certainobjectlover · 2 years
Listos para el jayowen
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grimmjow · 3 months
nnoitra > grimmjow > ulquiorra
WORNG! WRONG!!! orihime > nelliel > ulquiorra > grimmjow.
im gay so orihime goes first always.
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gableforks · 6 months
In defense of Captain Kyōraku vs Coyote Starrk
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I recently saw a creator say that Zaraki Kenpachi would have been a better match for Stark than Shunsui due to the parallel between Yachiru and Lillinette, which is fair but I want to throw my support behind the fight Kubo decided to give us.
My first watch through Bleach, I was underwhelmed by Stark. He didn't have Barragons hax or Ulqiorra's showing and he was the only espada besides Aaroniero who was beaten without bankai. Upon reading the manga, however, Starrk has come to be my favorite of the espada due to Kubo's great characterization.
Starrk's backstory starts in Hueco Mundo, after he split his soul in two, creating the separate characters that are Starrk and Lilynette. He did this to cure his lonliness as no other hollow could retain their reishi body in the presence of his immense power. Eventually he's approached by Aizen who stretches out his hand to Starrk, asking him to be his ally.
The espada contains nine other hollows that are able to withstand Starrks spiritual pressure, finally giving Starrk a shot at friendship. He is one of four vastolords, along with Barragan, Harribel, and Ulquiorra, who's aspects of death are aging, sacrifice and emptiness. There seems to be a rift between the vasto lords and adjuchas who have more primal aspects atributed to their persons; despair, destruction, ecstacy, insanity, greed, and wrath. We see Nel's relationship with Nnoitra and Ulquiorra's with Grimmjow. in both of these we're shown the gap in power, the lack of regard and relatability a more human vasto lord shows to an adjuchas. Stark and Ulquirra have an added degree of seperation being naturally occuring Arrancars.
Jushiro and shunsui are among the only people that Starrk would have been able to see as an equal. Starrk as the espada representing lonliness in death, didn't need the soul-king killed; he did not need soul society destroyed and he especially did not need the captain of the 8th company dead. Starrk even tries to get the captain to pretend to fight till the battle is over, a scene reminiscent of Kyōraku asking Chad to stay for tea till the end of the Ryoka invasion in the Soul Society arc.
Starrk is so powerful, that in Hueco Mundo, no one could even approach him until Aizen, and even when he did, it must not have been lost on Starrk that he was but a tool for the Soul reaper. The only time in Karakura town where Starrk is touchable by anyone besides Kyōraku is when he's jumped by Love and Rose taking advantage of him mourning the death of Barragan.
Kyōraku approaches Starrk with a calmness he must've only seen before in Aizen. (and would most definetly not have seen in Kenpachi) I can't think of a scenario in which Starrk would have had to fight before this encounter. The captain and the espada continue to surprise each other with their speed, strength, and battle instincts. They are feeling each other out as one would a new dancing partner.
There is a reason that Lilynette is Starrk's counterpart. She is bratty, uncooperative and ignorantly unhindered by the gap in power between Ukitake and herself. Despite the indifference the captain shows to her attacks, and the ease with which he swats away her cero, she does not stop trying to reach him. She is the face of Starrks desparation and lack of opportunity for growth.
Starrk's ability to split his soul is how we get both lillenette and the wolves used to defeat Love and Rose. When Starrk wants to get serious he absorbs Lillinette back into himself.The wolves he sends out do not return to him. He himself cannot cure his own lonliness, forced to retreat into himself when push comes to shove, and self destructing when that is not enough.
Kyōraku's shikai forces his opponent to follow the rules of children's games. Who better to come up against him than the man who's lonely, unfulfilled inner child is shown to us. Bleach is full of characters who blur the line between battle and sport; Kenpachi, White, Ikkaku, Grimmjow etc. Starrk is less expressive than these guys but for the first time ever although for a criminally short time, he and lilynette are able to experience high stakes, forced to get creative, and most importantly, they Play.
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madmanwonder · 7 months
Who is worse to deal with Ichigo? Grimmjow or Ulquiorra?
Ichigo: Ulquirra is fine to deal with. Grimmjow on the other 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝.
Ichigo glared at the blue-haired bastard who interrupted him via a flying kick.
