#twst yew
alexglitches · 2 years
Aesthetic Trainer Family
yup yup :3
tell me if i missed any of them cuz there is a lot of them :)
Mushroom Aesthetic Yuu - THE ICON, THE LEGEND, Ohana's child and cousin to Yuurei, making them Yew's nibling. Yua specializes in Pokemon that look like mushrooms, they have a Parasect, Morelull, Foongus, Breloom and Gloom
Bakery Aesthetic Yuu - mmmmmmmmm yes, Yimi is the half-sibling of Yulette, they're cousins to Yew and Ohana that live in Kalos. Yimi specializes in sweet pokemon, they have a Swirlix, Alcremie, Vanillite, Fidough, Cherubi and Appletun
Octopus Aesthetic Yuu - Yuula is Yuurei's cousin and twin to Yuufa (sea aesthetic yuu) and they have pokemon that look like octopi, Octillery, Grappoloct, Inkay and Tentacruel
Sea Aesthetic Yuu - Yuufa is Yuula's twin and they specilize in Water-type pokemon/marine based pokemon
Spooky Aesthetic Yuu - YUUREI MY PRECIOUS BABEYYYY, is Yew's child, they specialize in Ghost-types, they have a Trevenant, Litwick, Banette, Mimikyu and Hisuian Zorark (if you really wanna ignore the fact that it's technically extinct)
Professor Aesthetic Yuu - Yew, Yuurei's parent, they're a professor that specializes in fossil pokemon (like gary in the anime), they have an Aerodactyl, Archeops, Carracosta, Aurorus, Tyrantrum and Rampardos
Cute Eldritch Aesthetic Yuu - a cute yuu with eldritch god-like beings, their name is Yulette (half-sibling to yimi, related to others through step-parentage) and Yuurei looks up to them a lot, they also have a Banette named Dolly and a Mimikyu named Spooky, but also add in Sushi the Giratina and Mr.Snuggles the Eternatus
Alola Professor Aesthetic Yuu - OHANAAAAAAAAA, Yew's sibling, Yuurei's their nibling (and is this close 👌 to adopting riddle)!! They're in Alola and specialize in studying regional variants and how climates/weather changes a pokemon's type, they have a Bewear, Bewear's child Stufful is Riddle's emotional support stufful.
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rosedere · 3 months
Hi!! Can i request yan azul forcing you to have relationship with him. And the darling is yuu in twisted wonderland world while she's already can't leave to her world. She's sad that she can't go to her world anymore. But still trying to survive there, but she's just not want to be in the relationship with someone.
Anyway, thank you so much if you read and make this request. I really really love your works on ao3 and really happy you active on tumblr too. Have a nice day and keep healthy 🫶
👀👀👀 ooh that’s a juicy request anon! (esp since I just finished book 3 on my main acct im rolling on the floor the yan potential Azol has <3)
Azul was tending to the monstro lounge reports when he felt something... off.
Dropping the intricate fishbone pen, he listened to the normally bustling hallway full of chatter and dishes clanking.
"(Name) darling," he called, still looking down at the current equation for calculating how much inventory he'd need for the upcoming month.
He peeked up to see no one in the VIP room.
You left.
You left him.
He quickly strided out of the lounge towards the kitchen.
The servers and cooks, enslaved by golden contracts, were still diligently working, stressed out, trying to fulfill the orders as they should.
But you weren't there.
His mind was racing as he began his journey to the lounge, where the loud sounds of customers chatting were heard.
The dim, soft, deep violet lights shone down on him as he scanned the restaurant.
But searching amongst the different dorm uniforms and students, you weren't there. His pearl.
But his red herring was seen when he saw the ramshackle prefects annoying talking beast sitting at the bar across from Floyd, who had an extremely annoyed expression as the small gluttonous vermit shoveled desert after desert into his small mouth.
That thing never came to the lounge.
A few seconds later, he saw your other annoying friend with his red hair bouncing up and down as he shook hands with Floyd, having an unheard discussion away from Earshot.
His competition.
He scowled, but he did notice your friend seemed extremely nervous, fidgeting, looking around the packed lounge.
Azul's eyes met your red-haired friend's, causing him to freeze in place.
He only shifted before looking uncomfortablely towards a corner of the room.
Azul followed where he was looking but could only see your hair swaying as you ran on shaky legs towards the exit to the lounge.
