#twdg Clementine x reader
nicofics · 9 months
Since you're asking for requests, how about Clementine x a reader she used to be rivals/enemies with, but now they're working together to take care of AJ?
𝘤𝘭𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
summary: when you first meet clem, you two seem to butt heads, what happens when you both are working towards the same goal?
notes: hihi!! hope you enjoy this!! i have a jolyne x reader coming soon for new years, so look out for that! requests are still open!! feel free to send some in!!
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when she first arrived at ericsons, you kept your distance. something about her seemed off to you, especially when she threatened poor tenn when she first woke up, you wondered why marlon let her stay. you were with louis that day, listening to his piano while dusting off some old weapons when ruby brought in some kid that kept shouting about some fruit. “hey, little guy, whats your name?” you bent down to his level, he seemed distressed. “aj. wheres clementine?” you raised an eyebrow, “we don’t have any fruit here, aj?” “no! clementine is who i was with! where is she?!” you could hear louis laugh at your misunderstanding in the background. you shot him a glare.
ruby spoke up, “shes restin’ kiddo, best wait ‘till she wakes up” aj shook his head, “no! i need to see her now!” he seemed to be getting agitated. after a few seconds he tried to charge out of the room, ruby, given orders by marlon to check up on him, tried to stop him, only to end up being bit. “shit!” she cussed. you sprung up, stopping aj from leaving while louis checked up on ruby. ruby angrily left the room, rightfully so. you looked at aj, you didn’t really know what to do, he was just a kid, he didn’t know any better. you turned to louis for help. louis nodded, beginning to play his piano again, that seemed to calm aj down.
after a few minutes of listening to louis’ music, some girl walked in, she was roughly the same age as you. she was pretty, you’d give her that. once she came in her and aj hugged. you left the room not long after that, aasim had called for you to complain about marlons new safe zone.
after awhile of being with aasim, everyone was called to eat, you sat at the table with this new girl, violet, marlon and louis. they were playing a game, you weren’t really listening to what though, you were trying to figure this new girl out. she seemed.. weird. something about her warned you, to stay away from her. you weren’t one to believe in gut reactions, but from what your gut was screaming at you right now, you just had to listen. you stood up, “i’m heading to bed, night” and with that you left, a few “goodnights” heard from behind you as you headed to your bedroom. once in there, you got changed and hopped into bed, trying to ignore your continuous thoughts you drifted off to sleep.
you woke up to screaming outside, half asleep, you got out of bed, making your way to the courtyard to see marlon and everyone else, crowded around clem. “she killed brody! she’s a murderer!” marlon shouted. your eyes widened, brody? dead? clementine killed brody? your hands hand a mind of their own as they reached towards your face. you had known brody for ages. how could clem do this? without knowing, you were in a mind of your own, your thoughts taking control of you. you knew you couldn’t trust her. until she started giving proof on how marlon killer brody. marlon wouldn’t kill brody. she was one of our own.
once marlon admitted to it, you were stunned. not only was brody dead, you had been lied to, by a trusted friend. what if it was you in that situation? would he have even hesitated if it was you? you didn’t want to- BANG what? you look to the ground. marlon lay face first on the pavement, blood oozing out from his skull. “what? i aimed for the head?” aj spoke, you looked at clementine wide eyed. “what did you teach this kid?!” louis shouted as the rain got louder, it was harder to hear anyone. violet rushed clementine out of the courtyard and into the school. eventually you went back inside too. you were a firm believer of ‘its the parents fault’. clementine should’ve taught aj not to shoot people. living, breathing, people. aj was just a kid, he didn’t know any better.
the next day, you all held a funeral for marlon and brody, they both deserved that much. when clementine and aj arrived however, you scoffed. how dare she show her face here, after everything she did. you voted to kick her out, you felt bad throwing aj out, but it would feel safer without her there. not even a day later, she was back. though she brought an injured aj with her. you were in the courtyard when willy yelled to you, “get ruby!! we have an injury!!” you nodded, running inside to get the southern girl.
while she was taking care of aj, you stayed close by, keeping an eye on him. you obviously didn’t want him to die, and if ruby needed an extra pair of hands you’d be happy to help. “thank you..” clementine spoke, you twisted your head towards her. “don’t thank me. i’m only here to help aj, not you” you snapped, she didn’t seem to like that. “whats wrong with you? can’t you see that him being hurt hurts me too?” you groaned, you didn’t know how to respond. so you decided not to. louis had told you beforehand about lily, so you werent in the dark. when everyone decided that clementine was to stay and help defend ericsons, you weren’t the happiest
the next few weeks went by slowly. you and clementine did not get along, arguing everytime you two were put together. it got to a point that everyone decided it would be best if you two just didn’t work together. that was until one night. you were up late, keeping watch incase anyone came in the dead of night. clementine and aj had the next shift, though you doubted that aj would actually be awake at that time of night. “you can go now.” you turned around, clementine, she was early for her shift.
“you’re early.” you turned back towards the outside of the walls. she chuckled, “i guess i am” you didn’t respond. there was silence for a few seconds until, “why do you hate me so much?” she asked, you turned back around, her eyes seemed to be filled with sadness, though the rest of her face tried to act tough. you thought about how to respond, “i don’t exactly hate you, i just… don’t like the way you take care of aj” you sighed. “oh. why?” she didn’t try and defend herself, maybe she was open to criticism now? “you always end up getting him hurt, that might just be your luck too, i guess..” she smiled, “we can be safe here. where he doesn’t need to get hurt. that’s what i dream of” you looked at her, she obviously cared about him deeply, you had grown to care about him alot too.
this moment between the two of you, it was peaceful, calming. you enjoyed it? you actually enjoyed being by her side, strange. “why do you hate me?” you retaliated. she chuckled, “i don’t. i just don’t let people walk all over me” were you being that mean to her? “sorry. i wasn’t trying to walk all over you” she looked at you, “really?” she seemed shocked. “yeah.. really”
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Along with avatar requests y’all, PLEASE PLEASE IM BEGGIG
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Hi! First off, I just wanna say that I love your writing! It is very very good and I enjoy it very much :D
Second off, I have a request for TWDG
So, how would Marlon, Louis, Clem, Violet, and anyone else you want to add react to their future S/O who has a cat they really really love. Like, say if reader was with Clem whenever her and AJ got rescued. When reader wakes up, they immediately start looking for their cat and when whoever come to check on them, they bring out a knife they have in their shoe and start threading them until reader gets their cat back.
You don’t have to use that idea, just a little thing I thought of. Thank you for your time and thank you if you decide to write this! (Btw if you do you have a request that’ll be prioritized on my blog!)
Have a great day/night!
(Yo! Sure I can! I may have messed this up a bit, so sorry. Anyways, here ya go! Enjoy!)
Marlon, Louis, Clem and Vi x Reader who's missing their cat Platonic, Brother AJ and sibling Reader
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When they heard the crash and found you guys, Marlon didn’t see your cat around
Much less even know there was a cat in the beginning 
So when he heard you had woken up, at first he was sorta relieved but apprehensive
Didn’t help when first thing you did when meeting was pull out a knife they missed in your boot and point it at his neck
You were demanding your cat
Marlon was so fucking confused
“What cat- there was no cat when we found you two and the boy.”
When he finally explained, he felt bad because you looked so sad
Your heart was so broken
Your cat was gone
You didn’t know if it ran away or had been eaten by walkers
And Marlon also felt bad because he knew what it was like being attached to an animal
Like he didn’t know what he would do if he lost Rosie
Clem also helped you trying to find it, Marlon tagged along also
And there was no luck until Marlon heard meowing by the gate
He jumped ngl
He then saw the cat
He felt so proud when he returned it to you
Felt like a damn hero with his hands on his hips
He loves the cat also!
He doesn’t like when the cat tries to play with his haier thinking it’s a fellow cat but-
Rosie surprisingly liked it too
Your cat liked him a bit too
Because we all know that if your pet doesn’t like them they gotta go
So yay! All good
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Louis when he came to check on you was kinda excited new people were at the school
He and the others hadn’t seen anyone for a long time
But that excitement quickly turned into fear when he was thrown into the wall with a knife to his neck
Hands up and saying “Ay! I come in peace!”
Only thing he got from your yelling was that you had a cat, your cat was gone, and you wanted your cat
Problem was…Louis had found it and claimed it as his own-
Dw he was glad he had what you wanted
But he found the amazing creature who loved him and he loved it
Was so sad that he couldn’t keep it
He missed animals
Except Rosie, loves her to but he hadn’t seen a cat in a long time
Once you took the knife away from his neck he was like
“Okay, thank you for not murdering me- and yeah, I got a cat. What does your cat look like?” 
