#unfortunately it does not cancel it out if you sleep 20 hours then stay up all night
gaytomwambsgans · 2 years
oh no i appear to have made the mistake of thinking about hermann gottlieb on zero sleep. surely this will not have repercussions on my emotional state
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kriffingstars · 7 months
Johnny MacTavish; rule breaker
pairing: Johnny MacTavish x Price!Reader summary: You're practically delivered to Johnny, you can't blame a man warnings: verrrrrry slight age gap (I imagine reader to be around 20, Johnny is 26), allusions to sex ;) a/n: You guys!!! I've loved your asks SO much. Hopefully this little interaction tides you over until part two :)
Price's Niece Masterlist
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You're in Edinburgh, for a conference at the university about how modern technology can assist in the renovation process of old pieces of art, the case studies being used are newly found renaissance paintings.
It's the middle of the fringe festival, so you were only able to get accommodation for the day before your conference, planning to get the 5-hour train back to London, and then the train home after it had ended.
It's sod's law when after an interesting but long day, all the trains are cancelled. Torrential rain has caused major flooding, and now you're stranded, soaking and without a way to get home.
Price isn't expecting a call from you so early, but after you explain your predicament he transfers you enough for a decent room and tells you he'll sort you out a train, or flight home in the morning.
Unfortunately, luck really isn't on your side because of course everything besides some really sketchy AirBnb is booked. You really don't want to stay there on your own. If you were with your uni friends it would be different, but it was just you who went to the conference, the rest of them more interested in curating than restoration.
Begrudgingly, you call your Uncle once again and explain what's happening. You know he's busy, he's been in meetings all day and you know he's had to step out to answer your call.
Gritted teeth, he tells you he'll sort it, and calls you back a few minutes later.
"Soap's coming to grab you, find a pub and get yourself something to eat on me. I'll give him a text to let him know where you are."
This really isn't the solution he wanted, but your safety is paramount and there's no way he's letting you sleep anywhere potentially dangerous.
The stars aligned in the most infuriating way, practically delivering you to the man he wanted you to stay away from. Soap had too much leave to use up, and so he was taking an extra week at home.
It's far from ideal, and he once again, reminds Soap that he's expecting no funny business.
"Aye Captain, best behaviour I promise." his scottish drawl mumbles through the phone as he hears am engine start.
"I'll even take the sofa."
That does nothing to ease the stress, that the two of you are inadvertently causing him.
It's gone nine by the time Johnny get's to you, the rain still hasn't let up, and he jogs, bag in hand through the front door.
"Bonnie! It's been a while," he greets as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a giant bear hug.
And it has, your communication had dropped in in the last couple of months. Both of you becoming busy, and texts that were once answered straight away lie unread.
He's warm and firm and practically engulfing you. He also smells really good.
"Jesus, you're freezing," he notes as he pulls back, cupping your hands in his as he blows on them to get the heat back into your digits.
Johnny makes it way too difficult to not like him. It's like telling you not to imagine an elephant. The more you tell yourself not to do it, the more you do.
He's kind, funny, charming and ridiculously handsome.
It's even harder when he swaps your bag for his, telling you there's some warm, dry clothes for you if you want to change before you head back to his.
In the bathroom you dig out the clothes, the t-shirt is one of his work ones, with the SAS insignia embroidered on the chest, the same one your Uncle wears. That's not what stops you in your tracks though, it's not the sweats either. It's the zip up hoodie, this one isn't army issue. It's well worn and smells absolutely divine, there's a few smells mixed in together but it's overwhelmingly him.
You lift the collar to your nose, breathing it in again and your chest flutters slightly.
Your Uncle's warnings bounce around your head as you leave the stall, and make your way back to the bar.
They also leave your head as soon as Johnny looks up at you, eyes lighting up and smile softening as he sees you dressed in his clothes. You've still got your hat on, covering your damp hair.
You Price's and your bloody hats he thinks when you get close enough again for him to tuck you into his side, as he leads you to his car.
All to warm you up though, he's simply making sure you're not going to get ill. There's definitely no other reason at all that he wants you as close as possible.
"Thank you again, I don't know what I'd have done if you weren't here to rescue me," It's not meant to be flirty, you're genuinely just relaying your gratitude.
But Johnny lives to serve, his whole life is built around that and he thinks that he'd come and rescue you wherever because the way you're looking up at him is sending him haywire.
No funny business. Yes Sir.
The hour drive back to his flat flies by. It reminds the both of you when you first met, and you don't let him forget how he properly put his foot in his mouth.
"We even look similar!" you shriek as he tries to justify why he thought that a trophy wife was the correct conclusion to come to about your identity.
"Nah, you're too pretty to look like him," Johnny doesn't think before he speaks, but he's glad he didn't this time, because when glances over at you as he checks his mirror he's greeted with you wearing his clothes, face hot, and eyes already looking at him.
It really should be illegal for him to rest his forearm on the ledge next to the window as he drives, one hand on the wheel, the other on the gearstick.
"Nearly here now," is all he says, and you hum in response.
Despite living in a new build, the flat is relatively cosy. Maybe it's just the giant 'L' shaped sofa in the corner that looks like you could sink onto and sleep for days on.
"You take the bed, I'll be just on the sofa if you need anything. Bathroom's that way, toothpaste's in the cabinet above the sink."
He was really looking after you, when he stopped for petrol he grabbed you a tooth brush and some make-up wipes, as well as a packet of your favourite sweets.
He really is making it hard, when he's so thoughtful.
Settling down for the night happens pretty quickly, he leads you into his room. Shows you where the phone charger is and grabs a pair of sweats for himself to change into.
Sinking into his sheets felt so wrong, when you thought about lying in his bed it was never like this. Usually, it involved you under him, trapped between the mattress and his frame as he pulled ungodly noises from your throat. Instead you've got a pretty thin duvet, the man you want as your blanket is sleeping soundly on his sofa.
You don't bother to check the time before leaving the confines of Johnny's bedroom, your throat dry after spending far too long thinking of what you wish he'd do to you.
Creeping as silently as possible down the hallway, you make it to the kitchen, without stirring too much noise from your gracious host.
Unfortunately, Johnny didn't tell you where he kept his glasses, it felt invasive to go rummaging but needs must.
"What you looking for, Bon" Johnny mutters, scaring the ever-loving daylights out of you.
With a shriek, you leap into the air before whirling around. If you thought your heart was beating fast, it's beating faster now because he's shirtless in front of you, sweats hanging low on his hips and he's speaking in the sexiest sleep-filled voice.
You don't even noticing him walk towards you until he's standing right there. Christ, he really is toned.
"I-eh...a glass," your garbled response makes him let out a small huff of air as a smile breaks out over his face.
And if you didn't think that you could become more of a mess, he leans even closer and reaches a hand behind your head to grab the cursed object.
Your faces are inches apart, his nose grazing yours so gently you question if it was even there. In this light, his eyes are darker than usual, and his eyelashes seem a lot thicker as his blinks begin to slow. Your gaze flutters down to his lips, and you can't help but reach up to trace the scar with your fingertips.
When your gaze reaches his eyes again, you're already ruined. He's looking directly at your lips, tongue darting out as he swipes at his.
It's you who makes the first move, capturing him in a searing kiss. The flutters in your stomach have moved their way up to your eardrums, where they pound to be let out.
The kiss is all-consuming, your arms wrap around his neck finding anchor in the hair at the base of his neck. His arms have you pinned in, one snaking around your waist and finding refuge on the small of your back, pulling you closer and the other tenderly cupping your cheek.
"We shouldn't," he whispers breaking the kiss, but instead of backing away like you thought you would he dives in again. More passionate and with more tongue this time, teeth catching the bottom of your lip.
"I promised your old man I wouldn't," once again he pulls away, cupping your face, as leaves open mouth kisses down your neck, stopping to nip at your pulse point, before soothing it with his tongue.
"Johnny," you breathe, chest heaving. He lets out a growl against your throat which sends vibrations all the way south.
"He doesn't have to know."
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annieintheaair · 1 month
Wherever you are, I hope that you'll find me. Whenever it is, I hope we're meant to be. Oh, we've been searching for something so perfect. Just hold on, I know that you'll find me.
This past week at work has been really challenging, but I am so thankful for my amazing coworkers who make even the worst days not so bad.
Thursday morning I had to drop off my car at Volvo after work. Even though they typically don't do loaners for the 10k service, they let me have one so I could go home. I was so tired, as usual, and just wanted to sleep.
At home, I changed into yoga clothes, thinking I'd go to Fort Worth for my class but then decided I was too tired to go anywhere. Instead, I allowed myself to rest for the morning and then ran to Trader Joe's to get some groceries since I hadn't had food in my house in literally weeks. Unfortunately, it wasn't the most productive trip since I mainly bought dog treats and wine. I've been following this sommelier on Instagram and she does some really cool wine and Trader Joe's pairings. I tried to find one wine I liked before but TJ's was out of stock and another she suggested, they had the brand but not the same type. It was a pretty disappointing visit to TJ's.
I had a pretty lazy afternoon and then had to leave early for work to pick up my car before the dealership closed at 7pm. Since I didn't want to drive all the way home, I found a yoga class to go to near the airport. It was a yin class, which was super relaxing and the perfect way to start my evening. I was feeling pretty zen after that.
The yoga place was in a really cool area that I had never ventured out to before. Not only do I want to go to that yoga class again but I went online to look at apartments to see if maybe I'd like to move there instead of going back to my old town. Maybe something new and closer to the airport would be better for me?
That night I worked a trip to OKC, which was delayed until 12:30am on Friday morning. It was yet another long night with little sleep. I had a good crew, which made it a little better, but of course, still meant that Friday I would be exhausted.
Friday morning I napped before heading to yoga at noon. I will really miss Stephanie's class when I move. It is one of the only things that has helped me through this past year here. I had a relatively lazy afternoon and crawled into bed around 6pm to sleep until about 8pm so I'd be well rested.
Friday night was yet another delay. It has been the trend lately. Spring flying in DFW is always a nightmare. I did have a great crew though, which helped.
Saturday I was committed to yoga so I napped for maybe an hour before going to slow flow at 10:30am. I made a detour to Popshelf to get a few things and then picked up a Rebel from Dutch Bro's since I desperately needed it.
On my way home, I ended up grabbing a poké bowl for lunch since they were giving 20% off for Mother's Day.
I napped on my couch in the afternoon and had high hopes of going out and doing something until the weather started to get crappy and I chose to stay home and drink wine on my couch instead.
I ended up staying up late last night since I can never go to sleep early after working nights nearly every day. The storms were crazy all night. The thunder was so loud that my house literally shook. I read on Facebook that a house in the neighborhood behind mine got struck by lightning and I heard a ton of horns honking this morning and then lots of fire trucks and ambulances so it sounded like there was a car accident nearby.
I really wanted to go to church in Fort Worth this morning but the flooding was so bad that I decided to stay home and sleep in. Kirby woke me up early to go outside but I went back to bed right away. I didn't sleep well all night since I was having some seriously bad nightmares about my ex and his family.
I had every intention of calling out sick from work today but instead, my flight was canceled. No one called me all day to tell me until about an hour before sign in when my phone rang. I ignored it and they didn't leave a voicemail. I think they were trying to get me to work something else out of desperation but I was already sipping on an espresso martini so I was in for the night.
I started watching a new show called Expats tonight. I was enjoying it until one of the main characters jumped off of a boat and decided to swim under the boat and got stuck for a hot minute. My anxiety was so bad that I had to get up off my couch and walk away. I felt like I couldn't breathe. Between losing my car in the flood last year and losing Dan when he drowned in 2022, I've never been more afraid of water. That scene is what made me decide to make an espresso martini.
My friend Jackie sent me a video when she drove by the neighborhood I want to move to. It sucks that the move-ins have been delayed but it's looking really cute and I'm praying that works out if it's what's meant to be.
Tomorrow night I jump back into another busy week at work. Working a ton each week hasn't been that bad, aside from the delays. Once I see my paychecks after this, I might become addicted to working a ton. Add in a raise and some retro pay and maybe I'll actually be able to get my life back on track.
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amyonrails · 3 years
Traveling to Sweden by train
Things are slowly calming down again so I decided to spend a one week vacation in the Swedish city of Gothenburg. I want to share this journey with people as I promised friends to take lots of pictures anyway and because it personally means quite a lot to me to finally get out there again. Not only is this finally a proper vacation after a year and a half of sitting at home a lot with the coronavirus pandemic making it unfeasible to travel anywhere farther than where the S-Bahn could carry me. But this is also my first international journey in just over 10 years. Finally I feel comfortable taking on such a trek and because I am apparently a bit silly and like trains I decided to do this journey (nearly) all by train.
