#tuscan meme
dolce-tenebra-toscana · 9 months
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I would change pisani to livornesi but that works as well 🤷‍♀️
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lastminutestarwarsfan · 7 months
Its honestly so painful to me, the sheer amount of turmoil that Anakin has experienced in his life. If you really sit down and think about what he's been through, he truly is one of the most tragic characters in fiction.
Born a slave to a single mother on a backwater, forgotten, barren world with no opportunities (Sidenote as much as we laugh at the "I don't like sand" meme, it actually is a meaningful line. He hates that world, that life, wants to put it behind him. Can't help but think of the mother he abandoned there)
Forced to choose between freedom and leaving his mother to her fate. A ridiculous amount of pressure to put on a 9 year old
Loses the only father figure he's had, and ultimately the only person to truly show faith in him, almost immediately after finding him
Becomes a burden and disappointment to a reluctant, inexperienced master (Before you come at me, I ADORE Obi-Wans and Anakins relationship. I love their banter, and I truly think they loved one another ridiculously and my heart breaks at what they became. But I do think that Anakin felt like a burden and disappointment sometimes. Especially at the beginning, Obi-Wan only really takes him on out of duty to Qui-Gon, it wouldn't have been his own choice. He didn't believe in him the way Qui-Gon did. And because Obi himself was grieving and young and inexperienced, he didn't have the confidence to guide Anakin the way he should have. He falls back on the rules too much, after bending them to take him on in the first place. He's too strict with him, too harsh. He doesn't tell him how much he loved him until it's too late, which just adds to the angst)
Is constantly told that he needs to let go of his attachment to his mother whilst being plagued my dreams of her death.
Watches his mother die in his arms with the knowledge if only he could have done something sooner he could have saved her (and this is the moment I think, pivotally, that his capacity for the dark side becomes real. Not the moment when he kills the Tuscans in anger just after. But in this quiet moment of death. The moment that voice in his head starts burrowing like a worm "Not enough, more, better, faster, stronger". If he could just burn hotter, brighter, push harder, then no one else would die.)
Is thrust into a war at 19
Is entrusted with a 14 year old apprentice at 20. Loves her like family only to watch the order he gave up everything for, the order that let his mother die, the order that is the reason he cannot have a normal life with his wife, drive his little sister away from him.
Plagued to madness by visions of his wife dying. Goes insane to try to save her only to be her own downfall. Is cut into pieces and left to burn alive by his brother. Suffers excruciating pain being pieced back together. Is forced to live with the knowledge that he led to the love of his life's death, where every breath is a reminder of the monster he has become.
Becomes increasingly aware that his new master, the only person he has left, the person he betrayed everyone for, the person he trusted in his times of need and thought understood him, would toss him away without a second thought and replace him with Luke.
That smile when he takes off the mask and looks at Luke in Return of the Jedi means so much. It's so pure, and light and carefree for those few seconds. The first time we've ever seen him truly at peace. He is finally free from the pain.
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dicentsalve · 7 days
Hey I really love your art style it's amazing... And since we had la squadra and l'unita headcanons may i ask for zucchero & sale headcanons?
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I like the direction we're going
Thank you, bb!
I haven't really thought about them as much as I'd like, but I have a couple of notes
First of all, I'd like to note that these two work quite closely with Luka, receiving possible information from him due to influence and a certain power (I will also touch on Luka a little and note that every member of Passione knows and respects him, regardless of status within the family. I mean, boy at least passed Polpo's test and was left without a stand🧍)
Buuut not always they can pay for the services provided
● Sale
As I mentioned, he's Squalo's older brother and has been working at Passione longer, but he still hasn't been able to get higher (if we don't take into account the events of Vento Aureo)
Since I gave Squalo the peculiarity of unusual teeth, Sale has them too, but less expressed and not so noticeable. His central and lateral incisors are normal, but starting with the fangs, as they approach the edges, the sharp teeth become more expressed. Btw, this pisses him off.
Has impaired water exchange up to dehydration.
Doesn't have a driver's license. Can't drive, could I say, if close communication with Mario hadn't forced him to learn it.
