#uf grillby especially
Sorry, I meant to send an ask yesterday, but I got carried away 😅
So what about ut, us, uf and ht (you can ignore the last one if you want to don't worry) and how they would be with a reader that hides the fact that they're physically hurt.
Maybe they went hiking with the skellie, and they tripped and pretended that it was only a little scratch when days later they see quite a big wound that's infected.
It's a bit gross, so it's okay if you don't do it, don't worry :)
Have a good day/night and be safe
UnderTale, UnderSwap, UnderFell, and HorrorTale skellies react to a reader hiding that they're injured
you had gotten in a little tussle with a fallen branch walking home. you were completely oblivious, and tripped right over it. it hurt to walk on, and you soon noticed it swelling. it wasn't... sprained, right? nah, of course not! you brushed it off, thinking that it would be just fine in a day or two.
but until then, you might want to put some ice on that.
and so you did. for three days, with no sign of improvement. you tried keeping it a secret, but then your s/o came home while you were putting ice on it, right on the couch beside the door, and...
-he walks into the house, immediately heading for the couch.
-"hey, y/n, i'm ho- you alright? what happened to you?"
-"oh! sans, hi, i didn't expect you home so early!" you wave frantically to draw his eyes away from your ankle.
-"yeah... work was slow, so i came home. whats going on? you're acting weird."
-"pshh, don't be silly, nothing's wrong! absolutely nothing!"
-he sighs.
-"my whole shtick back in the underground was that i can see peoples stats. your HPs lowered, you're acting really awkward about your leg, and you're trying to hide an ice pack from me. i know, i saw it when i walked in. so, im gonna ask you again. whats going on?"
-you sighed. he caught you, he always did.
-"i dont know what's up. I tripped a few days ago and my ankle just started swelling. I'm gonna give it a few more days before I see a doctor, just to see if it heals on its own."
-"alright then," really? that's it? not going to insist you see someone? well, that's great for you! "I'm going to grillby's. wanna come?"
-you nodded your head.
-"cmon, let's take a shortcut."
-he took you to the fucking ER.
-you look up after hearing the door open and you heard a crash.
-he had gone grocery shopping, apparently, because his bags were sprawled on either side of him on the floor.
-his jaw was only half hinged, that's how bad you scared him.
-as in it dropped. almost fully.
-he suddenly runs to your side (re-hinging his jaw on the way) and kneels by your side.
-"HUMAN, what ever is the matter? is it serious? does it hurt? will it need stitches? should i take you to-"
-"Paps! i'm okay. i think it's just sprained, i'll be alright," you tries to reassure him.
-"SPRAINED? oh, HEAVENS no, i must take you to the doctor right away!"
-you sigh. "Papyrus, it isn't that big of a deal. i'm sure it'll be alright in a few days."
-"absolutely not! what if it's worse than you think? it could kill you!"
-he really thought a sprained ankle could kill you? he may be clueless about human injuries, but at least he cares!
-you don't have too much time to reply before he picks you up, puts you in the car, buckles you up (because heaven forbid something ELSE happen to you, ESPECIALLY under his watch) and brings you to the ER.
-he literally did not notice.
-he grumbles a quiet, "hey," before trotting upstairs into his room.
-it isn't until several days later when the pain has worsened and you cannot walk on it that he asks what the fuck is going on.
-you explained that you had tripped a few days ago, and it got swollen, and you thought that it would just go away, but it's been getting worse and worse since it happened.
-"fuckin' idiot," he groaned. "i'm dating a goddamn moron! alright, get in the car. i'm takin' you to a hospital."
-he's groaning the entire way.
-as soon as he lays eyes on you, he sighs.
-"what did you do this time?"
-what the hell did he mean, 'this time'? he CANNOT be holding you accountable for that one time you got a concussion! that was HIS fault!
-"hey! you BETTER not be talking about-"
-"about the concussion," he cut you off. "yes, yes, i'm aware, you believe that incident to be my doing. however, i can GUARANTEE that this is not! now, tell me what happened. i expect a full explanation."
-you rolled you eyes and told him, feeling a little pissed off about his crossed arms and tapping foot, although you couldn't fully blame him. the whole situation WAS a little silly, now that you have to say it out loud.
-he scoffed when you finished talking. such a silly thing! why the HELL didn't you immediately see a doctor? swelling is NEVER normal!
-how did he, a skeleton monster who had gone most of his life without so much as seeing a human, know more about human anatomy than a fully grown human adult?
-and how did he, an esteemed member of the royal guard, end up in a relationship with such a fool?
-"get yourself looking decent. we are visiting the hospital to get you proper treatment."
-'looking decent', you looked fi-! no, you didn't, nevermind.
-"hey, y/n, Alphys let out training early, so i'm back! what are you doing?"
-you scrambled to hide the ice pack and hike your pants back over your ankle. "oh, uh. . . nothing," you said sheepishly in reply, a fake grin appearing on your face.
-"oohhhh, no no no. i know that look. you're hiding something. best be honest now."
-damn him! how DARE he know you so well!
-"i think i did something to my ankle," you muttered.
-"hmm. . . let me see."
-he walked over and inspected your ankle for a few moments.
-"it looks sprained. when did this start?"
-"a few days ago. i tripped and it started swelling."
-he gave your ankle ankther quick look.
-"and why didn't you tell me?"
-"well, i thought it would go away at first. i was going to tell you, if it didn't. i was just going to wait a few days."
-"well, there's no need! i'm taking you to a doctor."
-he helped you stand and let you use him as something like a crutch, so you wouldn't have to put too much weight on your injured foot.
-you look up to see him standing, eyebrows furrowed (you know what i mean sans does it in the main game) looking at you.
-"anything you want to tell me?"
-"ah, nothing. . . i'm just gonna go to a doctor if this doesn't start getting better."
-you knew the look he was giving you. he wanted to know what happened.
-"i tripped a few days ago and my ankle started swelling. nothing major. it's just a little sore."
-"mmm. i'm sure. you have five minutes, then i'm taking you to a doctor," he said as he laid on the couch beside you.
-"no, Paps, there's really no need-" you were interupted by snoring. but you knew that didn't mean you were off the hook. he would be awake in five minutes EXACTLY, whether you were ready to go or not.
-he kinda just stands there for a few moments after he sees you with the ice pack.
-ice pack means something's wrong, because he doesn't see food around, but his skull injury makes figuring anything else out difficult.
-ice pack. . . on your ankle. . .
-it doesn't matter what's wrong. he just knows something is. so, he comforts you! in the only way he knows how!
-which is a BONE-CRUSHING hug.
-and because you're sitting, and he's standing over you, leaning down to hug you, it's a very awkward angle. leading to a lot of bones jabbing into uncomfortable places.
-you know you can't really do anything to get him off of you, so you just wait it out.
-"i'm alright, Sans. it isn't anything major. i'm about to go to a doctor!"
-he was going to tell you to anyway. you just got that part out of the way.
-his time in the underground under Undyne's rule made him very paranoid about the health of those he loves, so no matter how big the injury, you MUST see a doctor.
-it's not up for debate.
-he drives you because he doesn't want you to have to put any more strain on your ankle.
-(should he even have a drivers license? questionable...)
-he has a puzzled look on his face.
-that. . . he suspected that wasn't a good sign.
-"y/n. . . i don't suppose you want to tell me what is going on?"
-"oh," you nervously laughed. "no biggie. just tripped a few days ago, it kinds hurts. if it doesn't feel better tomorrow i'm seeing a doctor."
-"hmm. i shall hold you to that."
-you laughed. you bet he would.
-spoiler alert, he did.
(a/n: sorry if this is totally inaccurate to having a sprained ankle, it just seemed like a good scenario, and i was too in the writing groove ((once i actually started)) to do much research)
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sociopathicartist · 7 months
Comfort headcanons
I feel like he has a tad bit of issues with being able to comfort others. Like, sure, he can assure you nothing is wrong and hold you, but I guess he’s probably just not good at actually being prompted to do so.
