#uglydolls x reader
ixelx · 9 months
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I was messing around with an incorrect quote generator. Most of them are Hellsing x Male reader.
The rest are my ocs, and my Uglydolls x child reader book on Wattpad.
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Hellsing Ultimate:
M/n: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat*
Integra: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents
M/n: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you
Seras: Actually I did the math, Integra would have $225, not $0.15.
Integra: Fam I’m right here....
Alucard: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :)
M/n: while you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please?
Alucard: Sorry I only have a dollar
M/n: :(
Seras: Hey I just realized my friend is right, Integra would have $22,500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent
Alucard: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice
Seras: You can buy anything you want with $22,500
Pip: Yeah and they want soda and apply juice
Seras: Apply juice to what
Walter: Directly to the forehead
Integra: Great chat everyone
Male name]: Good responses for being stabbed with a knife?
Integra: Rude.
Seras: That’s fair.
Alucard: Not again.
Anderson: Are you going to want this back?
[Male name]: Poison is a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses.
Integra: This knife is actually a magic wand.
Seras: Meet me in the Denny’s parking lot for a wizard duel.
Alucard: *cocks gun* Magic missile.
Anderson: What the fuck is wrong with you people.
[Male name]: Bye Integra! Bye Seras! Bye Alucard! Bye Anderson! Bye Integra!
Seras: You said ‘bye Integra’ twice.
[Male name]: I like Integra.
[Male name]: I’ve done a lot of dumb stuff.
Integra: I witnessed the dumb stuff.
Seras: I recorded the dumb stuff.
Alucard: I joined in on the dumb stuff.
Astoria , about Clemontine: Apparently we're getting someone new in the group.
Morizane : Are we stealing them?
Nanako: New or used?
Astoria : Wonderful responses, both of you.
Uglydolls x child reader:
[Name]: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?
Lou: >: O language
Kitty: Yeah watch your fucking language
Tuesday : 'The fuck word'.
Mandy: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time
Kitty: Oh my god they censored it
Tuesday : Say fuck, Mandy.
Kitty: Do it, Mandy.Say fuck.
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker*
[Name]: So.Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.
Lou: ...I did.I broke it.
[Name]: No.No you didn't. Kitty?
Kitty: Don't look at me. Look at Lydia.
Lydia: What ? !I didn't break it.
Kitty: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Lydia: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Kitty: Suspicious.
Lydia: No, it's not!
Mandy: If it matters, probably not, but Tuesday was the last one to use it.
Tuesday : Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Mandy: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Tuesday : I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles.Everyone knows that, Mandy!
Lou: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, [Name].
[Name]: No! Who broke it!?
Mandy: [Name]...Kitty's been awfully quiet.
Kitty: REALLY?!
*Everyone starts arguing*
[Name], being interviewed: I broke it.I burned my hand so I punched it.
[Name]: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.
[Name]: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
That's it. Also...
Please read this. It's literally the only one there (for now)
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mamaspeckles · 9 months
♡ Welcome to my blog ♡
!!Requests are open!!
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To make a request, please read
at least a few of these rules:
Query Sheet:
-The request itself(more details)
-writing format(history; hdecanon)
-Gender (female/male/
-Fandom (if the character is not
from the listed fandoms)
!!please write your queries without slangs and abbreviations!!(for my screen reader)
What I will and will not write!
-Floyd x veneer(had to write this here because I have so many requests for them)
- I won’t write trans characters only because I don’t want to represent anyone wrongly
What I will write!
-Fluffs and soft requests
-Everything you want🩷
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-Trolls (all movies and all characters that are 18+): about mount rageon characters:
-Sally face
-My hero academia
-Evil dead rise
-joost klein
^^You can make requests about other fandoms, I haven’t added all of them that I’m writing for^^
You can write your wishes now!!
Comments either in "Requests!"
I have the right to refuse your request, I don’t explain the reason
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uniqueuglyness · 1 year
Hey guys!
The fanfiction is finally finished, and I hope you guys enjoy because for some reason this took me longer than it was supposed to. 😭 I am sorry if this was released too late, but atleast I kept my word and released it today :D. There will be a part 2 to this as well. Well, actually, it depends if you guys want me to make a part 2, or just continue the story with you own imagination. Let me know! :)
Anyways, enjoy this Lou x Reader fanfic :)
Thinking of you~♡
Your laying on your bed, staring up at the ceiling. Its 9:03 in the morning and you haven't gotten any sleep. You try to pretend that you don't know why, but at the end of the day you cant push away your feelings.
The Institute of Imperfection isn't really known for much romance, but lately you've been wanting that in your life. You have everything you could ever ask for, sure, but you still feel like somethings missing, or someone. Maybe your just overreacting. After all, life couldn't get better than this, right?
You sit up from your bed and groan as you walk in your kitchen, the smell of (Favorite food) filling your nostrils. You open your silky cabinet for some breakfast when you suddenly remember what time it was.
You slowly turn you head towards your clock..(9:06 A.M). Shoot! You forgot you had to meet with Luckybat today. "Dangit, I should've kept track of the time! I have to meet with Lucky in 4 minutes!"
You frantically start freshening up, knowing you have no time to shower. You try your best to make your hair look halfway decent, which end up being a halfway success. You quickly brush your teeth, throw on some decent clothes and scramble out the door.
(Luckybat's house - 9:13 A.M)
Dang, your 3 minutes late.
You hesitantly walk up to his doorstep, then ring the bell. It opens softly, and Luckybat stand there with a smile.
"Ah, (name), you came! The tea was just finished. Oh, and Lou is here too!
"Wait what?" You didn't know he was going to be here. I mean, you didn't have anything against him. You actually had a huge crush on him, in fact. I mean, who doesn't? But that was exactly the problem. Lou, your crush since forever, is here. To make things worse, you don't even look you best.
"Is something wrong?" Lucky asks curiously.
"No, no, everything's fine. Its just.." You lower you voice to just above a whisper.
" I came here to talk about romance, and, well..."
Lucky looks at you confused until a wave of realization hits his face.
"You- ohh.. I get it. Its okay, he's just here for therapy."
"Yeah, but Lucky, how am I supposed to talk to you about romance if me and him are in the same room? I wont be able to focus and I'll stumble over my words."
Luckybat looks at you with a reassuring smile. "Trust me, there is nothing to worry about. You'll be fine."
Luckybat leads you in the room where you see Lou fidgeting with his hands. The moment you step inside the room, both of you make a face with a mix of nervous and shy. Although, he doesn't seem surprised to see you. Lucky must've told him that you were coming already.
Your emotions start scattering everywhere and you suddenly feel like you need some air. Eventually, it becomes clear that somethings wrong. Lou looks directly at you, obviously concerned.
"A-Are you okay?" He asks vaguely. You stare into his beautiful sapphire eyes for a moment, then regain yourself. "Yeah.. yeah I'm fine."
Luckybat looks at the both of you, then clears his throat to speak. "I'll go get the tea." As Luckybat leaves the room, you gather all your courage to say something to the doll on the other side of the room.
The doll looks up at you curiously.
"Do you.. remember me?"
He stares at you for a brief moment, processing what you just asked.
"Of course I do. Your name is (name). Your the one who helped me with my job as a janitor for a full week that one time."
"Haha yeah.."
There is an awkward silence for a moment.
Lou clears his throat.
"So, what are you here for?"
Your cheeks flush a light red. "Uh, I-I'm here for u-um-"
Suddenly, Luckybat walks into the room with an antiquated tea set. He sets the tea set down on the table between you two, then sits on the left side of the table.
"Alright, Lou, let's start with you. Let's try something simple. What do you like to do in your free time?"
"Well, I like to.. um... actually, I'm not sure."
"Okay then, do you like singing, or dancing more?"
Lou takes a second to respond. "I think I like.."
As he keeps talking, you cant help but notice how cute he looks. He's just so.. perfect. There is not nearly enough words to describe how you feel about him. Soon you find yourself staring, and so does he.
"And also..." He stares at you awkwardly, but that awkwardness quickly turns into a glimmer in his eyes, his cheeks glowing red.
Now your both staring at eachother. Each of you have that same glimmer in your eyes. A glimmer that feels like you've known eachother forever.
Luckybats eyes are slightly widened and he briefly glances at the both of you. He then again clears his throat, this time being louder than the first. "Okay, well it seems like Lou is finished. Now for you, (name). Why do you feel that you need romance in your life?"
Lou suddenly looks at Luckybat confused, his attention obviously caught.
"W-Well um..."
You start to get clearly nervous. Clear enough for Lucky to notice.
"Nevermind, scratch that. How would you like to start?" Lucky gives you a smile and you smile back softly.
"Well, I'd like to first of say that..." you keep talking with Luckybat until he moves back to Lou for a while, then back to you. Eventually, the session with Lucky is over for you and Lou. You both wave him goodbye as you and Lou awkwardly stand beside eachother.
You decide to say something to break the silence.
"So, what are you gonna do now?"
"Uh, yknow, just walk home.. heh.. What about you?"
"Same thing eheh.." You both laugh dryly and awkwardly, but then Lou straightens up.
"I better head home. It was nice seeing you again." Lou puts on a genuine, soft smile as he turns away and starts walking.
As he's walking, you think back to the moment when you and him were in that room, glimmering sapphire eyes gazing into yours. It felt like time was frozen, and all that mattered was him. You know in your heart that you can't just pretend that nothing happend.
He turns back to you, a tired, but friendly look on his face. Its almost enough to make you blush, but you hold yourself together.
"About that moment in the room..." You decide not to be straightforward, and take it slow. You softly sigh and continue talking.
"Is there anything you want to talk about?"
He hesitates shyly, but seemingly gains courage to talk.
"Actually, there is something I want to talk to you about."