For some inexplicable reason, I associate Kraft Work with a cactus (that's why in one of my old sketches Squalo calls Sale a cactus ass🧍), in connection with this: Sale loves cacti. And Mario, with his ridiculous clothes, btw, resembles a cactus. Maybe that's why they're still together.
Doesn't like fish very much, but eats it to annoy Squalo.
Obviously a Tuscan, like his brother, but he has no accent or dialect in his speech. He uses dialect words only for confidentiality or out of harmfulness.
Has a stand since birth, which is why, even in childhood, having mastered the stand, he became proud and impudent And was a bully in childhood 🫵
Based on the Kraft Work ability, I like to think that Sale has a slight peculiarity of "dropping out" of a conversation/situation and just staring at one point for some time.
Like Squalo, he also has problems with his parents. But for them, this is rather a huge ground for jokes than a burdensome problem.
● Zucchero
Mario isn't only an inattentive, careless person, but also has some problems with his eyesight. Not in the sense that he needs glasses, but he has "tunnel vision", which neither Sale nor Zucchero himself knows about, believing that everyone has it. So in order to concentrate on the road, he can't look away even a millimeter. Otherwise, he is a really good driver, who has saved them from total ass more than once.
Very hunched over.
Despite his last name, he is rather clumsy and slow (in general, everything that, ironically, a lack of sugar in the body leads to), requires more time to process information, which also infuriates Sale.
Quite often he goes to women, cuz of which he often doesn't get in touch and gets scolded by Sale for his recklessness.
He's involuntarily acquainted with Tiziano and already doesn't have the best relationship with him, although they have only met once.
Since Soft Machine uses a blade, Zucchero is very good with bladed weapons.
He likes decorative poodles (I won't explain it)
Lives with Sale cuz it's safer and cheaper (he's just too lazy to clean the apartment)
Often takes Sale in the evening after work to see the sunset (he forgets the way home)
And original of meme
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Do you drink wine? What kinds do you like if you do?
Oh I love wine! Wine is the best!
Im quite partial to a very dry Prosecco, a good valpolicella ripasso or amarone, or a big bold super Tuscan and/or Cab Sauv (…I might have a preference for Italian wines/grapes)
That said, I’ve recently been getting into Primativos and Chiantis
Pinot noirs are fiiiine if I must, but not a fave
Pinot Grigio is very drinkable if I must do a cheap white at the airport, ditto for Malbec or Merlot for the reds
Im incredibly picky about Chardonnays but when I find a good one, they are to die for
I like vihno verde in the summer, also very dry rosés
But yeah—I love talking about wine, drinking wine, tasting/smelling/describing etc
It’s a rich, wonderful world and I love it so much
[ask meme]
Thank you!! 💕💕
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nullcanary · 3 months
ribbon / lullaby / blood for the ask meme!
1) ribbon: your favorite color combinations
Dark Green/ Black/ Rich Leather Brown
Pale Dusty Blue/ Gold/ Dark Blue
Navy/ Copper/ Pthalo Green
Matcha Green/ Salmon Pink
Desert Sage/ Antique Parchment/ Black/ Poppy Red
2) lullaby: songs you love to sing
"Linger" -- The Cranberries
"Lament of Orpheus" -- Darren Korb
"Chances" -- The Strokes
"The Mariner's Revenge Song" -- The Decemberists
"Bremen" --PigPen Theatre Co.
3) blood: some of your favorite foods
Creamy Tuscan Pasta with Sausage
Tikka Masala
Salmon Donburi
Miso Soup
Grapes! (Cotton Candy, Concord, and Champagne)
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kits-ships · 1 year
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olive; my [character] as... one hundred years of solitude - shasta daisies - lop rabbit zoisite w/ ruby - 'kale', pantone - tuscan fields spring - learning to let go, alani d - meadow core
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more info under the cut
i made my own version of this meme w/ the little things i usually assign to my self inserts/characters :3
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feel free to do it if u want!! <3
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teal-skull · 5 months
Hate my Leonardo da Vinci obsession.
