#um thea this is beautifuL
what-if-queen-camilla · 10 months
Chapter 43
Late November 1997
Thea's heartwarming gesture towards her brothers had made it on almost every newspaper front page the next day and, though the whole country was still mourning immensely, there was something ominously uplifting and comforting about it. Camilla was of course incredibly relieved that everything had gone well and she was glad that most of the public didn’t seem to have an issue with Thea’s attendance of the funeral - especially not after her close bond with the Princes had become so visible, but somehow the sudden new attention scared and worried her. She had not expected there to grow so much interest in her daughter, especially as the occasion had been such a serious and saddening one but people seem to be obsessed with her little sweetheart, and much to her regret, there had been some journalists sneaking around the house and even Thea's school again but nothing serious had happened yet, thank goodness. She had told Charles and he'd been furious, determined to issue a public statement immediately, urging people and especially journalists to leave their daughter alone but Camilla had insisted that it might not be a good time for that, so shortly after Diana's funeral and with the whole country still in mourning. The boys were being so brave, they had returned to their respective boarding schools the week after and though Charles was hoping for them all to find some kind of normality again soon, Camilla doubted that anything was going to be normal again in the foreseeable future. 
And so a few weeks passed, the days got shorter and darker and everything inside of them as well. Thea wrote heartfelt letters to her brothers every week, but didn't receive a reply, Charles gave a few phone calls but always seemed short-handed and even his birthday passed without an opportunity for a meet-up. Camilla tried to keep herself busy reading books and painting, while she, amid that horrible new wave of public hatred she was facing, couldn't really go anywhere. Thank God, she had friends who did the shopping at Sainsbury for her and the children came and left as usual. She was incredibly worried about her little sweetheart Thea, though, as she was obviously missing her father and brothers immensely. Neither of them had an explanation of why William and Harry didn't write to her and Camilla hadn't dared ask Charles, who was totally overburdened with the sad situation as it was anyway. He'd taken Harry to Africa for a couple of days at the end of October, beginning of November, and, of course given the special connection Diana had had to the continent, the trip had been highly emotional and, as Camilla hoped, a bit healing for the young Prince. So it quite took her by surprise when, on a random Saturday afternoon in late November, the phone rang and none other than her beloved Prince was on the line, huskily asking: “Can you two come over to Highgrove tonight?” Camilla didn’t even think about it any further, but immediately said: “Of course, darling. We’ll be there!” She called for Thea who's whole face lit up at the prospect of seeing daddy tonight and, of course, she asked whether Will and Harry were there as well and Camilla gulped. “I, um, didn't even had the chance to ask.”, she explained. “It went so quickly… he was so short-handed again… I'm sorry, darling. But I'm sure we'll find out soon, so let's get ourselves ready and depart as soon as possible!” It was strange, probably ridiculous, but somehow, after all these weeks, Camilla felt really excited to see her Prince again tonight and wanted to look especially beautiful for him, so she put her hair in rollers and some makeup on her face, eyeliner and mascara and a bit of lip gloss, only a modest shade of pink, not too intrusive of course, but elegant and classy. She also dressed herself in a cute little, dark green velvet dress and something special underneath though she wasn’t sure whether it might actually go into action, however, she thought, just in case…
They arrived at Highgrove at around 6pm and were received by an equerry who escorted them inside, where all three, Charles, William and Harry were already waiting impatiently. “My little sunshine!”, Charles exclaimed and enthusiastically opened his arms for Thea, who threw herself onto him affectionately, before rushing over to her brothers and falling into their arms as well. It was a very touching scene to witness and Camilla shed a tear watching the three siblings reunited. “Darling.”, Charles whispered softly in her ear as he greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. Of course, they didn’t want to be too wild in front of the children, but it had been a long time and it hadn’t taken much for her to forget herself. He smelled so good, and, oh, the way he looked at her… She took both his hands in hers and locked his eyes, his beautiful and soft, grey-blue eyes which looked so unhappy and sorrowful that it almost made her cry. She couldn’t wait to properly hug him later, when they’d be alone, to hold him and to kiss all of the pain aways that had undoubtedly tortured him over the last couple of weeks. “Why didn’t you write to us?”, Harry asked Thea and sounded equally reproachful and disappointed. “I did write to you!”, Thea defended herself, adding: “Every week! But none of you ever  replied to me!” Charles and Camilla got apart and slowly went over to the children. “I haven’t got a single letter from you!”, Harry reported and William confirmed, less reproachful but more sad: “Neither have I…” “But…”, Thea stuttered with tears in her eyes, desperately looking over to her mum for help. Camilla rushed over and bend down to her, pressing her against herself, while calmly explaining to William and Harry, that they had, indeed, sent out letters to both of them every week ever since their mother’s funeral. “And you really haven’t got one of ours either?”, William asked and Camilla shook her head. “No, none.” Charles had meanwhile joined the party and knelt down on the floor between his sons, opposite to Camilla and Thea, who were now looking at him in complete confusion and Camilla noticed worryingly that he was about to throw a tantrum - it was obvious that somebody had to deliberately have stopped the letters in order to prevent any correspondence between the Princes and their sister, and Camilla was just as shocked and angry as Charles - but they had to try and keep calm, at least in front of the children, she thought, so she cleared her throat and quickly took the floor: “Well, I’m sure we’ll be able to solve the mystery and find all of the missing letters.”, she said, trying to sound as calm and optimistic as possible.
Unintentionally, her glance met William’s, who seemed to understand immediately. “Hey Harry, let’s go and show Thea the new bunnies in the stables! They’re only just a few weeks old, very sweet.”, he suggested and Harry looked at him in complete confusion. “Why this now?”, he asked, but Thea was so excited about the prospect of seeing baby rabbits, that any resistance was futile in this case. As soon as the children had left the room, Charles couldn’t hold it back any longer and did, indeed, throw a tantrum. He almost screamed down the house in anger, disappointment and pain; not only about this unfortunate situation regarding the missing, or rather stolen, letters, but probably because of everything that had happened since that one, fateful last day of August… He had become a single father overnight, he had to cope with two mourning, half-orphaned teenage boys, he had been trying to stay strong for them, to look after them… but who had been looking after him? It almost broke her to see him in that state of mind and she wished she could just kiss it all away, she knew she couldn’t but at least she wanted to try, so she just sat down next to him, wrapped her arms around him and let him cry, tenderly stroking his hair and whispering sweet promises. “Regarding the letters, darling.”, she started after a couple of minutes. “I think we’d better ask Mark to try and find out what happened and… who might be behind it.”, she suggested and he nodded in agreement. “Yes, yes, darling. Let’s talk to him tomorrow…”
So, what do you think? Who might be behind this mean cabal and why?
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steelycunt · 3 months
hellooo lovely ridi!!!! hope u are having the most gorgeous sunny weekend xx just wanted to drop in and tell you!!!! that i just reread your beautiful fic station to station and UM YOUR WRITING IS SIMPLY!! so phenomenal its truly so so lovely goshhh <33333 anyways sending lots of love your way mwahhhh xx
hello my darling thea hello!! how are you!! well i hope!! thank you so much teehee im glad you liked it : ^ ))) <333 as always you are the absolute sweetest…thank you always for popping in… <33
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kayssweetdreams · 1 year
A "Perfect" Vacation Ch 45
The next evening, The island was preparing for another publicity stunt, only this time, It wasn't the equivalent of a hostile takeover. The Flora Tropica had been arranged so that the beauty of the flower could be admired by everyone. The various employees that worked for Ka Lā (and had been unfortunately been tested on by her) were also around to enjoy the festivities.
Thea smiled as she reappeared on stage, this time, a real smile on her face as she stepped out in front of the crowd "I'd like to dedicate this song to my closest friends and family. Including My dearest friend, Ka Lā, without her...I'm not sure any of us would be here today. As well as my family, that I love more than life itself." She said, her eyes gazing at Ka Lā and the rest of the Bruno family, happy to see Thea ready to sing.
The woman then nodded to the band as they began play for her. Thea then began to sing her heart out for her crowd, the infectious music enough to make everyone begin to dance to the beat. Jett was seen bobbing his head to the music, as Phil and Lila had dragged him over to dance with them, Iben and John. Jett smiled as he began dancing, while Skarlett, Ivy, Piper, Maxie and Lizz joined them.
Lora meanwhile, had been talking with Sana and Yuri, of which she thought it was super brave (and VERY satisfying to see Prim get what she deserved.) And helping her snap out of the drug's effects...again. She smiled as she gave a crazed look to...let's just say something REALLY painful to Prim should she try doing it again, as Aria was talking to the maestros to see if Prim really WAS locked away this time.
Balan snapped his fingers as a comically large telescope appeared. He adjusted it so it could clearly see Timeville Asylum. Lo and Behold, the now docile headmistress was locked away in maximum security. Ensuring that this time NO ONE could get her out. Balan smiled "Good news Aria dear. Prim will never be coming here. She is now permanently locked away. Never to see the light of day." He said, giving Aria the telescope so that she could see out into the distance.
Kaylo meanwhile, was looking down at the crowd, her mind still thinking about what had happened. Right before she was fully under Prim's drug, she could faintly remember hearing the old hag talking to someone, but her mind kept fading in and out, which made it hard to understand the voice, or what they were talking about. "Hey Kaylo? You OK?" She heard Mei ask, as she and the others had found looking over a balcony.
"Um...Yeah. I'm OK." She lied, making Trisha Jane see right through her "Kaylo, you're lying right now. Your hair frizzes up when you think too hard." She pointed out. Kaylo sighed. "OK. Fine. There was something that I didn't tell anyone else...I don't think Prim was working alone." She said. "We know that though, there's no way she could have Whipped up that drug on her own." Rebecca pointed out. "No...I mean, I might have actually heard and SEEN who was working with her...but I was under the drug, so everything was blurry and hard to hear." She said.
This got everyone's attention. "Was there anything you heard clearly?" Emma asked. "One thing...And I could be wrong, but it sounded like something called 'Project X' or something." She said. "Project...X?" Leo asked, the name itself sounding like a bad thing. "Yep...But that's about it." Kaylo said, frowning at the idea that this wasn't something to be messed with.
"Well...whatever it is, we'll face it together." Mei says, a determined look on her face. The others joined her determination as they decided to join back with the party. Kaylo joined them...but she couldn't shake the feeling that there were going up against something BIG...
Meanwhile, Somewhere Far Away From the Island...
A figure sits down in a chair, a small USB file that read "Backup Security Cameras" in their hands. They plugged it in as the security feed from the island was seen, this footage not tampered by Maxie or Jett. They scrolled through the footage as they saw the inhabitants gathering the various ingredients, and how they hijacked the false performance, with the antidote.
However, what caught their eyes the most was the very strange boat named the "S.S. Wonder" sitting out in the sea, along with the two strange figures that accompanied the group of the undrugged children, and that Montgomery woman. Their eyes lit up as they saw what the maestros could do. Removing their sunglasses again, they symbols in their eyes were seen to be glowing.
"Well Well...After years of searching. I finally found it." They said, before grazing what looked to be some kind of mural detailing the two figures, shaking hands with a pink haired woman holding a book. "Project X will be completed. Now that I have actual proof." They said, a glowing red ball of magic seen forming in their hands...
The End!(?)
