#ty for the ask oz! <3
vampiricsheep · 6 months
16 for sheep, 3 for Winter, 4 for Miriam, and Group-24 for Tueggi and Liffeh
16. A magical trickster has trapped your character and will only set them free if they can beat the trickster at a game of their choice. What game does your character choose to play?
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INTERESTING choice for Sheep. I like your style :3
Sheep would demand a game of its own design and insist the game was a clear and established one, but as the game went on, any attempt to catch it would be met with "close, but that's not actually the end. You forgot a rule." [The rules were not explained.] The effect would be that of trying to play a game with a six-year old who INSISTS that no, you didn't win!
It is, however, a death game. A hide-and-seek, catch-me-if-you-can death game.
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3. Your character is stuck in a timeloop! They can choose ONE other character to remember every loop. Which character do they choose? What happens next?
Honestly, Winter would pick the mortal it knew best wherever that was - and that would be a tough pick, because it travels a lot (and does its best to befriend people wherever it stops). This could have the effect of any one of my friend's OCs being dragged into absolute nonsense as Winter tries progressively weirder and weirder things and somehow expects them to not only go along with these disaster experiments but to participate!
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(art by @paulstation2!)
4. Your character has to give a ten-minute speech on a subject of their choice to a room full of experts. What subject do they choose?
Depending on the role he's most recently taken, Miriam may draw from the knowledge base of the person he's pretending to be. He's very good at doing his research, or at least, doing enough to pass as them. Honestly, he might have been in this exact situation before, and I'm delighted by the idea of him reading the pilfered notes of a historian and never once hesitating on the things he knows aren't entirely true.
If it was in one of his periods in between stints of identity theft, though, his memory will be less fresh and less focused. He could give a damned good lesson on body language, though.
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24. Your characters are all guests at an old manor house. It soon becomes clear that their host is secretly planning to kill them. All the doors and windows in the house are locked tight, and their host has the keys. How do your characters react? Do they all make it out alive?
Tueggi and Liffeh (don't be fooled by the angle, Liffeh's taller) are disadvantaged by terrain; they're used to green spaces with wind direction, tripping roots, leaf-obscured mud, and three dimensions to navigate. That won't stop them from coordinating their efforts to find and corner their host into a space with no easy exit and poor layout for fighting. (In a fair fight, after all, the host would be very much outmatched, so trickery is to be expected.)
While Liffeh needs help navigating the physical spaces (with eyesight that's a hair's breadth from absent, it's safer to blindfold and rely on her other senses and tueggi's occasional cues than risk walking into things that blend with the ambient color of a space), her ties to the mists will help her sense where their quarry may be hiding in the building. Tueggi has an almost sixth sense for traps and hidden passages, so it will take true finesse to catch the pair in one.
Their host (whatever their motivations) would have bitten off far more than they can chew. The would-be killer find themself restrained, keys pilfered, and carted off to whoever counted as the local authorities.
Unless this was a Kitah Manor sort of situation with the risen illusionist. Then the host would just be dead. Again.
[asklist here for anyone who wants to put their guys in situations!]
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woundthatswallows · 2 years
playlist: androgynous angel in america
queen bitch - david bowie
androgynous - the replacements
my way home is through you - my chemical romance
call me - blondie
lola - the raincoats
identity - x-ray-spex
no shows - gerard way
man-size - pj harvey
gloria: in excelsis deo - patti smith
venus in furs - the velvet underground
playlist link
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awkwardgtace · 2 years
3, 9, & 10 for Alessia & Streya please? 👉🏻👈🏻
3. How do they laugh?
Alessia: She has a musical laugh and it always starts quietly. She'll just giggle until it turns into a full blown laughing fit, it's pretty easy to cause them for her.
Streya: She doesn't laugh out right very often. When she does it has a deep sound, but turns into a silent full body laugh. She squeaks a bit during the silent part of her laugh
9. What’s a small detail about them that if someone remembers will make them extremely happy?
Alessia: Her favorite food. Gods don't have to eat, so it's not super common for any of them to have one. In other aus it's just not something she thinks comes up very often. Ash and Delphia never forget and always bring her some roasted almonds.
Streya: When she's the cosmic giant, it's her natural eye color. It's rare that anyone can see it since her eyes show the atmosphere she's copying to her body. Meg always remembers and makes comments about it sometimes. When she's more human it's her favorite lotion brand. She likes to keep her skin soft and her friends are always giving her random gifts of her favorite brand.
10.Do they prefer cuddling or holding hands (platonically or romantically <3)?
Alessia: Cuddling always. She just wants to be close to her friends, family, and partners. No matter who it is she wants to be cuddling, especially if you're just sitting around together.
Streya: She likes cuddling with her romantic partners. Keeping them close makes her so happy. With everyone else she prefers to hold hands. Just a small link with a squeeze now and then, an acknowledgement of her and whoever spending time with each other even if doing different activities.
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coraniaid · 8 months
Brainstorming Different Endings To Doppelgangland
Inspired by this post (and the reply from @secretlyasummers), here are some ways that Doppelgangland could have ended that don't necessarily involve the gang cheerfully sending a soulless vampire back to her own world because she misses killing and torturing people. Would these have been any better than the canon version? No, but they'd all have annoyed me in a slightly different way.
