#twdg fanfic appreciation
terrak0 · 7 months
5 for Lee Everett, 10 for Louis, 12 for Clementine, 13 for Carley, 6 for Javi, 23 for Violet 🫡🫡
5. (Lee) What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Hmmm probably “We Carry On” by The Phantoms, just cause I listen to that song a lot while drafting out my twdg fanfics and I’ve come to associate it with him. Either that or “Way Down We Go” by Kaleo
(Speaking of songs, the some of the Lee playlists I found on Spotify are atrocious. Who thought that this man would unironically listen to Its Been So Long from FNaF? 😭)
10. (Louis) Could you be best friends with this character?
Oh definitely. I think we’d mesh pretty well. I like to joke around a lot with people I’m close with and keep things light, so I think we could easily be friends since we have a similar sense of humor. We’d be up playing card games all night long.
12. (Clementine) What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Little random headcanon, but Clem really likes bugs and thinks they’re cool. When she was younger she always got in trouble with her parents for bringing them in the house. She had no trouble catching them to spook other people, like hiding bugs under Ducks pillow.
As she’s gotten older, she appreciates butterflies and moths the most. It’s the small things in life you learn to appreciate the most. One day she shows AJ how a caterpillar changes into a butterfly and it blows his mind.
13. (Carley) What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
Carley would be spamming that 🤨 in the group chat. Idk that’s just the vibes I get from her lol.
Carley when she’s talking to anyone else in the group: 🤨
Carley when she’s talking with Lee: 😏
6. (Javi) What's something you have in common with this character?
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Me too Javi, me too. On a side note, I’m about to try and play through S3! (And try super hard to not just be biased towards what Clem wants)
23. (Violet) Favorite picture of this character?
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This was the literal first shot we get of her, but I love it, from the moment I saw her sitting up on that wall the first time I played the game I was like “ohhhh you’re about to be one of the best characters in this game”
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appl-cider · 10 months
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The Walking Dead Fanfic Collab
I've been writing fanfiction in the TWDG community for almost a year now, and while I've been known to jump from work to work, coming up with wildly different ideas, I always stuck to writing preexisting characters. It's not that I have anything against original characters, I just struggle to insert them into fics with characters we're already familiar with. The only way I'd write a story featuring original characters was if the whole cast was made up of original characters. But I do not have the time nor creativity to make all of those characters.
This is where you come in. I've always been a fan of tabletop games like Dungeons & Dragons that involve making stories from characters that are created independently from one another. it's a fun challenge, spending all this time into exploring the different character dynamics, what works and what doesn't, that kind of thing. I also thought it helped in bringing in a much more diverse cast of characters, in both identity and personality.
And that's what this project is going to be: taking a ragtag group of characters and trying to make a story out of it. It might be good, it might be fucking terrible, but I think it'll be fun regardless. At least I hope so, because I'm depressed enough as it is.
So if you're interested in contributing to this project, then do I have news for you! Below you'll find a Google form in which you can fill out the details for a character that you would like to offer up as a cast member to this fic. Any question or suggestions, just direct them at me either below this post or via my inbox/DMs. Much appreciated.
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thecrusadercomrade · 1 year
Important Update on To Continue On
For the few people on this blog actually interested in this particular story, you'll want to read this post.
After putting a lot of thought into it, I've decided I'll be ending the story once the current arc is concluded. I didn't want to do this, since I enjoy the characters so much, but a lack of response to the fic has led me to lose the motivation to keep writing it. I know I shouldn't decide the worth of my story based on how much others like it, and I try not to, but part of the fun of writing fanfic for me is seeing that others are enjoying my work. When I put so much effort into a chapter, only to see hardly any engagement, it makes it hard to keep putting in that level of effort.
Since the current arc will now be the final one, the fic should only last another two chapters, and then it'll be finished. Maybe one day I'll come back to it if I feel like it, or if people express interest, but that won't be for a while. I'd definitely like to continue the story since I absolutely love the character of Mayze that I've made, but we'll see what happens. When the fic is done, I'll be trying out some other story ideas, maybe a oneshot collection for TWDG or something along those lines.
I really appreciate those of you who've been enjoying the story, and I'm sorry to disappoint you by ending it this way. I don't want anyone to think I'm whining or complaining with this decision; I completely understand why a lot of people wouldn't want to read a story as niche as mine, and I don't blame them for not giving it a shot if it's not something they're interested in. Not all story ideas are winners, and this was a completely new franchise I was writing for, so it was always going to be experimental. It happens. It's just that I don't enjoy writing if people aren't enjoying reading it, and so I had to make the choice that was right for me. Thank you for your understanding, and for all your support!
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when the music died by spanouillette
“when the music died” is a short, alternative and more emotional look at Louis’ death scene in ep4.
She noticed his sickly complexion, tired bags under his eyes and the bite still bleeding out.