Mei and the Hualing Family, Phil, John and Lila belong to @sundove88
Rebecca and the Reynolds belong to @thehypercutstudios/@thehyperrequiem
Trisha Jane and the Postrados belong to @lovelyteng
Aria belongs to @shadowqueen402
Lora Jade belongs to @alex-frostwalker
Jett, Skarlett, Lizz, Ivy, Piper and Maxie belong to @jettthespeeddemon
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bylertruther · 2 years
The end of the year is near! Give a shoutout to your favorite blogs and tag them to spread positivity before the year ends! (from: a secret anon)
an opportunity to gush over people? why, don't mind if i do :^)
this is in no particular order at all & i'm especially thankful for everyone that's been kind to me this year! <3 i DO see you all and i DO appreciate you sm!!!! thank you, thank you, thank you to you all! 🫂
(btw, you may have to ctrl + f to find your url unless you don't mind scrolling for five years lmao.)
@heroesbyler, my dearest most beloved wife 🤎 not to be a homosexual on main, but you constantly grab my face in your hands and submit me to the mortifying ordeal of being known and while that does make me feel stripped down to nothing but my gory insides before u there is a level of um. real safety and security in that and in you because i know that i'll always be safe there. you're such a genuine, sweet, funny, intelligent, and kind person. beautiful inside AND out!!! you ALWAYS make me laugh and you ALWAYS make me smile and i just . if i could, i would squeeze you n lift you off your feet rn 🫂 you're simply the Best, hogging all of the brain cells and talents and good traits (and good looks, hehe). i adore you and i am so thankful to have met you and you have a very berry special place in my heart. you deserve every compliment that you've ever received and more!!! literally where would we be as a byler nation without you and your inimitable genius tbh? i don't even want to think abt it. </3 ily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💞🥰🫶 and i am so, so, soooooo happy to have met you. @ everyone else, you will NEVER be stav!!!!!!!!! 😤💘😘🫂
@mlchaelwheeler SARAHHHHHH! my sweet & the robin to my steve. 🥺 resting my head on ur shoulder rn. <3 you were one of my very first friends in this space and one of my absolute favorites. platonic soulmates fr!!!!!! you're so intelligent, so sweet, so talented, and so funny. your love and appreciation for this story and these characters is so contagious and i love to read all of the connections you make. your brain is a goldmine and we're all so lucky to have u here. in all ways except physical, i am hugging u and squishing n pinching ur cheeks hehe<333
@wiseatom thea thea THEAAAAAAAAA! biting you and whipping my head from side to side like a dog with its chew toy (affectionate). <3 did you know... that i am obsessed with u? completely and totally. waving my pom-poms and doing a little cheer routine for u always. you are SO unbelievably kind and merciful and sweet tht it blows me away. not to be um. Peculiar^tm on main but every time u grant me ur usual thea on-brand kindness it makes my brain short circuit and i um. don't know what to do with myself or what i could say to show my appreciation which leads to me not saying anything bc every time i go back to reread and reply it just happens all over again and idk what i could say to "top" that and it makes me emotional and and and—[sniper finally takes the shot n puts us out of our misery, etc]. ur just........ !!!!!!!!!!!!! 🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎💕💞💓💗💖!!!!!!!!!!!! u know what i mean? like. i just. Do Not Have The Words to describe how happy u make me. you're SO kind and SO funny and SOOOOOOO talented it's actually insane. i read your writing and i FEEL the immense love that you put into it, that you have for the source material, and that the characters, no matter the nature of their relationship, feel for each other. no offense sorry to be #real but i feel like you have THEEEEEEE best grip on will and mike's voices, and this includes the duffers btw. i read your work and i'm like "oh my god.... that's will and mike, my best friends and best sons william and michael of stranger things fame oh my god...." i read your work and it's like ohhhhhhh so This is what love is, This is what it means to be understood and seen by another soul, This is what true human connection is okay #understood i See i Feel i Understand!!! i just. puts head in hands. i adore u and i am so thankful to have met you and existed at the same time as u. ur a fucking superstar idc sorry to sound like an elementary school teacher but i just Do Not Understand how someone can be so many wonderful things like HELLOOOOOO WHERE ARE YOUR FLAWS THEA.... WHERE ARE THEY!!!!!!!!!!!! smh. hugging u n biting u n also following u around like a puppy bc duality of man n such. nods at u and superglues us together while ur not looking bc i would follow you anywhere so long as u let me so plsdonteverleavemebutalsoifyoudowanttoleavethatsokayily <3
@miwism MAL MIWISM THE THIRD!!!! oh my god... what could i say that i haven't already... funniest byIer of all time award goes to you every year every time first second AND third place all urs and only urs or i blow this entire website up idc. you're so creative and talented (funny, a writer, AND an artist? mal for the love of god can you please leave SOMETHING to us plebeians... smh. AND UR A JOCK TOO?! SOMEONE PUT THE MANAGER ON THE PHONE BC HELLOOOOOO) and kind. how do u do it? pls, tell us where you're getting ur juice bc this is jus too much!!!!!!! you make my dash such a lovely n lively place to be and i am so thankful for u n ur contributions to this fandom<3
@willblogger IMA WHEN I TELL YOU I LOVE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF UR POSTS AND ALWAYS MAKE SURE TO READ UR TAGS NO MATTER WHAT BC I LOVE UR BRAIN SO MUCH...... I'M BEING 💯‼️ u just Get it!!! u Know, u Understand, and i am so thankful to be able to witness it hehe. ur another person whose contributions to this fandom are priceless & i selfishly hope that u have the byIer brainrot forever bc i can't imagine being here without you #rip </3 you're so, so, so effortlessly funny and real and i just. i'm obsessed with u and i am so so happy to have found you!! 🥺
@s2willbyers OMG ANOTHER BLOGGER WHOSE CONTRIBUTIONS ARE SO UNIQUE AND PRICELESS...... HI ADRIAN HIIIII OMG HEY HI HELLO 🥺🤲💙 you are sooooo so so full of Knowledge and Understanding and talent and humor and kindness and and and. i jsut. how do u do it. how are you so nice and so funny and so talented at drawing and so talented at writing and so able to share your thoughts in such an eloquent and moving way i just . your passion is contagious and so is your enthusiasm and i love it sm!!! i want to read every single idea you have and i want to hear about every single connection you draw between these characters we love and the other works of art that you appreciate and what you think about these characters and how you see them through your eyes and your worldview. ur!!! so!! talented!!! and not enough people!!! say that!!!! even if someone told u this everyday it would not be enough, i think. i Love your blog and i Love your content and ur presence in this space makes me so so happy, adrian, rly and truly 🫶
@willandmichael IZA!!! you make such beautiful gifs and i love how you've always been so honest and unafraid to say what you mean. you're a true ByIer Warrior fr hehe n i just find tht so refreshing. happy new year!! it's been so fun going through this with you hehe :)
@notebooknonbinary VEE! tbh you're so sweet and kind tht i picture u in my head as like. a gumdrop. but also human. don't ask me how it works rly jus kno tht it does <3 bhdjfbdhj. BUT !!!! i just. 🥺 you are so so sweet and so talented and i am so happy to have followed you. you always put that Scrumptious content on my dash and every fic snippet and idea that you share with us always has me on the edge of my seat wanting more!!! you're so creative and i just love hearing everything that you have to say and want to share with us. <3
@lilacline001 LILAC QUEEN OF MY HEART AND CREATOR OF WORLD RENOWN CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED WORKS OF ART NOCTURNE AND RIPPLE EFFECT... I WOULD DIE FOR U (said while getting down on one knee like a knight before the throne ofc). seriously, i start thinking about your fics and immediately i feel like i have to stand up and take my hat off out of respect. i have goosebumps right now as i write this actually. i just. Your Mind. YOUR MIND!!!!!! it's insane and i stand by everything i've ever said about it tbh. my chest clenches just thinking abt nocturne, your mike (which is the most mike to ever be mike btw, including canon mike), and all of the lines that have pierced me and sunk all the way down into the meat of my heart. you're such a wordsmith... i just have no words to describe how your writing makes me feel. no words for you and your sweetness and your grace and your unique and oh so special creative genius. you're just!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! beyond words. i am so thankful to have existed at the same time as you and so thankful that you were generous enough to share your talents with us all. and actually i may have lied because now that i'm at the end of this blurb my mind just keeps repeating "you have bewitched me body and soul" so maybe there Are words to describe how i feel hehe. i am forever and always waving my pom-poms, doing cartwheels, holding up my handmade sign in the stands, and cheering you on in all of your creative endeavors!!!!!!!!! thank you so much for Changing Me with your works!!!! thank you so much for sharing your beautiful brain with us all!!! just thank you!!! for everything!!! AHHH!!!!! ❤️🖤🦇🩸
@ki-flor pLEASEEEEE you are carrying the byIer nation on your back tbh and i think i speak for all of us when i say we could not be more grateful hehe <3 your posts are ALWAYS so unbelievably funny and i LOVE your reaction gifs so much lmaoooo you never fail to get a giggle out of me. :') i love your enthusiasm and how Cool you are and how levelheaded you are even when the fandom is blowing up over smth. never change & thank u for making me laugh so much even through all the craziness!!
@mikeandwillel SANDYYYYYYYY EVERYBODY MOOOOOVE AND MAKE WAY FOR BIG BRAIN THINKER SANDY MIKEANDWILLEL THE THIRD 📣 i love, love, loooooove reading all of your analyses. you've made me rethink what i thought i knew about so many things in this story sooooo many times and i'm so thankful for that. you have a very keen eye and i love how you stick to your guns and what you believe in, not letting other people sway you. you're a very strong figure and that's such a breath of fresh air here. :) you're very logical, very fair, and i'm always just so happy to read all that you have to share with us. thank you for making this a better place & i can't wait to see what this next year in wait will bring us!!!
