#uk weather am i right
katya-goncharov · 1 year
it can NOT be natural for the weather to be this hot in september. This just feels wrong
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dduane · 4 months
It’s not over yet! May 11/12 aurora watch continues
It was a good night for aurora watchers all over Europe on the evening of May 10th/11th, 2024. Here's a great brief timelapse video sequence from Berkshire in the UK (via @Rainmaker1973 over at the Bye Bye Birdie place).
Among numerous other displays, this particular broad, pink "banner" structure was widely observed across the UK and Ireland around midnight local time / 2300 UT. It persisted, twisting and morphing into a variety of new shapes, for something like half an hour. The night's display as a whole was definitely one for the record books.
The early projections at the NOAA site suggest that the power of the incoming geomagnetic storm will be significantly less on Sunday, May 12th. But the night of May 11th still holds possibilities, as for the time being the storm seems to be holding at the relatively high Kp 8 level (on a scale of 0-9).
NOAA space weather forecasters have observed at least seven coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from the sun, with impacts expected to arrive on Earth as early as midday Friday, May 10, and persist through Sunday, May 12, 2024. 
Here are the early graphic projections for the zone of visibility on the evening of May 11 2024. Please note that (a) these are approximations and estimates, not hard and fast indicators of where the solar wind makes planetfall; and (b) as they did last night, they may well improve over the course of the day as newer and better data reaches the predicting devices and personnel.
The European animated projection comes via ITV (UK) weatherman Chris Page.
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North American prediction images come via the Space Weather Prediction Center at the NOAA website. Right now (9:30 PM IDT / 2139 UT on May 11th) the NOAA's evening prediction animation for Europe and North America hasn't been generated yet. This still image (updated 1900 IDT) shows where the auroral viewing zone stands right now. The "likelihood of viewing" for Europe seems to have dropped pretty much into the 30-40% range.
That said, though, it's worth noting that the NOAA earlier issued yet another geomagnetic storm watch warning for 12 May, as the Sun apparently popped off both X-class and M-class flares early today; the effects of those are now in transit toward Earth. So we'll see in a day or so what comes of that. Sunspot region 3664, which has been responsible for all this excitement, is plainly not done spitting out flares just yet.
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As regards tonight's predictions, it also remains to be seen whether what we get will be better... considering that last night's displays far outpaced everybody's expectations. I for one am quite willing to be surprised. 🙏
It's also worth noting here that so far today, the Kp index illustrated at the Space Weather Prediction Center's experimental aurora dashboard page—an indicator of the current strength of the geomagnetic storm—hasn't dropped off very much from last night's highs. It'll be interesting to see how this behaves as the day goes on. (ETA 2: image updated 11/05/2024, 2140 IDT)
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Other useful resources for those interested in space weather generally, and solar weather:
NASA's SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) satellite's "The Sun Now" page
ESA Space Weather Service Network
NOAA (US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Space Weather and Prediction Page
OVATION auroral prediction model from the DSCOVR spacecraft, via SpaceWeatherLive
AuroraWatch UK
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xas24 · 9 months
hellooo!! lmfao idk if its just me but am i the only one who noticed that pedri absolutely HATES the cold, or he just gets rly cold easily idk but the way he wears his puffer jacket is so cute, anyway i was hoping u could write something related to that?? love ur work btw !!!☺️
cold boy - pedri
summary: pedri visits england for the first time and realises that he was definetely not made for cold weather.
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being from an island that is known for its hot temperatures, pedri cannot handle the cold that surrounds him in various areas of barcelona in winter, or anywhere that is close to a minus in the temperature. his coat would be clung to his body, begging for some sort of warmth in these freezing conditions, and this was something that didn't go unnoticed by y/n or many barça fans.
y/n thought it was absolutely adorable, the way he would shove his hands into the pockets of his coat, head and neck covered by the hood. sometimes she would fling her scarf around his neck, just so he could get that extra bit of warmth she knew his body very much needed.
currently, the two were in the uk, back in y/ns home town for a few days of the holidays. y/n was aware of how cold the temperatures usually are in england, which is why she’d made her boyfriend pack as many fluffy sweaters, puffer coats and beanies he had.
pedri was excited for the adventure, the new experience of visiting england, a place he had never been before, but most of all he was looking forward to meeting his girlfriends family once again. he knew how much they loved him, and likewise he enjoyed their presence and the positive, cheery aura her folks possessed.
what he wasn't mentally prepared for was how cold it would be. in all honesty, he thought y/n was exaggerating with the temperatures; he didn't think it would be this cold until it had smacked him right in the face. his nose and tips of his ears had instantly started to turn pink and his lips became chapped, yet he still put a smile on his face whilst greeting his girlfriend's family and laughing at their jokes of how the canarian was finding this freezing weather.
it was now the second day of the couple being in england, and pedri was slightly adjusting to the winter weather. when y/n had asked him to go down to the markets with her, he had refused as he didn't want to spend another second freezing his ass off outside.
but when she pouted and pressed a delicate kiss to his lips, he couldn't deny her anymore.
"thank you! i promise it'll be fun, its not that cold out today." y/n stated as she put on her puffer coat. just a quick look outside begged to differ but pedri huffed and put on his own coat, grabbing his gloves and his beanie before following her out the bedroom.
the two made their way downstairs and as y/n was grabbing her bag, she noticed how cute her boyfriend looked stood to the side, his hair and ears submerged into the wool of his beanie and his hands in his pockets.
she grabbed a scarf and smiled as she made her way over to him.
"here," pedri watched as she reached up and wrapped the scarf around his neck twice. she fluffed it up so he was fully covered, then kissed him on the lips. "now you won't feel as cold."
pedris heart practically leaped out of his chest at her gesture; his cheeks warmed with love and adoration for the girl infront of him, transforming his lips into a shy grin. his arms wrapped around her neck as he pulled her body closer to his so he could lay a kiss onto her lips properly, mouths slotting together and cold breaths mixing as he kissed his gratitude and love into her.
"thank you, but i think i'll still freeze to death." he whispered against her mouth once he pulled away.
y/n chuckled and pinched his side, eyes glaring up into his brown ones. "you'll be fine, stop being a baby."
pedri pouted and snuck his head into her neck. the warmth he felt, all snuggled up into her body with his arms around her waist, was unmatched - no cold could truly bother him whilst he was in his girls arms. he pressed a kiss to her neck and whined once again that he would rather stay inside.
"no, you're gonna have fun, trust me, amor. c'mon." she grabbed his hand, letting him kiss her cheek one last time before pulling him towards the front door.
she really wanted him to see her home town, the markets that she grew up going to every weekend, the views of the sunset, the lights that illuminated the night and kept the town awake, and especially the snow that made everything look like a fairytale.
pedri saw the excitement evident on her face, so his fingers tightened in her hold. he pulled her closer to his body and they both made their way down the streets and to the markets. they laughed and talked about whatever they wanted whilst the snow trickled down and the cold wind wafted around them but pedri could’ve cared less in that moment as he had his girl by his side.
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verstappenf1lecccc · 6 days
would you write a Nando x reader like a longish one where she’s a fan at the British Grand Prix like that’s her home country and all.. and Nando is all annoyed and everything because of the British weather but they fall in love after Nando has to apologise to the reader.. however Nando wants to leave the uk as its weather depresses him carries on all season racing then realises he misses the reader and comes back for her and is like home is where you are blah blah .. I want angst and lots of fluff and comfort.. I never see enough Fernando I need more please 🙏
I am so sorry for how late this is being uploaded!! I really hope you like it :) once again i am so sorry for not posting this sooner.
Let me know if you guys like it and or want a part two :)
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British weather, you’ve heard of beach weather or even sweater weather but what you might have not heard off was British weather. Bipolar, Unpredictable and frankly a nuisance.
If there was one thing Fernando Alonso would openly hate and criticize it would be the British weather, something about the cold and gloomy weather never sat right with his Spanish blood, it wasn’t that he wanted it to rain and be cold it was just the way the weather would pull a sad cast over the country pissed Fernando off.
He thrived in the salty Spanish atmosphere always groaning and making up excuses for when Lawrence needed him to come to the UK especially with the production of the new factory. He despised it and once almost semi threatened the older stroll into leaving if he had to visit the UK more than twice a year. That included the British Grand Prix. Let’s just say senior stroll was not pleased with his antics but hey who was he to judge.
Fate was a twisted thing when you come to think of it.
Fernando would never believe you if you would have come up to him months ago and say that he willingly took more than two flights a year to the UK, all for what you may be asking. He was doing it all for love.
The way they met was nothing short of a love story.
