#ty lizzy ^v^
aldoodles · 18 days
Here's a toughy if your into some angst esque moments. You capture facial expressions so well.
Grace, sitting at the table, waiting for her kids to come home at the end of Book 1.
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If I was her I wouldn’t’ve been able to function let alone keep going to work
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burialbird · 1 year
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need to post on here more to not risk tumblr banishing me to the shadows ermm so here's this!!
i actually have a lot of reasoning behind a lot of these ships and why i prefer/dont prefer them etc. that'll be under the read more tab if u care!! im definitely looking into it too deep but thats the over-analyzing autistic in me, beware of rambling!
ok so first tackling the ships with the disassembly drones x worker drones. mainly because i do not wish to be harassed by unzi shippers who are pissed i dont like their ship i personally see the disassembly drones as being in their 20s, given they were at the mansion for a couple of years most likely and then sent to copper-9 for ~20 years ongoing.
i see all three as being 23-25!! J being the oldest and either V or N being the youngest, leaning V but idk havent made up my mind on my interpretation
i see the worker drones in school (uzi, thad, doll, lizzy, rebecca, etc.) as being 16-20, not counting only the cast listed. i see uzi as being 16-17 (no. not because shes short, she just gives off that impression to me given she calls herself a teen pretty clearly), thad and lizzy as being 17-19, doll as being 18, and rebecca as being 19.
because of this age gap between the drones, i personally do not feel comfortable shipping HEAVILY implied older adults (aka. not 18-21 year olds) with drones that are 6-8 years younger than them. now, for why i hate unzi in comparison to simply disliking nthad and vizzy, its because i tend to hate popular ships if they rub me the wrong way like unzi does. i see n and uzi as platonic (best) friends
now for the ships between disassembly drones, i headcanon n as being aroace!! partially stolen from someone on tiktok who headcanons n as forcing himself to love v because he convinced himself he needs a crush.
im not apposed to envy (NxV) though!! given its implied it may become canon, im open to it, and if their dynamic was healthier, i'd like it more probably. im pretty against NxJ though because... obvious reasons. would be a terrible relationship, and another reason,
i headcanon J as sapphic (wlw)!! i also think J and V would have a cute dynamic, which is why they're an OTP. i also think it'd be funny if they kissed and N went "oh shit how did i not know my co-workers were gay???" even though he'd be heartbroken, poor lil guy
worker drone ships!! i've liked dizzy (dollxlizzy) since the pilot and its grown on me more since then too seeing more of their dynamic, so obvious otp. i hate lizzyxthad because i headcanon them as being siblings. im neutral to uzixdoll because although while it would be a POTENTIALLY interesting ship, if it turns out uzi and doll are related, that would be erm.. REALLY WEIRD. so currently i am indifferent to it
i like the idea of uzixlizzy because i think popular kid x social outcast is a fun dynamic!! not my fav tho lolz., i also like uzixthad not only because its likely to become canon, but also because they've had cute interactions and would probably be a healthy relationship ^_^
and thennn im neutral/like a little lizzyxrebecca, they havent had many interactions so thats why im neutral to it.
again based off interactions, i like how khan and uzi's teacher interacted, their banter was funny in episode 2, more of a crackship than anything for me though!! and norixkhan is neutral because despite it being canon, im indifferent since we havent seen their relationship
ramble over RAAGH!! feel free 2 share ur shipping opinions to this post, ill read it, i prefer if unzi shippers stay away though because i do Not like the ship, and ive run into a LOT of strange unzi shippers. ty!!
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silverstonesainz · 9 months
game time ❋ url playlist
tagged by: @monzabee @goldsainz @poetsblvd @f1version @formulaforza (ty lovers!) tagging: literally everyone & anyone who comes across this
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S – snooze by sza I – is that enough by sons of zion, aaradhna L – lovesick by laufy V – valentine by 5sos E – everything has its place by young mister R – reckless driving by lizzy mcalpine, ben kessler S – style by taylor swift T – tsu by drake O – orange show speedway by lizzy mcalpine N – nothing by bruno major E – everything happens for a reason by madison beer S – say that you love me by sammy johnson, tenelle A – at my worst by pink sweat$ I – i dont wanna be okay without you by charlie burg N – no love by summer walker, sza Z – zombie by the cranberries
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gravity-lifts · 10 months
it’s been a little while. but. I have more art!!
