#tw//april 19
waitingforminjae · 9 months
tw // april 19
all of you are fucking insane and none of you are seeing heaven what the FUCK is wrong with you.
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fletcherwilbury · 5 months
@sochilll December Prompt List Day 19: Dinner
Warning for Reckless driving, arguing, vomit mention, food intolerance mention, food allergy mention
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if i can have serious time on the blog tonight, not sure how many of y’all are the “send good vibes to strangers type” but during the ‘stick it to cancer’ jersey auctions our gm revealed that one of our players went through a very significant and traumatizing health issue at the end of last year.
he’s on the other side of it now [thankfully], with a good prognosis, but any spare vibes u have, if you could send them the way of marc lund and his family, i’ll give u a little forehead kiss or smth <3
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seungwoonies · 1 year
National Dutch television program turning this tragedy into a spectacle for shock value for the “common audience” reducing it to a statistic, this whole production should be ashamed of itself
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my-darling-boy · 1 month
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(TW injury description)
I am SO glad you asked I lose my mind over this man. Sidney Beldam! He’s most known for his miraculous recovery from a major facial injury sustained while he served as a young sergeant in the First World War. If you’ve read the Facemaker by Lindsay Fitzharris you might recognise him! Sources differ slightly about his story, so I’ve pieced it together as best I could. The photos below were from about February 1919!
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Born in 1897, Sidney was about 17 living with his mother in Cambridge, England when the Great War commenced. While he didn’t enlist initially, he was soon conscripted when it came about in 1916 though thankfully he was in a non-combatant role driving lorries transporting soldiers to boats headed for France. It’s where he learned he enjoyed driving! However in April 1917, Sidney was transferred to the Machine Gun Corps and eventually rose to the rank of sergeant where only 7 months later, his life would change forever.
During the battle of Passchendaele, one of the muddiest most gruelling segments of the war, Sidney was on the frontlines when a shell burst, sending a shrapnel fragment tearing diagonally through his nose and the right side of his face. The young soldier collapsed face first into the mud which ended up saving his life as falling backwards would have caused him to choke on his own blood. For three days Sidney laid in a mangled heap floating in and out of consciousness while vermin scurried about his body and the other dead and wounded around him. No one would ever know the details of those agonising three days, but the trauma he experienced there left him with a lifelong phobia of rats and cockroaches. After the initial wounded had been cleared out, a wandering band of stretcher bearers discovered Sidney alive after one man touched him with his boot fully expecting him to be dead. Miraculously, he was still clinging to life.
The 19 year old sergeant was rushed down the line and then transferred to two different military hospitals where his wounds were hastily stitched in an effort to save his life before infection could spread. Unfortunately, closing the gap where he was missing flesh in his cheek caused his upper lip to be pulled into a sneer and a sunken depression formed where most of his nose was missing around the bridge. Still, he was lucky to be alive, which he later used to remark. Well he was luckier still as he would be transferred to Sidcup military hospital in Kent where he would become a patient under Sir Harold Gillies, the man often considered the pioneer of modern plastic surgery. When he arrived at hospital in 1918, his wounds were healed but his face still bore the heavy trauma of his experience. If you want to see his photographs upon arrival, I won’t post them here but if you search his name, the photos are everywhere. IMO they’re not graphic but I know it can upset some people.
Gillies went to work trying to restore Sidney’s face. This required him to reopen the wound in his cheek where a skin flap was grafted to allow his upper lip to return to normal. He also folded down a skin flap from his forehead in order to create a new nose. Behind his facade, a series of tubes and canals had to be inserted for proper sinus drainage and other unnamed functions. While his initial handful of surgeries did most of the work to reconstruct his face, Sidney underwent over 40 surgeries between 1918 and the 1930s, some reconstructive and some to evacuate the tubes behind the flesh, meaning the common cold was a routinely painful affliction for him. Gillies understood operations were traumatic for the men at Sidcup, especially since most required more than one, and so made a point about creating a lighthearted ward environment, one Sidney says was quite jolly with the staff doing everything they could to make them feel comfortable and dignified as possible. And while I thought the topmost photos were the most updated case study photos for his recovery, I stumbled upon another set from 1920 in the Faces of War by Andrew Bamji I have not seen posted anywhere!
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And lads listen. In such a sweet little twist, while Sidney was still recovering from the bulk of his major surgeries, a local pianist by the name of Winifred volunteered to play for the resting servicemen, all of whom had some form of disfigurment or amputation. Carrying in her sheet music, she and Sidney laid eyes on each other for the first time and she later remarked how his smile instantly lit up the whole room! For them, it was love at first sight. The two were soon married, and although it was in the 1920s, I don’t have an exact year for this. This most likely came after Sidney was finally discharged from service in 1921. There is a photo of their wedding and y’all look how SWEET!!
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Between his initial surgeries and army discharge, Gillies asked if Sidney would be his personal chauffeur, an offer he took up quickly as he loved driving from his time with lorries during the war. One somewhat humorous account tells of Gillies—who was a bit scattered at times—asking Sidney to renew his driver’s license as the surgeon left it until the last day to take care of; Sidney in a rush waited in a long line at the county hall before jumping the queue and begging the administrator to expedite his employer’s license as it was needed to drive him to the hospital the next day. The man refused, even for a surgeon to get him to his patients. Sidney went to another staff member who was friends with Gillies and begged him the same. The man cheerily agreed but was still in need of a signature from the stubborn administrator who again refused... at least until he found out Harold Gillies nearly won a golfing championship, at which point he took Sidney to his personal office to expedite the license as he was happy to do business for a skilled golfer (apparently saving people’s lives doesn’t matter as much??). A no doubt perplexed Sidney was finally able to get back to the hospital on time!
After his army discharge and most likely about the time of his marriage, Sidney moved back to Cambridge where he worked for the council as a rent collector. He was so well liked, apparently even from the people he collected from, that he soon worked his way to Housing Manager for Cambridge. About this time, he had a daughter, Pam. Every account I read of him, people gush about how sweet he was. His wife recalls how Sidney was always adored by all his family and friends. His granddaughter Marilyn McInnes in an interview said, “He was the most warm and optimistic and loving man. I adored my grandfather, I was constantly on his lap as a small child. I never noticed anything funny about his face, I guess I thought all grandads looked like mine.”
Sadly, Sidney Beldam passed away from cancer at about 80 years old in 1978. But considering the man was given 6 months to live and ended up living for 60 years more surrounded by a large and loving family, I’d say he certainly had a full life. There is a picture of him and his wife in the 60s and they are absolutely charming!!
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But anyway that’s me done rambling I’ve a massive crush on him. His story makes me genuinely happy to tell and I’m so glad you asked!
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is2katiemccard · 2 months
They won't shut us up, no matter how hard they try.
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[tw: sexual h*rassment & ass*ult]
Last night (April 12, 2024) was marked by several protests in the Brazilian women's football community.
Teams such as Corinthians, Avaí, Cruzeiro and Palmeiras protested against Santos' decision to rehire coach Kleiton Lima, which had been reported last year by 19 Santos players for moral and sexual harassment. 14 of the nineteen players left the club at the beginning of that season, but at no point did they withdraw their complaints.
The argument used by the Santos board to hire Kleiton again was that none of the allegations had been proven to be true and that, in fact, the board had contacted some players so that they could explain the entire situation. These arguments were quickly refuted after several players took a stance on their social networks saying that such contact never happened.
At the beginning of this year, Santos had already been involved in a major controversy after inviting the former player convicted of rape in Italy and sentenced again in Brazil, Robinho, to a barbecue on the club's premises.
Situations like these only show how even the word of a large group of women is of no value to top executives, or any other man. The situation became even worse in the game between Santos vs Corinthians that took place last night.
Corinthians players and the entire coaching staff protested during the national anthem and in celebration of the goals scored by the team. The game ended with a score of 3-1 for Corinthians, but the worst detail is the goal scored by Santos.
After tying the match in the 14th minute of the first half, Santos player Ketlen ran to the edge of the field to celebrate the goal by hugging Kleiton.
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As long as women like her try to silence other women, we will never evolve as a society.
If you are a victim of a situation like this, or any other, look for your rights and report it.
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neevblanc · 4 months
this is a req for your cafe event! 🩷 15/Dark Era dazai x reader word: hm.....sick (like the kind of sick after you drink too much) bar lupin shall be the death of me🥹 If you need a name: April
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a/n —hiii april! :D ty for sending this in! i've never tried my hand at writing dark era dazai so i hope i can do our little funky guy justice lmao :P
blanca’s cafe event!
this event is now CLOSED! feel free to leave a normal old ask, though!
૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
Dazai Osamu x GN!reader
Tags— dark era dazai, he's a little mean but what can ya do, regular dazai suicidal antics (help him), killer hangover (sort of), bullying him into being cared for seems to be a theme amongst the ppl in his life (looking at you, kunikida)
CW/TW— drinking, underage drinking, mentions of vomiting, dehydration, suicidal themes
please keep yourself safe.
note — i ended up modeling what reader is to this dazai as something similar to what higuchi is to akutagawa. not exactly, of course, since all four of these characters are complex and very much different but the premise was...inspired, i think. it's interesting. dazai is interesting!
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𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴:
"Dead to Me by Kali Uchis"
00:34 ━━●─────── 03:19
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
"i don't know what you've been told. see i am not your enemy."
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The walk up to the roof is familiar. The stairway is damp, and the stairs creak under your feet; the building is one of the older ones left in the city and, therefore, made of wood instead of the metal you were used to seeing.
You open the door to the roof, biting the inside of your cheek as you step out into the open and let it shut behind you. The soft night wind bites at your face in greeting as soon as you are entirely on the roof. Your eyes dart to the right, and you find what you’re looking for in the exact place it always is.
“Are you done now, Dazai-san?” You ask, approaching the man. He’s sat on the ledge of the building. Despite seeing him in this position more times than you could count, unease still seeps into your stomach and pools at the bottom. You stop just beside him, and without thinking much of it, you do the math to make sure you’d be able to catch him if anything happened.
You shuffle a foot closer. He doesn’t look at you when he speaks.
“Yes.” Dazai’s response is clipped, but he takes a deep and visible breath before speaking. You know immediately he’s had too much to drink.
“Are you here alone?” You ask, despite knowing that Oda-san and Ango-san wouldn’t have let Dazai up, and Dazai wouldn’t have been on the roof if Oda-san and Ango-san were with him.
“None of your business.” He huffs, almost clumsy, as he swings his gangly legs back toward the roof and stands slower than usual. You frowned but kept your hands to yourself, knowing he wouldn’t appreciate a steadying hand. You turn first, keeping track of his footsteps that sound quietly just after yours. You hold the door to the stairwell open for him, and Dazai passes you without the slightest acknowledgment. 
He heads out of the building without another word, and instead of following his steps back to his…room, you quickly round the corner and head down the steps to bar Lupin. Two steps at a time, your breath comes out in cloudy puffs due to the cold. The bar door creaks ever so slightly as you open it, and the man at the bar gives you a strained smile when he sees you.
“Got him?” He asks, putting down the glass he’d been drying. You nod, sighing lightly.
“Could I have some of those bread rolls you sell? Put them on Dazai-san’s tab, please. I’ll be back to pay it off later in the week anyway.” You say, leaning on the bar. He smiles gently at you and packs the little rolls into a box for you to take. He hands them over and tilts his head toward the door.
“Now get going. It’s too damn cold and late for you kids to be out.” He shoos you away, and you hurry back into the winter air again.
Fortunately, Dazai has slumped against a building wall not too far away. A flickering streetlight shines above him, keeping his form visible to you despite the layers of black he insists on wearing.
You walk to him quickly, and as you near, he straightens and doesn’t bother to look your way. You do him a favor and pretend he hadn’t been slack-jawed a second ago, half coherent and entirely too relaxed in public.
You fumble the take-out box open and hand him one of the rolls, ignoring the hazy way his eyes roll over your entire form as he takes it. A Dazai this plastered doesn’t have much of the subtly everyone might expect from him.
“These are cold.” He huffed, demolishing half of the roll in one bite. You smile tightly at him.
“Unfortunately, they’re not kept fresh for 18 hours, Dazai-san. We’re lucky Lupin had any leftovers at all.” You sigh. Dazai busies himself with the rest of the roll in his hands, so you don’t get much of a response.
The walk to the shipping yard isn’t too eventful. Fellow drunks and the shady people that populate Yokohama’s streets at night become less and less as they tread deeper into Port Mafia territory. For all the fear that the PM no doubt instilled into Yokohama’s citizens, they weren’t the type to break promises. Shop owners paid their protection fee monthly, and they were dutifully kept from any damage caused by the (admittedly desperate and exaggeratedly large population caused by the Port Mafia) local criminals.
Despite his inebriated state, Dazai’s unsteady feet lead him toward the container he calls home- which you’re grateful for since you couldn’t ever remember which was his in the sea of containers the Mafia had come in and out of the shipping yard.
You watch him fumble with the latches, managing only to flip those over. Dazai had never been the strongest, so when he goes to pull on the handles and pop the container open, he stumbles backward and just barely manages to not fall flat on his ass.
“Um.” He slurs, blinking at his hands. They must have let go without him trying to. You bite back a laugh and pull the handles, only slightly staggering with the weight of the door once it pops open.
Dazai huffs softly and heads in, leaving you to close the door behind you by a cable he had fashioned to the door. You secure the door and turn to flick the lamp in the corner on, illuminating the space in a warm glow. The lamp was an addition you insisted on. Eventually, Dazai allowed you to drag in the thing (along with a semi-quiet-enough generator to keep it running). You had a feeling it was only ever turned on when you were in here.
Dazai had collapsed onto his mattress, worryingly quiet and face down. You put the container with the rolls down near the makeshift bed and gently roll him over, making sure he settled on his side to avoid choking on his own vomit in the night. His face is startlingly blank when you can see it again, and he eyes you with contempt.
“I didn’t say you could touch me.” He says lightly, though you know better than to think he wasn’t bothered.
“Sorry, Dazai-san. You wouldn’t enjoy dying in a pool of your own vomit, I think.” You answer lowly, slowly reaching for a bottle of water that had clearly rolled away one night and hadn’t been picked up since.
He gives you that same withering look and brings a hand up to rest over his eyes. You imagine the headache he’s sporting must be killer- Dazai was not one to be nice to himself, especially not with something so destructive as drinking.
You gesture for him to take the bottle in your hands, shaking it lightly as if he were a toddler who needed the visual cue. He huffs and takes it.
“You should leave.” He mutters, haphazardly bringing the bottle’s opening to his mouth and drinking messily. You ignore the way some of the water overwhelms him and dribbles down the side of his mouth.
“I should, but it wouldn’t do to have you die by choking. Even asleep, I hear it’s a horrible way to die.” You hum, finally shifting into a comfortable sitting position next to the mattress.
A sober Dazai might’ve stared you down until you left, and a particularly pissy one would’ve shoved you out himself.
As he was, he grumbled and let the bottle fall back into your waiting hands and promptly went to sleep, sagging like a corpse into the bed. You place the bottle next to you and sigh as quietly as possible- Dazai could be one hell of a light sleeper.
His breathing deepens quickly, and it’s startlingly quiet despite his inebriation. Dazai was always like this, somehow- walking the line between alive and dead. He was your superior by multiple clearance levels, sure, but not much older than you and not all that physically impressive. His strength was in his demeanor, of course- in his sharp tongue and quick-witted mind.
He was still young, though, and despite being a bit younger than him you were always a little taken aback by how other members treated him when his face was still round and soft like a child’s. The only people who really treated him like a kid you could count on one hand, and one of them was his age.
You’d keep these thoughts to yourself, of course. You’d seen people get shot for much less let alone question their superiors power.
The lamp flickered in the corner. The yellow light made him look sickly. The floor of the crate was rigged and unforgiving, but you preferred to stay where you were. In case Dazai needed anything.
And if it meant you got to settle the tightness in your chest by watching his own move steadily throughout the night, then no one else would have to know.
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alexlwrites · 1 month
From my notes app: grieving over your ex lover
Tw: sad as fuck
Based on this request from @morningglory18 : "Hey I just want to request you a fic where the fl had a dead first love , whom she always chases after but it is always Namjoon who catches her when he realised she is really gonna fly away"
It was April 29th again.
How long had it been since the last one? A couple weeks? 365 days? A lifetime? You weren't sure, but the earth had once more completed a circle without you even assimilating the last one.
Your body still ached from phantom pains - a non-existent weight in your left ring finger, the impact of a car crash you never lived, shards of a still broken heart and loss, dear lord, so much loss. How could someone even lose something that they already no longer have?
But every April 29th reopened a wound barely stitched together and you felt the burden of another year lost, a multitude of days that could've been lived as someone's wife but instead barely could be called a widow - after all, there was no wedding. There was only a white dress, a pair of rings and a call from the hospital that sent you into a spiral of unfortunate events and ripped your soul from your body.
Every April 29th brought a slew of what-ifs and if-onlys that buried you under the avalanche of painful possibilities. If that driver had never been drinking, if he had left earlier, if the wedding had been scheduled to the next saturday... Every minimal detail added to insurmountable strands - different paths and roads that could've been taken in a different life.
