#udon has the time to think again
udon-udon · 10 months
u know for how much i yearn for a gf, im actually quite afraid that i wont know/be able to i can give her what she wants and don't know if i'm capable of loving in reality
i mean, im sure i will be able to and will definitely want to cause thats how i've felt with deep crushes, but u know, i never been in a relationship before so everything is in my head and i can only theorize
but i feel like i might get cold feet when it actually happens cause im too afraid of messing up (?) or dont know what to do (?)
im waaaay overthinking it but just thoughts i have about relationships. i feel like im definitely the type of person that needs preparation and an overview of something before doing something and with relationships u cant do that esp when i've never been in one. i can only pull data from other peoples experiences and you can't even really rely much on that cause everyone's experiences are different :\
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miraclemaya · 21 days
MADOKA - “I’m thinking I’ll order a beef udon bowl, since Sayaka-chan told me that they make those really good here. What about you, Homura-chan?”
CONSERVATION OF ENERGY - Food needs can be met with an expenditure of 1.23% of total magic. Proceed?
TEA WITH MAMI-SAN [Legendary: Success] - Sayaka says the beef bowl is good? Maybe go for that. She knows Madoka’s tastes better than anyone — and if Madoka likes something, you will certainly like it too.
“I will have the same as you, Madoka.”
“I’m not feeling very hungry.”
[CALL AND RESPONSE - Medium 10] Come up with an order on your own
CALL AND RESPONSE - [Medium: Failure] - You’ve eaten here before, you’re pretty sure. Was it Loop 32… no, Loop 12..? No, wait, it was on the first Friday of Loop 68. No… that’s not right. You’ve never eaten here before. In a stunning display of incompetence, you have taken Madoka on a date to a restaurant that you have never experienced before.
THE ANGEL - It’s okay, Homura-chan! I don’t mind if you haven’t eaten here before. Remember what real me said, Sayaka thinks this place is good! And even if it’s not perfect, that’s okay, just spending time with you makes me happy.
THE CRAVEN MASSES - Sayaka has raised her blade against Madoka 16 times before. You should leave this restaurant and kill her. It would only take-
FALLING SAND [Trivial: Success] - 1528 seconds on average.
CONSERVATION OF ENERGY - It can be cut down to 1243 seconds with an expenditure of 2.7% of total magic pool.
THE CRAVEN MASSES - Exactly. Do it in front of her family and make it bloody. Kyoko would likely try and stop you, but even she isn’t immune to bullets. And if Mami comes for revenge, well, you know the exact words you could say that would destroy her, don’t you?
THE ANGEL - A-Ah, I think that’s a bit of an extreme reaction, Homura-chan!
HUMAN SHELL - Your heart rate is increasing. Stop that. You have absolute control over your flesh. Act like it.
WITCH’S NIGHT - Is… is this a trap? Walpurgis may be defeated, but you know that the stage witch never truly ceases its show. Perhaps this restaurant is a part of the stage?
MADOKA - “Um, are you okay, Homura-chan?”
“I’m going to kill myself.”
“I’m so sorry. Would killing myself make you feel more comfortable?”
Isn’t there anything else you can say?
YOU - Isn’t there anything else you can say?
THE DEVIL - Come on, Homura. It’s high time you do it. Really, this is just another in the long, long chain of failures that make up your life. The only way to fix it is to kill yourself.
CLOCKWORK PRECISION - Target: Located on right ring finger. Target is not moving. Chance to hit: High. Plan: Retrieve pistol. Aim pistol at ring. Pull trigger.
THE ANGEL - Oh my god, please do not do that!
"I am going to kill myself."
"I'm so sorry, I'll kill myself if it makes you feel better."
"I'm so sorry. Should I kill myself?"
There. There has to be better options than this.
YOU - There. There has to be better options than this.
"I am going to kill myself."
"I'm so sorry, I'll kill myself if it makes you feel better."
"I'm so sorry. Should I kill myself?"
YOU - “I’m going to kill myself.”
MADOKA - Madoka’s face twists, her eyebrows raising slightly in shock. Whatever response she was expecting, it was clearly not this.
MADOKA - “I’m so sorry, Homura-chan. Please don’t do that. I… I really care about you and so does everyone else.” Madoka’s eyes fill with tears as she speaks. She hugs you.
CALL AND RESPONSE [Trivial: Success] - Quick, tell her you were making an edgy joke that didn’t land. You’ve gotten away with that before, you’re pretty sure.
SPACE-TIME MASSACRE - Twelve quarter shifts left and two up from your current space-time position, and there’s a Japan that it’s actually illegal to not commit suicide in.
FALLING SAND - You’ve been seated for 5 minutes and 32.5 seconds already and still have not ordered. Mami has requested your presence at her apartment in 3.4 hours from now.
TEA WITH MAMI-SAN - She wants to help you find a hobby. She’s really worried about you, you know.
STRINGS OF FATE - You can feel Madoka’s heart beat in sync with yours as she holds you. Everything will be alright, as long as you follow the beat.
THE ANGEL - Yeah! It’s okay Homura-chan. Just explain what’s been going on and Madoka will understand. And then order something, it’s important to eat a full meal!
YOU - “Ah, sorry Madoka. I was… overwhelmed with choice, and my… brain spit out the first thing it thought. I am not planning on killing myself.”
MADOKA - “Um, I think we should probably talk about this more, Homura-chan….”
CALL AND RESPONSE - Ask her a question to change the topic. It’s worked in three different loops, it should work here.
RATIONALITY COMPLEX [Trival: Success] - Ask her if she wants to try anything else and then order that for yourself. This will accomplish your goal of deciding on what to order, as well as showing Madoka that her desires are important to you.
YOU - “Is there anything else you’d like to try, Madoka? We can share our dishes.”
MADOKA - “Uh, okay Homura-chan. Maybe get some tempura?”
Order 10000 yen worth of tempura
Order 1000 yen worth of tempura
Order 100 yen worth of tempura
YOU - “Excuse me waiter, give me 10000 yen worth of tempura.”
HUMAN SHELL - Calories and magic are just two different types of fuel. Feed me and control me.
THE ANGEL - T-that’s probably too much, Homura-chan. Maybe you can sneak some into your cool shield, though!
MADOKA - Madoka doesn’t say anything, but her eyes do bulge out slightly. She gives you a gentle pat on the shoulder and smiles at you.
RATIONALITY COMPLEX - Displays of wealth like this can broadcast value to potential mates. This will increase your value in Madoka’s eyes, furthering along one of your goals.
THE ANGEL - I think you should just focus on enjoying the food, Homura-chan. Take a break, everything is okay.
Thank you.
Why don’t you hate me?
YOU - Why don’t you hate me?
THE ANGEL - Because I care about you, Homura-chan! And besides, you hate yourself far too much already.
Thank you.
THE ANGEL - You’re welcome! Now, please, enjoy your meal with real Madoka. She loves you a lot too, you know.
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saeist · 4 months
a/n: another ua student!touya ft. hawks and mirko as his classmates!! + basing this "long eyelashes" debacle from the fact his eyelids are a little thicker than todoroki's + it's canon that he has long lower eyelashes since it's prominent when he was young lol
"i'm jealous"
you casually drop a bomb on touya, who was currently in the kitchen eating piping hot udon.
touya's eyes widens, ultimately choking on his food. like you just didn't witness him knocking on death's door, you casually slid to the seat next to him, watching him just choke there
"being jealous is one thing, but not helping your poor boyfriend who's choking? that's a little overkill don't you think?!" touya exclaims, after regaining his own composure
instead of answering, you shrug, staring at the now pouting boy beside you
"i'm not a mind reader you know?" touya points out, catching your gaze. it's making him a little uncomfortable being put on the spot like this. last time he checked, he didn't even look at another girls direction! so what could have made you jealous?
the way you were just staring at him in silence is making him uneasy. it's almost like you were making him admit to something he didn't even do
touya racks his brain for any close encounter he had with any female today during class. maybe he accidentally brushed hands with a classmate earlier today, maybe he bumped shoulders with a third year student back at lunch rush, maybe he made eye contact with another girl for a split second on accident when he was scanning the hallways for you
his mind ends up dating back at lunch where you two were having lunch with your two other friends being keigo and rumi
wait a second.. could it be rumi?
"is it rumi? but i thought you two were best friends so you were cool with us messing around with chicken little back there at the cafeteria? if it is rumi then i'll try not to interact with her that much if it makes you jealous, i'm sorry, doll. forgive me" touya rambles, suddenly getting on his knees and bowing down to (almost) kiss your feet
your eyebrows shot up at the mention of your best friend
"what are you rambling about? of course not! i'm not jealous over her, dummy" you finally break your silence. "i'm talking about your eyelashes"
touya's eyes widened once again. he slowly rises from your feet to shoot you a dirty look. did you really just make him kneel and kiss your feet over the thought of you being jealous over someone else when you were just jealous of his eyelashes all along?
"run that by me one more time?" touya puts his hands on his hips
you let out a fit of giggles watching his now irritated face.
"i'm jealous of your long eyelashes, touya" you grin, standing up to reach his face, cupping his cheeks as you run your thumb against his eyes
touya's eyes flutters shut, letting you touch his face this up close and personal. he won't admit it out loud but it tickles when your thumbs run through his long lower lashes
but the way his face scrunches says otherwise
"it tickles, doesn't it?" you giggle
"no? who said that?" touya denies, turning his head away to hide the impending blush that's rapidly spreading across his cheek
you can feel the cuteness aggression rushing in. you turn his head to force him to look at you. you squeeze his cheeks as you lean in until..
"if you're gonna suck faces could you guys at least do it in the privacy of your dorm rooms? ever heard of that?" keigo casually walks in with rumi on tow
"yuck" rumi gags, skipping past the two of you to get a carrot from the fridge
"i suggest you two get the fuck out of here unless you want roasted chicken and rabbit for dinner" touya growls, (softly) prying your hands off his face as he glares at his two best friends who were now running away while laughing
"so, doll.. where were we?" touya smiles softly, acting like he didn't just threaten his friends just a second ago
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izvmimi · 3 months
cw: fluff. isekai au. selfship-coded. female pronouns.
In all your focus on becoming strong enough to protect yourself and not be a burden to others, it hadn’t occurred to you that as a Demon Slayer, you’d be receiving a paycheck. 
A fat one at that.
You’re not exactly sure what to do with it. The envelope had shown up, slipped below the door of your lodgings at the Ubuyashiki mansion with your name on it, and while you’re not completely sure what the conversion rate + inflation would be, the sheer size of the stack was enough to make you quite confident that it was a lot of money. The issue is, you have very little use for money as you receive meals and board by virtue of Kagaya’s kindness, and the things you would buy if you could don’t particularly exist in this timeline. 
As you sit on your futon and think again about what it would mean to save and how banking would work in this timeline, and if it’s even worth it given your particular circumstances, a sudden flash of Tanjiro’s smile comes to mind, and you immediately know what to do.
You should buy him a gift. After all, you wouldn’t have gotten through your first mission if not for Tanjiro, you consider, your face warming as you consider what things you’ve seen him receive that delighted him the most. Then you consider that perhaps a gift is too presumptuous, and you see him happy when he has a nice meal, or perhaps you could get something nice for both him and Nezuko because that wouldn’t look too strange, plus he’s happy when she’s happy, or perhaps you could-
Your thought spiral is interrupted by the sound of a knock on your door. Two gentle raps, and then you hear his voice.
Think of an angel and he will appear.
“___, are you busy today?”
When you ignore your slightly quickened heartbeat to let him in, he looks just like the picture in your mind’s eye, sweet, practically glowing with warmth, save for the fact that you notice his hair is slightly damp and his skin dewy as if he’s just bathed. He’s wearing his Demon Slayer uniform but with his regular green and black checked haori over top and his sword is at his side as though he plans to travel. He smells good, and you hope you smell at least decent to him, too.
You shake your head no. 
“Are you planning on going somewhere? Did you get a new mission?” you ask. 
“No, I wanted to know…” he pauses for a moment, then scratches the back of his neck, looking up at the ceiling, “if you wanted perhaps to go out to town with me. I was hoping to congratulate you for your first mission.”
You blink twice. He really is always one step ahead of you, you realize. 
Tanjiro lets his hand fall to the side and nods at you, now with a steadier expression. “You did a really great job.”
To this, you can’t help but let out a soft chuckle.
“You mean by staying alive while you cleaned up?” you ask. Tanjiro decides to indulge in your humor, insisting, “It wasn’t all me.” he insists. 
Perhaps that much is true. Tanjiro is a good friend and mentor so it’s not odd that he would extend this kindness first. It’s also an opportunity it would be best to seize, treating him to udon or dango, and offering him some gratitude as well. 
Your mind may shift from time to time to the time he used his own mouth to suck turbulent air from your unnatural breathing technique out of your own lungs, but he is simply a friend.
And friends can hang out. 
“It’s a beautiful fit,” the shop owner says as you slip on a peach pink jacket with colorful embroidered petals and blossoms, the last of the four you’ve tried on to Tanjiro’s surprising patience, and glance at yourself in the mirror. 
Something about this entire scene feels wrong but also right to you. For one, you’re not the one who suggested this particular shop - rather it was Tanjiro who insisted you consider window shopping with him, under the guise of finding something for Nezuko, but soon you’d realized that he hadn’t exactly picked anything out, content to watch you leaf through hung designs and listen to the shopkeeper’s promise of superior quality compared to the other stores in the district. You consider that whatever would look good on you would look good on Nezuko and with each trying on of a jacket, you offer pros and cons.
This one is a bit airy and light, very comfortable for summer time.
I think this one might clash with her hair color.
The texture’s too thick here, I’m not sure I like this one as much but it’s very high quality, I can tell.
This last one however is simply perfect in feel and design, and you feel somewhat bad when you turn to Tanjiro and sheepishly say,
“This one is super pretty. I know we’re shopping for Nezuko but I think I might buy this one for myself.” Tanjiro smiles as he rises from the chair in the corner. He’s sat politely for the past few minutes saying very little except nodding appreciatively.
“It looks beautiful on you,” he states as casually as if he were describing the weather, then turns to the older lady running the shop, the same lady who had spent a few minutes glancing between him and you as well, and you’d pretended not to notice. 
“How much?” Tanjiro asks. 
Surprised, you wonder if he hadn’t heard you.
The seamstress names her price and Tanjiro is quick to give money, before you finally hold in your need to be polite and nudge him.
“What are you doing?” you whisper. He’s unfazed as he hands money over, then smiles at you.
“Buying you a gift.”
“You don’t have to…” you start, but trail off as the woman receiving the money shoots you a dirty look that has you fall silent.
“You’re right, I don’t have to. But I would like to,” he adds.
You leave the shop promptly with a parcel in your hand and the seamstress’ eyes on your back.
Perhaps you do look like a couple, even if that’s the furthest thing from the truth. Tanjiro won’t let you treat him to any of the food, insisting you save your money instead through bites of skewered meat and noodles, and you finally find out which bakery supplies the Castella he brings by for you and your friends, as well as the girls at the Butterfly Mansion.
It’s better than anything you’ve tasted in your time, even if you practically choke on a roll when the baker tells you Tanjiro is lucky to be in the company of a pretty girl.
In your own time, you’ve been called pretty before, but this description today strikes at the very pit of your stomach, filling it with butterflies. Does Tanjiro know that you’re pretty? Does he agree? You ponder this for a few moments, then you’re immediately embarrassed to be thinking something so childish. 
Whether you’re pretty or not is moot. To him, you’re a younger sister to whom he buys gifts and food. Perhaps more pathetic since you are not related, since you have no one else, since you’re trapped here.
Tanjiro doesn’t answer the question you’ve posed in your head out loud, but he grins.
“I’m quite lucky indeed.”
As you walk side by side at the close of the evening, Tanjiro enthuses you in your progress, and you talk about all and nothing. There are red bean paste buns in your hand that you chew on idly between thoughts.
You’re not sure how the day went by so quickly, not while you were parallel processing, doing mental math to figure out what he thinks of you - as friend, as someone to dote on like a child, as someone who he could potentially…
No, that cannot possibly be it.
“Did you have fun today?” he asks. His cheeks are a warm pink and he’s looking straight ahead rather than at you, but his shoulders are relaxed and he bites and chews as he waits for your answer.
“Of course, I did,” you tell him. “This is…,” you pause, then continue, “probably the first time I’ve been anywhere nice, just for fun, since I got to this place.” Admitting it feels strange, but it’s true. Your life has now been limited to the mansion and towns you don’t know. Duty-driven, despair-driven, danger-driven. 
Tanjiro looks at you for a moment, and for just a moment his look is wistful. 
“Are you happy here?” he asks. Your mouth opens then closes, and then he quickly catches himself in a nervous laugh.
“Probably a stupid question, given none of your family is here, and you don’t have any of your technology and it’s not even your country and-”
You squeeze his hand for a moment.
“I’m happy now,” you offer him, then let go quickly. “Thank you for spending time with me.”
His mouth opens for a moment, and you wonder if you overstepped but he beams, and you wonder what you’d do without this small friendship.
“We should go back,” you quickly fill in before he can say something else and you can regret touching him. You’re the first to take a few steps forward, practically skipping, snacks and new clothing in hand, and you hear him behind you catching up.
“Yeah, let’s get you home safe.”
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maximumqueer · 2 months
I don't think I could have started (and subsequently caught up) with One Piece at a better time in my life. And not just because the current arc we're in is phenomenal, though that is part of it. Because it goes without saying that the current state of the world is not great (a gross understatement), and it would be so easy to slip into a pessimistic and fatalist mindset with the constant influx of bad news. And I fully believe that I would have, if it wasn't for One Piece.
Because One Piece is a classic example of art imitating life. It has corrupt politicians, governments, and military. It has systemic oppression, slavery, and genocide. It could have so easily, with it's themes and subject matter, slipped into the realm of grimdark media. It could have relished in the impulse to become pessimistic, to give in to the supposed hopelessness of the world. But it doesn't. Instead One Piece as a narrative is saturated to the bone with HOPE.
We see time and time again characters in this series regain hope. Robin at Enies Lobby, screaming that she DOES want to live.
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Spitting in the face of every government official that ever said that her life was not worth living, that she would be better off dead.
The prisoners in Udon rallying behind Luffy, the Red Scabbards, and Momo, daring to hope that they could be free from Kaido and his regime. And most recently, we have Bonney continuing to live despite how painful her loneliness was, both for the love her parents had/have for her, as well as for her hope of finding Nika, which is rewarded.
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And what is important about these depictions of hope, is that they aren't easy.
Robin had all but given up before meeting Luffy and the Strawhats, resigning herself to a bitter, lonely, and most likely short life. Many of the people of Wano HAD lost hope, and had resigned themselves to Kaido's reign. And Bonney mentions wanting to die due to her loneliness. Hope isn't an easy thing to hold on to. Even Luffy, who is by far the most optimistic and joyful person in the series, nearly has his crushed after the death of his brother.
But One Piece, time and time again says that despite how hard it is, despite how desperate and impossible the odds seems, to maintain hope. To DARE to hope. That hope is a form of resistance, that not simply laying down and accepting the supposed "fate" of the world is what will lead to liberation. Because to give up would be to give those in power what they want, to believe that there is no possible way forward for the oppressed only propels tyrants forward. Hope is the enemy of the oppressor, and I don't think I've seen a piece of media so fully embrace that notion as One Piece.
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koolades-world · 5 months
hiii i was wondering if you could write abt an asian mc ? with the brothers or the dateables i don't mind! i just think it would be funny to see yk asian mc who's a high achiever (so even at RAD when they know nothing abt magic they'll try to score high), always take off their shoes before entering a place (entering a place with shoes is forbidden !!), always cook rice or stuff from their country when on cooking duties ("wdym we already ate that when it was my turn last time?"), will make you special herbal tea if you're sick (first time i suggested to make tea for my ill white friend they laughed :( ), tells you to eat more and in the same fashion, whose love language is giving you food, etc... bonus point if mc swears in their mother tongue. And if the MC was living in their native country before going to the devildom, their ability to just nap anywhere as if it's normal.
As someone who grew up in an asian household it's just regular to me but i can picture the face Lucifer would make if the first time mc enter Dia's castle they take off their shoes casually or like MC stuffing Beel's mouth with food as if he just didn't swallow the biggest mouthful of udon ever saying "come on Beel you need food, you need strength to play Fangol"
For the nap thing i was thinking about my relatives who take nap on their wooden bad or just the floor during summer (cause its fresh yk). My grandma always said a hard bed is good for the back lol
Anyway no pressure!! Have a nice day and take care !
hi!! yes of course :)
i'm a different flavor of asian but some of the culture overlaps so this was fun to write! haha the amount of times my grandma has urged me to eat more is hard to count. oh and the amount of tea i drank when we went to visit. i'll never forget watching her make the tea because it was a whole experience
i'm half indian and someone actually requested an indian mc so that will be out tomorrow because doing these requests back to back easiest for me!
enjoy <3
Asian Mc
you're ALWAYS on him for the amount of coffee he drinks
you also always make sure he takes a break to eat dinner because he needs to eat in order to continue his work
despite how bothered he might seem sometimes, he really does value what you do for him
plus, you not only keep yourself in line, sometimes you do his brothers for him too. thanks on his behalf!
once you grow closer, he's asking you to teach him swear words so he can cuss out lucifer
if you don’t, well, he’ll just pick them up when you swear and hope he can figure out what it means haha
if you want, feed him random words, or even compliments so when lucifer hears them, he'll just be confused haha
despite the fact that he's the demon, maybe you can help him in class
when he first meets you, he'd not sure what to expect
however he quickly learns you're the best at everything you do
this includes video games and everything of that manner
he's got competition now, but he has no clue how you got so good considering it was probably your first time at all of the games you've tried
he's impressed by your work ethic and desire to achieve
you got dropped in a totally new environment and instead of struggling to adjust like he predicted, you bounced back almost immediately and were at the top of your class like it was nothing!
he tried to ask you once why you seemed so determine to get the best grade and never asked again after the look you gave him
something the two of you can bond over, though, is tea! he can often be seen with a cup of tea so that's an easy conversation starter between the two of you if not homework instead
while initially he thought you two might not get along, you actually do quite well
he's huge on no shoes in the house and especially in his room
after all, he wants to avoid bringing as many outside germs into his room as possible
can and will ask you to teach him how you make your special herbal teas because he hates being sick and genuinely just wants to know
he falls in love with your rice cooker
rice that easy and that quick? sign him up! if he didn't already love rice you've put him on it
he doesn't think he could ever part with you and your wonderful cooking
even if you do cook the same thing every time it's your turn, he will inhale it because not only is it delicious, but you're an amazing cook
even he's impressed by your ability to fall asleep anywhere
at least he's always with his pillow and maybe a blanket but he's seen you just curled up on the porch waiting for someone to get home
but that sighting was rare, because he felt like he always saw you doing something
however he really appreciated all the little things you did for him, such as making his bed
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kingtomura · 5 months
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Deja Vu | 2 | The Girl Who Cried Wolf
summary: Your best friend died years ago. He went up in flames until there was nothing left — so why does it feel like you can still see him sometimes? content: touya todoroki x female reader, childhood friends au, reader has a quirk, time skipping, flashbacks, fluff, heavy angst, soft touya, hurt/comfort, tragedy, virginity loss, vaginal fingering, piv, smut with feelings, mdni wc: 9.2k | Prev | Chapter 3 | m. list | read on ao3
You’ve never been good at hide-and-seek. 
