#u.f.o attack
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ancient-cats-unite · 5 months
Had a dream where a new chapter opened up for Cats of the Cosmos. Instead of restrictions, there was a U.F.O that displayed "events". Red was more enemy damage, yellow was less enemy units, blue meant status effects lasted longer, green meant increased research time and purple meant two boosted bosses. These changed around 12 AM and 12 PM so you had to plan ahead and decide when to do what stages. Additionally, you could "reroll" for 30 Catfood to change the events on stages.
Mysteriously, sometimes they just displayed letters. Typing them in somewhere gave you a special cat. It moves fast, attacks fast and spits acid.
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dailykirbycopyability · 5 months
Daily Kirby Copy Ability 01/26/2024
Today's copy ability is UFO! UFO has appeared in 5 games: Kirby's Adventure, Kirby's Dream Course, Kirby & the Amazing Mirror, Kirby: Squeak Squad, and Kirby: Planet Robobot
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Wikirby Description:
"UFO, also known as U.F.O., is a Copy Ability which transforms Kirby into flying saucer. It is typically obtained by finding the rare UFO enemy which tends to appear in hidden rooms throughout the series. UFO first appeared in Kirby's Adventure, and has since only made a handful of appearances throughout the series, a large number of which were just as cameos. When Kirby gains this power, his normal movement is replaced with the ability to hover rapidly through the air in any given direction, as he is no longer affected by gravity. He also gains access to four or five different primary attacks in the form of a chargeable projectile, as follows: An uncharged attack fires a beam whip energy chain, similar to the Beam ability. A short charge will fire a small laser beam that can bounce off slopes, similar to the Laser ability. A medium charged attack will fire a Star Bullet (Kirby's Adventure) / Heat Beam (Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land onward). A fully charged attack will fire a Blaster Bullet (Kirby's Adventure) / Piercing Heat Beam that can pierce through enemies (Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land onward). In Kirby: Planet Robobot, charging for even longer releases the Heat Cannon, which fires a large energy glob and three smaller projectiles (one of which fires backwards) which spread outward from the main blast. This attack is similar to the Robobot Jet Mode's 'Missile Spread' attack.
UFO Kirby can move through water and will not revert to his regular form with goggles like with other abilities. UFO Kirby cannot drop through thin floors or use ladders except in Kirby: Planet Robobot."
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pookha · 1 year
Speed dating, slow burning
A Phineas and Ferb fanfiction. Rated T.
Doctor Doofenshmirtz/Flo from Progressive, Crack taken Seriously
Heinz thinks it's just going to be another disastrous night of speed dating, but he meets Flo and they start a whirlwind romance that takes them to different cities and takes each of them out of their self-doubt and into a new love.
This came about because my wife mentioned once that it would be funny because he was always mistaken for a pharmacist and Flo had commercials where she was mistaken for a baker.
The bell rang and the lady sitting across from Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz got up and moved to the next table. Heinz watched her depart and sighed. He knew neither of them would be marking the other as a match. A few seconds later, a dark-haired woman with a retro hairstyle tied back with a blue ribbon sat down across from him. Her white button up shirt had a nametag on it that read, ‘Flo’ and another button that read ‘I Love Insurance.’
“I’m Heinz,” he said and held out his hand. Flo smiled widely, showing very white straight teeth.
“Flo,” she said and took his hand. They shook briefly.
“So, you’re an evil scientist?” she asked with legitimate curiosity.
“ Ex- evil scientist: I’m just a scientist now.” He laughed.
“Oh, what made you change?” she asked.
“It’s a very long story that involves my nemesis, now my best friend, but we don’t have time for a long backstory now.” He waved his hand and some chorus dancers that had been lurking in the shadows of the bar moved back from the table to their hiding spaces. Flo didn’t notice them approaching or Heinz dismissing them.
“Most people think I’m a pharmacist,” he said and she smiled.
“Mara told me about you on the last break.” She pointed at a woman sitting at a table across from a handsome man.
“Huh, maybe she’ll hit it off with him; we didn’t vibe at all.” Heinz laughed again.
“Yeah, she’s a bit snarky and it’s not for everyone.”
“So, you sell insurance.”
“Yeah. Most people mistake me for a baker, especially when I have my apron on.” She grinned.
“Well, the button is a giveaway…also, Mara told me what she did and that you were with her.”
“What brings you to Danville?” he asked after a very short pause.
“We’re here for an insurance conference and then we’re going to film a commercial. I started off as a cashier at our virtual store and now I’m a spokesperson who goes from place to place and gives talks. I’m also in the television commercials.”
“It sounds lonely,” Heinz said before he thought.
“Sorry, I overstepped,” he said.
“Nah, it is,” she replied and thought for a second.
“It’s hard to make a connection when you’re always on the move. I think that’s why Mara and I came out tonight.” She sighed.
“How about you?” she asked.
“Well, I’m divorced and have a teenage daughter…I guess technically she’s an adult now, but she’s staying at home until she goes back to college this fall. I invent things and now I’m trying to invent time travel because my future self told me I will.”
He looked up at her, expecting to see doubt, but she looked interested.
“You don’t think that’s crazy?” he asked.
She shook her head.
“In just the three days we’ve been in the Tri-State Area, I’ve seen a giant robot attacking a cruise ship get stopped by a platypus wearing a hat and a mustachioed alien in a U.F.O talking to a couple of young men, so it seems like weird is just normal here.”
She put her hand over his on the table.
“You seem weird, but a good weird.”
“That platypus used to be my nemesis. Now we work together when we can. I helped him take down that robot. You think I’m bragging too much”
She shook her head and pointed at his watch.
“The platypus…”
“Perry the platypus,” he interrupted and she smiled again.
“The platypus had the same watch on when he tipped his hat to me after destroying the robot.”
The bell dinged. Her hand was still on his and it was warm. She squeezed it before she got up and moved to the next table. Heinz watched her make a mark on her card. He marked the ‘match’ square and then another woman sat down across from him. He turned his attention to her, but it didn’t go well. Neither did any of the other speed dates. He only had one ‘match’ marked on his card, but he doubted that Flo had matched with him.
The round ended and it was over. He turned in his card to the director. She consulted another card, smiled and said, “You’ve got a match this time, Heinz.” It was the first time he’d marked a match and had it reciprocated. The director pointed at Flo, who saw and waved at Heinz. Heinz’s heart beat a bit faster. He wiped his sweaty hands on his lab coat before he went to Flo.
“Heinz!” she said and hugged him. He returned it awkwardly, patting her back as he hugged her. She released him.
“So…” he paused.
“Let’s go out for dinner,” she said, taking his hand. “What’s good around here?”
“Have you ever had Drusselsteinian food?” he asked and she shook her head.
“Good, let’s not get any, I grew up eating it and it’s mostly awful.”
“Oh, you’re from Drusselstein?”
He nodded and noticed she was still holding his hand.
“There’s a nice Italian place around the corner that we won’t need reservations for. I eat there sometimes and it’s good.”
“Okay, I’m just going to let Mara know where I am.” She squeezed his hand and Heinz’s heart flip-flopped again. She went and talked to Mara for a moment. Mara eyed Heinz suspiciously, and he remembered his speed date with her. Flo laughed at something Mara said and Heinz discovered he already liked Flo’s laugh; it was warm and genuine. She left Mara and came back to Heinz. She took his hand again and he was happy that his hand wasn’t sweating like it usually did when he was on a date.
“Let’s go,” she said.
It was a warm summer evening, so neither of them needed a jacket. He led her out of the hotel bar and around the corner to a small restaurant with a sign over it that read ‘Gio’s authentic Italian cuisine.’ It was dark inside with the tables lit by candles in red jars. The whole place had a run-down 70’s vibe, but it smelled amazing.
“I know it’s not much to look at, but the food is good and the service is fine.”
The hostess at the front saw Heinz and said, “Table for two, Heinz?” She looked down at their still intertwined hands.
“Yes, please.” The hostess led them to a dark booth in the corner. Heinz chuckled.