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I’ve been thinking about writing a team rancher’s fanfic for a long time now and since my current writing project is almost done I figured I’d finally work on character designs!
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also, here’s a grian to accompany the seablings! (next to an old drawing of him from June 2022)
i love them soooooo much like. i just spent ten minutes staring at lizzies freckles (fantastic touch im obsessed) and then got trapped for another five on the way u did the eyes (the highlights are so good. i don't have specific enough words to properly express myself but. they look so real while also fitting your style so well? love em) and then jimmy looks SO FOND and i love his messy hair its so organic like honestly that is my new favourite image ty so much for sending me it It is v cool seeing how u've grown as an artist between the two grians like. they were def drawn in around the same style by the same person but the second one feels much more confident if that makes sense? idk but i love it also very much.
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oswlld · 1 year
Eight (8) Shows to Get to Know Me
tagged by @talays-portkey ♥ ty for tagging me and having me walk down memory lane for the past few days (spent too much time in all the tags microdosing on my upbringing)
DISCLAIMER: i wanted to showcase defining eras in my life/made an impact in a substantial way; i’m also recommending an ep to watch with each one, which isn’t part of the tag format but imma do it
i. LOST (2004-2010)
this was my whole world for my entire hs existence and into my early college years. half of the shows listed here stems from my first love of the ensemble cast, their interwoven yet clandestine storylines, and the mystery box. at my first sdcc, half of the cast was present when they debuted p1 of the series finale (you’d think i was dead the whole time fksfsk;lv)
the jessi special: The Constant (04x05)
ii. Fringe (2008-2013)
yes, i faithfully followed jj abrams into another insane show. i think it actually altered my brain chemistry, rewired something in me, devoured a piece of me. once LOST was over and Fringe brought in the alternate universe, i dove in head first and never resurfaced
the jessi special: Making Angels (04x11)
iii. Doctor Who (2005-Present)
i think it was technically winter 2010 when i started binging this show because s6 was my first time catching it live (was young and naïve, i caught it on bbca lol) ive been on hellsite for almost two years at the time and fully became a fandom blog, so it was inevitable i would love this series. i think it was the first show i made gifs/edits for???
the jessi special: The Doctor’s Wife (06x04)
iv. Lizzie Bennet Diaries (2012-2013)
oh look, my dna makeup shifts again. i actually started watching this show the week leading up to Darcy Day and can still vividly remember the migraines from binging 8-10min eps times 60ish worth of content. this show got me into writing my first fic, running an rp blog, creating instrumental playlists, making a DWxLBD blog, AND eventually flying my ass back to CA to meet the cast and beloved mutuals at VidCon
the jessi special: A New Buddy (ep56)
v. Orphan Black (2013-2017)
happy international women’s day to this show and this show only! i think of all the shows listed here, this is the first time since LOST i caught all the eps in real time from the very beginning. this was filling the hole Fringe was about to carve deep in me. but if you cut me open, you will find the beth-shaped hole that nothing/no one has been able to fill and likely will never fill til the end of time
the jessi special: The Collapse of Nature (04x01)
vi. Shadowhunters (2016-2019)
im willing to admit that the reason i got into this show was because of the wedding kiss haha i saw the clip, signed the adoption papers on the spot, and went on to write a 100K+ wip series. admittedly, i confess that this was a DNF and never finished the last season... i abandoned my boy.gif
the jessi special: Of Men and Angels (01x06)
vii. Sense8 (2015-2018)
a show about eight children than i gave birth to, that i raised on my own, that i will defend on my death bed and beyond??? that show sense8?? yes that show sense8. fun fact, when they did the screening of the finale in Chicago, the cast ended up sitting three rows behind me in the theater and i could hear them talking in between scenes the entire evening. wish i could bottle that feeling up
the jessi special: I Have No Room in My Heart for Hate (02x07)
viii. Bad Buddy (2021-2022)
and we finally made it to the current decade! its nov 2021, im fresh off leaving my previous job and still getting situated in my new position, yet this show was a siren calling to me in the dark mist of my life. i ended up saving the binge watching for the week of my bday and my whole life shifted again. it must have been so alarming on the outside, seeing me go from making 1-2 edits a month to 1-2 edits a day for almost THREE MONTHS. the fact that i still cont to avg two edits/week since then... oy lol
the jessi special: Ep10 (shocked pikachu.jpg)
and ill also throw some honorable mentions too: Chuck, The Good Place, Vice Versa, Twenty Five Twenty One, Once Upon a Time, and Elementary
now tagging @pranink, @icouldhyperfixatehim, @noxclara, @curious-earth (no pressure tho!)