And once you told him he felt so sad he had to part ways with the amazing animal
But nonetheless he gave it back
Felt happy he reunited y’all
And also was so freaking happy because the cat followed him around
You didn’t wanna tear him away from the cat so you let them hang out
And Louis and the cat are best friends now
The cats always on his lap or sitting on his shoulder when eating dinner or playing a game
Always plot
Anything and everything
Pranks, gossip, day-to-day routine
Have their own language
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You had been with Clem and by extent AJ for a while
So she was pretty used to your cat
She loved it also
The cat was so cuddly
Also AJ loved it also, ever since he was a baby he always seemed fascinated by the little cat
So when you and Clem woke up and you started freaking out about your cat
She sorta panicked also and tried helping you find it
When y’all were introduced with everyone at the school your cat was still missing
Until you guys went hunting, Clem heard meowing and thought it was your cat
And she was right, she found the little feline in a tree as walkers were trying to get it
Once she killed the walkers the cat seemed so excited to see a familiar face and jumped down to her
She walked back with your cat in hand and was so relieved when your eyes sparkled seeing your animal
She missed the cat too tbh
AJ also was excited to see it again!
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Vi before it all absolutely loved cats
I believe she had one at some point
When the world went to shit she didn’t think about cats a lot
But when she did she never thought she would see one ever again
So when she went with Marlon and Louis when they heard the crash
She was shocked when she saw you, Clem and AJ all in the car surrounded by the dead
And even more shocked when she saw a cat there
The cat didn’t stick around though, hesitant but ran off when it saw the three teens
Vi was a bit sad but helped you guys out
When she heard you woke up and went to check on you she also got a knife to the throat and was threatened
When she heard you saying you wanted your cat it seemed like it clicked
She explained to you what happened to the cat and you seemed scared a bit
Like the cat could’ve been eaten or gotten hurt
So she helped you in finding the cat
In the hunting grounds, maybe in the school or she once snuck you guys out to the train station to go and find it
But no luck
Until one day she found out it had snuck through the gates and hid behind some of the bushes
She got it out with some food and it liked her a lot 
It rubbed it’s head against her hand when she picked it up and let me tell you she loved it so much
When she returned it to you she was happy at how happy you two seemed
But it didn’t end there
No ma’am 
The cat loves sticking around her
Y’know those movies where someone dramatically sits in a chair, turning it around with a cat in their lap and is like
“I’ve been expecting you…”
“I’ve been expecting you, (Name).”
“...How long have you been waiting there for me to come in?”
“A while actually. Louis came in and I thought he was you but he passed out in fear- I’m pretty proud of myself.”
You can’t tear them away from each other
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You had been with Clem since the beginning, and there when AJ was born
AJ never remembered the cat coming along, in truth it was there before he was
The cat was pretty old
But he loved it so much
He never really understood there wasn’t a lot left
But he always liked holding it and how the cat always liked nuzzling its head against his hand
So when you and Clem were asleep, he was angry he couldn’t see you guys and was in a strange place with people he didn’t know
He was also angry because your cat was missing
So he tried finding it everywhere
The others didn’t know what he was looking for because he didn’t tell them and didn’t wanna talk to them without you guys
Everyone just sees him looking under tables like
“Kitty? Where’d you go? (Name)’s gonna wanna see you when they wake up.”
So let’s just say when you guys woke up he felt sad and a bit disappointed in himself because he couldn’t find the cat
So he tried even harder
And he did find the cat
And he felt so proud giving it back to you once he did
The cat also was so happy to see him
Little cat member of the family
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clouisluvr · 2 years
hi!! im kiki and i like writing about my silly hyperfixations🤭 im currently insanely hyperfixated on the walking dead game, the last of us and life is strange - so im gonna start writing hcs for all 3 games🫶 ill mostly write for clem, louis, marlon, javi, sean and ellie i think since theyre my favourites … but if you want to request something please do, i dont mind which character!! i love writing and haven’t written much in a while so hopefully this gets me back into it :’)
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bruhhhh-huhhhhh · 1 year
The Walking Dead Game Masterlist
Nothing yet
"What were you thinking?!"
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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theemissuniverse · 5 months
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SUMMARY : You are the leader of The New Frontier and you’ve won the heart of both brothers but you’re only interested in the baseball player.
ADDITIONAL : So that there is no confusion, this takes place after the events of killing Joan only that then you became leader. Also Clem never got kicked out and lives with you and AJ. Mariana never died. And there’s just things that are tweaked in the story but will make sense as you read.
WARNINGS : Cursing, suggestive content, talks about religion, and maybe more
There was something about you that made you so intriguing yet utterly horrifying to Javi. Maybe it was because you acted somewhat like his brother and were in a solider mindset. Or maybe it was the way you spoke about death like you weren’t afraid of it. Maybe it was because you were so beautiful yet so deadly. Or maybe it was just you period.
Javi had met you when he came into the New Frontier seeing as you were the leader and David was your second in command. His first impression? You were hard to impress. You didn’t care about anything really other than the mission at hand but Javi saw more through you.
You caught on to the fact that Kate had feelings for him and would relentlessly joke about it to Javi which irritated him to no end. He didn’t have feelings for her. He never did. Not for his brother’s wife.
He saw how history may soon repeat because even though you were not with David romantically, it was clear he wanted to be with you romantically. Though, he would never admit it. David took pride in his reputation and him falling for you didn’t look good considering he technically already had a wife.
Javi was after all, a man at the end of the day and could tell by just looking at the two of you. The longing looks David had for you. How he would at least try to control his temper around you. How you were the only one to keep him in check.
And Javi hated it.
He just couldn’t tell if you felt the same way back and until he did so, he would keep hitting on you. Even in front of his brother.
Javi played with the ring on his finger that belonged to his father while watching you. You were looking over some papers to see about your supply chain in the doctors office alone. Javi took it as his chance to stroll over to you.
He watched you look up from your papers and down. “What do you want twenty five?”
Twenty five was the nickname that was quickly given to him while you discovered of his baseball history. He didn’t mind it though. He thought it was cute. And he thought more that you liked him. At least a little.
“I can’t come in a check on you?” Javi asked fake offended.
“I don’t need you to do that. I already have David breathing down my neck.” Javi watched as you winced and held your stomach.
You gotten a pretty bad gash on your stomach from Badger and it wasn’t looking so good. Usually David was tough around everyone but the wound was so bad that he was starting to worry.
And if David of all people was worrying than it had to be that bad.
Javi took the papers out your hand and made you sit on top of the desk. “Hey, sit down.”
You sighed in annoyance. “Not you too.”
“Hey, if the big bad wolf is worried…then it’s gotta be bad.” Javi noticed your eye roll and chuckled.
You leaned back a little. “I don’t know what’s gotten into him. He’s been acting weird. I can’t put my finger on it.”
Of course, Javi knew exactly what was wrong. The problem was David wanted you but he didn’t want you. He wanted you in the best possible ways but he didn’t want the baggage that would come with that.
Lucky for Javi, he didn’t mind baggage. “David isn’t used to caring about something.” Javi put it into simple terms. “Just give him a second.”
“You’re too nice to him. Because the way he treats you…if I had a sister and she did me the way he did you…she wouldn’t be breathing.”
Javi laughed. “Well…Clementine’s kinda like your sister isn’t she?”
“Well yeah. But she doesn’t tell me how much of a failure I am every second.”
That was true. For Javi, it was hard dealing with David but he had gotten so used to it that it didn’t even affect him anymore. “It’s like wired in my brain. I know he loves me he just…has a funny way of showing it.”
“Yeah. You’re telling me.”
Javi noticed that you clutched your stomach in pain again. “Let me see.”
You gave him a look. “Is this your excuse of trying to see me shirtless.”
“I would’ve came up with something better if that’s the case.”
The statement made you laugh a little and you lifted your shirt for Javi to see the scar.
It was bad. A stab to the right and it would’ve been over for you. The stitches were nicely done. “Who did these?”
“Clementine…still don’t know how she knows how to do that.”
Javi nodded in agreement. “That’s one tough kid.” His hand gently went to caress the scar. He was so glad that badger was dead.
You watched as Javi’s expression went from worry to anger. A similar expression you had seen on David. You took Javi’s hand and held it. “I’m fine. Relax. It could’ve been worse.”
“Yeah. That’s the problem. It could’ve went worse.”
“Luckily you shot him in the head huh?”
“I wish I could do it twice.”
It was moments like these you saw the similarities to Javi and David and you couldn’t help but laugh because it was something you expected from David but not Javi.
You got off from the desk and Javi helped you off. You were about to fall but Javi quickly caught you and held you close. “Careful.” He told you. “That supply chain isn’t going anywhere.”
“You know if I don’t do it, David is definitely not doing it.”
Javi chuckled and helped you stand to your feet. “That’s one thing about him. All about the action. Hates the paperwork.”
“You know what else David is gonna hate?”
Javi looked at you curiously. “What?”
You covered your mouth as sort of a playful whisper. “You banging his wife.”
Again with the joke, Javi watched you laugh as he groaned out of annoyance. You walked out the room and Javi followed in pursuit. “How many times do I have to tell you, nothing is going on between me and her.”
“Well obviously she wants you.”
“I don’t want her.”