Planned route
Now how does one get from Berlin to Gothenburg by train? The route I will be taking starts in Berlin from which I will first board an ICE (InterCity Express; the German high speed train class of DB) to Hamburg to change to an IC (InterCity; a high-ish speed service) which is a joint operation by DB and the Danish national train service taking me all the way to the Danish capital of Copenhagen. From there I can take the Öresundtåg (literally Öresundtrain) over the Öresundbridge across the (can you guess it?) Öresund between Denmark and Sweden. The Öresundtåg stops in the city of Malmö, where I get a high speed train by the Swedish operator SJ that will get me to my destination.
This is quite a trip with a few changes and because I planned this with change times of at least 30 minutes in case there are delays the whole journey will take about 13 hours. The straight distance between the two cities is about 580 kilometres but due to the detour over Jutland the distance actually traveled is closer to 1000 kilometres.
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(the route vaguely traced in Google Maps)
I booked the tickets online a few weeks ahead and paid for all second class tickets about 70 € in total (and again about 70 € for the return trip). This was actually quite pleasant. The whole first part of the journey up to Malmö I was able to plan with the website of DB, which cooperates nicely with services of neighboring countries. The booking website of SJ was also easy to use, very user friendly and has a good English translation.
The paperwork
So because this is an international journey we have to consider paperwork of course. You can’t just travel to another country, surely there is a bunch of hoops you have to jump through, right? Well, because of the circumstances, kinda but not really.
First off: no visa required. I am a German citizen and am thus allowed to travel freely within the Schengen-area and the only required document is my ID card. And that is only in case I actually get carded. On train connections that is only done occasionally, but of course I will have my ID with me, so that will not be an issue.
Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic it is also necessary to bring either a negative test result when crossing borders or a certificate of vaccination against the virus. Which I got. You can have it in paper or digitally and two weeks after your second shot you are free to travel again. No quarantining or anything. I got vaccinated anyway, so this was no issue at all.
Over all this got sorted pretty easily and I quickly had everything I need.
As a slight hint for anyone traveling to Sweden for the first time: paying in cash is incredibly uncommon especially in the cities there so I very much advise getting a credit card. I used a simple card I could charge with a bit of money, which I got from my bank with no additional cost and due to the limited money on it, losing it would not have been that bad as well.
Potential obstacles
But of course, stuff happened. Or rather, would maybe happen. I am writing this portion slightly ahead and at the end of reading this you will know, how it actually played out. As will I know, because by then I hopefully will have arrived.
Over the summer of 2021 the train drivers union GDL started talks with DB about raises and compensation over the additional hours drivers had done during the pandemic. Talks broke down though and thus they started striking.
There are more internal factors at play here as well but I am not in the know enough to properly judge or even explain the whole picture. But in the end it also does not really matter because I can’t really change it that quickly. So I have to live with the potential of the trains in Germany being canceled due to strikes. Only in Germany though. As soon as I reach Denmark I will be fine.
The strikes are not full time. They usually go on for two or three days and then normal service resumes within a few hours. And they tend to stick to work days. Which might mean I get lucky as I will depart on a Saturday. But I will watch the news closely and may have to rapidly come up with a backup plan.
Additionally and a bit hilariously I will have to switch onto a rail replacement bus on my journey to Gothenburg. Just on the weekend where I will travel they are doing some bridgework between Malmö and the town of Lund. This is certainly an inconvenience, but I just hope it will work out okay, as it is not that far to Lund. If this was not the case, I would have been able to make this journey exclusively with electric trains.
The strike
And of course it had to happen. On Monday the 30th of August the union announced a strike that would cover a whole week and with that, cover the weekend I wanted to travel on.
But no reason to panic yet. This gave me a few days to figure out how to navigate around this. By Tuesday afternoon DB had figured out which services would still be running.
I got pretty unlucky though. During this strike no DB service would run from Hamburg to Copenhagen. So it became necessary to find another way.
Thankfully I remembered the provider Snälltåget. They run a night train from Berlin all the way to Stockholm with stops in larger cities. Like for example Malmö.
And so for an additional price of just 10€ in total I got my DB ticket refunded, bought a ticket for the Snälltåget service from Saturday 7 in the evening to arrive on Sunday at around 8 in the morning and shifted the ticket I had bought with SJ to a train on Sunday.
Overall that was not nearly as bad as I initially feared and by Tuesday afternoon I had rescheduled.
The journey
Saturday came and in the evening it got time to head out. Due to the strike the S-Bahn service in Berlin was also pretty dodgy so I opted for a route with U-Bahn and bus. Which worked pretty well. The bus was a bit crowded but the whole trip was only a few minutes slower than any S-Bahn connection available to me.
Berlin central station is a very modern steel and glass construction that is very vertical with platforms going east-west above ground and platforms going north-south below ground. Due to the strike there were only few trains around but there were still some passengers taking the few trains in service.
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(a view along the upper platforms at Berlin central station with the low sun shining through the glass roof)
About 20 minutes before departure my train pulled onto the platform. Four carriages pulled by an electric loco. Very quickly I had found my seat and was happy to see us depart perfectly on time at 19:02. But then had to stop for twenty minutes just after leaving the city behind, because unauthorized people were on the track.
For this section with Snälltåget I had booked the most basic seat. Fortunately the person who boarded the train in Hamburg at around 22:00 seated next to me found another free seat, so neither of us had to be crammed in our seats and attempt to sleep.
Ah yes, sleep. As this was a night train a reasonable thing to do is to sleep. Unfortunately a few things got in the way of that. Firstly, the cabin light in the open saloon was never turned off. It was comparatively low, but still bright enough to disrupt sleep.
And then came the stop just behind the Danish border. In the small town Padborg, the loco that had hauled us all the way from Berlin got replaced by a Danish locomotive. This is due to a difference in voltage between the countries’ catenary equipment. That alone would have been fine, but unfortunately the Danish border guards deem it necessary to check every single train. And if that means disrupting 200 peoples sleep each night at 2 in the morning then they will do it. Which is what they did.
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(empty platforms at Padborg, only some bright lamps break the darkness in the dead of night while the border guards board the train)
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(the sun is just barely rising over the flat and still dark Danish countryside)
During the next few hours I managed to catch a bit of uneasy sleep until the early dawn. Because I realized, that we were nearing Copenhagen I decided to just stay awake and watch the landscape zip by as the sun crept up. And it was worth it.
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(banks of mist over fields)
Fields covered in mist like ghostly apparitions. And right as the sun really rose and made it easy to see, we crossed the Öresundbridge. A wonderful view.
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(the metal frame of the Öresundbridge with the sea visible in the background, the sun is shining just out of frame to the right)
After the bridge it was not far to the city of Malmö. Unfortunately we were delayed slightly again. Slowly I felt like fate was trying to keep me from reaching my destination.
But because I was cautious this delay was not enough to mess with my plans. The train arrived slightly delayed at around 08:30.
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(the loco that had pulled me through the bit of Sweden I had crossed this far sitting at a platform in Malmö)
I did not take time to look at Malmö central station, but from what I saw it is a nice station with the older platforms being complemented by a modern building housing some shops. But I had a bus to catch, so I headed for one of the exits.
Some helpful staff was able to point me to the replacement bus I now had to take to get to Lund. The bus trip, while a bit inconvenient was actually a nice change. And I got dropped off right in front of the train station an hour before my train was due to depart.
And that last leg of the journey was very pleasant. The X55 even in second class was wonderful to ride. Good leg space, large windows, pleasant decor and a comfortable ride paired with sunny views of the Swedish countryside. This train made it immediately clear to me, that Swedish rail has a wider loading gauge than most other countries and the cars are built accordingly with lots of room. Zooming through hills and past fields at not very high speeds was just a delight.
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(a bit of Swedish countryside with fields and farm buildings under a blue sky, in the distance one can just about see the coastline)
And after about 2 and a half hours my final train for that day pulled into Gothenburg central station. Which is a wonderful old station that has been maintained very well. The main concourse still has it’s original dark wood framing and large murals show different old railway lines all under an iron and glass ceiling, which makes it feel large but still cozy. Even tired as I was, I was surprised by how nice this station is.
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(the main concourse in Gothenburg central station)
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(the front of Gothenburg central station in broad daylight)
From the central station one can easily get anywhere in the city with the many trams or a bus which stop just a hundred meters from the station entrance.
In conclusion
This whole trip is now about two weeks in the past and I had some time to think about it. In general I still think this is a good way to get to Sweden, especially if you are on a budget. Next time I want to try out a proper cabin with a berth on the night train, because I am just too tall to sleep in any way comfortably in a seat.
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thejosh1980 · 4 years
Update #21 – 1 week at “The Ocean Shores Resort”
Update #21 – 1 week at “The Ocean Shores Resort”
A week ago we left quarantine in Adelaide!!!
It's been another week of mixed emotions, but I have to say, for the first time in months, they've been mostly on the positive side of things.
Last Tuesday, we left the hotel without too much hassle. They'd given us a basic breakfast the night before to have first thing and they called us down early; luckily we were ready and down the stairs we went. Before you know it, we were in the hotel reception taking our masks off!
Adelaide and South Australia are COVID free, so no masks, no problems.
The checkout was quick (the big bill comes in a few weeks!!), the staff were awesome and the police informative. They all understand that quarantine is not easy on anyone, and they were patient with our questions and worries. We had won the jackpot of quarantine hotels: Pullman Adelaide and the staff helped make our stay tolerable.
Jumped in a taxi (with masks on cause we really weren't sure yet how to behave in the outside world) and off to the airport. We had to leave the hotel by 07:30, because another bus of incoming “Covicts” were coming in that morning. Our flight was at 11:50 up to Brisbane, so it was yet another waiting game to check in and fly. But first... coffee! (we actually bought a coffee from a coffee shop! Amazing!! It's the small things...).
The flight was about about 2/3's full, no masks.
Landing in Brisbane we had to do a border check, show our papers, explain where we had been and all that. The check was there to stop anyone who may have COVID from coming in without quarantining. Each State has slightly different rules, and they do change from time to time, depending on hotspots and COVID numbers. Because the flight was from Adelaide and we left the hotel directly to the airport, we made sure we had no problems entering Brisbane (Queensland). We definitely didn't want any chance of another 14 day hotel stay!!!
Our original plan was to fly into the Gold Coast airport, which is only about 35 minutes from Mum, but there were no flights on our leaving day, so we had to fly into Brisbane (which is 2 hours from Mum's). My cousin picked us up (bloody legend!). We were hungry, and we went directly to Yatala pies. This was the moment I started to realize we were almost home. The taste of home! (Yatala Pies is a well known bakery south of Brisbane, a regular stop for many).
My cousin could drive us as far as the QLD/NSW border. Once there, we walked across the border and Dave picked us up on the other side. A little complicated, but sure enough, the plan worked.
The whole experience felt like something out of the movies. Not that it was all “Hollywood”. It was more like: I can't believe this is finally happening. I wasn't really in the moment. Yet.
As we were getting close to “The Ocean Shores Resort” (which is the name we have for my Mum's house) I still didn't feel calm...
Anyhow, we arrived, and if you've seen our IG or FB Story on the day, you'd know that when I knocked on the front door, we had actually surprised Mum (a little early), and she couldn't find the front door key to let us in!! So our reunion started off with a scream and eventually a laugh!!
Mum did cry, but we all expected her to cry more... ;) Honestly, I think we both had cried too much the past 2 months, it was no longer needed. It was all about joy and happiness.
After meeting and hugging Alex (some more tears) we entered the house to find Mum had a “welcome home” sign and our picture up on the walls (lots of me and Alex, can't go wrong with that!!).
It was surreal.
A quick house tour for Alex and we settled down. Lots of chatting and catching up to do, and a roast dinner!
We'd made it.
The next morning (Wednesday), a son's work is never done and I was up early to take Mum to school. She's part of the support unit inside the primary school, working with kids with Autism.
Even though her eyesight is deteriorating, Mum can still work. Driving a car; that's out of the question. Reading the “use by date” on a packet of chips is almost impossible. Keeping an eye on children in the playground, developing their social skills or helping them with their school work (considering the text is usually quite large and the pictures bold) Mum can still do really well.
I've learnt she has figured out ways to cope with her eyes. She has a great memory, so once she's told something, she can remember it really well (like recipes for cooking etc). She's still a keen bargain hunter when it comes to shopping. I enjoy learning that she's kept her life as close to “normal” as possible, making small changes to the bigger things to keep her independence.
But it's those small things that are hard to do alone, which is why I'm here...
After dropping Mum off, Alex and I spent the morning of our first full day in Brunswick Heads. This is the town I lived in from the mid 80's until late 90's. I went to primary school here, learned to surf here, and know the old names of the shops (the hair dressers is now a surf shop, the butcher's is a cafe, the ice cream shop is a real estate agent and the bank has recently closed). Lots of changes for me, lots of new things for Alex.
We also went down to the beach, the south wall of the Brunswick River, where the river meets the ocean. We watched some waves. Taking in the salt air (I don't think I ever realized how salty the air is here until now).
It was a relaxing day.
But I still wasn't quite “here” in my head and heart. Leaving Dresden back in July, only to be delayed for 7 weeks, then another 2 weeks in quarantine, was going to take sometime to overcome.
