#tvd af
theshipdiaries · 6 months
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saw this and immediately thought of kastle and klaroline!
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chloesreality · 4 months
part 2 of “uhh yeahh I’m gonna need you to marry me rn”
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reblogandlikes · 2 days
Tell me the mating bond isn't actually just a sire bond.
Rewatching TVD, and it got me thinking, Feysand's mating bond gives me major Damon and Elena sire bond vibes. Because what do you mean you had your own opnions once upon a time, but the moment you got a sire - I mean, mate - all their wants suddenly became yours? Your actions drastically changed and mimics theirs. Even if you originally think another way (Feyre - Just asking Tarquin and being upfront/ Elena - in agreement with Caroline that the blue dress is best without hesitation. Safer), you get convinced that the alternative (Rhysand- stealing the Book from Tarquin/ Damon - Prefers the red dress so Elena's preference changes) is better. And that's just one example.
"Being sired doesn't mean you feel differently about someone. I hated Klaus, but I still did everything he said. The bond affects how you act, not how you feel." Tyler Lockwood
Though it could be speculated that the additional feeling of love being involved can then make the acceptance of one's actions more comfortable, especially when the "mate" encourages and justifies it. You're not doing anything wrong when what you're doing makes your sire happy.
Ugh, I need to get acotar out of my head. I need a detox to stop drawing comparisons.
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cancerian-woman · 8 months
Do u think what Kelly Donovan did to Tyler counts as SA
he was 17 and very drunk and she was a grown woman
I’ve seen people say it doenst count though like huh
Tyler being disliked in the fandom ties into how they feel on what happens to him. Kelly Donovan was the adult in the situation and 100% took advantage. Tyler is the same age as her children to really put it in perspective. She should’ve refused and controlled the situation. She is an adult, there is no excuses.
People say it doesn’t count because Tyler consented to it. Tyler’s a male, she’s an older woman so it should be seen as “sexy.” Sexual assault isn’t taken very seriously by the TVDU fandom because TVDU never wants to call it as it is. They rather sweep it under the rug.
Marcel and Rebekah are another example of when the woman needed to set boundaries versus taking advantage of the male. It’s Rebekah though and no one wants to call her a groomer but she looks like one when Marcel met her as a child and has had feelings for her since then. In none of Marbekah scenes with child!Marcel does Rebekah ever refuse Marcel’s advances. Katherine assaulted Stefan but that is glossed over.
Women are just as capable of being sexual predators.
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fictionalnation · 1 year
Run dont walk to watch Glamorous because OMG!!! I have just watched episode 1 and love it I was crying within the first 5 minutes - its so queer lmao I love that for us but Marco is so relatable and I am really rooting for him- EVERYONE is good looking and Legacies fans- one of our fav gays is there too!!! Also KIM CATRAL HELLOOOO YOU MUST WATCH THIS
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realbeefman · 2 months
thinking about stefan and damon and what’s dead staying dead. they will always be those people they were at the moment of their death incapable of understanding their past incapable of moving forward. stefan will always be 17 and immature and obsessed with who he thought katherine was and furious with his brother and wanting so ardently that he will kill for it. and damon will always be jealous and possessive and wishing that it was him, that he was the one who mattered, that he was worthy of the love he watched his father and katherine shower on the boy he had to leave behind
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timelessvampire30 · 24 minutes
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HE'S SO SEXY!! 🥵 *drawls*
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elizabethbennets · 2 years
It’s so evident to me that I’m in my 30s now because when I rewatch TVD it’s like Klaus who Stefan who I only have eyes for Uncle John LMAOO
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chloesreality · 4 months
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uhh yeahh I’m gonna need you to marry me rn
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roisy · 4 months
I’m rewatching TVD to make notes on Bonnie for fics. Did the writers give this girl any hobbies (except cheerleading)? Career goals? Say what she studied in college? Like??? Apparently she lived with her dad full time??? I saw her bedroom maybe once? Her mom’s entire arc was weak af. I forgot about the whole Jamie relationship. She went to visit her dad’s side of the family. Great. Where? Ffs.
Bonnie Bennett deserved so much better than this nonsense.
It’s easy to imagine headcanons based on her personality, but the fact that I can’t pull any small details like that from the show itself is entirely fucked.
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daenysthedreamer101 · 8 months
TVD S5 EP11&12 (mostly a rant about Tyler and Caroline)
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I'm not even gonna talk about the first 10 episodes, Silas was annoying AF I'm glad he's dead. Also, Katherine as a human was hilarious.
Tyler deserved better. I said it. I never really understood the Tyler hate. Like, yeah he was a douche in S1 but if we're judging him by his S1 personality shouldn't we all hate Caroline by that logic? Cause she was kind of a bitch in S1.
Caroline sleeping with Klaus...yeah no I don't even know what to say. I knew it was coming, just didn't know when. It was dumb and just didn't really make any sense to me. I was never really on board with them, to begin with.