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adolph649 · 5 months
Hey! (Sorry 4 my bad english)
🇬🇧This post is to show y'all the fandoms I'm in and in case you want a request for x character/reader or character/character
🇪🇦Esta publicación es para mostrarles a todos los fandoms en los que estoy y en caso de que quieran pedirne que escriba x personaje/lector o personaje/personaje.
🇬🇧⚠️Before starting with my long list of fandoms.
🇪🇦⚠️Antes de comenzar con mi larga lista de fandoms.
🇬🇧I want to say that Hazbin Hotel is a fandom that you can request me, thanks to the fact that I was a big fan when the pilot came out even though I watched series 🏴‍☠️, but let me tell you that I DO NOT support the creator. I will probably ONLY write about it if yall ask me to.
🇪🇦Quiero decir que Hazbin Hotel es un fandom que me pueden solicitar, gracias a que era un gran fan cuando salió el piloto, y de que vi la serie 🏴‍☠️, pero déjenme decirles que NO apoyo el creador. Probablemente SÓLO escribiré sobre la serie si me lo pedís.
🇬🇧Now with the list♡:
🇪🇦 Ahora con la lista♡:
1 Unicorn Wars
2 Heathers
3 Lorax
4 Tangled the series
5 The owl house
6 Gravity Falls
7 Amphibia
8 Little witch academia
9 Kid cosmic
10 Kimetsu no Yaiba
11 Re-animator
12 Camp Camp
13 Hanako-kun
14 Diabolik lovers
15 Bee & Puppycat
16 Takopis original sin
17 Hilda
18 Carmen sandiego
19 Melanie martinez
20 Harry Potter
21 She-ra
22 Uglydolls
23 Mphfpc
24 Dirk gently
25 Kill la kill
26 Danganrompa v1
27 Studio Ghibli
28 Madoka magica
29 Shimanami Tasogare
30 Blood soup
31 Ephemeral
32 Moonlight lovers
33 Mad Father
34 Ib
35 Wicht house
36 Mogeko castle
37 El coleccionista de demonios
38 Adventure time
39 the willoughbys
40 The amazing digital circus
41 The promised neverland
42 Over the garden wall
45 Liar liar
46 La princesa sofia
47 The hunger games
48 Marionetta
49 Hooky
50 Scott pilgrim
51 Evangelion
52 Six
53 Hamilton
54 Big bang theory
55 Trolls
56 Crimen en el paraíso/Death in paradise
57 Centaurworld
58 jelly jamm
59 mean girls
60 the ancient magus bride
61 Futbolísimos
62 arcane
63 my little pony
64 sakura card captor
65 Hoppscotch
66 Agatha Mistery
67 Avatar the last airbender
68 el príncipe de la niebla
69 marina
70 kipo
71 mimes and clowns (webtoon)
72 school busca graveyard
73 The leyend of korra
74 Mentira (libro)
75 Creepypastas
🇬🇧I will surely add more fandoms over time. / 🇪🇦Seguramente añadiré mas fandoms con el tiempo
🇬🇧What I will write:
- Character x Reader
- Character x Character (some ships are not allowed)
- platonic relationships
- hcs
- one-shots
🇪🇦Lo que escribiré:
- Personaje x Lector
- Personaje x Personaje (algunos ships no están permitidos)
- relaciones platónicas
- hcs
- one-shots
🇬🇧What I will NOT write:
- romantic big age-gaps ships
- comships in general
🇪🇦Lo que NO escribiré:
- ships románticos con grandes diferencias de edad
- ships de comships/proships en general
🇬🇧Examples of how to request:
- "Hi! Can I get hcs of *character*(fandom) with a S/O with male pronoums who likes shiny things?"
- "Can I request a one-shot of *character 1* who sees *character 2* as a sibling"
- "Hey, can you write *character*, *character* and *character* with an S/O with female pronoums pls?"
- "Can I get *Character* dating hcs? With GN reader pls
🇪🇦Ejemplos de cómo solicitar:
- "¡Hola! ¿Puedes hacer hcs de *personaje*(fandom) con un S/O con pronombres masculinos al que le gustan las cosas brillantes?"
- "¿Puedo solicitar un one-shot de *personaje 1* que ve a *personaje 2* como un hermano"
- "¿Puedo obtener hcs de citas con *Personajes*? Con el lector GN, por favor
🇬🇧I would like to tell you that this is my first time writing and that please be a little patient with me, I hope I can learn from this experience and if you have tips to tell me, don't be shy!
🇪🇦Me gustaría deciros que esta es mi primera vez escribiendo y que por favor tengais un poco de paciencia conmigo, espero poder aprender de esta experiencia y si teneis tips que decirme no os cortéis!
🇬🇧Unfortunately it won't let me add more than 30 # :(
🇪🇦Desgraciadamente no me deja de poner mas de 30 # :(
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goldivasworld · 9 months
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Hello, my name is (I don’t have one) and I’m a new Fanfic Writer, I write for lots of cartoons all above age, even tho I don’t really know how to write NSFW.
My writing include, trolls (all movies), qubo, an old tv channel I used to watch (all shows), tdi (all seasons), uglydolls (just rewatched and fell in love), an other things.
I also write on Character AI under the user name of Goldivaismyname, I can write anything but I’m not accepting request because I’m trying to finish up my finals I’m only making this so y’all will know I’ll try to post.
Thank y’all for reading and I hope y’all enjoy whatever or whenever I post (also I mostly write for Oc or X readers)
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alison-anonymous · 5 years
second chances pt. 3 ♡ lou
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Second Chances Part 3  ♡ Lou Imagine
Requested: Yes, thank you @dorkqueen1 and @ricksanchezxmypitifulself for asking for this continuation of the Second Chances fic for Lou from Uglydolls! 
Warnings: FLUFF, some bullying and harrassment
♡ ♡ ♡
       You were on cloud nine. 
       Only mere hours ago, you had scored yourself a date with the one doll you had been in love with for years. Or maybe months, the whole time thing was sort of weird around here. Anyways, nothing could knock down your mood now that you knew you were going to get to go out with Lou. That out of all of the dolls in Imperfection, he had chosen you. It amazed you how someone as perfect as Lou could ever find something to love in someone like... well, you (a/n: YOU ARE PERFECT THE WAY YOU ARE). 
       As you went about the rest of your day at work, it didn’t take too long to see some of your coworkers giving you rude looks or even death stares. Normally you would have wondered what their problem was but due to the rumors spreading around that not only were you and Lou together, but that you had slept together, it was kind of a no brainer. But nothing could knock you down from the big horse named Happiness you were riding on right now. As you went about your day, you couldn’t help but relive some of the moments you spent at the Institute. The time where you got lost and Lou had to pick you up in his limo, the very first time the two of you met, listening to him sing for the first time. 
       It was insane that so much time had passed since then and yet the feelings that you had for him were still the same, if not stronger now. How every single word he spoke to you, every time he even looked at you made your stomach feel like making you puke up rainbows and cupcakes. How you got all light headed around him and everything he did seemed like the most amazing thing on earth. How he occupied every single thought in your head and how every time you thought of him, your face would threaten to set on fire if the heat in your cheeks got any warmer. 
       It was safe to say that you were in love with him. 
       And lucky for you, your date came before you even knew it. The thing about Lou is that he is a sucker for romance. Behind all of the charisma and flirtation, he is actually a big sucker for the big romantic gestures. And even better? He’s pretty awesome at executing them. The thing is is that he only ever stretches his limbs on these gestures for dolls that he really cares about, dolls that he thinks are actually going to be worth his time of day. 
       And that doll was you.
      The date began with a blindfold (or that glittery pink scarf from your closet that you never wore). There had been a lot of nervous giggling as you allowed Lou, who you warned him that you were trusting him completely, to lead you to the place where your date would take place. It was a little bit of a walk filled with playful banter and you trying to guess where he was taking you. Finally, he took off your blindfold to see that you were on top of the cliff that looked upon the old village of Uglyville. 
       It had a perfect view of the sunset and was the absolute best spot for those who needed some alone time. As your mouth nearly dropped to the fabric ground, you took in the rest of the scene before you and noticed that he had also set up the most romantic red-themed picnic you had ever seen filled with all of your favorite foods. You turned to him only to see his eyes already set on you and gave him a sly grin. 
       “How did you know what foods I liked?” You asked. He simply shrugged, but a smirk played across his lips as he made his way over to the food and motioned for you to follow. 
       “I have my ways. A good boyfriend never reveals his secrets.”
       You froze with (favorite food) halfway to your mouth. Did he just say what you think he said? “Oh, boyfriend now, huh?” 
       His chivalrous facade seemed to falter for a bit as his adorable flustered self showed, his face turning a light shade of pink and his eyes widening. “I-I mean, it came out wrong- I mean I do, but I-”
      “Lou,” you chuckled, enjoying how you had such a strong effect on him. “It’s okay. I... like you too.” 
       A huge grin broke out across his face, making you think of a child on Christmas Day. As time went on, you both ate and talked and had one of the most amazing times you had ever had as you watched the sun set over the waters. Lou was so easy to talk to that you barely even had to think about what to say next because you were already saying it. You didn’t even notice the decreasing distance between the two of you as you scooted closer to one another until you were both practically sandwiched together. However, just as the night was about to come to a close, a sudden boom of thunder cracked over the sky. 
       Your heads shot up to look into the dark clouds and it wasn’t a second later that rain began coming down. The cool rain felt good on your warm skin and it was quite refreshing since it hadn’t rained in quite a while. You were about to stand up in order to take shelter when suddenly Lou beat you to it, already shouldering off his jacket. You were about to tell him that there was no need when he suddenly threw it not over your shoulders, but over your head. 
       “Lou!” You giggled, letting out a shriek as he suddenly picked you up by the waist and slung you into his arms, bridal style. You could hear his laughter as he began sprinting into a direction of what you assumed was shelter.
