#tv talk: Chicago PD
chenfordsrollisi · 1 year
One Chicago Screwed Over the Halstead Brothers
and most other siblings and their fans...
Ever since COVID came around, the crossovers stopped happening. I could understand that for the first year or two, while protocols were being created and put into place, and everyone wanted to protect the actors. But then things never went back to normal. Full crossovers never resumed happening.
We never got to see Jay and Will share scenes together again. Mini crossovers happened in the following years, with Hailey, Ruz or Kim going to Med for some reason and they interacted with those other characters. Or Fire characters would go on Med or PD. But you're telling me that not once could Jay and Will share scenes in that time?
Where was Will when Jay was going off the rails because of the Voight and Hailey BS a few seasons ago?
Where was Will, when Jay and Hailey eloped and got married?
Where was Will when Jay decided to leave Chicago and go to Bolivia?
Where was Jay each time Will was close to getting fired and losing his job?
Where was Jay, after the wedding to Natalie never happened?
Where was Jay, when Will suddenly up and decided to leave Chicago to be with Natalie and Owen?
It's gotten to the point where anyone new to the One Chicago franchise, wouldn't ever know that Jay and Will were brothers because they hadn't shared scenes since COVID started.
But it's not just them. It's like all siblings in the franchise barely share scenes. The Dawson siblings only had a handful of scenes when their characters were still around.
Kevin and his siblings only had a few episodes together.
Erin and Teddy NEVER shared scenes again after the episode where they find out he was a victim of a pedo sex ring.
We've NEVER seen a single scene of Hailey with her brothers.
We haven't seen Kim's sister in years. Doubt she even knows Kim adopted Mak.
Sylvie hasn't seen her sister in years, since the mom died.
Don't get me wrong, I know that the siblings in all these shows can't have scenes together all the time, but jeez, they can't even bother to have sibling scenes once a season, or have one of these characters share a phone call with their brother or sister?
I'm sure that I'm forgetting many other sibling pairs in the franchise, but it's 5:42 am as I type this and I needed to get this rant out.
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go-to-two · 1 year
How is it that Dick Wolf is able to start lots of new shows? We don't need more Law & Orders and the new Fire and Rescue one in Los Angeles when One Chicago actors have to make fewer appearances next year to save money.
Because Dick Wolf- Wolf Entertainment in this case- does not pay for these shows.
Again, Dick Wolf does not pay for these shows!
Shows are primarily funded by their network (NBC, CBS, etc). Networks negotiate a budget with Wolf Entertainment for the show they air. Ergo, the funding for a new Law & Order on CityTV has nothing to do with the funding for a One Chicago show on NBC. Generally speaking, newer shows are cheaper than older ones. The One Chicago actors are making fewer appearances next year because that was a settlement made in negotiations for NBC to continue funding these shows for a 12th/11th/9th season.
There are quite a few things I think Mr. Wolf can be criticized for, but creating new shows (the primary goal of a production company) is not one of them when he is not the one making the budgets.
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cowboybuckleys · 1 year
i didnt like hearing mack call kim “mom” so soon in 9x15. i think it would have made more sense if she called adam “dad” before she called kim “mom” because she already had a mom she was close to before and she never had a dad.
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idk if these are from the same person or i’ve blogged something that ppl are just now seeing and ppl are genuinely curious about my opinion on a super similar topic.. but the messages came in nearly back to back, so i’m gonna answer both here :)
i’m probably the only one who feels this way, but i disagree that Adam should’ve gotten dad first or that it was too soon for Kim to be called mom because she remembers her mom and didn’t really have a dad. fwiw, my family is dealing with a similar issue with my niece trying to understand how to address her step dad now that he’s adopted her and my nephew. everyone in this fucking family seems to have an opinion without asking the kids what they want and it's honestly fucking dumb but that's a whole other story lol. i would say to Mack what i said to her— a new parent in your life doesn’t cancel out the love or memories you have of the parent who has passed away, but you can also call multiple people mom and dad at the same time. hell, if all your parents are alive, you can call as many people mom or dad if that’s how you see them. if anything, having extra people to love and care for you and make you feel safe and happy is what the parent you’ve lost would have wanted. it's what any parent wants. and there’s no timeline or goalpost on when you should start calling someone mom or dad. and anyone who tries to force you to say something one way or the other is gonna get to have a not so fun conversation with me about respecting your decision and your boundaries on the subject matter.