“What’s so funny?” Flo asked, sitting across from him.
“This is the table where they like to put couples on dates. I’ve never sat here before.” He pointed at a two-top by the front window.
“I usually sit there. Sometimes Vanessa, my daughter, comes with me and we still sit at the small table by the window.”
The waitress sat down menus and water in front of them and they ordered. While they were waiting for their appetizers they made small talk about family. Heinz told her about his brother Roger, the mayor. He mentioned he’d always been jealous of Roger and how he had tried to keep taking over the Tri-State area, but had finally moved on with therapy. He thought he’d said too much, but Flo nodded.
“Therapy helps,” she said and told him about her sister and family and how no matter what she did, it never seemed to be enough, even after becoming semi-famous on television. Their food came and the conversation turned to food and drink, then back to each other as the meal progressed. Flo was a good listener and Heinz never felt like he went too far with his past, but he carefully didn’t mention much of his childhood in Drusselstein. The chorus dancers walked by outside, but he caught the leader’s eye in the window and waved them off subtly: no backstory song and dance today, don’t want to scare Flo off. They left with the leader making a ‘pay me’ motion with her hand and Heinz nodded.
“So, what’s up with the dancers?” Flo asked. Of course she’d noticed.
“They’re on retainer to provide back-up singing and dancing during my backstory song, but we don’t need that today.” He chuckled nervously and Flo put her hand on his again.
“It’s okay, I like you, you’re interesting. Do you sing a lot for backstory?”
“I used to, but it’s a lot less common now. I don’t know how or when my life became a musical.” He sighed and she squeezed his hand.
“Television life is weird and meta, too, so I get it. Sometimes I wonder how my life became what it is.” He squeezed her hand and she didn’t pull back.
The waitress brought Tiramisu for dessert and placed it between them.
“We didn’t order this,” Heinz said.
“It’s on the house, Heinz, you’re a good customer and a good tipper.” She grinned and he knew she was enjoying being a bit of a wingman.
“Thank you,” he said. The waitress put down two forks. Flo laughed when she saw.
“Do you mind sharing it?” she asked and he shook his head. She grabbed a fork and took a bite.
“It’s delicious.” She picked up another piece and offered it to Heinz on her fork. He leaned forward and took the bite off the fork.
“It is good,” he said. “My daughter likes it, but I usually get spumoni if I want dessert. At least somewhat because spumoni is fun to say. Spumoni! Spumoni!”
Flo laughed again, which jiggled the fork and she got a blob of whipped cream on her nose. Heinz held up a napkin for her and she took it and wiped it off.
They finished the tiramisu, one taking a bite then the other. They talked about some of the places they’d been in common and they both said how much they liked Seattle.
“It’s not just the coffee,” Flo joked and Heinz laughed.
“It’s also not rainy all the time, just mostly in the fall, winter and spring.”
“So 75% of the time,” Flo said and this time Heinz laughed.
“Where are you off to next?” he asked.
“San Francisco, then L.A. We’re going to film a commercial on location and then finish up on a soundstage.”
They finished their meal and the waitress let them talk for a long time before offering coffee, which they both declined.
“I’ve got to get up early for an interview before the conference tomorrow, then we’re going to the airport.”
“I can’t have coffee this late,” Heinz said.
They both reached for the check, but Heinz got it first.
“Split?” Flo offered.
“Nah, I’ve got it.” He pulled out a black Amex and paid.
“That’s invite only,” Flo said, nodding at the card.
“What? This?” Heinz said, baffled.
“Yeah, it’s like for the super-rich. Are you a billionaire?”
Heinz snorted, laughed, then snorted again.
“No, not a billionaire. I get some money from my inventions and some from the alimony from my ex.”
The waitress returned and he held the card out so Flo could see it. She took it curiously, then handed it back.
“Sorry, that makes it seem like I’m a gold-digger.”
“Nah, I didn’t get that, you just seemed curious.”
They left and as they reached the door, she took his hand again.
“If I were here another night, I’d say let’s go out tomorrow, but the best I can do is give you my number.”
He put her number in his phone and she did the same with his. He sent her a test text and it went through and she returned with a smiley face emoji.
“I’ve got to go to bed now, Heinz, but I had a good time.” She leaned forward and pecked his cheek. He reciprocated and thought he saw a small blush on her neck near the collar of her shirt.
“I had a good time, too. I hope to hear from you.” She squeezed his hand one last time and went around the corner back to her hotel.
Heinz touched his cheek where she’d kissed him and then slowly walked back to his building. He made sure to Venmo the dancers and gave them a large tip. When he got home, Vanessa popped her head out of her room.
“Hey, Dad, how’d it go tonight?” she asked in a slightly defeated voice. She knew how his dates usually went.
“Great!” he said. “I met a really nice woman named Flo and we exchanged numbers.”
His phone dinged and he looked at it.
I really did have a good time tonight. The best in a while. I’ll text you from SF 😘
He texted back quickly.
Looking forward to it.
He debated for a moment before adding an animated gif of the moon rising over the Golden Gate bridge.
He looked up from his phone and Vanessa had come completely out of her room.
“That was her texting me from her hotel. She said she had a good time, too and will text from San Francisco in the next few days.”
“Nice, dad. Glad you had a good time. I’ll be in here if you need me.” She started to pull her head back.
“Love you, sweetie,” Heinz said and she stuck her head back out.
“Love you, too, dad.”
Heinz went to bed and sat with his phone on his chest for a long time, just looking at the kissy-face emoji. He wanted to text Flo again, but decided it would seem too desperate.
Two days later he was working on a Time Dilator-inator with Norm when his phone buzzed. He sighed, expecting it was Major Monogram or Carl with some problem at OWCA, but it was a text from Flo.
Ugh, shooting delayed for two days. Now I have a whole day in SF, but no one to share it with. Wish you were here for a 2nd date.
Heinz texted back immediately.
I can be there in 30 if you want.
His heart thumped and Norm shouted, “Abnormal sinus rhythm detected!”
“Shut up Norm!” Heinz yelled back, watching the “…” of Flo typing.
“Just doing my job,” Norm said. Even with his robotic voice, Heinz could tell he was pouting.
“Sorry, Norm, it’s just Flo texting me.” She was still typing.
“It’s okay, sir, I’ll just stop telling you when your heart rate is abnormal.” Norm clunked away, tossing down a monkey-wrench petulantly. Heinz was watching Norm retreat and missed when Flo had texted back.
Are you in SF? Not in Danville? How can you be here so fast? Would love it if it were true.
Heinz took a photo of an inator in the corner and sent it with a message.
I invented a Teleport-inator a long time ago and it still works just fine. Give me your address and I can be there in 30
His phone rang. The caller ID said it was Flo.
“Heinz,” he said, answering.
“It’s Flo. You’re not joking?”
“Nope, I just need to clean up and I can be there as quick as quick can be.”
“I’m staying at the Omni International, room 1214. Look forward to seeing you.”
“I’ll be there soon. Want me to bring anything?”
“Nah, we’ll make a day of it.”
“Okay, bye.”
She hung up and he double-checked the Teleport-inator. It was still in good shape and it powered on when he plugged it in. He went and cleaned up and changed into jeans and a blue OWCA polo shirt that just had their non-acronym stitched over the pocket. He texted Vanessa that he was going to San Francisco and she texted back that she wanted some Ghirardelli chocolates. He laughed.
A few minutes later he stood in front of the inator. He triple-checked the coordinates, and pushed the button. There was a flash, he was disoriented for a moment and then he found himself in San Francisco. A passerby stopped and stared until Heinz walked away, then the man walked off at a quick pace, rubbing his eyes.
Heinz walked a block to the Omni International and went up to room 1214. He paused before knocking and checked his breath. He sighed, squared his shoulders and knocked. Flo’s voice came from inside.
“Just a moment!”