“Touya,” you yell into the crisp air of the forest, “this isn’t funny!” You’ve been at this for what feels like forever and it’s just not working. 
You can’t find him. 
The wind was chilling you to the bone and it was almost dinner time. This was becoming more and more pointless as the minutes ticked by. You just wanted to find him so you both could go eat. 
“Okay, well if you’re not gonna come out then I don’t wanna play anymore!” You shout, fully ready to turn tail and get out of there. 
You hear a groan from the bushes and Touya emerges, his hair now white on one side and red on the other. 
“You’re no fun.” He chides. “What are you gonna do when you have to find a villain?”
“I’ll find them, of course! But not on an empty stomach.” You huff, just glad that he’s stopped messing around and you can both head back now. 
You are both six years old and Touya’s passion for becoming the number one hero burns brighter each passing day. You can only imagine what the coming years will be like.
Touya stood up fully, brushing the residual snow from his pants, forever unbothered by the cold. “Right… whatever you say.” 
In that moment your stomach growls and Touya raises a brow.
Frustration makes itself known again as you stomp your foot in the white snow, cheeks flushing in embarrassment. “We were at this for so long! I’m tired. And cold.”
“You’re always cold.” He muses, walking towards you and taking your hand. 
You shrug, ducking your nose into your scarf to avoid being called Rudolph again, as Touya loves to do. Instead, you try to focus on the warmth of his hand in yours. “And you’re always warm.”
Touya hums, leading you both back to his home that was nearby. His mother promised to make Udon tonight and it was all you could think about. 
“You know, you haven't said much about your new baby brother.” You start, tilting your head to get a better look at him, he always seemed more tense when going towards the home.
His tense features smooth out at the mention of his new sibling, brows softening and a smile sliding onto his face. “Oh, yeah. Well he doesn’t do much yet. He can’t talk or anything. He’s trying, but he’s kind of a potato.”
The comment makes you laugh, and you watch as fresh, new snowflakes make their way down from the sky, landing in Touya’s hair and your jacket. It’s at this moment you decide that winter is your favorite season. 
The way Touya squeezes your hand brings you back to the present, the warmth making your heart dance. “But, I can't wait until he does talk. I bet he’ll be pretty cool.”
“Yeah, I think so, too.” You agree, “But you have to make sure you set a good example for him. Or else he’ll be the cool brother, you know.”
Touya scoffs, brows furrowing in irritation that doesn’t quite meet his eyes. “I know that! I’m always cool…”
You mutter a soft sure as your best friend’s home comes into view. 
Udon was so close, you could almost taste it. 
“Race you there!” Touya shouts, dropping your hand and taking off, effectively leaving you in the dust.
“Hey!” You try to catch up, but the headstart he had over you was too great, and you end up last — much to your dismay. Touya was already inside and kicking his shoes off by the time you made it in. “You cheated!”
The boy only shrugs, removing his coat and putting it away, “If you wanna be a hero you have to always be alert, that’s what dad says anyway.”
You follow suit, kicking off your shoes and jacket, and running to greet his mother. It was perfect timing, you noted, as Rei had only just begun placing piping hot bowls of Udon down at the table for all of you. 
“Hi, Fuyumi!” You greet watching her emerge from further into the home. She returns with a wave, taking her place at the table. 
There was no time to waste as you dig into the soup, enjoying the way it warmed your insides from the cool air outside.
“And where have you two been all day?” Rei questions, tone neutral and patient. It’s at this moment you notice the overheated head of the household was not present for dinner. It's something you cannot say that you mind, given how tense the air is when the man does come around. 
“We were out playing hide and seek.” Touya supplied through a mouthful of noodles.
Rei looks skeptical, resting her chin on her hand as she watched her son. “Just playing hide and seek, Touya? No extra training?” 
The boy stops, watching his mother before taking a sip of his water, “Maybe a little bit of training…”
“What?” He asks, growing aggravated at the woman's pestering. You could only watch as the interaction went on, trying to enjoy your Udon as best you could. 
“I told you not to push yourself today. It’s already hard enough to get your father to give you an off day, at least enjoy it by not overdoing it.”
“I wasn’t overdoing it! It’s fine, okay?” His frustration is growing and you begin to shift in your seat, unsettled by the conversation. It wasn’t the first time Rei had scolded Touya about quirk training, but it always ended the same — no progress on the topic being made. 
Rei sighs, the stresses of her day to day beginning to catch up with her. “I just don’t want you to overdo it. I want you to enjoy being a child too, Touya. Just have fun sometimes.”
“But I do have fun — all the time!” 
She’s tired, you can tell by the bags lining her eyes and the unkept status of her hair. Your mom looks like this too, on the days her job runs over and she has to come home late. Maybe all moms look this way, you ponder as you down the rest of your soup. 
“Listen, I know you want to get stronger, but you’ve been turning up hurt more often than not. At least hold off until the doctor's appointment.” 
You watch as Touyas brows scrunch and his lips turn down in a frown. You know that look very well. He's upset. “What? That’s dumb! I won’t be the best if I let a few burns stop me.”
“Touya…” Rei looks like Touya, you realize in this moment, a near carbon copy of her son the way her features mirror his own. “It’s just for a little while, okay? Not forever.”
He scoffs, done with the conversation and Rei only looks on. “Whatever.”
That’s the end of the conversation, sending dinner into a deep silence with tension crowding the air. 
By the end of dinner, you are more than ready to head to bed, quick to finish your nightly duties and prepare for bed. 
You try to bite back a yawn as you slide the door to the bedroom open, it is futile and you feel the tears pull at the corners of your eyes — signaling that it was time for bed. 
Touya was already clad in his pajamas and currently rolling out the extra futon for you to sleep on. It was a soft white and blue and you wasted no time getting under the blankets.
“Hey, don’t go to sleep yet.” Your best friend whined, arms crossed and judging stare watching you make yourself comfortable. 
You sit up, meeting his eyes with a raised brow. “‘M not. Just getting comfy.” 
“Yeah, sure.” He stops, dropping his eyes to his lap, lost in thought. “Do you think she was right?”
“Hm? Who?”
Touya sucks his teeth, eye roll not directed at you, but his frustration. “My mom. When she said that I train too much.”
“Oh,” you didn’t think so. You were sure how much Touya trained with his father, but you knew it was never anything extensive when it was only you two together. There was no way that was considered too much. “No, I don't think you do.”
He smiles, and you feel like you’ve made the right call. “Good! I just want to be strong. I don’t see why she doesn’t get that. She says I'll end up hurting myself. But when I get burned it’s only a little bit.”
“Yeah, when I use my quirk too much my head will start to hurt really bad and my nose bleeds a little, but it goes away after a while.” You bring a hand to your nose, thankful there was no metallic smell lingering from the last time you used your quirk. 
“The burns go away too! I knew you would understand.” He smiles, and then focuses on you, tone serious. “Hey, let's make a promise, then.” 
This piques your interest. “What kind of promise?”
“That we’ll both keep trying to get strong. We can look after each other so we won't push too hard. Promise?” He holds out his fist with his pinky extended. His eyes are vivid within the dark room, the cerulean blue filled with a boyish determination that makes your mind rush and your heart flutter. 
It's so quiet, the hushed whispers between you two make this feel more like a secret than a promise, and maybe in some ways it is. A secret that binds you both to each other, one that is in its own a safety net and a comfort when you need it most. 
You reach back, interlocking his pinky with yours. “I promise.”
He brings it forward, pulling you towards him just a little. Touya kisses the exposed part of your pinky, and you bring his closer to do the same.
The deal was sealed. Promise made.
The sound of footsteps pulled you both from your steely gaze and towards the door. Touya's eyes widened, knowing you both were not supposed to be awake at this hour. You lock eyes and both duck down, covering yourselves with the blankets and feigning sleep.
It was just in time as the door to the room slid open, a wandering Rei glancing around the now still room. She stood there for a moment — muttering about how she could have sworn she heard voices — before turning to leave, door sliding shut and footsteps trailing back to her side of the home. 
Both you and Touya tried as best you could to keep your snickers and laughs down, even going as far as slapping a hand over his mouth and yours to silence the noises. Only once there were no more sounds of footsteps did you release your hold on him, bringing an index finger to your mouth to shush him further. 
“Okay,” Touya whispered into the quiet of the room, his voice carrying despite the honest effort to be silent, “we have to go to bed, for real this time.”
“Yeah.” You nod, trying your best to bite back a smile. You were sure the both of you were the only two people awake in the world right now. No one else but you, him in the pale moonlight — with the stars tagging along, sneaking into the space and lighting up the dim room, eavesdropping on your hushed laughs and promises. 
“Goodnight,” he breathes, no more than a whisper.
“Goodnight, Touya.”
You wake with a start, body sitting straight up in bed as your chest heaved. Your eyes darted left and right but all you could see was the familiar posters along the walls of your bedroom. 
Your bedroom?
“Oh, I see you’re awake.” 
Your head snaps to the voice, honey sweet and always familiar. Your mother stood at your door, leaning against the dark wood of the doorframe and giving you a look that made a pit form in your stomach. You clench the cotton of your bed's comforter, the fabric anchoring you to the room.
“You’ve been out for a while.” She continues when she realizes you won’t speak. And what could you say? That you chased your dead best friend in the forest and overused your quirk to catch him? It sounds ridiculous. 
So, you bring the words to your mouth and try to give her a response. Even if it’s a small, insignificant one. 
“Have I?” The words feel dry and heavy on your tongue, like you haven’t spoken in days. Maybe you haven’t. 
Your mother nods, taking your response as consent to come further into your room. Her steps are soft, as if any loud noise would scare you off or make you shut down. It’s hard to look away from her worried gaze, so you don’t. 
You watch as she makes her way over, sitting down on your bed and the look she gives you makes your chest ache.
The somber aura in her eyes brings you no comfort.
“What were you doing out there?” She skips to the point, not wasting another minute. It’s like the question has been running through her head for a while now. 
Your eyes fall to your fists clutching the bedsheets. 
What could you say?
“I…” You swallow, the worst she could do was not believe you. “I saw something in the forest.”
Your mother shifts on the bed, turning to look at you head on. “What did you see?”
There was no way she wouldn’t think you were crazy, but you had to try. 
“Touya. I swear I saw him.” Your eyes meet hers and you wished they hadn’t. The look of sorrow is now replaced with something much worse. Pity. 
You inhale, tears blurring your vision and you knew this would happen. “Don’t! It was him — I know it was.” 
“I'm not saying it wasn’t.” She defends, bringing a hand up in surrender. “I’m just worried about you. You know what the doctors told you about your quirk.”
The quirk. You didn’t even think about that. 
Too caught up in the possibility of seeing Touya again. 
Your mother sighs, “You’ve been out for three days. Three. You can’t blame me for being worried about you — or upset.”
And you don’t. 
Three days is a long time. You reach a hand up, taking note of the bandages wrapped around your head. You’re not even sure how you ended up back in your room. 
“Just… Remember what the doctors said.” And you do remember! But it was an emergency. One that you couldn’t risk letting pass you by. She speaks again, her voice stern. “I don’t want to lose you.”
You sit there in silence, taking her words in. The heavy tears on your lower lids fall, dampening the blanket in droplets. 
“It’s around that time of year again, I know. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. As a mother I wish I could protect you from this kind of hurt.” She stops, voice wavering as her own eyes grew glossy. “But it’s also why I can’t risk losing you either.”
You want to say something, anything to make her stop. It’s not the same. 
“I don’t doubt that you saw something, but I want you to understand that it was late at night, and you’re still grieving.” 
Your jaw is starting to ache from how hard you’re clenching your teeth — fury below the surface of your frustration. 
Of course she doesn’t believe you. 
Why would you be foolish enough to think she would? 
She sighs, the lecture coming to an end. “Don’t destroy yourself for this, okay?” Your mother reaches out and covers your exposed hand with her own. It takes everything in you not to snatch it away. 
“Promise me, please.”
You meet her eyes, the sorrow swimming in them makes you feel like you’re drowning, so you do the only thing you can think of — you nod, and agree. 
“I promise.” 
And you do. It won’t destroy you to find out the truth. You’ll be okay and intact. No promises will be broken, not again. 
You go out to the forest that night. Even though your head is still wrapped in bandages and you get dizzy if you turn your head a little too fast — you still go. You have to.
It’s eating you up and you have to be sure you weren't hallucinating. 
Your mother has been keeping a close eye on you. She’s so worried, not only about your physical health but your mental health as well. And you don’t blame her. To have her only daughter fall out in the forest and wake up claiming to see her dead best friend? It’s worrisome, but you know better.
You wave the flashlight in your hand, backtracking your steps in the forest. 
It's fruitless, due to the fresh fallen snow and lack of footprints. But that doesn’t deter you. You know he was here, he had to be.
After what felt like an hour of a search, you decide to turn back, knowing there would be no point as the snowfall increased. It would eventually make things harder to see and you would rather not get stuck in a snowstorm. 
Fuyumi won’t say it out loud but she is worried about you. 
She’s worried you have finally gone off the deep end and you are too far gone to be brought back to shore. 
“Fuyumi, I know what I saw. It was him — I swear!” You pleaded, knowing how you must sound.
She knows how much you love Touya, and how devastated you were, but what she doesn’t understand is what you mean when you say you saw him. 
Her eyes were filled with sadness and …pity. The same pity that’s been haunting you for days now. “I believe you saw something. I don’t want to shut you down, it’s just… I know how your quirk is. I know what happens if you overuse it. It could have been in your mind right before you went out.” 
You scoff in shock, eyes wide and disbelieving of what you’re hearing. Of all people you thought Fuyumi would understand, or at least hear you out. 
She doesn't understand. She wouldn’t understand. 
You shake your head, eyes downcast as you fight the familiar burn of tears in your eyes, muttering under your breath, “I know what I saw.” 
Those were his eyes. It was his nose and his hair. It was Touya. 
This doesn’t stop her from trying to comfort you, bringing that familiar hand to your shoulder and giving it a squeeze. What would usually feel like a comfort is now a vice, suffocating you as you drown is the reality around you.
No one will believe a word you say.
“Maybe,” she starts, words careful and gentle, knowing you were as fragile as glass, ready to shatter at any sudden movement. “Maybe Touya is watching over you in some way. Like a guardian angel.”
The warm tears fall now, unable to be held back by your crumbling will. 
“I know how hard it is, really, I do. But I want you to know that you’re not alone, okay?” You can feel Fuyumi’s gaze on you, silently pleading for you to look up, look at her, but you won't. You can’t. You know what you saw and it doesn’t matter if anyone believes you. 
You would never stop looking for Touya. 
Fuyumi lets you go and it feels like you can breathe again. She has become such a good friend over the years, second best to Touya, but it’s not the same. 
You go to stand, having had enough of crying for one week and she stops you. 
“Wait, I don’t want you to go! At least stay for dinner with us. Does your mom work late tonight?”
You nod, she usually does on Fridays. 
“Then it’s settled. Stay over, let's watch movies or something.” She falters, eyes to the floor as she bites her bottom lip, “I don’t want to be alone, either.”
Something in your heart tugs and you agree, moving to join her once more in the living room. 
Fuyumi may not understand, but she was still your close friend. “Okay, but I get to choose the movie, though.”
And she smiles.
For now, you would be okay. 
“It’s so stupid!” 
There’s a flash of fire and a tree goes up in flames. Touya is upset. 
“It’s just not fair.”
“I know…” You drag, hating when he got this way. “But it’s what they told me.” 
“That means we can’t be heroes together anymore!”
The wave of sadness you feel makes your head hurt and eyes water. “I know… I don’t know what to do.”
“Well, they told me I had to stop training, too. Dad said he wouldn’t do it anymore because I hurt myself. You know what I say to that? Who cares! We can be strong if we want to. It's not fair.”
You know it’s not fair.
You are seven years old when the doctors tell you that you cannot continue to use your quirk. 
Telekinesis is not only rare, but it is dangerous. Not just to you, but to others around you. The doctors were very clear about what would happen if you lost control or if you overexerted yourself. 
The consequences could be devastating. 
But quirks are such an important part of one’s life and for them to tell you to just not use them? It’s unheard of. 
It also doesn’t help that Touya has another sibling on the way. One that his father is eerily excited about. 
“Do you remember our promise?” He asks, pulling you from your thoughts. 
You nod, knowing the promise is something you could never forget. 
“Well, I think it's more important than ever now. If they dont want us to do it, then we just shouldn’t tell them.” There is a determined purpose in his voice as he turns to face you, committed eyes meeting yours.
“I don’t know, Touya. That sounds like lying.”
“It’s not if you don’t say anything.” He insists, tone even. 
Your gaze falls to the ground, watching as the wind blows the leaves along the snow. It’s like their own secret dance. Your promise is beginning to feel more like a secret dance as well.
“Look,” Touya starts, walking towards you and capturing your attention once more, “I swear, if anything happens, I’ll just say I did it.” 
You shake your head, brows furrowed in confusion and fists clenched, “No! Then you would get in trouble, and what if we can’t hang out anymore? We can be in this together, Touya.” 
He smiles, soft and sweet. Your dedication relaxes him more than he thought it would. 
His warm hands are on your face again, warming your cheeks and the butterflies that have been living in your stomach go wild again. You absently wonder if you should tell your mother about it. 
“Your nose is all red again, Rudolph.” He says before bringing you closer and brushing his nose against yours.
You were sure if your face got any warmer you would probably explode. 
Touya carries on, walking away from you and further into the forest. You trail behind, even though you knew this part of it well, you still didn’t want to run the risk of getting lost. 
“Where are we going?” Your voice carries in this part of the woods, and it sounds more like a shout. 
“I found this cool spot the other day! Let me show you.”
Confident as always, Touya trails through and you speed up to chase him. 
Now you're sure your face is red, but he doesn't mention it again. 
“It’s down here.” Touya points and there’s a drop to get to the area. 
It only takes a jump and he lands on his feet — he makes it look so easy, but you know he’s probably gotten a lot of practice and put himself in positions more dangerous than this. 
There’s that doubt in the forefront of your mind again, the fear that makes you hesitate. “I don’t like heights, Touya.” 
“It’s okay! C’mon, I’ll catch you. It’s just a little further.” He’s reassuring as he holds out his arms. 
Always fearless Touya. 
You trust him, and it’s all you can think as you close your eyes and give yourself a little running start and then jump. 
There’s a ringing in your ears again and you don’t feel his arms right away, instead you feel light. As light as a feather as you drift down to the ground. 
The lack of impact makes the fear ebb away as you open your eyes. There’s Touya, arms out and waiting as he watches you with widened eyes filled with wonder. 
You’ve somehow activated your quirk and slowed your own fall. You absently think that it almost feels kind of fun, the way you softly land in Touya’s waiting arms. 
“Whoa,” he starts, eyes never leaving yours. “You looked like an angel or something.”
You don’t know why, but the comparison makes your cheeks flush as you fight for a way to respond. 
Nothing comes to mind and you only bite down a smile. You’ve never tried something like that before with your quirk and the excitement makes your fear fade away. 
“I didn’t know you could do that.”
“Me either,” you shrug. It’s new to you too, and you weren’t against trying it again. 
“Well, c'mon, let’s go before it gets dark.” And he’s taking off, pulling you along with him by the hand. The wind is chilly but it doesn’t completely cool you. Touya keeps you warm, from the outside by his hand and from the inside with his words. Maybe there was more to his fire quirk than you thought. 
“Don’t run so fast, Touya!”
He laughs, but slows down for you, looking back and flashing a smile, “Whatever you say, angel.” 
It’s the end of March and spring is on the way. 
The snow melting, the rain clouds are rolling their way in, readying to greet April and bring life to the incoming May flowers, and your mother—
“We need them by tonight!” She yells through the phone and it’s enough to make you hold the device far away from your ear. 
“I heard you the first time, mom.” You sigh, looking around again for the small shop and making your way towards it. “I’ll have all the stuff by then. The party will be fine, I promise.” 
Tonight is your father’s big homecoming day from overseas. He’s been working away from home for eight months now and your mother has decided to throw him a welcome home party at the last minute. He will be here by tonight and so will the guests — if you finish in time everything will go according to plan. 
“I just want everything to be perfect.” Her voice presses and you hum in response. You know how she wants things to be, but your father isn’t picky. He’s the most easy going man you know and if there’s a hiccup here and there, well, you’re sure he won't mind. 
“Okay, mom.” You start, grabbing your items and making your way to the checkout line. “I’m about to check out now, so I’ll let you know when I'm on the way home.”
She sighs on the other end, but lets you go, not before fully explaining why she needs the banners and streamers in a certain color and you cut her off, hanging up and checking out. 
It's been a few months since the incident in the forest and you’ve given up trying to make anyone see your point of view. They all thought you were hallucinating, but you knew better. You saw Touya. There was nothing they could say or do to make you think otherwise. 
You heave a sigh and continue your walk through the town thinking of the countless decorations you will undoubtedly have to help your mother hang for the night. It gives you something to do, but god, last minute events were not your favorite. 
There aren’t as many people out and about this time of day and you're thankful. It’s almost peaceful, the way you can weave through the sparse crowd and get lost in your own thoughts. 