@repression jamieeeeee omg i hope this is not weird and i'm sorry if it is, but i'd be lying if i didn't include u in my favorites!!! i seriously love all of your posts and reading your thoughts on fandom, the characters, and the stories. i especially love when you post your own art and make connections between these characters and other artworks. i just... your mind!!! your mind. i'm very happy to have followed you and i feel Compelled to say thank u for blessing my dash as often as u do!!! so, thank u !!! <3 :D
@padme-amidala OMGGGGGGG EVERYBODY MOOOOOOOOVE AND MAKE WAY FOR THE BYLER EDIT GOD!!! jeeeeeeeesus ur gif edits for them hit like no other. you're SO talented and creative and have such a deep and genuine understanding of these characters, their individual stories, and all that they represent. i am so thankful for all that you've shared with us and i can't wait to see what else you have in store!! following u is such a treat!! :)
@givehimthemedicine NATALIE OMGGGG ur such a big brained individual. i LOOOOOOVE your blog because you provide such an invaluable perspective that i feel is so needed. you're so observant and the fact that you can catch such tiny but Big details always blows me away and makes me feel like i need new glasses or smth dfbjhd. just so happy that you're here and that you're generous enough to share ur big brain with us all. i need to get better at replying to your reblogs to my posts but also i shan't because i can never think of anything funnier than ur addition so #rip me bhfbkdjb hehehe. <3
@blackdeathmamba MS MAMBA <3 you were my very first friend in the byIer fandom and for that you will forever hold a special place in my heart. this year was hard for us both, but i hope (and knock on wood) that this next one will be brighter and better. you're an insanely talented wordsmith and a true trailblazer in this community. your name and your works are popular on every site that this ship has a presence and it's so deserved! i've meant every single compliment i've given you and i'd repeat them to you every day if that's what it took to rid you of any doubt you may have about your abilities. i'm... admittedly extremely embarrassed and was too ashamed to pop in weeks later to reply to you, but... i just want you to know that i still thought of you and missed your presence here and hope that you're doing at least a little better. if you aren't, that's okay, too, because there's always tomorrow, you know? sending you all my love and light and warmth forever and always! you're irreplaceable & such a true gem. thank you for making this space so much better for us all. 💗🫂🫶
@estelinhabb hiii, friend!! thank you so much for always cheering me and my rambling tags on hehe. i associate you with light and love tbh with the way that you always amplify the words of others and call attention to their additions! you're always very sweet and very kind and very inclusive and that's just so lovely to see. you spread your positivity always and help to really make this space feel like a community. thank you for all that you do and all of the kindness that you've spread!! it's always a pleasure to see you on my dash. <3
@thranduel THEEEEEEEE BYLER WARRIOR OF ALL BYLER WARRIORS EVERYONE STEP ASIDE AND MAKE WAY FOR TUMBLR USER JASMINE THRANDUEL PLEASEEEE 📣📣📣 omg. seriously, your takes are smoking hot and 100% factual every time. i've never read any of your thoughts on this show and its characters and found myself disagreeing. you're never afraid to speak your mind and say what needs to be said and that's something that's so needed in this fandom. thank you for being so true to yourself and loving our boys as enthusiastically and passionately as you do!!! <3
@surferboypizzashirts CHRISTINA! omg. you've been here since before i even made a blog specifically for byIer!! if anyone deserves a veterans discount, it's you. <3 thank you so much for sticking with me through the hype, the wariness, the despair, the delusion, and the hopeless hopefulness lol. you've made me giggle countless times and offer a breath of fresh air to your followers whenever you're around. i hope that you're doing well & have a happy new year bc you certainly deserve it! :)
@stbyers SUZZIE!!! :D you're always soooooo sweet and make the cutest picrews and THE CUTEST ART EVER HELLO!! a true Artiste^tm. i love, love, loooooove your style and simply can't get enough of it. <3 thank you so much for sharing your talents with us & making my dash that much brighter with your presence here. <3
@finalgirlbyers sierra! we have been following each other for so long and i would have it no other way. <3 i love your jokes, i love hearing about your life, and i love whenever you share your thoughts with us. i think you're lovely just the way you are and i would change absolutely nothing about you or your content. we all follow you because of you, not solely because of whatever you may provide us, and what you do provide to your followers isn't lesser or "low-brow". you're really cool and really funny with good taste and i hope that you have a lovely new year!!
@crazycoven HAYDEN YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN SO NICE TO ME AND I HAVE NEVER ONCE KNOWN HOW TO ACCEPT THAT BUT I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT I HAVE BEEN SO MOVED AND SO TOUCHED BY YOU AND YOUR KINDNESS EVEN AND PERHAPS ESPECIALLY WHEN I HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO SHOW THAT! sorry for the caps lock i jus had to get that off my chest <3 you're a miwi trailblazer and tbh where would we be without your countless contributions, hm? i shan't even think of such a scary au. you helped make this year in byIer history (lol) so much fun and i can't think of byIer tumblr without thinking of you, too. thank you for all the laughs, all the kindness, and for all that you've been generous enough to share with us all! <3
@aemiron-main em, em, em, where do i even begin....!!! i am genuinely forever and always blown away by you and your vast intelligence. seriously, i don't know how you do it. i think you have more thoughts in an hour than i've had in my entire life LMAOOO. i feel like you're a modern day sherlock holmes tbh. i bet my life savings even that you could probably crack every cold case out there if we just gave you an hour and some red bull. and this gift of yours is made even mooooooooore astonishing when you consider that not only are you so insanely sharp, but you're overall just a great fucking person!! like!!! HELLO!!!! how is that allowed. HOW is that allowed?! you're a damn genius, you're an insanely talented artist with a super unique and inimitable style, you're so funny, you're so SOOOOOO kind that it makes my brain short circuit and i have to immediately close the tab bc i get so flustered (i have issues<3), you're so unapologetically yourself, you're so HONEST, you're so... you're just. ahhhhhh!!!!!!!! (<- me screamin bc the Fan Behavior overcame me) i am sooooo happy that i came across you and followed you way back when. you've opened my eyes to so much and helped me reconsider certain things that i thought i knew and helped me to uncover things that i didn't even know i didn't know lol. i hope you have a happy new year because you very much deserve it, friend!! <3
@magentamee BREANNE! omg hewo 🥺 we have been mutuals for i don't even know how long at this point and you've always, always, aaaaaalways been so nice to me. thank you so much for being such a bright and bubbly person in this fandom. i always see you cheering others on and cracking jokes and in general just being so lovely. it's a treat to see you on the dash and i thank you very much for all the smiles you've gotten out of me and others i'm sure!! your halloween costume was BALLER and so are you and so will be your 2023 hehe <3
@howtobecomeadragon DRAGON!!!!!!! 🐉💚 before i say anything, i want you to know that i am hugging you and squeezing you and twirling you around in spirit hehe. you are so SWEET and so FUNNY and SO TALENTED?! HELLO?! leave some crumbs for the rest of us like... 🙄 dfbdjhbfjdh. i'm kidding. if you hogging every good trait ever means that you'll continue to bless us with your presence and contributions to this fandom then tbh i think that's a more than fair trade!! but seriously, i consider you to be such an important part of this fandom. your memes, your analyses, the questions you pose, your writing, your headcanons, just everything that you post!!! it's all so good and so unique and soooooo scrumptious. truly you are an Understander and Knower hehe <3 i'm so happy that i found you and i can't wait to weather this pre-s5 wait with you!! i'm sure that you'll continue to spoil us as you always have. happy new year, friend!!! :) <3
@laozuspo IF NOBODY GOT ME WHEN IT COMES TO UNDERSTANDING WILLIAM BYERS, I KNOW JAMES LAOZUSPO GOT ME 😤🤝🫡💪‼️ NOW CAN I GET AN AMEN LADIESSSSS 📣📣📣 BFJHDKJHFDB. but fr fr... james... my dear tumblr mutual... you Get it. you just Get it. i would die for you i would fight for you i am getting on one knee rn to swear an oath to you like a knight rnnnnnn it's Real u are my brother in byler (real) (not clickbait). you're so funny, so witty, so sharp, so Cool, so talented, just . i enjoy your blog and your brain so much. thank you so so so much for sharing it with us and for always speaking your truth, even when people really do Not want to hear it. thank you for not apologizing for being who you are and thank you for just. well. being you, i guess. this fandom would not be the same without you and i for one feel super lucky to have you here (so pls never leave me xoxo dbfhjdbjhf). thank you for everything and happy new year, james!! <3
@ice-sculptures RAE! where to even begin omg... you give so much to this fandom and i am so thankful. your beautiful gifs, your Real and True and Factual posts, your glorious au concepts, your thoughts, your endless kindness, and your pleasant presence—thank you so much for all of it!!! i'm Shocked that you don't write fic (yet...? 👀 hehe) because omg. HELLO... you're such a good writer?! even when you're standing up to the masses and clearing the byers brothers name or waxing showstopping poetic about byIer, your words and your message is always so moving. i'm so happy that you're here and that you're generous enough to share with us all that you do. thank you, thank you, thank you!! wishing you the happiest of happy new years to you, too, of course! :D
@willelfanpage sara!! :D oh my god. actually idek why i started this out all cheery like you haven't kicked me in the face and ripped my beating heart straight out of my chest 83409830 times with your Real and Factual and Very Canon angst 😭💔 EVILLLLLL. but so good! which leads us to our next point: just how do you manage to be so kind and oh so talented, hm? what's your secret? how do you manage to Understand and Know sooooooo many characters and speak nothing but the cold hard facts time n time again? truly a marvel!!!! you share so much with this fandom and i hope you know that we appreciate everything that your beautiful brain comes up with even if it leaves us in shambles. crossing my fingers that this upcoming year serves you back as much happiness as you've so generously given us!!! <3
@strangersynth time, dear tumblr user time strangersynth omg hey hi hello 🥺🤲💙 you've always been so unbelievably kind to me in the tags and i just want you to know that i See you and appreciate you sm. it makes me smile every time! you have such an eye for design and it really shows in everything that you do. your video edits are GORGEOUS! seriously, they're soooo good. i love how you're able to find all of these parallels and similarities between characters and their journeys and present it in such an awesome fashion. your dedication and passion for your craft really shines through in everything that you do, from your edits to your words to your layout and all!! you're very cool and very kind and very talented and i am so happy to have crossed paths with you on these e-streets. happy new year, time!! :) <3
@elmaxed lumi! yet another person with an eye for all things beautiful. you're such a sweet, funny, talented, and cheery individual. you share so much with this fandom—your ideas, your fics, your art, your edits, your jokes, and your thoughts—and i love and am so thankful for each and every gift that you give us!! i used to see your posts all the time even before i started a byIer blog and tbh i feel like your popularity is soooo deserved. you're always such a sweetheart and it's always a pleasure to see you on my dash. :) <3
@themacklemorebrothers hello, friend! :D i hope you're well!! you're a familiar n welcome face around these parts and i always treasure every comment and addition you leave to my posts or my reblogs. i especially love your dedication to making this a more accessible place for us all. you've made me laugh and smile countless times and i can't thank you enough for that. i hope this new year grants you the same smiles n laughter that you've given me and more!! :D <3
@toystoryfan hi, toy!! :) i always love reading your comments on the posts you reblog from me. you've made me smile n laugh so many times and blown me away with your insights, too. i always make sure to read anything you write when i see you in my activity tab & i especially love when you add on to headcanons or ideas. i hope you have a lovely new year and continue to share your thoughts while we wait for s5! :D
@chaserofstarsandtheabyss hello, hello!! i see you in my activity tab often and it's always such a treat! i love reading your thoughts on things and when you add on to any ideas or offer a different perspective. it's always so fun and refreshing and you never have to apologize for rambling! if anything, i encourage it hehe. :) i'm happy that we crossed paths this year and i wish you a happy new year, friend!
