#ulquiorra x fem reader
sashi-ya · 26 days
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bleach masterlist 1: multichapter & events main list.
bleach masterlist 2: older events and sfw & nsfw random fics, not event related.
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EVENTS 2/2 (recent events on masterlist 1)
𝐀 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠 + 𝐀 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭 ⭒ 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 kuchiki byakuya x f! reader ⭒ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 jushiro ukitake x gn! reader ⭒ 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲, 𝐢'𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 adult! ishida uryu x f! reader R18+ ⭒ 𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬. kuchiki byakuya x f! reader. R18+
五 𝗦𝗘𝗡𝗦𝗘𝗦 𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗧 [+18] 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐁𝐞𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧 - 𝙷𝚒𝚛𝚊𝚔𝚘 𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚓𝚒 𝚡 𝙵! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 [+18] 𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐌𝐞 - 𝙶𝚘𝚍! 𝙰𝚒𝚣𝚎𝚗 𝚡 𝙵! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖈𝖍 𝕽𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖔𝖒 𝕽𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖘 ⋆ +18 Eyes For The King. Äs Nödt x f! reader ⋆ +18. Serve Me. Dom! Kuchiki Byakuya x f! reader ⋆ +18. HCs: Sexy Things Byakuya and you do together ⋆ +18. Eternity Only Lasts For a Minute. Aizen Sōsuke x f! reader ⋆ +18. adult! Kurosaki Ichigo n/s.fw Headcanons
⋆ 霊圧 + 淫慾. //𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 + 𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐭. [𝐓𝐇𝐄-𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇-𝐎𝐅-𝐎𝐍𝐄-𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐂𝐄 𝘹 𝐒𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐈-𝐘𝐀 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘣] ➡ 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬t
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ssailormoonn · 1 month
❛ Crush ❜
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Kurosaki Ichigo X Reader
| SFW | REQUEST? Yes | -> Headcannons
REQUEST; @r333y - Hi I saw your requests were open and I thought I would request some bleach headcanons (or anything really) if that's ok. Would you mind writing ichigo and/or ulquiorra (separately if you do both) having a crush on gn reader? Like how would he develop it, how would he act around the reader or how would he confess. Just some fluff for our boys. Thank you for considering, good day/night. ♡
a::note; i don't usually write for a 'gn' reader but i will try my best as i did state in my request rules that i only write for fem reader:3
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How would Ichigo develop a crush?
I personally think that Ichigo would develop a crush on you regarding your abilities and strengths. Ichigo does meet important characters during conflicts and the start of his interest in you would be when you demonstrate your skill. Another one could be that you had a trait that stuck out to him, like there was something about you that didn't make sense to him, or that he wanted to know more about why you do the things that you do. I feel like mostly it would be how you fight, he feels interested in what you do and would like to know more about you because you are just so different to him.
Ichigo could see you in a vulnerable state, which could cause you to reveal your personal struggles. This reveals depth between your growing relationship and in turn, makes Ichigo feel more connected to you as you trust him.
Then it would lead to the both of you spending time with each other outside the battle field, experiencing everyday moments that show different sides of your personalities and discovering any shared interests or hobbies.
But there is one thing that I feel strongly about. I personally feel that Ichigo would need to have developed a crush on you specifically if he knows that you have the ability to look after yourself in battle. He wishes and craves that connection. Don't get me wrong, it's nice for him to save you and vise versa, but he needs to know that no matter what happens he will know that you are okay.
How would Ichigo act around the you?
Ichigo might feel a bit nervous or awkward around you, especially when it comes to expressing his feelings. He might stumble over his words or get flustered more easily. Ichigo is more composed usually, but, he might blush or become embarrassed around you if someone teases him about his feelings. Ichigo might be quieter than usual, occasionally glancing at you and getting nervous if you make eye contact.
I feel like Ichigo would pay attention to detail quite a bit, noticing your likes, dislikes, and habits. I think Ichigo is a natural person of being over protective, so previously as I said, he would need to have the trust with you to know that you can handle situations that you get into to because his protectiveness would be heightened. He'd be extra concerned about your safety and well-being, possibly being overprotective at times. Ichigo would be extra vigilant about your safety, possibly scolding you for taking risks, "You need to be more careful! I can't always watch your back."
If he sees you laughing with someone else, Ichigo might become uncharacteristically grumpy or short-tempered, though he wouldn't directly address his jealousy.
Ichigo would go out of his way to do kind things for you, whether it's helping you with something difficult or simply being there when they need support. Ichigo would offer his assistance without hesitation, staying up late to help them understand anything you need help with. He’d notice when your feeling down or overwhelmed, and in those moments, he’d make a point to be a comforting presence, offering a listening ear or a shoulder to lean on. Even in smaller gestures, like surprising them with your favorite snack or remembering to check in on them after a tough day, Ichigo’s actions would consistently demonstrate his care and thoughtfulness. His kindness would be genuine and heartfelt, reflecting his deepening affection and desire to see you happy and supported.
How would he confess?
Ichigo would make sure that you two are alone when he confesses. He would probably spend a bit of time building up the courage, possibly starting the conversation with casual topics before diving into his feelings. He might struggle a bit but would try to explain what he feels :(( the poor baby.
You noticed Ichigo had been acting differently around you lately, his usual confidence sometimes giving way to an awkwardness that seemed out of place. It was in the little things: the way he’d glance at you when he thought you weren’t looking, or how his voice would soften when he spoke to you. Despite his attempts to maintain his usual demeanor, there was a subtle shift that you couldn’t ignore.
You could tell something was on his mind, but you decided to give him space to speak when he was ready. After a long silence, Ichigo finally took a deep breath, as if steeling himself for what he was about to say. "You know," he began, his voice uncharacteristically hesitant, "I’ve been thinking a lot lately. About us. About you." He glanced at you briefly before looking away, the tips of his ears turning red. "I’ve never been good with words, and this... this is harder than any battle I’ve fought."
You felt your heart rate increase, a mix of anticipation swirling within you. Ichigo continued, his voice gaining a bit more confidence. "I’ve always admired your strength and the way you handle yourself. But it’s more than that. When I’m with you, I feel... different. Better, somehow. You make me want to be better."
He turned to face you fully, his brown eyes intense and earnest. "I like you. More than just a friend. I don’t know how to say it perfectly, and I’m probably messing this up, but I had to tell you. I like you a lot, and I want to be there for you, in every way I can."
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Do not copy, steal, modify, etc. Relogs and like are appreciated.
ulquiorra one coming soon:3
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seneon · 1 month
can you do an x reader with ulquiorra where he feels something for the reader? For example touching her hand accidentally and feeling the contrast between her body temp and his own? And that makes him maybe develop a beginning of a crush bc he has never touched anyone without killing them lmao
A TOUCH OF THE SUN ───── ulquiorra cifer x fem! reader. fluff and wc of 800+ i love love love him sm..
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ulquiorra cifer, the fourth ranking espada of formal soul reaper aizen's army. he who is dispassionate and would immediately think of disposing of the uninteresting weak.
just how exactly would he react when an arrancar who portrays the element of ecstasy came into his view and pokes her way through that empty soul of his?
ulquiorra does not believe in the human heart nor does he believe in human emotions. all those emotions portrayed by his other army men were designed by aizen and his two other comrades. they never had such things called emotions in the first place. ah yes . . . they were all just like the fourth espada. cold, heartless, unknown to the blazing sun but an artificial one in hueco mundo.
not that he bats an eye at the arrancar girl of ecstasy, but she always makes her way to be around ulquiorra. the male finds it quite irritating and that she is much of a nuisance, always smiling and sprinkling her shine everywhere she goes.
today was no different than any other day. just as yammy left ulquiorra’s sight, you will pop out from the corner and spin your way to the aloof male. “hello ulquiorra, i made you something,” you took his hand in yours to give him the item you made for him.
but the cifer instinctively grabbed your hands before you could even hold his. the thing fell to the ground and your eyes followed it to the hard and cold floors. of course you'd want to automatically pick it up, but the grip the male has on you is quite firm and strong.
your eyes left the item instead and they looked at ulquiorra. the nihilistic and empty arrancar who holds your hand, slowly but gently easing his grip on your wrist. his basil green eyes locked onto your hands where his own cold hands laid upon.
what is this foreign feeling?
quietly, you watched the arrancar move his fingers around your wrist, slowly feeling every part of your wrist before he trails his cold fingers up to your arms. you didn't really understand what he's doing, but you know ulquiorra is feeling your skin and experiencing something he has never felt before.
“you are warm,” said ulquiorra, no changes in time as per usual and his eyes never leaving your hands. they were like something he had never known existed in this world. like your hands and your arms is something completely new to be studied. a foreign object.
“am i?” you asked, very much confused. who wouldn't be? a terrifying upper ranking soldier is holding your arm and feeling it while saying that you're warm. it was starting to weird you out.
suddenly, that hand of yours that he held was pulled forward so your hands hold his wrist now.
“do you feel the difference, y/n? how my hand is cold and yours isn't?”
your eyes widened. “hey you called me by my name and not girl!! is this character development!?” you unknowingly moved your grip to hold the cifer’s palm in excitement that you just heard your name slip out from his lips, something that he has never done before.
his eyebrow scrunched a little at your hand holding his hand. something in him stirred at the little gesture. something once again so foreign and unknown to him that has him all confused. ulquiorra withdraws his hands from your touch, his hands lingering around in the air for a few moments before he lets it fall to his side.
