#uncle vesemir
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Uncle Vesemir in cat armor
Original pic by ningnomaningnong, and my enhancements in PS and Lightroom.
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winters-mistress · 6 months
Of gentle wolves and healing princesses
It's a slow process, all things considered. It had been impressive enough that Ciri had even woken up from her injury at all, let alone begun to heal from it. Vesemir tells the twice grassed pup that even fully grown witchers have fallen from injuries like that one. But still, the girl awakens.
Because of the fall, her head had been banged up pretty tightly, Eskel and Vesemir taking turns changing the bandages and boil washing them in their best bet to ward off infection. But as the days go by, Geralt watches Cirilla remain awake for stretches longer and longer, even starting to respond to stimuli and respond to questions at the end of the first week of bed boundness.
Coën takes to slowly maneuvering her limbs as she's in bed. Bending her knees and extending her arms and rotating her torso. It's to keep her blood flowing, he tells the wolves, before admonishing them for their lack of knowledge on the clotting of human blood. Not enough movement could still the blood and kill her just as easily as the fall or infection could. Geralt is just greatful the Griffin has the instinct to take such good care of the white wolf's pup, for his instinct is to still protect the girl fiercely.
Lambert is the least helpful when it comes to Cirilla's recovery. He drank himself into a stupor the first night she had fallen, and had his face pummelled in by Geralt on the second. It had taken all four of the other witchers to separate them both, the two growling witchers thrashing as they fought with fists flying instead of the wooden swords of their youth.
By the start of week two, Ciri can swallow broth and thin soups, can move her body after vials of pure poppyseed milk to stop the pain, and Geralt is relieved when the bandages come off that reveal a clean wound, sewn up and sealing over with scabs and iodine. They keep a bandage on there just in case, but nowhere as dramatic as the others she had been wearing all that week.
After the wound is closed, Eskel and Coën and Geralt wash Cirilla's hair clean of the multitude of fluids that maar the girl's pretty blonde hair. Vesemir took the time to brew up a soup with small cooked root vegetables, while Lambert was scheduled to make more healing potions thag wouldn't melt the poor girls insides.
By week three, Cirilla can wash herself with a flannel and eat thick soups of barley and potato. She can sit up by herself now and hold a slow conversation. Her words are slow, slurred and take a while longer to understand their responses. Lambert drinks himself into a bucket again, and Vesemir tans his hide for it.
Geralt is impressed as the girl begins to get restless in her bedrest and sees the spark returning as she tries to get up and explore. He feels like Vesemir when he tells her that she needs to walk before she can run, but will stay by her side as she steadies herself and holds her hands as she climbs to her feet.
The witchers are honestly mighty impressed that it takes them only a day to start walking the length and around Ciri's room, and only another fir her yo walk from one wall to the next without Geralt's hands to support her, even if she falls into them when she's scaled this hurdle.
Day by day, they walk a little further in the keep and Geralt carries her less and lesson their way back. Her words get quicker in speed and understanding and the promises of a visit yo the horses or the hunting dogs or the livestock keep Cirilla motivated when she cannot put one foot in front if the other anymore.
But they get there, one step at a time, a harem of large, mutated witchers and a pretty princess who has just as much strength as them.
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podcastenthusiast · 2 years
Really think there's something to be said about Vesemir and the Kaer Morons putting in the effort--because it wouldn't always be easy--not only to train Ciri as a witcher, but to help her heal from her trauma (and maybe in the process heal some of their own) by giving her a safe and supportive and happy home, a place where she had a chance to have the childhood they never really did (apart from Vesemir's bedtime stories of course).
The witcher fortress was, I've no doubt, a minefield of bad memories for them all. Can't even imagine how Vesemir felt seeing a child at the keep again, maybe wearing some poor trainee's old clothes. How hard it must've been for them not to think about what they went through and everything/everyone they lost when Ciri inevitably asked questions.
Even so, despite having no idea what to do with her sometimes, they tried so hard to ensure Kaer Morhen would be nothing less than a good home for this young human girl. Which it was, because she was loved so much there. And I think that's beautiful.
