#tyler is the gay son
strawbby-shortcake · 4 months
A Conversation with Marla
You: Marla, gay son or thot daughter? Marla: I don't want kids. *points to Tyler and Jack* You: Gay son or thot daughter? Marla: Oh...
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feelsforsterek · 1 year
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hornyaquarius · 8 months
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Both looking smug as fuck because they just fucked five times in the locker room
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shynarrator · 1 year
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gay son vs thot daughter
(not my best work tbh but it makes me happy)
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"You popped out, and immediately your mother knew you were gonna be the gay son AND the thot daughter."
grapemaster101, Gotta Catchem All! (on ao3)
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fellhellion · 9 months
comics!miguel doesn't even have internalised homophobia to me, he's just so depressed he literally hasn't encountered romantic/sexual attraction since torpedoing his relationship w his oldest bestie and hooking up w dana (and dana is...a whole can of worms in of itself). anyways i love speaking like an insane person to whom canon bisexual miguel was revealed to once in a dream like the oracle of delphi or some shit <3
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daddysboyys · 1 year
Open to: Men who top. Wanted connections: Friends, co-workers, classmates, professors. (Taboo welcome including stepcest and incest.) "Seriously? Here? You know this is my favorite place on earth." Tyler said as they got out of the car. He breathed in, taking in the smells of fried dough and freshly popped popcorn as they arrived at the local carnival. "Come on, be honest. I know you said you just wanted to hang out but...and don't take this the wrong way dude, but first we went to a movie you know I've been dying to see, and you paid. And now we're here. This...kinda feels like a date."
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magz · 4 months
(Read the rest in link)
Some article excerpts:
Ally said Nex primarily went by he/him pronouns at school but also used they/them pronouns, which Nex's family also used. Several other friends said Nex preferred he/him pronouns.
The Owasso Police Department said in a statement Wednesday that preliminary information from an autopsy report shows Nex’s death wasn’t the result of trauma. A toxicology exam is still pending, and an official autopsy will be released later.
The department released a series of videos Friday that offer a glimpse into the day before Nex’s death, including body camera video from a police officer’s interview with Nex, in which he described how three students “jumped” him after he threw water on them because they were bullying him and his friend.
Tyler Wrynn, who was one of Nex’s teachers at the Owasso 8th Grade Center, told NBC News ahead of the vigil that Nex wasn’t on his roster but that “he and a plethora of queer kids were always in my room” because they knew Wrynn offered "a safe space.”
“Nex was a fiery kid,” Wrynn said. “He would light up a room and jump to defend any of his friends if they were getting picked on.”
(Attendees hold candles and leave notes at the vigil for Nex Benedict on Sunday.)
Wrynn said at the vigil that his favorite memories of Nex happened every day when he went out for bus duty after school. Nex would yell across the campus “I’m gonna fight you” and challenge Wrynn over “cartoonishly absurd things,” [...]
Robin Gray, 16, said he dated Nex on and off, and he started his speech at the vigil by clarifying how Nex identified.
“I want to start off by saying that Nex was transgender, and he used he/him pronouns,” Gray said. “He was so much more than his transness.”
Gray said one of his favorite memories of Nex was the first time Nex cooked for him. He made Gray wings with a variety of spices, and the next morning he made pancakes.
Spencer, who went by only his first name at the vigil, said that he was Nex’s partner and that Nex helped him come out as gay to his parents.
“He made everything easier,” Spencer said. “He kept energy levels high. He would always keep the room in a good mood. He was always one of the brightest kids in the room, whether he would smile or not.”
(Anna Richardson, a mother of an Owasso High School student, helped organize a vigil after her son came to her asking if they could do something to acknowledge Nex Benedict’s death and honor their life in the community.)
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swap-and-possessions · 11 months
Stop Crying
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"Stop crying! I'm going to fucking end you if you keep crying." George hissed at the old man before him. That very old man was his old body before he used the final of his magic to swap bodies with his hot yet cowardly grandson.
"I- I want my body back, please…" Tyler begged, but his grandfather would have none of it.
"I thought I did well to raise my son as the tough man that he is. I was proven wrong when he raised you as a weak-spined coward. You've got a nice, strong body and you're settling in for being the bottom cunt in your relationship? Where's the blood of a soldier in you?"
George didn't care when Tyler came out gay. Fucking a man's ass was the peak of a man's manliness. But to take in another man's cock was the most cowardice a man can have in his lifetime. His blood boiled when he heard Tyler wanting to get fucked in the ass by his boyfriend. They may not be royals, but George was eager to keep his family's dignity. Even if he would steal the life of his grandson.