and well, yeah that last part doesn’t apply here obviously cos it’s all opinion in fandom and that’s totally fine and valid lol, but i would gladly say that to anyone who is wrestling with something similar in their own life. the argument of ‘well she had a mom but didn’t have a dad, so—' doesn’t hold up for me. it's not a statement i love hearing when talking about blended families cos there's no common qualifiers for how or why someone decides those things and lumping all situations like that under one umbrella is not my favorite thing that fandoms do.. it's actually one of my biggest frustrations with how blended families are talked about in a lot of fandoms.. but my headcanon that they all celebrated BOTH of Mack’s moms for mother’s day is accurate until the show explicitly tells me otherwise because i can't fathom that Kim would be mad about that.
i do think, narratively, where they had Mack call Adam dad was pretty fucking perfect. for a show that gets relationships wrong A LOT, this one was always a safe spot for me. i knew that Mack would look at Adam as her dad and i had hoped we’d eventually get burzek on good terms again, but to hear her say it like for her it was never and has never been in question felt like the right choice. it was not a throw away line, it was very much meant to mean something doing it in that moment in that way. because it sure as shit was in question for all the adults in the room and i think that it needed to be addressed. i don’t necessarily think it needed to be said sooner because it was always just a matter of when Mack would say it. thank god that poor kid didn’t have to parent trap those two idiots tho lol.
my only real expectation for that moment was that it had to be during this season. for all the build up, for all the arguments, for all the pushing each other away, that moment had to be before the season ended. and it had to be Mack's doing. i would like to hear Kim say something like "you're her dad", sure, but for me it was always about when Mack would say it.
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acewritesfics · 11 months
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⚠️ I (@rainydayteacups) NO CREDIT FOR THESE FICS. ALL CREDIT GOES TO ACEY (@crazyformfics). She has entrusted me to repost her fics on here. She decided to take a step back from writing for these fandoms (interests do change). After we talked because I didn't want to see the fics she already had written go, she asked if I would like to take over and she'll send the fics she hasn't reposted yet to me so I can repost them on her behalf.
Tommy Shelby - Peaky Blinders
Arthur Shelby - Peaky Blinders
John Shelby - Peaky Blinders
Alfie Solomons - Peaky Blinders
Jay Halstead - Chicago PD
Stranger Things
Top Gun: Maverick
All a Fantasy - Dean Winchester x Reader
Crossroads Deal - Dean Winchester x Reader 
This is Your Mess - Winchester Bros x Platonic!Reader
Baseball Bat - Jax Teller
Beautiful - Jax Teller
Mood Boards
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nerdieforpedro · 3 months
Presenting: The One who runs the Streets - Megamind!
The Streets are us. We are the Streets and every now and then, we cuddle. @megamindsecretlair and I stay in these fanfiction streets, 😎
Entry 4 of Le Writers Masterlist
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If I remember correctly (famous words before Nerdie is completely wrong), we first bonded over Din Djarin and Loki because this was our glorious purpose we were burdened with and The Way. She enjoyed my version of Din at the time (he came prepared and used his tools) and I was introduced to her Loki running a nightclub. (We were robbed, there needs to be random ass third season where he runs a nightclub.)
My first recommendation of her work is of course is her Be My Little Darling series. Featuring Loki and a black female reader as his second in command, it follows odd happenings at the club with feelings between the two. There are so many twists and turns and Mega builds the tension between Loki and the reader beautifully.
My second recommendation has to be my boy Kevin Atwater. Do I watch Chicago PD for this man? Yes, yes I do. Have Mega and I talked about him at length, making others possibly giggle at how serious we were? Yes. Her one shot Fall Into You stems from Kevin not only being a police officer but landlord who actually came to fix something in your apartment. The fic takes it from there and now every time I watch a Chicago PD episode I wonder, "Is Atwater not on screen right now because he's laying some other pipe in his apartment building? Was that included as one of the perks? How are the jobs in Chicago?"
My final recommendation is about the man, the assassin, the White Wolf with a vibranium arm and a smile that could kill: James 'Buck-Nasty" Barnes. Buck Nasty will always stick with me because that is what Anthony Mackie called Sebastian during one of their many crazy ass interviews they were paired together for. Always good for a laugh. It will never not be funny. Her series It's a Little Warm is just so sweet and sexy. Also demonstrates why Bucky will always be invited to the cookout, no questions asked.
I have her Masterlist here, she writes for not only Marvel but many different TV and movie fandoms too.
