#spooky aesthetic trainer
alexglitches · 1 year
Litwick totally enjoys absorbing the vital energy of bullies who try to pick on Yuurei and if said bullies want it to end better beg and humiliate themselves by apologizing to Yuurei. Crowley hardly has this "privilege" to get rid of Litwick's fury who simply loves to torment crow man into absorbing the jerk's vital energy.
heheheheheheh Y E S
litwick doing arceus' work out here XD
but yeah, litwick will drain the vital life force of anyone that makes yuurei upset, it's happened to everyone at least once and no one is spared
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bubblebassfatass · 5 days
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Hisuian zorua/Zoroark and my fellow spooky and ethereal girlies. (I do not know a name for this aesthetic.) but here's another trainer and pokemon moodboard
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sleeplessinunova · 9 months
Pokemon type specialist stereotypes
Normal - “I like bread” damn ur boring. Normal type. Fucking normal type. I feel bad for anyone whos tried to text you cause you’re definitely the the to reply “k” and “ig” to everything
Fire - “RAAAAHHHH” Fire type trainers have no chill and they also think very highly of themselves, unfortunately without their booties theyre useless. Never seen a fire type trainer who texted in lowercase
Water - “Guys lets swim in a thunder storm itll be ok g—“ weirdly athletic. Like ig that makes sense but alot of water specialists are more built than fighting specialists. Or you’re a jolly old fisher.
Grass - “photosynthesis is real” believes in crystal healings and also calls themselves cottagecore while living in like…lumios city. You are not “eepy” you are 26 and unemployed, take a fucking shower.
Electric - Nothing distinct from Fire type, but they don’t have to invest all their money into boots. Definitely has unmedicated adhd
Ice - “chill out! Haha…haha…ha…” you’re either old or a sadist. Theirs no in between. Like you’re either a sweet old man who loves the snow or you think that frostbite is the funniest thing since comedy, get help.
Fighting - “HIT ME!! HIT ME!! NEVER GIVE UP!!” You think you’re a shonen protag when you’re actually the comic relief. Musclehead who chugs protien shakes and punches their poliwrath for 6 hours straight before going to football practice.
Poison - “The poison is already erroding your pokemon’s poor health…” you THINK you’re the sadist ice type trainer but you’ll never be them, stop trying. You have a salazzle because otherwise a single steel type ruins your whole month
Ground - “*earthquake property damage joke*” you and the steel type trainer will not shut the fuck up about how competitive your types are. Quit your wiglett measuring contest. Meta this, meta that, have you ever MET A GIRL???
Flying - You don’t exist
Psychic - “i gaze into the great beyond” may or may not be actually psychic. You’re who the ghost girl wishes she was. But you also have your head very far up your own ass and won’t stop reliving the glory days of when your type was considered powerful. You think you’re so above everyone and you’re probably using the psychic type to have a nerd revenge fantasy against the fighting type jocks who shoved you into a locker in high school
Bug - “im no standard bug catcher” yes you are timmy shut the fuck up. You didn’t actually like bug types that much at first but you made them your entire personality when you saw how mean everyone else was being
Rock - you became the ground type trainer after realizing they were you but better
Ghost - “Guys im a ghost trainer isnt that quirky, aren’t i spooky and scary guys im a ghost trainer guys guys where are you going—“ prolly lives in a “cottagecore” house and does nothing but scroll on joltiktok. Uses aesthetic as their personality. Definitely traumatized. Wants lavender town to go back to how it was in the 90s
Dragon - “The majestic dragon can only be tamed by the strongest trainers” you want to be lance so fucking badly its pathetic. Definitely plays dnd. Definitely owns a cape and is either too ashamed to ever wear it, or wears it EVERYWHERE
Dark - “absol is just a misunderstood bapy” you think your takes about dark types are subversive when they aren’t. No one cares about how your hydreigon would “never do something like that” KAREN—wait thats an actual dark type trainers name fuck
Steel - Basically the ground type trainer. You’re also guaranteed to have a metagross and you have a framed photo of steven stone over your bed so you forget how alone you are.
Fairy - You live in delulu land. You have never left delulu land. And you’re best friends with the ghost type trainer. Take your medication sweetums.