@gmaybe666 omgggggggg ngl i do be giggling n twirling my hair n kicking my feet whenever you prev me hehe. your art style scratches an itch in my brain that i didn't even know i had! it's just so.... [clenches fist] GOOD, you know? like, it just feel so Real, so Genuine, so True. i can feel your love pouring through with every artwork that you share. i look at those two boys and i SEE mike and will as they really are! and that's so special! your art, your vision, and your talent is so special. your comic series is so powerfully evocative especially. gets me right in my achy breaky heart with how tender and true it is. </3 thank you so much for sharing your skills with us! i wish you a very happy new year! :)
@emblazons TUMBLR USER EMBLAZONS!!! did you know that you're so very smart and observant and also witty and that i cherish you and everything that you so graciously share with us very, very much? well, now you do! i love your gifs, i love your careful and powerful analyses, i love the way that you speak about these characters and their journeys both individually and together, i just... i love your passion for this art form! i love hearing your thoughts and i'm soooo happy that i came across your blog. i love seeing you on my dash and gobble up everything that you share with us. you've made me reconsider so many things and really expanded my understanding in ways that i appreciate so much. thank you for all that you do for this fandom and happy new year!! 🥳🍾
@light-lanterne hi, angel! :) this isn't the first time you've heard this and it certainly won't be the last, but it bears repeating anyway!! thank you sooooo so so much for what you've done for the byIer fandom!! seriously, no one is doing it like you!! you're a true artist with such a lovely heart. your fic rec blog is such an unbelievably kind and generous thing to do. i can't even begin to imagine the amount of happiness you've likely brought writers by not only giving their works attention but also so much love!! your edits are fantastic!! and the fact that you actually take the time to read them to get an idea before putting something together? you have such a good, good heart. please, never change! again, thank you so much. not even just for that, but even your own works!! which are so unique!! i've seriously never read anything like them. your love for your fellow fandom friends, for your fellow creatives, for this show, and for art and community themselves shows in everything that you do. i hope and pray that this new year brings you just as much happiness as you've so freely given to others and more!! thank you, thank you, thank you! for everything! <3
@chirpsythismorning we've never spoken before, but i just wanted to say thank you for my life lmao. when volume two dropped, the byIer nation was in SHAMBLES until you came along. seriously, you dragged us just like this out of the deepest darkest pits of hell kicking and screaming and sobbing and wailing on the brink of death and for that i am so thankful lol. when i was ready to give up the crumb of hope that i still had left you were there to refill my plate and get me back on my byIer feet hehe. every time i see one of your posts on my dash i always take the time to read because i know it'll be good. again, thank you so much for everything that you've done for this fandom!! i hope that this new year treats you well!! :)
@frodohaven HADLEY!! i have never spoken to you because i am so Shy but just know that i admire u from afar. in a non-creepy way ofc. your posts are always so #real and true and factual and your st x lotr posts are especially chef's kiss. i've never seen a post of yours cross my dash that DIDN'T slap and tbh i don't think such a post exists? it's just impossible. you're so funny, so smart, and i LOVE seeing you in these byIer streets. i hope you have a lovely new year!!
@wibble-wobbegong hi! :) i've already said what i'm about to say to you before hehe, but it bears repeating anyway!! thank you so much for all of your contributions to this fandom, really and truly. your analyses are top tier and i'm always so fascinated by your perspective on things. i always make sure to read your posts when they come across my dash and i've seriously never come away from one not learning something new. i love that you hold these takes and beliefs so close to your heart and how willing you are to engage in conversation. you're funny, you're intelligent, and you've always been so kind to me when we have interacted which i cherish very much. i hope you have a lovely new year and i can't wait to learn so much more from you! thank u sm for sharing your thoughts with us as much as you have! :)
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creator-girl · 4 months
Chapter 5 - The Golden Girl of Lurelin Village
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⋆。˚🌿✧˖° Chapter 5 。𖦹🍃✧°
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        Thea had agreed to let this strange but interesting boy teach her how to use her bow. Where he himself had learned to use one, especially at such a young age, she had no idea. Did most people her age know? ...wherever Link, and possibly herself, came from? Maybe he didn't even really know that much, and he was just going to explain to her things she already knew as if she were a child. She pushed the thought out of her mind as he moved in response to her question.
        Link walked to stand beside her, pulling a magnificent bow from behind the sword and shield on his back. Thea couldn't help but gape. A dance of silver and blue defined the elegant metal curve of the bow, swirling in intricate and almost royal designs. The leather grip was a burning reddish brown that contrasted the large metal handguards that rose up on either side, decorated with the same blue designs of stars and sweeping lines. Each end of the bow was tipped with small, silver wing-like points which glinted in the sun as it moved. It was so beautiful, radiating with power. Her bow paled in comparison. Who exactly was this kid?
        She quickly shut her open mouth as he glanced over at her, beginning to explain. "Plant your feet shoulder width apart, perpendicular to whatever you're aiming at."
        He fell into a firm stance, his knees bent a little, facing her completely but with his head turned to the driftwood target a ways away. Thea followed his instructions, though it felt like she was turned much too far to the side to aim accurately. But maybe he knew what he was doing. Why else would he have that bow?
        "Then you'll want to take the bow in your left hand, since you're right-handed, and stretch the cord across your body. Like this." Link stretched the cord back, his broad chest fully facing her despite his bow pointed directly at the target. "Make sure you don't pull back with your elbow too low, you want it at shoulder height."
        Thea drew the cord back like he instructed. It was awkward, how could you fire accurately like this?
        "You want to look directly along your arrow, right at your target...always use both eyes. Make sure your arrow is steady, your hand is steady, your arms, your torso...and then fire." Link relaxed the bow, looking to her. "Did that make sense?"
        Thea relaxed the bow in her hands as well. She understood a little bit. It was just difficult, since she'd apparently been doing some things wrong for a whole month now. They had become habit. "Um, yeah, I guess I get the general idea of it, but..."
        "Here. Watch for just a second, I'll demonstrate the full process and then you can try." Link quickly nocked an arrow, pulling the cord back in a swift motion.
        "Perpendicular, both eyes, feet planted, steady..." he slowly adjusted, narrowing in on the target like a predator does prey. Thea could see it burning in his eyes. "Fire."
        His arrow whizzed through the air. Swift, a flash of wood and stone, quicker than anything Thea had seen. It hit her target, spot on--shattering the flimsy thin driftwood into pieces scattered in the long grass.
        Thea stood in wordless shock. No words, no thoughts, nothing coherent could form in her mind as she stared at where the target had once been.
        "Oh shoot. I'm sorry," Link looked over at her, his bow now lowered, "I didn't mean to ruin your target."
        Thea met his eyes. How. How had he done that. She had spent a month merely denting it, and in one try, he managed to completely destroy it. Was he just showing off or something? No, he's in the middle of teaching us. Why would he do that to show off? He had seen her shoddy skills and her excuse of a target, and had decided that much force was needed to demonstrate? Show off! He was probably trying to do it as correctly as possible. We should find out how he did it. ... Plus we must've contributed to it shattering anyway, right? We've been at it every day for a month. Don't give him all the credit.
        Part of her wanted to throw her bow down and never pick it up again, while the other part wanted to ask him a million questions.
        "Are you okay?" Link's voice brought Thea back to the moment with a jolt. She realized she had just been staring at him the entire time.
        "Yeah." The curious part of her won. "How did you do that? How did you fire with that much power?"
        "Let me set up another target really quick, and I'll show you again..." From the small bag around his waist he pulled out a circular shield of old wood, propping it up against the stone of the cliff face. Thea huffed with amusement. It looked like an old pot lid.
        "Follow my lead." Link planted his feet. Thea did the same. He nocked an arrow at the very center of the bowstring and stretched his back, his shoulders still parallel with his stance. Thea drew the cord back, her shoulders square, feet planted and her body steady. She looked along her arrow, her back stretching... Suddenly, there was a strong but gentle hand at her right arm.
        "Raise your elbow to shoulder height. Keep your left arm steady..." Link carefully pushed her elbow up to the correct height and shadowed her other arm with his, keeping it in place. Thea could feel him behind her, not close enough to touch, though the chest of his tunic brushed against the golden hair that tumbled down her back. He was still... close. "Steady..."
        With difficulty, Thea readjusted her focus from his presence to the target in front of her. She almost went to squint an eye, but remembered his instructions. Use both eyes.
        "That's perfect." He breathed, taking a step back to look at her form.
        Thea could suddenly feel the correctness of the position. The bowstring was drawn taut across her chest, the power of her shoulders, not her arms or elbow, holding it in place. Her feet were positioned to keep her steady and unmoving, to fire an accurate shot. She could see the target clearly with both eyes. Then, Thea let the arrow loose.
        Her arrow flew. It didn't whizz like Link's, but it sure was fast. Thunk. It hit the pot lid, closer to the edge than the center, but... it stuck. Her arrow had stuck in the wood.
        There was a pause, before, "I did it! Oh my gods I did it, it's stuck in the wood!"
        Thea's eyes shone as she yelled and jumped in triumph, Link smiling at her. She turned to him after a moment of celebration.
        "Thank you for showing me. I'll keep practicing, and hopefully get a lot better. Are you leaving today?" Thea asked. Travelers normally didn't stay for more than a night before moving on to wherever their adventure next took them. Even Regan had stayed, what, one night?
        "I don't know, I plan to stay for a few days. There are some things I have to do around here." Thea waited for him to explain. He didn't. Hmph, how mysterious. But, if he really was going to stick around for a bit, maybe she'd find out more about him. Maybe she could find out more about the world, and where she was from. Although he was definitely quiet, he seemed pretty open and easy-going. She'd just have to ask more questions.
        "Say, do you know anything about shrines?" she asked, her eyes flitting up to the one on the misty hill near the entrance, the amber glow now blue.
        "Yeah, I know a bit. What do you want to know?"
        "Is it normal for them to change color?" Thea posed, her head tilted. Link eyed her curiosity for a moment before chuckling a little. Thea frowned. "What's so funny?"
        "Nothing! I just, forgot people would notice that." He responded, a slight grin still on his face. "That was me, I turned it blue."
       "What do you mean? How?" she prodded. He really had a habit of not explaining things.
        "I went into it and completed it."
        "...What does that mean? You went into it and completed it? I thought no one could get into them." It seemed Link thought it his job to make things confusing. He also liked to be annoyingly vague.
        "Well, you need this to get in." He turned his hip towards her, where there was a small device she hadn't noticed before. It was flat and rectangular, small enough to fit in a hand, and... Her eyes widened. It had similar engravings to those on the shrine, emitting that amber glow. In the center was a hieroglyph of an eye--the iris a piercing blue. Its unblinking stare seemed to see through her soul.
        "What is that?" Thea breathed. It was definitely a similar technology to whatever the shrine was.
        "Do you want to see it?" He unhooked it off of his belt and held it out towards her. Thea moved forward a bit cautiously, her steps quiet in the soft, whispering grass. As she turned the tablet over in her hands, one side of it lit up. What came up was what looked like a map, but uneven around the edges, like it wasn't complete. "Oh, that's the map of Hyrule. There are quite a few places I haven't been, but..."
        Thea was entranced. Down to the smallest hills, down to the trees, Thea could see everything on the map. She could see her village, Lurelin, marked with a little icon of a hut, and the form of the dagger shaped cape that stretched out to the south. The map was even labeled with names. And it was all contained within this little device, no paper needed. "Wow, I've... never seen anything like this before. This is unreal."
        "Do you want to sit? I can explain it some if you want," He offered, noticing the pure wonder written across her face. Thea looked up at him with bright, eager eyes, nodding emphatically. He laughed.
        They sat down together on the ground, warmed by the sun, bows and archery forgotten.
        "This is called a Sheikah Slate. It has a number of uses, but the main one is the map. It's ancient--like the shrines. It can communicate, in a way, with other technology from its era. There isn't one super close to here, but there are towers that can also respond to it..." Towers. A memory struck Thea. Rozel had talked about reports of towers rising up out of the ground, around the same time the shrine had risen here. If this Slate could... communicate with both, what did that mean for Link? How involved was he in the strange events that had happened recently? She didn't have time to voice these thoughts, as Link was busy talking, "With the shrines, I use it to get inside. Once I leave, they turn blue. That's really all there is to it. As for the map, you can see the locations of the shrines..."