He’s a bit of an awkward skeleton, to say the least. Sure, he’s good at talking with strangers and loves cracking puns, but if you just came to him and crumbled in his arms with tears in your eyes he’d probably be a bit confused on what to do.
“uhmmm…… you want some water?”
Now, that's not to say that he wouldn’t try and learn how to comfort you to your preference, whether you're in a romantic or platonic situation. If you have meltdowns frequently he’ll learn what to do. Crying? He’ll heat up your favorite tea. Bad day? Movie night!!! He tries for you because he didn’t try on anything for so damn long, He doesn’t want to lose what he has with you just because he’s feeling lazy that day.
He’s probably a very good listener, just as he is a talker (Boy does he talk a lot), so he’d be amazing company for listening to any rants you have. If you’re more on the platonic side, he’ll just sit down and listen to you talk for as long as you need, several ‘mhm’ ‘yeah’ ‘no way’ ‘s being made to show his current attention to you. If you’re dating, he’ll rub your back in small circles, holding you in his arms until you’ve spilled everything off your chest of what happened that day with several kisses in between words to make you smile.
Since he is a bit awkward with trying to comfort someone, holding you and letting you rant or cry will almost always be his go-to for comforting. It’s the easiest thing he knows since he’s seen so many people comfort others that way, and he wasn’t keen on physical or emotional closeness with others before he met you. All this is still pretty new to him.
It’s also just an immediate instinct to want to hold you close until you feel better whenever he sees you sad. You’re the closest bond he has (other than papyrus, but sibling affection and talks only go so far), he doesn’t want to let go of that anytime soon. Anytime at all.
If your mood isn’t cheered up after his attempts, or if you’re just not a big fan of physical touch, he’ll go with his last best resort. He used to take Papyrus out to the only movie theater in the underground, (when he was little) which was pretty far away from Snowdin, so if you’ve had a bad day or you’re just feeling off, he’ll try and do such as similar since it was the best method he knew.
Grillby’s would be a first option, but a bunch of people all around you is probably the last thing you want, especially since most of them talk to Sans. If you’re more of an outdoorsy person (or just take a high interest in the stars like him) he would take you stargazing at his favorite spot. A spot he hasn’t shown anyone but you. Don’t like that? He’ll take you out to the movies and buy a bunch of overpriced snacks with you to share, only to end up laughing the entire time and not even paying attention to what you were watching. Not a big movie person? He’d take you somewhere else you like. Somewhere he knows eases your mind. He doesn’t care if he’s not the best at comforting people, he’s trying the best he can because it’s you.
If you’re a lot closer and have an established romantic situation, there would be other ways to make you feel a bit better. Not that it would be an immediate resort, but just another way of showing affection to you. How much he loves you.
hiii:3 have been a bit down recently and i wrote these for a slight cheer up. i’ll try and get in the hang of posting more often on here. should i write more for UF and US sans? or any other sanses? i have a soft spot for some of them. hope you enjoyed !
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vex-bittys · 3 months
How would the various lamia react to someone with a severe resting bitch face? Like…they look murderous, but that’s just their face when they’re not emoting?
*Of course the lamias try not to judge people by their looks, but sometimes it's hard not to be sensitive if someone is giving you a murderous look!
Papython (UT!Papyrus): if you're feeling murderous maybe you need a hug!
Corny (UT!Sans): will try a joke to see if he can make you laugh
Krait (Gaster): perceived disapproval makes him very nervous, thinks you dislike him
FireRing (Grillby): being mute, he relies on expression and may think a person with resting bitch face is unfriendly
Honey Bo (US!Papyrus): relucant to trust anyone, especially someone who is giving him a murderous look
Pygmy (US!Sans): too busy zooming and playing to worry about facial expressions
King (UF!Papyrus): as a lamia with resting bitch face, he's not bothered by it
Coral (UF!Sans): very sensitive to people having negative feelings towards him, will likely be grumpy and standoffish
Chain (SF!Papyrus): senses SOULs and uses that to gauge character rather than facial expression
Mamba (SF!Sans): thinks the expression is fierce, approves of it
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capricioussun · 4 months
I wrote this a few days ago and then forgot to post it ✌️
Some nice things for the uf brothers inspired by that ask, and since I'm more often than not too mean to them
> Back when Papyrus was a young teen, Sans found a walkman at the dump with some tatty earbuds. He cleaned and fixed them and found some tapes to gift it to Papyrus so he had something to help with his overstim whenever Sans wasn't with him (so long as he swore to never use it outside where someone could spring an attack while he was distracted).
> The first thing Papyrus did after becoming a guard was get warmer, sturdier clothing for Sans, and recycling their salvageable old stuff into extra blankets for him, too.
> Even though Papyrus was the one to make up a proper first aid kit, Sans is usually the one who restocks it on the DL, especially since Papyrus is the one getting hurt more often than not
> Not from either brother, but after Papyrus first joined the guard, and when Sans' drinking problem really took root, Grillby made a few unspoken gestures to reassure Papyrus that he'd keep an eye on him, and it helped probably more than Papyrus realized at first
> Sans would sneak into the labs despite his strong aversion from time to time to clear out any of the tabs Alphys kept on both of them, but predominantly for Papyrus' sake (and Alphys never really stirred any trouble about it because Asgore can keep his own damn tabs if he’s that concerned about them)
> Papyrus knows it's harder to be around monsters with LV after a judgment, and tries to avoid Sans/stay out as much as possible for a few days any time Sans has to perform one
> Mentioned it in the prior post already, but Sans mends any of Papyrus' clothes that get roughed up while working, barring the times Papyrus beats him to it
> In a similar vein, Papyrus was the one who made and stitched the patch onto Sans' jacket after Grillby gifted it to him. It's based on the dog unit's sigil (since they used to be part of it), and he used to have one too before he became lieutenant and started wearing (part of) his armor all the time
> Papyrus keeps careful track of Sans' expression/reaction whenever he "tries a new recipe" to see if he actually likes it, since Sans will lie and say he does no matter how bad it is (he keeps a list of the "recipes" Sans likes in a notebook)
> Whenever Sans scavenges, if he finds something for the both of them, he covertly gives the better quality/more functional one to Papyrus
> Papyrus will occasionally insult/shove/complain about Sans to discreetly reaffirm he still views him as his older brother, and Sans returns the favor by embarrassing/teasing/"harassing" him with jokes (because god forbid they just do those things because they are brothers)
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the-fandom-qu33n · 1 year
Chapter 1 ____To Strike A Match
(UF Sans/Reader)
Rated M...violence, profanity and much else soon to come
writing an UF sans book cause i can
you the reader are the daughter of UF Grillby...he's protective as shit-
sans is as he always is...a trolling jerkwad..or is he?
burnt out sick of the recurring timeline everything is starting to break him down little by little... day after day drink after drink he needed something different a smoke would be good... just needed a...light?
The clinking of glasses and small chatter from the bars patrons .. the smell of burgers and salty fries...held in the air as it added to the sound of sizzling and crackling of the bar tender himself. All the sounds and smells ran through your head in a calming matter as you continued to read your tablets in peace smiling slightly to yourself looking through your apps you used daily... all set in a folder for easier access o you...you liked it that way...simple. but today was special...you couldn't pay to much attention to your tablet today WAS the day... a day to any other adult would be a shrug of the shoulders but to a new adult such as yourself it mattered in this moment being finally old enough to be sitting at the bar yourself ..a time you felt empowerment. A bar you had been told off limits for many years...now was finally open to you... a new found freedom...to be like everyone else...a limit broken... not many limits that were set to you were ever broken...for your safety of course. looking around you smiled sitting at the bar like a real woman...holding your tablet and sipping on your non alcoholic bubbling drink Grillby had given you it looked like every other drink the other monsters had...another freedom to add to sitting at the glorious bar!. Grateful for the fire resistant furniture and items throughout the underground... well what you were ALLOWED to see of the underground of course. which wasn't much but you were ok with that.