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popatochisssp · 9 months
Aesthetics Ref - SFF Bros
Nickname: Vi (SFF!Sans)
Height: 4” taller than you (OR 5’3”)
Eye-lights: Dark violet (#9400D3)
Magic Specialty: Purple, cyan, green
Scars/distinguishing marks: Small crack above his right eye-socket, three letters etched vertically along his sternum
Preferred Style: Business casual, aiming for sleek and professional and well put together enough to blend completely into the background. He doesn’t want to stand out as anyone or anything special, but if he does happen to have someone’s attention, he wants to be entirely unobjectionable and unworthy of scrutiny, because everything about him is perfectly, neatly arranged and very boringly ‘normal.’ Favors dark colors, lots of blacks and grays with the occasional accent color or geometric pattern—within reason of course.
Outerwear: Blazers and jackets (center-clasping stand-collars are a preferred style), generally worn open
Top: Button-ups, henleys, and other such long-sleeved shirts
Bottom: Slacks and trousers mostly, with maybe one or two pairs of dark jeans in the mix that rarely see use
Footwear: Mostly boots, flat combat style by preference or balmoral style for appearances, but also has some nice wholecut shoes for when the boots don’t work with the outfit of the day
Trademark accessory/accessories: An expensive-looking black watch with a Tyrian-purple face, worn on his right wrist
Nickname: Hunter (SFF!Papyrus)
Height: 1’7” taller than you (OR 6’6”)
Eye-lights: English violet (#563C5C)
Magic Specialty: Purple, cyan, red
Scars/distinguishing marks: None
Preferred Style: Rugged bad boy…but not too bad, of course, perfectly safe and approachable. Comfort and function are more important to him than style, but he’s good at working within those confines to make himself look good, and exactly the right amount of ‘dangerous’ to be interesting but not really threatening. Tends toward natural, earthy tones (greens, grays, and browns), solid colors, and little to no ostentation.
Outerwear: Hooded jackets and sweatshirts, usually leather for his outermost and something lighter underneath, but a big fan of being able to put the hood up or down to obscure his face a little or just change his vibe from spooky to chill or vice versa
Top: Athletic shirts, usually long sleeved and thumb-holes a bonus, but a good amount of tank tops and sweaters too
Bottom: Joggers and cargo pants mostly, but some sweatpants and even a pair of shorts or two (though those are usually layered with athletic tights for running)
Footwear: Cross trainers with some hiking boots in reserve, just to be prepared for other terrains
Trademark accessory/accessories: Fingerless gloves, the kind that are open and don’t circle the base of each finger. He likes having his digits free, but his palms warm and covered
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smallestapplin · 1 year
Let’s goooooooooo
How about some theme based gym leader S/O headcanons, Authors choice on characters, go wild, feel free to make them yandere if you’d like just have fun with this one!
- Pierced Anon
Anything for you broski! I used this opportunity to write about less loved characters. ^^
- Power couple? Power couple! With Blue’s history with being a champion and a gym leader, aside from being a legend, you two are THE power couple.
- The finale gym leader to beat, strong with your typing, and strong in your theme, with your very loving boyfriend who stops by to cheer you on.
- I’m so sorry if you are a dark or ghost type gym leader, with your dark and spooky aesthetics. Blue is going to be in your gym, bright clothes, looking so out of place, as he acts as your personal cheerleader.
- “That’s right! That’s my partner! Heh, aren’t they just amazing?”
- He posts a fair bit online, and respects if you don’t want to have pictures of you posted. But he does have an entire slumber dedicated to you, and of you and your Pokémon training.
- He will make memes of the trainers you defeat, cause he’s recording the whole match, and some expressions or moments are just too funny not to!
- Buys or produces all sorts of merch themed around you, to show his love and support of his honey!
- Plus, Blue makes the perfect sparring partner. He changes up his teams, has good strategies, strong well trained Pokémon, battling against him easily prepares you for others.
- He accidentally ruins you for normal challengers, cause not many pose as much of a challenge as your boyfriend does.
- Be careful and watch which pokeballs you pick up! There have been several times you grabbed the wrong one, and brought one of his Pokémon to work instead.
- Though his Pokémon like you, so they were at least chill. You, however, we’re not chill-
- another match up! You two are quick to become a hot topic, and what most want in a relationship.
- Morty is so relaxed, so calm, but so attentive and caring, loving to hear you talk about work.
