janewaykove · 1 year
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Peter Sellers on Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In | 3.26 (1970)
Arte: Very....interesting. Peter: I think that you are very interesting, too.
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nitpickrider · 1 year
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It's BECAUSE he cares about "the jew" because he cares about anyone, and everyone on the wrong end of fascism that you goosestepping assholes will never win
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justiceamberheard · 2 years
manson also has swastika tattoo/s
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ummci · 1 year
Ishimaru was supposed to be a nazi??
I was seeing danganronpa beta designs but when I went to see ishimaru one I've noticed this shi
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Here's the original one (by chunsoft btw)
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I have never saw someone talking abt this so here am I
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loycos · 4 years
Genocide in the context of SU
“THEY COMMITTED GENOCIDE” is a claim i hear a lot when discussing the Diamonds, and it has always confused me. I get that some people really can’t tell the difference between dictatorship and nazism (both are bad, of course) so they call the Diamonds “nazis” and by that association assume that like the nazis they committed genocide.
first of all, aside from earth, we dont know how many intelligent life gems encountered in their galactic colonization. so we’re only looking at the only example we have: Earth and its residents.
second of all: What is genocide, really?
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two things:
1. The Diamonds and gemkind in general are aliens, and artificially intelligent ones at that. they clearly dont see any organism that isn’t a gem as intelligent or even capable of conceiving complex thoughts and ideas. We saw it with Blue Diamond when she chatted with Greg. 
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We saw this in early interactions between Greg and Rose.
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 we saw it in the main CG throughout most of the first few seasons. and it goes on and on, every interaction between a HW gem to humans or other organisms is coming from that place on imbalance. Gems think theyre superior to organic life, and its not just The Diamonds.
2. Gems use the planets they colonize to create more gems, and promise their own species’ growth. They take away everything, leaving no life behind, just to secure their own kind’s success and survival.
Does this sound familiar?
This is what us humans do to other organisms on our OWN planet.
We ruin habitats, to build new places for humans to live. We wipe out natural populations of animals for our consumption. we grow plants and raise animal for the sole purpose of our consumption. because to humans, the first thing that matters is to make sure our species survives, even if we lost sight of how much we consume, even if at this point the balance is thrown off significantly. All in the name of self-preservation.
Can we really point a blaming finger at the Diamonds, and other gems for that matter, for doing the same? the is a very human way of thinking.
Do you call the mass extinction of marine life by humans ‘Genocide’? do you think about it when you eat a salmon? are you a contributor, just by living on this earth during this time?
Listen, im not vegan nor am i trying to force that lifestyle on you. but this is whats going on in current times. we humans have consumed the planet, shaping it to fit our needs, and will continue to do so until there’s nothing left to exploit. we are the real world’s gem kind, but we cant move on to a different planet after we’re done. The gems view humans on SU the same way real life humans view something like a chicken. alive, but not intelligent, and therefore disposable for the greater cause.
What im saying is: ‘Genocide’ is not the right term to describe what’s going on with Gemkind’s method of expansion and its relation to humans. Genocide is DELIBERATE, not a byproduct, has to be done on a group of the same species as you, and is motivated by active hate and cruelty. using that word in this situation is belittling to any nation that went through an actual genocide. We aren’t like fucking chicken.
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pidgydraws · 5 years
Is Crowley in a nazi uniform??