Time to pick up Mum from school... Home... Unpack a little, dinner, chatting and a little TV.
Thursday morning, it was time for another radio interview. To finish off the 3 part story with ABC North Coast Radio I did another live interview with Joanne Shoebridge. I'm always nervous doing these kinds of things, even though in the music world, I've had to do interviews, they were never quite as personal as this.
After we dropped Mum off at school Thursday morning, we drove up to the Cape Byron Lighthouse and luckily got a park up close to the top.
I wanted to introduce Alex to the area as much as I could, without overwhelming her. Brunswick Heads, Ocean Shores, Mullumbimby and Byron Bay all played a big part of my childhood, and I wanted her to at least know these villages a little bit as early as possible. We'd covered Brunswick Heads and Ocean Shores a little, so now it was time for Byron Bay.
Bring on the whale watching!!
Within minutes of leaving the car, we could see whales jumping out and swimming around the cape. It was a wonderful morning. I'm so glad Alex got to see them (in fact I can't remember the last time I saw whales so close to the shore). They migrate each year around September/October, so it was perfect timing.
It was a special day for Alex...
The sun was shining, the whales were in plain sight and the tourists were kind enough to stay away from Byron Bay. COVID does have its benefits. Fewer people in these tourist spots isn't always bad (although I am quite aware the economy is suffering. The borders are opening up next week and it'll be very busy then).
Back into Ocean Shores, picked up Mum from school. Home... Dinner.. Chatting... Some TV...
Friday was the first day we had to do “stuff” in regards to living here permanently, and that was banking. So after dropping mum off at work, we drove into Mullumbimby “The Biggest Little Town In Australia”. I went to high school here.
Basically Brunswick Heads and Mullumbimby are like Neustadt in Dresden. You can't walk down the street without seeing someone you know, stopping and chatting. It happened in Brunz the other day, I literally parked my car, and lo and behold an old high school friend came out of the video store to say hi... Or in Mullum, as we arrive at the bank I see an old friend who used to teach me rock n roll dancing (yeah, I can still cut a rug)... and even inside the bank, I said hi to a fella from my high school year, we hadn't seen each other since 1997.
It's a small world...
The banking took a bit longer than expected, after much back and forward we settled on our new bank accounts and how to arrange things going forward. While I've had an account here since I was very very young, I cancelled most of my stuff when I left in 2002, so now it was time to set up shop again, especially since I had my wife with me and we have a future to work towards...
We walked the street of Mullum, grabbed a coffee and we let the country hippy vibe soak in. Alex commented on how many folks don't wear shoes here and she can't believe how many new coffee shops there are for her to try (there's a lot more than when I was a kid).
Picked up Mum from school... School holidays for 2 weeks! Yippeee!!
Home... Dinner... Chatting... some TV...
Over the weekend we sorted out things around the house. Set up better internet Wifi around the house, the pool is in good condition after the winter sleep, cupboards got cleaned out and we unpacked and the car was washed (first time I've hand washed a car in over a decade!).
Sunday I watched Mark's live stream (from his front porch in upstate New York) and I felt inspired (he does that to me). So I am considering live streaming next week. I have a guitar and good internet, so why not? I just have to find time to practice ;) I'm thinking net Sunday evening here, which would be Sunday lunch time in Germany. If I don't get to it this Sunday, then maybe next Sunday... I'll keep you posted.
Overall the weather has been warm, often over 20 degrees. But the mornings are still quite chilly, with frosty dew on the golf course out back. It's not bad for coming out of winter...
Today, Monday, we went “up the coast”, to Tweed Heads.
First thing we tried to exchange my German license for a mandatory NSW (State) license, unfortunately I gotta wait for some back checks, no idea what I did 19 years ago in Melbourne, but they wanna check it out. So onwards to shopping...
Yes!!! We bought a coffee machine! Finally we can wake and with a press of a button get ourselves a cup of joe. It's the small things....
Helped mum with the grocery shopping. She knows her stuff. She knows where everything is in every shop, but sometimes she just needs me to reassure her what is actually written on the box or package!!!
So that's basically our first week...
We are settling in well. Alex and Mum get on like a house on fire. I often can't get a word in edgewise and I'm always outvoted!
I still miss Germany and I still miss Europe... (I always will). I miss a lot of the “past life”, but that's just cause Australia has moved on without me these past 18 years. Each day here I get a little closer to that homey feeling I used to have as a teenager (when I didn't know better).
In hindsight, the past 3 months wasn't too bad... We survived... But that's easy to say now...
When we were in the middle of it, it was really tough.
It was really hard packing up our lives into boxes. It was emotionally draining saying goodbye after goodbye to our wonderful friends. Playing my goodbye show was one of the musical highlights of my life, even if it was one of the saddest.
Then we were ready to leave...
As you all know, that didn't go according to plan.
That's when the really bad feelings crept in. You know it's one thing to know you gotta pack up and say goodbye to leave (you are prepared for that)... It's another when you're ready and the world says “nope, not yet”... and again and again that build up and let down was happening, and until the last 2 weeks in Germany, we had no idea why!
As some of you know, I'm not really good at spontaneity. I'm not good when the plan changes... It was tough... But...
When we took control of the situation and booked new flights, it helped a lot. We were back in control.
Quarantine was a difficult time, it got a little dark there. It brought with it, it's own set of challenges and a steep learning curve. I, for one, learnt a lot about pressure. I put too much pressure on myself. Since we arrived here, I have tried my best to relax more, in my own way at least. My to do lists are shorter...
Alex and I had already figured out how to survive the German lockdown, the packing up of our lives and clearing out the apartment. Then we had 2 months at her parents stuck in “limbo” and then 2 weeks stuck in a room together. Our marriage is really new, and we survived that without any damage to our relationship. Sure, we both have a few personal scars, but nothing a little love and tenderness wont fix. I'm proud of her, Alex has a lot of patience for me!
I'm really happy I am here to help Mum each day. Those small things will slowly become bigger things, but for now, it's great to be able to do “stuff” with her. That was always the plan, to be here in time, before things got really bad.
We've been posting often on our IG and FB stories, so I hope folks have seen the day to day happenings. I'm sure we'll continue with that, keeping you up to date visually.
I think I'll end these FB journals here, and switch over to Tumblr full time. The idea being that if you'd like to continue to read these long “new life” chronicles, I'll still post a link here when I do update there... Confused? Me too! ;)
Thanks everyone for your messages of support and love. We are very lucky, we have the best friends.... You guys rock! You're awesome! We love you.
Josh and @dauntlesscoffee
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prorevenge · 5 years
After months of putting up with my roommate from hell, I got the revenge of lifetime and screwed her over out of a fuckton of money and got her to pay rent and life has never been sweeter! (This is a long one)
This is a long one but very much worth the ride, so buckle up. (also, English isn't my native lang, sorry if there are any mistakes)
This story takes place a couple of years back. During college, I lived with several roommates, all of them were nice and we got along well, except for this one bitch, let's call her Karen. if Satan and Hitler had a child and that child had a child with Stalin and Cruella de Vil, that would be Karen for you, she is a loud-mouthed stupid, egocentric bitch who has the face that scare the shit out of a toilet. She would never clean up after herself, she would always leave her plates and things at the spot where she last used them. I have lost counts of how many times, I caught her stealing my clothes without asking and if you so much as touch her clothes she loses her shit on you, or her drinking our lactose-intolerant roommates almond milk and any time we confronted her for drinking it, she would shrug and say "I only had a sip, stop being so stingy." She plays her music loud at night, invites stranger without giving any heads up, a time or two she didnt pay rent even though her parents are FILTHY RICH and she is wearing gucci and prada shit, Karen also fucking lies about everything, even things that are not worth lying about. like if she woke up 7, and you ask her, she'll lie through her fucking teeth and say she rose with the sun rise because she is a natural. (ps, this is something i actually heard her say to her parents while she was skypeing them....so cringy, who the fuck says that? but i digress)
Months we have fucking put up with her, of course we tried to get other roommates but unfortunately when we all moved in everything, all documents and contracts were done in her name so kicking her out would require a lot of effort and most of us were busy with school and work and life happens. So we ignore it as much as we can and try to move on.
We are now all seniors and in our final semesters, meaning graduation was coming, AND Karen is planning a backpack trip across Europe with her friends as a graduation gift to herself, this is important so remember this.
One of our roommates and my closest friend, Sasha, has had a crush on a guy that lives down the hall. Any time the two of them are together, Sasha and the Guy keep giving each other googly eyes and blushing faces; it was sooo cute. Sasha is a verbal autistic person and has never dated anyone because she has a hard time with socializing and understanding social ques and subtlety, which lets face it, that is the core of dating, especially flirting but with a lot of encouragement from me and the final roommate, Lola we got her to ask him out. He said yes. She was so happy, you guys, she flew back into the apartment and did an hour of happy dance with her arms flailing about and a shit eatin grin on her face; needless to say we were all so happy. Karen caught wind of this and it just so happens at that time she was having relationship problems, I guess her bf finally realized he's dating human garbage. Not one to be outshined, Karen behind all of our backs went to the guy's place and spun lies about Sasha, saying she is a serial cheater and even made a fake account for Sasha's so called bf. the guy never called Sasha, and eventually weeks passed by he told us why but by then Sasha felt like the damage was done and lost interest in him.
This, this level of dickery and bloody pettiness is the straw that finally broke the camel's back and I vowed I wouldn't fucking leave until I served my slice of justice. Here's another character that you must know about, Prof C. His wife two years ago was in a horrible car accident and as a result is in a wheelchair, this is especially problematic because she was a stay home mom that took care of their two special needs kids and they have a toddler at home. Home life is a mess for him, he is running ragged between working and single-handedly is taking care of his family, the uni took pity and also feared the workload would see one of their best and most beloved teachers leave the school struck a deal with him to help him out. In all of his classes there will be quizzes and midterms, this doesnt change, but assignments you submit and he corrects at the end of the year, this is important cuz our uni has zero tolerance on proffs that dont constantly update the students course works so that students have the chance to improve their grades.
Karen, the lazy and stupid bitch she is, is somehow skating through his assignments, even though they require a shit tone of research and writing. I accidentally learned that one of her older friends told her that she only needs submit the paper on its due date and to only write the first 3 pages and use a paraphrase tool for the rest of the paper so the plagiarism software wont detect it and would think its original material and when the end of the year comes, submit a hard copy but with the first pages being her actual work and the rest being completely plagiarized, professional work. Prof C won't know cuz the likelihood a man as busy as him thoroughly checking the work of 120+ students is pretty low. I grinned. A plan was beginning to formulate in my head. Oh, sweet mother of Jesus, she is going down! All semester long I let her do this for all of the 7 papers, one of them which is a term paper that has 20% on it alone, all the while I spied and gathered all of her pass codes, social media, her student ID, everything.
The end of the year came and I compiled all of her assignments, both the original one with the paraphrasing tools she used to circumvent plagiarism and the one she finally handed them in, and I even made photos were there are side-to-side comparison of the assignments. This is a good start but not enough. So, One day chillin at the living room I open a conversation about relationships, Karen is two timing her new boyfriend and is sleeping with some other Person. so, I ask her questions like "don't you feel guilty for cheating?" and "You do realize this is wrong?" and I even paraphrase my words in a way that is vague but also clear, for example I would say "It's not fair, so many people work so hard everyday to be successful and you are here cheating and lying your way to success." Karen, narcissistic as fuck, would respond with snippets of I dont care and how she isnt cheating, she is only having fun and that everyone does it so why not her too. This is too good to be true, even her answers are vague, its like god put his hand on my shoulder, looked me right in the eyes and said, "burry this bitch". and Id be damned if I didnt. As you probably have guessed it by now, I was recording EVERYTHING. The recording plus the photos, and her assignments were more than enough evidence, I sent an anonymous email to the Professor, and i tell the girls so that they can prep for the shit storm thats coming. Three weeks later, results are out. she failed and LOST HER SHIT. She was screamin, crying, wailing, what a sight to see! you best believe, the girls and I were laughing. She tried to talk to the prof, but he was not having it. she cried and begged for a second chance but he said a hard no. So now she has two options: she goes ahead and doesn't graduate with us, and takes on a whole 'nother semester for one measly course or take summer course and cancel her trip to Europe, which mind you she spent a fuckton on, something like 13, 000$ and I know it could have been much cheaper but Princess Karen only wanted the best so yh. The next couple of weeks she spent sleepless nights because she was calling and cancelling all the reservations she made, tryin to get her money back BUT (again, GOD really was out for blood that day) because the cancellation was so close to some her trip most places refused to refund, or some charged her cancellation fees. She only managed to scrap 5.5 K back together, lossin 7.5 K. OUCH!