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twdmusicboxmystery · 1 year
Twin Theme In Emily's New Show
So. I watched Emily‘s episode of Alert: Missing Person's Unit. I really liked it. It gave me such heavy TWD vibes. It got my head spinning about twin vibes!
It’s the good/evil twin theme again, which TWD laid on SO thick in 5x09.
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I’m thinking now that Beth MUST have an evil twin somewhere. Not biologically, of course. But someone who had someone who maybe caused her “death”?
In the past, I’ve always assumed the duality lay in Beth herself, and was less good v evil and more strong v weak. But I’m not so sure anymore.
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In 5x09, there were the two twin boys, Lizzie and Mica (evil and good), Ty vs. the Gov. Bob vs Martin. It’s like they were trying to tell us Beth would have an evil twin, too.
Leah certainly would have for the bill, with her blond ponytail and all. We’ve talked about this before, and if it turns out that she and Beth crossed paths at some point, it could work.
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Honestly, I’m not leaning too much toward that. I really think we’ll have to see Beth and her “evil twin” interact, as we did with Lizzie and Mica.
So then, thinking about the Daryl spin-off, I had a truly wild thought. Clemence Posey looks like Beth. And everyone is worried about Daryl having a relationship with her. But what if she is Beth’s functional evil twin? After all, in Davon, he fell for Nora. But in the end, she betrayed him…
And I'm not at all saying I think Daryl will have a relationship with her. Just that maybe she'll seem like a friend at first, but then turn out to be a foe. Complete conjecture on my part, of course. I'm formulating head canons over here. 😏
Interesting about Clemence Posey being a evil or at least not a good character.
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I don't really go with the romance with her and Daryl, especially if she is a questionable character, simply because they just did that in s11A with Daryl and Leah.
And with only six episodes, I envisioned the storyline not being overworked as far as characters with long backstories or set-ups for their bad intentions.
I think actually Leah's story, her backstory, will be something that down the line will be revisited with her possible connection with the CRM and mission to kill Maggie.
I don't think we would see something similar in a character in France. But then I have been wrong many, many times. But honestly I do like the idea that Clemence's character might not be the endearing character that so many fear.
Yeah, I don’t really worry about him having a relationship with her either.
To tell you the truth, I think it'll be one of those friendships that Daryl has with a lot of different women and not a romance like everyone is so scared of.
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I'm just super intrigued by this twin theme. The other thing I'm thinking about as I write this is the idea that maybe she's a purposeful double for Beth. Think Star Wars the Phantom Menace and Queen Amadalia having a body double while she hides in plain sight. Okay, maybe plain sight wouldn't work for Beth, because obviously Daryl would see her and know who she is.
Let's just say I have elaborate head canons where Beth is a great leader of some movement against the CRM, so much like the "I'm Negan" thing from several seasons ago, maybe the "twin" theme will be more like people that look like her and are sort of pretending to be her in order to protect her.
But again, just my head canon-filled imagination at work.
Either way, I can't wait to see how the twin theme plays out in Beth's storyline! What does everyone else think of the twin theme? Any theories?
