#ultimate glam rock star
spirker · 2 months
Oooh look it’s time for another
Fanfic Friday!
As always please tag ‘OFMD fanfic friday’ if you’d like to join - I mostly read Ed/Stede so that’s the focus of my recs - if you think my recs suck please feel free to make your own post :)
Theme this week is ✨unusual meet-cutes✨
I want to start with - The Philadelphia Chicken Man by @lookinglass-fic (10k words, M rated)
This is a very special fic in my opinion. It’s funny and heartfelt and perfectly in character. It’s about self love and self acceptance and eating a lot of rotisserie chicken. I love it very much.
Next we have Proper Hydration by the amazing @knotwerk ! (24k words, E rated)
This fic asks ‘what if they kissed at the IV boutique’ and the answer is fast burn deliciousness with some musings on the absurdity of life. Just beautiful. And it’s a series! Yay!
Another classic now it’s Skinned Knees by @skrifores (33k words, E rated)
Meet-cute at a glory hole anyone? It’s cute, I promise, very hole-some (sorry I couldn’t resist) A light smattering of angst along the way but ultimately a very feel good fic.
Last but not least, I wanted to highlight the work of one of the best writers in our fandom, my lovely friend Ida @bizarrelittlemew
It was too difficult to pick just one of her gorgeous fast burn meet-cutes so have 3 instead.
Wanna Share? (12k words, E rated) - Our boys meet in line for free condoms at a music festival! Perfect summer vibes and delicious tent sex.
Keep your ‘lectric eye on me babe (15k words, E rated) - 70s Glam Rock scene AU, Ed is a rock star and Stede is a beautifully slutty groupie. Seriously I love groupie!Stede so much, I’m obsessed with him.
The next adventure (3k words, E rated) - Ed and Stede meet when Stede takes a job as a fluffer on a porn shoot. It’s adorable, I promise. (Also check out the sequel if you like the idea of Ed/Stede/Roach having a good time together)
Ok yay! Enjoy <3
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Kind of inspired by the "fandom has bad taste in music" anon and the more recent "for fandom enrichment let's argue about character's tastes" anon, going to do some hardcore projecting based on my own musical tastes:
Charles' current musical obsession is Saharan desert blues. He also fucks with some French hip-hop on the side. He generally winds up listening to a lot of music that isn't from the UK -- he kind of searches out interesting scenes on a global scale. Edwin doesn't really connect with most of what Charles listens to, but he and Charles both agree on Angelique Kidjo, so she's one of their go-tos as background music in the office.
Aside from Kidjo, Edwin is generally fond of instrumental pieces, as lyrics are distracting when he is working. He's realized that while modern cinema like "Star Wars" or "Lord of the Rings" are not to his taste, he does enjoy their musical scores so pre-show he mostly listened to film soundtracks. Both Charles and Edwin share a particular fondness for music from the James Bond films of any era. Later, Niko shows Edwin Spirited Away & Edwin falls in love with Joe Hirashi's music.
Post-gay awakening, however, Edwin embarks on a quest to understand queer culture of the last hundred or so years. He finds doesn't really like most musical theater music, though he half-heartedly defends Sondheim to Charles. He likes opera marginally more as an audience member (Charles hates it), but he doesn't care to listen to opera music outside of watching a show. He dutifully listens to various women over the years who have been important to gay culture like Judy Garland. He find it intellectually stimulating from a historical perspective and he appreciates the artistic qualties & merits, but none of it is music he feels the need to casually listen to.
Charles off-handedly mentions to Edwin that he could look into queer male musicians and this is a winning suggestion: Marc Bolan, Freddie Mercury -- Edwin is enthralled. They watch Velvet Goldmine doing a movie night with the girls. "Pretty good, innit?" was Charles' reaction, but Edwin was left breathless. He is currently enamoured with glam rock & generally on the lookout for queer male rockers (and if many of them remind him somewhat of Charles, well).
Crystal listens to a lot of Erykah Badu, who to everyone's surprise Edwin winds up liking more than Charles. She's the most likely of all of them to listen to and recognize whatever is on the radio.
Niko loves metal. She got into it through Japanese metal, but now she's more likely to listen to The Hu or Bloodywood. She does appreciate English-language metal, but she finds it more of a curiosity. She also listens to a fair amount of rap and knows about all of the beefs between rappers, stuff that even Crystal has a hard time following.
Jenny, to everyone's surprise, likes folk music and older country: Simon & Garfunkel, Neil Young, Patsy Cline, Johnny Cash. She introduces Edwin to Lavender Country (he finds it intellectually interesting through his blushes as some of the more vulgar lyrics, but ultimately not his style) and Orville Peck (he loves). This leads Edwin to discovering Lil Nas X's Old Town Road and all the remixes, which he loves so much and Charles has to ban him from playing them in the office.
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slavghoul · 1 year
First musical emotion?
TF: I grew up in an environment full of music, with a very open-minded mother who listened to a lot of pop and rock music and, above all, an older brother who was 13 years older than me. That's how much I was immersed in teenage culture as a child. I was 3 years old in 1984 when the glam metal wave invaded the airwaves and TV screens. These bands, like Kiss, WASP or Mötley Crüe, very strong visually for a child, attracted me irresistibly. And let's not forget Twisted Sister. I Wanna Rock is the track that remains the basis, the trigger for everything for me. A song that, at 3, 13, 23 or 43 years old, still has the same effect on me as soon as I hear it: to jump in the air like a madman.
First record bought?