- Meanwhile you’re just opposite enough to complete him, being everything he needs and wants in a lover. Especially with the job!
- You being a gym leader is relieving, as you’ll understand his complaints, or comments on how he can improve his gym, or train.
- And since he’s a gym leader too, he can help you out a lot more than most could!
- Half the time he only had to say one word, and you’ll completely understand what he’s talking about. He loves it!
- He likes surprising you at work, when he’s in his lunch break, or day off. He’s stealthy without even realizing it, and sneaks up on everyone, scaring the daylights out of challengers and employees alike.
- But, while a subtle change, you’ll notice how his smile softens, and eyes brighten at the sight of you, as he walks over with a lunch box in hand for you.
- You both have hectic schedules, with managing your respective gyms, meetings, and taking care of the gyms upkeep. But Morty makes all the time he care for you. He’s always stopping by.
- He’s scared trainers, cause sometimes he’s the first person they will see, and think they are at the wrong gym. Only for you to pop up and greet them, making the trainer sigh in relief.
- It’s pretty common knowledge around Johto that you’re with Morty, even new people are quick to find out. Especially since you steal his scarf every chance you get.
- But Morty likes it when you steal his clothes, he thinks it’s so cute.
- He’s a decent person to train against too! He’s the fourth gym leader, and his ghosts come with a good amount of power.
- But he’s never upset when he loses, in fact he’s happy to cause that means he gets to give you kisses, for winning of course.
- this man is constantly texting you to come down to the league, just so he can get his affection, but shhh he’ll never admit it and call you the needy one.
- Both of you live pretty busy lives, but mostly you, as Grimsley mainly just sits and waits for a challenger. So you get many calls and texts from him, as you work.
- He likes face timing you and watching you battle, he likes seeing the show you put in at work. He’s your number one fan from the shadows.
- Though everyone knows.
- He’s more salty about the other league members and champion adoring you, cause they have told him if you two ever break up, they are taking your side.
- He was more offended they even thought of you two breaking up! How rude!
- His Pokémon are babies for you, and you’ve taken his Krookodile to work, cause she wouldn’t stop following you, and would sulk when you’d tell her to go back. So you were stuck with an oversized lizardy lillipup for most of the day, your challengers found it hilarious.
- Until Grimsley called you, asking for his Pokémon back.
- “Babe, I’d love to give her back to you, but you’re gonna have come down here and get her yourself. She’s cuddling me right now.”
- “Oh of course, when my Pokémon want to cuddle is ‘oh of course sweet baby’ but when I want to cuddle it’s ‘no Grimsley, you bite too much.’ How cruel.”
- “Grimmy, sweetie, I know you bite to show affection, but your teeth are sharp and biting my forearm isn’t very sexy of you.”
- Yes, these types of conversations happen regularly.
- He’s fun to train with, however he will be making it a bet, mainly cause if kisses are on the table he is not going easy, he wants his kisses damn it.
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As the holidays are approaching, I like to remind trainers not to catch or breed certain species just for the aesthetic, or for gifts. A month or two after every holiday, rescue centers get a huge influx of abandoned pokemon who were caught or bred just for those things. Living things shouldn't be reduced to property or appearances, and these Pokémon deserve better.
Although these aren't all the Pokémon in our care right now, and we might not have all of them with us at the moment, here's a list of some that we find quite commonly during and after the spooky season -
Phantump, Murkrow, Shuppet, Banette, Duskull, Dusclops, Yamask, Sinistea, Polteageist, Gastly, Haunter, Drifloon, Litwick, Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Sandyghast, Mimikyu, Dhelmise, Shedinja, Golett, Alolan Meowth, Umbreon, Poochyena, Purrloin, Nickit, Alolan Rattata, Houndour, Galarian Zigzagoon, Impidimp, Cacturn, Spiritomb, Froslass, Snorunt, Zubat, Golbat, Woobat.
If you're thinking about adopting, now is a really good time to add one of these to your family! I'll be running a series of posts talking about some harmful stereotypes, myths, and misinformation surrounding these Pokémon, and I'd like to encourage asks about them.
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apocalypta-secundus · 7 months
What Type Gym Leader Are You?