Your friend, realizing what he had done, only looked in worry as he ran towards the exit after you, grabbing your direbeast by the neck to its annoyance.
Azul only ran like his life depended on it as he tried to dodge the busy lounge goers in the way.
A few looked up in confusion as Azul passed by.
He suddenly ran into the chest of your tall beastman friend.
"Watch where you're going," Azul spat before trying to bypass him.
He only felt the rough hands of the beastman grab the back of his neck, slightly lifting him up.
"You watch where you're going," he growled before tossing him back towards the floor.
"Get out of my way, or I'll have you escorted out of my establishment," Azul pointed with his cane at the beastman. "I don't allow dogs in this establishment anyway," he sneered.
"Eh might as well; she should be in the mirror by now." Jack smiled down at Azul.
With anger, Azul only pushed past the beastman, causing him to growl as Azul ran down to the hallway of Octavinelle.
It felt like the hallways took forever as he finally reached the exit to Octavinelle.
You weren't anywhere near the exit, causing Azul's heart to sink. You had somehow gotten further than the last time you ran, he recalls, when he caught you late at night trying to use the exit mirror in the hall of mirrors.
He remembered grabbing your seaweed binds and taking you back to the empty dorm room you were being held in.
You were heartbroken as he led you back to your room. He knew it wasn't ideal, but he knew if he left you in his room every day, you'd be found immediately by the nosy friends you had.
It was already hard trying to get you to sign the contract to bind yourself to him; he didn't need anymore problems.
Stepping out of the mirror, he was still met with no sign of you or your annoying friends waiting outside the mirror.
Azul's ears perked up at the sound of your wounded voice.
"Ah, just as I suspected, someone's been lying."
Jade approached from the heartslabyul mirror a few meters away. You dangled defeated in his arms with torn and tattered clothes, your knees, hands, and wrists with small cerated cuts on you.
Your head dangled down in defeat as Jade held your body in his arms.
"What the hell happened to her?" Azul scolded Jade.
"She's not mute; she can tell you herself what she did." Jade smiled, holding you up to present to Azul.
You only quivered, shaking in Jade's grasp, looking down pathetically.
"Where were you (name)?" Azul snarled, hitting you in the ribs with his cane.
You whimpered, only curling yourself into a ball.
"Let me guess you were going to run away with your friends away from me?" He sarcastically joked, "I thought you cried about hating them and wanting to go home."
Still looking down, you only stayed silent as he decided to harshly poke into your sides.
"Answer me (name)"
"I DONT WANT TO BE STUCK WITH YOU" you shouted, pointing at Azul.
"Im sick of being your toy; you just take me out whenever you remember I exist," you sobbed. "Just let me go; I won't tell anyone about what you did to me or be around Octavinelle anymore."
Azul only looked in disbelief, as if you had grown three heads.
"Im serious, you can have Ramshackle; I'll go live in another dorm if I have to," you cried loudly in the echoing hall.
Azul was quiet for a moment; it seemed that he was thinking of your offer.
Even Jade seemed alarmed at your sudden outburst as you cried with tears running down your scratched-up face and the scent of roses coming from your matted hair.
But Azul was only thinking of how sorry he was for not hiding you better.
"Jade, I can take her back." Azul sighed in defeat. "It seems I might need to use my other plan."
You thrashed in Azul's hold as he held you to his chest in a bridal style.
"I'll take you a warm bath and give you some of this," he cooed as he pulled a vial from his breast pocket.
Your eyes widen in horror when you realize what he was threatening you with.
"I just can't have those pesky friends of yours finding you once more, my pearl," he combed his fingers in your hair as he began to walk towards the octavinelle mirror.
"I know you'd be a beautiful attraction to the Monstro Lounge Aquarium."
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naumala · 1 month
skipped out on twst for 2 weeks and almost missed the best cards the game ever made
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geminiiviolets · 2 years
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Name: Sybil Yew
Age: 17
Gender: Demigirl (she/they pronouns)
Sexuality: Sapphic
Birthday: December 28 (Capricorn)
Species: Human
Homeland: ?
