#tw organ donation
macaulaymontgomery · 3 months
🔮 CRYSTAL BALL — what is a core memory from your childhood that you think defines you today?
"I think it was probably the moment that I was told that I was getting a kidney. I was nine years old and I'd pretty much spent every day for three years straight in a hospital because of the dialysis -- so it was kinda a surreal moment because I think in my head I'd decided that it was never going to happen. And my mom was crying. And nurses were crying. And I asked where it came from and the doctor said it was from some kid who had died. Some kid my age and went to the same school as my brothers did. Bike accident. And I said that I didn't want it because I didn't want someone to die for me. I know that's not true now, but that's definitely how it felt at nine when you see the world in those black and white ways. I was really upset about it until they put me under. I only really kinda felt better about it until Mack came to visit me and said it was rad as hell that I was operating off spare parts like Frakenstein. So he called me Macenstein for a hot minute after that." @mackmontgomery
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weirdplutoprince · 11 months
Hello! If anyone's got any money to spare, this cat shelter in Brazil is in desperate need of donations - on risk of having to stop their work.
People constantly leave abandoned cats on their building and they need almost 10.000 reais ( About 2k USD) to keep going.
If anyone's capable of donating they have a Paypal ! (If the link doesnt work, their paypal is [email protected] )
Anything helps!
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When Liam Dee began receiving hospice care shortly after starting his nursing career, he knew the rare cancer that had ravaged his body meant his organs were too damaged to donate. But the 26-year-old was grateful his tissues, including skin, corneas, tendons and bones, could still go to people who needed them.
However, his tissues were rejected when he died last November, said his mother Cindy Gates-Dee, who learned from reading her son's medical records that his "homosexual status," as noted on a screening form by a tissue specialist, meant he was declined as a high-risk donor because he'd had sex with another man in the last five years.
But neither she nor Dee's husband was asked any questions about Dee's lifestyle to determine the probability of high-risk behaviour that specialists believe lead to increased risk of HIV or hepatitis B and hepatitis C, Gates-Dee said from Aylesford, N.S.
Full article
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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109moons · 6 months
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My scar makes me feel empowered now. If I can live through this, I can live through anything.
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chronicangelca · 8 months
Just a reminder of what this conflict actually, tangibly means for the Jews in your life while you get to sit at your desk untouched by this violence.
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delphinidin4 · 1 year
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(source: reddit)
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very-uncorrect · 9 months
I've just confirmed that if I'm ever in an accident that I'd like as many of my organs donated as possible
Feels good man
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my school did a game of senior Assassin this year where you had to squirt your target with a water gun, and if you are wearing a pool floatie you're safe, but they had to shut it down bc one guy was hiding in a bush outside someone's door trying to ambush them and the police almost shot him
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god-of-sporks · 2 years
So I might end up being a liver donor in the near future. Kinda unlikely but anyone have experience with that?
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macaulaymontgomery · 10 months
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Full name: Macaulay Marie Montgomery
Nicknames: Aully, Culkin, Kevin, Lil Mac
Age: 23
Star sign: Aries (April 6th)
Hometown: Aurora Bay, CA
Occupation: Attendant at Pinball Wizard arcade
Pronouns/Gender: She/her, cis female
Time in town: from the ages of 11-18, returning after 4 years (mostly) away
this bio contains mentions of childhood illness (specifically kidney disease) as well as toxic relationships, please be warned if you find these topics triggering
main info.
the birth of macaulay marked the montgomery family unit as "complete" with her mother finally getting the girl she had always hoped for macaulay brought a wild streak of brightness into her family, bringing her own brand of chaos from the moment she could walk and always wanting to be just as unbridled as her oldest brother
when she started slowing down around the age of six it didn't take long for the family to take notice or for the doctors to figure out what was wrong -- after a series of tests it was determined that macaulay was suffering from chronic kidney disease
after various treatments and medications having no success, and with no viable matches within her family macaulay was placed on the waiting list for a kidney transplant. the wait took over two years, with macaulay spending constant time in hospitals, until she got her "new" kidney at nine years old.
she was eleven when she family moved to aurora bay, and it was the first time she'd ever gone to real school. while she excelled at the social aspects of her education, focusing on academics was always a challenge to her -- which frustrated many teachers who always insisted that she was "bright"
not wanting to dwindle her life away in any more classrooms, macaulay took off out of town quickly after highschool graduation. she first spent time selling magazines across the country, then becoming a roadie for submergence's last tour then backpacking and hostel surfing in europe, before moving on the the eagles of death metal's tour when submergence went on hiatus
after a recent relationship took a scary turn that had her boarding the first plane out of amsterdam, macaulay decided that it was time to come home and be closer to familiar faces until she decides on her next move
fun facts.
