#underbite surgery
chatfieldbraces · 7 months
Achieve the healthy, radiant smile and properly functioning bite you deserve through professional underbite treatment cost tailored to your unique orthodontic needs.
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They’re playing fade into you in my oral surgeons office
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comradejoanmir · 1 year
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if i see my face in the mirror or in a photo/video i will think about it all day. And not in a narcissistic way, but in a "i litterally hate myself way"
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Underbite Surgery – All the Valuable Information You Should Know
Does your underbite prevent you from comfortably eating, sleeping, or swallowing? Underbite correction surgery may be necessary in such cases. Chronic discomfort (including TMJ), earaches, and headaches are all treatable by dentists. Long-term effects of an underbite include tooth wear, poor breath, and disturbed sleep.
If you have any of these issues, it is highly advised that you see a qualified dentist for assistance. If you want to find out more about underbite surgery in Charleston, read on.
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                                           Let's define underbite
When the lower jaw protrudes too far front of the upper jaw, a condition known as underbite results. The clinical term for an underbite is "class 3 malocclusion," while the colloquial term is "bulldog bite." The opposite of an overbite is underbite.
 Reasons for an underbite
According to research conducted by the University of Maryland Medical Center, heredity is the leading cause of underbites. Children may be predisposed to developing an underbite due to genetics. The likelihood that your kid will inherit your underbite is higher if you did.
Underbites may also be caused by habits like thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, or prolonged pacifier usage. However, these determinants are much less prevalent than genetics alone.
 Tell Me About the Orthodontist's Help!
Underbite correction orthodontics are widespread. Examining your jaw, teeth, and facial bones is an important part of our comprehensive assessment procedure. The treatment strategy for underbite will depend on the degree of the condition. We evaluate the underbite according to its severity, the patient's age, and the possible causes.
We advise parents to bring their children in by age seven if there are any indications of an underbite. An underbite may be prevented or treated more easily the earlier it is detected and addressed by our skilled staff.
Straightening the lower teeth using braces is a common procedure. Extraction of teeth may also be required. Expanders and other similar equipment may also be used to aid in the correction of bone growth. Not every patient with an underbite can be helped by braces and appliances.
 Is it necessary to fix an underbite?
To put it bluntly, underbites are unsightly. It may be socially unpleasant, particularly for youngsters, if other people interpret your expression as one you aren't intending to portray.
Additionally, underbites may lead to issues with chewing and swallowing, severe jaw discomfort (such as TMJ), trouble speaking, tooth decay due to worn down enamel, sleep apnea, snoring, and poor sleep quality.
Underbites should be corrected as soon as possible to prevent further problems. Several viable therapy alternatives exist, and we'll go through them immediately.
 When Should Operation Be Done?
An underbite may be fixed by having the jawbone reshaped and realigned by an oral surgeon. Orthogonal surgery is the medical term for this procedure. Depending on the extent of the problem, this procedure may either extend or shorten the lower jaw. It may be necessary to add or remove bone in certain patients. If the bone has to be stabilised following surgery, small plates or screws are employed.
When the jaw bones are completely developed, as they are in the late teens and adulthood, surgery may be used to treat an underbite.
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beemovieerotica · 1 month
Ok a bit nervy to come off anon for this but the Uglies movie trailer pissed me off a bit especially considering the main cast isn't that pale, iirc the girl was considered to be an olive skin tone and part of the Pretty procedure was to have your skin bleached to a "perfect (white) tan". The Uglies had overbites, underbites, crooked teeth, crooked noses, crossed eyes, etc. The main heros are already white and fit the white beauty standards and look "perfect".