It was the British Grand Prix, and she was there eyes trying to capture everything the atmosphere had to offer, she’d work her butt off to finally afford paddock passes. It was her dream come true. A little fun fact about her was that she was painfully patriotic, she was the type of person to cry annually on the queens passing day, she was the type of person who wouldn’t mind giving her two cents whenever someone would dare complain about her country infront if her. She was also the type of person who considered one direction a national treasure and cried when Zayn left the band. she loved her nation and was proud to be British. It wasn’t a surprise that her favorite driver was Sir Lewis Hamilton, it was rather fitting but what was surprising was that her second favorite rather then being George was Fernando. Her friends found that bit rather ironic but alas.
Fernando had spotted her way before her sense even registered that she was far too deep into the paddock way beyond what her day pass allowed her to be, the Spaniards assistant was about to knock some sense into the girl but was stopped by a quick grunt from his boss.
Something captivated Fernando about her, it was almost like she had brought sunshine and brightness in her that she sort off over shadowed the gloomy weather. He liked that about her, Fernando was never shy especially when it came to getting girls number or talking with them but with her he almost was shy, a rather weird feeling for him. He wanted to get her name or her number before she could blend in with the hundreds of fans present. Fate had other plans. Before he would approach her security came to drag her away from the area and also ended up dragging Fernando away from his chance to get to know the girl. He ended up having a faint laugh over his luck.
The race ended up with Lewis winning followed by both Fernando and lance on the podium. It was one of the greatest moments for the team something Fernando would never forget. A double podium would be any teams dream but for a team like Aston Martin it was a miracle. Fernando doesn’t know why he said yes to staying longer in the UK with the team to celebrate the victory the logical part of him thought that it was due to the love he had for his team but a part deep inside of him knew otherwise.
Fernando knew someone was looking out for him when he ended up bumping his Aston Martin into a rather tipsy passerby, who might that passerby be you might be wondering? Well it was none other then the pretty girl Fernando had set his eyes on in the paddock. Fate really had a twisted way of bringing people together. But hey Fernando wasn’t going to complain especially if it brought him to her.
The first thing that registered in her mind was that the fabcy car she was ogling at had in fact hit her. She didn’t mind the part where the handsome Spanish driver came out and started apologizing rather quickly for her drunk mind to comprehend. She thought his lips were pretty and had accidentally said it out loud which only resulted in the Spaniard laughing.
Fernando knew she was drunk and he did his best to try and get a friends name or number to get the girl he now knew as yn home.
Alas she was not budging only saying that she lived just down the street and that she could walk. Long story short she could not. Not only that she ended up throwing up in his car and then going on a rather long rant about how perfect Britain is and when Fernando mentioned the weather she quickly shut him up by throwing up again. ladies and gentlemen at this exact moment Fernando knew that she was the one for him minus the throw up.
He had ended up flagging a cab down and had found out her number and address and made sure she got home safe. He made sure that she had a little something to eat prior to getting into a cab and that resulted in a still rather tipsy but more sober yn giving him her number.
It was exactly a week later when they went out on their first date and the rest is history.
2 years down the line and the only issue in their rather perfect relationship was the weather. To anyone’s SUPRISE Fernando had ended up traveling to the UK 24 times in each year that they have been together. Both of them knew this wasn’t an environmental or logical solution to their issues.
It was a no brainer to Fernando, when he had proposed the idea of asking her to move in with him in Spain. He knew how much he missed the Spanish sun and the salty air, funny enough he really missed his homeland. Fernando was one proud man his nationality being one of the many things he was proud about. He hates being away from her and hates the UK weather even more so when he suggests moving to Spain he really thought it would work.
Alas when the idea was brought up she simply said no, it left Fernando rather perplexed and confused as to why she wouldn’t want to live with him. He had taken it the wrong way, of course she wanted to live with him she bloody loved the bloke and didn’t was to be away from him but she didn’t want to leave the UK.
It was a weird situation neither of the patriots wanted to leave their country and settle somewhere else. Unfortunately this debate carried on for way too long and ended up in a rather tense argument which lead to Fernando saying “A la mierda, claramente amas este país y este clima miserable más de lo que me amas a mí. no puedo soportarlo más”
* fuck this you clearly love this country and this miserable weather more than you love me. i can't take it anymore*
and with that he had packed up his bags for the dreaded triple header, neither of them being mature enough to find a solution and sort things out before he left for the month. the way his words churned in her head made her eyes tear up and tore her heart into two. She didn’t mean to make him upset and make him feel like she didn’t want to live with him. She simply just didn’t want to leave the country it was all she ever knew.
On the other hand Fernando was miserable, a triple header was never easy especially when you had just argued with your girlfriend prior to leaving. He regretted his words and his tone, he hated how entitled he sounded. He didn’t want to hurt her but he genuinely just wanted to move to Spain with the love of his life, the other reason he wanted to get her to Spain was so that he could propose to her in the heart of his city. He had it all planned. He really didn’t know if she would even say yes after this fight.
It was 3 days into the argument when they first made contact. It was the first time they had gone so long without talking and it genuinely killed both of them.
Fernando being the older and wiser fox had called her in the hopes of her temper subsiding and to simply hear her voice. He had sent flowers to her apartment as a token of his remorse and in hopes of her texting him.
She didn’t pick up his call. That had left his head pounding with worry and his heart hurting, was she truly going to leave him.
She couldn’t take it anymore all she wanted was to jump into his arms and have him hold her close while whispering apologies in his native tongue.
So she did what every rational person would do, she booked a plane ticket to the next race. Surprisingly enough it ended up being Spain, she knew he would be smug about it after they had made up. It was a red eye flight and was well over 12 hours with the layovers. She didn’t mean to end up ignoring his call and had not even seen the message.
It was well into the second practice session when she showed up in the paddock and was simply directed to Fernando’s drivers room where she sat for the remainder of the session. She knew she should have given Fernando context over shutting down his idea. She wanted to apologize but it seemed like fate wanted to add a little drama into their lives and made Fernando crash his Aston Martin into the barriers jusy as the session was coming to a end. The red flag and seeing her man in the crumpled car were all she needed to end up bursting into tears. She knew that he was okay but as he aged she knew that although the accident looked rather simple it could have a higher impact on his body.
It was a quick stop at the medical center for Fernando before he made his way into his drivers room just to check if his love had called him back. What he wasn’t expecting was to be attacked by a crying mess.
He held her close as she sobbed into his chest, fear and anxiety making her a crying mess. But in Fernando’s eyes she was nothing but an angel. He held her close letting her rant about how stupid it was of him to have a crash and how she never wants to see that ever again. He let her ramble until she slowly calmed down.
He then peppered her with kisses and held her whilst he apologized for everything. For the way he spoke to her for the way he marched out and for simply crashing. He rambled on saying something along the lines of never leaving her especially after arguing and that he didn’t care about the miserable weather anymore and he just wanted to be close to her no matter what country it ended up being in.
His apology resulted in a fresh wave of tears escaping from her eyes and she quickly apologized for shutting him down and ended her ramble with saying that she just wanted to live with him.
Their quick turnaround and apologies continued for a rather long time which was followed by some rather interesting activities which displayed the passion they shared for eachother.
At the end of the day they held eachother close and the silk sheets covered them and came with the conclusion after much discussion with George and Carmen who were in a similar situation that they would end up partly in Spain and partly in the UK.
To be honest Fernando could care less where he ended up as long as he was with her.
Over the next week they explored the Spanish countryside and where Fernando grew up before he got down on one knee and proposed to her.
She obviously said yes :) But that is a story for another time
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moony-mari · 1 year
1:58 am - lando norris 
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Lando norris x fem!reader Summary: 1:58 am the time he walked out of your life or 1:58 am the time he walked back into your life Warnings: hurt/comfort. angst. fluff. max is max fewtrell, italics are flashbacks a/n: put my playlist on shuffle and started writing! Hope you like it send me requests if you want an idea to be written! 
1:58 am the exact time he walked out of your shared apartment leaving you alone, tears cascading down your face as you wondered why he went away. 
Your knees gave out as you sank to the couch, tears blurring your eyes as you opened your phone, your heart clenching as you looked at the photo of lando that lit up the dim room. Immediately you opened your email drafting  a letter of resignation to send to all the quadrant members. 
Placing your phone down, you began to walk around the apartment, memories flooding your mind 
The rain hit the windows harshly causing you and Lando to look at eachother “we're gonna get soaked” he laughed. You'd gone out for dinner and decided it was a good idea to walk to to the restaurant completely forgetting how brutal the UK weather can be 
“I guess we'll have to run home. You wanna race me lan?”
“You don't stand a chance” he smirked at you as he took your hand and led you to the door. 
He was right, you couldn't win,completely drenched hair dripping you finally caught up to him trying to catch your breath ”you could've let me win arsehole” 
“Where's the fun in that baby” he took your hand, and as if on queue music started playing from the car parked on the side “let's dance” 
You're not much for dancing but for him you did. And so you danced in the rain, laughing like a bunch of idiots. Lando pulled you in for a sweet kiss which you gladly reciprocated, until you jumped the honk of a car breaking you apart.