"Don't fucking tell anyone about this. It's not for myself, but for you. They'd send you to a nursing home the moment you speak of this to anybody. I'd welcome you to do it if you love the slop they serve there." George let go of his grandson's collar and swept the dust on his shoulders. "Now. How do you send messages with this smartphone of yours? I'll have a serious talk with your boyfriend, and probably fuck him in the ass afterwards."
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totaldrama-showdowns · 4 months
Submissions for Most Transgender that didn’t make it into the bracket!
Duncan (2)
Idfk transmasc Duncan who also happens to be misogynistic is hilarious to me and makes him such a better character
Sammy (2)
How to make poorly-developed characters infinitely more interesting: transgenders them. That is a nonbinary egg
Demi-girl. fuck it, gives her cool gender juice
Crimson (2)
transmasc crimson
She's got that transfem swag. to me
DJ (2)
nomebinary. he likes lemonade
dj is so transgender in all ways but ive recently become rather fond of transfem dj. people keep telling her to man up and she's like huh? :(
Mal (2)
agender. He's been he/it
Yeah I know I just submitted svetlana but mal is also trans...
Wayne (2)
Raj (2)
gay AND trans because i said so
Geoff (2)
He is canonically dickless. (That one moment in X-Treme Torture where they did not censor between his legs despite him lacking pants). Also he’s totally the type to display his top surgery scars proudly.
katie and sadie (2)
changing their names to be similar to eachother. its cute.
cody (2)
t4t coderra please please please
he's got toy cringe
Chase (2)
ripper do you think I'm transgender
he's rep for trans guys who are assholes!!!
Justin (2)
nobody will get it but me but trans girl justin please...
Intern Girl / That one intern that wayne helped (2)
Mike (2)
Tyler (2)
T4T LYLER SEE MY VISION..... he could go any way for me i love transmasc tylers i love transfem tylers....... i love you tyler
Jen (2)
You know Bulletproof heart... yeah Johnny/Jenny
she just gives transbian
Staci (2)
She's got that "just started transitioning" haircut
actually her great great great great great great grandparent invented gender. mhm. yah.
Junior (2)
i like to think the reason dwayne sr is all "man men manly men" is because he's trying to bond with his recently out son and supporting him in his transition. he's just being weird about it
She’s just an egg!!
Emma (2023)
Wanna know why we got another Emma after ridonculous race? It’s because TD Emma named herself after RR Emma during her transition
nonbiney swaggr
transfem ennui
Chris McLean
Trans rights, sure, but Chris supports trans wrongs
the mtf creature ever
all of them
none of these fuckers are cis
both shawn and dave together
maybe its just all the fanart but they really bring out each others transmascness
she is just so non-binary to me
Ripaxel can also be yaoi
Blaieneley (is that how u spell it??)
divorced trans swag
i can see it
Gwen's face
Gwen is trans therefore the boat "Gwen's face" is also trans. In this essay I will
he has fucking voice dysphopria
cant grow his own fucking wizard beard
stupid lesbian
he transitioned just to rival chris
i need to give him a redeeming feature
Emma tdr
transfem swag
milf and also trans. the whole package
that is just a trans woman in stem
she'z cute
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coochiequeens · 5 months
Another reason not to have sons.
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Left Side: Andre Eugene [L] and his mother Donna Hyman [R]. Right Side: A photo of Gigi the poodle on Hyman's Facebook.
By Reduxx Team January 27, 2024
A trans-identified male is in custody following the horrific stabbing death of both his mother and her beloved dog. Andre Eugene, who reportedly identifies as a “woman,” is facing charges of murder in the second degree and aggravated cruelty to animals.
Eugene’s mother, Donna Marie Hyman, was found dead in her Brooklyn apartment on January 19 after police were called by Hyman’s sister. The woman says she had received a call from Hyman, but when she answered could only hear blood-curdling screams.
Content warning: descriptions of how he killed his mother and her mini poodle
Hyman was found “lying lifeless on the floor” and had been stabbed over 50 times in the head and chest. The corpse of Hyman’s mini poodle, Gigi, was found outside of the building, having apparently been stabbed and thrown from the 11th floor.
According to court records, police officers found Eugene “naked and covered in blood” in the building’s lobby. Despite the obvious indications of foul play, Eugene reportedly attempted to claim that Hyman had died by suicide and that Gigi had fallen from the balcony by accident.
Eugene was later treated for stab wounds that were suspected to be self-inflicted, as well as a dog bite.
Eugene worked as a paraprofessional with kindergarten-aged students at the Henry D. Woodworth School in Brooklyn. At the time of this writing, his name still appears on the staff roster for the school.
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From the staff list at Henry D. Woodworth.