Snowdin was a nice place filled with very nice monsters like yourself... you had a few friends that came by sometimes and that was enough... you lived a pretty happy life...a simple day by day life the simpler the better you had been told. A calming day scrolling through Monstergram... what could be better than that?
------ (?)
Today was ... quiet TO quiet...no fights breaking out, no wild drunk bastards either. Eyes narrowing he scanned the bar...nothing dangerous... y/n was sitting calmly and quietly as well...that was fine... she was fine.
But the rest wasn't NOTHING was happening and he was terrified of what would soon arise. Sighing silently he turned to his clock his flames rising in alarm 1:53...SHIT that fucking bastard would be here any minute to cause havoc!!! in a panicked state a fire began to grow as he quickly snatched the first aid kit along with many monster candies of multicolors..each color being a different HP level aid ...a strange affect of the magic infused into each candy...tasting all the same of some stupid cream cicle flavor...mostly chalky but when wounded from a fight one doesn't really care of the flavor or texture of the damned thing if you are near to dusted especially if the attacker was advancing you took what you had to without a singular thought what you had just absorbed and as long as he has ran this bar since the damned monster showed up one day he knew one thing... this fucker always caused a fight... always coating his poor establishment in dust... as much as he didn't care about the poor soul of the sucker that pissed the damn monster off...he DID care about y/n being around to see it...she hadn't been introduced into violence yet. Among other things he had controlled...smirking to himself as he knew y/n had believed her drink was alcoholic just as every other irresponsible monster had...a good choice on his part he agreed with himself before scowling again thinking about the foolish bar patrons he dealt with. ..he had always made sure the really rowdy people who frequented his bar were NEVER around when y/n was...but this time he had no time as he lunged grabbing the poor girl by the shirt yanking her behind the bar and in the back door just as the monster burst in with a snarl cracking the door with his sneakers...a damned footprint most likely left behind on his poor cracked door making Grillby's fire start to swirl angrily in mere seconds already just seeing his damned entrance. the now grinning cocky bastard walked up to the bar tapping his claws on the wood as he did everyday..
"bad day so double ma mustard..."
when wasn't it? it was the god forsaken underground...a mess of violent monsters making bad choices and acting on pure adrenaline and hatred...a bunch of feral idiots trying to show off and be better than the other....it was all stupid
Growling in annoyance the fire monster slid over two bottles quickly as the damned skeleton seemed to have caught them in time making Grillby silently curse hoping he would have coated the fucker in mustard...stain his beloved jacket or his favorite shorts even...any type of humiliation to the damned bastard who never paid his fucking tab...would have been satisfactory...but yet not a drop had spilt. Smirking his sharp golden replacement tooth the Skeleton winked seemingly making his magic glow in his eye socket just enough to make the tooth shimmer.. a show of a battle he had entered and unfortunately lived through. .a battle scar of his rise to power of Snowdin he didn't even earn his damned brother had stepped in...if only the taller skeleton had been a second slower this bastard would have been dusted ages ago...never would have had to deal with him... a pure shame...
he HATED that damn mocking wink he HATED this monsters lazy attire.. he HATED his voice he HATED this skeleton with every flicker of his being... what he hated most however was seeming to know what Grillby had tried to do filling the fire monster with a slow burning rage that began to rise...again
a fire of pure resentment built over many years...dealing with HIM thinking about every day the skeleton had been in his establishment destroying furniture.. killing patrons...spitting out horrible pun after pun and seemingly knowing every single button to push to annoy him JUST enough to rise and attempt to dust him...but never far enough to attack...yet
"its always a bad day...Red..."
if you took the time to read this i appreciate it...
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First off: your writing is legit awesome. Second, whenever you feel like it, maybe something about UF Grillby reacting to his s/o, one night after a rough day at the bar, just showering him in gentle, genuine affection? Compliments, cuddling, sweet "i love yous" and such. Thanks for reading my silly prompt, again yojr writing is awesome! Purple Flame Man needs more love! XD
(aw thank you so, so much sweet anon! i 100% agree with you on needing more love for UF Grillby - and i am always into writing the firebae, so i’m quite delighted to take another swing at him… admittedly, perhaps too delighted. so here we go, some fluff with the purple flame man to hopefully tide us all over~)
You had felt the quiet roiling fury and frustration of Grillby’s soul even from your apartment miles away from his bar. Your hands were donning your coat before you had a second thought - it had been a long time since Grillby had been like this, and ego be damned - you were going to be there for him if…
… You paused. No, no, you had a better idea, upon that second thought… one you think would be much better for him in the long run. He didn’t need to get the urge to dust a monster for threatening you should you end up snapping back at their rude demeanor… again.
So a few hours later, at a time so late in the night that it was dangerously close to better being deemed the early hours of the morning, you heard Grillby’s door click open and slam shut. The rush of heat was immediate - but you had planned for that, and were dressed in far lighter clothes than the outside weather would call for. You had also planned for the sudden quiet from him, cut off mid-roaring crackle, as he registered another presence in his apartment, and before he could gleam further information-
“Hey there, Grill,” you greeted, stepping immediately into view, your voice soft and your expression knowing. He sighed at the sight of you, and you felt a brush of his energy by your soul as he recognized your presence the moment before he even caught sight of you.
“… Hello, my dear. What are you doing here?” He said, striding over to you. The tension in his shoulders was obvious, even as his anger tempered marginally at greeting you. His arm circled your waist and he leaned down, immediately claiming your lips in a kiss, his burning temperature just shy of pain, causing you to sigh into him and press into his hold a little more firmly despite yourself.
(continued below the cut… // mobile link)
His chuckle buzzed against your lips, doing terribly wonderful things to your core even as he pulled away, his one arm still around your waist, the other lifting so his hand could lift to your chin.
“… Not that I mind, of course,” he continued, his voice decidedly lower.
You laughed - a little breathlessly - and shook your head. “Well, being greeted like that is never a deterrent,” you said, a mischievous tilt to your expression. You pressed a hand to his chest then, willing yourself to push back the desire a little to better attend to your original intentions. “But no, I wanted… to do a little something for you,” you said, your tone softer once again, a smile on your face.
Grillby’s expression shifted, a flaming violet brow quirking upward as he considered you… then followed your gaze as you looked back towards his impeccably crafted stone table. You had laid out drinks, including a particular blend of whiskey you knew he was fond of, accompanied by a favorite meal of his that he himself had taught you how to cook.
“… Well, I know I’m certainly not in any sort of line with you in terms of cooking… but I thought with how I felt your day seemed to go-”
“It’s perfect.”
Grillby’s words cut you off as you looked back up to him, your cheeks flushing. He was looking back down at you - there was no smile on his face, but there was something painfully, beautifully intense in the white-hot glow of his eyes as he held you closer yet.
“… Come on, before it gets cold,” you replied softly, catching his hand at your chin to press a small kiss to it.
You ate in relative silence, a comfortable peace coming over you both as you chose a soft, instrumental playlist to let play in the background. He set down his silverware as he finished and leaned back in his chair, his legs stretching out, brushing against yours as he lifted his whiskey to his mouth. His eyes leveled on you again, and you leaned back and lifted your drink in turn as you returned his gaze.
“If you’d like to talk about it, I’m here for you,” you offered as he took a sip. It was an offer you had made before, and meant just as genuinely then.
He continued looking at you, then finally sighed and ran a hand through the flames flaring over his head. He scowled as he focused on his whiskey.
“My dear, it is nothing I wish for you to be concerned over. Simply… ongoing frustration with a certain status of things.”