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astaldis · 5 months
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@whumpers-monthly​  @whumpril​
Chapters: 3/?     Words: 7,820 Fandom: The Witcher (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Geralt of Rivia, Vesemir (The Witcher), Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, Yennefer of Vengerberg, Coën (The Witcher), Lambert (The Witcher), Jaskier | Dandelion 
Relationships:Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach & Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Cahir Mawr Dryffyn aep Ceallach & Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, Cahir, Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach/Yennefer of Vengerberg, Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach & Vesemir, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon & Jaskier, Geralt of Rivia & Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy & Vesemir, Jaskier & Yennefer of Vengerberg, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon & Geralt of Rivia
Summary: At Kaer Morhen, Cahir tells Ciri something that makes her scream ...
Excerpt from Chapter 3: 
"Fuck," Geralt says after a moment of silence.
"Fuckety fuck, that is bad indeed," Jaskier adds with a deep sigh. "Come here, darling, let me dry those tears." He fishes a frilly, pink handkerchief from his vest pocket and, hugging her even closer, gently dabs at Ciri's eyes. Yet, now the tears begin to flow for real and Ciri starts to sob uncontrollably in Jaskier's arms. Tears of grief for her dead grandfather and grandmother, for the loss of her childhood, her home, for all the death and destruction and pain that followed, but also for the evil things she has done and is ashamed of. And for Cahir who might be dying because of her.
"Here, my daughter, drink this. It will make you feel better." Geralt holds a mug in front of her tear-streaked face when the sobs finally cease. Surprised, she looks up into his concerned face. In her grief she did not even notice that he had left the room.
Ciri takes a sip. Warm milk with honey. It does make her feel better. And very sleepy. As soon as the mug is empty, Geralt and Jaskier tuck her in. Then Jaskier starts to sing a lullaby for her. It is not the one she expected but one she has never heard before. A fairytale song about a little tin soldier with only one leg and his tiny ballerina, and their eternal love. It is beautiful and sad and exactly what she needs to finally fall asleep, secure in the knowledge that her family is always there for her. Never lost, always found, like in the fairytale.
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essskel · 1 year
I always have to lead with the disclaimer that while there are tons of parallels between Geralt and Lancelot, they are still fundamentally different characters to me and to boil Geralt of Rivia down to a Lancelot analogy would be butchery HOWEVER.
Uncle Dap is to Lancelot as Vesemir is to Geralt
-> There is some part of you that hates this man for taking your childhood and making you into a perfect killer, but what else was there? He saved you, didn’t he? Is he your father? Your squire? You don’t know, but he’s old now and his hair is white. It’s no use causing a scene.
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inexplicifics · 1 month
More snippet requests: L/A/V save that alpha, L/V/M begone to the witchers, Stitch witch Milena. (Am I going through and asking for snippets of everything that I think sounds interesting? Yes, yes I am.)
Save That Alpha:
The thing is, Lambert is one of her favorite uncles. He taught her to throw a bomb accurately, and curse like a drover, and make a human-safe version of Swallow. He’s prickly and coarse and short-tempered, but he was one of the few Wolves who treated her as anything but a strange burden. She doesn’t want him to spend the rest of his long life mourning an alpha he lost when he was even younger than she is now. And she’s the Lady of Time and Space, isn’t she? And a fully-trained witcher, even if she’s not mutated. That means there shouldn’t really be a challenge out there she can’t overcome with wits or speed or a good sharp sword.
Begone to the Witchers:
“How did the training hike go?” “Well enough; one of the lads found a berry bush.” Aubry is smiling faintly; he’s very fond of his little lads. He’s been in charge of the youngest trainees - the lads too young even for weapons training - for a few decades now, and he’s good at it, patient and calm and gentle. Lambert would’ve been a lot less of a bastard if his first trainer had been someone like Aubry. “Are there any berries left on it?” Vesemir asks dryly. Aubry snorts. “A few. Very high up.”
Thread mage!Milena:
Three big men come storming in through the doorway. Milena has a split second to choose: flee through the portal, or try to protect her bound Guardian. Any other mage she has ever met would run. She lunges across the cabin to fling herself across Aiden’s body, between him and the drawn swords of their attackers, crying, “No! Leave him be!” as she pushes power into the embroidery of her cloak, the shield spell throwing brilliant light onto the walls of the cabin. It ought to deflect weapons made of anything from steel to obsidian, as Milena throws enough power into it that she’s surprised the cloak doesn’t disintegrate. To her surprise, the Wolves pause, swords still held high. And then their leader, a big redhead with a wild light in his eyes, snaps, “Bind and bring them both!”