        "Wow, there are a lot of them," Thea remarked as Link pointed to little blue icons, scattered over the map. They were the same blue hue as the shrine up on the hill was.
        "Yeah, there are quite a few. There's more. I've probably explored... maybe only a third of Hyrule so far. There's a lot of places I haven't been."
        Thea's jaw dropped. "This is only a third of Hyrule?!"
        "Yeah," He smiled a little at her, meeting her wide eyes, "Have you explored anywhere before?"
        She looked away, a bit bashful all of the sudden. "I've actually never been outside of the village. Unless you count just after I was born, before I was left at the gates. I was always told it was too dangerous, too many monsters. And traveler after traveler has come by here, with countless scars or horrible injuries, and I just listened. I'm curious about what's outside, but it's comfortable here. I have the things and the people I need. So, no..."
        Thea looked beyond Link, down the hill at the village below, golden in the late morning sun. She could see each of the huts from this point, all the way to the far end by the entrance, where Rozel's hut sat proudly. The torches along the beach flickered warmly, and the seagulls swooped overhead on the hunt for fish in the turquoise bay. Lush, green, and peaceful. Her gaze met Link's again. "What do you think of this place, compared to the places you've been?"
        He looked around for a minute, before responding thoughtfully, "It's beautiful. Small, but I sense the community. I can tell you love it, and the people, a lot. You were left here as a baby?"
        Thea nodded. He looked her over, his eyes traveling up, quickly down, and back. "You didn't look like the other villagers. I was curious if that was the case. You have an energy that matches this place, though. I can tell you've been here a long time."
        She wasn't sure if that was a compliment, but she decided to take it as one anyway. Thea paused. This was the moment, the time to ask her burning question. "I don't mean to pry, but where are you from?"
        "I... don't remember. It's complicated," Link remarked in response to the question in her green gaze, "but I'm from the north, around Central Hyrule." He lit up the Sheikah Slate again and pointed around the general area north of Lurelin.
        Thea squinted. On the map, there were two other little hut icons besides Lurelin. "Are those villages?"
        "Yes. This one," he pointed to the northernmost one, "is Kakariko Village. The Sheikah people live there. I think it was their ancestors that made this slate, and the shrines. I've been there a number of times. This other one to the east is Hateno Village. They are known as a farming village. I only stopped there quickly to get something, but it seemed like a nice town."
        "Do you know... Gerudo Town?"
        Link let out a breath, "Gerudo... I know of it. I'll have to go there at some point." Thea could have sworn there was a heavy tiredness in his expression, but it wasn't there when he continued, "I've never been there before. There's a number of villages and places I have to go. But for now, I'm here for a while."
        Thea nodded, not prying any further. He seemed preoccupied by other things, as if he was reminded of them by this conversation. Something was causing him to travel. It made her all the more curious, but she'd save that for later.
        "Are you hungry?" Thea asked, noting the sun reaching its peak above. Link nodded, and Thea heard her own stomach rumble. "I'll get us some food. Maybe you can meet some of the other villagers too. My name is Thea, by the way."
        Link agreed with a slight smile, and they made their way down the slope after collecting the arrows and Thea's bow. The two walked wordlessly down the beach path as Thea led the way to the inn. Upon their entrance, Chessica greeted them, mostly Link, as he was a paying customer. "Why hello! You must be the traveler that came in late last night. I assume Thea's been treating you well?"
        Link dipped his head in response. Thea rolled her eyes a little bit. Thankfully it seemed Link hadn't noticed, but Chessica had flashed her a wink as she said that last part. Hopefully lunch with the village wouldn't be as awkward.
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malsfefanfics · 2 months
Dorothea and Rosamund A-Support
Summary: Rosamund asks Dorothea for a favor, and later, they have discussions about plans for the future.
Written in script format under the cut.
Rosamund: Hey, Thea! Can I talk to you about something?
Dorothea: Sure, Rosie. What's on your mind? And what's that book in your hand?
Rosamund: I've been making up a couple of songs while on my hunts, and I wanted your opinion on some of them. I've been writing them in this journal. And…um…. Thea? Can I sing them to you?
Dorothea: You want to sing to me? Oh, of course! Do you want to go to one of our rooms, or-
Rosamund: I was thinking we could go back out into the forest? I'm not ready for others to accidentally hear me yet, and the walls are pretty thin.
Dorothea: Sure. Let's go right now.
Dorothea: I think we're far enough that no one should sneak up on us. So, how many songs will we be going over?
Rosamund: I've only got three complete at the moment. So I want to focus on those.
Dorothea: Alright. I'm ready when you are.
Rosamund: Okay…okay…. so, this first one is called 'Come Join the Hunt"….
Rosamund: ♫ Until that day, don't let me go. Take hold my hand, come rain or wind or snow. Reach for the stars. So long as they shine, this future we reach for will be yours and mine. ♫
Dorothea: Oh, that was beautiful. I think I love that one the best. Some of the lyrics need a bit of a polish, but other than that, I think it's perfect.
Rosamund: Really? You think so?
Dorothea: Absolutely. You have quite the skill for composing. Have you ever thought of doing this full time after the war?
Rosamund: Writing songs after the war? Hmh….I never really thought of that.
Rosamund: [IN CF] To be honest, I figured I'd continue to devote myself to the Empire. Try my hand at diplomacy, maybe. Or attend the Academy when it reopens. Maybe enter a political marriage if my brother finds a suitable candidate. Or maybe find something new, unconnected to my family name. Still not sure yet.
Rosamund: [IN VW] Figured I might return to the house after the war to see if I'm still welcome there by mother and Tancred. If not, maybe I'll act as a mercenary for a while. Maybe enter the Officer's Academy when it reopens if they'll have a traitor like me. I'll need to change my name first, since Vestra has certain connotations now…
Rosamund: Either way, I do know I'd love to travel before trying to settle down. See the world. Now that the war is coming to a close, the options are pretty open. Though…if I did decide to pursue writing music…would you consider being the one to sing them?
Dorothea: You want me to sing your songs? But wouldn't you prefer to sing them yourself? You have such a talent. And you always look so happy when you're singing.
Rosamund: I do love it. But I just don't think the stage is for me. I don't have the patience or the natural charm for it like you and Manuela. To be honest, I'm a little jealous of your charm. It's intoxicating. Like the full moon on a winter solstice. Beautiful. Soothing. Something that can only occur once every few decades at best. As precious as a sapphire.
Dorothea: Oh my. Winter solstice? Sapphire? You certainly have a way with words, Rosie~. I think I felt my heart skip a little.
Rosamund: Sh-shut up! I just….urgh….Do you want to sing these songs or not?
Dorothea: Yes! I would be honored to. Would you mind teaching me that last one right now? What was it called? You didn't tell me before singing it.
Rosamund: It…doesn't have a name yet. I can't figure out one.
Dorothea: Well, maybe if we sing it together, we can figure out what to call it.
Rosamund: I'd….actually like that a lot. I know I said that music was sort of an "us Vestra siblings" thing but…I don't think I'd mind sharing it with you. You're practically family to me now anyway, so…
Dorothea: Family? Rosie…That makes me so happy to hear.
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fusdbcom · 6 months
The Beautiful Game Film (2024) Handlung, Kritik, Besetzung, Veröffentlichungsdatum
The Beautiful Game Film The Beautiful Game ist ein britischer Film, der am 29. März 2024 veröffentlicht wurde. Es handelt sich um eine Netflix-Originalproduktion. Die Schießerei fand in der italienischen Region Latium statt. Es wurde auf Englisch gedreht. Der Film ist 2 Stunden und 5 Minuten lang und gehört zur Kategorie Drama und Sport. Der Film wurde von Thea Sharrock inszeniert und von Frank…
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nessataleweaver · 9 months
My Beloved Monster: fanmix & picspam (Weyler)
my contribution to the Wyler Holiday Gift Exchange 2023.
A fanmix featuring Wednesday and Tyler: before they meet, their first courtship, and their recovery and reconciliation in the aftermath of season one.
Gifted to thekittenthatreads. I also have a picspam and lyrics below the 'keep reading'
My Beloved Monster: a Wednesday Addams /Tyler Galpin fanmix
An Angry Blade - Iron & Wine People are strange - Johnny Hollow Wednesday Opening Theme - Danny Elfman & Chris Bacon The Girl of my dreams (is giving me nightmares) - Machine Gun Fellatio Devour - Marilyn Manson Teeth - 5 Seconds of Summer The Darkest Star - Depeche Mode First Kiss - Danny Elfman & Chris Bacon Hex - The Birthday Massacre Razor Valentine - Thea Gilmore The Boy who blocked his own shot - Brand New Bad Romance - Halestorm My beloved monster - The Eels
stop accessing everything & owning nothing: download zip on mediafire (except the 5SOS track because... um, mea culpa??)
listen on spotify
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An Angry Blade – Iron & Wine Grace is a gift for the fallen, dear You're an angry blade And you're brave, but you're all alone
People are Strange - Johnny Hollow When you're strange Faces come out of the rain When you're strange No one remembers your name When you're strange
'Wednesday' opening theme - Danny Elfman & Chris Bacon Instrumental
The Girl of my dreams (is giving me nightmares) – Machine Gun Fellatio The girl of my dreams is giving me nightmares I found her on TV now I see her everywhere She's got style, she's got violent ways about her. She got me so that I can't dream without her.
Devour – Marilyn Manson You're the one that I should never take But I can't sleep until I devour you I can't sleep until I devour you You're a flower that's withering I can't feel your thorns in my hand This is no embrace, you're buried deep You're not crying, this is blood all over me And I'll love you If you let me And I'll love you If you won't make me stop
Heart’s got teeth – 5 Seconds Of Summer Blood on my shirt, rose in my hand You're lookin' at me like you don't know who I am Blood on my shirt, heart in my hand Still beating Fight so dirty, but you love so sweet Talk so pretty, but your heart got teeth Late night devil, put your hands on me And never, never, never ever let go
The darkest star – Dépêche Mode Oh you sad one Playing the Angel Isn't so easy where you're from Oh you wild one Devil's companion You won't stay satisfied for long I don't want you to change anything you do I don't want you to be someone else for me Oh you dark one Eternal outsider Caught in the spider's web you've spun
First Kiss (Wednesday Season 1 soundtrack) - Danny Elfman and Chris Bacon instrumental
Hex - The Birthday Massacre I want to be a ghost now that we're strangers I want to be close when your eyes are wayward I know I'm not right but it's so wrong To be in your sight and know that I'm still gone I want you the most now that we're strangers
Binds of hex and magic A sight to blur your open eyes Blinding love so tragic Tonight your heart is broken
Razor valentine – Thea Gilmore I love you like a ruin, babe I love you like a crime I love you like a drunk At the sound of closing time I love you as the seconds on my tongue Are running wild I love you razor valentine.
