#ughh deja this is your doing!!
cuteskunkz · 6 months
One Night With You
(Mike Schmidt x Reader)
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Summary~ Mike is a very touch starved man. He spends all his nights at work and the daytime caring for Abby if not sleeping. He hadn't been with a girl since his junior year, making him feel like a total loser. The amount of times where Mike went back and forth with his inner thoughts, convincing himself that he was the problem was getting pretty intense and it was clear that he just needed a night out to clear his mind and prove those thoughts wrong.
You've been a "dancer" for the past few months at the downtown strip club, just trying to make ends meet. There was a tough competition working against you. You were new to this line of work whereas the other girls had been in the game for a while now, but you kept pushing on desperately. How else were you going to make rent or keep the lights on? The nights were slow and building a consistent flow of clientele proved itself to be a challenge, that is until one night when you meet a new guy outside of the nightclub.
Tags~ Stripper reader, Mike is a SIMP!!!, lowkey enemies to lovers but not really, no smut (YET...)
Note~ This took me much longer than I thought since I've been super burnt out of writing lately, but I hope you guys enjoy! As always if there's anything in particular you would like to see in chapter 2, please lemme know
Mike felt confused with the lack of responsibilities and errands to run on this warm summer night. Abby was off at a sleepover and Steve finally hired a second night shift worker, leaving him all alone with his reoccurring self doubt introspections. Dude gets one night for himself and simply cannot think of a single thing to do to pass the time. He laid there in his bed tossing and turning unable to fall asleep. He jolts up feeling frustrated with himself, "Ughh... just fall asleep already bro..." He shifts around in his bed and grunts, "I can't do this-". He sits up and sulks his way into the living room, plopping down on the couch. Mike pulls out his phone and begins to scroll.
He isn't really the social media type but had made an anonymous instagram account a while ago for mindlessly scrolling. After what seemed like hours, Mike stumbles across a video of you. You were practicing a routine for the club, twirling and moving seductively. Mike felt himself grow larger in his pants and put the phone down in shock. He stares up at the ceiling in disbelief, damn you really got him feeling this type of way this quickly? He looks down at his lap and feels helpless. He wrestles with his feelings for a while and ultimately picks his phone back up to look more into you.
He clicks on your account and "researches" a bit. There's multiple videos of you practicing, photos of your skimpy outfits, and the most captivating selfies he's ever seen. One of your posts has a location tagged in the top corner, "Deja Vu Showgirls". He looks further into the club, finding that it's not too far from the pizzeria. "Fuck it. Why not..." he whispers to himself. Mike ensures he's well groomed for the occasion. if you're there he wants make a good impression. He showers, dresses in the best outfit he can come up with, and slaps some product in his hair. He finally felt content with his appearance and hopped in the car.
You weren't surprised to see another night play out typically. Maybe 2 or 3 cheap lap dances and a couple short sets up on the stage for less than 50 bucks. This clearly isn't working for you, at this point you've spent more on outfits and shoes than you've made while working here. An older gentleman walks up to you reeking of alcohol and cheap cologne, you couldn't help but gulp at the thought of providing your services for him. Yeah you were a stripper but you still had standards that made doing your job successfully hard at times.
"Well aren't you something?" he slurs while damn near tipping over from intoxication. You sigh and snap into your persona. "I'd hope so, this outfit ain't cheap y'know!" you reply in a flirtatious tone. You grab him by the hand and lead him to a booth, preparing for the worst. He starts groping on your sides which makes you shudder. Maybe this place isn't for you after all. "H-hands off baby.... Use your eyes and focus on me" you redirect with confidence. Times like these made you wish someone could just scoop you off your feet and save you.
He drives to the location with his heart pounding out of his chest. He'd never been to strip club before so Mike felt nervous even making his way closer to where you have the slightest chance of being at. He pulled into the parking lot and shut his car off abruptly, taking deep breaths to calm his nerves. "What if she isn't here? I don't even know the girl why am I acting so fuckin' weird about this.... I really need to get out of the house more" he thinks to himself while gripping onto the steering wheel. After a few mental pep talks to himself, he finally musters up the courage to get out and make his way in.
Just as he goes to push the door to the club open, you storm out with eyes welling with tears. Mike stumbles back a bit not wanting to startle you. You're holding your pricey Pleaser heels in hand, walking barefoot and trying your best to keep it together. All you want is to curl up into a ball and quit at life. You thought that creepy dude would cheap out on a dance, not grope and hurl insulting names at you for rejecting his advances! You look up from the ground and lock eyes with a man you've never seen before. He's cute... too cute to be wasting his time at some dingy place like this.
"Can I help you?" you snap at him with a shaky voice. It was hard not to notice the concerned look on his face. "No I'm-" he stutters before you promptly cut him off. "Leave me the fuck alone then." His face goes pale hearing you say this, he didn't even get a chance to meet you yet and he feels as if he already blew it. You pace towards your car and pop the trunk, filling it with the all the contents of your locker. You pick a T-shirt out of your duffle bag and drape it over your revealing outfit. His presence is burning a hole into your back so you swiftly turn around to meet his gaze.
He walks over slow and bashfully. There's a pink tint to his cheeks and he can't keep his hands still out of anxiousness. "Dude are you good?" you ask. He looks as if he's going to break a sweat, "Yeah... I'm good. Are you though? You looked pretty shaken up back there." You assumed he was just another guy looking to get lucky with a dancer after a shift change. "Look, if you want to get some action, walk your ass into the club. I'm not who you're looking for" you reply. His stomach drops hearing your voice. It was one thing to see you for the first time, but to hear your voice even if it be out of anger made Mikes head spin. He didn't want to sound like a complete creep stalking you out to your job for a closer look but you were exactly who he wanted.
"That's not why I'm here. Fuck- look... To be totally honest, I'm not a strip club type of dude. I just- I saw a video of you on instagram and I was- y'know... impressed by your talent and beauty." Typical response coming from a man trying to bring a stripper home for the night you think to yourself. "I'm not shocked by your reaction. You realize that's what I hear like- 10 times a night, right?" you say with a sarcastic tone. He seemed a bit more genuine with his words than the others but men will do and say anything when they're in need of a quick fuck. "Not that type of girl sir. Try one of those cheap hookers down the road" you point down the street and close the trunk.
"Please... I know how this sounds, believe me I know how dudes are but-" He sighs and continues, "But I don't have a lot of experience with girls so- I thought coming here... to meet someone new would help" he says looking very serious, almost to the point of desperation. If he weren't so damn handsome you'd turn him down in a heartbeat but something in you is screaming to give him a chance. He seems to be telling the truth and damn is he starting to fluster you with the whole innocent act. "Fine. I'll give you my number but don't you dare think about blowing my phone up." You scribble your phone number into his palm with a pen from your bag and blow him a kiss while getting in your car to drive away.
Mike smirks and waves at you, watching you drive off into the distance. "That was easier than I expected...huh..." he whispers. He gets back into his car and texts you, already so eager to see you again. The message reads:
Hey it's Mike, the guy from earlier. You doing anything tonight? I could take us out to a bar or something? :)
His cheeks start to blush again from imagining you two hanging out. He desperately craves a deeper connection with you but doesn't want to come off as too interested off the bat, it could scare you off for all he knows! His phone dings and he reads it:
Shitttt I'm free as long as you're gonna be on your very best behavior!!
*Read part 2 and part 3 here!*
It might take me a bit to get part two posted, but I'll try to give you guys as many updates as possible!!! Keep in mind I am a new writer. This is my third fic put out so far :))
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morningstaravatar · 2 years
MC: I want you guys to make puns out of your songs! Go!
Lucifer: I envision the Devildom to be a place of true Arcadia, but unfortunately that may never be due to my 7 brothers.
Mammon: Whatever that means — I went to the casino last night and asked this guy a million times, “Are you Ready?” because he wouldn’t deal!! Gah it was so annoying!
Levi: Well while YOU were gone, I had MY chance with MC! Um… so MC when can we—
Satan: Not to interject, but I’ve heard of a rare book in the human world called Read My Heart. it’s quite famous, in fact, it’s a bestseller!
Asmo: Ughh books! books! Shame on you Satan for not asking me why I smell so good today! It’s the newest Pomade I brought offline!
Beel: Off topic, but Asmo, why do you keep calling me hot Hungry Six Pack so much?
Belphie: All this talk about casinos and six packs— this and that. do you guys ever feel like you’re having deja vu? Like your stuck in a never ending Dreamscape?
Diavolo: No? Not really. Most of my dreams are about uniting the three realms and showing MC I’m their NO. 1.
Barbatos: Then a song that would go perfectly with how you feel would be Crazy About You, my lord. I recommend it.
Luke: Of course you demons would find a way to make this complicated! My Wish is to bake cookies with MC forever and ever!
Simeon: Hmm MC? How does my outfit work? Is that your Question, Love?
Solomon: All you guys had really nice ones but we seem to forget who MC’s teacher is. remember the red thread of fate? It’s in Our Destiny to be together.
