#tw: mention of house fire
danton-brothers · 2 years
(Warning! This contains several mentions of possible triggers which are listed in the tags.)
The light in the kitchen is softly filtering in from the thin curtains drawn over the windows that sat above the sink, with it being early morning Edward's brother was still asleep thankfully and he was alone at the breakfast table to cope with his thoughts, sipping a cup of chamomile tea. Another night of nightmares, another night of guilt, another night of lying awake thereafter recovering from the suffocating panic that had gripped him. It was never easy, never sweet, never relenting. His eyes laid hooded, set upon the tea cupped delicately in his hands the steam rising from it. They for the moment held a deep set grief, if dead look as he stared absently.
Seconds passed into minutes, passed into an hour. His tea turned cold in his hands as the soft morning glow dulled into late morning light. Luther walked in and noted the air of the space when zeroing in on his silent brother. A soft sigh would escape the elder brother as he stepped around Edward for the moment attending to other things such as putting away the abandoned ingredients meant for breakfast, pouring out the small porcelain pot of cold tea and moving to make new hot water for a fresh pot, a few over easy eggs for something light after he takes his medicine. Getting down his brother's depression medication and then the other pill for his other problem.
Enough time had passed when the sound of the kettle whistling finally jolted Edward from his zoned out state, blinking and cringing lightly from how dry they'd become from so little blinking prior. Luther took this opportunity to gently lift the teacup from his hands to pour that out as well and get it ready for new tea, Edward's gaze following his hands up to his own eyes which held an understanding, and allowed no words to be really needed in the moment until he could set two plates down both with eggs and toast, and the new pot of Chamomile be brought to pour them both a cup. Finally with the table set, Luther was ready to acknowledge the situation he'd walked into.
"Nightmares of the past again?" He'd ask, receiving a reluctant nod from the younger brother as he picked at the food lightly. "Anything you're willing to tell me about?" There came a pause before he answered. "It was about Uncle Reman." He would tell him. That wasn't something he would tell him about, even when he'd confided in him about Rachelle's abuse, he wouldn't speak of what happened to Reman, other than he being sure that he died in that manor. "Do you want to talk about it?" He would ask, going through the same repeated lines that Edward would do for him after a particularly bad nightmare he might have. With a shake of his head, that ended the conversation there for them to eventually eat in silence, the only sounds really being of birds chirping beyond the window.
After breakfast, it seemed to have resolved internally Luther noticed, his brother standing and taking up the plates himself, once he'd been reminded to take his medication, and cleaning up so dishes wouldn't pile up. He knew this usually happened with him, a weird ability to just function as if he weren't incapable of it not too long before. Smile even in the face of grief and sorrow. Luther didn't have it in him for the same ability, one of many reasons why it was he that was considered dependent on Edward rather than the other way around. However, he knew better than to think he'd moved on from it. He was good at masking things, but that didn't mean he was good at coping.
One day, he hoped while watching Edward eventually, finally leave the kitchen to actually get on with his day, that his brother would finally tell him the truth of that day... the day that the fairy-blessed manor burned.
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antiendovents · 7 days
We have to fucking evacuate our house due to a fire
I'm the only one able to front right now because everyone else keeps having panic attacks
I'm scared but I have to try and stay calm
im really sorry that's happening, I hope you're all safe and that you manage to find a safe place to calm down :(
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2rats1gogh · 8 months
reasons why i’m ignoring the fact that Aegon is a rapist in the show:
1. it doesn’t affect the plot AT ALL. It doesn’t affect his relationship with Alicent (it was already pretty bad) it doesn’t affect his relationship with Helaena, or their kids, it doesn’t affect his relationship with Otto or Rhaenyra or literally anyone. Dyana doesn’t even exist in the book. She was made by the creators of the show with the one and only purpose of putting Aegon and team green in bad light. Like that detail is just a cheap and unnecessary addition to make us dislike him. Aegon’s main problems should’ve been that he is irresponsible alcoholic, neglects his kids and doesn’t want to be king. That is who he was supposed to be. And overcoming all that was his character arc. Taking responsibility and deciding to protect his family was his character arc. It’s literally never mentioned again. It has no consequences. Dyana doesn’t appear anymore and I don’t think she will in season 2. Everyone just got over it as if it never happened (because it literally shouldn’t have).
for example, you can’t take away/ignore the fact that Viserys is pretty much a rapist because his actions have LOTS of consequences and directly affect the plot. It damages Alicent’s mental stability, it causes her to get pregnant and give birth to new characters, the sole birth of Aegon causes the entire fucking Dance.