"I'll miss you." He announced as tears dripped.
Her lower lip trembled. "I'll miss you too..." She cried.
He leaned in for one last kiss, wrapping their hands around each other for comfort.
Not gonna lie, I avoid dead-Louis fics because that’s a level of angst I don’t like to acknowledge. I can handle angst much better when I’m the one writing it, but I have a REALLY hard time reading it. 
However, today I put on my big girl panties and opened this fic up because I love this author’s blog, writing, and artwork. This story’s been on my TBR list since it was first posted and it’d be a sin for me to skip over just because I’m a wimp. 
One thing a lot of people complain about is how shitty and sudden the deaths of Louis and Violet were, and this explores the idea of Louis getting bit but making it across to the other side of the bridge in the most heartbreaking way.
This fic is rather short, only a little over 1k, but I believe that works in its favor. It’s written emotionally and in character, and I’m not gonna spoil it, but there’s something incredibly special about this fic that, when I first saw it, I had to pause and take a deep breath to calm myself down.
Because @spanimator really did that and it’s as beautiful as it is painful. 
If you’re looking for a small piece of clouis angst, I highly recommend this. 
Dark Places & Safe Places by WolfOfTheDead @wolfofthedead
A jamitch fic??? That no one told me about??? How come no one told me????
[unless they did and that’s why it was on my tbr and i just forgot oops-]
“Dark Places & Safe Places” is an ‘angst with a happy ending’ fic about James, his past with the Whisperers, and Mitch being a good boyfriend. 
Small warning, this story does have some violence in it, like slapping, punching, mentions of blood, and whatnot, so be warned if that’s something you avoid. It’s nothing super strong, but it’s there. 
This story is an absolute delight. That’s the short of it. I fucking love this story. This is another one that I read, loved it so much that I scrolled back up to the top and reread it all over again. 
The writing style is a treat to read and the dialogue is both chilling and sweet, depending on which part you’re reading. The beginning is so tense until it transitions into this soft and comforting feeling as James and Mitch interact. 
“I can’t lose you, Mitch…”  He whispers. Mitch sighs softly, his brows knitting together and a soft chuckle leaving his lips. 
James raises a brow, his gaze questioning. Mitch leaned close and presses a kiss on his forehead, “It takes a lot to kill me.”  He whispers, and James glares a bit at that.
It’s a great contrast without feeling like two separate pieces of writing, which is something that can be pretty hard to do. This story, or rather, the Mitch and James section of the story has this soft intimacy to it that I adore. It's the little details that get me, like Mitch rubbing James' back or first kissing his cheek and then his lips, and James doing everything he can to keep in his emotions. 
Again, this is another story that I highly recommend.
Even if you’re like “James and Mitch...? Really?” 
Trust me, it’s so good that you may even fall into jamitch hell, which isn’t so bad- we have an all-you-can-eat cookie buffet and we all wear matching walker masks. It’s a grand ol’ time, so read this story and join us. 
Look At The Moon by  GoofyGomez @goofygomez 
The fact that this story had ZERO reviews when I found it is just flabbergasting because this short story is downright gorgeous and someone needs to say it. 
“Look at the Moon” is a sweet little fic about Louis and Clementine looking up at the stars together. Simple, fairly short, but damn. 
I am obsessed with this story. 
I don’t know how to describe it, but there’s something so calm yet enchanting about the way it’s written. It really is a simple concept; Clementine and Louis look at the stars together, but the style of which it’s told makes the whole idea so much more powerful. Louis pointing out constellations and how they take this moment to soak in the sky and the moon is so peaceful and beautifully written. The way Clementine and Louis express themselves to one another, the way Louis sees her-
Louis admired the way her face lit up as she stared peacefully at the stars. He studied her features in detail, basking in her beauty: the subtle blush that crept up her cheeks when she was relaxed, the small dimples that formed beside her lips when she smiled, the shine that her golden eyes held when she let herself enjoy the moment rather than dread it.
He could go on about the anthology of Clementine, but he feared he would be there all night if he tried.
-and the way she opens up to him makes me say, “These two are in love” and that’s something I cannot get enough of. 
Once more, this is a quick but incredibly sweet read and if you haven’t already checked it out, you need to. It’s a beautiful little one-shot. 
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jayjay1665 · 5 years
Strength with Scars
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Written for @stop-breaking-my-heart-telltale writing challenge Day #1 Scars
Word count: 315
Summary: Ruby checks Violet's eyesight and raises her spirits.
Violet sat on the stool in Ms. Martin’s old office, which Ruby now claimed as her own. The redhead had gone across the room to gather what was left of the antibiotics and bandages. Violet took the time to let her eyes...err… eye wander around the old room. The sight in her left eye was still blurry, but it was improving. She noticed she could now read the tattered eye chart on the wall without squinting as much.