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writingmochi · 4 months
hi! i'm the same anon who asked about the "lissie:" thing and the space agency theme you have going on is really cool and creative! and it just makes me happy too as someone who also had a space exploration phase lol.
this is unrelated but i read your thoughts on minisode 3: tomorrow (2 months late but wtv) and though i disagree w some of the specifics, i do agree with your overall points! the lack of bridges really hurts the payoff from the emotional buildup. i personally believe that deja vu had the potential to be as big as, or even bigger than, 0x1 lovesong but not having a bridge or even prechoruses really prevents the song from reaching the emotional heights it's striving for.
personally, isytt and the killa > miracle and quarter life, but yeah i agree with you that the latter two feel very beginner-friendly rock. which i think is the reason why i ranked them lower, they're so... safe? like they rely on cliches to make an "emotional" song a bit too much. especially since txt already leaned into the rock sounds more during freeze / FoS.
ALSO tbh i actually expected a more dreamy, magical pop sound from this album? the whole little prince theme + throwbacks to the morse code of their rookie days made me think we would get a more mature version of their dream chapter sounds. like, i was imagining older siblings to run away, fairy of shampoo, our summer, etc. which is not what we got lol (except maybe isytt kinda-sorta?)
anyway yeah i do agree that i was underwhelmed by the album! i don't hate it by any means and i still find myself listening to some of the songs a lot, but ngl i was expecting more. the opinions i've seen among stans is that minisode 3 is SO GOOD OMG and better than freefall but i personally enjoyed freefall more. imo freefall is a less cohesive whole than minisode 3 but i like the individual songs much more.
that's all lol sorry this got long
lissie: welcome back anon! i would love for you to sign yourself in emoji/a single word so that our convo will be easier to track~
aww thank you. i'm glad that the convoluted explanation didn't bore you and to know that you have a space exploration phase too!
that's defo fine~ i like making those reviews actually cause it exercises my music knowledge as i've been listening to more artists with different sounds to know which song is inspired by what genre, etc. of course, you can definitely disagree with a few points cause everyone has their own opinions. i absolutely agree with what you said on how deja vu could be equal by 0x1 lovesong if it has a bridge and i still am very much sad to know that missed opportunity, especially when the "yaksokhae~~" part and everyone was kneeling in the choreo: it would be better if there is a build-up to that with the bridge...
my track ranking has changed as the album has grown on me and isytt has definitely risen up the list, maybe below or above the two deja vus but i enjoy that song so much. i definitely agree with your reasoning as to why miracle and quarter life sound so safe, especially coming from me who LOVES growing pain and has rock as my most listened-to genre since the end of the pandemic when i have strayed a lot from kpop. definitely agree with the cliches that you mentioned as that's why i can easily say that miracle is a "road-trip song" and quarter life is a "coming-of-age song"
ooh yeah. i haven't heard a lot of people saying that. but i think since that little prince theme is met with deja vu, they believe it is already fulfilled. i'm always an advocate of concept photos = music sound and there is so much opportunity for the dreamy magical type of songs. deja vu is definitely the light version, the ethereal concept with the bad boy/fallen angel type reminds me of songs like woodz's drowning, those angsty "i messed up by forgetting our promise" type of song (beomgyu will be godly in that song), the romance concept is very regal and magical like bts' black swan (esp the one with the orchestra ughh yes), while the promise concept gives me onf's the realist vibe because the night time setting for the photoshoot gives urban fantasy vibes ughhghghgh. overall, i wanted more magical, regal-sounding songs but also dream pop-esque approach to this album, maybe even shoegaze if they are daring enough... and i wish there were songs like our summer and can we just leave this monster alive? again...
woah... minisode 3 is better than freefall? i have to disagree to that as i have freefall on top of minisode 3 in my imaginary ranking. i agree with you saying that freefall songs go well individually but, in a way, it still makes sense with the "free falling from neverland" concept while minisode 3 only grazes the little prince concept in the trailer and deja vu. both have a lack of cohesiveness and both are so safe tho cause none of the two can top tdc magic and eternity for real
that's definitely okay. i like hearing ppl's opinions on the music too cause it also expands my perspective. thanks for giving me the opportunity to talk about this!
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maguro13-2 · 10 months
War of Shadow Realm ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Chapter 4 Epilogue [6/6]
"Somewhere in the world of Arabian Nights..."
[Evil Foundry Zone - Arabian Nights (Sonic's World)]
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Ughh, where the heck are we? Doesnt' think that this isn't part of my castle.
Moirai Albarn : No idea of how we got here! So what do you think of this place. We're inside the world of a fairytale book that existed in a video game world! How could was it for us stick around in these parts of the multiverse?
Hiro Hayashi : Can't say how we managed to stick around and finding out on what the hell is going on. Time-Space continuum might be the fabric of going through here. How did we all ended up in a world of a fairytale book, I don't mind reading fairytales for children at my age.
Jorogumo : So nice to see you dropping by at the cauldron in this hellfire fortress of the ArabianNights, and I see that you woke up. Welcome to the world of the Secret Rings.
Moirai Albarn : Jorogumo! Where are we?! Where did you take us to? And what is even this place is? I'm getting a 2007 deja vu going on here since the Time Eater's power is increasing.
Jorogumo : You're in the Evil Foundry. A place full of machinery and fiery molten hotness that comes together with all the fueling rage. I didn't even think that you would actually come to a place that existed a long time since it was shut down. This is what I've come up with a big plan to meet you all to seal your own fates. Today, I would like to introduce to a friend that rises from the molten hot liquid. And he'll make you all food for both species like you! I would get all the glory retake the Kishin as our prized possession!
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Enough of this Blasphemy, Jorogumo! You know that the so-called kishin race were exterminated by the Demon Kings for generations, those things don't exist anymore....And... What friend are you talking about? I bet it's one of them terrorist that you've fought alongside with. Who, your bodyguards, your enforcers, or what? What else in this crazy-ass world of a fairytale book?
Hiro Hayashi : Hmm? What's with the shaking!? Is the fortress complex is having an earthquake? [hears something bubbling] Please tell me that wasn't the sound of my stomach.
Moirai Albarn : Hey, I don't think that was your stomach, dude. But something's coming out of the center from that Cauldron!
[How it Started - Kenichi Tokoi, Runblebee]
(Ifrit Golem Roars)
Hiro Hayashi : Woah! What is this mechanical beast of fire!?
Moirai Albarn : I think it's called the Ifrit Golem!
Seto : An Ifrit what?
Moirai Albarn : It is a mechanical golem filled with fiery rage, it resides in the Evil Foundry and causes air pollution to the Planet! It's trying to burn everything for the sake of our world! And of course, the pages of the book itself!!
Ashley : Hey! Looks you need our help!
Seto : Majo Detective Force! You guys are right on time!
Kimial Diehl : More importantly in a rhetorical way, it's the effects of the Time Eater's power!
Grim (Metal Sonic) : What?! The Time Eater's power was the cause of this!? Things might not be good when the butterfly effects could rupture the fabric of space time, if we don't do something now, the Ifrit itself will burn the whole world away! We can't let that happen!
Jorogumo : [laughs evilly] Oh well, this is what you get. So, go to hell, all of you! Everyone will join you, along with those parasites of the law! See if you will ever--
[Ifrit Golem Roars furiously]
Jorogumo : Huh? What?! No! What are you...Don't come this way! I command you to destroy those pests, not me! Nooooooo! [the Ifrit crushes her with it's hand, killing her]
Seto : Heh! Stupid spider demon! Looks like that Arachne Gorgon faker wasn't it's master after all!
Grim (Metal Sonic) : It's still under the control of that genie poser, Erazor Djinn! The ex-convict from the book who is an escaped criminal that was imprisoned for a long time period and was the genie of the lamp, which was his days of old community service.
Seto : What? The Erazor Djinn, that Ex-convict from the Arabian Nights? So the bastard's responsible for awakening for this mechanical giant of fire! But I know how to put out the fire! Ashley, use that rain spell magic of yours!
Ashley : Okay! [casts rain spell magic to put out the fire on the Ifrit]
Grim (Metal Sonic) : That should do the trick! There's should be a weakness somewhere on this giant! But what on earth should we attack somewhere on something?
Seto : I know exactly how to beat this guy! I had no times play around with this thing!
Moirai Albarn : Seto, could you be not so serious, right now? The Ifrit's no kid, it's a mechanical giant made risen from the fiery pits of the molten lava. Only a little water can easily destroy him.
Seto : No duh! Cause the only reason to beat him down, is to give him a minor headache, total brain damage. [jumps over to attack the ifrit's head to by bashing with her sword, causing it in pain]
Grim (Metal Sonic) : It's working! The head is his weakness! Fire types are not that strong against water types.
Seto : Hey, this isn't a game full of Pocket Monsters you know, we're a world of a fairytale book that exists in a video game world. You gotta have something that doesn't have anything without a proper context. But fine, have it your way then. That's our little world of ours.
Moirai Albarn : No time to chat, we got some attacks on our field! When the rice gets warm this liquid's hot! It's time for me that I'll having a hot salad instead of a bowl of cold soup!
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Watch out! The Ifrit's drawing it's attacks in shooting range!
Moirai Albarn : Incoming! [avoids the exploding canisters]
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Got a bad feeling that this is some illegal hot water! Warm rice and hot liquid, what's up with that phrase? [avoids the laser beams] It can use lasers?! How does this thing have the ability to get all that fiery rage burning?!
Kimial Diehl : Because he has the power to be fueled by the seven rings from Arabia! They're equivalent to the Chaos Emeralds belonging to the Ancients!