1) Vampire!Willow doesn’t come back to the Bronze after being captured in the library.  The gang debate about what to do with her, with Willow being keen that she get to live (just as she is in canon), but when they get back to the library they discover she’s managed to break free.  Last shot of the episode is her heading out of town.  She may or may not be coming back.
1A) As in (1) but we actually get to see that our Willow deliberately left her something to help her escape (much like Xander’s Lie, this can be something she hides from the others and which seems like it should be really important but that the show only ever half-heartedly follows up on once and only in its final season)
1B) As in (1) but – tying up the episode, which began with the Mayor telling Faith he was going to have Willow killed – while heading out of town vamp!Willow runs into Faith and is staked
1C) As in (1) but – remembering who the vamps she recruited originally worked for – vamp!Willow tries to kill the Mayor to take over as Big Bad, finds out he is invincible and is (again) staked
2) Rather than kill her, our Willow offers to try to cast a spell to give her a soul.  Vamp!Willow is so disgusted by the thought of being like her dimension’s version of Angel (or, really, any universe’s version of Angel) that she stakes herself instead
2A) As in (2) but rather than kill her, our Willow casts a spell that she promises Buffy will render vamp!Willow harmless until they can figure out what to do with her.  Good news: rat!Amy now has a new friend!  (She is prone to biting but that just means she’s friendly.)
2B) As in (2) but rather than offer to give her a soul, Willow just does it without worrying about any question of  permission or consent.  (This doesn’t change the plot much, but it’s arguably much more in character.)
3) The episode’s plot plays out more or less the same but at some point Anya drops the exposition that, because the spell she and Willow carried out wasn’t done properly, in a few hours after being brought to this world vamp!Willow is going to return to her own dimension anyway.  The audience gets to hear this but the Scooby Gang doesn't  Just as Buffy and Willow are arguing about what to do with vamp!Willow, she vanishes.  Cut to her being staked by Wishverse!Oz just as in canon.
3A) As in (3) but we don’t see what happens to vamp!Willow in her own dimension, freeing up the possibility of her returning to the show again. 
4) The episode just plays out exactly as it does in canon, but we don’t get the (slightly cowardly) reveal that what the Gang did is actually fine because vamp!Willow got staked immediately anyway.  This (rightly) makes fans of the show a bit more uneasy about what the Gang chose to do. (This also makes the return of vamp!Willow in later episodes possible.)
5) Anticipating Season 4, the episode ends with D’Hoffryn showing up and saying how delighted he is by all the chaos and devastation caused by Willow’s spell.  He lets her know – much to Anya’s chagrin – that a vacancy for the post of vengeance demon has recently opened up and suggests she might be interested.  Willow is horrified and turns him down, but vampire!Willow accepts in her place and they both disappear before Anya or anyone else can do a thing about it.
6) The episode plays out exactly as it does in canon.  However, sometime in Season 4 we get another Wishverse crossover episode, this time with the Wishverse’s version of Kendra traveling to our world for some reason.  Willow cheerfully asks how the other Willow is getting on, and a horrified Kendra asks her if she’s really admitting to sending a vampire back to terrorize the population of Sunnydale (she then turns to Buffy, looks disappointed, and shakes her head: “no wonder you died”).
7) Vampire!Willow doesn’t come back to the Bronze after being captured in the library.  The gang debate about what to do with her, with Willow being keen that she get to live (just as she is in canon), but the Gang’s deliberations are interrupted by the arrival of the Wishverse version of Jesse, battle-scarred and wearing an eyepatch, who delivers a long speech about how much time and effort he has spent studying magic to bring her back to his dimension to face justice.  (Xander is conveniently out of the room for this whole thing, while it becomes obvious as the speech progresses that Buffy cannot remember who Jesse was.) After Jesse and Vampire!Willow vanish, this scene is never explained or commented on again by anyone.
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mystery-salad · 10 months
Good Timezones. Completely random question about Redwood. Do Redwood's children physically differ from pale tree sylvari and if yes in what way?
Good timezones Oz!
Redwood's children are different yes, all 3 of my trees have unique children! So for funsies I'll put all 3 here~ 3 for 1 bonus day in the ask box for a beloved mutual 💖
Just as Redwood (no pronouns just redwood or mother/father) is more animalistic in shape, Redwood's children are too. Redwood did not have any humans or major races to relate to, having grown deep within a forest in the far north before Jormag was vanquished and the land could be reclaimed by the norn. Instead the children take after the wildlife of the land, much more varied than the sylvari are. Some are quadrupedal, some have wings, all of them mix traits of various animals like chimeras. Not all are capable of human speech, but others have learned the languages of the forests and their inhabitants. Large fangs/beaks and claws, leaves that have morphed to function as fur or feathers, are all very much the norm. As the norn return they build a partnership of sorts, communicating verbally or through understanding and kinship with the animals around them. They also do not Dream, this tree was fortunate enough to land so far from Mordremoth's call that only a few children who wandered too far were pulled to the jungle. They can all access the root network of trees though, almost like a singular tree colony, to pass messages to Redwood or each other if the target is also near the same root network.