       “I have to protect you!” You heard him yell over the rain hitting the pavement and rustling the trees. You were probably going to get some wicked abs from all of the laughing you did as it seemed like a long time before he finally set you down and removed the blanket from your head. It took a moment for your eyes to adjust and you finally realized that you were standing outside your house on the patio. You took in Lou’s form and noticed how out of breath he looked, with water droplets dangling from his yellow yarn hair and dripping into his eyes, his nose a bright pink from the cold. 
       “My hero,” you giggled, stealing his jacket once more and pulling it around your shoulders as you shuddered from the cold. He chuckled, but then grew serious for a moment, his mouth forming a line as he stared at you. Before you had a chance to ask him what was wrong, he beat you to it.
       “Did you, um... did you mean what you said?” You were shocked to hear how timid his voice sounded, like he was afraid to ask. His blue orbs looked into yours filled with nothing but sincerity and maybe even worry. It broke your heart to see him so nervous. 
      “About what?” You asked. 
      “About... liking me back,” he laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck. Your heart began to pound inside your chest as the butterflies began fangirling inside of your stomach. And in the heat of the moment and the mood that the rain set and the feeling in your gut just screaming that this was right and that Lou was your sun, you offered him a small smile, stood up on your tip toes, and pressed your lips against his. 
♡ ♡ ♡
       “So, how’d it go?” Lydia asked you, swirling her tea bag around in her cup. “We need all the juicy details!” 
       It was your weekly tea and gossip meeting with your girlfriends and as usual, the hot topic of gossip was between you and Lou. You felt your face grow warm as you recalled the events of last night and more importantly the events of this morning when you had just been about to leave for the day and Lou surprised you with a kiss. Cheers erupted from your friends as they watched you try to regain your confidence. 
       “It was insanely romantic,” you giggled, proceeding to tell them every detail about the fantastical night, including the storm and him picking you up and carrying you back home. “And I also, might have, just a little bit... kissed him.”
       That was when the screaming began. All four of them rose out of their seats and ran to you, encircling you in a ginormous group hug. You couldn’t help but laugh at their reactions and savor the warmth of their embrace. At least you had some amazing friends to share about your romance with. 
        “Nice to know you’re a traitor, Y/n,” a voice suddenly chimed in. Your eyes zapped open to see Megan, a lawyer with bright purple hair and a cold stare. She snorted once she realized she had caught your attention. “But love trumps justice, right?” 
        Oh, dear.
♡ ♡ ♡
To be continued? Let me know in the comments if you want a continuation after Flawsome Bandits is finished because I’ve got some plans for this one ♡
♡ a.a.
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ongit0 · 3 years
The Perfect Underdog
Lou x Doll Gn!Reader
Dolls are prized possessions through the early stages of childhood. You grow attached to them, make them seem as if they have sentient feelings and somehow project to them. You latch onto them and soon, you keep them in early adulthood and even further beyond in your home. The connection of the object is almost a feeling of home.
Perfection was — no, — is everything to a doll. To be kept and loved by a human counterpart and hopefully to taken good care of and maybe even taken later in their lives. It was as if humans were their soulmates.
But what if so many children were after a specific doll, a doll not so perfect and had some flaws similar to them. A custom made doll just for them. This doll was made to not be perfect, to be something the children can look at and adore as a miniature friend or a smaller version of themselves.
Despite their features and being ridiculed by the others who’s flaws were no where to be found, one thing separates them from the others — they were one time flings while (y/n) was vastly produced. Knowing the old routine, (y/n) couldn’t bare the thought of being handed again to another child. Each time they were created, they knew what fate every doll would go through. Now hidden in the shadows to repair other dolls into perfection, (y/n) was only spoken about when a doll was in desperate need for a human friend.
Of course, no one could find the doctor unless they could convince Lou into guiding them to the lair of the doctor’s sweet and humble abode which was practically living underground hidden in one of the homes.
(Y/n) was over worked with heaps and piles of dolls to allow specific surgeries on, perfecting them. Sure avoiding messes and caring for the child were such simple tasks but the hard part was their beauty.
° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °
A doll stood before the regular looking home, taking a deep breath before pressing their soft plush hands on the doorknob. They hesitated and turned around to face the blonde that lead them there.
“Go on, they don’t bite.” The blonde have a grin, almost hiding true intentions.
The female doll sighed as they twisted the knob.
Slowly slowing the door to swing open before stepping inside. A normal home. Just several large grandfather clocks, shelves of books and a small box that had several locks that can be easily flicked open.
They approached the box, brushing their purple curls from their face. Their fingers grazed over the box, opening the first lock. They gasped and held back their scream when the box became undone, popping a serial number stamped on a ticket. They pulled on the ticket, reading their number to themselves. Nothing? They turned to the front door only to see the blonde man was gone from sight. “Lou?” She whimpered, taking a step to the door. The floor opened a hatch, allowing the doll to fall through and land and slide down a dimly lit spiral hall.
They held themselves, going down a spiral slide. They gasped as they sat on a chair with several other chairs, almost a waiting room. The massive hospital doors swung open, revealing a disheveled doll. Their hair was horribly un maintained, strands and frizz sticking out. Their eyes were half lid with dark circles underneath. They had the standard uniform but with pants they have never seen before that met half way on their calves. Why would they wear boots? Their lab coat had strange of cotton and threads. We’re those the other dolls?
“017?” They called. The doll’s eyes widened, having their number announced. They skipped through the double doors that opened for them.
Gloves were slapped on their wrist as the doll laid on the fallen chair, staring up at the large light above. “So, you want the acute nose everyone has been asking for lately. Hm, and removal of all blemishes. Those are such minor issues but my job is to not judge. My job is to just make you perfect for all kids out there.” The doll said, kicking a few stepping stairs to a wall, climbing up and grabbed a bottle from the top shelves.
The doll bit their lips, unsure what would happen to them. The trusted Lou with their whole life so how could he leave them to a stranger’s hands?
“So, am I the 17th patient of the day?” The girl asked, having a thin sheet of cloth wrapped around their neck and covered their body. “Yes. All my patients came out as they desired. Nothing to be scared. You’ll be perfect enough to pass with ease.” The doll said as they placed on a mask, their eyes squinting as if they smile.
This smile was unseen but already seemed so sweet and genuine. “Ready, 017?”
With a few napkin pressed against their nose the doll was unconscious in a few minutes. The doll sighed, grabbing a hold of what seemed like a pen but with a deep red light. Just a click of a button and the blemishes would disappear.
° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °
Hours were spent perfecting the doll.
The (h/c) haired doll grabbed a hold of antique looking threading scissors and with a tight squeeze, fixed the stitching on the dolls nose. No seams were visible, as if there was nothing fixed but such changes were visible. The doll hummed, waking up as soon as the cloth around their neck was removed.
“There’s no way a child wouldn’t want you after that.” The doll said, sweeping the floor around the doll. They were about to touch their nose until they noticed the hand mirror beside them and took a glance at themselves. They couldn’t stop staring at themselves, turning their head in all directions to take a better look of their beautiful face.
They yelled of excitement, skipping out the house with several thank you’s rambled off.
The doll sighed, shutting their front door and ascending down through a plateau. They scratched the back of their shoulder, revisiting their desk that was littered with papers and images of dolls that waited for their own schedule appointments. All wanted a new change of hair, maybe even a new eye. Some wanted to be much taller and some needed new stuffing after being some what old. All these dolls were begging and needed a new set of items that were disturbing to find.
They sighed, heading their kitchen where they warmed up a kettle. While it gave a small hiss from the kettle the doll removed their coat to the coat rack. They passed by a photo of a doll with the most beautiful (h/c) (h/s) hair they could laid eyes on. Their eyes were almost glassy and (e/c) which were captivating to stare at. Their smile in the photo was something a child would hold when having a new toy. The pink on their cheek was slightly spread evenly from their ears and cheek bones. Their lips were almost heart shaped at the top with a slight tint to them that made them perfect. Everything on the doll was absolutely beautiful. Their lashes were slightly longer than the other dolls they have seen or ever will see. Her eyelids were painted a beautiful and slightly darker shade of their skin.
The doll was pure perfection. They were what models wished they could have naturally. Next to them was a male doll with thick blonde hair parted to the side. His charming grin allowed his perfect white teeth to gleam through. The two were framed with either gold or ribbons.
The doll sighed, facing the (h/c) haired doll’s photo to the table. “Like I’ll ever do that again.”
They yelped at the sound of knocking on the door. They gave a groan as they answered, “I’m closed for tonight. Come back tomorrow at 8.” They sighed, their forgotten kettle of coffee hissed louder.
“What? You’re closing out now? But it’s so early?” A male voice on the other side pretended to whine. The all too familiar voice snuck into the doll’s memories which made them rush to open the door.
The blonde from the photo has not changed at all. “Lou? It’s late as hell-“ “Language.” He welcomed himself inside and scanned the home. “I’m sorry. I meant, aren’t you busy welcoming the new dolls?” (Y/n) said, peeking around the corners to check if anyone could have potentially followed him. They shut the door. They turned to see the man glanced at the photo they placed facing down. They frowned. “Well, they can make themselves at home for the short time. They come and go so much I stopped caring.” He took in the sight of the doll.
“Ah, I’m making coffee. Would you like a cup?” (Y/n) offered, hoping the man who’s drop the photo. “No, i just came here for business.” Lou said, not averting his eyes from the photo. It almost as if he was mounting or held grief. (Y/n) sighed. “How many dolls have you fixed today?” Lou said, setting the photo frame beside his own photo.
“17.” They whispered, almost regretting being honest to the male as they poured a cup of coffee for themselves.