Also the villian who notoriously thinks all of humanity needs to conform through extensive plastic surgery, being casted as a trans woman... 😬
LITERALLY no one considered the optics of this. and like at the bare minimum they could have cast fat actors/actresses who otherwise have perfect skin, hair, and teeth. imagine auditioning for a movie called "Uglies" and the casting call says beautiful people only, I can't deal with it
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spirngakawening · 10 months
Ruth Fleming wears headgear so I briefly researched ✨️Orthodontic Headgear✨️:
Used (in combination with braces) to correct jaw misalignment & dental crowding - helps avoid corrective jaw surgery later on
Basically comprised of a metal frame that's in some way attached to the teeth (metal/elastic to braces) and strapped to the head
There are a few different types of headgear:
cervical pull (for overbite/overjet)
reverse-pull (underbite/crossbite)
high-pull (open bite)
Ruth's looks like the reverse-pull type without a chin cup... I didn't find any images of real faceframes that exactly matched Ruth's tho
Must be worn for at least 12 hours daily - the more you wear it, the more effective, & skipping a day undoes progress
Can't be worn while eating - Ruth may remove her headgear to eat, not eat at school, or drink her lunch through a straw
Can't be worn during any activity that could involve impact to the face - Ruth may be exempt from gym lessons
Wearing overnight is encouraged
Headgear adjustments call for pain medication & soft foods
Hard parts are washed daily, soft pads/straps washed every few days - must dry before wearing again
Correction can take 1-2 years, sometimes longer
Usually people start wearing headgear as preteens, so Ruth either started later or has been wearing it for longer than usual
Adults usually wear headgear for minor misalignment correction or after an accident that affected the teeth/jaw (eg lost some teeth & is prepping for dental implants/dentures)
It's not impossible that Ruth needs headgear because Max wrecked her jaw/teeth
And/or Max may have extended Ruth's time in headgear by hitting her in the face while she was wearing it
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dragonfyre-creations · 2 months
hey ya'll!
so due to constant monetary issues i just can no longer keep up with, unfortunately im gonna need to ask for help with this. i have a class 3 underbite caused by a birth defect that needs to be corrected, on top of medical malpractice causing four of my teeth to be pulled when they shouldn't have been, overall just a lot of things that have been fucked up that are now causing physical issues. for the basic rundown, my top jaw needs to be moved forward and split into 3 parts so it can be widened, im going to need crowns on almost all of my teeth as years of improper alignment have worn them down so short many of them no longer make contact with eachother, the inflammation of my nasal tissue is getting to a point where im either constantly congested or at risk of an infection, and i cant eat solid food even remotely comfortably, and have been living off of soup for like, 3 weeks lmao. it's been like this since i was about 13, and has only gotten worse in about the last 2 months or so, but now that my doctor said im ready for surgery, all i need to $15k. ro is get the funds raised. at bare minimum, this surgery will cost to cover the expenses of travel (the surgery center doing it is almost 2 hours away, and i wont be able to drive myself home), taking the 6 week recovery time off work, and other expenses (food, rent, utilities, etc) will be almost twice that, calculated at around $36-$37k. im not going to ask for that much, as i know many people are in roughly the same boat i am where we're barely scraping by with $20 left after bills. if you can throw even just $1 my way, it would help immensely. the scheduled time for this surgery would've been back in february, but because i just havent been able to save up for it fast enough, it's now most likely going to be pushed back to november, or even next year. thank you for your time! i'll also be opening up commissions later if you'd prefer that instead, and will be linking my Kofi and Carrd as well https://www.gofundme.com/f/throw-a-spare-dollar-to-help-cover-ortho-surgery-costs
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Jessica Biel’s Pooch Is A Gift From Above!
When Jessica Biel came home to find her bulldog, East, with a mouthful of pink leather and ribbons, she was so mad she had to laugh. “I had left him home alone for an hour and he got into my closet, went into my ballet bag and took out my new point shoes.  I caught him with a pink ribbon dangling out of his mouth.  He looked up at me  with his big underbite, as if to say ‘Hmm?’ – with such a dopey looking face.”   East, an English and American bulldog mix was adopted by Biel’s beau, Chris when the two were just friends, but soonafter they became a couple – no – an inseperable threesome.  East is still brimming with puppy-ness  –  he’s very excitable – and a bit clutzy.  “He’s such a goon,” says Jessica affectionately, “he literally runs just as fast as he can and he’ll run into things!” She admits that East is a lousy judge of character, because he loves everybody.  “If you are going to pet him, he’ll fall in love with you – even if you are robbing the place!”