Oh, I've been moving kind of slow, don't you think so? Oh, I've been taming bloody hearts into valentines I love you like a whisper I love you all alone I love you like a murder, babe I'm burying the bones I love you like the last shot At the bottom of the bottle I love you razor valentine I love you razor valentine
The Boy who blocked his own shot – Brand New If it makes you less sad, I will die by your hand I hope you find out what you want, I already know what I am And if it makes you less sad, we'll start talking again You can tell me how vile I already know that I am You are calm and reposed, let your beauty unfold Pale white, like the skin stretched over your bones Spring keeps you ever close, you are second-hand smoke You are so fragile and thin, standing trial for your sins Holding onto yourself the best you can You are the smell before rain, you are the blood in my veins
Bad Romance – Halestorm I want your love, and I want your revenge You and me could write a bad romance I want your love and all your love has revenge You and me could write a bad romance
My beloved monster – The Eels My beloved monster is tough If she wants she will disrobe you But if you lay her down for a kiss Her little heart it could explode
She will always be the only thing That comes between me and the awful sting That comes from living in a world that's so damn mean
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lostinthecloudies · 1 year
Elovehants colabs’ mission
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I. jhimin
we never thank the sun enough. for all it does for us. for all the light it shines around, for the warmth and the beauty and love. it just hangs there every day, a sparkle in the sky. we never stop to thank it, though. as it goes burning by.
i think that friends are like the sun. In this way if no other. we relish their beauty and bask in their warmth. but never say so to one another. so am I taking this chance to say, loud and proud and true. that I am so thankful that you are my friend NO! I MEAN YOU ARE MY BIG BIG BIG AND BEAUTY SISTER also that I get to be a little brother to you kak Thea!
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II. qiselleri
thank you for always being there. thank you for being born. I love that we are best friends and so much more. you make me smile every day, and I am thankful every day that I get to wake up next to you. I can't wait to spend forever with you by my side as friends. im proud of you. youre doing your best, keep going! i hope youre having a good day and you know that im always here for you kakak Ghaitsaa!
oh ya kak gaits ayo nanti kita rusuh rame lagi ya. kemarin aku abis ambil hiatus jadinya aku belum sempet rusuhin dm kakak lagi :D TUNGGUIN KEBANGKITAN OCHENLE YAAAAAA.
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III. jiiqsu
hey kak Liona. kita belum terlalu kenal ya ;( pingin kenal deket sama kakak boleh gak? DM aku terbuka kok buat kakak, semoga kita banyak ngobrol juga ya terus bisa jadi temen deket deket deket dekeeeeeeet banget!
oh iya kakak gimana kabarnya? baik? kalau kakak ada apa apa gapapa kok datang ke aku. aku bakalan open arms buat kakak Liona </3
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IV. jcaehyuk
hi cyoo.. eh? bener gak ya cyo? soalnya kita belum kenalan banget ya? aku belum terlalu kenal sama kamu tapi kamu kalau diliat anaknya lucu dan aktif juga ya.. ayo kita banyak ngobrol! kita harus jadi temen, pokoknya aku maksa ya! hehe
tapi.. tapi.. kalau kamu nggak mau temenan sama aku juga gapapa sih tapi nanti akunya sedih ;( nanti aku dm kamu boleh nggak? sekalian bonding (walau telat banget) soalnya aku juga mau kenal deket sama kamuuuuu
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V. peongin
KAKAK PEOOOOOONG! jujur aku lebih seneng manggil kakak pakai nama ini 😂 soalnya lucu banget. kakak gimana kabarnya? udah bahagia belum? kakak nggak telat makan dll kan? jangan lupa makan dan minum yang banyak ya soalnya orang lucu tuh harus makan yang banyak! um.. nggak ada korelasinya sih tapi katanya mah kalau mau bahagia harus makan banyak.
kakak kalau butuh bantuan bisa ke aku. tapi bukan bantuin joki upchar sama diving yak! 👊😡 soalnya akunya juga butuh JOKI ITU huhuhu t___t lets get more closer kak!
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VI. markleeiv
kakaaaaaak! apa kabarnya? kita terakhir convoan pas zoo day gak sih? yang aku ngasih jadwal kalau mau kursus berenang buat harimau bisa ke aku aja 😂 huhuhuuu gara gara hiatus aku jadi jarang ngobrol ya sama kakak. nanti kira convoan lagi okay?! aku rusuhin mentab sama dm kakak lagi kalau boleh :D
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VII. yhuna
hey musuhku! aku sebenernya nggak mau ngasih surat cinta yang isinya cute message gitu. BIG NO BANGET BUAT NAYSHAHAHAHAHAHAA. aku cuma mau ngajak ribut aja. ribut lagi yuk? nanti kita atur jadwalnya biar enak. tapi aku gak bisa pagi pagi sama malem soalnya jadwal tidur juga. atau gak nanti aja deh kita ributnya aku lagi males ketemu sama kamu :p
kamu gimana kabarnya, jelek? semingguan aku tinggal hiatus pasti sedih ya soalnya nggak ada temen ribut? aku udah balik nih.. aku tau juga kamu pasti kangen banget sama aku soalnya aku kan emang ngangenin banget
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habibialkaysani · 6 years
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TOP TEN SUPERFLARROW OTPS (as voted by my followers) -
#5. thea queen x roy harper
if it’s a choice between life with you or life without you, life with you will win every single time.
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set in season 1ish just for Thea :)
Lucy was frustrated to no end. She had no idea where Wyatt and Rufus were and she had no idea how she managed to be stuck with Flynn and twin boys. Not her typical “we must stop Flynn at all costs” trip back in time.
Garcia Flynn looked somewhat content, however. He was swaying as the baby in his arms was slowly drifting to sleep. It would’ve been sweet if he weren’t (supposedly) a terrorist. Lucy was struggling with her twin. He wouldn’t stay still, and while he wasn’t crying, he was awfully fussy.
“Lay him down,” She turned to Flynn as he spoke softy. “I’m sure he’s just as tired.”
“Like this.” He gestured to the boy who was laying on his arm. “And sway.”
With a huff, Lucy took his advice. The baby fought it at first but slowly started to drift. She brought her finger to his nose and stroked it a few times, coaxing him to keep his eyes closed. It worked!
She smiled, almost proudly. Flynn smiled at her when she looked up at him. Lucy cleared her throat and looked away.
“So, how did you get stuck with them, anyway?” He asked her.
She supposes she should thank him, really. She probably would’ve thrown them out a window if he had not showed up. (Not really. But she was close.)
“I-I don’t even know,” Lucy sighed. “There was a woman, panicking, said she needed help. Handed the boys to me and ran off with Rufus.”
A pause. “Where’s Wyatt?”
“God, I don’t know.” Lucy was getting tired of him running off without explaining his plans. “To find you, maybe?”
“I’m right here.”
Lucy looked up at him again, no shit Sherlock. “You’re a little shi-”
“Ah, ah,” he looked almost hurt. Then smirked. “Not in front of the children.”
It took everything in her to not rip him a new one, children or not.
He walked over to the couch. “At least you’re here, at a hotel, instead of in an alley or something.”
With so much care and concentration in his face, he slowly places the sleeping child on the couch and carefully slides his arm from under him. Pausing when the child stirs. When Flynn gets free he takes a pillow and places it next the baby, to keep him from falling off.
Lucy’s staring. She looks down at the child in her own arms and contemplates trying the same maneuver. She decides she’d rather not risk it and keeps swaying. Flynn sits and runs his hand down his face. Lucy feels a pang in her chest. His daughter. He was—is—a father. Of course he knows what he’s doing. Lucy realizes she’s never asked about her. What was her name? Iris!
Lucy moves around the couch to sit in the armchair across from him, careful to not wake the baby. He doesn’t stir.
She’s not sure what to say or how to approach. She can only get out, “I’m sorry.”
He looks up at her through his lashes. “Huh?”
“Your daughter. Wife. For everything.”
He licks his lips. He doesn’t say anything, just watches her.
“Iris, right?” She watches as his breath catches. She wonders if she’s stepped too far. But keeps going, “I’ve never seen a picture but I’m sure she was beautiful.”
(She wasn’t going to tell him that she thought he was pretty and that’s why she’s sure. She didn’t even want to tell herself that.)
He nods and is silent for a moment. Then, just above a whisper, “Would you like to?”
Lucy’s confused, “What?”
“See a picture?”
“Oh! Um, yes. Of course.”
The vulnerability in the exchange, the question, the fact that he’s actually going to show her, takes her completely off guard and has her questioning everything in one second. She shakes her head to clear her thoughts.
He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a leather wallet. He pulls out a very worn picture of two girls. Well, a girl and a woman. “She was three. In this.”
He smiles fondly at it before turning it over so Lucy could see. She takes it from him and smiles too. She was right. “Wow. She’s beautiful. They both are.”
He nods and takes it back from her, looking at it one more time before placing it back. “I went back to the house a few days after… I was sure they would still be there, or it would be burned down or something. But it was just… vacant.” A beat. He sniffs. “Anyway.”
Lucy really didn’t know what to say now. There wasn’t much she could say, anyway. She found herself wishing there was something she could say, if it could make him feel better.
Just as she opened her mouth—
“You—you son of—”
“Wyatt, Wyatt! Stop!”
Wyatt burst in, guns blazing. Flynn had placed himself in front of Lucy, as if protecting her from Wyatt. (He didn’t realize he was doing it.)
“It’s fine!”
Once Wyatt lowers his gun, Flynn turns to Lucy and tips his head. “I’m gonna, yeah. Go.”
Lucy watches him leave, almost sad to see him go so soon. She looks down at the child. He was still asleep, to her surprise.
“Where’s Rufus?”
“Uh, he went with their mother. She needed help with something. Should be back any minute.”
“Did Flynn give you trouble? I still have time to catch up t-“
“No,” she said almost too quickly. “No. Let’s just find their mother. And Rufus.”
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moonlight-prose · 3 years
hi hi!! i wanted to spread some love for some beloved friends so I thought why not ask people to write a tiny letter to 5-7 mutuals 💖
I'M SO LATE TO THIS!! My apologies but I would absolutely love to! I don't know if you want me to do one letter overall or separate but I'll do a small letter for each one.
i'll put it under the cut cause it's longer than i anticipated, but i had to do 8.
@caesaryoulater : my darling, my spidey babe, the person i bug constantly. you're an absolute delight to have met on this hellsite and it makes my day to fawn over whoever we're crushing on for that day. not to mention you write incredible stories. for the record is my otp, bucky really needs to marry that girl.
@saucerful-strange : if we're talking beautiful people we're talking about tori. not only is she working on a fic that is literally the equivalent to an actual novel, she is one of the sweetest people here. you're talented af darling and you literally deserve all the good things.
@karasong : OKAY so kara was my first ever mutual in the star wars fandom and i couldn't be more glad that you actually followed me. especially now that we get to scream about cillian murphy together and fandral. i wish i could take her with me wherever i go, because kara...you're sunshine as a person.
@themarcusmoreno : THIS IS MY HUSBAND. let me tell you about ash. there isn't a day that goes by where i don't talk to this beautiful human. you're my hype man, the one who literally know ALL my story ideas and beta reads them, but you're also one of my favorite people ever. not to mention the ideas that come from your brain are PHENOMENAL.
@musingsinmoonlight : suz you're beautiful inside and out. i can't tell you enough how happy i am that you came back to this site, because you were such a light on my dash. you still are. you are an incredibly talented writer and the kindness you bring to everyone here. it's insanely amazing just like you.