If not Kiss, probably a Rolling Stones album. It didn't make much of an impression on me because my brother used to buy so many of them, so my money was mostly spent on Star Wars stuff. There are tons of bands I love, but I think the Stones are my favourite. Because they embody everything I love about rock, even though they weren't as sophisticated as the Beatles or Pink Floyd. Between 1967 and 1972, in their darkest period, nobody did it better than them: they had the look, the attitude, the style and, on top of that, the songs! Let It Bleed is incredible, with songs like Midnight Rambler and Live With Me. As much as I admire technical singers, virtuosos of harmony, Jagger remains unique. I've never tried to imitate him, but as a performer he is the absolute model.
First concert of note?
My brother used to take me to see local punk bands at a very early age, but I remember B.B. King most of all, when I was about 5 or 6, with my mother. It was a jazz festival, outside in the courtyard of a castle, a very cool atmosphere. As soon as B.B. King started playing, there was electricity in the air. Everyone got up and started dancing, I was blown away. And as I was the only one of my age, I could move around freely, so much so that I found myself in the backstage, in front of B.B. King himself! He invited me into his dressing room: "Do you play the guitar?" - Yes! - so don't stop!" And I took his advice. Even though I sing on stage, the guitar is still my favourite instrument, the one I play and master the most.
The band that best managed to avoid the pitfall of the image taking precedence over the music?
Kiss, unfortunately, was far from being up to the task musically. Alice Cooper, after two minor first albums, went on to make four incredible albums with the original Alice Cooper Group. Above all, he made a phenomenal comeback with Welcome to My Nightmare in 1975. After that, the show took over... The band that managed to stay straight and dignified, without compromising the artistic quality of their work, is undoubtedly Iron Maiden. All of their 80's production is impeccable, and if they had a slump in the 90's, they came back even stronger with the return of Bruce Dickinson, and have been going strong for twenty years! Their work ethic is exemplary. With Ghost, we take up Phantom of the Opera, one of my favourite tracks from their early period, and one of the few where I felt we could add a little something to it.
Best punk song in the world?
There are so many, because I was also brought up on the sounds of the Pistols, the Ramones, the Dead Kennedys... But as a kid, I never got tired of listening to The Great Rock'n'Roll Swindle again, especially the sequence where Sid Vicious sings My Way. His version is one of my favourite songs of all time. What could be more awesome than to see a guy slaughtering this standard while doing the same, shooting the shit, with the audience that came to see him! It was like the ultimate middle finger, and it made me happy, and it showed me the way.
The band that remains the grail for you?
Queen, because the show side, the big show, is the ultimate for me. In the early 70s, my favourite musical period, there were no big shows yet, like the Stones started doing afterwards. Queen is the same. Of course, their best albums are from the 70s, but the peak of their career for me is the Wembley concert in 1986. Magic wasn't a great record, but the show was breathtaking, dantesque, with a repertoire as vast as it was delirious. If Ghost could ever come close to the 1986 Queen, I would be delighted.
The greatest Swedish band?
ABBA, of course. No one will ever be able to stand in their way. The Beatles are the monarchs of English rock, ABBA the monarchs of Swedish pop. Björn and Benny are national heroes. I found myself at a huge, formal party when Benny suddenly sat down at the piano and started Thank You For the Music. There was silence in a second. This guy is a monument. You can't imagine what ABBA has done, not only for pop music, but also for Sweden and the Swedes. This band proved that you can move mountains.
Which Ghost song are you most proud of?
Cirice, probably. I often write my songs by singing into my phone a melody that is in my head. We were about to finish the album Meliora. And the co-producer tells me that a really heavy and powerful track is missing. I tell him I have this heavy, heavy, macabre sounding tune with a long intro and a crushing riff. He suggests I tweak it while he goes for a run. When he came back, I had written a chorus, lyrical, catchy. It wasn't the leaden track he was hoping for. But it won us a Grammy!
The most evil band?
Certainly not Mercyful Fate, as one might imagine. They, like most Norwegian death metal bands, more or less satanic, are the most charming guys I've ever met. They seem more like nice teachers than evil creatures. The scariest band is probably Von, a mythical American black metal band from Hawaii. These guys were really scary, with their terrifying size, they looked really dangerous. But I think the evil is mostly on the side of those who pretend to defend the good. For me, the most evil and unattractive musician is Ted Nugent. He's pro-life, pro-hunting, and claims he's only fighting for freedom. But the world he defends is about as free and tolerant as Vladimir Putin's. I refuse to listen to him.