Until you see it.
It makes you stop in your tracks, heart beating so loud in your chest you could feel it pulsing in your ears. 
White hair and blue eyes.
You take a few hurried steps to the alley you know you saw the figure go into. 
He was wearing an oversized black hoodie with the hood pulled up, but you knew the moment he turned and his eyes met yours. Touya. 
Without a second thought you dropped the bags you were holding and ran after him. He was halfway through the window of an abandoned building when you made down the alley, but was swift as he jumped through it. There was no doubt Touya was fast, but you wouldn’t let him get away. Not this time. 
You follow him, jumping through the same window and chasing as he maneuvers through the dusty dilapidated building. It’s hard to catch your breath and you are sure you’re running on pure adrenaline now, but none of that matters. 
All that matters now is that you aren’t crazy. It was broad daylight when you locked eyes. You know Touya is alive.
“Touya, wait!” You barely register the tears running down your face as you run, but you dont care to wipe them away. Why would he run from you? Why would he hide from you? There are so many questions that you need answered. “Stop!” 
He takes a left turn and you follow, before seeing him dip right and it’s getting harder and harder to keep up. After the last incident you refuse to use your quirk. Not unless you wanted to ruin your chances and pass out again. 
At one point you lose him completely, but there is no outlet in the dusty room you’ve cornered him in. He has to be hiding somewhere. 
“Touya, please! If that’s you,” you yell out, voice hoarse from emotion, “please, come back. Talk to me.” You’re looking around the dark room, walking further in and searching for something, anything that shows his presence. 
You make the mistake of having your back to the door, the only exit in the room and Touya darts out, passing you and making it back into the main part of the building. 
You curse before hurrying behind him, but it was too late. All you could see was him hopping the window and landing on his feet below. It was too high for you to follow so you only grip the window pane, tears of frustration running down your cheeks as you watched him run.
“What about our promise?” You yell, wondering if your words could reach him.
There’s a sick feeling forming in your gut and you try to pull yourself together — wiping your eyes with the sleeve of your shirt and the sobs shook your body. You had a party to prepare for and you couldn’t keep playing this game of back and forth.
Your mother gives you an earful when you arrive home much later than you were supposed to, but she was so focused on getting your father’s welcome home party together that she let you off the hook easily.
As long as you helped her hang the decorations. 
There is a tense air around the both of you and you know your mother is hesitating asking. You aren't sure if it’s to save you the trouble of a pointless conversation or if she is just tired of hearing about it. 
You decide not to tell her of your latest meeting. Brushing off any odd stares and worried glances with excuses of being tired. It was not wise to tell anyone what you saw. They would only think of you as the girl who cried wolf.
When your father made it home you knew he could tell something was off with you by just one look alone. 
He participated in the socializing and games until the crowd died down and people began to leave. You had called it a night long ago and made your way to your room, headphones on and catching up on homework. 
There was a knock loud enough to hear through the headphones, making you remove one and causing you to turn and see your father standing at the door. 
“Yes?” You ask, unsure what he could want at this hour.
He gives you a small smile, one as gentle and kind as you've always known him to be, and asks to come in — taking a seat on your bed while you close the book at your desk.
“I wanted to talk.” He started, watching as you removed the headphones from your head completely and gave him your undivided attention, sure that this would be about what’s been going on lately. 
“Have you started looking for colleges?”
The question surprises you, and you shake your head. You should start looking soon, since you turn seventeen soon and only have one year left, but it hasn’t been your main priority. “No, I haven’t.”
He only smiles, eyes crinkling shut as he waves off your worried expression, “It’s fine! I actually had an alternative for you. It’s something I've been looking into during the business trip.”
Your interest is officially piqued as you urge him to continue. 
“Well, I’m sure you know this, but you have a pretty rare quirk.” He starts, tone leveled, “I’ve been working on research studies and there’s somewhere I found that would love to have you intern and learn more about it.”
You tilt your head. “You want me to be a guinea pig?”
“No!” Your father laughs, already knowing how it would sound. “No, not that at all. I want to understand your quirk better, and for you to understand it better. I think it would be good for you. A chance to grow.”
To grow. You narrow your eyes at the words, starting to understand what he was getting at. “So you’ve heard.”
“I did. And before you get upset — I believe you. I will always believe you, and that's why I want you to do this." His words make your eyes widen and he continues. “It’s in a small town a little further away, but the internship comes with your own apartment and a stipend for food. Your mother and I will still support you, of course...”
You hold a hand up to stop him, “wait, how far away is the town?”
Your father rubs the back of his neck, an anxious habit he’s had as long as you could remember. “About four hours from here.”
“Four hours?” Your voice is louder than you meant for it to be but you can't help it, standing to your feet in disbelief. 
“It’s such a good opportunity for you, honey. This town… has too many memories. It’ll help you grow. At least tell me you’ll consider it?”
It feels like hours before you speak again, the stunned feeling hijacking your body. But you do respond, you owe him that much. 
“Alright, I’ll think about it.” You give, taking your seat at your desk again. It feels like your mind is swimming, but you had to at least mull it over. 
“Thank you,” your father stands and hugs you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before exiting your room. “I promise it won't be so bad. Goodnight, honey, I love you.”
You only nod in response. Maybe getting away would be good for you. 
The first day you find a gift it is raining outside.
You stumble up to your front doorstep, closing your umbrella and shaking off the excess water.  
“What the…” You reach down to pick up the little box, and turn it over to examine it. Maybe your mother got something delivered. 
The thought follows you into the home as you pull off your raincoat and rainboots, making your way to the kitchen where your mother had started on dinner.
“Oh, welcome home.” She greets, stirring the pot of soup and eyeing the box in your hand. “What do you have there?”
Your brows furrow as you take a seat at the table. “I thought you would know. It’s not for you?”
The response only makes your brows furrow more as you search for maybe a name or any indication that it was delivered to the wrong place. 
“You should open it.” Your mother pipes up and you shrug, ripping the paper and opening the box. 
You drop the box the moment you see the item. 
There was no way.
“What? What's the matter?” Your mother questions, her eyes filled with worry as she reaches for the box.
You snatch it away from her and dart off to your room, supplying her with an excuse about how you don’t feel well before locking yourself in your bedroom. 
The box held a golden locket inside of it. It was in the shape of a heart and you were terrified to open it and see what lay inside of it. You decide that the suspense would be too much and open it anyway — the photo makes your breath hitch.
It was you and Touya. 
You, with your bright eyes and happy smile and Touya, half white and half red hair looking at you as you hug him, cheeks pressed together. 
There was no denying it now. Touya was alive and he was hiding from you. 
Maybe he’s watching over you — like a guardian angel. Fuyumi’s voice rang in your head as you fought the tears blurring your vision. 
Why would he send you this and not talk to you?
All of it made your head spin as you thought of the countless reasons and possibilities. You didn't bother to wipe the tears from your eyes as they rolled down your cheeks. Only opting to lay down in your bed, holding the locket close to your chest as you stared at the ceiling above. 
It made no sense. Touya could trust you, so why would he hide from you?
Unless he didn’t want to be found.
The next gifts come in different forms and sizes, ranging from your favorite snack to cute cards. 
Always something small but never with a note or handwriting. It was almost like he truly didn’t want to be found. 
And maybe he didn’t. 
It’s scary at first, receiving random gifts and items from someone who might as well be a ghost, but as the months went on you grew used to it and even began to expect it at some point. 
Now you knew you could rest easy knowing that Touya was alive and maybe, just maybe he was waiting on the right moment to come out. You would trust him.
It also doesn’t take long for you to come to a decision with your fathers offer. 
It’s an amazing opportunity and you should take advantage of that while you can. You tell him as much and you could feel his excitement through the phone call. He was away on business again, but he would handle most of the heavy lifting, all you had to do was apply and wait on your offer once you graduate. 
There was just one thing you had to do before you left. 
You are eighteen years old when you leave Musutafu.
By this time you couldn’t take it anymore. Either Touya had gotten better at hiding or he knew you would be leaving soon, but there was nothing else from him — and there hadn’t been for months. At this point it felt like glimpses of the past haunting you. Every part of the city reminded you of him and of your childhood together. 
Fuyumi was upset to see you go, but she understood. 
You still believed, deep down, she thought you were losing your mind. 
You needed this though – needed a getaway. The ghost of Touya was holding you down, holding you back. 
Even though the gifts stopped coming months ago. 
She is kind as she hugs you and waves you off, knowing that one main reason for your company in her home was to visit Touya’s shrine. She does not stop you, does not ask questions — not after the time she mentioned how you didn’t bring him up as often. 
There was no need to. You only told her that you’ve moved past that and you knew Touya was watching over you, a small smile on your face as you touched the locket dangling from your neck. Fuyumi didn’t bring the topic up again.
Today is the day you leave. You had waited and waited for any sign of Touya again, but there was nothing. So you took matters into your own hands, making a little bag of gifts and a card that held the new updates to your life and address.
It was a long shot, but it was a chance you had to take.
Once you finished, it didn't take long to make your way back home, gathering your things as your parents insisted on driving you to the train stop. With your mother buzzing around you like a bee, making sure everything was perfect before you went off on your own. 
The idea of new beginnings had begun to feel a little more welcomed.
Your new apartment is small. 
It is small and cozy and just enough for you. It’s a comfortable one bedroom place and you can only imagine all the ways you will decorate the space. 
The town is also cozy and quaint – one that is reminiscent of old fairy tales, but a lot less magical. You can't help but sigh at the mundane routine you’ve fallen into since you’ve arrived. A nice walk from your apartment to the research lab, and from the research lab to your home. Since it’s summer there aren't many researchers on campus, so you have more than enough time to explore the parks and stores. 
One week turns into two and then two weeks turn into a month. You’ve gotten used to the small town and the people that live there. It's become relaxing and the new routine has eased your nerves. Maybe your father was right about needing a change.
But no matter what you do, you cannot stop thinking about Touya. 
The thought of leaving him is heavy, but when you touch your locket, you know it is for the best.
Everything changes on a Thursday night. 
It’s a normal night, one where there is no need to go to the lab, so you hang around in the apartment — setting up cozy lights and posters from home. It’s beginning to come together more and more everyday, and you decided to end it all with a simple and easy meal. One that you could mindlessly eat while watching a movie. 
It's a foolproof plan, really. 
You’re stirring the pot of noodles, humming a tune when you hear the knocks at your door. It is dark outside, and you haven’t made enough friends to warrant visitors, so the idea of a guest at this hour sends alarms ringing in your mind.
You grip the wooden spoon tight as you take cautious steps to your door, knowing that if it came down to it you would be more than ready to whack whoever trespassed. 
“Who is it?” You call out, loud enough for the intruder to hear, but get no response. 
At this point you are sure it was just your imagination and you turn, ready to get back to your noodles, when the knocks sound throughout the apartment again.
Frustrating is the only thought on your mind as you stomp towards your front door, ready to give whoever was on the other side of it a piece of your mind for interrupting your peaceful night with this bullshit—
The door swings open and your words die on your tongue.
Cerulean blue looks down at you and you were right — he has gotten taller.
“Hey, angel.”
You couldn’t believe your eyes. You wouldn’t believe your eyes because if you did you would see Touya, your childhood best friend Touya on your doorstep. Real and in the flesh, hair white as snow and eyes worn with fatigue. 
“Can I come in?” He asks and you are shellshocked, only stepping to the side as your eyes follow his every move. 
This was a moment you thought of for years after your first encounter in the forest, and for him to be here, with you. It didn’t feel real.
“Touya,” you gasp, voice low as if being any louder would wake you from this dream you must be having.
“I know.” His eyes are downcast with a sorrow you’ve never seen in him before, “I.. have a lot I want to tell you.”
It’s at that moment that the timer for your ramen goes off, startling you both and sending you rushing to the kitchen. You offer him a seat and insist that you’ve made enough for the both of you. 
There was so much you needed to discuss, so much to catch up on.  You didn’t know where to start. 
The little table you use to eat on is small, but perfect for the two of you, you realize as you set both bowls down and hand him a set of metal chopsticks. 
Your heart was in overdrive as you ran through thousands of things to ask, millions of unspoken words to say. You’ve imagined this moment in your head for years. Time and time again you’ve thought of what you would say to him, what you would do if you ever saw him again. 
Now the opportunity has presented itself and all you can manage is a wide eyed look as you both quietly eat your ramen. 
This moment feels surreal and you’re sure that if you make any sudden movements or ask any loud questions, that it would be gone. Touya would be gone, disappearing in an instant and leaving you alone in your apartment. 
He speaks first, saving you the trouble of searching for words. “The food was good.” 
His voice sounds scratchy, like it hasn’t been used in years and you can't help but wonder why. 
“Thank you.” It’s all you can manage to get out, stunned to your core and desperately searching for words. 
You go to stand, taking the empty bowls with you to the kitchen and Touya follows suit, trailing behind in the small space of the apartment and you are hyper aware of his presence. 
You can feel the warmth of his body even when he is steps away from you. It radiates and blankets you in feelings you haven’t felt in years. 
As you place the bowls in the sink you can’t help but wonder where should you go from here. It’s a thought that plagues you as you grip the edge of the sink, fists tight and head hung low while you brace yourself to turn around, to face the reality of the truth standing right behind you—
You do it. You turn and it’s not a dream. It’s not your imagination, you conclude as you look into Touya's eyes, blue and familiar. Eyes you would know anywhere. 
His hair is snow white, the last color you saw it as before he—
“You kept it.” His eyes drop to the golden locket around your neck, a small smile pulling at his features. 
“Of course I did.” You’re firm, bringing two fingers up to brush against it, the cool feeling bringing you comfort over the last few years. 
His gaze seems far away as he zeros in on your locket, “I was worried you wouldn’t, after the last time we—“
“Don’t.” You cut him off, words sharp. “Don’t talk about it. Not tonight.”
You don’t know what you’re doing or where your mind is going as you take a step forward. He’s so different, yet so familiar and you can’t help but reach your hand up to brush over the newly faded scars along his cheek. 
Touya leans into the touch, closing his eyes and allowing you to feel. 
When he opens them again you get that feeling in your chest that always pulls at you and for the first time, you can finally place a word to the feeling. 
“I’m sorry,” you stammer, vision blurring with tears as you fight for your words, “I’m sorry I didn’t—“
Touya stops you, crashing his lips into yours and effectively silencing your racing thoughts. It’s warm and he’s so close, you wish you could pull him closer but you settle for this, allowing the tears to freely roll down your cheeks. 
When he pulls away there is only the smallest distance between you two. Noses so close they are almost touching. 
“I don’t care about any of that,” his eyes are so focused on yours, it feels like he’s put you in a trance. “I’m the one who should be apologizing, anyway.”
Before you could even shake your head, tell him no it’s the other way around, he’s pulling you back into a kiss, one so soft and so gentle you feel as though his lips were made for yours. 
It presses on, your hands finding his hair, soft and fluffy as you’ve always known it, while his hands hold your waist, pulling you in and keeping you close. 
This is not your first kiss, and it’s not Touya's either. You both decided at around eleven years old that you would try to emulate your parents and see what the fuss was about. Surely enough, you didn’t think you did it right because there was nothing. No sparks, no fireworks — just lips pressed together. 
You were both too young at the time, you now realize as you wrap your arms around Touya's neck, tilting your head and deepening the kiss. Way too young to realize that love is not fairytales and fireworks. 
Love is slow, it is steady and it is this — right here, right now, kissing your best friend in your tiny apartment kitchen. 
It’s perfect, you think as you both make your way to the bedroom, Touya trailing behind you for once as you lead him through the space. Hushed laughs and soft smiles dance together as you fall onto the bed. 
He is above you, and you wonder how you could have ever lived without his presence. The thought makes you sick. 
“I love you.” And it’s not your lips that moved, not your voice. It’s Touya, as he looks down at you, cheeks flushed and breathing heavy. “I never stopped loving you.”
“Touya…” Your heart swells and it’s then you feel it. The droplets of tears, falling from his eyes and onto your cheeks. They were as warm as he had always been and you waste no time pulling him down into another kiss — pulling away only enough to press your foreheads together. “I’ve always loved you.”
And you have. Even in death you loved him, nothing could take that love away from you. 
The next kiss is hungry, teeth and tongues clashing in a rush as you both fought to remove your clothes. You have regretted all the things that went unsaid, the actions that went undone and you were both not going to waste any of this new time you had been given. 
You feel one of Touya's fingers prod your entrance and the hesitation reminds you that you’re both inexperienced. New to the world of sex, but forever patient. You could guide each other, you decide as you gasp when he slowly slips a finger inside, slick coating the digit and making the press easier. 
Touya watches you with heavy lidded eyes as he pumps the digit, causing you to whine at the pressure. He pulls out soon after, searching for your sensitive bundle of nerves and giving a sly smirk when you moan at the touch. He’s found it and wastes no time rubbing circles, slow at first to get a feel of what makes you tick, but gaining more confidence as he goes on. 
There was a pressure beginning to build in your lower abdomen and it made you pull him close, thighs tensing as you squeeze your eyes shut. 
“Close?” His voice is a whisper beside your ear.
You only nod, unable to give him a verbal answer as your pleasure builds. 
You can feel his smile as he turns his head, cheeks brushing against yours. “Let go for me, I’ve got you.” 
And you do. 
You let go of the tension and allow your body to fall into the pleasure of your climax— gasping as it washed over you in waves, sending shocks of pleasure radiating through your body. 
“Fuck,” Touya moans above you as he works you through it, only moving to line up with your entrance once you’ve come down from your high. 
The press of it makes your breath hitch, but when you look up into Touya’s eyes you feel safe. 
“Tell me if you want to stop, okay?” And you nod, trusting him to be soft and slow. 
He’s nervous, too, and you can tell by the way his brows furrowed in focus. He doesn’t want to mess up your first time, but nothing could ruin this moment. Not even the twinge of pain you feel as the head of Touya’s cock pushes past your entrance, the tight muscles constricting against the intrusion. 
You reach out, hands finding balance against his back as he pressed on, muttering words of comfort to you and ebbing away the pain. 
It doesn’t take long before the pain has been washed away and replaced with the blossoming buzz of pleasure, Touya's hips having a steady pace as he begins to gain more momentum. 
The pleasure is quickly building again and you tell him as much, crying out when he snaps his hips at a particular angle and sends a flash of bliss up your spine. 
“Fuck, Touya, there! Right there,” you cry and he catches on instantly. He’s always been a fast learner. 
The angle he has is perfect as he brushes against the soft spot inside you over and over again, making your thighs shake and toes curl in pleasure as you meet your end once again. The feeling settles deep in your bones as the warmth of it spreads throughout your body like a warm blanket. 
Touya isn’t far behind, if his erratic pace was anything to go by. You could only watch in awe as he chased his high, with his brows furrowed and eyes tightly shut. You fall more in love as you feel his hips stutter and then stall, his white hot seed filling you from the inside and making you shudder. 
It was a new feeling that you believed you could get addicted to if you weren’t careful. 
But none of that mattered right now, because Touya was leaning down, pressing a kiss to your lips and you knew that right here, right now was the most important.
Everything else would have to wait until tomorrow.
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kingofthe-egirls · 1 year
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original idea by @thevirtualvalentine 💕 thank you so much for letting me play with this scenario! it sparked something sexy in me and i dont think im the same after ☠️
(cw: exhibitionism, sex, dirty talk, slut/whore/bitch, dom!luffy, handcuffs/chains)
(a/n: hhhnnngggg im sooo normal so normal)
Songs: "Sexy Villain" by Remi Wolf
words: 1.5k
“There she fucking is,” Luffy pants, marveling at the sounds you’re making, his hand around your throat. “Thought ya’d never speak up.”
You whimper, moaning against the bars of your cell. Your hands are cuffed in front of you, like Luffy’s, but he’s using the chain of his to pull your hips back against him as he fucks you. The iron digs into your stomach, your torso left bare for all of Udon to see. Jeers come from the neighboring cells.
“No fair! Why don’t we get to see her!?”
“Yeah, make some noise! We wanna hear ya cum!”
“Scream for us, girlie!”
And other profanities are shouted your way. Even the guards are palming themselves at their posts. Your blood boils, anger fighting with lust as the infamous Mugiwara no Luffy fucks you like a toy.
“Ah, fuckin’ listen to them,” Luffy moves from choking you to playing with your tits, pinching harshly at your sensitive nipples. You cry out, and immediately bite your lip. A roar of encouragement comes from your fellow prisoner audience.
“S’hot, isn’t it baby?” He leans forward to lick the shell of your ear. His tongue is hot and strong, just like the rest of him. He sucks at your neck possessively. “‘M takin’ ya home with me,” he murmurs, palming your tits before sliding his hands down to grip your waist. His pace quickens. “Every pirate needs a whore, hah? And the king deserves the best, dontcha think?”
His pace is rapid, now, approaching the first of many climaxes for the night. This has become a sort of routine, with you two. It had started as just flirting, both of you skipping hands over knees, pressing elbows into sides, as you passed each other doing “chores” for the guards.
Then kissing started, snuggled together as much as you could be on the cell floor. And then fucking.
When Luffy fucks, he fucks loud.
It wasn’t a secret for very long, before the surrounding cellmates heard you two going at it like hungry wolves.
And then the cheering started.
It’s a nightly show, almost, kept under wraps by the guards who are too horny to get the two of you to stop. If anyone gets near the cell bars anyway, Luffy fends them off with a wave of conqueror’s haki. And he never lets them touch you during the day. Devil fruit or no, there’s no way he’s letting them get their disgusting hands on you.
Oh, they can jerk off and jeer, for all Luffy cares, but they’re not allowed to touch you. You’re his whore, he decided the first moment you brushed your knuckles along the back of his hand, passing by him in the dusty path. He had felt an electric jolt of want course through him, and one touch of his haki told him you felt the same. It wasn’t long before the two of you started fucking every night.
Now, he slaps your ass with the flat of his hand. Somehow still flexible in his cuffs, he lands another slap, and then another. He lets the dogs outside watching call out a count: all the way to ten. Your ass cheek is tingling. Luffy leans forward again, caressing the spot that now bares his handprint. “Ready for the other side? Hm?” He grins, biting at your ear. “How ‘bout ten more this time?”
You whimper, wiggling your hips back against his pelvis. He slows his pace, just for a bit, letting you fuck yourself back onto his cock. You’re so desperate, for this.