“Do you want to come home or are you just gonna keep standing in the rain all night?” max called 
“Oi you muppet you played the song didn't you? You should’ve shouted us before” 
“Believe it or not i actually like you two together so i gave you a cute moment don't worry i got pictures and videos so i expect a thank you”
“Thank you max” you giggled at his antics and pulled lando to the car 
You placed the frame face down not wanting to remember anymore, the hole in your heart only growing as you continued to roam through the dark halls, leading to your bedroom. Checking your phone one more time pleading for a message a call anything to tell you that he was okay and that he was coming home 
Nov 20th was the date. 2 weeks. 14 days. Complete radio silence. Your resignation had not gone down well. Max showing up to your place pleading with you to come back saying Lando was an idiot for what he did and how you shouldn't throw 3 years of hard work at quadrant because Lando was being a dipshit. Ria and the boys spammed you with messages.you told them you’d finish all the videos scheduled this year but after that you were done. You couldn't work with him anymore. 
How could you go back? 9 years of friendship and a 4 year relationship down the drain like it meant nothing. you’ve been there since the beginning. You held him while he cried and celebrated with him after a good race. But most importantly you loved him. You thought he loved you too. 
Dread consumed you as ria dropped off your abu dhabi paddock passes reminding you that quadrant scheduled a video filming the last race of the year from the mclaren garage. You had no choice but to go. It was work after all. So you packed your bags (full of Lando's hoodies that still smell like him) , got on the plane and checked into your room on wednesday night.Declining offers to go out because you knew he'd be there and you weren't ready to face him yet. 
Saturday rolled around (too quickly) and you were getting ready to go to the paddock to watch quali. The Mclarens had been looking unbelievable this weekend, the progress they've made throughout the year clearly showing with both of the drivers being at the top in both fp1 and fp2. Your mind wandered to the possibility of Lando winning a race. Your heart clenched. A knock on your door brought you back to reality. “Are you almost ready, love quali is starting in 30 minutes? The cars waiting in the lobby ” ria spoke through the door. You grabbed what you needed and headed out. 
As predicted, Oscar finished fp3 in p1 with Lando just behind. Your heart rate was skyrocketing as you walked closer to the McLaren garage.Max knew how hard this was for you so he pulled you aside “i've known you for 9 years. I know when you're not okay. I know this is hard but this is the last time you'll be with us. Forget lando. I mean quadrant. Aarav, steve, ethan ,niran, ria, me the people you've spent the last few years with building this brand so enjoy yourself. I may be Lando's best friend but you know you'll always have me.” 
Tears pooled in your eyes as you hugged him pouring everything into it not being able to answer him verbally. You wiped your tears and continued to walk to the garage with Max next to you. 
Luckily Lando was already in the car when you got there so you settled into the familiar garage missing the feeling of watching live from the garages. Quali  went past in a blur and now all you could focus on was Lando's car going round the track setting purple sectors all around. Screams erupted as he crossed the finish line and secured pole position. Hugging all your friends and fully embracing the moment.
Lando soon made it back into the garage and Max gave you the heads up so you could go back to the hotel. You knew you'd have to face him tomorrow but maybe tomorrow you would be ready. You settled into bed and hoped you would be okay and drifted off to sleep. 
Loud knocking woke you up. Looking around for your phone you checked the time. 1:58 am. Walking up to the door thinking it was just ria you pulled on a hoodie and opened the door.You wrong. Lando stood on the opposite end of the door. Bags under his eyes and his cheeks more hollow than you remembered  he just stood there defeated. Until he finally broke the silence that consumed all the air around you
“Can I come in?” 
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year
Meet-up in London? ❤ 🐍😊
Hiya! :) So I am arriving to London tomorrow evening (25 July) and I'm thinking we could do a meetup on 26th during the day and tour together filming locations of S1 connected to AC? :)❤
Discord to discuss this :)
Meeting place: Tavistock Square :) (map)
Meeting time: 11 am July 26 :)
Plan: (feel free to use even if you don't want to meet up :)): We would meet at Tavistock Square and then made a few stops in the center where some AC scenes were filmed. We could have a walk on foot to some places if there's nice weather? Lunch somewhere on the way. No idea how long this will take us but I would like to be at 16 at the cinema to be sure to get in :).
1) AC in Berkeley Square - Tavistock Square - Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9EU, UK
Google maps link
Closest Underground Station: Euston Station
The scene in Episode 6 with Aziraphale and Crowley was filmed in Tavistock Square.
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I think here we could regroup, so some photos and slowly head way to number 2, number 2 open at 12 but it would be nice to have some time to spare if anyone was running late <3 (tell us tho).
2) AC reuniting - The Enterprise pub - 38 Red Lion Street, Holborn, London, WC1R 4PN, UK
Google maps link
Closest Underground Station: Holborn
The pub where Crowley is getting drunk in Episode 5 and is reunited with Aziraphale. If the Google opening hours are right they should open at 12.
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3) "We had crêpes!" - Duke of York Monument, Carlton Gardens, St. James's, London SW1Y 5AH, UK
Google maps link
Closest Underground Station: Piccadilly Circus
The stars on which Aziraphale and Crowley leave the park in Episode 1, Crowley tempts Aziraphale to lunch and they speed away are filmed at the Carlton House Terrace Street.
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4) AC meeting place at St James's Park - St James's Park London SW1A 2BJ, UK
Google maps link
Closest Underground Station: Piccadilly Circus
Aziraphale and Crowley's meeting place at St James's park that we can see in Episodes 1,3,6 :).
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4) Bandstand Breakup - Battersea Park London SW11 4NJ, UK
Google maps link
Closest Underground Station: Battersea Power Station
The AC breakup in Episode 3 :'(. And not far from there Aziraphale and Gabriel talk in Episode 4.
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6) Entrance to Hell and Heaven - Broadgate Tower - 201 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3AB UK
Google maps link
Closest Underground Station: Liverpool Street
The entrance to Heaven and Hell in Episode was filmed in the ground floor of the Broadgate Tower. Internet says it is open 24.hours.
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slytherinshua · 4 months
genre. fluff. suggestive. takes place after s2 finale but there are minimal spoilers (a little referencing to what uk & yeong do after the finale tho) ++ uk & yeong cameo <3. warnings. making out (like a lot). and yul mysteriously loses one of his robes. a lot of marriage talk and how yul and reader are not married (yet). not proofread. pairing. yul x fem!reader. wc. 1.5k. request. no. a/n. i swear i didn't mean to write another yul fic and esp not another fic with a makeout scene WHOOPS! but the hanbok in aos always got me like so focused like.......... also yes i did research the exact set of hanbok yul was wearing in the finale episode cause i am dedicated to my details!!
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Your lover, Seo Yul, never seemed to stop surprising you. Whether it was a new spell, a random piece of knowledge, or something he remembered about you that even you had forgotten about yourself; his ability to care and give far surpassed any other man. Yul was always willing to take a risk— to break the rules just slightly when it came to you. It was the effect you had on him, making his heart ache whenever you were away and his brain thoughtless whenever you were involved. You drove him crazy and he loved every second of it.
Maybe that was how he didn’t protest at all when a simple peck on the lips that was supposed to be discreet turned into a slightly longer kiss. He didn’t pull away when you threaded your hands in his hair to bring him closer to you, nor did he budge when you slipped your tongue past his lips, deepening the kiss to something neither of you had ever dared to try before. You weren’t even engaged yet (though you both knew that you would get married as soon as the opportunity arose). 
You were situated in an empty room in Jeongjingak, both aware that you Uk and Yeong were supposed to arrive at any time, not knowing when their boat might arrive back in Songrim. The room was a bit chilly as the weather was getting cooler, but Yul’s lips burned through any chill that could touch your body. He had you pressed up against a bookshelf, the same spell books that he had studied in his youth used as a rest against your back as he impatiently kissed you, exhausting his breath and any sensible thoughts left in his head. The only thing on his mind was you and, more precisely, your lips. 
How soft they were, how they moulded so perfectly against his. How did you do it? What expensive balm or ointment did you apply to get him so thoroughly addicted to the taste? If there was a way for him to be able to kiss you like this whenever, he would do it in an instant. 
He supposed that the most obvious answer would be to marry you first. And he had half a mind to propose to you right now and find a ring maker the same afternoon without sending word back to Seoho Fortress. He needn’t bother with his father’s approval when he already knew that nothing would sway his mind when it came to you. You were the only woman he would ever consider marrying, and you knew it too by the way he was kissing you. Yul would never give any other woman a chance to get this close to him, not even if she was the prettiest lady in all of Daeho.
The entire time that you had been lost in the kiss— familiarising yourself with another one of life’s pleasures that you had the enjoyment of experiencing for the first time with the first and last man you would give your heart to— you had been feeling the fabric of Yul’s hanbok. It was a light seafoam green with a soft lavender collar on the outer garment. With your wandering hands, and the style of the set (forgoing any ties for the collar or waist), the fabric easily started to slide off of his shoulders. 
