, but Nikki doesn’t care, he lives in the moment, in their broken breath and desperate moans, in the drops of sweat on a tanned forehead. He holds the boy with one arm while he scratches his shoulders and smears his lipstick on Nikki’s shirt, so submissive, so fragile, and Nikki loves it, and he knows it’s not true, he knows he’s wrong, but one can always dream. They won’t meet again anyway, will they?
The boy whimpers quietly, and Nikki’s palm fills with warm and wet. Nikki holds him so tight it’s almost painful, because if he lets him go, they will both collapse. They stand there panting and don’t look in the other’s eyes and don’t understand why it’s so hard to just release their grips, to just say goodbye. They don’t owe each other anything, right? Seconds are hours, hours are seconds, and time stretches like rubber and sprints like a leopard, and doesn’t obey any known laws. How long it’s been, a minute, an hour, a day?
“It was so cool,” the boy’s whisper breaks the fragile silence. “Are you a guitarist?”
“Bassist.” Shit, so he didn’t like it?
“Even better,” he looks Nikki straight in the eyes and a smile hides in the corners of his mouth. “I love musicians.”
Nikki pulls him into a kiss to not let him notice his blush. They kiss, and Nikki can’t stop thinking that it’s their last one.
“Alright,” the boy breaks the kiss a couple of minutes later. “I gotta go. You have magnificent fingers,” and he slips out of Nikki’s arms and almost turns the doorknob.
”Wait, tell me at least your name.” The last thing to ask in a gay club, but Nikki needs to hold on to something.
“Wharton.” The boy smiles, slyness in his eyes. Definitely lied. “Yours?”
“Frank.” Who could think he would use it again. “It was nice to, uh, meet you.”
“Same. Three minutes, as before?”
Nikki nods, and Wharton leaves. A few seconds that Nikki lingers for, his head still in a haze of his recent orgasm, are enough for Wharton to blend in with the crowd. Nikki looks for him until he’s dizzy from all the music and the lights but it’s all in vain.
He leaves the toilet and plods back to the bar. He wants to get drunk enough to pass out but so much alcohol is beyond his means. He grabs his jacket, and – a piece of paper flies out right under the counter.
It takes him ten minutes, two broken nails and scratched fingers to fish it from under the counter. There are some numbers on it. And a “Call me. W”
Nikki is on his knees, smiling like an idiot.
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