@mandocrasis : the person who made me love max phillips. also the person who is a beautiful human being. birdie you're AMAZING. i don't tell you enough, but you're one of my favorite writers on this site and i can never get enough of your stories. talking to you is not only a delight but a damn honor.
@luxurybeskar : um yes hello i love thea. i picture you as this ethereal ballerina who is also a complete badass and i don't think I'm wrong in the slightest. you're so kind and fun and not to mention talented af. i love hearing the story ideas you've shared with me, because it's so special to be given an inside look at the way your mind works.
@rae-gar-targaryen : LITERALLY A GODDESS. i don't even know how to describe you, because it's like trying to describe the moon. it's too pretty for words. you are honestly a gift to this site, especially since your writing is straight out of a poetry book. if you were to ask me who i'd like to spend a night drinking wine with and talking advanced literature with it'd be you. i feel like you give the most insightful conversations and you're so kind it's insane.
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kayssweetdreams · 1 year
A "Perfect" Vacation Ch 20
Meanwhile, Back on the Mainland...
"...So what you're saying is that Madame Prim switched places with you so she could enact her revenge?" Ka Lā asked from inside of the padded cell. "It would seem that way. And you unfortunately didn't have the final say." Balan said. "Say...does your friend always rhyme? Not that I'm against it." Ka Lā asked. "Um...Yes. but that isn't important, what's important is that we get you out of here, and we get you back on your turf before Prim does something against my friends." Aria said.
"How are you going to do that? I look like Prim and the guards and orderlies won't listen to me. The chances of getting me out of here are more smoked than a pig during a luau." Ka Lā said, her voice forlorn. Lance However didn't back down. "It's not too late yet. We still have time to disarm Prim's threat." He said. "How? How on EARTH are you going to get me out of here?" Ka Lā asked. Both maestros just smiled and snapped their fingers, as a wind up toy replica of the woman sat next to her...much to her shock.
"H-How did you-" She was cut off by both of them appearing in the room, with Balan hoisting Ka Lā up bridal style, and Lance winding up the toy, making it look like she was rocking in the corner. "Alright, we're good to go! The orderlies and guards will never know." Balan said as he snapped his fingers, taking him, Lance, Ka Lā and Aria back to the theater...which was still in the Amazon Rainforest. Ka Lā looked on in joy as she looked out a window "Oh! How beautiful! I've always wanted to see the Amazon! I've seen a lot of beaches from Hawaii and Bali, but I've never seen the actual rainforest!" She squealed.
However, the poor woman tripped, as she was still locked away in the straight jacket. "Ugh. This stupid straight jacket. When I get my hands on this Prim woman, I'm going make sure that she suffered just as much as me in that dreaded cell." She said, attempting to get up. Aria quickly came to her aid and helped her up "Don't suppose you guys can get her out can you?" She asked. Balan smiled "No need to ask me! I am like a second Houdini!" He said, once again snapping his fingers.
In seconds, the straightjacket vanished, and in its place was a beautiful tropical dress. Ka Lā smiled "Now this is more my style! Thank you Mr..." she started "Oh my dear, Balan will do, And the fellow with the tentacles is Lance to you." Balan informed, bowing down in front of her. Ka Lā gave a curtsey back "Well its nice to meet you both. And I must thank all 3 of you for getting me out of there." She said. Aria nodded "You're welcome Miss Ka Lā, but now that you're out, we've got to get to your island and stop the real Madame Prim before she does something horrible to our friends!" Aria said.
Ka Lā nodded "Right. I just hope that she didn't mess with the flowers." She muttered. "What does a flower have to do with it?" Aria asked "Well, you see I have found a special flower that exists only on the island where I built my hotel. Beautiful thing it is. It has rainbow petals and when you hold them, it almost feels like the world is a better place. However, I found that it acts weird around certain things...like Thea's voice when she sings a certain song." Ka Lā explained.
"Did you tell anyone about this?" Aria asked "Only Thea, but I told her that during the performance on the island, I needed her to not sing certain songs, or else the flowers will behave strangely." The tropical woman explained. "Well, Either Way, we must not delay. We'll make our way to the island post haste, there isn't a moment to waste." Balan said, snapping his fingers and making the theater shake. Aria looked out, and saw that they were no longer in the Amazon, but rather the middle of the sea.
"Ok Ka Lā, Lead the way. It might not be to late to save the day." Balan said, revealing a steering wheel.
Aria belongs to @shadowqueen402
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sweetestofchaos · 3 years
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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑻𝒐𝒖𝒄𝒉 👩🏽‍🤝‍🧑🏻 562
Trope: High School AU Waring(s): SFW. Fluff...I guess. Chapter(s): One-Shot Description: Her hands were small and soft...the softest in the world. Paring(s): Teen!Shota x Black!OC
Chaos’ Notes: Just clearing out my drafts. 
ᴬʳᵗʷᵒʳᵏ ᶜʳᵉᵈⁱᵗ ᵍᵒᵉˢ ᵗᵒ ᵗʰᵉ ᵒʷⁿᵉʳˢ
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His body reacted before his mind could fully understand what was happening. One minute he was laughing at some dumb joke Hizashi had hold him and the next he was laying flat on his back with the purple haired foreign exchange student on top of him.
“Oh God! Are you alright?’ The voice was full of worry, but under that there was something else…a sense of embarrassment? No, that wasn’t it…shyness?
Shota’s dark eyes open and meet with a wet pair of brown colored eyes framed by thick black lashes set on a deep brown heart shaped face. Mesmerized by the unexpected beauty before him, Shota feels his throat go dry. Seeing no response from his dear friend, Hizashi is quick to step in.
“Oh, Shota is fine! Just fine! You couldn’t have hurt him. Don’t let his appearance fool ya. He is very capable of taking a few…hits.” Hizashi rambles on, but his worlds fall on deft ears.
The girl with iris colored hair picks herself up off the ground and dust herself off. “Sorry again…I wasn’t paying attention,” her voice is low and tender as she offers Shota her hand. Shota reaches up and he gulps once their hands touch. Gently Shota claps his hand around the girl’s and pulls himself up without trying to put much of his weight on the girl’s arm.
“It’s okay.” Shota finally speaks. “Are you okay? You didn’t hurt yourself, did you?”
The girl shakes her head and smiles softly, “You saved me,” she mummers as her face heats up and Shota feels his heart skip a beat. Shota opens his mouth to speak, but the bell rings making him and the girl both jump, letting each other’s hand go. “How can I thank you?”
“You could tell me your name?” Shota offers with a shoulder shrug and Hizashi grins, man his best friend is SMOOTH.
Tucking some hair behind her ear the girl pulls her bottom lip between her teeth in thought. Seeing no reason to not tell her name, she gives Shota a faint smile. “I’m Aono Thea, second year in hero class 1-B.”
“Thea…” Her name rolls off Shota’s tongue like warm honey making both student’s cheeks heat up. “I’m Awiaza Shota -”
“And I’m his best friend, Yamada Hizashi! Nice to meet you Thea. Do you want to join us after school for some soba? Shota found this really neat cat café that -”
“Shut up, Hizashi,” Shota grumbles with a sigh.
Thea laughs and nods her head. “I’ll meet you guys at the front gate after the last bell.”
“Can’t wait!” Hizashi beams and Shota just nods his head in agreement. Thea hurries off to her next class throwing a wave over her shoulder at her new friends. Shota watches Thea leave and when she’s out of sight he stares down at his hand. “Um…you, okay?” Hizashi asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah. It’s just…”
“Nobody in the world has hands that soft.”
Hizashi’s face nearly splits in two at Shout’s words. “YOU LIKE HER?!” Hizashi yells and Shota slaps his hands over his friend’s mouth, his eyes red and his hair standing upright defying gravity.
“Shut up!” Shota snaps and Hizashi’s laughs come out muffled by the hands on his mouth. “We’re not taking her to a cat café…what about that new place that just opened up?”
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sunflowermoth · 3 years
Kevin Day is such a versatile character when it comes to shipping. 
Ship him with Andrew and Neil? Perfect!
Aaron? 😍
Seth?Intriguing! A bit violent depending on the fic but otherwise great! Yes!
Thea? um sure... 
Jeremy? I mean everyone needs that ray of sunshine in their lives. So yes! Beautiful!
Jean?Don't even try to tell me you haven't scrolled through that tag. Gorgeous!   
See??It's so hard to pick! Some one tell him to stop being so great with everyone!!
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prettypinklass · 4 years
I might start posting oneshots on here, like this one. Maybe.
The Queen's Songstress, the Songstress's Queen
Author: Pink
Word Count: 2513
Warnings/Notes: Fluff, Petra Works too Hard, orphans, Dagda OC, implied/mentioned racism, implied homophobia
Prompt: Paired Endings (Intertwined Destinies event from the Fire Emblem Amino)
When she had first returned to Brigid, she had acted as a translator for her friend, who despite pleading to join her, knew nothing of the language. 
Now, years later, Dorothea could speak the common language of Brigid as easily as she could Fodlan's. 
"It's because you're such a good teacher, Petra," she teased, after Petra had praised her skills. 
Despite her grandfather's approval, the people of Brigid had been skeptical of their marriage at first. Dorothea's Fodlanese heritage didn't help. Nonetheless, they didn't argue. Their new queen was happy, and that was what mattered.
Now, years later, the people praised them as one of the best pairs of rulers they had. 
Queen Petra worked tirelessly to improve their relationship with Fodlan after declaring independence. Her wife, the Lady Dorothea, used her connections with the Opera to help. It was hard work, but they succeeded eventually. 
Now, Petra lived her life working tirelessly to help her citizens. Everyday she could be found holding public hearings to address their problems, or in her room, signing paperwork, and on some occasions in a meeting, dealing with the other nobles. It was tiring work, but she would endure it for her kingdom.
Dorothea had built an Opera house in the capital city of Brigid, after extensively studying the nature of Brigid's fine arts and music. She ran the place on her own, wrote their plays, and held weekly singing practices that were open to all, where people could gather and and sing together. Her troupe became famous throughout not only Brigid, but Fodlan as well, eventually even receiving audiences from Dagda and Almyra. 
Today in particular had been a hard day. 
The queen had visitors not only from Fodlan, but from Almyra and Dagda as well. The meeting had been… tiring, to say the least. Seeing an old classmate again after so long on strictly professional terms had been… difficult, the man from Almyra was beefy, and loud, which was a stark contrast to the noble from Dadga, who was posh and professional.
Petra had collapsed into her desk chair after the meeting.
Dorothea had been laying on their bed, humming. Her day had been rough as well, having to deal not only with racist participants in the day's open singing practice, but also guide visitors from the foreign countries in the song. Though she had seen one familiar face, it had still been… difficult.
She jumped up when Petra entered though, before her face fell. The queen had sat down at her desk, and immediately reached for her paperwork. 
"Petra…" the singer stood up with a small sigh, walking over, "Come on, you need to get some rest." 
"I don't have time for rest," Petra replied, "I must get this work done…" 
"Love, you're exhausted…" Dorothea sighed, resting her hands on the queens shoulders and  beginning to rub slowly, "Why don't you take a break? Let me sing for you." 