“Yes, sir~!” You moan out, already drunk on the attention. He grunts.
“Hear that?” He asks the crowd, raising his voice enough to be heard, “She wants the other side, now!”
And Luffy spanks your ass twenty times for them. He’s not cruel: he doesn’t hit the same exact spot twice in a row, but god you’re gonna be sore tomorrow. “And it’s captain, bitch,” he murmurs in your ear.
“Yes, captain!” You moan almost immediately, closer to cumming than you’ve ever felt in your life. Your blood is running hot—hotter than fire—and Luffy’s chaotic thrusts are only bringing you closer and closer toward your delightful, little death.
“‘M cumming! ‘M cumming!” You manage out, gripping onto the sweaty bars in front of you. “Thank you Luffyyy!” He cackles behind you, speeding up just enough to tip you over the edge. Your eyes roll back, rocked to your core by a violent, sucker punch of an orgasm.
“Good girl,” he soothes, slowing down for you, “Such a good job for me, pretty,” he turns you around, cupping your face softly in both hands. He presses your back against the bars, cold metal stinging your exposed skin. You’re flushed, panting, and Luffy is grinning like the sun. His smile stretches halfway across his face, and you have no choice but to meet him with a soft smile of your own. (He’s too handsome for his own good).
It doesn’t take you long to figure out Luffy knocked out the surrounding voyeurs. There’s nothing but snoring, now. He laughs, running a hand through his hair as he backs up away from you. You lean back against the bars, yourself. Your legs feel like jelly. You meet his eyes from across the room, hazy and dark like glinting jewels. You cock an eyebrow.
“So, when are we getting out of here, captain?”
He grins.
It turns out to be tomorrow afternoon, in fact.
He scales the sheer cliff face with ease, having knocked out any potential threats with a sophisticated blow to their energetic awareness. Several guards slump over beneath you, spears still loosely grasped in their clumsy fists.
Luffy starts snickering almost immediately, your arms wrapped around his neck as he carries you like a backpack. “Was just waitin’ for the right time,” he tells you, cheeks flushed with exertion. You hop up another few feet, bouncing on his back a bit as he scales the cliff.
Your chest is pushed up against his back, with your legs wrapped around his thick torso. His build is sturdy, his strength immeasurable, and you feel almost at peace—like a baby koala.
You tell him as much, and he laughs.
“S’cute,” he huffs, reaching up to grab another jutting handhold in the rock face. “Ya like being my baby?”
You grin, tucked between his shoulder blades. Your lips move against his skin: yes. Your ratty t-shirt presses into him, absorbing his heat and warming you through. The night air sends chills down your spine, but only just. Luffy’s like a radiator, climbing with you on his back. He hums.
“Like having ya as my baby,” he continues, jumping upward several feet. You gasp, but he lands with both feet firmly planted against the rock face. His hands scrabble for a landing, loosely grasping at stone, before you start to tip backwards.
You shoot out your hand before you can think: gravity pulling at your stomach and twisting harshly. “No,” you hiss, gripping the stone in front of you so hard your fingers bruise. You grit your teeth against the sharpness of the stone, holding your weight long enough for Luffy to get a hold on the cliff face himself. Three quarters of the way there.
He pants. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” you mutter, and hide your face between his shoulder blades.
He climbs the rest of the way, and neither of you have another problem scaling the sheer wall surrounding Udon’s base. Luffy sighs, landing on his stomach once he pulls both of you up onto the ledge. You unwrap your limbs from his sweaty, shaking body before crawling off to collapse on your own.
“Cmon,” he croaks, grabbing your hand, “Can’t stop now.”
So you get up, and start walking.
All the way back to his ship.
After the war (which you sorta help with, in your injured, post-prison state) he takes you back to his ship for good.
“Here she is!” Luffy laughs, collapsing on the deck of his warship. “Our new crewmate!”
Usopp eyes you warily, slingshot clutched in his fist. “Wh-what’s her job?”
Luffy sits up, smiling. “She’s my girlfriend!”
You stare at him, blankly. He’s never mentioned that to you, nor has he ever used something so sweet to refer to you. "Whore" is usually more like it.
He stretches out a rubber arm to wrap around your waist. He brings you over onto his lap, grinning like a monkey. “She’s got the best—“
“Okay,” you slap his arm, cutting him off, “They don’t need to know the specifics.”
He stops, but only just.
His eyes are glimmering with mischief.
It’s not long before he’s pounding you into the mattress of his sweaty bed.
You’re crooning out sounds you never thought possible, with his monstrous speed and elongated rubber cock. He’s better than a vibrator, you think.
Luffy slaps your ass. “Atta girl,” he preens, “Let em hear ya.”
He’s an exhibitionist outside of prison, as well.
So are you.
So you scream and cry on his dick, letting Captain Luffy know just how much you need it.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 6 months
Out Of Context Shit Heard On The SOLDIER Floor #6
Previous: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
Angeal: No, Genesis, you spaghetti-noodle-spine-having-ass bitch.
Sephiroth: I identify as a tonberry *chases Cloud with a kitchen knife*
Zack: Ra Ra Rasputin *kicks Sephiroth over*
Genesis: Unhand me you cretin *alone, talking to no one*
Angeal: Zack just showed me a picture of the Grinch and said "hear me out"
Lazard: No, Sephiroth, you cannot have a human-sized cat bed in your office "for enrichment"
Cloud: Parkour time *crashes through the air vents*
Sephiroth: I'm the biggest lesbian ally in this department, actually.
Angeal: For the sake of my sanity I'm gonna pretend I didn't just see Zack twerking to One Winged Angel.
Luxiere: I would commit unspeakable atrocities for a crumb of Zack's attention.
Lazard: That stripper pole better be gone when I get back or so help me, Genesis, I will return you to the goddess.
Sephiroth: *does a single pump of sore throat spray* This is enough for sustenance for the day.
Kunsel: Care for a deep-fried cigarette?
Angeal: You look like an AI-generated twink.
Sephiroth: I've grown so tired of Genesis's voice that we now communicate solely through interpretive dance.
Lazard, over the speakers: Whoever heated fish in the break room microwave, please come by my office so I can break your knees.
Zack: Aww, I forgot to feed the Roomba :(
Genesis: I don't know why me and Angeal are being judged. Simulating a birth with a watermelon is a perfectly normal activity for two people.
Kunsel: Hopefully this office party won't end in accidental weed use.
Genesis: I noticed some homosexual subtext in your screams, do you want to talk about that?
Angeal: *sniff sniff* Ooh~ who's barbecuing? OH MY GOD IT'S AN ELECTRIC FIRE.
Roche: Every time I think about chopping my hair short I think "Sephiroth wouldn't want this for me" and the feeling is gone.
Genesis: I made a friend *drags in a skeleton with a Sephiroth wig*
Cloud: *points at Angeal, Genesis and Sephiroth* Pure of heart, dumb of ass, big of tit.
Lazard: I told Zack to use Excel and he started sobbing.
Sephiroth: It's extremely rude to ask someone why they're eating a salad bowl of udon at 8 AM. Mind your business, Zack.
Cloud: Genesis likes Loveless so much because the title resonates with his love life.
Zack: You keep your anxiety pills in a takeaway to-go box? Dude that's so fancy.
Lazard: Why is Sephiroth the only one wearing a shirt??
Angeal: Common sense has chased Zack all his life but he wears wheelies so he's faster
Sephiroth: I personally don't use the peace sign because I haven't had a day of peace since I was 12.
Kunsel: I'm never going out in public with Zack again. A child's balloon popped when it went near his hair.
Angeal: No I'm not giving you an aspirin. Last time I gave you one you crushed it and snorted it like cocaine.
Lazard: An overwhelming majority of you peaked in kindergarten.
Sephiroth: Zack, I'm becoming increasingly concerned by the amount of potatoes in your pants right now.
Zack: This year I want an A/B/O themed birthday party.
Sephiroth: Please don't commit tax fraud, Genesis. You won't thrive in prison.
Genesis: Does anyone have an extra ramen packet to give Sephiroth? The 64 he consumed this morning weren't enough.
Roche: Commander Rhapsodos and his emo fringe is our culture.
Zack: I'm at my fucking limit! I'm about to eat a vegetable!
Genesis: He's a son of a bitch Sephiroth: That implies he has a mother, so I don't see how that's an insult.
Zack: Fuck around and find out *said with a chunk of Genesis' red coat hanging from his pocket*
Cloud: Does anyone have an extra brain cell? I lost my remaining one when Genesis spoke to me this morning.
Sephiroth: Damn.
Kunsel: Zack owes me so much money that if he sold his box of random shit he stole from Angeal, he still couldn't pay me back.
Angeal: Why are you guys playing Queen's Blood in the closet? is this a metaphor?
Genesis: Have you prayed to your Sephiroth cardboard cutout yet today?
Sephiroth: Alert me once Rufus Shinra arrives so that I may greet him adequately *said while building a pipe bomb*
Lazard: It's all fun and games until the timeout cage that I ordered online arrives.
Genesis: I will atone for my sins by becoming a nuisance to the environment.
Cloud: If Zack were a scented candle he'd smell like ADHD and crayons.
Sephiroth, standing on a table: DO NOT. EAT. THE CHEESECAKE. IN THE FRIDGE. It's mine.
Angeal: *with a bucket while it's raining hale* Free ice baby.
Zack: I finally have enough gil to buy a sixteen bouncy castles.
Genesis: Being overcome with the desire to eat pasta and call your mother at 2 AM and wondering if you're having a mental breakdown or are possessed by Sephiroth.
Lazard: I can't fire any of you, but I'm about to start setting things on fire.
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meguwumibear · 10 months
fuck it mini lady nagant angst piece
"They're sending me out again," she says.
Her tone is eerily neutral. She doesn't even look up from the cold udon noodles she's been toying with for the last few minutes. It's rare she looks you in the eyes these days. Even rarer for her to smile.
"Did you hear me?" she asks when you don't respond, and, of course you heard her, but what could you of all people possibly say? "The Commission has another job for me."
It's a plea, you think. To tell her to stop. To beg her to stay.
It wouldn't take much. These days Kaina looks for any excuse to skip work. You don't blame her. What the Commission groomed her for...well, it's barbaric. A mammoth of a burden that she alone bares.
There was a time Kaina would have done anything to be a hero. Now you think she'd give anything to stop. She never goes into detail with you, but you weren't born yesterday. You can piece two and two together. You know why so many aspiring villains wreak havoc one day only to suddenly disappear the next.
She's killing them.
A well trained dog. A perfect little pet.
And the job's killing her.
"When do you leave?" you ask.
Maybe this time you'll give her an out. You'll ask her to stay. Spend the night. Grab breakfast in the morning. You'll offer her a normal life away from all the hypocrisy.
She sighs, forgetting her chopsticks all together, dropping her heavy head into her hands. Her purple eyes are a dam of unshed tears. Any minute now she'll break.
"As soon as they're ready for me to."
She still won't meet your gaze. Maybe she's worried that's what will finally break her. Your grief. Your sympathy. Your indifference to it all. You aren't a hero. You could never understand.
The heels of her palms dig into her eyes, reinforcing her resolve.
"Kaina-" you start reaching out to pry her hands away from her face, but she must sense your intention because she's cutting you off.
"Bloodied hands don't deserve to be held."
"I see no blood," you try, but she's unperturbed.
"I see nothing but damned bloody spots when I look at them! And the Commission, the heroes, they aren't the least bit afraid. Why should they be when there's no one to challenge their power? They send me out; I do their bidding, and the so-called villains bleed so much!"
The dam doesn't break, but her voice cracks, laced with anger and bitterness and regret.
The woman before you isn't the Kaina you grew up with. She isn't the bright, optimistic child who so desperately wanted to become a hero. She isn't really a hero at all. She's a cog in a corrupt political machine.
The Commission has another job for me.
You wonder if it will be her last.
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analogwriting · 8 months
Childhood Crush
Chapter 13: Cobalt
Killer x gn!reader
word count: 2.4k
a/n: since i was gone longer than usual and gave a good cucking - HAVE ANOTHER AYEO cucking, i mean
When you came to and made your way out, the blizzard stopped. The night was still - no wind, no noise. Just the quiet snow and the light of the moon illuminating the glittering landscape. You stood there for a moment, just enjoying the silence. You let out a long sigh, closing your eyes and letting your head fall back. You were already exhausted. Why did Myra send only you? She had seemed pretty adamant about you going alone. She wouldn’t spare anyone else. Did she know something you didn’t?
Your mind then drifted to the crazy guy from earlier. What even was his deal? His face flashed in your mind and you groaned. That unnatural grin couldn’t be…on purpose. It almost looked as if some invisible force was pulling it - pulling it to that unnatural state. It couldn’t be comfortable. Even still, he felt familiar. You couldn’t place why.
You opened your eyes, sighing once more and watching as the clouds from your breath traveled up then to the ground. There wasn’t a lick of wind like earlier. You looked down at your arm. You needed to get that taken care of for sure. You couldn’t lose another arm. Sure, you could probably just make another armband, but you’d honestly rather not.
Thankfully, due to the still of the night, you did hear running water. You followed the noise and soon discovered a small river. At least it wasn’t frozen. 
Some time later, you had a small fire going and were boiling water. You cut off a piece of your cloak, dipping it in your now clean water. You hissed softly as you began to clean up your wound, soon enough stitching it up. You were glad you always carried around a small stitch kit just in case. It was essential to you at this point.
Once you were all patched and warmed up, you set off again.
Finally, you made it to a village. The Flower Capital to be specific. You needed to gather some information about Kaido and his castle. You couldn’t just go in blind. This was a stealth mission, not a strength contest. You stood no chance anyway. You knew your limits and you weren’t dumb.
The intel you obtained was a lot. Twenty years of constant downfall. These poor people just couldn’t catch a break. When would their suffering end? Soon, you hoped.
The information that pertained to you, however, was that it seemed that Kaido was going to be throwing some kind of party for an alliance he was having with Big Mom. Great. Two yonkos in one place. Just fantastic. Not only that, all of the beast pirates were apparently going to be there. Fanfuckingtastic. Just what you needed. Though, if you just found some kind of disguise and laid low, you should be just fine. You’re just getting some flowers after all. No need to stress about fighting. No one was going to question you just picking flowers.
Make fun of you, maybe, but nothing more.
��Yeah, I heard that the prison in Udon is holding that Strawhat captain now along with that Kid Pirate captain.” Your neck could have snapped with how fast your head turned. You noticed two people talking and walked over. “I heard the same thing,” you lied, sitting on the bench with the other two. They looked at you for a moment, but didn’t seem to dwell on you for long.
“I heard the Strawhat tried to take on Kaido and was easily defeated.” The woman laughed softly. “That’s what happens when you end up too big for your britches and try to fight a yonko, I guess.” The other woman laughed and you joined in.
“Yeah, it’s crazy,” you say, trying to fish for more information. “How long has that Kid guy been there anyway at this point?”
“Oh, I think it’s been a bit at this point. Kaido captured the whole crew. My husband heard it from a Beast Pirate. Boasting about it, he was.” Your heart sank. Caught the whole crew? Panic set in. Were they alive? Were they dead? Were they being held in the same place? It didn’t sound like it. You needed more information, but you knew you wouldn’t get too much from the two ladies without drawing suspicion.
“Well, at least they’re locked up. We don’t need more pirates terrorizing us. We’ve been through enough,” the other woman said. You nodded along with them, making a little more idle chat before bidding farewell and leaving.
Well, now to figure out where the hell Udon is. And what prison they were talking about. Though, you weren’t sure how old that information was either.
As if the universe was granting you some kind of mercy, you heard another tidbit of information.
“I heard there was a breakout at the Udon prison.” You glanced over, seeing a couple Beast Pirates talking this time. “That Strawhat guy and that Captain Kid guy.” You felt your heart breathe a sigh of relief to hear your brother was able to get out of there. But…where the hell was he now? You didn’t even know where to begin searching for him. You knew he wouldn’t stay in one place long and knew the first thing he’d do is get his crew back.
The only thing you could do was just continue with your own mission. Surely you’d run into him eventually. Besides, he was your brother, he was probably just fine. With a deep sigh, you decided what to do next.
Now, you just need to head to Onigashima. Simple enough. You just…needed to find your boat…and…fuck. Which fuckin’ port you come in on? You should’ve paid more attention to your surroundings and where the hell you were going. Though, taking your own boat over to Onigashima was probably also not very smart. You should probably just sneak on one of their own ships in disguise. Yeah, that checked out. That was a better plan.
Turns out, most of the Beast Pirates were absolutely dense. They were not bright. All it took was knocking one out and changing clothes and they were none the wiser.
When you actually made it to Onigashima - things didn’t get any easier. You thought it would for a moment, only to find out there was some kind of huge fight going on. Well, shit. Now what were you supposed to do? You ended up getting swept into a crowd of rushing people heading into the castle. Well shit, that’s the opposite of what you wanted. You wanted the outside not the inside. 
You eventually broke away from the crowd, grumbling as you did so. You straightened yourself out, heading towards the place where you had entered from only to suddenly feel the entire place begin to quake. You lost your footing, crashing to the ground as did a lot of other people. Shouting began and everyone started looking around. 
Once the ground stopped shaking, you stood up, heading over to the nearest window. “Are we in the fucking air?” you mumbled to yourself. That was absolutely insane. What was Kaido’s plan with this one? Actually, you still weren’t even sure what the hell was going on. As far as you know a fight broke out during a party and that’s it. You had no idea who was involved or why it was happening.
“I can’t believe it either.” You looked over, seeing another Beast Pirate. “I don’t know if you’ve heard, but apparently the Strawhats, the Kid Pirates, and the Heart Pirates are all here trying to take down Kaido and Big Mom, so get ready for a lot of fighting.” You stared at him. “Huh?”
“Good luck, soldier,” he called as he ran off.
You just stared after him. “He’s going after another fucking yonko?” you yelled to no one in particular. With all the commotion, no one really noticed anyway. You took off your helmet for a moment, running a hand through your hair. This was absolutely ridiculous. What the hell was Eustass thinking? 
Well, at least that answered the question of where he was. It was only a matter of finding him now. At this point, you forgot about what you had originally come here for. Your only goal now was to find Eustass and demand to know what’s going on…or at least know he’s okay. You still couldn’t believe he was targeting a yonko. Was he trying to lose another arm? 
With a dramatic sigh, you started to navigate the halls. Fights were broken out left and right. You did your best to stay out of all of them. You didn’t particularly care one way or another how they would end up. None of this was any of your business…well…if you rejoined your own crew then you supposed it was.
Ugh, you’d figure out the details later. You really needed to stop overthinking things - it was giving you a headache.
During your search, you stopped dead in your tracks as you saw a familiar tuft of red hair. A large smile spread across your face as you honed in on what you saw. There he fucking was - your brother. Eustass fucking Kid. And, as always, Killer wasn’t far from him. You felt a heat creep onto your cheeks as you looked at the man you’ve had a crush on since childhood. Did he get bigger? Motherfucker yoked up. Your brother too. Damn, what the fuck did they do when you were gone? Take steroids? Damn.
Your heart was pounding in your ears with excitement. So much excitement, in fact, that you didn’t exactly notice the state they were in. Now that the initial shock of seeing them had passed, you noticed the rough shape the both of them were in. You had something that could fix that - you just had to get to them first.
You moved quick, taking your enemies out one by one in rapid succession. Soon enough, all that was standing in your way was Eustass and Killer. “What are you doing?” One of the fallen pirates asked in a strained voice. “Are you betraying us?” You just looked down at him, licking your teeth. You looked back to the two in front of you, tossing them what looked like some kind of protein bars. 
“Eat those,” you said.
Eustass just glared at you. “Why the fuck would I listen to someone who just killed their own men?” he demanded. You blinked, confused on why he didn’t recognize you. Then it dawned on you. The helmet covering your face. Right. Plus, what were the odds you’d be here anyway? You were about to take your helmet off when you noticed someone creeping up on your brother. 
With a sigh, you threw one of your daggers, flying right past Eustass’ head and straight into the skull of the man behind him. “You really need to be aware of your surroundings, Tungsten,” you said with a dramatic sigh.
His eyes widened in disbelief and his whole body went rigid as the nickname left your mouth. You took off your helmet, tossing it to the side. “Ugh, that thing was awful.” Honestly, you didn’t know why you wore it as long as you did. Maybe to make people leave you alone? You weren’t sure at this point. 
“What?” Your brother’s voice was soft, full of disbelief. You looked at Eustass, confused. “Is that all you gotta say to me?” Though, with the look on his face, you could tell that he was still dumbfounded. He definitely couldn’t believe his eyes. “What? You think I was dead?” You snorted.
“Like I said, eat those bars. It’ll take a couple of minutes, but you’ll completely recover. However, it’s the only one you’ll be able to have today so make it count, yeah?” It was something you had developed while you were on the island. Medicines were your specialty, after all.
They looked at each other before looking back at you. “Bigs?” You looked at him and nodded slowly. “...Yes? Are you still on that?” Now that you thought about it, Eustass did look pale. As if he had seen a ghost. He slowly stepped towards you before taking you in his arms and holding you tightly. “Uh…Tungsten?” you asked, patting his back. “As much as I love you and love your affection, I can’t help but feel like I’m missing something.”
“Kese said you died.” You froze at the mention of his name as your own mind started to spin. “H-He what?” You pulled away from Eustass, looking at him. You searched for a lie in his face, but there was none. There was, however, a lot of emotion that he was holding back. Probably holding it together because you were in public and somewhat in the middle of a war.
You blinked, looking from him, to Killer who hadn’t even moved so much of an inch or said anything, back to Eustass. You shook your head. 
“This is something we can process and go over later,” you said, knowing you needed to move things along. “I’m well and alive, obviously. I’m just here originally for a mission for the labs, but it seems like there’s a lot of unsettled business I’ll need to attend to. So.”
You look at them, stepping back and putting your hands on your hips. Once more, you were taking your authority as an older sibling. “This is the plan, yeah?” They nodded, looking at you, ready to listen. “You two are going to eat those bars and do whatever it is you need to do. I’m going to finish my own side mission that I was sent on. This is all gonna end and we’re gonna meet up later, alright?” They nodded again, opening their bars.