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rainingskyguy · 2 months
ooh Grimmjow for the ask, i don’t recall your thoughts on him :)
omg finally a non-One Piece character lmao
How I feel about this character
He's a bastard and I love him. Amazing design, in any of his forms. Love that he's Ichigo's counterpart, and then he just straight up shows like a reluctant buddy.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Ichigo, mainly. I used to ship him with Ulquirra too, I think. Him in an Uraichi sandwhich is fun too.
Maybe even Rukia, just because I love her and their dynamic would be fun.
(Ignoring that one scene of course lmao)
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Starrk, Ulquiorra, Harribel, Renji, Rukia
My unpopular opinion about this character
No clue how fandom feels about him either, and it's been forever since I last watched the anime tbh
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
More screentime for sure. I don't care he appears again, he needs to appear MORE
Thanks for the Ask!
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razieltwelve · 1 year
Delegation (Final Rose x Bleach)
Harribel gaped in disbelief at the mountain of paperwork that had appeared in front of her.
“There.” The strange Hollow that had eaten Barragan said. “You wanted to know what I had planned for Hueco Mundo.”
“You...” Harribel picked up a sheet of paper. “How much do you have written down?”
“My main plan for Hueco Mundo comes out to about one thousand pages.” The other Hollow grinned. “But I’ve got another two thousand pages of additional plans just waiting in the wings.”
“...” Harribel’s brows furrowed. “Why bring this to me?”
“Well...” The Hollow laughed and scratched the back of her head. “I won’t be around all the time.”
“What do you mean?”
And then the Hollow changed. It wasn’t anything visual, but to Harribel’s spiritual senses, it was as if the other Hollow had become a Soul Reaper. Another moment passed, and her spiritual pressure changed again, mimicking that of an ordinary human.
“I’ll be making regular trips into the Human World, as well as Soul Society... and a few other places too. In the meantime, I want someone who can run this place and implement my policies.” The Hollow smiled sunnily. “I mean... I won’t be leaving right away, so you don’t have to worry about doing all the work. I’ll stick around long enough to make sure that everything is well in hand. All you’ll have to do is make sure that nothing crazy happens.”
“Why me?” Harribel asked.
“Hmm... you really want to know?” The other Hollow laughed again. “It’s because you’re basically the only person here other than me who has both the strength and the sanity to run this place properly while I’m gone. I mean... Starrk and Lilynette could probably do it if it wasn’t for the whole accidentally killing basically everybody with their spiritual pressure thing.” She began to stroke what Harribel assumed was an imaginary beard. “I had considered asking Nel to do it, but I think she’s still a bit skittish. I think she’s worried that I’ll eat her or something.”
“Are you planning to eat her?” Harribel asked. “Or me and my followers for that matter?”
“Nah. You guys are pretty good. I’ve got no problems with you. Just stick to the rules.”
“The rules?”
“You can find the main rules on on pages seven through eleven. But they can generally be summed up as don’t be assholes without a reason. Besides, you actually understand that if we ever want this place to be more than some crappy desert of misery and woe, then we need to work together. Barragan would rather be king of a wasteland rather than a baron in paradise, so he had to die. That, and he was an asshole.” The other Hollow shrugged. “But, hey, he tasted pretty good, and I picked up some useful bits and pieces from eating him.”
“I see.” Harribel paused. “This... before I agree to anything, I want to know your name.”
“Allow me to read this... document first, then we shall see.”
X     X     X
Harribel glanced at Ulquirra. “You are not the least bit concerned? The explosion of spiritual energy was... colossal.”
The other Hollow stared back at her impassively. “If Diana has fallen, then we will have no choice but to kneel. The gap in power between us and her adversary is simply too great. However, if she has emerged victorious...”
In the years since their agreement, Diana’s plans had seen Hueco Mundo transformed. Hollows were brought beneath her garish orange banner. They were educated, trained, refined. Diana called it min-maxing, a term that Harribel had since adopted since it described what they were doing quite accurately Harribel’s own power had increased massively during this time as well, something she had not thought possible.
it was all about minimising the weaknesses they possessed while maximising their strengths.
Diana had basically created a proper functional kingdom, complete with a research and development division, an army, and various social services. It was... bizarre yet immensely gratifying. As her second-in-command, Harribel was given the position of Number One Minion. She would have bristled at the rank were it not for the obvious affection in Diana’s voice whenever she addressed Harribel like that.
And the head pats.