East was named by Biel as a tribute to the East Coast where Chris, a Massachusetts native, grew up.  The dog, though, seems to have fully embraced the California lifestyle.  At home, his favorite resting place is a dog bed made by Primative Pet, adorned with surfboards, although, Biel admits, “he sneaks up on my bed in the morning.”
Biel is best known for her role as Mary Camden on WB’s Seventh Heaven, a show revolving around the life of a Reverend and his ever-growing Rockwell-esque family.  The show, touted for its strong values and life lessons, often featured the family’s dog, Happy Camden. East and Happy did occasionally meet, as Jessica would bring her bulldog to the set all the time, but she reports, “Happy is a little skittish and East always wants to jump and play around.  I think she was a little scared of him.”
There is nothing to fear in this gregarious dog, unless you are a flower.  Yes, flora ranks as one of East’s favorite treats.  “He’ll rip them out of the ground and eat them and continue to walk down the street,” she laughs.  So much for having a garden!
According to Jessica, East has traveled many times by plane, but it is not so comfortable for such a big dog.  Biel says, “It’s very difficult to fly an animal his size – any longer than to Boston and the sedatives wear off and he’s hungry and he has to go to the bathroom.  I try not to fly with him so much.”  Car travel is more East’s speed, and Jessica has driven him across the country, opting not to fly.  “He’s great in the car.  He sticks his head out the window and his big floppy lips flap in the wind. It’s so cute.”  When he cannot accompany the actress or her boyfriend on a trip, East stays at the Calgrove Kennels, a boarding facility that Jessica raves about – describing the inside-outside facility with grassy areas and plethora of toys East can play with.  According to Jessica, it’s the next-best-thing to having East come along with them.
Jessica Biel, best known as the preacher’s daughter Mary Camden on Seventh Heaven, thinks her bulldog, East, is a gift from above!
Jessica says she worries about some of the health issues typical to East’s breed – bulldogs are notorious for having problems with their faces due to the wrinkes.  “He has some eye problems due in part to bad allergies.  On top of that, his lower eyelashes curl in and scratch his cornea.  He’s already had surgery on his right eye but it didn’t work.   He is due to have a second surgery soon.  It’s a serious situation, but we have a very good eye doctor for East.”  More than the surgery, it’s the recovery process Biel is concerned about.  “He will want to scratch and rub his eye so he will have to wear a contact lens as an extra layer of protection as well as a cone on his head to keep him from getting to his eye. It’s is really up to us to make sure he stays sedated for the week, contacts in, cone on, no scratching and no rubbing.”
Jessica loves East and understands what is involved when caring for an animal.  “It’s such a large responsibility.  I don’t think anyone realizes how much of a responsibility an animal is until they get one.   You can’t go out all night long.  You can’t spend the night at someone’s house without making sure someone’s watching him.  It has really changed my life a lot, but I don’t think I could live without him!”
Jessica has had animals growing up, and looks forward to seeing her two family pets Freckles and Kit Kat whenever she goes home.  “Freckles is this adorable Cocker spaniel who I have had since I was ten years old.  He’s this nice little old guy who follows my mom around no matter where she goes.  I’ve had Kit Kat forever.  She’s been alive since I was six years old – we rescued her from an animal shelter.  She’s a little skittish because she was abused as a kitten.”
Biel also has a cat named Blue who she adopted from a woman in Santa Monica who was finding homes for abused animals.  “I saw this white cat with blue eyes and called my dad and said, ‘we have to save this animal.’  I took him home and now he lives with my family.”  East did get an opportunity to meet his extended family, but Biel says, “My cats didn’t know what to think of him.  Freckles liked him but he’s a little bit old and East gets so excited, Freckles was like ‘alright puppy, chill out a little bit’”  East did get to expend his energy hiking in the Colorado mountains near Biel’s family home.
Since leaving Seventh Heaven, she has explored very different roles – an indulgent vixon in Brett Easton Ellis’s Rules of Attraction, and most recently, as Erin Hardesty in the remake of horror classic, Texas Chainsaw Massacre.  She’s also the face of Loreal, changing her hair color for the roles.   She says [changing my hair color] does not affect me as a person, but it does affect my wardrobe.”