You leaned forward, your hands near his. “That’s a terrible argument, and you know it. My concern is for you, so that would only naturally extend. I’m never burdened by knowing what matters to you.”
“For a human, you’re incredibly quick on your feet.”
“I’ll take that as the well-meant compliment it was for no doubt the dozenth time. And my statement still stands.”
His gaze shifted to you, catching the soft grin on your face. He huffed, the sound half a laugh, half something of disgust at whatever was running through his mind.
“Very well, then.”
Without ceremony, he stood and in the same motion swept you out of your chair and into his arms. You, admittedly, squeaked, which led to a devilish twist in his otherwise stoic expression. Your arms had looped around his neck, so you pulled yourself just a little closer, leading to a thrill of warmth near your soul as his responded to your actions. You smiled, pressing a kiss to his neck.
He hummed, a low rumbling sound that you could feel throughout his body. Now in his bedroom, you felt him shift to remove his shoes without letting you go. He sat down in his enormous bed then, the pristine comforter barely budging as he did so - you knew from experience it was weighted, lined with a special material that both allowed air through while retaining heat. Pillows shifted behind you both as he leaned back, releasing you just enough to where you could lay slightly over him, slightly alongside him.
One arm held you close, the other released you in favor of his hand roaming to your hair, twisting it in his hands, lending a particularly soft curl to the locks he twirled absently around his fingers.
“… The human official returned today, saying they were going to reject my filing for their absurd liquor-brewing laws. Apparently, they cannot trust the quality or purity of something ‘hand-brewed by a monster’,” he sneered. You felt the anger rising in him again, his heat flaring just slightly with it.
“We’ll appeal it,” you said softly. You knew he wasn’t a fan of vague sympathetic apologies. Instead your head rested near his shoulder, your hand smoothing out gently over his chest, your thumb brushing in a gentle, reassuring motion. “I’ll appeal it. I may have a connection that could help us - you,” you said, correcting yourself as casually as you could, hoping the heat of your cheeks would be hidden amongst the ambient heat of him.
Grillby was quiet for a moment, his hand suddenly still. “… us,” he said, repeating your word back at you.
You didn’t say anything.
“… us,” he repeated. His hand tilted your chin upwards, gently forcing you to look at him. His gaze captured yours, and you felt your soul tighten in your chest at the bright, unmistakeable burning of his flames. His voice was quiet, a rough, low, serious crackle that pierced straight through you. “My dear. Do you truly…?”
You weren’t sure you were breathing properly, but you found your voice. “I love you,” you replied. “I know that. You know that. My soul knows that…”
It throbbed happily in your chest at your words, and you felt Grillby’s energy brush against you again.
You continued, “… and, well, I think your soul knows that, Grill. I don’t - nothing has to change. But I love you. I love your sharp mind, your cunning - the way you’re able to analyze and measure every situation to your best benefit so quickly, the deft slip of your hands as you mix drinks or cook, the way you stride through a room and command everyone’s attention should you wish it - the way that beneath the commanding and sharp exterior, you’ve got an indescribable and unwavering passion for your craft and for those you care about… And… just - no matter what this shitty world throws at you, I’ll be by your side, as long as you’ll have me.”
Your hand had drifted to his jaw as you spoke. You held him as he held you, a long, quiet moment stretching between you both as something swelled and burned and sung so very, very sweetly between your souls.
At last, he pulled you closer yet, his forehead tipping to brush against yours.
“… You mean that, I can feel it…” he murmured. It wasn’t quite disbelief in his voice, but something so very close to it, so close that it made your hand smooth downwards towards his neck, unable to find words, but grounding him with your caress as surely as he was grounding you in the storm of swelling emotions twisting and slipping between your souls.
“Every word and more,” you said.
He closed the last breath of distance between you, capturing your lips once more in a kiss. This one was even more insistent than the last, a passion and need behind his movements that had you letting out a soft gasp as you returned the kiss, your hand gripping at the strong line of his neck as his hands dragged red-hot along your skin, a thrilling heat that only had you wanting more.
“Grillby,” you gasped as you broke away just for a moment.
“I want to claim you,” he said simply, his gaze unwavering, intense, absolute. “You, dearheart… I love you. I love you, so much that my soul can barely stand your absence, so much that despite every inch of what has occurred in my lifespan warning me of the dangers of attachment - I would rather take on the world than have you parted from me,” he swore.
Your breath was fully stolen from you as he kissed you once more, pulling back only a breath’s space to speak once more.
“My soul is dark, my dear, something I know you’re aware of by now. It burns fiercely, but many a charred mark stand on its surface for what I’ve done. And still… if you’d have it, my damned soul is yours, as surely as yours would be mine.”
You lost your battle with the wetness pooling at the corners of your eyes. Despite it, your voice was firm and lined with the pulsing joy emanating from your very soul as you dragged him in for another kiss, your words ghosting over his mouth.
“Grillby, you brilliant, handsome fool, I’d want nothing more.”
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glitching-time-bomb · 3 years
UT,HT,UF bro's reaction to their S/O who has been barely eating because of the stress from work, they haven't been able to keep food down. It's gotten bad enough that the S/O has lost a fair amout of weight.
Please and thanky
Ut, Uf, and Ht skele's reactions to an S/O that isn't eating well due to stress
Sans recognizes what's going on almost as soon as it starts happening
He's most likely going to try to pull you away from work as much as possible, even if you want to keep working
He knows how it feels to over-work yourself, and he's not going to let you feel the same way he did in the past
Seeing that you aren't eating properly is going to be one of the few times he actually gets mad. Not at you, but at the fact that you feel the need to overwork yourself to that point
Sans will buy any and all of your favorite food in an attempt to get you to eat, and he won't stop bugging you until you do
He'll most likely make you stay home from work for a week so you have the time to rest and let yourself relax, and the entire time he'll be worried sick about you
Papyrus will literally scoop you up and drag you away from work when he sees you getting to this point, it doesn't matter how much you complain; he's not letting you keep overworking yourself like this
Just like his brother, Papyrus will keep you home for a week so you have time to rest and get yourself feeling like normal
But in that time, he'll give you other things to do so you don't get bored!
He'll invite you to help cook meals, and then eat with you so he can make sure you're actually eating
If you don't get better in a week, he's most likely going to bring you to a hospital to see if something really bad is going on
This is one of the few times he'll sit still for more than 2 hours, so if you want to do something like watch a long movie and cuddle, he'd be more than happy to if it'll stop you from wanting to overwork yourself
Red might not notice for the first few days, just thinking that it's just another one of your weird human sicknesses
He'll finally notice after the third day or so, and he'll immediately get worried about you
He'll do anything he can to convince you to stay home and let yourself rest, especially when he sees that you aren't eating properly/holding down food
He's willing to drop anything he's doing to make sure you're okay, so he's going to be staying home with you while you recover
(Red will absolutely spoil you with Grillby's any time he gets the chance, much to Edge's annoyance)
He'll also try to keep you in bed in the mornings as long as possible so you don't feel like you need to start the say so early, so expect him to cling to you in the mornings
As soon as Edge realizes what's going on, he's pulling you away from work faster than you can say no
You'll have to sit through one of his longest lectures yet, but he's just really worried about you despite how angry he seems
He'll tell you not to do something like that again, saying that you need to stop before you get to that point
As much as he hates laziness, he knows you need the rest; so he'll make let you stay home as long as you need to start feeling better
He'll get all of the household chores done while making sure that you're eating properly and getting enough water
You may even need to tell him to sit down and rest, you both definitely need it
He knows better than anyone what it feels like to work yourself to that point, so you had better be ready for him to barge into your work place and drag you home
He's already been worried sick about you being stressed from work, and add not eating well to it? He's going to checking in with you what feels like every five minutes to make sure you've had enough to eat, or to see if you're hungry at all
Axe will force you to stay home until you're feeling better, and the entire time he's going to be right next to you
It doesn't matter what you're doing, he's going to want to be near you so he can make sure you're doing okay
He's also going to be cooking a lot more, thinking that maybe you just don't like the food? He knows that everyone is safe and on the surface now, so why aren't you eating?
