#um oops
writingsfromhome · 1 year
School Photos
A/N: just a quick fluff one-shot to get me back online. happy August and fellow Leo season.
“Please!” He begs for the umpteenth time. “Just one picture! I just wanna see one!”
“No! Mum look at me, all albums will be burned if you show anything.”
My family chuckles at my persistence but I was serious. Bringing home my uni boyfriend was going good so far. The only thing I had to avoid was him seeing pictures of me as a child.
“She had braces, even had to wear the headgear sometimes.” My brother teases.
“Shut up!” I glare.
“Yeah and she was obsessed with dolphins so anything she wore had them. And if they didn’t—mom didn’t she have these pictures you ironed on for her.”
“Oh!” Mom gasps. “I remember! The patches, the dolphin patches she bought from that one store um-“
“Remember when she wanted a mole so bad like Aunt Jess that she drew one on.”
“No way, I need to see the proof.” Harry grins, taking in my humiliation like a chilled glass of wine.
“She did it the whole summer until I told her it looked like shit on her face.” My brother says. “It was a kindness now that she looks back right yn?”
“Oh aren’t you Mother Teressa.” I mock. I didn’t want Harry to see me like this either—bothered and acting childish with my brothers but I had to pick and choose my battles here.
“Ok lay off her now boys, let us enjoy the pie your mum made.” My dad swoops to my rescue and I give him an appreciative smile.
“Daddy’s girl.” My brother mutters. Mom scolds him but she’s biting back a laugh. Ugh my family was infuriating.
Since we’d arrived late, right before dinner, Harry hadn’t seen my childhood bedroom so once we’re done around the table we head upstairs.
In between dinner and dessert I’d rushed up with an excuse for the loo and made sure to hide any evidence of my face between the ages of 5-16 in my room.
Now, I give Harry a tour of my childhood bedroom.
“I can imagine you sitting here sketching,” Harry brushes his hand along the oak desk dad had built for me in year 4 and has sat against the window since.
So much of my history lived in all these objects. I was happy that Harry could see it all laid out here, know the past parts of me he couldn’t exactly meet.
Not that he needed to see physical copies of all my past parts.
“And this is my shrine to Jesse McCartney.” I open the top drawer meant for pencils and small items but instead a poster of his face was glued down and tiny trinkets laid around including the ticket from the I went to one of his performances.
“So this is your man on the side. Keeping him tucked away at home hm?” Harry tugs the drawer more to reveal all of my teenage crazy.
“I was obsessed. He’s still a very attractive man.”
“That’s weird.”
“What? That he’s attractive?”
“No, he looks nothing like me.”
“Why would he-“ I roll my eyes when I realize what he’s getting at. “Well you should be flattered you don’t look like my childhood celeb crush. That’d be creepy.”
“I think this is a little creepy.” Harry crosses his arms and leans against the table. I take him in where he stands; he felt so much bigger than my childhood bedroom.
“It’s what teenage girls do. Ask your sister I’m sure she had one of these too.”
“So you’re okay showing me this,” Harry tugs my hand. “But not any pictures of you-“
“No. That’s not happening.”
“I promise I’ll still love you.”
“They’re just embarrassing!” I whine. “I always had a phase I was going through. I don’t want you to see any of them.”
“Why?” He cups my face. “It makes you interesting! I showed you the phase where I spiked my hair every day and thought I was in a boy band.”
“Your hair didn’t even spike,” I laugh into his chest, remembering the photo I had taken a copy of with my phone. His hair had looked like he woken up and taken a chainsaw to it.
“See you’re allowed to laugh at me!”
“Nooo,” I wrap my arms around his waist. “No photos. Now subject change: we’re meeting all my friends tomorrow so what do you want to do today?”
“I can crash.” Harry says. He brushes my hair back and gives my head a kiss. “Driving for 4 hours was more tiring than I thought.”
“Okay,” I was fine with cuddling and going to bed even though it was only 9. As long as I was with Harry, everything felt fun. We’d been dating for over a year now and I loved him in a way I never loved boyfriends from the past. I think he was the real deal.
We lie on my small bed and talk until we doze off. The next morning we wake to the smell of breakfast and my parents spoil us with food and laughter.
I give Harry a tour of my hometown before we meet with my friends from school. Everyone and their partners love Harry and I can’t help but beam as he fits seamlessly into the other half of my life.