(My tag for Redwood, '#Redwood mother', also has info on redwood's avatar)
The other two I know I've talked less about significantly, but I've talked about the child of one a few times! Ty Lluan, my harpyvari, comes from a tree that drifted on the winds all the way to Dzalana, a land teeming with harpies. The Winding Tree's (he/him) branches as they grew were woven into a wondrous nest that grew to a thriving hub for both his own children and harpies seeking shelter during journeys as well. And naturally his children have all taken on traits of the harpies. Large wings with feather-like leaves covering their bodies, lightweight bark strengthening their limbs without grounding them, long claws to latch onto sheer surfaces or grip the ground for quick takeoffs and landings. They're naturally exploration, spreading far outside of Dzalana to meet others. While they're cautious, they're less so than most harpies and they build kinship quite easily with others. Humans look a little silly they find, being so fatherless and bearing no other advantageous physical traits. They find it amusing that the Pale Tree based her children on such people! They also were largely beyond Mordremoth's reach, but the harpyvaris do have their own dream-like network known as the sisterhood to connect them, along with bonding them to some harpy communities that live within the boughs of their father.
The third tree I have is the Deep Tree (any pronouns but defaults to it/its). This one did not go far at all, but as Mordremoth released the seeds it fell through the cracks deep into the Tangled Depths. Below even where explorers would follow in later years, where only chak wander and harvest the ley energy of the earth. This tree, with no sunlight and no promise of rain touching its leaves, thrived on the chak who wandered too close to the leyline vein it rested upon. It grew carnivorous, relying on flesh to thrive and therefore its children would need better advantages in turn than photosynthesis. The children of this tree are made so carefully and lovingly, each one hand-crafted by the tree from excess materials gathered from the chak and digested up through the tree. They have much more solid, fleshy innards that give all of them a rich, deep jewel-tone to their coloration, covered by a very tough armor-like bark that is slightly translucent to increase the visibility of their glow for their siblings. They lack complex eyes, living in near-darkness and can see basic colors and shapes and heat, but can not make out anything too complicated or details. They can control how visible their blood is by pumping it up to the surface under their bark to communicate with each other, chittering as well to be heard and communicate. Their mouths are complex enough that they can form other complex languages if taught, but there will always be a clicking, sharp accent to them. They're sweet children, the tree functions as a hive-mind channeling all of its children's conversations and experiences through itself to increase the knowledge of all. If one child unfortunately finds a dangerous place none should follow, they will all know soon after and mourn their fallen sibling. As Mordremoth awoke and the tree felt the shackles wrapping around its children, it fully shut down. Called all of its children home before it was too late and closed its boughs around them, pulling their minds back to the network safe and trapped until the threat passed once more.
The Deep Tree's children are so naturally curious and born diplomats, though many would find them different abs therefore scary at a glance on the surface. It takes a long time for them to make connections and become known to the greater world around them, but some of the more adventurous do make it far enough to meet their cousins eventually. The surface is so bright they're functionally blind up there.
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gliyerabaa · 1 year
Glinda is one of the most acclaimed wedding planners in Oz, and she’s just got her biggest client yet— she gets to plan an actual royal wedding, and she’s brimming with ideas knowing this could be the most public event she ever has a hand in. She gets to her first meeting with her clients and discovers they hardly know each other, they don’t get along so far, and neither of them are particularly interested in her ideas.
It’s an arranged marriage hastily thrown together to try and distract from their latest scandals, and now Glinda finds herself managing the worlds most unenthusiastic bride, and a groom who is definitely flirting with her, and worst of all she’s definitely falling for them both.
oh i ADORE this idea!!!!!! Glinda, with her attention to detail, would make such a great wedding planner. She'd be SO stressed about it but keep a calm facade in front of her clients
and her clients??? gosh, fiyeraba makes total sense as a politcal marriage. the Vinkan prince and the Munchkinland eminency?? a unification that would solidify Oz... but not if they can't stand each other
this is PEAK gliyeraba setup and I am 100% living for it!!!!! you (or someone) should totally write it!! :)
ty for the ask! <3
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quinloki · 1 year
Host Club AU Head canons
Taking a little bit of a longer break than intended - got some rough news today and I just need to sit with it.
Nothing majorly Terrible so far, but I don't want to force interaction when I need to just veg a bit. Sunday and Yesterday were just garden variety anxiety, today was, alas, bad news.
Tomorrow will be better - or at least different XD so we won't stress today.
Here's the most recent updated version of the AU thus far:
Additional pending asks are
Heat - AH Wire - AH (x2, technically, but I'll cheat a little and make one of these a BH) Penguin - AH Kaido - AH (ty Oz <3 ) Issho - BH (nice choice anon!) Franky - BH (Suuuuper!)
For those of you who worry almost endlessly - I promise, if I need more time I'll take it. If my bad news turns to worse news, I'll adjust as needed - I know you'll all understand. Life is, admittedly, one of the many things I cannot control. 💖
p.s. for it's worth I am directly in good health, one of my parents is not.
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omniscientoswald · 7 months
decided to put in an ask for a beautiful person with beautiful art <3 What would Oswald think of Sunako? To put it more specifically, how would Oswald feel about Ako joining Taskforce 141 despite her previous experience as a Shadow Company operative? And how would the Lieutenant just take to Sunako's loud and reckless personality in general? Not even sure if you're taking OC asks, but I thought I should give it a shot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Lol ty 🥺
Also yeh Oc asks are fine!
Anyway, to answer your question:
They'd be the reason why TF141 barraks go up into flames.
Since Oswald is a captain of her own team, she's learned to be mature to an extent as she needs to set an example for her team; but, she still is extremely reckless.