Mega is hilarious, always finds the best memes. I feel like she told me where she gets them, but I forgot again so it's just going to be her secret now. 🤣 She's supportive of other writers and has been a great resource helping other black writers find each other. I love her and I find that this will be the best way to make her cry with affection. 🥹
Megamind's Moodboard: ❤️❤️❤️😆
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tomboy014 · 2 years
I’m mostly going off of fanon when it comes to Constantine, so bear with me, but after all the times Constantine has complained to the JLA for dragging him into whatever problem they’ve managed to bumble into, Batman and Oracle have started looking for alternative occult and supernatural consultants, but it’s not like they can just look someone up in the phone book… right?
Except that’s exactly where Oracle finds Harry Dresden, Professional Wizard. 
There aren’t many records Oracle’s able to pull up, and what she does find is a mixed bag.  He’s got a fairly decent record working as a consultant with the Chicago PD, but he’s also worked with known criminal organizations.  There’s a pending lawsuit with TV studio over some wrecked equipment, good reviews from his former landlady, and a mix of dissatisfied and very satisfied customers, but it seems like, for the most part, he gets results. 
Plus, his rates are reasonable and he’s willing to travel; might as well bring him in on a trial run.
Nothing big at first.  Break up a new cult, disprove a haunting, all much smaller and easier than what he usually deals with back in Chicago.  He’s even managed to not burn down a building or two while he’s been here.  And while his methods can be… unorthodox, he can hold his own in a fight using both magical and mundane methods.  He’s a good detective and can work a crime scene.  He’s a hell of a lot more personable than Constantine.  Most importantly, he’s willing to teach.  Giant dork that he is, he’s eager to explain the magical theory behind his methods.
After a few months, Batman asks if Dresden is willing to be brought on full time, so to speak, and work his first “big” case.
“Only if you can provide a babysitter.” 
The Carpenter’s are on their family trip, and he doesn’t really have anyone else who can watch his kid.  He can only help if they can get him a babysitter.
Not what any of the Bats were expecting, but Batman can call in a “favor.”
Cue Dresden rolling up to Wayne Manor with little Maggie and her trusty sidekick, Mouse, in tow.
Alfred gets Maggie and Mouse settled in, and once she’s out of the room, Dresden turns to Bruce Wayne and casually asks if he gets to see the Batcave.
Dresden is aware he’s not always the brightest crayon in the toolshed, but he’s still a damn good detective, and he knows people.  It didn’t take him long to puzzle out that Bruce and the kids are vigilantes.  Bruce isn’t happy, but it does make things easier going forward.
Other than Tim, the Birds take to Dresden quickly.  He’s good with kids, never talking down to them, and is full of dorky movie and book references.  He can sling almost as much sass and sarcasm around as Steph.  Maggie is tiny and adorable and looks like a mini-Cass they can all coo over.  And Damian cannot get enough of Mouse who is just so large and fluffy and so much dog!  Tim doesn’t want Dresden to come anywhere near him; he shorts out every tablet and has to stay at least 20ft from the Bat Computer to keep it from shorting out.
So, Dresden finally works with the Justice League on some big, world-ending doomsday case, and yeah, this is unfortunately the speed he’s used to working at.  And, of course, a building burns down, but it was mostly not his fault!  But, everyone comes out more or less in one piece, the day is saved, and a bruised and beaten Dresden drags himself back to Wayne manor to recover before heading back to Chicago.
Just a normal day for Harry Dresden, professional wizard and supernatural consultant for the Justice League of America.
Still a much better deal than he’s used to getting.  The pay is good, and he doesn’t have to constantly watch his back against his own teammates.  Perk of working with superheroes; they’re generally good guys. 
But the biggest perks have been the positive effects on his daughter, Maggie.  It’s no Chez Carpenter, but the Manor and all the bat kids have a strong and warm family vibe of their own.  They’re (worryingly) good at helping talk her down from panic attacks and PTSD episodes.  They’ve got a lot of parenting advice to give, too.
And Maggie can finally get the therapy she needs from Black Canary without Dresden worrying about her being thrown into a loony bin for talking about the literal monsters she’ been exposed to.  Harry, too.
This is the best Harry and Maggie have been doing in a long time.
John Constantine, on the other hand, is getting worried.  The JLA have gone a suspiciously long time without getting themselves into trouble, and despite the way he acts, he does care in his own way, so he goes to check on them.  And who does he find they’ve invited into their house?  Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden, apprentice of Justin DuMorne, son of Margaret LeFay, fiancé to Lara Raith of the White Court of Vampires, and the right-hand goon of the Dark Faerie Queen herself, Mab.  For Dresden, he can’t believe John Constantine, renegade warlock, necromance and black magic practitioner, just walked in.  He’s been on the Warden’s list for years. 