One may argue that Daemon doesn’t kill his first wife in the first book, and therefore making him do that in the show was wrong, but at least in the show it fucking affects the plot. Rhea was supposed to die anyway, so by making Daemon kill her (which tbh was kind of implied in the books anyway) it: a) makes Daemon a widower and that allows him to get married again b) makes everyone around him get suspicious c) foreshadows his abusive behavior towards his next two wives, especially Rhaenyra
Rhaenyra kind of raping Criston and essentially using him as a prostitute, also has its effects like a) it causes Criston to go in an entirely opposite direction and switch sides and join Alicent b) it gives Rhaenyra experience in sex and makes her wanna have sex with more men and stuff
But Aegon being a rapist has no long-lasting effect, it was done for no reason. It causes nothing, it doesn’t change anything. It was entirely unnecessary.
that’s it, thanks for everyone’s attention.
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sukibenders · 3 months
tw: mentions of assault
Listen, I get some people may not like Alicent and have reasons for not doing so and all. That's fine, you do you (within reason). However, what is really gross is to use that dislike for her as means to make jokes about her assault, whether through Viserys or Larys, but especially Larys. Like saying things like "oh but she gets to sell feet pics" or take her words of the Targaryens having queer customs (which they do, that wasn't a lie, everyone in Westeros knows they do) and acting like that foot scene discredits her, even though it's very obvious that she's very uncomfortable and that Larys frightens her (there are other scenes that show she does not like him and that he's a creep), all of this is gross. It also paints assault in a joking light, which should never happen. And this is such a disgustingly common thing that I see happen in the ASOIAF fandom for many of the female characters, some who are popular and some who aren't depending on who you ask, that it makes my skin crawl. And another thing, it's even more sinister seeing people who say they stand on the side of feminism, but then make fun of a female character being assaulted. Just say that your "feminism" only extends to the team/characters that you like and go.
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kiwisandpearls · 23 days
no, just because im anti-censorship doesn’t mean i think i think works of prejudice against minorities with the clear purpose to demonize those minorities are ok.
no, just because im anti-censorship doesn’t mean i think csem/csam of actual literal children is ok and should be legal everywhere. I very much think the opposite.
no, just because im anti-censorship doesn’t mean i think people shouldn’t think critically about the works of fiction their consuming and shouldn’t ask themselves if what the author wrote/made is a sort of self report of their own morals. I just think we shouldn’t immediately go to the conclusion of “you liked this therefore you are a bad person”
i am anti-censorship because obviously asides from the first two above, “good” censorship of fiction isn’t really feasible as everyone has their own subjective idea on what fiction should be censored. I could ask three random people that if they had the power to censorship certain fiction what would it be and i would get three wildly different answers. Sure we could censor fiction that romanticize bad actions but like…what constitutes actual romanticism? What constitutes “bad actions”? Because let’s be real a lot of people wouldn’t ever admit it but they see acts such as being queer and questioning authority as “bad actions”.
tl;dr - just because im anti-censorship doesn’t mean i think we shouldn’t critically of the works we consume and that works made to actually hurt real people or instigate hurt of real people are totally fine and ok just because their fictional. It just means i think censorship is way too powerful of tool and very easy to be put in the wrong hands, and in many places already…it has been.
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bwoonies · 4 months
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dimitri blaiddyd (fe3h) rentry . . . free for inspo, don’t steal !
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hyakunana · 2 years
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mimiscoiningcafe · 1 year
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Arsonist - A headmate who burns things, usually for coping reasons. Can range from just repeatedly flicking open a lighter to lighting candles to burning bonfires.
Coined for my system!
Tag List: @mogai-sunflowers, @heart-valentin3, @fagdykefrank, @dreamythism, @cosmilky, @dstriderr, @radiomogai, @pluralterms
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cathrhea · 5 months
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spaghetti-trash · 5 months
Ingrid Fire Emblem :3
First impression - She seems okay? I accidentally recruited her by mashing the a button too fast lmao.