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There’s so much to love about ghost-types: they’ve got a cool spooky aesthetic with a lovely color scheme, they can be super strong in battle, and they often have plenty of fun tricks up their sleeve. You’re usually relaxed and enjoyable to be around, but you know how to get serious when you need to. Other trainers respect you, even if they're easily spooked.
(Use this creator to make your team!)
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Tagged by: @historias-multorum
Tagging: @icybreaths, @zanpakutogod, @midnightactual, @baiika, @ikurosakii, @auburniivenus, @opscurus, @uraharashouten
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class-1b-bull · 9 months
What Pokémon would fit each class b member and why? Possibly include move sets?
Not proofread we die like men
So I already did class 1B and their pokemon partners a while back but now ill do why I think that pokemon fits since I didnt do it last time. :>
I should probably do one of those pinned posts thats just a table of contents but tbh i have no idea how to do that shit lmao
Awase - honedge - vibe matches (that and if you touch the handle of a honedge it will possess your body and fuse itself with you i think im not sure lmao)
Sen - excadrill - drill lol
Kamakiri - syther - syther is just Kamakiri but pokemon
Kuroiro - mimikyu - they are both spooky on the outside but they deep down both just really want to be liked by those around them (kuroiro would be the best pokemon trainer to his mimikyu and you could not convince me otherwise)
Kendo - mienfoo - idk i just think she would vibe with a mienfoo. Not to mention they both fight with their hands (i think) so thats cool
Kodai - hatterene - hatterenes dislike loud invasive people and yui is the opposite of that. Kodai didnt pick hatterene, hatterene picked kodai
Komori - morlull - both cute mushrooms
Shiozaki - bulbasaur - its litterally called the flower dinosaur pokemon (i think) so I was either gonna put bulbasaur for Shiozaki or Tokage lmao
Shishida - denenne - I remember a scene in the pokemon anime where a big muscular guy was taken down by a tiny pokemon that could fit in the palm of his hand (it wasn't denenne but still) and idk I just went based on that and vibe
Shoda - meowstic - I picked this one entirely on the fact that meowstic can learn helping hand and idk i feel like of his quirk was a pokemon move it would be that. Also depending on the meowstics gender they could have matching color schemes
Pony - ponyta - its because theyre both ponys. (And the vibe matches honestly)
Tsubaraba - rowlett - he only got a rowlett because its a round ass bird and he wants to make angry bird jokes.
Tetsutetsu - snuffle - i really like when buff guys have small cute pets so. Plus when snuffles evolve into bewears their hug strength is enough to kill someone accidentally so with tetsus quirk he can withstand their hugs without being hurt and i think thats cute
Tokage - salazzle - this pokemon is 100% guarenteed to be a girl and its a lizard so. I hate to say that of all things was my logic fir hers but that was in fact my logic
Manga - smeargle - its litterally a monkey that makes paints with the oils in its tail. I just really like the idea of manga painting with this silly little monkey pokemon
Honenuki - sylveon- it says in the hero analysis book that honenuki is the type to easily make friends with anyone and sylveon is the friendship pokemon so ye
Bondo - goodra - in goodras pokedex entry it says that, although the pokemon is quite large, it is kind to everyone and anyone they also tend to cover their trainers in the goo that covers their bodys when they hug them. So theyre both gentle giants woth goo/glue
Monoma - ditto - copy abilitys lol
Reiko - yamask - it just seems like the type of pokemon she would have honestly, either that or an abra or some other ghost or psychic type
Rin - axew - not only is axew a dragon type (and green) which fits rins quirk and aesthetic but i read that axews often venture away from their owners for small periods of time to collect cool rocks, bottle caps and other thinks like that to gift their owners and rin would keep every little thing his pokemon gave him
Gif anime - madoka magica
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thecrystarium · 11 months
Pokémon AU: Gym Leader Type
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There’s so much to love about ghost-types: they’ve got a cool spooky aesthetic with a lovely color scheme, they can be super strong in battle, and they often have plenty of fun tricks up their sleeve. You’re usually relaxed and enjoyable to be around, but you know how to get serious when you need to. Other trainers respect you, even if they're easily spooked.
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The team is Gengar, Sableye, Drifblim, Froslass, Rotom, and Chandelure!
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@wingedasarath did this and it looked super fun, so I decided to try it out! Ghost is very fitting for Bril, she loves anything spooky!