“i’m sorry, i didn't mean to,” you quickly apologised, face twisting into worry. “your hand isn't cold at all, ulquiorra,” you said in a soft whisper, barely audible, yet the arrancar could pick up your voice just perfectly.
you remembered the item you were going to give him and you picked it up, shoving it into his hands. "for you. a moon charm made out of ceramic."
it was silent for a few moments before ulquiorra turned around and slid his hands into his pockets, holding your charm tightly.
“so that's how the word warm feels like. you're lucky i didn't kill you the moment you held my hands,” ulquiorra said and began to walk away, leaving you dumbfounded. his hand is really cold like he claims it to be. he is just as warm as any other living being. ulquiorra himself is warm.
but to the cifer, your warmth feels like a touch of the sun. him touching your hands alone is enough to make his cheeks turn into a different temperature. you gave him a sense of comfort the moment you held his palm in yours.
the arrancar of nihilism would never admit it, but he walked away in embarrassment that is coated with his stoicism. in truth, he wanted to feel your warmth a little bit more.
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© SENEON 2024 ♰ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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stanurines1mp · 1 year
pairing: Ulquiorra Cifer x Fem!Gin's sister!Reader
type: angst
an: ignoring the fact that i start sm fanfics that i havent finished, here's another Bleach oneshot of one of my fav characters! i can write an entire essay on his character eheh. also, this is pretty short but im kinda lazy lol... its basically like the scene of him and orihime about the 'heart' but with a romantic(?) and angsty twist. so have fun and enjoy! dont forget to follow me on Tumblr and Wattpad! and share, like, vote, comment and all :)
warnings: angst (dont expect more from me), death, aizen (bro deserves a warning), gin (also deserves a warning but he's barely in here), reader is gin's younger sister, kinda rushed, blood (barely). i think thats all, lemme know if i miss anything! 
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Following Aizen into Hueco Mundo was a decision filled with regret. Leaving behind your friends from the Seireitei was not your best move. But what more could you do when your older brother, Gin, had brought you along?
Honestly, what was he thinking?
But you couldn't deny him. You swore to stay by each other's side and this was not an exception.
So there you stood just a little behind him, fingers gripping tightly on the sleeve of his robe. Scared, you were barely peeking into the view of whatever Hollow Aizen had found interest in.
Ever since you set foot in this world, you were driven with fear, longing for a sense of warmth in this cold atmosphere. It's much too different than the Soul Society and the Human World. You'd do anything to get back to either one of those. But you swore to stay with Gin.
And Aizen was kind enough not to separate you both.
Until one day, he found your presence to be irrelevant and quite honestly a nuisance though he hid that fact with a sweet little lie of saying that he just wanted you to be safe.
And you remembered that day very well, too.
After all, it happened during a meeting with all the Espadas who swore loyalty to the God wannabe. Seated around the table were those 10 Arrancars and the traitors of Soul Society, including you.
"Y/N," Aizen brought the attention to you.
At this point in time, you had made yourself somewhat comfortable. Or rather, you've let yourself not get involved with anyone except your brother. So from your seat, your slouching back immediately straightened while your eyes widened. 
Your gaze lifted to meet the man, his soft orbs peering into yours. To the outside looking in, one would think he was displaying a look of warmth but you knew better than to fall for his manipulation. 
"Y-Yes?" You stuttered.
Sure, you were aware of his tricks. That didn't mean you weren't scared of him. 
"I have a very important task for you," he smiled. "I have informed Ulquiorra of everything and he is in charge of you."
"Wait, what?!" Your words slipped out, panic jolting your body as you looked from the man to your brother, your brows stitched in a silent beg for help. 
Before your brother could display even a shift in expression, your body froze in the chair. Your eyes widened, your lips emitting a hitched gasp. 
Aizen's Reiatsu was hurting you. 
Your fingers clutched firmly at the edge of the table. Your lungs felt like it was closing up, your airway narrowing as you gasped helplessly for air. 
"Are you denying me, Y/N?" His tone was silky smooth, an eyebrow raised condescendingly. 
Not without struggle, your head began to shake weakly as the brims of your eyes begin to well up with tears. Having enough of your suffering for the moment, Aizen lowered his Reiatsu and you gasped loudly as you could feel air flowing in and out of you again. 
"My apologies, Aizen-sama," you trembled, gaze lowering to the ground.
To that, he let out a pleased hum that matched his smirk. What a fucking sadist. 
So that's why you were currently stuck next to the 4th Espada, hiding in the Dangai while you waited to capture the human girl Aizen took an interest in. Honestly, some part of you hated yourself for being in such a position, forcing the same fate on an innocent girl who would do anything for her friends. 
"Inoue-san," you cleared your throat one day, knocking on the door. 
You pushed it open and saw the girl's sullen figure on the floor, gazing at the moon. She remained silent as she watched you enter. 
"How are you doing?" You asked, knowing it wouldn't bring any sort of comfort whatsoever despite that being your intention. "If you need anything, I'm at your service," you sighed. 
Silence passed between you two. Though expected, you took it as a sign to leave. Just as you were about to, she stopped you with a question. 
"Kuchiki-san told me about you," she said. "Why did you betray the Soul Society?" 
Her question struck you right at the pit of your regretful heart, making you stop in your tracks. 
With a sigh, you answered, "Just as you'd come here for your friends, I would do anything for my brother."
Refusing to prolong the conversation, you took your leave. Turning a corner as you head to your room, you felt fingers wrapped around your wrist. Holding you in place, Ulquiorra then appeared before you. 
"What do you think you're doing?" He raised his brows in question. 
Your eyes met his and you lowly exhaled. 
"Aizen-sama said that she's under our care," you reminded. "I am only caring for her." 
He let go of your hand, eyes still staring into yours. "You have no need to make friends with  her." 
A scoff slipped past your lips. "What are you?" You changed the subject, rather curious about something regarding the Arrancar. "Which part of Death do you signify, Ulquiorra?"
With your eyes stuck on him, paired with your question, he felt somewhat, exposed. His lips remain pursed, gaze peeling away from yours as he turned to walk away. 
"I do not see how that is of any relevance." 
"If I am to work by your side, I'd like to know more about you," you simply answered. 
Looking over his shoulder, he said, "As I said, I do not see the relevance." 
"I'll find out soon enough," you hummed, watching as he walked away. 
And with your future days spent closely with him, you actually did figure him out. 
You could clearly see it in his eyes, you actually wondered how you could have missed that. But you couldn't miss it anymore as each day passes by and he often visited you. 
It was odd but you had realized how frequently he came to see you whether it was to send you food or talk about the prisoner. You wondered if it was intentional but over time, you didn't seem to mind it. And maybe because now that you know him, you couldn't help the interest you held for him. 
You wanted to understand him. 
You wanted to understand why it was that you noticed his eyes changing since the day he met you. 
It seemed like you managed to reach that on an afternoon in Hueco Mundo. 
You were gazing at the blue sky, a smile tickling your complexion at the view that reminded you of the warmth back in Soul Society. But the one that sheltered you at the moment was nothing but a fake. At such a thought, your smile faltered. 
"What are you doing?" Ulquiorra's voice ran through your spine. 
"It's so heavy," you murmured. 
"What is?" 
You let out a sigh, turning around to see him. "My heart," you said. "It's full of regrets." 
He let out a patronizing scoff, "You humans and Soul Reapers toss that word around mindlessly. What is this 'heart'?" 
Your eyes flickered close for a moment but hearing his question, you understood him. 
And you understood yourself. 
And with a saddened smile, you reduced the distance with a question. "Do you not believe in the existence of the heart?" 
"I do not believe in things I cannot see," he began, taking another step. "Even with these eyes of mine that perceive all, I cannot see this so-called 'heart'."
"And that makes it not real?" 
His hand stretched forward, fingers aiming at your heart. 
"If I rip out your chest, will I see it? If I crush open your skull, will I see it?" 
The gap between the tip of his finger and the fabric of your dress over your heart closed with another step from you. His long nail threatened to puncture your skin but you did not have it in you to break your composure as you stared into his eyes. 
"Do it, then," your words silkened out daringly. 
You can see surprise behind those dark eyes, only aiding you to go further. 
"Rip out my chest. Crush open my skull. Do whatever you must to find my heart because I can assure you, it is real and it is there." 
You could see the slight tremble in his hand. With another step toward him, your dress let out a ripped sound as his claws penetrated through. 
"I have a heart that beats and with each passing second, it beats for you." 
Your lips parted in a slight gasp as you feel warm blood oozing out. Still, you let yourself be guided by your heart. 
"I am not afraid of you, Ulquiorra," you exhaled. "As I can see the emptiness in you begin to fill with the reflection of my love for you." 
Any changes of expression he tried to hide had failed terribly. But he was not the only one shocked by your confession.
It seems that you've let yourself fall for the 4th Espada. 
Maybe that would soon turn into yet another one of your regrets but for the time being, he let you go. 
His cold, empty demeanor had returned when he retracted his arm to his side. He began to walk away, leaving you a taste of his void and disappointment. But before he closed the door, he stopped. Over his shoulder, he looked in your direction but not really looking at you. 
"The human's friends have come to Hueco Mundo. My order for you is to stay in your room," he slurred out. "No matter what." 
With everything that occurred next, you still remained in your room. Why? 
Because he had asked you to. 
And you were meant to listen to him. 
So you ignored all the changes in Spiritual Pressure that occurred in Hueco Mundo to fulfill his order. But there was one change that you can no longer ignore. 
And with that worry, that fright, you ran out of your room. With all your strength, you flew upwards, past the fake skies of Las Noches and into the truth of Hueco Mundo. Landing on the ground, you stood up. 
And it was as if your mere presence had caused him to peel away his gaze from his opponent. His eyes that met yours were no longer those you saw during your first meeting. 
That emptiness that he signified was filling up. 