She opened the door a few seconds later. She looked different; she was wearing jeans and a Kelly Green shirt with a braided silver bead necklace. She wasn’t wearing her trademark red lipstick and her hair was covered with a blue kerchief. She must have noticed Heinz noticing.
“This is me without makeup,” she said. “Disappointed?”
“No, you’re lovely.”
“Aw, thanks. She pulled him into her room and hugged him.
“Seriously, you teleported here?” she asked as she broke the hug. She sat at the little chair in front of the desk.
“Sure, it’s pretty simple. Easier than time travel, anyway.” She laughed and he looked around the room. The hotel was nice, but not a luxury 5-star hotel.
“What would you like to do?” he asked and he sat on the bed.
She raised her eyebrow at him and he quickly stammered, “No-no, I wasn’t suggesting…hanky-panky. It was just a good place to sit.”
“Nah, just teasing you. I didn’t think you were implying that.” She tossed a pamphlet at him.
“How about Ghirardelli Square. It looks touristy and I don’t get to do touristy stuff much.”
“Oooh, perfect! Vanessa wanted me to pick up some Ghirardelli chocolate for her. I think she’s been here with a school group.”
“Cool, I’m ready now if you are, unless you’re tired from your flight.”
This time, he laughed and she laughed with him. He stood and so did she. She leaned past him to pick up her purse off the bed and he could smell her perfume. It reminded him of vanilla and summer peaches.
They took a cab down to Ghirardelli square and got out to walk. Even though it was summer, a stiff, cool breeze came in from the bay. They walked around looking at the shops and watched a mime for a moment until Heinz told Flo about the time he’d made a Mime-Inator and trapped all the mimes in the Tri-state area in invisible boxes.
“But, fortunately Perry the Platypus foiled me before I could trap everyone in invisible boxes. Man, I was a different person then.”
She took his hand, squeezed it and pulled him away from the mime.
“What made you change?” she asked.
Heinz paused in thought for a long time.
“I realized that I wasn’t doing anything useful or leaving a legacy that meant anything. I originally wanted my daughter, Vanessa, to follow in my footsteps and be evil, but I saw that she has a little bit of that evil and I could picture her becoming a megalomaniacal villain like I was trying to be and it just hit me that it was a waste. I started working with the group that always foiled me and after my penthouse was destroyed I lived with a very nice family that helped me change, too.”
“Is the group named OWCA?” she asked.
He blinked and she pointed at his shirt.
“Oh, yeah, but I didn’t tell you that, because it’s a secret organization.”
“So secret that they put their acronym on a shirt?”
Heinz smiled widely.
“They don’t have an acronym, they’re the Organization Without a Cool Acronym.”
Flo laughed so hard she had to pause and lean her head on Heinz. His chest burned where she leaned on him.
“No acronym,” she wheezed. “Oxymoron.”
She finally stopped laughing, but kept her head leaning on his side slightly as they walked the square hand in hand. They made small talk and he learned that she’d been in an improv troupe in college that had a big comedy star in it and she heard how he’d been raised by ocelots at one point.
“Ooo, let’s do that.” She pointed at an indoor miniature golf course.
“Okay,” Heinz agreed and they went in. It was fairly empty and they picked up their putters and balls. Heinz hit a hole in one on the first hole and Flo kissed him on the cheek in congratulations.
“Too much?” she asked.
“Nah,” Heinz said.
They played their round, stopping at the ‘turn’ for a corndog and a soda, then finished their round. Flo beat him by three strokes and she asked him if he let her.
“No way,” he said.
“I just thought maybe because you hit the hole in one on the first hole,” she said.
“I was just lucky, like when I sat down across from you.” Heinz smiled a genuine smile and he liked how he was smiling more now already.
They walked through all the shops and in one particularly touristy one, he crushed a penny in a machine that stamped the Golden Gate on it. He gave it to Flo and she put it in a pocket. She bought a glass paperweight that was slightly cloudy and said it contained ‘100% authentic San Francisco fog.’ She gave it to Heinz and he rubbed it on his shirt before he put it back in the bag. After a while, they went into a bar that was styled as an English pub.
They went to the bar and Flo ordered a Guinness and Heinz had a soda.
“Do you not drink?” she asked as they sat down at an open table.
“Very little,” he said. “I just don’t like it; it’s not some moral thing.”
“You don’t mind if I do?” she asked.
He shook his head.
“So, since I already know about OWCA and Perry the Platypus, can you tell me more about it?”
“Not anything more than they stop people who need stopping; I can’t give you any details. Sorry.” He wiped his brow.
“Is it warm in here?” he asked.
“Hmm, maybe a little.” Her foot bumped his leg under the table.
“Nope that made it hotter,” he said and she laughed, but pulled back her foot.
“Sorry,” she said and laughed again. Heinz noticed she was laughing a lot around him and he tried to remember if that was a good sign or not. He decided her smile definitely was.
“No need to be sorry. I just think it’s been a long time since I’ve been on a date with a beautiful woman and it wasn’t a disaster.”
He told her about the time he’d invented boots that helped him square dance to impress a date and how it went wrong. She laughed at all the right spots. She told him about the time she went out with a movie star and figured out he was just trying to distract the paparazzi from his real date, who he met at the bar in the VIP section and left Flo on her own.
“Wow! Want me to hit that guy with my ugly-inator?” Heinz asked, half-seriously. Flo looked at his face carefully, trying to figure out if he meant it or not.
“No, please don’t. It seems like something you would have left behind.”
Heinz sighed.
“It is, but sometimes you still want to give people their just desserts.”
“I get that. I really do, but karma will catch up to him,” Flo said.
“Speaking of dessert, do you want to get dinner? It’s a bit early, but that corndog wasn’t really much.”
“Sure, I’ll go to the bar and see if they do table service.” She got up, went to talk to the bartender and came back a moment later with menus. She handed one to Heinz.
“Looks like it’s traditional British fare.”
“Oh, sorry,” Heinz said, and she laughed again.
“I like shepherd’s pie and they have a few American things, too.”
After they’d ordered their food (shepherd’s pie for Flo and a plain cheeseburger for Heinz) they talked easily until it arrived. Flo ate hers with gusto, taking the mash off each bite first, then eating the meat and veggies under it next. Heinz picked at his burger and fries.
“Not good?” Flo asked.
“Just nervous still, I think.” He sighed.
“I always think I’m going to do or say something to wreck it. I guess it’s a type of impostor syndrome where I don’t think I deserve good things like a nice date with a beautiful woman who laughs at my jokes and thinks I’m okay.”
She put her hand over his again.
“If it helps, think of it as karma for trying to change. I feel it, too. It’s hard for me to get along with the sort of men I meet where it seems like they always just want a quick bang and then they know I’ll be moving on. I want more, but being on the move is hard. You having a teleporter makes it easier. Also, you don’t seem like you just want to get in my pants.”
“I mean, I do want that, maybe, but not until we get to know each other more. I’m just not wired to sleep together on the first or second date,” Heinz said. He turned his hand upright in hers and squeezed it.
“See that’s nice. It’s a nice change.” She returned the squeeze and they finished their meal. The talk was lighter now, avoiding hard topics. Heinz actually finished all his fries and most of his burger. There was hardly a drip of gravy left in Flo’s bowl.
Heinz started to pay, but Flo insisted on getting the tab this time.
“I have money, too.”
He half-bowed to her.
“Thank you.”
As they walked out back into the square, the red sun over the bay was still fairly high. Heinz’s watch beeped and he looked at it, then excused himself for a moment. He walked a short distance away, but Flo could still hear him.
“Yes, I’m in San Francisco. No, I’m on a date. Yes, a date. I’ll be back later tonight.”
He paused and listened
“I used one of my old inators to teleport here.”
He listened again and laughed.
“I’ll tell her. See you later, Carl.”
He walked back to Flo.
“Work?” she asked.
“Yeah, they need me to look at something that may have been made by an evil scientist and see what it was part of.” He glanced at his watch again.
“Do you need to leave right away?”
He shook his head.
