#ukrainian revolution
mikhnovskykinnie · 1 year
today, on the 31st of March, my favourite historical figure in Ukrainian modern history squad, Mykola Mikhnovsky, was born. he would've been 150 as of 2023! his ideas, his works, his spirit have never truly faded away, and as long as i'm alive, i will make sure that he'll be remembered. my biggest inspiration, biggest role model, loveliest weird moustache guy. everyone, wish my man a happy birthday. happy Mikhnovsky day!🇺🇦♥️
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relaxedstyles · 4 days
Whew .. kinda, sorta tipsy?
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sonyaheaneyauthor · 3 months
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The 1989-91 Ukrainian Revolution shortly before the collapse of the Soviet Union. X
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canberramaidan · 5 months
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19th February 2014: Ukrainians protesting on Independence Square in Kyiv. The revolution ousted Putin puppet Viktor Yanukovych, who fled to russia.
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unhonestlymirror · 10 months
“The people of Lithuania are waiting for you”: President Gitanas Nauseda congratulated Ukrainians on the Day of Dignity and Freedom.
He published a video of his performance in English with Ukrainian subtitles on the social network X.
The caption states that the Revolution of Dignity on the Maidan took place 10 years ago: “United to defend their European choice, in their quest for justice, freedom and democracy, Ukrainians have proven to be an unstoppable force. Despite brutal war from Russia, Ukraine is increasingly moving closer to Europe. The future of Ukraine is in 🇪🇺!"
“The start of accession negotiations in December is another milestone that we all hope for. The people of Lithuania will be waiting for you. We will support you. And we will do everything to help you join the European Union and NATO. Glory to Ukraine!” said Nausėda.
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deadpresidents · 1 year
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Vladimir Putin has been the leading political figure in Russia for most of my adult life -- basically this entire century -- and I've never seen or heard him more shook than he was in the short address he just delivered.
This shit is real.
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ohsalome · 1 year
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- Timothy Snyder - The Road to Unfreedom
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queerism1969 · 2 years
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pettania · 7 months
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Today, Ukrainians mark the Remembrance Day of the Heavenly Hundred Heroes who sacrificed their lives during the heroic and tragic events of the Revolution of Dignity. It became a turning point in Ukraine's national struggle for democracy, freedom, and a European future.
February 18-22, 2014, turned into the most violent phase of the Revolution. The special police units beat protesters, and snipers were stationed on the roofs, targeting people. February 20 in Kyiv became known as "Bloody Thursday". On this day, snipers killed 48 protesters. In total, 107 Ukrainians gave their life during the Revolution of Dignity and would later be known as the "Heavenly Hundred".
Today, we still pay a heavy price for the right to determine our future. But the heroism and self-sacrifice of the Heavenly Hundred inspire us to fight against the aggressor for independent, united, strong, and democratic Ukraine.
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thegodofhellfire · 1 year
meanwhile in ukraine...
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"Enemies comes here saying they want to "free" us, but they only steal our land for themselves"
The song, amazingly (actually, no, not surprising at all), is more than ONE HUNDRED YEARS OLD.
"Through steppes" - Ukrainian folk song written during its war for Independence from the Russian Yoke, after the Russian Tsardom Empire fell in the early 20th century.
Hey! Through steppes, through dark ravines,
Iron regiments are marching forth.
Let all the brave men join us!
We will become knights, oh young ones!
We don't want to fight for another's cause,
We don't want to fight as hired soldiers -
We all live only for our Ukraine,
Only for her, we would give our necks.
Enemies comes here saying they want to "free" us,
But they only steal our land for themselves.
Well, they will have land - where their graves are going to be,
Upon them, our freedom will be blossoming!
Fly, our song! Fly far under the blue skies!
Sing to the hearts of all Ukrainians!
Let our freedom always be with us!
Let the end come to all the enemy plans!
That war would turn out a failure.
Much like Ichkeria 80 years later would, Ukraine, fighting alone, lost and was occupied by Russian army, instilling a loyal puppet government and occupying Ukraine for another 80 years - until the Soviet Union, an economic and military failure by then, collapsed in on itself, which let Ukraine - and other states Russia had captured - to declare its independence again in 1991.