Favourite moment - I do enjoy Ashe and Ingrid being nerds about knights. It's very cute!! BUT WOAH!! BONUS ANGST TIME! In Three Hopes, in Edelgard's route where Dedue was going to stay behind and fight to make sure Dimitri escapes. Ingrid shows up and forces Dedue to escape as well. She knows the two need each other and is willing to risk her own life to make sure they are safe. Ingrid does end up being killed, but Dimitri and Dedue escape alive thanks to her. It's a moment that sits in my head and I think about it sometimes like. "Damn dude... That's hits hard."
Idea for a story - My biggest idea for a story with Ingrid was included in the Ashe post tbh. (I am not good with thinking up coherent story ideas sometimes lmao.)
Unpopular opinion - I think Dedue and Ingrid's B and A supports are good. (For Three Houses standards.) Of course the C support is awkward. A lot tend to be in Fire Emblem. If done well, it can lead to good character building. In the B support. Ingrid knows she's wrong and learns from her mistakes after getting to know Dedue better. Which she makes clear in the A support. In turn, Dedue learns more about Ingrid. The two form a mutual understanding of the other. Their ending together is also something I like. They both serve Dimitri who recently became king. And their friendship helped repair relations between Faerghus and Duscur. (Extra bonus points for it being a purely platonic ending tbh.)
Favourite relationship - The Faerghus Four!!! I adore the friendship between them. Shout out to Ashe/Ingrid too. I love them so much.
Favourite headcanon - I believe in She/They Ingrid. Trans man Ingrid is very good too. Also their pegasus is named Kyphon. :)
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ashwithane · 11 months
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(based on a conversation i had with @starryeyedcallisto)
the irony is that rowan also Does Not Sleep
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apothmuses · 8 months
Closedfor @devilsmenu Tony
The maze is burning bright with fire. The air is hot with smoke choking characters at every turn. It is difficult to push one through the narrow paths with the plant life on fire right nearby.
MaoMao was coughing and trying to run out of the area. There was so much smoke, if she didn't get out....MaoMao didn't want to think about the implications. She thought she saw a figure. MaoMao groaned to herself. If it was that orange creature man she was going to kick it in the nuts and roll him to quell the fire. MaoMao scowled covering her mouth. "Come out you fucking coward."
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polyamorouspunk · 2 years
How are your kittens doing?? Heres some recent pics of mine!
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Give me a few minutes I’m trying to set my house on fire
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thisisabitofme · 8 months
tw: death, possible suicide, past experience of suicide loss
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( E.nsign B.aker ; continued )
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      Oliver's movement was rather uncalculated in the grand scheme of things. In a time that required it most, his feet moved faster than his mind could catch on, and when he spotted the orange-red combination of light emulating from the side of the home, he knew the observation of people speaking and standing far too close to the large estate was not just a case of unreasonable paranoia on his part. It was in the nature of the rebels to set aflame an innocent estate to prove a point, to prove their point. The articles describing their recent exploits of murder and mayhem were never enough. They were going to tear the colonies to pieces before the war was over, literally or among its people. Oliver felt certain of this.
      His anger was useless now. Concern was a greater ambition as he stared upon the two women in the parlor, their screams and cries piercing his ears. It only made his heart beat quicker in his chest as he attempted to empty the smoke from his lungs. It was a pain to breathe, no less think coherently. It was as if the smoke clouded his mind as well.
      It was until the younger woman ran into the next room that he comprehended the word “Sister”. God, why did the rebels have to be so heartless and vile? The smoke that kept filling the room stung his eyes, blurring his vision so that he could hardly look at the older woman without coughing and pinching his eyes close.
       ❝ Madam, it’s alright just… ❞ Help us! Oliver jumped at the sound of the piercing wail, losing all thought on what he was about to say. Everything in his body screamed at him to run, but he was determined not to make it out without making sure the three women were ahead of him. He could hear glass shattering in the background and he could hear the flames eating at the walls now. He rubbed at his eyes in one last attempt to clear his vision and ran to the other room.
      He stopped at the door, nearly losing his breath when he spotted the sister she called out for earlier laying on the floor. If she was dead, he was going to make the rebels pay and he knew his anger would not spare him as well. Oliver had enough reason to intervene as a member of the King’s Army, even if he was just a lowly Ensign. It was his right--his duty--to investigate any suspicious activity and the pack of men sneaking around the home, speaking in hushed whispers to one another was enough justification he needed to investigate.
      The younger woman tugged and pulled as hard as she could to lift her from the ground, but with each struggle, the woman still laid limply on the floor. Through the smoke-covered room, Oliver couldn’t make out if she was breathing or not and that was the determination that made him move across the room.
