must4rds33d · 1 year
Can you post more of your Jane/Rochester ship art?? Your drawings give me life every time I see them I beg I beeeeg they are so silly and to me the age gap is not real
WHATTTT no way thank you so much 😭🫂!! i’ll try to make more art of them bc i have nothing else to post anymore (and i’m not proud of my other works bc they were done on a whim heh) the truth is i’m still on art hiatus since last year bc of burnout LMAO but jane eyre inspired me to make silly and indulgent drawings again🗣️🗣️🗣️ it reminded me that i can draw for fun and without pressure. it’s just me and a pair of esoteric fictional characters 🤝
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summerof336bc · 2 years
hhh having feelings about i speak six languages
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snazzyscarf · 3 months
long term scarf followers will know it’s about due time for my inevitable yearly 25th Annual listen & since that always coincides with rotating The Character in some way let it be known that if I wasn’t as committed to keeping it relatively serious i would put I Speak Six Languages on my hajime & izuru playlist. if i had an izuru playlist where i could get silly with it i would put that on there. but i do not. so it just needs to be spoken instead
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a-tear-in-space · 2 years
Treating everyone to rambles about my SDV OCs even though nobody asked...
- The only human
- Sleeps a lot
- Hates fishing. Never even tried it.
- Hates speaking to people
- Doesn't really care about relationships as such. If it happens, it happens, if it doesn't, it doesn't.
- The farmer
- The forager
- Part Arctic Fox and has several fox-like characteristics
- Used to eat oranges with the skin on
- Scared of frogs
- Usually found sleeping in a cave or in the secret woods
- In a relationship with Sebastian
- Part deer
- Flamboyant as hell, likes to drape his antlers with ribbons and bits of fabric
- friends with Emily (the two of them can often be found talking about interests they share)
- Long hair is bae (frequently mistaken for a girl and does not care)
- The fighter (will not hesitate to kick the shit out of any monsters)
- Was once seen staggering out of the mines at 11pm by Sebastian, covered in blood and dust and looking like he was about to kill someone
- Merling
- The fisher
- ✨️Ethereal✨️
- Has way too much jewellery
- Friends with Elliot and Alex
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countessdankula · 5 months
@brokenbackmountain @unamazing-sheep21
Thank you so much @sobashuu
Spectacularly chilling.
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We are far too unamazed when it comes to the patience of God because we grossly underestimated the wickedness of our sins.
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noctuaspine · 3 months
So I never posted this, cool, cool. I HATE ART I HATE TUMBLR okay bye.
Art trade with @unamazing-sheep21, Kaeya and Lumine as Yuta and Rika from Jujutsu Kaisen.
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Bonus under cut.
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mean-green-girl · 1 year
Love At First Slice (Leosagi)
“Why do you always have to have the last word? Why can’t I be right?” Screamed the red eared slider while opening a portal to the entrance of his favorite pizza place, the one and only: Run of the Mill.

His day had been packed with stress, and to top it off, Donnie’s bickering did not help him at that moment. He was trying his best to plan attacks as a team, but today was… well, not his best attempt. Leo knew he had to be serious about their missions, he started to act like a leader, or at least he tried to, he just needed a breather for a second.

He sighed while sitting at the first free table he saw, he knew Señor Hueso wouldn’t mind, so he just took the liberty of doing so. He had his arms crossed on the table, lying his head on them while trying to clear up his mind, when he heard footsteps coming toward him.

“Hello, what can I get for you today?” Was the only thing he heard before he sat straight. He started to fidget with his own hands, and didn’t really think before ordering, he was to lost in his own head to even look at the waiter in the face.

“Can you get me, like, the biggest slice of Hawaiian possible?”

“Sure thing, anything to drink?” Was this a new waiter? He didn’t recognize the voice, but he sounded friendly.

“Just water please.” Leo didn’t get the chance to look at the waiter, before he knew it he was being surrounded by his brothers and April.

“We’ll have a large, bacon and pepperoni, and ginger ale!” Added Mikey with excitement, being his usual cheerful self.

“Will do! Your order will be here as soon as possible.” He replied happily, Leo only got to see a flash of black from his apron before the waiter ran off.

“Guys, why are you here?” Asked Leo with a bit of irritation in his voice, looking up to see his brothers and sister. Donnie was sitting across from him, crossed arms in front of his chest, evading al sort of eye contact. Raph, Mikey and April were looking straight at Donnie, expecting something, maybe his formal apology to his twin.

“After a lengthy seminar brought to us by Dr. Feelings, I have accepted that I was wrong. I ask for your forgiveness, after being a bit of a jerk.” Said Donnie all of a sudden, in his typical monotone voice. Even though he apologized with said tone, Leo knew it has sincere by the sad and side eye look his brother threw at him. “And I do realize that your plan was actually heading somewhere” He added in a whisper.

“It’s ok, I just needed a breather guys. But next time, please, don’t doubt me, bro.” Leo shrugged his shoulders, sending a little smirk toward his twin.

“So, now that we’re in better terms, what about a movie marathon?” Chimed Mikey to lighten up the mood

“That sounds real nice, Lou Jitsu tonight?” Asked the leader with a much happier tone. They spent the next fifteen-ish minutes talking about that marathon, until Leo came up with one of his jokes.

“Not funny Nardo, lamest. Joke. Ever” Replied his twin with an unamazed tone, looking at Leo with a dead expression. Sometimes his brother blurted out pure nonsense.