If you want to do this, I say go ahead and try it out! It's super fun! And tag me in your posts, I'd love to see them!!! <3
Team builder: here
Quiz link: here
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ahollowgrave · 1 year
Gym Leader: Odette
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There's so much to love about ghost-types: they've got a cool spooky aesthetic with a lovely color scheme, they can be super strong in battle, and they often have plenty of fun tricks up their sleeve. You're usually relaxed and enjoyable to be around, but you know how to get serious when you need to. Other trainers respect you, even if they're easily spooked.
It's been a while since I've played a pokemon game, so I did some digging and grabbed the ones Odette would be the most charmed by.
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][ Tagged by: ][ @thefreelanceangel @dragonsongmakhali and @sealrock Thank you!! ] ][ Tagging: ][ You. Right now. ] ][ QUIZ ][ POKEMON ][
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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Hi there lovely! Here’s my information for the Sons of Anarchy Ship/Match-up
Features: I’m a female, standing at 5’6, I possess long light brown hair with a tint of redness in the sunlight. My hazel eyes change each day from green/brown to brown/gold. I have the sun and moon tattoos on my thighs, a shark up my side torso on my ribs, half an arm sleeve and a neck tattoo revealing my zodiac sign – Gemini (which I often hide) I’m slender with curves.
Hobbies: I am a workaholic; it becomes my hobby at times. I work in the funeral home, removing the deceased from the POD. I enjoy my free time spent with my dogs, my fierce Doberman and my lovable, motivating exercise collie partner. I enjoy reading all things Stephen King and James Patterson and playing any horror related video games. You guessed it, I’m a strong advocate for the horror genre, and Freddy Krueger will always have my heart. I watch SOA and SPN religiously whenever I tilly tally around the house.
Personality: Often seen as an outgoing, happy go lucky, eccentric lady (This is from first judgement from people I know) When really, I’m rather introverted and possess way too dark humour. I collect knives, different types ranging from a replica of the SPN demon blade, to a jungle machete. These are all encases in a glass shelf, only used for display. I love to make others laugh, and I’m incredibly loyal to those I care for. I don’t practice religion (I support others who do) as the only thing I believe in, is the reaper.
Aesthetics: Not sure if this is a term but my house is very much cabin like. Wooden beams, brown features, brown clocks with black accents. I love this kind of theme, heavily decorated with green plants and fish tanks.  
Likes: Lover of being at home, with my man and the dogs. Also a lover of all things spooky. I enjoy long hot showers with my candles lit in the shower itself, It’s so peaceful. I love to read, whether it be books in my hand or online. Sadly, I am a smoker, so my time alone on my patio having a cig is therapeutic to me. I adore time spent with my little family or my close friends whether it be going to the pub for a beer or shopping at Walmart for new bedding 😊 Coffee is my best friend.
Dislikes: My biggest dislike in this world, is seeing animals mistreated. I am that person that buys the near dead betta fish at the pet store and brings it home to treat and watch thrive. I dislike SNAKES. They just scare me, but don’t wish any ill will on them. Hypocrites are my triggers, can’t stand someone who preaches to the choir about wrong doings when they’re actively just as guilty. Own your shit is my motto.             
Brief fun facts about me!
Used to train canines for search work, in areas such as narcotics and explosives. My closest friend is my grandma. I love to wear black. My go to perfume is good girl. I play COD often – I’m competitive in nature. I wear the SONS rings as I got them custom made, and it’s my favourite accessory!
I put way too much into this post, but hopefully it’ll help lots with finding my best ship! Thanks for taking the time to do this 😊  
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋🌈
You LITERALLY sound like a character from Supernatural?!?! Are you sure you aren't Bobby's long-lost daughter or something?
Also being a canine trainer?! Um... are you the coolest person in the goddamn world? I think so.
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𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑶𝒑𝒊𝒆 𝑾𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒏! I think you guys would be such a perfect match. In a way, you remind me of a cool-ass version of Donna? You seem very strong - emotionally, mentally and physically. Opie is a quiet guy, very loyal and genuine. You don't have to worry about him being manipulative or having underlying motives. He practically wears his heart on his sleeve but does his best not to show it.
・You’d both be very level-headed and know you can trust the other. Opie is incredibly loyal, and if you showed to him the same loyalty, then nothing could come between you. 