Following Eugene’s arrest, there were some discrepancies in the way in which the crime was reported. While most media outlets correctly referred to Eugene as Hyman’s son, information was later released by police which indicated that Eugene identified as a transgender “woman.”
While it is unclear when Eugene began to transition, multiple early photos of him and his mother posted to her Facebook show him with a masculine appearance. Comments under photos featuring Eugene all suggest he was well-liked by friends and family.
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Eugene with family members. Source: Donna Hyman / FACEBOOK.
Though Eugene’s gender identity is not mentioned anywhere on Hyman’s Facebook where she often shared photos of her family and friends, two photos of Gigi, her poodle, were posted that suggest Hyman was in favor of LGBT causes. In one, Gigi is seen with a Gay Pride Month banner. In another, the dog is centered in an Human Rights Campaign photo frame that says “Fighting For Transgender Justice.”
Eugene is currently being held at the Eric M. Tyler Center on Rikers Island, a facility that houses male adults and adolescents. His intake information lists his sex as “male.”
There have been multiple incidents involving trans-identified males murdering their parent or parents in recent years.
In December of 2022, Nikki Secondino, a trans-identified male Instagram influencer, fatally stabbed his father and severely injured his sister while on a violent rampage over a laptop. Secondino gave a chilling confession to police after being arrested, revealing that he had first bludgeoned his father’s head with a hammer and then stabbed him with a knife. He then stabbed his sister when she attempted to intervene.
Months later, a trans-identified male in Virginia Beach was arrested and charged with the murder of his father. As previously reported by Reduxx, Michael Aaron Horwitz, 34, stabbed Dr. Abbey Horwitz to death at his home for reasons which are still unclear. Horwitz is being held at the Virginia Beach Jail awaiting trial.
here's an article written just over a year ago
"The Femicide Census, co-founded by Clarrie O’Callaghan and Karen Ingala Smith, records the death of every woman killed by a man in England and Wales. The number of women killed by sons has shown a steady and alarming rise since 2016, after decades of remaining stable. The number of grandmothers killed by grandsons has also risen. While younger women are more at risk of being killed by a partner or ex-partner, it is women in their 60s and older who are risk from their older sons and grandsons."
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ukrainian-psycho · 10 months
like im not saying fight club is an allegory to being trans or whatever. im just saying that it resonates with my personal experience. like first tyler inserts bits of himself you barely notice, sticking fragments of himself into your daily life. then, I didn’t lose an apartment but i did lose some important things and got through some shit this summer that made me realize i can die any moment. it was my breaking point. Then, a guy appears in my apartment. He’s cooler and more confident than the girl living there could ever be. He doesn't give shit. Like maybe some people get there gradually but on god I felt such a disassociation, I felt like maybe a sibling, some guy living in an place of this woman who’s place im house sitting with all her clothes and decor and stuff that I don’t get but whatever. I felt like a guest. And then I had to stop lying to myself. I am that guy. This guy has been me the whole time. She's gone.
At least in the movie, Tyler says “You have to consider the possibility that god doesn’t like you, he never wanted you, there’s a possibility he hates you”. I haven’t called my family in a long time. I came out to my mom and it went bad. I am coming down with the thought that I will never be wanted by my parents again. “Our fathers were our models for God. If our fathers bailed, what does that tell you about God?” and yeah my father may never see me as his son no matter what. And it burns and it burns like acid through you. But once you accept the pain it’s easier to get over it. I just don’t care anymore. I live for myself or this guy inside me will kill me. There are other lessons from the movie, I am especially interested how diametrically opposed it is to American psycho in terms of male masculinity under capitalism but whatever.
Anyway the movie is about gay sex.