Just as your tears welled in your eyes, your lips parted in a frightful gasp, watching his wings begin to disappear. His hand, the very same one that bled you, lifted from his side. His fingers reached for you. Allowing your tears to fall, you cried as you ran to him, your own hand stretched out to grasp his. 
Yet no matter how fast you ran, you could never reach him. 
He was so close.
Yet so far. 
"I see it now," he said, stopping you in your tracks with wide eyes and parted lips. "I understand now," he said. 
You ignored the presence of the humans, only focusing on the fallen Espada. 
"Your heart," he let out, fingers beginning to close in an empty grip. "Has always been in the palm of my hands." 
Your breath hitched in your throat as you ran to him again, weakly struggling to reach him. 
But just when you did, his hand leaves you as it dissipated into darkened ash.
With a loud cry, you fell to your knees, our tears unabashedly falling to your cheeks. Your left hand clutches over your heart-
"Rip out my chest."
-while your right hand clutches over your head-
"Crush open my skull." 
As you were heeding his last order, he was heeding yours, providing you the sensation of actions you asked for. 
Yet another regret filled that heavy heart of yours.
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geekedoutbunny · 1 year
Mayuri x Reader Oneshot Fluff - Firey Romance
Husband! Mayuri x Spouse! Reader Imagine - A shocking revelation
Aizen\ Mayuri\ Nodt\ Szayel Headcanon - Fun sized Love
Aizen\ Szayel\ Mayuri Headcanon - Proposal of a Lifetime.
Aizen x Reader Fluff Headcanon Love At Last
Aizen x Reader head canon fluff - What Could've Been
Aizen x Reader Oneshot Fluff - Love in Munken
Aizen x Fem Reader Imagine - Intertwined Love
Captian! Aizen x Lieutenant! Reader Headcanon - Truths be told, I love you
Captain! Aizen x Lieutenant! Reader Headcanon -Truth be Told (Sagittarius edition)
Aizen x Reader Headcanon -In a World Where You're Mine.
Aizen\ Mayuri\ Nodt\ Szayel Headcanon - Fun sized Love
Aizen\ Szayel\ Mayuri Headcanon - Proposal of a Lifetime.
Nodt\Gin\Adult!Uryu Headcanon - Proposal of a Lifetime Pt2.
Nnoitora\ Ulquiorra\ Grimmjow\ Nödt Headcanon - Shy Love
Grimmjow x Reader Boyfriend Headcanon SFW
Nnoitora\ Ulquiorra\ Grimmjow\ Nödt Headcanon - Shy Love
Aizen\ Mayuri\ Nodt\ Szayel Headcanon - Fun sized Love
Aizen\ Szayel\ Mayuri Headcanon - Proposal of a Lifetime.
Nnoitora\ Ulquiorra\ Grimmjow\ Nödt Headcanon - Shy Love
Adult! Uyru x Reader headcanon - The littlest things
Adult! Uyru x Reader Headcanon - Orihime the Matchmaker.
Uryu x Reader Headcanon - I'm in love with my bestfriend
Nodt\Gin\Adult!Uryu Headcanon - Proposal of a Lifetime Pt2.
Aizen\ Mayuri\ Nodt\ Szayel Headcanon - Fun sized Love
Nnoitora\ Ulquiorra\ Grimmjow\ Nödt Headcanon - Shy Love
Nodt\Gin\Adult!Uryu Headcanon - Proposal of a Lifetime Pt2.
Game night with Gerard and Askin headcanon Fluff
Gerard and Askin Oneshot Fluff - Flower crown love
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin Oneshot fluff - Wake Up Please
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin Yandere Headcanons
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin - Stargazing
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin Oneshot - Flowery Romance
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin Headcaonons - May Death Do Us Part
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin Headcanons - Pet Mania
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin Headcanon - Alien Encounter
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin Headcanons - The Witches Den
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin imagine - Can You Survive the Night?
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin\ Quilge Headcanon - You're Worthy of Love
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin\ Quilge headcanon - My Vampiric Lover
Gerard\ Askin\ Orihime\ Quilge Headcanon - Crazed Love
Quilge\ Askin\ Cang Oneshot My Heart Only Belongs to You, Jealous Boy
Gerard\Orihime\Askin\Quilge Headcanon - Jealousy Isn't Nice on You.
Game night with Gerard and Askin headcanon Fluf
Gerard and Askin Oneshot Fluff - Flower crown love
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin Oneshot fluff - Wake Up Please
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin Yandere Headcanons
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin - Stargazing
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin Oneshot - Flowery Romance
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin Headcaonons - May Death Do Us Part
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin Headcanons - Pet Mania
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin Headcanon - Alien Encounter
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin Headcanons - The Witches Den
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin imagine - Can You Survive the Night?
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin\ Quilge Headcanon - You're Worthy of Love
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin\ Quilge headcanon - My Vampiric Lover
Gerard\ Askin\ Orihime\ Quilge Headcanon - Crazed Love
Gerard\Orihime\Askin\Quilge Headcanon - Jealousy Isn't Nice on You.
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin\ Quilge Headcanon - You're Worthy of Love
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin\ Quilge headcanon - My Vampiric Lover
Gerard\ Askin\ Orihime\ Quilge Headcanon - Crazed Love
Quilge\ Askin\ Cang Oneshot My Heart Only Belongs to You, Jealous Boy
Gerard\Orihime\Askin\Quilge Headcanon - Jealousy Isn't Nice on You.
Quilge\ Askin\ Cang Oneshot My Heart Only Belongs to You, Jealous Boy
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin Oneshot fluff - Wake Up Please
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin Yandere Headcanons
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin - Stargazing
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin Oneshot - Flowery Romance
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin Headcaonons - May Death Do Us Part
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin Headcanons - Pet Mania
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin Headcanon - Alien Encounter
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin Headcanons - The Witches Den
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin imagine - Can You Survive the Night?
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin\ Quilge Headcanon - You're Worthy of Love
Gerard\ Orihime\ Askin\ Quilge headcanon - My Vampiric Lover
Gerard\ Askin\ Orihime\ Quilge Headcanon - Crazed Love
Gerard\Orihime\Askin\Quilge Headcanon - Jealousy Isn't Nice on You.
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my0vershareworld · 1 year
𝔾𝕠! 𝕘𝕚𝕣𝕝𝕓𝕠𝕤𝕤 𝕘𝕠!
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Pairing: Espadas (Excluding Barragan and Yammy) x Fem!Human reader
Genre: Fluff, Headcanons.
CW: None
Requested by anon: Hiii can you do headcanons for the espadas excluding barragan and yammy dating a girlboss please :),If you can’t it’s okay!
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Coyote Starrk
he actually really like your badass energy. makes him feel like you're so strong and no one is going to hurt you that easily. it gives him comfort that he's not going to lose you. he'll still going to try and protect you to actual dangerous enemies though, he ain't gon' let anything bad happening to you
he likes the fact that you're actually strong and you can actually protect yourself when he isn't near. like if some random mortal decide to mess with you you'll ruin em' back no mercy
he loves how confident you are in yourself too. you're not that confident to the point that you ignores EVERYBODY feelings and he loves you for it
he honestly just loves you even more. he probably won't even believe the fact that someone like you loves him and IS with him
he's going to keep you safe, he have promised himself that. even if you're a strong individual you're still weaker than the first espada like him
Tier Harribel
girlboss girlfriends
absolutely adore your badass energy. you supposed to seems so badass but you ended up making her adores you even more
she loves the fact that you don't care about whatever anybody said about you and you stand right on your feet with no hurt feelings
she do love her some confident and strong girlfriend like you. you're an interesting individual to her and she can't help but adores you more and more everyday
she likes that you don't fight with others with no reason unless is needed like someone actually pissing you off or something..she'll be cheering for you somewhere far but if you come across a strong individual welp..you know what that means..she's going to protect you.
she knows you're just a little human and she knows you won't be able to defeat a certain people even if you tried
Ulquiorra Cifer
he don't care honestly
do what you want do what you wish just don't be reckless and get into a lot of fights and get yourself hurt
as long as you don't be reckless you're good to go with girlbossing around
Nnoitra Gilga
stop acting like you're higher than him. stop acting like you're stronger than him you weak woman
absolutely hates you, have no idea why he even dating you in the first place
woman are supposed to be weak and act like it. you want his protection. you aren't supposed to act all high and mighty like this
absolutely hates it
both of you probably get in a lot of fight thanks to Nnoitra being an asshole
he almost kill you a few times
he's not good with you AT ALL
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
just don't piss him off and he'll be cheering for you somewhere when you're just doing your girlboss thing
other than that you go girl
he'll be your secret cheerleader
even if you act all strong and mighty at least he knows you won't be able to get hurt so easily to some weaklings
he loves that you're so confident in yourself that your feelings barely to never get hurt. he loves to see them people who make fun of you get fucked
if someone talk bad about you behind your back they're a goner. he won't tell you about it but he'll straight up sent em to hell no question ask
Zommari Rureaux
just..do what you want as long as you stay in your justice
do what you want and do what you wish as long as you stand with your justice with no fear taking over you
he loves that you're confident in yourself, so as long as you're confident he believes you'll be fine and stand on your ground and not be reckless to cause a useless petty fight
Szayelaporro Granz
loves your confident but please don't be so confident to the point you think you're better than him. that's the line
he actually finds you the absolute perfection
you're badass, strong even as a mortal, and you're confident in yourself and don't care what anyone says! oh how he got lucky
he'll be your cheerleader if you're beating someone ass
will probably try and find your weakness and try to make it gone just for your own good
you're perfect but never a perfect being like him
Aaroniero Arruruerie
why just..why.
why are you with him. what is your purpose. what is your intention.
yes he loves you and all but..just- why. why are you with him. someone as pathetic as him??? what's wrong??? are you okay??
please be worried with the poor tentacle husband he does not understand how he get to be dating such a perfect being like yourself, he feels like he don't deserves you and he just wanna cry sometimes
yes he loves your confidence but..HOW ARE YOU SO CONFIDENT IN YOURSELF. CAN HE BE LIKE YOU??
actually admire you but still confused with why the fuck are you with him
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itjazzbicch · 1 year
Pairing:  Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x Quiet!Arrancar!Fem Reader 
(First time writing for Grimmjow so I hope I did well!