Both parties are trying to make their case about why they shouldn’t be using the other; they’re evil!  But the more Dresden and Constantine yell and argue with each other, the more they realize that they’re both working outside boundaries, but generally in the direction of good.  The two end up in positions that require them to work together, and it goes surprisingly well.  Their knowledge and experiences complement each other’s, and they make a well-oiled, if reluctant, duo.
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bi-bard · 1 year
Maybe There's No Answer Here, At Least One We're Ready to Hear - Jay Halstead Imagine [Chicago PD]
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Title: Maybe There's No Answer Here, At Least One We're Ready to Hear
Pairing: Jay Halstead X Reader
Based On: In the Meantime
Word Count: 913 words
Warning(s): mentions of separation
Summary: Jay and (Y/n) planned for forever. However, no one can plan for everything. Now, Jay begs for one night of normalcy before everything falls apart.
Author's Note: This is super short, but I think it gets the job done.
Part One of "April" [Release Date: 5/3/2023]
Part Two of "April" [Release Date: 5/5/2023]
Endings were always hard to accept.
Good or bad, there was always a small sense of denial that something was finally coming to a close.
I wish that my ending was good.
I had let myself believe that it was going to be.
I got comfortable. I got comfortable calling Jay's place home. I got comfortable waking up next to him, cooking with him, doing chores with him. I got comfortable being loved by him.
And now, I was forced to watch whatever future I imagined with Jay crumble in front of me. All of the broken pieces now sat in cardboard boxes and various bags. And suddenly, the ending was far more real than it had ever been before.
I heard the floor creak behind me. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.
Jay and I had been largely silent while I packed. It was rare for our place to be so quiet. No talking, no music, no TV show playing in the background. Nothing to distract us from the inevitable.
"Kim's coming by tomorrow morning to help me get everything out," I muttered.
I didn't want to spend another night there. It was simply my only option at this point. I had been planning to sleep on the couch for the night. I had been for a while at that point. Jay complained about it, but I didn't care. Not at that point.
"Do you want some dinner," Jay asked.
"I'll eat later," I replied.
"You don't need to take care of me, Jay," I stopped him, turning to face him properly. "I can feed myself. I don't need your supervision-"
"It's not for you," he snapped. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "It's for me."
I had to bite back the urge to say something along the lines of "at least you can finally admit that."
"Tomorrow... everything's going to be... different," he explained. "I just... I want one more normal night before that. I don't want to try to fix everything or convince you to stay or anything. I just want to have one more night where I don't have to think about living without you around."
He had spent a long time in denial. So had I.
Does anyone ever easily accept that a relationship is ending? Or that it ever needs to?
"Fine," I mumbled. "What did you have in mind?"
His shoulders dropped a bit before he replied, "I can order something."
"You know what I get from our usual places," I said. "I'm fine with anything."
He just nodded and walked off.
I sat down on the couch as he called whatever place he chose. I took a moment to look around the room.
It was strange. It was still the same place, but it looked completely foreign to me. There were empty spots on the wall where my stuff had been hanging up. There were movies missing from the shelf. There were throw blankets that were now tucked away in one of my boxes, mainly guarding my mugs.
It all felt so... wrong. Like seeing your face flipped in a photo. Still the same but not how you were used to seeing it.
Jay came out to sit with me a few minutes later.
He looked different too.
He looked tired. Weighed down. I wanted to believe that after this, he would go back to the way he had been before. The same man that had left that cup of coffee on my desk. Our relationship had become a weight on both of us. Too heavy to hold onto without hurting ourselves. No matter how much we both wanted it.
"Wanna watch a movie," Jay asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Sure," I nodded.
I don't remember what movie we picked that night.
I don't remember paying attention.
We stayed up pretty late that night. We didn't talk much. Mostly small comments about what we were watching.
We watched a few movies.
We ate dinner side-by-side on that couch.
When that was done, Jay grabbed some ice cream from the freezer for us to share.
It was so strange.
We hadn't experienced such a calm night like that in a long time. It felt like it had been months since we had a night end with no argument or snarky comments.
I'd like to believe that we both pushed any negative thoughts away for the time being. We were mourning the loss of whatever we had; there was no reason to disturb that by yelling at each other.
After Jay went to bed, I spent ages staring up at the ceiling of the apartment.
I felt my eyes fill with tears.
I knew that I couldn't stay.
Not right now. Nothing would change if I stayed.
We were at different points in our lives. We had different needs than what the other person could provide.
And avoiding that was going to hurt both of us in the long run.