・I think Opie would put on a brave face to watch horror movies, and he finds some scenes funny. Although he gets tight-lipped when there’s a lot of gore (feels a bit guilty?)
・He’d actually like one of your favourite horror movies, and love getting themed gifts from you
・Opie would love staying at home with you - you two would move in together and make your home a paradise. You both have a similar aesthetic. Cabin, rustic, and cosy, Opie would absolutely adore your dogs. 
・I think you would fit in with the club very easily. Gemma would be wary of you at first, but realise you aren't someone that's easily pushed around. You would definitely grow on her without realising it.
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alexglitches · 1 year
Do you know the Cofagrigus pokédex entries? Pokédex entry (Black) by Bulbapedia: "It has been said that they swallow those who get too close and turn them into mummies. They like to eat gold nuggets." But for some reason I can see cofagrigus being a cuddle bug and leaving Yuurei sleeping inside of them and not turning the child into a mummy (well, the pokémon warp them in a confy blanket), in a very strange way Yuurei doesn't have nightmares when they nap inside cofagrigus and Professor Yew just let them be.
omg yes
Cofagrigus is careful with precious babey
absolute cuddlebug and loves yuurei and wraps them in cozy blanket and lets them nap and anyone who disturbs gets a shadow ball to the face
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blaze-art · 10 months
I think it would be cool if the gyms in the next Pokemon game focus on two types instead of just one. I think with that it would be a little less easy to cheese the gym with type advantage (depending on the two types that is, some combos have better type coverage than others after all.)
And I don't mean just using dual-type pokemon because one of said types match the gym. I'm talking the gym, gym leader, the gym trainers pokemon, and the gym leader's team utilize both types (like their first pokemon is one type, their next is the other type).
Two examples include:
Fairy-Grass: The gym takes place in a fairy-like forest, similar to Glimwood Tangle from Galar. And the gym leader could have a flower fairy or floral witch aesthetic. Their ace could be a Shiinotic or a Whimsicott. Their team consists of both grass and fairy pokemon.
Water-Ghost: The gym takes place in a spooky looking/abandoned pirate ship. The gym leader would have a ghost pirate captain aesthetic. Their ace could be a Jellicent (or whatever new water-ghost type comes out, since there's unfortunately not a lot of water-ghost types, or vice versa).
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blueheartedmayor · 11 months
P.okémon Gym Leader Builder !
In a quiet town, near a cave, there's a ghost-type gym Leader named Noah. He's a gentle soul, and keeps to himself. His left hand is constantly bandaged to conceal something that glows, and the gashes on his face are beginning to heal at last. He talks about how he was associated with the M.ossdeep Space Programme in H.oenn, and something happened.
Which is weird. Because there was a Captain Noah who went missing ten years ago. And this Noah looks the exact same - a man in his late twenties. What's even stranger is that Captain Noah had a Q.uilava for a companion, and a Z.orua for a pet, and this Noah has the ghostly regional variants of both...
Not only that, the cave beside the city has a strange abundance of S.olrock, L.unatone, and what appears to be pieces of a broken spaceship...?
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There’s so much to love about ghost-types: they’ve got a cool spooky aesthetic with a lovely color scheme, they can be super strong in battle, and they often have plenty of fun tricks up their sleeve. You’re usually relaxed and enjoyable to be around, but you know how to get serious when you need to. Other trainers respect you, even if they're easily spooked.
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(Note: The U.nown is the Question Mark)
Tagged by: @calledstars
Tagging: ... uh. I don't remember who has and hasn't done it. Go do it!!
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lil-purple-mouse · 1 year
So, I had a lot of fun with the previous post about Poke-tale. I'm gonna do another one; and if there are any specific characters from any fandom y'all want me to assign a team to, just let me know.
Today we're discussing: Ink, Error, Horror, and Lust sans
Ink would have Venasur, Vaporeon, and Smeargal. Venasurs' flowers can be used to make paint, if you combine them with Vaporeon's water. Smeargal would be a great art assistant and was the first thing I thought of. Ink would be an artist trainer, and would be Errors rival. They think Error is starting to become their friend.
Error would only have pokemon because they wanted to shut up and spite Ink. They'd have a Porygon-Z, Purrloin, and a Banette. They are taking this rivalry far more seriously than Ink is, and it's getting on their nerves. They're just a regular trainer, as this journey is being fueled by spite.