Its not over, having damning evidence I, with earned gusto, told her she was going to pay all of the bills till we move out, which was in two months, payback for all the times she was late on payment or defaulted and she would from now do her part of the house chores or else Im gonna send it all to the admin and faculty dean and she will fo sho be kicked out and all those uni years will have been for nothing. She hated it, she fucking threw tantrums and cussed me out but my god if she didnt do whats told. she cleaned her stuff, apologized to Sasha for what she did, I forced her to come clean to her BF (dont know the guy but the few times i met him he was super sweet to us and i felt bad for the guy), I watched her actually do the dishes for the first time in like years. IT was fucking amazing and I don't regret it one bit. In fact, anytime I feel sad now as an adult, i kick back my feet and reminiscine and a slow shit eatin grin draws itself upon my face.
tl;dr roommate was super mean, i found out she was cheating on her assignments and so i snitched on her and as a result she had to stay the summer and retake the class again or else she wouldn't graduate.
(source) story by (/u/let-the-write-one-in)
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Today I am going to talk about two things that are really close to my heart but firstly I want to apologise for posting after such a long time. I am still getting hang of things and trying to find my footing in the world of blogging while trying not to overthink every post I try to write. Moving on, the two things I am about to talk about are not just close to my heart but they made me into who I am as a person today. Lupus and Books.
I was barely a teenager when I was diagnosed with the Lupus and this is 2003 december that I am talking about. 27th December if we want to be precise. Internet was not what it is now. Not many people were aware of the disease. Hell, no one had heard the name of this disease. We hadn’t. The doctors barely knew about how to treat this. Even with today’s technology and awareness there are patients out there who are either misdiagnosed or not treated with the right medication so you can imagine how it was around 15 years ago.
I remember it so vividly. We had a school trip to Jaipur in November first week and it had been the best trip of my life and I was still on a high from that trip when I developed a fever. Obviously no one took it seriously thinking I over exerted or maybe it was a viral but it wouldn’t go down so all the routine check ups were done and all my bloods were clear. No one knew what was happening. For over a month I had this fever which just came down suddenly. It was gone and I was back to school thanking my stars and catching up with friends. Who was crushing on whom? Bunking classes to prepare a dance performance, entering my name in all curricular activities I could get my hands on. This 12 year old Sana loved school. She would reach half an hour early just so she could hang out with her friends and chill. This is the same Sana who loves sleep and would actually marry a bed if she could.
Unfortunately that spell of good health broke and I had two really swollen joints. I could barely move my hand. My wrist was twice its size which is when my pediatrician suggested I need to go to a doctor who was good at diagnosing stuff because she thought it was a multiple organ disease and she didn’t want to treat me for the wrong ailment. Everyone just assumed it was arthritis considering my mom and Nani both had this disease but we waited for the test results impatiently. I wanted to get back to my normal life and be rid of the pain. Christmas was coming and I was not going to miss the celebrations at school. I wanted to part of the show children were putting on. My parents on the other hand were thinking about the long term effect this was going to have on me. The over excited 12 year old hadn’t really grasped at the fact that this was going to be a long term disease. A chronic illness, a term I had never even heard.
Long story short I was diagnosed with Lupus and my world turned upside down(Lupus in simplest of simplest explanation is your immunity attacking your body instead of protecting you for those who don’t know about it and want to know more please feel free to message me on Insta or twitter. Both links are at the bottom of the page) I didn’t realise the gravity of the situation until much later which I am thankful for because otherwise I would have been a wreck. I didn’t have a phone and google on my fingertips to tell me the worst case scenarios. When I actually sit down and think about that time I don’t think I really understood what was happening and was taking one day at a time. This sana was hopeful and always smiling. Bright ray of sunshine no matter what. Everyone thinks I am brave because of how dealt with it all when in reality I was a really confused kid.
One of the medications given to treat lupus is steroids. It kills your immunity so it doesn’t attack your body but it is also leaving you vulnerable to getting anything and everything which is why I had to stay at home for six months. It wasn’t a suggestion. It was an order from doctor and something my parents refused to contradict. Doc’s word is the law in my house. She is basically my second mom.  What steroid also does is that you gain weight. You are hungry all the fucking time and then you gain weight. I gained around 15-20 kgs and I had to sneak out and go to the medical room to have a midday meal. It also damages your bones. Basically part of your bones stop receiving blood and because of that there are dead patches in the bones. It usually happens after a really long term use of steroids but I got it within like six months.
My friends who had last seen me in November were in shock. Some people didn’t even recognize me. I went from 45 kgs to 60 and I was in crutches. I wasn’t the active girl anymore, dancing and volunteering or even talking. I had gone into my shell and no one tried to even understand what I was going through. I was an outsider. Alone. No one wanted to hangout with me and that was a new experience for me. Unknown territory. I had always been confident person but after everything I had become shy and nervous and the friends I had didn’t really make an effort to be my friends.
That one day changed everything. I used to read before that but never seriously. It was rare and it was just harry potter. My mom noticed this change in me and we had a talk about everything. I told her how the best friends had vanished. Everyone had vanished. It had reached the level where I used to eat alone during lunch in an empty classroom because everyone went out and I couldn’t climb down two floors with crutches throughout the day.
My mom just told me to read more. She told me people are going to come and leave specially with me because of my issues but books? There are always going to be books around. They will never leave you. You can take them with you wherever you want and those words kind of just hit a mark. This is when I actually started reading. I talked to my librarian at school and when I couldn’t go in for a long spell my mom would go and collect a bunch of books for me to read while I was stuck in bed.
That was just the beginning of reading books obsessively (I remember staying up during my 12th board exam to finish reading twilight. Don’t give me that look! We have all been into the twilight hole). I would read every second I could get. It was an escape I hadn’t realized I needed. I could be in Hogwarts while I was hospitalized? How could it get any better, right? I found a passion in something I didn’t ever think was for me and I owe it to not only my mom but also my English teacher I had at that time. She was always encouraging when it came down to reading and writing. Yes, the books lead me to writing opening another whole new world for me that I didn’t know existed. I was talking to people from around the world. Finally people who were there. They weren’t judging me or starting rumours about how I am faking it all for attention or telling me I was depressing. Yes, someone told me that. A school friend. Someone I considered a really close friend of mine. I think we were around 24 and she said we don’t invite you to things because talking to you is depressing and we wanted to enjoy ourselves. Again, proving that books were more loyal than humans. Actually they are better than humans. Period.
I know its difficult to be friends with someone who is always cancelling plans or cant go out and asks the other person to come over. Sometimes they are bitchy too but can you blame them? They are fighting a battle with their own body every single fucking. Can you blame me?  Everyone you meet always says they understand but they truly don’t because by the time they understand they are already running away in the opposite direction.
Books don’t run away to begin with, they take you not just around the world but to worlds that don’t exists. To universe that is so vast and to make you dream. Books dare you to dream, they give you hope,too. For a better tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day. Am I right or am I right?
Pick up a book and show it some love guys. If you don’t enjoy reading then you just haven’t found your book. Just don’t ever stop looking!
Happy book hunting!
My Love Affair with Books Today I am going to talk about two things that are really close to my heart but firstly I want to apologise for posting after such a long time.
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1. How do you approach hypothetical survey questions? Do you try to put yourself into that situation, or do you have a tendency to “ignore” those questions? I think usually I say what I would do
2. When was the last time that you acted impulsively? Is this a common behavior for you? I’m an impulsive shopper and snacker
3. When was the last time when you spent a good deal of time thinking something through? Was it a relief when you finally settled on a decision? Deciding whether to move out of my house with roommates and back in with my dad. It was a relief to be away from so much covid stress but the rest was sad
4. The last time that someone was angry with you, what happened to cause them to feel that way? What about the last time that you were angry with someone else? If you estimated, which do you think you experience more often: anger toward others, or others feeling anger toward you? My dad and I had a fight this morning because he kept knocking on my door and I gave him attitude, so we were both mad at each other. Probably others are usually mad at me more because my anger comes hot but goes quickly
5. How do you generally feel after you have been very angry? What do you like to do to calm yourself down? Either grumpy or guilty, depending on if I think I was right. Idk, listen to music or something
6. What are some sounds that you find soothing? Have you ever used any sort of tape of nature/ocean/rain sounds to fall asleep, or would that sort of thing be more inclined to keep you awake? I’ve started to use white noise/similar to block out my dad’s snoring but it kind of grates on me
7. What was the last thing you looked for, but could not find? Stationery that I thought I had
8. How often do you misplace your belongings, or forget where you set something down? Or, are you pretty good at keeping track of everything that you own? Semi often
9. Do you ever say or do things for shock-value? If so, is there something specific you are hoping to achieve by saying those things, or is it just for the sake of it? If you personally do not do such things, do you know anyone who does? Sometimes I say things to be dramatic
1o. If you were going out to your favorite restaurant, what would you be most likely to order? Do you have a “usual” when you go out to eat, or do you prefer to sample a different meal from the menu each time? My favorite restaurant is unfortunately closed, but I would order a pretzel bun grilled cheese, sweet potato fries, and a chocolate kahlua malt milkshake
11. When was the last time that something you did backfired? How about the last time you experienced a completely unexpected and fortunate surprise? I misplayed some moves in chess. An unexpected surprise was discovering that I was interested in music analysis youtube videos
12. Is it uncomfortable for you to be pitied? Have you ever felt as though someone pitied you? If so, how did you react to it, if at all? Yes, especially if it’s something like death where I am expected to feel a certain way
13. In general, do you tend to look more at the scientific or artistic aspects of life? Would you prefer to deal strictly in facts, or more in areas of subjective creativity? I would ideally like to be involved in both because I’m interested in both, but I feel like it’s hard to find a career like that, so I’ve been pursuing arts more
14. What are some controversial subjects about which you are tired of hearing? Do you ever weary of the drama certain opposing viewpoints can cause, or do you enjoy the tension and opinions that come with debate? I’m tired of hearing about which celebrities are getting cancelled. Sometimes I like drama if I know I’m right, but that’s not one of the topics I like
15. When a survey question rubs you the wrong way, are you ever blunt or borderline rude in your response to it? If so, do you think that others should take your responses personally, or that they should realize you’re just reacting to the question itself? Sometimes, but idk who would take it personally
16. When is the next time you will be going outside? Will you be going alone, or will you be going with someone else? Idk probably this week sometime either alone or with my dad
17. If you received an allowance as a kid, what kinds of things would you buy with it? Were you more the type to save up for something big, or spend it on little things? Spent it on little things like jewelry
18. If you are someone who goes to the mall, are there any stores that you have NEVER been into? Is it for personal reasons, or just because you have no interest in the items they sell? There are some I have no interest in
19. What is one unhappy circumstance in your life right now that is beyond your control? How are you dealing with it? Covid pandemic, and I am not dealing well
2o. How about something dissatisfying that you CAN control? Are you doing anything to change this situation, or are you just waiting for it to pass? trying to find a job, which I can sort of control. I am trying but it’s really discouraging
21. Do you think that people deserve to be treated with basic respect, or do you feel as though they have to “earn” your respect? Explain the reason for your choice, if any? I think people should have basic respect
22. Are there any types of people you could not manage to treat decently, no matter how hard you tried? Not in person because I hate confrontation
23. Have you ever offered advice that wasn’t necessarily wanted? How did the receiver of this advice respond? Probably idk
24. How do you tend to feel when someone offers unsolicited advice regarding how you should live your life? I usually argue with them
25. What day of the week was the hottest? And, how hot is just too hot, for you? I can’t even keep track, it’s been in between like 50s and 20s most of the week. 80s is when it gets too hot
26. What is your favorite item of clothing that you are currently wearing? How often do you wear this item? I wear my green hawaiian dress all the time, it’s really comfortable
27. When you cuddle with someone, how do you prefer to position yourself? Would you rather be held, or do the holding? Or both? Mostly be held. But I shift around, it’s hard for me to stay in one position too long
28. During what time of the day are you most likely to hang out with other people? Is there a certain part of the day you prefer to reserve just for yourself, if you have that luxury? Afternoon or evening. I like to sleep in
29. How do you tend to feel after spending hours and hours online, if that is something you do? In general, how long do you think you could spend using the internet before it became boring to you? I am online like all the damn time lately, even after I get bored
3o. When was the last time you didn’t want to do something, but you had to do it anyway? What about the last time you wanted to do something, but could not because something or another was preventing you? I didn’t want to apply to a job today but I did anyway. I have wanted to do things all year but couldn’t because of covid
31. If you were to scale your percentage of open-mindedness, where do you think that percentage would land? To you, what does it mean to be open-minded? For things in general, like 60-70% probably, but in terms of my own life probably like 30% because I am pretty stubborn. 
32. Can you recall the last time you lied to someone? If so, what was it that prompted you to lie? I don’t remember, probably just a little white lie
33. What was the last thing you did that you knew was not good for you? How about the last thing you did that WAS good for you? Stayed up way too late, ate yogurt
34. Who is the most interesting person you have talked to lately? What is one quality about them that causes them to seem interesting? Some online friends I have met through discord, we play interesting games and it’s fun to get to know new people
0 notes
So that didn't work. #1-40 then.
first of all i answered 2-9 already im cancelling them.