You playfully gasped in shock to him and stopped walking making him stop. “You don’t want thee Kate Garcia?” Javi rolled his eyes. “What will the world do if they didn’t have twenty five in their life?”
You went back to walking and Javi followed in pursuit. “Hey, I had a lot of women wanting twenty five in their life thank you very much.”
“Oh yeah? Were they all offered to hitch a ride to the psych ward afterwards?”
“Oh very funny.”
“I know. I’m a true comedian really.”
Javi had never seen you this way around anyone really. You were always so cold. So negative but with him you weren’t like that.
That made him believe you two had something.
Javi walked right in front of you to stop you in your tracks. “Busy tonight?”
“Actually, I was totally looking forward to my nail and hair appointment.” You said sarcastically. “Ooh! Or maybe go sight seeing with walkers!”
“Taking that as a no…” He trailed off before speaking again. “I need help with the count on food for next week.”
“Oh and you’re just so helpless that you need me?”
You rolled your eyes playfully before nodding. “Sure. I guess.”
You went to take another step but the sudden pain pinched at your gut and you clutched your stomach. Javi immediately held you by the waist and brought you closer. “You okay?”
“Yeah. I’m fine.”
Javi knew you weren’t fond of touch but you never seemed to mind when he held you.
The two of you heard footsteps coming from down the hall. Javi was about to remove his hands from your waist but you placed your hands on top of his, keeping them firm in place.
The person stopped in their tracks and you two recognized it was David.
He gave the two of you a look of disgust before looking at his brother in anger. “What the hell is going on?”
“Nothing.” You stated calmly. “Just slight pain.”
David immediately walked over to you and grabbed the papers in your hand. He looked at them before getting annoyed. “I told you I would do this.”
“You’re not going to do it the correct way.” You told him.
“Yes I will.” He looked over at Javi. “What are you doing here?”
Javi, knowing the reason why David was being like this, rolled his eyes at him. “Just helping, (Y/N). Relax.”
“Don’t tell me to relax.” When David said that, you gave him a good hard smack on his chest.
“Shut up, you idiot. You’re so annoying sometimes.”
Javi watched as David took a deep breath in and out. He noticed his brother was trying to control his temper and it was working. Once again, he controlled his anger for you.
“Look, come on. I’ll help you.” He practically pushed Javi off of you and held onto your waist as you started walking away.
“You’re being ridiculous.” You grumbled.
“I’m not being ridiculous. You are.”
Javi sighed slightly watching him walk away with you but he wasn’t worried. Not even in the slightest.
When Javi turned around, he jumped back a little. He wasn’t expecting for Clementine to be there. “Ay’ dios mio, do you always sneak up behind people?”
“I wasn’t sneaking.” Clementine defended. “I was going to talk to (Y/N) but I see your brother already hauled her off somewhere.”
“Yeah.” Javi crossed his arms. “He hasn’t let her breathe ever since…”
Clementine nodded. “I think it’s because he’s mad.”
“Mad?” Javi questioned. “Why would he be mad?”
“Mad at you.”
“Me? What did I do?…This time?”
Clementine smiled slightly before shaking her head. “You saved her. I think David wanted to be the one that was there.”
It made sense in some way but Javi still couldn’t understand. You were safe now. Why did it matter? “But she’s alive? Shouldn’t that be all that matters?”
“Not if it’s you involved.” Clementine walked over to the window and Javi followed her. There, they watched as David sat you down in a chair. “I’m not blind. I know he likes her. And I know you like her too.”
Javi wasn’t going to deny it. Especially because Clementine was already a smart kid. “You think it’s not worth it?”
“I think if you love someone, anything is worth it.” She said. “But is it worth losing your brother?”
David already lost Kate because of Javi. Was it fair he’d lose you to? Because of him?
This wasn’t fair. He didn’t ask to have feelings for you. They were just there. And he definitely didn’t ask for Kate to have feelings for him which David didn’t even know that he was the real reason they weren’t together anymore.
But you were worth everything.
When the stars shined in the sky, Javi put on his jersey and opened the door to walk out of his room. What he didn’t expect was to see Kate standing right there. “Oh…hey, Kate.”
Ever since Kate confessed her feelings for Javi and he rejected her, Javi felt it was best to keep his distance. If she was any other woman than it wouldn’t have been a problem. But she wasn’t just any woman. She was his brother’s wife.
“I was going to knock…where are you going?”
He really didn’t feel like getting into an argument with her as you and Kate did not get along but he also wasn’t one to lie. “Going to count the food supply with (Y/N).”
Kate scoffed. “She can’t do it herself?”
Javi suppressed an eye roll. He stepped out the room making her take a step back and closed the door before walking. “You know it’s my job right?”
“That doesn’t mean she needs to be with you. God it’s like ever since she got hurt you and David…”
“Hey I’ve been letting her do her own thing. David is the one that’s not letting her breathe.”
“It’s like he likes her or something…”
Javi caught the attitude in her voice. He wasn’t fond of David liking you either. Well that was because of his own feelings but why did Kate have a problem with it. “Does it matter? You broke up with him.”
He watched as Kate’s head went down in shame and she sighed. “Yeah. Look how that turned out.”
That made Javi stop in his tracks. He turned around and faced Kate, also making her stop. “Listen, I’m sorry how things turned out and I don’t mean to sound harsh but you got to let it go.”
“Let it go? You’re telling me to let my feelings go?”
“Yes. It’s wrong and I don’t want to be any part of it when David finds out the real reason you broke it off with him.”
Kate grabbed Javi’s hands and brought them to her. “So you’re saying if David wasn’t your brother you would be with me?”
Javi shook his head and took his hands back from her. “No Kate. Brother or not, I don’t feel anything for you. I care about you but I don’t love you. I’m sorry.”
Before Kate could get out a response, Javi’s radio started to sound like static. And then he heard your voice over it. “Twenty five. You ready?”
Javi grabbed his radio and pressed the button to speak. “Yeah. Where you want me to meet you at?”
“Just meet me at the warehouse. Also I like roses.”
Javi smiled knowing you were half joking. “Copy that.” He placed the radio on his belt and when he looked up, he saw Kate had an angry expression. “What?”
“You’re in love with her? Are you serious?”
“Kate…” Javi sighed out. “I’m not having this discussion with you.”
When Kate looked into his eyes all she saw was someone that didn’t care about her. “Unbelievable…” She mumbled before turning around and walking away.
“It’s like I’m in high school all over again.” Javi said to himself.
It didn’t matter if you were half joking, Javi still picked you out the prettiest rose from the garden you all were growing.
You were in the warehouse already counting the food while sitting on the ground. You had the burden of being leader ever since they took down Joan and the others which meant the responsibility of everyone fell on you.
Javi could tell you were stressed but you were good at not showing it. That’s what he loved about you. About how big your heart was despite you trying to act otherwise.
He walked over towards you and held out the rose. “This wasn’t my ideal date.”
You looked up and were surprised that he had gotten you a rose. You took it before looking up at him. “What was then?”
“You know…” Javi sat in front of you and grabbed one of the clipboards. “Dinner and a night out. Not being inside counting our dinner.”
You chuckled a little before resuming your count. “You know I don’t really miss how the world used to be.”
Javi raised a brow at this. “Why? What could be worse than people trying to eat you?”
“At least they can’t control them being monsters. But us…we can control that.”
Javi got what you were hinting towards. “Yeah, that’s true.”
You hit your pen on your clipboard, deep in thought. “Do you believe in God, Javi?”
“Yes…but I can see why someone wouldn’t.”
You nodded at his opinion. “I never did. Everyone always told me that God was always watching me…then why did he watch me as my father beat me? Or when my mother lit her cigarette on me? Or when my Uncle John forced me to drink liquor? Or when my cousin Rob killed my cat? Why did he always just watch and never do anything?”
“It doesn’t matter if I’m in my old life or this life…either way…it sucks both ways. Mind as well take the one that sucks less.”
Javi wasn’t surprised to hear what happened in your life only because it explained why you were the tough woman you are now.
He knew what you felt about sympathy and he knew you despised grievance so he took another approach. “Maybe God wanted you to suffer.”
At that, you looked at him, extremely confused but laughing. “What?”
Javi laughed with you. “Yeah, maybe he picked you because he specifically hated you and wanted you to suffer the most.”
You laughed hysterically and hit him with your clipboard. “Shut up.”
“I’m serious. He’s probably looking down right now and thinking, ‘damn I probably didn’t do enough.”
“You’re so stupid.” You said with a laugh.
Getting you to smile was one of the best things Javi could accomplish. You smiled like you were the happiest person in the world.
“I wish David could be like this. He’s too serious.”
When you said that, Javi decided to rip the bandaid off. “That’s because he’s in love with you.”
When he had said that, you looked up to him completely shocked. “What? No he isn’t…”
Javi nodded to confirm. “Yeah, he is. Come on, (Y/N). You’re the only person besides his kids that he checks up on constantly. Always worrying. The overbearing protectiveness. I mean he obviously has some feelings for you.”