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patrick-zweigs · 1 year
rules: tag nine people you want to know better!
tagged by @l-adysansa & @alicenthightwer ty <33
three ships: i have not been on tumblr in so long that some of the shipping parts of my brain booted down until daemyra so… daemyra obv, hannibal/will forever, and… oh helaemond currently ig <3 mark/eduardo (edit um starbuck x apollo, they matter this show mattered and now i am craving a rewatch) actual answer charles x erik, im a forgetful idiot.
first ever ship: this question is so difficult to me. the first fandoms i interacted with online would be hp and then like idk lost, neither of which i was super passionate about any specific ships… online/tumblr wise literally like damon x eleana idk? oh cook x effy? idk idk. maybe like gordo/lizzie or some other disney channel thing as far as something from childhood ?? wait redact all that. peter/wendy (eleven/amy girlie always in my heart).
last song: kill v maim bc of that one post
last movie: elf the other night while decorating the tree 🎄
currently reading: adhd-ically (not) reading like 5 books including if we were villains, a few fleetwood mac biographies, fire and blood, and twilight <3
currently watching: mostly movies i’m trying to watch by years end, also planning a hotd rewatch as well as one million shows ive put off
currently consuming: coffee
currently craving: for it to be 2017 again
tagging literally any mutual/anyone at all. but for fun some fandomish/adjacent girlies(nb) i know of: @dragonseeds @harwinstrongwife @lvsifer @ladygreene13 @floencepugh @jeynepoole @hauntedbythenarrative @marywshelleys @divineandmajesticinone
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scribbling-dragon · 2 years
what is UP my friend (internet stranger) you (i) came to the right place (your askbox) as i have in fact watched half of the empires s1 series and am making my way through the other half atm! here's v brief analysis off the top of my head from those i Did see:
- gem! WANTS to do good. find it easier to just keep things peaceful around herself and her allies (mainly fwhip and sausage, and also pearl but that's less so i would say). peaceful.. meaning that there's no active fights.. except against xornoth that one time. beyond her relationships with other kingdoms (mostly positive, as she's friends with almost everyone), she has ambitions to grow her own magic and create a school to teach it to others. overall a very "i care about everyone but mostly my allies" character who genuinely tries to do good when she can. side notes: she is twin sister of s1!fwhip, this has canon confirmation iirc; she is good friends with scott despite a few more dramatic s1 events that normally would turn another character against him
- joel. hey man he does not do lore. he mainly builds and it's pretty epic. marries lizzie, can't actually see or hear xornoth mostly so pretends/insists he doesn't exist but in a "you guys are crazy there's no demon" way. honestly that's about it i can't lie .. he's good allies with jimmy but is always making fun of him
- pearl.. i love her. she's literally a girlboss tbh. genuinely so cracked at pvp, 1v1ed a player who was oped for a Long time, v v v cool buildings too. she is very connected to her land and farms, pretty much to the point her soul is bound to it. her strongest relationship is with sausage, and even when he gets corrupted she sticks by him when she can and tries to keep him from Evil evil. kinda sticks to herself a little bit tho, which might be her fatal flaw imo. there's sausage and then there's her kingdom... it's all she has
- jimmy OH my god is SO fun to watch. he's like a bit of a loser but i mean that so affectionately and he has this really fun lore with his cod head?? anyway this guy is just trying to rule his kingdom but he goes so far in gestures that he forgets the meaning of the place i think. he wants to do his best tho despite some people (cough cough fwhip and sausage) antagonising him a lot. lizzie is his sister and joel's his best friend, and tbh things just Happen to this bewildered man. bit silly. big fan.
- katherine!!!!! v soft style lotsa flowers, she collects heads and many find this ominous. in reality she just has a lot of friends and allies. hard worker, tries to keep life alive and fulfill her role, petty when she needs to be but can justify everything she does tbh. cool af imo
- joey ayy this guyyy.. loveeed his pov he just wants to kill people tbh. had an altercation with lizzie and another with katherine and another with the whole damn server. hints of friendship with shrub i think.. she wants him to be better. he was always this evil. he's mostly isolated in terms of allies (besides i Think gem?? a little) but is always Interacting with people yknow? social but in a "not this guy agai- AH FUCK" way. one sided romance with xornoth but if you ask me he always wanted to kill the others so.