“Ok Vi,” Ruby said as she walked over to Violet, snapping her out of her thoughts.
“Your left eye seems like it’s healing well. How’s yer vision doin’? Any better?” Ruby questioned
“Well, it’s still crap, but not as crappy so that’s a good sign.” Vi said with her usual smirk.
Ruby smiled sweetly. “That’s great sug. Now,” she said becoming a little more serious, “let’s see how the other one’s doin’.”
She reached forward and gently removed the makeshift eyepatch. Violet could make out the frown she wore while she studied the damaged eye.
“I’m pretty sure I know the answer already, but can you see out of it at all?” Ruby asked.
She tried. She closed her good eye and tried to make out something, anything, with her right one, but all she saw was inky darkness.
“No. Nothing.” She answered quietly while directing her broken gaze to the floor.
Ruby thoughtfully observed her friend’s crestfallen demeanor. Without a word, she extended her arm forward to gently place her hand on Violet’s shoulder. She waited for Vi to look her in the eyes before giving her a caring smile. A smile that spoke to Violet.
Don’t let this get you down. I know you’re stronger than any handicap.
Violet let a small smile of her own inch on her face before giving a small nod, which Ruby understood as
I won’t. I promise.
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pi-creates · 2 years
Hey! Where can I find your your fanfics! Saw you were recommended by another writer in the fandom:)
I'm Pi-in-the-Sky on AO3, and if you're on a desktop you can get linked through the "Feel like Reading?" link under my tumblr header.
I really appreciate the interest, by the way ❤
Pre-warning that I haven't posted/updated any fics in quite a long time, and my attempts at returning to writing haven't been in the twdg field (I have been infected with Dragon Age madness) so I'm unsure if my half-finished twdg stories will be completed.
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deeahzee · 4 years
a yo yo yo yo yo what time is it?
Request Time
i’ve hit a stumpy stump wump and would appreciate it if you’d send in some twdg headcanon/fanfic ideas :>
so hit me up with an ask and send those requests in!!
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cheeseboi420 · 5 years
uwu shameless self promo for my ao3 (and also this blog lol)
Hi!! I’m Nick! I use copious amounts of owo faces, and also write a lot of reader insert fanfics! I was hoping to promote some of the fics that i’ve already written! Here’s a preview of my most recent three!
Reactive Psychosis - Kyle Spencer x Reader
Grief is never easy to deal with. It's especially not easy when you swear you can still see his face some days.
Ménage à Trois - Countess  Elizabeth x Reader x James Patrick March
The Hotel Cortez is a terrible place to look for love, but you didn't exactly come here looking for it. It found you. Twice. Unfortunately.
First - Steve Harrington x Reader
You loved Steve Harrington. How unfortunate that maybe you still do.
My upcoming works will probably be mostly Stranger Things (once season 3 comes out lol), Detroit Become Human, TWDG, Life is Strange, Into the Spiderverse, and maybe AHS if I get back into it.
Feel free to submit requests, for fics or headcanons! I can’t guarantee I’ll do them but I’ll for sure read and appreciate them ^w^
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rainbows-fanfics · 5 years
I ended up here after completing the most recent walking dead telltale. I desperately needed new content. I sampled many fanfics- wattpad ones, a few on here. None- NONE - encapsulated the characters the way you have here. I see you haven’t written any since February of this year. I hope you decide to do more. And until then I’ll relentlessly read what you’ve gifted me in your previous chapters. Thank you for writing... I hope you do more 💓
Oh, thank you so much!! Honestly, I tend to forget about some fics I’ve made, but I loved writing for TWDG! Unfortunately, things just weren’t the same after the whole “Telltale going bankrupt” situation, and now that the game series has ended, I just don’t feel a great urge to write as much as I did when the final season was in progress.
I think I still have a WIP of one chapter I was in the middle of writing somewhere, but I’m not sure if it’ll ever be finished. But thank you so much for these kind words, and I’m glad you enjoyed my story!! I really appreciate it!
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darling-clemmy · 6 years
Grateful (TWDG ClemxLou)
A/N: Hi! This is my first ClemxLou fanfic so I’m not sure how great it’ll be but thank you for giving it a try and reading it! Btw Marlon is still alive in this because I want them to be happy.
Warnings: A little swearing
Word Count: 996
In a world as corrupt as the one they were living in, where people were being eaten and thoughtlessly murdered, it was difficult for Clementine to feel grateful most days. Her life became a routine the moment her long-time babysitter turned into a walker—a routine of wake up, just survive, and repeat. It was tiring, and once she reached the age of about twelve, left alone with a helpless baby, she didn’t know if it was even worth it. That is, until she’d look at that baby, clumsy and somehow hopeful, and realize that she was alive for more than just herself. She was alive for him, just to make it through.