I went to wikipedia to find a specific crude sketch from Leonardo's journals to make a meme and suddenly I found my way into Salai's italian wikipedia article and now I'm going the rabbit hole about Luigi Pulci's Il Morgante to confirm a footnote in Walter Isaacson's biography of Leonardo da Vinci. According to it, Salai's (who was Leonardo's apprentice/servant/model/lover depending on your opinion) nickname (his real name was Gian Giacomo Caprotti, and he used alias Andrea Salai sometimes) means "little devil" and the term "salai" is derivative from Tuscan dialect mening "The devil's foot/leg" (I think the expression was "Il Salaino or something??) , But then he adds that the name comes from a DEMON in the epic Morgante. I took this to mean that there is a demon character in the novel (sometimes I realized as false only later)
(another fact about Salai's name is that sometimes it's spelled as Salaí, so it becomes Sa-la-i, instead of Sa-lai)
A detail I want to point out is that Leonardo had Il Morgante in his library, and it's included in his list of books he owns. So yes it's very possible Leonardo would've taken the name from there.
The funny this is that I have already went down this rabbit hole like year prior, but it ended abruptly without conclusion because I'm that type if person who starts something and then abandons it.
HOWEVER what I did find last time was that the only named demon character I've been able to find is Astarotte. So I was growing skeptical about the "salai's nickname comes from Il Morgnte" as a whole. No matter where I looked, there was no mention of a character named Salai.
But then after like.... Months into this thing plaquing me, and "researching" it on and off, I found this:
XXI 47 7 (Canto Ventunesimo) 
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I don't speak italian besides individual words so obviously I had no idea what the context was. However, at this point I realized to check my university library for any edition of Il Morgnte, and I managed to find a very fancy Italian edition. However I was bumped when I google translated the paragraph and it seemed that Salai did not refer to any particular character in the novel, rather, it's just a comparison "as does Salai in the fall" I guess there is a Salai named demon in the epic but like .. it's not a character technically.
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TODAY i digged up these again because I was reminded of this, and saw that there was a footnore about "salay" in this page I had taken a picture of like over a year ago. Before the footnote had gone unnoticed for me, oh the regret is hitting...
According to machine translation that footnote 7. Explains that Salay refers to "other infernal power" and fallen angels (so demons at least)
WHICH IS FUNNY because I started to go down this rabit hole again because the Italian wikipedia article of Salai also mentions Salai's name coming from Il Morgante, but there it's said that: "the expression is used to evoke an infernal power" (Nell'opera L'espressione è impiegata oer evocare una potenza infernale)
So um.... I've wasted many hours of my finite life to confirm this little nuget of information. Idk where I'm going anymore.
Thanks for reading about my decent into insanity I guess
If any Italian speakers have anything they'd like to add or point out, please tell me!
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hollyethecurious · 2 years
First Lines Meme
Rules: share the first lines of your ten most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway ❤️
Tagged by the lovely @iamstartraveller776 and @kmomof4. I'm taking a page out of @iamstartraveller776's book and sharing the first lines from my current, unposted wips instead of my recently posted... since I haven't posted much recently 😆
A Necessary Evil - serial killer AU:
Killian Jones was attractive, charming, and absolutely insane.
Ghosts AU for @cssns2023:
“I’m sorry. Could you repeat that? I thought I heard you say, I’m the heiress to an old, abandoned estate in Maine, wish is… crazy.”
Land Run AU:
Stars exploded behind Killian’s eyes as the force of the punch knocked his head back.
Shipwreck AU:
Frigid water crashed over the men who worked frantically to ready the lifeboats.
The Law of Surprise:
Smoke billowed from the hull, choking the air as steel clanged around them.
Under the Tuscan Sun AU:
"Emma… Emma?"
Wips I don't have a first line for, but are in the works:
In the Company of Demons sequel
Pan Says... Chapter 6
EF Werewolves/Soulmates AU
Tagging: @winterbaby89 @artistic-writer @caught-in-the-filter @cocohook38 @wyntereyez @killian-whump and anyone else who might want to play!
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crispyblonde · 2 months
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@bloodsalted asked: [ cook ] from the ordinary things that feel intimate meme !!