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(i made this doodle just today, for something totally unrelated to this Ask, and i can not believe i have cause to use it again so soon)
i can only imagine that you are asking this to be an ass. and in the event that you’re not~ and this is a genuine question... i just... is this the kind of person i’ve led you to believe i am??? someone who would inject that kind of thing into my fan work???? i mean... even a two second google search can tell you that that outfit is nothing like their uniforms~ and yet... here you are. so either... you’re an ass, who is being ridiculous, or someone who’s actually concerned, but in the most unhelpful way possible.
is this real life? i guess it is.
if you’re just being an ass, then i ask you, as kindly as i can, to please not bring this kind of vague, creeping, grief into people’s lives; nobody - at all - needs this right now. and if you’re just a concerned party~ please... for the love of everyone and everything, just... take a moment and look into what you’re wondering before you ask it. because just blurting out these kinds of questions is so hurtful when they’re so utterly baseless.
if this was written with ill intent, please know that bringing up serious issues that affect the lives of real people very deeply, just to be a smart ass on social media is a bad look. please never do this to anyone again.
and to everyone else: may your inboxes be filled with nothing but kind words and sweet sentiments. may the dark and toxic parts of the world you have to deal with every day not follow you into your happy places. much love 💙
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pencil-prince · 5 years
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A digitalized drawing of my fave octo boi
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blondefoxmedic · 5 years
Yes Nathan is almost 102 years old. He certainly is struggling with some things. Especially fast developing things like technical gears because if we look at it the biggest development happened within 20-30 years which is nothing compared to his unwilling lifespan. Everything is faster and while this old boy keeps up with a fresh face he still has only grown up with books and very old cable phones also running from the Nazis and some regimes in general he certainly hasn't found a friend in technology because the Gestapo and spies were the first ones to use such gears. But he recognises it's abilities for research on medical news and techniques. Hence he tries to use it. But in that extremely slow grandma way by typing with one finger for hours. He is the kind of person you wanna push away and let them tell you what to write but he will get faster and learn.
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sleeppaw · 7 years
So racists are fuming over Cheddar Man
With the reveal that Cheddar Man, a 10,000 year old skeleton being a dark skinned, blue eyed male, racists are fuming on Twitter. They even ranted about it in the Comments Section of the Daily Mail (AKA the newspaper that supported the Nazis in the 1930′s)
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whereismywizardhat · 7 years
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When the alleged president literally puts a Nazi eagle on his coin, faces it towards the arrows because he’s a war mongering dipshit, puts his name on it three times so it looks like the fucking medal he always wanted to have handed to him, and then plates it in gold because it wasn’t gaudy enough
Fuck Lord Dampnut
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chesslawrence · 7 years
🌟 …someone my muse trusts. 
That’s a really long list. Stefan, Damon, Elena, Caroline, Matt, Hazel, Gen, Sam, Dean, Dominic (kinda), Tristan (also kinda). All hunters? All the Brown family basically which means he trusts Shawn by association. All witches he knows other than Kai? All the humans he knows. Honestly 90% of Mystic Falls own his trust. Like you gotta do something really shit to lose it or not get it in the first place.
😒 …someone my muse hates.
Donald Trump, neo-nazis, racists, homophobes, NASTY DISGUSTING PEOPLE BASICALLY.
💘 …someone my muse has a crush on.
The four people he has small crushes on at the moment are; Jeremy, Harley, Shawn and always his crush on Dean. He kinda still has his small thing for Tristan but now he’s growing bored-ish. 
👀 …someone my muse likes, but doesn’t trust.
Wow, honestly, I don’t really know? Maybe, people, he’s seen around or talked to briefly or someone he thinks are attractive or cool but doesn’t know them well enough? The first that came to mind was Ellis. I think that’s my answer lol. 
💩 …someone my muse dislikes, but admires.
He hates the shit out of Dante but damn, Chess can admire his meat-suit sexually. ;)
🍓…someone my muse has never met, but wants to meet.
He’d love to meet Dean’s dick. 
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feifiefofum · 7 years
cw’s crossover event
i don’t know why everyone’s just glossing over the fact that the hero’s of the hour killed red tornado. 
these f*cking a$$hats killed the weapon of the resistance. the weapon sent in to destroy the gating ability of the nazis. which would allow them nazi types to spread their hate filled vitriol to all other worlds.
basically, they doomed the rest of the multiverse to the nazi plague.
how do they live with themselves? what kind of miserable tortured existence must they live with that on their conscience?
this is, of course, after i get over the plothole that is nazis being able in the sciences. because we have to remember that these shitholes forced their best and brightest to america. so that america develops the atom bomb first. their racist totalitarian regime shot itself so bad in the foot that their empire fell.