Horror has a Mimikue, Trevanant, and Flareon. Mimikue and Trevenant match their aesthetic; with Mimikue being a semi broken ghost and Tevenant just being spooky. Flareon, or 'Stovetop,' as it's lovingly nicknamed, helps with the cooking. They are chefs.
And finally, Lust.
Lust would be a sarcastic trainer with a sassy team. Glaceon, Gardevoir, and Meowscarda. Lust rules the pokemon contest and pageants. They felt like it was far too basic of an idea to do the gym challenge, with so many other people already participating in it. Of course, they are a Beauty trainer, who does collabs with Blue.
Edit: Editor said Error would have a Banette, since they make dolls and it is a living doll.
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Hi Carmen!! I'm going to shoot some similar questions back at you, cause they were a lot of fun to answer!
What is Halloween like in the DaVille house? Who dresses up? Who hates it? Who thinks it's stupid but gets dragged into the mess anyways? What would some of the characters dress as?
Since you said Crawford is a bit of a prankster, does he ever set up pranks or traps around Halloween? Does the hoes help? Can it decorate itself for holidays? (I just love the mansion, and I wanna know all about it. <3)
~Morri🗡️ (@memento-morri-writes)
ohohohoho Halloween in Clay River Manor is a Thing(tm)
So Isobel, Ivy and Gwen hate Halloween. They think it's a kid's festivity that portraits magic in the wrong way and that it should not be celebrated blah blah... Basically they are killjoys😒
But Crawford is the Heir and the cousins surprisingly agreed to fight their mothers/aunts and decorate everything and dress up
So, Florian, Spence, Max and Royce are always up for dressing up. The triplets do group costumes (their highlight was going as the Rowdyruff Boys (the male version of the Powerpuff Girls cause they match the colors of them), Pokémon trainers and when they were little Max would dress up as Frankenstein, Royce as Dracula and Spence as a spirit or a ghost), and Florian gets more creative, using the things he finds on the attic of the house to use as costumes (and he pulls it off reaally well)
Florian also persuades Gabrielle into dressing up with him and last Halloween they went as Wednesday and Cosimo Addams. Both groups go trick or treating downtown to Duskshore but have to be in the house before midnight.
Isaac does not particullary love nor hates Halloween, although he loves to learn about the story of the tradition and how it evolved into what it is today. Since he is dating Sol, they both dress up as a couple costume and volunteer at the library or the school to supervise the student's party.
Isadora gets invitied to all the popular parties and you bet she goes. She is popular in Duskshore, not only because of her name or power, or because she is pretty but because she makes everyone feel special. She likes dressing up but doesn't put much effort on her costumes, almost always using clothes she already has to make them. Some of her most popular costumes have been Kim Possible, Corpse Bride, Bloom from Winx and Draculaura from Monster High.
I think Carwford and Elaine are the ones who have more fun of the whole lot. Of course there's always gonna be the challenge of going up to Clay River Manor and idk taking a picture, or knocking on the door or something. And, the thing is that the house is not haunted, so nothing bad would happen...But they make it happen. Every single Halloween Elaine and Crawford become partner in crime/rivals, and they turn the little forest that surrounds the manor as well as the trail that goes up to it into a Haunted House, scaring as many children as they can. At the end of the night they compare results over a bowl of candy on the sofa.
Clay River Manor used to help until Isadora herself got scared and she stormed into the House yelling because she had fake blood all over her. Since then, the house is only allowed to do the usual stuff: open and close doors, make floors creak, blow out candles and make lights flicker... Spooky stuff that won't give a heart attack to anyone (at the end of the day, Clay loves everyone in there and wouldn't like to hurt them). It does decorate itself but not with banners or pumpkin torches, that is all Da Ville work; but somehow the house gets that...old mansion that doesn't look abandoned but you think is definitely haunted vibe (Clay just puts a bit of dust here and there on its front and maybe lets loose some roof tiles for the aesthetic haha)
Another adition to Clay was a set of speakers that Crawford asked Isaac for, and from last Halloween on it also plays some Halloween music (My Girlfriend is a Witch, the Addams Family theme song, This is Halloween.... you know the drill)
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