AJ was her best friend, even though conversations between a child and a teenager become dry over time. He had stuck around longer than anybody else had—Lee, Christa, Luke, Kenny, Javi. Not like he had too much of a choice, though. It was acknowledged and appreciated by the two that both of them wouldn’t be alive without the other. AJ for pure survival, and Clem for her happiness.
She never thought she’d be as grateful for anyone else as she was him. Even if they found a group, they’d probably end up leaving, or dying, like everybody else did around Clementine. So, in her drowsy state, seeing AJ being taken by somebody who wasn’t her and waking up in a foreign place only to be welcomed into one scared her. And not much scares her.
Until the trench coat-clad, piano playing boy turned his head and looked at her. Compared to most others, he didn’t look broken. Maybe it was just hidden beneathe those freckles and that way too charming toothy grin. Whatever it was, Clementine was drawn to him, despite how hard she tried to repress it. That feeling of turbulence, chaos occurring in her head would not leave for the life of her. He, in such a short amount of time, somehow convinced her to think of the world differently.
“This moment is the only thing any of us got.”
It broke the cycle of her thinking surviving and living were simply synonyms. Surviving was eating rabbit stew for weeks, patching up your own bullet wounds, always having somebody on watch. Living was the echo of Louis’ serenades to her when she couldn’t sleep, the jokes with Violet, seeing AJ understand something he claimed he never would. To her, there was a clear difference, and she had no idea how she had never noticed it until after that moment with Louis. She had so much to thank him for. So much that she didn’t think she’d ever be able to express.
She cautiously turned the dulled knob to the music room, the squeak of the hinges whirring a knot in her stomach. She should’ve been used to it, seeing as she’d been spending most late nights and early mornings in there recently with the company of Louis. He would listen to her stories as she would his music for hours and hours.
He finished playing one last chord before gazing over at the girl, putting on a fake pout. “So sorry that had to be your entrance, that chord was sloppy.”
The corners of her mouth flipped up. “I’d never think of your playing as bad. Even if you think it is, Louis.”
“Well, I’m glad to be of service,” he smiled. “What would you like to hear today, princess? Beethoven? Maybe some Bach, just to be crazy with it?”
“Instead of playing,” she took a seat close to him on the bench. “I thought we could just talk. I’m sure the rest of Ericson is tired of the piano, anyway.”
He brought a hand to his heart. “That may be the most hurtful thing ever said to me. And trust me, Marlon and I were ruthless to each other as kids.”
She stared at him, mouth sporting a teeny, tiny grin. “You know I’m your biggest fan.”
“Why, of course, Clem. And for that, my fingers won’t tickle the ivories for the duration of our talking.”
Glancing at the hardwood floor, she admitted, “I just wanted to say thank you. For everything.” She moved her amber eyes to meet his. “I kind of don’t know what I’d do without you.”
His face lit up like a beacon. Jokingly, Louis said, “You sure about that? You made it a pretty long time without me.”
Clementine laughed softly. “Well, I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t in my life right now.”
The moon illuminated through the large windows, bouncing off the dark, oak piano while Louis stayed silent for a moment. His silence made her nervous, but excited.
“You’re, like, really gorgeous, Clem. You know that?” Louis finally said, face going white quickly after. “Shit, I didn’t mean to be so blunt about it.”
To quiet him, she put her hand atop his between them. His hand was warm, knuckles course from years of hardship between instruments and zombies. He glanced from their hands to her face and stopped talking.
“I like honesty,” she told him. “Thank you, Louis. Nobody’s ever said that to me.”
“Seriously? I don’t really know how. Not even that Gabe kid?” He gaped, genuinely confused at the girl in front of him.
“Not even that Gabe kid.”
“He really should have, then. I guess he didn’t know what he was missing out on. It’s really a shame tha—“
Clementine shushed him with a kiss, reaching up to the nape of his neck and pulling him down with both hands. He was still for a moment, but almost immediately kissed back and placed his hands gently around her torso and back.
She eventually pulled away shyly, leaving him lingering for a moment, the feeling of her mouth on his replaced with cool air.
“Holy shit,” he beamed, broken out into a whole smile.
“Holy shit,” Clementine replied, admiring his ecstasy over the seemingly simple thing, a kiss.
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Hey y’all I wrote a Violetine one-shot and would really appreciate it if y’all checked it out. I LOVE TWDG so I just thought I’d share my story if any of you guys would be interested in reading. I’ve also written a novel story on the same platform but yeah. Again, I would appreciate it if you checked it out. Thanks!
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the-queen-piece · 6 years
3-Part Clouis Fanfic!
I just finished writing my 3-part Clouis fanfic called “Is Taking a Walk considered a date”? And don’t worry- They’re not only taking a walk.
It’s cute, it’s safe for work and it’s more cheesy fluff than anything and I would really appreciate it if people read it!
Please keep in mind that english is not my mother tongue, I am actually german and thought writing in english would be a great practice and a great way for more Clouis shippers and TWDG fans to read it!