Summary: Easily annoyed by Grimmjow's ways, the reader who is rather quiet and antisocial, makes a remark to him, causing heat to rise between them, but not handling their issues like enemies normally would...
Warnings:  SMUT! (18+ ONLY! MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!) (Swearing, foreplay, bit of blood, fingering, choking, rough sex, unprotected sex)
Word Count: 1.6k 
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Quietness was all anyone would get from me. As an Arrancar, I've lived to see so many things, had madness in my head, but kept it all to myself.
Some days, that madness would get to me a little, and leaving a meeting with Grimmjow running his trap, sparked extreme annoyance.
"Grimmjow just shut the hell up."
All eyes were on me, but I didn't even bother to make eye contact, scanning the room, but not directly looking into anyone's gaze. They all didn't expect something like that to come off my lips considering I didn't talk much. Even Ulquiorra spoke more than I did.
"Oh, yeah?" Grimmjow was such a knucklehead, rotating his arm as he stood up, "Wanna come and make me?"
"Pfft," My eyes rolled, hands in my pocket, leaving for my own privacy and silence, "Like you would be a challenge."
Even though I didn't hear Grimmjow respond, I just knew that my words had him fuming. Quickly learning that as I felt a presence behind me. Not even turning my head to look, I sighed:
"Really, Grimmjow?"
"Yeah. Really." As his knuckles cracked, I only turned around, pulling at my shorts some to show the number five marked into my inner hip:
"Need I remind you?"
"Like those numbers mean shit," He always had something to say, but I had something for him this time:
"Do you really think it's a good idea to be fighting your fellow comrades given the situation we're facing right now? Or do you want to lose your arm again? Maybe a leg this time, huh?"
Staring into each other's eyes, those cat-like blue eyes nearly had flames in them, stirring some in mind, screaming temptations almost getting the best of me as I let out a small laugh, turning away and whispering as I still hadn't received a response:
"That's what I thought."
"Where do you think you're going?" Slamming the door that was now behind us, his eyes grew deeper with a sinister smirk, "I'm not finished with you."
"You're more brave than you are smart, you know that?" I was starting to shake as I felt unstable. Usually, I had good control of any temptations or dark impulses, but he was pushing those limits.
"You think that you're untouchable. I'll admit, you're a special case," Something was different, he wasn't showing any intentions of attacking me, a fist full of my shirt, "But I'm still going to teach you a lesson."
"Indulge me," I encouraged, looking at his hand before meeting his eyes again, "I'm curious."
The force of my shirt being ripped off like an old rag brought me to meet his lips, his teeth quickly trapping my lower lips, biting down and at the same time, claws shredding my shorts away, sinking into my skin, shaking at the burn of my flesh being pierced.
Why was my heart racing so fast? Why was my body warm so suddenly? I didn't even notice how hard I was gripping a part of his shirt, how I was kissing back just as animalistic.
"Hehe, what would you know?" Murmuring while pulling back on my lip some, I could taste some blood, his voice sending a shiver through me, "You like the pain."
"There's a lot you don't know about me," My words were a warning more than anything as our lips parted, eyes dilating when I found his again, "You have no idea just how crazy I really am."
"Crazy?" He kept laughing at me, hand creeping between my thighs, immediately torturing my clit, feeling how wet I was, smiling in my face, "Then that means that I don't have to hold back."
I didn't know what it was that I saw or thought while staring into his eyes, but it felt like the devil calling for me and subconsciously, I chased it.
"It's fair play," Closing my eyes to take in some of the pleasure, my hand went for him, just to be slammed down to my back, ears filled with more of his laughter:
"Fair? Oh no, this won't be fair. I'm going to break you."
One hand pinning my wrists above my head, his other was still working at my clit and my head felt as if it were going to explode from holding back moans, but my squirming legs showed that he was driving me mad.
"B-Break me?" My head hurt from fighting myself, legs wanting to spread wider to get more, but wild nerves having them close with shakes, starting to let out whimpers as I felt the stretch of my soppy hole, his fingers working inside me and showing no mercy.
"Break you like a twig," He growled at me, fingers pumping as quick and deep as he could manage, thumb still at my clit, and my hips started to jerk so much they were lifting, fingertips nudging a bump with a curve that made this hot weight press in my stomach, having me scream out during my overwhelming orgasm:
"Break me!"
I felt heavy, like a sinking anchor with each breath I took, shuddering at his two fingers stroking through my slick, coating them while leaning down to me to ask:
"What was that?"
Thinking about it, my last words were a command rather than mocking him. I didn't look nor answer, a sharp gasp jumping from my throat with his fingers at my clit again, rubbing faster than before in a circle, feeling his nose against mine:
"I asked you a damn question."
It felt like tiny needles piercing me, that's how erratic my nerves were. My hips jerked into the air and grinding against nothing, nails sinking into the hand of his that kept me pinned still, opening my eyes to repeat:
"Bre-; Break! Me!"
Staring at the ceiling, I was perplexed by how the darkness above got so bright, closing my eyes again just to see nothing but dots roaming, shaking with every breath, legs shaking like a leaf even without him touching me anymore.
"You're gonna regret that," He finally let go of my wrists, relieving some of the strain on my body, but I knew that this was nowhere near over, "Put that mouth of yours to good use."
His fingertips guided across my lip and into my mouth, sucking his fingers clean, gagging me with them. When he pulled back, I was greeted by his nude body, grabbing me by the ankle and bringing me to him.
"You looked so proud when you were talking shit to me earlier," Lining his tip with my entrance, I screamed out in both pleasure and pain, completely bottomed out with no time to adjust, "How will you feel after everyone hears you screaming my name?"
The burn felt so good, not a care in my mind and letting my body do as it pleased, from the sudden jerks to my screams while I had the chance. Especially considering his rapid-fire, jackhammer thrusts were determined to split me in two.
"You piss me off," Voice rumbling, his hand found my throat, and a sharp ache in my back as he lifted my upper body to meet his nose, head so fuzzy and warm, the tear that rolled down it felt as if it steamed off, all meanwhile I had a smirk on my face, at least I tried to manage one.
"Grim-" That's all I could get out with how hard he had me, eyes going completely white at the tight clench around his cock, barely there as another orgasm took over me.
"I won't say it again," Throwing me down, my back smacked and brought me back to reality, crying and screaming out at the bulge I felt in my stomach, his thrusts more brutal and I gave him the satisfaction of hearing me calling out:
With his head titled up, his smirk had never been so devilish, nails sinking into my hips and clawing my body down onto his cock even harder.
I was hysteric, continuing to scream his name, so sore from the waist down and he didn't seem to be phased at all, knowing that I was close to another orgasm yet again.
"Only if you could look at yourself," Holding me by the jaw and keeping my head still, even I couldn't deny the truth he spoke, gazing deeply at me, "Fucking you so hard that you can't even see straight. Never thought someone like you could take all of this."
For the first time in a long time, my thoughts were leading me to some light, ignoring him for the time being, latching to his arms and returning the favor on the digging nails, blurred spots across the ceiling as I tried to see, but cuming so hard that it felt like I was levitating:
"Fuck, Grimmjow!"
I was surprised to hear his groans, feeling his cock throb against my pulsating walls:
"Well, you already made a damn mess."
The heat I felt pooling inside of me added to the fire I was feeling from head to toe, just from him to pull back, pumping his cock and oozing more onto me, trembling and gasping, finally able to see straight to find that damned smirk again.
"You know," He whispered, pointing out, "I've never seen you look so alive."
"Don't think this makes us friends or something," I knew that we just shared an experience that most people use for deep connections and intimacy, but we were far from a romance.
"Friends?" He was laughing hysterically almost, shaking his head and smiling in my face, "Only makes me want to break you even more." 
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kyokutsu-sama · 1 year
Hiii author-san, how are you doing? Can you do Sosuke Aizen x deaf quiet reader (similar to Iike in bleach arc but he feels release true color) like first meet to lover, he wants to learn sign language so he can communicate fem reader but something he doesn't understand how his feeling because he fond fem reader.
You can do that? Thank you so much ❤️
Hi ! 🤗
I'm fine and I hope you're fine too😊
I was really thinking of writing more about Aizen, he's one of my favorites. Here is your request and I hope you like it✨️
Headcanons: Aizen x deaf quiet reader
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You and he met each other in Seireitei. You belonged to the 5th division with him as your captain.
You used to be very quiet due to his deafness and that ended up making you a person of few words.
He heard about your problem and went to talk to you. He had some difficulty at first because he didn't knew sign languange very well and he often had to write so that you could understand him.
You laughed when he tried to improvise some gestures to communicate with you.
You and him started to create a strong bond from then on and became lovers.
He took his betrayal plan forward. You knew about his plans and yet you didn't give up on him because you understand his reasons.
When you stepped on las noches for the first time you weren't afraid, Aizen was by your side and always protected you.
He started researching sign language to improve even more and be able to talk to you without difficulty.
He probably asked Ulquiorra to look after you while he wasn't around.