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jess had jumped at the opportunity to cook at bobby's. now way would she let having access to a stove pass her by. the collection of cookware may be a bit lacking, but she's determined to make the most of it. the spoils of her trip to the grocery store are all crammed together on one side of the kitchen table, old dusty books and journals are carefully stacked on the other half.
she had been contemplating where to start when dean had walked in and offered to help. it's still unclear if he's only after a distraction from the fact that there were still no leads on the latest once in a lifetime drama unfolding around them. even if that is the case -- the blonde is delighted whenever she sees a winchester taking a moment of normalcy to themselves. everything she'd been through weighed heavily upon her mind and it was obvious her trauma barely scratched their surface of theirs.
❝ i'm making tuscan chicken over pasta. my mom and grandma were obsessed with it. ❞ the recipe has been committed to her memory over the years which made it easy to go shopping for. making it already felt like a bittersweet reminder of how everything was before the demon inside of brady shattered her world view. suffice it to say, she's pretty grateful for the company because it means she's not left alone with her thoughts for too long.
❝ hope you're a little bit better in the kitchen than sam. i bet he never told you about the time he exploded a glass pan on the stove in my sophmore apartment? ❞ she's already laughing at the memory. her eyes look up from sorting the vegetables for the chicken from the ones for the salad on a cutting board to meet dean's. ❝ i spent twenty minutes picking out tiny pieces of glass from his hair. ❞
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vapehk1 · 5 months
Boulder Vape: Revolutionizing Vaping with Quality and Innovation
Welcome to the world of Boulder Vape, where every puff is a promise of quality and every exhale is a statement of style. Established in 2014, Boulder International isn’t just another name in the crowded vaping market; it's a beacon of reliability and innovation. In a sea of knockoffs and underwhelming imitations, Boulder stands tall as the genuine article. Let’s take a humorous dive into why Boulder Vape has become the go-to for discerning vapers who won’t settle for anything less than the best. The Boulder Advantage: More Than Just Hot Air Absolutely, in the bustling world of vape clouds and flashy gadgets, Boulder Vape truly stands out—not because it’s adding to the fog of empty promises, but because it actually delivers. With a knack for electronics that could put some tech giants to shame, each Boulder Vape device is crafted not just to last, but to last impressively. Imagine a battery so clingy, it might just text you if you don't use it enough, and tanks that keep their contents tighter than a miser’s purse strings. This level of detail means you’re not just vaping; you’re having an enduringly excellent experience with every single draw. And let’s be honest, in a market where some products fizzle out faster than a sitcom without the laugh track, Boulder’s commitment to quality is a breath of fresh (or should we say flavored?) air. Each puff from a Boulder device isn’t just smoke—it’s a statement. A statement that says, "Yes, I enjoy quality that lasts longer than a meme on the internet." So, while others might be dealing with the vape equivalent of a one-hit-wonder, Boulder users are enjoying the chart-topping hits of vaping, season after season, thanks to devices designed to perform superbly and consistently, puff after reliable puff.   Leak-proof, Fool-proof, and Lookin' Good Indeed, Boulder Vape doesn't just lead the pack with durability; it also turns heads with its impeccable style. Picture a device so sleek it could make a tech minimalist nod in approval. With a supply chain that could make even the most resourceful industry insiders green with envy, Boulder ensures it only snaps up the crème de la crème of components. This meticulous selection process means each part of a Boulder Vape kit snaps, slides, and locks together with the satisfying precision of a Swiss watch—reliable, efficient, and oh-so-smooth. And let’s not overlook the aesthetics; Boulder Vape devices aren’t just built to perform—they’re designed to impress. Whether it's casually peeking out from a jeans pocket or held between fingers, the device's finishes remain as crisp as the day they were unboxed, resisting wear and tear with the grace of a well-maintained luxury car. Boulder Vape isn’t just about functionality; it’s about making a statement with enduring elegance, ensuring that each device isn’t just an accessory but a statement piece in its own right. A Flavor Journey Worth Taking Think again if you've ever lumped all e-liquids into the same bland category. Boulder Vape elevates the game to a whole new level, transforming each vape session into a veritable flavor fiesta. In their spotless clean rooms, where even a speck of dust dare not enter, Boulder's in-house flavor chemists blend science with a dash of culinary magic. It's here that e-liquids are not just mixed; they are meticulously crafted with the finest ingredients sourced from the lush landscapes of