Yul could feel what you were doing and the fact that he was about to lose a layer of clothing. You were so sure that he was going to finally tell you to stop when he pulled away from your lips at long last. But, to your surprise, he didn’t. He made eye contact, his eyes shiny with a hint of mischief hidden in them.
“Do you need help, my love?” He asked softly. You were shocked that he seemed so composed, and not even a little bit out of breath, unlike you. You gathered that it had something to do with his breathing technique. 
You nodded, a bit dazed, but still eager to be any closer to Yul as you could. Admittedly, you had some idea of what he was hiding under the elegant sets of hanbok. You hadn’t exactly been slick when hugging him. But you had never actually seen his chest, and just the thought of it had your face heating up and butterflies swarming in your stomach. 
The outer garment slipped off of Yul in seconds, and he tossed it aside on one of the chairs before grasping your waist to pull you closer again. He simply needed your lips on his again as quickly as possible. He had never felt this impatient in his life.
With your lips back on his and his skin just that little bit closer to your fingertips, you were both more than content. All thoughts flew out the window, much like before, until the sudden sound of footsteps made you jerk away from your lover. Yul didn’t register the reason for your unexpected action until he finally saw Uk’s familiar head of short black hair in the doorway. 
Right. Jeongjingak was a public space, and now that Uk and Yeong were back from their months of hunting down Jinyowon relics, they were overdue for a reunion. Yul had been excited to see his friend originally, but now he felt a twinge of disappointment, realising that Uk was the only thing keeping him from tasting your lips again for the next few hours.
“You’re back!” Yul heard you say as you gave a sweet smile to Uk, and his wife, Yeong, who was right behind him. 
“Yes, it was quite the adventure, wasn’t it?” Uk grinned, turning to his wife for her consensus. She smiled at first, but as she turned back to you and Yul, her gaze twisted to one of confusion and then astonishment. 
“Are you two lovers?” She asked quickly, causing your stomach to drop and Yul to turn his head, stunned by her suggestion. No one in Daeho knew you as anyone more than Yul’s close friend, and most of his rumoured lovers had been women of… more prestigious lineage. 
Uk narrowed his eyes at his best friend, taking in his rumpled hair, flushed face, and finally, his missing outer robe. His head shot back to his wife’s, a knowing look shared between the two before Uk let a sly smile grace his face.
“Yul, you never cease to surprise me. Here? In Jeongjingak? I didn’t know it was such a popular spot.” His smile grew as Yul’s face reddened, practically drowning in embarrassment from being caught in such a scandalous act. That too, with someone he wasn’t even engaged to yet. No one had any suspicion of you two before, and now he was sure that the news would spread rapidly to every corner of the country. And eventually Seoho Fortress too.
“I always thought their energy matched.” Yeong spoke up again, “Yul’s was so calm and yet powerful. No wonder Y/n’s daring personality was just enough to kindle its full potential. They will be a great match.” She gazed at you proudly, giving you a silent nod of approval at your anxious look.
In the time that the few words had been exchanged amongst the older couple, Yul had managed to slip his garment back on, hoping he was subtle enough with it. He was entirely flustered still. Everything from the intensity of the kiss to being caught so suddenly was enough to make his brain short circuit. His image as the cool-headed eldest son of the Seo family was crumbling beneath him, and there was nothing he could do to stop it now that Uk had caught him. 
“Yes… We are… engaged.” Yul stuttered, choosing the last word suddenly as a final attempt to make the situation look even slightly better. Your eyes widened in shock when you heard it, even wondering suddenly if you had forgotten when Yul had ever asked you to be his officially. He had never uttered a word of it to you— the last that you knew was that he would have to send a very carefully worded letter to his father and wait anxiously for approval.
Uk nodded approvingly, “I always wondered when you would. You are the last to do it, you know.” He teased, but was quickly shut down with a slap from his wife.
“Yul is doing far better than you! You proposed to nearly 20 other girls before getting married. And you are younger than him!” Yeong didn’t hold back, and you smiled at the sight. They had been through so much, you were glad that they were finally allowed to be happy together; experiencing a fulfilling marriage after years of hardships. 
You looked forward to the day that you would be able to seen with Yul like that. The day people would always expect to see you two side by side, when they would ask you about the other and how you were doing together, because you would forever be united from that moment, sworn to each other until death dared to tear you apart. You had never longed for something as much in your life, nor had you ever felt so deeply in love as you did with the man who stood next to you. Though Yul hadn’t yet asked you, you were already his, and there was nothing that could possibly change that fact.
↳ k-drama taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @eternalgyu,, @wolfmoonmusic,, @cha3w0n-hearts,, @tempobaekh,, @candewlsy,,
@cosmicwintr,, @blossominghunnie,, @parkjennykim,, @seunghancore,, @emmylksblog,,
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taylorexposed · 4 months
You would think that being summer — that Edinburgh would be warm, right? Nope. It’s cold as fuck. Here I am in a sweater and a scarf. Trying to keep warm. I forgot how the weather is in the UK in general year round can be. If you see me looking like that Michelin tyre boy mind your business. Despite my complaints I am ready to spend the rest of the month here. And I’m secretly hoping for a little more rain shows.
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barbielanno · 6 months
Shut up and kiss me
warning : smut
summary: you are oscar's girlfriends' lily's friend and she sets you up with lando norris
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“Where are you?”, I text to my bestfriend Lily as I’ve been waiting for her in a cafe for about 20 minutes now. “I’m sorry y/n, I can’t make it. I’m busy but I sent someone to pick you up. Please be nice to him. I told him about you and you’ll recognise him when he comes ;). I hope you are wearing a good pair of innies”. WHAT THE HELL! What does she mean? Who did she send? “Hello Miss. y/n”. LANDO??? SHE SENT LANDO NORRIS TO PICK ME UPPPPPP???? “I’m Lando Norris, Oscar’s teammate. Lily requested me to pick you up, Osc is quite sick and she is keeping him company.” Fuck… the words aren’t coming off my mouth. I’M froze. “Hi Lan, I have seen you on tv. You are more pretty in person. I’m so sorry, I would’ve booked a cab if she texted me earlier. Sorry to waste your time”. “First of all, thank you for calling me pretty as I’m too mesmerised by your beauty. And secondly, I offered Lily to pick you up. I’ve seen your photos with her and thought you were very cute.” DID LANDO NORRIS JUST TOLD ME I’M CUTEEE? ANY LACK OF SELF ESTEEM FROM THESE DAY ONWARDS WOULD BE AN INSULT TO LANDO. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DOOOOO? I CANNOT TELL THIS MAN THAT I’VE BEEN IN LOVE WITH HIM SINCE 2019. “What are you thinking pretty, are you uncomfortable with me?” “NO, no Lan, I um I uh um I just am starstruck at the moment.” “Haha, so shall we?” He tilts his head hinting me we should go to his car.
“Yes, let’s go” and I follow him. “you have a very pretty car”, I say and he opens the door for me. Ugh!!! Such a gentleman. “now I’ll have a pretty company to drive this pretty car” he replies SUCH A FLIRTTTTTTT. We sat In his car and he drives. Suddenly I get a text from lily. Oscar is having health issues so we are in the hospital. They do not allow visitors at this time so spend time with your crush ;). I sigh looking at text and Lando asks me if everything is alright. I tell him what lily texted and that we cannot go to them right now so he should drop me at the hotel. Lando: “well,  it’s your first time here in London and spending the evening at the hotel is not the most rational thinking. Let me show you the places if you are not uncomfortable.” “Uh no, I’m totally fine but you must be busy considering you have a race next week.” I say. “Trust me y/n, I can make time for you”. Oh my god. He has his way with words. My heart is melting and if I spend even a minute more with him, I’m gonna fall in love with him. He takes me to watch sunset but fuckkkkk uk’s weather. It started raining as we parked the car and went 10 mins up walking. Now idk what to do. I’m drenched and I’m wearing a white shirt.  He looks at me with his intense eyes and gives me his jacket to cover me up. “Uh thank you” I say. “It isn’t for you, it’s for me. I dont wan’t anyone looking at you when you are looking this hot”. What did he just sayyyyy? We rushed back to his car.
“ Look y/n, I really wanted to show you the sunset and ask you out for the coffee and since that didn’t work out because of this damn weather and look at you at the moment. You look so sexy with this wet hair and the white shirt. I’m known to be a good driver but at the moment you are driving me crazy. Please let me take you back to my apartment please?” My heart races as I hear him say those words. I’ve been thinking about him a lot specially when I’m alone at my room but now since it is happening in real life, my brain cannot process this all. We go back to his apartment and it’s amazing. I open the jacket he provided me earlier and give him back. I need to change my outfit. 