1. tell me the truth, what made you start liking the person you like right now?
well, to tell you the truth, I don’t know/remember. It was an ineffable mess of an experience. I just know I do. T'is the curse, perhaps.
10. is there one person you want to be with right now?
not really an option, so the answer I choose is mmmmmmmyself. Very elusive. who are they??? Will we ever know? A tru mystery.
11. are you seriously happy with where you are in life?
12. is there something you would like to say to someone?
13. what are three things you did today?
1. woke up feeling ill. Like legit nausea and stuffy nose. Bizarre. Hope it wasn’t some soulmate bond or some shit. 2. Arrived Late to class. 3. Ate a lot for the sake of finishing soon to expire food.
14. would you rather sleep at a friend’s or have them over?
hmm. At a friend’s, so I wouldn’t have to clean my room to make it presentable.
15. what is your favorite kind of gum?
16. are you friends with any of your ex boyfriends/ girlfriends?
not yet
17. what is on your wrists right now?
…hair tie
18. ever liked someone you thought you didn’t stand a chance with?
19. does anyone have strong feelings for you?
…..not yet.
but when i conquer the world and make their lives miserable they’ll think of me when they’re terrified and desperate to go to sleep and i think that counts
20. are you slowly drifting away from someone?
21. have you ever wasted your time on someone?
22. can you do the alphabet in sign language?
23. how have you felt today?
mmmmmm roller coaster
24. you receive $60 without any reason, what do you spend it on?
hmmm. Business or savings.
25. what is wrong with you right now?
a lot of things
i’d go get them checked out but….Amerikkka
26. is there anyone you’re really disappointed in?
27. would you rather have starbucks or jamba juice right now?
………juice it up. mango mania binch
28. why aren’t you in ‘love’ with your last ex anymore?
nah. It’s not that. Quite the opposite if anything.
29. how late did you stay up last night and why?
lmao I’m sorry I don’t remember such things
30. when was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?
31. what were you doing an hour ago?
wasting time, I’m sure.
32. what are you looking forward to in the next month?
being cleansed
33. are you wearing jeans right now?
34. are you a patient person?
35. do you think you can last in a relationship for three months?
oddly enough I have. In the grand scheme of things 3 months isn’t that long, but it can feel like a lifetime or two. So it’s still some kind of feat, especially to people who never thought they’d ever be in one.
36. favorite color?
grey and navy
37. did you have a dream last night?
huh. yeah actually. Lmao maybe that’s why I was sick when I woke up.
38. are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants?
…..none of those
39. if someone could be cuddling you right now, who would you want it to be?
that’s top secret information
40. do you love anyone who is not related to you?
mmmmm unfortunately
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ledenews · 4 years
Mike Muklewicz: Finding the Silver Lining
These are strange days for players and coaches of all sports, but those feeling the pinch the most right now are involved with baseball and softball. April is supposed to be baseball season. Of course, this being the Ohio Valley, it’s also the month of buckets of rain and mass postponements, followed by a mad dash to cram in as many games as possible before the OVAC tournament cutoff date. Well April is ending tonight. True to form, the rain has done its job and was plentiful. Vacant facilities with water-soaked infields dot the landscape. But while the sun may come out tomorrow, the boys and girls won’t be following it out onto the fields -- just another casualty of the coronavirus pandemic. Baseball players and coaches like St. Clairsville Post 159 manager Mike Muklewicz, hope for a legion season still yields promise, though that hope is starting to wane. Muklewicz, a starring pitcher both at Bridgeport High School and later Bethany College, has been around the game since before kindergarten. It’s one of his great loves. As the prospect of an entire year without baseball becomes less a possibility and more a likelihood, the coach has spent time reflecting on the negatives, and the few positives, coming from this shared experience. In the last eight seasons, five as the manager, Muklewicz has helped guide Post 159 into a regional power in legion ball. The last four years, the team has gone 91-39, twice winning the District crown and advancing to the state tournament. The other two seasons? Post 159 was the district runner-up. Muklewicz’s team also became the only local outfit in the 30-plus years of the Edgar Martin Beast of the East Classic to win the summer classic’s coveted 19-and-under championship trophy back in the summer of 2016. He also served as either assistant or head coach at his alma mater for both the Bulldogs’ baseball and golf teams in the past, helping guide Bridgeport to the 2014 OVAC golf championship. He’s assisted Donnie Cash with the boys’ basketball team for five years and two at the junior high level before that. Sports is in his blood, but for Muklewicz, baseball holds that special place in his heart. But so does his family. “Muk” as many know him, lives with his wife, Alison, in St. Clairsville. Under their roof are two boys, Deklan and Kash, along with Ryah, the eldest of three. And while the sporting life is on hold for the family, life, in general, is not. Barely above the age of 30, Muklewicz is taking almost a sage-like approach with his thoughts on the present situation. On one hand, he greatly misses the sport, his players, the camaraderie and watching it all come together. But he realizes why what’s done had to be done, and he’d rather not risk the safety of those players he so cares about if not necessary, no matter how much they may protest. He also realizes the special time both he and Alison are able to spend together with the family as a unit and that an opportunity like this most likely won’t—and especially won’t for this type of reason—come around again. In true coach speak, Muklewicz is taking it one day at a time, living in the now and not overlooking the great opportunity the extra time together as afforded his family.
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Muklewicz is joined by his fellow Post 159 coaching staff members, along with their players for a group shot following a game.
This has to be a rough time for you, no spring baseball, no Major League baseball, and the legion season is still in limbo. Can you remember a time where you went through a whole season with no baseball involvement at all? How have you been managing your time?
I officially picked up a baseball when I was five. From little league, high school, college, and back coaching two teams -- now down to just Post 159. This is the first time in 26 years it has ever being absent. It’s weird. It just feels like a long winter at this point, but it’s starting to set in.
The high school kids hung on so long with the hope of maybe at least a shortened season for the spring, only for it to be canceled. Do you almost not want to wait to the last minute for news on legion, only for them possibly to get crushed again? Is it hard to resist the temptation when you see a nice day and an empty field to “accidentally” meet a few of your players there to even just pass or throw a little bp?
That high school season being cancelled is really unfortunate. I can’t imagine. You practice and endure the cold February and March practices for a reason. Playing baseball up here in the North is rough, and for the kids to go through the worst part and not get to step on the field when the weather finally breaks is awful. Seniors were playing their last game as a junior and never knew it. Everyone looks forward to that final year, and poof, it’s gone. No one forgets their last high school game. I was the tying run standing on second against River at home in a sectional game when mine ended almost 15 years ago, and we sat under the lights in the dugout for a couple hours after everyone left the field. Those are the memories that the kids are missing out on. It was a decision that OSHAA had to make, and obviously it was the right one, but it’s tough and I feel for these guys.
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Muklewicz is pictured with his family and also holding the youngest member. He's realized one of the few positives of this experience, and that's a renewed sense of closeness with his family.
On the positive side, are you enjoying the extra time with your wife and son? As a coach’s wife, I’m sure she’s used to you being gone or busy a lot of hours of the day both during the preseason and in-season. Is she taking advantage with either extra time with the three of you, or extra sleep while you are on duty? Has the honey-do list increased in its length?
I have an 18-month-old, and if there was ever a time to have some extra time together, it’s now. I really appreciate it. As far as the dreaded honey-do list, I’m lucking out since we are in the process of buying another house.
Do you get a lot of messages and texts from players and other coaches even, on if you’ve heard anything in relation to the season? Being that you played at the next level, how is this affecting those sophomores and juniors as far as getting looks, along with maybe some of the seniors who were still waiting to make their choice or get that call they were waiting for?
 I’m getting texts from a handful of players and parents, texting my coaches, and members of the media all asking the same questions that none of us Legion guys have an answer to. Almost 20 states have cancelled their seasons. The National Headquarters has cancelled the regional and Legion World Series. At this point, they have left it up to each state to make its own decision being that the severity of coronavirus is varied across the country. Ohio is on right now. If I had to put my paycheck on it, I have a feeling the closer we get, the more likely it is to be cancelled. I just don’t see how we stick a bunch of kids in a dugout together in close contact with each other when we are wearing masks when we go to Walmart. I hope I’m wrong, but we have a responsibility to take care of these kids and it’s not necessarily about them but their parents and grandparents. There are some possible contingency plans. Some states are playing unofficial seasons as legion teams or creating non-affiliated teams. I have been looking at how that might work, and we are more than willing to take those steps if possible. It would be a lot easier to make these decisions if opening if there were at least a month between opening day and opening the country. I hope we can just roll with our official season, but we aren’t going to know until the third or fourth week of May. Until then the kids are tossing and taking BP together. I love seeing the social media posts of a bucket of balls or long tossing. They will be ready to go if we get a thumbs up; that’s for sure!
What have you as a family done to break up the monotony of the stay-at-home order? Your son is younger. How have you gone about explaining to him what’s going on? Did you dial it back some or try to be as honest as you can so he can know why things are different and he can’t do certain things he’s used to doing? You obviously worry about your family and your players in moving back too soon, but adding your child into the mix, does that add a whole extra layer of precaution in how in a hurry you may be for things to get back to normal?
My grass is cut on a regular basis; I can say that. Working from home is a blessing and a curse. The flexibility is great, but my office chair is forming a nice mold at this point. There is only so much you can do around the house and so many walks you can take.  The good thing is we are all spending time with our families. The world is so fast-paced, and we get so caught up in school, jobs, ball games that we never really sit down and break bread or talk. I would advise anyone to enjoy this time around whomever you are because this kind of situation is once in a lifetime. Some of us may never slow down this much to enjoy what we have again. You can’t take that for granted. Read the full article
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toxoplasmajuice · 7 years
Kennedy Chapman, 5 questions of your choice!
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
kennedy had a normal-good relationship with his parents in his early life, but it went downhill for a while after he came out as trans. it stayed not great for a WHILE, with very little contact after kennedy moved out, but just before the turn of the millennium his parents actually made a meaningful effort to reach out and reconcile with kennedy (they’d made smaller, less meaningful attempts before, but this time was Different). it took a while, but eventually they were on… mostly good terms again. unfortunately, Mr. Chapman has since died, and Mrs. Chapman prooobably doesn’t have much longer to go.
good memory: okay so, the chapmans had a fancy vacation home island down in Isla Paradiso area, which belonged to kennedy’s grandparents until they died, and then it went to kennedy’s father, and after his death it went to kennedy’s mother, who then gave it to kennedy because she didn’t want to be in charge of it in her old age, who ended up selling it to someone who turned it into a nature reservation of sorts and ANYWAY, TO THE MEMORY: kennedy’s parents took him (and his sisters) to the vacation home every summer and he’d often help his mom cook with stuff that grew on the island (alone, because dacia and roxanne were too busy torturing small creatures) and this isn’t one specific memory but he remembers helping harvest everything and helping cook w/ all of it as a collection of good memories
bad memory: on kennedy’s 20-something-th birthday, while, remember, things were still rocky between him and his parents, his parents tried to invite him to a birthday dinner and he accepted, but really just because he had no other plans that year. it was the most tense night out he’s ever had with anybody (and he once ended up on a blind date with a Supernatural Skeptic). the waitstaff almost sang him happy birthday
(i think i already answered the last part of this question)
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
he’s like, almost nocturnal but not quite. he sleeps thru afternoons a lot and sometimes passes the Fuck out at very late hours. he’s eerily silent when sleeping, but he’s told that he snored sometimes when he was mortal? and he Needs beds (or couches). he can’t stand coffins (too enclosed) or floating over altars (too… Weird). but he’s not picky about the kind of mattress, he’s slept on too many couches to be a snob about beds
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
things that make kennedy chapman sad include, but are not limited to, sad charity commercials, cancelled plans, the crushing realization that most of the people he knows and loves are mortal and will die long before him, when his favorite supernatural hangout shut down,
he doesn’t cry regularly, but when he does he tries to hide it. he doesn’t like people crowding around and asking him what’s wrong when he doesn’t want to talk about it when he’s crying because he’s too busy crying to talk about it
so he tends to retreat to his room/the nearest bathroom/anywhere else he can hide if he’s that upset abt something, but if he’s not at the point of tears he’ll just like… be quieter, be unenthusiastic about things, sigh a lot
39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging?
he just figured out how to use email and he’s SUPER psyched about it. he can put a funny signature on his emails now… AND he can remove it when he has to be respectable!!! (he would still prefer writing physical letters–he loves writing on paper–but let’s face it, they take too long to send for most purposes)
don’t ask him about texting though. he’s not good at texting and the keyboard is still hard to use (he has an old phone that has limited keys, y'know, how you used to have to press 7 four times to get to an S)
43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
he’s Spiritual But Not Religious, but doesn’t have any problem with religion as a concept or with religious ppl (as long as they don’t have a problem with him)? same with completely non-religious people, he has no issues with ‘em as long as they give him that respect
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stagesofabreakup · 7 years
Stages of a Breakup: Week 15
1. Get next to no money for doing your show
2. Have the new chef make you eat vegetable lasagna in front of her while she watches
3. Try to decide if she’s weird or nice or hitting on you or none of the above? All of the above?
4. (It is good lasagna though- maybe she’s just proud??)