“Let’s get your daughter her chocolate then, in case you have to leave suddenly.” She took his hand and guided him to the chocolate shop.
“They don’t manufacture it here any more, do they?” she asked.
He shook his head.
“No, it’s all made somewhere else now, but they still have their premier storefront here.”
They shopped the store together and took a few samples from the salesperson. Heinz bought two packages of sea salt dark chocolate caramels and one of solid milk chocolates. Flo bought mint filled dark chocolates.
They went to sit on a bench in the shade and he gave Flo the extra bag of sea salt chocolate.
“For me?” she asked and he nodded.
“Thank you.”
They shared some chocolate on the bench and she leaned her head on his shoulder. His watch made a noise again, but he didn’t look at it.
“Work again?”
“No, it was my health monitor.” He laughed, then shifted so she could see the face of the watch.
Abnormal sinus rhythm detected, sir. Yes, I know, shut up.
She laughed, then lifted her head off his shoulder and he turned to look at her. She lifted her head slightly and their lips met. Her hand slid behind his head when he tried to pull back and he relaxed into the kiss. Her lips were salty from the chocolate, and so warm. The kiss lasted for only a few seconds. His watch made a noise again and he started to laugh.
“You make my heart thump,” he said. She took his hand and put it over her breast and he could feel her heart beating fast, too.
“Ditto,” she said.
“I had a good time today,” she said standing. She helped Heinz up.
“Me too.” He leaned in for a kiss this time and she returned it. It was a kiss that promised more in the future.
“I do have to go. I’ll text you tomorrow?”
She smiled.
“Text me tonight and tomorrow.”
“I will. Stand back a few feet.”
She stepped back and he touched his watch. Not even a second later he disappeared with a small pop of displaced air and a smell of ozone.
Her phone dinged.
Safe at home
She texted back.
Glad to hear it. I’ll think of you later while I’m eating this chocolate.
She took a cab back to her hotel and later sat in her bath with a book and the chocolates. She did think of Heinz while she was eating them and wished he was there.
At the same time, Heinz was at OWCA headquarters looking at a robot’s head that Perry had torn off.
“Yep, it’s Rodney’s work all right. I’ll make you a targeted EMP device that should only take out his electronics since he uses his own bespoke components.”
He worked on it for several hours and then took a break. He texted Flo.
Late night. Sorry if you’re already asleep. Texting like I promised. Hope to see you sometime soon. XOXO
She didn’t respond and when Heinz looked at the time, he realized it was 2am on the west coast. He sighed and went back to work. Carl brought him a coffee.
They texted and facetimed a few times over the next two weeks. Flo was always busy, on the move from city to city, sometimes filming, sometimes presenting at a conference. Heinz helped foil Rodney’s plans and then went to Paris to help rebuild a bit of a superconducting supercomputer there that had been damaged by an alien attack. When he was done, Heinz took a photo of the Eiffel Tower.
Next time I’m here, I want to take you to the top of the tower. The view of Paris is incredible.
She texted him photos of the Space Needle and the Gateway Arch and said she wanted him there.
Finally, almost a month later they met up again in Chicago. They took in a Cubs game at Wrigley and then went to the museum of Science and Industry. He took her on the coal mine tour there. That night, the goodbye kiss outside her hotel room lingered. Heinz could tell she was considering inviting him in.
“Tell you what,” he said. “Tell you what, tell you what, next time you have some free time, I’ll teleport you to Danville and you can see my place and meet my daughter.”
She blinked, then laughed.
“I like that. I think I might be falling in love with you, Heinz. It’s a weird, teenagery feeling that I thought I’d left behind. It’s fluttery and strange and I like it very much.”
She leaned forward and kissed him deeply. He pushed her up against the door of her hotel room and her hand moved lower on his back.
“I like it, too,” he said when he pulled away finally after an age.
She squeezed his hands as she went into her room. He let the door close before he teleported away.
Just a few days later, she texted him and he teleported her to his penthouse. He was ready with the paper bag when she popped in, but she didn’t barf like most people did when they teleported for the first time.
She immediatey noticed the large, man-shaped robot hovering over Heinz.
“Glad to meet you!” it bellowed.
“Glad to meet you, Norm,” she said.
Norm stumped off, humming to himself.
Heinz showed her around his workroom, pointing out various inators that were old or new, broken or working. On his desk, in a place of honor, she saw a photo of Heinz in his lab coat with his arm around a teal platypus with a hat. She didn’t know how she knew, but she could tell the platypus was smiling. She noticed a photo of her outside Wrigley field next to Perry’s photo.
A young woman dressed in black came out of a room, did a double-take when she saw Flo and introduced herself.
“I’m Vanessa,” she said.
“Flo.” She released Vanessa’s hand.
“I’m going out tonight with friends. I’ll be back late.” Vanessa hugged Heinz and left.
“She seems nice,” Flo said.
“But not too nice,” Heinz added, then sighed.
“What’s wrong?” Flo asked, putting her arm through his.
“She’s in love with someone, but it’s complicated because he’s a lot younger.”
“Ah,” Flo said, not knowing what to say.
“The age gap won’t seem weird in a few years and she’s being mature about it, but I can tell it’s hard for her.”
He waved it off.
“My problem…and Vanessa’s. We’ll get through it.”
He showed her the rest of his penthouse. Norm made them a homemade tapas meal with lots of choices of small dishes.
“Now, you’ll get the only part of Drusselsteinian food that’s any good: the Doonkelberry pie!” Heinz took a cloche from over a pie. A bat flew out of the rafters and tried to grab it, but Norm was too fast with a net.
“It smells amazing, and it’s still warm.” Flo took the slice proffered by Heinz.
“Norm makes a good pie, almost as good as Lindana’s.” Heinz laughed and served himself a slice. He closed the cloche as another bat made a dive at it. Norm caught it with the net, too.
“Are the bats normal?” Flo asked and Heinz smiled.
“They love the berries. I don’t know where they hide-”
“Wait. Did you mean Lindana, the pop star?” Flo interrupted him.
He told her about his date with Lindana and how she lived as a house-wife in the Tri-State area now. He told her that her stepson was the one that Vanessa had a thing for.
“Never thought you’d be one to date a pop star,” she said around a bite of pie.
“Yeah, it was a disaster. I was a bad person then.” They finished the pie and went into the living room to watch a movie, but missed almost all of it making out like teenagers. Norm came in at one point and then left immediately when he saw them on the couch. The movie ended and neither of them got up. Heinz’s watch dinged and they both jumped.
“Work?” she asked.
“No, bedtime.” He answered.
“Want to come with me?” he asked as he stood.
“I’ve wanted that for a while now,” she said and took his hand as she stood.
They walked off slowly to his bedroom and didn’t come out until late the next morning.
Two months later, Heinz made good his promise and took her to the top of the Eiffel Tower. A month later to the top of the CN tower in Toronto and then deep into Carlsbad Caverns.
One year to the day after their first date they sat in the same Italian restaurant and when the tiramisu came out there was a velvet box on it. Flo didn’t even open it before she said yes.
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bookclub4m · 10 months
Episode 178 - Aliens, Extraterrestrials, and UFOs
This episode we’re talking about non-fiction books about Aliens, Extraterrestrials, and UFOs! We discuss unexplained aerial phenomenon, owls, exobiology, and aliens wearing hats!
You can download the podcast directly, find it on Libsyn, or get it through Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast delivery system.
