#txt Spanish
gyummigon · 7 months
miedos nocturnos | beomgyu
beomgyu x lector
୨୧ palabras: 984 ୨୧ género: romance, un poco de angustia ୨୧ resumen: prácticamente una conversación con beomgyu sentados en columpios a las dos de la mañana. ajá, no sé cómo resumir esto.
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—¿Cuál es el punto de esto?
El escenario nocturno que los rodeaba no era tan romántico como hubieras esperado de una salida insensata a las dos de la mañana, la coherencia de tus pensamientos era cada vez más consumida por tu necesidad de dormir, te sentías mareada tras balancearte en el columpio por quién sabe cuánto tiempo y, para bien o para mal, Beomgyu estaba en una de esas facetas taciturnas en la que te trasmitía la serenidad y seguridad de poder cerrar los ojos y no desear abrirlos.
Tu voz soñolienta interrumpió los suaves tarareos provenientes de la garganta de Beomgyu. El chico inclinó la cabeza para mirarte y estiró las comisuras de su labios en una sonrisa.
—Dijiste que me necesitabas —explicó con voz apaciguada, como si fuera el razonamiento más lógico y resolviera hasta el ultimo espacio en blanco de tu pregunta. Dejaste escapar un suspiro que terminó convirtiéndose en una risa. En el fondo tampoco era una sorpresa, este era Beomgyu, con su comportamiento espontáneo y generalmente inexplicable.
—Beomgyu, sí, digo cosas así todo el tiempo, lo sabes. ¿Era tan necesario encontrarnos a esta hora de la noche? Tienes que levantarte temprano mañana.
Beomgyu hizo un mohín con sus labios y se encogió de hombros. Su cuerpo era ridículamente grande a comparación del columpio, por lo que solo tuvo que inclinarse un poco para abrazar su piernas.
—Buscar tiempo para dormir no es complicado —susurró.
—¿Y qué sí lo es? ¿Permitirme dormir temprano?”
No se molestó en responder a eso. En cambio, él suspiro con cariño y, tras otro largo silencio, dijo:
—Solo me faltabas tú esta noche.
Mordiste el interior de tu boca al escucharlo, pero no pudiste reprimir la risa nerviosa que escapó de tu boca.
—Beomgyu, eres un tonto —dijiste y golpeaste sin mucha fuerza su hombro. La sonrisa de Beomgyu se agrandó al escucharte y, antes de que alejaras tu mano, la tomó tu mano entre sus dedos y deslizó la calidez de las yemas de sus dedos por tu piel.
—Ya lo sé. —Estiró su mano y tomó la soga de tu columpio para jalara hacia él, por un momento pensaste que te besaría, pero se limitó a contemplar tus ojos de cerca—. Sé que en ningún momento quisiste estar en el columpio a estas horas —dijo, y su voz no podía sonar más sincera—, sólo… estaba un poco asustado y quería un poco de tu protección.
Inclinaste la cabeza hacia la suya y cerraste los ojos cuando el soplo de su aliento golpeó tus labios. En ese momento no quisiste nada más, solo tenerlo cerca.
—¿Asustado de qué?
—Asustado de mí, de ti, de ser tuyo, de no serlo —confesó en un pequeño susurro—. Es demasiado para procesar, todos estos cambios… Estamos creciendo y eso me aterra. Tú, los chicos, incluso mis padres, todos a mi alrededor parecen adaptarse; fácil o no, pero lo logran. Siento que yo sigo en el mismo lugar, a la deriva, nada me complace, nada me hace sentir completo. Me aterra que llegue el momento en el que mi insatisfacción nos separe, que yo me quede atrás mientras tú avanzas e inevitablemente tengamos que decir adiós.
Te tomaste unos segundos para digerir sus palabras, sin evitar sentirte conmovida ante su sinceridad y la ternura de su voz. Nunca consideraste que aquellos sentimientos fueran albergados por Beomgyu, a pesar de ser consiente de su sensibilidad y su apego por las pequeñas cosas, hasta entonces fuiste ignorante de aquellas inquietudes.
—Beomgyu... —fue lo único que pudiste decir, no estabas preparado para esa conversación, mucho menos a esas horas de la noche y en las circunstancias en la que se encontraban: estúpidamente sentados sobre dos columpios que apenas sostenía el peso de sus cuerpos—. Estoy aquí, no me iré a ningún lado sin ti.