“And none of us are going to die, got it?” You had a firmer tone this time and again, they nodded. You could tell they were still absolutely floored that you were before them. Why would Kese tell them that you died? What the hell was his angle at this point? Why did he want you out of the picture so damn bad? You didn’t even fucking know the guy. 
You could figure all that out later, right now you had shit to do. You smiled at the both of them. “Alright. We have a plan, now quit standing there like a couple of idiots and get going.” With that, you winked and hightailed it out of there.
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niyahniyaa · 9 months
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Imperfect Love
Choi Seungcheol x Reader
Tags: au, smut, angst, heartbreak, fluff, breakups
A/N: This is my first short story. I'm thinking of writing a pt.2 or just making an entire story of it but it depends on how this does. So bare with me.
Synopsis: You and Seungcheol have been happy for a while now. It’s a perfect relationship.…until it isn't.
Credit to my Beta Writer @liyahlisworld
“I’m in the kitchen.” You yell, calling out to your boyfriend who just walked in the house. It’s 5:30 pm, he usually walks in around this time, so you were already expecting him.
“Watcha cooking?” He asks hugging you from behind, the minty scent coming from his breath as he places small kisses on your neck and shoulders. You turn to look at him, setting the spoon down on the counter. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you place a small peck on his lips.
“How does spicy stir fried pork and kimchi with udon noodles sound?” You ask smiling up at him. He returns the gesture kissing you softly on the nose.
“Sounds good Naekkeo” he starts. “ I’m gonna go put my things away, I’ll meet you back at the table ok?” He grabs his bag he previously placed on the couch and walks upstairs to the room. You put the finishing touches on the meat and start to make your plates. On cue, Seungcheol walks into the dining room and sits across from you at the table.
“Anything new today at work?” You ask, sparking a conversation. He shakes his head while slurping up some noodles. “Nothing really.” He starts. “We just got a new VP for Marketing. She seems nice I guess.” He says picking up a piece of meat.
You nod your head taking in this info. He works at Hybe, one of the biggest recording companies in Seoul. He’s the CEO so he gets pretty busy, which is why you like to have dinner ready once he gets home. Being together for 5 years now you’re pretty used to his schedule.
“So how was work,” he asks taking a sip of water, “anything eventful happen?” You work at the local Veterinary Clinic. Today just so happens to be the day that you preformed a life saving surgery on a baby shiba.
“I actually performed a very successful surgery on a pup today,” you start, “I was so nervous honestly, it was super risky and I’ve grown so attached to her on the count of her frequent visits and tests, so my nerves we’re shot!” You exclaim shaking your head. It’s quiet.
You look up instantly meeting eyes with Seungcheol. His deep dark browns staring at you attentively. Listening and taking in every word that came out of your mouth. You can’t help but blush at the sight. That’s when you finally take the chance to analyze him. His black hair lay messily atop his head, some strands hanging over his eyes. He’s wearing a white tank top that exposed his beautiful broad shoulders. You look back up at his face and notice he’s biting his lips.
How long have you been staring? Has he noticed?
“Wow,” He says snapping you out of your thoughts. “Sounds like it was a lot and you have to remember not to get too emotionally involved Naekkeo”. He says gently. He didn’t seem to notice your staring. He straightens up and reaches out for your hands. “Yea I know, they’re just so cute.” You respond as you place your hands softly on his big palms.
“Saw something you liked y/n?” He asks caressing your hands, making soft circles on the back of your hand. He’s staring at you intensely as if he’s trying to undress you with his eyes.
He noticed.
You feel the your cheeks getting warm and you look down shyly. Even after all these years together, he still gives you butterflies like it’s the first time meeting him all over again.
“I was just uh-,” you start. “I just noticed how messy your hair looked.” You say sheepishly. You smile and shake your head. “How is it that you can still give me the same feeling I’ve felt when I first met you Cheol?” You ask him. He smiles exposing his cute deep dimples. “I don’t know?”, he starts. “Maybe it was the spell I placed on you after our first date”. You roll your eyes at his cheesy remark. He’s so cute. “Whatever.” You smirk.
You start to gather the dishes to clean when you hear your phone ding on the table. You put the remaining dishes you were holding in the sink and walk back towards your phone.
Dokyeomie🍕 8:17 pm: Bestieeeeee
Dokyeomie🍕 8:17 pm: Wanna hang out after work this Saturday🥹
Dokyeomie🍕 8:19 pm: Soonyoung is flying in around 3 that day. We could meet at your place after we drop his things off at his hotel.
You’re usually just home lounging around after work. Cheol doesn’t come home for almost another 3 hours after you get off anyways so you could use the company.
You haven’t seen your bestfriend in like a month anyways, and you miss him.
You 8:21 pm: Yea why not, I’ll be home. I miss you my Seokminnie☺️
You 8:21 pm: Didn’t know you and Hosh made up
Dokyeomie🍕 8:23: Yea we’re over it now, she was nobody anyways🥱
You 8:24: Lol yea whatever you say🤣, I’ll see you this weekend ok? Gn bestie
Dokyeomie🍕 8:25: Yay😁see you this weekend gn y/n
“You okay?” Seungcheol asks, damn near scaring you to death. “Jeez Cheollie,” you say holding your chest, “you scared the shit out of me.” You put your phone back down on the charger and start walking towards the kitchen. Cheol following you.
“Seokmin and Soonyoung are gonna come by Saturday after I get off work.” You tell him turning the faucet on. He grabs the towel off the counter beside the sink. Ready to help you with drying the dishes. “Cool, when was the last time you’ve seen each other?” He asks drying a plate. You shrug your shoulders and look over at him. “It’s been a while, he’s been “busy”.” You say using air quotes.
Dokyeom was recently in a relationship. She was introduced to him by Soonyoung, one of our close friends. To make a long story short, she cheated on Dk with Yeonjun, one of Hoshi’s associates, at a party. Hoshi found out and didn’t tell Dokyeom about it. He was pretty mad at him and instantly broke up with the girl. He says that she was a nobody, but they dated for almost a year and Dk grew to love her. It definitely broke his heart, not that he’d admit to it.
“He’s been shelled away in his house since the breakup but if he says he was “busy” then who am I to doubt him”. You say handing Seungcheol a cup. You finish washing the last of the dishes and turn the faucet back off. “As long as they’re alright and are talking again that’s all that matters right?” Cheol says kissing your cheek. Your stomach flutters and you smile.
“Yeah I guess you’re right.” You turn the lights off in the kitchen and living room then grab your phone as you make your way upstairs. Seungcheol grabs your hand as you reach the top of the steps. He pulls you back softly, turning around to meet his hard chest. “I missed you today y/n.” He says biting his lips. He cups your chin turning you into a kiss, your lips instantly reciprocating.
He kisses you softly, stroking his tongue across your lips asking for an invitation. You instantly oblige parting your lips for his tongue to play with yours. He guides you into your room with a hand on your back. You haven’t had him all day. You can never get enough of the way he admires you so passionately.
“Cheollie,” you began, a soft moan escaping as he kissed your shoulder, gently lowering your bra strap. “Shower.” You say, tugging on his shirt. He picks you up bridal style and carries you toward the bathroom. He places you on the sink before starting the steaming shower. You began to take your clothes off, feeling Seungchol’s eyes watching your every move.
You look up making direct eye contact, your cheeks burn as you turn away still unable to maintain eye contact after all this time. It’s not like he hasn’t seen your naked body before. “You’re beautiful.” He says staring at you heatedly. You turn slightly covering your breast, tossing your bra at him playfully. “See something you like Cheol?” You ask using his own words against him. You step into the shower closing your eyes as warm water rushes down your head, flowing like a stream to your toes.
You feel arms wrap around your stomach and you turn around to see Seungcheol looking down at you. You move over slightly letting him into the water. The way it just runs down his head. His hair falling over his face and the way he slicks it back with his hand, it’s driving you insane. God how is he so hot. You look down at his now fully exposed body. His abs glistening against the moonlit ambience in the skylight above the shower. His large member fully erect as it softly pokes your belly.
You place your hands on his abs and slowly make your way lower. “I missed you too baby.” You say softly as you let your hands grip his hard cock. He picks you up suddenly wrapping your legs around his waist as he pins you against the wall.
You moan quietly as his lips find their way back to yours. “Fuck!” You groan as he rubs the tip of his dick along your folds. “I love you so much baby,” he whispers against your lips, “there’s no one I’d rather love-” a kiss against your shoulder, “no one I’d rather fuck.” He groans sliding into you slowly.
“Cheollie fuck!” You shout gripping onto his shoulder tightly. “Mmm, can’t believe I went the whole day without feeling your pussy.” he says moaning. You can never get over how dirty Cheol sounds when he has you like this, begging for anything he’d give you.
“God! You feel so good baby, so tight.” He rambles placing a hand on the wall while using the other to hold you up. In the midst of fucking you crazy, he still manages to make you feel so safe and balanced between him and the wall, never letting his grip loosen.
You feel your body start to tingle as he picks up the pace. He kisses you sloppily, teeth clashing as he moans inside your mouth.
He bites your bottom lip and you let out a moan. You throw your head back as he hits your g-spot, he knows your body like the back of his hand, pulling your strings like a fiddle. “Baby I-I’m g-gonna cum.” You say closing your eyes losing yourself to the pleasure. You drown in the ecstasy his strokes give. Sinking further and further into that hazy headspace.
“Not yet baby, wait for daddy.” He coos caressing one of your tits with his free hand. “I’m almost there baby, fuck.” He says. You look back down to see his eyes closed and him biting his lip. “Fuck me Cheollie…yessss, just like that.” You moan out meeting his thrusts in tandem. You feel him groan into your shoulder and you know he’s close. You lean in, biting his ear and kissing down to his neck. He moans loudly and you know that was it for him. “Shit baby yess…..fuck I’m cumming.” He says rubbing your clit with his free hand pushing you over the edge. You climax together, gripping each other tightly as you come down from your collective high.
“I love you y/n.” He says gently placing you down on your feet, still holding you close as to not let you stumble. You bask in the afterglow, holding him close. You stand on your tiptoes and give him a kiss. “I love you too Seungcheol.”
The sun shined brightly through his office as he walks inside. Seungcheol was placing his bag on the chair by his desk when his assistant walked in. Kim Mingyu has worked for Seungcheol for quite some time now, becoming good friends as years passed. “Some night huh boss?” He says chuckling. Cheol was a bit groggy today, and Mingyu liked to mess with him. “Y/n kept you up late last night?” He laughed placing a coffee on his desk.
Seungcheol glares lowly, no real heat behind it and shakes his head, sipping his coffee. “We ready for this meeting?” He asks grabbing files from his drawer. Mingyu shakes his head, putting a hand in his pocket. “Just about, we’re waiting on your new VP, she isn’t in yet so,” he says checking his watch, “we still have a few more minutes.” Seungcheol rolls his eyes. He hates tardiness, it’s one of his biggest pet peeves in a workplace.
“We have a lot to go over so we have to start now.” He commands walking out of his office. Making his way to the conference room, he groans as he collides with someone. Papers flew everywhere. He bends down to help pick them up but his hand brushes another in the midst. He looks up to meet eyes with a woman. “I’m so sorry.” She says, bowing slightly and tucking her hair behind her ear.
Seungcheol smiled reassuringly. “It’s alright, your the new VP aren’t you?” He asks standing back up and handing her the papers he held. She nodded, staring at Cheol. “Sorry I’m late, traffic was horrible leaving my apartment.” She apologized. Seungcheol nodded, understanding. “Come, we’re beginning now.” He said, leading her to the conference room.
“I’m just happy she’s ok.” You say proudly over the phone. “Don’t forget she has an exam coming up soon, we gotta make sure she’s not scarring too bad or anything from the surgery.” The woman on the other end agrees and says her goodbyes. You hang up and take a deep breathe. You finally get some quiet time in your office. It’s been busy today, from checkups to filing paperwork, you’ve been on your feet all day.
“You alright?” Your receptionist Younji asks stopping by your office. The clinic was slowing down now and there aren’t anymore customers occupying the lobby, so you don’t mind her coming in. “Yea I’m fine, just tired.” You say, your yawn proving how burnt out you were. She smiles and leans against the door. “Long day huh, it hasn’t been this busy in a while.” She comments running her fingers through her hair. She’s right. We haven’t been this busy in almost 3 weeks. “Yea something must be in the water.” You say jokingly.
Your phone began to ring and Younji excuses herself, closing the door behind her as you go to pick it up. It’s Seungcheol.
“Hey Jagiya,” he says as soon as you answer.
“Hey babe, how’s work?” You ask smiling at the sound of his voice. You then hear a few laughs from his side of the phone.
“Hey, I won’t be home til late today baby,” he starts. “Me and a couple friends are gonna go for some drinks after work.” He tells you. You nod your head at his statement. A weird feeling sinking in your stomach. “Well Seokmin and Soonyoung will be there to keep me company so that’s alright.” You tell him, remembering your messages with Dk earlier that week.
“Okay great, I’ll see you tonight then.” He says. “I love you.” You hear him kiss the phone receiver and you can’t help but chuckle at his action. “I love you too Cheollie, see you later.” You hang up and place your phone back on your desk. It’s 1 pm right now. You’ll be home soon. Just a couple hours left. You think to yourself, leaving your office.
“I don’t care how much money you give me, I’m not jumping into a pile of cow shit. No!” Seungcheol says laughing. He was at a bar not too far from Hybe building and everyone was a few shots in by now. Mingyu laughed loudly, holding his stomach. “Quit asking stupid questions Gyu.” Seungcheol laughs. Everyone was laughing or engaging in their own conversations. The woman from earlier, Naeyon, giggles lightly. “Yea that’s a disgusting question anyway.” She says taking a sip of her soju.
“Ok,” Mingyu starts, finally over his laughing fit. “What if y/n was at the bottom of said shit pile, would you then jump?” He says raising his eyebrows. Seungcheol chuckles to himself. “If y/n was stuck at the bottom of a pile of cow shit,” he began, “I would personally shovel my way through to her.” He says sipping his drink. “Happy now?” He asks lifting his bottle. Mingyu claps while laughing. “Ladies and gentlemen, our CEO.” He says causing the rest of their colleagues to clap unknowingly.
He shakes his head while looking down. Naeyon takes a seat in one of the stools away from him. Trying to grasp his attention. “So you have a girlfriend I assume?” She asks looking up to Cheol, catching his attention. He nods his head while sipping his beer. “Uh yes, yes I do.” He looks away for a second then meets her eyes again. “As a matter of fact, I should be getting home now.” He says grabbing his jacket.
She grabs his wrist before he could completely stand up. “Let me buy you one more drink.” She offers smiling lightly. “I mean we are gonna be working together, might as well get acquainted right?” She suggests beckoning him to sit back down. He looks at the watch on his wrist, 8:45 pm. I’ve got time. He thinks to himself. “Just one more.” He says sitting back down.
“Really?” You laugh out as Soonyoung finishes up his story. “That’s so petty Dk.” You say to your bestfriend. Soonyoung telling you how Dokyeom blocked him on everything. He even deleted his social media so Hoshi couldn’t contact him while they were fighting. “What?” Seokmin asks shrugging his shoulders. “That was a dick move and you know it Soon.” Dk said crossing his arms. You knew the whole situation still rubbed him the wrong way. He’s been your bestfriend since freshman year of high school. You knew him like the back of your hand.
“I apologized Dk. Really I’m sorry.” Soonyoung says sincerely grasping Dokyeom by his shoulders and shaking him. “I vow to never ever keep anything from you again.” He says holding out his pinky finger. “I promise.” Dk rolled his eyes, finally unfolding his arms and locking pinkies with Hoshi. “Good.” You say clapping your hands and standing up. “Anybody want another drink?” You ask walking towards the kitchen. “Yeah sure.” Hoshi says. You grab three bottles of Soju out the fridge and walk back to the living room. You hand the bottles over plopping back down. “Thanks baby.” Seokmin says opening his bottle.
“So where’s Seungcheol, shouldn’t he be coming home by now?” He asks changing the subject as he takes a sip with a raised eyebrow. You look at the clock hanging on the wall. 9:45! It is late isn’t it? You think to yourself. You shake your head as if to shake the thought away. “He’s out with a few friends from work, he told me earlier that he’d be home late.” You reassure them. They exchange a look to each other. “Unless he’s really out with some slutty assistant of his.” Hoshi laughs already tipsy.
You laugh uncertainly taking a sip of your drink. “While Mingyu is very handsome, I doubt Cheol would make any advances on him”. They laugh, holding their hands up in surrender. You then think back to the conversation you and Cheol had earlier this week. “There is this new VP that was hired on Monday.” You don’t know why you told them that or why it was even on your mind. Still you couldn’t shake the sinking feeling of his call from earlier. “He said she’s nice.” You finish looking away and rolling your eyes at yourself.
“HELLOO?!” Dk says loudly, smacking the couch. “He’s obviously out with her, right now!” He shouts, completely sure of himself. Hoshi laughs at Seokmin’s sudden outburst. You shake your head. Cheol would never. Besides they’re coworkers. You reassure yourself. “No, come on Dk,” you began, “Cheol would n-.” Your sentence was cut short by the door being swung open. Seungcheol walks in smiling big at you.
“NAEKKEO!!” He yells excitedly. He’s drunk. He turns and closes the door behind himself. He stumbles toward you, tripping over Hoshi and falling onto Dk. “Too much to drink huh Cheol?” Dk asks pushing him to the empty space beside him. You shake your head and walk towards him, checking his face. You brush the hair from his face, looking into his eyes. “Why would you drive like this?” You ask standing up with your hand on your hip. “I made it home didn’t I?” He sasses.
Dk stands up grabbing his now empty bottle. He walks to the kitchen and tosses it inside the bin. “On that note, I think it’s time for us to go.” He says to Hoshi clearing his throat. Soonyoung grabs his and Seokmin’s jacket and walk towards you. “It was great to catch up,” he says hugging you, “see you again soon y/n. Don’t be a stranger!” You walk them to the door, also receiving a hug from Dokyeom. “Love you bestie, thanks for coming over.” You say pulling away. “See you soon.” He says before heading out the door. You close it behind them, locking it in the process, you take a deep breath before making your way back to Cheol.
He’s sprawled across the couch, his eyes now closed. You shake your head as you pull him up. Jeez he’s so heavy. You say to yourself, wincing at the sudden pressure on your shoulder. “Come on Cheollie, you have to help me a little. You say as you walk towards the stairs, his arm wrapped around your shoulder as you keep him from stumbling. He lazily helps you carry him up the steps, tripping over a few in the midst.
You finally make it to the room and you push him onto the bed. He lands forcefully, face first. You place his bag on a chair by your vanity and look over to him. He seems to be asleep now. You shake your head as you began to undress him, starting with his shoes. As you were beginning to take his pants off, you hear a ding, coming from his bag. You walk to the chair you placed it in and look inside. His phone screen lights up the dark space inside as you reach for it. It was a text from an unknown number.
Unknown 10:15: Hey it’s me☺️, just making sure you made it home
Unknown 10:16: You seemed a bit drunk when you left
Unknown 10:17: Anyways just checking on you haha, see you on Monday
“You okay baby?” Cheol asks, suddenly awake. You nod holding his phone up for him to see. “You got a message from some unknown number.” You tell him walking towards the bed. He takes it and looks at the screen briefly. He shakes his head and tosses his phone to the side. “It’s nothing.” He reassured grabbing your hand. “Come here.” He demands pulling you on the bed closer to him. He kisses your lips and you could smell the alcohol on his breathe. You push him back, staring into his eyes. “Take this off babe.” You tell him, referring to his buttoned up shirt. He lazily unbuttons some, but you finish it off for him. “Goodnight beautiful.” He says turning over. You kiss him on his cheek and lay beside him. Trying not to get suffocated by the constant thoughts in your head, you close your eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.
“Knock knock.” Seungcheol looks up from his computer to the voice coming from his office door. It was Nayeon. It’s been two months now that she’s been working here, and since then, she’s grown quite comfortable, too comfortable. “Can I come in?” She asks interrupting Cheol from his work. “Sure, is there something you need?” He asks her. She shakes her head, closing the door as she walks in. He looks confused as she walks up and takes a seat across from him.
“I just wanted to tell you that sales have been great since changing the initial marketing technique.” She says referring to their last meeting. He nods sitting back in his chair. “Yes I’ve noticed,” he started, “great job you’re doing.” He says smiling. She blushes, tucking her hair behind her hair. “Thank you Cheol, your ideas really helped.” She says, cheeks turning red. Seungcheol stares at her, surprised by the sudden nickname, a name only close friends used.
“Is there anything else you need?” He asks her shifting in his chair. She looks at the watch on her wrist and looks back up at him. “I’m just about to head out for my break,” she starts, “let me treat you to lunch.” She’s grinning widely. He looks at his watch and sighs. I’ve gotten a substantial amount of work done so why not? “Sure there’s a cafe across the street from here that we could go to.” He says standing up. She smiles also standing up. “Great.” He follows her to the elevator and steps inside with her once it arrives.
“So how do you like the job so far?” He asks her breaking the silence. She turns and looks up at him. “It’s great really. Everyone’s nice and I have an awesome boss.” She smirks flirtatiously. He smiled shyly rubbing the back of his neck. “Just keep up the good work and you’ll breeze by.” He says nicely changing the subject. They make it out the elevator and to the lobby, the warm breeze caressing Cheol’s skin as he steps outside. She follows closely beside him as they cross the street into the cafe on the corner.
“Can I get two medium iced americanos with two pumps of sugar and caramel drizzle, and can I also get two sandwiches on a toasted croissant please?” He asks the woman at the counter, once they get inside. She tells him his price and he pulls out his wallet to pay. “Hey, I’m supposed to be treating you remember?” Nayeon says stepping in front of him. He shakes his head and gently moves her out the way. “I’m a man, I couldn’t.” He says handing over the bills. They stand by the end of the counter and wait for their order to be called.
Once they get their food, they sit at one of the few tables by the window. “You didn’t have to do that.” She says taking a sip of her coffee. He shook his head before taking a bite of his sandwich. “Now you owe me.” He says covering his mouth. She grinned, looking down shyly. “So tell me about this girlfriend of yours,” she started, “she seems like a lucky girl.” Seungcheol chuckled to himself. “Nah, if anything I’m the lucky one. She’s amazing.” He says looking away.