Harribel had not known she needed head pats in her life, and nobody else would have dared. Yet Diana seemed to enjoy doing it, almost as if she knew Harribel enjoyed it despite her never saying a word about it.
Her followers were happier too.
Like Harribel, they had longed for a place where they could have some purpose beyond simply trying to survive another day. Others, like Ulquiorra had arrived more out of curiosity before deciding to stay. Although, perhaps in his case, it was more like he’d been dragged there.
Diana had... a strange desire to collect people and things.
“We’re all missing something,” Diana had said to her once. “That’s why we’re Hollows. Maybe if I can gather enough people and stuff in one place, we can all find what we’re missing.”
It was an oddly sentimental thing to say, yet the words had resonated with Harribel.
“Perhaps.” Harribel frowned as the storm of spiritual energy stilled. “It’s over.”
And then Diana appeared.
“Hail your sovereign! For I return victorious!” Diana cleared her throat, and one of the younger Hollows who had been hired specifically for this purpose hurried to unfurl her victory banner. “Heh.”
Ulquiorra tilted his head to the side. “And your foe?”
“Capable of subduing the rest of you without difficulty.” Diana grinned. “But I ate him, so it’s all good.” She flexed, and Las Noches shook to its foundations. “I picked up some upgrades too.”
And wasn’t that terrifying?
Diana had never explained her ability in detail, but the gist of it was easy enough to surmise. Supreme adaptation combined with the ability to regenerate from basically anything... and the ability to absorb, alter, and even improve upon the abilities of whoever and whatever she ate. It was, frankly, the most terrifying ability that Harribel had ever heard of.
Maybe Diana had been weak once, but every opponent she vanquished only made her stronger. Their strengths because her strengths while their weaknesses were removed, and Harribel had a sneaking suspicion that eating people also gave access to their skills and memories too. The Soul Reaper that Diana had eaten was the most powerful that Harribel had ever sensed outside of the Captain Commander himself. The fact that Diana had eaten him and added his powers to hers...
“What was his power?” Ulquiorra asked. “By what means would he have forced us to obey?”
“Absolute hypnosis.” Diana didn’t even hesitate. “His zanpakuto could create illusions so real that he effectively had the ability to completely control your senses.”
“Then how did you beat him?” The quiet Hollow asked.
“He underestimated me,” Diana said simply. “And by the time he realised his mistake, he was dead. The battle was effectively over in one strike.”
“Ah.” Ulquiorra asked what both he and Harribel were thinking. “And you now possess his power?”
“Yeah. In fact, I’m already working on improving it.” Diana smiled toothily. “But you don’t have to worry.”
“Unless you betray me, you never have to worry about me using that power on you.” Diana smile widened. “I believe in free will. Sure, I’ll kill people who get in my way or who harm those under my protection, but they’ll die with their minds intact, knowing exactly why I’m killing them. I want my people to choose me not because I’m controlling their minds but because I’m the best option. As for you two and the other members of my... senior staff, I trust you. I have to if this is going to work. And that means no brainwashing.”
“I see.”
“You ate something else too, right?” Harribel asked. “I can... sense a new power within you.”
“Ah. That.” Diana nodded. Her power flexed and that strange sensation vanished. “I won’t get into the specifics, but it’s good news for you and everybody else.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean... upgrades!” Diana punched the air. “I’ve been wondering how to make you guys even stronger, but there are complications with a lot of what I’ve been considering and what the guys in research and development have been working on. A Vasto Lorde is simply so powerful that getting any stronger is increasingly difficult. Fortunately, that thing I ate will make upgrading you guys a lot easier. I just need to practice with it a bit.” Diana paused. “Oh, and maybe now Nel will finally sign up.”
“Diana...” Harribel massaged her temple. “You called her a pony the last time you met her. It’s no wonder that she tried to stab you.”
“Hey! I was using a metaphor.”
Ulquiorra’s lips twitched. “You said that every girl wants a pony and that she was the coolest pony ever.”
“...” Diana’s eyes narrowed. “I sense treachery.” She snickered. “Oh well. I’ll go looking for her again. I’d like to get all of the stronger Hollows on board before I go back to the World of the Living for a while. I’ve got some business there that I need to deal with.”
“Anything we should be concerned about?” Harribel asked.
“Not really. But keep your eyes peeled. There’s some weird stuff going on with the Quincies. I don’t think I have to go around murdering them all yet, but it’s something to keep in mind. You have been practicing those anti-Quincy techniques I developed, right?”
