aetheternity · 2 years
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him-e · 3 years
The center of alt-right and radical right-wing ideology in Star Wars fandom is on YouTube, a favorable (and profitable) home for indignation against non-white and non-cis male individuals built up on 4chan during Gamergate. It isn’t difficult to find videos of mostly white men belaboring their strongly held belief that women and minorities are ruining video games, comic books, and Star Wars. [...] Whether they realize it or not, they are diligently carrying forward Steve Bannon’s master plan to change culture in order to change politics. And there is no better target for such an agenda than a franchise considered to be a cultural touchpoint of modern Western myth. The shared narrative across this group’s thousands of videos is simple: First, Kathleen Kennedy ruined Star Wars by allowing women to work in too many creative jobs at LucasFilm. Then, Rian Johnson ruined Star Wars by emasculating Luke Skywalker, creating the character of Rose Tico, and letting Rey win a lightsaber fight before going through an extensive training montage. And before all of that, Disney ruined Star Wars by hiring both Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson. For anybody not radicalized enough to believe this narrative, these types of videos with outrageous headlines written in all caps and memes do look, well, silly. It’s simple to look at these people, have a laugh, and walk away. But we do unfortunately have to pay attention to what these angry (mostly) white men in front of a web camera have to say because [...] the systems of power leveraging this kind of enmity online are organized, ruthless and tied back to some of the most hateful people in the United States.
In Plain Sight: How White Supremacy, Misogyny, and Hate Targeted the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy and Won by Rewriting Ripley
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lovecorenaruto · 4 years
so tired of grown asses calling hinata a "shy submissive girl with only boobs made only for the male audience" and throwing all her female/nb fans in the trash and ALSO forgetting how she WASN'T submissive, she was just quiet and timid, which doesn't equal the same thing. studio pierrot added shitty things for all characters, don't hold the sexualization against her only, when you can separate things with any other character. and especially don't try to sell this argument as "feminist agenda". shut up. you're dying to call this 16 old fictional girl a slut. go get some irl bitches!!!!
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shxyo-sho · 3 years
haha me wanting to write for genshin? It’s more likely than you think 😋
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marchlione · 3 years
the only reason people really hate sasuke is because his grief, pain, and trauma make them uncomfortable. 
you want trauma ridden, angsty, cinnamon rolls who never get angry at the system that perpetuated the pain, and suck it up and deal with it with a smile on their face and a skip in their step as they continue to support the power structure that caused them the pain because the rest of your faves are on that side.
#sasuke#pro-sasuke#pro-uchiha#i should really just make a separate blog at this point#i go through a naruto (the show) phase every couple of months#anyway#trauma is ugly#what sasuke went through#no matter what the fandom says#no one else can really relate to it#except for team taka#and haku#people dont like sasuke for reasons like#he was aloof#and he wasnt nice to sakura even though she tried so hard for him to like her#but don't realize that sasuke was aloof because no one understood and no one was willing to understand#everyone wanted him to stop being a little bitch and suck it up and not make it so hard for everyone else to deal with#everyone means people in canon and the fandom#the pain is ugly and painful and sasuke needs to work through it#but never gets the chance to#and sakura?#sakura and the fandom need to stfu and sit down#sasuke doesn't owe her anything#sakura fans cry misogyny if we dislike sakura and fail to realize that sakura and her fans act like female incels#i was nice to you and liked you for so many years despite you never showing interest in me so now you OWE me your love#and you're the worst person in the world if you don't reciprocate my clearly unwanted feelings#these are all things that men say to women#and it is the sentiment that you are owed something/love/sex by the other person for having cared for the other person that is wrong#it is not a matter of she is the woman/girl and he is the man/boy therefore she is right and he is wrong#the gender is irrelevant
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saintbellamys · 4 years
to the CLs somehow locating my sad tweets about Bellamy specifically and replying to them with fancams of Bellamy being shot and dying: why the fuck are you the way that you are?
We lost in every possible way, isn’t that enough for you? I was here in 2016 and none of us danced on L*xa’s grave like this but whatever I guess
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frumfrumfroo · 4 years
Why do you think Kylo Ren and incel comparisons are a thing despite Kylo never displaying the kind of misanthropic women-hating attitude that incels do? Is it because he's in love with Rey and wants to rule the galaxy with her? If so, how does pursuit of one woman translate to "incel"?
Because he’s a man who isn’t being manly correctly and because it’s one of the ‘worst’ things to be right now, so it’s a go-to insult for any emotive male character you don’t like and want to associate with current societal ills.