Height: 175 cm (5’9’’)
Eye colors: Blue on left, yellow on right
Hair color: Black
Distinctive traits: Heterochromia
Additional notes/characteristics: Terrible posture when sitting down, likes to wear shirts with logos of various bands and dark colored jeans when not in uniform
Description: Sybil is a curious, introverted member of Ignihyde. While most people don’t know much about her, she leads a far different life online as a member of a deep web hacking group called 0racle. As a part of 0racle and one of its founders, she devotes herself to solving internet mysteries through hacking and digging through endless pages of content. Outside of 0racle, and back in reality, Sybil is known mostly for being rarely seen outside of class (it’s rumored that some Ignihyde students have a “Sybil Sighting” board somewhere in the dorm). The only sign that she’s still at NRC is the furious keyboard typing that can be faintly heard from her room and the occasional sound of a synthesizer - but that usually ends with a loud slam and the typing resumes shortly thereafter.
Flaws: Easily frustrated, doesn’t like to step out of their comfort zone, quick temper and highly confrontational when angry.
Fears: Being without any friends, losing everything
Talents: Puzzle solving, giving advice to people when they have to make hard choices
Family: mother, father, no siblings but a lot of cousins
Backstory (???): Sybil was born into a semi-stable family, however her parents divorced a few years after her birth and Sybil lived with her mother for the rest of her childhood, while her father moved far away. Her mother raised Sybil well and from an early age, taught Sybil to be curious about the world around her. As Sybil grew older, she became fascinated with mysteries and would try to solve any she could find. Eventually this led to Sybil discovering the vast amount of mysteries and lost content on the internet. Sybil slowly went down rabbit-hole after rabbit-hole in order to solve these, but most leading to a dead end. To get further in her amateur sleuthing, she started to learn the art of hacking in order to access more parts of the internet. She found a few friends online with similar interests, and they formed a group that would later be called 0racle. This group focused primarily on solving complex and strange mysteries, although in recent years they’ve strayed a bit from their original intentions, hacking into various databases and large websites, hoping to gain some attention. During Sybil’s childhood and early teen years, she was the center of quite a bit of bullying from other children in her hometown. This continually harassment made it hard for Sybil to make friends outside of the computer, and they hoped that by going to NRC, she would be able to escape these people. So far, Sybil’s years at NRC have been interesting and she’s learned many valuable things, although recently they’d rather stay in their room than go to class.
Dorm: Ignihyde
Class: 3-D
Grade: Junior
Best subject: Practical Magic
Worst subject: Physical Education
Club: Band (doesn’t play a traditional instrument but instead DJ’s and works with electronic drum machines)
Likes: Nighttime, electronic music, machines
Dislikes: Summer, Savannaclaw, Magicam drama
Favorite food: Strawberries and blueberries
Least favorite food: Mustard
Hobbies: Hacking, sleeping, playing video games (mostly RPGs), attempting to make music, solving online mysteries
“Guidance Through The Crossroads”
When the user of this spell is faced with a difficult decision, whether it be their decision or not, using this spell will summon an image of something that should provide guidance for making the decision. The images summoned are highly vague and up to the user to interpret correctly.
Idia: “Can’t stand him. I know we share similar interests but he always seems kinda pathetic to me… I probably shouldn’t be saying that about my dorm leader.”
Ortho: “He’s nice enough, I guess. I don’t really talk to him too much to be certain”
Enya (@windbornearchon): “They’re pretty cool. I think we’re good friends, and I appreciate them a lot.”
Aimée (@starry-night-rose): “She’s really pretty but also kind of terrifying. I have absolutely no clue how or why she’s in Ignihyde but I’d like to talk to her more in the future.”
Circe (one of my ocs) : “Who?…Oh wait, you mean the crazy second year who turned himself into a cat? Yeah, I try to stay far away from anybody in Pomefiore.”
༉‧₊˚✧ TRIVIA
• Sybil has never been in a romantic relationship, however she has had multiple crushes on various girls at NRC and she actually figured out she was sapphic because of a crush they had during their first year.
• She’s never met any of the other members of 0racle in person, but they all chat regularly through a chat room that was created by another founder of the group
•People from Savannaclaw and Pomefiore both scare her and she makes it a point to try not to interact with them, Savannaclaw because they’re too competitive and violent, and Pomefiore because whenever she talks to one of them, they always (whether it be discreetly or just completely honest) comment on the dark circles under her eyes or the wrinkles in her uniform
• She swears that she has a decent sleep schedule but somehow always has dark circles under her eyes and falls asleep during History of Magic
• They fell down the stairs once in front of a lot of students and then didn’t come out of their room for a week
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rosietrace · 1 year
∅ for any or ur ocs opinions about Sybil! :]]
You got it, Basil!