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mangle-my-mind · 11 months
The Velvet Goldmine Doll Scene
"...[T]he doll scene in Velvet Goldmine... does represent the film as a whole, and maybe in the most complete way. A lot of it has to do with the game of laughing and feeling aware of the construct - in a fun way, not in a Brechtian, didactic way. There's humor in glam rock, there's irony and wit, and it's often about its own point of address; it's often about the presentation, the inherent artificiality of our so-called natural world. And yet it ends up being very moving with its rhythm, its meter, its color." - Todd Haynes (Source)
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"A gentle love scene is being played out by the hands and off-screen voices of two young English Girls. The scene is shot romantically, with soft lighting and heavy diffusion." - Todd Haynes (Source)
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“In a way, I think that scene with the dolls sums up what I’m doing in this film. Which is literally holding up these icons, like these little girls, and speaking through them. And ultimately revealing more about my own interests and desires than any truths about these figures. But they inspire us, and they propel us to imagine and make up stories ourselves.” - Todd Haynes (Source)
"The scene is absurd but tender, self-reflexively distant and emotionally absorbed. Its queer child's play (two little girls identifying with and voicing the desires of two queer men), further positioned as fandom (the girls act out their Slade fantasies surrounded by fan paraphernalia), is exposed as embarrassingly naïve and accepted with a disarming seriousness. The film allows this crucial scene in its narrative's central relationship - Brian and Curt's first kiss - to be imagined and acted out by fans whose awkward fantasies are nonetheless authorized as real, or at least as real as anything else that occurs within the film's diegesis, emphasizing the way in which fandom is given authority in the film as a mode of cocreative dreaming, essential to the character of the rock star." - Chad Bennet (Flaming the Fans: Shame and the Aesthetics of Queer Fandom in Todd Haynes' Velvet Goldmine)
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"I wanted to show that it wasn't a problem for girl fans to enter that world and play out their desires with two boys instead of a boy and a girl. But ultimately, the little girls holding up their Barbies and speaking through them is exactly what I'm doing in the entire film. It's not the story of Bowie and Iggy. It's what we do with what they put out there. That's the work of the fans." - Todd Haynes (Source)
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"Diamond Meadows", T-Rex
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cherrygirlystuff · 1 month
Indie It-Girls: The Icons Who Defined Indie Sleaze Style 🌟
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Indie sleaze is all about attitude, style, and embracing a touch of rebellious glamour. These it-girls didn’t just follow trends—they set them, becoming the ultimate style icons of their time. Here’s a look at some of the most iconic figures of the indie sleaze scene and how their unique style continues to inspire.
1. Alexa Chung: The Queen of Effortless Cool 👑
Alexa Chung is the quintessential indie it-girl. With her signature blend of vintage-inspired looks and casual chic, she became a symbol of effortless cool. Here’s a breakdown of her iconic style:
Vintage-Inspired Dresses: Alexa is known for her love of vintage dresses. Think retro prints, A-line silhouettes, and high necklines. She effortlessly combines these with modern accessories for a look that’s both nostalgic and fresh.
Layering Like a Pro: Alexa’s layering game is always on point. She pairs oversized blazers with skinny jeans, and adds a quirky touch with patterned tights or retro boots. Her ability to mix and match different textures and styles is what makes her look so distinctive.
The Perfect Messy Hair: Alexa’s tousled hair is a key part of her look. It’s all about embracing a bit of messiness and natural texture, giving her an effortlessly chic vibe that’s so quintessentially indie sleaze.
Style Tip: Channel Alexa Chung’s look by mixing vintage finds with contemporary pieces. Don’t forget to keep your hair a little tousled and relaxed for that perfect indie vibe.
2. Agyness Deyn: The Bold and Brave Fashionista 🌟
Agyness Deyn made waves in the indie sleaze scene with her bold, fearless style. Known for pushing boundaries and embracing edgy looks, she became a fashion icon in her own right. Here’s what makes Agyness’s style so iconic:
Edgy Statements: Agyness loves making bold fashion statements. From leather jackets and combat boots to graphic tees and chunky jewelry, she’s all about mixing tough, edgy elements with a hint of glam.
Statement Haircuts: Agyness’s ever-changing hairstyles are a major part of her appeal. Whether it’s a chic pixie cut or a dramatic undercut, her hair always complements her bold fashion choices.
Bright, Bold Colors: Agyness isn’t afraid of color. She often incorporates bright hues and eye-catching prints into her outfits, making her stand out in any crowd.
Style Tip: Embrace Agyness Deyn’s fearless approach by incorporating edgy, bold pieces into your wardrobe. Don’t shy away from statement hairstyles and bright colors to channel that indie sleaze energy.
3. Other Indie It-Girls Who Shaped the Scene 🌟
While Alexa and Agyness are major icons, there are plenty of other it-girls who made their mark on indie sleaze style. Here are a few more to keep an eye on:
Karen Elson: Known for her striking red hair and vintage-inspired looks, Karen Elson embodies the indie sleaze aesthetic with her unique blend of retro glamour and modern edge.
Georgia May Jagger: With her iconic gap-toothed smile and rock ‘n’ roll style, Georgia brings a rebellious flair to the indie sleaze scene. Her look combines effortless chic with a touch of rock star edge.
Frances Bean Cobain: As the daughter of Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, Frances Bean has inherited a natural sense of edgy, grunge-inspired style. Her look is all about mixing vintage pieces with contemporary trends for a unique, rebellious vibe.
Inspiration Tip: Look to these additional indie it-girls for inspiration on how to mix vintage and modern styles, and how to embrace your own unique flair.
Final Thoughts, Gorgeous: Channeling Your Inner Indie It-Girl 🌟
And there you have it—your ultimate guide to the icons of indie sleaze! From Alexa Chung’s effortless vintage vibe to Agyness Deyn’s bold fashion statements, these indie it-girls have set the bar high for style and attitude. Take a page from their book and embrace your own unique look with a touch of indie sleaze glamour.
Who’s your favorite indie it-girl or style icon? Share your thoughts and style inspirations in the comments—I’d love to hear how you’re channeling that indie sleaze vibe! 💕
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burningvelvet · 2 months
I think that Oscar Wilde would have absolutely adored David Bowie
they would have either been each other's greatest admirers or worst enemies. or a bit of both, as bowie sort of had that brotherly rivalry with marc bolan but they ultimately loved each other. maybe oscar wilde would have been a glam rock star in an alternate universe...
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'With a face carved by the hands of Michelangelo himself, Cillian Murphy’s film presence seldom goes unneeded. The Irish actor isn’t Hollywood’s most recognizable leading man. He’s spent most of his career traversing from underrated role to underrated role, giving him an incredibly diverse filmography.
Now, as his titular role in Christopher Nolan’s “Oppenheimer” garners critical acclaim, I wanted to take a look at some of his previous projects.