In a different life, you could've been Yoongi's wife.
In a different life, you could've kissed him on an altar and went on to start a new chapter written together. You could've watched him put together your shared furniture, made him coffee and kissed his pink tinted knucles. In a different world, you could've built a family together, slanted eyed babied and fluffy brown dogs, maybe even a black cat. In another universe, you would've watched someone's first steps guided by his long fingers wrapped around a tiny chubby wrist. In a separate world...
"Love" someone called snapping you out of your morbid fantasies and you turned to see Namjoon offering his hand.
You took it and stood up from the ground, interlacing your fingers with his and bringing them to your lips as you walked away from the forget-me-not adorned grave, silent and contemplative. In another life, things could've been different, but in this one you were given catastrophic grief by fate and its antidote by the same hand. The same prophecy that had taken away Yoongi from your sobbing grip had gifted you Namjoon.
Namjoon who also lost his best friend and had been the first one to reach for you as crumbled to the floor in a white gown; who had been forever patient and understanding, a buoy in the storm as disgrace had rained from the skies ; who stood back to back with you as you leaned on each other to stand up once more ; Namjoon who bought the forget-me-nots and took you where you needed every April 29th.
"I miss him" you said.
Namjoon nodded "Me too. Everyday."
Namjoon helped you into the car and drove away softly, his hand never leaving yours, tethering you to this lifetime where you were now his, six years after being someone else's.
Permanent taglist: @imknewattis ; @dreamamubarak ; @onlythebest-106 ; @betysotelo18 ; @havetaeminforbreakfast ; @chimchimmarie ; @anaya123world ; @junecat18 ; @kayleefriedchicken ; @jkselcouth ; @ivrose21 ; @svnbangtansworld ; @starlight-1010 ; @borahaetelevision ; @starstreasurechest ; @daddyjoonie ; @cryingpages ; @vkjmjjk ; @yoonzmoonlight ; @beautyiisterror ; @canarystwin ; @whoa-jo ; @bloodyrose22 ; @nikkiordonez12 ; @jinsleftairpod ; @minii204 ; @bands-r-my-heros ; @elissasimp ; @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d ; @urlovelily ; @pwd54gr54 ; @xstfudaisyx ; @purplelobb ; @persnyako ; @madi-19 ; @btsizlyfe ; @btsgangleader ; @sweetrookie ; @97gang ; @starlight-1010 ; @futuristicenemychaos ; @tesscoposts
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itsvivace · 3 days
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Sad Girls Club ( Korean : 사드걸즈클럽 ) is a sub-unit of the fictional girl group VIVACE under I-Teen Media. The unit consists of five members : EUNMI, NOELLE, ARA, YANA, & HAYEON who debuted on October 2, 2019, two weeks after VIVACE’s debut, with the mini album SAD GIRLS CLUB.
Sad Girls Club quickly became a fan-favorite sub-unit, and only a week after they debuted, their debut title track, Like This, charted number one on almost all of South Korea’s charts and even gained the sub-unit their first win. But of course, most of Sad Girls Club's fame comes from the members themselves, with ARA, NOELLE, & HAYEON being members who ranked within the top 5 to debut after the finale of their survival show, I-Doll; they have some of the biggest solo fandoms in VIVACE and have brought in a ton of fans for Sad Girls Club. Commonly called the most successful VIVACE unit, Sad Girls Club is known worldwide as one of the biggest trendsetters in Kpop and has built a vast and dedicated fanbase.
NAME : Sad Girls Club ( 사드걸즈클럽 )
LABEL : I-Teen Media ( 2019 - present )
DEBUT DATE : October 2, 2019
DEBUT SONG : Like This
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TW: death, car accidents, horrible mother, leaving home
ᡣ𐭩 Sim Eunmi was born on April 19, 1995 to a single mother and an older sister in Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. As a child, her family struggled financially, with her mother being unemployed and forcing her older sister, Eunha, to provide for the family. When Eunmi got older, she started taking an interest in singers and being a performer. She eventually asked her mom to sign her up for singing lessons, to which her mom immediately refused and told Eunmi not to focus on her “idiotic” dreams. Eunha overheard the conversation between them and decided save up money and by Eunmi’s fifteenth birthday, Eunha suprised her with singing classes that she had to travel to Seoul to attend.
By her sixteenth birthday, for the first time in a while, Eunmi felt truly happy and was actually doing something she enjoyed. It all came crashing down a week after she turned sixteen when she got a call while she was at one of her singing lessons that Eunha had unfortunately got into a car accident and passed away at the scene. Losing the person who practically raised her hit Eunmi hard, and she found herself isolating herself from everyone and focusing on her schoolwork. After graduating high school, she found herself getting interested in singing again, so when she told her mom she wanted to pursue a career in performing and even major in music at college, her mom started yelling at her. They had a huge argument, resulting in Eunmi leaving her house and using the money she had collected over the years to move to Seoul and go after her dream.
The next time Eunmi was seen again was in 2019 when she participated in a survival show called I-Doll for a chance to debut in a thirteen-member girl group. She made it into the final lineup, ranked #8 overall, and debuted as the Leader, Vocalist, & Visual of VIVACE on September 17, 2019. She then debuted in VIVACE’s first sub-unit, Sad Girls Club, on October 2, 2019, as the Leader, Sub Vocalist, & Visual. Eunmi commonly goes viral for her stunning visuals and elegant stage presence, which has attracted nearly the entire nation, and she’s been named one of the faces of South Korea. Being in a group where the members commonly get into scandals over their ‘messy’ personalities, Eunmi is regarded as one of the friendlier members and rarely gets into any drama, which has gained her a huge fanbase.
BIRTH NAME : Sim Eun-Mi ( 심은미 )
STAGE NAME : Eunmi ( 은미 )
BIRTHDATE : April 19, 1995
BIRTHPLACE : Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
SEXUALITY : Straight
LABEL : I-Teen Media ( 2019 - Present )
TRAINING PERIOD : 3 years ( 2016 - 2019 )
SUB-UNITS : Sad Girls Club
S.G.C POSITIONS : Leader, Sub Vocalist, & Visual
VIVACE POSITIONS : Leader, Vocalist, & Visual
FACE CLAIM : Kim Jisoo
HEIGHT : 162 cm ( 5’3 )
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ᡣ𐭩 Olivia Noelle Jung was born to famous Korean models in Richmond, Virginia, USA, on August 5, 1996. Growing up in the spotlight, Olivia always felt pressured to be perfect at all times, resulting in her becoming obsessed with her looks and making it hard for her to make any friends. Despite this, Olivia went on to be a popular actress on Disney Channel after being featured in the Teen Beach movie in 2013 and impressing people with her vocals.
She did a couple of side roles before ending her contract with Disney in 2015 to take up modeling gigs. In 2017, she suddenly dropped out of the spotlight without any explanation, leaving fans speculating about where she went. Unexpectedly, the next time anyone heard from Olivia again, she was participating In a South Korean survival show, I-Doll, in which she ended up ranking #3 overall, sparking a lot of controversy when people saw that her votes were 300k more than the girl who came in #4 and when netizens found out who her parents were, they were accused of rigging Olivia into the group's lineup but none of it was ever confirmed.
Olivia ended up debuting as a Vocalist of VIVACE on September 17, 2019 And then VIVACE’s first sub-unit, Sad Girls Club, on October 2, 2019, as the Main Vocalist & Lead Dancer. Olivia is known as the girl who keeps getting into controversies, scandals and is commonly accused of hating most of the members after posting and liking shady content about the other girls. Because of this most of her fans are super toxic and heavily encourage her toxic behavior, a lot of people also say she's a narcissist who only cares about herself.
BIRTH NAME : Olivia Noelle Jung
STAGE NAME : Noelle ( 노엘 )
KOREAN NAME : Jung Haneul ( 정하늘 )
BIRTHDATE : August 5, 1996
BIRTHPLACE : Richmond, Virginia, USA
SEXUALITY : Unlabeled
PROFESSION : Idol, Actress
LABEL : I-Teen Media ( 2019 - Present )
TRAINING PERIOD : 2 years ( 2017 - 2019 )
SUB-UNITS : Sad Girls Club
S.G.C POSITIONS : Main Vocalist & Lead Dancer
FACE CLAIM : Kim Chung Ha
HEIGHT : 161 cm ( 5’3 )
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tw : slight narcissism, controlling parents
ᡣ𐭩 Chirawan Chanthara was born to two lawyers in Bangkok, Thailand, on January 25, 1997. She grew up living a life of wealth and was surrounded by unlimited greed, which gave her a huge superiority complex even from a young age. Her parents always pushed her to be the best in everything; they signed her up in the highest-rated private schools, put her into loads of dance classes so she could dance competitively, and forbade her from having any friends that would distract her from success.
