#tw ken penders
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🧎🏻‍♂️he massacred my boy and gave him rocket shoes... when he can already fly.
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twisting-echo · 3 months
SonallyNShadamy4Ever has returned... Again!
(Please click on pictures for better quality!)
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SonallyNShadamy4Ever, later known as Sonally4LifeReborn, now going by FinalBossSonally has returned and is harassing me and others once again.
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I don't even have words right now. My stomach honestly feels sick from dread. Once I start feeling better, this parasite shows up and ruins my day. The comment he left on my Alice Tsukagami x Brad Hawk moodboard made me emotionally relapse. This guy is taunting me about my bisexual identity and that I ship Roupaz. I've reported this guy many times, and he keeps coming back and harassing me and others. But let's get this over with.
"Let's be real." (Considering that biology was one of my favorite subjects and still is.)
Incest and asexual reproduction are not the same. Asexual reproduction involves a single parent, resulting in offspring that are genetically identical to each other and to the parent. Incest refers to sexual activity or marriage between close blood relatives, such as siblings, parents, or cousins. Incest involves sexual reproduction; it is not equivalent to asexual reproduction. Incest does not lead to genetically identical offspring; instead, it introduces genetic diversity (albeit with potential risks such as recessive genetic disorders).
So basically, asexual reproduction produces clones, while incest involves sexual reproduction with close relatives. The two processes serve different purposes and have distinct genetic outcomes.
Yes, it is confirmed that Knuckles and Julie Su are distant relatives.
When distant relatives, such as cousins, enter into a romantic relationship, it does not necessarily constitute incest. While forming a relationship with distant relatives is not inherently incestuous, it’s essential to consider both the genetic risks and the legal and cultural context.
There is a difference between being a distant relative and a direct relative. Direct relatives are closely related and share a higher percentage of genetic material; distant relatives have more distant connections within the family tree.
Knuckles and Julie Su are extremely distant cousins—their shared ancestor was several generations ago; they didn’t meet until they were older; and they didn’t learn about their relation until even later.
I don't ship Knuckles and Julie Su because I'm an "incest lover." I liked their relationship because of their interactions with each other and because I thought they made a cute couple. I liked them way before it was revealed that they were distant relatives. That came out way later. I can't control that. I honestly wish that they could've left that part out of the canon entirely. But what can I honestly do about it? It's canon; thanks, Ken Penders.
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FinalBossSonally didn't “innocently inquire” about my Sonic the Hedgehog ship memes; he interrogated me about them, demanding to know why I ship them, forcing his own ships on me, and insisting that he was “simply correcting my shipping tastes.”
This guy literally told me—a bisexual woman, that he was “disgusted” by the fact that Roupaz almost became canon, by the fact that they’re an interspecies relationship, and by the fact that Rouge is bisexual. But Sonelise is A-OK because it’s “straight.”
He claims that he's not homophobic/biphobic, but I have cold, hard proof that he is.
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Here he is insulting Kanohi-Zeo for having LGBT headcanons for STH characters and openly admitting that he HATES LGBTQ+. He also ropes in that being a "lesbian" is on the same level as being a pedophile, or something that is illegal. And then he continues to complain as to why they didn't make Knuckles a "female-leaning bisexual," so at least he could be attracted to females because Knuckles' species needs straight male echidnas to repopulate. And then he finishes by calling Kanohi-Zeo disgusting for having these headcanons. If that's not homophobic, then I don't know what is. Aside from it being offensively uneducated stupidity, of course.
So, I didn't respond to his toxic, childish comment, and I blocked him, again.
And as for FinalBossSonally being "my master," FinalBossSonally, you are not the master of anyone; you are a stalking, batshit, psycho, toxic, homophobic, parasite with some serious mental issues. Go touch grass and get some help. I'll be here, having fun in my bisexual hell with my friends~
This link below is the post about my first encounter with SonallyNShadamy4Ever and the full contents of my callout post.
This link below is the post about my second encounter with SonallyNShadamy4Ever as Sonally4LifeReborn and the full contents of that.