Also, her and Ako have a lot in common. Oz was a previous operator of Shadow Co. before she rejoined her previous team, F-O-Z, as its new captain. Both were betrayed by Graves, so they'd prob just clown on him together, as well as pull pranks on 141 when Oz is stationed in the UK.
And since Oz had previously served in the U.S Airforce, she'd have a lot in common with Taejin as well.
But for first impressions? Oz would definitely feel for Ako since she knows what betrayal feels like(especially from Graves.)
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cu-wip-osity tag game <3
i'm not apologising for the pun. thank you to the gorgeous @pinksparkl for the tag - your wips all sound absolutely WONDERFUL!! i do hope mine don't disappoint - some of these have been burning in google docs hell for, uh, some time... they're vaguely in order of how recently i looked at them, but it's not exactly perfect lol
rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. let others ask questions about the ones that interest them, and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
easy pickings - the follow-up to resist and elongate. vega and warden being their usual, nauseously-adorable, violently-murderous selves while tying the (metaphorical and literal) knot.
solution euphoria - my beloved companion cube au! i read LAB RAT and i was never the same again. what if vindemiator had stayed to help attack the imperial palace?
kiss the ring - imagine if the solaire house had, like, a jewellery shop underneath it. now imagine vincent and lovely wandering around in there and flirting a bit. it's good isn't it
hold 'em - this is the gavin bondage fic i mentioned the other day! there's a chair, there's some rope, you know the drill. i have a note at the beginning that just says "glasses???", but there's nothing in the actual text that matches with that, so i guess he's wearing glasses of some sort...? idk i'll figure it out
slip of the tongue - ngl this is basically my gavin appreciation document, it's kind of just non-stop kissing for a few thousand words. there's a thin pretense of plot but that's really all it is
captive audience - vega and warden domestic bliss: the fic. this is basically a short side story for easy pickings (above), because i wanted to write this particular scene but it doesn't quite fit. they have breakfast, it's cute, until you remember what they like to eat for breakfast and then it's decidedly less cute and more horrifying.
extracurriculum - i think zo put me up to this? lovely and vincent having some alone time in one of the empty stairwells at DAMN. it's exactly what it sounds like.
thicker than water - ooh i have not looked at this for a WHILE! this is much more violent than i normally go in for, but it's basically vincent and alexis beating each other into the floor for a few thousand words. i guess i was having an off day?
rose and cherry red - believe it or not, i haven't TOTALLY abandoned to the egress! - this is part of that series! it's essentially just sam waxing poetic about his life for a bit, i guess. unfortunately, i'm not great at writing sam and i'm not particularly into him, so it's taking literally forever lmao
hometown hero - i'm sure you're all familiar with @sri-rachaa's wonderful southern siblings au, where sam is lovely's older brother, and this is basically an offshoot of that. oh, family left behind.
out of my head - i think alexis deserves to be olivia newton-john every once in a while. also i was listening to the song and i thought she would like it, so here we are.
technicolour - gavin nolastnamegiven meets 'if i only had a brain' from the wizard of oz. i like to think that he doesn't think he's good enough, and then that thought makes me sad, so this exists to remind me that he IS good enough.
no-pressure tags: @zozo-01 @autisticempathydaemon @romirola @lovelylonerliterature @haradasaya @bicyclepainting 💕💕💕💕💕💕
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nxwtonsxngster · 5 months
shuffle your favourite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste and send this ask to your favourite mutuals <3 (ofc i had to send this to my soulmate 🧡)
40 oz. Dream — Good Charlotte
You’ve Got a Friend — James Taylor
Goodbye — John Paesano (ouch???)
What’s Up? — For Non Blondes
idontwannabeyouanymore — Billie Eilish
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kendelias · 2 years
can you tell me more about margo?
yes absolutely!! tysm for asking <3
so margo was like. my third attempt at making an oz oc. i don't know why they never stuck before and she did but here we are! (i think it's bc of the banger face claim but i digress)
so design journey-wise, she started as a base concept w two things in mind: 1. i wanted to make her part of dingoes ate my baby. i've made a lot of musicians before and i didn't want her to be too close to any of them, and obviously lead singer and guitarist were already taken anyway, so i eventually landed on drummer!! 2. i wanted her to be supernatural in some way, preferably a way the show hadn't already done. i already have a human buffy oc and an angel, so i wanted to do something different. i almost landed on banshee (a concept i keep trying to do but never works out in different shows) but eventually landed on psychic medium!!
as far as margo herself goes, she's got a lot going on! she starts off a year above buffy and the gang, so she's in her junior year in season one. she's been seeing and hearing ghosts her whole life, starting right after her grandfather passed and she saw his ghost in her family home. she was diagnosed with early-onset schizophrenia at age 13 (which she does actually have), and has spent her life since then trying to ignore ghosts (and unable to differentiate between ghosts and her other hallucinations) and just. get the hell out of dodge bc her parents use her and her mental illness as a pawn in their ensuing divorce and she hates it.