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shy-urban-hobbit · 1 year
For the first time in a long time, Eskel wasn’t the first one back. It wasn’t surprising, apparently Geralt had arrived back a fortnight ago, anxious to be back with Ciri. The child was currently sat at one of the long tables, legs swinging as she drew in the blank journal Vesemir had given her whilst the adults talked amongst themselves. It was to be a welcome home present for her Uncle Eskel and therefore, she was determined to make it the best picture of her entire six years.
“I ran into Lambert a couple of months back.” Eskel said as he finished warming up by the roaring fire in the great hall after his climb up to Kaer Morhen, “He said he’s bringing his Cat with him this year.”
Vesemir nodded, “Meaning he’ll be coming from further South, so we should expect him a little later.”
Ciri looked up at that, “Uncle Lambert has a cat?”
“Hmm? Yes, Aiden.”  Geralt answered, attention still mostly on his brother.
Ciri gave an excited wiggle. Her grandmother had never allowed her to have a pet. The closest she’d come was the cat owned by one of the courtiers; a fat, fluffy thing with a squashed face named Pumpkin (something which had confused Ciri, considering the cat wasn’t orange). She imagined pulling a string for them to chase, sitting petting them whilst Uncle Eskel read to her from one of the storybooks he’d decided wasn’t too grown up for her like he had last winter. Maybe she’d be allowed to have them sleep in her room sometimes. Oh yes, Ciri couldn’t wait!
“Papa, where will Aiden be sleeping?” Ciri had looked all around the Keep and she couldn’t find anything resembling a cat bed. Not even a cushion like the one Pumpkin would spend all day sitting on.
“He usually shares with Lambert.” Geralt said, as he tucked her in, “He’ll have his own room too though. Just incase.”
Ciri blinked. The cat was going to have its own room, “Why?”
“He’s like anybody else. He likes to have his own space sometimes or he gets grumpy. You warm enough?”
She nodded, feeling her eyelids already starting to grow heavy, “Goodnight, Papa.”
“Goodnight, Cub.”
Ciri was perched on one of the kitchen counters, munching on a couple of carrot sticks Eskel had handed to her when a thought struck her, “Uncle Eskel, will Aiden have to catch and eat the rats?”
Eskel laughed loudly and had to pause in his vegetable chopping so he didn’t lose a finger, “You know, I only said that as a joke about your Uncle Lambert’s cooking, right? And no, Cub, there’s more than enough here for Aiden too. Nobody's going to go hungry.”
“Okay.” Ciri nodded and went back to her snack, satisfied with her answer she’d gotten.
 Geralt reported seeing smoke halfway down the mountain. Lambert would be home by tomorrow.
“Will Aiden like me?”
Pumpkin had hissed and scratched at her if she ever tried to pet him or play with him after all. Even though she was nice and never tried to pull his tail or anything like that.
Vesemir ruffled her hair, “He’ll love you, Cub. Just do as you do with everyone else here and take heed if he wants to be left alone, alright? Don’t go chasing him.”
“We were worried you wouldn’t make it.” Geralt said, embracing Lambert in a rough hug, not waiting for the other to shake the snow off his cloak and boots, “Thought we’d have to come down and dig you out. Aiden.” He extended a hand to the stranger, who grasped it tightly.
Ciri stared up at the man stood next to her uncle. The man her papa had called Aiden. He was a little shorter and leaner, but still tall with green eyes and a friendly smile, his curly black hair flecked with snow and tied back from his face.
“You’re not a cat.”
That drew their attention. Aiden cocking his head towards her with an “Eh?” whilst Geralt hissed her name in admonishment.
Ciri crossed her arms, “Papa, you all said Uncle Lambert was bringing a cat back.”
“Geralt, what is she-“
Aiden put a hand on Lambert's forearm, interrupting him,  “I think I see what’s happened.”