Red Eye (2005)
Starting off strong with this airplane-set thriller, “Red Eye” follows two strangers, Lisa Reisert, played by Rachel McAdams, and Jackson Rippner, played by Murphy, on a flight to Miami. Jackson’s charm entices Lisa at first, but things take an unexpected turn for the worst when his true intentions are revealed.
Murphy deserved an Academy Award solely for his sassy line delivery in one particular scene — if you know, you know. The fact that he served face doing it makes it so much better.
Watching the Detectives (2007)
This rom-com follows a film nerd and video rental store owner whose life is turned upside down when a manic pixie dream girl type, played by the incomparable Lucy Liu, shows him life can be just as exciting and unpredictable as the films he obsesses over.
Violet, Liu’s character, thrusts Neil, Murphy’s character, from crazy scenario to crazy scenario. For example, after the duo vandalize another local video store under Violet’s suggestion, she pranks Neil by getting two “detectives” to scare him into thinking he’s been caught.
Throughout the film, Violet tells Neil stories in which fact and fiction are hard to discern. One in particular includes a big, bald musician she once dated who stalks her. She ends up pulling another ruse on the now paranoid Neil, faking an abduction by this bald ex that leads to a violent resolution.
I hope this movie inspires film bros to go outside and experience the world beyond the screen — though, hopefully not to the same extent as Neil did.
Breakfast on Pluto (2005)
In this drama, our blue-eyed beauty plays a transgender woman named Patrick “Kitten” Braden. After her mother abandoned her on the steps of a priest’s home, she leaves her small town in Ireland for London in search of her mother and a freer place to fully live her trans identity.
Her journey through London finds her falling in love with the lead singer of a glam rock band and singing and dancing as a member of the children’s entertainment group, The Wombles. She becomes a magician’s assistant and is ultimately forced into prostitution where she narrowly escapes a violent attack by iconically spraying her assailant in the eyes with Chanel No. 5.
Murphy’s performance is striking and campy throughout as he buoys the hardships of the trans experience with Kitten’s whimsy and aversion to taking anything seriously.
The costuming is also absolutely scrumptious. From a certain leather ensemble to the myriad of furs, this is certainly Murphy’s most glamorous role to date.
In Time (2011)
This dystopian quasi-thriller takes place in a society where time is currency. Citizens are genetically-engineered to not age past 25, and when they do reach that age, they are given one more year to live. Time is exchanged from person to person and is stored in capsules; citizens can gain time by working, bartering, stealing or fighting for it.
Though the concept is interesting, the execution leaves much to be desired. Even though the cast is full of familiar faces: Amanda Seyfried, Olivia Wilde, Johnny Galecki and Justin Timberlake — yes, it’s from that weird era where they tried to make Timberlake a movie star, it seems like everyone here forgot how to act.
With the exception of Murphy, of course. Here, he plays a so-called “Timekeeper,” a select group of individuals tasked with keeping the peace and investigating “time crimes.” Murphy portrays his character, Raymond Leon, with a cold suaveness and a certain sassiness that’s innate to Murphy. The leather jacket and dark, slicked back hair is just a cherry on top.'
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tandem-interactive · 10 months
📍✨ Unlocking the Power of Local Search with Tandem Buzz 🌐✨
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Hey fam! 🌟 Living in the digital age means local search is EVERYTHING, right? 🌐 And guess what's leading the pack? Google Maps! 🗺️ It's the MVP connecting businesses with local customers like never before. 🚀 Let's dive into the magic of Google Maps SEO in this guide – your ticket to local search domination! 🔍✨
Whether you're a cozy local spot or a global sensation, Tandem Buzz spills the tea on killer organic SEO with a local twist! ☕💡 Get ready for the 411 on making Google Maps SEO work for you, all while mastering the art of the local 3-pack. 🌍🤝
🌟 Local Search Magic via Google Maps 🌐✨ Google Maps is your digital BFF for boosting visibility and connecting with nearby peeps. 🚗📍 Tandem Buzz vibes with the shift in the digital landscape and is all about helping you ride the Google Maps wave. 🌊
Optimize that Google Maps listing, and boom! Your biz pops up in local searches, making you the talk of the town. 📣💼 Google Maps often takes the lead on mobile, so it's prime time for local info seekers! 📱✨
Rocking local SEO on Google Maps means a prime spot, drawing in local legends and upping your visibility game. 🌟 Pro tip: A well-optimized listing spills the deets – contact info, reviews, pics, and hours – for savvy decision-making. 🤓💬 It's a win-win for users and your local SEO ranking! 🏆✅
🌟 Local 3-Pack: Your SEO Sidekick 🥷🌐 Now, let's talk Local 3-Pack on Google Maps – the VIP spot for local SEO champs! 🏆✨ Snagging a spot here boosts your visibility and charms potential customers to your doorstep. 🚪💃
🔍 What's the Local 3-Pack? It's the glam trio of local businesses, stealing the show right under the map in search results. 🎉📌 Users get a quick peek at nearby hotspots that match their search, complete with biz name, ratings, contact deets, and a link for more tea. ☕👀
🌟 3 Factors for 3-Pack Stardom 💫 Getting cozy in the Local 3-Pack depends on three stars aligning:
Relevance: Match those keywords like a boss. Optimize your Google My Business listing for the win!
Proximity: How close? Super crucial. Be where the action is for a prime spot.
Prominence: Shine bright with reviews, a stellar site, and a killer online rep.