He'll be so worried the entire time, and he likely won't calm down until he knows you're feeling better
Oh geez, Sweets is going to be so worried about you once he realizes that you've been overworking yourself
He knows that's exactly what his brother did and how badly it affected him, so he'll practically beg you to start taking better care of yourself
He'll remind you that you don't need to work so much, and that you have him to help you if you need it
Just like all the others he's going to make you stay home until you feel better, but he's going to be the most worried out of all of them
Expect him to be giving you at least five full plates of food during the day, and that doesn't even count the amount of snacks he'll try to offer you
He's also going to constantly be by your side, making sure you're recovering properly and not trying to work
If you don't show signs of getting better in the first two days of resting, he's going to rush you to the hospital. What if being so stressed actually made you sick? What if it isn't even stress, and you actually have a deadly illness?
He likely won't rest well until you start feeling better
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savi-our · 3 years
Could I ask what would be the requirements to become UF Grillby, UT Grillby and SF Papyrus's friend and/or S/O? If this is too many I understand! Drop it down to which ever catches your fancy and is comfortable for you to write.
Thank you for taking time to read my request!
I really loved this ask ngl-
Hope you enjoy <3
UT Grillby
Now when it comes to being friends with Grillby, it might be rather discouraging - seeing as he doesn't talk much and therefore getting to know him is difficult.
However, I believe that the more you see him, the more he'll warm up to you. By that I mean just visiting him at work whenever you can, ranting to him about your day and so on.
Grillby values people that respect boundaries and generally likes people who are polite and kind, I cannon him as being a rather large softie.
Friendship takes time, and that is most true in reference to this particular flame elemental. He values his friends quite a bit, and that really shows over time.
He begins talking to you at some point in your relationship, small phrases at first, like a greeting whenever you decide to pop up or small words of confirmation or denial - things of that nature.
As both of you grew more comfortable with each other he would naturally open up more, placing more of his trust in you and finding that sometimes speaking about how he feels or how his day went was rather relaxing.
So overall Grillby would feel most comfortable with someone who is patient and not overbearing, he is a busy man after all so making time for you every day would simply not be possible for him.
Now in terms of romantic relationships - its pretty much the same, except I totally see him also falling in love at first sight, but that really depends on the person that has peaked his interest.
He's gentle and loving, so It would be important for him if the person he was interested in would be much the same.
You would have to be comfortable with his busy schedule, as well as the fact that he was a father. He wouldn't expect you to be the mother of his daughter by any means but he would expect a certain sense of maturity and responsibility from you.
His s/o would also have to be quite alright with receiving affection, seeing as he loves to care for his loved ones - be it through words of comfort, small gifts or touch.
UF Grillby - Drake
Now Drake is a whole other story in terms of both friendships and relationships.
He is a man with little time on his hands and is much easier to pull into flings or one night stands than it is to pull him into any sort of close knit relationship - friendly or otherwise.
You would have to be a driven person, someone who didn't back down in the face of hardship and strife, someone who knew what they wanted and when they wanted it.
You would also have to be able to put up with his attitude, because quite frankly he was a consistent flirt and generally an asshole about forcing his views upon other people.
Many times it was his way or nothing, so arguing with him would be pretty irritating.
He was stubborn, overbearingly so, but if you got past all that and found him in a good mood one fateful day, he would most likely open up to you, if only a little bit.
He would value someone who knew how to hold a conversation, someone intelligent and quick witted that provided him with another side of the story - a devils advocate if you will.
Discussions late into the night with a glass of well aged whiskey in your hands would be a common occurrence, so you would also have to be someone who could hold their liquor. He hated drunks, especially those who didn't know their limits.
Now in terms of romantic relationships much of the same applies except it could be that he had simply picked you up somewhere on the street and brought you home for a fun time OR you had caught his attention somewhere along the way.
Drake shows his interest in you pretty clearly and unfortunately likes playing with his food so expect to be pretty confused about his intentions for a while.
He would do best with an s/o that is rather sweet to him, who cares about his mental state as well as takes care of him, not that he really needs it but the thought of you waiting for him back home with a home cooked meal and a gentle smile on your face makes his flames crackle.
He is a rather possessive and jealous lover as I have mentioned in the other post, so if your someone that's rather independent and need constant time alone - you probably wont mix well.
Don't get me wrong, taking me time every now and again is fine with him but that every now and again would be pretty rare - or never if it was up to him.
He wants to keep you close and watch over you, so please just let him.
SF Papyrus - Rus
When it comes to Rus, he has a certain list of requirements to fill if you want to be his friend, never mind lover.
First off, his brother has to like or at the very least not dislike you - his brothers opinion on people is very important to him so keeping someone around if Black didn't like them didn't make much sense to him.
Being friends with him if you fill out the first requirement isn't hard, as long as you're a decent person with a good standing he wouldn't mind spending his time with you.
I see him liking people with a good moral compass, people who could tell right from wrong and someone who wouldn't be afraid to stand up for themselves if push came to shove.
But then again he also enjoys the feeling of being the protector, the guardian, its something that makes him feel special and motivated.
That can get a bit exhausting at times though so if you pull him into trouble just so he can get both of you out he'd probably lose interest real quick.
He is also a pretty big flirt, so the casual pick up line or sly compliment would slide your way whether or not you both were in a romantic relationship, so if you're not one for those types of things between friends you'd better tell him before he starts thinking you just don't like his company anymore and disappear.
For you two to grow closer you would undoubtedly have to be a person of integrity, someone whos honest and undivided, however he didn't like to be told things like what's wrong and what's right, so trying to force ideals on him wont really go over well.
Now when it comes to relationships Rus - much like Drake has a habit of going on flings and not getting attached to people willy nilly. He has his brother to look out for, anything else came after.
However, if he found a person who genuinely showed interest in him and cared about him despite his bad habits and closed off personality, I think he would start to consider the idea of being in a relationship.
Now it would take him a long time to come to a conclusion, and if you bring it up he would probably deflect it as nothing, even when his fingers itched in his pockets at the thought of you.
Its important to let him figure things out before committing to any sort of intimate relationship, because if you don't it would only end in bad blood - but if you figure it out with him, I think that would be a rather eye opening experience.
He's never had a full fledged relationship before, so don't expect him to suddenly be all lovey dovey and attached to you at the hip - but he will try his best to meet your needs if you meet his in turn.
You would probably have to do all the planning for dates, since he wasn't much for all that romantic stuff, but you better believe he'd love to take you out just to see you dress up all fancy.
Also, he would still offer his brother first priority in his schedule, but would ask Black about being able to spend his time with you more to which they both would come to an agreement - one where Black would offer him much more freedom to spend his time on you and only call Rus whenever it was important.
The most important thing about Rus is the fact that he's a closed off and private person, he wont tell you about what's going on in his mind if he deems it unnecessary so if you're a person that likes transparency it might cause quite a bit of turmoil.
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undertaleimages · 2 years
My no-tumblr-having self has been living off of your reaction posts for the past week. Can I have some more of your amazing fluff, please? UF skeletons, UF Grillby, and SF skeletons seem like they each give their s/o a hard time for being "weak". How would they each, separately, react to their s/o one day responding to that with, "Oh, for goodness sake! I let myself be weak around you because I TRUST you! I let my guard down around you because I TRUST you to not backstab me!"
I’m so sorry it took so long! Thank you and I hope you’re still around Nonny!