Blonde or bruenette, Biel is always concerned with saving animals and giving her own pets the best care they can get.  She is involved with Fund For Animals, which Biel says, “promotes vegetarian and vegan diets and calls for the end of hunting – especially hunting for furs.  I don’t agree with people wearing furs.”  Jessica has also found a new charity, Noah’s Wish, that has sparked her interest.  She says, “you can be trained as a volunteer to save a dog, cat – any animal – in a disaster. You can also volunteer to foster an animal, so if a family has a dog and they had a flood or their home was destroyed by hurricane and they feel like they have to get rid of the animal because they can’t afford it or their living situation is not regular, you can take it in.  I would love to do that.”  Jessica says determinedly, “That’s what I’m going to work on next.”
For more information about Noah’s Wish, go to www.noahs-wish.org.
Source: Animal Fair, January 2003
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chatfieldbraces · 7 months
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plasma-packin-mama · 2 years
To be so real with y'all i don't like most of the art on this ref sheet anymore. But the info is pretty much accurate and hell if I'm redoing it right now.
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Delilah is boisterous and kindhearted, good at making friends and terrible at thinking before they act. They're easily excited, a massive idealist, and love to feel needed by others. They're a gifted mechanic with a passion for funny robots and big lasers that make things explode. Other hobbies of theirs include prospecting, collecting things like old toys and cool looking rocks, tinkering with old broken-down tech, and saving the Mojave from peril on the weekends.
more info + art beneath the cut!!!!
They're mostly deaf in their left ear (lack of ear) and mostly blind in their left eye. They also avoid all drugs like the plague.
They're gregarious and make friends easily, but their staunch refusal to be vulnerable in front of others renders almost all of those friendships pretty surface level. They tend to smother the people they like in affection, gifts, and acts of service, sometimes to an overwhelming degree.
They're generous and always willing to drop everything and help out when needed-- sometimes a little too much so. They're pretty gullible and their tendency to believe the best in people gets them into hot water often. They also have a strong self sacrificial streak, often fully prepared to get themselves hurt in any number of ways if it will help someone else.
They're clever and quick witted but a pretty slow learner when it comes to anything besides machines. Also, they're prone to doing dumb shit they absolutely knew better than to do just because they never stop to think before they do. They're wholeheartedly convinced that they're an total incompetent idiot. Impostor syndrome.
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their top surgery IS fucked up and crooked. one of their nips literally sits like. almost below their actual pectoral muscle. They no longer have nipples! Who has time for a nipple graft in the wasteland??? Anyway they love their chest theyre very proud of their body.
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They get their tats sometime after the second battle of hoover dam. its ok to draw del without them.
I think thats all the info i have to include!!!!!! ill probly edit this post in the future if i get more lol. thank u for reading if you did read, and please feel free to send any questions about them!!
- Delilah's hair can be any color in the general mauve-purple area. It is canonically inconsistent, so just pick whatever looks right if you draw them.
- They have an underbite! And pretty wide-set eyes. Their face got put back together a little wonky.
- Their nose has a big dent in it bc they got smacked in the face with a shovel. It's also crooked to their right side (again, bc of the shovel.) The scar across their nose sits right in the dent.
- all outfits for them must show off either their pecs or their arms. They'd rather die than button a shirt up all the way. To cover up those tits would be a slight against god.
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hypergamiss · 11 months
Hey, I wanted to ask advice from you since there isn't anyone else I can ask this. I've never been in a relationship before because I always wanted this very ideal kinda man who's driven and knows his worth but is in love w me and spoils me but in a healthy way. Now I'm in college and I'm really lonely. I figured if I wanted to be surrounded by better (high value) people, I would have to be one of them. But now I'm lonely and not sure if I can actually make it. I actually hang around people but guys are immature and girls kinda look down on me (it's like "I'm with you so I feel better about myself" or because I'm always smiling and child-like in my attitude which could be considered charming but I feel like since I'm not really physically attractive they think I'm some sort of clown or smth). I'm no one's favorite/special person and no one is mine, but when I try to get close to someone, I can quickly tell they think I'm disposable. So I stay away. And I don't know if I'm doing things right. I'm studying business stuff so making friends and having a social circle you belong in is very important, but I can't indulge in activities I don't like or be friends with people I find boring. I do talk w people, but I wouldn't call them friends.