🌈✨ Optimize these, and you're on the road to Local Pack superstardom! 🚀🔥
🌟 Boost Your Local Pack Game for Non-Branded Keywords 🚀🔍 Want that Local Pack spotlight for non-branded keywords? It's doable, and Tandem Buzz has your back! 💪✨ Optimize your Google My Business listing, snag quality backlinks, and keep those deets consistent across platforms. 📊💬 Pro tip: Embrace on-page SEO, spice up your reviews, and make your site mobile-friendly – Google loves that! 📱💖
🌟 Get in Charge With Tandem Buzz in Fort Lauderdale! 🚀🌴 Looking for a digital marketing squad in Fort Lauderdale? Tandem Buzz is your go-to! 🌟✨ We're not just about killer SEO; we're the ultimate package – PPC, social media magic, and more! 🎯📲 Dive into our marketing blog for wisdom drops that show we're more than just experts – we're your growth partners! 🤝💼
Ready to level up? Slide into our DMs today! 💌🚀
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watusichris · 11 months
Lou Reed (Variety, 10/27/13)
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Lou Reed died on this date 10 years ago, and Variety asked me to write an appreciation, which I re-post here. **********
From the remove of 47 years, it is difficult to adequately calibrate the impact of “The Velvet Underground and Nico,” the debut album by the New York band fronted by Lou Reed, who died Sunday at 71. Bearing a cover by Andy Warhol that could literally denude itself (“peel slowly and see,” the legend read), the LP was a shock to popular music’s system. It addressed topics – heroin addiction, sexual aberration – that had hitherto been taboo in popular music, and mounted Reed’s literally stunning lyrics in a matrix of molecule-rearranging noise. It is one of those few records of which this can be said: Nothing like it had ever been heard before, and it permanently altered notions of what was possible, and permissible, in rock music.
While Reed was capable of shaking the foundations of propriety with compositions like “Heroin,” ‘I’m Waiting For the Man” and “Venus in Furs,” and would push the boundaries even further with subsequent outbursts like “White Light/White Heat,” “I Heard Her Call My Name” and the orgiastic “Sister Ray,” he proved he was no one-trick pony. He was capable of penning the most tender and empathetic ballads in the rock canon – “I’ll Be Your Mirror,” “Pale Blue Eyes,” “I’m Set Free,” the astonishing “Jesus.” He also proved that he was a rock classicist at heart with such much-covered standards as “Sweet Jane” and “Rock and Roll,” the latter of which may be the definitive statement of the joy that lies at the heart of the music.
After Reed exited the Velvet Underground after years of infighting and discord in 1970, he embarked on a solo career that was characterized over its course by periods of extreme risk, infuriating sloth and intermittent brilliance. He wrested glam from the British with “Transformer”; took his own stab at rock opera with the lush, depressive “Berlin”; ground ears to pulp with his two-LP noise extravaganza “Metal Machine Music.” Using more conventional elements of rock music but seasoning them with his hectoring style, he forged such highly personal latter-day works as “Street Hassle,” “The Bells,” “The Blue Mask,” “New York” and “Magic and Loss.”
Because he was a thorny, restless and often reckless spirit who proceeded to the tattoo of his own drum, his work could succumb to abject failure: Witness his Edgar Allan Poe homage “The Raven,” his misbegotten collection of guitar pieces “Hudson River Wind Meditations” and his last release, 2011’s “Lulu,” a much-maligned collaboration with Metallica.
But such failures were ultimately understandable and could even be anticipated, since from the start of his career Reed’s rep, and ultimately his import, rested on his willingness to take chances. That was never a sure way to conquer the charts, but it was a route to change, and Lou Reed permanently altered the musical landscape. Seemingly answerable to no one and nothing other than himself and his own artistic impulses, he became, to his discomfort, an exemplary figure. His influence has long been a given; especially in the punk and post-punk era, dozens of bands embraced his sound and style. Watching early sets by such groups as L.A.’s Dream Syndicate was like watching young, half-formed performers groping towards their own essence, with Reed’s work as a road map.
As a personality, he could be prickly, harsh, forbidding; his confrontations with music journalists held the status of legend. The caricature is maintained in “CBGB,” the recent film about the New York punk club, in which a character called “Lou Reed” makes a cameo appearance, with fangs out. Reed played himself best. In Allan Arkush’s 1983 rock movie “Get Crazy,” he portrayed a rock star named Auden. It is not a great picture, but he elevated it with his presence. He gets the last word in the film, under the credits, singing, in his wobbling, drawling voice, a song called “Little Sister” – a heart-on-the-sleeve number with a corking, lyrical solo at its end.
It’s surprising, sweet, loving. But then, he was an artist of many dimensions, and surprise was so much of what Lou Reed was all about.
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middle-daisy · 11 months
Monster Energy Earrings: Scene Queen's Edgy Bling
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Hey, rockers! 🦇🤘
Get ready to amp up your style game with an epic DIY project that screams, "Scene kid fabulous!" We're turning those Monster Energy cans into the ultimate scene accessory: earrings that will make your alt heart sing!
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Materials You'll Need:
Clean and dry Monster Energy cans (yup, we're recycling with style!)
Earring hooks (the danglier, the better)
Jump rings
Paints and brushes in your fave neon shades
Glitter, rhinestones, or any other bling for that extra scene sparkle
Hot glue gun (because we love a bit of glam)
Step 1: Set the Scene Vibes
Get your scene anthems playing - we're diving headfirst into an artsy adventure! Feel the energy, embrace the creativity, and let your scene spirit guide your hand.
Step 2: Cut Out the Magic
Carefully cut out shapes from the Monster Energy cans. Stars, hearts, skulls - go wild! These will be the base for your earring masterpiece.