The man stayed silent. Those silent are the worst to be surrounded by. The man smacked his lips and walked over to (y/n). “Decent amount.” It was silent once again.
“It’s been a long since I’ve last seen you like how you came out the factory.” Lou sighed. “Yeah well, I was tired of being sold so many times. I’m more of use here.” (Y/n) shrugged and took a sip of their coffee after adding any condiments to their liking.
“Maybe one day that doll will come back.” Lou sighed dramatically, pouting before quickly turning into a mischievous grin. “Only in a kid’s dream will I go back at those shelves. For now, I’m staying here.” (Y/n) sat at their table with Lou swiftly sat across from them.
“The Gauntlet is in a week. How many dolls are getting through the tests?” (Y/n) asked, carrying their head in their hand. “124.” Lou hummed, shaking his hand side to side as if e was estimating. “Out of those numbers probably 16 of those dolls will need surgery.” (Y/n) sighed as they already estimated what flaws they would need fixing. “Exactly. But, I came here for another reason besides business.” Lou clasped his hands together. (Y/n) raised their eyebrows. “Go on?”
The blonde took a deep breath.
“(Y/n) it’s been how many years since you’ve been at my side up at the podium with the other 4 ladies? Sure they are somewhat of good help yet they just, hm…” He searched for a word to get (y/n) back in action. “No as effective?”
“No no, it’s just it hasn’t been the same. Why don’t you join me at greeting the new dolls? They need more than just their idol and the 4 girls back there. I mean, sure they look okay but we need more than okay looking dolls.” Lou batted his eyes, hoping to get (y/n)’s attention.
They sighed. “I guess,” They shrugged. “I’ll give being pretty a try again.” Lou’s eyes widened, believing he got his way so easily.
“But just know I’m only doing this because 1. 16 people is the lowest clients I’ve done. 2. I need my credit from how dolls get perfect because everyone knows they get themselves done by someone else. And three.” They gave soft smile to Lou. “You’re my friend and I won’t reject any idea of yours. You’re the one taking care of all these dolls. I’ve never said it before because I’ve been so busy but, you’re really sweet to stay here and help them out.” The doctor noted out, leaning on their arm that rested on the table.
Lou scoffed. “I can’t be selfish and hold my secrets of perfection.” (Y/n) set down their empty coffee cup and tapped their finger tips on the table. “So, starting tomorrow is the training for the Gauntlet. Are you gonna go for a run, (y/n)?”
(Y/n) scoffed. “Now why would I do that? I’d be leaving my best friend behind.” Lou got up from his seat and leaped to (y/n)’s side hugging the slightly jittery doctor. “I knew you’d come around. I mean, who wouldn’t listen to me and my sweet self~?” (Y/n) sighed, almost afraid to hug the perfect man.
It was terrifying how a man like him even dared be their friend. Especially as they looked as disheveled as they are now. They were beyond hideous in everyone’s standards.
Part 2??
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xxntiimulti · 4 years
𝐚 𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫: 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤 𝘭𝘰𝘶 𝘹 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝘭𝘰𝘶 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘢 𝘴𝘰𝘤𝘬 𝘱𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘤𝘦𝘧𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘪𝘨 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥. 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘴 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘶𝘱.
𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: 𝘬𝘪𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘺 𝘣𝘦 𝘢 𝘣𝘪𝘵 𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘺
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"That's it!" Lou shouted. "I'm not going to continue being treated like this. Less than a sock puppet!"
After being washed much to his displeasure the dolls of Uglyville punished him to do cleaning duty for the rest of his life. He couldn't waste more perfection to go to waste.
He threw the mop inside the closet and locked it up with the rest of cleaning supplies. Lou smirked in victory, already imagining of the day when a child picks him up and plays with him in a tea party.
And that is exactly what y/n was thinking in her room.
Her birthday was in a couple of hours and guests were already waiting for her in the living room. Despite being the daughter of the man who owns the doll factory she was a bit reserved.
She sigh and walked downstairs with her white dress trailing down the stairs. y/n made her way to her mom who fixed her princess tiara.
"Now honey, you could go play with the children over there." Her mother pointed at another room where kids ran all over with their dolls.
y/n nodded trying her best to jog and not fall face flat. She entered the room seeing kids look at her for a moment before saying, "Happy Birthday y/n!"
She smiled in return and thanked them. "Sit over here!" A girl yelled at her. y/n sat next to her with other girls and boys in a table.
They all took out their dolls placing them in the table. Some where perfect and others mismatched. y/n could only guess her dad started doing another line of dolls, ugly dolls.
She had to admit though. The ugly dolls were cute and funny, but she knew if she was still a young toddler she would have toss those in the trash.
"Ew." y/n grimaced a bit when looking at a doll that had an eye ripped. The kids stared at her confused. "What?" A boy asked.
y/n pointed at his ugly doll. "Your doll is ripped." She said. "And it's stuffed is coming out."
The boy chuckled a bit stuffing the stuff back. "I know." He replied. "I got it like this and I love it."
She nodded in understandment and settled the table for a tea party. "Well let's play."
Each kid grabbed a tea cup for themselves and their doll. "Do you have a doll?" The girl next to her asked.
y/n shook her head no. "Dad hasn't bought me one, yet. He said he is going to get me the perfect doll one of these days so I'm alright."
"Wonder which one would be." The girl said dreamily. "Mom got me this ugly doll. Not the one I wanted, but it is enough."
"Yeah, well I got this perfect one." A girl from the other side of the showed off her doll.
The doll was indeed pretty. Perfect hair, eyes and perfect everything.
"Which one would you want?" A boy named Bryce whispered at her. "A perfect doll or ugly doll? I prefer a perfect one." He showed her his doll.
y/n bit her lip thinking. "Maybe a perfect one. Afterall, they do look good to be kept forever."
A knock was heard and the door opened. "Where's my princess?!" The dad exclaimed in happiness.
"Dad!" y/n stood up and ran to him. He picked her up and kissed her forehead. "Just wait a couple of three hours and we would start opening your presents."
y/n grinned hugging him. "Now who wants to break the piñata?!" He lowered her down as the kids started jumping and running outside.
Lou tip toed closer to the Gauntlet. He had almost got caught two times. For the last couple of two hours and a half he prepared himself with different plans.
He already knew what to do if he got rejected. It was just too risky. He'll have to get chased by a doll and be pushed with it to the big world.
"You got this." Lou prepped himself. "It's either try or be force to be cleaned again. This is my game, all mine."
He sigh and started running to the big world. '𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘯! 𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘮𝘦!'
"Look!" Lou cheered inside, but outside he was panting. "Lou is trying to escape!"
"Catch him!" Some doll shouted. "On it."
Lou look behind him seeing ugly dolls chasing him. "Ha! Try to get me." He stuck out his tongue and continued to run.
"He can't pass though." A doll pointed out. "Why chase him?!"
He clicked his toungue and continued to dodge the dolls trying to tackle him. "Wait, Lou!" He heard Ox yell at him. "Lou! Brother!" Lou frowned. He climbed up to a building seeing Ox.
"I'm not your brother!" He shouted.
"Lou, please." Ox pleaded. "Think about it. You can't pass. You'll be thrown back." Lou scoffed. "Shut it! You don't know how it feels knowing you are not deserved of love from both dolls and child."
Lou ran straight to the portal, but just like he thought, he got thrown back. He grunted in pain and ran again straight ahead.
He lost count how many times he did it till a ugly doll tackled him. "Get off, you good for nothing doll!"
Lou wanted to shout more his frustration. Tears prickled in his eyes, but he refused. He refused being thrown back to the washing machine and to cleaning duties.
He stood up again and with one last try he ran with the ugly doll chasing him. "This is it." Lou muttered.
The doll tackled him and they managed to get pass the portal to the big world. Pure white blinded them both making the ugly doll let go of Lou to cover its eye.
Then it turned black.
Lou blinked once, twice maybe five times. He felt dizzy and tried to sit up, but was met with a thump.
He reached for the top and that is when he noticed that he was inside a box. Lou placed his ear to a side of the box hearing children run and laugh.
Adults cheering, the sound of music and again children laughing.
Lou layed down with a smile plastered in his face. He closed his eyes and sigh in relief. "I did it."
He could only hope that the kid would love him.
y/n was bending down trying to get as much candy as possible. Her dress covered a lot of area giving her advantage to get more, but some kids did have the audacity to reach under her dress to steal candy.
The adults laughed giving pats to their kids that holded bags of candies. y/n stood up smiling at her bag of candies.
She grinned feeling a heavy weight. y/n peeked inside seeing a bunch of chips, lollipops, ring pops, and much more. She knew the candies would last only for a week, since she'll eat them all probably in three days.
"Who is ready for cake?" Her mom sang bringing in the spoons and plates with a chef following her behind holding a big cake.
The children ran to the front trying to see the decoration. It was an ice cream cake filled with what seemed an enchanted forest decorations. Fairies, elves, toy trees and much more.
"It's so beautiful." y/n gushed trying to get a bit of the ice cream. "Not yet honey." Her mom holded her wrist.
"Let's all sing happy birthday to our little birthday girl." She squealed placing the number ten candle and lighting it up.
Everybody sang with y/n flushing a bit at the attention she was given. After the song, she took a bite of the cake, but a boy managed to push her head.
"Hey!" She shouted with cake all over her face. y/n licked her lips tasting the cake. "Delicious."
Her mom cleaned her face as her dad and the chef passed pieces of cake to the guests. "In twenty minutes you'll start opening your presents." Her dad reminded her.
y/n made sure to remember as she went to play with the kids that didn't get cake cause they didn't want it.
"If you get your doll today you could play with me." Bryce told her. "I'm sure Trixie would want a friend."
"I thought boys got only the boy dolls not the girls." She said in a curious tone.