You never really thought about it but now that you were, it was strange the way David would act around you. So strange it could come off as he had feelings for you.
You groaned and rubbed your temples in annoyance. “Oh no…”
Javi laughed as he had not expected that reaction. “What? You don’t like my brother?”
“Please. David is not anywhere near my type.”
“So what is your type?”
You saw how eager Javi was to know which made you thump his head with your thumb. “Not you.”
Though you were lying. Although Javi maybe wasn’t your ideal type, you sure wouldn’t complain if you had rode into the sunset with him. He was smart, handsome, emotionally intelligent while also having a sense of humor.
Javi looked back to his clipboard. “How do you want me to do the rations this week.”
“I say we stop doing those. They already get 3 meals a day without labor. A lot of them aren’t seeing the use of even working. If they want any extra food, they have to work harder. We’re giving out food and wasting it when we really don’t have to.”
Javi nodded. “That makes sense…how do you think David will feel about it though?”
“Not great when he finds out the rules also apply to his kids.” You say. “Look I love Mariana and Gabe but they’re old enough not to get any special treatment. The only one that is getting any special treatment is AJ and that’s only because he’s still a toddler.”
“Hey, I got your back if he says anything.”
“He shouldn’t. It was his stupid idea for me to be leader anyway.”
Javi hated when you spoke badly about yourself. After all the hard things you had to do, you didn’t deserve that. He gently grabbed your hand which made you look at him. “It wasn’t stupid. You’re a great leader. You’re the only one willing to make the hard calls.”
You sighed a little. “That’s what I hate about this. Help me up.”
Javi stood up on his feet first. Then he helped you slowly get up. You were groaning in pain. “I can get a wheelchair from the hospital you know?”
You hit his shoulder lightly. “Stop talking stupid.”
You tried to walk but the minute you did, your legs gave out from the pain. Luckily Javi was fast and caught you before you fell. “You are so stubborn.” He said to you.
He handed you his clipboard. You looked at him confused but took it. He then picked you up bridal style.
“Javi!” You gasped out in shock.
“Which way?” Javi asked, ignoring your shout.
You shook your head before pointing. “To the left…by the way you’re aren’t cool for doing this.”
“I think I’m very cool.”
The next day, Javi made sure to prepare himself. He was going to confess his feelings for you. He honestly didn’t think it would go bad. Whether you accepted him or rejected him, he wasn’t like Kate or David. If all he could do was be your friend then he would be just that.
It was early in the morning. Breakfast time which meant the community was in the dining hall eating.
He knew that usually at this time you were in your office by yourself so he made his way towards the room.
The door was wide open and there he saw David. It appeared to be that the two of you were arguing.
“My kids need food, (Y/N) and are used to eating the rations. Making the rule apply to them won’t help anything.”
“I hate to break it to you David, but they are not kids anymore. Far from it. If the people figure out you and your family get special treatment then I’m the one that gets all the angry people in this group at me. Not you, me.”
“This is stupid!”
Javi decided to make himself known. He walked into the office while looking at his brother. “David, Mariana and Gabe are both capable of going without the rations. They gotta work for it like everyone else.“
David turned to his brother in pure anger. He shoved Javi in the chest. “Stay out of it.”
You pushed yourself in between the two and faced David. “You just don’t want him in it because he’s the only one on my side.”
“I don’t want him involved because last time I checked, I was your second in command - not him. What the hell do you care for anyway? He’s pretty much useless.”
Javi wasn’t fazed at all by David’s comment as he was used to his behavior. You didn’t like it. Not at all. Javi saw your expression turn sad. You took a couple steps back from David. “Then maybe you shouldn’t be second in command anymore should you?”
David’s eyes widened at this. “Wait no. Come on, (Y/N). You don’t mean that.”
“Everywhere I go, you’re breathing over my shoulder and you’re suffocating me. And then the way you treat your brother just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.”
“I don’t treat him like anything! I-“
David went to grab your hands but you quickly pushed them away and continued your rant. “And then you’re always mad all the time. Mad at me.”
“I’m mad at you because I love you.”
Silence. Neither Javi nor you were expecting that. You didn’t even think David himself was expecting himself to say that. Javi was just thinking if he should just walk out the the room slowly and leave the two of your alone at this point.
“I don’t love you.”
Javi saw the expression on David’s face. It was hurt. A hurt he had never seen on his face. The type of hurt that was heart breaking. If David was capable of tears, Javi bet that David would be crying by now.
David held his head down as he walked out the office. You waited until he was completely gone before shutting the office door.
“That was…rough…” Javi said breaking the silence.
You sighed, rubbing your head. You felt a headache come in quick. “I can’t keep doing this with him. Walking on eggshells at every turn. I mean I know I’m not the best with emotions but at least I don’t spaze out on people every five minutes. It’s just…too much.”
It was pretty hard having a brother like David but Javi always made sure to not give into the hate and always have hope for him. “His brain isn’t wired how ours is. It’s like…you’re driving at 30 miles per hour. All the time. You’re safe and cautious of your surroundings. With him? He’s driving at 90. Full foot on the gas and not even bothering to hit the break…until he’s about to crash…and then it’s too late.”
You looked at Javi curiously. “Why do you do that? Your brother treats you like shit every single day and you defend him without blinking an eye.”
Javi walked over towards you before leaning on your desk right next to you. “Because…it’s just not worth it. Him being mad at me…me being mad at him…it’s a never ending cycle and I don’t want to partake in any of that.”
You nodded at him before sitting on top of your desk. “I don’t ever miss the old world exactly. I just missed what we could do in it….like eat a pizza, or go laser tagging, or watch tv…or get married…”
When you mentioned the last part, Javi turned to look at you interested. “Married? You wanted that?”
“I know it sounds corny but…I wanted a marriage and a kid…I wanted to have a family because well…I didn’t quite get that during my childhood.”
It made Javi a little upset that all the things you wished for, you couldn’t have because of the apocalypse. But then again, he was sort of glad this all happened because he probably wouldn’t have met you.
Javi looked at the ring on his finger before taking it off. He stood directly in front of you, grabbing your left hand. “I always thought that the marriage thing was for my brother.” You watched as he carefully slid the ring on your ring finger. “But I guess when you really love someone, the idea to you isn’t so crazy.”
You caught on to his confession and you were surprised. Javi chuckled at your surprise but didn’t take it as rejection. “Oh come on, mi amor. You had to of known I at least liked you a little.”
He didn’t wait for your response. He leaned down and kissed you. When Javi kissed you, you felt safe. Like it was home.
You brought your hand to cup the back of his neck. He kissed you lovingly. Like he had loved you for a century.
His lips were like cotton candy. Soft and delicious. His hands were rough but felt so good going along your thigh.
Javi moaned in your mouth when you gripped his hair. He felt your other hand reach the belt of his pants and when he felt that you were about to undo it, he stopped.
He placed his hand over yours while resting his forehead on yours. “You still haven’t healed yet.” He said, reminding you of your wound on your stomach.
You giggled. “What? Are you trying to say that thing can hurt me?”
“Maybe…” Javi gave you a sweet kiss on the lips before sighing. “David is going to be so pissed at me.”
You made Javi look you in the eye. “Stop worrying about what he wants. Worry about what you want.”
Javi always put everything he’d ever wanted to the side because of his brother’s jealousy and insecurities. He was done doing that. He didn’t want to keep living the life of pleasing him.
He just wanted you.
“How do we tell him?”
You shrugged. “It’s not ours to tell. You don’t owe him anything, Javi.”
Javi felt you press your lips onto his and suddenly he was back to his safe home.
The only thing was that the blinds to the window was opened and someone saw the two of you.
It took a lot for David to be heartbroken. He was a strong man. Not just physically but emotionally. He barely felt sadness. Just anger but he was tired of feeling it.
He should’ve known you didn’t feel the same way. Why would you? He was the guy always mad at the world. Who would want to be with someone like that? It was the reason Kate left.
First his first wife, then Kate, and now you.
He couldn’t catch a break.
David couldn’t sleep as the guilt was surfacing. Everyone he did or has ever done just wasn’t washing away. Not this time.
He was sitting at the kitchen table, just staring off with his thoughts.
That was until there was a knock on the door.
David peaked up from his seat. It had to of been ten at night. Who would come to him at the ungodly hour? Maybe you?
He stood before walking over to the door. He opened it and there he saw Kate. Someone he hadn’t expected.
“Kate…are you okay? Why are you here so late?”
Kate looked the same. Heartbroken as well but he couldn’t really put a finger on why she was. She didn’t give him another word before pushing herself inside his house.
“Okay…” David closed the door to his house and looked back at Kate who had her back turned to him. “You wanna tell me what’s going on?”
He heard her breathe in and out like she was trying not to cry. “I need to tell you the truth. The reason why I actually broke things off.”
“The truth?” David was confused. Was what she told him before not the truth? “Why are you just now telling me?”
“Because you need to know. You deserve it.”