HOWEVER, sometime in her junior year, the voices try very insistently to lead her somewhere. she tries to ignore them but they've never been so... loud before. so she excuses herself from class and just this once indulges them... and that's when she walks in on her classmate being murdered.
after that, margo suffers a psychotic break, packs up, and heads directly to a psychiatric institution on the far side of town. it's half out of her own genuine concern for her own mental health, and half out of her parents wanting to. make the problem go away. when she comes back, she has to repeat junior year, and thus tries to stay out of shit. but that's when she joins dingoes eat my baby, becomes friends with oz (and willow in association), and then. get drags into all the scooby bs.
some other things ab margo: she was childhood friends with cordelia until they were like. 13 when margo got her diagnosis and cordelia decided she wanted to be cool so she started brushing margo off n bullying her. she works as a waitress at the local diner, saving up money so she can go off on her own. oz is like. her only friend; they were study buddies before she left, and when she came back he was the only one willing to talk to her. he got her into the band!! she's got a couple tattoos and quite a few piercings, she ravenously loves alanis morisette, and her fashion insp is whatever looks like winona ryder would wear it as long as she can buy it at a thrift store.
ty again for asking!! she's one of my fave children atm so means a lot <3 :')
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knifesxedge · 2 years
7 14 22 for the ask?
ty for the ask!!
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
SHARKS!!! at my local aquarium there’s a big tank that has a bunch of sharks in it that swim around with like some manta rays and there’s also a couple tanks with bigger sharks like tiger sharks and nurse sharks :) at the aquarium in my cousins’ hometown there’s a touch tank where you can pet chain link dogfish sharks and that’s like my favorite thing EVER
14. do you think you’re dehydrated?
uhhhh sometimes! when i’m on the go i often either forget or just forgo bringing a waterbottle with me because it gets cumbersome but when i’m working on one place for a while (like last summer when i worked in an office, or when im working on a big project like i do for finals) i’m ALWAYS drinking water out of one of my many waterbottles so i’m definitely hydrated then 😊
22. do you have an emotional support water bottle?
yes! a few! my favorite waterbottles are my starbucks reusable holiday venti cup that is the one i tend to carry around these days (it’s awesome and matches my hair and has poinsettias and a fox and birds on it!), my trusty 64 oz waterbottle that’s black and COATED in stickers (it’s a little too cumbersome to carry with me places so i’ve mostly stopped carrying that one around as much) and my yellow 32 oz waterbottle that i use for dance class! that one is special because i love the color and it has stickers from my friend nico on it :3
thanks again for the ask!!!
send me asks from this post!
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awkwardgtace · 2 years
"Being caught standing under the mistletoe," with Alessia 😌 any AU where she's the big (new or old) would be lovely.
Used the au where Ash is a borrower in Alessia and Delphia’s house. Ty for the ask oz <3 
Prompt from here
Mistletoe Traditions
Alessia grinned as she watched Ash. They were looking over the plants Delphia had been growing for the holiday season. Although when they grabbed the leaves of mistletoe in their hands she hatched a little scheme. She hoped they knew of the traditions surrounding the festive plant.
She waited a bit longer before approaching them. At first she’d been nervous about the weight of her steps when she walked. About her weight in general when they saw her. Ash seemed to actually prefer when she was less careful. She had started to make a point to keep her steps a bit heavier than she would usually if it was the two of them.
Ash turned to face her once she reached the table. A small smile graced their face. She let herself fall into a nearby chair, chuckling when she noticed the hint of a blush on their dark skin. They’d seemed reserved at first, but after a few weeks it was easy to read them. Alessia set her chin on the table. Ash stepped forward to meet her.
“Were you hoping this would happen?” she asked as she grabbed the mistletoe and held it over them. They tilted their head. She laughed a bit, moving a little closer. “You know this is mistletoe right?”
“I see,” they muttered. 
Her eyes widened when their small hands reached up to rest near her fingers. They had no idea how much each move they made affected her. How often she wanted to scoop them up and hold them close. She knew the plant was all they were thinking about. The times she’d been trapped with their small fingers brushing over her skin absentmindedly were too many to count. This was just another, despite the way it made her skin burn.
“I’ve heard humans talk about this,” they started. She bit her lip as tiny hands moved to rest on the center of her palm. “What does ‘being caught standing under the mistletoe’ mean?”
“Well…” she moved even closer, the distance between the two was a twitch from being closed. “There’s two meanings, I can show you one.”
“O-ok.” She smiled. 
They never stopped being nervous when she was this close. She and Delphia had been vocal about wanting Ash in their relationship with the small person. They’d been a bit reluctant, but had seemed happy since the discussion. She wanted to be a bit selfish, to show more of how much she loved Ash to them.
“Close your eyes and face me.”
Ash did as she instructed. Alessia took a few seconds to just admire the slightly blurry person. Each day they trusted her was a dream. She wanted them to feel more of what was in her heart. To know that she loved everything about them, just as much as the woman who was her size. She took a deep breath and watched their clothes moving. She couldn’t hesitate forever.
Finally she closed the distance between them. Releasing the mistletoe, she pressed her palm into Ash’s back. They stiffened at first. She nearly backed away, but the firm body relaxed against her. She pressed them more firmly into her palm. Alessia froze when she felt Ash start to move. The small sensation against her own lips had her gasp. The deep chuckle beneath her just encouraged her to keep going.
Alessia had no idea how long she’d kept Ash pressed against her. When she pulled back she watched that small chest heaving. For a second she thought she’d gone too far, but bright eyes staring up at her knocked that thought away. Ash had a grin that she’d never seen on them before. She loved it, but it did make her curious.