But I could handle the avoidance for a night.
Maybe Jay and I spent that night trying to ignore the reality of the situation. Maybe neither one of us wanted to think about all of the reasons that our relationship fell apart the way it did.
But maybe we didn't need to.
Maybe we had been through enough fighting and yelling and talking.
Maybe it wasn't a state of denial. It was just the first step towards acceptance.
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kamryn1963 · 1 month
would you please write a Hank and Erin ficlet where she has a pregnancy scare and he catches her taking a test/crying at the office/googling something and them having a confrontation about it
Thank you for the request! I had some time on the drive to the beach this morning (I wasn't driving lol) and I managed to get this written up.
Erin had been acting weird lately. Hank hadn't been able to put his finger on why, he just knew it was worrying. 
He had tried to talk to her of course, but Erin had just brushed him off and told him she was fine. Hank had tried to talk to Jay as well but he seemed as worried and clueless as Hank. This has been going on for nearly a week at this point and Hank was close to snapping. Erin had gotten more and more closed off recently and was starting to isolate herself from everyone. 
Hank was planning to head to her apartment and talk to her that night and was surprised when he came out of his office to see her still at his desk. Right away Hank noticed she was crying and he headed over to her instantly. 
Erin heard him and looked up, quickly wiping at her face as she saw the look on Hank's face. 
“I'm fine”. Erin said before Hank could speak. 
“You call this fine?” Hank asked with a scoff as he looked at Erin's tear stained face. 
“Hank, I'm fine. I just want to head home”. Erin argued. She knew this conversation was bound to happen and this time she wouldn't be able to just leave without giving Hank an answer of some kind. 
“Erin”. Hank warned as he pulled Jay's desk chair up to Erin's desk and he sat down. 
“Does this have to do with Bunny?” That was where Hank's mind first went. That's where his mind always went when Erin was upset. 
God knows Bunny had caused enough trouble in Erin's life that it wasn't a ridiculous suggestion. 
“Not everything has to do with her��. Erin responded harshly. She knew that would only make Hank mad but she also didn't know how to talk to Hank of all people about what actually happened. 
She hadn't even told Jay yet. 
“Don't give me that bullshit, Erin. Just tell me what happened”. Hank replied seriously. 
Erin didn't say anything but the tense silence and the stern look on Hank's face soon made her snap. 
“Fine! I thought I was pregnant!” Erin shouted and silence came over the bullpen. 
Hank was thankful it was only the two of them still there. 
“You what?” Hank knew what she said and Erin knew that too. 
“I was late and I kept forgetting to buy a test and for a few days there I thought I was pregnant. And I just kept thinking you know? That maybe, I'd be a good mother”. Erin admitted. She didn't look at Hank. She couldn't. 
Erin knew she should've told Jay when she thought she was pregnant with his child. Erin was too scared, too much of a coward to tell him. To get both their hopes up. 
“Me and Jay talked a bit when we first started dating, and both decided we don't want kids, at least not right now. But I imagined a world where we started a family together”. Erin was crying again and she hated herself for it. 
Why was she crying over something that never existed? It's not like she had a miscarriage or something. She just wasn't pregnant. But Erin couldn't stop imagining a fantasy of her, Jay and a baby, a perfect mix of them. 
“It's just a stupid thing for me to get upset about”. Erin said with a laugh but there was no humor in it and she still couldn't meet Hank's eyes. 
“It's not stupid, not at all”. Hank didn't know what to say, how to help. At times like these he really missed Camille. 
“I'm getting so upset over something that never existed”. Erin said angrily but she was only angry at herself. 
Erin never saw herself as a mother. Not until now and the longing was strong. The longing to be a better mother than hers ever was. She wanted to be a mother like Camille had been. 
“Come here”. Hank replied and Erin didn't argue as she hugged him. He just held her as her body shook with silent sobs. 
“I could be a good mother”. Erin sobbed and Hank just held her tighter as he rubbed her back. 
“You will be. I know you will”. Hank reassured. He still felt like he wasn't the best person for Erin to talk to but he was just happy she was opening up. 
Erin didn't respond but her sobs died off and she pulled away. Erin tied her hair up needing something to do with her hands before Hank noticed how badly they were shaking. 
“Thank you”. Erin said sincerely a few moments later. 
Hank nodded as he stood up. “Are you feeling better, kid?” 
“I am. I should go talk to Jay now”. Erin replied as she also stood up and took a deep breath. 
After a few more minutes, Erin left heading to her apartment now feeling lighter and ready to have a conversation with her boyfriend. 