Nayeon smiled not reaching her eyes like earlier. “Well then you’re lucky to have each other.” She says pulling at her sleeve. “I mean how did she score a catch like you?” She asks staring into Seungcheol. He shrugs, cheeks turning red. Looking at his watch he begins to stand up. “I think it’s uh- time to get back.” He says clearing his throat. “Of course.” She said grabbing her bag and standing up. They tossed their trash and she followed him back across the street into the large building. They throw their now empty cups into the bin by the elevator before stepping in.
After what seemed like forever, the elevator doors close. Then suddenly, before he could react, Nayeon is connecting her lips with him. She kisses him deeply before he shoves her away looking down at her. “W- what are you doing?” He asks her stepping back. She steps forward trailing him. “Come on, she doesn’t have to find out.” She says before forcing herself back onto his lips. They kiss for a few seconds before he comes to his senses. What the fuck am I doing? This is wrong. He thought to himself before pulling away again.
The elevator doors finally open up to the 16th floor and he quickly steps out. He rushes back to his office but is stopped by Nayeon calling his name. He turns around just as she’s walking up towards him, stopping beside him. “She doesn’t have to know.” She calls again before walking off. He finally steps into his office and closes the door. What the fuck?
Its been two weeks since the incident, and Nayeon continues through their work day as if it hasn’t happened. “See you tomorrow Cheol.” Mingyu calls out as Seungcheol walks past him, leaving the office. He waves back at him and steps in to the waiting elevator. Before the doors could close, Cheol hears someone yell out to him. “HOLD THOSE DOORS PLEASE.” The voice yells. He quickly puts his hand out so the doors don’t shut and the person walks in. It’s Nayeon, holding her bag and a few other things. “Thanks Cheol.” She says smiling up at him.
He doesn’t say anything. Just looks up at the numbers above the doors as they count down to the garage. “Giving me the silent treatment aye?” She asks nudging him lightly. He walks out once they reach the garage, still not saying anything. He finally gets to his car and he suddenly feels a hand on his shoulder.
“Cheol,” she began. Turning around he cuts her off. “Don’t call me that.” He says sternly. He looks up and sighs heavily. “I have a girlfriend Nayeon, this can’t happen.” He says pointing to the two of them. She grins and looks down at his lips. Before she could act, Seungcheol clicks the button on his car key and climbs in, tossing his bag on the passenger seat.
Nayeon taps on the glass lightly asking him to roll down his window. Just drive off Cheol. Don’t entertain her. He thought to himself. He sighs and eventually rolls it down. “She doesn’t have t-.” She’s again cut off by Seungcheol’s deep voice. “Stop!” He says a bit loudly. “She does because she’s my girlfriend and I love her.” He tells her, as if to remind himself. “Ok so you don’t mind me telling her how you came on to me in that elevator two weeks ago?” She threatens. He looks at her, puzzled by her remark. “Just leave me alone.” He says before driving off, leaving Nayeon standing there alone.
This shit sucks. Oh to be a woman. You think to yourself while hugging your stomach. It’s that time of the month for you and you can barely move. I’m hungry, you thought to yourself. “Shit dinner!” You say out loud. Cheol would be home any minute and you haven’t started cooking yet. You look at the time on your phone and throw yourself back on the bed. Fuck. Takeout it is, you thought. You open up the food delivery app on your phone and start scrolling through the endless choices. “I’m really craving some pizza right now.” You say out loud to yourself.
“BABE?!” You hear the door slam shut and you knew Seungcheol was home. “UP HERE!” You yell back. He walks up the steps to your room and plop himself on the bed next to you. He’s still thinking about what happened at work and he’s reluctant to tell you. “How was work?” You ask him snapping him out of his thoughts. He sits up running his fingers through his hair. “Stressful.” Is all he says before getting up and walking to the bathroom, taking his phone with him.
“How so?” You ask as he cracks the door. It’s quiet. You can faintly hear typing coming from his phone. Seungcheol types out a message responding to Nayeon’s previous one.
NCoworker 5:30: Come on Cheol. It wasn’t that bad was it?
NCoworker 5:31: Ik you enjoyed it a little right?😌
Cheol 5:45: This has to stop. I love y/n and nothing you do will change that.
NCoworker 5:46: I won’t tell her Cheollie. I promise.
Cheol 5:46: Meet me in my office tomorrow during lunch. This’ll be over soon.
NCoworker 5:46: If you say so. I’ll see you at work. Goodnight love.
“Who you texting?” You ask, making him jump slightly. He turns around quickly locking his phone. “Just Mingyu telling me about his girlfriend.” He lied. You nodded, part of you not believing him, but you quickly brushed that feeling away. “Takeout tonight?” You ask holding up your phone. You’re still undecided so you ask for his opinion. “I kind of want pizza and wings, but if you want something else we can choose the latter.” You tell him walking into his chest, wrapping your arms around him. He’s warm and his heart is beating quite fast. He seems nervous.
“You ok?” You ask looking up at him. He nods and leans down to kiss your nose. “Pizza it is.” He says walking back out of the bathroom holding your hand. You quickly order the food and lay on the bed, letting his hand go. Seungcheol is by the closet undressing. “You know I love you right?” He says randomly. You nod, somewhat confused by his question. “Of course, why what’s wrong?” You ask, brows furrowed. He just shrugs and walks back towards the bathroom, stopping by the door. “Just wanted to make sure you knew that.” He says before walking in and closing the door behind him.
You look over to where he was previously standing and noticed he left his phone. That sinking feeling returns and the next thing you know, your grabbing his phone quickly running back to the bed. Opening it, you didn’t really expect to find anything, you’re not even sure what made you want to go through it. You click on his messages and something immediately catches your eye. “Goodnight love.” Who is that? Your head immediately floods with thoughts. You click the message and your heart jumps.
NCoworker 5:46: I won’t tell her Cheollie. I promise.
Cheol 5:46: Meet me in my office tomorrow during lunch. This’ll be over soon.
NCoworker 5:46: If you say so. I’ll see you at work. Goodnight love.
What the fuck? Who is this? Is he- No. You instantly brush the thought away. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t! Before you could think of anything else, you quickly close out of everything and place his phone back where it was. You hear the water turning off, signaling that he was done showering. You grab the remote and quickly put something random on tv.
A movie began playing loudly as he walks out of the bathroom. “Watcha watching?” Cheol asks smiling at you. He walks into the closet and began dressing himself. You can’t help but sit and think about what you saw. Who is N. What won’t she tell someone. Why is she calling him Cheollie? So many thoughts flood your mind that you didn’t even hear Cheol calling your name. “Y/N!” He says snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Everything alright?” He asks drying his hair. You look over at him. He’s wearing a black T-shirt with some grey sweat pants. His hair loosely hang over his face as he continues to dry it. “Yea everything’s alright.” You say lowly. At least that’s what you told yourself. Just then you hear the doorbell ring. “Must be the food.” Cheol says rushing downstairs, taking his phone and his wallet with him.
Your phone begins to ring. You look at the caller ID to see that it’s your dad. Shit. Here we go. You reluctantly answer.
“Hey dad.” You say, fake excitement in your voice.
“Don’t sound to eager to hear from us.” He says, noticing the sarcasm. “Your mother and I are in town and we would like to see you.” He tells you. You roll your eyes. Terrible timing. Just as I’m starting to make assumptions on Cheol’s whereabouts at work. Your dad never really liked the idea of you and Seungcheol being together. Said he didn’t like the looks of him. Cheol was just a COO at the time. Working underneath a now close friend of his, Kim Namjoon. The elder really favored Cheol and his work ethic and promoted him within a couple years after his retirement. Still, my father didn’t think he was good enough for me.
“Great,” you start, throwing your head back. “What time would be good for you guys?” You ask. You can hear your mother on the other side saying something. Seungcheol walks back in with a plate of pizza and some wings for you and him to share. You get up and walk to the small table in your room. “Tomorrow night. We can grab dinner and catch up.” Your dad says finally. Seungcheol makes a small gesture as to question who was calling. You hold up a finger, telling him to wait a second.
“Sure dad, so I’ll meet you guys tomorrow night at 9.” You tell him. He agrees. Then hangs up. You sigh deeply before taking a bite of your pizza. “That your parents?” He asks handing you a bottle of water. You nod looking over at him. Your mind rushing back to his messages as you continue to stare at him. “Anything interesting happen at work today?” You question hoping he would let you in on whatever those texts were about.
He shakes his head. “Just constantly trying to boost sales for our clients and what not.” He says biting into a piece of chicken. “Gotta keep our clients happy.” He says drinking some of his water. He didn’t tell you. Since when did he start keeping things to himself? Since when did he lie to you? Again thoughts crowding your mind.
You didn’t want to think the worse. But then why would he be lying to you. Why couldn’t he just tell you. You shake the thought away. He wouldn’t. “Could you take this downstairs?” You ask Seungcheol, quickly losing your appetite. He furrows his brows. “You going to bed?” He asks watching you climb back into bed. You nod your head without saying anything else.
Shit. Does she know. She couldn’t possibly. Seungcheol thought to himself. Maybe meeting her parents is what’s upsetting her. They don’t have the best relationship. His mind racing as he took the food downstairs to the kitchen. Just then he got a call from his phone. NCoworker displayed brightly on his screen. What the fuck? Why is she calling him so late?
Seungcheol takes a glance to the top of the steps before hesitatingly answering.
“Hey there.” Nayeon says flirtatiously. He runs his fingers through his hair. What was he doing? Why did he answer? “What did you want Nayeon?” He asks quietly. “I figured you would still be awake.” She says giggling slightly. “I’d love your company right now.” He shakes his head at her remark. What the fuck was her problem? “What the fuck is wrong with you Nayeon,” he begins “This ends tomorrow.” He says to her before hanging up.
“Yes two pumps of sugar.” You tell the barista at the cafe. You decide to surprise Cheol by bringing him lunch. You tell yourself that what you saw yesterday was just a misunderstanding. At the same time, you thought it would be a great time to bring him lunch, NOT because he said he would be meeting this N at that time. Though that was also sitting in the back of your mind, nothing wrong with a little lunch pop up right?
You park your car in the garage that connects to Hybe building. Walking towards and into the elevator, you began to get feeling again. Why? It’s not like I haven’t been here before. You think to yourself. Something was different though. A faint nervous feeling. Nervous because you didn’t know what you were walking into.
Finally reaching the 16th floor of the building, you walk until you reach the section his office was in. Mingyu spots you and gives you an endearing smile. “Hey y/n. Nice to see you again.” He says standing up to give you a friendly hug. “Should I let Cheol know, h-.” You basically yell cutting him short. “No!” You shout making him jump slightly. “No,” you continue less loudly now. “I brought lunch for him and wanted to surprise him.” You say showing him the bag and the coffee. He smiles and nods understandingly. “Got it, you know where to go.” He says returning back to his work.
You began walking down the long hallway, making your way to his office. As you reach it, you notice the door is closed. You can faintly make out two voices, one being Cheol’s, the other sound like it belonged to a woman. You instantly walk in, swinging the door open widely. You see Seungcheol and this woman standing uncomfortably close to each other. He notices you and quickly back away.
“What’s this?” You ask staring at him. He looks over at the woman and then back at you. “You must be y/n.” The woman chimes excitedly. She quickly walks up to you bowing. “I’m Nayeon.” She says smiling. N. This has to be her. You look at Cheol who still hasn’t said anything. “Yes,” he finally blurts out, “this is my girlfriend, y/n.” He says still staring at you. He blinks quickly and look away. “What’s going on?” You ask him. He walks up to you and kisses you softly on the lips. You notice Nayeon shift slightly on her feet.
“We were just discussing uh-,” he starts thinking to himself, “some major marketing plans we had for our clients.” He said looking down and noticing the bag in your hand. “You brought me lunch?” He asks you. You couldn’t gather any words, your mind was running a marathon. “I’m the new VP, I’ve been here for about two and a half months now. Cheollie and I here have been working pretty closely.” She tells you happily, staring endearingly at Seungcheol.
“Cheollie?” You repeat, questioning her choice of words. “Yea,” she says all giddy, “we’re basically partners.” She says nudging him. Cheol looks at you and puts his head down. “Nayeon please excuse yourself.” He demands to her. She instantly obliges and closes the door behind herself. You look up at Seungcheol as he guides you to a couch in his office. “Cheollie?” You repeat again, staring deeply at Seungcheol. He grabs your hand reassuringly.
“It’s nothing, I promise it’s nothing.” He says staring into you. You shake your head at him. “It doesn’t seem like nothing Cheol, she seems awfully close to you.” You say, your cheeks turning red. Is this why he’s been lying to you? “I saw the messages Cheol.” You tell him. His eyes widen, he clears his throat trying to remain calm. He swallows thickly and looks back at you. “She’s been coming on to me.” He admits with his head down. You scrunch your face at his remark. “I’ve been avoiding and dodging her advances. I promise nothing has happened or will ever happen.” He promises squeezing your hand tightly.
You didn’t say anything, just nodded. Nothing could escape your mouth. There was a knock at the door, you both look up to see Mingyu standing there with a few papers and folders. “Sorry to interrupt you guys,” he says quietly. “Cheol I have the Chairman on line 3, he’s waiting to hear from you on the recent changes made to the company”. He says before excusing himself.
You finally speak up. “I have to go, there’s some things I have to grab before meeting my parents tonight.” He nods but grabs your wrist before you can leave. “There’s a company party being thrown later,” he says, “we’re celebrating the release of our new group, maybe you could come by after dinner?” He asks. You force out a soft smile. Maybe there really is nothing going on. Maybe he’s telling the truth. He would never lie to you, right?
You go in for a hug, which he returns. “I’ll try ok?”
You take a deep breathe before shaking away your nerves. You were standing outside the restaurant your parents told you to come to. You always got a nervous feeling when seeing them again. They’re very judgmental and you long for their approval. You finally walk inside approaching the man at the front. “Hi! I have a reservation for Lee.” He looks up and down his list, nodding his head after finding your last name. “Yes, the rest of your party are already here, follow me.” He says walking off.
As you walk deeper into the restaurant, you see your parents sitting at a circle table towards the back. Your mother notices you and stand up to greet you. “My kitten!” She says excitedly. You smile and walk into her welcoming arms. The scent of blossoms and peaches cloud your senses. You pull away looking over at your dad. He stands up bowing to you with a gentle smile. “Long time no see,” he says dramatically. He then pulls you into a tight hug. “Your mother and I missed you.” He admits shyly. He pulls your chair out for you to sit, he takes his seat after helping your mother. You smile endearingly, shocked by your dads’ words. You fell out with your parents once you started dating Seungcheol.
Your dad just couldn’t get behind the fact that you decided to move in with him, and your mother stands behind every decision he makes. Basically disowning you once you moved away, you haven’t really spoken to them much from that point, so it’s pretty relieving to hear this. “I’ve realized over these past years that he isn’t going anywhere,” he starts,“so I’m willing to give him a chance my Bear, for you.” Your dad finishes. You instantly go in for another hug. Finally.
Shit. Who made this drink? Seungcheol thought to himself. He was now sitting at one of the tables on the far side of the conference hall, now on his 3rd or 4th drink by now. “Enjoying the party?” Mingyu asks him walking up to take a seat beside him. Seungcheol holds his cup up with an eyebrow raised. “Who made this drink?” He asks taking another sip, his head beginning to feel fuzzy. “I don’t know, strong isn’t it?” Mingyu questions scrunching his nose up. Seungcheol nearly finishes his drink, the strong taste in the back of his throat.
“You coming back out there?” Mingyu asks standing back up. Seungcheol blinked rapidly, his drink almost catching up to him. “I gotta run to my office really quick.” He said standing up, stumbling slightly before catching himself. Mingyu pats him on the back and makes his way back to the party. Seungcheol walks out of the party towards the elevator. Fuck, this shit is strong, he thought with a shake of his head. Finally the elevator arrives and he presses the 16 for his main office level.
Making his way around the dark space, he finally reaches his office, walking in and closing the door behind him. He sits on the couch that’s awfully comfortable to him right now. He really left to get away from the loud music. The party was nice, but he needed some quiet time for the moment. He kicks his feet up to be fully laid out on the couch, with his arms tucked comfortably behind his head. Just then he heard his office door swing open and close. Fuck.
Dinner was amazing. You and your parents touched on a lot of your problems and your dad is even willing to create a mutual relationship with Seungcheol. You pick your phone up and text Cheol telling him that you were on your way to his company’s party.
You 10:35: Heyy Cheollie, dinner went great☺️
No answer. You put your car in drive and hold your foot on the break.
You 10:37: I’m otw ok? I love you❤️
You put your phone down and began making your way to him. Now that your dad loosened his hold on him, you could get them to have a proper meeting together. You couldn’t wait to tell Cheol about it. Driving through the beautiful luminous city lights Seoul has to offer you smile to yourself, it’s so pretty at night, and you rarely go out at night so you don’t get to enjoy this view much.
You finally reach Hybe building and park your car in the adjoined parking garage. You get to the elevator and quickly press the button to the lobby. Fuck. I forgot to ask him what floor the party would be on, You thought reaching the lobby. Walking out, you see the sign with celebratory balloons hanging from it. You approach it to see that the party is on the 12th floor. You sigh and walk back towards the elevator, getting in and pressing the number 12 button.
You finally reach the 12th floor and greet the security guard you’re so used to seeing during your visits. “Nice to see you Ms. Lee.” He says letting you walk past him. You enter to see Mingyu dancing wildly in the middle of the room. You stand by the front laughing as he jumps and does some crazy moves with his arms. He finally spots you and runs towards you. “Y/n!” He says all excitedly. Your instantly pulled into a hug. You giggle at his sudden action. “Where’s Seungcheol?” You ask him after he let you go. He snaps his fingers as if trying to remember. “Ohhh yea,” he starts, “he went to his office.” He says now offering you a drink. You take it and thank him, walking back to the elevator.
When the doors opened to his floor, you couldn’t help but get this cold feeling. It was much different in here at night, an almost eerie feeling. You walk around the dark almost unfamiliar area, finally making it to the hallway that homed his office. Suddenly you hear voices, a man and a woman it sounds like. You can’t really make out their words, you’re too far. Who else would be here at this time?
As you’re close to approaching, you realize it’s coming from Cheol’s office. Finally getting a little closer, you can clearly hear it. “I promise I won’t tell her,” you hear her say, “she doesn’t have to know, this’ll just be our little secret.” She says, sounding seductive. You stand there trying to listen more. Then it’s quiet. You’re hot. You’re ears are hot. You quickly run down the rest of the hallway and burst through the door. Your chest heavy. You can’t breathe.
Walking in, you see Cheol laying back on his couch. His hair disheveled, shirt unbuttoned and pants halfway down. What the fuck. On top of him sat Nayeon, the very person he told you not to worry about. She quickly climbs off him, pulling her dress back down. Seungcheol quickly stands up, staring at you deeply, as if he’s trying to read your mind.
Your mind was racing. He wouldn’t. He couldn’t. Cheol would never. Your previous thoughts flooding your head. Five years. Five years of a relationship that he just let go of. Did he not care? You thought he loved you. He said that he would never hurt you. So many promises he made to you gone in an instant. You couldn’t breathe. Your chest heaved heavily. Oncoming tears stung at your eyes, but you refused to let them fall. Not right now, you couldn’t let them see you like this. Let her see you like this.
“Y/n.” Seungcheol said softly, as if he was proceeding with caution. He grabbed your hand and you quickly snatch away. “Do not fucking touch me Cheol!” You warn him, backing away. He looked at you with regret in his eyes. He looks a mess. Shirt still opened and pants pulled back up but unbuttoned. You look past him to see Nayeon grabbing her things and quickly running out of his office. You stand there quiet, thinking of your next words.
Seungcheol walks slowly towards you with his hand out. “Please Naekkeo, here me out.” He says using your nickname. A nickname that once made you feel warm and loved. Now it just makes you feel cold and unwanted. “Don’t call me that!” You snap at him. “You don’t get to call me that.” You say, pushing your tears away. You sniff and look away. Fighting the water works that were welling up the more you looked at him.
“Why?” You ask, not fully sure you wanted to know the answer. “It didn’t mean anything, she’s a nobody.” You’ve heard that before. Everytime a guy says that a girl is just a nobody, most of the time, she’s a somebody. You look at him shaking your head. “You lied to me Seungcheol.” You look up hoping your blurred vision would go away. “I clearly see why you haven’t answered any of my texts.” You say biting your lip. He runs his fingers through his hair and moves to grab your hand again.
To no surprise, you pull away again. “Y/n I-.” He’s cut short by your outburst. “YOU LOOKED ME IN MY EYES AND LIED TO MY FUCKING FACE SEUNGCHEOL!” You yell. “Please” he says tears filling his eyes. Smack! Your hand stings as you hit him. You don’t know what came over you but you hit him. You were hurting. You felt betrayed, embarrassed, and above all broken. “I hate you,” you spat. He stood there tears now rolling down his face. You quickly turn and began walking out, not wanting to be there anymore. “Y/n” he says, grabbing you wrist. You turn to look him in his eyes. “Fuck you Seungcheol.” You snatch away and run out. Leaving him there alone.
My Cheollie🍒 11:45 pm: Y/n please
My Cheollie🍒 11:45 pm: Let me explain
My Cheollie🍒 11:46 pm: I love you so much, I would never do anything to purposely hurt you
My Cheollie🍒 11:47 pm: Talk to me
My Cheollie🍒 11:48 pm: Believe me she doesn’t mean anything to me
My Cheollie🍒 11:48 pm: You’re the only one I want to be with
My Cheollie🍒 11:49 pm: Please come home
My Cheollie🍒 11:49 pm: I need you baby please
You lay there in the bed staring at the messages that Seungcheol sent last night. You couldn’t bring yourself to reply to any of them. You spent the night at Seokmin’s place, not wanting to go home. He has a spare bedroom so he didn’t mind you coming to stay. You knew Cheol would be returning home that night and you didn’t want to be there once he arrived. You hated the way he made you feel. You hated the way he looked at you when you walked in his office. Why did he do it? You thought to yourself while staring at your lock screen. A picture of a painting you and Cheol painted together displayed brightly.
