whatisonthemoon · 2 years
We all hate Tom Ward
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▲Thomas Ward, Moonie and CIA liaison and friend of fascists all over the world
It has been really AMAZING to see the backlash from ex-second generation to see the recent podcast made by the Family Fed that features an interview with Tom Ward, who gives his testimony of how he joined the movement. Personally, I do not have the strength to withstand his testimony. I’m sure it’s full of UC-coordinated half-truths and mistruths, which actually makes me interested in whatever he has to say (how people lie can tell us a lot about what the truth actually is), but the baffoon was an ally and friend of Nazis, the CIA, and did not care at all that his actions would result in right-wing governments committing unimaginable violence (disappearing and murdering activists, cutting welfare and services for the people, empowering the militarized police state, stealing lands of Indigenous people for the sake of corporate interests, even genocides, and so much more!). 
And how did the ex-members react to this episode? Universally, overwhelmingly, negatively. And not just because it’s pro-Moon propaganda, but Tom Ward’s name is KNOWN more by ex-2nd gen than active 2nd gen... for his own role in Bolivia’s cocaine coup! Yes, this is the Tom Ward that befriended Nazi drug lord and paramilitary commander Klaus Barbie.
The fact that so many people had such a negative reaction to Tom Ward’s episode means that there is a growing consciousness in the ex-community of the political reasons for the UC’s existence, and the UC’s complicity and role in the horrors of U.S.-led violence and reactionary politicking. 
If we all hate Tom Ward... well, that’s a good place to start. He’s genuinely an enemy of the people of the world. If we can see him for what he is, then we can also see the United States for what it is... and maybe even capitalism.
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wariowaretrans · 7 months
The year is 2400. The Romulan Star has collapsed,
and taken with it the Romulan Star Empire. The great boogeymen of the Alpha Quadrant have been scattered to the winds, and their formerly iron borders are now segmented into three interplanetary states:
- The Romulan Republic, nestled a ways into Romulan space, a quasi-Federation Council government of Unificationists and progressives who are more than happy to work with the Federation and Starfleet.
- The Romulan Free State, a loose alliance of supernova survivors, colony worlds, and border states. They keep to themselves, and generally expect the Federation to do the same, but as long as you aren't waging war in their borders you're free to do as you please. The Federation is happy to exploit this policy grey areaa...as is what remains of the Tal Shiar.
-the "Romulan Empire", highly conservative isolationists. They have made more explicit the fascism of the empire, and patrol their section of the former Neutral Zone with a rigor bordering on bloodthirst.
Into this tangled web of intrigue, uncharted space, and sworn enemies, Starfleet has sent the U.S.S. Saraswati- a gorgeous Sagan class cruiser, fully equipped with colony support replicators, a vehicle fabricator, and....four completely empty decks.
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The official explanation is that space has been reserved for oncomers during the expedition. The rumor around the dry dock is that Starfleet can't find a full thousand people willing to serve under the Saraswati's new Captain- the last member of the Maquis to be repatriated into Starfleet, the woman the Cardassians call the Butcher of Volnar, alleged war criminal Captain Clementine V Hind.
Exploring the uncharted areas of the Neutral Zone, bringing resources to neglected colonies, boldly going in the backyard of the Alpha Quadrant...it's the explorer's dream job. But is the Starfleet rank and file willing to face down Romulan supremacists under the command of a woman who spent the last three years in mandatory treatment for a shot at that dream job?
Currently the Saraswati has a Captain, an XO, and Chiefs for Engineering, Science, and Security. There are loads of postings still to fill- Helm, Ops, Tactical, Head Chef, Medical, Ensign Who's At All The Bridge Meetings For Some Reason...
Well, are you?
The U.S.S. Saraswati
is a discord RP using a combination of live sim and logs. The live sim format means every two weeks or so, everyone in the sim (who can make it) is in a thread in the sim for about two hours or so, roleplaying their hearts out, moving the plot forward.
In between those two weeks, feel free to log like crazy in whatever format you want. Script, trading paragraphs with a crewmate, weird poetry, go at it.
All that is required of you is this: be 17 or older and bring your best self! Join the Saraswati today, and explore the unexplored at your leisure!
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Sun Myung Moon’s failed soccer providence
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▲ Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, and Pelé, with others
reposted from WIOTM
In June 2002, Korea hosted the world soccer cup. At that time Sun Myung Moon thought he could influence the results of the games and manage to have South Korea unexpectedly winning this 17th World Cup.
Since he had convinced himself and his followers that billions of “absolutely good spirits” were actively supporting all his improbable projects, the whole world would finally see his incomparable power and come to acknowledge him as the Divine Savior.
It happened that Korea was to play the semi-final against Germany. At that time Hyo Nam Kim (the so-called Dae Mo Nim) was in Poland to liberate and bless European ancestors for substantial amounts of money. So Sun Myung Moon asked her to immediately return to Korea “to make sure that the Korean team would win”, probably with the efficient help of billions of spirits. This was indeed an emergency, a providential priority…
However, the problem might have been that those spirits didn’t quite understand the rules of the game, for Korea was defeated by Germany. Furthermore a few days later Korea was again defeated by Turkey and so had failed to even be on the final podium.
In spite of it, the suddenly abandoned but nonetheless faithful European Unificationists kept believing that their ancestors had efficiently been liberated in Poland without needing the presence of Hyo Nam Kim (who had of course already received the mandatory liberation payments)…
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▲ Moon speaking to the Sorocaba soccer team The next year, in 2003, Sun Myung Moon was still overconfident to be recognized as an outstanding patron and an unavoidable messiah by sponsoring a biennial professional soccer tournament.