okay that's where i am up to hope this helpssss also -> wither rose alliance (fwhip gem sausage) are the best frfr. source: trust me
ty ty! character analysis <333
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qu1nby · 2 years
(Yes more 👁v👁)
ty ty ty ty
the house that Lizzie Borden and her sister moved into after the murders was for sale in 2020! I'm not sure if it still is but it looks really nice
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Emma and Lizzie lived there for 12 years until they had a fight that ended in Emma moving (nobody knows exactly what the fight was about - I've seen some things about Lizzie and an actress named Nance but there are also articles saying it was over a guy)
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kxa-vivn · 12 days
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🪭⠀· characters / casts
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comics only!! since most of them are minors. they are aged up to 16+!!
ty lee
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ashlyn banner
aiden clark
ben clark
logan fields
taylor hernandez
tyler hernandez
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docrotten · 1 year
Welcome to HORROR NEWS RADIO for May 29, 2023.OIN US FOR the SUMMER HORROR MOVIE PREVIEW 2023! I am your host Doc Rotten and this is HNR, the official GRUESOME MAGAZINE HORROR NEWS podcast. Back with me again are the scariest, goriest, bloodiest co-hosts on the 'Net: Dave Dreher, the lead news writer at Gruesome Magazine; AND, Brian W. Smith, award winning screenwriter.
TAKING a look at the Horror Movies coming to theaters Thu, Jun 1, 2023 - Sat, Sep 30, 2023. Keep in mind that release dates are subject to change.
The Boogeyman (20th Century Studios) June 2, 2023
Directed by Rob Savage (Host, Dashcam) Cast: Sophie Thatcher, Chris Messina, David Dastmalchian, LisaGay Hamilton
The Blackening (Lionsgate) June 16, 2023
Directed by Tim Story (Fantastic Four, Shaft) Cast: Antionette Robertson, Dewayne Perkins, Sinqua Walls, Grace Byers
Insidious: The Red Door (Sony) July 7, 2023
Directed by Patrick Wilson Cast: Rose Byrne, Patrick Wilson, Ty Simpkins
Cobweb (Lionsgate) July 21, 2023
Directed by Samuel Bodin (Marianne TV) Cast: Lizzy Caplan, Antony Starr, Cleopatra Coleman, Ellen Dubin
Haunted Mansion (Walt Disney Studios) July 28, 2023
Directed by Justin Simien (Bad Hair) Cast: Rosario Dawson, Chase Dillon, LaKeith Stanfield, Owen Wilson, Danny DeVito, Tiffany Haddish, Winona Ryder, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jared Leto, Dan Levy, Hasan Minhaj
Talk To Me (A24) July 28, 2023
Directed by Danny Philippou and Michael Philippou Cast: Sophia Wilde, Joe Bird, Alexandra Jensen, Miranda Otto
Meg 2: The Trench (Warner Brothers) August 4, 2023
Directed by Ben Wheatley (High-Rise, Rebecca) Cast: Jason Statham, Jing Wu, Sienna Guillory, Cliff Curtis
The Last Voyage of the Demeter (Universal Pictures) August 11, 2023
Directed by Andre Øvredal (Troll Hunter, The Autopsy of Jane Doe) Cast: Corey Hawkins, Aisling Franciosi, Liam Cunningham, David Dashmalchian
Poor Things (Searchlight) September 8, 2023
Directed by Yorgos Lanthimos (The Lobster) Cast: Emma Stone, Margaret Qualley, Willem Dafoe, Mark Ruffalo
The Nun 2 (Warner Brothers) September 8, 2023
Directed by Michael Chaves (The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It) Cast: Anna Popplewell, Taissa Farmiga, Storm Reid, Bonnie Aarons
A Haunting in Venice (20th Century Studios) September 15, 2023
Directed by Kenneth Branagh (Thor, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein) Cast: Kenneth Branagh, Kelly Reilly, Michelle Yeoh, Jamie Dornan
The Creator (20th Century Studios) September 29, 2023
Directed by Gareth Edwards (Monsters, Godzilla, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story) Cast: Allison Janney, Gemma Chan, Ralph Ineson, John David Washington, Ken Watanabe
Check out this episode!