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Seven Rings, you mean those things that are equivalent to the Chaos Emeralds?! Are you telling me that these monsters summoned by Erazor Djinn are powered by the Seven World Rings, I bet he would use those make him a monster, that's kinda foreshadowing by the way.
Seto : Glady you can say that! [Jumps over to the Ifrit's head again] But the only problem is that a Grim Reaper like you needs Erazor's Soul be taken away in order to stop the foolishness of his path to genocide! Erazor Djinn wasn't that smart enough to destroy a fairytale's world like that! [bashes the ifrit's head twice, causing him in so much pain and starts to explode] Uh-oh! This thing's going to sink into the cauldron! Better get off now! [jumps off the Ifrit's head to escape before the Ifrit Golem sinks into the cauldron] Ha! How do you like that, ya mechanical bastard! Now I under what Sonic told me from Sonic Says : They did tell your anyone or your mother that they told you not to play with fire!
Hiro Hayashi : Phew! I'm glad that's over. It took us fifteen attacks to defeat him. With that case, I wonder if the Time Eater's is still going at it? How long will the Time Eater be easily stopped when this "Homura Akemi" person would able to fix Time and space tor restore natural order in Real World AU?
Seto : Hey, guys. Now you're thinking about the awesomeness defeat of the Ifrit Golem, I think this one gave me a nice present to accept it's defeat. I believe this one is beating, it feels like it's hatching in my hand. Wonder what this could might be. Hmm? [hears something ticking] Wait, I don't remember it ticking before, I finally discovered what the Ifrit Golem dropped. Don't tell me that this mechanical giant just dropped...
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Seto, you fool! Drop that thing now! That ball that the Ifrit Golem dropped in your hand, it's a bomb!
Seto : A bomb in my hand? What's a bomb in hand? I don't see a--[realizing that she's holding the Ifrit's bomb in her hand] Well, crap. I knew that this would turn out to be bad. I wonder how long this will last?
~ To be Continued to Chapter 5 AKA the Final Chapter ~
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thetempleofnyx · 2 years
choso in chunky black boots, choso with his hair down, choso with multiple ear piercings, choso with a tongue piercing (dies), choso with a sleeve and some finger tats, choso with cool silver jewelry, choso in tight ripped jeans, choso with a thigh tat u can see thru the rips in his jeans, choso in half up half down hairstyle, choso who smells like cigarettes and by kilian’s black phantom.
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carlsainz · 3 years
insta edit with mark estapa maybe something like a date in some amusement park, just having fun
this one is soooo cute, now i want a mark to take me to the park
hope you like it and thanks for requesting <33
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Liked by edwards.73, yourusername and others
markestapa wonderful afternoon with my love 💗
tagged: @/yourusername
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edwards.73 why'd you never took me to the park bestie?
⤷ jimmy.lambert ^^
⤷ nolan_moyle ^^
brendan.brisson awee marky
yourusername my lover boy
matthewknies missing my two besties
⤷ yourusername me toooo
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Liked by dylanduke25, erikportillo and others
yourusername hey @/markestapa do you come here often? ;)
tagged: @/markestapa
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markestapa 😏
thombordeleau_ alexa play deja vu by olivia rodrigo
dylanduke25 stop being so cute ughh
lhughes_06 i want to go to the park too :(
⤷ yourusername @/nblanks98 listen to your kid
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elephantsneedwater · 5 years
As I’m watching I’m typing my thoughts:
God, I wasn’t ready for all that emotion in the first ten minutes. Kevin is depressed and I like how it’s starting to take a toll on him it may seem like it came out of nowhere, but all the signs are there, and I hope he gets the help he needs.
They really need to have a “what if” episode where Jack doesn’t die. Seriously, Dan Fogelman, get on it! Seeing it as a dream sequence would be amazing.
And Rebecca needing to take photos of everything? Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Randall and Rebecca together are amazing and I love Randall and how he is always looking out for his mom.
Oh Kevin is at a bar now drinking club soda, (good job) and oh man, Kevin! Nooooo. I need someone to see he’s drowning and pull him out I’m getting crazy “I’m in pain here” vibes. And that made me sob my eyes out.
Does Kate always have to be so snappy with everyone? “You don’t look like it” ughh, he had a stroke but okay, Kate.
Deja and Malik are cute and I want to look past him having a baby at 17 and wanting to be with Deja, but I do like how Randall and Beth are working with the situation.
Jumping between Jack and Nicky is making my emotions and, undoubtedly Kevin’s emotions, out of wack.
I feel like Rebecca is using her phone as a crutch so she won’t forget anything. It’s so hard to see it, but I think it’s the beginning of her dementia or Alzheimer’s.
Kate couldn’t have faked her happiness a bit? Like come on.
Aww, Nicky, that’s awwww!!! Good job. I love Nicky.
Ok, Cassidy, please go back to your husband and son. Her as a character is nice but I really am not into her and Kevin as a couple. Both have their own problems and both are in AA. He needs to be with someone who can keep him stable and I want it to be a random woman lol
I hope he lets her sit down.
Kevin will find his happy ending and I can’t wait!
He let her sit down!!! Yes!!! Ok, now don’t let her end up pregnant that’d be cliche. I do like the friendship between Cassidy and Kevin.
Oh, man. Rebecca is lashing out. Oh no- shes very defensive. Oh man what wasn’t said is loud and clear. I’m surprised Miguel hasn’t realized something more is going on with Rebecca.
Yes, invite Nicky to Thanksgiving!
Ahhh, Jack telling Kevin he is a good kid killed me!
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minikate--24-05 · 6 years
This ask is almost as cute as you ughh Rose Lace Wish Velvet Pearl Sunlight Matte Gloss Satin Kiss
omg blushhh
Rose – What makes youbeautiful? I’d say my eyes.
Lace – How would youdescribe your best friend(s)? 
First we have this dude who I always say “isempty”, cause he’s very fair skinned and blond, so no melanin, and he’s 0-, sono blood proteins. He’s the funniest guy I’ve ever met and I love him as if hewere my brother. He’s the only person (as far as I know) I can be with for morethan 24h without needing a social break.
Then we have this sweet, pure, sassy human being with whom I have thedeepest and also silliest conversations. We’ve talked practically every daysince we met and my face always lights up when I see a message from her. Oursnapchat streak is 186 y’aalll. Her hair is so long and beautiful, just likeher. She’s the bravest and most encouraging person I know and I love her so, somuch that I can’t believe how lucky I was to meet her.
Next is my twin from the other side of the world. A beautiful mind in abeautiful body. A truly amazing writer. A Disney lover, Hawkeye Piercereincarnated. We also talk almost every day and her imagination always leavesme speechless. I love her wittiness and her dog tags. When we’re notencouraging each other we’re plotting our revenge on writers. She was my firsttumblr friend and I love her very much.
Then there’s my 2 geek uni friends, ride or die gals. We’ve gone throughthe 2 first years of Medicine together and we’re always there for each other.Whenever we try and study we end up talking about fandoms. I laugh so much withthem. I love them.
Wish – What are yourfavourite memories? Seeing without glasses, winning basketball leagues, thattime I got the victory for my team in the last second, meeting my globalfamily, reading Harry Potter and Dragún for the first time, finding outasexuality was a thing, the TLOK finale, meeting my favourite basketballplayer.
Velvet – Describe your dreamhome: It’s a house, no annoying neighbours. It has a lot of natural light andplaces to sit on the windows. There’s not too much of anything, just the neededstuff, and everything has its place. Good internet connection. Nice views froma nice neighbourhood. There’s at least one green room. I have my books and moviesand shows with me, as well as awesome merchandise and pictures.
Pearl – What is yourfavourite scent, flavor, sound, texture? Scent: vanilla? I don’t know. Flavor: spongecake. Sound: silence. Texture: anything soft.
Sunlight – List five things youfind to be beautiful: sunrise, people talking about their passions, sashaalexander, eye colors, hugs.
Matte – What is something youare proud of? My friends’ achievements, who I am as a person.