There was something about her voice that made it seem like she was more so doing it for her and not him but regardless it was late at night and he couldn’t care less. “Kate it’s done and over with. Whatever it was…I don’t even care anymore.”
“It’s Javi.”
It was like she knew that would spark his attention. His eyes widened and he took steps towards her. “What do you mean by that?”
Kate sighed and turned to face him. “When me and him were on the road with the kids for so long…I really saw a different side to him. Not the same one obsessed with gambling and laying on your couch hoping for the next bag of money to roll in. I saw someone who was brave, and protective, and over all one of the best people I’ve ever met. I fell in love with him.”
David bit his lip. The same way he tried to control his temper with you, he was trying to control it now. “What? My brother? Are you serious Kate?!”
“I know…I know…it doesn’t matter because he doesn’t feel the same way. It’s just…I thought you should know.”
David cared but only a little. He wasn’t in love with Kate anymore. There wasn’t really anything for him to be mad at. “I can’t believe this..”
Kate looked into his eyes before stepping forward. “There’s something else…I know you care about, (Y/N).” Before David could get in a word, Kate held her hand up. “Let me finish. I know you do…but there’s something you should know so you don’t get caught off guard…I saw her and Javi kissing. I think they’re together now.”
David stood there, completely in shock. He would have never imagined it’d be you. That you’d fall for a guy like Javi. A guy that was his brother.
He couldn’t imagine Javi even having any feelings for you. He was just in shock.
Kate knew him too well and knew what was coming next. “I just thought you should know…” She opened the door to the house before leaving, closing it behind her.
It was at that point David grabbed a vase and smashed it into the wall.
There was no controlling his temper anymore. Not even you.
A/N : part 2???
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parkvcrs · 1 year
Boyfriend! Louis Headcanons
WARNING(S): nothing!
NOTES: i hope you have a wonderful day c:
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• Louis is never been the subtle type. If and when he wants to show off to impress you, he’ll make sure to do it in style, like making killing walkers a competition for example.
- You better shower that boy with compliments and praises or else he’ll give you the biggest puppy dog eyes and mope around until you do.
• He’s like Ken — he only has a great day if you have a great day. 😭
• Louis always calls you “my girl.”
- “Sorry, guys. Can’t hang today. My girl wanted me to show her the ropes on the whole ‘learning piano thing’.”
- “How’s my favorite girl doing?”
• Speaking of this talent of his, since Louis only knows how to play two songs on the piano, you have this secret mission whenever you and a few other members of the group go out scavenging and that’s if you ever find a sheet of music, you’ll gift it to Louis to learn.
- The chances of this happening are low, but it’s the thought that counts, right?
- If you ever achieve this, Louis will make sure you never forget it (it’s not like you could even if you tried). If he could, he definitely would get the gift framed.
• The boy likes flowers. I’m calling it.
• HOWEVER, if you ever do give Louis flowers, he’ll be a bit confused at first, asking you why you’re holding out flowers to him even though it should be the other way around to which you’ll reply, “Most men only receive flowers during their funeral. Plus, can’t I give my boyfriend some flowers anyway? Come on… just take them before I change my mind.”
- He can’t say no to a face like that. Still, the first part of your response will leave him like: :0
- Give Louis a flower crown and he will act like it’s a priceless artifact. It doesn’t take much to impress him fjdjdjdjdj
(He’s the type of guy to ask, “would you love me as a worm? 🥺”)
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0phiana0 · 2 months
Twdg Season 4 Characters reacting to reader that has unnatural colored hair!
When he first saw you stumbling across the border of the safe zone your hair was the first thing he noticed
Having pink or purple hair normally wouldn’t be weird but in the apocalypse it really did stand out
I mean where are you finding the hair dye???
The entire first week you’d stayed at the school he longingly just stared at it
From somebody else’s standpoint he might of looked like a total pervert but no he was just really interested in your hair
He doesn’t have an issue with it although he is pushing for you to dye it natural
Not because he doesn’t like it but because he doesn’t want you standing out
He couldn’t handle letting you get captured by raiders
He cares about you too much to lose you (fuck minnie and sophie though lmao)
Despite him being cautious, he really does like your hair
It kind of gives off punk vibes and he definitely digs that (not in that way sillies)
Bonus points if it’s red!
Louis LOVES your hair and I mean loves it
It’s so colorful and different!
If your hair has several colors he’ll trace his fingers through your hair and try to separate the colors (he doesn’t even notice)
On occasions you say something stupid in front of him he’ll joke about how the hair dye is seeping into your brain
He’d recommend other colors and hair styles that he’d think you’d rock
Once you do eventually run out of hair dye… (crazy how you managed to get so much in the apocalypse) he might secretly go past the safe zone
He knows that there’s around a .5 percent chance any hair dye expired or not is nearby but he just loves you sooo much!
If Marlon catches him he’s definitely getting watch duty for the next two weeks
She thinks it’s awesome
Like really fricking awesome
She’s been cutting her hair ever since Lee told her too and your hair kinda makes her miss how long her own used to be before she was forced to cut it
She likes doing tiny braids in it
When she was younger she used to watch superhero cartoons a lot and your hair kinda reminds her of the female characters (which gives her a strong sense of nostalgia)
It’s not just her that likes it though
AJ is mind blown
He loves it so much
He’s never seen anyone with hair that wasn’t natural
If you stop dying it he definitely won’t talk to you for a couple days
When you first met Aasim he was sorta cautious of you
Aasim doesn’t try to stand out
He’s okay with observing and watching his environment
While your hair has the opposite effect
You are most definitely going to stand out
At first he didn’t talk to you and just watched you silently
That was until you were both assigned hunting duty so you had to make small talk and you ended up having a lot in common
Since then you’ve been close
He likes your hair but like Marlon he does push you to dye it back to your natural hair color
He thinks it’s kinda dumb how you dyed it in the first place
He’s just concerned for your safety and doesn’t want you getting hurt
Violet tried so hard not to like it
She had to make herself focus to try to not look at it whenever you too conversed
She isn’t the type to give compliments okay?
Once she subtly talks about how much she really does like it you offer to do hers
She was really excited
Like really excited
So excited that Louis had asked what you’d done to her
You both talked about different colors and styles that you could do to her hair and even your own
You joke about dying it the color violet and surprise surprise she wasn’t amused
But she really likes it overall
She can’t imagine you with natural hair now
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d-a-r-l-i-i-n-g · 1 year
*ೃ𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚔𝚒𝚍𝚜 𝚡 𝚜/𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚜 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚍 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚕𝚢˚ · • . ° .༉‧₊˚.·˚
This was so fun to do- 😭
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⋆·˚ ༘ *Clementine.ೃ࿐
When you two got together, clem thought you were the sweetest, you would always take care of her, and AJ, you would read stories to her before bed, and you two hadn't kissed yet, I guess she was waiting for you to make the first move, and you were waiting for her to make the first move...that didn't happen, she would compliment you and she knew you would get flustered when she did,(ˢᵒ ˢʰᵉ ᶜᵒᵐᵖˡⁱᵐᵉⁿᵗᵉᵈ ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵒʳᵉ ᶜᵘˢ ˢʰᵉ ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰᵗ ⁱᵗ ʷᵃˢ ᵃᵈᵒʳᵃᵇˡᵉ) eventually clem wanted affection like any other normal couple, so she had asked to kiss you and oh my god you turned a bright red like holy shit that shit was brighter than anyone's future in Ericson- sorry. She realised your flustered state and couldn't help but laugh a little, I mean you looked adorable trying to cool yourself down, by fanning your face with your hands, but she didn't force you or anything, you guys went slow when dating, and when you guys did kiss, for the first time you had no idea how to, so that made you even more nervous, it was like you still had a crush on your lover.
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≡;- ꒰ °Louis ꒱
When you first arrived Louis was excited to meet you, you were so kind and sweet and understanding and your smile god it was the definition of perfection to him, and Louis flirts a lot, with everyone, so when you two got to know each other better he flirted with you for the first time, you didn't say anything so he looked at you to make sure he didn't say anything to offend you, but it turns out, that you were speechless and extremely red, he gave you a cocky smile before laughing a bit, "wow I think that's the first time I've left you speechless." when you to got together, he flirted with you in front of the others just to see you get flustered, the others would be glancing at you or just laughing, so when Louis was playing the piano for you he looked over, he wanted to kiss you, so he leaned in to kiss you, you were a bit shocked at first but accepted it kissing him back when you two separated, he leaned back chuckling, he would also tease you, but overall you were so adorable to him, the way you looked at him, the way you would look away when he said something to tease you, he loved you a lot.