Bryce shrugged placing Trixie in a chair. "Mom gave it to me when I was born. They thought I'll be a girl since they didn't want to check for my gender till I was born. So now I have Trixie, I love her though."
y/n nodded with her mind a bit clearer. "I really do like her too." She said.
"Thanks. Many kids think I'm a girl because carrying her means I'm that. Honestly, I just thinks dolls should be played with despite what you are." Bryce replied.
Couple of minutes till her dad yelled for her. "Time to open the presents." y/n sat down in the carpet with the kids following making a circle — their dolls sat in their lap.
"Mine first!" A girl proudly said bringing her gift to the center. y/n dragged it towards her and opened it carefully.
She took out the green bow and unwrapped it. y/n smiled seeing that she got a set of slime or the ingredients to do it and instructions.
"Thank you Linda." She looked at the girl who was smiling at her too. "I love it."
Presents after presents she opened. Clothes, more tea sets, Bryce even gave her a set of video games. She loved them all, but two more gifts were still ready to be open.
y/n got the one that was from a girl named Ulices who left early due to her parents having to go to another party.
The wrapping paper was mismatched and the bow was bright red. She opened it and took out what was inside it.
An ugly doll. y/n stared at for a bit. It had only one eye, one small arm and it was smiling. She smiled at it and placed it back inside the box.
"That is my new set of dolls." Her dad showed off taking the doll from the box. "Ugly dolls is what there called and they are selling like hot cakes."
Lou who was still inside the box heard what the man said. "So that's my creator." He whispered in desbelief. "I'm going to be given to the child of him and he already got that doll."
Though what he heard next left him satisfied. "Dad I'll just place him back inside the box. He looks like he needs a bit of fixing in the arm."
A girl. He was going to be given to a girl. Lou started imagining of her placing him in the swings, talking to him and see her grow up.
He felt his box be lifted making him go still.
"The last present is from me to my daughter. As I haven't given her the perfect doll, so happy birthday dear." He pecked her in the cheek as y/n reached for it.
The box was decorated with yellow, blue and with a black bow. She undid the bow first. It fell then she unwrapped the wrapping paper and it showed a white box. y/n took of the lid, placing it next to the box.
She gave the biggest smile of the day lifting the doll up. y/n didn't even took notice of the horror struck face of her dad.
Lou stared at the girl who holded him. He was turned back and felt the girl read his name tag. "Louis or Lou." She whispered. She turned him over again.
"Your name is Lou." She brushed his blond locks. "I'm y/n."
He then felt the most beautiful thing ever. A hug. Lou didn't care if he was being crushed by the girl. It just showed her love for him already.
He wanted to hug back, but he refrained from it. Lou would have more chances in the future.
"Look!" She showed him to the rest of the children. "I've got my doll! We could play tea now."
The fun didn't last when her dad yanked the doll from her. Lou refrained himself from gasping in horror.
"What is the prototype doing here?!" He exclaimed. "No, no, no, no, no, I'm sorry dear, but this isn't a doll."
y/n frowned standing up. "He is and he is mine. Lou is my doll. You gave it to me."
"I'll give you another one as perfect as this one." He scrambled. "Plus, you have your ugly doll there."
She looked at the box that the ugly doll was in. "I don't want that one or maybe I do, but Lou is perfect, he's pretty and a bit better."
Her mom whispered to her dad and Lou was clenching in his inner thoughts. 'So close, but so far.' He complained. 'I can't be thrown back.'
It was like if someone listened to his prayers because the next thing he knew — he was crushed again in a hug.
"Thanks dad." y/n muttered hugging Lou tighter than ever. "I love you, Lou."
Lou enjoyed the moment trying not to close his eyes. y/n holded him a more gently and turned to her friends.
"Tea party now everyone!" She exclaimed.
Both couldn't be happier than ever. They just enjoyed each other.
y/n finally got her doll and Lou finally got his child.
Part two?
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roxybefab · 5 years
Dating Lou would include;
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You’re pretty much the only doll he’ll consider absolutely perfect
Maybe even a bit more than him
Keyword, maybe
He will not let anyone mistreat you in any way and doesn’t care if he’s friends or not with the person
Once they hurt his baby they will wish they were never made
He loves to play with your hair, styling it and playing with it
He also likes it if you play with his
Mess with it, play with it, style it
He loves it
His hand is a l w a y s on you somehow
Whether he has his hand on your waist or holding your own
He’s a romantic so he’ll be doing the most cliche things ever
Also happens to like using pick up lines
They’re really bad
“Did it hurt?”
“Let me guess. When I fell from heaven?”
“Nah. When you fell for me, gorgeous.”
He spoils you a lot, always bringing you sweets or flowers
He also picks you up in his limo
Other dolls, male and female, are really damn jelly of you because you’re amazing and Lou prefers you over them
You two often have sleepovers and just gossip over the most random things
He gets jealous surprisingly easy, not because some doll is good looking but because you’re paying lots of attention to them
When the Gauntlet scene happens and it’s revealed that he’s a prototype, he freaks out
He’s scared that you won’t love him anymore because he isn’t a real doll
You also happened to save him from being recycled or torn apart, making the dolls decide to just put him in the wash
You’re mad at him for a while, not speaking to him or even looking at him
And he apologizes and explains everything
Even going as far as to breaking down in front of you, sobbing that he loves you and he doesn’t want to lose the only thing that loved him
It honestly broke your heart
He just wants to be loved by someone and not be left behind
So you stay with him
And he appreciates everything you do for him
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uniqueuglyness · 1 year
Guys I know I said that I would make a fanfic in 3 days last month... 😭 there is really no good way to end that sentence 😭 but I just want you guys to know that my schedule is brutal so I might be late to some things. Let's just say the fanfiction is "Coming Soon" lol. But the main reason I posted this is to get your opinions on which storyline I should post.
I know this is a bit random lol, but trust me, it helps me out a lot to know what stories you guys prefer because to be honest, sometimes I don't know what to write at all. Like 50% of the time, my mind is in shambles. So it would really help me out! (You don't have to vote if you don't want to)
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uniqueuglyness · 1 year
Hey guys!
So I just wanted to let you know that I'm no longer busy (temporary).
That being said, I can safely say that the fanfiction will be released tomorrow :3
Please forgive me if it took long 😭
Hopefully it was worth the wait :)
Anyway, just wanted to give an update!
See yall tomorrow <3 ✨
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alison-anonymous · 5 years
second chances pt. 2 ♡ lou
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Second Chances Part 2 ♡ Lou Imagine
       This was crazy. No, scratch that. It was absolutely INSANE. It had been about three weeks since the sleepover with the girls and your sudden revelation that you did indeed have a crush on Lou (it was just a little one), and you hadn’t seen nor heard a thing from him. But, driven by the hope your friends had given you added with the constant encouragement and bewildering dreams of yours, you weren’t ready to give up just yet. Perhaps they had a point. Lou wasn’t the kind to just fall for someone, no, he turned down every offer he got and never gave out any either for that matter.
       So him having the hots for you? Well, that was a one in a million. You weren’t going to let that go to waste. 
       That’s why you were here, standing outside of the storage faculty building. Of course, Kitty and Mandy had accompanied you to Lou’s old mansion first, but once the robots sent you away telling you he no longer lived here, they went back to their homes as it was getting late. But you were determined. So, you went to the place where he worked hoping to find him there. What you weren’t expecting was everything that happened next...
       You sucked in a deep breath for courage, patting down your hair, praying to the big world above that you didn’t have a huge blemish or smeared makeup on your face. You were standing in front of the supply closet, the one that you were told was where you could find Lou by Ugly Dog (who was passing by with the big mechanical dog that was supposedly Lou’s patrol officer). 
       Should I knock? You thought. I mean, it wasn’t a house. But you didn’t know if he was even in there or not. Shrugging to yourself, you decided to throw caution to the wind and twisted the button doorknob. The storage closet was pretty dingy, to be honest. The stitching in the shelves was uneven and the fabric walls had splotches of drained color. A strange smell seeped through your nostrils and sent your stomach churning even more than it already was from the butterflies. And butterflies only meant one thing - Lou was in close proximity.
       A fluorescent bulb flickered from the ceiling as you carefully treaded through the room, trying to peer through the shelves of buckets and mops for a certain doll with yellow hair. You were nearing the end of the room when you heard a clang to your right. Swiveling around in the direction, your shoes clacking against the floor, you turned to stare at Lou, holding a gardening hoe out in front of him as if it were a weapon, a terrified look on his face. You quickly let out a scream, holding your hands up before you in surrender.
       “It’s just me!” You cried out. He blinked his gorgeous blue eyes rapidly, dropping the tool with a clang and running over to you, grabbing one of your hands. 
       “I’m so sorry,” he apologized, planting a warm kiss on the back of your hand. The room suddenly went from room temperature to 110 degrees very quickly. “I thought you were a robber.”
       You let out a giggle, watching as he planted another kiss on your hand before lowering it to give you an apologetic smile. “It’s fine, really. You just scared me a little. Wait...” That was when you saw it. A little ways behind him, on the cold floor, laid a pillow and a bunch of dirty blankets, folded over on another in an attempt to make a makeshift bed. Lou’s eyes followed your gaze and once he realized where they had landed, he quickly stepped in front of it.
       “It’s not what it looks like,” he exclaimed. 
       “Oh really? Because it looks like you’ve been sleeping in the supply closet. Like everyone forgot that you’re still a doll too and deserve a place to live.” You retorted, snarling the last bit in disgust at your people. He sighed, scratching the back of his neck. 
       “Alright, so maybe it’s exactly what it looks like.” 
       “What happened, Lou?” You asked curiously, stepping by him to glance around the rest of the room. He was smart, choosing one of the only spots that wasn’t covered in water or strange chemicals. Still, it was no place to live.
