#uk covid
chiveoil · 9 months
A PSA for people in the UK before winter starts to hit - While you can't even buy the covid booster privately here and will only be offered it on the NHS if you're in a clinically vulnerable group, you can get the covid booster by going to your nearest walk in vaccination centre and saying you are a carer. Google your local authority and '2023 covid booster' and you'll find where those places are, or check with your local pharmacy. There's no official definition of what a carer is, if you ever have contact with someone immunocompromised or elderly and especially if you ever help them out in any way, you absolutely are a carer enough to get the vaccine.
Also, one of the clinically vulnerable groups is 'severe mental illness' - it is up to you whether you meet that definition or not, they should not cross reference it against your NHS record and you don't have to go into further detail if you give that as your eligibility criteria.
The people doing the vaccinations have more vaccines than they have takeup and they want to get them into peoples' arms. It will only keep people safer to have more of us up to date with our vaccinations, get the vaccine booster by whatever means necessary.
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humandisastersquad · 1 year
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hey UK followers, go get your covid boosters ASAP before these bastards take away yet another covid protection. jfc
EDIT: ffs can y'all read the tweet and the actual article, not just the headline, it says how it's 'healthy under-50s' that they're cutting access to boosters for and eventually first and second doses. Yeah, most people who would have gotten them would have by now but there's many reasons that some people haven't and these options should still be open regardless.
This bullshit approach of taking away even the vax part of "vax and relax" is going to kill and disable people. It even quotes the fuckign health minister saying "as the transition continues away from a pandemic emergency response towards pandemic recovery". THERE IS NO RECOVERY WHEN SAID PANDEMIC IS STILL GOING!!!
and YES i know the sun is a murdoch rag that's lower quality than used toilet paper but i shared this particular tweet as a) the tweeter is a reliable and staunch anti-covid advocate and b) for once this piece of shit news source is telling the truth
finally, for those saying that this isn't a big deal as "most people are fully vaccinated", think again. Most vaccine immunity wanes after several months so defining "full vaccination" as having had a primary course nearly 2 years ago is outdated and lulling people into a false sense of security. In an ideal, science-informed, non-covid-minimiser world, we'd be having boosters every 4-6 months so that antibodies don't fall below effective levels.
Basically, this post should be a wake up call to those who haven't gotten their booster if they're eligible for it and for everyone to realise how much more fucked the approach to the pandemic is becoming. not only in the UK but everywhere else tbh
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disabled-dragoon · 2 months
Every article I see about this disability benefits consultation keeps throwing out the "since 2019, the number of people claiming disability benefits has risen by..."
Gee I wonder why the number of disabled people seems to have risen since 2019 /s
There couldn't possibly have been some kind of large scale mass disabling event that has happened in the last five years. That's absurd! /s
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fjeldmouse · 1 year
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Hmmm I wonder what happened in 2020 that might have caused this...
This is literally what a lot of people were saying could happen during the pandemic.
And now Sunak wants to punish these people further. Fuck him.
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faithinlouisfuture · 7 months
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walk walk fashion baby 📸
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notasapleasure · 7 months
Actual advice for UK marchers:
Wear comfy shoes and a warm jacket
Take water and snacks
Prepare to be bored! If you're not bored something has gone wrong, get the fuck out of there.
Mobile signal will be shot. The tube will be packed. Take a bus. If you can get WiFi, use the app citymapper to figure out creative ways of getting places!
Those people handing out the 'know your rights' leaflets? Stick with them. If you have time you can even order a little booklet of your own from Liberty setting these out!
Don't bother with the guys handing out copies of the Socialist Worker, it's a victim-blaming, slut-shaming, rapist-apologising rag.
Don't do anything extravagantly dumb like pissing on a poppy wreath or dropping a fire hydrant off a building. Don't be a fucking antisemite. Stay well away from anyone doing any of these things.
Enjoy the fact you're really upsetting the government and they couldn't do anything to stop you exercising your legal right to protest! Be glad you are in England, not Northern Ireland, where the use of water cannon is still legal.
And a final note of caution to say, if I were going, I would take care to wear a face-covering of some kind. After the event the police will be going through footage and facial recognition software is known to throw up false positives on non-white faces in particular.