Harribel and Ulquiorra both nodded.
“We have also been instructing our forces in them as well. However, they also been told not to use them without authorisation from us first.”
“Good. We don’t want to tip our hand too early if there are any problems.”
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
Diana is building her very own kingdom of Hollows. Yay!
As for Soul Society, they’re still preparing for war since they don’t actually know that Aizen is dead. It’ll be funny seeing what Gin gets up to from here though since Diana let him go... if only so she can keep an eye on him.
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Everyone who fought Ichigo:
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bleachismyname · 4 years
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digitalninjaart · 4 years
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Some more anime art from me, this time it’s Ulquirra Cifer from one of my favorite anime’s Bleach!
Hello there! If you would like to support me and my art please fave, share, follow, and check out my other work and social media channels. It helps my art reach more people and is very much appreciated, Thank you!
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Grimmjow, are you secretly dating Ichigo? You two would be so cute together! (◕ ˬ ◕✿)
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chainsawcorazon · 3 years
ok but ichigo was dead after ulquirra put a fist through his chest, mans was a CORPSE, orihime licherally revived the dead.
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ao3feed-ichiruki · 3 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3v3AflT
by kleinegirl87
Preparen sus plumas y teclados Semana IchiRuki 2021 La Semana IchiRuki 2021 de Seireitei Discord Server será del 16 al 22 de mayo. #irweek2021
Sinopsis: La separación del siglo, Ichigo Kurosaki, el director más galardonado de su generación, e Orihime Inoue, famosa modelo de revistas y actriz en ascenso, se rompen su noviazgo de tres años. Vengan y acompáñenos para que les contemos el chisme del momento y cúal es la causa de la separación de la pareja de oro a semanas de su boda.
Words: 1422, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español
Series: Part 5 of Preparen sus plumas y teclados Semana IchiRuki 2021
Fandoms: Bleach
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi
Characters: Kuchiki Rukia, Kurosaki Ichigo, Inoue Orihime, Ishida Uryuu, Ulquiorra Cifer
Relationships: Kuchiki Rukia/Kurosaki Ichigo, Inoue Orihime/Kurosaki Ichigo, Inoue Orihime/Kuchiki Rukia/Kurosaki Ichigo, Inoue Orihime/Ishida Uryuu/Ulquirra Cifer
Additional Tags: Complicated Relationships, Dark Past, Celebrities
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3v3AflT
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linkspooky · 5 years
Am I allowed to ask you who your top five characters are in Bleach?
Bleach is one of my favorite mangas of all time. If you were to track the evolution of my favorite manga growing up it would go Yu Yu Hakusho -> Bleach. The strength of the manga was always its characters, and while there are a lot of characters from Bleach I’m still fond of there are only two that come to mind as standout faves. 
These are lists of my faves and I only put characters on the list if I can come up with a good enough reason why they’re a fave. For me there’s a difference between “Characterse I like from a Series” and a “Fave”. A fave I would like even outside of that series. I have high standards. I’m a picky bitch that’s impossible to please. But anyway, here are my top two faves from Bleach. 
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1. Ulquiorra Cifer  - "If this eye cannot see a thing, then it does not exist. That is the assumption under which I have always fought. What is this "heart?" If I tear open that chest of yours, will I see it there? If I smash open that skull of yours, will I see it there?"
The Lust is my favorite arc in all of Bleach. There are a lot of people that were disatisfied with the way it concluded, but thematically it was perfect to me, especially after the fight with Grimmjow which was a much more straightforward and satisfying way to end a shonen rivalry set up between the main character and the villain on the opposite side. 
The Lust is a meditation of nihilism, Ulquiorra’s entire character revolves around the concept. That’s why by the end of the Lust not a single character has gotten what they wanted. Every single character, Ulquirra, Ichigo, Uryu, and Orihime all fail. Ichigo fails to defeat Ulquiorra with his own strength and instead oges out of control and rampages like a monster. Orihime fails at not being a burden when she breaks down and desperately begs Ichigo for help causing him to awaken. Uryu fails to protect Orirhime when everything starts to go wrong. 