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*ೃ༄Violet ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
Okay so Violet has been in a relationship with Minnie before, and she never really got bashful as much, she was just a bit antisocial, so when you first arrived you two became friends, and she thought you were okay, you were bubbly, also kinda sassy, so she didn't think much of it until she realised she ended up developing feelings for you, and oh god when she realized that's she had feelings for you, she dropped so many hints like she would give you some of her food, or she would hold hands with you, etc, so when you didn't get the hint, she became a little annoyed just a little bit, and then when you two were stargazing she finally told you, she was a bit embarrassed but she felt some weight lift of her shoulders, feeling a lot better she looked at you and you were a bright red like you looked like a tomato, she blinked a couple of times before asking of you were okay, anyway when you two got together, she leaned in for a kiss, your eyes were wide and your heart was beating so fast, once she pulled back she raised her eyebrow, before laughing, it was very obvious that you didn't know how to kiss but she didn't say anything, you were already red and she didn't want make you even more red, she loves you so much you are so sweet, and she loved when you blushed, or got shy, over small compliments, (she complimented you more after she found out you got red from compliments)
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✧*̥˚ Mitch *̥˚✧
Mitch was just kinda busy sharpening his knife when you first arrived, he didn't think you were that special just like the others, but it turns out you two had a lot in common, one main thing that he liked about you was that you knew how to make these really cool knives, and that caught his attention, he thought you were so cool, you even knew tricks with them, so mitch would walk over and you would be making a knife or he would be watching you from afar practising throwing your knife, at the target, Mitch would watch you very closely, with admiration, (sorry if that's kinda creepy) and you looked so cool omg- but you, on the other hand, would be side eyeing Mitch like, why are you looking at me?
Anyways it made you extremely nervous and flustered so much so that you would be missing the target like your hands were sweaty, and you could tell that he kinda admired you, and when you would turn to look at him he would look away, but anyway, when you two got together, it took him quite a long time to show affection, like my guy didn't cuddle, he didn't really kiss you in front of the others, and you didn't mind because even though you two were a couple now, the thought was so embarrassing like you were basically a high school girl having a crush and going mental, I mean you were adorable though when he did peck your cheek or your forehead, he would watch red slowly form on your complexion, and when you would try to show him affection too by kissing him on his forehead or lips, you would always pull away with a red face, and he would just laugh.
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When Marlon first saw you, you were surviving alone, and you seemed to be doing a very good job, but you were also in need of assistance, you were clearly hurt, so Marlon took you in, and Ruby patched you up, when you woke up you didn't seem to speak as much, but when he got to know you better you were a ball of sunshine, you were very sweet and you were always up to helping others, but what he loved, even more, was when you first saw Rosie you were so happy, she was so fricking adorable and you instantly started to treat Rosie like she was your own pet dog, you would always share your food with her and Rosie seemed to like you too, when you and Marlon got together, Marion would say give you small affections in front of others such as placing an arm around you, or kissing you on the cheek, it was only sometimes, but it would always get you extremely flustered, he thought you looked so adorable, and yes he would tease you a bit, but only sometimes, he just wanted to see that sweet face if yours turn red.
Okay bye sexys im tired af- <3
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teaaagan · 1 year
Y/N: What if mayonnaise came in cans? 
Louis: Well, that would suck because you can’t microwave metal. 
Clementine: Good morning to everyone except these two people
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amphibiahawks321 · 4 months
[Clementine sitting on the edge of the bed]
[Door opens]
M!Reader : Hey Clem! Supper in 5 minutes! Omar's making stew again
[Y/N walked up to Clementine]
M!Reader : AJ said he wanted to help Omar with the stew so try not to criticise the little guy too much with the food–.....
[Y/N sits beside her]
M!Reader : You okay Clem? I could sneak you a candy bear if the stew ended up tasting bad–
Clementine : No it's that It's just.... I'm just really happy me and AJ get to meet all of you
M!Reader : Aww!
Clementine : Really.... I thought that AJ and I would have had to live in that rotting car forever.... Eating expired cans of beans
M!Reader : honestly with AJ helping with the food I think I would prefer eating a can of beans
[Clementine chuckles and bump Y/N's arm]
M!Reader : Kidding! Kidding! I know AJ won't make the food terrible!
Clementine : Chuckles but again... I'm happy I got to meet you all.... Especially you...
M!Reader : .....
M!Reader blushing : H-hehe Thanks!
[Clementine forms a tiny blush]
Clementine : S-Sorry... That was a little cheesy....
[Y/N kiss Clementine's cheek]
Clementine blushing : ......
M!Reader : Well I think that was 'gouda'
Clementine : .....
M!Reader : Too cheesy?
Clementine : pfftt! You think?
Clementine : .....
Clementine : Lee would've loved meeting you....
M!Reader : Chuckles from the way you describe Lee yesterday when we all talk about our childhood past I could tell he would've love me!
Clementine : Hehe yeah... That was some plan ruby had...
M!Reader : Duh! We needed to do something after we kicked Lily's ass down!
M!Reader : For Kenny.... Ummmm... Pretty sure he would give me the stink eye every time were together....
Clementine : His quite protective of me...
M!Reader : I get why! You're an absolute badass!
Clementine : Thanks....
M!Reader : Now...
M!Reader : Shall we go for the supper M'lady~?
[Clementine chuckles]
Clementine : And I shall hope it is gonna be the finest cuisine~
[Both of them chuckle and leave the room]
[Y/N and Clementine leave the room and zooms back to Clementine's bed]
[Shows Kenny and Lee sitting on her bed with both of their bodies translucent and glowing]
Kenny : ......
Kenny : I don't like this guy...
Lee : Kenny come on man, you gotta at least give him a chance
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starkeyslover · 1 year
So, I don't know if your requests are open or not, but I'd like to request something for TWDG S4. It's basically the Ericsons' kids with an s/o who has naturally cold hands. Like, their hands are always cold even in the summertime. So the reader is kind of self conscious about it when holding hands for the first time. I guess what I'm asking for is the kids' reaction to the cold hands. Like if they'd try to warm them up and all that. Does that make sense? I feel like it doesn't. BUT if it does I'd really appreciate you doing that. LOVE YOUR WORK BTW. xoxo~A
Ericson kids with a S/O that has cold hands
Characters: Clementine, Marlon, Mitch, Violet, and Louis
Warnings: Fluff, some suggestive stuff, and not proof read
A/N: This is kinda hard for me to write since I'm usually the person with warm hands but I'll try my best😭 I also don't own these gifs!
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Having cold hands was always an issue for you growing up and it hasn't changed. Before it used to be your dad who would warm your hands up for you but when the apocalypse happened you lost him and your family. When you first met Clem she took notice to you having cold hands, how you would always rub your hands together or put your hands underneath your arms or between your thighs. When you guys started dating, even before you guys did, she would offer to warm up your hands for you.
"Cold?" Clem asked as she looked over to you. You were sitting beside her and your hands were between your thighs trying to warm them up. "Yea" You said simply. She smiled and took your hands and put them in hers. She cupped them and put her mouth to her hands and started to blow warm air on your hands. "We should find you some gloves to wear, babe" Clem suggested as she looked at you. You giggled lightly and agreed. "Maybe we can get matching ones" you joked. You could feel your hands warming up already. Clem smiled. "Of course, anything for you."
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It never really accrued to Marlon that you had cold hands until you guys started dating. He would go to grab your hand and it would be freezing. He would laugh a bit to himself and would warm up your hands without asking, he knows that you'll appreciate it.
"Hey, babe." Marlon would say with a smile as he came up the guard tower where you were keeping watch. You turned and flashed him a smile. "Hey" you answered back and turned to keep watch. He came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you, it was November and it was starting to snow a bit. Your hands started to get colder than usual, fingertips being white, blue even sometimes, from the cold. "How's your hands?" He hummed as he took your hands and looked at them, your fingertips were turning white a bit. You didn't say anything just blushed lightly and you heard him click his tongue. Without a second passing he turned you around and put your hands underneath his jacket and shirt, his skin was warm, very warm. You giggled and hugged him. "You treat me so well." you smiled as you looked up to him and rested your chin on his chest. He looked down and ran his hands on your lower back. "You know, my hands are also kinda cold too." he smirked before grabbing your ass, you squealed, he laughed. He gives it a good squeeze before leaning down and giving you a quick peck. "You going to let go now?" You asked. "Nope."
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For some reason you were always so embarrassed to hold Mitch's hand. Your hands always being cold and Mitch with his big mouth, you were scared he would be judgy about it.
"Come here" Mitch whispered to you. You guys were supposed to cleaning up the school but Mitch had other ideas. He grabbed into your hand and pulled you into on of the rooms. He closed the door and pushed you up against it, he looked down and then he felt his cold your hands were. You noticed and pulled you hand away with a blush. "It's noth-" "Why don't you tell me you have cold hands?" He cut you off as he grabbed both of your hands into his. He put your hands in between his and looked up to you. "I don't know, it's embarrassing" you mumbled. He frowned a bit before leaning down and kissing your fingers. "Don't be embarrassed, especially not with me."
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Let's be honest, this girl also had cold ass hands. When she found out you also had cold hands she would try and warm them up, even if it doesn't work.