       “...Once Moxy and Ox took over as Co-Leaders of Imperfectionville, they handed my mansion over to the robots and created a bunch of new homes for all the newcomers. The Perfections still got their old homes if they wanted them, but there were a bunch of new ones made to fit the growing population. After a while, I guess they just forgot about me. But I’m doing fine, you know?” He chuckled awkwardly. You stepped closer to him, making eye contact as blue met e/c. 
       “You’re coming with me,” You grinned in realization. He furrowed his brows in confusion. 
       “Wait, what?” 
       “Grab your stuff,” you whipped around and began picking up the pillows and folding up the blankets, making sure to leave behind the ones soaking up the strange, unnamed chemicals. “You’re crashing at my place.” 
       His eyes bugged out in shock, some of his yellow hair falling into his eyes. Taking a daring move, you stood back up, and slowly brushed the loose strands back, allowing your hand to linger atop his head. His eyes met yours once more, and the lack of distance between you two was suddenly very noticeable. But neither of you moved. A soft silence fell between you two as you just stood there, your breaths mingling with one another until he finally broke the silence.
       “I can’t ask you to do this for me, Y/n,” he sighed. You smirked at him. 
       “You didn’t. I’m kidnapping you,” he chuckled, making your grin broaden. It was nice to see him smile. “Besides, what would you do if anyone else offered their home to you?” 
        “Duh, I’d say yes.” 
        “So then why is it any different with me?” You asked in bewilderment, opening the door for the both of you as you two headed out into the night, guided by the street lights. 
        “Lou, just tell me.” He scratched the back of his neck again, a nervous tick he had been doing a lot more often around you. But you needed an answer. 
        “I respect you more than I could ever respect any of them.” He finally answered, his cheeks catching a tint of pink in them as you began to pass into the residential district. You couldn’t help but feel your cheeks warm too at the compliment. Lou never respected anyone, he was the top of the chain, the only one he had to respect was himself. So if he respected you? Wow... even being born couldn’t stand up to that privilege. 
        You giggled softly next to him, leaning back your head to take a gander at the night sky. The big, button moon and the glittering thread stars. It was gorgeous. 
        “Aren’t the stars beautiful?” You asked contently. Little did you know, Lou had been getting lost staring at you as you stared at the stars.
       “Yes, you are.” He said absentmindedly. 
       “Wait, what?” 
       A few minutes later, you had made it to your house. You hadn’t done any renovations like the others had done, you left it the exact same as it had been when Lou walked you to it all those years ago. You didn’t see anything wrong with it. Opening the door for the two of you, you lead him into the main foyer where you turned on the lights. He glanced around the layout a little, but for the most part recognized it all as the design he had preapproved. All except the framed photo of a certain yellow-haired doll sitting next to the sofa. He watched with a smirk as you slyly put it down while pretending to set down your phone. 
       But hey, that just proved that you still had feelings for him too. 
       “You can have my bed, I’ll take the couch,” you said, already grabbing some extra blankets and pillows from the closet. 
       “No way, I’m taking the sofa. You’re taking your bed.”
       “No way, my house, my rules.” You smirked at him, turning around as he crept closer to you, his signature smirk stretching across his lips as well as he towered over you. 
       “Technically this is my house, so my rules trump yours.” 
       “Oh, but I thought you respected me now? So perhaps my word trumps yours.” He shook his head, chuckling slyly as he leaned in closer to you, causing your steady gain to falter momentarily from his closeness.
       “Perhaps a compromise is in order? We both take the bed?” The suggestion brought the already burning flame for him into a full on wood fire as your cheeks tinged crimson. But... you didn’t not want to do that, so...
       “I-I’d hate for either of us to be uncomfortable. The couch is rather... lumpy?” You cursed your stutter, but your approval was clear. He laughed, gently grabbing your hand and pulling you into the bedroom, shutting the door behind him. 
       You woke up the next morning with a warm arm wrapped around your waist. The sunlight streaked through your window, illuminating the room and the sea of covers you and Lou were underneath. No, nothing happened, it wasn’t like that. After changing into PJs and some more playful banter, you both fell asleep on opposite sides of the bed. But now...
       You carefully rolled over, making sure the warm arm didn’t fall off your body, to come face-to-face with a sleeping Lou. Your heart melted a little inside your stuffing filled chest. You had gotten used to seeing his stone cold expression as he barked out orders, or taught classes on how to avoid spills and stains. But now, as his eyes were shut, hair slightly out of place, mouth open softly as he breathed smoothly, and his arm resting securely around your waist, you had never seen him so... vulnerable. You couldn’t help but wish that this moment could last forever as you stared at him, your heart racing and the butterflies swarming so much you were afraid of being sick.
       That was when you realized... you were late. Again. “Oh shit,” you cried, rolling back over again, startling Lou awake. You were frantically trying to get out of bed when suddenly, the arm around your waist tightened. Freezing, you glanced behind you to see Lou’s eyes only halfway open, but his same malicious smirk planted on his lips.
       “Lou, I have to get to work,” You began, but was cut off near the end by him reeling you back into his chest. You squealed, laughter filling the air as he buried his face into your neck, letting out a low groan. 
       “Just five more minutes,” he pleaded. You giggled, attempting to wriggle around in his arms, but he was still a lot stronger than you. Finally, you gave in, turning around to stare him in the eyes.
       “I never knew you were one for sleeping in,” you teased. 
       “I’m not,” he replied into your hair. “But you bring out a better side of me.” About a half an hour later and some more flirting, the two of you finally left the house. He was telling you some more about the robot patrol officer and what he can and cannot do during his breaks while you locked up. Little did the two of you know that some passing dolls were giving you two stink eyes as they were making their way to work. 
       What was Lou doing leaving Y/n’s house? Were they... together? No way, she’d never do that. He tried to ruin everyone’s chances to make it to the big world. He should be dead, but she wouldn’t let anyone kill him. Bitter gossip began to spread as the two headed off to work. Little did you know that the rumors spread like wildfire. 
       As soon as you reached work, your boss pulled you aside. While half of you was excited, the other half was petrified. “You asked to see me, miss?” You asked nervously. 
       “Yes, what is this that I hear about you and Lou being in a relationship?” She asked, lowering her glasses, eyes hardening. You stood there for a moment, letting her question sink in. 
       “Umm, Miss, we aren’t in a relation-”
       “Then what was he doing leaving your house this morning?”
       “Ma’am, I don’t see what this has to do with-” 
       “Let me just tell you this, Miss L/n,” she leaned in closer, tapping her pencil against your shoulder. The sharp end. “If these rumors prove true, that means that you are having intimate relations with someone who tried to take away all of our happiness, our only chance of getting a child. Now, I don’t know about you, but I certainly wouldn’t want that person or anyone involved with that person working for my business. Do you understand me?” 
       You choked back your tears. “Crystal clear.”
       Later that afternoon, you were having a get together with the Spy Girls and Mandy outside the shopping district. The five of you sat around a table near the old scanners, chatting it up about new gossip and how everyone’s lives had been going. But of course, your dejected and fearful attitude didn’t go unnoticed. 
       “Y/n, hun, what’s wrong? You look sick,” Kitty asked in concern. You looked up to see her kind, blue eyes staring back at you. 
        “...Lou spent the night at my place last night,” all of the girls gasped, wide grins on their faces. “BUT it’s not what you think. I went to see him and found out he’s been sleeping in the supply closet. I brought him back home with me and apparently someone saw us leaving the house together and word got around and... now everyone thinks we’re together. My boss threatened to fire me if I start dating him.” You whimpered, covering your face with your hands. Everyone gasped again. 
        “Oh my goodness, doll,” Tuesday cried. 
        “She has no right to fire you over who you choose to date,” Mandy cried. 
        “I know, but-” You began, but was soon interrupted by all the girls turning their attention to someone behind you. You furrowed your brows in confusion until Lydia spoke up.
        “Hey, Lou! What brings you here?” Your heart began to pound in your chest once more as you swiveled around in your seat to see Lou, grinning over at you. 
        “Hello ladies, I was just wondering if I could borrow Y/n for a moment?” He asked, polite and suave as ever. The girls all giggled, sending a myriad of winks and suggestive looks in your direction before practically shoving you into him. He caught you, of course, wrapping his arms securely around your waist. You laughed awkwardly, tucking your hair behind your ear and dragging him over to somewhere more private. 
        “Hey, Lou, what’s up?” You asked. “Are you in trouble?” A small red light began to turn on at the idea before he quickly shut it off, his eyes never straying from you. 
       “Oh, no, no, nothing like that. I was just wondering...” he slowly took your hands in his, his blue orbs trailing slowly up from your hands until resting on your eyes. A soft, true smile floated onto his lips, sending your stomach into sommersaults. “Would you, Y/n L/n, go out on a date with me?” 
       If your jaw had dropped any more, it would have touched the ground. A wide, ecstatic grin spread across your lips as you let out a squeal of happiness as you jumped up and down in pure joy. “Yes, oh my doll, yes!” You leapt up and wrapped your arms around him tightly. He gratefully returned the gesture, pressing you into his embrace as he closed his eyes. 
       Maybe everything would be okay. 
To be continued... LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT A PART 3!!! 
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alison-anonymous · 5 years
♡ second chances ♡ lou
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Second Chances ♡ Lou Imagine
Requested: nope, but Lou is the Crush of the Week and I couldn’t NOT write something about him when I got some free time ;) 
Warnings: crappiness, I’m sorry if this is bad, I promise there will be more, better plotlines! 
Background Info: this takes place after the whole gauntlet and the fixed portal scenes. You arrived to Perfection not long before the Uglydolls, and Lou had taken an extreme liking to you. He gave you extra special attention in his attempts to court you, infuriating many other dolls, but once he revealed his true intentions, you had to set your feelings aside. After Imperfectionville happened and everyone was working merrily along, an accidental run-in with Lou who is now a local janitor and a seemingly innocent sleepover with the girls, you start to wonder if a second chance is in need.