Switzerland and Italy. Imagine inhaling the spirited zest of freshly-picked Italian lemons or the decadent essence of Swiss chocolate—this is what Boulder brings to your palate. Each draw from a Boulder Vape is like taking a mini vacation for your senses. With a collection that ranges from the crisp, invigorating snap of Alpine berries to the deep, velvety caress of Tuscan espresso, each flavor is a gateway to an exquisite, aromatic journey. This isn't just vaping; it's an exploration of the rich tapestries of flavor that only the most dedicated artisans can weave. Boulder's commitment shines through in these liquid treasures, promising not just satisfaction, but a sensory revolution with every puff. Try Once, Stay Forever When it comes to proving its mettle, Boulder Vape relies not just on flashy ad campaigns, but on something far more compelling: the unwavering loyalty of its users. Boulder's straightforward philosophy rings true with every customer interaction: give us a try, and anything else will feel like a compromise. This isn't merely about pushing products off the shelves; it's about welcoming you into a lifelong relationship with quality vaping. Imagine a device so reliable that it rivals the dependability of the sunrise, paired with an experience as delightful as your favorite sitcom. Why would anyone consider another brand? It would be like swapping a luxury yacht for a leaky rubber dinghy. For the skeptics still on the fence, the value proposition Boulder offers makes it a no-brainer. With cutting-edge technology, sleek designs, and premium ingredients all coming together, Boulder Vape stands out as the epitome of vaping excellence. It’s not just about enjoying a superior product; it's about embracing a superior way of life. The discerning vaper knows that with Boulder, they're not just investing in a device but in an experience that's consistently top-notch. In the world of vaping, Boulder Vape isn't just a choice; it's the choice for anyone serious about their vaping journey. Conclusion Dive into the world of Boulder Vape, where the vape clouds are dense and the quality denser! Starting in 2014, Boulder International has been crafting vape devices that are not only durable but also come with a style that could make the most apathetic person do a double-take. It's like choosing between a luxury yacht and a rubber dinghy; with Boulder, you’re always picking the yacht. They don't just assemble e-cigarettes; they engineer experiences, boasting batteries that last unnervingly long and tanks sealed tighter than Fort Knox. Their e-liquids? A symphony of flavors imported from Switzerland and Italy, sure to transport your taste buds to foreign lands. Plus, the loyal fan base isn’t just puffing steam; they swear by Boulder’s reliability and class. So, if you’re serious about vaping, choosing Boulder isn’t just a good decision—it’s the only decision, unless you enjoy the thrill of subpar vaping adventures. FAQs 1.What makes Boulder Vape different from other vaping brands? Boulder Vape stands out due to its commitment to quality and innovation. Each device is crafted with precision engineering, top-tier components, and designed to last longer than many competitors. Moreover, Boulder Vape offers unique e-liquids made from the finest ingredients imported from Switzerland and Italy, ensuring an unparalleled vaping experience. 2. How long do Boulder Vape batteries last? Boulder Vape batteries are designed to hold more charge and last significantly longer than many other vaping batteries in the market. Users can expect extended use on a single charge, providing reliability whether you’re at home or on the go. 3. Are Boulder Vape products leak-proof? Yes, one of the standout features of Boulder Vape products is their leak-proof design. The tanks are engineered to prevent leaks, making them more reliable and mess-free, so you can carry and use your vape without worrying about spills. 4. Where are Boulder Vape e-liquids made? Boulder Vape e-liquids are crafted in state-of-the-art clean rooms under the watchful eyes of in-house flavor chemists. The production takes place in the USA, adhering to strict quality control standards to ensure the purity and consistency of each flavor. 5. Can I try different flavors of Boulder Vape e-liquids? Absolutely! Boulder Vape offers a wide range of exquisite flavors, sourced from the best ingredients worldwide. From the zest of Italian citrus to the richness of Swiss chocolate, there’s a flavor to suit every palate, and they encourage trying different varieties to find your perfect vape experience. If you want to know more, please refer to this article: https://keystonevape.com/best-vape/the-best-disposable-vapes-2024-you-cant-miss/ Read the full article
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scumlafeccia · 1 year
I feel like I should inform you that the tuscan police post is a twilight meme lmao
ok this is somehow even worse, I'll add it to the tuscanian cringe compilation next to shadowhunters comparing the nephilim city to San Gimignano and Hannibal romanticizing the monster of Florence
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dolce-tenebra-toscana · 8 months
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Melone describing Propesca's first meeting be like..