5. Go to another mic but it’s over when you get there because you got trapped into a conversation and stopped to get gas first
6. You’re not drinking this week because you got too drunk on Saturday? Sunday? And you made a plan for yourself
7. Have a French lesson with a friend where you go over and learn the French word for “birdcage” try to explain to her something about Jim Carrey’s childhood, then eat avocado toast, an egg and a salad
8. Have the worst therapy experience of your whole life where your therapist diagnoses you as “having some kind of a mood disorder” and that she “can’t in good conscious move forward” with what you came to talk about without addressing the “serious personality issues you have” after meeting with you two times. Is also incredibly condescending and kicks you out 15 minutes into the session
9. Rage cry on the phone with your mom
10. Decide that this woman (Joanne Harmon practicing in New Orleans, Louisiana at 137 N. Clark Street) is not only a bad therapist but professionally irresponsible and not worth your time
11. Go to the gym, find a punching bag you can talk this issue out with
12. Work at the gym, nod hello to a lot of tall men in tank tops
13. Do two shows on Bourbon street, the first show is the worst set you’ve done in a few months and feels worse than you could ever describe
14. Lament that you’re not drinking, remain sober during the rest of that show and the next one
15. Decline doing a set at the next show, come onstage at the end to do an improvised musical number with two other comics that is alright
16. Get paid 20 dollars, slink off into the night
17. Stay up until 2:00am writing curriculum for the comedy camp you’re going to teach tomorrow
18. Wake up at 8:30am to teach a comedy camp
19. Spend 7 hours with four middle schoolers watching clips of Kat Williams
20. Go home, change, go to an Abortion Story-sharing even you agreed to be a part of
21. Read a story
22. Eat a lot of free hummus and pineapple
23. Meet up with some friends who came to the event
24. Talk about systemic racism for a while, agree it’s bad
25. Go to a different show with your friend Rachel
26. Sit outside and talk about Mitch Landrieu and the nuance of race and power in New Orleans
27. Watch a duo improv show that was actually pretty good
28. Get pulled over by the police on your way home because your “license plate is expired” which probably isn’t true, get let go, thank the heavens and God personally that you’re not drinking this week because otherwise you probably would have been a little drunk
29. Escort
30. Work at the gym
31. Read the short story your dad sent you months ago
32. Cry at the gym
33. Call him and give page by page notes
34. Feel useful and like a good daughter
35. Do an open mic
36. Do a show
37. Eat free ice cream in a cone and jellybeans
38. Wake up early for a dentist appointment that ends up being cancelled
39. Go to a sit in/protest at Bill Cassidy’s office to encourage him to vote in opposition of the AHCA
40. Be on TV for one second looking sweaty
41. Have a weird interaction with an older woman that makes you worried she’s going to puncture your tires after you leave
42. Go to Trader Joe’s
43. Eat a lot of samples, buy a lot of frozen food
44. Buy uncooked pizza dough as a challenge to yourself
45. Go home put everything away, immediately head out to the kid’s comedy camp showcase where you perform with them
46. Have a good set about Dave & Buster’s
47. Have a conversation with a girl you previously (and constantly) judged. Talk to her about sexual harassment and see her in a new light
48. Get a Pina Colada daiquiri on the way home
49. Get drunk and watch Harriet the Spy
50. Fall asleep
51. Work out
52. Leave the gym early because you feel light-headed
53. Lay down for the majority of the day
54. Go see “It Comes At Night” at the movie theatre near your house
56. Write a scathing review because you’re so mad and you HATED IT
57. Go to your friend Rachel’s house at 8:00pm with the intention of night swimming
58. Get wrapped up in watching Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry music videos and discussions of cultural appropriation
59. Realize it’s too late to go to the pool because it’s 11:30 and they all close at midnight
60. Hear about a costume/dance party/luau rave that Rachel wants to go to
61. It sounds completely terrible to you but you are trying to say yes to the dress more so you agree to go
62. You both get dressed up in glitter and statement jewelry because with a costume it costs 5 dollars and without it costs 10 but you were dressed to go to the pool
63. Go to the party
64. Have SO MUCH FUN even though later you learn it is a fundraiser for a group of people to go to Burning Man
65. Get Glory Hole manicures (stick your hand in a hole and they get painted!)
66. Dance a lot in your Tevas
67. See some strippers in a light up dome/cage thing
68. See some very traumatized ducks who were unfortunate enough to be living where the party took place
69. Feel bad for a minute because other women are getting sexual attention, but then look around and realize you’re not sexually attracted to anyone here and you just want the attention to feel validated
70. Dance some more in your Tevas, watch four different people fall on some very poorly constructed stairs
71. Eat some free pork
72. Have a sleepover at Rachel’s
73. Sleep naked because she says, “why not?” and is such a kind, compassionate friend
74. Pass out in the middle of an episode of 30 Rock, the best way to go
75. Wake up
76. It’s Father’s Day!!
77. Call your dad
78. He asks if he can call you back because he’s “fixing a toilet flap”
79. Eat crescent rolls with blueberry preserves on Rachel’s balcony porch
80. Talk to your dad
81. Have him describe a book he’s reading about Nixon’s lawyer during the Watergate scandal as “personally topical”
82. Put on some sunscreen
83. Go to the pool!!!
84. Spend all day at the pool
85. Eat some fries, go in a sauna
86. Post some Father’s Day pics of you & Rachel, they don’t get nearly what they deserve but such is life
87. Read your book
88. Go to an open mic
89. See your ex-boyfriend for the first time since he & your friend informed you he would be in New York the week after you move there and he “didn’t mean to fuck up your move and the timing seems weird but it’s just circumstantial and didn’t mean to be”
90. You don’t speak/he doesn’t look at you
91. Spend the night kind of miserable hoping he will text to talk about it/offer something/anything
92. He does not
93. You exist anyway
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trendingnewsb · 6 years
5 Insanely Important Jobs (We’re Running Out Of People For)
Supply and demand should ensure that we never run out of people to do the really key jobs. If there was a dire shortage of, say, potato chip flavor developers (don’t panic, this is strictly theoretical), chip companies would make the salary and perks of the job more attractive, colleges would hype up the benefits of majoring in flavor science, and new blood would enter the field, bringing with them the caramel-and-Worcestershire-sauce-flavored Pringles we truly deserve. But reality is nowhere near that efficient, and we are running out of people for some especially vital jobs. For example …
Old Programmers Are Dying Off … And Taking Their Computer Languages With Them
As far as we’re concerned, computers are magic. We don’t know the technical details of what goes down when we order a book from Amazon or stream truly shocking amounts of pornography, and frankly, we don’t want to. That’s why we have computer programmers. They do all the important behind-the-scenes work that lets us take complicated technology for granted, and they give us someone to complain about when that technology fails and we can’t stream Gilmore Girls on our toaster at three in the morning.
But there’s a problem: An enormous amount of our financial data is stored on systems still running ancient programming. Roughly three trillion dollars a day runs through computers still operating on COBOL, a language that was developed in 1959. Everything from ATMs to credit card networks to mortgage payments rely on a system that makes calculator watches look like absurd science fiction. And the majority of people who know how to fix the many problems with COBOL are getting ready to meet their programmers.
Via Fossbytes.comSo sleep tight knowing that your paycheck could depend on a program that looks like it should be threatening Matthew Broderick with nuclear annihilation.
It’s not as simple as moving everything onto a more modern infrastructure. At this point, the financial system is so intertwined with its COBOL roots that it would be like trying to simultaneously replace all of your veins with fiber optics. A switchover is theoretically possible, but if something goes wrong, the financial data for millions of people could vanish.
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Since it would be impractical to make everyone temporarily withdraw all of their money until the problem is fixed, geriatric programmers are making good money running firms that specialize in COBOL. Meanwhile, the industry is rushing to train young programmers (and rehire the old guys they fired because they thought their skills were obsolete). Further compounding the problem is that programmers of the original COBOL systems rarely wrote handbooks, and deciphering someone else’s computer code 40 years later is like trying to communicate an elaborate sexual fantasy via slide whistles.
And it’s not only banking. NASA once desperately needed to find programmers who knew Fortran to communicate with their Voyager probes. These are by no means insurmountable problems, so don’t panic and put all of your money in Dogecoins tomorrow. But it’s kind of like suddenly discovering that we have to teach thousands of people Latin to prevent the English language book industry from collapsing.
The Demand For Oncologists Skyrockets While Supply Plummets
We’re living longer than ever, and while that’s mostly awesome, it does have some downsides. Now that we’re not frequently devoured by wolves, we have to deal with other, increasingly common causes of death, like heart disease or insisting that you could kick everyone’s ass in a hot dog eating contest. And then there’s cancer.
We need oncologists more than ever, and that’s a problem, since burnout is taking a serious toll on that profession. We’re estimated to be short 2,500 to 4,000 oncologists by 2020. The burnout can be physical — you’re constantly required to stay up to date on lab results, deal with sudden calls from patients at all hours of the day, and fight for settlements with insurance companies — but there’s also the emotional exhaustion of forming close bonds with suffering patients, having to break difficult news to them, and in some cases, watching them die.
Association of American Medical CollegesThe news isnt really great for other specialties, either.
We need to increase the number of America’s oncologists by an estimated 40 percent by 2025 merely to keep up with the need. Improving medical care is going to make us better at surviving other diseases, which means more people are going to be confronting nature’s final boss. To close the gap between the high retirement rates and new trainees entering the field, we’ll need hundreds more people to enter oncology programs each year. And we’re currently losing them hand over fist. So if you’re getting ready for med school and have no issues with emotionally crushing situations, we’ve found a promising career for you.
We’re Short On Farm Labor Because It’s Such A Terrible Job
85 percent of farm laborers are immigrants, and roughly 70 percent of those immigrants are undocumented. And between 2009 and 2016, that workforce decreased by three million people due to deportation. Those who do remain are growing older, and there might not be anyone to replace them.
OK, but isn’t that the whole point of deporting undocumented immigrants? To free up jobs for unemployed citizens? In theory, yes … but not enough Americans looking for work want to get into farming. It’s exhausting, physical labor with long hours in harsh weather. One farm started offering Americans $20 an hour, but still couldn’t retain workers. 401(k)s? Health insurance? Generous bonuses? None of it makes up for the fact that the work blows, despite what Stardew Valley told you about the appeal of quitting your office job to live in the country.
Norma FloresBut hey, free housing … assuming youre OK with living in dilapidated communal barracks.
With demand vastly exceeding supply, farmers have had to rethink what they can afford to grow and harvest. Nuts, for example, can be harvested by machines, but peaches require the delicate touch of a human. But replacing human labor with machines means that only a minuscule fraction of employees will be needed in the future. So an entire industry will up and vanish, and then we’ll have to think of some new problem to blame immigrants for.
Nobody Wants To Be A Skilled Manufacturer Anymore
While the United States undeniably has a shortage of skilled jobs that provide stability and security, there’s also a huge, undiscussed problem in the opposite direction. We don’t have enough people trained to do skilled manufacturing jobs.
MixabestShocking how no one wants a career that will obviously be done by humans forever.
That means factory work, machine maintenance, melting Terminators in giant vats of liquid metal, etc. Up to two million of those jobs will go unfilled over the next decade just because people aren’t trained for them. We’re literally running out of people who know how to make things that aren’t Minecraft videos and snarky Tweets. Do you remember Trump saying that he wanted to bring good jobs back from overseas? Factory CEOs turned around and told him that those jobs are already here, but vacant.
Why the shortage? Well, corporations cracked down on unions, which lowered wages and led to the perception that manufacturing jobs, even skilled ones, were boring, repetitive positions for lower-class bozos. So colleges started de-emphasizing manufacturing skill sets, and graduates in relevant fields, like mechanics and engineering, started dropping accordingly. The industry is turning to automation, but factories still need employees to install and maintain those machines, and even those employees are missing.
If you’re a cartoonish conservative stereotype loudly wondering why “America doesn’t build things anymore,” it’s not because of them lousy foreigners. It’s because corporations neglected those jobs, and now nobody wants to do them anymore.
We Don’t Have Nearly Enough Pilots To Meet Our Demand For Air Travel
Air travel is perhaps the modern luxury that we most take for granted. It is a damn wonder that we hurtle through the sky at will, but tell that to the tired, grumpy people in economy. Or wait, maybe you won’t have to, because we’re running out of people who know how to operate those magical flying machines, to the point where flights are getting cancelled due to a lack of pilots. Obviously there’s a lot of training required before you can be trusted with the controls of a jet-powered carrier of human lives. In fact, after the crash of Colgan Air Flight 3407 (a disaster partly attributed to insufficient pilot training), the people in charge got together and said, “Hey, maybe we should re-examine how much experience pilots need before we let them take off in these soaring hunks of metal and fire that actively defy God.”