Hank stayed at the district for another hour before he also headed home. His conversation with Erin was still fresh in his mind and he needed time to think. Probably with alcohol. 
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officialtayley · 4 months
I’m a diff anon, but the anons that were talking about that Miracle fic are right. I actually found out about it earlier. I guess there are a few fics that are basically re-writes of each other, but they’re just in diff fandoms. Idk if this is the same author just using diff psuedonyms.
Here’s the fic: https://archive.transformativeworks.org/works/26871772/chapters/65565019. It is on AO3 and wattpad. I believe it is based off the Chicago PD & Med tv shows. It is almost identical to Miracle except for swapping characters. And the author mentions this fic is inspired by ‘Annika’ by DontJudgeMeIShipIt. But that fic has been wiped from AO3 and the net.
Idk what going on with the fic world rn.
why are my worlds colliding i used to be such an avid fan of chicago pd and chicago med 😭 is a little funny the descriptions are almost exactly the same but idk since it seems to be a running theme i guess maybe it's a prompt or something idk i don't write fics so idk how any writers would view all this
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chenfordsrollisi · 1 year
Med and PD
Both shows broke my heart this year with the loss of Jesse Lee Soffer's Jay Halstead, and Nick Gehlfuss' Will Halstead, leaving their respective shows. I've been reading spoilers all season, as I haven't watched any of the current seasons of One Chicago. I've been waiting for them to finish. Now, I'm down another two shows this year.
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go-to-two · 2 years
Thank you. One more random q because I'm curious. Jesse once tweeted a bunch of words used in tv and film here https://twitter.com/jesseleesoffer/status/1381755242182758404?t=ydW3kEMaD6oS7l7MZK50rw&s=19
I know what some words mean but can you explain grip, first, second, third, apple, apple box, gate, mark, and martini?
(screenshot for context)
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I have to say, I admire your curiosity since this tweet is over a year old! This is like a fun little quiz, and some of the replies and quote tweets had me laughing. Let's do this!
1. Grip: it's a department within the crew. Grips work with the lighting and camera departments to get everything secured in the right position to get the shot. This can include stands, trusses, flags, nets, etc. for lights and dollies, car rigs, cranes, etc. for cameras.
2. First, Second, Third: this is vague, Mr. Soffer! Positions? ADs? Units? Walkie channels? First and second teams? I can explain any of these if needed, but I'm not really sure what he was going for here. Or I have more learning to do.
3. Apple: this is explained well in the replies, but it refers to the second camera setup in a scene. Let's say they are filming scene 1 for the day and the first setup is a wide shot while the second is in close. When they switch from the wider to the closer shot, they move from scene 1 to scene 1A, or Apple.
4. Apple Box: literally a box! They are usually made of wood and can come in different heights. They can be placed under props to make them higher in the frame or under an actor to make them taller.
5. Gate: an old school term from when everything was shot on film. The gate was an opening in the camera that would have to be checked for any blockages or dirt that could ruin the quality of the film. Even in the digital world, the term "check the gate" has kind of stuck around as a way to say "check the camera and make sure it's capturing what it needs to".
6. Mark: a marking (usually tape in the shape of a "T") placed on the ground that lets an actor know where they need to be in a scene. Different colors of tape will be assigned to different actors. See: Marina's instagram post from September 20.
7. Martini: last shot of the day!
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lizziethat · 1 year
Hi Lizzie, just want to start by saying I enjoy your tv reviews! Chicago PD used to be one of my favorite shows until Season 10 when I was forced to stop watching after the writers chose to completely annihilate Jay’s character after Jesse left the show. I was wondering if you knew of an address where I can send a letter to the writers or show runner (unfortunately I do know the showrunner’s name)? I feel like sending a letter will help give me closure even if no one ends up reading it. Is there no way to send feedback to writers specifically? I know fans have made their feelings clear on social media but is social media backlash something that even gets shared with writers/the show runner?
This is a tricky question. More often than not, yes, writers/showerunners are aware of the general feelings of people on social media. I've certainly found that they have a pretty good idea of what's being said when I've interviewed them. Doesn't mean they'll listen, but they know.
As for where to send a letter - I'd say to Wolf Entertainment HQ. I don't want to post the full address here, but it should be easy to Google.
And thank you so much for reading my reviews! Hopefully we are closer to the end of the strike and having a lot of stuff to talk about again.