Un citto, che incontra una citta
Gli anna'no 'ai Gambrinus
A fa icchè mi 'nporta na bella sega!
( a boy meeting a girl
They both went to Gambrinus Cafè
To do what? I honestly don't give a sh*t )
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healthiedieting · 2 years
Not only do memes make us laugh, they can also make us smile. Here are some great ribollita recipes to try out!
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This Tuscan white bean and kale soup is a hearty variation of the very famous ribollita, a classic Italian recipe usually made with stale bread. Our Recipes are FREE to Access and you also get the chance to win amazing cash prices for just following our recipe. So Don't Miss Your Chances. 
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adevotedappraisal · 2 years
Drake discography review
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Take Care (2011)
"They love me like Prince, the new kid with the crown," Drake dryly crows on "Cameras Good Ones Go," a lumbering, synth-washed epic that, while not impressive with his melodies or chorus, stay in the hazy pocket of the nocturnal synths. It also directs the sound of the rest of the decade. The echoed confessions over moody keys were pioneered by Kid Cudi, Kanye West, The Weeknd and now Drake and Noah '40' Shebib. Songs like "Crew Love," the sparse drama of "Marvin's Room," the erotic, prowling "Make Me Proud" and "Practice" all revelled in sex and drug-laden encounters, all awash in imprecise and carnal 'vibes.' In certain quarters the album is seen as a millenial classic but ultimately overstays its welcome, and his rap bangers are mostly unimpressive on his part other than the strutting and hot "HYFR" with Lil Wayne.
Key tracks: Marvin's Room; Practice; Crew Love
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Nothing Was The Same (2013)
Drake's strongest draw is how he included the listener in his ascent, his details of designer brands and foriegn flights felt less like braggadocio, but more like sign posts to check for in a voyage to prosperity. His transformation from up-and-comer to a king of rap was complete by this album and the songs reflected this. "Worst Behavior" and the epic grandeur of "Marble Cake" were the soundtrack of the black excellence wished for in the Obama years. The single from this, "Just Hold On(I'm Coming Home)" is a crafted gem of a song, lightly personal ("you act so different around me") but generally universal, a portrait of a man in control of his loves and his life for the time being.
Key tracks: Just Hold On; Tuscan Leather; Worst Behavior
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If You're Reading This It's Too Late (2015)
While this project might be the start of his tossed-off, meme-able album cover trend, this is a serious and integral part to Drake's musical offerings. When old heads think the rapper is singing too much, or college kids think he should drop a real hit, those disparate opinions revolve around the gravity of this 2015 set, when the sound of rap revolved around him. These Boi-1da, 40 and Wondagurl beats he rides comfortably and with a controlled rapping style. "Energy," the catchy boast "10 Bands," the seductive, growling "Company" (with then new star Travis Scott), the cosmopolitan sway of "Preach" with Partynextdoor, were all evocative, boastful songs with ear candy choruses and they comprised the sound of youth culture in America at the time. The respectable and conscientious To Pimp a Butterfly was ultimately a selection of rap album of the year from the electoral college of black culture. If it was left up to the popular vote, this album would have been chosen. All the different trends up to that time, from trap to chill wave, had Drake's finger on their pulse, leading to labels of culture vulture and of ghostwriting, but, the somber truth is that the omelet is never judged by the number of eggs cracked in the process.