I want to ask where the bathroom is but he has been staring at me since I opened the jacket.  “Lando, I um ” . “Don’t look at me with those big brown eyes, I dont know what I’ll do next” he says. Fuck he is so hot, it’s turning me on and his curls are wet and I can’t stop thinking about what’s underneath that shirt of him. “SHOW me”. I say
He looks at me confused and says “what?”. “Show me what you’ll do next”. before I could see his reaction to my words, he pulled me by my waist and kissed me. That kiss, like a fairytale crescendo, outshone every sensation I've ever known. I melted right there. I wanted the time to stop and I didn’t wanna let that man go. He pulled back and looked into my eyes “so you have wanted this no y/n? You were just playing hard to get. Your body wants me as much as I want you sweetheart”. I was too turned on to reply what he had to say. “Shut up Lan” I said as I pulled him by his collar. Fuck why isn’t he coming close. “Y/n, my baby, I have a good neck exercise. You’re too weak for that”. This man is a tease and I need him right now. “Lan, I’m gonna walk away from here and sleep with the first man I see if you dont kiss me right now”. His eyes darkened as he heard those words coming from my mouth. He grabbed me by my neck and pulled me closer. “Cocky? Huh I know no one can make you wet if it’s not me, tell me you are mine and I’ll touch you”. I know I have to give myself to him because he will not touch me if I don’t say what I’m told. “Lan, I’m yours, all yours. Now, pl..” I couldn’t even complete what I was about to say an he kissed me. Harder this time, much intense and much sexier than earlier. He bit my lower lip and used his tongue. He is a pro. He slowly goes down to my neck and place soft kisses and I’m already wet. I try to unbutton his shirt but I can’t because my hands are cold and they are shivering. He understands what I need and rip his shirt off. Oh god he is so hot underneath that shirt. I look at his body with lusty eyes as I kiss his chest and proceed to move down while holding eye contact with him. He doesn’t let me go down and pulls me up and kissed me. He unbutton my shirt and undo my bra. He kisses every square inch of my body and squeeze my boobs. “Wow!! They are handful, I love them” he says. “Baby, can I go down on you” he asks me as if I was about to stop him. Who in the world could resist Lando Norris? I bit my lower lip and say “please”. He kisses my inner thighs, teases me and licks me. Wow he sure is best at everything he does. He press my lower abdomen as he continues eating me out. I moan in pleasure. “Uhh umm Lan”
“Baby” I roll my eyes. “keep making those sounds for me love” 
“I’m about to .. uh”
He knows I’m about to finish so he pulls himself away. Such a tease 😈 . I know what he wants.
“Baby I need you inside of me, NOW.” I say and didn’t even notice him taking off his pants already. “See what you’ve done to me”. He looks at my eyes and demands me to see him. “Can you take all of it?” He winks. “ try me” I say. I know he loves playing so I go along with it. He puts his little (BIG) lando inside of me and I scream in pain or should I say pleasure. “Baby you feel so good” he thrusts faster. “Harder Lannie” he knows the rhythm. He knows when to go slow and hard and when fast. “Mhmmm” he moans near my ears and I know he is enjoying it as much as I am. “Baby, I’m about to come” he says. And goes faster. We both finished at the same time and that was amazing. He takes it off of me and places a kiss on my forehead. “We need to clean the mess we have made baby.” And lays beside me. “I’m too tired for that Lan. Let’s clean it later” I say. “Y/n, will you be my girlfriend? I don’t want this to end. I want you everyday.”
Oh my god this man is a GENTLEMAN.
“Yes my love”. And we cuddle and sleep. 
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tonight-i-may-see · 5 months
Birthday Plans (Aaron Hotchner x reader)
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cw: no use of y/n, no specified gender but use of 'Honey'
word count: 340
A voice soft as butter melts over your ears. Being woken up is never nice, but sometimes that voice made it feel a little better. You stretch and grumble a bit, hiding your face in the pillows as he chuckles quietly, his fingers stroking your hair.
“Come on, I know it's early, but we have to get going…” He coos, gently pulling the covers down and rubbing your back in a way that made you almost go right back to sleep. But then it occurs to you that you don't have plans today.
“What..?” It comes out less than coherently, but he gets the message, immediately reassuring you.
“We're only going 3 hours away, Bethany Beach. I made sure I finished the chores after you fell asleep last night, so we'll get there at nine am, leave by four or five after dinner.”
He gives you a moment to process, still rubbing your back slowly.
“Oh, and I got us a hotel room just in case it gets too busy on the beach. The weather is pretty good, so it'll be warm and bright enough to read for a while.”
You take a few minutes to go over it. Normally being given plans this abruptly was torture, and of course you were a little nervous, but Aaron really had planned this to a T. He'd thought of everything, and it was honestly pretty endearing. Eventually, you finally open your eyes, seeing a small cooler and a beach bag next to a pile of your favourite books and some bathing suits.
“Hey,” He whispers, running his thumb over your cheek, there was this look he gave you sometimes that felt like watching him fall in love in real time. It felt like a hot bath after a long day, sinking into comfort and completely enveloped by it, stress felt like a distant pressure he could wipe away in an instant with a single smile. Then his soft voice makes your heart sing once again-
“Happy birthday, Honey”
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fightingsnails · 1 year
Hobie x trans!masc reader
Beach Episode
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tea bee ech this is more for me than anyone else a/n: reader wears a binder, I have no idea the weather in the UK nor the situation with beaches. Honestly I didn't know the UK had beaches until heartstopper. bad accent. not proofread
You and Hobie had been friends for a little while now, and you really enjoyed hanging out with him. So when he asked you if you wanted to go to a small beach with him, you felt your heart sink.
Of course you said yes, you really enjoyed the company, and thought that when push came to shove you could own up to it and go to the beach with, knowing that this wouldn't impact your friendship.
But there was that little voice in the back of your head that said otherwise.
You knew he wouldn't care. He was Hobie for crying out loud, one of the most supporting guys you knew, you've even heard him speak out on issues involving transphobia.
But there was the thought that if he knew, he would treat you differently. He wouldn't rough house you, or tease you about issues that guys would usually tease women about, and the rational part of you chalked it up to him not being a mysgonist, but there was still that doubt.
Hell, there was a chance he already knew.
When the two of you had first met, it was just a normal conversation. Then one of his friends had come up and asked for introduction.
"Oi, yeah, t'is is y/n, and they- uh... actually, mind tellin' me whatcha go by, mate?"
Sure, yeah, it was a bit awkward, but him asking you what you go by instead of if you're a guy or a girl was a green flag.
So now you're sitting in your car, beside the beach that you were supposed to be meeting Hobie at. You were fully prepared to go swimming in your shirt and binder, despite knowing better.
You were pulled out of your thoughts when there was a tap on your window, startling you slightly. You whipped your head to face the window, being greeted by Hobie's shit eating grin, clearly satisfied that he startled you.
You opened your door. stepping out and playfully pushing his shoulder.
"You scared the shit out of me." You said, smiling up at him.
He nodded his head, a satisfied smirk still on his face, "Kinda the point, yeah?"
You shook your head, and the two of you began to walk to the beach. This was possibly the most casual had seen the punk, wearing a t-shirt and shorts, exposing his lanky arms and legs. but you decided not to comment on it.
So now your standing feet away from the water. the rhythmic sound of the waves not helping sooth your anxiety in the way you felt like it should. You hear Hobie set his bag down, and after a second you turn to him, seeing him take his shirt off, and you feel anxiety shoot through you.
"You're really going to swim in your shirt?" He asks casually, tossing his next to his bag as he begins to walk towards you. You know he doesn't mean it in a malicious way, but you can't help the way it only makes it more nervous.
"Yeah, I am. I mean it's just... y'know?" You say, crossing your arms over your chest nervously. You wish that you hadn't said that, because you know that just makes you sound guilty for something, and you feel like your suspicion is confirmed when Hobie raises an eyebrow.
"Mate, if your self conscious, y'know I don' care, right?" He assures, coming a bit closer. I mean, you were, but it wasn't in that way, and you felt like if you agreed, you'd be lying to him. Even if you were, there wasn't many people around.
"No, no, it's not that. It's just..." You began, nervously shifting on your feet. Even if you weren't looking at him, you could feel his expression grow slightly worried, and you panicked even more, feeling like you were making a big deal out of something that really shouldn't be.
You buzzed your lips, trying to fill the silence as you thought of your words. "Y'know, like, I guess I just want to take chances on me getting dysphoric." You said, hoping that the phrasing would be subtle enough that if he didn't know what it meant he would just glance over it.
You turned up to him, and you could see the gears turning in his head. After a second he met your eyes and shrugged.
"I mean, I don' really care, but I get it." He said, giving a small, reassuring smile. You felt your nerves soften slightly, thankful that he wasn't making a big deal of the situation.
You couldn't help but smile back, and you gave him a small nod. "Jus lemme know if there's anything I can do, yeah?" He says, lightly punching your shoulder. You can tell that he's trying to soften the tension, and you felt thankful for it.
"Yeah." You replied softly. You were about to drop the subject and step into the water finally, but your mind darted back to the binder your wearing. You know you're not supposed to get it wet, and the thought of the constriction around your chest getting tighter didn't seem very pleasant.