Maybe it's because I feel I don't deserve it in some way. And I hate it when people try to gaslight others by saying they're pretty or that they just need makeup and skincare to glow. Sure, for some people that might work, but I'd rather see it as it is so I can actually look better. I do invest in self care (mentally and physically), like skincare and haircare and hygiene and whatnot, so it's not like I'm not trying, but I don't think that would boost my attractiveness. I mean I'm naturally skinny and I don't have acne problems, my actual problem is that I have an underbite, meaning I'll need surgery+braces to fix, which is very hard when you don't have the means to pay for it. I don't think I'll be able to afford it anytime soon so I try to work hard so I can afford it later, but it's hard to keep going when I feel like this (thinking maybe I won't be able to make it cuz I'm not attractive enough). I guess I started believing that I'll stay unattractive for now and for a long time too.
When I went through your blog (esp this post) I figured I shouldn't settle for less, but do I deserve better? Idk. It's just hard to work hard and believe that I can do better when I know I can't, and I don't wanna gaslight myself in believing otherwise so I can actually fix it, but the only thing that could fix it is too expensive for me and idk what to do
You are not wrong or crazy for having standards. But you do need to be realistic about the type of man that you are willing to settle for. You're talking about the 1%. This is a good and ideal person to save your energy for. But you're in college. Men your age are simply not able to give you the life you want right now. Think about how you are still trying to get your own life together at the moment. He may come to you now or some years down the road. As long as you make room for him, he will come. But you can't rush something that is still being developed. This is also why age gaps exist. Some women are ready to settle but the type of man they want is certainly not in their 20s. You also have to be realistic about being lonely. That is a part of waiting for someone who is worth it. Yes, being lonely can suck, but there is also beauty in learning how to enjoy your own company and having your own life outside of a partner. Don't gaslight yourself into thinking you don't deserve something simply because it is not happening fast enough. If being an exceptional human being was easy, everyone would do it. But naturally, the road less taken is lonelier. I think what you're doing at the moment is perfect, your are focused on improving on what you can control and that's simply the best thing you can do. I advise you to write in your journal about what your ideal life would look like and come back to it to read it when you feel discouraged so that you envision yourself at your end goal.
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niconebula · 1 year
Before the last episode airs, and I know this is meant more for twitter but I can’t say it there because I will be crucified:
If I see people making jokes about Amity’s chin being ugly just because of god forbid a bad drawing or two, I’m seriously going to (REDACTED). People are legitimately so fucking mean, it was funny for a bit but then devolved into making fun of a girl who just happens to have a prominent chin and not the standard pixie Disney-style “girl face”.
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The women of TOH already have a lot less variation especially in things like noses, eyebrows, and face shape to make them look more ‘cute’ and ‘feminine’. I don’t mean this as a major slight on the crew because this kind of design is insidious and kind of happens without actual intent behind it. But obviously someone realized and wanted to change Amity’s face shape for Season 3. And it’s FINE. She’s literally only being made fun of for it because she’s a girl and it’s unusual to see female characters with stronger jaws.
I grew up with an underbite and was pressured by adults into getting (incredibly invasive!!) surgery to correct it since I was eight years old. Surgery that would take 6 weeks for me to recover from and which during that time I wouldn’t be able to eat any solid foods or be able to talk, and it was for almost purely cosmetic reasons! Amity doesn’t even have an underbite. But the world is so cruel to young girls’ appearances that it’s just not funny anymore. God forbid she doesn’t look like Elsa.
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rainandteastudios · 11 months
Update 2: insanity quotes
“I’m an acupuncturist!”
“You have an underbite when you needed an overbite, now you need jaw surgery.”
“Ok your jaw surgery was botched, we are going to have to do it again.”
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ttaibhse · 1 year
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scn-thedog · 6 months
I’m glad you like my idea of Tessa w braces! Do you have any headcanons for my idea? ^^
i do (evil)
tessa has a slight underbite (lower jaw positioned further forward in the face than the top jaw) since she was young and she got braces to correct it instead of a surgery!! this became an issue around her late teen years, so she's still wearing the braces as an adult :]
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