Gloss – List ten songs youlove right now:
My heart is broken by Evanescence
La islabonita by Madonna
Laura noestá by Nek
Estamadrugada by Amaral
Soledad by La Oreja de Van Gogh
Deja que tebese by Alejandro sanz and Marc Anthony
Tu enemigo by Pablo López and Juanes
House on fire by Sia
Can’t take my eyes off of you by Gloria Gaynor
Reaper by Sia
Satin – What never fails tomake you happy? Sasha alexander’s face, music, my bffs, star wars, peace andquiet, kids smiling, cats
Kiss – What do you want fromlife right now? Can the world just get fixed pls. also, right now? I want a break
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sportingsims · 7 years
100 Questions NO ONE ever asks!
I was tagged by @carmysims, thanks a lot ♥
[Replies under the cut cuz the spam is real and full of terrors]
6. DO YOU CUT OUT COUPONS BUT THEN NEVER USE THEM? Nah i dont even bother cutting coupons
7. WOULD YOU RATHER BE ATTACKED BY A BIG BEAR OR A SWARM OF BEES? Bear! less annoying & noisy and at least it’s fluffy
9. DO YOU ALWAYS SMILE FOR PICTURES? no. I always try to ruin everyone’s pics ^^
10. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? non humored people
12. HAVE YOU PEED IN THE WOODS? okay probably? when i was a kid!
17. WHAT SIZE IS YOUR BED? just a normal bed for 2 persons
18. WHAT IS YOUR SONG OF THE WEEK? Talking to myself by linkin park
19. IS IT OK FOR GUYS TO WEAR PINK? yeah? if they feel like wearing it, why not?
22. WHERE WOULD YOU BURY HIDDEN TREASURE IF YOU HAD SOME? somewhere very smelly with lots of smelly socks xD
25. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOOD? chicken & fries; grilled salmon
26. WHAT MOVIES COULD YOU WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND STILL LOVE? Fairy Tail and the phoenix princess; Harry Potter; Pirates of the Caribbean
27. LAST PERSON, YOU KISSED/KISSED YOU? i dont have a boyfriend so no one
31. CAN YOU CHANGE THE OIL ON A CAR? lol no i dont even drive
36. WHAT IS YOUR USUAL BEDTIME? 24am cuz im such a baby
37. ARE YOU LAZY? Lazy is my middle name
38. WHEN YOU WERE A KID, WHAT DID YOU DRESS UP AS FOR HALLOWEEN? I never celebrated Halloween in Portugal tbh
40. HOW MANY LANGUAGES CAN YOU SPEAK? 2 (portuguese & english)
45. EVER WATCH SOAP OPERAS? sometimes when im really really bored xd
46. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? not really but sometimes it messes with my head tbh
50. EVER USED A GUN? i’ve held a gun and pretended to fired it but never used it for real xD
54. EVER EAT A PIEROGI? what’s that?
55. FAVORITE TYPE OF FRUIT PIE? i don’t eat fruit
56. OCCUPATIONS YOU WANTED TO BE WHEN YOU WERE A KID? always wanted to be a biologist/zoologist
57. DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? well yeah kind of?
59. DO YOU TAKE A VITAMIN DAILY? yes..sometimes i forget most of the days tho XD
61. DO YOU WEAR A BATH ROBE? noo towel girl
62. WHAT DO YOU WEAR TO BED? something comfy
63. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CONCERT? Scorpions 11/11/2011 xD
64. WALMART, TARGET, OR KMART? tbh no idea whats that
65. NIKE OR ADIDAS? NIKE, for sure
77. EVER BEEN IN LOVE? Yes I am..not corresponded, but yes.
80. HOT TEA OR COLD TEA? Hot tea
83. CAN YOU SWIM WELL? not really? xD I can swim but not a pro
86. DJ OR BAND AT A WEDDING? BAND, like..of course! I hate DJs
91. BEST ROOM FOR A FIREPLACE? living room
92. DO YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED? nope. just wanna settle down with someone, no weddings xD
94. WHO WAS YOUR HIGH SCHOOL CRUSH? the guy I still like
96. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? jeez no xD
97. DO YOU WANT KIDS? dont know. probs not, probs yes,who knows
99. DO YOU MISS ANYONE RIGHT NOW? Yes..someone I wish I could see before my bday tbh
100. WHO ARE YOU GOING TO TAG TO DO THIS TAG NEXT? Ohh my tuga friends
I tag: @camisims, @simcataris, @reveal-the-fkn-sims, @bubblyquinn, @buttersim, @thesadnesshotline (se vos apetecer responder a este interrogatório)
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tiefightrs · 8 years
all of them >: ))))))))
ur on
1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?✨answered 2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?✨lmao i use the whole damn tube my hair needs my 3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?✨answered! 4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before?✨no omg but i have stolen bella sara cards 5: Do you like to use post-it notes?✨sometimes 6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?✨answered 7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?✨go d honestly a bear any day and it’s only bc a bear can’t buzz beside my ear 8: Do you have freckles?✨they show up once i get a tan9: Do you always smile for pictures?✨of course! 10: What is your biggest pet peeve?✨answered 11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk?✨nah 12: Have you ever peed in the woods?✨does outside in general count 13: What about pooped in the woods?✨no 14: Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing?✨yes and my parents hate it 15: Do you chew your pens and pencils?✨answers 16: How many people have you slept with this week?✨i sleep with my darth vader plushie everyday. i love him. 17: What size is your bed?✨twin but once i move out in getting a queen ohhh mama 18: What is your Song of the week?✨CHAQUITA BANANA CHAQUITA BANANA OBAMA19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink?✨yes what the fuck kind of question is this guys can wear any damn color they want to 20: Do you still watch cartoons?✨y e s and i always will 21: Whats your least favorite movie?✨answered but i just….. hate in secret. so much. what the fuck. i was trusting u oscar.22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?✨mmm honestly i would want to be buried in it so my shadow figure self can protect it 23: If you’re a girl, bra size? If you’re a guy, pants size?✨im a B cup even tho i’m fat i hate it ughh >:T 24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in?✨honey mustard 25: What is your favorite food?✨lately i’ve been craving soup so rn my favorite food is currently cream of mushroom soup 👅👅👅👅26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love?✨star wars (excluding the 2nd), grand budapest hotel, inside llewyn davis, moonlight, and tarzan 27: Last person you kissed/kissed you?✨answered 28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout?✨answered 29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?✨depends on the magazine and what the article would be about 😩30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?✨a couple months ago 31: Can you change the oil on a car?✨no 32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket?✨no! 33: Ever ran out of gas?✨nah 34: Favorite kind of sandwich?✨roast beef with tomatoes, lettuce, mayo and mustard…. uhhh my dicc is hard 35: Best thing to eat for breakfast?✨eggs and toast!!!!!! 36: What is your usual bedtime?✨answered 37: Are you lazy?✨YES38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?✨a witch, cat, and my fucking favorite and final costume, guy fieri 39: What is your Chinese astrological sign?✨rabbit!!! 40: Are you horny?✨im feelin a bit trumpet-y rn 41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions?✨nah 42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs?✨legos!!!!!!! 43: Are you stubborn?✨a bit yea44: Who is better…Leno or Letterman?✨Neither 45: Ever watch soap operas?✨answered 46: Are you afraid of heights?✨not rlly 47: Do you sing in the car?✨YES and if it’s a special ocassion i’ll do a swedish chef impression 48: Do you sing in the shower?✨y e s i specialize in john denver 49: Do you dance in the car?✨yea50: Ever used a gun?✨no ew51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?✨god years ago i looked like a miniature version of my mom it was scary 52: Do you think musicals are cheesy?✨no! 53: Is Christmas stressful?✨yea bc i want to get my friends gifts and i stress about not having money then i don’t get them anything bc…. i suck a friendships 54: Ever eat a pierogi?✨ye55: Favorite type of fruit pie?✨answered 56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?✨i always wanted to be an author 57: Do you believe in ghosts?✨YES BITCH58: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?✨like twice a day i hate it 59: Take a vitamin daily?✨no 60: Wear slippers?✨uh…. socks 61: Wear a bath robe?✨nah 62: What do you wear to bed?✨pjs and socks bc if i don’t wear socks i’ll die 63: First concert?✨i went in 9th grade to see these rock bands i didn’t even know but it was the last time i saw my friend before she moved to california64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?✨target65: Nike or Adidas?✨don’t care 66: Cheetos Or Fritos?✨answered 67: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?✨mmm peanuts 68: Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?✨Whom 69: Ever take dance lessons?✨i used to take ballet but i hated it and hid in the bathroom 70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?✨answered 71: Can you curl your tongue?✨yeah!! 72: Ever won a spelling bee?✨no i am. Stupid. 73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy?✨yes and it was mostly bc of star wars 74: Own any record albums?✨my parents do 75: Own a record player?✨my parents do!! 76: Regularly burn incense?✨no 77: Ever been in love?✨answered 78: Who would you like to see in concert?✨answered79: What was the last concert you saw?✨see back: my first concert 80: Hot tea or cold tea?✨HOT 81: Tea or coffee?✨tea 82: Sugar or snickerdoodles?✨sugar!!!! 83: Can you swim well?✨nah 84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?✨yes 85: Are you patient?✨a bit 86: DJ or band, at a wedding?✨uh… Guy Fieri and the Singing Sausages 87: Ever won a contest?✨im sure i have but i can’t remember 88: Ever have plastic surgery?✨no 89: Which are better black or green olives?✨NO OLIVES 90: Can you knit or crochet?✨no 91: Best room for a fireplace?✨answered 92: Do you want to get married?✨answered 93: If married, how long have you been married?✨whopping 0 days 94: Who was your HS crush?✨answered! 95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?✨no! i’m not a baby!! 96: Do you have kids?✨no97: Do you want kids?✨NO98: Whats your favorite color?✨orange! 99: Do you miss anyone right now?✨answered but zoe.
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sunnnymercury · 6 years
New Queenie listens to Queens albums for the first time:
Ok is that time of the night again, time to listen to Queen. 