Ulquiorra was a hollow whose mask covered his entire face, and because of that all of his senses were cut off from him except for his sight. He wandered the void of hueco mundo alone unable to feel anything. He’s the exact opposite of Grimmjow someone who managed to make companions even as a heartless hollow. He had no one for company, he felt nothing, he saw nothing. Until Ulquiorra came to believe that nothing was all he would ever feel. He’s a heartless monster, and yet at the same time he’s very tragically driven to suicide by the pure isolation alone.
Ulquiorra’s very nihilistic but you get the sense he’s conflicted with that. There’s a part of him that wants to see value in life, which is why Orihime’s behavior always confuses him so greatly. All of her actions seem pointless, and rather than valuing strength like he and the rest of the arrancar do, she somehow manages to continue on while weak because she has the connections to her companions. 
It’s what Ulquiorra realizes he’s tragically lacking in the end. The invisible heart he wanted to see was just, the connection held in other people’s hands. However the moment he finally accepted it and tried to reach out for it in the one girl who refused to hate him, his hand had already faded away. It begs the question of whether Ulquiorra was capable of love, or if all he felt all along was an empty lust. However given how regretful he was at the very end I want to believe it was the former. 
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2. Gin Ichimaru “If tomorrow you became a snake, and began to devour people. Then with that same mouth, you cried out to me that you loved me. Would I still be able to tell you “I Love You” the same way that I can today?” 
Gin is a character who its really impossible to categorize as good or bad even up until the end, he’s elusive like that, slippery like a snake. Usually characters like Gin whose main personality trait is ‘mysterious” turn out to be not that interesting once the truth is revealed, but Gin’s arc turned what was a good character into a great one especially the way it ended. 
There’s a lot of characters willing to burn the world for the sake of the people they loved. I think what makes Gin especially unique is Gin’s level of self awareness. When he went to Aizen’s side to take back what he had been stolen from Rangiku he knew he wasn’t doing a good thing. He knew what he was doing would only hurt Rangiku more in the end. Gin acknowledges that at this point it’s not even about Rangiku anymore, it’s his own feelings that won’t forgive Aizen. 
Gin is aware that he’s a bad person, he even revels in it. He goes out of his way to pick at people’s weaknesses, to be cruel, because the mask of a bad person he’s wearing always has to stay on. By that point Gin’s already stripped himself all the way down to utility. The boy who was friends with Rangiku has been swallowed by a snake. And Gin knows how horrifying it must be for Rangiku, to see a snake killing people in front of her, and then with the same voice claiming he’s doing it for her, that he still loves her. He knows and that’s why he distances himself even further from Rangiku and hurts her more. 
Gin’s love is selfish, but it’s also very real. It’s possible that it’s the only real thing about him that’s even left anymore. The more he tries to deny it, the realer it becomes. I find stories where both characters do genuinely love each other, but they’ll never be able to make that love work because neither of them really know how to love to be compelling in a unique way. Most authors will just make ships work in the end without caring much about whether or not the characters are truly compatible, hence why the endgame ships in shonen are usually lack luster. Gin will really only ever really love Rangiku, and Rangiku only ever opens herself up and acts seriously around Gin and both are irreplacable to one another but they’ll also never truly be together. Because at the core they’re the same, they both are always wearing masks to avoid pain and being so genuine around one another hurts them too much. 
Like with the Lust Arc, my favorite arcs in Bleach are the ones that end with nobody getting what they wanted. Gin wanted to be the one personally to stop Aizen no matter whose throat he had to slit to be near him, Rangiku wanted Gin to come home, in the end no one was happy and all they could do was say goodbye to one another. However, even in empty endings like that I feel like the few moments they were happy shined all the stronger. There was once a time when Gin was just an orphan taking care of his only friend in the world, and even if it all went wrong at the end, he was happy once, and those memories matter. 
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notasliceoflife · 5 years
        He was young when it had started. So young at the time he couldn't even remember when it had even started. As the familiar sting of his mothers hand striking his face pulsed through the left side of his face he cast his emerald green eyes toward the floor briefly before smiling gently at her " It's okay, Mama. I won't do it again. It was only an accident." The child had told her, only for the woman to start yelling about the broken vase not being something he could fix, no matter how 'sorry' he was.
        The boy nodded, the smile falling from his face then before being order to clean his mess up. The woman then turns away and walks out of the room, warning him to remain quiet and in the back rooms, as she always had done. Kneeling down he reached out toward the shards of glass, gripping carelessly at them as he picked them up in his right hand and cupped his left hand out in front of him. Placing several shards into his palm. For the next few minutes he cleaned up the mess and set the shards aside in a storage room.