October mornings were always your favorite, even if the mornings were cold. You'd always sit outside looking at the sunrise, loving the feeling of the cool crisp air on your body, even if it did feel like you were freezing. Violet occasionally would join you watching the sunrise and you guys would cuddle and share a blanket trying to stay warm. "Fuck, it's so cold" Violet shivered as she brought you closer to her, her hands were cold on your body. You shivered and got closer to her, you were between her legs looking at the sunrise. "Gimme your hands" you said as you look her hands and brought them up to your chest and put her hands in your boobs. You felt her tense up before relaxing. You brought your hands down and put them underneath her thighs and sighed contently. "Better?" You asked. She nodded and stayed silent for a minute before talking. "Your boobs are warm."
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He finds it so cute that your hands get cold. He loves it that you go to him for helping warming your hands up.
You guys were in bed just staring at the ceiling in silence. You both had just woken up and were laying together enjoying the moment. The room was cold, it's starting to snow which makes the school cold too. And your hands were freezing, to the point that they felt numb. An idea popped into your head, with a smile you rolled over and put your hands on Louis's stomach, making him scream. "Goddamn your hands are cold girl!" Louis exclaimed as he looked at you. You giggle and pulled him into a hug. "Warm me up" you mumbled into his chest, you could feel him shiver from your cold ass hands on his body. It took a second for him to adjust to the coldness, when he did he looked down and gave you a kiss on the forehead. "Always will."
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Clem, Marlon and Louis x Reader with Tattoos, Scars and Tall
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She wasn't scared of you
But she wasnt that trusting with you
She didn't think ill of you, just didn't really know you
But you very much so did have her attention
You were pretty hard to miss
With the height, numerous tattoos, scars along your body and what seemed to be a permanent scowl on your face
When she was new to the school her eyes immediately caught you, you had been lugging some firewood in the courtyard and when you looked up caught her eyes
She had been staring at you, what she didn't know was that you had also been staring at her
She did have quite the introduction
But you also noticed how she acted towards you, you got it though
You were a stranger after all and growing up you always knew people acted different around you
You knew it was about how you looked, made you a bit sad but what could you do about it?
Until she finally actually spoke to you
Clem looked around the courtyard, every one here was different but she immediately noticed the one person who looked to be 6'0, maybe even taller.
'Holy hell.' She then noticed the tattoos, the scars and you turned around. Fuck, you looked right at her. She had been caught.
But she wasn't very alarmed when you squinted at her, your face forming a bit of a scowl. She wasn't scared, but kinda made a mental note that you weren't someone to be messed with.
After time went on she saw more and more of you, when speaking to you, you were a bit blunt and cold. So she got the hint, thinking you didn't like her. 
Didn't bother her that much, but it did bother you.
You felt a bit guilty when you were a bit rude, you didn't mean to but you were sorta anxious. When Minnie and Sophie went missing you guys hadn't seen anyone else, and then she just came outta nowhere.
You liked her but you also thought she didn't like you and you wouldn't blame you. You also knew a part was your appearance, you knew from literally anyone at the school you came off as intimidating.
Lots of kids were scared of you, hell, Tenn was terrified of you for a while, not Willy. He was a weirdo. So you were shocked when after a few days AJ came up to you, asking to play a random game.
And you happily accepted.
Clem had walked out the admin building, looking for AJ when she spotted him. But with you, she wasn't shocked, more surprised as you held a small firefighter toy in your hand and played along with AJ's dialogue for his game.
She walked over, looking at the sight amused.
"What's going on?" She asked, AJ and you looking up as the boy smiled. "Y/n said they would play firefighter with me!" He smiled, Clem softly smiling at the boy as you chuckled.
"AJ!" Tenn called out, you all looking over as he waved his friend over to him. AJ lit up, immediately going to his friend and leaving you two alone.
"Thanks, for playing with him. You didn't have to." Clem thanked, looking over at you as you shrugged. "No problem, he reminds me of my little brother." You smiled, chuckling a bit as Clem looked at you surprised.
Not only did you enjoy playing with AJ, but you were smiling and laughing?
"You had a little brother?" She asked, sitting on the picnic table beside you. You hummed, nodding your head a bit as you leaned back on your hands. "Yeah, I lost him a while back. I think at the beginning?"
"Sorry about that." Clem said, sympathetic as you waved her off. "It's cool, he just reminds me of him." You smiled at her, your eyes soft as she returned the smile.
"He reminds me of my little brother." You nodded, Clem looking at you in surprise. "You had a little brother?" She asked. 'Yeah, lost him a while ago, I think at the start?"
Clem nodded.
"Sorry about that." She apologized, you waving it off. "It's cool. It's part of this life." You stated, Clem smiling a bit.
You then saw Vi waving you over, raising her eyebrow at you and Clem. You sighed, getting off of the bench and smiling at Clem.
"See you around, Clementine." You walked off, waving over your shoulder as Clem watched you walk away.
She realized that even with your intimidating appearance, you weren't actually. Hard to be when a 6 year old asks you to play firefighters. Maybe she was wrong about you, you were pretty cool in her book.
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The boy was fucking terrified of you
I mean who wouldn't?! 
When you first woke up after being taken in with Clem and AJ you were scowling at everything!
You freaked out and took a knife you had hidden in your boot out
And lucky you, Louis was the one checking on you that turn
He came in and was terrified as you threw him to the wall with your knife to his throat
You were tall as hell too, towering over Louis by a bit
He didn't hate you, you were pretty but he didn't wanna get on your bad side
Didn't wanna find out what it was like on it
You didn't smile a lot, he heard how you talked with AJ and Clem, all soft
He sorta wished he got that but understood why he didn't
He loved your tattoo's though
Thought they were amazing pieces of art
And he kinda wanted to know the stories behind the scars
But it all started with a game of war…
You, Clem, Louis, Vi and Marlon were all playing war the first night after you guys had woken up. You noticed the looks the others gave you, but eh, who cared?
Louis had noticed your look, you were intimidating as hell with the height. He could tell you had been through some things, you had the scars to prove it.
But ws you all played war he saw you come out of your shell a bit, but when he was really in awe was when you laughed.
He had made a small joke, the others laughing as he did too before he abruptly stopped. There was an unfamiliar sound mixed in, your laugh.
He slowly looked over at you, seeing the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. You were laughing, holding your side a bit as your smile was a bit crooked.
You were laughing? At his joke?!
He stared at you like you were a goddess/god for a moment before a smile broke out on his face. He made a promise to himself he would make you laugh as much as he could.
And he succeeded, something he is now and always will be proud of. Cause he got the intimidating, scar filled, tattoo covered goddess/god to laugh. If that ain't an accomplishment he doesn't know what is.
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He was sorta put off by you
He didn't hate you, just didn't know you
He was mostly intimidated, you were way taller than him and he was one of the tallest at the school
But that doesn't mean he didn't absolutely love your tattoos
Even if he didnt know you he loved 'em
Before it all he had been into all those heavy metal, punk bands and all that
You sorta gave him a feeling of nostalgia when around, he liked it
He thought you would be a great addition to the school
And he had been right
Ever since they found you roaming the woods, taking out walkers left and right
It took a while to convince you but eventually they came back with you in tow
It took a while to get used to having you around, you were cold and blunt at first with a glare on your face
But that was because you were in a new place, you took a while to settle in but you were grateful they gave you a chance
And Marlon one day realized you were actually not that bad
Thanks to Rosie
Marlon had been looking for Rosie for a bit. The dog had run off and he hadn't been able to find her at all.
He tried everything, asking everyone and nobody seemed to have found her. But he also noticed you weren't there either, kinda suspicious.
He walked around the admin building, looking around for her before sighing as he began to walk back. He then paused his step, hearing the sound of laughter and Rosie's familiar bark.
He was confused, looking around the corner before freezing at the sight of you tossing a stick and Rosie coming back with it, her jumping up a bit and accidently knocking you down, barking before starting to lick your face.
You laughed. "Rosie!" You giggled, trying to cover your face as you got mud on your clothes. You then shrugged, you'll wash them later. You then began to scratch behind Rosie's ears, the dog laying on her side as you began to scratch her belly.
From by the wall Marlon watched surprised. You were so cold but when with Rosie you seemed so nice and sweet? He didn't know what to feel but couldn't help but smile.
You actually looked peaceful as you sat on the ground with Rosie, scratching her belly as the sun began to set. 
He actually liked it, he would like seeing you like this more. You didn't seem to care that you were getting dirty, playing with his dog and tossing a stick.
Hey, maybe he'll join you guys one day. But for now, he'll just watch from a distance
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clouisluvr · 2 years
hey yall! i hope ur all doing good <3 its exam szn for me and school is kicking my ass rn … i have a couple requests collecting dust in my inbox😭 i’ll probably get to them as soon as winter break starts so only about 2 more weeks till i can be more active!! feel free to send some more requests🤭
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kisabesworld · 8 months
so i have a new hyperfixation.. the walking dead telltale games :)
pls gimme some requests! i’ll do most any characters who are of age, and only platonic underage characters.
my absolute fav is kenny tho, and im looking forward to writing some stuff for him <333
literally open to anything (to an extent)… desperate for some requests so i can get writing again.