go-to karaoke song is 'something to talk about' by bonnie raitt
drink of choice is tequlia sunrise, but is constantly seen at the arcade with a large gas station slurpee that 50/50 odds are has some vodka in it
has easily over a dozen tattoos, all done by her brother
once got arrested in paris for disorderly conduct
claims she made out with jack harlow after the VMAs two years ago
main method of transportation is a skateboard -- a skill she picked up in high school
has a vast collection of little hotel soaps
pierced nose, belly button, and double pierced ears
current connections.
younger sister of @mackmontgomery, currently sleeping on his couch
childhood friend/neighbor of @luckylewis (ex-london situationship/it's complicated) and @lorelailewis (best friend)
london friends gone stateside with @cricketcampbell
got hit with @kaylatullz 's car once
former personal assistant to @xaviermattthews
wanted connections.
roommate! can be someone with a similar vibe or completely different so we can have some odd couple vibes!
crash! someone who hit macaulay with a car once while she was on her skateboard (because i just think it's funny)
arcade rivalry! someone whose ms. pacman score she's breaking her back to beat
smoke em up buddies! she's a big fan of ~herbal refreshment~ and chilling out
other general chaos/messy exes/enemies/batshit shenanigans are welcome, feel free to hmu!
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lets-donate-a-kidney · 6 months
By the way. If you're scared of needles (trigger warning for this post!), and want to donate an organ, keep in mind that the nurses will have to draw your blood many times in the appointments leading up to surgery.
Sometimes it hurts. Especially if, like me, you have Tiny Veins and the poor nurse needs to stick your arm repeatedly, or wiggle the needle inside you to get enough blood. That probably won't happen to you unless you've had difficulties getting your blood drawn in the past. I've donated blood before, so I knew the drill. It wasn't scary, just painful for a few minutes.
If you do have Tiny Veins, I recommend drinking a lot of water in the 24 hours leading up to every appointment. Like, way more water than you think you need, but not enough to make yourself sick. Other fluids can also work, but water is the most effective.
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terephin · 1 year
You : Donates your whole body to science/medicine (Boring, Expected, Lacking Pizazz)
Me : Donates my skeleton to the arts (Cool, Unexpected, is a Statue or something I guess)
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109moons · 5 months
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miabebe · 5 days
Seventeen in and as Mafia
An insight into the Seventeen Mafiaverse series, Attacca.
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TW - mentions of blood, violence, weapons, crime and death
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Name: Wonwoo (This Man)
Streetname: 1.Who, The Shadow Man
Not the oldest but incredibly respected - his intelligence and combat strategy is unparalleled. 
Runs an organization called Tartarus which is a huge army of men who are trained for assassination and combat. (Rumour has it that he has over 2,600 men working under him.) 
Tartarus has a signature way of assassination - one slit each on both wrists - it’s said that Wonwoo adapted this style after his father was killed like that when he was 15. 
No one other than the Syndicate knows what he looks like - true to his name, he operates from the shadows. 
A quiet leader, fiercely loyal and a mystery to all - no one knows what’s going through his mind. 
He never stores any information on computers and other devices - this is to make it hard to trace him or decode his strategy. 
Characteristic style is to wear only black suits - ‘black hides all stains - of dirt and of blood.’
Has the largest collection of guns but doesn’t really like any of them, instead he always carries the small revolver his sister gave him – he’s an excellent marksman and is known to never miss his target. 
Alcohol is his weakness - he has a taste for different kinds of liquor and often spends time drinking with Mingyu and Lee Chan.
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Name: Jisoo
Streetname: Joshua, The Intruder
A one-man army - he refuses to work with or under anyone else 
Excellent hacker – he can penetrate any and all kinds of security. He knows the dark web like the back of his hand, and plays with the Stock Exchange like it’s no big deal.
His day job is as a freelance website designer, he likes to work in the comfort of his home and at his own pace and time so he’s very selective about his clients.
The Syndicate never really knows where he is or what he is up to - very less is known about his personal life and interests, he keeps pretty much to himself.
He’s built well, dresses in long coats often and is incredibly good looking - women are often all over him but doesn’t really seem very interested in them, almost as if he is looking for a particular someone.
He’s known to have traveled the world and knows at least 6 languages fluently - it allows him to impersonate various identities on the dark web when he needs to.  
Like Wonwoo he is also very quiet, but much less brooding and can also be uncharacteristically funny.  
Jisoo, Jeonghan and Seungcheol were best friends since they were children - though he seems to constantly be at war with Seungcheol over his stock exchange shenanigans, he would give his life up for that man and likewise.
His weakness is designer clothing - he only wears and carries the best of brands.
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Name: Seungcheol
Streetname: S.coups, The Money Man
Currently the richest man in the Syndicate - he owns a chain of banks in the city and does money laundering for a high commission
He’s quite the workaholic - spends almost all his time in his office  because he trusts very few people and prefers to do most of the work himself. 