Oc thoughts: Azrail Despoina on Sybil Yew
Character Featured: Azrail Despoina
Mentioned: Sybil Yew(@geminiiviolets), Idia Shroud
Warning(s): None tbh outside of potentially ooc moments
[ Apologies for any out of character moments ]
[ Reblogs > Likes ]
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♝•°•═════ஓ๑【 ♛ 】๑ஓ═════•°•♝
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳✑ Azrail Despoina, dreadful spring
“Ugh, don't get me started on Sybil…. She isn't all that different from the rest of our dorm if you ask me. Plus, they're barely around outside of class most of the time. Then again, Idia barely leaves his room, so- Ah- I digress. What I'm trying to say is that I don't mind her being around, she just needs to work on some things.”
▹ †𝆤࿙๋࿙࿚⊱【 ♛ 】⊰࿙࿚๋࿚𝆤†
➜ Azrail doesn't really care much for Sybil
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ He doesn't hold any animosity against her, he's just, like…. Really busy a lot
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ His schedule kind of prevents him from hanging out with anyone outside of his boyfriend — who happens to be his and Sybil's housewarden — and with how absent Sybil is most of the time outside of classes, that just kind of explains why they don't talk much — if at all
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ If anything, Azrail would be willing to hang around Sybil if she wasn't so keen on not attending classes
➜ Azrail's willing to help out Sybil with any subjects they're not that knowledgeable on, but is keen on making sure they return the offer
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Doesn't matter what class they're best or worst at. If Azrail's helping them out, he expects them to return the favor in some way
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ He won't automatically expect them to help him out with physical education — if anything, both of them are horrible at it
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ He just wants Sybil to, in some way, return the favor if he ever helps them out. With classes or not.
➜ All in all, I don't see them interacting much outside of the occasional mutual assistance. Azrail doesn't mind being around Sybil, he just wishes they get out of their comfort zone a little more.
♝•°•═════ஓ๑【 ♛ 】๑ஓ═════•°•♝
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foxglovepng · 5 months
*Throws my Mushu TWST Oc in your face then runs away*
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His name is Muzi (or Malik) Wu he's based off Mushu from Mulan he's a second year and since he's fae (assuming I know how Fae ages work) he's 117 (Sims 4 give me a dragon tail you fool. So pretend he has one)
He resides in the Scarabia dorm with my Mulan OC named Max
Thank yew that is all
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quartztwst · 29 days
omgee haii haii!! sry if i sent this twice i wasn’t sure if it sent the last time bc i’m not good at asks and it made me nervous huehue
BUT!! would yew like to be moots by any chance/nf i really like your content ^w^ plus i have uhh 414~ pulls saved on twst and i can give you half if you agree…heh…/silly
me rn
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Also thank u for liking my content!! We can be moots!!
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dove-da-birb · 1 year
Shameless Self-Insert Hours & Nicknames
Picrew | I list the nicknames I would use for TWST, Ikevamp & Ikepri because I would absolutely annoy the ever-living hell out of them for my own entertainment. (Picrew at the bottom)
"Wait a damn minute, this is an Otome? NOPE CAN'T CATCH ME! LATER LOSERS! PEACE!
Name; Dove
Birthday; June 30, 2001
Height; 166 cm
Dominant Hand; Right
Pronouns; They/Them
Gender; Non-binary / I'm just vibing
Sexuality; Asexual (neutral)
Romantic Orientation; Aromantic (neutral)
MBTI; bruh, idk and idc anymore, I just vibe
Enneagram; 5w6
Hobbies; writing, reading, knitting, crocheting, drawing, cleaning, dancing, singing, annoying friends
Talent; pulling stories out of thin air
Pet Peeve; getting hair in their mouth and cleaning up other people's messes
Other; Eldest of three siblings and acts as the peacekeeper of the entire family. Gots that juicy gifted kid to undiagnosed neurodivergent adult drip. Speaks English and a tiny bit of French. Swears like a sailor. Has the sides of their head shaved (undercut). Hair is a mix of 2B and 3A.