"Actually..." You began, and you felt bad for taking his attention again, but when he turned back to you, you could tell that he doesn't mind. Hobie was always the person who didn't seem to mind helping people, and you tried to keep that in mind while you talked to him.
"I want to, y'know, do what we came here to do, swim, but I'm kinda... binding." You continued, and you could see that the second the words left your mouth, he was already thinking of a solution.
After a second of him thinking, you were about to tell him to drop it, but he began to speak, "You could always jus' wear my shirt, if ya want, not really scared 'bout gettin' wet. Should be big on ya, if you're worried about tha' sorta thing."
You couldnt help but smile again, and you nodded your head. "Yeah! Yeah. That'd be great." You said, nodding your head again. He smiled back at you and he turned to go fetch you his shirt.
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dduane · 1 year
For those interested in the drink covers
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Yeah, they're absolutely fabulous! Here's their story.
I first spotted them sometime in the late 2010s when @petermorwood and I were passing through Freiburg im Breisgau—that queen among medieval cities in southwestern Germany. I can't remember why we were there on that particular trip. It's a place we've both been often: occasionally on our way to Somewhere Else, sometimes specifically to go there and stay a while for the terrific yearly wine festival, or for Freiburg's own sake. (I've been there two or three times when I needed to get away and do some writing. The usual plan is to rent a holiday apartment for a week or so and buckle down: but even on such trips you get to know the city around you pretty well as you do your food shopping, etc.)
This one time we were there together, in the summertime. All the shops were full of cool summertime things that were making us salivate. And we passed by the well-known cutlery (and cookware, but mostly wonderful knives, ooo, kniiiiiiiives...) shop Ramsperger, and saw the drinks covers above in the front window, along with various picnic stuff.
As too often happens, we didn't go in and buy them right then. But a couple of years later I remembered them, and said to Peter, "We really need those, if we keep getting this good barbecue weather. I'm tired of wasps and things falling in my rosé." And he said, "Well, go find them!" So I went hunting.
Generally, because I am a persistence shopper, what I hunt I find. Eventually I tracked these guys down at Amazon.de. (There may be other sources for homeXpert goods, but I stopped there, as amazon.de happily delivers to us.)
Here they are:
"Trinkglas-Deckel Schirmchen" is more or less "Little 'Brolly' Drinking Glass Covers." They're stiff heavy plastic, and you can see how the concentric ribbing inside them will help them snug down onto just about any size of drinking glass.
At €16 for a set of six, which would probably turn into sort of $20 at the moment, I wouldn't call these cheap. (It's worse in the UK. Amazon.co.uk will charge you £23 and change for the same item.) ...Yet at the same time, if you were to buy them, you wouldn't need another set any time soon. They're solid and well made, even heavy-duty. As an anti-bug measure, they work way better than the kind of cardboard beer mats you get from bars: they're heavy enough not to blow off your glass. And the shape of them means that if it suddenly starts raining, none of the water will get in your drink.
So: 10/10, would buy again if necessary (though I can't think why that would be). And I heartily recommend them for those of you who like the look of them, and for whom the price isn't a problem.
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insomniac4000 · 4 months
ChrisMD and Reader- The Wedding Speech
2084 words.
Ever since you were a little girl you had dreamed of the perfect wedding day. The white dress, all of your family and friends around you, dancing, laughter and of course the husband. You didn’t know who that was going to be at the age of six but at the age of twenty six you met him. He had just gotten out of a long term relationship when the two of you met at a bar so neither of you knew really how far it would go but the pair of you fell incredibly hard incredibly fast.
It was New Years Eve so of course the bar was packed, despite it being a ticket only event it was so full there was hardly space to move. It was ten minutes to midnight so the bar was rammed with people wanting to get their beverages before the clock rang out. You frequented this bar semi often but today the clientele was mixed. There was a couple in front of you who were attached at the lips causing your eyes to roll so you looked elsewhere, noticing an attractive man to the right of you.
“STOP PUSHING ME!” You heard a incredibly gruff and angry voice to the left hand side of you. You looked over to see another man placing his hands up in a sorry mate tone. With the bar being so busy it wasn’t beyond reason that some accidents would happen. The first guy must have been incredibly drunk or worse as out of nowhere he punched the other man in the face and a brawl starting right next to you.
“Oh my God,” you shouted as you tried to avoid any contact with the now fighting men. You felt a strong pair of arms around you and your initial reaction was let out a scream, you calmed down when you felt the arms move you away from the men and to the front of the bar. You looked behind at your saviour and saw the attractive man who caught your eye from earlier. You took the time to really study him, he had blonde hair which was swept over to one side, piercing blue eyes and a strong jawline which was peppered with the lightest stubble.
“The person in front of me was done but I thought you’d be better going first,” he explained and you nodded finally smiling at him as you calmed down.
“Thank you,” you managed to choke out eventually, watching as your knight in shining armour got rocked out by the fracas which was now next to him, it didn’t last too much longer however as security had arrived at this point.
“I’m Chris by the way,” he added placing his hand out, you took it and shook his hand feeling the sparks through your body.
“I’m y/n,” you replied flashing Chris a big genuine smile. You ordered his and yours drinks, he offered to pay and when you reminded him they were free as part of the ticket he said in that case he’d have to take you out for a drink another day and you couldn’t say no.
Chris was involved with the wedding planning but left a lot of the details to you, not because he didn’t care but because he knew you cared more and had a better eye for detail. You still involved him in every decision and he was happy to chip in when he strong opinions and ideas but he told everyone that much of the day was down to you. You chose to get married in Santorini as you both wanted an outdoor ceremony and didn’t want to take the chance on the unpredictable UK weather. You had three bridesmaids, three of your closest friends and after much deliberation Chris had selected Arthur to be his best man. The one part of the wedding you had no idea what was going to happen was Arthur’s speech you did know initially he was really nervous about it but he then apparently had a great idea and was much more chilled about the whole thing.
The ceremony went by without a hitch, both Chris and yourself shed a few tears as you read the vows you wrote to each other.
“Y/N nothing prepared me for when I met you, I never thought I could love someone as much as I do you. Your kind spirit,
your generous nature, your sense of humour and how loving you are to all of the people in your life. I am so incredibly lucky that I’m the person you’ve chosen to love, I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve that but I am going to spend the rest of our lives together trying to reciprocate as you deserve the world. I love you so much.” Chris read from his little notes and you couldn’t help but shed a couple of tears, careful not to mess your make up. You manages to compose yourself and read your vows to him. “Chris, you were my knight in shining armour that night, and I don’t care how short you are to me that night you were six foot seven,” you paused a little for some chuckles before continuing. “You didn’t just save me that night but in life. I have loved every single moment we’ve spent together and I can’t wait for all our future adventures together. You’re my everything, I didn’t know it was possible to love someone as much as I love you but you just make it so easy being the wonderful person you are. I am so proud to call myself your wife,” you managed to breathe out before looking in Chris’s eyes and giving him the biggest smile.
You had some photos taken in the winery and in some other places in the venue before walking into your meal. Chris asked Stephen to be master of the ceremonies so he announced you two into the room in his own special way. You sat down to an amazing meal and you and Chris fully relaxed knowing the legal part was over and now you two could just have fun you did notice Arthur starting to fidget a little bit as the meal progressed.
After some more words from Chris and your dad it was finally Arthur’s turn. He stood up, looking at the faces in front of him, he recognised about three quarters of the people in the room just your family and your friends he wasn’t sure on he drew a deep breath and gave a polite smile before grabbing the microphone.
“Hi everyone, my name is Arthur and I’ve known Chris since school. Most of you will know Chris does Youtube for a living and so do I. Now despite that I really struggled with the idea of writing a speech when Chris asked me to be his man and I thought about it for a while and decided to stick with what I know. I grouped together Chris’s closest friends and family and we sat together in front of microphone, now I know every man and his dog has a podcast but Chris, please enjoy this special episode,” Arthur started and could only laugh awkwardly when Chris gave a loud “WHAT?” which echoed throughout the room. The brunette should shrugged and nodded to one of the venue staff who then pressed a button and all of the TV screens which littered the room turned on.
“For fuck sake,” Chris chuckled, you could only laugh as you watched Arthur’s smug face as he sat down and folded his arms in front of him as the screens started to play. The room was the same one he filmed his and Bach’s podcast but this time joining Arthur in the room was Harry, Simon, Will, Stephen and George.
“So to celebrate Chris’s upcoming nuptials I thought we would get together and share some of our favourite memories of the tiny man,” Arthur’s voice flowed through the speakers, Harry popped his hand up quickly.
“I’ll go first,” the Guernsey man offered before sitting forward in his chair.
“So I first met Shannon…” he started causing the room to erupt into laughter.