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gregorygerwitz · 2 years
hey hey, so im all caught up on chicago pd atm and im looking for a new show to watch.....
all i know about 911/ls is from your blog and the way you talk about it it seems like an awesome show.......maybe convince me to start watching it ? i trust your recommendation (no pressure though !! )
(also is lone star a reboot of 911? a sequel? a same-universe-same-time crossover show ?? i tried to look it up but it didnt really make sense-)
Hi, anon!
I did see this ask this morning when I woke up, but I didn't want to deal with fighting formatting on my phone at work, or my phone autocorrecting "Lone Star" to "alone Star" every single time (the number of times I've had to correct it is literally.... 100% of the times I've typed it), so I'm finally getting around to it now!
911, the original show, is set in Los Angeles. 911 Lone Star is a spin off show set in the same universe but in Austin, Texas. There are a few nods back and forth between the two, but only one real crossover episode (on Lone Star) that you don't really have to know much about the original for (I watched Lone Star first and I wasn't that confused, but I was already semi-familiar with the OG characters, too, so I might not be the best person to ask on that front)
I'm... still mad about last night's episode of 911. I'm trying to be optimistic that the storyline will play out better than it looks like right now. But as of 6x11, I'm not a huge fan of the original show. Everything up until this point has been really enjoyable, though. I think season 4 was my favorite for a while. Season 6a was really good! The first 9 episodes of season 6? I have very few complaints. Even 6x10, fantastic. I just...
Lone Star is really good, though.
There's a lot of great representation in it - my heart loves Tarlos (if you're following me you like Moustead, right? there's another gay police officer/former drug addict ship! and this one's canon! and getting married!) , and Paul (a black, trans firefighter), and a confirmed(?) bisexual character, too. It's a lot of fun. It's definitely the funnier show of the two, if you want to start with something lighter and see if you enjoy the universe before you get any further into it! (if you do watch Lone Star, and you're as observant as I am, Knox will jump scare you in season 1. just prepare for that. because it startled me)
Honestly, even with my issues with 911 OG right now, it's a lot of fun, too. I know I post a lot about Buck and Eddie and their relationship (not canon! it's not canon! it's queerbait and it's actually a lot of fun to enjoy the crumbs they give us if you acknowledge that! just keep your expectations reasonable and it's fun, I promise), but I love.... literally every character and every ship I've seen so far, besides the Parents? Most of the parents suck.
and Doug Kendall. fuck Doug Kendall. all my homies hate Doug Kendall.
Give it a shot! Even if you only watch a few episodes to get a feel for it, you might have some fun with it! I'm trying not to take it too seriously, because it is just a TV show. Even if it's not 100% perfect, it's something to look forward to every week during long shifts at work!
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jvstheworld · 2 years
Due South Re-watch: part 2
Still on the pilot episode and on page 3 of my notes (there are 7 pages in an A5 notebook), so to continue where I left off:
•At this point we get a little bit of background of Fraser, he’s a good cop, very thorough with his job that he’s been doing for 13 years. But the reason why he is stationed where he is, is because he couldn’t handle urban areas. But because it’s his father that’s dead he will go to Chicago anyway. He tracked a man 300km because he blew up rivers to catch fish, there is no way in hell he wouldn’t go to Chicago.
•Fraser in Chicago is the epitome of the phrase ‘a fish out of water’. He’s extremely polite and very trusting. That doesn’t make him naive, he just wants to see the best of people instead of the worst and he does bring out the best in people more often than not.
•Then we introduce the buddy into this buddy cop comedy drama, Ray Vecchio, who is try to entrap someone into buying stolen merch in a holding cell? How exactly would you get someone to go along with that? Where was the logic there? To this day I am still confused by this. The fact that everyone put there hand put when Ray asked ‘Ok who let the Mountie into the holding cell?’ makes me laugh because they did it to mess with him.
•A piece of advice, if anyone tries to talk to you about something involving a dead person, use tact. Do not start off by saying ‘The dead Mountie thing.’ and then act like an ass. But did it prove Gerard right earlier when he was talking to Fraser about how the Chicago PD were going to treat this case. It’s only after Fraser tells Ray that it was his father that he actually cares about the case.
•As a kid I didn’t understand why Leanne was so angry at Fraser, but as an adult I do. Imagine you had been working your ass off in a job you hate and working towards a better one for 4 years, while also having to probably put up with some casual sexism to be then told that you aren’t right for the job and someone new swoops in and gets it. Yeah I would be pissed too. Also, her boss is and unhinged idiot, just saying.