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anewp0tat0 · 2 years
you could call this a continuation of last year's Easter art: Ciel gets a comfort bunny part 2. or 3. or 4. idk there are atleast 7 in there.
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lizard-jane · 3 years
yellow and arcade carpet :^)
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Ahhh ty 🥰
If we fall down to eeby deeby, do we go weeeeeeeeeeby deeby
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loudrats · 4 years
That horse girl gaming stream was so fun ! Thanks everyone who tuned in to see Soggy win Adelaide and Burghley, as well as meeting our new horse - a 17.2hh warmblood gelding named after our own memorable Veronica! 🥰
Also - we finally unlocked carrots!!!!! 🥳
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youwontdie · 2 years
8 9 18 :-)
8. Have you played any of the games? If so, what was the first game you played?
i have!!! ive played mmmost of the games in lil pieces, but the first one i actually played and completed was help wanted. twice as of recently tho that was in flat mode :o) i should rlly go and beat the og games...... 9. Do you read the books?
BOY DO I. i have a little obsession with frights tbh, its so...... ????? like thats the only way to describe them. the novels are the same but less so. except fourth closet that ones just puuure ??????????? beginning to end and its GREAT.
into the pit as a whole is my favorite by far. idk. i think im biased on to be beautiful because of my circus baby enjoyer status but still ! the books are something and i care for them
18. What’s a fandom-approved trope that you dislike?
oooh scary one for me i dont pay attention to fandom stuff so much but i DO have someeee opinions on stuff ive noticed a lil? mostly characterization things tho. long & under tha cut
i dooo not like the way people portray the daycare attendant i feel like its v overlooked that moons entire thing canonically is ... Getting you for breaking the rules... like that guy would follow the rules religiously stg it would not swear but it IS a little mischievous yk. this is less supported by canon but i feel like sun only follows the rules when its beneficial for them (or when someone could get hurt sunlights not a monster) like uh. grunkle stans "im alone i can swear for real" bit. im a kin boy thing i feel strongly about these two
OOOH also i hate that everyone makes vanessa just a total bitch no other characterization. this includes steel wool. shes stressed ok. like whether shes vanny or not undeniably on like three hours of sleep physically exhausted "oh god im gonna get fired" stressed Leave her Alone ... :'o) i like her im biased lmao
out of security breach territory im very ???? :o| about michael corruption arc stuff in any form thats... Why ..... just why.. hes silly hes kindly. the only murder he would enjoy is the murder of his father
hmm OH on the topic of aftons: ballora being mrs afton. i like this in theory but the way most ppl execute it (if they even really acknowledge it) is so BLANDDD theres no taste theres no style. Wheres the love. Wheres the lil family reunion... if elizabeth had her mum w her i think sister location wouldnt have gone so terribly idk!! this is just me fr i need to make the content i want to see
OHHHHHHH ANDD. Ppl making lizzie out to be Evil and stuff i hate that??? not as common as other things but i see it from time to time i DO NOT like it. shes like. 9 bro. shes possessing a whole murder robot & shes been like... Alone... underground... for Years, Probably. ofc its gonna get a little messed up. many people i see doing this are sfm michael afton likers too which is just. lmao. i cant respect that guy
ok. t hats. everything i can think of 💞 ty for your time
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narliee · 3 years
tag nine people you’d like to catch up with or get to know better 
tagged by @donnaamoss ty queen of tag games 🥰
favorite colour: every shade of pink
currently reading: naley fics only is the vibe 
last song: tension by jp saxe 
last movie: jennifer’s body yeeeee
last series: oth 1x07 
coffee or tea: iced coffee (i had hot today tho v disappointed in myself)
currently working on: wild card day for othladiesaw21 im v excited about it 😌
tagging @monet-dehaan @joeylwitter @juliemolina @planet-her @meaningtotellyou @ellaxlopez @ferrisbuellers @lizzie-olsen
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