Bureau of Aircraft Accident Archives50 dead bodies do usually lead to some reevaluation.
The result was a whopping 500 percent increase in the amount of flight time required before you can pilot a passenger or cargo plane. That’s great from a safety standpoint. The more experienced the better, right? But the unfortunate side effect is that it’s turned people away from wanting to become pilots in the first place. Those new requirements, and the north of $100,000 price tag that comes along with all that education and training, make simply becoming an accountant and buying a flight simulator look a lot more appealing.
Boeing predicts that over 600,000 pilots are going to be needed over the next 20 years to fill a demand that’s already forced one regional airline into bankruptcy. The aviation industry is trying to respond by offering increased pay and sign-on bonuses, but that’s mucking things up for another industry that needs pilots: the military. In 2017, the Air Force announced a “national aircrew crisis” which left them 1,555 pilots short of what they need, and the best thing you can say about that is that Top Gun 2 might actually be topical.
Check out Dwayne’s Facebook and Twitter accounts, where you can see the famous musicians he interviews for Revue Magazine. T.W. would like you to consider checking out the International Committee of the Red Cross. They do pretty cool stuff. Nathan Kamal lives in Oregon and writes there. He co-founded Asymmetry Fiction for all your fiction needs.
It’s not, NOT worth your time to learn COBOL, here’s a beginner’s book.
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Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_25132_5-insanely-important-jobs-were-running-out-people-for.html
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2FSjAI6 via Viral News HQ
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
#Empire S4 Ep5 The Fool, Recap & Review* #luciousback
Episode Rating Scale: (10) Exceptional
 Yasss! I finally got super excited watching Empire. The turn up got real this episode. The thing I love most about this episode; every character had their shining moment. But, of course, Lucious memory returning was the OMG moment. The way Lucious memory returned was beautiful to watch, let's Recap time!
This 20/20 project has to be successful. Empire has no room for errors. Unfortunately, Anika has a Lyon in a roar at the wrong time. Hakeem has stepped up to the plate and matured for his daughter. Anika seeking sole custody is a bold move. She judges the Lyons Clan as if her hands aren't dirty. Lucious gave her $25 million for her troubles. Why is she bringing fire for no reason? Mama Leah did an awesome job setting her up for murder; however, no one knew she did that. Anika blackmailed Cookie to get her out of jail.  You come home, get jealous of Tiana being mommy to your daughter and file for custody. The dumbest thing she can do. Hakeem, Thirsty, Tiana and Cookie is discussing the family history with Anika to Hakeem's lawyer. I guess conflict of interest prohibits Thirsty from being his lawyer. So here comes Skip, a new lawyer. Porsha calls Cookie and tells her to turn on TMZ. The Dubois strike again. The story of Lucious condition has hit the news.  How will Cookie clean this up? 
Andre is playing with fire sleeping with this detective. Her motives are not clear. Is she undercover or is she feeling Andre? Andre better watch out. She wants a confession from pillow talk. Why else is she sleeping with a suspect?
Claudia has fallen for Lucious. Lucious still saying he doesn't want to remember. Lucious tells Claudia the only thing about Lucious he wants; is his music. In walks Cookie. She tells Lucious they can't hide it or put it off anymore. The board is up to her ass about the recent news media. Cookie drags Lucious to Empire. At Empire, Lucious and Cookie have a meeting with the board. Lucious seemed like his self. However, the press is all over the Empire building wanting answers. Cookie comes up with a plan to have them follow Lucious for 48 hours. That idea is extremely risky, but Lucious can pull it off. At least he gave that impression. Claudia is no help in this matter because she refuses to lie about his condition. How will this end for Empire? 
Jamaal is sleeping with the enemy. He truly trusts Warren, but Warren is a Dubois. As Jamaal cancel breakfast plans, he explains he has to be there for his family. Little does he know; Warren created this problem. Warren sits there like he so innocent. Warren and Jamaal were about to part ways; then they run into Angelo. Angelo gives Jamaal a subpoena to appear at Bella's custody hearing. Warren jumps in to defend Jamaal. Angelo throw shades Warren way. He asked Jamaal has he thought about who leaked Lucious condition to the press. The sign of guilty read all over Warren's face. Angelo walked away but not before taking another shot at Warren. He tells Jamaal, " this one looks thirsty." Preferring to Warren. Lmao. Angelo is something else. His love for his career must have been deeper than his love for Cookie. Why else would he be okay trying to destroy her family and bring an innocent baby in this drama? Jamaal paid Angelo no attention and suggested to Warren to do the same.
Back at Empire, Claudia tells Cookie this 48 hours following Lucious is risky. Claudia calls Lucious, Dwight, which is shocking to Becky. Becky has to walk around with Lucious and help him get through the press. Becky doesn't have faith she can help him pull this off. But, Lucious, Cookie, and Andre believe she can. Claudia tells Cookie she will stay by his side this time. Cookie doesn't care about anything at the moment but pulling off her plan. Will this blow up in her face? Or will Cookie's plan be successful? Thirsty drops more info to Skip about the family history with Anika and the Dubois. He informs Skip that Angelo, Anika's lawyer once dated Cookie. Skip asked Hakeem is there anything else he needs to know about the family history between the two families. Hakeem lies and says that's it. He left out a lot if you ask me. We still don't know what Diana had Hakeem doing against his family. I guess the court hearing will reveal all that.
The press has ​arrived. The press, Porsha and Cookie walks into Veronica's studio session. As Veronica's sings, Lucious sees a ray of yellow around her. He sees it as a door opener and give Veronica some musical advice. For a minute there, he seemed like his old self.
Andre meets with the detective. Andre thinks it's for sex, but she mentioned Shine. She tells Andre they met with Shine and he threw shade his way. She also tells him, they know Shine was at the garage by Lucious car. Now she wants to talk about Lucious case when she didn't know at first. She just can't be trusted. Andre needs to walk away and stay away from her. She seems to know Andre blew his father up and Shine helped. How can Andre continue to keep this secret? The Lyons secret always comes out and always at the wrong time. When will Andre's secret be exposed? Please don't say the custody hearing. Enough secrets will be revealed that day. Too bad, one side is just as dirty as the other. The press arrives at Jamaal's studio session, but he isn't ready. A female reporter asked Lucious does he stand behind the lyrics of the song Jamaal will be singing.  Lucious makes it clear; he stands behind all his music. Jamaal asked them to come back. Becky suggests they visit Shine. Claudia doesn't seem to know her place. She suggested they put off seeing Shine. Which makes the press think they are hiding something because of the tension. However, Shine's music triggers bad memories for Lucious. May not be a good idea after all.  Cookie tells Shine not to play her as he did in the boardroom. Becky reminds Lucious that he calls him by Shine not Moonshine. Lucious tells Shine to play what he has for him. Since Shine knows Lucious isn't himself, he plays the grimiest beat he got. Lucious begin to see Shine circled in crimson red. Claudia sees his discomfort and talks him through it. Without having a flashback and severe outbreak, Lucious say, "Turn the music off." Shine didn't succeed in shaking Lucious up in front of the press.
Lucious take off after the session with Shine. I guess it was too much for him. He tells Cookie, he knows what he is doing and has to get his people. He takes off with Claudia following him. Cookie tells the press this is all off the record. The press is giving a break. Who is Lucious going to get? What help is he reaching out to be that he has no memory? Interesting!! 
The press is still waiting. Lucious hasn't returned yet. Cookie is trusting Claudia to bring him back. Andre and Thirsty inform Cookie of the board's latest message. If the album doesn't drop as scheduled and Empire takes another hit in the press, Cookie will be asked to step down. Amazing how someone else money detects your actions of a company you started. Feels like Empire belongs to the board, not Cookie and Lucious. Cookie needs Lucious to be Lucious right now, but unfortunately, she doesn't have him. At least not who he used to be. She finally gives the okay to Andre and Thirsty to send the press home.  But before that happens, Lucious walks in with Eddie played by Forrest Whitaker. Cookie's acts like she knew Lucious plan by telling the press, "I told you Lucious was pulling together some incredible producers to finish the album." Cookie is always on top of her toes even when she is in the blind. Lol. The next studio session is with Tiana and Hakeem. Hakeem is MIA. So the session starts without him. Eddie and Lucious clown Cookie about loving this song. Hate the Game is a song Cookie produce.  Lucious starts to see colors again. Eddie notices his discomfort and pats his shoulder. He guides him back into the music. Lucious say out loud, y'all don't understand what happens when I hear the music. Seeing what he see is very beautiful. I admit to that.
Warren pays Angelo a visit. Funny how Angelo calls Warren a prostitute. He trying to help revenge the family for him. But they seem to hate each other. Angelo tells Warren he suppose to be pretending to fall in love but looks like he is in love. Like a punk, Angelo threatens to tell his mother. Warren doesn't seem too bothered by his threat. He tells Angelo," ain't nobody scared of your mama but your bitch ass." Oooooooouuuuuuu, feisty. Could there be some truth in Angelo's words? Has Warren falling for a Lyon's roar? Lol.  Warren calls Angelo a mama's boy. Looks like Warren has some hidden anger build up towards Diana. Seems like he feels she has the family messed up. What's the story there? Their conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door. Hakeem shows up to see Diana. Angelo provokes him enough to make Hakeem angry. In that anger, he hits Angelo. Hakeem just gave Angelo more leverage against him in court. Neither one of them has lived a suitable, healthy life to raise a child. I mean Anika is a double murderer. She killed an unborn child then later killed the mother. She isn't innocent.  Sadly, I pray this blows up in Anika's face. Never go against a Lyon. She hasn't learned that yet. Bring Mama Leah home to deal with Anika. Lol. I hope they air her dirty laundry like she about to air theirs. But I have a feeling, Anika or Hakeem will end up with custody of Bella. Diana will end up getting Bella. Interesting!!
The detective got Andre on fire. He approached Shine about talking to the police. Now, in Andre defense; he did try to call the bombing off. Shine acted on his own if you asked me. However, if Shine goes down so does Andre. I guess enough was enough for Andre. He told Shine to go ahead and tell his family what they did. Has the guilt eaten at Andre enough? Or, has Andre decided to embrace his family? He seemed to be envious of his brothers, but without Andre, business savvy Empire would be lost. I wish he would see just how much he is apart of his family and Empire. 
Hakeem refuse to lose his daughter or let Diana retake her. With the help of his friends, he has passports, money and a jet. He is about to run with Bella, but he wants Tiana to come along too. She said she is going to meet him at the airport. But the look on her face said differently.  
Eddie and Lucious is back listening to Veronica. Eddie reminds Lucious of when he wrote the song and building this Empire to show Cookie how much he loved her. As Veronica sings, rays of color reflect in Lucious eyesight. 
Lucious takes a break. He meets with Claudia. He asked her why does he see colors when he hears the music. She said it's called Sinestesia. She has paint and a canvas waiting for Lucious. She plays one of his songs and tells him to tell her what color he sees. As the music play, Lucious begins to paint. He paints all the colors he sees. He so in a zone. Cookie walked in and asked, "what's going on." Lucious is no longer painting on a canvas. He is painting on the glass of Empire's boardroom. Claudia explains to Cookie, Lucious has Sinestesia. He sees colors when listening to music. She tells Cookie he's listening to music in his head. There is no music playing. Cookie calls his name, but Lucious doesn't respond. Cookie has seen this side of him, plenty of times before. She has seen him completely zoned out. Claudia says he is listening to music. Cookie flashback to every time Lucious has zoned out. She tells Claudia, he isn't listening to music; he is making music. She then smiles. The artwork Lucious is making is adorable to me but what is it. Lol.
Jamaal completes his version of his father's song. Eddie wasn't feeling the remake of the song. Eddie tries to get Jamaal to understand the lyrics of the song. Jamaal doesn't want to sing Lucious song as is but he agreed to redo his version more geared around Freedom of Speech.  Can't remake everything, Jamaal. 
The 20/20 project is live streaming, and Cookie shares the album cover with the board. Shine brings the negativity to the meeting. He quotes a negative comment from a blogger about Lucious. Andre tells Shine, " It's getting tired!" Cookie comes clean with the board about Lucious having a traumatic brain injury. Even though she assures them that Lucious will be recovering soon, the board still want to bring someone in from the outside to run Empire. Cookie is not having that. She gets up and brings Eddie into the board meeting. She announces that Eddie will be working beside her. Eddie will be the Special Advisor to the CEO.  The board was very pleased with that decision.
Back at Lucious mansion, he is painting and remembering his life. He is looking at Claudia and seeing Cookie. He say your my muse thinking he is talking to Cookie. He say I love you, thinking he is talking to Cookie. The music connected him back to his memories. He then has sex with Claudia thinking it's Cookie. 