In this episode
Anna Ferri | Meghan Whyte | Matthew Murray | Jam Edwards
Things We Read (or tried to…)
Astrobiology: A Very Short Introduction by David C. Catling
The Zoologist's Guide to the Galaxy: What Animals on Earth Reveal about Aliens – and Ourselves by Arik Kershenbaum
Death from the Skies! These Are the Ways the World Will End… by Philip Plait
Death from the Skies! The Science Behind the End of the World…
Search for the Unknown: Canada’s UFO Files and the Rise of Conspiracy Theory by Matthew Hayes
Aliens: Join the Scientists Searching Space for Extraterrestrial Life by Joalda Morancy, illustrated by Amy Grimes
Picturing Extraterrestrials: Alien Images in Modern Mass Culture by John F. Moffitt
Intimate Alien: The Hidden Story of the UFO by David J Halperin
They Are Already Here: UFO Culture and Why We See Saucers by Sarah Scoles
Mirage Men: An Adventure into Paranoia, Espionage, Psychological Warfare, and UFOs by Mark Pikington
Mirage Men (Wikipedia) - The documentary
Other Media We Mentioned
Chariots of The Gods by Erich von Däniken
Chariots of the Gods? (Wikipedia)
The X-Files (Wikipedia)
Mars Attacks! (1996 film)
The yodeling scene ("Indian Love Call" by Slim Whitman)
Mars Attacks (Wikipedia)
The trading cards
Communion: A True Story by Whitley Strieber
The Disappearing Act by Florence de Changy
Disappearance of the Malaysian airplane
Links, Articles, and Things
Barney and Betty Hill incident (Wikipedia)
METI International (Wikipedia)
Reptilian conspiracy theory (Wikipedia)
ʻOumuamua (Wikipedia)
Raëlism (Wikipedia)
Martian canals (Wikipedia)
Neon Squid Books
U.S. judge says Penguin Random House book merger cannot go forward
Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (Wikipedia)
How Blink-182’s Tom DeLonge Became a U.F.O. Researcher
10 Non-Fiction Books About Aliens & UFOs (and other phenomena) by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) Authors
Every month Book Club for Masochists: A Readers’ Advisory Podcasts chooses a genre at random and we read and discuss books from that genre. We also put together book lists for each episode/genre that feature works by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) authors. All of the lists can be found here.
Aliens: The World's Leading Scientists on the Search for Extraterrestrial Life edited by Jim Al-Khalili
Black Holes, Wormholes and Time Machines by Jim Al-Khalili
More Encounters with Star People: Urban American Indians Tells Their Stories by Ardy Sixkiller Clarke
Strange New Worlds: The Search for Alien Planets and Life Beyond Our Solar System by Ray Jayawardhana
Physics of the Impossible by Michio Kaku
Aliens: Join the Scientists Searching Space for Extraterrestrial Life by Joalda Morancy
Mapping the Heavens: The Radical Scientific Ideas That Reveal the Cosmos by Priyamvada Natarajan
Mondes d'ailleurs by Trịnh Xuân Thuận
Cosmic Queries: StarTalk's Guide to Who We Are, How We Got Here, and Where We're Going by Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why Aren't They Here: The Question of Life on Other Worlds by Surendra Verma
Give us feedback!
Fill out the form to ask for a recommendation or suggest a genre or title for us to read!
Check out our Tumblr, follow us on Twitter or Instagram, join our Facebook Group, or send us an email!
Join us again on Tuesday, July 18th it’s time for our annual One Book One Podcast pitch episode!
Then on Tuesday, August 1st we’ll be discussing the genre of Pulp Fiction!
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kismetfakemon · 2 years
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Name: Unident Name Etymology: Shortening of Unidentified Classification: Unidentified Pokemon Type: Star/Data Evolution Method: Evolves into Unifo at Level 32 Ability: Levitate Flavour Text: This Pokemon baffles researchers. It's origins are unknown as is the technology that makes it up. It's purpose for coming to this planet is also unknown. Regardless, it surprisingly fond of children and like to make them float with its Tractor Beam attack. Just without the zapping.
Name: Unifo Name Etymology: Portmanteau of Unidentified and U.F.O Classification: Otherworldly Pokemon Type: Star/Data Evolution Method: Evolves from Unident at Level 32 Ability: Levitate Flavour Text: The outer covering of Unifo and its pre-evolution is hard and durable. It's the technology contained inside that allows them to Levitate. If the covering is damaged enough, both are unfortunately grounded until they can repair it. However, Unifo especially is not an easy target. A Laser Beam attack will prove thus. Laser Beam Tech Special 60 BP / -- Acc / 20 PP The user attacks the foe with a sharp quick blast of light. This move never misses. Tractor Beam Star Special 15 BP / 100 Acc / 30 PP The user traps the foe in a tractor beam of it's own making and zaps it each turn. The attack lasts for 2-5 turns, taking damage each turn.
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myhauntedsalem · 3 years
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Shadow  Creatures
Shadow creatures, also called shades, shadow people, shades, shadow beings, and a host of other names are a mysterious, and often frightening apparition.
Tales of these creatures have been around for almost as long as humanity has dwelt upon the planet. They always appear as a dark shadowy form, often in the peripheries of people’s vision, as well appearing in full view. If they become aware of being noticed they will simply disappear, or fade away into the dark and shadowy corners of rooms and closets.
They seem to be drawn to places where violence has been perpetrated, or is immanent.  Many theories abound as to what these creatures are and why these things are drawn to violence, sorrow, and other forms of suffering, but none have been proven to be fact. Most of the time we see them on those nights when, in spite of there being an almost full moon and plenty of security lights burning, the night is unusually dark and feeling extremely tense and creepy. They will dart through the shadows of the trees and have even raise right up in front of us…seemingly from the very ground itself.
Reports of shadow creatures are very common. People sensitive to the  supernatural world seem to see these creatures on a pretty routine basis, but even folks who have never seen a U.F.O or have not so much as a hint of psychic ability about them report seeing these bizarre beings. The reports about these shadow beings differ in one respect from the usual spirit or ghost sightings in that these creature have no human features like spirits or ghosts.
Shadow creatures are never reported wearing either modern or period clothing, nor do they make any attempt to communicate with the observer.  There have been a few reports of people being chased by shadow creatures, and even more rarely, of people being attacked by  shadow beings. There have been numerous reports of shadow creatures just popping right into being in front of witnesses, linger for a few seconds, and then disappear just as fast. Most people report that these encounters  almost always leave them with feelings of a heavy sadness and dread.
The numerous accounts given by countless witnesses about these shadow  beings usually describe them as being a dark, solid black, humanoid shape having little or no facial characteristics.  There are also several reports of these beings appearing to be child-sized, or shapeless, dark, black or gray mass that will often shift to a more human like form. Sometimes these creatures are reported as having glowing red eyes.
Some other, much more frightening accounts are given by people describing what appears to be a dark, humanoid shaped phantom with the outline of a cloak, and the outline of a flat wide-brimmed hat. This last type is sometimes called the “hat-man” and  is often a terrifying and malevolent apparition that is accompanied by paralysis, bone-chilling coldness, and a feeling of fear for one’s life.