Levantando un brazo y rodeando su cuello con él, lo atrajiste a ti y dejaste que su cabeza descansara sobre su hombro.
—Así que vine a ti esta noche. —Sus manos viajaron a tu espalda para abrazarte, tan suave como sus palabras—, porque puedo aguantar todo el día sin dormir, pero no puedo soportar la idea de estar lejos de ti.
—Estoy hablando demasiado, lo sé —rió torpemente—. Pero eres tan perfecta y yo tan desordenado. Quiero ser bueno para ti, quiero verte caminar con orgullo a mi lado. No quiero decepcionarte.
Suspiraste y tomaste su mentón para hacer que sus ojos te miraran. Ante la cercanía de su rostro y el tuyo, de sus labios y tus labios, no quisiste hacer nada mas que besarlo. Él pareció pensar lo mismo.
—¿Podrías escúchame un segundo?
—¿Podrías besarme?
Reíste y sacudiste la cabeza.
—Escúchame antes.
Beomgyu, sin soltar la soga del columpio, presionó un poco su cabeza contra tu hombro y se estiró para poder besarte en el cuello.
—Te escucho —murmuró y acomodó un poco más contra ti, su mano se posó en tu abdomen, justo en el borde de tu sudadera.
—Deja de distraerme, intento decir algo inteligente, ¿bien? —te quejaste, aunque no pudiste sonar lo suficientemente seria—. Quiero… quisiera hallar la forma más útil para convencerte de que estoy contigo, cada paso que tú das es un paso que yo doy, y si tú retrocedes, yo lo hago contigo. No hay manera de que crecer nos separe porque, si te soy sincera, el paso del tiempo solo me hace estar más segura de que eres el hombre del cual yo quiero caminar a su lado.
Un silencio se extendió entre los dos por unos segundos, hasta que Beomgyu lo interrumpió con un beso, el contacto de sus labios contra los suyos fue breve y te soltó casi al instante, vacilante, como si dudara en hablar o seguirte besando. Su cara se puso seria, pero en el fondo de sus ojos se percibía una sonrisa.
—Joder, cállate o terminaré proponiéndote matrimonio aquí mismo.
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© gyummigon | todos los derechos reservados. prohibida copia o adaptación
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scuderiamint · 3 months
some lestappies would not have survived pre-2022 lestappen era
if yall are This dramatic over max gossiping about charles, then yall would have had a heart attack when max said 'I tried to stay out of trouble, but trouble came to me. Such a shame' in 2020 sakhir or The Big Unfollowing of 2019
max and charles are both messy bitches that will giggle at the others dnf and then hold each others waists lovingly the next second
some of yall have forgotten that lestappen was built on hatred and pushing each other off track
its literally why we love them
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choiyeonjuns · 8 months
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imagine taehyun speaking spanish
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scopop08 · 2 years
Sausage, in Spanish: I'm not drunk yet I've just had a ton of coffee. I love coffee
Jevin, knowing 0 Spanish: either this dude is drunk or had like 30 cups of coffee
Prime clown to clown communication
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 10 months
so much of the post s2 reaction from some izzy fans has been incredibly mask-off but i think by far one of the most blatant moments has been seeing all the ppl who think the season should’ve ended with izzy being made captain. aside from how in s1 his main textual arc was that he craves leadership and yet is incredibly ill-suited for it (source: those goddamn alex sherman DMs from last year) and how in s2 his arc has nothing to do with desiring leadership or being a capable leader. aside from that. there are multiple other people who DO have arcs or at least characterizations that would be better suited to being captain, such as:
frenchie, who is actually canonically made captain at the end of the show
oluwande, who was voted captain by the crew in episode 9 of last season
zheng, who has experience captaining an entire fleet of pirate ships
and i’m gonna come out of left field with this one but how about spanish jackie, who knows how to run a business and how to lead a group of 20 people with no problem. her management style might have to change a bit if she’s in charge of the revenge instead of her 20 husbands but ffs there’s still more to support having her as a captain than izzy
and i just gotta wonder 🤔 what does izzy have that these four characters don’t that makes some fans think izzy would somehow be a better captain??? 🤔🤔 rlly makes you think 🤔🤔🤔
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codgod · 1 year
i feel like i see ppl mischaracterise mariana a lot too but then i also don’t feel like i know his character well enough to articulate in what way lol
like i read. a lot of slimeriana fics. and in some of them his behaviour just feels ? off ? from what i expect it to be but idk how LOL
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frozenpinesmp3 · 6 months
y yo a ti cas really was a great day to be online
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rollercoasterwords · 8 months
obsessed w the confidence of the people who comment fully in portuguese on my fics. never once have i said that i speak portuguese nor indicated that i can understand it yet there r multiple people out there leaving multi-sentence comments & sometimes even paragraphs in a language i do not speak. just fully confident that no language barrier will stop the message from getting across…i love u
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sunmisbf · 3 months
colonización vs colonization on sunday i fucking hate the euros 😭
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mcnuggyy · 22 days
trying to finally do all the things I’ve always wanted to do to improve my life <3 downloaded some cute apps to help me and gonna try and post a bit about my progress to hold myself accountable or whatever <3
So!! My big goals are:
Continue improving my Spanish!!