“How you feeling?” Dokyeom asks popping his head in the room breaking you out of your trance. You look up at him, wiping the tears you didn’t even realize started falling. He comes in and takes a seat on the bed, staring into your sad eyes. “I’m so sorry best.” He says holding his arms open, welcoming you into an embrace. You quickly sit up and fall into his warm body. He holds you tight, rubbing your back.
“What now?” You ask him through loud sobs. “We started a life together,” you start. “Just us and each other’s company.” You hug Dk tighter. I’m gonna have to completely start over. What will I tell my parents? “I have to start looking for my own place.” You say pulling away from him. He smiles softly and supportingly. “You can always stay here with me until you find one.” He replies. You force a smile out and chuckle slightly. “I love you Seokmin, thanks for always being there for me.” He pulls you into another hug and kisses your forehead. “I love you too y/n.” He says pulling away and standing up. “I’ll always be here for you.”
It’s been two weeks and you finally gather the courage to go back to Cheol’s house. You’re there to get the rest of your things and return your key. For the past few days, you’ve been visiting whenever he was at work and taking a few clothes and personals. It’s 6:30 pm and you would’ve come earlier but you were at a meeting with a landlord for a potential apartment across town. You knew he would be there but you weren’t ready to face him just yet. It’s now or never. Come on y/n we can do it. You mentally prep yourself.
You walk up to his door and unlock it with your key. It still works. Are you surprised though? Making your way inside, you notice how dark it is. An unwelcoming type of darkness. “Y/n?” You walk further in and turn the lights on in the living room seeing Seungcheol sitting in a lounge chair by the window. “I won’t be long.” You say quickly making your way upstairs. You hear him following behind you which you pay no mind to.
“Where are you going?” He asks sloppily. He’s been drinking. He stands there watching you grab several suitcases you stored in the hallway closet. You ignore him as you open them up and quickly begin packing your things away. “Y/n answer me.” You stand up instantly meeting eyes with him. “There’s nothing for me to say to you Seungcheol.” You take a deep breathe and push past him going to your vanity. You grab your jewelry, taking each out of their own spaces and tossing them in a small bag.
“You haven’t been returning any of the messages I’ve been leaving you. Y/n we didn’t speak in two weeks. Where have you been?” You feel your irritation raise and look up to glare at him. Why is he speaking as if he’s done nothing wrong? Like he didn’t fully cheat on you with his coworker. After telling you nothing was going on. “YOU CHEATED ON ME CHOI SEUNGCHEOL. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. YOU-” You cut yourself off feeling the frustration rise in you.
He stumbles back trying to catch himself. He grabs the side of the vanity, balancing himself. “I love you.” He says walking closer to you. It’s now that you finally get to analyze him. He’s wearing a black tank top and a pair of adidas pants. His hair has grown longer and falls messily over his face. You can smell the alcohol on his breathe. “You did this Seungcheol. Not me”.
You finally finish packing ignoring everything he’s had to say to you. Your bags are in your car and you’re gathering the remaining of your things. Walking into the bathroom to get your personal hygienic items, you can’t help but remember the last time you and Cheol showered together. You were happy, everything was ok. How could it all go so wrong in the span of a couple of months. You shake your head and wipe the single tear that fell down your face away.
You walk out to see Seungcheol now sitting on the bed holding a bottle of water in his hand. “Don’t leave me y/n.” He says sluggishly. You look away and make your way for the door, stopping briefly. You turn to take one more look at him. “I hope it was worth it”. You say staring at him. This time he doesn’t say anything. Just stares back at you. You turn back around heading towards the stairs. When you finally reach the door, you hear his voice. “Don’t walk out on us, please.” He begs from the top of the steps. You stand there. Memories you shared flooding your mind. You sigh deeply, sobs threatening to burst from your chest. You grab the doorknob and head out finally closing the door on the love of your life.
“I’m sorry.” Seungcheol says after you close the door. 
What have I done?
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erii-ya · 8 months
‘If it’s you….’ Part 1
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Killer x FemReader
Sypnosis: You're one of the Strawhats, and after hearing the news about your captain being caught and imprisoned by Kaido, you join Raizo in infiltrating Udon to save him. There, you again met the man you've been obsessing with for a long time since you saw him for the first time in Sabaody. However, you discovered what happened to him, and you sure as fuck won't let it slide. No one's messing with your Milý and gets away with it.
WC: 2,333
A/N: One Piece is the beautiful creation of the genius Eiichiro Oda-sensei. It has heavy *spoilers* for the Wano Arc since the context revolves around Udon Prison. Please remember that the flow of the story is just a fantasy in my head, and English is not my mother tongue.
Luffy was defeated by Kaido and was imprisoned in Udon. Raizo, a member of the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance that your crew was a part of, plans to infiltrate the Udon prison to save him, and you won't pass the chance of joining in. The plan was to enter the prison, find Luffy, and escape as quickly as possible before anyone could find out.
That WAS the plan.
But since Luffy is your captain, plans sometimes work differently than intended. You've got stuck in Udon with the person you're supposed to save, and Raizo is nowhere to be found.
"You're not even going to give me something to eat?!" Luffy whines beside you.
The escape plan failed, and Queen, who ruled the prison, forced Luffy to join a Sumo match he started for entertainment. So, both of you fought the whole day. 
"I'm hungry..." his stomach growls on cue.
"Shut up and go to sleep!" says one of the Beast pirate members guarding you three while staying in the makeshift arena. 
You shot a glare at him, hoping he'd drop dead only if shooting daggers could kill. You saw him shudder and quickly turn his back on you. 'That's right. Be scared. 'cause once I get the chance, I'll dice you all into fine pieces.'
Luffy continues to whine about turning into a mummy by the next day if he doesn't get something to eat and you can do nothing but sit quietly. Old man Hyo stepped closer to him and apologized for being a hindrance on the escape mission. 
"Don't worry about it, gramps," you stated. Putting both your hands at the back of your head. "It was the captain's decision, and honestly, it'll leave a bad taste in my mouth knowing that we left you behind." you finished. Old man Hyo clenched his fist. He was still visibly guilty and probably blaming himself, thinking it was his fault you and Luffy couldn't get out of there on time.
"But still, Y/N-dono, you could've gotten awa-" You shushed him, waving your right hand, gesturing to stop. "It doesn't matter now, is it? It wasn't that bad. I haven't beaten people up for quite a while, so it's a fun time." You grinned. The old man looked at you unexpectedly and shook his head in defeat. 
"Strawhat..." He called Luffy. "Why do you still want to fight Kaido? Knowing that you lost to him once already?" 
As if on reflex, the Beast pirates around you all turned towards the three of you after hearing what the old man said. Curious to know the answer. Your captain got annoyed and released a wave of his conqueror's haki to knock them all down. He then proceeded to explain the four emperors of the sea to the old man and that Kaido was one of them. 
"I'm going to become the king of the pirates, so I have to take them all down." Luffy finished with conviction.
You smiled widely. You've heard it countless times, but the ecstatic feeling it gives you doesn't get old. It brought back memories from before you became an official part of the crew.
"Oi, Y/N! Join my crew!" you almost drown yourself in the glass of water you're drinking to the sudden outburst of the guy beside you. Whipping your head towards him with furrowed eyebrows, giving him a look like he grew an extra head, you retorted, "And what-in-the-holy-meatballs made you think I would want to play pirates with you? More or else BECOME a pirate?!".
"What? It'll be fun, I swear!" raising his right hand as if to promise. "Sanji's the best cook, and you'll enjoy all the dishes he'll serve! We can even have different eating contests occasionally.", he babbled.
Just thinking about it made you salivate.
It's really, really tempting...
But… "No, Thank you!".
As much as you're tempted by the idea of eating the 'best' dishes this Sanji person can cook, just thinking about living with a diverse group of individuals on a ship and floating for days in the vast sea made you cringe. You're okay with being alone, going from one place to another since social gathering is not your cup of tea. Being alone gives you freedom, not to mention the peace of mind of not causing trouble to anyone. Aside from being a petite woman with a huge appetite, you have no exceptional talent to boast. You only have an appetite that surpassed even this guy’s, the reason he lost to you in this meat-eating competition where you met. 
Standing up, you gathered your things and swiftly left the place without turning back. You thought that was the last time you'd see the guy, so you brushed it off as an uncanny encounter. 'He's a pirate, so they'll probably leave this island immediately.' you forethought. 
Boy, were you wrong! Because for the next couple of days, you always 'coincidentally' bumped into each other, and a series of back-and-forth barrage of why you should be joining his crew and why you shouldn't would always start. And the rest was history…
*End of Flashback*
You’re unsure if it's his persuasion, hidden charms, or just him being Luffy that you finally said 'Yes' to join his crew. Whatever it may be, you surprisingly never regretted it.
Your trip down memory lane was cut short when a mud-like entity appeared behind old man Hyo. It was Caribou, and on his stomach was Raizo, much to the old man's surprise. Questions were fired at the ninja, and he happily answered and explained to the old man what had been happening.
What was awesome was when Caribou stole Queen's share of Red Bean Soup!
"Fucking food finally! I was already thinking about chopping one of the Beast pirates." you nonchalantly said, which earned you weirded-out looks from Raizo, Caribou, and the old man. "Relax.", you said. " 's a joke.", and you smiled innocently at them. They can only nervously laugh at the awkward atmosphere while Luffy, knowing you, just laughs off his head.
The next day, Kaido shared some news with Queen. Komurasaki, the famous Oiran of the flower capital, died. Queen was devastated and hurriedly commanded to hook up the light-scroll snail to confirm the news. Your team, on the other hand, was so eager to start the sumo match.
"Did you idiots gain weight from yesterday?!" Queen was astonished. Eyes popped out after seeing Luffy and the old man, all plump and round than they were yesterday. 'Stupid captain,' you scratched your head in annoyance. 'I told him to eat only enough to regain his strength. Not to the point of bursting!' The beast pirates probably know by now that Queen's casserole of Red Bean Soup was missing, and the culprits are not too hard to guess.
You pinched the bridge of your nose like it would help stop the upcoming headache. "I also think finishing all that soup was too much. I'm surprised he survived this long as a captain." Caribou muttered. "Well, that's Luffy for you." is all you can say.
The light-scroll snail was rolling, showing a place somewhere in Wano. Queen was frantically looking for any signs or news about Komurasaki but to no avail. The view was changed from one place to another until it showed a scene where Zoro and Sanji saved a little girl. 
Both you and your captain's face lit up. You excitedly run towards the arena, propping yourself up to stand behind your captain and to get a clearer view of the scene. Everything happened so fast, and now your crew was all in combat mode. "Go get them, guys! Kick their dirty asses!" you cheered even though they won't hear you. Arms stretching upwards.
Queen looked at you and asked if you knew the green-haired man shown on the screen. It was Zoro. ‘Shoot!’ You should have remembered. You shouldn't know that you knew them as part of your crew's disguise. The excitement of seeing everyone again and in action had you slip the crucial details in your mind. Luffy turns to you with knowing eyes, and you both 'tried' to deny the fact. Lips pouting, eyes looking elsewhere in an attempt to lie. 
Unfortunately, you two sucked at lying, "It's too obvious, you liars!" Queen hissed. Clicking your tongue in annoyance, you couldn't care less about the consequences. To hell with the disguise! Everything was already fucked up since the escape mission failed. You’re almost at your limit anyway, and the itch of wanting to go wild is growing stronger by the minute. You focused your attention back on the screen instead. You have already decided that when all hell breaks loose in here, that’ll be your cue to go on a rampage. But for now, you’ll simply enjoy watching your friends break some legs.
In your peripheral vision, you saw one of Queen’s underlings approach him. You used one of your hidden skills to make out whatever he’s reporting. 
Ultrasonic hearing. 
Sounds cool, right? 
Of course, it is. After all, you put so much effort into naming this skill in another fancy way to mask the truth that it was only talent in picking up gossip. So helpful in hunting new delicacies.
Kidding aside, you heard Babanuki speak about a criminal arriving soon from the Flower Capital. Queen seems not to expect any new prisoners and is curious about who they might be.
Not long after, Udon Prison's main gate opened, and more of the Beast pirates walked in. You noticed one of them on a horse carrying a vertical red flag with the words ‘HITOKIRI.’ Queen asked who it was. “He’s a piece of garbage that couldn't complete a mission given by the Shogun of the Flower Capital,” answered Babanuki.
“We have a message from Orochi saying that we can punish him however we like.” announced the man leading in front of the newcomers. “We brought you, Hitokiri Kamazo!” he shouted. 
The prisoner started laughing manically, and you turned your head in his direction for some reason. Escorted was a tall man wearing a brown kimono, blonde hair, and a face covered with bandages. The only visible features you’ll see are his eyes and purple-colored lip. ‘Nice fashion sense.’
“Oh, so you’re Kamazo? I’ve heard a lot about you.” - Queen.
The prisoner continues laughing, not giving a shit about what the baboon said. 
“We also caught another one,” another beast guy added. “This one was stupid enough to show himself to us while yelling something. So, I shot him multiple times and didn’t even try to run.” the guy laughed.
Much to the surprise so far, the other prisoner turns out to be Eustass Kid, captain of the Kid pirates. He was holed up in the same prison cell as Luffy, and when you’re trying to escape the other night with your captain, he beat you all to it. ‘What the hellhole do you think you’re doing, you Oni (demon)!’ You can’t help but think you’re surrounded with morons.
Luffy called out to Kid. He stood beside you, and you didn’t even notice. The shock on his face after seeing his fellow captain being brought back inside was evident. You turn your attention back to Kid, now kneeling on the ground. ‘Hey, what’s going on.’ Confused by his sudden action, you started to move toward the kid pirate’s captain, but Luffy stopped you. You looked at him, and he wasn’t even looking at you. He still has his attention on Kid. However, his grip on your wrist says otherwise. It was firm enough to tell you not to do anything. Yet.
You sighed, then nodded at Luffy; only then did he release his grip on you. Looking back at Eustass Kid, you saw an expression you never thought you’d see in him. Mixed emotions danced throughout his face, but bewilderment was more prominent.
He spoke to the other prisoner, Kamazo, who was still manically laughing. “Oi, what happened? Why are you laughing?! Stop! I said stop!” tears started forming in his eyes. He continued, “I remember how you hate the way you laugh…” staring at Kamazo but more like seeing a distant memory of the past, “...and you even stop laughing out loud at some point.”
Jerking your head to the side, thinking, ‘I’ve heard this before.’. It was somewhat familiar, but you can’t remember where or when you heard about it.
“Anyone who mocked the way you laughed was easily beaten to death.” - Kid
Then it hit you.
Your body froze.
An unwelcoming chill runs down your spine.
The next thing you knew, your lips moved, mouthing what Kid said, like you knew the next thing he’d say, like the back of your hand.
“Until you started wearing a mask to hide your face.” - You
“Until you started wearing a mask to hide your face.” - Kid
“No shit..” was what followed after the statement came out of your mouth. Blood ran cold, and your hands started to tremble out of control. You couldn’t believe it. You were just guessing and were instead hoping you were mistaken. 
Now crying, Kid said, “That’s the person I knew. So please stop.” his tears flowed freely down his face. He’s hurt and in rage, and so are you. Your lips quivered to suppress the waterfall about to burst at the sudden realization. ‘What in the actual fuck…’ 
“Stop and look at me! What happened to our crew?! What happened to you?! Did Orochi do this to you?! Answer me!” Kid yells back at Kamazo with enraged eyes,
Hearing the confirmation made your eyes wide and your body tremble. The person you long to see after a long time is standing a few feet away from you. As much as you want to jump for joy, whatever you’re feeling right now is far from happy nor sad but rage. This is not the reunion you’re expecting to have with him.
“Milý-sama…”  you whispered.
Continue on Part 2....
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twice-inamillion · 1 year
Eating out with Momo
Smut (Blowjob, rough sex, creampie, anal) special viewer
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Chapter 179 (TIS)
It's been one day after the last Tokyo concert and all the members are resting. Having a good week to relax, you all decide to stay in the Tokyo prefecture and rent out a large house.
Currently, the members are paired up and given some time to explore the city. "I think we are going to stay home with the kids. We just want to relax and spend some time inside," said Jihyo. "Are you sure?"
"Yes, Mina and Dahyun will stay inside, but you should go out too if you want. I know that Momo wants to go on a food run to multiple Japanese restaurants, you should join her." "Okay, I'll talk to Momo then."
You visit Momo's room and knock on the door, "come in." You open the door and see Momo lying on the bed as she scrolls through her phone. "Hey, Jihyo said that you want to go on a food run, can I tag along?"
Momo turns around quickly and yells, "Yes, let's go. I want to try multiple places but nobody else wants to join me."
"I'll go with you. Where did you have in mind?" Momo gets up and pulls out her notebook from her bag. "Come here and take a look. I wrote down some restaurants I want to visit. These right here in red are a must. The ones in blue will be okay if we have time."
After planning where you both were going to go and how to get there, you gather your belongings and head out. Both you and Momo put on a cap to help blend in with the crowd. Walking down the street, you make your way to the train station, scan your tickets and wait for the train to arrive.
"It's going to be so much fun, thank you for coming with me," says Momo.
"Thanks for letting me tag along."
You and Momo walk down the street for about ten minutes to the train station. Scanning your train pass you both wait for the train to arrive. Momo takes out her phone and shows you the list of shops that she plans on visiting. "Look, we are going to these places. They are walking distance from each other, so it will be easier."
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"Sounds like you have everything planned out." Momo laughs from the compliment and punches your arm. "When it's about food you know that I get serious." She's right she is a good eater and is the one that enjoys your food the most out of the members. "You're right, I'm the same way; like you normally say, "if you work hard, you can eat delicious food." Momo covers her face full of embarrassment.
The first place on her list is a well-known Udon shop that's a bit away from the rest and made sense to cross it off the list.
"It looks so small. Are you sure this is the right place" you ask. "Yes, it might be a small shop but the food here is really good. You both walk towards the entrance and select the different type of options on the machine. You get your ticket and present it to the worker. It takes to little time as you are given your food within a couple of minutes.
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Momo pulls out her phone and begins to take pictures of her food. You watch the smile on her face and offer to take a picture of her as she takes the first bit. "Let me take a photo of you eating the food. I think it would make it more special."
She takes a bite and gives you a large smile, letting you all know that the food is delicious. After some more pictures, you follow Momo's lead and eat the udon, finishing the bowl at a fast pace.
"See… I told you it was good. Let's finish up here and head to the other places."
Again the both of your work your way back to the train station and reflect on some of the experiences of the concert until the train arrives.
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Arriving at your second stop, you visit Ekibenya Matsuri, a famous location that sells bento boxes. The place has a numerous amount of bento boxes on display, anywhere from fruits, salads, and boxes with meat. Momo acts like someone in a candy store, wondering around, taking a careful look with what she wanted to get. You automatically head towards the breaded deep-fried pork bento. Momo on the other hand, selects an eel-style bento box and a cold drink for the both of you.
Momo sand, you find a nice bench at the local park and open both your drinks and boxes. The amount of stream that comes out of the boxes ensures that what you are eating is hot and fresh. Just like before Momo pulls out her phone and asks, "can we take a selfie? I want to get the both of us together." You agree and she hold up her phone as you hold your bento in your hand. The two of you enjoy your box and even share a couple of bites of each other's food.
After finishing the meal and having your fill Momo and you go around the area and do some sightseeing and shopping before going to another restaurant.
After a couple of hours, you both head to the next location, Shinjuku Isetan Food Floor. It's a well-known shopping center that is filled with a variety of foods. Momo's goal is both some fruits and snacks.
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Again you try to keep Momo insight as she wonders around looking at the food through the glass case and asking for samples. After thirty minutes of window shopping, she decides to place a large order of fruits and snacks to be delivered to where all of you are staying. She also gets a couple of snacks for the trip back home.
"Okay, we can go, it is desert tasting now."
Momo pulls out her phone once more and shows you a map of desert locations that are within a few blocks away from each other. You exit the shopping center and head to to the next stop.
After visiting a handful of desert shops you notice that the sky is entirely grey, with a slight breeze and heavy dark clouds.
"It wasn't like this when we went inside," says Momo.
"It looks like it's going to rain. Let's start walking towards the train station. We should make it in about 10-15 minutes."
You both walk towards the station, taking alleyways to cut how long it would take you to get there.
Suddenly you hear the sound of rain coming from afar as it begins to pour. "Let's find some cover." You both need more time to cover as heavy rain wet the streets. Momo screams as she hears the thunder. She runs across the street, trying to get to cover. You chase after her, grabbing her arm and pulling her to the nearest building, "Momo, stop running. You're getting wetter like that, come with me instead."
You are both blinded by a bright neon light that says "Love Hotel" which catches you off guard. You look around and multiple medium signs that have the cost per hour for the stay. "Is this where you wanted to take me?" asks Momo. Words can't seem to get out of your mouth as you try to tell her that this wasn't on purpose.
"I didn't know the building was this kind of place, I just wanted to get out of the rain, and this was the nearest one. I'm sorry, let's go." You pull Momo's hand again, exiting the building and looking at the heavy rain under the small canopy.
"It's raining really hard, and it's windy too."
"What do you want to do? Want to book it and try to see if we find a shopping center?"
Momo pulls out her phone and looks at the weather app, "It seems like it's going to rain for a while. I don't want to get wet. Let's… just stay" as she looks away from you.
"Okay, let's go back inside before anyone sees us." You walk back inside and make your way toward the touchscreen located at the front. You look through the menu and see the multiple selections of rooms available and the amount of time for rent. Not knowing what to choose you ask Momo, "Where do you want to stay?" as you point at the screen.
Momo scrolls down and selects a room, and asks, "How much time should I select?"
"Uhhh… I'm not sure… maybe three hours?" Momo selects the three-hour option and asks you for your card. You swipe your card and a small slot opens with the access card for your room. You walk towards the elevator and make your way to the top floor.
The elevator door opens and you make a sharp right and left toward your room. You scan your access card against the door and a green light appears, granting you access to the room. Opening the door, you see how nice the room actually is, much different from what you imagined.
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"Wow… it looks so nice. I like it" says Momo as she takes a tour of the room.
You decided to make your way through the room since you paid for it and head towards the main part of the room. A large kind size open with a nice layout, large windows with a view of the city street, multiple TVs, and cabinets. You pull one of the cabinets and see a large number of condoms, lube, and other necessities to ensure a night of fun.