I posted it on wattpad, the link is right here:
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donnie-simp-lord · 6 years
A quick word..
I know I haven't spoke too much on the whole Telltale/TWDG thing, but I am now.
I'm gonna miss this game so much, every day I will. I watched clem grow up and raised her, heck, we all did and knowing she won't get a proper ending hurts.
But I am not bitter, I understand what happened and my hearts going out to every employee working, or did work for telltale, I hope they find work very soon and continue their passions..
@telltalegames, thank you for everything, for giving us lee, Clementine, kenny, javí, Gabe, luke, and many others. We appreciate it all and love you so much, I do. You gave me Clementine, a girl who quickly became my idol and figure as the game progressed, a bisexual icon as well, you made me be so absolutely proud of being bisexual, sharing the same with clem. I love you guys so much, I greatly appreciate all the hard work you've given us, the tears i was taken from from this wonderful game. There's never enough words to show how much I loved this game and company.
In addition, maybe this won't be so bad with only episode two coming out..
Because... Clem doesn't die, louis and violet and AJ don't, (at least to my hope), and they can live their days out at the school still.
Clem's story maybe rushed to an end, but it doesn't have to be the end.
"but?? It's cancelled? How can this game go on?"
It can go on through us, our fanfics, our headcanons, drawings, everything we do for Clementine and AJ, louis, violet and the whole game itself.
The game may have been cancelled, Clem's story rushed to an ending, but it can live on as long as we all are still here, to still love and appreciate the work we all fell for 6 years ago.
Thank you, telltale, thank you so much for this wonderful thing you've given us.....
"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." 
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I’d like to start something new. 
I always said that I wanted to compile a masterlist of some great fics that I’ve read within our community, but when I look at my huge ass TBR list, I say “Haha I’ll, uh, get back to you-” so I’m making it easier on myself: I’ll read and review 3-5 fics at a time, that way the posts aren’t too long and so that I can put more effort into reviewing them without being overwhelmed. 
We have plenty of negativity that likes the rear it’s ugly head within this community and it’s nonsense. We should be focusing that energy into better things, like giving credit to the creative minds that we’re lucky to have around us. I want to take some time with these posts and give the writers we have in the fandom the love and appreciation they deserve. 
[*note: if any of these authors are on tumblr, please let me know so that I can tag them since I can’t seem to find them anywhere. Or, y’know, if YOU are the author, let me know so I can tag you!]
Tick of Time by Vodnici 
This is a Lousim story that I’ve talked about a couple of times on this blog and I’ve done so for a very good reason: It’s adorable and I love it. 
"Tick of Time” is about Louis realizing that Aasim needs glasses and the lengths he goes to find him a pair. 
Aside from it being one of the few lousim stories on AO3, this summary was enough to draw me in a read. Don’t know if you know this about me, but I’m a sucker for Aasim with glasses.
While this story is indeed super cute, it also has an interesting depth to it when it comes to Louis and Aasim’s characters. I love the way Louis pays particular attention to Aasim [admires him from afar, you could say, hm?] and his habits before realization dawns on him and he goes out of his way to look through every drawer in Ericson to find a working pair of glasses, and going as far as traveling outside of the school on the hunt for some, showing a dedication to helping Aasim see to read and write again, something that has a deeper effect on him that comes into play later in the story. 
Louis’ teasing yet genuine nature is incredibly sweet, and Aasim’s written incredibly well. Their banter at the end is, again, very sweet and funny. One of my favorite bits:
  Louis watched his fascination with a small, happy and relieved smile. Then the joy turned to playfulness. “Wait, I have something.” His hand dug into his pocket and retrieved a folded piece of paper, which he held out to Aasim.
  Confused, Aasim took the paper and unfolded it. He scanned over it, and the confusion immediately turned to exasperation. He pursed his lips and turned to Louis. “I do not look like a nerd!”
  “Ah, the glasses work perfectly, then. Excellent.”
The writing style is light and enjoyable, the descriptions beautiful, and it brings to light something that would actually happen to someone in the apocalypse. Writing and documenting everything is important to Aasim and a key part of his character, and for something such as poor eyesight to get in the way of that is tragic. I’m glad this addresses that while keeping everyone in character and providing some cute lousim content. 
I highly recommend this to anyone looking for some lousim goodness with some heart. I mean, I keep going back to it. This is probably the fourth or fifth time I’ve read it. 
Make You Feel My Love by shadows_unnoticed
Long, strong arms slowly wrapped around Clementine’s waist suddenly and began to hold her tightly, breaking her from her train of thought. She then felt lips graze against her cheek, a soft kiss being planted there. She turned her head slightly to find Louis staring at her with that fond look in his eyes as he rested his chin on her left shoulder.
THIS is the clouis content I LIVE for. 