“Here’s your order.” He heard the waiter, he tilted his head to see his precious slice of Hawaiian being served. He looked lightly over the waiter, and then he noticed he was covering a small laugh with his notepad. Leo spit a few words that ended in something that barely got understanded as a ‘Thanks’ while he blushed wildly. The waiter nodded and gifted him a smile before returning to the kitchen. “I’ll come back with the pizza as soon as it gets out of the oven.”

“Leon, buddy, you ok?” Asked the older brother when he saw his brother, who was processing everything with wide eyes and pink cheeks. “Guys, I think he had a stroke” Raph pointed at his brother with his thumb.

“Did you guys see him?” the red eared slider had excitement in his voice, and pure joy showing on his facial expression. “He just laughed at my joke!” The sheer happiness inside Leo was trying to cover up that quick heartbeat of his, and the weird nots in his stomach he felt when looking at the bunny yokai. He was definitely gonna ask Señor Hueso about him later that day.

“Oh please, I think he was laughing at the joke for being pathetic Leon, you can do better than that” His twin crossed his arms, fully knowing the cause for his brothers flustered expressions.

“You’re just jealous because you’ve never been able to make anyone, aside from dad, laugh.” Leo just showed his tongue to Donnie, making him show pure disgust by his facial expressions. Donnie looked to the side and pretended he didn’t see the waiter coming towards their table. “Admit it Don-tron, your twin can easily get a laugh from any cute yokai, I’m just that-” He was cut off by said cute yokai, when he saw him place the pizza at the table.

“Flattered” The Yokai interrupted him with a smirk. “Ginger ale for you guys’, and water for the ‘cute Yokai’. I’ll be around if you need me.” The rabbit gave Leo his glass of water directly, winking subtly at him, which made Leo’s cheeks turn red.

The table was slightly silent, because Mikeys comments were pretty loud sometimes, but as soon as the rabit left their line of sight, the panic broke in the table, leaving the smallest brother confused.

“He just straight up flirted with you!” April screamed towards the blue masked turtle, making blush even harder, while he blabbered again. Leo shook his head, trying to compose himself, feeling his brain short-circuit.

“At least he’s a man of detail, I partially approve” Raph signaled toward the glass of water, helping them notice the small flower that decorated the glass.

“Dude, you are SO gonna ask him out” Commented Mikey with his mouth full of pizza.

And ask him out he did, after blurting out some panic induced one liners that did not make sense at all. The white rabbit laughed at his attempt, with barely noticeable pink cheeks, before nodding and writing something in his notepad before handing Leo the piece of paper.

“Yuichi Usagi” He smiled.

“Leonardo Hamato” And with that, Leo walked out of Run Of The Mill Pizza, with a date for next Friday and the rabbits’ phone number. Pretty successful ‘breather’ if you ask him.
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eva-eyre · 3 months
tagged by @burningvelvet 💙💙
“Rules: Make a poll with five of your all-time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favourite!”
this is honestly a mix of characters that I relate to and characters that I am in love with…
I tag @marlocandeea @gaykagome @mistressaccost @urfellowrabbitkid @unamazing-sheep21
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artist-rat · 2 years
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commission for @unamazement​ 🕯️❄️
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amphibimations · 8 months
thank you for carrying the wuthering heights fandom i owe you my life
THATS SO NICE OF YOU TO SAY thank you!!! 😭❤️
i owe my life to all the other people also contributing to the WH fandom. Have you seen @pizza-hats-of-the-world-1882 ‘s wuthering heights fanart? Absolutely amazing. OH… i should list a bunch of people who’s WH fanart i like: @unamazing-sheep21 @t00nyah @heathcliffgirl1847 @corvidayyy @hiekka @lausdoodles @delziae
Im probably forgetting people too. I’ve reblogged so much WH stuff its hard to remember all of it. People who have done wh fanart should advertise themselves in the notes.
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must4rds33d · 1 year
Have you ever seen Makoto Shinkai's "Your Name"/"Ki Mi No Na Wa"? I've always thought the movie fits Jane/Edward so well ! ( with the theme of twilight and the red string and being able to communicate across time and space and whatnot)
oh my god. you’re so RIGHT!! i haven’t rewatched it for a longgg while and now that you’ve mentioned, i’ll gladly do so that i can appreciate the parallels between that and JE (like aside from the red string and the otherwordly communication… the twilight!!! ahh i see it! i get it!) thank you for sharing this brilliant connection ><
kimi no na wa is one of the prettiest films i’ve watched in my life too… and now that i can associate it with my favorite novel, it makes it so much better
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burningvelvet · 9 months
Happy New Year user unamazing-sheep21! And oh no suddenly I'm in a beautiful sexy pleasure villa in the French mediterranean with servants and jewels... oooh noooo....
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a-tear-in-space · 2 years
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pumpumdemsugah · 3 months
Some people always find it interesting how unamazed I am by my own hair texture, especially given I had a full blown hair care phase for years . Idk what age I realised the type of obsession people wanted me to have with some of my features was a dead end but thank you younger me.
I don't have a perfect self esteem, far from but I'm glad I didn't indulge the way I was encouraged to because you always end up embarrassing yourself from that world view. You can like yourself without all of that.
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fangirls-other-art · 6 months
Your art will never not be unamazing to me.
You can totally feel that way about my art, anon, no one is required to like it ^^
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