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I feel the same way as u do abt the discourse thing but I’m in the opposite situation. Hearing Syd being called a dyke and her feelings around boys vs with Dina really resonates with me. No one is telling u ur a lesbian or that u have comphet, it’s just that Syd does. Syd rlly means a lot to me as a lesbian and I have never felt more represented and to see ppl twisting that makes me feel sick and disgusted with my sexuality. I really feel for you and I have a lot of respect for you
thank you for your words. i think this is a very. difficult situation to say the least. i wish there wasnt as much hate as there is.
even though i dont see her as a lesbian, i dont want to invalidate people's opinions. if you want to headcanon her as a lesbian thats fine! i just cant hear anymore "theres no way shes bisexual" because a lot of times, the arguments sound a lot like "shes too gay to be bi" or "she just doesnt know what she wants" which are very harmful stereotypes of bisexuals being "greedy" or "not gay enough" and whatnot.
i really wish people didnt have to fight for characters to feel represented. i really wish that more positive lgbt characters existed in mainstream media. i hope syd's sexuality, whatever it may be, gets explored more since the show seems to be placing more emphasis on it than the graphic novel, and that she is good representation for whatever she may be.
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rosenfey · 5 years
I both do not want to be a part of a fandom and engage with most people there but at the same time feel lonely and underappreciated because people tend to form groups of friends that only support each other and overlook other creators because they don't belong™
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endofsuccession · 5 years
friendship ended with half of the naruto fandom, now my own sideblogs are the only ppl i reblog from 🤝
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kepleia · 5 years
hasfought replied to your post
or can we talk about the CLs who make fake accounts who are claiming to have things with Bob I’m so tired
fhsjdfhsjdf what???   it’d be laughable if it wasn’t so fuckin ugly and harmful to a real, wonderful person just bc they’re mad over a ship.   some people shouldn’t be allowed access to the internet.
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starfoxrry · 5 years
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phoenixyfriend · 6 years
If canon comes out with information that supports an interpretation of canon that was present earlier but that you, personally, did not subscribe to, then the information is not “coming out of nowhere.” Your interpretation just wasn’t the one the writers were aiming for. There are exceptions (retcons are a thing, obviously), but sometimes... you were just wrong. You can be angry about it but it’s not out of nowhere and it’s not acceptable to talk shit about the people who actually did interpret things right.
Unless they’re talking shit about you for not having the right interp from the start.
Then they’re just being dicks.
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vampireschan-remade · 6 years
Amongst nctzens what's the tea
#okay so#someone made a post without checking sources and so people clarified that they were wrong and ok thats fine- its ok to point out mistakes#and tell ppl to correct them because that's what mistakes are about- learning from them. mistakes are inevitable full offence ??? lmfao#anyway so after that ppl started sending them hate and i just.... like wtf....?????? eugh disgusting behaviour as always!!!! and to me its#nothing new!! and now everyones making these stupid 'omg i have proof of this random rumor' joke posts and its so boring like#get a personality and stop dragging out things that shouldn't be made into jokes in the first place#but that bothers me less than the fucking people who are like 'how hard is it to just check your sources omg you guys are so stupid' bc like#i get it? its an avoidable mistake but like FUCK OFF your high horse?? like you've NEVER made a mistake its just such a toxic mindset#and such ugly toxic behaviour that nctzens CONSTANTLY do and like full offence but its just so boring#they all constantly say that *rmys are bad and annoying but theyre no better...? lmfao.. nctzens care about one thing and one thing only#and thats popularity. this entire fandom cares about being the most popular or the funniest or the best at something- when none of this even#matters... its like they cant stop for a second and think about their actions because they all have to always be the FIRST or the FUNNIEST#or the BEST or the SMARTEST and they dont stop to see how toxic and boring it is to try constantly to outdo every1 around you ????#to cap it ALL off something else i find absolutely annoying about this fandom is its inability to tell the difference between smth they#should actually get mad at and something that doesn't matter or concern them but they somehow get upset over that too?? like grow up and#learn that not every little things deserves to be something to get angry over- stop being fake woke... its just... i dont get it? \#and ok my last point is: nctzens as they are remind me of how i felt in highschool. its so true. its just this big#callout-culture-popularity-contest-fake-woke group of ppl that don't stop to think for 5 seconds before they make a callous post or send#hate to someone who probably doesn't deserve to be hated on for a simple mistake that anyone could've made. like shut the fuck up and stop#its so so so fucking toxic i HATE it#and thats why i'm upset lmfao#idrc what anyone else has to say about this i'm just kinda mad about ppl being childish and dragging things out that don't have to be...?#also also i've lost lke 6 followers bc of that post yet i d c and thats the beauty of knowing that none of this garbage is reAL#sorry that took so long i had to figure out my thoughts.#anon#answered#delete later
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the crows are so much funnier than the fandom give them credit for