He crouched so he was level with the little girl, fighting to keep down his laughter lest she think it was directed at her and not the situation (Eskel had already lost that battle and had retreated to the kitchen), “I’m a Cat in the same way your Uncle Lambert’s a Wolf. That’s my school, see.” He held out his medallion for Ciri to get a good look at.
“There’s other Witcher schools?”
“A year here and she doesn’t know that. What the fuck have you actually been teaching her, old man?”
“Lambert, watch your language!”
Ciri turned big eyes on the group, “So, there’s no cat for me to play with?”
“Oh I wouldn’t say that, Cub. I’m always up for a round of hide and seek, and I bet you’ve found all the best hiding places by now.”
Ciri nodded, it was true. When she wasn’t at lessons with Grandpa Vesemir, she’d had a lot of time to explore.
Aiden gave her an easy grin, “Great.” He dropped his voice to a stage whisper, “You can show me the best places to hide from your Uncle. It’s always funny making him jump.”
Ciri giggled.
“Alright, back to your lessons now Ciri. Let Lambert and Aiden get settled.”
 Ciri took Geralt’s hand, letting him lead her to the library. They may have waited until Ciri was out of earshot, but Geralt heard all too clearly the Cats laughter and Jaskier-worthy exclamations about how she was “Too fucking adorable!”. Geralt smiled down at the little blonde head. Yes, she most definitely was.
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plotvichka · 7 months
Family doing baby Ciri's hair
I think everyone agrees Geralt is the "messy pigtails" kind of dad and there's really nothing else to discuss.
Meanwhile Yen allows Ciri to choose a hairstyle every morning (and she can do incredibly complicated ones if her daughter wants her to) and Ciri decides to match with her mommy every. single. morning. So Yen ends up always doing the same hairstyle twice: one for herself and one for Ciri. She never shows how she feels about it, but Geralt can see her teary smiles when she turns away from Ciri.
And Jaskier is the uncle who lets her go crazy with her hair and she comes home to her parents with a ton of sparkly hair clips and a couple of strands dyed in bright colors. He's not allowed to be alone with her for the next month after that as Yen is still planning his murder.
Uncle Eskel totally loves to braid her hair. Vesemir tells Ciri to do her hair herself because she is a big girl after all and Ciri agrees.
After a day spent with uncle Lambert literally no one can tell he brought the wrong child before all the mud is cleaned and there's a random kid instead of Ciri.
And no, sorceresses are NOT allowed to see Ciri. Even Triss. The girl betrayed her "little sis" more than once why would anyone trust her again. The lodge of sorceresses is like a bunch of evil godmothers who no one chose to be godmothers but they decided it themselves and now they are here.
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tigerlyla-of-metinna · 5 months
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Uncle Vesemir
Dark contrast and low saturation with emboss fx at low opacity.
Photoshop edit of my PS5 shot.
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endiness · 2 months
"Then when you play the video games, and I remember in the video game in Witcher 3, when Ciri goes to Kaer Morhen and you see her interactions, especially there with Vesemir and this kind of like Santa Claus, like uncle grandfather playfulness he has. It just immediately stood out to me like, who was this man when he was in his twenties, so to speak. Before he had been on the path for decades and been worn down, lost friends and allies, and all of this. That’s just kind of what made him interesting to me is like that guy was probably a cocky, playful swashbuckler who just was unlike any witcher we’ve seen before."
"The idea for Vesemir came from looking at how he interacts with Ciri in the books and in the video games as an older man. There's a playfulness there. There's a bit of a mischievous quality to him. And I kind of looked at that and went, 'What was this guy like in his early 20s?' In backwards engineering that, I came to this idea that he could have been a very swashbuckling, kind of a braggart, casanova, charismatic character."
between this and demayo also saying that he based young!vesemir's characterization going off of the opposite of geralt's, i don't buy that he read the books at all t b h
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roughentumble · 5 months
i feel like the witcher netflix is setting everyone who cares about ciri against her, and its kind of upsetting
yennefer, her loving mother? tries to sacrifice her to a demon
vesemir, her loving grandfather figure? steals her blood, uses it to make more witcher mutagens, tries to turn her into a witcher which had something like a 2 in 3 chance of killing her
eskel, her big brother and mentor, only ever kind and sweet to her? basically calls her a bitch the first time he sees her, says that if he got a princess surprise he would sleep with her(despite ciri being like 12-16)
lambert, her fast friend, her best buddy? sneeringly calls her a princess, tells her she's not good enough, blames her for things that arent her fault
jaskier, nee dandelion, her loving uncle, who actively lies to spymasters to protect geralt and ciri's location? selling her out to redania for his own safety, in the hopes that the man who tortured him dies
no one is truly on ciri's side anymore. who does she have left who hasnt betrayed her in some sense? this vulnerable young girl with the whole world against her? its heartbreaking. why does this series not want ciri to have /anyone/?