Step 3: Paint the Scene
Now, it's time to rock those neon acrylic paints. Splash and blend, layer and dab - create a symphony of color that's as loud as your favorite scene bands. Make 'em vibrant, make 'em unique!
Step 4: Rhinestones and Bling
You're the star of this show, and your earrings should shine like you do. Decorate your aluminum shapes with glitter, rhinestones, or anything that adds that extra scene glitz. Your hot glue gun is your secret weapon here!
Step 5: Assemble the Magic
Use pliers to attach jump rings and earring hooks to your aluminum shapes. Make sure they dangle and catch the light - scene kid perfection!
Step 6: Showcase Your Scene Soul
Wear your custom Monster Energy can earrings with pride. They're a scene masterpiece that screams your style, your creativity, and your scene spirit.
Rock on, scene royalty! These earrings are your crowning jewels, and you're going to wear them like the rocker you are! 🌟👑🤘
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spacepunksupreme · 2 years
tagged by @psygull :-) hiii Roz
Last song you listened to— Solsbury Hill by Peter Gabriel. I woke up with it stuck in my head and have been listening to it on repeat while cleaning my room lol
Last movie you watched— I rewatched The Hitcher (1986) yesterday >:)c great movie for watching Rutger Hauer be so so creepy. And the last new movie I watched was Strange World (2022), it was super cute and had some great concepts but the story was ultimately a little underwhelming. My whole family thought it had Atlantis vibes, which unfortunately made it feel more underwhelming I think, specifically in the sense that there was like zero conflict comparatively. The protagonists in Strange World barely even had any verbal conflict with the antagonists, let alone like the massive death toll that occurs in Atlantis lol.
Currently reading— The Vampire Lestat >:-) this book has just been like chapter after chapter of Lestat crying and voicing increasingly dubious sexual desires (and maybe crying over them), he’s also an 80’s glam rock star now, but that was only relevant for like 20/380 pages Ive read so far and there’s only about 100 left so idk if he’s ever gonna bring that up again lmao. I’m enjoying it.
Currently watching— Ive been watching Breaking Bad with @bubbliterally :) Hannah and Rosie TV Time
Currently craving— oh you know, slender Aphrodite has overcome me with longing for a girl, etc. etc.
and I’m tagging anyone who wants to do this :)
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poppletonink · 2 years
ALBUM REVIEW: The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders from Mars - David Bowie
★★★★★ – 5 stars
"Lady Stardust sang his songs of darkness and disgrace."
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The beauty of David Bowie’s 5th studio album: The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders from Mars (most commonly shortened to Ziggy Stardust) lies in its narrative. The overarching story woven through the songs, of an androgynous, bisexual alien rock star named Ziggy Stardust, discusses the idea of how artificial rock music actually is. Other themes are also addressed, including stardom, politics, drug use, and sexuality.
The character of Ziggy is known to be based on numerous flamboyant artists such as Iggy Pop, Marc Bolan, Lou Reed, and Vince Taylor. Ziggy’s surname, ‘Stardust', originates in part from Bowie’s fascination with glitter and also from the song ‘Stardust’ by Hoagy Carmichael (a jazz-standard about the end of a love affair, perhaps paralleling Ziggy’s self-destructive relationship with himself).
Similarly, the music of the album embraces numerous genres. Although predominantly falling into glam rock and proto-punk categories, it has been noted to also contain elements of soul, garage rock, stadium rock and blues.
The album takes listeners through a rollercoaster of emotions, as they listen to Ziggy's story. The opening song ‘Five Years' introduces both Ziggy, as the album’s protagonist, and the idea of the impending apocalypse due to take place in five years which will result in the Earth’s destruction. Throughout the rest of the album we are presented with more uplifting songs, which leave hope that all will be well. However, as we edge towards the end of the album the pessimistic air returns. ‘Lady Stardust' – though lyrically beautiful – is reasonably negative, with lines such as ‘Lady Stardust sang songs of darkness and disgrace’ and presents Ziggy in a more elusive manner (the use of both male and female pronouns throughout the song suggesting they might not have a binary gender, which at the time of release was a rare concept). The song ‘Ziggy Stardust' much like ‘Lady Stardust' tells us more about our leading character, though this time about his appearance, describing them as a “well-hung, snow white-tanned, left-hand guitar-playing man”, and allows us to see how their exceedingly arrogant and big-headed attitude leads to their fall from grace. Eventually in the final song ‘Rock ‘n' Roll Suicide' we learn that Ziggy ultimately comes to his demise when he dies on stage, having succumbed to the fatal urges and excesses of his own ego and desires.
This is Bowie at the peak of his creativity.
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humai123 · 14 days
How to Achieve Red Carpet Elegance: Style Tips from A-List Celebrities
Red carpet events are synonymous with glamour, sophistication, and unforgettable fashion moments. From the Oscars to the Met Gala, celebrities showcase impeccable style, setting trends that inspire millions. But achieving that level of elegance isn’t exclusive to Hollywood’s elite—you can bring red carpet sophistication into your own wardrobe. Here’s how to achieve red carpet elegance with style tips straight from A-list celebrities.
1. Start with a Statement Outfit
The foundation of any red carpet look is a statement outfit that turns heads. Celebrities often opt for tailored suits, dazzling gowns, or chic jumpsuits that highlight their best features.
Go Bold or Go Home: Don’t be afraid to experiment with bold colors, unique silhouettes, or intricate designs. Think of Lupita Nyong’o’s bright, flowing gowns or Timothée Chalamet’s avant-garde suits—these pieces stand out because they’re daring and expressive.
Fit is Everything: The perfect fit can make or break your look. Celebrities often have their outfits custom-tailored to ensure they flatter their body shape. Find a good tailor and make adjustments to off-the-rack pieces to achieve that made-for-you look.