Aizen was cold and always put his goals above anything else but you were an exception. He protected you from everything and didn't let anyone else get close to you.
He did not expect to acknowledge his own feelings about you.
Even after he was sealed he still thought about you and how you were doing.
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halaxia · 11 months
✩ ‧₊˚ ✩。 request rules !
please refer to these before requesting anything as if the request doesn’t abide by these rules then i won’t be writing it, thank you!!!
please specify the gender pronouns you would like for me to use and if you would like nsfw to be afab reader or not—otherwise, i will write requests for a gender-neutral reader :)
not what you were looking for?
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— what i won’t write :
- rape, noncon, etc.
- incest
- male!reader
- any kinks including intense physical/mental harm
- eating disorders
- pregnancy/miscarriage
- yandere
— what i will write :
- pretty much anything else lol
- fem!reader, gn!reader, afab!reader
- suicidal themes (not overly graphic)
- fluff, angst, smut, dark content (as long as it abides by the rules above)
- alternate universes
thank you for reading :)
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— who i write for :
this list is changing often—if you don’t see a character here you would like to request, shoot me and ask and i’ll let you know if i’ll write them or not :) (bolded characters are who i enjoy writing the most)
attack on titan
╰┈➤ eren yeager, levi ackerman, jean kirschtein, connie springer, armin arlert, bertholdt hoover, reiner braun, porco galliard.
╰┈➤ kurosaki ichigo, abarai renji, kuchki byakuya, hisagi shuhei, urahara keisuke, uryu ishida, shihoin yoruichi, aizen sosuke, ayasegawa yumichika, ichimaru gin, ukitake jushiro, hirako shinji, kira izuru, ulquiorra cifer, grimmjow jaegerjaquez.
bungo stray dogs
╰┈➤ dazai osamu, akutagawa ryunosuke, fukuzawa yukichi, nakajima atsushi, edogawa ranpo, nakahara chuuya.
chainsaw man
╰┈➤ hayakawa aki, denji, power, hirofumi yoshida.
demon slayer
╰┈➤ kamado tanjiro, uzui tengen, rengoku kyojuro, tomioka giyuu, iguru obanai.
final fantasy vii
╰┈➤ cloud strife, sephiroth
jojo’s bizarre adventure
╰┈➤ joseph joestar, caesar zepelli, kujo jotaro, kakyoin noriyaki, higashikata josuke, kishibe rohan, jolyne kujo.
jujutsu kaisen
╰┈➤ geto suguru, gojo satoru, fushiguro megumi, fushiguro toji, itadori yuji, inumaki toge, okkotsu yuta, nanami kento, mahito, kamo choso, higuruma hiromi, shiu kong.
my hero academia
╰┈➤ dabi, shigaraki tomura, hawks, shoto aizawa, todoroki shoto.
obey me!
╰┈➤ lucifer, mammon, asmodeus, leviathan, beelzebub, belphegor, satan, barbatos, simeon, soloman.
one piece live action
╰┈➤ roronoa zoro, sanji, shanks, luffy
spy x family
╰┈➤ loid forger.
the disastrous life of saiki k
╰┈➤ saiki kusuo, kaido shun, kuboyasu aren.
tokyo ghoul
╰┈➤ kaneki ken, nagachika hideyoshi, nishio nishiki.
vinland saga
╰┈➤ thorfinn, canute.
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huecomymundo · 6 months
Salutations! Welcome to my corner of the internet! I'm not new to tumblr, I've been around the block~ So here's what to expect from me:
Writing! Oc's! X Reader! This is a request blog! Send me your request, and I may or may not write it! I'm doing this for free, and will only have so many slots for requests.
This is an NSFW blog! If you are a minor, please do not interact with my NSFW or ask for it. You will not receive it.
Requests unspecified to be a: Drabble (short but sweet), Headcanon's, or a short story/scenario (full fics are not offered at this time, because that means 1000+ words and words are hard lol) will be randomly chosen by ~moi~ so if you want something specific, you MUST include it.
I only write x Male Reader or Gender Neutral for personal reasons. Besides.. There isn't enough Male Reader's out there. 😏
I'll have 5 slots open for requests.. Now, just straight up asking me a plain 'character x reader' is fine and dandy! but.. The more specific you are, the more I can write! Example: Kenpachi x Shy! Male reader going on a cute but embarrassing date (because Zaraki loves embarrassing him 💜) give's me more to work with since it gives me a set personality I can build around, instead of doing everything myself. Which I have no problems with!
You can request up to 9 character's max, but be aware that the writing will be shorter or vary in length.
It's acceptable to ask for:
-X reader (will be Male or Gender Neutral as a given.) Please specify if you want SFW or NSFW, and who's topping/bottoming in the NSFW scenario.
-Character x Character (Ships include: Kisuke x Aizen, Gin x Rangiku, Shunsui x Jushiro, Gojo x Geto, Yomo x Uta, you get it!) Self Inserts/OC x Character is something your better off commissioning me. I will not write your OC for nothing..
-Fetish writing (ex: Pregnancy/Mpreg, Cumflation, belly bulge, overstim, spit, more cum, bondage, all those lovely things.) If you have a specific kink you want written, then tell me about it.
-Fluff, Angst, or Slice of Life.. Etc. If you have something you specifically want, make sure to include it or you might not get what you want.
-An emotinally traumatic event. Such as death of a loved one, still birth, loss of a body part, so on. If it's anything extreme/beyond that, I will ask you to send me a DM/ask detailing on how you want me to go about it. I love writing about heavy subject's!
Don't be shy! I don't bite! This isn't an outline of what you should say in an ask, so don't worry if you go beyond what I've listed.
The fandoms I will loyally work for:
-Jujutsu Kaisen
-Tokyo Ghoul
They are a large comfort margin to me as I am the most familiar with their universes, and the character's. I've written alot of personal fics and original character's with these fandoms, and I will die for them.
There is also a possibility you will see another fandom guest star here, or someone might just be so convincing I'll write for another fandom~
It's a bonus if you ask for a character whom is blorbo- meaning I'll write extra for them! The one's with hearts are my utmost favorites.
Which I'll list!
-Geto Suguru 💙
-Uta ❤
-Tokinada Tsunayashiro 💚
-Toji Fushiguro/Toji Zen'in
-Ulquiorra Cifer
-Aizen Sosuke
-Kisuke Urahara
-Gin Ichimaru
Those are the faves~ If thou ask, ye shall receive..
You may also inquire about my Oc's! I don't think anyone really cares if I do or don't list them, so if your interested send an ask for one or all three of the fandoms, and I'll blab about my kids.. My very tall, older than me kids.
Now everybody's least favorite- The things I won't do:
-Anything relating to Fem! Reader. I'm a gay man, and I love men. That is my preference, I don't have to write what I'm not comfortable with. If your unhappy about that, oh well! It's my blog, not yours. (I've written it for asks before, if your curious. Please do not ask for it.)
-Extreme/Gross fetishes. Meaning- anything to do with scat, watersports, diapers, de-aging.. You get the idea.
-ANYTHING, anything relating to sexual assult. I will absolutely not write about rape and never will. Everything I write is consensual. I will write a scenario where it's a agreed upon act between the character's and part of the foreplay. Consent is given and a relationship is established. There is no 'one party wants and the other doesn't.'
-I will not write about Minors in any sexual fashion, because no. Absolutely not.
-Abuse. I will not write physically abusing someone. They can do all the drugs they want, drink all they want, but they will not raise a hand against their lover. You can ask for past abuse, but I will not write present abuse.
-I will not kill a character just because You don't like them.
-Anything morally questionable, if the character isn't already so. If it's out of character, you must negotiate with me. (Being morally questionable, for someone like say, Kisuke, to murder someone. I need a reason why he would do such a thing.. But OOC is not something you need to negotiate with me, and can be asked for. Such an example, is cuddly Tokinada. That's fine.) Dead Dove content is not my thing, sorry.
That's it (for now) of what I won't do.
If you have any questions/comments/concerns about anything, feel free to DM me or send an ask!
I'm open to chat, but as I have a life I may have spaced out posting and replies. If you are pushy about your request it will take longer! Feel free to send an ask about your request if you are unsure if I got it.
If you are mean/disrespectful to me I have every right to block you without warning. I will not tolerate hate directed twords me and my audience.
FIVE OUT OF FIVE SLOTS TAKEN: check the pinned post for wip update's! Please be patient because writing takes time and thinking. I take my time so I can give quality writing. Remember I am a person too, and have a life outside of tumblr.
SLOT 1- Byakuya Kuchiki x Gin Ichimaru Fic (WIP, ask received!)
SLOT 2- Sub! Byakuya x Dom! Reader (WIP, ask received!)
SLOT 3- Shunsui/Ukitake Comforting M! Reader who had a really bad day, and is snappy! (Ask received!)
SLOT 4- Shinji getting his back blown out (Ask received!)
SLOT 5- Enemies To Lover's Top! Tokinada x Male! Reader /history is tense btwn these two 👀/ (Ask received!)
If you want to commission me, it's a huge help! And will help me keep writing. You get a quality fanfic specially written for you, and I get to write for you. I also draw! I will write and draw for you for money. Prices are negotiable.
(Yes its alot of tags because I intend on writing, requests or no.)