He catches my eye every now and then and the smile he gives me makes me fall in love with him all over again.
After an evening spent with family at home and another early night, Harry and I head out to go back to uni the following morning.
Goodbyes are long and multiple hugs are involved all around.
As we settle in and head back onto the motorway, Harry points to the sun visor.
“Sun in your eye?”
“Why don’t you flip it down?”
“It’s not?” I look him over. Was he okay?
“Just flip it down yeah? In case.”
“Okay?” I slowly flip the visor down and I gasp. “How could you?”
His laughter fills the car as I stare in horror. Tucked into the mirror is a school picture of me, probably Year 6. My braces are full on while I grimace-not even smile-into the camera. I’m wearing a tie-dye dolphin shirt with dolphin clips in my hair. My hair is in plaits except one of them is already fallen out; I’d probably been rough on the playground. It’s all topped off by a silver chunky chain I’d stolen from my brother—thinking it was real silver and would make me look cool.
“It’s my favourite picture of you,” Harry plucks it off and I realize I should have nabbed it while he was laughing. “I don’t think anything can top it really.”
“Harry I beg you to give that back.”
“Nope.” Harry pops the p with joy. He tucks it into his shirt pocket.
“I love you. Looking at the picture just makes me love you more.” He glances over at me and pats my thigh. “Can you smile like that for me?”
“This is so unfair!” I cross my arms and face the front. “Who betrayed me?!”
“My lips are sealed.” He was having too much fun. I would get my family to crack—dad would probably tell me. Unless it was him.
“I’m gonna go for her for Halloween.” Harry says, trying to get through my wall of silence.
“Fine.” I sit up with an idea and flick through my phone for the picture I’d been keeping. “I’ll go as him.”
I wait for Harry to look over at me and gloat when his face falls.
“You’re not supposed to have a copy of that!”
“Well. We’re even now.”
I plant a sweet kiss on his cheek, feeling better already.
“You’re so lucky I’m driving.”
“You’re lucky or I would have wrestled that photo away from you ages ago.” I say and Harry looks at me skeptically. “I grew up with brothers don’t underestimate me.”
“Fine. Fine. We’re even.” Harry agrees. “And for the record. I love you. And I love her too.”
It’s true that what he says thaws me a little, the little girl in me, but I don’t let it show right now. I just look out the window and mumble a love you too. His hand comes down on my thigh and, still looking out the window, I intertwine our fingers. He could drive me crazy but it was true for me too. As much as I laughed at his photo, I loved him and that little boy too.
“You’re never visiting my parents ever again.” I tell him.
His only response is bringing our hands to his mouth.
I melt in my seat a little.
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ahoyitstie · 9 months
OH my god i forgot to post this ANYWHERE augh.
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ok there. Painting i did of Scar's cat Jellie!
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kairuio · 4 hours
Maybe I should take some time off Tumblr until I finish Shira Ivan🧍‍♀️
I swear I’ll make a happy Kendall story… eventually
I’m slowly losing myself (and the memories)
…..😁 Angst
Fandom: Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
Main Character(s): Kendall Morgan, The rangers are there to!
Ships: Ivan/Kendall (a little)
Trigger Warning: Implied Abuse
Warning: The Author and her hands (HEY!😃💢)
Only on Tumblr
Written by: Kaiurio
If you don't feel comfortable please click off/don't press read more.
A little girl with her eyes widened as she looked at the closet door. Tears ran rapidly down her face. Her little body was physically shaking as she heard the yells of fury from her father.
The little girl attempted to muffle her own silent sobs by covering her mouth with both of her hoodie sleeves.
She knew she should have done better, why did she have to disobey her parents again? Why wasn’t she a good kid like they wanted her to be?
This girl knew whatever happened to her she deserved it.
But she was still terrified.
The little girl felt her heart drop to the bottom of her stomach, when she saw the closet door slowly open.
“Found you.”
After that, she had to suffer the long term punishment after she went through the short term punishment that day.
Kendall was deadly thin, you could see her ribs, the eyebags under her eyes. And yet she still functioned like it was nothing to her. Like her brain was used to working in these circumstances.
She had to work all day all night, study her academics, and do well in bed after school activities.