Sans: He freezes. You... what? “why would ya do something stupid like that?” he responds gruffly. “ya shouldn’t trust anyone around here...” He leaves to take a walk and think about what you said to him. You’re his first real relationship, so he’s still getting use to being vulnerable around someone else. He doesn’t understand how you can let your guard down so easily. Especially with him. Once he makes his way back home to you, he’ll be quiet for a long time, but you’ll slowly start to notice him letting his guard down a little more around you, trying to show you that he also trusts you.
Papyrus: Like Sans, he freezes for a moment before crossing his arms with a huff. “OF COURSE YOU TRUST ME! I AM THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE PAPYRUS! I AM THE ONLY ONE HERE YOU SHOULD TRUST DATEMATE!” He’s secretly very flattered that you trust him enough to “be weak” around him. In his mind, it shows him that you see him as someone who is strong enough to protect you. Get ready, because now he’s going to try to show off how strong he is.
Grillby: He laughs, a low, fire crackling laugh. You trust him? Seriously? In Underfell?! No one trusts anyone in Underfell, not even their own mother. But when you look up at him with such an intense and genuine look, his laughter sizzles out. He blinks at you, “You-you’re serious? You trust... me?” He’s surprised, but after hearing how passionately you spoke, it’s hard not to believe it! He suddenly has the urge to hide you away from the other monsters, to protect the trusting, innocence that is you.
Sans: He’s going to puff up like a peacock! You trust him to protect you from the Underground? I mean, of course you do! Look at him! He’s strong and fearsome! Like UF!Papyrus, he’s going to start showing off. “LOOK AT HOW THOSE MONSTERS RUN FROM ME HUMAN! SEE HOW YOU CAN CONTINUE TO BE WEAK AND TRUST ME?!” He means well... he really does...
Papyrus: “you, uh... shouldn’t do that...” He doesn’t really see himself as the protecting or trustworthy type. “i don’t have much of a backbone, heh...” He’s still learning how to let his guard down and trust YOU, so the fact you already feel so comfortable around him almost makes him feel guilty. Like UF!Sans, he’s going to try harder to open up around you and let you in. If you can trust him so freely... maybe he can learn to trust you.
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a5tr0n0m1cal · 4 years
How do the Mafiatale (MT?), UT, UF, and US boys react to finding out that their s/o was their parent's least favourite child? Maybe it was by meeting s/o's parents or just a conversation before meeting them. Like, "can't wait to see all your baby pictures," and s/o just responds that it's not possible since they don't even have baby albums to begin with. Their older sibling has a ton of baby albums, but s/o has zero. (This is very much a self insert ask since my brother has around 5-7 albums and I have none. It's also very clear my brother is the favourite. I'm kinda over the being upset about it part now since I'm older, but when I first found out I didn't even have baby albums it was a huge slap in the face.) If you don't feel like doing this, it's perfectly fine. I'm just watching my nephew and was reminded of it again. Also, if I requested too many characters I'm fine with just Underfell and Mafiatale. 😊
- Ghost
The Guys Reacting To S/O Being the ‘Less-Favored’ Child:
Sinter: When you don’t get embarrassed at his remark and say you don’t have any pictures his smile tightens as he gently squeezes your shoulder. Do you still want to be here? You both can leave. He doesn’t mind. He’ll short-cut you both straight to Grillbys instead, just say the word. If you want to proceed with meeting your parents, his smile is forced and his answers are short and clipped. He keeps an arm around you the entire time. He’ll be civil, but he’s very upset at the thought of them favoring your brother over you.
Busta:  As soon as he hears those words leave your lips he's very upset. Busta has a hard time keeping his mouth shut, so if you tell him to keep quiet he’ll be antsy. Tapping his foot, unintentionally shooting your parent's dirty looks. Halfway through the evening/meeting he eventually blurts out “Such a shame you didn’t care to document such a wonderful person's upbringing!” Then he’ll proceed to proclaim how great you are to your family. 
Red: He stopped mid-chuckle at your words. What?! You’re joking, right? Do you even want him to meet these people? If you want to leave he teleports you both home immediately. If you have him stay he’s passive-aggressive as heck. Your whole family is getting dirty looks from him. Every single one. Scoffs at any mention of albums/trophies/photos/ect. “If they’re not S/O I don’t care.” He’s immediately unimpressed with your family and it will take a lot for them to get on his good side. The only reason he’s holding back his anger is that you’re there. When leaving he makes sure you leave out the door ahead of him and he’ll...say some rude things before making his exit.
Boss: Oh no. This will not do. Not at all. As soon as that door is opened he’s got a finger pointed at your parents/brother. He tells them exactly what he thinks of how they treat you and makes sure each one of them understands what he’s saying. What are they gonna do? Yell at him? He easily towers over him, especially in his high heeled boots. After he says his piece, he takes your hand, and you both leave. He’s huffy the entire way home. The next morning you find a simple black leather book by your bed. When you open it there's a handwritten note in Boss’s handwriting. “THIS WON’T MAKE UP FOR IT BUT...I TREASURE EACH MOMENT WITH YOU. NEVER FORGET.” As you flip through the pages it’s each and every picture he could find of you. Just you. You and him. You, him, Red, and everyone else. He promises to fill it up and to make many more albums of you.
(I think I’ll cap this out at four characters! If you want more just ask for a part two! I’d be more than happy to write the other ones for you!)
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Mmkay so the Halloween matchup event looks fun and I wanted to participate, I’m mildly stupid so if I’m doing something wrong I’m apologize! Anyways I think I’m just supposed answer them questions you laid out
Mmkay so for three good things about me I’d say I’m a decent cook (I make a mean omelet), I’m creative? I like all artsy type things so yeah creative, and I know the basics for how to help with mental or physical issues (I was raises by a first responder and km obsessed with anything psychology I know how to patch up an injury and how to help with a panic attack). As for three flaws, I can name more than three, let’s see I am insanely clingy like you won’t get five seconds of privacy clingy, either that I forget you exist and leave you on read for three weeks, I have a horrible sense of humor, like my sense of humor consists mostly of das jokes, sex jokes, and deez nuts jokes, and I’m a chronic potty mouth I swear up a storm on a good day. Then three things I like about someone would be I like funny people, you make me die of laughter and I’ll marry you on the spot (joke) then I like affection, I’m a sucker for cuddles, and idk, as for 3 things I don’t like in a person I really hate it when people won’t talk to me, like it’s fine if you wnat me to leave you alone but if you straight up ignore me without any warning I will be very pissed, I don’t like people who don’t clean up after themselves, and once again idk, next for dealbreakers I have two, if you won’t get along with my dogs (especially since I have a pitbull and I’m verity protective of her) and if you just straight up ignore me without a good reason, I’ll be pissed. For pet peeves, I don’t have much to say there. Then I can hardly see myself in the next week how tf am I supposed to imagine myself in ten years? Okay then you wanted favorite pet, i have three dogs you tell me, and lastly favorite food, pasta is a huge comfort food for me especially ravioli. Mmkay sorry for the wall of text I hope you have a great day and I apologize if I misunderstood anything 👍
Hello, hello !
Lots of potential candidates for you. You could had have Grillby, US Papyrus, UF Undyne, HT Papyrus, HF Sans, HF Papyrus, DF Sans or Disbelief Papyrus! But you seem to have closer affinities with dramatic boys, and there's one boy more dramatic than the others that matches with you.
And it's...
I hope you don't fear celebrity, because from now on, you're an Instagram star. Tango loves to share his own interest with his S/O, even if he is a bit exuberant about it.
He's a good cook too and he is obviously very creative since it's part of his job. In a relationship, he relies a lot on his S/O because of the high pressure he has on his back due to his celebrity. A S/O who knows what to say when he is in burn out or when he feels a little blue is more than appreciated and he loves that part of you.
He doesn't mind you being clingy. He is pretty clingy himself and he is happy when he can share most of his day with his S/O. He's very affectionate and present, and he likes to give small gifts or to organise surprise trips with you just to see stars shining in your eyes.