TAGS: #🌜mod mori🌛, #bleach x reader, #bleach/reader, #bleach x male! reader, #bleach/male! reader, #bleach x m! reader, #bleach/m! reader, #bleach x gender neutral! reader, #bleach/gender neutral! reader, #bleach x gn! reader, #bleach/gn! reader, #jujutsu kaisen x reader, #jujutsu kaisen/reader, #jjk x reader, #jjk/reader, #jjk x male! reader, #jjk/male! reader, #jjk x gender neutral! reader, #jjk/gender neutral! reader, #jjk x gn! reader, #jjk/gn! reader, #jujutsu kaisen x male! reader, #jujutsu kaisen/male! reader, #jujutsu kaisen x m! reader, #jujutsu kaisen/m! reader, #jujutsu kaisen x gender neutral! reader, #jujutsu kaisen/ gender neutral! reader, #jujutsu kaisen x gn! reader, #jujutsu kaisen/gn! reader, #tokyo ghoul x reader, #tokyo ghoul/reader, #tokyo ghoul x male! reader, #tokyo ghoul/male! reader, #tokyo ghoul x m! reader, #tokyo ghoul/m! reader, #tokyo ghoul x gender neutral! reader, #tokyo ghoul/ gender neutral! reader, #tokyo ghoul x gn! reader, #tokyo ghoul/gn! reader
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bleach-your-panties · 7 months
๋࣭ ⭑Current Collabs⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
✖️ 🖤 = dark content
🤍 Blondes Have More Fun! 🎀 - @bleach-your-panties (me🫶🏽)
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🖊chifuyu matsuno x reader
🖊izuru kira x reader
🖊kurapika kurta x reader
🖊️yuuji itadori x reader
🖊ryosuke kira x reader
🖊tetta kisaki x reader
🖊mirio togata x reader
🖊ran haitani x reader @ksakiswh0re-xo
tags: #🎀bhmf.collab xo🎀
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🤍Fantastical Myths Collab🐦‍⬛ - ✖️🖤 @bleach-your-panties (me🫶🏽)
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🖊the abhorrent tale of the scandalous semen six : seijoh 4 + kuroo tetsurou & kozume kenma
🖋️false prophets : geto suguru
🖊never be a wedding plan for the heartless : kisaki tetta @ksakiswh0re-xo
tags: #🐦‍⬛fantastic
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🤍Yes Daddy💋 - @/mikage-rehoe
🖊the will to submit - noritoshi kamo x black!fem!reader
tags: #yesdaddycollab💋
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🤍 Reddit-Inspired Collaboration - @/ohkento (disc.)
🖊aita (20 m) for fucking my best friend's girlfriend at our class reunion? i know it sounds weird, but listen - toge inumaki x fem reader x maki zenin ✖️🖤
tags: #kishibyesredditcollab
🤍Thank U, Next collab - @/fengxun
🖊bloodline - megumi fushiguro x fem reader
🖊fake smile - izuru kira x reader
tags: #tuncollab
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🤍My Strange Addiction Collab - @/antizenin (disc.)
🖊yuu nishinoya x fem reader : addiction: foot fetish
tags: #antizeninsaddiction
🤍Girl Dads Collab - @/suyacho
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🖊shuuhei hisagi
🖊armin arlert
tags: snow's collabs
🤍Underrated Characters Collab - @/honeybleed
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🖊red raindrops - juuzou suzuya
🖊plaything - izuru kira & rose otoribashi (completed 3.29.24)
🖊crybaby - sen kaibara
🖊tastes like candy - rikido sato
🖊out of practice - tsutomu goshiki
🖊title tbd - roy mustang & maes hughes
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🤍Emo Boyz Collab - @/manjibunny
🖊izuru kira x reader
🖋️ ulquiorra cifer x reader
🖋️sen kaibara x reader
🖋️shuuhei hisagi x reader
🖊draken x reader x mitsuya
🤍Scary Spaghetti - @/sincerelyzee
🖊shoto todoroki x reader
tags: #scaryspaghetti
๋࣭ ⭑Past Collabs⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
🤍House of Slimy Horrors - @/bastardblvd
🖊mind (and body) fuck - denki kaminari x fem reader x hitoshi shinsou✖️🖤
tags: #house of slimy horrors collab
🤍No Nut November - @/suyacho
🖊overtime - issei matsukawa x fem reader
๋࣭ ⭑Events (Dated) ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
tags: #snow's collabs
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ssailormoonn · 30 days
❛ Crush ❜
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Cifer Ulquiorra X Reader
| SFW | REQUEST? Yes | -> Headcannons
REQUEST; @r333y - Hi I saw your requests were open and I thought I would request some bleach headcanons (or anything really) if that's ok. Would you mind writing ichigo and/or ulquiorra (separately if you do both) having a crush on gn reader? Like how would he develop it, how would he act around the reader or how would he confess. Just some fluff for our boys. Thank you for considering, good day/night. ♡
a::note; i don't usually write for a 'gn' reader but i will try my best as i did state in my request rules that i only write for fem reader:3
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How would he develop a crush?
Ulquiorra initially finds himself intrigued by your behavior, observing you from afar with a curiosity that gradually morphs into something deeper. Confused by these unfamiliar feelings, he starts seeking you out more frequently, finding himself inexplicably drawn to protect you in moments of danger. Small gestures and silent watching become his way of staying close, while short, meaningful conversations and shared moments under the night sky foster a growing connection. Ulquiorra struggles internally, feeling pangs of jealousy and a protective urge that signal the depth of his crush.
How he would act around you?
Ulquiorra would often be nearby, observing you quietly. His presence is felt rather than seen, as he prefers to watch over you without drawing attention to himself. He would frequently study you with his piercing, analytical eyes, trying to understand your emotions and actions. His gaze might feel intense, but it's his way of connecting with you.
Ulquiorra would ensure your safety in subtle ways, stepping in only when absolutely necessary. He might eliminate threats before they even reach you or position himself strategically to shield you from harm. You might notice things working out in your favor mysteriously, like an impending danger disappearing or obstacles being removed, without realizing Ulquiorra's hand in it.
His facial expressions and tone would remain stoic and unemotional most of the time. However, there might be rare moments where a flicker of softness or concern crosses his features. Ulquiorra would choose his words carefully, often speaking in short, direct sentences. His conversations with you would be meaningful, even if brief.
Ulquiorra's way of showing affection would be through small, thoughtful actions. He might place something you need within reach, offer you silent company when you seem down, or ensure you're comfortable without making a big show of it. Physical contact would be rare, but when it happens, it's meaningful. A light touch on your shoulder, a steadying hand when you stumble, or a fleeting brush of his fingers against yours would carry deep significance.
Over time, as trust builds, Ulquiorra would become slightly more open with you. He might share more about his thoughts and experiences, revealing a side of himself that others rarely see. Comfortable silence would become a norm. You both could sit together without the need for constant conversation, finding peace in each other's presence.
Ulquiorra would feel a twinge of jealousy when you spend time with others, though he might not express it overtly. His protectiveness could increase, and he might become more attentive to your interactions with others. If someone tries to harm or upset you, Ulquiorra's protective instincts would kick in. He would become assertive and might even confront the source of the threat directly, showing a rare glimpse of his fierce side.
How he would confess? + little scenario
Ulquiorra would spend a lot of time contemplating his feelings, trying to understand and rationalise them. The concept of a crush is foreign to him, leading to an internal struggle about how to approach the situation.
You might notice that Ulquiorra is around more often, his protective nature intensifying. He would be more attentive and observant, making sure you're safe and comfortable. He would start to do small things for you, like ensuring your needs are met before you even express them. These gestures, while subtle, would be more frequent and noticeable.
A significant event, such as a dangerous situation or an emotional moment, might trigger his realization that he needs to express his feelings. Seeing you in distress or danger could catalyze his decision to confess.
I feel like Ulquiorra would carefully plan his confession. He would choose a time and place where you can be alone and undisturbed, ensuring the moment is private and meaningful. Ulquiorra would likely be direct and straightforward. He would approach you calmly, his usual stoic demeanor intact, but with an intensity in his eyes that conveys the seriousness of the moment. His confession would be succinct and to the point. He might say something like, "I have come to realize that you evoke feelings in me that I do not fully understand. But I know I want to be close to you."
Despite his calm exterior, there would be a rare glimpse of vulnerability in his expression and tone. His eyes might soften, and his voice could carry a hint of uncertainty, reflecting the unfamiliar emotions he's venturing into.
The moon hung high in the sky over Hueco Mundo, casting its cold, silver light across the barren landscape. You found yourself walking alone near Las Noches, lost in thought. The silence was comforting, yet there was an ever-present sense of being watched, a feeling you had grown accustomed to.
As you wandered, you noticed Ulquiorra standing a short distance away, his green eyes fixed on you with an intensity that made your heart skip a beat. He approached you with his usual calm demeanor, his presence reassured you but was slightly unsettling.
"{Y/N}," he began, his voice low and steady, "may I speak with you?"
You nodded, curiosity piqued. Ulquiorra rarely initiated conversations unless it was important.
He led you to a secluded spot, away from prying eyes and ears. The silence between you was thick until he turned to face you, his expression as unreadable as ever.
"I have been observing you," he said, his gaze unwavering. "For some time now, I have felt something I do not fully understand. A... pull towards you."
You blinked, taken aback by his directness. Ulquiorra was not one to speak of feelings or emotions, and his words caught you off guard.
He continued, his voice softer now, almost uncertain. "You evoke emotions within me that are foreign. When you are in danger, I feel an urge to protect you. When you are sad, I wish to see you smile. These feelings are new to me, but they are undeniable."
There was a brief silence as you processed his words. Ulquiorra's eyes searched yours, seeking any sign of your reaction.
"I do not know if this is what humans call love," he admitted, his tone thoughtful. "But I know I want to be close to you, to understand these feelings better. You have become important to me, {Y/N.}"
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Do not copy, steal, modify, etc. Relogs and like are appreciated.