      ❝ Madam, please-- allow me, ❞ he ordered with as much politeness as he mustered in his strained, breathless tone. Each moment they stayed in here, each moment they were closer to ending up in the same predicament her sister was in. With a grunt, he lifted her up under her arms, finally grabbing her by her waist when her upper body was ungrounded to the floor to lift her up, moving her to lay across his arms in his hold. He heard another voice then and he looked over his shoulder first to notice the older woman in the doorway, tightly writing her hands together. Even as she appeared to be the most put together, the smoke sent him into a slight daze, but he managed to keep a strong hold on the woman in his arms.
       ❝ Please hurry, ❞ he pleaded. He didn’t think he could hold onto the sister any longer.
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pyramidofmice · 2 years
top 5 saddest song of ice and fire deaths
Thank you for this ask!! Unfortunately, it's been years since I read the books. My memory is hazy, but I did my best to recall the moments that made me sad on the first read.
Spoilers for the first three books!!
Catelyn Stark. There are lines from this scene that I haven't once forgot after reading for the first time. The misery of watching all of Robb's men die, her desperation to save her son, and then her breakdown...it's one of the most striking scenes I've ever read. Catelyn tries so hard to protect Robb. We can feel how, as a parent, all of her being is dedicated to trying save her child. It’s quite clear all along that her efforts are in vain, but the utter misery of it all is still shocking. Knowing that Catelyn dies thinking she's lost all of her children...it's salt on the wound. Very Sad.
Eddard Stark. Two things this book series does well: show how avoidable a tragedy is, and then never let you forget that it happened anyway. Martin lets the tension around Eddard's fate build and build, and gets our hopes up by making it seem that he’ll be spared. Panic unfolds when Joffrey gives the order, his advisors trying to stop him and Eddard's daughters crying...it feels like the characters are as desperate for Eddard to survive as you are. Then, after chapters of waiting, it’s confirmed that Eddard is dead. The grief is felt by the narrators and others. Throughout the series, we’re reminded of how great a person Eddard was. He upheld his virtues, he impacted so many lives, and he made sacrifices to try and create a fair and just world. It’s a loss that haunts the story, and I think it’s a perfect example of a tragedy.
Syrio Forel. Technically, we don’t know for sure that he's dead. I'm of the opinion that he died fighting Meryn Trant. It's always emotional to see someone sacrifice themself to protect a child, and seeing it through Arya's eyes only makes it hurt more. The unfairness of it all (the surprise attack, Meryn Trant having armor and a sword) stings. The knife is twisted as Syrio showcases everything that makes him worthy of respect: Arya drawing strength from his lessons in her narration, his immediate determination to protect her, and his amazing skill finally being unleashed in combat. It makes it clear that he's lived a long life, one full of developing his fighting and his wisdom, and it's sad to see that life cut short by someone with an unfair advantage. But it's bittersweet to know that he faces this death for Arya.
Robb Stark/Grey Wind. The Red Wedding. I just have to bring it up twice. I was so sad the first time I read Robb's death. The way he gets up, full of arrows, so confused about what’s happening...trying to somehow help his mother...it hurts. I will never get over just how young he is when this happens. On top of that, there’s Grey Wind. It's sad on its own that Grey Wind is killed, but it stings that he’s killed by people who call him a beast when our narrators have respected and adored these animals. The bond between the Starks and their wolves is so special, it’s somehow fitting that Grey Wind and Robb die the same night...but it’s so, so heartbreaking that they both die vulnerable, hopelessly outnumbered, and unable to help each other. And on top of that,,,, Robb clearly knew how to warg, so he was probably living through Grey Wind after his own death. Thinking about Grey Wind’s howls and desperate fighting with that in mind...sad. Makes me very sad.
Maester Luwin. Can you tell that I have a bias for the Stark House? We see the Stark family and their court (relatively) happy together at the beginning of the first book. It’s really driven home close these people are. Maester Luwin was so involved with Catelyn, Eddard, and the raising of their children...and he’s so happy when he sees Bran and Rickon alive. It hurts to see these relationships torn apart. Bran and Rickon, two young boys, discovering the ruins of their home, then finding one of the people who raised them dying...it’s so, so sad. I think this is one of the most bittersweet deaths, though. Maester Luwin gets some assurance from Osha that the boys will be looked after...and he gets to impart some final advice and say goodbye :’)
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