1) Going on a walk once a day! Or a 30 minute workout of some kind! (5 miles a day hopefully! Kind of a big goal but I think it would be good for me :-])
2) Learn Tagalog! (I think it would be cool to learn another language that wasn’t one of people’s “go to’s” especially since I grew up with Filipino friends and now live in an area with a large Filipino community!)
3) Push myself to do more uncomfortable social things that I know would actually be fun! (I already signed up for a local dnd group event and have been meeting up w my latinroots dance friends a bit more :-] hoping to check out some other stuff like badminton, the local lgbt choir group, and the nonbinary hangout group at the lgbt center :-] wish me luck!!)
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commiehilfiger · 1 year
the big plot twist for spiderverse 3 will be miguels middle name being something that starts w a j, thus making him an MJ and old man yaoi spiderdads will be canon im manifesting this
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th3e-m4ng0 · 24 days
anyone know what's the mtmte issue where rodimus says his iconic 'we've achieved something' line?
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scuderiamint · 3 months
max gossiping about charles yesterday and then them yapping during the drivers parade today
this is literally the duality and appeal of lestappen, yall need to get used to this lmao
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pink-tea · 3 months
But I was thinking about txt with an Hispanic s/o who give aggressive compliments to them, idk like "pinche vato hermoso" or sm like that lmao
☆ rating: sfw, fluff
☆ headcanons !!
☆ hispanic/spanish-speaking! reader (gn)
☆ slight use of hispanic lingo/slang, if you need the context to any let me know in comments <3
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ღ confused but happy to be there
the first time you subject soobin to this unique form of cuteness aggression, he's just a little confused. not really all that fluent in spanish despite his active attempts, he's taken by surprise when you grumble the words against his lips. first off, he's still catching up with the fact that you kissed him so suddenly. he had been sitting down on your shared couch before suddenly you were walking up to him and cupping his face into your hands, pressing multiple kisses to his plush lips before you said a few angry sounding words.
he's pretty sure that "heromoso" is one of the good words, but why say it so aggressively? you don't look upset at all, not when you're smiling against his lips.
"what was that all about?" he asks, looking up at you in amusement. he's confused but he can't help but grin, happy to have gotten attention and kisses.
"you're too fucking handsome," you sigh, releasing your boyfriend and plopping down on the cushion next to him. yeonjun laughs a cute, squeaky laugh before he's resting his head against your shoulder.
"you're upset cause you think I'm too hand—hermoso?" he teases, pressing a light kiss under your jaw that makes you giggle. yeonjun, ever pleased to hear as much praise from you as he can get, can't help but look awfully smug.
"mhm, pinche hermoso," you confirm, raising a hand up to his hair just so that you can ruffle it and hear him whine and complain.
ღ confused and a little hurt
unlike yeonjun, soobin's ears only process the curse word you just tossed out. he's probably playing video games or watching t.v., but the moment he processes what you're saying, his mind halts. his brows immediately furrow and he's pouting, because did you just curse at him?
he doesn't know why you're mad, cause you seem perfectly happy as you tug on his cheek and coo up at him. soon enough though, you notice his change in demeanor and tilt you head up in question.
"what's wrong?" you hum, moving your assault on his cheeks to his hands as you play with his long fingers. soobin stutters just a little, trying to ask his question without sounding painfully blunt but failing to formulate it any other way.