Key tracks: Know Yourself; 10 Bands; You & the 6
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Views (2016)
The frustratingly inconsistent and overlong album cements the rapper on the top of the streaming charts from the twenty tracks and tacked on hit "Hotline Bling." What Drake's lack of quality control obscures is a breathtaking midsection. Over six or so songs as many styles are displayed, from down south drive rattle like "Faithful" to trap drawl in "Still Here" to the melodic world dance pop of "One Dance" with Wizkid and Kyla. The themes are the same, a look into the life of a brooding prince falling in and out of love, but maybe it's too studied, like how the Rhianna song here, "Too Good," sounds just like a Drake and Rhianna song should sound like, without demanding more. This oddly makes Views a good entryway album into Drake.
Key tracks: One Dance; Controlla; Feel No Ways; Hotline Bling
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More Life (2017)
Initially written off as a content dump like its predecessor Views, this album/playlist has aged handsomely, establishing itself as a recurring soundtrack to our summer escapades. "Passionfruit" is a bright lounge classic, paving the way for the explosion of afro pop and campo today. "Blem" is nocturnal and oversharing, while "Glow" with Kanye West, is sprawling and relaxing. Between Drake being Drake though, is an international zeal that adds texture and unpredictability to the set. "Madiba Riddim" is tender and swaying music while "Skepta Interlude" is dense and industrial. Drake maintained his hold on pop and rap, even if this eclecticism was more of an aesthetic than inspiring.
Key tracks: Madiba Riddim; Blem; Passionfruit
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Scorpion (2018)
An album that showcases the polarities of Drake, due to the double album becoming inflamed and muscular due to a brutal beef with rapper Pusha T. His most hardcore and steel-toed songs are here ("8 out of 10", "Emotionless") couples with his most breeziest ("Summer Games", "Ratchet Happy Birthday"). While the set has one of his best singles in the rousing fem anthem "Nice For What," the most interesting part of Scorpion is the drama and context surrounding it.
Key tracks: 8 out of 10; Nice For What; In My Feelings
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Honestly, Nevermind (2022)
The house beats are less flashy and glitchy than the ones on Beyonce's summer release Renaissance, mostly here the songs are grumbling basslines with synth figures echoed and repeated. It fits with the lonely ballads he usually makes with producer 40 Shebib, a dance with the forlorn heart of the party. Even in the middle of the heavy dance heat of "Massive," Drake sings "I don't want to go." He sounds cold and autotuned, tempered and unknowable.
A touristic visit to a historied subgenre much in the same vein as David Bowie's 1975 album Young Americans and Madonna's 1994 R&B romp Bedtime Stories. The attempt to dip into house and dance mostly pays off because it plays to his strengths of melody and letting the phrasing emerge from the feeling the track elicits. In "A Keeper" he turns a taunt to a lover into an ear candy chorus twisting around the house thump. "Currents" sounds like an overheard half drunk call, and the idyllic first half of "Calling My Name" is less song lyrics and more the stuff you muse about looking out of windows. The album feels immediate, as if recorded in a couple of days, as if nothing was written down, and that improves it, even if it means no lyrics with wordplay and insight. It's this wide-eyed gut reaction to everything: love, the future, fame, that pussy calling his name.
Key tracks: Calling My Name; Massive; Flights Booked; Jimmy Cooks
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myfineline · 4 years
This is for the fake fic ask thing: Young Man Take the Breadsticks and Run. lol hope you like it
Thank you, Anon!! This was another one I found in my WIP folder!
Young Man Take the Breadsticks and Run 🍷
A published author, esteemed literary critic, and well loved college professor, married to the love of his life in the home of his dreams all while still in his mid-thirties, Harry’s only real concern was a crippling bout of writer’s block and the extra ten pounds he was bound to put on from all of his avoidance baking.
That is until an unflattering book review, a jilted author, and a cryptic message regarding Harry’s husband turns his entire world upside down.
A year later he finds himself on a romantic tour of Italy all on his own, where he discovers that sometimes, starting over means having a life he never knew he always wanted, surrounded by the people who help make his heart complete
- Or an Under The Tuscan Sun AU
Send me a Fake Title and I'll write a Fake Summary!
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princelancey · 4 years
The fia on track limits
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This weekend:
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