“Ash, Alessia,” Delphia’s voice from the doorway made her smirk. Alessia leaned forward pressing her lips against Ash’s chest.
“That would be the other meaning of ‘being caught standing under the mistletoe’” she murmured. Ash shivered beneath her. She heard the heavy sigh of the woman behind her.
“Ash, you could have waited until I put the mistletoe up in the house.”
“What?” Alessia wanted to pull away, but the deep chuckle against her lips kept her still. The small fingers pressing against her face made sure she didn’t change her mind.
“I… might have asked Delphia earlier what it meant too,” they said.
“Well… maybe you need to be shown again anyway.”
Alessia kissed them again. She hadn’t expected a similar scheme from them, but she was happy to play along as many times as they wanted.
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bloodenjoyer · 3 years
what soup do you like most?
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QUITE alright ...my favorite soup is maybe tomato soup or clam chowder!!!
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starglitterz · 3 years
congrats on 100 followers! for the 100 followers event thing, can I request fischl with the lines "am I your lock screen?" "you weren't supposed to see that" 👀
tysm !!! also this is set in the teyvat time period, except that they all have handphones !
one order of a cookie coming right up ! i hope you enjoy it, and ty for ordering from quill’s dessert cafe’s special 100 followers event <3 🍧
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the sky is gorgeous today, with only a few fluffy white clouds drifting aimlessly across the baby blue expanse. you, fischl and oz are currently tracking a bounty, but the wonderful day is making you more than a little inclined to relax. "the weather is so nice today, don't you think, fischl?" you ask, tilting your head towards her and shielding your eyes from the sun. "it appears my beliefs align with yours, dear traveller of an unexplored realm, this meteorological transformation is most splendid! like a felicitous twist of fate in the face of certain doom," your girlfriend replies, striking a dramatic pose. "yup!" you nod. if a bird could smile, oz would be smiling right now, for he's overjoyed that his fräulein had finally managed to find someone who understood her perfectly and accepted her for who she was without forcing her to change.
after walking for a few more minutes, you realise that the three of you might be heading in the completely wrong direction. "wait, is this even the right way?" you voice your concerns out loud. fischl stops in her tracks, glancing at the scenery and noting that you're right. "oz, my dear familiar, her majesty beseeches to unfurl your blessèd wings and take to the sky, to view the landscape as from a higher point, and thus assist us greatly in our quest to conquer the horrible demon, who surely must have escaped from the hell of my homeworld." oz sighs, "alright, mein fräulein," before flying up into the air to figure out where you are.
suddenly, fischl gasps as she recalls something, "i do believe that i captured the exact resemblance of the documentation of mondstadt's terrain gracing the walls of the adventurer's guild using my marvellous technology i, the prinzessin der verurteilung, gleaned from fighting through wars thousands of years ago, not that the illusory passage of time has any effect on me though." her interesting way of speaking has never failed to make you smile even after so many months together - you aren't laughing at her, you're just incredibly impressed by her wide range of vocabulary and creativity. of course, that should be expected of someone with royal blood coursing through their veins.
"good one, fischl! you're a lifesaver," you compliment her, giggling softly as a red blush dusts her cheeks, though she turns away quickly to conceal it, "i shall examine it currently, and hence we shall be rescued from our plight via the immeasurable strength of my edelstein der dunkelheit." fischl whips out her phone and types in the password with you peering over her shoulder, eager to see if she actually has a picture of the map. instead, your eyes instantly notice the fact that her homescreen is a photo of the two of you!
a wide grin curves your lips, and you have one arm slung around fischl, who is also laughing. oz, ever the babysitter, watches over the both of you from above your heads, his purple wings shimmering with electro energy in the image. "am i your lockscreen?" you ask gleefully, overjoyed that your girlfriend appreciates you so much. so surprised that you saw it, fischl drops the phone and fumbles to try and catch it while dropping out of her usual speech patterns, "you weren't supposed to see that!" she rushes to pick up the device, and also hide her flaming cheeks. as the prinzessin, fischl often claimed that you were her favourite subject, and she would protect you with her life - but surely something as simple as having your picture as her lockscreen was far too humiliating for royalty to say. hence, she had never told you, and was hoping you would never find out. alas, fate, even when claimed to be woven by the prinzessin's powers, had a way of working against you.
"aww, fischl, i'm really glad i'm your lockscreen," you smile, hugging her from behind as she anxiously scrolls through her gallery as a way to escape her embarrassment. "hahaha! i must freeze in my dear memory the spitting likeness of one who hails from another world as i do, for if i am destined to remain in this prison of reality, i must at least do it with..." here she pauses for a second and summons all her courage before continuing in a softer, gentler, tone, "the one i love, thou, who art blessed by the prinzessin."
fischl rarely admits that she loves you, for she has to keep up her appearance of the aloof prinzessin, and now to hide her shyness she opens her mouth to continue rambling. however, she's interrupted by you leaping into her arms and silencing her with a kiss. the only noise she's able to make before your lips crash into hers and she melts into your embrace is a surprised squeal, though if you tease her later about it fischl claims the prinzessin der verurteilung would do no such thing.