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sashi-ya · 2 years
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bleach masterlist 1: multichapter & events main list.
bleach masterlist 2: older events and sfw & nsfw random fics, not event related.
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MINI SCENARIO SERIES: WEATHER INSPIRED 🍃🌧️ 🍁 PUMPKIN SPICE. dr ishida uryuu x f! reader [sfw] 🌞 DESERT ROSE. byakuya kuchiki x f! reader [suggestive] ❄ OLDER, COLDER. ishida ryuuken x f! reader [suggestive]
東京 NIGHTS mini event ⭒ four hundred steps - ichigo kurosaki x f! reader 「nsfw」 ⭒ room 301 - byakuya kuchiki x m! reader  「nsfw」 ⭒ the next station is: shibuya - kenpachi zaraki x afab! reader 「nsfw」
𝑱𝒂𝒏𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒚 𝑹𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒎 𝑹𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒔 ˖ ࣪ . 🐇 Chocolate Treachery. Aizen Sosuke x f! reader 🩰 Byakuya & Gin with a seemingly kinky, but really pure s/o. HCs.
𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑 ⭒ pregnancy ⋆ kyoraku shunsui x f! r ⭒ stepcest ⋆ kisuke urahara x f! r ⭒ df/bankai ⋆ byakuya kuchiki x f! r ⭒ watersports ⋆ sosuke aizen x f! r ⭒ cumdump ⋆ kuchiki byakuya x f! r
⭒ fear play ⋆ äs nödt x f! r ⭒ writer's choice ⋆ adult! ishida uryu x f! r ⭒ medical play ⋆ kisuke urahara x f! r
⭒ cock warming ⋆ sosuke aizen x f! r ⭒ shower sex ⋆ sosuke aizen x f! arrancar! r
⭒ femdom ⋆ ishida ryuuken x f! r ⭒ fleshlight ⋆ a! kurosaki ichigo x f! r x a! ishida uryu ⭒ cnc ⋆ sosuke aizen x f! r ⭒ blood play ⋆ mayuri kurosutchi x f! r
➡ more bleach events? here.
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danddymaro · 3 years
Through His Eyes | Ulquiorra Cifer x Reader
A/N: I had posted this on Wattpad a long time ago, and I decided to spiff it up and share it here. The original is called ‘ In His Eyes’ and it is much less detailed than this, and quite frankly not as good. I’m so thrilled! Once I finished, I felt so accomplished and pleased when I could see how much more advanced I've become in terms of writing skills.
Ulquiorra’s point of view.
sweet and sultry
First time W/ the reader
Word Count: 2671
Through His Eyes
  Slowly, I lean in, and gradually, she comes closer to meet my slow press.
A look of surprise is expressed over her innocent face, and as I look into her (e/c) eyes, searching for opposition, I only find questioning in the (dark/light) orbs.
There is no protest, and she simply accepts it, her body soon melting onto what little form of desire I reveal.
And, truly, I feel no surprise. 
After all, I know her. 
She will do what it is I please, but why?
Rather, what is stronger, her sense of duty or lo-
- No, I cannot bear to mention that word...I rather stray far from the idea.
'Is it even possible?' I sometimes wonder while in idle thought, every now and then when I am unguarded I begin to ask myself.
Silently, through the kiss that becomes even wilder, I can taste the briny taste of her tears as I caress her supple lips with my own.
Slowly, yet firmly, mine press over hers, and she is quickly conquered.
-  She is overwhelmed by what I lack quite easily.
She always has been, and I muse over how different we are.
She then gravitates closer, soon pressing the palms of her hands at my chest, and for a moment, for some odd reason, I feel strangely warm, not just where she touches me, but at the center where there is nothing but a carved core that lacks a beating heart.
Before I can question it, her head is tilted and she is staring up at me with the same look as always.
It's want, desire, and another word I dare not say, but that always comes to mind when she is involved.
' -  Look at them. '  something within me demands me to gaze at her parted mouth, and I quickly notice her soft lips. 
They are so plump now, begging and calling.
Her lips, they are bruised a flushed tone now from the assault of my own, and the thickness of them have become more prominent, and somehow more enticing.
Her fingers, ah, they are helplessly tangled within my dark hair that she's referred to as a 'river of ink.' so many times before, that I've taken a sense of pride for its presentation.
Absurd, isn't it?
She's tugging at it now, the weaved through strands captured in a grasp that demands attention.
'What does she want?' I wonder, 'Is this where we stop?' I then begin to ask myself, feeling something familiar at the thought.
- Something I can expect.
Disappointment, this feeling I know for sure.
Disappointment is then coursed through me when I consider that perhaps, there is hesitance and regret.
Just then, her hand ventures, and it slowly finds a path that leads her to explore parts of me I let no one else venture to. Delicately, the little hand finds my manhood.
Her palm gently brushes over the tented cloth and an involuntary sound makes past my lips.
It's muffled by her own little sound, but none the less I know it escaped me.
I know that she caused it with nothing more than a ghosting touch.
'What is she doing to me?' I ask myself, uncertain how such a light touch could rattle me.
I feel something in the pit of my stomach.
Something, her touch is making me feel...something that is waking.
My face feels warm, the tepid heat spreading over even the tips of my ears, reaching down and crawling down my neck like a wildfire in the wilderness.
I feel warmth, but there is something else as well.
I'm at anticipation, one that holds enthusiasm.
'I am excited,' I determine.
I have no recollection of this feeling in the past. Admittedly, I haven't felt this way before, and if I had, it's long forgotten.
"(f/n)," I can't help but murmur as she slips her tongue into my mouth, venturing in a demure manner that begs for me to play. As I join her, she becomes more assertive.
She's such a good kisser, much better than I am, I assume. 
I am hesitant and unsure, a complete contrast to her.
These feelings are akin to me, so foreign.
- This is all new to me.
'Where did she learn to do that?'  I question while savoring her taste, 'Has she had experience in this before?' I then wonder, feeling proprietorial.
I tighten my grip on her, and by then she's flush against me, held so tight, yet handled so tenderly.
No other man can touch her, or even graze her the same way I dare to now.
She is mine, now...now and forever.
I urge her against the wall, trapping her between my body and the surface.
It is then that I feel an usual sense of morality wash over me, 
'I am the cuarta Espada,' I have to remind myself.  'And she's just an underling,'  I continue, 'Only a fracción.'
'I must set an example.' 
But above all,
'Aizen-sama's orders should be....are...my only priority...'
I recognize, she has too much control over me.
'We can't do this,' I think to myself,  'We mustn't.'
Over and over, this thought goes through my head.
This is so wrong.
We're being so uncivilized.
We've long surpassed our lives as beasts, far gone our moment as those uncontrolled creatures.
So why are why here? So close to this animalistic sense where we are controlled by this heat.
I no longer covered, and neither is she. 
Every bit of flesh of hers is exposed to the cold temperatures of Las Noches and as so, she trembles.
Her hands run across my chest and go down my bare stomach, gingerly tracing the definition that exists, taking her time with each drawn line as though she were drawing them with her fingers. 
It is then that her eyes wander down further, and I can see her face flush.
- It's adorable, incredibly precious.
The last of my resistance has gone, having slowly faded with each and every touch she graced me with until i was left with nothing but give.
We can't stop now, and even if there is an opportunity to, I don't want to.
One look at her nakedness, simply one glance at her as a whole, I can no longer hold back.
I can no longer retreat. 
I've never been so careless, so frantic for a touch.
I've never been so reckless and desperate for another.
Yet, here I am.
 It's getting the best of me, I'm well aware.
'This is why I reject any so-called emotion, or any feeling there is...'
I don't want it to control me as it is now.
I tried, but I can't resist myself. Her body screams for me, just as she is herself now,
"Ul...Ulquiorra...." She stammers, breathing out my name with every other exhale of hers.
'Yes...Say my name again, please,' I silently beg her.
I begin to find a new territory and explore.
She's so warm, so hot.
'She's so...wet,' It drenches my fingers with its musky warmth, and I am tempted to take a taste of her natural honey.
Doing so, she watches, almost entranced by my act.
' Does she feel this pleasure too?' I ask myself as I ease into her, working with the slickness she provides.
I certainly do, there has been no other feeling like this, and I relish in the bliss I feel at just the invasion.
I open my eyes and see her pained face. I can hear her soft breathing, and it is not long before her head soon is buried within my neck.
She's hiding, or so it seems.
And I soon understand why.
 My eyes capture her short shutter as I force myself deeper with the first plunge.
'Ahh, so she's also new to this...' I determine, feeling her body's resistance that is shown by tightening, and a very thin barrier that was so easily penetrated through.
Admittedly, I feel pride. 
I feel joy. 
I feel pleasure.
I feel....love, perhaps? 
'NO,' I argue with myself.
I can't.
I won't, even if it's possible.
'This is too much for me,' I determine, all while not stopping.
I want to push her away now, and as I contemplate it, she releases a breath that stuns me.
"Ahh!" It's a pleasured sound that draws out from her.
It sounds so sweet yet sultry, and it is meant for me.
When she makes such noises... I'm like a different person.
I love her voice, always have, but now... it's reached a new pitch I find to be divine.
Her legs are tightly wrapped around my slim waist by now and her arms wrap themselves around my neck as well. 
She's latched onto me, not wanting to let go.
She's trembling, and more sounds escaping her.
They're more desperate than before, and they mirror my own which are more reserved, but there.
I don't stop, or slow down. In spite of my internal battle, I demonstrate no true resistance.
'No, I'm just getting started.'
I can't help but smirk at the helpless face she makes when I adjust our previous position, and manage to reach furthur.