At age seventeen, she was in one of the top dance teams in Thailand, and while at a dance competition in South Korea, she was scouted to join a Korean entertainment company as a trainee. Despite being skeptical about the offer, Chirawan’s parents told her to accept the offer, and before she knew it, she was living in a dorm thousands of miles away from home. Four years later, in 2019, she was seen on the survival show I-Doll, where she ranked #2 and debuted in VIVACE a few months later on September 17, 2019 as a Rapper & Dancer and in VIVACE’s first sub-unit, Sad Girls Club, on October 2, 2019, as the Main Rapper & Main Dancer.
Chirawan is regarded as one of Kpop’s best dancers and has been invited to dance at huge events around the globe. Some fans claim she still brings off a narcissistic attitude and would be better off as a soloist, and others claim she's just misunderstood and needs proper love and support.
BIRTH NAME : Chirawan Chanthara ( จิรวรรณ จันทรา )
KOREAN NAME : Cho Chae-Hyun ( 조채현 )
BIRTHDATE : January 25, 1997
BIRTHPLACE : Bangkok, Thailand
SEXUALITY : Bisexual
PROFESSION : Idol, Dancer
LABEL : I-Teen Media ( 2019 - Present )
TRAINING PERIOD : 4 years ( 2015 - 2019 )
SUB-UNITS : Sad Girls Club
S.G.C POSITIONS : Main Rapper & Main Dancer
VIVACE POSITIONS : Dancer & Rapper
FACE CLAIM : Lisa Manobal
HEIGHT : 167 cm ( 5’6 )
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ᡣ𐭩 Naiyana Suwannarat was born on October 5, 1997 in Phuket, Thailand. Ever since she could talk, Naiyana was obsessed with singing and dreamt of being famous. Her parents always supported what she wanted to do, including getting her into singing and moving her to an arts school. Naiyana was always more reserved and tended to mind her business instead of engaging with others at school, which made her a loner and didn’t have many friends. Though one of her friends, Kirana, encouraged her to post a video showcasing her singing on the internet. The video ended up going viral, and all of a sudden, Naiyana became a famous YouTube singer within the following year.
The sudden popularity brought to Naiyana was something she had never felt before, but it also made her feel accomplished, knowing she was stepping closer to her dreams. Being internet famous, she found many close friends with interests she had never explored before, one being Kpop. She discovered Kpop through one of her friends online and quickly fell in love with the music and groups. In 2018, she uploaded a cover to Youtube of her covering Taeyeon’s 11:11, which quickly gained popularity and the attention of multiple Kpop companies that scouted her, including SM Entertainment, to which she accepted a contract after getting the support of her parents.
Naiyana participated in Mnet’s survival show I-Doll in 2019 and ranked #11 overall, making it into the final lineup she debuted as a member of VIVACE on September 17, 2019 as a Vocalist and a member of VIVACE’s first sub-unit, Sad Girls Club, on October 2, 2019, as the Lead Vocalist. She's named one of the quieter members who doesn't tend to get into drama with the other members and tends to only interact with them during group schedules.
BIRTH NAME : Naiyana Suwannarat ( นัยนา สุวรรณรัตน์ )
KOREAN NAME : Seo Nari ( 서나리 )
BIRTHDATE : October 5, 1997
BIRTHPLACE : Phuket, Thailand
PROFESSION : Idol, Singer, Youtuber
LABEL : I-Teen Media ( 2019 - Present ) SM Entertainment ( 2018 - 2020 )
TRAINING PERIOD : 1 Year ( 2018 - 2019 )
SUB-UNITS : Sad Girls Club
S.G.C POSITIONS : Lead Vocalist
FACE CLAIM : Minnie Yontararak
HEIGHT : 167 cm ( 5’6 )
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ᡣ𐭩 Min Hayeon was born in Chuncheon, Gangwon Province, South Korea on March 11, 1999 to owners of many major companies. Growing up, she tended to use her family’s influence and status to get what she wanted and had no doubt that one day, she would be famous one way or another. Not much is known about her early life except when she was thirteen, her parents divorced, and she was sent to live with her dad so she could inherit the companies. The next anyone saw of her was in 2015 when she became a trainee under YG Entertainment and was apparently supposed to debut in their upcoming girl group BLACKPINK but she left the group predebut.
Four years later, Hayeon participated on I-Doll, a Mnet survival show, for a chance to debut in their girl group that would be formed by the end of the show. She ended up ranking in #5 which many accused Hayeon of using her connections to get that mant votes after finding out that she’s a Chaebol but she publicly stated that she has no care for the rumors and what people think about her or her family. Hayeon debuted as a member of VIVACE on September 17, 1999 as a Rapper & Vocalist and as a member of Sad Girls Club, their first sub-unit, as the Lead Rapper & Maknae on October 2, 2019
Hayeon has been named one of the fakest members by netizens and even the group members who say she’s easily one of the nastiest members in VIVACE. That didn’t stop Hayeon from getting one of the hugest solo fandoms in the entire group with her fans being as horrible and nasty as she is.
BIRTH NAME : Min Ha-Yeon ( 민하연 )
STAGE NAME : Hayeon ( 하연 )
BIRTHDATE : March 11, 1999
BIRTHPLACE : Chuncheon, Gangwon Province, South Korea
SEXUALITY : Bisexual
LABEL : I-Teen Media ( 2019 - Present ), YG Entertainment ( 2015 - 2019 )
TRAINING PERIOD : 4 years ( 2016 - 2019 )
SUB-UNITS : Sad Girls Club
S.G.C POSITIONS : Lead Rapper & Maknae
VIVACE POSITIONS : Rapper & Vocalist
HEIGHT : 158 cm ( 5’2 )
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SAD GIRLS CLUB : debut mini album ( 2019 )
MY ADDITUDE : single album ( 2020 )
REVOLUTION : mini album ( 2020 )
WOMAN : mini album ( 2020 )
PRETTY SAVAGE : digital single ( 2021 )
MOVIE STAR : mini album ( 2021 )
SUPERWOMAN : full album ( 2022 )
CLUB 5 : mini album ( 2022 )
BAD BOY : single album ( 2022 )
BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY’S : mini album ( 2023 )
I’M THE DRAMA : full album ( 2023 )
THE PLASTICS : mini album ( 2023 )
HOPELESS ROMANTIC : digital single ( 2023 )
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Pairing: TWICE Nayeon x fem!reader.
Word Count: 4k
Genre: Fluff, Angst.
TW: Cursing, Alcohol, Cigarettes.
Clarifications: Non-Idol AU.
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2011, April.
16 years old.
There was always this thing between you and being late everywhere. No one around you ever understood how someone so extremely meticulous had such a flaw.
And on that tuesday in april, as usual, you arrived at school fifteen minutes after the hour your first class started. But something differed from your messy routine. Despite the fact that you consistently arrive at this time, you had never witnessed any anomaly where another student coincided with you.
Until that tuesday in april.
You were walking along, calm. You were already late, two minutes or so wouldn't prevent a reprimand from the teachers. But this girl was running as if she was escaping from a dog that wanted to bite her. She looked so anxious and desperate that you instantly realized that it was, quite possibly, the first time she was late for school.
She stopped in front of the entrance, thinking about something, nervous. She was probably worried about being scolded. At that moment she noticed the presence of someone else.
You hadn't noticed that you had stopped to look at her, that you were no longer moving.
Four minutes more or four minutes less, you were still late.
At the time you couldn't tell why, but you wanted to help her.
She turned her head towards you, you both looked at each other somewhat embarrassed. That's when you first heard her voice.
"Do you think I'll be punished for coming at this hour?"
2014, November.
19 years old.
Nayeon. Im Nayeon.
That time you walked her to the classroom, so that she would be calmer, and as children who see everything simpler do, she started to see you as a friend.
She always saw everything simpler than you.
She began by greeting you in the hallways, talking to you if she saw you alone, accompanying you home since you lived far away. Until one day you realized that you were inseparable. Nayeon knew everything about you, and you knew everything about her.
And if your secrets are kept with one person, you go wherever that person is.
So you decided to take the entrance exam and apply to the same university. Hence, all year long you were having study meetings where you sometimes took mock tests.
On the calendar it read the third thursday in November. That was it. Possibly if this didn't work out and you ended up at different universities you would still see each other, but it would be more complicated. You just wanted to always be by each other's side.
"y/n" your friend mentioned your name with that restlessness that always bloomed inside her moments before something big happened.