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quill speaks !
this is my first time writing for fischl actually !! so i hope she wasn't ooc ;-;
i hope you enjoyed it :DD
thank you for participating in the event, and feel free to request again for other prompts here !
i hope you enjoy your stay at quill’s dessert cafe, and do check out the menu if you'd like ! 🍭
reblogs are greatly appreciated :)
© starglitterz 2021. do not repost or modify in any way.
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Go off about the RWBY au! You’ve intrigued me. -Anon
hi!! ty for sending an ask abt it, i need an excuse to infodump lol
the overthrown au is very ozpin and oscar centric, and it takes a completely different route from og rwby. volumes 1 and 2 are more or less the same, but around volume 3 is where it really becomes different. instead of just attacking beacon and making it fall, salem decides to, instead, reveal to the world herself and ozpin's true nature (though, she twists the truth a bit), and the truth about everything, with proof to boot. this lands the whole world into chaos, and because of people demanding the vale council to do something, ozpin is quickly exiled, and because of qrow's and glynda's association with him, they both get mobbed, gravely injured, and end up succumbing to their injuries.
because of salems manipulation, the world being drenched in fear, and ironwoods own paranoia, he's pressured into repeatedly sending out parties to look for and capture ozpin at any cost, and for the next couple years, ozpin is hunted down by nearly all of the kingdoms (except vacuo; theo is the only one who still tries to help oz, but his power is limited, and oz can't get to vacuo because of the desert terrain).
oz goes through a lot in this time, both good and bad. a lot of people are torn on what to think, a lot blindly following the masses and believing ozpin to be as bad as salem said. ozpin is forced to do a lot of questionable things to survive, and for a while he does his best to avoid hurting anyone, even if he's forced to mug someone, steal, etc. though, as time goes by, the stress and hurt of his situation piles on top of him more and more. oz has been bottling up a lot these past several lifetimes, and this entire situation is starting to be the straw that breaks the camels back.
by the time oz gets back to vale after his temporary home was burned down, he's having to actively stomp out his bottled up anger from boiling over. he's paranoid, afraid, untrusting, and to his shock, the only people willing to help him are criminals; roman torchwick and neo politan. they seem to understand him, even if oz can tell they aren't entirely truthful (though, he can't tell if that's his instincts, or his paranoia).
either way, ozpin has a place to settle down at, and now that he's not running all the time, defending himself, fighting- he crashes hard, all of the events from the past few years crashing down on him, and in his trauma and grief-fueled despair, he finds comfort in an old friend; alcohol. he's done his best not to touch it for several lifetimes now, but even centuries-old habits die hard, and he falls back into the alcoholism he swore off lifetimes ago. he's filled with grief and hurt and betrayal, only now able to process what he's gone through now that he has a chance to rest.
though, even this break isn't truly a break, because salem herself hasn't stopped hunting him down and sending her lackeys and grimm after him. it's utterly exhausting, and doesn't help his bottled anger that keeps bubbling to the surface time and time again, no matter what he does, his effort to bottle it again becoming futile. it only really starts coming out when one of salem's lower lackeys is sent after him, a vicious woman whose name he never learns, wielding a deadly double-edged rapier. the fight is brutal, and in the middle of it, his cane snaps in half, and oz has to resort to using his bare fists to fight. because of how close he gets, the lackey manages to catch his right arm and cut it off at the shoulder, and in a last ditch effort to save his own life out of pure fear, oz manages to steal one half of the woman's rapier and kills her.
later, after roman has cauterized his wound with burn dust and given him plenty of time to rest, oz has several mixed feelings over the fight. he feels guilty, yet justified. guilty because he killed someone (despite having lifetimes of memories of taking others lives), guilty because a small part of him enjoyed it. justified because she attacked first, justified because salem sent her after him. oz is feeling many mixed emotions, and struggling to come to terms with the loss of his arm, and dealing with his trauma, that he hardly realizes how harsh he starts being towards roman and neo. he snaps and snarls in defense like a beaten dog, and when he feels guilty, he beats it back in an attempt to not feel it anymore.
oz thinks and he thinks with all of his free time (at least, the time not spent drinking himself half to death), and he comes to several realizations. if he kept running- he'd have to keep running for lifetimes until this civilization, these kingdoms, inevitably crumbled and collapsed in on itself like he's witnessed so many times before. it's not like oz isn't used to running, but after doing so many lifetimes of running, he's so, so tired of it. and he remembers- everyone was willing and ready to rally against an enemy they thought was a threat to everyone. it'd happened so fast, too; it was practically the most united oz had ever seen humanity.
and he thought- 'if humanity is so willing to fight an enemy that threatened everyone... maybe i could be that enemy.'
it's a bad idea, a horrible one, one that he swears past lifetimes protest against, but oz knows that that's the entire point. and besides, it might just get him closer to finishing his mission, to finally stop his reincarnation cycle from hell. oz keeps this to himself in the meantime, though, waiting to come up with a good plan.
on one of ozpin's walks, however, he doesn't get to think about much, interrupted by something gruesome that he hoped to never see.
the second oz saw qrow's and glynda's half-rotted corpses, he fell to his knees, grief stabbing him harder than ever, entangled in a mix of horror and rage. he can't believe that his closest friends were just... dropped and abandoned here, like they were nothing, instead of properly buried. the grief grew stronger as oz sobbed, magic flaring, and-
gasps, coughing, two bodies, two friends once dead now alive, looking as if they'd never died in the first place, the only differences being the deep green eyes and veins and deathly paleness. no one understood it; not oz, not qrow, and not glynda. whatever happened seemed to be a one time thing, but oz could care less about what happened, instead just deciding to be glad that he had his friends back.