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viandede-porque · 3 years
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ignitification · 3 years
Are people seriously trying to argue that the only right way to handle criminals is to kill them?? Since when is it normal for heroes, the guys meant to like idk.. help people? To act as judge, jury, and executioner? Yea the league have done horrible things but that doesn't mean they deserve to die. Rather, they just need to be arrested?? Also this is a goddamn anime, not real life! If people can have fucking super powers in this world, then why is it so unrealistic for some villains to get a happy end (through therapy and rehab ofc). Comparing twice's death to putting down a dog tho is the worst take I've ever seen tho. Like hey... maybe mentally ill people deserve help? Not to be fucking murdered cause you decided their life isn't worth living or that their too much work. Sorry this is so long I'm just very angry!!! I can't help but think if people act like this towards fictional characters, how do they act towards actual criminals?
I do not want to speculate on what people are thinking. Honestly, as I was discussing the post in a comment, I think that this stems from a misunderstanding of the facts, but the base line of their argument is that apparently, the one way to punish villains for their deeds is to kill them or throw them in jail and swallow the key. The fact that this comes from people who preach that villains should be bad for the same thing they preach they shouldn’t do in order not to be bad, baffles me, It’s preaching good, but you are condoning the same things you are criminalising in others, and the only difference is because the people doing the act are or heroes or villains. 
Furthermore, you make the point in case saying that this is fiction. I don’t get whether people want or not for the same laws of real life to be applied or not, because it depends on whether this would serve their case or not. This is why I really don’t like to speculate on others, and I don’t like people coming to my blog (clearly of someone who is from the Villains’ Fanclub) and try to convince me of things which I, multiple times, rebutted and denied. It really makes me feel like I talk to the wind, and just pains me - because if they really want to talk about it then they should find another type of language to do so. 
The comparison with the dog is horrible, and if you scroll down, there was another anon (or the same dude, I don’t really know) who compared the action of saving Shigaraki of that to save Hitler. I still pray for that poor soul. People really don’t get that killing them off not only sends a bad messages, but advocates violence in a different way. And this then, also applies to real life: and why our society struggled to not wage war and to promote a sort of peaceful government regime, where criminals also have rights (which are keenly disregarded most of the time).
Also no worries for the length, I like hearing you guys’ thoughts! 
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jainaproudwhore · 5 years
so watch out for (elven supremacy) on WRA
SO here we go again.... 
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I figured i’d do some back and forth cause im a shit
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..... okay bubby.... another fascist elf guild but this time “ITS JUST MEMES XD XD XD” like.... yeah wheres the punchline?
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Mad funny bro... ECKS DEE
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.... having a guild... with red eagles on a white background for a banner... for like a month is a little more than “just memeing” if you ask me.. also nicejob using autism as an insult lol?
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so yeah here’s the list of people you should probably avoid if you’re looking to have a chill time on ur rps... only one here with an exception is Drokani cuz thats me, being a sleeper agent B) 
as tumblr famous user @swampgallows​ once said... “would you stop making elf nazi guilds for FIVE MINUTES????”
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loycos · 4 years
do these people just forget that r sugar is a whole ass jewish person when they spout their shallow idiotic “diamonds are nazis” smarty pants analyses or
i find those claims annoyin. especially when people tell me im a nazi-apologist for liking the (fictional, not real) Diamonds, considering im also a whole ass jewish person. Yes im a none white jew and i love deep media analysis beyond the most basic of levels, what do you know. not every bad person in media is a nazi, dear god please learn what makes nazis what they are and identify them correctly instead of throwing that word around till it loses its meaning.
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