You turned to look at her. Her brown hair slicked back, held back by a white headband, dressed in her perfectly groomed uniform, nothing out of place. Her eyes, her big brown eyes, crystallized, filled with tears.
You became alarmed, approaching her in strides, taking her face in your fingertips and lifting it so that your pupils found each other.
"What's wrong, Nayeonie?" You asked in alarm, with concern "It's okay, yes? We studied a lot, we prepared for this every second we could, you'll do well, you always do well, you're brillia-"
"Promise me you'll always be by my side." She asked desperately, cutting off your inspirational speech.
"Of course I will, Nayeon."
"No, y/n" she raised her hands towards yours to hold them "promise me that no matter what happens today or any time in our lives, you're not going to leave me, because I know I won't, and I've never been so afraid of losing someone."
Actually, no one was ever afraid of losing you before.
As you held each other, and your surprised eyes blended with her teary ones, the promise was already made. A friend is a light, the place you go when all you know is darkness. A friend is someone you can trust, who will always be there for you. And you are her best friend.
"I promise." You affirmed, smiling.
"Swear it for what's most important to you." She demanded in a somewhat threatening tone, standing on her tiptoes, pressing her index finger to your chest accusingly and with a defiant look.
"I swear on all the memories we have together," you repeated "I will never leave you."
2018, June.
22 years old.
If someone were to ask you for three warnings before talking to Nayeon for the first time, they would be:
Im Nayeon is very loud.
Im Nayeon requires a lot of attention.
Im Nayeon always gets what she wants.
You have proof for the last one. As she wanted to go to the same college as you, she got that.
You were in your third year of college life, on a friday. She had insisted that she wanted to come to this party thrown by some older kids.
The whole damn student body was on the sixth floor of the dorm building, going in and out of room 302.
Damn Korea and its lack of fraternities. Y'all could be at a huge house with the Kappa Kappa Somethings, not this.
You were sober. Since you're not good with alcohol you avoid drinking too much. Not that you like the bitter taste of it either.
You're used to sweet things in your life, like Coca Cola, your mother's orange cake, the scent of azaleas in your grandmother's backyard, and Nayeon.
For her, well, she was completely intoxicated. With cheap beer coursing through her veins.
When she got drunk it was impossible to stop her, her energy levels rose drastically. It made you happy to see her in such a state, she was the life of the party.
You were standing on the sidelines, but seeing your favorite person having so much fun, you felt you had to be part of the moment. Moving your body subtly to the sound of the music, marking the rhythm with every step you took, you slipped through the crowd, appearing next to Nayeon.
The moment she saw you, she began to dance with you. Her hands rested on your shoulders without stopping moving, giving you a glance at times, accompanied by that smile she has when she is secure of herself. With each beat you moved closer to each other. Her palms began to move up the expanse of your neck, resting on the back of your neck, causing you to wrap your arms around her waist to make the position less uncomfortable. Your faces so close that your noses delicately caressed the other's, you both knew the song that was playing and sang every word of it with vigor.
You looked at each other creating a tension between you that to be cut you would have to bring a chainsaw. You had always thought Nayeon was attractive, you're not blind, but you had never looked at her the way you were doing at that moment. You never wanted to kiss her the way you did while dancing at that party full of sweaty, stupid people.
Her eyes scanned every faction of yours, her hand slid from the back of your neck to your cheek. Your grip on her waist firming even more, if that was even possible. She finally stopped to look at your lips, like you look at a plate of food after you haven't had breakfast, lunch or even a snack. Like you look at the lips of the person you've most wanted to kiss since you were sixteen.
But you were not that person for Nayeon.
She moved quickly, turning on her heels, her back towards you. She continued dancing, but now with another friend she had made in a subject in her undergrad. You came back to reality, your mind again recognizing the place and situation you were in, and what had just happened.
You needed to go to the bathroom.
You walked away and after splashing a lot of water on your face and taking a couple of deep breaths, you went back to where the people were. You didn't know what to do, as going with Nayeon was not an option, and your other friends were nowhere in sight. You went to get a beer, your first of the night, and simply leaned against a wall to drink it.
You felt a hand on your shoulder and when you turned your head to see who it was, you found Mina, an exchange student from Japan that you usually sit with in one of your classes. She greeted you and stood chatting with you.
Mina was a shy girl, but she had always been comfortable with you. Nayeon says you have the vibe of a friendly and warm person, so people feel at ease around you.
You would never have thought that you would create such a nice atmosphere that Mina would dare to interrupt one of your sentences by kissing you. Holding onto your neck with a delicate touch and resting her weight on your hand laying on her back.
Breaking away, you gave her a shy little smile, and she gave you an equal one. But yours disappeared as soon as you looked to your side and found your best friend witnessing everything, with a serious expression. And then she simply walked away, leaving the party.
You didn't follow her. You don't know if you should have followed her, maybe you should've, but at that moment you just thought that it wasn't the right thing to do to Mina to just run after the person you had almost kissed before her.
A while later you accepted it, that friday you actually wanted to kiss Nayeon.
2018, December.
23 years old.
After that party, you two didn't speak to each other for two days, but you couldn't resist not being glued together all the time, so you eventually pretended that night never happened and that's surely the one thing you two could never deign to talk about.
Everything was fine for a while, and you never thought that you might have feelings for your friend. Even with the events of that night, it never crossed your mind. It wasn't until christmas of that same year that those doubts awoke in you.
Neither of you were able to spend the holidays with your family, so you decided to spend it together with a few other friends.
Nayeon had said she wanted to introduce someone to you.
And that's when it was.
At a table in a fairly cheap restaurant near campus, surrounded by the people you loved on christmas day. On a tuesday, just like the day you met.
It was then that you realized you had feelings for Nayeon. In the worst way anyone can find out they love someone.
When Nayeon introduced Hyunwoo that night, you gave him your three warnings about her, as if you were giving her away.
The next morning you began the most abrupt detoxification process anyone has ever undertaken.
The night before you realized that you loved her and at the same time that you had just lost her. That morning you'd have to start getting over her.
2021, March.
25 years old.
You're not good at organizing meetings, you've never been, Nayeon takes care of that. But at her engagement celebration, she couldn't be the one in charge of the plans.
Luckily there's Jihyo, who took care of everything, and you just had to send a message to a group chat.
Last night Hyunwoo proposed to your best friend and she accepted. So today, on a wednesday, at her apartment, all her friends gathered to congratulate her.
You weren't over her, how do you get over Im Nayeon, really? You knew everything about her, but not that, not what you needed to know most.
Every day since you realized what was going on inside you about her, the feeling only continued to increase, you found in every moment and action something new about Nayeon that you had noticed before, but now it made your heart race.
And you hated Hyunwoo for being all that was right for her. You hated him because he deserved her, and because he was what she deserved. You hated him because he was indeed going to marry her, and you have no argument to tell your friend not to.
The dinner continued quietly, you chatted about various topics, ate delicious food, had a good time, and above all, drank a lot. As always, not you. You were fresh, fully conscious.
Finally everyone left and only Nayeon and you were left to sleep at her place. You were preparing her bed, as she was in no condition to do it on her own, when you heard her footsteps. You turned around and she was leaning against the door frame. You gave her a smile and continued to put the sheets on. Only a few seconds passed before you felt her arms around your waist and the warmth of her body embrace you. You took a big breath of air to calm the wave of emotions that appeared at the contact, but you couldn't stop your skin from bristling when she kissed the back of your neck softly.
"Nayeon, what are you doing?"
"I love you." She suddenly blurted out.
"I love you too." You replied bringing your hand to one of hers to give her a small caress.
"No, y/n," She inhaled deeply and brought her head up to rest it on your shoulder "I love you." She repeated "As in I'm in love with you."
You've been waiting for years for that, those exact words that came from her lips. You've been waiting years for her to confirm that what you feel is reciprocated. But there you had it, what you've wanted for so long, and it feels sour, bitter. It feels wrong.
"I'll put a mattress down and then you can go to sleep, I'll find some comfortable clothes for you to wear." You took her arms, pulled them away from your torso and began to walk out of the room with quick steps.
"y/n" she called out to you, but you didn't stop "y/n!"
"What?" you stopped moving roughly.
"Aren't you going to say anything?"
"What do you want me to say, Nayeon?" You faced your body to hers "That I'm in love with you too, is that what you want to hear?" your tone was an angry and overwhelmed one "Yes, that's right, I'm in love with you too."
Something inside you felt lighter after saying those words. She finally knew, you had said it, you had let her know that you didn't just see her as your best friend. It felt liberating, but at the same time it felt bad.
"But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter anymore." You brought your hands to your face, rubbing your temples out of frustration.