•We are about half an hour into the episode and already we have established our main characters, and some running themes and jokes. The episode is an hour and a half, because it was originally supposed to be a TV movie then it turned into a two part pilot when it got picked up for a full season. This is also why the car Ray drives changes, the precinct set changes, and of course the Mountie uniform is correct in all episodes after this.
There will be a part 3.         
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evcryopeneye · 2 years
01. NAME / ALIAS :  Sammie
02. BIRTHDAY :  Oct 20
03. ZODIAC SIGN : Libra
04. HEIGHT :  5′10″ 
05. HOBBIES : cross stitch, binging tv shows, gaming, storm chasing
06. FAVORITE COLOR :  purple
07. FAVORITE BOOK : brave new world - adous huxley
08. FAVORITE FOOD :  sushi
09. LAST FILM / TV SHOW : chicago pd
10. INSPIRATION :  music, clips of the show I’m writing from, memes, talking to my writing partner.
11. STORY BEHIND URL : lyric from a band I like called Chvrches.
Tagged by:  @nebulaties
Tagging: I literally have no idea and I’m 3 vodka-fantas deep so steal it plz
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kamryn1963 · 6 days
Chicago PD Fanfic- Al, Hank & Trudy
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Chicago PD (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Alvin Olinsky & Trudy Platt & Hank Voight Characters: Trudy Platt, Alvin Olinsky, Hank Voight Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Reunions, Character Death, Afterlife, I Don't Even Know, Everybody Dies, Well just Al and Hank and Trudy, which is everyone in this fic, My interpretation of an afterlife btw, The Author Regrets Nothing
After 31 years, 4 months and 3 days, Al, Hank and Trudy are back together again.
Alvin had died first, only 55 when he was murdered. Six years later Hank died at the hands of Frank Matson. Trudy had been first on scene that day to find Hailey holding Hank’s dead body. She had never been able to get the sight out of her head. 
Trudy was 86 when she died. The fact that she even made it that long, surprised her. But after the team had already lost Hank and knowing her death would kill Randall, Trudy knew she had to stay. 
31 years, 4 months and 3 days after Alvin Olinsky died, and 25 years, 5 months and six days after Hank Voight died, Trudy Platt died. She went in her sleep. A peaceful death. Unlike what Alvin’s and Hank’s had been. They’d both been stabbed to death and Trudy always wondered if maybe she could’ve done more to save them. 
It didn’t matter now though. Because they were together again. She had mourned Alvin for longer than she had known him. Had spent 25 years mourning Hank. 
When Trudy woke up it was to find herself in a park and it took Trudy a minute to recognize it but she smiled when she did. It was a familiar sight, a park that had been near Hank’s house that the trio had spent many days and nights at together. Just talking or enjoying the peace and quiet. 
Trudy started walking. She knew she was dead, that much was clear and when Trudy saw two figures on a bench nearby she smiled again. A true smile this time for the first time in years. 
One of the figures, a man, turned when he heard the footsteps and let out a wide grin as he stood up. 
“Look who finally decided to join us”. Hank stated as he started walking towards her. She could see the other figure was Alvin who also stood up at Hank’s words. 
“You sure took your sweet time”. Al added as he leaned against the bench he and Hank had been sitting on. 
Trudy didn’t say anything at first. Just watched them. Both looked like they hadn’t aged a day since their deaths. Trudy thinks they looked younger almost. Less stressed and like they didn’t have the weight of the world on their shoulders anymore. 
“Somebody had to stay around”. Trudy finally managed to say as Hank came up to her and hugged her. 
“And we appreciate you for that”. Hank chuckled before pulling away as Al came up to her next. He hugged her the same as Hank had, and Trudy hugged back. 
Even after so long it felt like no time had passed. 
“So this is it?” Trudy asked as she looked around. It just looked like the same park it always did. But Trudy knew it wasn’t real. Or maybe it was. Trudy didn’t really know or care anymore. She had lived far too long to care. 
“Don’t sound so disappointed. You're with us now”. Al responded with a grin as he looked around himself. 
“There’s no place I’d rather be”. Trudy responded and it was true. Sure she felt bad for leaving her husband, but he was also old and his health wasn’t great. Trudy wouldn’t be surprised if she saw him here soon. 
“Good. Because I’ve been dealing with Al for way too long on my own”. Hank jokes, smirking as Al swatted at his shoulder. 
Trudy just watched them with a fond smile even as she rolled her eyes at their familiar antics. Somehow she had missed this. It had been a long time, even before Alvin then Hank died, that she saw them this happy. This carefree. 
31 years, 4 months and 3 days. But they were together again. Even after all that, the grief, blame, guilt. Things had worked out.
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