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t4tails · 2 years
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is this implying what i think its implying. i think im going to be sick
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sonknuxadow · 2 years
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adding taxes to the list of things that canonically exist in archie sonic along with drugs divorce and cancer
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nervouswreck-96 · 2 years
If I had a nickel for every Penders fanboy or hardcore SatAM fanboy with strong alt-right sympathies, I'd have at least 30 cents.
Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it would be that many.
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disordersgirl · 2 years
how ken penders sleeps after implying minors had sex and also that one of them was lying about their identity therefore making it assault
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ninjapotatohead · 1 year
TW: grooming, s/a, abuse
"First Ken Penders, then Rafaknight, then Hunnid-P, then Richard Jacques, then Brian Matt, and now HyperPotions. Am I in hell?"
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catboy-syrup · 2 years
Wake up babes I just learned who Ken Penders is and HOLY SHIT
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gritsandbrits · 3 years
Guess who's having another tantrum on Twitter? 🙄
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bridoesotherjunk · 2 years
Wow so Ken penders just decided to make a tweet bashing autistic sonic fans
He just
He thought "yeah this is a good argument and people won't want to kill me for saying this"
Jesus christ dude
Genuinely what is wrong with that guy, holy fuck
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juniaships · 3 years
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These are actual 100% very mature adult responses from Ken penders:
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He just randomly keeps popping up on my twitter timeline like a wild pest because twitter's recommended algorithm fucking sucks, however, I don't block him because occasionally I get gold like this from him.
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kellodrawsalot · 2 years
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in what bad things has Ken Penders been doing this time,
Posted a picture of a person when they were a minor (without permission) and called them the wrong race, this person also said they haven’t been a fan of Penders for a long time and didn’t NOT like their old picture of them and their family being USED like this. Their a friend of Ian Flynn who felt this was bad enough to re-tweet it too
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sonknuxadow · 2 years
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sentences that make you feel like youve been hit by a train
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black-arms-hivemind · 2 years
What Ken Penders did was not necessary. Knuckles was always meant to be the last Echidna, we do not need any more than him.
Me, though? I'm doing a PUBLIC SERVICE baby!
You get a Black Arms!
And you get a Black Arms!!
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mashounen2003 · 3 years
A couple of grievances I have with some Tails X Fiona fanfics
Since the day I found out about the Archie-Sonic comics (2013, precisely when they were in the middle of the reboot) and read about them, I already had some opinions formed:
Fiona Fox's betrayal was badly written. The message it sent (“if you did something slightly wrong once or you had a slightly shady past, you’ll always be bad again”) was one of the worst messages that could be sent through a comic for children and teenagers, and it could even be read as something classist and sexist if analyzed enough. Fiona had potential as a hero and could have also given the Freedom Fighters some much-needed nuances, due to her having a very different and much tougher childhood than the rest of the team. Pairing her up with Tails might work out due to the kind of interaction that could be developed between the two (I’m already imagining them with a dynamic similar to either Nadia & Jean in Nadia: the Secret of Blue Water or Android 18 & Krillin in Dragon Ball Z and the Dragon Ball Super anime), the only hindrance to this would be the age gap, which Ken Penders had created as he poured his own perversions onto the comics’ panels.
As years went by, my ideas about relationships and how to write them changed, and I also watched RWBY, which inspired and influenced me quite a bit; all this made me realize the serious mistakes I was making and others still make to this day when writing stories pairing Fiona with Tails, other ideas I used to have only got confirmed, and now I know new and better ways to write a story. I’ll delve into the latter in due time, in some summaries I'm still writing with my ideas for fanfics, but now I'm going to explain some things I think the fandom is misunderstanding when writing Tails X Fiona stories.
First of all, it seems that many people don't fully understand the implications of the kind of relationship Fiona had with Scourge. Firstly, he’s always been a womanizer who most likely used Fiona as a “trophy girlfriend” and cheated on her, since he was still working with Rouge and very visibly flirting with her long after the moment he and Fiona had supposedly started dating secretly. But most importantly, the relationship between Fiona and him wasn’t violent both ways at the same time: he was psychologically abusing her.