When he’s not working, he’s usually working out - loves boxing in his free time, a hobby he picked up from Lee Chan. 
Likes to come across as very prim - always dresses in neatly ironed shirts, glasses and with his hair smoothly gelled back but appearances can be deceiving - he is the most brutal of them all.
A meticulous, control freak and very serious about commitments -  cheating him can often result in  deadly consequences - he carries a cigar cutter which is often known to claim the middle fingers of his offenders. 
Has a large social circle because of the nature of his work but has very few true friends, Jisoo and Jeonghan being the top of the list.
Is often listed in magazines and papers as an influential businessmen and is also particularly well known for charity work and donations (perhaps a ruse for tax benefits) 
Has been in love with an heiress since his college days and is incredibly loyal to her - he has not even looked another woman in the eye since they got together. 
Has a deep interest in automobiles with an underground car park of 3 floors with the rarest and most expensive car collection.
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Name: Jeonghan 
Streetname: Cheonsa, The Phantom 
Owns multiple clubs and casinos around Seoul called The Phantom’s Cavern. They are luxury hot-spots with exclusive and high-profile clients.
Offers his clubs and casinos as a prime location for drug and flesh trade - while traders pay him commission to sell in his space, customers pay his exuberant entry fees over and over again to buy their addictions - he makes money in all possible ways.
Sweet talker, knows just what to say and who to approach to keep the law away from his business.
While everyone in the Syndicate was in the Mafia because of their family, Jeonghan is the only self-made man because of his wit and risk taking ability.
Has no respect for hierarchy and will backstab anyone for his own personal gain. Often disregards the rules of the Syndicate, messing with other mafia groups, but he is incredibly adept in escaping, like a Phantom.
Despises drugs or alcohol, he says they make a man weak and unaware of what’s happening around him - he survives pretty much on Red Bull.
Stays away from violence and does not like using the gun like most of his accomplices - he does however carry a small knife for self-defence but so far, he’s not had to use it. 
Has a very eccentric dressing sense - often wears flashy accessories and he loves precious metal and stones, wears rings of all sizes on his hands. 
His weakness is women - known to be an absolute womanizer, very charming and flirtatious.
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Name: Lee Chan
Streetname:  Dino, The Sabertooth
The youngest and is treated very much like one because his father, the KingPin, has not handed his business over to him.
Half brother of Seungcheol whom he loves and respects very much, despite his father having a clear preference of his older son.
Chan’s family is one of the few Mafia families to survive in the Wipe Out, a big police operation that happened in 2011 where most mafia groups were prosecuted and the remaining were forced underground.
Chan’s family mass produces and distributes firearms all over Korea and the world, even to many military bases (of course, illegally).
Chan though has no hand in the family business and lives life like the spoilt child he is, often running into trouble with the law. He is also very addicted to online gambling and often runs into debts.
He has a bulky, muscular body that comes to his advantage when he boxes - he often participates in the fight club, at times getting very badly injured but continues to enter the ring nevertheless.
He is also famous for his gold canine, which earned him his nickname, because he often leaves a trademark bite on his opponents in a fight.
He is particularly good at chemistry and after spending much of his college days in Wonwoo's hideout, he studied and developed new kinds of drugs.
He’s an absolute romantic at heart and believes one day, he will  find true love, whatever that is. 
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Name: Mingyu
Streetname: Big Kim, The Rook
Older son of the Kingpin but takes his mother’s maiden surname ‘Kim’ since he is illegitimate.
Despite his father wanting him to take over his family business, Mingyu believes that Chan is the right heir. 
Only one in the Syndicate who has a son - does not wish to be leader as he wants to be there for his son in ways his father was never there for him.
Unlike the rest, he does not live in huge mansions or flaunt a luxury living, he and his family live in a simple home away from the city, no one knows why.
Owns an import and export company which transports all sorts of legal and illegal goods - Flesh trade is off limits for Mingyu though.
Despite not officially taking over his father’s position as KingPin, he is truly seen and respected as a leader by the rest of the Syndicate due to his calm and wise nature.
Though the word is that Seoungcheol is the most brutal, rumor is that should Mingyu really bring his violent side out, there would be annihilation, however he's never been in a conflict.
The company very quickly grew because while most had to talk or pay their way out of the hands of the law, Mingyu was rarely ever suspected because of his seemingly innocent nature.
Spent much of his younger days doing extortion, but after his son was born, he opened his company to stay away from danger.
Mingyu’s weakness is hunger - the hunger to achieve anything he wants often drives him to become agitated, and can sometimes make him lose sight and direction - if Mingyu wants something, then he wants it, he won’t rest till his hunger is satiated.