**A Day At The Races**
(ok just as side note, i think that i’m in love with my car would had fit perfectly in this album, bc what do you race with? with a car) 
Tie Your Mother Down: Is this song in the soundtrack? the title sounds very familiar, i think i have read this title before, in a meme or something...but nice intro....ok yes i have  heard this song before.  I have a feeling that this album is more rock than the other ones, ughh that guitar <3 
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You Take My Breath Away: oooohhh those voices surely do take my breath away <3 that harmony <3 uuughhh i’m having chills, those voices seriously .... OH MY GOD OK THAT EFFECT but overall a very relaxing song  Long Away: Ok idk why it reminded me of the beatles for some reason, like i know the guys are fan of the beatles but if i didn’t knew any better i could had said that these are the beatles and not Queen.For all the stars in heaven I would not live I could not live this way. The Millionaire Waltz: Wait, didn’t heard this in another album? Is this a deja vu or not? I swear i heard this before, like that begging sounded very very familiar to another Queen song...OH MY GOD THAT CHANGE OF PASE!!!! omg jajaja that rhythm thingy XD  You and I: Can't you see that we gotta be together, be together Just you and I, just you and I
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Somebody To Love: Ok i’m going to be honest, this one of my least favorite songs, idk why. Maybe is because i prefer more fast rhythm songs idk, is still a very nice song and the vocals are on point and the harmony is on point but is not a song that i would start playing on a daily basis.  White Man: oh this is a nice relaxing song...WHITE MAN WHITE MAN...stupid my ears you idiot XDDDD but this is my kind of song, very loud and rock-y ok i had to check if this wasn’t the next song playing already 
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Good Old Fashion Lover Boy: ooohhh i know the story behind this song, this song was dedicated to one of Freddie’s first boyfriend’s, i don’t remember his name!!!! It has a very nice lyrics and rhythm  Drowse: Wasn’t this a pokemon? XD Never wanted to be the boy next door Always thought I'd be something more But it ain't easy for a small town boy It ain't easy at all .....ugh those lyrics man, let me cut myself with lettuce....Wait...is that Roger? I just googled it and find that he wrote the song D:  Teo Torriate (let us cling together): Ok in what language is this? Japanese? German?  Ok no i think is Japanese, who knows Japanese that well? Is this allow? Ok but on all seriousness is a very nice song and nice vocals as always, and everything else as always <3 
ok favorite songs: Tie your mother down, you and i, somebody to love and drowse 
(and we are closer to innuendo, yes!) 
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perkoform · 7 years
By Izaak E. Wolfe
PUPILS OF THE ALCHEMIST- Preface Authors Note: “Life is for those of us whom are already dead, and if you comprehend this notion, then you too must be stuck in the ‘ether’. In unison, many of your pseudo-peers may at once begin to nod their heads, attempting to hurry along whatever point it is that you’re trying to make, because using their own thoughts is usually too mentally taxing. Following an obligatory smile with a nod whilst sprouting gleaming pleasantries such as “oh yeah, I know exactly what you mean!” with not a thought in their skull but what they’re having for lunch. Autonomous white Rabbits full of hollow, all essentially doppelgangers: Clones cut from the same cookie-cutter cloth of which Lewis Carroll pulled the wool over Alice's eyes. The very same rodents that are oft caught ‘running late’ wasting precious seconds digging holes until they fall asleep in one, killing time until they drop. You will come to know them well. The kind of under prepared, over opinionated personalities that might read through every book in an entire library just to get to the end of every sentence, staring through ripe meaning and symbolic psychic puzzles, not to ponder, or provoke thought, and certainly not to explore the realms of scribes and oracles in a place that can never be defined: understanding words merely as distractions, the kind of mind that would buy a bar napkin if it were leather-bound just so they could say they've got it on their bookshelf. These are the dreamers. They rarely, if ever, awaken. I for one, have always been of the opinion that when free from the burden of earthly interruptions the human brain starts to unlock dream like visionary experiences, Deja Voo and insights far more significant in nature and depth than what can be found tossing and turning, blurred by the restrictions of ‘sleep’. " Charles Luna Foxx 2016 
 Chapter One
 “The Heart that told no tales..” My smirk falls flat to molten hell. Disturbed by signs of life, I gasped to earth. “Ughh…” The phone was ringing. You can bet I was ignoring it. My breath smelt like I had spent Valentine’s Day French kissing an ashtray. Finding my own feet stumbling like a rigid rag-doll off my favorite chair; a heavy head was snatched from swollen hands. Temples pounding, Teeth grinding: Last night is stuck on that damned black-box flight recorder… Here, renegade neuro-terrorist’s commit espionage against their own life source. Receptor sites planning to pull the plug on grey matter that is the only thing integrating them with awareness. They will stop at nothing to destroy any and all traces of the last 24 hours. Direct orders from suits in the cerebral cortex were to “swipe magnets on the audio tapes”. Perhaps in the grip of some advanced interrogation, these sadistic rhetorical sabotage methods employed by our hideous obligatory enemies are indeed working, using some of the most effective tools of self-destruction that our hedonistic Universe has to offer, such as Amphetamines and Tennessee Whisky. Memory pulls a blank, and a glance around the study leads me to a solitary conclusion; this hangover is only just beginning to show its putrid mug shot. The stiff neck and near total absence of writing on the pile of pages beneath my jaw seems to indicate that I passed out colder than a corpse in the Arctic. It would not take the likes of “Sherlock Holmes” to conclude that I was neck deep in the narcissistic floodwaters of Moonshine misery, with not a bridge left to burn in my hearts splintered drought. After countless hours awake at the writing desk, with a brain so sore and sorry it all but caved in to intoxicant fueled hibernation: The empty bottle of Jack adjacent to my puddle of drool confirming this hypothesis. I greet today with a smile. A smile so big and fake that hopefully it conceals my gnawing sense of spite for all existence, or at least my dental plan. When I see the light it never hesitates to scorch my prying eyes, so I still wonder why people stare at shiny things like headlights to a frozen deer. Head spinning. Reeking of liquor, don’t know up from left on a compass, so bed ways is right ways right now. In a sloth like manner, I half tiptoe as if my own shadows footsteps were going to stamp out any hope that may be hiding, still virgin to the stench of bitter fate, in the far off shadows of a distant peaceful galaxy. So I tear the blinds shut, eat some sleeping pills, and before I could even say “fuck off world." BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP Slamming my fist against the ‘snooze’ button, I hissed as if there was someone listening: “..YOU KNOW I AM AWAKE YOU SADISTIC TIME KEEPING BEATBOX! Ughh!!”. With my face buried into my pillow, I try and think of one reason why I should get back out of bed. Whiskey is certainly not one of them. If I didn’t have college, I swear to GOD I would have thrown that fucking alarm clock out the window. I must admit, I became extremely depressed and aimless after the death of my father, and even though it was up to me to become the life blood of the family butcher shop (pun intended), I decided to shut the place down. I can barely get to sleep at night, especially not to wake up at 4 30 every morning to chop up bits of flesh and bone, elbow deep in entrails before midday. I couldn’t do it, and after the Dean tuned from a clockwork intellectual to madder than a fuckin’ hatter overnight... I’ve only been attending classes where the new girl sits opposite me. The rest of my lectures I frequently skip to “study” in the dark corners of the universities extensively cluttered library. It is more than coincidence that I have taken up a few of the classes that this enigmatic temptress frequents. From day one, it was apparent that she has an obsessive thirst to master any and all of the subjects she chose, with the outcome or topic seemingly being of a lesser importance to her than that of the process itself. So it was Anatomy, Biology, Chemistry, Taxidermy, Psychology, Latin, Surrealist Art, even the optional extracurricular sessions such as Cryptography and Journalism, 5 days a week. I don’t know why I didn’t drop out and get a job in the town Abattoir, the pay is good, and I don’t have a weak stomach. But I’m glad that I don’t live in that meat hook reality. Not wanting to miss a second of her company, even though we were strangers, I had a cold shower, got dressed, and hurried to the University, with a terrible headache, but the promise of a new day was not yet lost. I was haphazardly piecing together a port-folio, and I look up and our eyes met, and quickly flicked back to our “work”. There it came, and oh my, this was the first time I had heard her voice, and at once I was drowning in Ambrosia honey from the swarming beehive of my mind. “Hello” The beautiful stranger was smiling at me. “Have you seen the golden scarab??” she inquired under her breath, looking almost as if she had asked me the time… “..Oh I.. I.. Uh…I beg your Pardon?” She repeated once more, barely above a whisper. “Have you seen the Golden Scarab?” her eyes locked firmly onto mine. Unsure what she was referring to, shaking my head, “Sorry.” She blurted “Oh never mind. I was making an in joke, ha, I thought you reminded me of someone.. I’m mistaken.. How terribly rude.. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Veruka.” “Miss Veruka Luxx, I can assure you, it’s a pleasure to be met. I’m Arthur Lilly.” I replied, but she was already lost in her workbook, writing fiercely. I could read paragraphs from the corner of my eye, from where I was sitting. The paragraphs were describing in full an artistic process, subconscious snapshots, perhaps an indulgent outburst praising the randomness embraced by the paper game, “consequences”. The “Exquisite Corpse” method was used by William Burroughs and many before him. I overheard her mumbling, something about synchronicity, and something in a language I failed to recognize, whilst preparing a short film required for an assessment. My contribution was just footage of life-prisoners from Alcatraz, back before the rock was broken and became yet another unkempt piece of tourist crap floating in the San Francisco Harbor, I thought it was intriguing, In between 1943 and 1945 surgeons experimented on the murderers of murderers, the rapists of rapists, Lobotomizing the prisoners and then put half of the test subjects in isolation with food and water and half in a cell with a wilting rose in a vase and no drinking water. The lobotomized inmates with food and water refused to eat or drink or sleep until they died, using all conscious energy to claw at the walls.