'She didn't see it,' I muse, 'Good...at least I can still keep my appearance of the "emotionless Espada.'''
At the very least, I will be able to retain that one, single notion.
Her back is pressed against the wall still, forced there by thrusts that are uneven and brash, but she doesn't complain.
Oh, there is absolutely no opposition on her face.
Her mind is elsewhere. 
It's so obvious.
Her face is set in a rare look. it's an expression of pure ecstasy.
My emerald eyes capture this moment because it's one I never want to forget.
She is now glowing, it's a shine of sweat barely coating her soft skin.
The pale moon's light peeks through the window and illuminates her, and I feel a ghost of a smile wash over me.
'She's looks so angelic, so ethereal,' 
I touch my lips to her neck, her cheeks, her nose, her lips, her everything.
I graze over every bit of her as she is irresistible.
That's a word to define her in this very moment as she continues to bewitch me.
I try to suppress any sounds from leaving me as an overwhelming sensation strikes me.
My mouth opens, but no words escape.
However, I let out a shaky sigh, a noise she won't hear elsewhere from me.
And even I'm surprised when it falls past me.
A low groan makes its way out as well, and I can't help myself.
Her nails dig into my back, but I don't complain as mine are also clawed at her hips, and they're anything but gentle.
Once more,
" Ahh!" A cry that turns into a squeak ensures, and I've found my favorite point to strike,
'There that's the spot .' I discover as she squirms.
She can't go any longer,
'Good...neither can I.'
I don't part myself from her, the very idea disturbing me.
'No...She's mine...' I declare as I drive myself furthest into her.
the sharpened ends of my teeth make contact with the flesh of my bottom lip, because,  at this moment, the feeling is utter bliss.
A tart taste dances over my tongue, and it is not long before the same metallic pungency trails down my lip, the few drops that escape the punctured flesh slowly easing down to my chin.
Her eyes search for mine as this happens, and as we connect, I can see that there is a twinkle of joy in them, one that is somewhat tantalizing.
'See what you make me do?' 
 I don't have to tell her, I don't have to say a word to her, and only shoot her that glance that admits defeat, but that is far too captivated by her to care.
She bashfully looks away, trailing her eyes down at my pale chest instead.
And then her fingers trail over the tattooed number that lays over my breast.
'Such a gentle touch...'
Somehow, after all we've done, this is the thing that brings me euphoria.
I feel new heights, new waves of pleasure.
 I feel longing and a strong possession.
' This could be my ruin...'
She could be the force that drives me mad, the one that destroys me.
It has crossed my mind to rid myself of my weakness, to simply do away with the one thing that could come between my duties and loyalty.
But I can't...I just can't.
She's my weakness, but also my drive.
' She is all in one.'
How can I explain this? I seem foolish, don't I?
"...I love you.." She whispers, and it isn't a broken whimper or a trembling tone that marries the sweet voice.
- No, there is simply happiness and comfort.
I don't say it back... I mustn't.
What if this is only lust I feel?
What if all that drove me was simply carnal desire?
'This act...It proves nothing...' I overcontemplate.
I would never come to repeat those words to her.
By then, I can't look at her, I have no will to, and I cower.
- I, the cuarta espada cower from my own fraccion.
She doesn't seem to wait for my answer, if I would even will any. Instead, she becomes comfortable and nuzzles close to me, showing a vulnerability that only I have the pleasure to see.
"... I love you too," I respond to her, speaking in a voice that is far too soft.
she stiffens slightly before a gasp of surprise leaves her.
My eyes are wide and unbelieving, and from the looks of it, hers are too.
No. T-this wasn't my doing!
'I...I said that?
Why did I say it?!'
My mind runs a million thoughts a minute, yet somehow, I find a way to drown it out, and soon find myself moving.
gently, I carry her to my bed
' - no, our bed, ' the place where she belongs.
I land beside her and stare at her now sleeping form, gazing at her with interest that never ceases.
I want her with no other man that's for certain.
I desire no one else's company, but hers of course.
Slowly, I accept that perhaps that cannot be just lust.
There is much more to it.
Why does she do this to me? Why does she make me feel so...so emotional and overwhelmed?
         At one point as we lay with one another, her body snuggles closer to mine, holding close and dear.
And I begin to wonder,
'Have I been here thinking for so long?'
Hours have progressed, and I have yet to find peace.
One of her mesmerizing (e/c) eyes open and I can see that they are misty and doused with drowsiness.
"Yes?" I question her, waiting.
She wants to say something, I know it. 
She shifts slightly and now lays on my chest.
I want to push her away, part of me still wants to regain what little control is left for me to salvage from.
But I just can't.
Her smile is small, yet still beautiful, and I feel that warmth touch my empty chest again.
"Please rest, master," she says this with such a sweet voice it sounds like a lullaby.
'Silly girl, I need no sleep,' I muse, but I make no sound to protest her demands.
I simply do as she says.
My arms wrap around her and my body relaxes.
My mind is now blank.
Her voice is the last I hear as I drift off, and As my eyes close and the world becomes distant, my mind is plagued by the image of her.
- And I feel tranquility.
She is everything to me.
' Ahh. This is love, no?' I muse with acceptance, feeling absurd for my earlier,  trivial fight.
"I love you.." I can't help but mutter these words, 
They still feel so alien to me, but somehow, right.
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Hi lovely! If I'm correct, you're requests are open, if not, please ignore me! Could I please request headcanons for Grimmjow, Nnoitra, Ulquiorra, Aizen, and any characters of your choice (so long as I didn't go over any character limit!) with an s/o (fem pronouns if you don't mind) you loves to knit? They knit a lot of their own clothes, love shopping for yarn, and always have an ongoing project they're constantly working on. Also, how would they react if she knit something for them? Thank you bunches I advance and happy holidays!!!
WARNING: very soft shit
Stark find it endearing. It sweet to see you working on your small little fluffy projects and it's a perfect hobby that goes well with being laying down with him. 10/10
Also, would use the scarf you knitted him until it practically detaches from his body.
Harribel doesn't really mind, she's just grateful you have something to occupy your time in when you visit her in Hueco Mundo. Her fraction would be so shocked about it like, this person Knits and Harribel same seems to like it so we will all learn this new challenge in order to win her praises lol you can't help but be amused! Can you teach them, please?
Ulquiorra thinks it's a stupid time killer, as useless and pathetic as humans are– is that big quilt for him? Ridiculous. He will add it to his little nest, tho.
Nnoitra keeps you out of others sight because this looks so fucking weak and pathetic like what are you even doing? But he likes hanging close to you and enjoys your small talk as knit. Once you tell him you made him a cover he's taken aback. Says he doesn't need it, but would def use it once you leave it there and leave. He hates himself so much for that.
Grimmjow is like oh cool that's a pointy stick, can you plug it in someone's eye? you can right?! He huffs and calls you boring when you tell him what is it for. Despite of Grimmjow's lack of interest in your hobby, he does appreciate the big blue sweater. would use it as comfort cloths when he's hanging at your place, in human world.
He doesn't think much of it, but likes that it's somewhat artistry. Szayel keeps the little knitted butterfly plush you gave him over his desk and when he's working and looks at it, he smiles.
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✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
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Coyote Starrk:
Bleach Male Characters Reactions To WAP Dance from Tik Tok
In the woods ( Werewolf! Coyote Starrk x little Red! Reader)
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
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Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez:
Bleach Male Characters Reactions To WAP Dance from Tik Tok
Things That Turn Bleach Characters On
Grimmjow Having A Crush on Ichigo’s Sister headcanons
Grimmjow Highschool Modern AU Headcanons
Grimmjow SFW Relationship Headcanons 
Grimmjow NSFW Headcanons
Bleach Characters Reactions To their s/o Randomly kissing them
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez With An s/o Who is Exhausted Headcanons
Grimmjow's Reaction To Ichigo's Annoying Friend Headcanons
Ulquiorra Cifer and Grimmjow Jaegerjaques with A Flirty s/o Headcanons
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez With An s/o Who is Exhausted Headcanons
Ulquiorra After Grimmjow puts him in the Caja Negación
Pranked (Grimmjow X Reader)
Once In awhile (Grimmjow X Reader)
A Dog’s Affections (Grimmjow X Dog lover! Reader)
Riding It (Grimmjow x Reader)
Show Me Affection (Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x Reader)
Christmas Scenarios #10: Wearing matching Christmas Pajamas w/Grimmjow
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
Tumblr media
Ulquiorra Cifer
Bleach Male Characters Reactions To WAP Dance from Tik Tok
Ulquiorra SFW Relationship headcanons
Things That Turn Bleach Characters On
Ulquiorra Relationship Headcanons 2.0
Ulquiorra with a Quiet, Analytical, and Vengeful s/o Headcanons
Bleach Characters Reactions To their s/o Randomly kissing them
Ulquiorra Cifer w/ a sub! Reader Headcanons
Ulquiorra Cifer w/ an s/o who has panic attacks Headcanons
Ulquiorra Cifer and Grimmjow Jaegerjaques with A Flirty s/o Headcanons
Ulquiorra After Grimmjow puts him in the Caja Negación
🖋 Fan Fictions:🖋
To Submit (Sub! Ulquiorra x Male! Dom! Reader)
Prove It (Ulquiorra Cifer x Reader)
Comfortable (Ulquiorra Cifer x Reader)
I Promise (Ulquiorra Cifer x Sub! Fem! Reader)
#6 Kissing Under the mistletoe with Ulquiorra Cifer
Obediance (Sub! Ulquiorra x Aizen's Twin Sister)
First Time Ever ( Ulquiorra Cifer x Female! reader)
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