Rest of the members to be added as the series progresses to keep suspense hehe
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lyndztanica · 8 months
Aid for Palestine
It's been a hot minute since I put one of these together but since uh
checks notes
Israel seems hellbent on committing a genocide live on social media and propogandaing the hell out of it this felt important. I have cobbled some of these orgs and charity functions from bluesky and the site formerly known as tw*tter, you've probably seen some of them around! But some of the bsky things I wanted to be sure made it over. Anyway.
Cease Fire Today :: if you are an American and you're short on cash for donations, this site has other options (emailing, calling, where protests are happening, etc.). It's all pretty simple to use. Figure out what you have the means to do and get to it.
Jewish Voice for Peace :: Jewish anti-Zionist organization advocating for a free Palestine. They have a good FAQ to hit back on some of the regular questions/concerns that are rooted in propoganda about this war.
Al Jazeera :: I cannot say there's a better source for the truth of what's going on than Al Jazeera compared to a lot of American outlets. They're the state media of Qatar but also, look at what we're working with here.
United Palestinian Appeal :: UPA does a lot of work in Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon, and in Gaza. Healthcare, infrastructure, education, and outreach. 98% of their funds go to programs.
Anera :: Anera's a relief organization who's been helping people in Palestine, Lebanon, and Jordan get emergency relief since 1968. At present they're trying to get food and hygiene kits into Gaza.
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Palestine Children's Relief Fund :: Free medical care to ill and injured children lacking access locally. I do not think I need to say more.
Islamic Relief USA :: Organization that provides aid to help rebuild communities after a disaster, war, and also funds to help lift communities out of poverty. Currently fundraising for medical kits and food and water.
Baitulmaal :: Organization that specializes in emergency aid, poverty relief, and community development.
Medical Aid for Palestine :: Organization to provide medical aid for Palestinians, providing locally-led healthcare.
Prints for Palestine :: Art Auction going on until November 3rd to raise money for Medical Aid for Palestine. Take a look! Make a bid! Or buy something.
Games for Gaza :: 256 DRM-Free games itch.io bundle to raise money for Medical Aid for Palestine. Also has a few soundtracks, a couple of books, and some assets!
E-Sims for Gaza :: I think I also saw a tumblr post about this, but I'm linking to the live tweet thread because the op is keeping up to date on when cards run out/are restocked so folks can watch it if they have a twitter account.
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pienaur · 1 year
As you may have heard, there has been a major earthquake (7.7 magnitude) in southeastern Turkey. The earthquake lasted for 40-45 seconds and there are 1710 buildings that demolished.
If you're at the age of 18 or older and want to help, you can help by donating from AFAD's website (Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency of Turkey) Here is how to do it with pictures
There's also AHBAP Derneği, a very well known organization for help, and you can see how to donate them from THIS post made by @meliswiftie13
link: https://www.afad.gov.tr/depremkampanyasi2
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This is the official website
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I couldn't find how to donate in the English page, so I turned it into Turkish like this. I translated what each thing says but you could use Google translate just to make sure.
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This page will appear. Then we click "Gündem (Order of the day)" (It's on the up right)
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After we click "Gündem" we click "Yardım Kampanyaları" which means "Aid campaigns"
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When we click, we see the list of aid campaigns. The one for the earthquake is on top of the list (As you can see the date is today)
(Dates are written as day/month/year in Turkish)
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"Deprem Bağışları" aka "Earthquake Donations"
You can write the number you would like to donate and change the currency (and even 1 euro would be so much help since it's equal to 20 Turkish liras)
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Then in this page you write:
Your name Your Last Name (not necessary)
Your phone number (not necessary)
Your E-mail (not necessary)
The amount you want to donate (and the money currency is next to it)
in the exact order (again, if it's confusing, you could use translation)
This part down below is sort of the "I read and I accept" part so I translated what it was about and what it says in this page:
What does KVKK approval mean? Explicit consent within the framework of the law means that the person gives his/her consent to the processing of his/her data, voluntarily or upon request from the other party.
Information and Approval Text About the Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK) The information shared by the donors for donation purposes can only be recorded, stored, preserved, rearranged by system administrators assigned by AFAD and who have the right to access and view the system, and they are legally willing to request these personal data. It can be shared with authorized institutions and, under the conditions stipulated by KVKK, it can be transferred to third parties, transferred, classified and deleted. Information shared by individuals while making a donation cannot be shared with any third party, institution and organization for any reason, and this information cannot be disclosed with any other exception, unless a situation develops that requires disclosure of this information by judicial decision and/or legal regulations, without the consent of the individuals.
If you're okay with what you read here, you click "evet (yes)" and then "onayla (confirm)"
For safety reasons I'm not goint to be sharing the last page (due to the fact that it has my personal information) but all you gotta do is to click "Gönder (send)"
And after you verify the payment from your card it's all done
Thank you for your time
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