…The other half, refused to watch the rose die, every time the thorns were bare and the petals fell, wilted, the inmates burst into a fit of grief, crying their eyes out until their tears found the cuttings…. and the rose returned to vibrant health, bringing a smile to their face, and that, right there, soppy bullshit aside, the prisoners with roses managed to see the flower through its cycle, like clockwork, when those petals returned, those inmates were found dead with a smile on their face. I liked the contrast, but spliced the footage poorly and overdubbed readings from the novel “The Diving Bell and The Butterfly.” Everyone in class was looking through the projection screen behind me with a thousand yard stare, and “Thank you Mr. Lilly. Now Mr. West, Your presentation is up next.” Mr. Peaslee boomed from his desk as I returned to my seat. My eyes were back on the strange Veruka as my new accomplice lent forwards and said softly, “Alcatraz Island has some incredible wildlife, but that rose is one of the rarest in the world….. One of.” I nodded, “There are some divine books on all kinds of sacred ornamental plants in the Vulshwaltz wildlife section, I have to return some after class and choose my reading for the week. Perhaps you would like to join?” I said, as charmingly as possible. She looked me right in the eye “Really?!” she said with a wicked grin. “I’ve not been too welcomed by the other students… I’ve been so lost while trying to get to know the Campus that the Library has thus far been untraceable! I need a new friend who can show me around actually..” Veruka laughed, I was transfixed by lust and just as I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could stumble over even one syllable, the bell rang out and class had been dismissed. “Oh, what!? You haven’t seen the Vulshwaltz Library at all yet!?” “No! I hear it’s like a literary maze though. I’d be delighted to get lost in the ‘History’ section with you anytime you like! If you’ve got no plans for lunch, you could even take me there right now, Mr. Arthur.” Her smile was intoxicating. I grabbed my school satchel, and we walked towards the door. “Well Miss. Luxx, only a fool could refuse such an honest request! Right this way my friend.” And with that, we walked down the corridor. Her pupils were gleaming behind her glasses, but for a second as they caught the light, In my mind, a golden scarabs reflection, scurried away. We stood still for a second as we exited the halls and I took great delight in Veruka’s excitement as it was her first time in this room, seeing hundreds and thousands of books, billions of pieces of peculiar information bursting at the seams. Dusty, leather-bound manuscripts, with instructions to decipher every language and symbol that is of use to mankind and even a few hundred pages of thus far indecipherable ancient tongues or perhaps the quotes of modern day secret societies, encrypted in plain sight. There are countless impressive Libraries in the World, But there’s only one of the “Vulshwaltz Vaults”. The lights hang down from the ceiling in glass flowers, downward like Belladonna Atropa flowers. I’m not sure if the “Deadly Lampshades” are there because of the irony, that old saying that everyone who works in a Library goes “mad as a Hatter”, or simply because the architects of our massive University had some, dare I say, questionable influences? “oh my goodness! Those Nightshade light fixtures are something out of Bella Lugosi’s wet dreams! Ahah!” Miss Luxx grinned in astonishment. “One almost wishes they were real, except for the fact that we would all be dead!” A cold, stern voice hissed back “They ARE real” the voice continued “and you ARE dead precious.” Of course, I knew this voice to be our very own, very proud, and equally VERY strange Librarian, Mrs. Nancy N. Escher LaTrisk. “I’m sorry?” Veruka said slowly. “The Flowers are real. They’re as real as any other lampshades, don’t you know?��� Explained Mrs. LaTrisk, taking a sip of her tea “and you must be dead my dear! The last of Mr. Peaslees’s students never got to see graduation because they were all bored to death!” she said, turning the hourglass on the desk in front of her upside-down. “Mr. Arthur Lilly! I was under the impression your mother taught you manners!” Mrs LaTrisk was smiling at me. “OH! Of course! This is my new classmate and I’d have to say I’d take her as a friend over most of the chaps, Miss Veruka Luxx! I see you’ve spotted our humble Librarian, Mrs. LaTrisk!-“ “My name is Nancy Neri Escher LaTrisk, The boys call me Mrs. LaTrisk, But you can call me Nancy darlin’, Seeing as I’ll be calling you by your first” There was an awkward silence, at which point Mrs. LaTrisk drank some tea and exclaimed “anyway, Busy busy, always work to be done..” and she turned her attention to a copy of ‘Hidden Faces’. “oh yes, Mr. Lilly, your order arrived yesterday. It’s on my desk next to the typewriter” A brown paper satchel contained my new copy of ‘The Strange case of Dr. Jeckll and Mr. Hyde’. “Magnificent! Gracious Mrs. LaTrisk” “Righto, Well.. my oh my.. strange woman. Arthur, Is there anywhere we could sit and talk in private?” Miss Luxx blinked rapidly as a cool breeze swept through the room. As we walked deeper and deeper into the cacophonous life sized maze that Mrs. LaTrisk refers to as the “Bermuda of Books”, we found ourselves indeed lost in the history section. Veruka was pointing out a small window in the wall; she reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a small gold telescope, and beckoned me to have a look, directing my gaze to a plume of smoke funnelling out of a chimney in the most beautiful house on mount Titan. “Exquisite telescope Miss. Luxx, Where did you get it?” I said, intrigued. “Oh this is one of the smaller ones; I have a collection of telescopes in my study.” She looked through the eyepiece “I like to keep the fireplace on while I’m at Vulshwaltz so when I get back all tired it feels like home.” “That’s where you live?” my jaw dropped. “You live in a mansion?” “My grandfather’s in hospital so I’m taking care of the property. You should come and have a few drinks with me tonight. Otherwise it’s just me, the animals, and a big empty house...”
Chapter two 
-Perpetual Vermin in the Illusion of Time and Space- “Le cadavre exquis boira le vin nouveau.“ I fumbled for notepad, attempting to look as if I were paying attention. The lecture was nearly over, and the bell would allow our dismissal from class no doubt very soon. I sat watching the clock hands go sloooowwwwllllyyy around from the corner of my vision, scribbling on my page a crescent moon, and the more I scribbled, it seemed the lecture were as if I was listening to it from a great distance. The blood drained out of my head, the ceiling pushed towards the sky, along with a room full my peers rendered brain-dead while the tables where they sat began to stretch and contort like a perpetually elongating hallway. A half a minute could last two million years.. Perish the thought. Sometimes I wonder just what exactly Salvador Dali mind had the persistence to remember behind his wild eyes as they observed a slice of camembert cheese melting in the sun. I glance quizzically at the empty chair to my right, “where in the hell is she?” I wondered. Her absence made me oddly uncomfortable. The divine and peculiar Veruka Luxx been my best friend for more than year now, but she remains as much of an enigma as when I first came to know her. Veruka and I, one could rightfully assume, shared a peculiar fascination in what would be most certainly considered taboo by the majority of our society. Veruka has a profound affection for Taxidermy, stuffed and preserved animal corpses, not to mention her absurd obsession for the languages and customs of ancient and lost civilisations. Our interest in all living creatures was naturally mirrored by our fascination for the “process of death”, the afterlife, the before life, and the possibility to reanimate the corpses of the deceased shortly after dying, using a customised injectable solution. We had killed, maimed and also reanimated the bodies of several rabbits, stray cats, rats, and guinea pigs, some even with promising results if the subjects managed to survive the process of animation for more than a few minutes. We have been a tad over absorbed in our little projects recently, and the nature of these experiments warranted my cause for concern. Luxx and I spent nearly all of our spare time engaged in “Staring at the bottom of the fountain of youth”… Yes, I suppose that’s one way to phrase it. Among other things her devotion to the subject of reanimating a multitude of deceased creatures knew no bounds, which fuelled my fascination and desires to assist her secret studies and to cover our trails all the more, from anyone whom might happen to have otherwise stumbled across our secret laboratory. Both Veruka and I were honorary students at the Vulshwaltz University in the town of Atlas, a rather expensive college, with infinite halls, chandeliers, libraries, top of the line science equipment (which we had slowly constructed our laboratory from, one beaker at a time, considering we were so trusted by Dean Allen Halsley himself, that he authorized us to stay behind to clean, autoclave and pack away every single piece of glassware unattended after classes, and the school had so many resources they didn’t appear to even ponder all the bits and pieces of “written off” laboratory hardware that the faculties staff would immediately replace.) Between the windowpanes were the endless paintings spaced perfectly evenly across the tall walls of the corridors, depicting everything from the Salem witch trials, The sun god Ra making his rounds in the minds of Egyptian painters and sculptors, and more typical of a white collar institution, images of decadent Kings and Queens from centuries otherwise mostly forgotten (all of them remarkably pale or blood red in the face, It often bemuses Luxx and myself to liken King Henry VIII’s face to that of a plump tomato ripe to burst. God awful inbred monarchy.) I look up from my scribbling, and she’s standing right next to me snickering at my absent mindedness, I wonder how long she had been standing there? The classroom is completely empty, and the clock tells me that the bell rang out about 15 minutes ago.. “Ground Control to Major Tom!?” She said with a smirk. “It’s time to go” “Where on earth have you been!” I croaked, flustered. “You scared the shit out of me, I thought something must’ve gone wrong” “Well” Luxx rolled her eyes, for a moment I could see my pupils reflecting back at me in hers, and a shiver went up my spine. “I’ve finally tracked down a recently deceased Human subject on which we can test my new formula.. Grab your things.” Her smile was both unsettling and comforting. We cleaned the science room, we cleaned the condenser, separatory funnels, catalyst reaction vessels, test tubes and various beakers, and using the key that the Dean entrusted us with, we opened the Haz-Chem safe, removed a couple of necessary precursors and once the classroom was packed up and tidy, Miss Luxx steered my attention to her unusually playful state of mind. We soaked in the evening as we began heading home bound, the place I had come to know as home, our humble abode, a sprawling property which Luxx was taking care of for her grandfather while he was in hospital. From the dust to the trees which touched the clouds, to the house that we had been using to conceal our gruesome experiments on deceased creatures which we would catch and put to death before attempted reanimation of their cadavers, sometimes yielding no result, sometimes a few unnatural flinches and as with most of our more “fortunate” incidents the creatures would turn rabid and rip their own bodies to pieces, after attacking anything in sight… But we pushed on, Luxx insisted that it was a simple matter of getting the right blend of synthetic compounds into the next formula, and something told me she was right. We left Vulshwaltz by foot, and with every step, the sun would sink deeper into the horizon, until at last we scaled the base of the mountain. It wasn’t long at all before I could see 54 rue du Chateau. The finest piece of architectural indulgence on the whole of the mountain, I bet her grandfather must’ve been proud, having built it by hand, brick by brick, brushstroke by brushstroke. Obviously, it was both mine and Veruka’s favorite place in all of Atlas, except