2. Accessorize Like a Star
Accessories can elevate a simple outfit to red-carpet status. From sparkling jewelry to the perfect clutch, the right accessories add a touch of elegance and personality, just like how Dafne Keen Hot outfits exude a unique blend of style and sophistication.
Jewelry That Shines: Look for statement pieces that complement your outfit without overwhelming it. Think of Zendaya’s elegant diamond necklaces or Rihanna’s bold ear cuffs. For a subtler look, pearls or dainty gold pieces can add just the right amount of glam.
Choose the Right Bag and Shoes: A chic clutch or mini bag, paired with stunning heels, completes the look. Go for classic designs like a sleek stiletto or strappy sandal, but don’t shy away from adding a pop of color or an unexpected texture.
3. Master the Art of Red Carpet Makeup
Makeup plays a crucial role in red carpet elegance, with celebrities often opting for looks that enhance their natural beauty while adding a touch of drama.
Flawless Skin: Invest in a good skincare routine that includes moisturizing, priming, and a high-quality foundation. Celebrities like Jennifer Lopez are known for their glowing, dewy skin, which starts with proper care.
Eyes That Pop: Smoky eyes, bold liner, or a splash of metallic eyeshadow can add instant glamour. Experiment with lashes for added drama, taking cues from stars like Kim Kardashian, who often sports long, voluminous lashes.
Lips That Make a Statement: Whether you choose a classic red, a soft nude, or a bold berry, your lip color should complement your outfit and overall look. Taylor Swift’s signature red lip is a timeless example of how to make a statement.
4. Hairstyles That Complete the Look
Your hair can either elevate or detract from your red carpet ensemble, so it’s essential to choose a style that matches your outfit and makeup.
Classic Updos and Waves: Styles like sleek updos, loose waves, or a polished bun add a touch of sophistication. Look to stars like Blake Lively, known for her glamorous waves, or Emma Stone, who often rocks chic updos.
Embrace Hair Accessories: Hair accessories, like jeweled pins or sleek headbands, can add an extra layer of elegance. These touches are often seen on stars like Saoirse Ronan and Lily Collins, who use them to enhance their hairstyles.
5. Confidence: The Ultimate Accessory
The most crucial element of red carpet elegance isn’t the dress or the jewels—it’s confidence. A-list celebrities exude poise and self-assurance, which makes their looks all the more stunning.
Own Your Look: Walk with confidence, stand tall, and smile. Even the most expensive outfit can fall flat if you’re not comfortable in it. Practice good posture and remember that true elegance comes from within.
Be Yourself: Authenticity is the key to standing out. Whether your style is classic, edgy, or somewhere in between, embrace it fully. Stars like Billie Eilish and Kristen Stewart are celebrated not just for their fashion but for their unapologetic sense of self.
Achieving red-carpet elegance doesn’t require a celebrity budget—it’s about making bold style choices, paying attention to details, and carrying yourself with confidence. By incorporating these tips from A-list celebrities, you can bring a touch of Hollywood glamour into your everyday life. So, go ahead and step into your own spotlight with style!
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fashionforswag · 5 months
Forget the Cake, You'll Be the Gift: Show-stopping Dresses for Your Big
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Birthdays are all about celebrating you, and this year, why not ditch the traditional cake and become the gift yourself?  Step into the spotlight with a show-stopping dress that makes you feel like a million bucks.  Let's explore the world of Sexy Birthday Dresses For Women – your secret weapon for an unforgettable birthday look that will leave everyone speechless.
Finding the Perfect Dress to Steal the Show
Sexy isn't about following trends; it's about embracing your unique beauty and rocking a dress that flatters your figure and ignites your confidence. Here are some tips to find the perfect Sexy Birthday Dress for Women to turn you into the star of your own celebration:
Embrace Your Shape: Everybody is a beautiful canvas! Whether you're petite and curvy, tall and slender, or something in between, there's a Sexy Birthday Dress For Women waiting to be your perfect match. Empire waist dresses create a flowing silhouette that flatters all body types. Wrap dresses with their cinched waist showcase your hourglass figure. And for those who love to flaunt their curves, a bodycon dress offers a sleek and sexy look.
Match the Vibe:  Is your birthday a fancy dinner soiree or a wild night out with your closest crew? A timeless little black dress with statement heels exudes sophistication for a formal setting. But if you're planning on dancing the night away, a sequined mini dress is the perfect way to catch the light and become the center of attention.
Explore Color and Texture: Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and experiment! A bold red dress commands attention while a shimmering metallic number adds a touch of glam. Lace and velvet offer a touch of old-world elegance, while playful prints can inject a fun and flirty vibe.
Sexy Birthday Dress Inspiration to Make You Shine
Here are some specific Sexy Birthday Dress For Women ideas to turn you into the ultimate birthday gift:
The LBD with a Twist:  The little black dress is a classic, but you can personalize it to make a statement. Opt for a unique neckline like a plunging V-neck or a one-shoulder design, adding some extra oomph to your look.
The Off-the-Shoulder Stunner:  Show off your delicate shoulders and collarbone with an off-the-shoulder dress. This style is both elegant and effortlessly sexy, perfect for an evening celebrating you.
The Leg Slit Sensation:  A dress with a well-placed slit adds a touch of leggy appeal without being overly revealing. It's a great way to showcase your toned legs and turn heads with a hint of mystery.
The High-Low Drama Queen:  This playful dress is perfect for dancing the night away. The shorter front allows for freedom of movement, while the longer back adds a touch of elegance, creating a dramatic silhouette that will have everyone talking.