        Years later the boy had sat in a classroom, the sun outside beaming in through the window to his side. Tapping the eraser of a pencil to his desk he had stared at the sheet laid out in front of him, thinking of the proper answers. But he had no will to write them down. He did not see the point in such a thing. For a long time now he had felt ...empty. Like nothing in life had mattered. Not like it did when he was a kid. Or at least, how he thought it had mattered when he was a kid. He had grown up since then, realizing just how useless all his efforts were.
        However, he eventually started to scribble something down. The least he could do was just get by, the bare minimum. The teenager soon finished with the sheet and stood up, moving to turn it in. A few kids looking up from their own half finished sheets to look at him, someone pelting a piece of paper at the back of his head. Ignoring it he lazily sat the paper on the teachers desk and moved back to his own desk. Staring out of the window beside him for the rest of the period.
        It was August, 1945, The Boy gulped as he walked out of a room into the hallway spotting a few girls his own age. One in particular he had known from school. They hadn't seen him as he neared them. Not until one of the girls had made some joke and turned her head, spotting him as he approached and giving a small 'Oh ?aA?A!?, you are here today.' ...She didn't seem enthused about it. Pausing he blinks and looks over toward them, nodding a little bit at the girls words before telling them he had to drop off some stuff for his mother.
        Then asked if they were having a good day, trying to make idle chit chat. He tried to work up the courage to say something to the girl he had be interest in for some time. But missed his chance as the girls started departing, telling him to enjoy the rest of the peaceful day. The boy watched them leave for a moment before deciding to say something to the girl. Walking after them toward the stairwell they had walked down. He paused however when he heard them whispering about him being a freak. Looking down and seeing all the girls giggling as they went on talking about him being creepy.
        Letting out a hollowed laugh the boy pulled away from the stairs leading down to the bottom floor of the building. Deciding he needed some fresh air elsewhere he walked up the stairs toward the roof instead. Maybe if he stared long enough into the void, he wouldn't feel so terrible all the time.  The boy stepped out into the windy fresh air, enjoying the fact that the air had always seemed better the higher up he got. Walking toward the edge of the building he leaned onto it, looking over the edge and down toward the people. He watched as they walked away, going on about their meaningless lives.
        Soon he would be graduating and continuing life with his own boring life. Just thinking about it had caused him some sort of existential dread. Looking up into the sky he grinned, even if the world around him had sucked, the sky had always seemed perfect over Nagasaki, even if it was raining, even in the night. Even if the war, and all that came with it. A mother that beat him, classmates who mistreated him and an absent father, he knew...one day it would end. All the suffering he was going through, and maybe in another life, he wouldn't be alone. Or maybe he would be happy even if he was.
        He was alone, but at least he had been content where he was. Not happy. But what was happiness, anyway. Ulquiorra stared up toward the sky over Hueco Mundo, through the white branches of the tree/bush he had been laying in for...he didn't know how long now. Someone was talking to him though. He didn't bother looking over, figuring if he just ignored them long enough they would eventually go away. But they did not, they insisted he had 'helped them. Slowly, green cat like eyes shift to the side, a strange curiosity coming to him " Why do you need my help? What about me makes you think I am of any use to you?" Ulquiorra had asked the man then.
        They had been their so long, the loneliness he had been feeling had started to leave. He didn't know what to think of that. He couldn't close his eyes or block his ears from seeing or hearing the other. So when their face appeared over his face he was forced to look at them. They did not look like the creatures who ate from before. This one had seemed very different from them. Though their was something in their eyes that had made them seem even worse than those creatures.
        His name was Aizen. Ulquiorra had learned when the other told him as he moved to pull himself out of the piles of white branches that had grown into and over him. Blood dripping onto the ground he stood, hollowfied, staring Aizen down with a predatory gaze. The other had given a smug smile toward him however before turning and commanding that he followed. Ulquiorra had obeyed. Even through the pain that would soon follow his decision to help this strange man. Breaking the shell and reforming into the Arrancar he was to become. Not long after he was given his orders to go to a town, there he had seen the orange haired woman for the first time. She didn't seem interesting to him at first.