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bluujae · 26 days
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Marauders Era, baby
Strap in, I tried to keep it to the need to know basis only, but there's still a lot bc I like to ramble
Meet the family, House Malyx
House Malyx is a house that brings dread.
“Oderint dum metuant.”— Let them hate, so long as they fear. The family motto.
To carry the Malyx name was to “bear a weight greater than God and gold”, if one believed in such things. They're dark artists. Their blood entered this world with the bearings of Hell, natural born sorcerers. A gift and an eventual curse. Due to their mixed blood, Malyx have a tendency to live longer than most, although death finds them as easily as anyone else in the end— And when it does, their flesh gives way to dreadful revisions of what once was. They become secrets to be kept behind the locked and charmed doors of their estate, buried deep under the floorboards.
The current state of the house holds ten members, including two wives who married in and two brothers who were brought from a separate arrangement. At the head of House stands Amaris Malyx, hailing at 142 years old but only looks about 65 at most. Her only husband passed when she hit 100. Between them, they had one sole son. Vesemir Malyx, who hails at 120 years old though only looks to be in his 60’s and married to his wife Wilhelmina, with 3 children. Two boys, one girl. The oldest was Ciro, who has yet to marry and shows no signs of attempting any time soon. Nyathera the middle child has proven, thus far, to be too wild for any true suitor but she has countless admirers. Then the youngest, Ambrose is the only child who’s married. Having settled down with the previously divorced Irina, who brought two sons with her; Morvan and Dimitri. Eventually conceiving a young son with Irina, now the youngest heir— the pride and joy of the house. That’s me :)
My father, uncle, and aunt are all at varying ages in their late 40’s early 50’s. Within the next decade and some change, their physical appearances will slow in aging.
Back in America, Vesemir had been a Wampus and Wilhelmina a Horned Serpent. Ciro and Ambrose had both been Thunderbirds, while their sister Nyathera had been a Wampus like their father.
In Britain, Irina had been a Gryffindor while her two boys had been sorted into Slytherin. Then I, while in America had been a Horned Serpent. When transferred to Hogwarts I’d been sorted into Hufflepuff— much to the amusement of both brothers.
House Malyx moved from America, where they truly come from is unknown.
Ambrose Malyx’s reputation came from how quickly he scaled the ladder of the MACUSA, becoming one of their best aurors, specializing in hunting down Sieges and dark wizards. The fact remained, Ambrose took after his now retired father and brother. He was and is one hell of an auror.
Earning enough of a reputation that he was headhunted for a position under M.O.M. He agreed to be a temporary fill in overseas for some time, where he met Irina. When it was time to go back he brought her with him. The two proceeded to be married and for the first 13 years of my life I was raised in America. When my mother grew homesick, my father packed us up without a second thought and moved the whole family to Britain— well known by that point for giving in to his wife’s every whim. Thus, I transferred during my 3rd year. In the meantime, my father clawed his way up and became Head Auror.
We’re picking this bad boy up at the beginning of 6th year.
The only real last thing to note is that House Malyx’s ‘psuedo-immortality’ isn’t, or wasn’t, really a known subject outside of America. However, there was a collision of two revered families when they briefly came into contact with House Black. At the time, Amaris was 120 meeting a 23 year old Orion Black. You can imagine the horror and fear when she turns back up 22 years later looking no different and with three generations under her.
And if anyone is wondering who the S.P is in this skit— There’s three iterations of this, so depending on which one I’m currently running it’s either:
James Potter
Sirius Black
Regulus Black
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winters-mistress · 7 months
The wolf pups
Of all the things Cirilla expected to find when Geralt had taken her to his mysterious Keep, the dogs were the things she hadn't expected. The horses were obvious, pigs and sheep and cows, all livestock equally as expected. Housemice and cats, less so until she saw how dusty and dirty the Keep had become. But dogs? That had been the unexpected one.