"It does matter, y/n, why wouldn't it?" She moved closer to you and tried to touch your face, but you wouldn't let her.
"Because this is not the time you should have told me." You explained, tears appeared "I've been in love with you for years, but I never told you because I felt it wasn't correct because you were with someone else, but then you go and just choose the day after you got engaged to tell me."
You looked into her eyes, those that could lead you to do the most stupid things for her, the ones that always told you the things she didn't know how to say in words, your home, your safe place, the source of your adoration for Nayeon. You looked into her eyes, for the first time, with disappointment.
"If you say you love me as I love you, I will give up everything, y/n, I have always been willing to give up everything for you."
Nayeon always saw everything simpler than you. Her solutions were always the obvious, what you would do based on what you desire, but you analyzed everything more thoroughly, counting the consequences and everything that could go west. At the time, perhaps, she saw you as the love of her life, but for you, in front of you, stood an unfortunate crush from which you would never emerge unscathed.
"Not like this, Nayeon." You shook your head "Not when you got engaged to someone else last night." She crossed her arms and turned away, as if she didn't want to listen to you anymore "Not when you could have told me this three years ago, but you're only doing it now because you feel like you're running out of time and it scares you." You knew her feelings were maybe honest, but not the reasons why she was letting them out "Not when you only seem to love me when you're drunk."
Finally she turned her face to you again and you could see that it was full of teardrops. Any other time you would have run to her, wiped away her crying, kissed her forehead, and done everything you could to make her feel well. Any other time, you would have given her everything she wanted. But that wednesday in march you decided to put yourself before her.
"I'd better go, I don't think it's the right thing for me to sleep here." You announced and left her room, heading for the living room, where you had your things.
She followed you without saying a word, used to the fact that the very act of existing made you weak before her and led you to do everything to please her. You took some of your belongings that were scattered in different places and then your backpack. When you were in front of the door, that's when she realized that you were serious, that this time you wouldn't do what she asked you.
"You promised me you would never leave me." She remembered in a vain attempt to stop you.
"I'm not leaving you, Nayeon, but we both need time away from each other."
2022, January.
26 years old.
Those chaotic moments before you get married bring out your true yearnings, and that's why so many people run away from their weddings.
It's also why you shouldn't get married, to never have that epiphany where you realize that the person waiting for you at the altar is the last thing you want in the world.
Nayeon had ten months, almost a year, to realize that it was you who should be waiting for her to join her for life. Instead she spent all that time arranging a wedding and convincing herself that you were just a whim, that she didn't really love you like she thought she did.
Right there, she was moments away from walking down the aisle, and it all came crashing into her head, a long list of everything she denied all that time.
First of all, she loved you, more than she had ever loved anyone, more than she ever loved Hyunwoo. She has loved you for years.
Second, you loved her too.
Third, she wanted to spend the rest of her life with you and not Hyunwoo.
Fourth, she would have to give Hyunwoo a very big and expensive gift to apologize for this.
Fifth, she was not getting married that saturday in january.
Sixth, she wasted a year convincing you to be the maid of honor at the wedding of the love of your life. Geez.
And finally, seventh, she spent atrocities on a wedding she was about to ditch.
Nayeon stood up suddenly, startling the stylist who was arranging her hair. With an expression of despair in her eyes.
"y/n" she muttered, the poor hairstylist not understanding what she was talking about "y/n!" she repeated shouting this time, alerting everyone in the room "I need to find y/n" she explained.
"Nayeon, it's only a few minutes away, y/n must be positioning herself with the other bridesmaids." Replied her mother who was with her.
She ran out of the room she was in, even with how hard it was to run in her wedding dress. She reached where the bridesmaids were, which luckily was not a place visible to those present at the celebration, as they hadn't taken their place yet.
"Nayeon?" spoke Chaeyoung alerted upon seeing the bride, drawing the attention of all the others "What the fuck are you doing here!?" She asked in a whisper-yell.
"y/n" she repeated breathlessly "call y/n" she demanded.
"y/n is not here, she went out." Jeongyeon warned.
"What do you mean she went out? Where did she go? It's my wedding day and she dares to do whatever the hell she wants" She spoke confused and exhausted.
"She went to the backyard." Added the same girl.
Her friends were about to start asking her questions, but they couldn't, because the moment she knew where y/n was, the girl started running again, as fast as she could.
She really wasn't very fast.
She came outside and saw you, you were standing on the side of the fountain, watching the water fall, smoking. You were the most ethereal thing she had ever seen in her life and she instantly thought about how she never stopped to appreciate your beauty since knowing she loved you.
"y/n" She said for like the eleventh time that day, to which you looked at her.
"What are you doing here? The ceremony is about to start." You threw away your cigarette and walked toward her swiftly.
"It's not like you're where you need to be either." She alluded that you weren't getting ready with her other friends "Let's go."
She took your hand, directing you towards a gate at the back of the place that led to the street.
"What are you doing?" You asked as you stopped her.
"Let's go." She grabbed you again and tried to walk.
"Nayeon, stop it, what are you doing?" You reiterated.
"We're going to be happy together for the rest of our lives." She explained simply, holding you again.
"Nayeon." You took a step back, letting out a sigh.
"No." She stopped you now "Nayeon nothing." She said seriously "I'm not drunk, or delirious. Is this an impulse? Yes, it is, but it's the most honest impulse I've had in my twenty-six years of life."
She took a few steps toward you and put her hand behind your head, causing you to bend down a little, so that you could rest your forehead with hers.
"I love you, quite possibly since our third year of college." She confessed "When I told you the first time I let you go, I understood your point of view, I understood I did things wrong," she assumed "this time maybe I'm doing things wrong again, but I'm not going to let you reject me and leave like that time."
She raised her other arm to throw it softly, in an adoring way around your neck so she could catch you in a kiss, your first kiss. You didn't deny it, you didn't pull away, there was no point in doing that. You discovered that her lips were another of your weaknesses, of which all included her.
"y/n" she said yet again once the kiss was broken "we're going to leave this wedding, we're going to make sweet love, and then you're going to help me figure out how to apologize to Hyunwoo." You laughed, somewhat bitterly, as you felt bad for the man "And after that we're going to love each other forever, yes?"
"I love you."
"I love you too."
the image of nayeon running around with her wedding dress out of breath is actually so pathetic😭
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usafphantom2 · 1 month
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USAF's F-16 Viper demonstration team launches new painting scheme for the 50º anniversary of the iconic fighter
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 05/15/2024 - 18:53in Demonstration Squads, Military
The U.S. Air Force F-16 Viper Demonstration Team unveiled on May 15, at Edwards Air Base, California, a special 50º anniversary painting scheme in honor of the original YF-16 aircraft.
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The red, white and blue painting scheme was the original paint used by the YF-16 prototype that first flew in 1974. The team worked alongside the 412ª Test Wing to complete the painting scheme in less than 8 weeks, a task that would normally take approximately three months.
"When I was hired to be a commander and pilot in the summer of last year, I made it clear that I hoped to find a way to paint our plane in the prototype scheme to take America back to the beginning of the history that began 50 years ago," said Captain Taylor "FEMA" Hiester, commander and pilot of the F-16 Viper demonstration team.
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Tony Accurso, logistics manager of the 416º Flight Test Squadron, U.S. Air Force veteran and director of the 50º anniversary event of the F-16 at Edwards Air Base, acted as the link between the team and the 412º TW. He personally participated in the painting project as a historical consultant, his enthusiasm for the F-16 Fighting Falcon and vast knowledge of the YF-16 prototype bringing the design to life.
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“The importance of this YF-16 painting scheme is the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the F-16 Viper,” said Accurso. “Everyone in Edwards is very proud not only to support the Viper Demo Team, but also to celebrate the 50º anniversary of the F-16, which began right here in Edwards in 1974.”
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YF-16 prototype.
The YF-16 prototype accidentally flew for the first time on January 20, 1974, after a "mechanical accident" during a high-speed taxi test. Phil Oestricher, the YF-16 test pilot, decided to take off and fly for six minutes to prevent the jet from falling. The official inaugural 90-minute flight was carried out on February 2, 1974. The F-16 Viper demonstration team was combined with the East and West Viper teams in 2015.
The team decided to make small changes to differentiate the new aircraft, including the exchange of the term "General Dynamics" for "20th Fighter Wing" and the addition of "Viper Demo" at the tip of the vertical stabilizer.
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"The only way to start was with the support of the leadership of the 20th Fighter Wing, host of the F-16 Viper Demonstration Team, who believed in the importance of this project and supported the vision we had in mind," Hiester said.
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In 2024, the F-16 Viper Demonstration Team will represent the Air Combat Command and the U.S. Air Force in 25 shows in four countries, celebrating the 50º anniversary of the F-16 Fighting Falcon.