First of all, let's review what happened in the comic and what we can deduce with some certainty.
At first, Fiona was determined to fight any villain after having suffered a gruesome childhood because of Robotnik. It had been mentioned she was the field medic for the Freedom Fighters; yes, this was never shown (due to Penders's habit of ignoring and retconning everything written by his co-writers), and also a “medic” or “healer” kind of character is already difficult to write in action-focused stories like those on the Sonic franchise, but Fiona has been shown openly expressing concern for the physical integrity of her comrades, something consistent with her being a medic. She had held a grudge against Sonic for not rescuing her from prison, but later she had overcome that when Sonic sacrificed himself in Issue # 125, and it can be easily deduced that this event had inspired her to join the Freedom Fighters in the first place, spending at least several months -maybe even the whole year during which Sonic was lost in space- working as part of a team specifically dedicated to helping the weak and helpless.
How’s it possible that suddenly, in Issue # 172, Fiona began to invoke the "survival of the fittest" and claimed no-one can be trusted and she had simply grown tired of being a hero, as if it were just a whim or a passing phase of her life? If she became so cynical and was so disappointed in the Freedom Fighters, she’d probably have gone to the other extreme: she’d have accused her team of not doing enough, of being too soft, of following the “no-kill policy” too rigorously, of just maintaining the status quo rather than eliminating the villains for good, or even of having become some kind of “exclusive club” and not accepting or trusting her as another comrade. Her trust and abandonment issues -along with the feeling of having been apparently betrayed once again by her supposed friends- would have been quite powerful, but so would the memories of her own childhood, of Robotnik's atrocities in general, of all the other victims she has certainly met while working as a field medic for the Freedom Fighters. As a result, she’d have defected from the team but to turn into someone like... say... Jason Todd: a well-intentioned extremist, an anti-hero, someone with convictions as strong as those of the heroes but opposed to them due to the radical practices she has chosen, which would also have forced the heroes themselves to re-think their own ideas and methods, to acknowledge their own mistakes and the ways in which they themselves fell short of their ideals.
This leads to another question: when she betrayed the heroes, why did she do it in favour of Scourge? He’s literally the opposite of Sonic: he has none of Sonic’s heroic qualities, has his most reprehensible aspects exacerbated (the same ones Fiona had criticized about Sonic before Penders reduced her to a mere satellite love interest to him), had first introduced himself to Fiona posing as Sonic while also sleeping with multiple girls at Knothole (I'm a complete failure at romance, and many old ideas about relationships are being deconstructed as I write this, but I'm pretty sure that if you wanna win someone's love, what Scourge did is the worst first impression you can make on them), and even called himself “Evil Sonic” before the accident with the Master Emerald that turned him into Scourge. A plausible-behaving Fiona would have treated Scourge like just another villain, and if she had felt like she couldn't count on her friends, then she’d have tried to kill him off on her own.
(I say “plausible-behaving” in the sense that, even if a character started acting less rationally, their behaviour and those irrational reactions should still make readers/viewers say "yep, I probably would have done the same in their place". I'm not at all demanding for Fiona to have acted perfectly logical and cool-headed in Issue # 172 and those immediately preceding it; this would have also been as implausible as her betrayal was in the canon.)
Only one possibility remains to explain Fiona's behaviour in the comics: Scourge manipulated her, acting when no-one else was present, pretending to be trustworthy (literally posing as Mobius's Hero and her team's “field leader”), exploiting some moment of weakness Fiona may have had, as well as the mistrust between her and the other Freedom Fighters; he put ideas into her head, and by the time he officially became Scourge and could no longer pretend to be Sonic, he had gained Fiona's trust and perhaps even started to convince her to burn down the bridges she had built with the rest of her team; he gaslit her, making her stop trusting her own perception of reality, and moulded her ideas in the way he saw fit.