For the future her parents worked so hard for to get. But why did they…
No, Kendall shook her head as she continued to write down on the paper before her, she should be grateful for her parents. They did everything for her.
‘Are you grateful for us?”
The girl looked up at the women who held something in her hand that the little girl couldn’t make out, however she slowly nodded her head.
“Yes mother”
But why did being grateful hurt so much?
Kendall looked forward to look at the rangers all laughing and enjoying themselves while they were sparing with one another.
She admire the way they all got along, how they all connected almost automatically after meeting. It was like they were destined to be friends.
To be family.
While Kendall was in though she didn’t notice that Koda had walked up to her, with a face of worry on his face.
Also unknowing to the mentor at the moment, the rangers had stopped sparing to look at her, worry and concern written all over their faces.
“Kendall what that?” Koda said, he snapped Kendall out of her thoughts, she looked to where they were looking at, and she knew exactly where their eyes were because both of her arms were both wrapped in bandages.
She was only there for the holidays, and yet she upset them again.
Two adults just watched as the two family friends were making a women scream in agony and pain, marks of being burned were clear to be visible the longer this went on.
And they just watched from the kitchen table, as if nothing was going on. Like it was music to their ears, because it was.
“I don’t remember.”
Koda frowned at that, not satisfied with the answer he was given. However he wasn’t going to press any further, knowing it was pointless to argue with Kendall. Or even attempt try to.
It was weird to Kendall actually.
Because she really didn’t remember.
“My love I would appreciate it if you at least take a rest, you are not looking well.” Ivan said as he looked at Kendall who was playing very close attention to the stake of papers that were piled before her.
Kendall shook her head in response, even she knew that their was heavy eye bags under her eyes, and she looked thinner, unhealthy thinner.
“Can’t I have to get this work done.”
“We should get the kid out.” An older women said letting out a light blow that released the smoke from a cigarette that she held in her hand.
The older man rolled his eyes as he nodded his head, he opened the door to the right closet that was next to their own large closet. In the closet was an unconscious little girl who had dark circles underneath her eyes. Some spots of her skin were covered in grey dust.
“Damn Henry! I told you this closet would ruin her skin.”
“Maybe next time she’ll know to keep up in school, we can just use make up until it looks better.”
Ivan shook his head as he places his hand on top of her, which caused Kendall to look towards him with her eyes slightly widen.
“Please.” His voice was filled with sorrow and worry, Kendall could have even sworn she even heard his voice crack.
Was anyone ever this worried for her?
Kendall couldn’t remember anymore at this point.
Ivan noticed she didn’t say anything, as response to that he slowly pulled her over closer to him. Until she was fully in his lap, with both of his arms wrapped around her.
“Please, please stop doing this to yourself,” Ivan whispered in her ear as he rested his forehead against hers.
She let out a sigh as she closed her eyes as she slowly allowed herself to sink into Ivan’s warmth.
That was the problem though,
“Remember Kendall, your gift is what makes you so important. You have to be perfect to those people outside. Or they will think little of you.”
This was all she knew.
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white-flwrs · 2 months
Firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)♡
wait i hvnt opened tumblr in ages i forgot this existed
i like that ive never really fully flopped academically yet (YET.)
i like that i can laugh when ppl make jokes abt me (tho that might be from me getting bullied as a kid and realising that its easier to jsut laugh along)
i like my double eyelids i guess idk
i have pretty good skin ngl, never broken out properly before tho i have a horrible diet and barely ever move
i genuinely dont know... i just asked my deskie for a compliment and she said my smile is nice
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missmitchieg · 8 months
*Goes into the Criminal Minds fandom expecting to just be a Morcia shipper, somehow ends up kind of shipping Penelope with... everyone, a little bit*
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spacehomos · 22 days
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The Gods
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thecmaly · 23 days
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fair trade
more windbreaker comics
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potato-lord-but-not · 4 months
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Arthur being a menace and also my fav side characters evveerrrrr Noel hiiii
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flickering-nightfall · 6 months
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Playing with some ideas mostly regarding gender/reproduction in RW, and slugcat colonies.
Full transcript under the cut!
Creatures in Rain World are typically simultaneous hermaphrodites but require partners to reproduce, with either individual capable of being a genetic donor or carrier. Alongside what we are familiar with, this has lead to interesting reproductive strategies such as rotating donor/carrier roles, or dual/simultaneous genetic swaps.