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nzchao · 3 years
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東京 東高円寺 U.F.O. CLUB
open.17:00/start.17:20 ticket Adv¥2,000-/Door¥2,300-(+D)
w/ 安樂将平 / 弱者同盟 / 林 良太 ※出演を予定しておりましたNEKOBERG、Sandmanは都合によりキャンセルとなりました。ご了承下さい。
本日、ユーフォークラブでライブです。 出番は初っ端。よろしくお願いします。
------------------------------------------ 【新型コロナウイルスへの対策・取り組み】
《ご来場の皆様へ》 ◉ご入場の際の検温、消毒、マスク着用のご協力をお願い致します。ご入場の際に受付にてスタッフよりお客様の両手に散布させて頂きます。アルコールアレルギーの方はお申し出ください。 ◉体調の優れない方はご来場をお控え下さいますようお願い致します。 ◉受付、お手洗いにアルコール消毒液を設置しております。各自小まめな消毒、手洗い、うがい等のご協力頂けると助かります。 ◉スタッフもマスク着用を徹底致します。 ◉ご入場の際は来場者管理の為に連絡先(氏名・電話番号・メールアドレス)のご記入をお願いしております。(尚、お預かりした個人情報は万が一クラスターが発生した場合にのみ使用させていただきます。) ◉来場定員を最大入場人数の4分の1程度に設定し、混雑が発生した場合には、お目当ての出演者様の終了後にご退場をアナウンスさせていただく場合がございます。 ◉その他、会場からの注意や対応にご協力頂けない方は入場をお断りさせていただく場合があります。 ◉イベントの開演前、終演後の清掃時に床、トイレ、ドアの手すり、ドリンクカウンターの消毒、転換時にはドアを開けて換気を行います。 ◉飛沫拡散防止のため、客席の最前列はステージより2m離れた場所に椅子を設置します。 ◉ご帰宅後の手洗いうがいにご協力をお願い致します。
《出演者の皆様へ》 ◉出演者様側でご予約を取られているお客様のお名前とご連絡先(電話番号・メールアドレスなど)を必ずお控えいただき、当日お渡しする取り置き表にご記入いただきます。お預かりした個人情報は万が一クラスター等が発生した際にのみ使用させていただきます。 ◉出演バンド転換毎にマイクの消毒を行います。
上記を徹底し営業させていただきます。 何卒ご理解、ご協力の程よろしくお願い致します。 ※告知・宣伝の際は添付画像にて注意事項のアナウンスをお願い致します。 ------------------------------------------
UFO CLUB TOKYO JAPAN 〒166-0003 東京都杉並区高円寺南 1-11-6 ハーモニーヒルズB1F TEL/FAX 03-5306-0240 http://www.ufoclub.jp/ Twitter: @UFO_CLUB_TOKYO https://twitter.com/UFO_CLUB_TOKYO
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quinnred · 5 years
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Name: MOGUL Aliases: The Shell, flying saucer , U.F.O. , Holothuria Resplendent , Patera Volans Date Discovered: July 7th, 1956 Place of Origin: Pacific Ocean Notable Stomping Grounds: Pacific Ocean, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., Roswell, Akron, Leary Height: 60ft tall (flat) , 80 ft tall (expanded) Width: 100 ft wide (120 ft long when extended) Biology: When the MOGUL was first spotted spinning through the skies of America, it was immediately identified as an alien spacecraft by civilian and military witnesses. The object was too fast to be seen easily or photographed clearly. Jets could barely tail it, and even if they got close the heat of it’s own jet propulsion produced a molten aura that eliminated anything near it. Truly this alien threat seemed unstoppable. It was only through test of chemical traces in the air that hints of it’s true nature were realized. Gases emitting from the creature were similar to the digestive byproduct of large animals... The full truth was revealed when the U.F.O. made land fall in Washington and an Ambassador was sent to attempt communication with potential neighbors from the stars. Instead the MOGUL expanded into a sphere, it’s armor parting to show the soft tissue between. A large tendril like structure emerged, as if to taste the air, and was misunderstood as an alien pilot by the Ambassador who attempted a hand shake, only to be rejected as the “tongue” receded into the sphere and the body rolled over him towards an unknown goal. The MOGUL sphere would stop at a previously undiscovered Yamaneon tunnel and begin to elongate it’s body. This is when observing scientist theorized that MOGUL was a form of Yamaneon evolved Holothurian, aka a sea cucumber. MOGUL’s elopngated body would act as a drill and dig into the Yamaneon deposit’s below, releasing great bouts of radiation. Once it reached the yamaneon, it’s “tongue” began to root and feed on the material, as it’s organs emerged and bloated from the other side of it’s body, filling with both sustenance and digestive gases to likely fuel it’s next flight. The creature was vulnerable at this moment, with it’s delicate organs inflating like air balloons, but radiation made approach dangerous, and it was unknown how large the explosion of such a gaseous creature would be if punctured. It seemed that this creature couldnt be dealt with, that is until a question arised: Why here and not anywhere else? A theory: all known life requires water, and this creature is of an aquatic descent and thus needs water especially. It came for Yammaneon here, likely to avoid competition or predation, and must rely on reserves within it’s body to survive here. Perhaps it chose this spot because of a reservoir around the deposit it’s eating. So if we want it to leave, we must dry it out, and to dry it out we must drain the water. The theory was put into motion, as agents and miners followed the MOGUL’s path and discovered the reservoir. Through demolition it was drained away from the MOGUL, and absorbent materials along with many pounds of sodium to further dry the area. The effort proved worth it, and the MOGUL was successfully evicted from the tunnel and left Washington for another feeding ground were the tactic would be repeated until MOGUL returned to the sea. Was it the only member of it’s species? Unlikely, as U.F.O. sightings still occur, and most of those are likely a MOGUL. In each Yamaneon reservoir touched by MOGUL, reproductive material is found in the water, so it appears there are attempts to at least make more MOGUL. Personality: MOGUL dosent show off much of a personality, as it’s migration is difficult to observe and it’s objectives are rather simple. MOGUL does hate dryness on land, although can resist great heat and cold in it’s flying form as the armor protects it. MOGUL prefer wetter areas for feeding and reproduction. MOGUL often avoids a fight if possible, although it can deliver a hefty ram at full speed flight or roll, but these attacks are more hit and run rather than a full brawl. If caught in a conflict too long or difficult, MOGUL will latch and drop one of it’s tongues on to an opponent and leave it to blind and entangle them, before the tongue it self bloats with excess gas and exploded violently. MOGUL appears generally very unaware of other living things, even each other, although colonies cluster together in the sea tunnels for safety. This kaiju was made for @tyrantisterror ‘s “ Revenge of the ATOM Kaiju Contest “
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Albert Kallis
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hebrewknowledge · 5 years
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"TIME WALKERS: RISE OF THE STAR CHARIOTS" Something unprecedented was happening. During a time of great trials and tribulations for the Negroes in America who were the real Hebrew Israelites. Racial persecution and injustice was ramping up against the Israelite men of The LORD YAHAWAH (God of The Hebrews)! A time that was far more worse than any other time in history (Book of Matthew Chapter 24)! Israelite men and their families were hunted down by racist Police Departments all over the country and placed in FEMA Camps due to a racial Government eugenics campaign called Agenda 21 to wipe out the Children of Israel who was loyal to GOD. The Most High YAH their GOD realized that satan the god of the gentiles was determined to stop the Bible prophecy that foretold the second coming of a Hebrew Messiah to save YAH's Chosen people, and making a bold move to incarcerate the Royal Bloodline and future Kings that would inherit The Kingdom of God under the righteous rulership of The Son of God and King David! So YAHAWAH commanded His Son YAHAWASHI to send forth a fleet of Heavenly Angels in flying chariots (which looked like bright white spheres) to enter the Earth's atmosphere and ultimately engage the military might of the racist American government to free God's Chosen Elect People! YAHAWASHI placed His top Leaders of His Legion of Angels to rescue the men of The LORD: Michael The Archangel and his best friend Gabriel who are the Generals of YAHAWASHI's Legion of Angels in the Heavenly realm! With permission from YAHAWASHI, Michael and Gabriel devised a plan to transform their heavenly bodies into the images of mortal men along with an elite team of Angels to look like Hebrew Israelites and infiltrate society and assume key positions within the American Military and Law Enforcement agencies! Michael and Gabriel used the aliases Matthew Gagston and Alexander Quinton Pope. The names of their top Commanders that manned the Space Chariots: Azariyah, Ezra, Nehemiyah, "Scotty", Samuel, Terry, and Franklyn! Together the men formed an Elite Squadron for The LORD to conduct a rescue Operation. On Earth they utilized two hidden invisible TIME MACHINES at remote areas in Arabia and Nevada, where they traveled through the dimensions of space (levels of realms and time portals created by The Most High YAHAWAH) to enter and return from the Heavens! The "Timewalkers" utilized their superpowers and high tech suits to save innocent lives during their freedom mission, rescue God's Chosen People, and to withstand the wicked Forces and carnal world designed by their archenemies - The Fallen Angels who are led by satan and worshipped by the gentiles and reprobates of the earth! Matthew deceived The United Nations in promising the world leaders that they would receive advanced technology far more powerful than what they were given by The Illuminati under the Fallen Ones and their general satan! In exchange of his convincing promises, Matthew received supreme military authority and power over the U.S. Armed Forces, so that he could temporarily replace the embattled Commander in Chief (a failed