here are just SOME of the funniest moments throughout the books
“….you can find your way to Ravka or Matthias’ grandmother’s house for all i care” “leave my grandmother out of this”
obviously the ghost scene
pay someone to pay someone to pay someone to
“you speak Fjerdan about as well as i speak moose” “moose is probably your native tongue”
‘Had they blown up the lab? Kaz had definitely NOT told them to blow up the lab’
The deadpan ‘He had not been shot’
Kaz trying to justify his decision if bringing Wylan along to the rest of the crows: “ i told you, ✨hidden depths✨” “see Jesper, ✨marketable skillz✨”
‘“You all look so young, where are your parents?” Wylan and Jesper burst out laughing’
“This many people having fun in one place might have shocked the Fjerdan right out of you”
Nina trying to bring Kaz back: “The Ice Court, remember? 3 million kruge?” Kaz’s eyes cleared. “4 million”
“You couldn’t look guiltier if you were performing the role of Thief #3 in a penny play on East Stave”
“Who wants to buy i coat in the dead on night?” “Tourists”
“Tiny and Ferocious, just like you”
“Unless you have a unicorn for him to ride away on, there is no scenario that guarantees Kuwei’s safety”
‘They could fake a pregnancy. They couldn’t fake an actual birth. Or maybe they could, he wouldn’t put anything past Kaz at this point”
“He has a very soothing baritone”
‘“I’d prefer a pair of sable-lined swimming trunks, but we can’t always get what we want” A furrow appeared between Kuwei’s brows. His understanding of Kerch had apparently been reached and surpassed’
The Wyvil
Matthias thinking they should just let Nina and Jesper flirt the entirety of Ketterdam into submission
That MASTERPIECE of a scene where Jesper and Kaz have a random petty fistfight, and all the other crows literally move out of the way, and then when Wylan tries to get someone to stop them they just shrug and go ‘I mean they aren’t using their weapons let them fight it out’ and THEN Colm coming him and scolding them and both of them IMMEDIATELY stopping
“Whatever you say, Llewelyn”
Nina’s singing
Wylan and Kaz falling through the ceiling onto Van Eck’s dinner party will ALWAYS be iconic
Kaz’s chapters in general are absolutely HILARIOUS, but my personal favorite is when he’s depending on Matthias Not Betraying them, and he thinks something like this:
‘Either he was right and Matthias’ feeling for Nina would prove enough, or Kaz was about to pay for all those talking tree jokes’
The talking tree jokes in question
The initiation ceremony where the tree teaches you the secret handshake
‘His first thought was that this boy had the most beautiful lips he’d ever seen, and his second was that he was probably about to die’ Wylan honey we’ve got to talk about your priorities
“Is it that bad?” “No, you just have really ugly feet”
That scene at the start of Six of Crows where Van Eck has Kaz tied to a chair and is explaining what he needs, and then is explaining why he needs Kaz specifically, talking about how his De Kappel painting was stolen which is a really impressive feat, while Kaz is vehemently denying that he had anything to do with it although it was obviously him
Wylan being passive aggressive while Jesper is trailing after him trying to apologize for the Kuwei thing
“Can’t we just enter as performers? I hear Wylan really kills it on the flute”
Inej getting Nina’s cookie jar after she gets back and Jesper being offended that he didn’t get to take some
Nina making fun of Kaz’s haircut
“Is my tie straight?”
That’s all I can think of for now, i’m sure there’s more so if you think of something feel free to add on
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I’m genuinely trying to figure out why ppl hate Snape…and I’m not talking about disliking the character, not every character is loved by everyone, but why do people go out of their way to “daily reminder that Severus Snape wasn’t a good person” or “fuck Snape and anyone who likes him”…it’s confusing.
It can’t be because he bullied children because there’s a lot of that going on in the hp series. The Marauders bullied people, Draco bullied people, Minerva traumatized and humiliated Neville, Sirius choked Harry and broke Ron’s leg, and as much as Duds was a lil shit, Hagrid mutated Dudley, a child, when Uncle Vernon insulted Harry's parents and Dumbledore…Hagrid retaliated on Dudley with the pig's-tail jinx. Hagrid later told Harry the spell was a mistake - he actually meant to turn Dudley completely into a pig…tf
Then I thought: Is it because he joined the DE’s? Noooo it can’t be because the vast majority of Snape haters like Regulus Black (canonically obsessed with Voldemort, and was a DE), and the vast majority of the hp fandom makes hella excuses for Draco (who was actually blood prejudice)
Then I was like: it’s because he’s ugly…but nowhere does it say he’s ugly. There’s nothing wrong with having a big nose, and greasy hair can be from a NUMBER of things, not just poor hygiene.
Is it because people don’t like that he isn’t a perfect victim? Naaaahhh, people usually like those unhinged characters who’s trauma haunts them
Is it because of that dumb headcanon that he’s obsessed with Lily? Cause if I’m being honest, Snape wasn’t the one who told her he’d stop torturing her friend if and only if she went out with him…and he isn’t the one who wrote her initials on a snitch as if she’s an object to catch…HES not the one who “made a fool of himself whenever she was around”…
Is it because he called her Mudblood? It better not be, cause pure blood fan-favorite Draco loved that word more than him…and didn’t Kreacher hurl that word around a lot? As if he’s used to using it or used to his owners using it? Interesting…Didnt Snape actually stop someone from saying Mudblood?
“And now Snape stood again in the headmaster's study as Phineas Nigellus came hurrying into his portrait. "Headmaster! They are camping in the Forest of Dean! The Mudblood - " "Do not use that word!"
Thought so…
So what is it?
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