“I’m kidding I’m kidding. No honestly Y/N is great, no idea how Chris bagged her,” he finished, everyone else in the room nodded and you couldn’t help but giggle a little bit, you were the one who thought Chris didn’t deserve you not the other way around.
“I’ll never forget the day he walked in the flat after their first date, looked and me and Arthur and went yeah this could be it,” George admitted, causing people in the room to aww, including you who place a hand on Chris’s arm.
“I’ve seen him try and chat up women, he’s fucking terrible at it no idea how we’re all sittin’ here now,” Will added his accent shining through.
“The all powerful beard!” Stephen chimed in.
“It’s quite impressive considering he could never grow anything in school, I swear he didn’t hit puberty until he was about twenty two,” Arthur mused. A picture of a sixteen year old Chris then flashed on the screen causing the groom to bash his head on the table a little, you burst out laughing as he was a BABY.
“Do you reckon he brags about other skills as much as he brags about his football ability?” Simon asked rolling his eyes a little.
“Not with his tiny equipment,” Stephen quipped.
“You’ve known him the longest do ya have a favourite memory of him from school like?” Will asked as he picked with his shoelace. Arthur thought for a second before turning his attention back to the guys.
“There’s tons I can’t really think of one but, I don’t think people will know just what a massive nerd he is. People see him as this cool football guy but he used to come into school with his Lord of the Rings books and wearing a scarf his nan knitted for him, with his braces and his fucked up elf ears. Not a cool guy,” Arthur said and everyone nodded in agreement, even in the room Theo gave a very loud acknowledgement of those words being true.
After a couple of stories from drunken nights out and videos, the camera then switched to a different room and this time beside Arthur was Chris’s sister Kelly and cousin Ollie.
“What the fuck!” Chris exclaimed, glaring at his family on their table although he was low key impressed Arthur managed to get the three of them together in a room, it must have taken some planning.
“Was Chris a good brother growing up?” Arthur asked Kelly already knowing the answer.
“He was very annoying but that’s ab big brother’s prerogative, I mean we’re close. I know I can go to him if I have a problem, or need money,” she joked.
“Or more views on your videos,” Ollie added.
“Do you have any favourite memories of him growing up? Arthur asked sitting back on the sofa a little.
“He will deny this to this day but he definitely wet the bed once when he was like six and blamed Ollie’s dog for it,” Kelly revealed, Ollie nodded along also remembering.
“He went on about that for years!”
“IT WAS THE DOG!” Chris protested in the room. You couldn’t help but laugh at the hijinks, Ollie also telling a story about when they were in the early days of the ChrisMD channel and Chris offered to do the laundry for the whole family while on a family holiday so he could earn some more money for FIFA packs but ended up shrinking everything. The screen changed again and this time Arthur was sitting on his own and addressing the camera directly. “Chris, you’re an easy guy to make fun of but I hope you know it’s all done in jest and honestly I wish you and y/n every happiness, so do these guys,” the footage then changed to a montage of everyone who recorded a short good luck message to Chris and yourself all sincere and heartfelt. The screens then went off and Arthur stood up once again holding the champagne flute in his hand as he made his toast to his friend and bride. Chris and yourself clinked your glasses as you stared in each other’s eyes, excited for what the future was going to bring the pair of you.
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Autumnflower/Florean x August microfic ~ Red gloves
My main account is @yourlocalbadgerscales, I post microfics on @slitherpuffinstories! :3
Florean loved summer. And he hated autumn with a passion. He loved eating ice-cream in the warmth of the sun, he loved feeling the hotness from it on his cheeks as he tilted his head to face the endless blue sky. He loved the coolness of his father’s homemade ice-cream on his tongue as he sat and enjoyed the summer while it lasted.
But when July passed and autumn came, and the cold was on his skin all of a sudden, making his cheeks hurt if he sat outside for too long… when autumn came and made the world dull and grey and wet and cold, cold… ugh, how Florean hated it. The cold weather in the UK was torture for him.
So to be completely honest, he had no idea what had possessed him to step out the door today. He stood next to the road outside of his house, staring gloomily at the cloudy sky, indecisive of where to go. When he looked to his left, he saw a red glove on the empty, lifeless branch of a bush. He tilted his head and went to grab it. Florean held it in his own gloved hands, not sure what to do with it. So he pocketed it for now.
Suddenly, a voice was calling for him. Or someone, at least. He didn’t hear his name, just a slight panting and a “Hey! Hey, you over there!”. He turned around and was met by the sight of a boy his age, running towards him.
“Hey… I’m so sorry to bother you…” The boy seemed out of breath. Florean blinked and smiled carefully at him, letting him take his time. He hadn’t seen this boy before, or at least he couldn’t recall ever meeting him. Would probably remember if I had, he caught himself thinking.
The boy was wearing a red hat with a knitted little ball on top of it, under which a few strands of sandy blond hair poked out, stuck to his forehead. When the boy looked up, Florean noted that his eyes were a greyish shade of blue, like the darkest of clouds that had formed on the sky just now. The owner of said eyes flashed a tiny smile at him, revealing a little gap between his front teeth. The words Florean had meant to utter were caught in his throat, and suddenly he himself seemed short of breath.
“Er, I was wondering, since you stood here… have you seen a red glove lying around? I must have dropped it as I stood here earlier today, and now I can’t find it.” The boy looked past Florean’s shoulder. “Ah, I can’t see it… darn it. I’m really freezing.” He held up the hands that he had kept in his pocket until now, showing off the one gloved hand and a bare one. “It’s so cold today, isn’t it? I usually love autumn, I love the colours of the leaves and how they crunch when I walk on them, and summer is way too hot for me anyways. Oh, am I ranting again? Mum always say I do. I’m August, by the way. August Ollivander. Did you say your name yet? I seem to have forgotten it already, if you did.”
Florean had never felt more warm and fuzzy, not even in summertime. He smiled. For a boy who usually used to rant just as much as any kid, he was awfully quiet. He licked his lips and blinked a few times.
“I’m… I’m Florean. Fortescue.” He smiled warmly. “Nice to meet you, August.”
He was suddenly aware of the red glove he had in his pocket. He clutched his hand around it, but for some reason, he didn’t feel like giving it back just yet. So he pulled his hand out again and held it out for August to shake.
“I like Autumn too”, he lied. “Especially August.” That didn’t feel like a lie.
August smiled even bigger and took his hand, shaking it using his bare hand. It was pale but red at his fingertips.
“We could keep looking for your glove, if you like?”, Florean asked. “Or… we could go home to my place and get you warm again. My mum wouldn’t mind at all, she’ll be thrilled! I was just going home anyways, to eat ice-cream. I live right here.” He nodded towards the house right next to them. August’s eyes flickered over to the house and then back to Florean.
“Yeah, sure!” He laughed softly. “But ice-cream? In this weather? I usually only eat ice-cream in the summer, you know.”
“Oh, well”, Florean shrugged. “My dad says that you can eat ice-cream whenever, and I agree with him. At least you can eat the ice-cream he makes whenever. It’s so good! I promise you.”
August’s eyes widened.
“I knew that I recognised the name Fortescue!”
The two boys made their way towards the house as they spoke. August told Florean about the one time when he was eleven and his dad, a famous wandmaker, had made him find himself his own wand from the shop and had trashed the whole place while trying, and as Florean laughed his heart out, August took his hand and pulled him towards the house more eagerly. It wasn’t what Florean was used to when it came to friends, but he didn’t have the heart to pull away, not even as they entered the house and called for his mom to come to the door.
The rest of the day, Florean caught himself sighing softly, a big grin plastered across his face, every time August looked over at him and smiled at him, his freckly nose all wrinkled up.
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fallingforel · 1 year
heyyyy!!! how are you? :) could you do prompt 53 with Alex turner please ?🫶🏼
A/N hey my lovely I'm good thank you for asking of course I can and here it is on with the showww Idk what it is about Paris and my alex prompts but it's another one where they're in paris. sorry it's short I was struggling a bit.
PROMPT 53: “I’ll keep you safe.”
words: 1,192
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It was a hectic day for me I didn't stop, this morning Alex was gone for soundcheck waking up to an empty bunk on the tour bus so I decided to go and sight see keeping my mind off of him because I'm an ultimate worrier that something happened to the ones I love the most.
After sight seeing I went and got some lunch racking up some hunger as I hadn't had breakfast either we were in paris at the minute so I went to a sweet little cafe with a view of the eiffel tower and ate outside as the weather was nice too.
Then after lunch I made my way to meet Amelie a friend who I hadn't seen in years, she had moved out here after uni after a lack of PR jobs available and we had both got so wrapped up in our lives that we didn't have time to see eachother but she was free too so it felt right to see her.