He's not a big fan of your sense of humor, but it's a bit like Classic Papyrus. He hates it but he's secretely likes it. He tries his best to stay serious everytime even if it's pretty obvious he's smiling like an idiot. He's also swearing a lot. He's a Fell boy, you can't ask him to be polite, he doesn't know how.
He shares your dealbreakers too. He hates being ignored and will always prefer to talk to resolve a conflict. He's also a maniac cleaner and hates when it's messy in the house. You're completing each other pretty well. He likes dogs too, even if he will always be a cat person in his heart and will try to convince you to adopt a cat. You can have the dog too if you say yes for the cat. And obviously, as a Papyrus, he loves pastas and can make you all the pastas you want.
I think it's the best match for you, even if your life will not be a peaceful river every day !
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shyneanon · 4 years
I really like your blog, especially your one shots!
May you write a UF!Sans x soulmate!reader?
Sorry, I have a thing for that AU-
So I’ve actually never written a soulmate AU! This was my first time! I actually had to look up all the different kinds because I wanted to see which ones I liked. I ended up combining the kind where you have the first words you hear from them on your wrist, and the kind where one partner knows when they will meet, and the other knows where. It ended up being super fun.
You were far more nervous than you felt you should be.
Usually, you didn’t think much of the writing on your wrist. Even if it was… kind of weird? You had your own life to worry about, and your life didn’t revolve around another person, no matter how special they were going to be to you. But today, you knew you were going to meet them. Today. It was impossible not to feel worried that you’d have an awkward meeting. Especially with the words on your wrist. You tried not to glance at them. You resolved to go about your day as usual. You… dressed a little nicer than you usually did, but overall, you didn’t want to give off an impression that wasn’t really you. Besides, they didn’t know when you’d be meeting, only where. Unless they had some serious issues they weren’t going to be dressing up every time they went out to whatever place you were going to meet at. Unless they always dressed nice…. You weren’t sure whether the thought was nice or intimidating.
But you did your best not to think about it.
Which was hard.
In fact, you were so busy trying not to think about it that you didn’t pay much attention to anything else that day. So essentially, you thought about it all day. Any person who passed by that you didn’t know could be them. Why was this a thing? Why couldn’t you just… be surprised? And not feel nervous, all day like this. The day kept going, and going, and going, until it was evening and you were walking down the sidewalk, headed to the bus stop so that you could get home and go to bed. You… you didn’t care if somehow things went wrong and… you never met them. Even if you were somehow at fault, or would be at fault by not vehemently searching all over town for them. You had your own life, why couldn’t you just live it without--
“Call me ‘Edgelord’ one more time…!”
You froze in your tracks.
Your eyes drifted down to your wrist, and you lifted it up to your face and studied it, to make sure the exact phrase was word-for-word. As if you hadn’t seen it a million times before.
You looked around for the source of the voice and quickly saw that there was a vehement argument happening up ahead. In front of a bar called Grillby’s. You’d never been there. The shouting was coming from two guys, who both seemed really pissed. Is this… normal for him? Which one even was him? You approached, trying not to look too nervous.
Hey, wait. One of them was a skeleton. A rather… intimidating-looking skeleton. He was short, which took off some of the edge, but he had these glowing red lights in his eyes, and sharp teeth. You shuddered a little. But… at least you’d found them. That human was probably--
“‘N I toldja, how the hell was I s’posed tah know? She didn’ tell me!”
The skeleton’s voice matched the one that had said the first sentence. The sentence on your wrist.
You listened to the human’s reply (“Quit acting like you didn’t know, you little shit!”) and you felt your stomach drop.
The… The human didn’t sound anything like the skeleton. The skeleton had this deep voice with some kind of accent. The human’s was considerably higher.
You tried to think about what to do. That guy? You looked at your wrist again. C… Come on, really? Him? This had to be some kind of mistake! Yeah, that was a stupid thing to think, you knew that, but… Just look at him. He’s a mess. He looked drunk, too. M… Maybe you would hear that sentence twice in one day, and this was just a coincidence. Maybe in a few seconds, somebody else would say it.
But if that was actually your… You couldn’t just leave him like this, right?
Oh, who were you kidding? Just because he was your soulmate didn’t mean you owed him anything. And that was assuming he was your soulmate to begin with.
If you didn’t hurry, you would miss the bus, so you started to speedwalk past the fight. You ducked your head, determined not to say anything lest the guy hear the words that were on his own wrist, but you were so busy trying to avoid being seen that you didn’t notice the street sign right in front of you. Meaning you walked right into it, your head clanging against the metal with quite a bit of force.
Without thinking, you yelled, “Ow! Fuck, that fucking hurt!”
You held your head for a few seconds before straightening up, rubbing it. “Ow….”
Someone was suddenly at your side, speaking softly. “Hey, hey, you OK, dollface?”
You could tell from the deep, velvety voice that it was the skeleton, who had done a 180 in demeanor all of a sudden. Was, uh, he OK? Well, if he was drunk, he could be emotionally unstable. You turned to look him in the eyes (or, eyelights?) and saw that his face was pink, probably from alcohol intake. When you locked eyes with each other, his face got redder.
“Wow,” was all he said, so soft that it was barely audible.
Well, crap, now you’d drawn his attention.
He smiled, displaying his sharp teeth, and now that you were close you could see that one of them was gold. You could also tell that his bone had all these little… scars and scratches. That didn’t quite surprise you. You’d heard some ugly stories about the Underground. But… those were a lot of scars.
Really. This guy?
The smile was actually a bit of a smirk. “So, hey… I know yer, uh, probably a little dazed from that hit tah the head, but…” An arm wrapped around your waist and he spoke softer. “Think ya may have heard any… special words jus’ now?”
For a second, you were confused, and then you realized what was happening. He knew where. He’d heard your yell and now he was trying to give you some great first words.
Your lip curled in a smirk of your own, and lifting your wrist, you turned it to face him.
The reaction was immediate.
His smile vanished and the red lights in his eyes shrank down. He looked absolutely mortified. The change in expression was so abrupt and downright hilarious that you snorted and started to laugh.
“Y… Ya heard that?”
You couldn’t stop snickering, but you nodded.
“... Fuck, seriously? That’s been written on yer wrist yer whole life? ‘Call me Edgelord one more time,’ fer real?”
Still laughing, you said, “You had ‘Fuck, that fucking hurt’ on your wrist all this time?”
He stared, then snorted. The next thing you knew the two of you were just laughing like idiots on the sidewalk, drawing stares from people who probably thought both of you were drunk. Your sides were starting to hurt, and eventually you felt like you were going to fall over. Without thinking, you wrapped your arms around this… basically-stranger… for support.
His laughter stopped, and yours started to die down. Had you upset him?
You felt both his arms curl around you. It felt… so strange. In that it didn’t feel strange. It was like you fit perfectly in his hold. You looked up at him to find that he was watching you.
“What’s yer name, sweetheart?” he asked.
You told him.
“S’a pretty name.” He smiled softly. “‘M Sans.”
You grinned. “No, you’re drunk.”
His face flushed harder and he let out a laugh that seemed to reverberate through you. “Yeah, that’s true.”
He… wasn’t nearly as bad now that he wasn’t yelling at someone.
You confessed, “You’re, uh… not what I expected.”
His smile faltered. “Y… Yeah. ‘M sure I’m not.”
With a smile, you said, “I’m glad, though.”
He raised a brow.
“I was just thinking earlier that… knowing what day it would be was so stressful, and I wished that instead… I could be surprised.”
“Well… ya got yer wish.” He smiled, albeit a bit sadly. “How’s the surprise?”
You smiled, leaned up, and kissed his cheek.
“It’s wonderful,” you told him.
He just stared for a moment. Were… were the lights in his eyes shaped like hearts?
Finally, he said, “You weren’t what I was expectin’ either.”