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tieflingkisser · 3 months
Thousands of disabled people died after ‘covid treatment withheld’, inquiry to probe
Thousands of disabled people who died from Covid in the early weeks of the pandemic may have been denied intensive care treatment in NHS hospitals that could have saved them, campaigners and bereaved families believe. The Covid inquiry has been handed evidence from charities and bereaved family groups showing that Do Not Resuscitate notices (DNARs) were placed on the medical files of many people with Down’s Syndrome, autism and other learning disabilities who were otherwise healthy before contracting the virus. These notices, often placed without the patients’ understanding or consent, say charities, were due to those with learning disabilities being wrongly classed as “clinically frail” in the NHS in the initial weeks of the pandemic in March 2020. Lady Hallett’s inquiry is expected to investigate whether so-called “ward-based ceilings of care” – meaning a patient was kept on a general ward rather than admitted to ICU, even if their condition deteriorated – were applied arbitrarily to the disabled, as well as older patients, in a bid to ease pressure on the NHS. The evidence is likely to form a key part of Module 3 of the inquiry, which focuses on the healthcare response to the pandemic and is being held in public this autumn. The Department of Health and NHS England have long denied there were blanket protocols in place for DNARs for groups of people, and have said these policies should not be used by trusts.
[keep reading]
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enbycrip · 6 months
I was just viscerally reminded of the number of fucking doctors who were writing long op-eps in late 2020 and early 2021 about how shitty, inadequate and exhausting it was to deal with the NHS over treatment for Long COVID when they
a) didn’t have to deal with structural “oh this Trust doesn’t have a treatment for your disorder because the consultant who had an interest in it retired and we decided we’re just Not Treating it anymore”;
b) didn’t have to deal with their colleagues disbelieving they were actually ill, or that their illness existed because “apparently it’s trendy now”;
c) had contacts and colleagues who would go the extra mile for them in a way they wouldn’t for random patients;
drove me to nearly throwing my phone out of the window more than once.
I do genuinely hope all of them have recovered and have their lives back now because I wouldn’t wish chronic illness on anyone.
However, I can testify that they haven’t made any structural inroads with their colleagues because I spoke to my GP last week about the possibility of trying a treatment for POTS that I’ve heard good things about and was told “well the British Faculty of Cardiologists doesn’t actually recognise POTS as a disorder so I’m afraid we can’t actually refer you to a cardiologist, and you’d need them to sign off on treatment like that.”
“…but it’s a neurological disorder of the autonomic nervous system, and I *was* diagnosed with it by my former GP in the same Trust I still live in.”
“…well, yes, but it mostly *affects* the heart so that’s who we would refer you to if they accepted referrals for it…”
I was genuinely just so gobsmacked I just put the phone down then and there. I had waited three weeks for this phone appointment.
And I do absolutely know this is because the Tories are literally dismantling the NHS, but…I would honestly rather be told “we won’t refer you because this probably won’t kill you and we’re literally putting all our cash into cancer patients because they show up highlighted in our statistics than this labyrinthine Kafkaesque gaslighting I’ve been dealing with for over a decade now.
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tweetingukpolitics · 26 days
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swampgallows · 9 months
The 3.7 million high-risk people previously asked to shield at home [in the UK] – including 500,000 immunocompromised people who get little to no protection from vaccines – have effectively been abandoned to survive alone. With nationwide coronavirus precautions removed, many disabled people I’ve spoken to feel forced to avoid shops, pubs and public transport. Others who previously stayed safe by working at home are being told to return to packed offices as the shift to WFH is reversed. The so-called return to normal has always been one-sided: while non-disabled people rightly enjoy freedom, clinically vulnerable people are told to accept indefinite isolation.
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northern-punk-lad · 3 months
I just to be an anarchist until the Covid pandemic happened
Like you want me to put trust in a society that threw a fit because they where asked to wear a mask
And a society that argue it was ok to let some groups of people die
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anarchotahdigism · 4 months
Yet more efforts to make masking illegal All the more reason that everyone should be masking. It's harder to ban what is considered normal, but if "normal" is eugenics and police oppression, then it's quite easy to ban anything that mildly hinders those things.
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clown country [x]
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lost-carcosa · 8 months
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