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Here is the calendar of demonstrations for this year:
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Tags: Military AviationF-16 Fighting FalconF-16 Viper Demo TeamLockheed MartinUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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noonajoe · 1 year
Proposing My Best Friend (Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader)
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Matching : Kuroo Tetsurou x female!reader
Word Count: 1500+
TW: marriage proposal, best friend, many fluffs, talking about future, mention future children
©noonajoe (Published on 4 April 2023 - 19:55 Bangkok Time) this story is not going to be sold, modified, or translated in any manner.
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“Y/N, what do you think about having a family?” he asked.
“Oh? Why a sudden question, Kuroo-kun?” you asked while walking beside him.
“Looking at that kid who’s being hugged by her mom earlier makes me think a lot, I mean we’re 25 so it’s normal to daydream about the future, yea?”
“Hmm. Yeah, if you said that so…” you answer him.
You enter the cafe and find empty tables. You sat down alongside him, picking foods and drinks from the menu. While waiting for the food, Tetsu continues your current conversation.
He looks beside him, staring at people walking from the window, “From my sight, all I think about having kids is like continuous KPI (Key Performance Indicator), and the numbers and changes will be changed, their education needs, their emotional needs, everything. Somehow I look at having a kid as having many tremendous challenges, unpredictability, prepared to be hurt and cry.” he sighed.
You smiled, fascinated by how this conversation turned into an interesting topic to discuss, “Hmm, I think you forgot one most important indicator, Kuroo-kun”
“What is it?” he titled his head, asking you.
“Huh?” he frowns.
“Kuroo-kun, you’re so funny. A scene that you looked at earlier is a mother who gives their kids comforts and affection, it’s a form of happiness too, you know?”
“Hm, yeah. But I don’t know, for me, raising kids is also a new fear to deal with,” he said.
You stared at him, “I don’t know about kids, either, they are tiring and unpredictable, but I know there are a lot of happiness possibilities in having a family. Kids may be a drag but their parents have to be happy through the process of raising their kid.”
“Hmm, I agree about that then. So, what kind of mom would you like to be, Y/N? Like, a mom who prefers to stay at home, or something else?” he asked.
“Well I think being a wife and a mom must be linear in roles. Well, first I want to discuss this with my husband, the future father of my children when we can settle on co-parenting tasks for our children, for example maybe I make them food every day and my husband has to play with them after work. I don’t know whether I can survive being a full-time mom, but when my kids grew big enough for childcare. If I could, I want to work again.”
“Whoa, so even after you gave birth, you still thinking about working after that, heh?” he smirked. 
You gave him a real answer because of his playful expression, “Well, we have to be realistic about our future needs, right? It is possible that our family expenses increased year by year. And if I stayed as a full-time mom for 20 years, I’m afraid I can’t take my kid to a proper school-”
“Yeah. But Y/N san, you won’t ever know who will be your husband, right? Of course, he has to support his family financially” he asked, looking at the table.
You stopped your answer, staring at him with a blank expression, “Ah… right hehe. Maybe I’m focused too much on my side as a future mom. Yeah, but of course, I will discuss that with my future husband. Who knows the decision will be different?”
“Yeah yeah,” he said. 
“Well, how about you, Kuroo-kun?” you asked him.
“Hmm… I can’t put it in detail. But rather than focus on having children, regardless of happiness or not, I want to make my future wife happy first. I mean, if she is happy about having a kid maybe I will agree to it. My mother left me when I was little because of fights with my dad. That reason is the cause I never focused on having a kid, I want to focus on giving happiness and memories to my future wife, first”
“Hmmm, is that so”
“What if your husband somehow doesn’t want to have kids, Y/N?”
“Hm? Do you mean, I will not have any kids ever? Adopted or biological” you asked him. 
“Uh-huh. What do you think about that?”
“I don’t know Kuroo-kun, again, it depends on who will be my husband. Egoistically, of course, I want them. But if there is a reason that my husband can explain well to me, I can think over it again. To be truthful, I can’t imagine raising my kid without a father figure, especially when they’re still teenagers. So, of course, if I’m that ambitious about having a kid, I have to select a proper father for my kids. However, as I said, I want a significant role as a wife and a mother equally. In short, I want to be happy in both roles, not just being a mom, but also as a wife”
“So, you don’t know too huh?”
“Yeah, I guess so. But again, everything could be changed. At least I have based principles on my own, about the decision of having kids I believe married couples have to intensively discuss that. But if both individuals can’t have a solution or negotiation, it hurts, and separation is a possible solution.”
“So, the core must be fixed first, right?” he asked with a little laugh.
“Yeah, again, Kuroo-kun, but if you talk about step by step, I want to settle first as a wife.”
Finally, our food arrives, and when we have full of our orders, he suddenly told me not to eat first. He grabbed both of my hands and told me he want to confess something. 
“What if you marry with me?” he suddenly asked.
“Hah? Kuroo-kun what-” Your face suddenly went red. Even though you have a 10-year friendship with him you understand this is a romantic proposal. You can’t help but answer him with a stammered tone. 
“You know all of my weaknesses for the past 10 years of friendship, do you think I will fit as a father and husband?”
“Well if it’s about that, in father’s roles I think you’ll fit to be one, Kuroo-kun. We saw how you can lead your juniors at Karasuno. In terms of leadership, I think you’re a perfect fit for a father because you can put love and wisdom equally. For a husband, hm… I don’t know, somehow you never date anyone, so I don’t know..” you answer him while tilting your head to another side, unable to look at him.
“I believe that’s the general answer. what I asked is, am I worthy to be your future children’s father?”
“Huh?! Come again?” you were startled, and finally your eyes met his. 
“Am I suitable for being your husband and future father in your family?” he said with a smiling face. You hate when Tetsu’s confidence never weakens.
“No!… I mean, I don’t know, Kuroo-kun” you answer him.
“Is that so… So you don’t know or you don’t want to?” he frowns, wishing you said yes, yet you are still confused by his sudden confession. 
“We-well, you talk about future family, and currently I’m not dating anyone. I don’t know, the proper standards of a husband, to be honest…Kuroo-kun”
“I will get straight to the point then,” he said, grabbing your hand tightly.
He told you to look at his face, “I want to marry you, Y/N.”
“What? How? Why me? We’ve been best friends for a decade…”
“I believe there’s a proverb said you have to be best friends when you marry your wife. In my case, I have a best friend who I loved for a long time and I want her to be my wife.”
“This is not serious, isn’t it?” you laugh, looking beside you whether there’s a camera on, somehow hoping this is a joke that Tetsu always does in pranks.
“Y/N, When it comes to serious discussion, I never joked about it, you know me so well” he answers you.
“What do you see me as a potential wife then, Kuroo-kun?” you asked, hoping he gave up on his pranks.
“You took care me for almost 10 years as a best friend, I could say my loneliness from losing my mom was reduced intensively when you asked me to accompany you to the bookstore, grocery stores, and many other activities. Hmm, also kinda hurts when you have a boyfriend at that time, but you still replying to my messages, even saying to introduce me to your ex-boyfriend. Your talent and potential in professional also encourage me more that you’re going to be a lovely partner or even a mother”. Okay, his answer shows that he’s not playing around anymore. 
Somehow it turns silent, and both of you haven’t touched the food yet, “I’m not hurrying you about marriage terms.”
“If you want to date first, I’m okay with it. But my end goal with you is marriage, so I’ll wait for your answer no matter how long it is” You tilted your head up. He said that with a genuine heart. You know Tetsu so well, you just denying him for being serious this time. He’s not the same playful Tetsu that always played with you when you were little.
You bury your head in the table, sighing “I hate you when you’re serious like this… Damn you Tetsurou…”
“So, when will you give me your answer? If you ask about rings and money, I have it already, you know me, Y/N” He smirked.
“Stop it, Tetsu!” you smack his hand with your bag.
“I can’t wait to tell this story to our future kids”
“Dear God… help me” You cover your face with your hands, unable to see his smirking face.
In the end, you give your life and soul by marrying your best friend, you knew from the start he’ll be a great husband and father to your children. He still calls you “best friend and best wife” every time he wakes up.
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openheartfanfics · 2 months
Newly Added Fics
April 13 - 19, 2024  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Bryce x F!MC
Shining Through The Shadows - @storyofmychoices ☁
Olivia prepares a special eclipse viewing party for her patients.
Ethan x F!MC
An Awkward Interval - @thosehallowedhalls 🎭
Before leaving Miami, Casey knows she has to talk to Ethan. [1.10; Miami]
It Happened One Miami Night - @liaromancewriter 📚
[mini: wip] A work trip to Miami means finally accepting that some risks are worth taking. Or are they? [Miami; 1.10]
Part 3
Sex and Pizza - @liaromancewriter ♥
There’s nothing quite like sex for working up an appetite.