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crazylistlady · 2 months
Queer books
Anything 18+ will be in red. content warning will have a *
The do's and donuts of love by Adiba Jaigridar
These Witches don't burn by Isabel Sterling
Reaping the benefits by E.J Noyes
Robber Girl by S.T Gibson
Snow Roses by Taryn Tyler*
The Unlocked Tomb series by Tamsyn Miur*
Not your sidekick by C.B Lee
Orpheus Girl by Brynne Rebele-Henry
Cafe con Lychee by Emery Lee
Tales of Verania by T.J Klune
History is all you left me by Adam Silvera*
When Harry met Harry by Sydney Smyth
Simon vs. the Homo sapiens agenda by Becky Albertalli
What if it's us by Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera
Consorting with Dragons by Sera Trevor
the Dragori series by Ben Alderson*
A little bit country by Brian D Kennedy
Jays Gay agenda by Jason June
Lord of eternal night by Ben alderson*
The Green Creek series by T.J Klune *
The Captive Prince trilogy by C.S Pacat *
Hani and Ishus guide to fake dating by Adiba Jaigridar
Tale from the High Court series by Megan Durr*
A Dowry of Blood by S.T Gibson*
The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee
The Alphas Son by Penny Jessup
Iceabreaker by A.L Graziadei*
The Meet cute Diary by Emery Lee
The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid*
So this is Ever After by F.T Lukens
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
The Witch King by H.E Edgmon
Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars : A Dangerous Trans Girl's Confabulous Memoir by Kai Cheng*
Transmogrify! 14 Fantastical Tales Of Trans Magic by various authors
The Deep by Rivers Solomon*
The Heartbreak Bakery by A.R Capetta
Hell followed with us by Andrew Joseph White*
The Spirit bares it's teeth by Andrew Joseph White*
Every Heart a doorway by Seanan McGuire
The Summer of Bitter and Sweet by Jen Ferguson*
If it makes you happy by Claire Kann*
Love letters for joy by Mellissa See
The Lady's guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi lee
This is by no means a complete list, if you have any you want to add feel free!
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goldenzingy46 · 2 months
I am hereby returning the favour please tell me about a blorbo of your choice this is your free blorbodump pass for whenever you’d like to use it <3
who is adam, you ask? well he’s from some novel that nobody’s ever heard of called firewatching by russ thomas which is so important to me. you may recognise it from my lockscreen. i am so normal about this guy
where do i start. he has a scar on his face from where he got into a fight with a homophobic police officer. he is a cop but he works in the cold case review unit. he’s kind of terrible at his job. he has 0 personal life. he’s a terrible boyfriend and spends most of the first book running away from oscar, his one night stand. he keeps trying to adopt children but he’s bad at even that <3
if you are sweetiepie08 don’t look under the cut because there are some light spoilers (VERY light but family related <3)
he saw his dad’s “suicide” when he was fifteen. his brother used to take him (teenaged child traumatised by their father’s death) to drug dens. he’s deeply attached to his godmother (police officer) and his dad’s friend/substitute dad (also a police officer) and he nearly gets fired in the first book. he loses two boyfriends in two books. he sucks absolute shit at everything <333
like, the first time we see him he’s considering buying the house he investigated a murder in. boy get therapy
i know for a fact that he knows nothing about pop culture i can just sense it in my soul
anyway he keeps trying to adopt people. constable mina rabbini the mob boss’ son jn book 2 possibly his niece in book 3…… he’s like anti police while being a cop which is so funny. he is everything to me. he’s even gay. he once looked a mob boss in the eye and went “did you kill my dad” like BOY 😭😭
HE IS EVERYTHING. i am very sleepy and rambling i can do better faster cooler stronger later but difnwifnishdidb. biting him. putting him in a jar and shaking him.
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WIP INTRO (nano, 2023): Herald at Dawn
Title: Herald at Dawn (title subject to change)
Genre: Steampunk fantasy murder mystery
Status: Planning & Draft 0, will be done for nano 2023 with a goal of 25k words (counting every word for double on the website cause I can't set my own goal)
Pov: Third person limited, multiple POV
Setting: A steampunk city called Volimere
Universal TW/CW: Arson, murder, corruption, legal systems being really really shit at their job, implied homophobia
Plot: An article is published in the daily newspaper The Clockwork Herald, revealing corruption in the court/legal system of the city, written by investigative reporter Alex McLelland, focused specifically on the Ekker trial, 11 years previously. Four days later someone turns up dead. Later that week, another body is found. Both of them were witnesses in the article she wrote, although no one was named. This is, as you might expect, something of a problem, because one by one, each witness is getting picked off, found dead at home or the victim of ''a tragic accident'', as ruled by the police.
Main Characters:
Alexandrina "Alex" McLelland. 30, she/her, aroace. Investigative reporter at The Clockwork Herald and the narrator for this story!
Asa Tylers. Early 30s/late 20s, he/him, bisexual. Alex's best friend and the person who does the art for a couple of the newspaper articles.
James Blakely. 32, he/him, gay, editor at the Herald. Alex's childhood friend.
León "Leo" Rivera. 33, he/him, gay, writer at the Herald, does the page on politics, was a witness in Alex's article & was the original reporter at the Herald for the Ekker trial. 1/4 fae.
Nathaniel Ekker. 23, he/him, queer, tailor. Was a witness in Alex's article and is the son of the woman whose murder was the focus of the Ekker trial.
Taglist maintained below the cut! Ask to be added or removed!
Taglist (ask to be added!): @thelaughingstag @gr3y-heron @another-white-void @amethyst-aster
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crimeboys · 4 months
tyler durden is literally jigsaw’s weird gay son
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