       If your life had ever been crazier than it was now in Imperfectionville, you’d need a recap on your story. Not to say that you hated Imperfectionville, because you honestly loved it even more than you had loved Perfection. Of course, the management was a bit loose and the ideas ran a bit backwards at times, but it was unique and everyone was happy. Not only that, but your dream had finally come true of getting to become a [insert dream job here]! Your friend group broadened a bit, but you were still close to the same dolls as before, though you didn’t get to see them at times as they were often with their kids.
       But even though Imperfection was amazing, there were still some things you missed from Perfection. For one, the management and the housing arrangements were flawless. And the training was sort of fun with the promise of a kid who would love you unconditionally at the end. But, even though you would never admit it out loud, you missed Lou the most. Back when you were fresh meat to Perfection, Lou had taken an instant liking to you. You were... different than the other dolls. And no, it wasn’t just because you nearly broke his scanner. He had made many countless attempts at winning you over, but when his intentions were finally revealed about the Uglydolls, you pushed your growing feelings for him aside and joined Mandy and the others. But you’ll never forget that moment when they were all trying to decide if they should rip out his stuffing or send him to the recycling and you had finally pleaded to Moxy, “Please don’t hurt him.” 
       The oversized eyes around the area were filled with shock, but none more shocked than Lou’s as he dangled in the robo-dog’s mouth. So, they choose to just put him through the wash. And now, he was a janitor. Or so you were told. After that day, you hadn’t seen Lou at all, and if you were completely honest, you kind of missed him. During the time you spent with him, which was a lot as he was always trying to be around you, he was actually really... sweet. Behind the narcissism and all. 
       But you had a new life now, and a decently stressful one at that. You didn’t have time to wallow in the past! But then one day came around that would change everything...
       You were running late. Again. Or in Imperfection was late considered early? You had no idea. All you knew was that you had forgotten to put on your watch and your bag was flapping in the wind behind you as you sprinted through the town to your job, trying not to miss a single friendly greeting pulled out to you. It was only when you ran into the Spy Girls and Mandy that you had to stop.
      “There you are, N/n! What’s the rush?” Mandy asked, pushing her glasses up on her nose. You panted, running your fingers through your hair in an attempt to fix the wind-styling that had been put in place.
       “I’m running late, AGAIN. I swear that Peggy forgot my house this morning,” you sighed. The four girls offered you apologetic smiles.
       “Well, if it’s any consolation, we’re still on for our sleepover tonight, right? Your place this time?” Kitty asked, applying a tube of red lip gloss to her lips. The plans had completely slipped your mind, but you quickly played it off with a swift nod.
       “Yes, of course, wouldn’t miss it! I love you all, but I really have to get going,” you smiled at them, beginning to walk backwards. They nodded in understanding and gave you Good Luck wishes as you resumed your race against time. You were making impeccable progress through the throng when you took a sharp left turn down a less crowded street. It was a bit shadier than it was in the sun, and thanks to that you didn’t notice the bucket of soapy water in front of your legs. Your boot connected with it and hooked over the rung, causing not only you to practically faceplant into the ground with a shriek, but also to cause the bucket to spill all over the ground. Thankfully, the water swished away from you, but that didn’t stop the large clattering sound that came with the accident.
       You winced at the impact and embarrassment of the fall as you propped yourself up onto your elbows, blowing the stray strand of your h/c hair that had fallen into your face. Behind you, you heard the surprised tone of male speak up in the silence. 
       “Well, looks like my job has been done for me.” The male chuckled slightly as you quickly pulled yourself up to your feet, dusting off your skirt and turning around, eyes still trained on the floor.
       “I am so, so sorry! I wasn’t watching where I was going.” You began to spew out apologies rapid fire until your eyes slowly rested upon a dazzling blue pair. A shocked silence filled the air as the two of you simply stared at one another. 
       “Y/n?” Lou finally breathed. 
       “H-hey, Lou,” you chuckled, not being able to suppress the contagious smile on your lips. He grinned back, and it wasn’t that smirk he used to always wear in Perfection. This one was more genuine. His blue eyes glittered with excitement and slight awe as he took you in. You felt a slight blush rise to your cheeks as his eyes swept over you. 
       “Wow, I almost didn’t recognize you. You look...” he glanced down at the ground for a moment, before looking back up at you in curiosity. “Amazing.” 
       The redness only deepened in your cheeks at his comment. “Thanks,” You smiled, looking him over in return. He still wore a suit, only the tie looked a little uneven and his shoes were tainted, probably from all the mopping he had to have been doing. His eyes looked a bit tired, and his hair looked very unkept compared to how it used to be. But just the sight of him before you and the fact that he was talking to you made your heart pound and your knees go weak. 
       “You look pretty good yourself,” you attempted. But he could practically read your mind as he rolled his handsome blue eyes and cast them towards the main road that were coated in citizens.
       “You don’t need to lie, sweetheart. I know I look like crap, it’s a crap job I have now thanks to them. These people are disgusting,” he scrunched up his nose, causing you to giggle. A small, flirtatious smirk that you knew all too well formed on his lips as he looked back at you. “But I suppose I have you to thank for saving me from the recycling, huh?”
       You dropped your e/c eyes to the ground and scoffed lightly. “Come on, Lou. You know I’d never let them hurt you.” 
       “Oh, I know,” he took a daring step towards you, causing your heart rate to pick up as he watched you with curious eyes. “Besides, they’re probably too busy with their kids now. Hey... why aren’t you with yours?”
       True confusion flashed across his features as you stared at him, trying to figure out how best to tell him the truth. Or you could lie, your mind suggested. But with just one look at his face, and the thousands of feelings that came with it, you knew that wasn’t an option. 
       “I... don’t have one.”
       He furrowed his brows. “What do you mean?”
       “I... I never went through the portal.” You sighed heavily through your nose and looked back down at the ground, feeling the heaviness fall back onto your shoulders. Lou’s eyes widened for a moment, before he asked “why?” in a very soothing tone, sensing your downcast feelings.
       “...I was afraid. No, more like am afraid that whatever kid I get won’t love me... because I’m different. I’m afraid that they’ll throw me away...” Suddenly, you noticed how crazy all of this was. “I’m sorry, Lou, we literally just bumped into each other and here I am emoting all over you. I’m sorry, you’re just insanely easy to talk to and-”
       “Y/n,” Lou interjected, leaning in closer, his expression calm. He gently brushed a loose strand of your hair out of your face and tucked it behind your ear, sending your stomach into somersaults. “I find it hard to believe that someone couldn’t love a doll as perfect as you.”
       Your heart nearly stopped in your stuffing filled chest. God, being this close to him woke up so many feelings.. you couldn’t help but wonder if he still felt the same... Your cheeks tinted red again, causing him to smirk. He was always happy when he was able to make you flustered. 
       “T-Thanks, Lou,” you stuttered. The two of you stared at one another for quite some time before you finally remembered-
       “Holy crap, I am so late, I have to go! Thank you so much, Lou, come find me sometime okay?” You rambled before you even knew what you were saying, scurrying in the direction of your work. Lou chuckled to himself, but nodded his head nevertheless as he watched your figure fade from his view. 
       Later that night, you sat in a circle with Kitty, Tuesday, Lydia, Mandy, Moxy, and Wage (who Moxy had to practically bribe to come) in your living room. You had already gone through the typical sleepover routines, and up next on the list was to spill some gossip while you styled each other’s hair. While Lydia worked on yours, Kitty did Tuesday’s, and Moxy worked on Mandy’s, you all began to trade in some bits of information that was especially juicy, like who UglyDog’s next love target would be and if Ox had a secret lover he never told anyone about. It wasn’t too long that the question rolled around...
       “Hey, N/n, I don’t think we’ve ever really talked about this. Who do you like?” 
       Thousands of images of Lou flashed through your mind, but embarrassment won over. You glanced nervously around the room at all of the expectant eyes, and let out a choked giggle. “U-umm... a boy?”
       “Nuh uh,” Tuesday smirked.
       “We’re gonna need a name,” Moxy giggled from behind Mandy’s head. You heaved a sigh, and began to mess with the hem of your PJs, trying to decide if you should tell the truth or just lie. How would they react to knowing you had a thing for the former leader of Perfection who also attempted to murder two of your best friends?
       “Alright, here,” Mandy sent you a welcoming smile. “I think Nolan is kind of cute. Moxy?” 
       “Lucky Bat,” She shrugged, and continued her work. The girls went around the room until the spotlight was finally on you once more. It seemed as if though even the fan went silent to listen to what you were about to say. 
       “I may have a slight... soft spot for... Lou.” You couldn’t help the dreamy tone that took over your voice at his name, but it almost didn’t matter from the squeals and giggles that filled the room. 
        “OH MY GOD I CALLED IT!” Lydia cried.
        “No way, I did!” Tuesday protested. 
        “You two would be great together,” Mandy winked.
        “Didn’t you two have a thing going on back in Perfection? I’m pretty sure he was like totally in love with you and he probably still is,” Kitty smirked.
        You felt your cheeks turn red from the sudden attention. “Yeah, he was courting me... I actually ran into him today and-” 
        “OH MY GOD IT’S FATE!” Lydia screamed. 
        “You should ask him out!” Moxy cried, resting her arms on top of Mandy’s hair. 
        “...you think?” You asked softly. “What if he doesn’t like me anymore?” 
        “Only one way to find out,” Kitty shrugged. Ask him out, you already knew the answer. And as you sat there listening to the intense chatter about a future marriage around you, you began to think... 
        Everyone deserves a second chance. 
♡ a.a.