for the Cemetery and the Library at Vulshwaltz. Overcome by dizziness, I was quick to catch my breath but for a peculiar moment, I almost thought these feelings of Deja Voo were rising to my attention as a hint that maybe this, right now, could all be just a dream. Then I remembered that even nightmares are more inviting than what lays in wait. As Miss Luxx explained what would be our plans for the evening, I unpacked our bags and polished a new glass beaker I had stolen for the lab. We headed upstairs for the attic, and my dear friend grabbed a spoon from the kitchen. Like ruby wine in flickers of the moonlight, I watched her lips tremble as she spoke. She weighed out precisely a quarter gram (250 milligrams to be exact) of our new silky powder and mixed it up. Luxx jabbed the needle in my arm and pulled back red, as I volunteered to Ginny pig our new batch of Amphetamine Salts. Suddenly I could feel a lightning storm pounding through my temples, as all of the blood rushed to my head, Luxx gave me a sickly smile, there was no denying we were both high as all fuck and I could not follow most of what she was saying because she was talking so fast and her eyes were utterly intoxicating. She stopped speaking mid-sentence, seemingly out of nowhere grabbing me by the neck and before I could blink she had pushed me up into the corner of the Attic, and with an incredible lust, our lips locked, and tongues entwined. My heart must have skipped a seismic thud, for this is the first time we stepped beyond the boundary of friends, and essentially the first time I had seen Luxx’s passion flare up for anything that still had a heartbeat. “Well, that certainly got your attention. Hah!” She smiled. I was breathless. “Work first, fun later, Hmm?” She looked me up and down. With that, she turned on her heels and took me to the false wall we had fitted in-between the cluttered, dusty Attic, and the hidden door to our surgical laboratory. She opened it and flicked the lights, revealing a lifeless figure stretched out on a long white table. Luxx, I could tell, was getting terribly nervous about something. The recently deceased human subject that Veruka had acquired was a frail old woman, whose face was extremely pale and the shade of blue that her lips had turned indicated that she had been dead since at least this morning. “Well well well! This is charming Luxx! Just fucking charming!” I mocked. The smell of necrotizing flesh was already near unbearable. “And what the fuck happened to her I wonder??” Luxx cleared her throat, “Well, hmm. It has been a long day indeed. Her family live not a great distance from here, I’ve known her son Edward for many years. As I was picking through my books before our late afternoon science class, studying the lineage of Queen Nefertiti when all of a sudden there were tremors on my doorstep accompanied by the deranged howling of what I presumed to be a badly injured German Shepherd. I rushed outside to find the howling was coming from an old woman writhing gruesomely in the mud on my driveway.” Shaking her head, Miss Luxx beckoned for one of my cigarettes. “I recognized the unfortunate Witch as Edwards mother, phoned his uncle immediately to alert him of the situation and ask if I could be of any medical help, as she was by now curled up twitching on my porch, grasping for dear life. He told me that she has been slowly going mad for years and by his voice… Well I could tell it had been driving him to drink, because he was slurring his concerns and at the same time attempting to hit on me. So as the family could not contact a competent doctor because of the particularly fatal strain of Flu that’s becoming somewhat of an epidemic in town recently, and screaming and delusional as she was when she arrived, the old woman appeared to assume an almost catatonic state of consciousness all in a matter of minutes, at the same time I could hear snoring on the other end of the receiver so I furiously hung up and carried her inside to my guest room, soon she was fast asleep after seemingly having made a miraculous recovery from her primitive psychotic episode.” With the upbeat melancholic chirp of a pessimist, I butted in “….And then?????” with an eyebrow raised above a bloodthirsty smirk, almost puzzled by my own sincerest solemn sarcasms, Luxx sighed “Her son Edward was suddenly knocking at the window, he said nothing except that he would stay by her side no matter what… Knowing I could trust Edward not to snoop around the house, I was beginning to ready myself for the back to Vulshwaltz, because I just needed your comforting presence after the intensely unexpected chain of events, by now I knew I was too late for class, but that was the lowest of my priorities. The incident seemed to reach an almost level of calm, but at that exact moment, the phone rang just as I was leaving home…. all I could hear was static noise and maniacal laughing in the earpiece….. Shrugging it off, I hung up just as Edward eerily called to me from the guest room. He emerged looking as though he had already long since mourned for his dear mother’s sanity, almost with a sigh of relief he said softly that she had just then passed in her sleep. I hid my smile behind gritted teeth… Mentioning that his uncle has already drunk away his inheritance, Edward also happened to mention, to my utter delight, that her final will declared that after death, her corpse was to be donated for the purposes of science, and because Edward has been a close neighbor for years, it goes without saying that he had already become well aware of my overachieving at University, The backlog of Anatomical Knowledge that propelled my status from a nerdy exchange student to an ‘Honorary’ Teachers Pet, not even mentioning the Deans trust in my ‘responsibilities’, …anyway, you can guess that it wasn’t very long at all before I had convinced Edward to go home to try and get some rest. He said his farewells under the impression that I had already arranged a hearse to Vulshwaltz’s medical research facility…. But after he left, I just hauled the lifeless bitch upstairs and rushed into town to find you so that we may finally take our experiments to the next frontier of reanimation…. To bring about the strange state of existence known as “Life” back to a completely rigid, non-responsive, breathless human cadaver…… “ The lovely Veruka Luxx burst out into hysterical laughter, unable to wipe the smirk off her divine face. Slightly disturbed, and still unable to stop thinking about Luxx’s soft and tender lips, all the while trying desperately to ignore the smell of the dead woman whom we were about to attempt to bring back from the spirit realm, to once again, in some post-mortal fashion, walk among the Taxpaying, Booze-Addled piles of flesh and bone, most commonly recognized as the “Living”. Apart from not being much good for conversation, the main difference between that of the “deceased persons” and of their more animated, opinionated, compulsively breeding counterparts, the “Living persons”, is simple. One has completed their cycle and has joined the “Land of the Dead” for the rest of eternity, while the other is still absorbed in the comparatively temporary distractions of day to day humdrum human emotions; From Serenity to Fear, From Kinship to Solitude. How fucking poetic. I’m to sober for this. Too much is never enough… My thoughts were racing. The air seemed to be getting thicker… “Hmm… The body’s whereabouts shouldn’t arouse any suspicion as long as no-one else in Atlas knows about her death, and provided her family doesn’t speak to anyone regarding her disposal requests” I said hastily “which I imagine they would not have any need to mention as a casual conversation topic to anyone of importance…. then we’re in the clear… Quick thinking by the way, my darling.. Any fresher and you could skin the fat off her and sell it down the butchers as offal.” I scoffed. Smiling dryly in acknowledgement, her eyes met mine and then looked quickly down at the tip of a .3 ml syringe that she had filled to the brim with a concentrated solution of her new “embalming concentrate” as we had deemed them), and I began preparing a large vein on the side of the woman’s neck for injection, as the solution had to enter the blood stream as CLOSE to the brain as possible. Luxx impatiently yet precisely performed the injection while I checked the cadaver for any vital signs of life. We waited for an hour, and Luxx mixed and injected more solutions into the subjects’ neck relentlessly. Just as we were preparing to admit failure, call it a night, and throw her corpse into the incinerator, without a seconds notice the old woman’s eyes darted open WIDE, and she let out the most ear-drum piercing blood curdling screams, wailing and screeching imaginable, far too unearthly for any human to possibly conjure the sound in their most depraved nightmares, let alone the breathless lungs of the dearly departed. Suddenly the undead subject stood up, froze stiff again, and fell on the floor with several liters of blood rapidly gushing out of her eyes, nose, mouth and ears. I gasped, unable to muster a word, and was frozen with fear. Luxx just shook her head, rolled her eyes and groaned with failure, she snapped. “Fuck.. Fuck.. Fuck… I think perhaps next time we should wait, at least another hour, before re administering the formula. I’ll put the incinerator on so we can dispose of her remains quickly.” Luxx leaned toward me and kissed me on the cheek. I stood, bewildered, horrified, and shivering. “Oh.. What a waste” I blurted, Naturally questioning my beautiful associates mental stability, but as my faith in her was still unshaken by the gruesome occurrence, I began to question my own sanity… As Veruka turned up the furnace to its highest setting, near 2000 degrees Fahrenheit, she hummed along to an unknown yet strangely familiar tune, and the impromptu cremation of our elderly lab-rat was complete…… not much is left of that wrecked atrocity save a red hot pile of ashes. Attempting to appear un-phased by the evening’s festivities, I mopped up ankle deep pools of fresh human blood from our laboratory floor, as thoughts of what consequences lay in wait for us if we were ever to be caught grew steadily more grim and unavoidable, all the while, Luxx’s near total and complete disregard for such consequences proceeded to add entire Galaxies of increasing volatility to the already crumbled fault-lines of rationality and common sense… I was trapped aboard a sinking ship of her obsessions, pulling me into an Ocean of demise that was overflowing with my own poisoned curiosity’s, and it would be Veruka herself, who unwittingly sealed my fate with a kiss…. Run, Rabbit, Run… Because when you’re walking such a very fine tightrope of morality, whilst attempting to survive on a steady diet of endless hedonism, there is simply no time to slow down.. On that note, Veruka and I sat by the fireplace, drinking tea into the morning. Something I can’t shake about the look in the old bats eyes, embedded into my memory, will forever gnaw at me. I’ve seen that soul sucking glare before. For a second I was lost in the void of her pupils, the cry of the storm, and as I looked out from the old woman’s vacant stare, I actually was looking up at myself the moment blood poured from her every orifice. I was shocked, trembling, sweating, and whiter than a sheet. Looked as if I’d seen a ghost, a fucking Kodak moment... With every second, it seemed further in the past, until all I saw was my drug-devouring Morticia Addams, My Venomous Vixen…. Veruka was snuggling up next to me on the rug in front of her fireplace, and I feel her jab another shot of speed into my arm…. No warning…!?!??!!!!!! ….my vision trembles wildly…. Before I could even think, she is laughing and taking off her dress. Always an ice-cold intellectual machine; a vixen, brunette, green eyes and spectacles…. Even with a frozen heart like hers, I’d still be willing to bet my life that she could keep me warm in Hell…..