That’s just a taste of the beautiful writing this has to offer. 
 “Make You Feel My Love” takes place after the events of the season where Clementine’s getting used to her new prosthetic leg. Louis asks her to meet him in the music room one night, since they’re “due for a second date.” 
I love everything about this one-shot. The writing in this is beautiful. I know I just said that but I’m saying it again because I need you to understand how much I love the writing. It’s fluffy, it’s breathtaking, it’s funny, it’s sweet, it’s a hundred other adjectives that I could list but won’t. 
And it that doesn’t convince you to read this, then allow me to give you this: Louis and Clementine slow dancing together while Louis sings to her. 
That’s the level of beauty we’re talking here. 
This is a story that keeps Louis and Clementine in character. You can feel the love they have for each other in the way they speak and act together. This story is one that I can visualize in my head as I’m reading it and I LOVE stories like that. The descriptions of the environments are gorgeous, and the little tidbits of humor sprinkled in makes my cheeks hurt from the strain of smiling. 
I could go on and on about how in love I am with this story, but I don’t want to spoil too much. If you haven’t read it yet, I HIGHLY recommend you check it out. You won’t be disappointed. In fact, you’ll probably be a mess of giggles and feelings like I am right now. 
Flowers by ToTheMax @bloodyflashlight
The lack of briolet stories hurts my soul.
However, we do have this masterpiece. 
Violet stopped herself at the last second from stammering out another ‘uh, yeah’ and crossed her arms. “I was just… thinking, you know?”
“You do a lot of that lately.” Brody sat back down, motioning for Violet to come sit near her, to which the girl obeyed. They sat next to each other, Brody���s elbow resting on Violet’s leg as she knotted the flower stems together to finish the crown. “What are you thinking about?”
“Um… you.” Violet pulled her other knee that Brody wasn’t leaning on up to her chest, resting her arms on top of it. “I’ve, um… been thinking about… you,” she clarified, albeit hesitantly.
“Flowers” is a short little one-shot but oh, it’s beautiful. Honestly, I almost see it as more of a character study? Maybe? 
It’s about Violet and Brody fishing in the spring and Brody keeps getting distracted with all the flowers blooming and decides to make some flower crowns, but its focus is more on Violet’s feelings towards Brody. 
It’s as sweet and pure as it sounds, but it also gives an interesting look in Violet’s character and explores the idea of Brody surviving Marlon’s blow to the head and how the two of them grew near inseparable afterward.
There’s just something so soft about the way this was written. The little details of them leaning into each other, the flower crowns, the raw emotions presented from them both- it’s enchanting! Upon rereading this, I actually went back and read it AGAIN because I want more of it! 
Seriously, if ToTheMax ever wanted to take this one-shot and write a full-blown story around it, I would probably cry. 
Again, I don’t want to get too into this one because it’s a story that you should experience for yourself. Even if briolet isn’t your #1 OTP, it’s still worth looking at for the wonderful writing and terrific look at Violet’s character. 
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jayjay1665 · 5 years
Summary: Louis makes an incredible discovery about Aasim that he is not going to let go unrecognized. 
Inspired from an ask @wolfofthedead​ sent to @stop-breaking-my-heart-telltale​
Word count: 1247
Louis thought that he was hallucinating when he heard the familiar, squeaky sound originating from Aasim’s room. A sound he mainly heard from recordings. A sound he heard in person only a couple times from the school’s music teacher. A sound from a certain instrument he thought was forever lost.
While being unable to control his curiosity (and while completely disregarding all meanings of the word privacy) Louis swung Aasim’s door open with such force it banged against the wall. A startled shriek resounded from Aasim’s throat as Louis caught him red handed with a violin.
Aasim’s eyes darted from Louis’s astonished expression to the guilty instrument in his hand. Words quickly jumbled out of his mouth as he tried to explain himself.
“I…T-this...uh.. It’s not... I was just..”
Aasim didn’t get a chance to form a legitimate explanation before Louis suddenly charged at him with the most ecstatic expression he’s ever seen and grabbed a hold of his shoulders. Aasim couldn’t keep up with anything Louis was saying. The dread headed boy was rapid firing questions left and right. He was speaking with such excitement, Aasim felt the need to make him calm down before he strained himself. But he froze when the only part of the word vomit he could understand left Louis’s mouth.
“We have to play a song together!”
Aasim immediately shoved Louis off and told him there was no way as he put the violin back in its respective case. “Look, just forget about it, okay?”
 Forget about it? Forget about it?? Aasim’s joking, right? How is Louis just supposed to forget this new discovery. It’s been years since he had the chance to perform with someone else. He felt a little raincloud sprinkle sadness over his thoughts as he remembered the others they lost.
He used to accompany Erin when she played “Danny Boy” on her flute. He played alongside Trey as he strummed “Amazing Grace” on his guitar. And need he mention Minnie?