        But not long after Aizen had ordered him to take her. So he did. Because his Lord had wished it, and he was loyal. While holding her captive however he became intrigued by her 'heart'. She spoke of her friends and of things in such a way that Ulquiorra wanted to know more about it. The heart she displayed reminding him of something he had long forgotten about, that felt like it was just there right on the surface, only..it was behind a padlocked metal door. Unreachable by him
      Ulquirra fought with the one called Ichigo not long after this, eventually coming to a draw, with the other. His body disintegrating to ash, just as he was getting closer to unlocking that door inside of him. His eyes meeting with the woman’s as he asked if she were afraid of him. Then reached out toward her only for his hand to crumble into dust as she reached out for him. It was a familiar feel, his entire body evaporating into nothing. It was probably for the best, that he was nothing. It had felt natural to him. His mind flashing back to August of 1945 as the boy on the roof watched something fall from an airplane that was flying over Nagasaki, followed by a bright light, and then an empty dark nothingness.
      Scribbling something on the sheet of paper in front of him, Shou grinned a little bit before a paper ball hit him in the head. Looking over the nine year old frowned slightly as another boy made a face at him before saying he always looked sad all the time. Shou gave a small frown at that, the boy laughing and pointing at him before the teacher shouted for them to be quiet and get back to their test. After school Shou was packing up some stuff when a girl came up to his desk and said she didn't think he looked sad, but cute.
      Shou prickled up a bit before stuffing the rest of his school stuff into his backpack and nodding before nervously giving a thanks, hearing a girl laughing and telling the other that she had some guts talking to a 'bird boy'. Shou ignored the rest of what was being said as he rushed out of the class room and into the hall. Rushing out of the building. Before hearing his name getting shouted from the left of him and then something hard hitting his face.
      Falling to the ground he winced. Pushing himself up from the ground a bit he sat on the ground and lift a hand up to his cheek as the boy who had just punched him knelt down and got into his face, poking a finger into his nose and making fun of it for looking funny " Mm. Not as funny as your nose looks..." Shou had muttered, rubbing his hand against the swelling on his face. The kid laughing at his remark before standing and telling him that he would let him get away with it that time but only because he had found Shou to be amusing.
      Shou stood then and rolled his eyes a little bit " Of course. I live to amuse you." He says as he brushes the dirt off of himself and shifts, walking out of the school yard and down the street. Once home he kicked off his shoes at the entry way and stepped inside, seeing his great grandmother smoking in the kitchen " Hello." He says, getting a dirty look from her before his mother popped out from the smiling at him. He gave a smile back toward her " Hello, Mama." Shou greeted and walked toward the kitchen.
      His great grandmother put out her smoke then before commenting that he was too old to continuing to call his mother by 'mama' that he had sounded like a baby. Then brought up her dead son, as she usually did when criticizing him. Shou narrowed his eyes " Great Uncle probably doesn't like that you talk about him so disgustingly. He probably doesn't know what kind of ugly mother he had." Shou commented before being told he should speak more respectfully to his elders. Then calling him ugly looking, just like his great uncle had looked. With the face only a mother could love.
      Shou's mother stepping in then to tell her not to talk to her son like that and that Shou looked perfectly fine the way he was and so did her uncle. Shou didn't stick around for any more of the bickering before walking into the back rooms and sitting down near a storage closet. Pulling out some old shattered pieces of glass that had been stuffed into it, half the pieces mostly put back together. He had been practicing repairing such seemingly repairable things in his spare time, when not having much else to do. The vase he was working on had been forgotten about in the closet that when he had asked his great grandmother about it she told him to toss it in the trash, as she had told her son many years before.
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bleachvines · 6 years
Ulquirra: It’s a white flag, and you better start waving it now.
Grimmjow: The only thing I’ll be waving is your decapitated head on a stick in front of your weeping mother!
Orihime: Good lord, this is just Monopoly-
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cooliogirl101 · 6 years
A random idea that I got while going through the espadas' abilities in my head. Hisana becomes part of Ulquirra! Given the way Ulquirra regenerates and heals himself correlates well with Tenshi no Tsubasa's abilities. Not to mention how goaldruven Hisana became when using shikai. She had no space for emotions and it's the same with Ulquirra! I probably very wrong but everyone has onle been focusing on Aaroniero because of Kaien. And I pretty damn proud of this theory.
Yeah it’s just...Ulquiorra was never one of the hollows Aizen created?
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