It is important to understand that it was never a design of the Russian elites - it was never what they wanted, they simply had no choice and no power at that time to stop the other nations from freeing themselves.
But as soon as they were able, they went on to "collecting" the lands they lost.
First, Ichkeria - a weaker state a still weak after the Soviet collapse Russia could handle back then. Russians burned and bombed its capital to the ground, mass killing many civilians and completely occupying the territory now known as Chechnya.
Then, a try at Moldova (part of Moldova's lands are now occupied by Russian mercenary army).
Then, a try at Georgia (part of Georgia lands are now occupied by Russian mercenary army).
In 2014 a try at Ukraine (part of our territory - my home region actually - had been and is now occupied by Russian mercenary army, but after the full invasion of 2022, Russian regular army is also stationed there now🙄).
Now, in 2022 a full invasion of Ukraine.
What you knew of Russia is a lie.
A propaganda they fed you.
Russia always was and is a colonialistic empire.
It has subjugated and erased nations for centuries.
The total number of nationalities and ethnicities in Russia is probably bigger than the number of minorities in the US.
Moreover, they all mostly still live on them (i.e. it's not like a united country where all nationalities mingle completely).
Yes, there are also white people there in those lands - many of them ethnical Ukrainians actually who already forgot their ancestry. And you know why? BECAUSE THEY WERE DISPLACED THERE!!!!
Russians, after occupying a territory, did this thing to hold power there - they forcibly took those who resisted and forcibly SENT THEM TO LABOR CAMPS they instilled in a far off land of Asian ethnicities (like, half of the world far off lands) - which they captured earlier. On the other hand, they encouraged their own white Russian settlers to come to this European beautiful warm country Ukraine and settle in the homes of displaced Ukrainians🤷🏻
They did send Russians also to those cold northern Asian and Middle-East lands - convicts, prisoners, dissidents, etc. - all those who the regime deemed as unsavory and broken - that the only their worth, as the regime thought, was to serve in a labor camp to "bring culture and language" to "uneducated savages" who lived there (those be the Asian many ethnicities whose lands they captured) - direct quote there. I still see and hear MODERN Russians calling people of those ethnicities "ungrateful" if they say anything bad about Russia - because apparently "Russia brought them up from the dirt - gave them culture, education, taught them to read and write"🙄🙄🙄🤦🤦🤦 (this is so funny actually - because many of those lands are descendants of the Mongol Empire - which was prosperous and powerful when Moscow didn't even exist yet🤣 And when Moscow did exist - it existed as a small, weak, rural 'dutchy' which paid tributes to the great Mongol Empire. It's like saying that Saxons (no offense to Saxons but still, Saxons were awesome but Roman Empire was awesome-r) brought culture and language and education to Italians, because many Italians can speak English now)
All in all, Russia had many "funny" ways of managing the population.
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workersolidarity · 1 year
Look, it's really very simple. The Azov Battalion, now the Azov Regiment, is composed of roughly 900 Nazis and Fascists. Starting out as a group of Nazi soccer hooligans, Azov organized into a self-defense Militia during the 2014 Maidan Coup in the Kharkiv region. These Militias terrorized The local population in Eastern Ukraine where the vast majority of Ukrainians are ethnic Russians who would not accept the results of the Maidan coup.
The Azov Regiment was later integrated into the Ukrainian National Guard. They draw a salary from the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the Ukrainian Armed Forces are paid through funding from the United States.
Therefore it is a fact that the United States, and all its allies, support Nazis. It's really that simple.
We don't need big loud standing ovations for Galicia Division SS Nazis to see the immorality of this.
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sonyaheaneyauthor · 2 months
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The Orange Revolution of 2004-05 in Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine.
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mosswg · 1 year
Instead of asking you to make one, I'm gonna ask you what you think of the one I made myself >:3
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oh shit gay italian tankie misha
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erzsebetrosztoczy · 2 years
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deadpresidents · 1 year
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