Tiana dropped the bomb on Hakeem. She told Cookie about Hakeem about to run with Bella. Cookie reassured Hakeem they are Lyons and they fight together. Hakeem mentions again, he did some things. What did Diana have Hakeem to do? I swear I am curious. But I am glad Cookie stopped him from running. Somehow, I feel this is going to come back and bite them in the butt.
And reality comes full circle with Claudia. She confesses she loves Dwight. However, she doesn't see a difference in him. She soon learns Dwight is gone. She tells him she is happy to be his muse. She is talking about writing a book about his journey. Poor Claudia. He breaks her heart. He tells Claudia Cookie is his muse, and he loves Cookie. Claudia tries to say to him he is confused. She continues to call him Dwight. He tells her, his name is Lucious. Claudia said Lucious is gone. No, Claudia, you are looking at Lucious honey. Then, you hear the door open. Boom, Cookie walks in. She wants to know what's going on. Of course, Claudia tries to get rid of Cookie before she learns the truth. Lucious is back!!!!! She tells Cookie, he is confused right now. Lucious set the record straight. He tells Claudia, she is the only one jumble right now. Lucious thanks her for her services, said he will send her a check and tells Claudia to leave. Which is music to Cookie's ears I guess? Cookie is too distracted to hear the change of tone in Lucious voice. Claudia stood there in disbelief and hurt. Cookie is snapping her fingers at Claudia and yelling for Ms. Juanita.  Claudia is gone, and Lucious is back. He tries to tell Cookie, but she has no time to hear it. The court hearing for custody of Bella is about to happen, and they have to get to the court. She tells Lucious to get ready and tell her the news in the car. Lucious shares a smile and says, I'm back. Yassssssssss!!!!
Will Lucious let people know he has his memories back or will he use this to his advantage? Empire has turned up and got lit. I can't wait to see what's about to happen. Judging from the previews, Tiana turned on Hakeem? Did that cost him, Bella? Why Tiana switch sides? Stay tuned because Empire just brought the heat to the Lyon's den!!  
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Author: Lattice Johnso
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Every unmarried CEO of any it enterprise desires to build software quicker. Time is the most luxurious and valuable resource. You can't waste it on re-work, refactoring, meetings, bodily activities. Right? It depends...
Many groups develop up, slow down, and die. Suitable development pace is vital for surviving. Consider, you've got a in reality wonderful vision confirmed in many instances with the aid of many humans. You already know for certain (properly, this is uncommon in practice, however we're going to gasoline our imagination, adequate?) That this product will be a real hit. All you need is to finish it.
You have a group of dozens proficient and experienced builders, you crunch and ship something in years. The crew is exhausted. The product implements approximately 10% of the vision. There is a massive capability, all and sundry says that, however 10% isn't sufficient to penetrate the marketplace. You conflict for some extra months, have average traction, have below average sales, haven't any money and, in the long run, no company. Amazing imaginative and prescient is terminated by means of slow execution. Who guilty? Perhaps the trouble become too difficult and two years is perfectly affordable time frame for it. Maybe the crew rushed too rapid, had a few correct releases, however got buried with the aid of complexity and technical debt in the long run. Speed in software development is an incredibly complex entity. It's far encouraged by using many stuff, frequently in a shocking way. In this text i will try to proportion my thoughts approximately speed.
The general public have a tendency to consider speed as a unmarried entity, but it is not. There are very exceptional forms of speed: quick-term pace (dash) and lengthy-time period speed (marathon). Dash vs. Marathon is an excellent analogy right here. In software program development (and in strolling as well) you can't have both. Allows take a few summary attempt unit, like factor. Working complete throttle in a sprint mode you deliver one hundred factors in line with month. Here is my first argument:
Maybe you could keep a hundred pt/month pace three-6 months, however it's far extraordinarily not going you could do this for a 12 months. Furthermore, draw back increases considerably with high-tempo development. And some day you'll regret the entirety.
At some point maximum of the developers will reach a "f*** it point" (pink dot) and drop performance noticeably.
Your intention is to run a totally lengthy distance (years) with the best possible pace. That's what marathon is ready. You need staying power and evenness.
The way to create software program faster over an extended time stretch? It's a "1 million greenback" question. Most in all likelihood, the solution is unique for each employer, however nonetheless we will construct an affordable rough version that can be beneficial.
Dash, marathon and... Intervals!
At the beginning sight, there are just three alternatives.
You could run complete velocity, 12-14 hours/day, fueled with the aid of lively beverages, caffeine, sugar and god knows what else. You could be an all-nighter, sleep for some hours and spend minimal time on ingesting, washing, exercising, and so on. I'll provide you with a month. Perhaps 3 in case you are in an ideal shape. The best aspect about this mode is that everyone is aware of how terrible it is. Burnout is fast.
You may work 8-10 hours/day, squeezing each drop of productivity. No small talks, no recreation sports at paintings, no a laugh. A few companies do nothing to make work exciting, tough and a laugh. Tasks are constantly past due and all and sundry is usually underneath strain. Unfortunately, this mode can last for years. Human beings can get used to it and don’t observe how depressing they are. They are attempting to locate compensation at home with households and pastimes. That may be a real chance, when you consider that after several months of such work productivity drops and no one notices. It may take several years to think deep about you and have a few insights.
This mode looks foremost. You do your first-rate running 6-8 hours/day, locate time to relax and exercising. You don't trap each single minute and have the posh to think about a hassle for some time. No rush to push matters out of the door proper now! That sounds good. However, many managers are not satisfied with marathon pace. They want to deliver matters faster. I accept as true with this natural mode is pretty uncommon in reality. In most corporations managers attempt to velocity things up and try this within the most silly manner, using time beyond regulation, undertaking pushing and “we're the heroes” motivation.
At the first sight, it looks as if there's not anything extra. But i assume we've got one extra option. I had by no means heard about it, to be honest.
I am now not talking about iterative improvement. In truth, iterative improvement may be similarly implemented to slight sprint or marathon modes. C program language period development is when you blend modes. For a short period of time you could do sprints, and then switch to marathon mode. In my opinion, top schedule can be:
It's miles quite apparent that skills improve development speed. More professional developers resolve problems quicker and create much less complicated solutions. A few say there may be 10x productivity distinction between extraordinarily skilled and less skilled builders. I don’t suppose it's miles a not unusual case even though.
The subsequent trivial question is what can be done to increase developers’ skills? First, you could lease handiest professional developers. That might paintings, but this model isn't always easily scalable. Skilled humans have a tendency to work on hard troubles that demand their capabilities. What number of groups within the international work on simply difficult troubles? No longer such a lot of. On the alternative side, in case your product isn't always rocket technology, you don’t need groups complete of PhD developers. So ability for any given organisation is different. A professional developer at Google does not identical a professional developer at a few outsourcing employer.
Adequate, you described professional developer in your agency, but still conflict to locate lots of them. Scalability problem stays. So you need to lease no longer-so-skilled builders as properly to grow. That is adequate, however it's miles actually required to hire individuals who want to analyze new things. How everybody will accumulate talents in the event that they don’t like to examine? Curiosity, lively thoughts, ardour — those merits are primary.
An organization must offer some thing it could to help human beings examine. A few options are under:
Any enterprise need to have a very good library. Maximum amazing builders i recognise read plenty. There is no manner to pressure humans examine books, however at least it must be extraordinarily smooth to head and seize an awesome e-book to examine.
Most of the people assume that meetings are a source of latest information. Maybe, however i reflect on consideration on them as passion-drivers. Meetings motivate you to hold getting to know, maintain trying new things and, within the high-quality case, offers you a few path.
I really like to go to conferences on subjects which are new to me. For example, after i started out to examine consumer revel in, i visited two large conferences. First one changed into especially useful, second one turned into not that top.
One of the exceptional manner to research something is to write a book approximately the topic. Much less intense way is to put together a presentation or a workshop. A corporation should organize internal meetings to reinforce this method. Now not every person is prepared to talk in audience, but many will strive. In our organization we have 2-day conferences each 6 months. There aren't any external speakers,  all periods are prepared by means of our group individuals.
That doesn’t seem like a obligatory practice. Perhaps it isn't. Nonetheless if a enterprise affords some unfastened time exclusively committed to studying — that’s amazing. Famous 20% Google’s time is a great example (there are rumors that this practice become canceled already, however these rumors aren't proved). At 92 Technology we have orange Fridays.
Each Friday is devoted to non-public tasks or studying. Many human beings do courser guides, examine articles, test new technology. It's miles impossible to measure effectiveness of this exercise, however there are many benefits:
•             In truth it manner four-day work weeks. At least the fifth day is not a common operating day.
•             It attracts individuals who want to study, so it’s a massive plus for hiring.
•             It's far easier to maintain people, considering they have a choice to strive some thing new on their personal.
•             People accumulate new abilities faster.
There may be simplest one drawback — it probable reduces ordinary improvement speed. People work at some point a week much less, which is a right away 20% hit on improvement pace. What is greater critical? It relies upon. In case you are very near release, tactically it isn't wise to spend every Friday on education. In case you are in a marathon mode — it may be really worth it.
We’ve talked about distractions like Facebook or Skype. But, there are numerous risky sports that appear like actual paintings, however don’t generate any price in the end.
Maximum meetings suck. Right here is a great assembly test i study in some book:
Consider how often you've got stated "wow. That turned into a high-quality meeting!"
I guess it changed into no longer so often. Larger businesses have greater conferences. Small agencies can stay with 0 conferences. Each unmarried meeting may be wasteful. Day by day stand-up meeting? Positive. UX meeting? Why now not. I'm able to easily imagine a completely wasteful each day meeting wherein everyone do popularity reporting and nobody cares what other humans communicate approximately. I attended many UX meetings that were painfully boring and generated not anything.
There are numerous books about efficient meetings. You already know what? They without doubt paintings. Every meeting needs to have a time table, organized individuals, excellent facilitation, sincere and open communication and clear results.
We are able to drop conferences absolutely true meetings are amusing and helpful. It's far an pastime in which you may speak troubles with different people, targeted and fully immersed into a discussion. I think meetings suck at idea era, but they're beneficial for idea sifting. Brainstorming isn't the excellent way to invent new thoughts. I trust in solitude, targeted questioning and time.
To generate something new you need to spend time and think.
Its miles naive to consider you can visit a meeting unprepared and clear up a problem.
I'm hoping more and more corporations accept as true with people. I am hoping it is uncommon to see a scene like that now:
Manager comes to a kitchen at eleven am and see two builders sipping coffee, chatting with every different, smiling and giggling of something. Manager will become purple and shout “why the hell you are doing here? We've got a cut-off date this Friday!” Builders drop cups in a hurry and walk away.
Terrible... Paintings ought to now not be a run of the mill vicinity in which human beings code, take a look at and launch things. Creative paintings needs physical sports, pauses and talks. It is ideal to have a desk tennis, running shoes, yoga/dancing/something instructions right inside the workplace (and a bath of direction). Exercises help to drop stress level and assist people to be more effective in the long run.
Do you certainly think humans will absolutely alternate work for tennis, kicker or some thing else? If so, you have critical problems. Perhaps they may be uninterested and uninterested with tasks they'd remaining month. Or maybe you employed the incorrect human beings. Anyway, this is a manifestation of some thing incorrect occurring there.
So game at paintings is good. You might imagine about this time as a waste, but it is not.
Every software program development agency wants to have individuals who study new things. Nonetheless, not so many corporations offer possibilities to learn new matters. We’ve already mentioned mastering in previous sections, but a few organizations believe that gaining knowledge of at work is a waste. Indeed it doesn’t generate any price, so this activity is non-cost delivered. In software development we ought to focus on “work smarter, not harder” and from this perspective learning at work turns into quite fascinating.
Can we measure the outcome of orange Fridays? Books? Meetings? Side initiatives? It’s truly hard. The final results is long time (years). And there may be no apparent model to quantify know-how into cash.
This section may be quick. We noted burnout already. Software improvement is an interest you may reflect on consideration on all the time. When you have a complicated problem within the software program, you're thinking about it anywhere. It suddenly pops up when you are on foot together with your lady friend, a few mind appear in a shower and your mind even attempts to reinforce the hassle in, well, the maximum beside the point moments. It's miles critical to discover ways to switch off. Sport, touring, yoga and interests are the pleasant applicants.
Organizations have to inspire humans to have some hobbies and aid them. This is actual for sport sports as properly.
0 overtime regulations have to be marketed via top managers. In case you paintings harder and harder at some point you'll work dumber and dumber.
I think it will be beneficial to stress a few points.
Software improvement pace / productiveness / pace is a complicated, interdependent and multifaceted concept. It has no smooth solution. You may shout at humans “paintings quicker!” You can’t blindly reduce corners and cognizance on price delivered activities most effective. The most effective answer is to think deeply approximately the organisation, development methods, human beings, gear, and so on. Build a model and suppose.
I am curious to increase the interval development concept similarly. It feels very fascinating to me and might very well be just the proper balance of top pace and proper patience. Marathon and mild sprints blend analogy opens many new guidelines to explore.
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