He shook slightly his head to disperse the memories. Aasim just wants him to just move on and go about his day after this incredible discovery? Not a chance.
“Forget about it? Are you crazy?! This is the biggest musical discovery in Ericson history and you want me to just forget it?” Louis exclaimed as he put his hands on his hips. Aasim didn’t bother to conceal his eye roll as he responded. “Yes. Forget about it. It’s not even a big deal. Besides... I haven’t practiced in years, and.. the thing’s barley in tune. It won’t even sound good anyway.” Aasim dismisses with a wave of his hand as he tries to walk past Louis. But the dread headed boy immediately blocks his path with a determined expression plastered on his freckled face. “There is no way you and I are just brushing this off! Aasim listen to me. I don’t think you understand how amazing this is! An instrument like that lasting so long in this world. The fact that it’s still playable is just short of a miracle!” Louis crosses his arms over his chest. “So, there is no way, not a chance, I am just gonna let that instrument sit in a box and turn into dust.”  
Aasim lightly pinches the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger as he lets out an exasperated sigh. He knows there’s no way Louis is going to let this go. If he doesn’t agree now, he knows Louis is going to continue to pester him hour after hour, day after day, until he gives in. In Aasim’s mind, there were only two solutions: Agree to perform or live the rest of his life with Louis’s constant begging. And judging by the small headache that was already starting to form, he knew which decision would be easier.
“Fine…” Aasim groaned as he took the violin out of its case once again. He then turned to Louis, looked him straight in the eyes, and pointed his index finger into his chest. “But if you tell anyone about this, I swear I will- Agh!” Louis gave him no time to finish his threat before the hyperactive pianist seized his arm and speedily dragged him to the piano room.
Louis quickly sat at his piano bench and readied his hands on the keys before turning to Aasim with that same ecstatic expression. “Okay, okay, what should we play? What songs do you know?” he asks while practically bouncing in his seat.
Aasim nervously scratched the back of his neck. Well... he only remembered one song. A song he remembers hearing Louis play many times before.
“Well... I only remember one. You know Debussy’s “Claire de Lune” right?” Aasim could already answer his own question when he saw Louis raise an eyebrow.
“Uh, you know who you’re talking to, right?” he replied lifting his leg over the piano bench to look square on. “I’ve played just about every classical song the music teacher had to offer. And considering what a classical aficionado he was, that’s pretty much all of them.” he finished with a cocky smile. Aasim responded with yet another eye roll. “Ugh. Alright, whatever. Can we just get this done?” he glanced back at the doors to make sure no unwanted visitors had arrived. Louis nodded eagerly and faced the piano again. Aasim stepped closer so he was beside the piano. He shakily raised the bow to the strings of the instrument that got him in the situation. Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, he began to play the song.
Aasim found himself relishing in the pleasant sound strings and the bow made as they met each other again after being separated for years. The smell of the old wood helped calm his nerves. It reminded him of is old house. More memories came as the two musicians progressed. He remembered how his mom used to hum the song when he had trouble sleeping. He remembered watching his dad perform for him on the small keyboard he kept in the back room. The memories flowing through his mind helped him play more confidently as the song reached its climax. He felt himself getting lost in the song. The music whisking him away to a peaceful state. No walkers. No struggling to survive. Just peace. And judging by the way Louis was playing, he was there too. Without even looking at him, Aasim could tell he was putting everything he had into this performance. It was evident by the way the graceful notes followed after one another like gentle waves in the middle a calm ocean.
The song soon came to an end as the final note resonated throughout the room. Afterwards, the two found themselves in comfortable silence. After taking a few breaths, Aasim opened his eyes, not remembering when he had shut them. He slowly turned his head to look at Louis. His hands were still resting on the keys. His eyes were shut and a content smile adorned his face. He took a deep breath through his nose, and let it out through his mouth in the form a satisfied sigh. He tilted his head in Aasim’s direction and opened his eyes. Aasim was surprised to see tears glazing the young man’s caramel colored eyes. Louis took another breath before uttering an almost inaudible “Thank you.”
Aasim let a smile grace his own lips before responding with a soft “Your welcome.”
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[note: if any of these authors have tumblrs and I’ve haven’t found them, please let me know so I can tag and give them credit!]
Recovery by essencede
He then stops, letting his hands fall on the keys, letting the sound ring out longer than usual. She leans into him, looking up at this dark eyes.
"Beautiful," she comments, unsure if she's complimenting himself or his playing. He quirks an eyebrow, asking the same question. Both, she decides. "You and your playing," she answers, looking at his freckles.
Christ, she loves them. And that smile. She kisses his cheek, expressing her inner thoughts. He holds her chin with his hand and kisses her lips instead. He will always love touching her, feeling her warmth against his. The way their lips collide, cleanses his mind and pushes his pain away for a while.