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jacquelinemarie1855 · 7 years
MAKE ME ADMIT STUFF 1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? Yes 2. You talked to an ex today, correct? Yes 3. Have you taken someones virginity? Yes 4. Is trust a big issue for you? Absolutely 5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? No 6. What are you excited for? Next year 7. What happened tonight? I got fucked uo 8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? No, life is short and it fucks you up more then drugs or alcohol ever will 9. Is confidence cute? The cutest thing 10. What is the last beverage you had? Coffee 11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? 2 12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? Yep 13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? Idk 14. What are you going to spend money on next? A fruit bowl 15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? No 16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? Of course 17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? My boyfriend 18. The last time you felt broken? Right now 19. Have you had sex today? No 20. Are you starting to realize anything? Yes 21. Are you in a good mood? Eh 22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? Mhm 23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? No 24. What do you want right this second? Him 25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? Fuck you 26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Nope 27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? No 28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? A sex joke about fruit 29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? More then I can explain 30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? Depends 31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? Yes 32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? Sorta 33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? Yep 34. Listening to? Attic monkeys 35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? Most the time; i like pens better 36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? Yes 37. Do you believe in love at first sight? No 38. Who did you last call? Robyn 39. Who was the last person you danced with? Ex 40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? I loved him 41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? Years ago 42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? Yes 43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? All the time 44. Do you tan in the nude? No 45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? Yes yes yes yes 46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? Yes 47. Who was the last person to call you? My boyfriend 48. Do you sing in the shower? Yes haha 49. Do you dance in the car? Sometimes 50. Ever used a bow and arrow? Indeed 51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? When I was 9 52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? No I love them 53. Is Christmas stressful? Very much 54. Ever eat a pierogi? Ughh yessss 55. Favorite type of fruit pie? None 56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Marine biologist or cop 57. Do you believe in ghosts? No 58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? All the fucking time 59. Take a vitamin daily? Yep 60. Wear slippers? No 61. Wear a bath robe? No 62. What do you wear to bed? Sweatshirt 63. First concert? three days grace and breaking Benjamin 64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Target 65. Nike or Adidas? Nike 66. Cheetos Or Fritos? Cheetos 67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Peanuts 68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? None of them 69. Ever take dance lessons? I wish 70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? Not really 71. Can you curl your tongue? Yes 72. Ever won a spelling bee? Macarominsi no 73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yes 74. What is your favorite book? Before I fall Lauren Oliver 75. Do you study better with or without music? With 76. Regularly burn incense? Yes 77. Ever been in love? Yep wish I hadn't 78. Who would you like to see in concert? So many people 79. What was the last concert you saw? Pierce the veil 80. Hot tea or cold tea? Hot 81. Tea or coffee? Coffee 82. Favorite type of cookie? Chocolate chip 83. Can you swim well? Yes 84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?yes 85. Are you patient? Not at all 86. DJ or band, at a wedding? Band 87. Ever won a contest? Yes 88. Ever have plastic surgery? No 89. Which are better black or green olives? Neither 90. Opinions on sex before marriage? Go for it. Fuck whoever you want whenever you want. Go be a whore god knows we all are 91. Best room for a fireplace? Living room 92. Do you want to get married? Yes.
0 notes
craazzzyylife · 8 years
Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed? Closed.
Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels? No.
Have you ever ‘done it’ in a hotel room? No lol.
Where is your next vacation? Not sure yet.
Have you ever stolen a street sign before? Going on my bucket list.
Who do you think reads these? Me lmao.
Do you have a calendar in your room? Yes.
Where are you? Friend’s house.
What’s your plan for the day? For tomorrow? Spending time with my friend.
Are you reading any books right now? No.
Do you ever count your steps when you walk? I used to it helps with anxiety oddly enough.
Have you ever peed in the woods? Yes.
Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing? Sometimes.
Do you chew your pens and pencils? I used to.
What is your “Song of the Week”? Ghost Town songs always.
Is it okay for guys to wear pink? Of course!
Do you still watch cartoons? Sometimes.
Whats your favorite love movie? None? Lmao, unless you count the fault in our stars.
What do you drink with dinner? A&W root beer if I have a drink with dinner.
What do you dip Chicken Nuggets in? Honey mustard.
What is your favorite food/cuisine? Oh shit idek.
What movies could you watch over and over and still love? The nightmare before Christmas.
Last person you hugged/kissed? Bye.
Were you ever a boy/girl scout? I wanted to be a boy scout.
Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? Only if I was THAT desperate for the money.
When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? The other day.
Can you change the oil on a car? Haven’t tried.
Ever gotten a speeding ticket? No.
Run out of gas? No.
Favorite kind of sandwich? BLT.
Best thing to eat for breakfast? Idek. Cereal I guess.
What is your usual bedtime? Like 3 or 4am.
Are you lazy? Very.
When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? Cowboy, vampire, zombie, etc.
Do you have any magazine subscriptions? Game informer.
Which are better, legos or lincoln logs? Legos.
Are you stubborn? I can be extremely stubborn.
Who is better…Leno or Letterman? Idk.
Ever watch soap operas? No.
Afraid of heights? Yes.
Sing in the car? Sometimes.
Dance in the shower? No,
Dance in the car? I have.
Ever used a gun? Yes.
Do you think musicals are cheesy? Kinda yeah.
Is Christmas stressful? Very.
Ever eat a pierogi? YESS.
Major annoyance right now? A lot.
Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Animal control officer, artist, photographer.
Do you believe in ghosts? Yes.
Ever have a deja-vu feeling? More than once.
Do you take a vitamin daily? No.
Wear slippers? Nope.
Wear a bath robe? Nah.
What do you wear to bed? Depends.
Wal-Mart, Target or K-Mart? Walmart.
Nike or Adidas? Neither.
Cheetos Or Fritos? Both.
Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Shit both.
Ever hear of, “gorp”? No.
Ever taken karate? Yes I did for a few years.
Ever kissed someone of the same sex? Yep.
Can you curl your tongue? Idk.
Ever won a spelling bee? No I used to want to be in one so bad.
Ever cried because you were so happy? Yes lol and I’m sure I will when I see my girlfriend in person for the first time.
Own any record albums? No.
Own a record player? No.
Regularly burn incense? I used to.
Ever been in love? Currently.
Hot tea or cold tea: Both.
Tea or coffee? Coffee.
Favorite kind of cookie? Chocolate chip I guess.
Can you swim well? Yeah.
Can you hold your breath w/o manually holding your nose? Yeah.
Are you patient? Depending.
Ever won a contest? I think so.
Ever had plastic surgery? No.
Which are better black or green olives? Black.
Can you knit or crochet? I used to know how to knit.
Wash room or bathroom? Bathroom.
Do you want to get married? One day, yes.
Who was your High School crush? Brandon..
Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way? No.
Do you have kids? Does my cat count cause she’s my child.
Do you want kids? Yes.
What kind of mom are you? I’m a dad, but a good one I’d hope.
Do you miss anyone right now? Ughh.
Who do you want to see right now? My girlfriend.
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