They're somewhere between wolves and shepherds. Too big and fluffy to be just shepherds, but too obedient and faithful to be pureblood wolves. But they're beautiful and such a pro to the cold, windy keep that Cirilla couldn't help but squeak in excitement as she looked upon them all for the first time.
They're beautiful creatures, white, black, red and grey. Some are pure colour, some a mix of two, three or all four colours. Beautiful and fluffy and large, a mix of brood studs and breeding bitches, old dogs and young pups all together in the largest room behind the kitchens, warm even in the coldest winter weeks.
Geralt had told her that they're for hunting. Vesemir says they make good company in the months he doesn't stray far from the keep. Eskel says they make good friends with the sheep, give them good exercise so they don't get too fat to breed. Lambert says they're annoying, slobbery mutts who get in the way. Coën finds them charming beasts, often grinning whenever one of the dogs come close. Aiden took a bit longer to get used to them, and rather stays with the cats who find unusual places to sleep, but even he has been caught rubbing their fur and squishing their faces.
Ciri loves them, spending a lot of time with the bigger beasts who are permitted to roam the large keep, and the smaller pups who are confined to the room. They're so soft and fluffy and make perfect makeshift blankets when she lay at the fireplace and two large bodies splay over her, keeping her warm and weighing her down, keeping her in reality when the nightmares disturb her slumber.
Geralt finds her one day, giggling with the pups as they wrestle and climb all over her, running her fingers over the soft fur and kissing their gentle snouts. He grins as she laughs, a little tounge licking at her face. She deserves something nice after so many hardships.
He puts the shovel down. The stables can wait.
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ladyannemarie5 · 10 months
Geraskier Mamma Mia!AU
I started reading a wonderful fic on ao3 with the Mamma Mia theme titled "It's a Game We Play" by BambiRex (Geraskier/ Yennskier/ Radskier) and remembered I had a similar idea in my drafts with Jaskier, Geralt, Eskel and Lambert, so here it is.
Geralt, Eskel and Lambert live and run Kaer Morhen in the mountains, a residence for retired soldiers or those who simply can't find a home. The three brothers have been in charge of the place since Vesemir retired a few years ago and with them, the place has blossomed to welcome their brothers in arms in a calm and relaxed atmosphere. 
Ciri, Geralt's adopted daughter is a lovely teenager whose love and devotion lies with her father, uncles, aunts, grandfather and of course, her favorite singer: Jaskier. 
Ever since Ciri met Jaskier when she was in elementary school, her love and obsession for the singer grew more and more each day to the discomfort of her father and uncles. 
Every year without fail, Ciri hogs the TV room to watch the entire award season wherever Jaskier goes and that year is no exception. 
For some strange reason, Eskel, Lambert and Geralt always accompany Ciri to watch the awards. Their reason, they say, is to make sure the girl doesn't see anything inappropriate on TV. The teenager doesn't complain because she loves telling people about Jaskier and the meaning of his songs. 
Jaskier wins the Grammy for Album of the Year for the third year in a row to the delight of everyone present, and his speech changes everyone's life in Kaer Morhen. 
Jaskier gives the usual thanks to his friends, collaborators and others, and then thanks that wonderful summer love affair he experienced 10 years ago that was the complete inspiration for his winning album. He wishes the best to that man and says in a worldwide live broadcast that sometimes he still thinks about him. 
Ciri, social networks and media go crazy. Geralt, Eskel and Lambert too. 
And of course, Lambert opens his mouth to say that he can't believe Buttercup still thinks about him. The mouths of those present open wide and Ciri starts a whole barrage of questions. Lambert confesses and brags that he met Jaskier one summer 10 years ago and they spent a whole wonderful week together. But it doesn't end there, Eskel jumps in to say that if anyone inspired his Lark to write a Grammy winning album it's him, because apparently Eskel also spent a wonderful summer week by the singer's side. Last but not least, Geralt speaks for the first time since they sat down and confesses that he too spent a week with his Bard 10 years ago. 