“Recovery” is a beautiful compilation of moments between Clementine and Louis after he loses his tongue. This one-shot has everything I could want in a clouis + tongueless Louis story: angst, fluff, cuddling, smooching, tears, all rolled up in one fic and it’s as heartbreaking as it is captivating. 
It delves into what we didn’t get to see between Clementine and Louis as Clem’s wracked with guilt over her choices leading to Louis’ capture and mutilation and Louis coping with the trauma he suffered at the hands of the delta, as well as adapting to living without physical words. 
The writing is engaging, the descriptions beautiful enough to paint pictures of what’s happening which adds to the angst but also to the softer, more intimate moments. I particularly love the little bit where Louis leads her to the piano so that he can play for her, it’s an incredibly sweet moment that shows Louis still has the brightness in him that shines through his smile.
If you haven’t read this one, I highly recommend doing so. It’s completely worth it and it’ll give you your angst/comfort fix if that’s what you’re into. 
Mini Muses: Nock Nock by  Pi_in_the_Sky
“How about a bet?”
“A bet?” This is new... he knows she’s not above some good-natured banter, but bets and challenges were more of a Marlon, Louis, and Violet thing. And half those bets ended up with the loser doing something humiliating or taking on more chores.
“We go hunting, and whoever brings in the most game wins... and the loser has to do three things for the winner.”
“Nock Nock” is one of a one-shot collection and a story that I’ve been eyeballing ever since it found its place on my TBR, and boy, am I glad I finally sat down to read it. 
I just want to start off by saying that everyone should read this regardless if you ship clemsim or not.  While the clemsim within the story is adorable and Aasim’s feelings about her are wonderfully portrayed in-character, it also has another element to it that is so very important: Clementine being able to walk again. 
Trust me on this one. You HAVE to read it. 
Anyway, this story is beautiful in every shape and form. It’s rare to read something strictly from Aasim’s POV, which I’m not complaining because the execution of it is perfect and a nice change of pace. 
The writing style is not only strong but so damn enjoyable, too. There’s so much personality to it that you can just TELL this is Aasim’s POV. Not only that but the way the world is explained through his eyes and how Clementine is coping without her leg is something you would see right out of the canon game. 
I don’t want to say TOO much about it because this is another one of those stories that you need to read because no matter how much I explain how amazing it is, you won’t know the level I’m talking unless you’ve read it yourself.
 Again, even if you’re like, “Yeah, but Clementine and Aasim?” YES, Clementine and Aasim! They’re fucking cute in this! Super damn cute! And their established relationship is believable and written super well! 
This is a must-read! 
Also, can I just-  As they approach the gate Louis whistles loudly from the lookout tower. “I told you Aasim was smitten,” the boy yells loud enough for Aasim’s hair to bristle, “Willy, you owe me your pillows!” -Louis, you and your damn pillows I stg 😂😂😂
a day lasts like a second to breathe by  peachplease @zvkos
“Okay. That’s okay,” he reassures her, rubbing her back gently. “Everything’s okay. You’re okay. A.J’s safe, you’re safe, everyone’s okay.” Louis continues rubbing her back in soothing patterns and reminding her she’s okay, she’s safe, until her breathing starts to calm down.
Clementine focuses on the feeling on Louis’ hand on her back, lets his calm voice lull her nerves until her rapid heartbeat slows to its normal pace. Finally, she can breathe again. She inhales air like she was stuck under the waves of a turbulent ocean and has finally broke through the surface of the water.
“Nightmare,” she manages to gasp out. “I had a really bad nightmare.” A warm droplet rolls down her cheek.
“a day lasts like a second to breathe” is a one-shot that I can remember reading a long time ago when there were only a couple pages of clouis fanfics on AO3. It’s stuck with me since then.
It’s another one that I’ve gone back and reread a few times now because I just love it to death. 
It’s a story of Clementine waking from a nightmare and Louis comforting her and it’s as sweet as it sounds. I mean, this fic is just soft, but it also has some humor to balance it out with the comfort and the cuddling. There’s the hint of angst [y’know, with the nightmare] but it’s not overwhelming and adds to the overall story in a positive way. 
The writing style is a delight to read with stunning descriptions, Louis and Clementine are completely in character and the chemistry between them is strong, endearing, and overflowing with love. Not only that, but Louis never fails to make me laugh in this. I won’t spoil it, but a certain little bit cracks me up every time.
This is an older fic [published back in October 2018] but if you haven’t checked it out yet, you’re missing out on some of the cutest cuddling clouis has to offer! 
Honestly, for me, this story is a classic. It reminds me of the times where I was just a lurker on here and within the community, reading as many clouis fics as I could but too nervous to comment or make content. This is one of the stories that made me want to create, as well, and because of that, it holds a dear place in my heart.  It’s another must-read and it deserves every ounce of love that it gets.   
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