(also there’s actually a criminally bad lack of kenny fics. :/)
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coff33notforme · 2 years
What if...?
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Synopsis: What if you had managed to save Luke from drowning in the Lake?
A/n: I'm going to start on Valentine's match up right after this I swear, I wrote this impulsively after playing The walking dead game again for like the fifth time in a row. I put my whole coffussy into this because hyper fixations are just goofy like that. I love Luke with all my heart they did my man dirty </3
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This fucking sucked. You knew you shouldn’t have gone yet, you knew. Yet you decided to take the stupid risk of being eaten alive over waiting a couple hours for the corpses outside to stagger further into the woods, well fair enough for you to sneak out that is.
But you couldn’t, you were starving, you were driven by an almost inhuman hunger, an urge to devour, anything to replenish to hunger that grew deep inside of you. 
Unfortunately, you hadn’t noticed the walker that had crept up from behind you while you sat crouched in the bushes, scouting the area out as you surveyed the hobbling corpses, it had startled you so that on first instinct you had withdrawn your rifle, a shot that had immediately alerted the dead of your location, and before you knew it you found yourself sprinting through the white woods, snow crunching beneath your feet as dead seemed to appear from behind every tree swarming you like a pack of wolves. 
Your eyes wide as you tried your best to avoid their lurching limbs, swung out to trap you. The season was hard enough without the dead hanging over you, one slip up and that was it.
You had to get out of the woods, at least then you wouldn’t have to worry about a monster popping up from behind a tree trying to rip your stomach open. Your ragged breathing and the groans of the dead where all you could hear, your lungs burning, it felt as though frost had clung to the inside of your throat filling it with an icy burn.
Your legs felt like jelly as if at any moment they would fall off. You heaved, sucking in your breath as you navigated the woods, your eyes lit up as you began to see the line of trees end, with a clearing not too far. You pushed yourself forcing your body to run faster as you ran. 
As you reached the end you blotted out past the bushes and trees tripping, and landing face down in the snow as you groaned. Lifting your head up as you pushed yourself from the ground, swiping the snow from your coat.
But suddenly your attention was grabbed, just out of your line of sight you could see someone, or rather something, out on the frozen lake. Something clawed onto the ice, arising from a hole cracked in the ice. You squinted, you couldn’t tell if it was one of those things. But the way it flailed, it couldn’t be a walker.
As you watched you started to see more, you could see as you sneaked closer, remaining close to the tree line, that it was in fact a man. His skin a pale blue, teeth chattering, he was most certainly going to die, it was just a matter of whether or not hypothermia or the dead got to him first. You grimaced, a feeling of guilt welling up inside you.
You didn’t know if it was possible to save him, but you don’t know if you could just forget letting someone die, knowing you could have tried to help. You overlooked the lake, taking note of the walkers quickly approaching the man, it was now or never.
You shook your head, cursing to yourself as you ran out onto the ice hearing the cracks as you skidded across, pushing past the walker that surrounded the man. He was even worse up close, his skin almost as pale as the corpses that crowded the shores of the frozen lake. 
“Give me your hands quickly.” you demanded in a hushed tone as to not attract any more walkers to your location.
You grunted pulling the man as hard as you could, while the brunette tried assisting you in pushing himself using the ice now beneath him as he crawled out on his hands and knees.
You sighed as you offered the man a hand pulling him to his feet, as he clutched his sides, shaking violently from the cold. You drew your gun as you turned to face the dead now closely approaching. 
You turned back to the man, your eyes straying to his knee bent out and messily wrapped. 
Your eyes met his. 
“Can you run?” you asked somewhat frantically, grimacing at the question, he shook his head. You clicked your tongue trying to think how to escape, your not very well thought through rescue plan. Throwing his arm over your shoulder you handed him your gun.
“I’ll carry you, you just worry about shooting the dead.” 
You could feel the coldness of the water from his soaking wet clothes that clung to his frigid figure. He lifted a shaky arm up, shooting any lurkers that came close as you fumbled across the ice as quickly as you could.
As soon as you were back on the solid ground you took your gun back from his hand, you didn’t have many bullets and you would need to save some if you were going to make it through the woods. Walkers from across the lake slowly dragged themselves across to where you stood, some falling through the ice. 
“I’m staying in a cabin in the woods not too far from here, we have to move quickly before you pass out.” you took off your winter coat, wrapping it around the man's shaking body.
“I know you're still probably freezing but hopefully this will warm you up at least a little.” 
And with that you tossed his arm around you again, beginning your trip through the snowy woods. You could feel the man practically fall limp in your arms as you trudged forward.
It felt like hours until you reached the safety of your cabin. You flung the door open hurriedly before the dead drew closer. You quickly shut the door behind you, locking it.
As you stumbled towards the fireplace, throwing the scrawny pieces of wood remaining, as you fumbled with your lighter allowing the embers to spark, dancing in the pit as you cracked and popped joyously.
You turned to the man, who now laid passed out on the floor, you were afraid that he hadn’t made it. Cautiously you lifted his limp body up from the floor, his eyes fluttered open, as he weakly peered at you through his frozen eyelashes. 
“Listen, I know this might seem strange, but you need to take your clothes off, your clothes are soaked and freezing cold you’ll warm up faster.” you looked to him and then to the fire. “Can you do that?” he nodded loosely. 
“Okay good, I’m going to move you into my room, you can change there. I'll find some spare clothes for you and leave them on the bed.” 
Without another word you wrapped his arm around you again as you hoisted him up.
Dragging him down the cold hallway into your room. You laid him down on the bed, digging through your closet, there were some old shirts of your uncles that would probably fit him as well as some old jeans that would probably work.
Your brows furrowed seeing your uncle's old clothes, regardless you closed the doors to the closet and set the clothes down. 
“Alright, these should work for you. I’ll just leave you to it.” you said awkwardly stepping out of the room. With a sigh, you walked back into your living room, glancing at the swaying flames, with a sorrowful expression plastered across your face.
Your stomach growled with a rumble, groaning you made your way to the kitchen, all you had was cans of soup stocked up. Everything else had been eaten in the beginning. You reached for two cans of soup to heat them up. You were sure that your guest would most likely be hungry, but you wanted to be sure.
Heating up some water on your gas stove you walked to your bedroom. Knocking before you entered you opened the door very quietly.
To your surprise the man sprawled out on your bed your comforter tossed over him messily. A light snore drifted from his mouth. Chuckling softly, you closed the door, you were sure he’d appreciate the food regardless. 
You didn’t know what time it was but the sun had set a long time ago. You lit the candles placed on your table, as you placed the second bowl of soup across from you, as you began eating you heard the squeak of a door shut. You tensed for a moment before turning your head to the tall man emerging from the dark hall. 
“I made you some soup, I went to ask you earlier but you were passed out.” you quipped, as the man took his seat across from you. 
“Well I uh, appreciate it.” he replied, his soft country accent drawing out as he spoke. Taking the spoon laid out for him as he ate, eating almost like an animal that hadn’t eaten for days, which was most likely the case. Once he had finished he looked up to you embarrassed as he wiped his mouth.
“Sorry, I haven’t had nothin’ to eat for a couple days now.” he explained
“No it’s fine, I imagine it probably hasn’t been easy, and well considering the circumstances, I figure you’ve had it rough.” 
The man's eyes grew a bit darker, as his brows pulled together.You worried you might have said something wrong. 
“I’m sorry did…did I say something wrong?” you pondered aloud, the country boy's eyes snapping up to meet yours. 
“Ah, no sorry, I’m just thinkin’.” 
You paused a question bubbling up in your mind. And before you could stop yourself, it fell from your lips almost without any effort. 
“If you don’t mind me asking, how…exactly did you end up in the lake?” There was a pause, an uncomfortable one, the air grew tense. The brown haired man hesitated for a moment.
“Well, I was with my group, we were trying to cross the lake as fast as possible, lurkers started popping up from everywhere and before I knew it…it just happened so fast, the ice was cracking and there just wasn’t enough time.” he replied, a bitter expression crossing his pale face. 
“Shit, I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be gettin’ all teary eyed on you.” he chuckled sadly, rubbing his face. You frowned sympathetically.
“No it’s…it’s okay I get it.” he looked up at you once again, an expectant look in his eyes, you sighed.
“I, I uh, actually lost my uncle at the beginning of all of this, we came down here for a ski trip when this all went down. And I’ve been by myself ever since…” you murmured you felt your eyes sting with tears, you blinked rapidly not wanting to cry in front of a stranger. 
“I’m sorry you had to go through all that, at least I had people to lose, your tellin’ me you’ve been alone this whole time?” you nodded, letting out a breathy chuckle. 
“Man, I didn’t think I’d be pouring my heart out to a stranger over soup.” 
“It’s Luke.” you looked at him in confusion.
“My name it’s Luke.” 
“Well it’s nice to meet you Luke, I'm Y/n"
“See? Now we're not strangers.” you smiled to him
“I guess not.” 
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If you enjoyed please consider reblogging and commenting, it means a lot <3
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