From there begins a friendly fight of who is the winning muse of the great singer Jaskier, everyone starts analyzing lyric by lyric claiming that they are inspired by one of them. Everything is a joke (let's not talk that the 3 morons remember to perfection every moment lived with Jaskier and that sometimes they stay awake until the wee hours of the morning trying to remember more), until Jaskier, the great singer, arrives to Kaer Morhen. 
Ciri, fed up with their bickering and excited to be able to reconnect any of the fools with her favorite singer, contacts Jaskier to let him know that he is more than welcome to Kaer Morhen for more inspiration. 
Of course, a series of events begins where Jaskier plays with his wolves to keep them from guessing who has been the biggest muse in his life and which songs are for whom. 
Spoiler: In my mind and heart, Geralt is the obvious winner. 
As always, let me know what you guys think, if you want to add anything, if you don't like it, etc.
Also if you want to take the idea and write it, go ahead. Just remember to tell me so I can read it. The songs I imagine are entirely Taylor Swift songs, but if you have suggestions and for whom, feel free to let me know.
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finleycannotdraw · 2 years
I’ve finally gotten my hands on the witcher books and I’m three chapters into blood of elves and these are my thoughts so far
Geralt is a fucking sweetheart and the show doesn’t understand him
Dandelion and Jaskier are The Same. I want to marry him and also subject him to the ice bucket challenge. He is my silly little bisexual fun time girlboy boyfriend you’re too late sonic he’s forklift certified and he’s never going to die <3
the joey batey cake video is basically how I’m imagining how dandelion behaves as a person. “You’ve just caught me reading. Literature. *drops book on the floor* “we really don’t know how to-” *cabinet door comes off in his hand “FUCKING COCK” *pulling random things out of a cabinet* “lasagna sheets! we’re fucking in business” *bowl falls on the floor* “AW, COCK” “Jamie Oliver you’ve lied to me” “when in doubt—” *starts chugging wine* *mashing cake batter with a cucumber* “WHY WONT YOU DIE” *various cuts to him lying on the floor in stages of despair* “I don’t even like cake”
Timeline? Don’t know her. the show has certainly never met her
I would die and kill for Triss Merigold the show got her wrong too
Eskel <3333
Vesemir I love you
Ciri calls him “uncle vesemir” my found family heart is crying
Yennefer and Dandelion are friends
The show did them all dirty
Himbo witchers do not understand ibuprofen😔 but they drink their respect women juice so I will forgive them
Kaer Morons is a very very fitting term
Lambert <3333
There is more emotional maturity in the first 99 pages of the first book than in the entire netflix series
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inexplicifics · 1 month
I love every time you do an ask-meme with snippets it’s always amazing!
How about gaetan/letho in modern AU?
This is in the same universe as Out of the Night!
Gaetan thinks he's holding it together pretty well, really. Sure, Letho is exactly his type: enormous and brawny and scarred, with biceps bigger around than Gaetan's thighs and a rough-hewn ugliness that comes right around to a sort of handsomeness, at least in Gaetan's eyes. And Letho is also startlingly intelligent, shockingly widely read and with a biting wit that surprises Gaetan into laughter regularly. And, of course, the bastard has to also be good with children - with Julita, who adores him, and Ciri, who thinks of him as a sort of mobile jungle gym, and even Anna, who is hardly a child anymore but clearly trusts her Uncle Letho to give her good advice and protect her. All of which adds up to the single most devastatingly attractive person Gaetan has ever encountered. But Gaetan is being good. He and Kiyan are new to the Wolfe pack, brought in on the strength of Aiden's affection for them and Vesemir's astonishing approval, and he doesn't want to fuck up their acceptance. The Wolfe pack is so much better than the Cat gang that Gaetan would do nearly anything to keep his place there, but he knows that as of yet, his place is squarely at the bottom of the pack. He’s not going to fuck that up by making a pass at anyone. Sure, he’s reasonably sure Letho doesn’t have a significant other - the big man would have brought any lover to Sunday dinner, or at least mentioned their existence - but that doesn’t mean Letho has any interest in a scrawny little ex-Cat, and so Gaetan isn’t going to rock the boat by doing anything that might be unwelcome.
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