Why did Klaus come back to MF in the first place? To see Katherine dying? Anyways... It always felt to me like Klaus was being really pushy and trying to flirt with Care when she was obviously not into it (she seemed pretty content and happy with Tyler)
Like sir, you have a whole ass baby on the way (idk what happened with that storyline cause the Mikaelsons went to New Orleans and I'm not watching TO rn) and you're here in MF trying to hook up with a girl who repeatedly told you she wasn't interested. Dare i say, you look kind of pathetic.
Tyler my boy, you deserve better, you really do. And then, when he hears Care talking to a Katherine-possessed Elena about Klaus he is obviously heartbroken.
Look, Care, I like you, I really do, but I can't defend you on this one. It's preposterous to me that she's the one acting all shocked when Tyler gets upset. Like, you slept with the man who ruined his life, who killed your best friend's aunt (RIP Jenna you will always be missed), and oh, killed his mother! (RIP Carol you were innocent)
Also, this might just be me, but did everyone forget that Klaus was gonna kill Care in the sacrifice ritual thing back in S2? Maybe I'm just really bad at letting things go but I would never get over that? Like I would never want to be friends let alone anything more with a person who brought so much suffering to me and my friends.
You almost died because of him, twice! Damn it Caroline, where are your morals!?
Call it a moment of weakness I guess, but still, it was hella stupid. And then Stefan defends Caroline? Like no don't defend her she did a stupid thing!
Tyler is my guy and I like him. I understand not liking his character but you cannot seriously say that he was in the wrong in this situation. He had every right to be upset. And Caroline was stupid for what she did. Maybe it's because Klaus said "You'll never see me again" so she thought "fuck it, I might as well since he'll be gone for good" but still dumb af
The show has been off the rails since S4 it can only be worse from here lol
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bonkai4ever94 · 2 months
Sorry I’ve had Bonkai mega on the brain since restarting work on an old fic and I need someone to vent to. Ive been going through the bonkai tags and blogs here (more than usual lol) and just saw the gif of the scene where Kai is like “I can’t stop thinking about her” ans describes wanting to apologize to Bonnie.
This is a man who TERRORIZED his own family! His family who is very much STILL alive! Plus I feel like we can assume safely he’s got other people he did wrong in his life since he was some terrible sociopath or whatever. Anyway he had years being imprisoned to think about his family and his sister and doing them wrong, after the merge with his newfound emotion he doesn’t think about apologizing to his family at all- we don’t see him agonizing over doing them wrong or hurting them and needing to see them to make things right. Bonnie is in his world for the equivalent of a blip, and he’s so fixated on her he goes out of his way to get DAMON to take him to see her. We know he has a soft spot for Josette but he doesn’t seem to fixate over hurting her or upending her life or stabbing her or anything.
Like- this dude didn’t immediately fuck off to Portland to right any of his wrongs, only found his siblings to further terrorize them, but is torn apart by remorse for BONNIE. He merged with Luke but didn’t fixate on Liv or Jo or the siblings he killed. To me that shows how badly The Gemini abused him that he has no complex feelings about hurting them (also bad TVD writing mixed in).
Anyway Bonnie is the only character besides himself Kai seems to show genuine remorse for! To the point he fixates on it and wants to rectify it.
But there’s nothing there….okay…
It's obvious despite some of the bad writing that got in the way kai had feelings prior and after the merge for bonnie the merge only made kai feel empathy not his feelings for bonnie when they was already there luke didn't care about bonnie at all so the claims he felt nothing and it's all luke is incorrect otherwise he like you said he would have just went to Portland and been done with the mystic falls gang if he didn't care about bonnie he cared in his own sociopathic romantic way if the writers was more creative they would have expanded on this over the usual formula they always stuck with kai only cared about 2 people bonnie and jo he didn't give af about his coven
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Unpopular TVDU opinions?
Prob gonna get a lot of crap for this one, but I didn't really like Caroline that much. She was fine season 2 and 3, then I was like 🙄 with her in season 4 and 5, then I was like half okay half meh in season 6, and then she was fine in season 7 and 8.
Stefan was never the better brother. He was just the brother that was perceived nicer, the hero, etc. so people thought he was better. He did things that were just as bad as Damon, but people think just because he's nice, or "sorry" or whatever so he's better.
I don't like the Jo-erasure Legacies did. Yes, Caroline gave birth to them and is their mother as well, but she didn't exactly have a choice in being killed on her wedding day.
I don't think this is an unpopular opinion, but TVD never should've continued without Nina Dobrev. She was the heart of the show and continuing without her was a mistake.
TVD needed more hate-able villains. Listen the snarky, charming villains are nice, but when they're all like that? We needed to fully hate someone and I just feel like they never truly went there. Katherine, hate and love. Klaus? Hate and love.
The closest may have been Mikael, but even then, I don't think we really haaaated him. Like I wanted to viscerally hate someone like I did with Ramsay Bolton in GoT. Idk we need more villains where we just hope for their downfall nowadays.
Elena is not boring. She is caring, and loving, and strong in her own way and people need to stop acting like you need to be physically strong to be strong. The fact that she found a reason to live after all the horrible things that happened to her and her loved ones makes her strong af.
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galvanizedfriend · 3 months
Both Christmas fics!