And we’ve not talked about age yet: because Fiona's backstory is a mess full of plotholes, it’s likely she was 14 when starting dating Scourge, despite what’s implied by her design and the black leather outfit she wore as a villain, stereotyped and over-sexualized even for a 17-year-old girl (Fiona’s age according to Ian Flynn on the Encyclopaedia he'd write some years after releasing Issue # 172, considered "her official age" by the vast majority).
@toaarcan has already been talking about all this in detail previously, so I recommend reading his posts since he explains it better than I do.
Now is the time to get back to the topic I wanted to talk about in the first place: what are some Tails X Fiona fans doing wrong? After all, they write stories where Fiona escapes from Scourge's manipulation or is not even his victim at all. What could possibly go wrong?
If you’re going to write a story where Fiona walks away from Scourge, it’s important to do these three things:
Give Fiona a wide support network.
Acknowledge the extent to which she’s a victim.
Give her agency, decision-making power over her own life, again.
A victim of abuse and/or gaslighting needs, first of all, a support network rather than a romantic partner, especially when the previous romantic partner was the abuser and surely the victim will still be afraid that starting a personal relationship of this kind with someone else will go just the same; avoiding blaming the victim is vital, too. What I’m seeing in many stories is Tails refuting Scourge's arguments and promises with amazing skill (Tails accomplishing something like this is credible, but taking public speaking classes and having truly got The Smarts is futile if you wanna actually convince a victim of psychological abuse to break up with their abuser); Fiona escaping the manipulation fairly easily, with no mental scars and starting a romantic relationship with Tails too quickly; a support network almost non-existent except for Tails himself, and almost a replay of the relationship between Fiona and Scourge, although with the green hedgehog replaced by someone who’s much better intentioned but repeats the cycle anyway without realizing it and still fails to give Fiona true independence and decision-making power over her own life; it’s even claimed Fiona has "redeemed" herself, as if she’d had to repair a mistake of hers, implying the writer is blaming the victim.
No. That’s not how it’s done. We fanfiction writers are supposed to do better than that. Also, this should be a good opportunity to show Tails doing a bit of introspection, thinking about the possibility that he may have become obsessed with Fiona or even contributed to the tough situation she found herself in, which Scourge later took advantage of.
Another serious mistake is keeping the age gap and taking it as normal, stating that “both are still minors” or that “Tails is much more mature mentally”. Firstly, having a higher intellect doesn't necessarily make you more mature; Tails himself has proved this sometimes, even in the Adventure saga’s videogames, where he was best portrayed. Secondly, as I already said, that age gap is artificial: Ken Perverts created it when trying to pair Fiona with Sonic and turning the timeline into total chaos in the process; later Ian Flynn took that and wrote it in stone (when he wrote the Encyclopaedia) while also throwing more fuel at the proverbial fire that was the messy timeline, and now those fanfiction writers are taking that and accepting it with no questions.
A good way to solve this would be something similar to what was done with Amy Rose in pre-reboot Archie-Sonic: she made a wish to be a few years older, resulting in her being physically a teenager of about 14 years old but mentally still a girl of about 11 years old, and the characters keep treating her as the 11-year-old girl she previously was. In Fiona's case, treating her like a 14-year-old because that’s her actual mental age despite looking like a 17-year-old wouldn't necessarily mean treating her like some immature kid, but rather it’d be more like having compassion for someone who has been trapped in a situation that has hurt her and in which she never really wanted to be.
As far as I know, @toaarcan and I are the only fanfic writers who are avoiding repeating the multiple mistakes made by other writers and listed in this section. Actually, KivaTheDCWizard avoided them too, but it's a separate case because he decided to cut his losses: he directly said "my universe, my rules", all his Sonic fanfics are set in totally new universes, taking elements from different sources and writing his stories’ plot from scratch, and in those stories, the problem of the age gap between Fiona and Tails isn’t there, the basics of Fiona's backstory are still preserved but her betrayal and her relationship with Scourge don't happen, and much of the relationship drama is skipped.
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