"Oppa, look…" as she pulls out a dildo with the wrapper still attached. She waves it around and says, "It's big, but not as big as yours." You choke up on her comment and tell her to put it away. She does but immediately grabs another toy from the cabinet.
"We are not here to mess around, just put it back. We don't know if they will charge us for this."
"Okay, but we already paid for the room. Let's watch something to kill the time." She grabs the tv remote and turns on the tv and sees a small girl getting double fucked by two men. She immediately gets embarrassed and turns it off. You try your best to hold in your laughter and say, "What kind of place do you think this is? Why did you expect the tv to have normal channels?, haha."
She takes a seat on the bed and pulls out her phone, "I'm going to take a shower and see if there is anything to dry my clothes. Want to take off your sweater?"
She nods and gives you her wet sweater. You walk towards the bathroom and see some hangers, a bathrobe, towels, and a dryer. You take off your clothes and get into the bathrobe and hang up your clothes. "Momo, take off your clothes and put this on. When you are done hang your clothes so we can dry them" as you give her the bathrobe. "I'm going to take a shower, okay? I'll leave the door open."
You hop into the shower and turn it on to its highest setting, enjoying the hot water. "I need to pee, oppa. Can I come in?"
"Yeah, come in."
You see her silhouette as she makes her way inside the bathroom. A small silence and then the noise of her stream hitting the toilet bowl. "Does the water feel good?"
"Yes, it feels nice after being drenched, why?"
"Just asking… I'm a bit cold."
You rub the side of your head, "you want to join?"
There is a small silence, "Yeah… please."
"Alight, come in."
You open the sliding door and see Momo drop her and toss her bathrobe towards the clothes bin. She slowly makes her way inside the shower and gets behind you. "It does feel nice, it's nice and hot." You pass her the bar of soap and she begins to lather up. It doesn't take long until she's covered with bubbles. "Look, I'm bubble girl" making a bubble with her two fingers. "Come on, Momo. Finish up so we can dry our clothes."
"Okay…" making a sad face.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. It's just that I didn't expect to be in this kind of situation."
"It's okay. I'm sorry I ran away, I didn't mean it either, I just got scared."
"It's okay" as you pat her head. She giggles and presses her breast against your arm.
"Momo, they're touching me."
"Yeah, I know" giving you a small smile. "Want to have a bit of fun?"
"What do you mean?"
"You… know. It's a love hotel. People have sex in here" pressing her chest closer to you.
"So… yeah? We have over two hours, we can do a lot in that time."
You tell yourself internally that she's right, you do have some time to kill, and having some fun with her doesn't seem like a bad idea.
"Okay, let's have a bit of fun." She gives you a smirk and you pull her in for a kiss. Momo gets on her tippy toes as you pull her in closer, exploring her mouth. After a while, you pull back and see Momo's lustful eyes.
She bites her lip and grabs hold of your cock. With a tight grip, she squats down and gives your cock a nice lick. "Let's have a bit of fun" kissing the tip of your cock. You watch as Momo licks the side of your shaft, and balls eventually take in your whole length. Momo, a natural good eater, doesn't struggle to take the whole length into her mouth. You slowly grab the back of her head, ensuring that your cock reaches the back of her throat.
She bobs her head continuously, getting every inch of you and at times she'll keep you in for a good while. Your favorite part is when you hear her gag on your cock as she tries to hold onto your cock. "Fuck Momo… you're getting good at taking in a cock down your throat."
Pulling herself out she replies, "Face fuck me" with an obvious smirk.
"You're a bad girl, Momo but I'll take you on that offer" smiling back.
You then grab her lower jaw with your left hand, making an "O" shape with her mouth and tilting her head up, facing you. With your cock on your right hand, you smack her face a little with your cock, leaving a trace of precum.
You align your cock to the entrance of her hole, pressing against the top of her mouth, feeling as her teeth and tongue rub against your shaft. Momo looks at you with such a lustful face, making you want to shove your whole length at once.
You are met with a slight resistance as her throat grabs hold of your cock. With her face on your base, you hold the back of her head. You watch as she tries to catch her breath and keep calm but as time passes her eyes begin to tear up. She begins to gag to your length, her throat constricting your member as she tries to push you away. Instead, you pull her head closer, cock throbbing, making her panic. From lustful eyes to those of panic as she begins to choke on your cock. Her eyes show submission as she begs for you to release her.
Wanting to give her a slight break you let go of her head and slowly pull out your cock. Momo coughs from your cock being so far in. She is only able to take two deep breaths as you grab her head once more with both hands. You pull her in and being to thrust your cock inside her mouth. You hold her head still as you face fuck her, using her as a living doll that's meant for sex.
You don't know how much time has passed as you are enjoying your time fucking her face. The amount of drool running down her face covers your whole cock and even runs down your thigh. Every once in a while you have to pull out, ensuring that Momo gets a breath or two in. "Are you enjoying my cock ruining your little mouth?" Momo nods with a smile even though she's semi-conscious. You're at the point where you can come at any moment so you warn her, "I'm going to pull out for a couple of seconds okay? Make sure you get a breath because I'm going to cum down your throat." She nods and you pull out, "1,2,3,4,5" and in one push she takes you in once more. She can feel your cock throbbing and gets ready to take your load. She closes her eyes as she prepares herself, but you want her to look at you instead. "Open your eyes and look at me." She does as she's told and looks into your eyes. "I'm going to cum, so make sure you swallow everything" and with that, you release a large wave of cum. It floods Momo's mouth as she tries to manage both your cock and swallowing your seed. You feel her throat milking you as it loosens and constricts, but then you feel a tightening of her throat. Cum begins to accumulate, causing her mouth to puff up, and enlarging her cheeks.
She's struggling and seems like she can't handle the amount of cum your pouring. "Momo, you can do it, you're doing a good job. Just a bit more and you'll be done" as you caress her face. With visual tears and red eyes, she musters up the energy to open up her throat. Cum gushes as it makes its when to her esophagus and eventually her tummy, "that's it, just a bit more." You slowly pull out until your cock is out of her mouth and Momo breathes heavily as she is finally able to breathe normally. She shows you her mouth, proving that she swallowed every drop.
"You did a good job, I'm proud of you" with a smile.
"You did a number on me, I thought I was going to die" she jokes around.
"But you did well, I'm really proud of you."
"Really? Was I good?"
"Yes, you're a pro at it. For sure one of the best out of the group." She blushes at the compliment and says, "Haha, I'm going to tease Chaeyoung that you said I'm the best. She's going to be jealous when she hears it."
"Let me know how she reacts, okay."
"Yes, I'll tell you. Chaeyoung is always talking about how good your cum tastes like and how rough you use her."
"Ohh really, she talks to you about it."
"Haha yeah, she tells Sana and I about it. Which is why I wanted to get a taste myself. I wouldn't expect that your cum tastes bitter in the beginning but sweet as you get used to it."
"Hmmm… I wouldn't expect it to be sweet."
"I can't describe the taste, but it tastes good, like something you can get addicted to. It's a reward for having sex."
"Hahah, that's a new one. I didn't know my cum would be a reward."
"Well… it's a reward for us. We like it… so… how about we keep it going" elbowing your side.
"You think you can handle it?"
"I'll try my best. I mean if I end up passing out… you can still fuck me if you want."
"You know how to make a man hard, huh" giving her a smirk. She smiles, bites her lip, and spreads her legs open, showing off her goods.
You stand up and grab her from her sides, picking her up high in the air. Getting caught off guard by your actions, she yells as you toss her on the bed. "Don't scare me like that's oppa." You laugh and make your way toward the middle of the bed. You spread her legs open, exposing her bare cunt. "I'm going to enjoy this meal" as you hover on top of her cunt. With your face as close, you go for a small kiss, which causes Momo to moan. Wanting to hear her moan even more you have a make-out session with her pussy. You trace your lips against hers, causing her to tremble. With your fingers you spread her pussy lips apart, revealing her pinkish flesh. With your tongue, you explore her insides for a good amount of time as Momo plays with her tits. She rubs the buds her of tits as you eat her out to the best of your abilities.
"Oppa, like that. Don't stop… you're so good at this. No wonder the members can't wait to have sex with you. You know how to treat a girl."
You enjoy hearing the compliment on how good you are, which makes try harder. Your goal now is to make Momo cum so you pick up the pace. You work your magic as Momo wraps her legs around your head, ensuring that you don't go anywhere. "Oppa, I'm going to cum” as she begins to shake.
You have her where you want her and you only need one last move before she orgasms. Moving your focus from her insides, you suck on her clit, twisting it with your lips. Momo tightens her grip on her thighs and in one motion, you slightly bite her nub. "Fuck… I'm coming," is the last thing you hear as Momo shakes violently. Cum gushes out and hits your face. You manage to stick your fingers and start to finger her rapidly. You watch as her first orgasm ends and the second one immediately begins as you thrust your fingers in and out of her. She shakes so much that her toes curl up and her back arches up. "Fuck… don't stop. I will want to cum more. You shove your fingers deeper and reach her G spot and give it a few good rubs. A stream of liquid gushes out of her as she passes out from the excitement.
"I can't believe she actually passed out from that" you watch her lay motionless on the bed. You look back to do at your member and it's still hard, "she did say I can use her as I please" looking at her amazing body.
"Let's have some fun" grabbing her legs and spreading them wide open. You position yourself in front of her and pull her closer to you. Grabbing your cock you smack it against her pelvis, leaving a bit of pre cum behind. You rub your cock in between her lip, getting a preview of what's to come.
Being 80 percent hard, you align your cock at her entrance, waiting for the right moment to penetrate her. You slowly insert the tip of your cock, spreading her lips wider and wider. Grabbing her hips, you bring her closer, making you insert yourself even more. You are met with a slight resistance as her walls are trying to keep you from reaching her womb.
"Fuck… it feels nice" as her walls begin to squeeze your cock. Feeling the tightness of her walls sends shivers down your spine and makes you get harder. You watch as your cock grows to its maximum size, stretching lip lips even more.
Wanting to fuck her already you grab her legs and place them on your shoulder. You place your weight on her body and begin to thrust.
With every thrust you see her tits and tummy jiggle, making you want to fuck her harder.
After a while, she begins to wake up and is a surprise to see you on top of her. "Oppa, you horny boy. You're actually fucking me while I'm unconscious huh."
"You said I could, plus you're like a living fuck doll for my personal you" as you give her a smirk. She bites her lip and says, "Then fuck me like until you break me."
Hearing that makes you change up your pace. "Don't regret it later, okay?"
"I won't."
You grab her legs once more and place her in a seashell position, legs behind her back and better ability to reach her womb.
She's surprised with the position you're putting her in as she's never had her legs that far back. You give her no time to adjust as you begin to thrust inside her violently. Momo switches from grunting to moaning as her insides are getting used as a plaything. She tries to get your attention and call for you, but her mumbling is incomprehensible as her mind is overwhelmed by pleasure.
"Your body is perfect Momo, you have nice tits, a toned stomach, great hips to hold on to, thighs thick thighs, nice legs, and an attractive face that I can fuck." She smiles at your compliments but you don't think she's completely there as you see her face completely red and her eyes rolling back.
With every thrust, your balls start to feel hot and heavy. You're reaching your peak and are moments from cumming. "I'm going to pull out, I'm going to cum." You pull out your cock, leaving only the tip.
Momo then regains her sanity and says, "d… don't… cum outside" as she wraps her arms around your neck.
"Dump your cum inside of me. You're free to use my womb however you want."
No more words are needed as you grab her hips and pull her back. In one move your impale yourself back inside, hitting the deepest parts. Her walls feel your throbbing cock and does it best to milk it.
You can feel your tightness which causes you to go over the edge. "You want it so bad so here, make sure you take all of it" as you release a tsunami of cum. Momo's eyes become wide open when her womb starts to fill up and presses her hand on her tummy, "you're filled me up. You can see your cock throbbing inside my tummy.
When you are finally done you see Momo's tummy expanded as she's was pregnant. You pull out your cock and a stream of cum comes oozing out of her. She presses on her tummy, causing it to expel even more.
"Want me to get you something to drink?" as you get off the bed. "Some juice if the have any."
"Okay." You walk towards the mini fridge and grab a bottle of orange juice. "Thanks, for the juice."
As you use the restroom Momo looks at her phone and sees a couple of messages from Jeongyeon. Momo replies back and immediately gets a video call from her.
*Ring Ring!
"Momo where are you? Why didn't you respond to my texts?" asks Jeongyeon.
"I was trying to get out of the rain so I didn't look at my phone until now. Why what's going on?"
"Well most of us are back home and wanted to know what time you plan on coming back."
"It might take me a while, I'm kind of busy right now" says Momo who is trying to act as normal as possible.
"What are you doing?"
"I had to stop somewhere because I got kind of wet but once it clears out I'll take the train back.
Jeongyeon can read most of the members and can tell that Momo is not telling her the whole story.
You come out of the bathroom and see Momo laying on the bed on the phone with Jeongyeon. You try to be as quiet as possible and make your way to grab your phone.
"Momo are you sure you're okay?" asks Jeongyeon.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
Wanting tease them both you come up with an idea. Seeing that Momo ass is facing up you slowly make your way back onto the bed. Little by little you make your way back and grab onto Momo's hips. You pull her towards you and put her in a downward doggy position. With her ass sticking up you can see how amazing it true is. You give it a couple of soft snacks and watch her ass cheeks ripple. You then spread her cheeks and quietly align yourself to her puckerhole.
"Don't… not now…" whispers Momo as she turns her head quickly before going back to Jeongyeon. "Telling me no is making me want to do it more" you say to yourself internally.
Your cock right at Momo's entrance you slowly push yourself inside of her, spreading her hole wide open.
Momo moans as she feels her asshole getting penetrated but tries to keep calm with Jeongyeon still on the phone. Seeing her reaction you decide to pick things up a bit more and shove your cock inside of her in one go.
Momo loses her composure and balance from the sudden pain and pleasure she felt from getting impaled.
"Momo are you sure you're okay? You seem a bit flushed."
“Y…yes… I… I'm okay. I… it's just my stomach. Maybe I ate too much."
Hearing Momo playing it off to Jeongyeon makes you want to tease her more so you grab her hips once more, pull your cock out, leaving just the tip and begin to thrust.
Momo grunts as she's getting overwhelmed by the sudden thrust, "Momo tell me what's going on. Why are you acting like that. Who's with you."
"It's fine unnie, I just hit my toe so it hurts right now."
You're lying… you're with someone. Who is it?"
You increase the pace of your thrusting, making Momo tighten her ass and hold onto the bed sheet with her left hand while holding onto the phone with her right. As time continues she begins to lose balance, making her knees and hands weak.
Jeongyeon trying to figure out what's going on turns the video call to full volume. She can start hearing Momo's moaning and grunt. The camera quality also begins to decrease as Momo's background slightly shakes. "Where are you? Why is the camera shaking. I'm getting upset with you."
"Let's spicy things up a bit more" you say to yourself." You raise your hand above Momo ass and give it a nice hard slap.
Momo yells from the sudden smack and drops her phone by the pillow. You can hear Jeongyeon yell out and ask if Momo is okay but is surprised to see the sudden view.
Jeongyeon can now clearly see Momo's nude body especially her breast that are bouncing. "Momo why are you nude? Are you in a hotel with someone? Are you having sex?"
Momo gives no response as she's entertained with you cock. Knowing that Momo is not going to respond back she tries to figure out the person fucking her. She has a gust feeling as to who she is with but doesn't want to accept it.
With every thrust and smack you give her ass the more cum that drips out of her cunt. Jeongyeon can see how much fun Momo is having as her face and moaning gives it away. She watch as a clear liquid drips down Momo's thighs.
Hearing Momo's moaning and her face full of ecstasy is making Jeongyeon feel hot. She lays on the bed she was previously sitting at and begins to rub her cunt with her clothes still on.
You push Momo's upper body down to the bed, revealing your face to the camera. Jeongyeon is surprised to see your face full of anger as you fuck Momo. You notice the phone on the pillow and catch a glimpse of Jeongyeon on the screen. She immediately hides her face as it only leaves an empty background.
You know that she's still there as she hasn't hung up so you pull your member out of Momo's ass and ram it inside with your full strength. Momo yells from the pain of getting her insides rearranged. You slap her ass cheeks multiple times until they turn completely red.
On the other side of the phone, Jeongyeon can clearly see the animalistic sex that's occurring in front of her. Her member and friend is getting completely dominate by Jihyo's fiancé. Every time she sees you thrust inside of Momo the wetter she begins. She can't seem to understand why watching her members getting fucked makes her get wet. "I can't believe they are having sex. Why how rough he's being with her."
It's isn't until she sees Momo's face of pleasure and cry of pain that she realizes that Momo is enjoying it. She hear Momo beg for more, for you to cum inside of her and destroy her insides.
Jeongyeon with her fingers rubbing her folds decides to slide a finger inside her cunt. Jeongyeon tries to sync with you both as she watches you thrust yourself into Momo. Minutes pass and she is breathing heavily, sweat running down her neck as she is imaging being there.
You see Jeongyeon's head poke out every so often, giving you the idea that she's enjoying herself on the other side as well. Wanting to give her a full show you grab Momo's phone and flip the camera, showing a perfect view of your cock inside of Momo's puckerhole. You give a couple of thrusts before saying, "Momo, I'm going to cum inside your ass" making sure that Jeongyeon heard.
"Yes, please… cum inside this tight ass of mine" as Momo begs. You pull out half way and flood Momo's insides with a large load of cum..
Jeongyeon hearing you announce your orgasm, she increases the pace, making her reach her peak. She sees your cock pull out halfway, a large thick cock full of veins penetrating her member's hole.
"Fuck… I'm cumming…" as Jeongyeon releases her orgasm.
You see Jeongyeon unintentionally tilts her phone a bit, revealing her flushed face, and hear her heavy breathing. You know she enjoyed the show, and want to give her one more gift before you end the session.
You make sure that you get a closer view of Momo's butt as you pull your cock out. With every inch, you pull out more and more cum starts dripping on the sheets until the tip is the last thing at remains. Pulling out your tip seems to be the hardest part as her insides don't want to let go. It tries its best to keep a tight grip on you until you hear a popping sound when it finally let's go.
The view of the camera is Momo's gaping hole that longs for your hard cock. Once it realizes that it's no longer there it oozes out your cum, running down her cunt, down to her thighs. You rub the tip of your cock against her folds and her pucker hole, then hear a clicking noise coming from the phone.
"Did she just take a screenshot?" you ask yourself. You take this as a compliment and hold your cock on your hand with a thick coat of cum on love nectar, giving her a better view of your member. *Click… click. You hear the noise again.
"That was amazing… I loved it," as Momo turned around on her back. She grabs the phone and switches the view to get a video of you. She grabs your cock, wrapping her hand around it and giving it a nice squeeze. "Unnie, his cock is so big… I can barely wrap my hand around it." She lowers the view down and shows off a large amount of cum oozing out of her before telling her, "I hope you enjoy the little show. Maybe you can watch us in person next," as she bites her lip.
Jeongyeon immediately hangs out and smacks the phone on the bed. She's frustrated with herself that she stayed and watched those two fuck. She can't believe she even got an orgasm out of it. She looks down, placing her hand back down her shorts, and is still hot. Thinking of what just occurred, she gets her phone once more and goes to her recent phones. She stares at the pictures of your cock as she masturbates again.
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kafus · 2 months
i also love to see how dot's identity as gurumin continues to integrate in with her general everyday identity and confidence... a while back i made a whole post rambling about the potential of dot's battle style as a more experienced pokemon trainer in the future being very performative, and it was a very likodot heavy post LOL, but taking away the shipping and dramatic aspects for a bit, i do genuinely see that as a route for her character, so i was practically cheering when she turned her battle with onyx into a performance. dot loves to perform and has skill in it when her reclusive tendencies aren't holding her back. gurumin has typically been used to channel that aspect of her, but now it's coming out without the need for the gurumin suit.
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i thought this scene had really great contrast with HZ049 when she was dealing with the horrors of being caught on camera - of course it's not an exact comparison, she isn't surrounded by cameras here, but there's an incredible visual contrast of her being anxious surrounded by a crowd, to now actually wanting there to be a crowd that she can perform for, and therefore bring people into the restaurant with.
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like damn!! she handles that crowd!! some of them could even have cameras who knows!!
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she stutters for a moment because she isn't used to doing this as her normal self at all, but she's also able to project her voice at the end and be the one to lead the crowd she's caught the attention of into the restaurant, which is just like. Insane for her. wow! i cannot even begin to express how happy this made me jisodfjoifds (and as an aside, even the cute name she gave the udon feels like something a youtuber would come up with. she's good at titling things)
and let us not forget on this topic that she brings up livestreaming, willingly in conversation -
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first off, dot isn't usually one to bring this up on her own, especially to strangers... which makes sense because it's a secret identity, but she also has historically refused to take pride in her accomplishments and what she's good at, so seeing her talk about it here not only represents once again, integration of gurumin into her general identity, but also a willingness to acknowledge her livestreams as a skill she has that gave her the performance skills to do what she did with the restaurant. which is really notable character growth imo
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^ she still shrugs off compliments like she's been shown to do before. however. take a look at the contrast between her doing this in HZ041...
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(^ this is about her programming skills, but the point still stands)
to HZ058...
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like, the difference in tone and expression here is obvious. she may be denying praise for her abilities and underestimating herself with her words, but she is so much more willing to be happy about it and essentially accept those compliments with her demeanor, even with strangers (of which friede was to her at the time as well!)
HZ050 showed a lot of that confident trainer dot with her hair pulled back by the headband integrating with dot's whole self, but this episode really showed her performative side as gurumin integrating in there too, and i think that's wonderful. dot doesn't need to hide behind a mask to be a talented person and entertain people!
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punks-never-die205 · 2 months
How hairy is Kid (the rest of his body)? I mean he hasn't grown a beard in Udon so 8 think he has few hair 👀
I think he's surprisingly fuzzy - maybe not in the facial hair department (though non-canon AU I can see him rocking some cool beards. Anime's don't leave much room for "I was in prison for x time and grew a beard" alas), but I think he's thicker on the arms and chest than it looks like.
Mostly because pale skin and red hair can result in body hair that is legitimately hard to see until you're close up. Unless it's so thick is pops red like the hair on his head.
bless the AUs and fanons. <3
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