You smiled. “Yeah? How’s the surprise?”
He leaned down and pressed his teeth to your forehead. Your face grew warm.
“Doll,” he said softly, “I’m pretty sure I already love ya.”
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vex-bittys · 3 months
Heyy i have like, 2 chains and one of every other bitty say for the wispuffs(both lamia and field) and I've been thinking of adopting again, whats the best bitty for a massive household? I have a lot of bitties and they all get their own private spaces no matter the size so if they need space they can easily have it!
*I thought it would be easier to list each lamia’s preference since the personalities of the other bitties is a huge factor!
Papython (UT!Papyrus): loves a large family regardless of bitty type; hugs for everyone!
Corny (UT!Sans): doesn't mind a big family, more people to listen to his jokes!
Krait (Gaster): likes other quiet bitties, may be uncomfortable with too many loud or rambunctious bitties
FireRing (Grillby): enjoys the company of a large family but may get irritated by rude or disrespectful behavior
Honey Bo (US!Papyrus): doesn't enjoy a large bitty family, would need a very quiet and private nesting space to retreat to
Pygmy (US!Sans): more bitties = more friends; may annoy or overwhelm other bitties with his high energy level
King (UF!Papyrus): loves a large family especially if he can have a leadership or protector role
Coral (UF!Sans): easily stressed out with too many other bitties around; fears being overlooked or having his "treasures" stolen
Chain (SF!Papyrus): satisfied to be an only bitty but doesn't mind a big family; specific preference varies by Chain
Mamba (SF!Sans): prone to jealousy and demands lots of attention; may not get along well with other bitty types
*If you'd like an adoption scenario, please let me know!
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a-very-tired-raven · 3 years
For that character ask thingy, how about Undertale or Underfell Sans?
9hhhhh okay okay I'll do both lol
Classic Sans:
First impressions
I remember the first time i ever heard about undertale was seeing a balloon of sans in a store and an Ad and wallpaper with gaster(those mobile wallpaper apps)
And then suddenly I started seeing sans over the internet quite commonly(this was around 2016 when undertale was still really popular)
And FINALLY I watched my first playthrough of the game. It was Guava juices playthrough(so around 2017-2018 I believe), but I didn't get to see the entire thing because he never finished it lol
First impression of him? I was kinda creeped out at the forest scene where he comes up behind you after you exit the ruins. But after that when Papyrus popped up I legit couldn't stop laughing at his joking manner. This was awhile ago, so through I do have a memories I don't remember my complete first impression. Just bits and pieces. I just thought he and all the other characters were super intertaining.
Impressions now
After watching the playthrough and stuff I was attached! This was a few years after though, and I started reading comics, VAs, remixes and all that good stuff in the UT Fandom. I actually really love sans as a character now! He's super relatable to me, I love puns and always have, plus I have my own trombone!
Aaaand ketchup is my favorite condiment lol. I really love how people portray his character and the headcanons people have of him, and I love the strong relationship he has with his brother. He's honestly a goofy dude and I love it!
Favorite moment!
Huh...that's kinda hard to say? After giving it some thought I think my favorite moment with sans in the game is at the beginning with the puzzles with Papyrus, and when we go to grillbys. OH WAIT I KNOW my absolutely positively favorite moment is when he stacks hotdogs on frisk head lol. I always very wait very carefully and then I would SLOWLY move to the next room. Always heartbroken that the hotdogs disappear :c
Idea for a story
Aw geeze- I don't think my personal AU counts for this one so-
Sans goes through major character development and picks up his sock
Unpopular opinion
papyrus is somewhat stronger then sans
Idk yall I'd have to search my brain for an answer for this one-
Favorite relationship
definitely with Papyrus and alphys. I love sans' and papyruses vrother relationship, and how close they are together. I also believe he and alphys are besties, just seaight up dorky nerds together. Please for the love of God note that I mean this platonicly-
Favorite headcanon
Again sans and alphys are besies.
Red/UF sans will be under the cut bc this sucker is getting long
First impressions
Underfell and underswap were actually the two Aus that first introduced and showed me the concept of all the other Aus lol
My first impressions were a bit confusing (didn't know what what an AU was) but as I kept reading more about it I loved the idea! I actually really liked UF sans' character and stuff. Again this was awhile ago so full first impression is kinda blurry
Impressions now
Love this man. Love this au. It's one of my favorite AUs and uf sans is one of my favorite sans. I love the concept of brothers going through heck and back, bonds somehow growing more close then they were before, and understanding each other somewhat better. I love this au. I love his friggem personality! The ehadcanons people have!!! Especially love @rainbowchibbit 's soultale au. I belive(like I said this was so long ago-) this is one of the first ways Underfell was introduced to me, and I love how red is portrayed in this story. Stupid funny nervous gremlin man.
Favorite moment
Hnnng. Kinda hard because I could never find a good full underfell playthrough-
I guess it'd have to be him and uf toriels interactions? With the door and stuff, sjsjdhhd sorry if this answer is wonky-
Unpopular opinion
Sorry had to get that out lol
Favorite relationship
Probably his relationship with frisk(again if you even consider this romantic I will end you) and toriel.
Too tired to explain- sorry
Favorite headcanon
He absolutely does not mean to but he attracts kids of all ages and sizes.
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zirkkun-uthcs · 4 years
What’s the most viscerally “SIBLINGS” thing the UF, UL, and ULR Brothers have done? They all have very non-standard dynamics and I’m curious what sort of tics you think they’d have with each other!
This was interesting to write, especially for the ULR boys! I hope I understood your prompt properly ✨ Some of these concepts I actually took from my own personal experiences with my siblings lol
Underfell Bros - They don't have many moments together where they could even act remotely like normal siblings who care about each other, but sometimes, when Sans gets at his absolute lowest points, Papyrus will force him to stay home and "take care of himself better." Papyrus absolutely hates it when Sans lets his emotions get the best of him and he ends up borderline sick because of it -- not because it's anything of Sans's fault, but rather because he can't even show that he wants to care for him, even at a time like this. Regardless, Papyrus will still do his best to make sure Sans actually takes care of himself and eats properly for the next few days, despite such concerns being sprinkled around insults.
Underlust Bros - The Underlust skelebros are actually really close! They're constantly around each other when possible, teasing each other for one thing or another -- a large majority of the time, Sans teases Papyrus about his crush on Mettaton, and then Papyrus will tease Sans about his crush on Grillby. Even still, it's not uncommon for them to poke fun at each other over smaller, sillier things as well. However, if someone else comes up to either one of them, and tries to joke about the same kinds of things, you better believe the other brother is going to appear out of seemingly no where and tell that person off so quickly that they won't even remember why they were around them to begin with.
Underlust Reimagine Bros - Sans and Papyrus here have one of the most different relationships out of all the skelebros. They aren't biologically related, first of all, and Sans is about a decade older than Papyrus as well, having raised Papyrus after he found him on the streets of Home one day all by himself. Papyrus actually grew up closer to Undyne than Sans, because it wasn't long after Sans took him in that he started leaving him with Gerson and Undyne every other evening. Papyrus definitely clings to Sans being his older brother more than Sans thinks of Papyrus as his younger brother, even now as they're both adults. Frankly, I think the most typical sibling thing they have done together is, when Papyrus was young and Sans had not had his scientific accident yet, Papyrus would follow around Sans while he did pretty much anything, trying to copy nearly every task Sans did. Sans merely catered to this, and often let Papyrus help with whatever chore he was doing, which Papyrus would easily mess up, but it was amusing.
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someone asked about general HC with UT Grillby, can you do the same with UF Grillby please?
*Fellby does have a secret soft side that literally no one knows about
*he does secretly like soft things, cats especially
*he can be a bit protective of those he cares about
*probably the least likely to be flustered
*flirts and compliments are practically nothing to him, as in they don’t work on him
*but he will at least compliment them for trying at least
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