after settling qrow and glynda in, oz got to work on several things. first: his new weapon. second: his plans. first off, weapons were important, as oz was a huntsman and inevitably going to deal with grimm. he came up with blueprints and ideas, basing his new weapon off of the Long Memory, and even using some of the materials from the old cane. oz couldn't lie; having never made his own, original weapon, he went a little overboard in creating this one. the end result was The End of Days; a cane-sword that could form into a sort of bladed whip, utilizing all kinds of dust for different uses.
when The End of Days had blown through a wall and burnt down half of their base, oz decided it was best to move on to his next plan. when the alarms went off, alerting them of a grimm attack in the middle of his brainstorming, oz had gone to fight them. but, in the middle of the fight, he had heard a grimm yelp, and another howl in what seemed to be pain. in a half-baked idea, oz had yelled at the others to capture one of the beowulves, and when they had, oz shared his idea.
despite the others protests, oz experimented with the grimm, testing out various things. he didn't care when the beowulf howled or whimpered in pain; after all, it was just a grimm, it was an empty shell. when the beowulf screamed at him, he screamed back, and when the grimm swiped at him, he swiped back. both refused to cower and back down. but, when oz dug his blade into it's neck, just under the metal collar, growling in anger after a long day of failure and arguments-
the grimm backed down, tail between it's legs, still snarling but seeming to acknowledge that oz wasn't one to trifle with. when it finally listened to his order to sit down and shut up, the red had faded, instead replaced with a toxic green. apparently, the grimm had only ever served one master, but this one knew that it had a new one, even if it didn't agree. and with that, oz was satisfied.
over time, oz did the same thing to many other grimm, with the help of the others. but, even if he had his own goals that he had tunnel vision for, he still was interrupted.
when cinder, emerald, and mercury had come to not-so-nicely interrogate him (and attempt to capture or kill him), oz was honest with every answer he gave. the shock on their faces when oz's grimm chased them off amused him for days afterward, until they had come back; not on salems order, but on their own.
every question they asked, he answered truthfully again. about the grimm, about salem, anything they asked. a few visits was all it took for the truth to start weakening their loyalty to salem, even if it hadn't originally been oz's intention. and after a few more, they sided with oz, even if they had their own reasons. it took longer to poke and prod at watts, but after proving that they shared a common enemy, one that oz knew far better than salem, watts was convinced.
getting more allies was a side effect of sorts of oz's plans, but it wasn't an unwelcome one. he shared his plans with salem's previous lieutenants (after proving they weren't going to blab to salem), as well as roman and neo. oz knew qrow and glynda wouldn't like it, so he'd wait to tell.
unfortunately, it didn't take a long time for qrow and glynda to find out, and for them to end up in a screaming match before qrow and glynda were finally kicked out of oz's room. oz bottled up his guilt and shame and sadness, and instead used his anger as a defense, and he found himself tearing his room apart afterwards.
oz drove himself into his work to distract himself and avoid qrow and glynda, drinking more and planning. before long, he had located a certain Dr. Merlot and had requested to see him. after long discussions through a video call, they met up at merlots lab, and before oz knew it, he was outfitted with an entirely new arm made of grimm.
the surgery had been agonizing after merlot had stubbornly refused to properly anaesthetize oz after strapping the man down. the second oz was able to, he had torn off the mans prosthetic, before letting him off with a warning and finally letting him experiment on the grimm oz had.
when oz finally had access to the cct tower in beacon, and as the vytal festival drew nearer, the arguments with qrow and glynda got more frequent. the stress weighed oz down as the date of the festival got ever closer.
when the day came- everything happened in a blur. Penny Polendina was torn in half, he spoke his speech to the entirety of remnant, yang xiao long had her arm cut off, ruby rose used her silver eyes, pyrrha nikos's leg had been torn off at the knee, and the fall maidens powers were taken. oz used his grimm, took the atlesian knights and paladins, barricaded as many people as he could inside beacon and vale, and kept the wyvern to himself.
every ounce of guilt he felt he shoved down until he forgot he felt it at all, and instead relishing in the destruction, laughing in the face of the gods themselves as he took control of vale. this wasn't vale anymore; it was oz's kingdom, and oz was the head monarch of it, the leader, the damn king. he could care less that teams rwby and jnpr ran from the kingdom that had once been their home. he laughed viciously as his first beowulf tore apart the newest headmaster in front of a horrified crowd, and he snarled when past professors tried to tell him to stop. no one could tell him what to do; oz was an immortal, he possessed magic, and he was King. even if what he was doing was ultimately an attempt at destroying himself, it didn't matter. he figured everyone else should be grateful. oz was giving them unity, after all.
after a month of oz's reign, he tore apart a defiant village with his grimm, green fire writhing and spreading. he payed attention to nothing, but he heard something that caught his attention.
a babies cry.
oz followed the sound, admittedly curious, and found an orange bundle hidden under a pile of broken wood. he carefully pulled it out of the wreckage (and he'd never admit to having a soft spot for children), and hazel eyes peered at him from under a mop of brown hair and a smattering of freckles that was already starting to form. oz peered on the blanket for a name, and found one.
Oscar Pine.
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