"Y/n how are you sweet?" Amelie exclaimed as soon as she saw me come into view running straight up to hug me. "I'm good! I'm good!" I say reciprocating the hug. "What are you doing in paris mon cheri? surely you've not moved here." She asks breaking the hug now just holding a grasp on my shoulders. "No! No! I haven't moved out here, just visiting." I say concealing the truth. "Well! we must go shopping then go out tonight. There's a concert I'm going to tonight, they're big! You'd love it. You're not here on your own are you? Being a girl out here on her own can't be easy." she asks. "No, I'm not out here on my own. I'm actually with my boyfriend and his friends." "Invite them! We could do with the extra hands to hold our bags" "errr... It's not that easy Am, they would probably be down to go out tonight though, just not to the concert, maybe after?" I say once again concealing the truth that my boyfriend is in a big band, and they're performing in a stadium tonight, the concert she's going to. And the fact that they'd be bombarded by fans, if they were to just wander the streets with us.
"Why isn't it that easy" "errr well you see, my boyfriends in a band, they're touring at the minute, that's why I'm in paris." "Oh. You mean YOU'RE the girlfriend all the arctic monkeys fans are talking about" "shush shush. no need to shout. But yes, yes I am." "Oh my god! Why didn't you tell me Y/n, this is huge news. First you have a boyfriend, next you're like in with a famous circle. You'll have to introduce me to him because he clearly means a lot to you, I remember when we were in Uni and you said you'd never date a famous person. He clearly must be special"
"Alex and I don't like to say he's famous makes him too pretentious, he heard us talking one time on the phone and thought you sounded pretentious" "It's what the paris lifestyle does to you, It makes you pretentious, everyone here is. too glam for my liking" "that's what I said"
"yeah, well you'd be right, I'm missing the U.k" "You'll have to come to sheffield with us, It'll humble you so much. Might be the break you're looking for, we'll be back that way in a few months." "I wish I could but emille needs me here, to look after the house, he's away too much and we're not rich enough to afford housekeepers." "Fuck Emille you know he's not good for you" "Yeah, I know. I'm leaving him when he comes back next month I caught him cheating, I'm just waiting for an apartment to come available" "Oh! come back to the UK live with me in London, My apartment is rarely ever used since I'm always with Alex, Rent will be super cheap aswell. PR jobs are super available now, I know the whole reason you moved out here was the amount of PR jobs that weren't available, but I've been looking for myself ones that I can work from home on due to being on tour with Alex and Theres tonnes available," "really?" "really Am!" "oh you are such a doll. I love you" "I know. but seriously, I'm gonna be back home in a few months I'll stay with you for a few months make sure you're settled and you know the area and then I'm off again" "I appreciate you so much thank you"
"No worries, come see Alex with me?" "Absolutely, wouldn't dream of not coming. Let's go shopping for some outfits for tonight" "let's hop to it" ⋆。°✩
We shopped for a few hours before returning back to her flat and we got changed before heading out to the stadium in a Taxi. "où les filles?" (where to girls) the taxi driver asked "stade de france s'il vous plait" (stadium of france please) I replied making amelie laugh "what?" "nothing, You've changed I wasn't even aware you could speak french and you sound so different in french a lot less than your scouse accent." "well, Alex has been teaching me french, we've decided we're residing here when he's finished with tour, and People change Amelie" "yeah well it suits you." "thank you" I said looking at her with a smile on my face.
It doesn't take that long until we're there and I'm running around the back to go see Alex. "Y/N, BABE!!!" Alex shouts waving to me "Alex, I missed you, this is Amelie. My bestfriend from Uni, she lives here" "Thats nice, ravi de vous rencontrer, je suis le petit ami d'Alex Y/ns, à quoi ça ressemble de vivre ici ?" (nice to meet you I'm alex Y/ns boyfriend, whats it like living here?) "Oh no, I can speak english, I'm not fully french. Nice to meet you too though, I've heard a lot of great things about you from Y/n, and it's okay makes you a bit too pretentious though" Amelie says shaking Alex's hand when he offers it. "Yeah, told her a lot about you. She's just been cheated on so she's moving into my apartment when we get back to england. I'll stay there with her for a few months or weeks depends on how long she takes to get settled, then we're moving in together." Alex just nods along to what I say, I think he's just too buzzed about going on stage to care right now.
"come on Amelie I'll take you to get a drink and then to the bus to get some merch" I say "I'll come with you two too." Alex says grabbing my hand with me stepping to my left, while Amelie is on my right.
We get to the bar and all of a sudden there is crowds around us, making my claustrophobia highten. And Alex just squeezes my hand tighter pulls me into his chest and whispers in my ear "Dont worry darling, I'll keep you safe, I've got you"
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Soooooo thinking about riders of berk and uh...... who's gonna tell Hiccup that Thor was in fact angry with toothless?
I mean i guess he felt bad after hitting hiccup in the head with lightning and chilled out but like ya know, he was peeved for a little bit there
Ok so i made this a jokey post originally but i actually want to add in the information
So the episode in question "When Lightning Strikes" the plot is that the gang makes large metal dragon perches, and shortly thereafter, Berk is hit by several lightning storms of noticeably increased intensity
Mildew tries to blame the dragons, but in the end they figure out that it was actually the metal that was causing the lightning storms, and while the vikings all think its just because Thor was angry at the metal, we know its because lightning is attracted to metal, which is what really caused the storms.......
From the NOAA
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From TORRO in the UK
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And one more for good measure
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So as you can see, while metal is a good conductor of electricity, lightning is NOT attracted to metal.
Lightning is no more likely to hit metal than it is any other material.
Metal does not cause lightning storms, nor will it increase their intensity.
Lightning tends to seek the quickest path to take to the ground, otherwise it wouldn't be hitting trees very often, and every large city would either be unlivable due to the mass amounts of intense lightning storms that occurred, or they would have to construct buildings out of alternative materials.
So the lightning storms on Berk cannot be explained by the presence of the metal structures, it just doesn't work like that.
Now the most likely option is that is was all just a big coincidence, and they made these structures right ahead of a particularly unsettled bit of weather marked by more extreme lightning that they were used to.
Sometimes that just happens, weather is predictable, but never guaranteed.
Now my argument for it genuinely being Thor pissed off at Toothless for whatever reason, is, from my basic understanding of storms and how they form, they should have been experiencing less storms than they had in the past.
And to be very clear METEOROLOGY IS NOT MY MAJOR.
These are THEORIES based on the class i have been taking, i may not be 100% spot on, in fact i could be 100% wrong.
This is just what i feel it would be based on my understanding of weather. If someone has a degree in this kinda stuff, id love to hear what they think, but like, letting y'all know ahead of time, i am not an authority on this.
Moving on
So in order for rain and storms to form they need something called condensation nuclei.
Condensation nuclei is what allows water vapor to take any kind of form. No condensation nuclei, no rain. This is the thought process through which could seeding takes place.
Put more stuff in the clouds for the drops to form on, and the rain will fall! There's really no evidence to support cloud seeding, but that's the idea of it nonetheless.
Now as to what condensation nuclei are.
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Book is Meteorology Today by Ahrens and Henson
Condensation nuclei are extremely small particles that float around in the air and give water vapor molecules something to land and condense on.
Many things can be a condensation nuclei - fungi, salt, dust, volcanic ash, and sulfuric and nitric acids.
Now important to this, Smoke is a condensation nuclei.
Smoke, ash, both things that would be extremely common around dragons. And fire, smoke, ash, dust, all that kind of stuff, would be MOST HEAVILY in the atmosphere around Berk DURING the war with the dragons.
Houses constantly being burned down, smoke, dust, flying into the air, falling off anything going up into the sky, whether that's projectiles or the dragons themselves.
So overall Berk should have been experiencing more storms before they were at peace with the dragons, and once they were, there would be less stuff going into the air for the water to condense on.
I cannot say whether there would be a big, noticeable difference, but the difference would be there regardless.
So there being more intense storms after the dragons and vikings are chill with each other doesn't make a ton of sense, if anything, there should be less.
Also, condensation and in cloud precipitation is likely what causes lightning
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So taking into consideration that lightning is NOT attracted to metals, and that since the peace with dragons, there should be less clouds and storms, there's no real definitive reason for those intense lightning strikes and ESPECIALLY no explanation for the lightning FOLLOWING Toothless like that.
There's no reason for it to do that!
There's another scene later that show even clearer, i can't find it right now, but it shows where toothless is low to the ground and the lightning is following him.
It WOULD NOT do that!
There is no reason for it to do that unless something was Making it do that!
So, following that logic, it HAD to be Thor (or other god).
Lightning does not behave in that fashion, it would not chase behind a low moving target like that.
There is no other explanation as to why the lightning was behaving like that outside acts of god.
Tragically, Mildew was Correct.
Thor was pissed.
Or maybe he was trying to be helpful!
The village was getting stirred up because of Mildew, maybe Thor knew this would help a lil bit, even though it was also very bad.
And hey, when they put that statue by Mildew's house, the lightning kept hitting him so ya know?
It might have been a misunderstanding!
Either way, not natural how that lightning was behaving, imo, had to be caused by one of the various Norse gods, thank you for you time.
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