President who was being impeached). The Angelic plot was unfolding to gain access to the Government's Martial Law Project AGENDA 21! With Matthew as the General of the Special Forces Operation, he selected his Elite Squadron to carry out the daring rescue plan to free YAH'S chosen people (The Israelites) from the FEMA Private Prison Camps and displace the refugees in a safe place of refuge outside of The Western World to await the second coming of The Messiah YAHAWASHI, and to officially deliver His People out of their captivity (Book of Isaiah Chapters 63 to 66)! General Gagston and Commander Pope managed Special Forces Operation Units in the Government's top military installations at DARPA and Area 51! The disguised Angels covered up Intel and sanctioned the invading force of "U.F.O's" to enter U.S. Airspace undetected and cloaked (looking like clouds). The "chariots" was far more advanced and superior to to anything known to mankind! The U.S. Military Forces was completely outmatched and unprepared for the incoming attacks on the FEMA PRISON CAMPS! A galactic prison break occurred, and multiple attacks on all the Private Prisons left the U.S. Military vulnerable while the chariots rescued all the Hebrew Israelites! The Flying Chariots traveled at super sonic speed and agility, moving through the atmosphere so fast that they broke the sound barrier and went into space and outmaneuvered the nation's most advanced high tech weaponry and vehicles by flying through Time Portals! After the invasion, Matthew, Gabriel, and their team of informants with the Refugees disappeared onboard the I.F.O's (Identified Flying Objects) and arrived safely at a undisclosed location in Arabia! The Hebrew Israelites was saved and they celebrated their freedom from racism and oppression by the mountain of Moses surrounded by The Army of Chariots for protection day and night! The Time Travelers were regarded as heroes, and finally the Rescuers transformed back into their Angelic bodies and placed the Elders of the Israelite men to lead the Remnant of YAHAWAH's people to another designated place of Refuge in the Middle East to await the long awaited return of The Lord and Savior YAHAWASHI to rescue them again at the Day of Armageddon (Book of Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39)! Once the Israelites were safe and sound, The Angels went back into their Chariots and ascended back into the Heavens, and the Hebrew Israelites vowed to never sin against their GOD YAHAWAH ever again (Revelation Chapter 11)!!!!!! ....TO BE CONTINUED!!! Famous Hebrew Israelite Book Author and Bible Historian Dr. Azariyah Ben Yosef
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airmanisr · 4 years
Robert H. Widmer in 1962. His bombers helped to enforce the strategic balance with the Soviet Union during the cold war.Credit. by Robert Sullivan Via Flickr: Transferred to the company’s main aircraft factory in Fort Worth, he honed the wing of the B-24 “Liberator,” the most-produced American military aircraft. When Convair moved on to the B-36 “Peacemaker,” Mr. Widmer presided over wind-tunnel tests. The B-36 went on to become the Air Force’s largest bomber ever and a strategic stalwart in the 1950s. But it experienced repeated problems, prompting Stuart Symington, secretary of the Air Force, to pay a visit to Fort Worth, as The Dallas Morning News recounted the episode in 1997. After being lobbied by Mr. Widmer, Mr. Symington decided that the program should continue and nervously phoned his decision to Defense Secretary James Forrestal. Mr. Symington then asked Mr. Widmer and two Air Force officers to stand and join hands. “If this damn airplane doesn’t make it,” Mr. Symington told them, “we’re going to walk either east or west until our hats float.” A decade later, similar mechanical problems dogged the F-111, a medium-range attack plane. For a time Mr. Widmer flew to Washington every Saturday to confer with Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara about ironing out the flaws, Mr. Chaput said. Mr. Widmer later defied his bosses by secretly pushing ahead on the F-16, a lightweight fighter, even though there seemed to be no market for it, Mr. Chaput said. Mr. Widmer hid prototypes in hangars. Several years later, the Pentagon decided it wanted such a fighter, and General Dynamics, thanks to Mr. Widmer’s surreptitious efforts, was ready. Having been initially threatened with dismissal for insubordination, Mr. Widmer was instead promoted to vice president for science and engineering for all of General Dynamics. Among his later projects was the Tomahawk cruise missile, which was used extensively in the Persian Gulf war and the Iraq war, and a more fuel-efficient engine for automobiles that carmakers declined to buy. In addition to his daughter, Mr. Widmer is survived by his wife of 65 years, the former Jeanette Billing; his son, Robert; three grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Mr. Widmer often worked on highly classified projects, none more secret than his proposed spy plane “Fish” (the letters stood for First Invisible Super Hustler). In a 1999 television interview, Mr. Widmer said an early concept for the plane was to build it in the shape of a disc, a statement that has since reverberated on U.F.O. Web sites. Some of the stealth technology found its way into later airplanes. Mr. Widmer was so valuable to the government that for years the C.I.A. positioned agents in parked cars at each end of the Fort Worth street where he and his family lived, his son said. Mr. Widmer himself told of being instructed to keep a low profile — to make airline reservations under a fake name and to meet agents in half-finished buildings. The ultrasecret projects he worked on were called black projects. “I’m talking about the extreme black,” Mr. Widmer said. “I have lived the extreme black.”
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Pictured is an artists rendition of what Robert recalls running into. A hovering unidentified flying object. suddenly the 'U.F.O.' attacks him! What ensues is the "only example of an alien sighting becoming the subject of a criminal investigation". Tune in now to relive the Encounter of Robert Taylor and find out what happened that beautiful Scottish morning in 1979.
Photo Credit: Unknown
#Paranormal #supernatural #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunting #cryptozoology #storytime #paranormalactivity #encountersthepodcast #scarystories #spookyshit #ufo #unsolvedmystery
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years
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Two crazed aliens enter Earth airspace and send the U.S. military into a frenzy. Meanwhile, Raph is up late watching TV when he gets a stomach ache. Remembering that Splinter had advised the Turtle teens to drink warm milk when suffering from acid indigestion, Raphael heads to the 'fridge - only to discover that there's no milk!
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Fortunately, everyone is at Casey's farm in Northampton, Massachusetts, so Raph heads outside to milk Bessy the cow. Once he's outside, both the Turtle and the bovine are abducted by the aliens while everyone else is sleeping comfortably.
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Inside the spaceship, we find Raph and Bessy clamped to a specimen table. It seems that the aliens plan to use their Atomic Interrogator machine to probe the minds of their captives, a process that will render their minds into mush. Fortunately the spacemen are inept, and they end up freeing Raph and the cow when they try to start the apparatus. Raphael leaps into action and subdues the blundering aliens, who tell him a sob story about how all they wanted to do was conquer Earth to satisfy the pledge demands of their fraternity. Raph joins them in their tears.
By now the armed forces have sent out planes to intercept the U.F.O., and while Raph enjoys a sauna with his newfound companions, the jets prepare to attack.
Just in the nick of time, the space dudes manage to steer the ship clear of the assault and escape... only to run out of gas and begin a swift plummet to the waiting earth below.
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The spacecraft crash lands on a farm, relatively unscathed. The aliens burst out of the ship, prepared to take over the world (one armed with a photon pistol, the other with a video camera). Raph eventually stumbles out of the ship, dazed and confused. Bessy the cow also emerges, and she is quickly romanced by the farm's bull.
Meanwhile, the military has deciphered the exact location of the crash and sends its men to the scene.
Raphael grows weary of the aliens lame attempts to conquer the planet and smashes their camera in a fit of rage.
The local townsfolk hear of the crash and alien invasion at a town meeting. Everyone panics, but since they don't have any cars to flee the area, they're forced to mill about town.
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Raphael decides to hitchhike back to Casey's farm, so naturally he dons a dress and heels in the attempt to entice a local into giving him a ride. In no time at all, a pickup truck stops and Raph is on his way - but so are the aliens, as they decide to stowaway in the back of the vehicle.