"did you just?? cuss me out??" he asks, eyes still wide and bunny lips still in a mini pout. he doesn't want to think too much about it, cause maybe he misheard the word? but he just wants to make sure that there's nothing to be worrying about :(
immediately reassure him; coo and promise that you didn't mean anything about it.
"I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings, just love you so much that it was starting to piss me off." you explain, pressing an apologetic kiss to his pout.
"oh, okay!" phew! disaster avoided.
ღ eager to reciprocate
matches the vibe immediately. the moment you're giving him affection and he notices your smile and glint in your eyes, he's in your space just as much as you are in his.
almost isn't paying attention to what you're saying, only registering the feel of your hands pushing his bangs back so you can give him multiple uninterrupted kisses all over his face.
looks like the cat who got the cream even though all he's done is just sit there and be cute.
the only actual response you get from him is his startled yelp when you give in and gently bite his cheek.
"nope, that's enough!" he huffs, ignoring your petulant whines as he pushes your face back. "don't even know what you're saying, but I know that I don't deserve to die such a morbid death so young!" he defends, his other hand rubbing the tender flesh you bit.
you make it up to him by finally cuddling normally, to which you explain to him that you were just happy to have, "un novio tan pinche hermoso," and couldn't help but take it out on him.
laughs at the explanation, but just gives you a peck on the cheek and politely asks that you not abuse him just because he's pretty :') he may bite you back in retaliation when your guard is down.
ღ amused and fond
just watches you with his big, beautiful eyes as you come to lovingly verbally assault him. stops what he's doing to tilt his head up at you questioningly. he can pinpoint the fact that you're speaking spanish to him, but you're speaking very fast and your tone is contradicting to the words he's able to pick out.
when you're finally done with your grumbling, you lean in to give him a kiss. taehyun's relieved, reassured by the kiss that nothing's wrong. maybe you're just being playful. either way he's smiling with every cute peck you give him, even though he eventually giggles and leans away.
you take the moment to admire him. taehyun's boyishly pretty, with his sweet gaze and carefree grin. you love to see him smile, to hear his laugh and his purr/growl hybrid noises. the love you have for him is starting to build up and you can already feel yourself wanting to cuss him out again because of it.
taehyun, however, cuts you off by cozying back up next to you and resting his head on top of yours.
"te amo," he hums, catching you off guard.
"yeah?" you ask, feeling yourself melt into a puddle at his sure nod. although he may not be fluent, he at least knows this much spanish.
ღ delighted and endeared
hueningkai knows a lot of languages, even if his members tease him often for never actually being fluent in many of them. english is difficult; everybody who's tried learning english as a secondary language already knows this. spanish is a different ball park all together.
with that being said, hueningkai is still kind of a genius, and he easily picks out the various loving-aggressive words you throw at him one day in the midst of your cuddling. one moment your hands are running softly through his hair, the next moment he's giggling in obvious delight as you pull on the skin of his cheeks.
he's nowhere near as stretchy as soobin, but he knows you don't care with how many times you call him handsome at the same time that you call him so goddamn annoying for being so goddamn handsome.
he doesn't mind it. he finds it pretty cute!
takes your affection and your aggression happily. if you end up squishing his face between your hands, he makes sure to do an extra pouty, extra obnoxious ducky lip to ask for kisses.
"you're hurting meee," he'd whine, squirming in place as if he was actually trying to get away.
"is that so?" you ask, placing another fat kiss on his cheek that prompts a high pitched squeal of both joy and disgust from your boyfriend.
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ratatatastic · 3 months
genuinely criminal that the nhl compiled a scf final recap featuring caster calls in 19 different languages and did not provide cc because the call on reinharts scf gwg is spanish is best translated as "The Panthers have stopped falling apart! The Panthers bathed in holy water!"
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it actually gets funnier because what he ACTUALLY says is "The Panthers have just been saved! The Panthers bathed their goal in holy water!"
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afterredlights · 3 months
In my opinion, that start was pretty good. No one was harmed except for a murder attempt on Max by Lando, which resulted in George having a clear path on the left hand side and become the new race leader not even three minutes in.
It was so fucking clear to me that Lando was already on edge from the start. He knew Max has fast reaction and would be damn unreachable if the man gets away at Turn 1. Hence the murder attempt swiftly after lights out.
That was hard defending from the get-go. Shouldn't he face the stewards at the very least??
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