Oh nonnie 😂 I love a Christmas AU. Come November (!!!), all I do, all day long, is leave my TV on Hallmark channel and watch the same crappy Christmas movies (full of TVD/TO actors btw lol) over and over. So naturally, I end up with intrusive thoughts about getting Klaroline into Christmas romcoms where Klaus is alwats a Scrooge or Grinch sort of creature and Caroline is the ray of sunshine that melts some of the ice around his heart. 😂 Could it be any more cliche? No. Do I care? Also no.
So the first Xmas AU was Caroline getting invited to spend Christmas in the UK with Enzo (her bestie) at his new husband's (lololol) family's ancestral home, Mikaelson House. But she was promised that Klaus wouldn't be there, because they're Christmassy people and he always spends the Holidays skiing. Except there's a snow storm and his flight got cancelled and so he's stranded. Caroline and Klaus have some beef from Enzo's wedding (which I can't remember what exactly what it was about, but I'm sure I wrote it down somewhere 😂). And so it would be a very Mikaelson family situation with Klaus and Caroline getting over their beef in the process.
The second one is more uhm *controversial*😂 But I think I like the execution of it more. Klaus inherits a property from his biological father whom he's had no contact with his entire life. He doesn't want anything to do with it because he obviously holds a giant grudge over the fact he was abandoned to suffer at the hands of Mikael his whole life while his father knew of his existence (he finds out about that when he's older). But Elijah (who also doubles as his lawyer because he's a hotshot one) pushes him to go check it out and put it in the market to at the very least get the money (not that he needs it, but anyway). So he goes and finds out the place is actually a Christmas Tree farm that doubles as a holiday theme park (or used to, before it was closed down years before when Ansel got sick), and Caroline is the person in charge of it (she's also a lawyer). He means to just get rid of the whole thing but she ends up convincing him to sell it to someone interested in keeping the business open because the small town where it's located has been suffering greately since the park shut down and it could create a lot of jobs and opportunities for local business owners and while Klaus couldn't care less, he finds out very soon that it's very hard for him personally to say no to Caroline. 😂 Then a lot of things happen (Elijah gets in the middle of it to expedite the sale and ruins everything, Klaus finds out the truth about why his father never contacted him, De Martels appear, etc).
Both sound silly af but that's the spirit of these holiday romcoms and honestly I love them, so whatever 🙆‍♀️
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whateven333 · 7 months
I never liked anything they did with kai whenever they had bonnie away from him for long periods of time I don't find him meeting both twins interesting either what left was there to tell Bonnie was gone
Yeah I don't think there was really any reason for him to give af about the twins no offense to them 😭
In TVD they showed us Kai never gave af about anyone in his family really except for Jo, -and in the wedding episode he killed her and tried to kill the twins, so that was the end of that I think lol
Tho kinda crazy he went ahead and killed Jo...but left Bonnie alive even tho she also trapped him in a prison world and he had plenty of opportunities to kill her (also he's known Jo practically his whole life, his time with Bonnie was very brief in the grand scheme -not to mention for the majority of that time they were "enemies")
And so true the majority of his story involved Bonnie, he was inserted into the plot to be her villain, his story should have started and ended with her, if anyone was going to kill him -it should have also been her.
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clark3wayne · 6 months
can't even remember the last time i posted here, let alone about this particular subject, but the little cousin has become obsessed with tvd (how on earth did that show become popular again) and so i've been stuck watching a few episodes with her and, lol, amazing how mister "my whole life i've never gotten the girl poor me" is even more pathetic on the second watch.
But more seriously, the writers screwed up so bad when it came to that relationship. Like, they could have had Elena's transition into vampirism actually be chaotic af instead of simply making it all about Dam0n's pain. Have her be hardened by the loss of her life and future as a human. Have her be resentful towards the whole world because she did everything right and in the end she still died so what was the point of being good? Why should she follow the rules? Why couldn't she enjoy being a vampire? And there comes Dam0n who absolutely thrives on that lifestyle and encourages these dark urges in Elena and gives her the freedom she feels denied when following Stefan's rules and that is what ultimately leads to their break up because she's going down a path he can't follow, not because she had the hots for his brother.
And she's distancing herself from her family, she's distancing herself from her friends, she sleeps with Dam0n out of her own free will, she loses herself in this new experience and the intensity of her emotions as a vampire, which in turns makes Dam0n let go of what little restraint he was capable of around Elena's circles - it's dark and toxic and freaks everyone out , but none of it matters because Elena is eternal and human life is so fickle, barely a spot in time - until one day Elena crosses a line that snaps her out of this state and makes her realize how close she was to turning it all off and becoming a monster.
And so she tries to make amends with her loved ones. She tries to make amends with Stefan. She ends things with Damon. She's slowly healing and finding herself again when Jeremy dies and it makes her turn her emotions off.
Season 4 ends with Elena saved, Damon becoming human and bam!, we're back with the love triangle from hell.
It's honestly funny how little care actually went into building DE's relationship. It's all about Dam0n's manpain. Elena's just... there I guess. They have passionless sex. They fight. They have sex again. The end.
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