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Back at the crash site, the farmer, his wife and their dog go into the spaceship to investigate. Unfortunately for them, as they're exiting the empty craft the Army arrives and mistakes them for the alien invaders... and thus the farmer and his kin are taken into captivity.
Meanwhile things are getting heated in the pick up truck - the driver is attempting to smooch Raphael! As Raph struggles with the huge trucker, the two aliens assume control of the truck... sending it careening out of control... right into the local downtown where everyone is milling about!
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The townspeople freak out when they see the alien-driven pick up truck approaching them at breakneck speed. Eventually the spacemen hit the brakes, sending Raph and the driver flying through the windshield and into a nearby comic shop. The aliens then vacate the vehicle and are quickly met by the sheriff. The armed visitor fires a shot at the lawman, but it bounces off of his badge and hits the photon pistol, destroying it and dazing the aliens. As they sit in a stupor, the space dudes are set upon by the locals.
Raph and the trucker are inside the comic shop, enjoying some mutant books. Raphael hears the aliens crying for help, and debates on whether or not he should bother. After a short inner debate, the Turtle heads out to lend a hand. Raph gives a long winded speech about how the people of Earth should welcome their visitors, and everyone falls asleep. This gives Raphael the opportunity to grab the space dudes and beat feet. While they're running off, they spot the spaceship being carried off by a military helicopter... so the unlikely trio jump back into the pickup truck and set off in hot pursuit.
The chase leads Raph and his allies to a local military base, where the craft and the farmer's clan are being held. The Turtle and aliens crash through a wall and demand fuel for their ship and "total domination of the Earth." The frightened government officials agree to give them the fuel, but refuse to grant the aliens control of the planet... and the pair quickly erupt into tears... until one agent offers them Idaho. Thus the deal is done!
Happy with their conquest of Idaho and armed with a full tank of gas, the aliens take off in their ship, Raphael in tow. The spacemen teleport Raph back to his bedroom, and the Turtle gratefully prepares for a long sleep - until he's immediately knocked on the head by Splinter's cane, as the enraged Sensei screams at Raph to get his lazy butt out of bed and outside to milk Bessy.
Meanwhile, Bessy and the farmer's bull enjoy a romantic sunrise.
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I don’t have to clarify that this story is not canon, it is pretty obvious.
It is strange that three issues of this series were dedicated to this off-beat adventure, but the alternative was probably four months without new stories, so I guess it’s fine.
This story reminds me a lot of the style of underground comixs. A more relatable comparison would be MAD Magazine. There are so many references crammed in the pages, it is probably one of the best things about this story.
The story is funny and non-nonsensical... in a world where we have four ninja turtles and a ninja rat that taught them all they know, of course.
It’s not like you “have” to read this story, but it is a nice waste of time, in a good way.
The extra story at the end of issue 40 reminded me of a time where TMNT rip offs would show up anywhere (I am looking at you Biking Mice From Mars). Really fits the tone of the main story.
I give this story a score of 8.
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wub-fur-radio · 5 years
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A Child’s Garden of J-Psych 🇯🇵 💊 🎸
Dedicated to the memory of Yuya Uchida. An eclectic mix of eighteen mind-expanding songs—2 full hours of assorted and awesome Japanese psychedelic rock music—conveniently divided into 2 ~hour-long parts. Featuring the Flower Travellin’ Band, Ghost, Sundays & Cybele, Acid Mothers Temple, Kikagaku Moyo, White Heaven, High Rise, the Mops, and more!
Apologies to Tadanori Yokoo, whose 1973 print “There is no escape; You too shake sink into hell” forms the basis of our cover art animation; Trip Advisor.com user David S, Ishirō Honda and all the creators of the 1968 film Destroy All Monsters for photos (Godzilla Head & Monsters) used in the promotional video below; and Robert Louis Stevenson.
Play on Mixcloud: Pt. 1 ➔ Pt. 2 | Play on 8tracks: Pt. 1 ➔ Pt. 2 (or scroll down to use one of the embedded players below)
Running Time: Pt. 1: 55 minutes, 54 seconds | Pt. 2: 1 hour, 4 minutes, 4 seconds
Pt. 1: Tokyo Is Under Attack
Combination of the Two, Pt. 1 (3:12) — Yuya Uchida & The Flowers | 1969
Black Rainbow (5:35) — Sundays & Cybele | 2015
Cotton Top (4:14) — High Rise | 1986
Bad Bone (4:11) — Ghost | 1996
Zo No Senaka (6:48) — Kikagaku Moyo | 2013
Works Composed Mainly By Humans (5:41) — Kuni Kawachi & Flower Travelling Band | 1970
Suite: Rainy Day Pencils With Colours (6:31) — The Secret Meanies | 2011
Space Paranoid (5:33) — Acid Mothers Temple & Space Paranoid | 2013
Asahi Yo Saraba (2:24) — The Mops | 1968
Mandrax Town (11:43) — White Heaven | 1994
Pt. 2: Destroy All Monsters
Holy High (6:08) — Ghost | 2004
Soft Line (4:53) — Kinski and Kawabata | 2015
Satori Part I (5:22) — Flower Travellin’ Band | 1971
Shining Planet (6:08) — Fancy Numnum | 2014
Into the Broken Seas Again (10:51) — Sundays & Cybele | 2017
Snuffbox Immanence (8:21) — Ghost | 1999
Pink Lady Lemonade (Astral Disco Queen ~ Coda) (19:36) — Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso U.F.O. | 2019
Combination of the Two, Pt. 2 (2:45) — Yuya Uchida & The Flowers | 1969
Embedded Mixcloud Players
Embedded 8tracks Players
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Promotional Video
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Video Soundtrack: “Black Rainbow” by Tokyo psych unit Sundays & Cybele from their 2015 LP Heaven.
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myhauntedsalem · 3 years
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Shadow Creatures
Shadow creatures, also called shades, shadow people, shades, shadow beings, and a host of other names are a mysterious, and often frightening apparition.
Tales of these creatures have been around for almost as long as humanity has dwelt upon the planet. They always appear as a dark shadowy form, often in the peripheries of people’s vision, as well appearing in full view. If they become aware of being noticed they will simply disappear, or fade away into the dark and shadowy corners of rooms and closets.
They seem to be drawn to places where violence has been perpetrated, or is immanent. Many theories abound as to what these creatures are and why these things are drawn to violence, sorrow, and other forms of suffering, but none have been proven to be fact. Most of the time we see them on those nights when, in spite of there being an almost full moon and plenty of security lights burning, the night is unusually dark and feeling extremely tense and creepy. They will dart through the shadows of the trees and have even raise right up in front of us…seemingly from the very ground itself.
Reports of shadow creatures are very common. People sensitive to the supernatural world seem to see these creatures on a pretty routine basis, but even folks who have never seen a U.F.O or have not so much as a hint of psychic ability about them report seeing these bizarre beings. The reports about these shadow beings differ in one respect from the usual spirit or ghost sightings in that these creature have no human features like spirits or ghosts.
Shadow creatures are never reported wearing either modern or period clothing, nor do they make any attempt to communicate with the observer. There have been a few reports of people being chased by shadow creatures, and even more rarely, of people being attacked by shadow beings. There have been numerous reports of shadow creatures just popping right into being in front of witnesses, linger for a few seconds, and then disappear just as fast. Most people report that these encounters almost always leave them with feelings of a heavy sadness and dread.
The numerous accounts given by countless witnesses about these shadow beings usually describe them as being a dark, solid black, humanoid shape having little or no facial characteristics. There are also several reports of these beings appearing to be child-sized, or shapeless, dark, black or gray mass that will often shift to a more human like form. Sometimes these creatures are reported as having glowing red eyes.
Some other, much more frightening accounts are given by people describing what appears to be a dark, humanoid shaped phantom with the outline of a cloak, and the outline of a flat wide-brimmed hat. This last type is sometimes called the “hat-man” and is often a terrifying and malevolent apparition that is accompanied by paralysis, bone-chilling coldness, and a feeling of fear for one’s life.
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