Open Heart MC
Six Times - @jerzwriter 📚🏳‍🌈
[extended: wip] Casey knew what it felt like to have her heart broken, and so did Jessica. Love and all its notions had no place in their life right now... and then they met. F!MC x F!OC
Part 1: Think About It
Rafael x F!MC
Casey’s Tough Day - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Flowers - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Moving In - @rafasgirl23415 📚​
[extended: wip] Follow up to We Belong Together. Set a few years into the future. Feat. Sienna Trinh x M!OC
CH 34: Please Don't Make Me Do This. (TW: Termination and cancer)
Reminiscing - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Late at night in hospital Casey can’t sleep so she’s scrolling through her phone & comes across her first dress fitting.
Rumors - @rafasgirl23415 📸
As Casey recovers from her operation, she is blindsided by rumours that Ethan is the father of her baby.
Tori’s First Steps - @rafasgirl23415 📸
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imasradiantasthesun · 12 days
I’m interested in your thoughts: how many living Victors do you think each District has at the time of the QQ reaping?
omg hi!! thank you so much for the ask, i love talking about the victors!! iirc there were 59 victors still alive shortly before the quell, so here's what i think:
1: 11 total, 8 living: Jasper Montgomery (2nd, dec.); Ruby Red Bird (6th); Mirage Dubois (17th); Luxe Cloud (22nd); Jade Crawford (30th); Onyx O'Hara (42nd); Amber Nova Astor-Moon (51st); Quartz Whitegrass (59th); Cashmere Davenport (63rd); Gloss Davenport (64th); Crystal Chanel Michaels (66th)
2: 14 total, 11 living: Rex Barnes (1st, dec.); Atticus Nader (4th, dec.); Diana Roseman (8th, dec.); Florence Malina (19th); Ace Robinson (27th); Violet Rashid (28th); Valerie Banks (36th); Brutus Kumar (40th); Emmeline (Lyme) Lin (46th); Leo Kalinin (52nd); Sebastian Kim (56th); Enobaria Moore (62nd); Augustus Braun (67th); Julian Stone (72nd)
3: 5 total, 4 living: Edie Faris (13th, dec.); Sofie Park (26th); Beetee Latier (33rd); Wiress Payne (48th); Gage Patel (54th)
4: 10 total, 9 living: Tomi Ando (5th, dec.); Magdalena (Mags) Flanagan (11th); Caspian Zhang (15th); Siobhan Sullivan (24th); Dylan Kahale (32nd); Estrella Williams (39th); Pearl Davis (49th); Halia Kane (55th); Finnick Odair (65th); Anemone (Annie) Cresta (70th)
5: 4 total, 3 living: Dacie Quinn (16th, dec.); Porter Millicent Tripp (38th); Wyatt Medina (44th); Vander Allen (61st)
6: 3 total, 2 living: Basma Ford (23rd, dec.); Adrienne Mercedes Hughes (43rd); Miles Horowitz (60th)
7: 5 total, 3 living: Phyll Thomas (9th, dec.); Olive Sato (20th, dec.); Grover Hits Back (41st); Blight Hackman (58th); Johanna Mason (71st)
8: 4 total, 4 living: Woof Dimatteo (12th); April Webber (21st); Sasha Travin (35th); Cecelia Balan (57th)
9: 5 total, 4 living: Malt Waters (7th); Robin Blue Ryan (25th, dec.); Maisie Olson (34th); Erika Miller (53rd); Isaac Mesteth (68th)
10: 4 total, 3 living: Vina Garza (18th); Aubrey Flores (29th, dec.); Paxton Bernal (47th); Bel Cuervo (73rd)
11: 6 total, 5 living: Cane Harrison (3rd, dec.); Honeydew Hayes (14th); Seeder Chapman (31st); Harvey McLean (37th); Chaff Santana (45th); Clementine Jones (69th)
12: 4 total, 3 living: Lucy Gray Baird (10th, dec.); Haymitch Abernathy (50th); Katniss Everdeen & Peeta Mellark (74th)
i think that the majority of the deceased victors passed away from old age, with the exception of a few (general TW because this gets dark):
Dacie Quinn (D5, 16th Games): died of cancer at the age of 53 (56 ADD)
Olive Sato (D7, 20th Games): died in childbirth at age 40 (42 ADD)
Basma Ford (D6, 23rd Games): died from a morphling overdose at age 27 (32 ADD)
Robin Blue Ryan (D9, 25th Games): murdered at age 37 (44 ADD) (imo he was a very unpopular victor in D9 because a) he was voted in, and b) as D9's first actual mentor, he didn't do very well, bringing home only one tribute in the 19 years he mentored)
Aubrey Flores (D10, 29th Games): drowned in his bathtub while drunk at age 40 (53 ADD)
Onyx O'Hara (D1, 42nd Games): died by suicide at age 26 (50 ADD)
anyways... thank you SO much for the ask, i'd love to hear what you think :3
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antiendovents · 27 days
Tw// death mention, mourning, grief
Today is the anniversary day of one of our friend's death. The last one was at the end of April. We hate May especially for being a very bad time.
Our trauma responses surrounding the events have lessened a lot, but it doesn't make the pain end. We are still very much set off and triggered by the event. We just noticed the date when on discord and it puts the new date above a message and it made us sick. We can't even handle seeing 5:19 on clocks cause of how much this day triggers us.
Things have gotten a lot better and we've made a lot of peace with it. But it was still very traumatic to us especially the circumstances around the death which we don't share because they are extremely triggering and traumatic. Not even many of our irl friends know how this day is for us since we shut down after it happened and never truly told them much.
Just needed to vent because today is really hard for us. She was a wonderful friend and very creative too. She absolutely adored dogs and stuffed animals. We made a memorial for her and her sister on our Animal Crossing New Horizons island. Wanted to share some things we loved about her. She was a lot of fun and truly deserved so much better.
Any kind words are appreciated, even if you're not very good with them. We're terrible when it comes to offering kind words ourselves especially being low empathy and shutting down when needing to be helpful in an emotional context so we completely understand in that case. We just mostly had to share it because we are...quite isolated in our grief since we aren't very open except with one close friend and it often worsens us a lot cause of that. Thanks for letting us vent really.
oh, I'm so sorry anon. Your friend sounds like an amazing person and it's really sad that she's gone. We hope you're handling things well,, please take care of yourself anon. Be easy on yourself, make sure to get plenty of rest, have some snacks if you think it could help. Even though we don't know you personally we want you to know that we care about you and that you're always welcome here. I'm sorry there isn't much I can really say to make this better, but I do hope that you'll be able be okay.
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opinated-user · 10 months
TW -grooming
This is not Lily flirting back but she is not telling Ginger to stop. (April 2015 - so Ginger is 14?)
I'm not sure if I fully understand does this mean.
(August 2015)
Bonus finds
FireRose (TW - grooming, TW - suggestive)
Lily making incest jokes about Elsa and Anna (again)
to refresh everyone's memory: Ginger was born in November 30th, 1999. LO was born in May 30th, 1992.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
in these posts ginger is 15. this is exactly what we all have been talking about when we say it was concerning of LO to only talk about children's media while being highly sexual herself. when you talk about children's media, children are going to be attracted to that conversation and you have to be conscious of that more than people talking about general media or adult media. LO never was. LO had many, many opportunities to tell ginger to stop or to just block her and make a general post to remind people to not interact with her on that way unless they are of age to not singled her out. even talk in private to tell her "i appreciate you like my work, but could you please do not act that way towards me or any adult you know for that matter? it's really not appropiate" would have been a fine option. instead, LO kept encouraging this behaviour until Ginger became of age and then started reciprocating by making her one of her partners. i repeat: it doesn't matter that LO didn't went to ginger and told her to continue the flirting. it doesn't matter if ginger never felt pressured to do so. it doesn't matter that LO never gave her even more attention than to any other fans. it doesn't matter, because from the moment Ginger started being more explicit on her flirting it was the responsability of LO to stop it as the adult. LO should have said no. LO had the duty to say no, stop that, and she didn't. that's how she groomed ginger. to put all of this in perspective, LO was 24 when having those interactions. she can't pull "i didn't know" because she already admited she didn't let ginger into her discord until she became 19, so she knew at least she was underaged. she was old enough to know this was wrong and still did it anyway. just picture any 24 year old adult accepting this kind of attention from an eager 15 yeard old child like how LO is doing, only to then date them a few years later, and then you'll understand what is wrong with all of this.
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