She hesitated, "Are… you sure? I must get this paperwork done…" 
"You can do it later," the songstress insisted, "Take a break, love. You need one."
Petra frowned at her, shifting to face her wife. Dorothea smiled reassuringly at her, and smiled wider when the queen began to relax, "I have a day off tomorrow…"
"You can finish the paperwork first thing tomorrow, and then we can go out together."
It was quiet for a moment.
Petra sighed, and stood up as she gave in, "Okay… Will you sing for me, Thea?" 
"Of course," Dorothea smiled even brighter in response, and pulled her wife over to the bed. The two laid next to each other, as she hummed softly. 
"What song would you like me to sing?" 
"No preference." 
"Hmm… okay," Dorothea sat up, and began humming. The humming went on for a few moments, changing pitch and tune to match a song, and then…
"Reach for my hand," she began to sing softly, "I'll soar away. Into the dawn, oh, I wish I could stay." 
Petra rolled over and smiled at her. 
"In cherished halls, in peaceful days, I fear the edge of dawn… knowing time betrays." 
Her voice was soft, soothing, and before long… the queen had fallen asleep. 
And when she had finished the song, as she was never one to leave something half done, Dorothea fell asleep too.
As promised, Petra finished her paperwork early, and Dorothea had dragged her off to see the town shortly afterward. 
People waved as they passed by, and the pair waved back happily. Brigid's capital really was a lively and friendly place.
Just after noon had come, Dorothea brought her wife to the opera house. There was a public singing session today, and even half an hour before it started, people were beginning to gather. 
A certain indigo haired woman was there already, looking around. Dorothea smiled. 
Shamir looked up, and grinned, "Well well. We meet again, kid. Your Majesty," she bowed to Petra, "To what do I owe this pleasure?" 
Petra fumbled for words. She still wasn't the best at Fodlanese…
"This day- er, Today, is my free day. I am not having work to do." 
"Lucky you," Shamir replied, "It's good to see you both again." 
"Am I assuming you came with the Dagda noble?" Petra asked. 
"Fodlan actually," she shrugged, "Mercenary life gets me plenty of jobs. Just so happened I was in town, and the lord was looking for a suitable guard." 
"Interesting," the queen hummed. 
"Are you here for choir?" Dorothea asked, tilting her head to the side with a happy smile. 
"I guess so. Lord Aegir wanted to come and I'm kind of obligated to follow him everywhere unless he specifically says so," Shamir shrugged, "He's talking to some of the singers, along with that guy from Almyra. Nader or something." 
"You didn't tell me Ferdie was the visiting noble!" Dorothea turned to pout at Petra. 
"It never came up," Petra admitted, laughing a little.
"Anyway, I'm going to go find something to do… singing isn't my thing." 
"You joined yesterday," Dorothea blinked at Shamir.
"I was exploring town and got caught up in it somehow," Shamir sighed, "Lord Aegir's over there if you want to talk to him." 
"Alright then… bye!" The songstress waved. Petra waved as well. 
The pair turned, and walked over to the ginger haired noble. 
Ferdinand turned, and broke into a huge smile, "Dorothea! The ugly maiden!" 
Everyone paused to stare at him. 
Someone in the back began snickering. 
"Ferdie," Dorothea frowned, "Um… Do you know what 'aklos' means Brigid?" 
"Why, I was told it meant lovely!" Ferdinand replied, smiling brightly, "Impressive, right?" 
Dorothea began giggling, as Petra sighed. 
"Ah, Ferdinand… The Brigidian word for 'lovely', is 'akLAS'. Aklos is our word for ugly." 
The noble blinked. 
His face turned pink. 
"B-by the goddess! Please, accept my sincerest apologies!" He bowed, "I have been tricked it seems…" 
"Don't worry about it," Dorothea laughed, "Are you here for choir?" 
"Why yes! I heard from Manuela that you run your own opera house here! She misses you by the way, and is hoping to one day collaborate with your opera." 
"Oh, I would love to! I'll have to send a letter to her!" Dorothea exclaimed happily, "Thank you Ferdie!" 
"But of course! It is my duty to assist!" 
One of the actresses, a young woman, called over, "Miss Dorothea! We're ready to begin!" 
"Oh! That's my cue," Dorothea smiled, and giggled slightly, "Have fun Love," she pecked Petra on the cheek, and waved at Ferdinand, before running up to join the singers at the podium. 
Choir was always a joy for Petra to attend. Not only did she get to hear her wife's beautiful voice, but the act made her feel… closer to others, not only to her Dorothea, but to her citizens as well. The same citizens loved it when she would join them as well. 
Ferdinand sang loudly, and he sounded well enough. Nader on the other hand, sounded like a dying bird. The look Dorothea gave him at the end of the first song would've scared the pants off of even the most fiercest soldier.
He ended up being asked to sing... quietly, so that the others could be heard over him.
Even Shamir participated, though at the request of Ferdinand. She seemed to enjoy herself though, if only for one song. 
It seemed like only a few minutes later when choir ended, though it had been at least an hour. 
"You were great Petra!" The songstress quickly began gushing, "Even better than before!"
"You're making me blush Thea," Petra laughed in embarrassment, "You sounded much better than I did." 
"Even so," she giggled, "Well, what would you like to do now?" 
"Why don't we visit the orphanage?" 
"Sounds like a wonderful idea," Dorothea replied, "Let's head there now, and then we can be home in time for dinner." 
"Right," the queen nodded, and after saying goodbye to Ferdinand and Shamir, they began walking to the orphanage.
The orphanage was as lively as ever.
Though the place was small, and the only residents were a few children and their caretaker, it was always lively. The children were often running around and playing together, making noise and sometimes causing chaos. The 4 of them were quite the handful for their caretaker, but they managed. 
A jingle sounded as they entered. 
"Just a moment!" Came a call from the back. A few seconds later, the caretaker appeared, carrying a box. 
"Oh!" She gasped, "Your Majesty, Lady Dorothea! What a pleasant surprise!" 
"Hello Chey," Petra smiled, "We came to visit." 
"The children were just wondering when they would be able to see you again," Chey laughed, smiling, "Children! You have a visitor!" 
Light footsteps were heard immediately. The quick pitter patter of small feet echoed in the building, as a group came tumbling out of the bedrooms.
First came Fiona, a 7 year old. She was quickly followed by the 8 year old, Darrell, who stumbled and tripped onto her. Fiona squealed.
Lily came next, the oldest at age 11, "Hey! Be careful, I'm holding Harry!" 
Harry let out a "Bubba!" and burst into giggles. He was the youngest of the four, being just barely a year in age. Fiona and Darrell fumed at each other.
"Now now,' Chey frowned, walking over to them, "Don't get into a fight. Look who came to visit!" 
"Kween Petwa! Dorufea!' Harry babbled excitedly, "Petwa and Dorufea! Yay!" 
"Q-Queen Petra! Lady Dorothea!" Lily gasped, and did a quick bow still holding the toddler, "It's a pleasure to see you again!" 
"Petra! Dorothea! Hi!' Fiona brightened up quickly and waved. 
"Idiot, it's QUEEN Petra and LADY Dorothea! Don't forget your manners!" Darrell hissed at her. 
"What do titles matter?" She crossed her arms with a huff.
"A lot!" 
"That's enough," Chey sighed, "No fighting. Apologize to Her Majesty and Lady Dorothea." 
The pair glared at each other. She nudged them.
Darrell was first. 
"I'm sorry Queen Petra, Lady Dorothea…" 
"Sorry…" Fiona mumbled quickly just after him. 
Harry babbled something that nobody understood. Dorothea laughed, and took him from Lily. He squealed happily, and pulled her hair. She winced, but laughed. 
"Your apology is accepted, little ones," Petra knelt down to smile at Fiona and Darrell, "It is a pleasure to see you again." 
The two smiled brightly at her in response. 
"What do you say?" Chey prompted. 
"Thank you Queen Petra!" The two chorused, before running off into the back playfully shoving each other. 
"Ah…" the caretaker watched them run off, "I'll have to scold them later… I'm sorry." 
"Don't worry about it," Dorothea laughed, "You seem to be handling them well." 
"Ah, well… I'm not quite sure how I ended up with four of them. I picked up Lily off the streets and since then… Well I haven't been able to say no to them like that," the caretaker laughed softly, "Will you be staying for a visit your Majesty? Lady Dorothea?" 
"Please?" Lily added with a smile. 
Harry babbled and giggled happily. 
"I'm sure we can stay for a little bit," Petra nodded. 
"Of course," Dorothea smiled brightly, "It would be a pleasure." 
Lily cheered, and Harry babbled. The royal pair followed her into the backroom with a laugh. 
The meeting room was silent. 
Dorothea suppressed a sigh. Shamir glanced at her from across the room.
"...and that is why I believe we should cut off trade entirely. I don't mean to be accusing, but recent affairs have proven my suspicions." 
The noble from Dagda would not shut up. He kept going on and on about how Fodlan's recent battles proved them unstable, and their rocky relationship with surrounding areas didn't help. 
"Lord Hanth, please," Ferdinand sighed, "I can assure you with 100% positivity that Fodlan is unified in all ways. I ask that you please refrain from this incessant blabbering about us being unstable, when it is not backed up by factual evidence." 
Hanth scowled, "Of course you would say that, Lord Aegir. You're FROM Fodlan-"
Petra sighed, "Lord Hanth, with all due respect, I can fully support Lord Aegir's claims as witness. Dorothea and I were present for the unification of Fodlan." 
"That is not the only issue!" Hanth snapped, "Her, for example!" He pointed at Shamir, "Why is a citizen of Dagda-"
"I'm from Dagda, yeah," Shamir crossed her arms, "I came to Fodlan as a mercenary. Lord Aegir hired me." 
Ferdinand raised an eyebrow at the Dadga lord.
"We were invaded once-" 
"You started that fight," Dorothea pointed out.
He scowled, "I refuse to do trade until both Fodlan and Brigid have proven their stability. With that, I believe this meeting is over." 
He turned and stomped out. 
"...Geez," Nader sighed, "What a guy." 
Dorothea jumped. She had forgotten about the Almyran general. 
"General Nader, thoughts?" Petra looked over. 
"I got no problem with trade, long as Fodlan doesn't interfere with our merchants," the general shrugged, "Might have to double check with the king on that though." 
"I see. In that case, do what you must," she nodded. 
"...Shamir, are all the nobles from Dagda like that?" Ferdinand asked. 
"Dunno," Shamir shrugged, "I haven't been there in years." 
"Well," Dorothea sighed, "I suppose not trading with Dagda isn't too much of a loss…" 
"I am sure we can manage," Petra nodded, "Ferdinand? Are you confirming a trade with Brigid?" 
"But of course!" Ferdinand smiled, "And I hope we can establish trade with Almyra as well!" 
"Hah! Sounds good!" Nader laughed. 
"Shall we shake on it then?" The nobleman asked. 
"Yes," Petra nodded, and held out her hand. She shook with Ferdinand, then Nader, and then the two shook hands with each other.
It was agreed. 
Ruling a country that once was a vassal to another wasn't easy. Especially not when there were relationships she had to repair with other kingdoms, but maybe… just maybe, she could do it. 
As long as she had Dorothea, the person whom she is said to have loved the most, standing at her side.
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