Rotating donor/carrier roles - A K-selection reproductive strategy. One partner carries the first child, the other partner carries the next child, and so forth. Allows each partner to recover from the demands of childbearing.
Rain Deer aren't quite monogamous, but they tend to choose the same breeding partner whenever mating season rolls around. They serve as a donor one season, then bear and raise a child the next. Calves are raised away from the rain and worm grass, in places that have less food but more safety. Calf wool is softer, not yet gunked up by the dirty rainfall. Their legs are sturdier as children, allowing them to run for cover while the parent wards off threats.
Dual/simultaneous genetic swap - An r-selection reproductive strategy. Parents fulfill the donor and carrier role for each other. The more children you make, the more likely some are to survive!
Multiple batflies lay thousands of eggs in a single "blue fruit." Several eggs congeal and become nutrient paste for the surviving eggs (and for hungry slugcats). Like some plant seeds, batfly eggs that are consumed before pupating can survive passing through the digestive system. Ew.
Ancients also fell under this umbrella. Their genders (and the genders of iterators by extension, who have no sex anyways) could have been determined by a variety of other factors, such as societal role, donor/carrier preference, or simply different categorizations of personal expression.
It's difficult to say how well their common pronouns would translate to ours, but it seems they can translate to an extent, given what Moon and Pebbles use canonically.
Slugcats, like real slugs, can have children with a partner or self-fertilize. Unlike real slugs, they are often known to adopt.
In the case of self-fertilization: children who are born from one parent may display a large amount of genetic diversity despite the circumstances. Maybe slugcats have some sort of... genetic reservoir independent of their own genetic code?
Slugcats live 20-30 years on average... if they manage to reach adulthood. Their mortality rate is sadly rather high, especially in pups. If they were to develop as a civilization, it's likely their lifespan would increase dramatically.
Slugcats in a colony are more likely to have more children, and to successfully rear those children to adulthood, than those who wander alone or in small groups. The safety and stability of a colony cannot be understated.
Colonies either have a set, cycling migration path, or wander continuously. Survivor and Monk's tree home was a nesting site that their colony frequents about once a year. So it's likely that they'll see their family again!
...also, the strength of large colonies are why scavengers are likely to become the dominant species. In the time of Saint's era, continuous migration has become more of a risk, and it has become more difficult to support large populations. Slugcat populations have shrunk back to the more forgiving equatorial zones.
Saint's tongue is pretty unusual and probably unique to them, or to a small population that they hail from. Fur (of varying thickness) is much more common.
Meanwhile, scavengers are bulkier and covered in thicker insulating fur. They:
have seemingly massive populations
have a burgeoning society (the existence of merchants, tolls, bartering, elites and leaders)
are adept at communicating (non-verbally)
manipulate their environment
can build structures (scavenger-made structures were a scrapped idea from Saint's campaign)
can create complex weapons and tools
may have agriculture behind the scenes (unsure if scout parties prioritize exploration or hunting)
I would wager on scavengers developing more quickly than slugcats, but it would be nice if there was a future where both could co-exist.
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torchvic · 8 days
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that one ship dynamic but with levi and mc
(credit to @litriu! here is the original post (lmk if the link doesnt work pls))
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scythe-of-quakes · 21 days
not enough people capitalize on the idea of cole wearing a white lily in his hair or having Anything on him relating to his mother. this guy was probably a complete mama's boy WHERE is the memorabilia on his body to prove it
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cowgirls-blues · 3 months
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✨Vox Phantasma ✨
Hocus-pocus, brother.
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rosemarytrash · 3 months
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this is so needlessly chaotic but so is act 4 so really if you think about it i'm imbibing the spirit of it all into a lot of gaussian blurring
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tanukiimo · 3 months
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sulemio week day 1- ghosts/horror
this is for a werewolf miorine au i made! i spent a lot of time brainrotting over it so i’ll probably make a post with more details in the future!
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ltorekdraws · 3 months
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phoenix wright needs to be kissed RIGHT NOW❗❗❗❗
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also a little thing my friend @starcry-the-wolf created and i love it (idk how to post gifs properly. sorry.)
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missmitchieg · 1 year
*says I'm gonna write Matt/Kristy, Pen/Reader, Tara/Reader, and Steddie fics, writes a bunch of Garvez fics instead*
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