Remember, the most important accessory you wear is your confidence. So pick a Sexy Birthday Dress For Women that makes you feel incredible, own your power, and get ready to celebrate YOU!
With a vast selection of Sexy Birthday Dresses For Women available, you're sure to find the perfect one to transform you into the show-stopping gift of your birthday celebration!
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chiqueofficialonline · 7 months
Glimmer and Glamour: Chica's Guide to Embracing Embellished Dresses This Spring Season
Get ready to bloom this spring with Chique's stunning collection of embellished dresses! Picture yourself sashaying through the season in pastel-perfect hues or making a bold statement with vibrant patterns – our dresses have it all! Whether you're brunching with your squad or taking a leisurely stroll through the park, these dresses are your ultimate go-to for effortless chic. 
And here's the best part!
They pair flawlessly with sandals, heels, or even sneakers – because why compromise on comfort for style? So go ahead, embrace the season with flair and make this spring your most fabulous one yet with Chique!
Spring into Fashion with Chique's Embellished Ensembles
As winter comes to an end and spring approaches, take a look at Chique's newest collection of embellished dresses for women. Our Spring/Summer Collection offers a combination of classic and contemporary styles, each featuring delicate embellishments. From timeless designs to more modern ones, every dress showcases feminine charm and sophistication. 
Embrace the blooming season with ethereal pastels, vibrant florals, and intricate details that will enhance your wardrobe. Whether you're enjoying a walk in the garden or attending social events, Chique guarantees that you will exude elegance and grace. Step into spring with confidence and style by exploring our exquisite embellished dresses, which mark a triumphant return to refined fashion.
Versatility Meets Elegance: How to Wear Chique's Embellished Dresses? 
One of the best things about Chique's embellished dresses is their versatility. Whether you're attending a formal event, enjoying a night out with friends, or simply running errands around town, these dresses are perfect for any occasion. Pair them with heels and statement jewelry for a glamorous look, or dress them down with sneakers and a denim jacket for a more casual vibe. The possibilities are endless, and the only limit is your imagination.
Daytime Delight: Spice up your daytime vibe by throwing on your Chique embellished dress for women with a denim jacket and some comfy kicks. It's the perfect combo of chic and chill, ready for brunch or a fun shopping spree with the squad.
Evening Glamour: Level up your night-out game by swapping those sneakers for some killer heels and adding a touch of bling. Your Chique dress will shine under the city lights, making you the star of any dinner date or rooftop party.
Office Chic: Who said workwear had to be boring? Rock your Chique women embellished dress with a sleek blazer for a boss babe look that's anything but basic. Whether it's a big meeting or casual Friday, you'll be slaying the office style game.
Resort Ready: Packing for paradise? Don't forget your Chique embellished dress! Throw it on with sandals and a floppy hat for some serious poolside glam. It's the perfect outfit for sipping cocktails and soaking up the sun.
Special Occasions: Got a fancy event on the horizon? Your Chique embellished dress has got you covered. Just add some killer heels and a clutch, and you're ready to dance the night away in style. Who needs a fairy godmother when you've got Chique?
Are You Ready to Dip your Toes into Some Stylish Sequin Looks? Check out Our Tips Below!
Short Dress with High Neckline 
Exude elegance effortlessly with Chique's high neck embellished white dress. Pair with statement earrings and sleek heels for a sophisticated and timeless look.
Add a Glittery Jacket to Your Outfit
Ready to take your outfit from drab to fab? Throw on a glittery jacket over your embellished dress for an instant dose of sparkle and sass! Let the shimmer do the talking as you strut your stuff with flair and finesse.
Party Makeup for a Night to Remember
Get ready to dazzle on the dance floor with our party-perfect makeup tips! Sweep on some glitter for mesmerizing smokey eyes, add a pop of bright lipstick for extra oomph, and finish with a touch of highlighter for that radiant glow. Shine bright, darlings – it's party time!
Heel It Up with Stilettos
Strut your stuff in the perfect party wearing heels that elevate your style game effortlessly. From sleek stilettos to sparkling pumps, these heels are your ticket to dancing the night away in style and comfort. Get ready to turn heads and steal the spotlight on the dance floor!
Embrace Your Unique Style with Chique
At Chique, we focus on celebrating individuality. Our embellished dresses online serve as canvases for expressing your unique style. Whether you prefer a vintage or modern look, we have the perfect Chique dress for you. So why conform when you were meant to stand out? Embrace your inner goddess and rock our Chique embellished dresses like the fashion icon you are this spring/summer season.
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unit2fashion-sophie · 10 months
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~1970s ERA~
• Glam rock sparked a cultural evolution, thrilling music, spectacular costumes, men grew their hair out and became deadly serious about their ‘musical craft’. this kind of music transformed society, people started to have fun.
• Fashion of this era was very all over the place, people wore what they wanted to. skirts were of many different lengths (mini, midi or maxi), jeans were popular, especially flared jeans. people started to express themselves more, woman started to wear suits. men wore makeup, you could be yourself.
• Trends of this era include blue jeans, jeans were very popular and seen as the ultimate American garment. Glam/ Glitter rock was a big thing and encouraged coloured clothes, sequins, gems and feathers, super high stacked platform shoes or boots. Studio 54 was popular during this time and was known for its drug/ alcohol use and people wearing white skimpy clothes such as tube tops.
• Film during this era nearly broke, due to hollywood broke down. but it quickly came back.
-some good films came out during the 70s like ‘Lord of the Rings’, ‘The Mupper Movie’, ‘star wars- a new hope’ and more! As Films started to get better quality too.
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