Modern Aesthetic; dark academia, art hoe, and grandparent-core
For Fantasy Games; plays with dresses and suits, mixing up the more gendered clothing
Somehow ends up going into several games that they play or are interested in. IDK man, just thought it would be fun
Nicknames they have for people;
Ace; Ass
Deuce; Deedee
Riddle; Riddler
Trey; just Trey
Cater; Cat
Leona; House cat
Ruggie; Gigi
Jack; just Jack
Azul; Adam
Jade; Florence
Floyd; Jasper
Kalim; Kal
Jamil; Millie
Vil; Queenie
Rook; Monsieur Ombre
Epel; Epi-pen
Idia; Idea, Ikea
Ortho; Son
Malleus; Tim (insert Tim 'Hornton' joke here)
Lilia; Lily
Sebek; Beckie, Beks
Silver; Silvie
Isaac; Apple tater
Arthur; just Doyle, sometimes Dodo
Vincent; Vinny
Theodorus; Dora
Dazai; Ozzi
Comte; Germs
Mozart; Zarty
Napoleon; Bonny
Sebastian; Seb
Leonardo; Lee, Finky
Jean; John
Shakespeare; Pear, Billiam, Shakes
Vlad; Lad
Faust; Jojo
Charles; Hen
Chevalier; Chevie, Cheval (horse), Computer
Clavis; Clavs, Clavicle
Gilbert; Giovanni, Bertie
Jin; Jen
Keith; just Keith
Leon; Dompy (surname)
Licht; Lick
Luke; Lulu
Nokto; Nok-nok, Toto
Rio; just Rio
Sariel; Ariel, Elly
Silvio; who? (straight up ignores him) fine fine, Silly it is
Yves; Yew
William Rex; Rexy
Liam Evans; Evs
Roger Barel; Roadkill
Victor; Tori
Elbert Greetia; Elbow
Ellis Twilight; Twilight Sparkle, Lizzie
Alfons Sylvatica; Alfie, Alf
Harrison Gray; Hare
Jude; Dude
*forgets others*
Obey Me
Lucifer; Loo
Mammon; Mams, Mammogram
Leviathan; Levi, Nerd
Satan; Nerd, Dork, Blondie
Asmodeus; Asmo, Momo
Beelzebub; Bee, Bubs, Bubbie
Belphegor; Belphewhore, Bels
Diavolo; Princess
Barbatos; Barbie
Solomon; Old Man
Simeon; Angel
Luke; just Luke
Thirteen; Lucky
Mephistopheles *idc how it's spelt*; Mepmep
Raphael; just his name
More nicknames tbd
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hyuckonia · 11 months
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alexglitches · 2 years
Hun... For some reason I see Professor Yew's Tyrantrum platonically doting on Malleus (maybe the fact that they are dragons?) since he's the only one who isn't a jerk towards Yuurei and his trainer's child simply adores Malleus.
The first time Yuurei called him Big Bro Dragapult (Maybe in the near future he can get a dreepy or maybe two) some instinct snapped in Malleus.
Even though Malleus is centuries older than Yew, this pokémon professor can't help but act parentally towards Malleus who appreciates sincere zeal and would totally blast any bully in NRC if anything happened to Yew, Yuurei and their kin AKA Aesthetic Trainer Family.
Malleus is suddenly adopted and has no idea wtf has happened but he kinda rolls with it lol
malleus then becomes the top tier big bro for yuurei, constantly covered in yuurei's flower crowns and tyrantrum cuddles lmao
all the others in the aesthetic family are 100% accepting of Malleus and immediately dub him as the Goth Trainer aesthetic
(ayo imagine malleus with pokemon like Hydreigon and Gothitelle idjksdhkslm)
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hopelessloveghost · 8 months
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nnyantendo · 10 months
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about me (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
• haii!! my name is nic/joel/killian (quite a few I know, or you can just call me nyan!), I was an artist on here back way in 2020 and I'm here to return and make a comeback because i miss being active on Tumblr 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。
• my pronouns are he/they/meow !! I do use neopronouns so neopronoun h8rs dni >_<
• im sixteen !! october 11th >_< fun fact my favorite holiday is halloween (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
• i am the host of an osdd sys, we are very much diagnosed ^_^ it's not fun or pretty and if you fantasize the disorder I encourage you to take a step back and come back to reality.