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alison-anonymous · 5 years
Update & Crush of the Week
I am still alive I swear!! I apologize for the lack of updates as of recently, since the holidays have been coming around things have been insanely hectic. Especially with schoolwork, but I promise I will try to start working on those requests you guys have graciously sent in ASAP! But as for now...
This week's BELATED Crush of the Week is...
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Yes I did make this wallpaper myself, and I'm proud of it! You may recognize him from UglyDolls, which in my opinion was the cutest movie I've seen in a long time and it really sucks that everyone is throwing a bunch of insults at it! I'm very much looking forward to it's straight to DVD sequel in May of 2020 because I am a very devoted fan to the series my crushes come from. I know Lou was the villain, but honestly he was insanely hot-
And he actually had a good reason for being a villain!!! It was actually really sad, reminded me of Toy Story, but anyways! He is just insanely adorable and I already have a ton of ideas as per usual for him, so I might start working on some of those too!
I love you all and thank you for your patience with me, I'll be looking forward to your guys' reactions to my upcoming posts!
Love ya,
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ongit0 · 2 years
Omg hi! I love your blog! I didn't know if your request were open, so, please, feel free to ignore this, if they aren't!
I just love how you write for Lou from Uglydolls, the poor man here he's higly undereted! So I was just gonna request more Lou! If you want of course!
I don't have much plot preferences, maybe something with a insicure/shy reader? Kinda the opposite of Lou!
Thank u, have a good day/night!
Btw sorry for any grammatical mistakes, english it's not my first language!
Of course I can do that! I’m happy to take offers whenever I can. Sorry this took so long!
Can’t Help The Inflicted
“You don’t have a reason to be shy. You’re pretty just as you are. Just, smile more.”
I was sure everything was a lie. Pretty dolls are always good at lying. So when Louis came to me one day and offered me the position to work for him I couldn’t say no, not to Lou at least. No one can. How could you say no or tell someone so perfect that they were doing the wrong choice?
I stared dead ahead, one foot stepping before the other in Grace. My hid being perfect was taking a toll on me which I was grateful no one noticed. It’s almost like living a double life, an endless loop of lying to myself that I must be careful from stains, spills or smudges. I can’t let anyone know how stupid I am — or worse, how stupid Lou could’ve to even choose me. He has an image to keep. I couldn’t screw up in any way or form. So, I always hid behind the 4 girls: Maddy, Kitty, Tuesday and Lydia.
If there’s any job to take besides working beneath Lou’s watchful gaze, always on the look out for any flaws, I’d take it in a heartbeat. Lawyer, doctor, engineer — anything! I’d trade my spot for one of the girls than continue to work next to Lou. He wasn’t unbearable, no, far from it. I just cousins bare the reminder how I lied my way into this position. I couldn’t bare the thought of thinking how much of a phony I am that I lied so hard through my teeth to get a fake image of myself into his head that I’m so perfect. Too perfect that I reached someone’s expectation that Lou “just had to have me work with him”.
Through few glimpses of clarity I have, I’m able to take the time and get a break. I can’t help but hate myself. From the stuffing I was born from and the threads that made me — self loathing of how much of a people pleaser I am. The moment someone grants any acknowledgement to me I can’t help but fix myself into getting so close to what I see as perfection.
I should have graded with Maddy our event director or Kitty, our program hostess executive. Hell, I could have been the communication executive like Tuesday or the interior and fashion designer for the doll’s homes and transa like Lydia. Why should I be stuck as Lou’s secretary? Was this a form of punishment for lying so much? Did I bite more than I can chew? My lies had zero bad intentions! I just did them to save face — I can’t risk to be sent to the recycling bin or get set on for a spin in the washing machine. Or worse, thrown into the incinerator!
I had to be perfect, plan out my schedule for Lou and I. It was starting to drain me in every form. I was the second face ever doll idolized. “Why me?” I found myself repeating over and over again. Each day was a trial, hiding and masking any flaws the best I could. If not from the other dolls, I had to hide any imperfections from Lou.
I fixed any crooked or stained on my now pearly whites, cut through any extra stuffing in me. I stayed quiet, living in Lou’s shadow in complete silence. I couldn’t let him know the several voice cracks I go through a day if I talk for too long. They get worse when I talk to him specifically, stuttering over my own tongue. I couldn’t let myself get judged so, I let Lou take control. From him doing all the talking to making all our choices. I gave up any freedom I ever had. I wasn’t sure what to do with that freedom — I would just end up spending the rest of my days having to stress over perfecting any hobbies.
“Thank you all so much for attending! Stay away from messes and stay perfect!” He winked at the crowd after his announcement of the Gauntlet. The date had to be moved once the Uglydolls arrived.
Lou glanced over at me as he twirled on the heel of his shoe. He skipped down the stairs with soft steps, his shoe clicking on each way down. I was a few steps behind him, letting everyone’s eyes pry on him. I couldn’t let them undress me or address any flaws I hid terribly.
I averted my gaze from everyone as we made it to Lou’s office. He sighed with his hands behind his back, looking out his large office window. He stared down at the soft orange sun setting behind the tiny white town homes. I took a gulp and deep breath. All day I think I forgot how to take an actual breath. I tense feeling in my soft plush body left as soon as the wind left through my puckered lips. I glanced over to see one of Lou’s hands not balled up into a fist.
I read through Lou like a book. I’ve worked countless shifts in order to be perfect. I stepped forward, placing my hand in his. I frowned at how soft his hands were compared to my large ones. I couldn’t help but eye at our slight height difference. Despite Lou being the perfect height for any doll to achieve, I was the tallest. God, I want to just crumble away or cover my face with a hoodie. I wanted to slip away from him, not wanting him to touch such imperfections. But I couldn’t allow him to see how — “Nervous?” He chuckled. “Hm?” I turned my head to him. “No, no not that. More like, it’s amazing to be with you…” I mentally face palmed myself for my stammering lips. I have a small timid smile, careful to not show my teeth too much. He smiled back. “You’re amazing in every way. Well, almost.” He let out a tiny scoff. He seemed to take pleasure at the frown on my lips. “You’re a terrible liar.” I averted my eyes, taking in any last breaths I could take before insults came down storming on me.
Instead of stabbing me with his words and sweet honey voice, he dropped his arms at his side. I could still feel his blueberry eyes on me. I wish I could open my mouth and strike something out but I couldn’t. I didn’t want him to stare at me, especially how close we are. I don’t want him to stare any harder before he sees how I see myself. The blemishes in my cheek, the freckles scattered on my wrist, ears and face.
I slightly jolted up at Lou softly tugging on my long doll arm. He led us to his piano bend. As we settled next to each other, he scooted close enough to hold my arm. I sighed, taking his hand in mine. “What would I do without you?” He muttered softly but clear enough for me to hear him. “Shouldn’t I be the one asking you?” I asked. “It can go both ways.” Silence filled the room. I leaned back ver to his touch, feeling a crooked smile creep on my lips.
“Thank you for not seeing me as just an idol but as a doll.” The blonde said quickly, hoping I was stupid enough to not pick up his pacing of words. ‘Shouldn’t I be the one thanking you?’ I felt slow forming tears well up in my eyes which I quickly blinked back inside. The burning feeling on my cheeks didn’t subside, especially when he’s hooked on my arm and holding my hand and softly poking his finger tips to my own. He seemed amused with playing with my fingers. I didn’t want to ruin this moment with my voice. His concentrated and fixed gaze of admiration was something I practically lived for. It’s beautiful to stare at those blue eyes of his but I immediately twist my head away once those same blue eyes turn to my direction.
“You’ll always be the most beautiful doll in my eyes. Perfect in your own way.” Fuck, I screw up. Big time. I know it.
He didn’t turn to face me. His chest stopped moving at his steady breathing and instead slightly sunk inwards. I mentally cursed at myself. I could feel him tighten his grip on me, pressing his cheek on my shoulder. His sudden soft laugh got caught in the strings of my heart. “I’m beautiful?” He looked up at me with a slightly raised eyebrow and flirtatious gaze. Those same eyes, they were fixed with admiration. I knew that look so much. I was nearly speechless when I came to realized that he was staring at me.
We were all so focused on the Institute of Perfection’s quotas of “Pretty Dolls”, I’m starting to doubt where the hell I heard the word beautiful from. Even if I was unsure where I heard it from or how I was supposed to address it in my stammering sentences, from the bottom of my heart I said the truth to him.
“Yes.” I said with confidence. The red color on our faces spread even more. We both looked down at our hands, unsure how to approach what I said. It’s not every day you get acknowledged as something so precious like a doll or looked at or even noticed by someone as perfect as Lou.
Isn’t it stupid how 2 dolls are so insecure found each other? Seeking validation from each other and reassurance despite not being able to believe in the other’s words? Two insecure dolls — one just being better at hiding it while the other hides in the shadows like a loser.
I know I’m sometimes a shutout but I’m not stupid Lou.
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roxybefab · 5 years
Other Fandom Masterlist
This masterlist contains fandoms that I only do One character or two characters in
My Other Masterlist
Sonic the Hedgehog;
Dating Sonic HC
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Dating Lou HC
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Sans Aus;
Undertale Sans
Dating Sans HC
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Underfell Sans
Dating Fell HC (COMING SOON)
Poly Relationship with Blueberry and Fell/Red HC
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Hit (MafiaFell Sans)
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Blueberry (Underswap Sans)
Dating Blueberry HC
Poly Relationship with Blueberry and Fell/Red HC
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Asylumtale Sans
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Horrortale Sans
Dating Horror HC (COMING SOON)
Half Dead
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Gravity Falls;
Bill Cipher
Dating Bill Cipher HC
Sensitive (Sub! Bill x Dom! Reader) NSFW
Bill has been your friend for a while. But what happens when you decide to hug him after winning a contest? What happens when you start teasing him?
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