• xtras ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
• ive been doing art for most of my life, I enjoy video games (splatoon, cookie run, hoyo games, twst & danganronpa mostly), im autistic ! Very much hyperfixed on my oc dominic so he's about all I'll post >_<
• if yew have any questions about me feel free to ask em in my inbox, have a good day (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
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geminiiviolets · 11 months
I was bored so I made an alignment chart for my ocs (and how they’d write their names!)
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(side note, the “girl” and “man” line is more based off vibes than their actual gender, since most of them are non-binary anyways.)
here’s the blank template if anybody wants to do this for their own ocs!
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cottonfeltgembira · 2 years
(same anon as before) omg ur ocs all sound awesome?? big fan of the twins and yuna, i have a soft spot for complicated sibling relationships and 2000sesque fangirls!! i know yuna has nyx as designated bff but if yuna interacted with ur other ocs… how would their relationships be like? i’d love to hear ur thoughts !!!
Hehehehehe fank yew fank yew!! (●^o^●) now let's see (=^・・^=)
Yuna and Mnemosyne :
I've established them to both be Yuu's but with a twist, Mnemosyne was not supposed to arrive in twisted wonderland. Yuna was originally chosen but something (or rather someone) had gotten in the way, exchanging Yuna for Mnemosyne instead. Despite this! Yuna's arrival was never cancelled but delayed, she appears somewhere after the events of book 3.
Since Yuna is completely magicless, Mnemosyne takes on an older sibling role to make sure she's okay (knowing how chaotic NRC gets) and for Yuna, Mnemosyne becomes more an idol for her, an idea of what she could if she was stronger and braver.
Mnemosyne is essentially a mirror for Yuna (and his arrival might have something to do with the Grim Chimera vision as only Yuna received the vision and not Mnemosyne) Yuna wishes she could be just as strong and at some point in Chapter 6, feels the need to prove to him she's grown. Mnemosyne entrusts Yuna to take care of NRC in his absence as he and Epel catch onto Rook to help the captured students.
They're overall relationship is a set up if you will, for when chapter 7 arrives and NRC is faced with a more fearsome foe ( a potential overblot Malleus)
Arena and Yuna :
Priss girl meets Nerdy girl twst edition???? Arena couldn't care less but she does since Yuna's taking her spot light from being the only girl in NRC. Arena doesn't like Yuna simply because she's lesser than her while Yuna thinks she's super cool. Though she grows a bit of respect for Yuna when she helps to defeat overblot Vil
Vicus and Yuna :
FINALLY SOMEONE WHOS NOT A JERKHOLE (besides Mnemosyne and Kalim) is essentially Yuna's first impression of him. Genuinely surprised how nice Vicus is but slightly concerned cause "man I'm a bit clumsy myself but uh...isn't he a bit of a clutz??" She's still processing the fact he's Arena's twin brother but they're nothing alike. Vicus in all his simplicity, thinks Yuna is a good friend with a lovely singing voice :]
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alexglitches · 1 year
for some reason I'm laughing my ass off imagining that Professor Yew's aerodatyl shares custody of Yuurei and Yildun because when Professor Yew is too busy doing research about pokémon, taking care about other pokémon or dealing with Crowley's shit it's normal to see that professor's pokémon kids taking naps in the nest of this prehistoric pokémon that is watching over the two like a father/mother hen pokémon. lololol
GDBJKASGDJKSAHDJKSAN Aerodactyl is 100% a mom with all the other prehistoric Pokemon
any time crowley tries approaching the two, they all go protective mode and cowley is like
no no no no no so much nope
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alexglitches · 2 years
Imagine this scene: Yuurei casually playing with Yew's Tyrantrum and the pokémon affectionately licking the child making some think that dinosaur was about to devour the child.
Yew just casually brushes them off saying that this is completely normal and Tyrantrum would never hurt their child, in fact it would be the opposite with anyone trying to bully Yuurei.
So the logic in Tyrantrum's mind is basically:
Yuurei = Master's cub, protect the cub (Well, child but from the POV of a prehistoric pokémon some concepts are different)
Bullies = ENEMIES! DESTROY! (And yes, the pokémon is looking right at Crowley)
Better run b!tches lol
Tyrantrum is ready to attack anyone who makes yuurei cry!!!
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