As usual he mistakenly thought that showering money would at last buy him respectability, even though he might indeed have previously experienced that bribing politicians and religious leaders didn’t really work in the long term.
Anyway, that’s when he launched the ambiguous “World Peace King cup” with the bought support of Pelé, the greatest world known legend of soccer. For years Pelé has been named “the king” among soccer fans, but Sun Myung Moon was once again trying to ambiguously use someone else’s fame to promote himself. Finally, due to controversies about that name, the official project was changed to mere “Peace Cup”.
A lot of money was spent on this new “providential project”. The victorious soccer team would receive a 2 million dollar prize and the runners-up a 500,000 dollar prize. And according to the Washington Times article from July 16, 2007 it would cost 20 million dollars to stage the 2009 Peace cup in Spain.
It was there that Sun Myung Moon suddenly decided he would speak to professional soccer players. So a gathering was set up with Unificationist leaders and members as well as soccer players reluctantly attending (somehow out of good will they had to politely come to listen to their generous sponsor).
Sun Myung Moon wanted to impress them, but these professional players were not interested at all by the messianic talk about Adam and Eve. They couldn’t hide their boredom and were ceaselessly looking at their watches, secretly praying for the imminent end of this exotic interlude.
After this awkward speech, members and leaders went on their way back to their different countries probably thinking they had participated as usual in an unprecedented and victorious providential event.
But Sun Myung Moon was so upset and so enraged not to have been enthusiastically applauded by Cristiano Ronaldo and other professional players, that he ordered all members and leaders who had attended the meeting to immediately return to Spain.
The explanation was that Sun Myung Moon had to give the same speech again and be warmly accepted and cheered up by the audience. Otherwise terrible consequences would occur for Europe and for the whole world wide providence…
A last disenchanted “Peace Cup” took place in 2012 in Korea but this failed “Unificationist soccer providence” has definitely been abandoned since.
Divine Principle lectures teach to learn lessons from the courses of past “central figures”. Will one day Unificationists also learn something from their so-called messiah’s hectic “providential courses”? You can contact the author of this article by emailing them at: [email protected]
Do Moonies Still Own the Soccer Teams in Brazil? Are Clube Atlético Sorocaba and Clube Esportivo Nova Esperança still owned by the Unification Church? I do not know Portuguese and am struggling to find current information on their ownership, and if it continued after Moon’s death. That said, Sorocaba is clearly inactive.
tut557 said: No, both teams don’t exist anymore, the church pulled out funding from both after Moon’s death and hasn’t invested in any Brazilian soccer team since.
From Moonolatry to Hanolatry
Moon’s manipulation – and his court of complicit happy cuckolds
The Hidden Process of Salvation
Apologists for Unificationism have become Intellectual Contortionists
Unorthodox appraisal of True Parents
Epilogue of a Perverted Dream
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deathropology · 1 year
Highlights + Updates!
Hello! It's been such a long time since I've posted because I am. Bad at social media :-). Either way, it is currently Rock the Clock, and there's some down time so I'll give you a highlight reel of what the rest of last term was like from episode 52-57.
Episode 52: Tokophobia - Tying back to the previous episode, we took the time to discuss the fear of pregnancy and giving birth.
Cleveland Clinic, 12 April 2022. Tokophobia (Fear of Childbirth)
Jomeen et al, 2020. Tokophobia and fear of birth: a workshop consensus statement on current issues and recommendations for future research
Kathy E. Greathouse, 2016. The "Nightmare" of Childbirth: The Prevalence and Predominant Predictor Variables for Tokophobia in American Women of Childbearing Age.
Kristina Hofberg and Ian Brockington, 2000. Tokophobia: an unreasoning dread of childbirth
Léa Poggi, 2018. When Fear of Childbirth is Pathological: The Fear Continuum
Manjeet Singh Bhatia, 2012. Tokophobia: A dread of pregnancy
Rebecca Webb et al, Sept 2021. Interventions to treat fear of childbirth in pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Episode 53: The Unification Church - This episode connects back to the beginning of the school year, where we had previously discussed Shinzo Abe's death and his ties to the Unification Church. A brief unpacking of the political/religious organization.
Erin Snodgrass, 2022. Mass weddings and cult accusations: Who are the 'Moonies' and what is the Unification Church?
Alia Shoaib, 2021. A gun church that glorifies the AR-15 and is led by the son of the 'Moonies' church founder has been making alliances with far-right figures
Why I Joined, 2022. Dr. Thomas Ward: Leftist to Unificationist
Unification Thological Seminary, n.d.. Ward, Thomas J.
Yim Hyun-su, 2022. [KH Explains] What is Unification Church and why is it controversial?
John Gorenfeld, 2022. Bad Moon Rising
John Gorenfeld, 21 June 2004. Hail to the Moon king
Congressman Danny K. Davis, n.d..
Lisa Kohn, 20 August 2018. I grew up in a cult — and there is nothing more intoxicating than knowing you have the 'Truth'
Thisanka Siripala, 15 September 2022. Japan and the Controversial Unification Church
Episode 54: Midwestern Mormonism - Keeping to the topic of religion, I wanted to make sure we did an episode about Mormonism in between The Brobecks and IDKHOW episodes, lol. This episode is more specifically about how some Mormons are starting to move back to the midwest.
KBIA, 31 January 2012. Mormons returning to northwest Missouri, 174 years after 'extermination order'
Pew Research, n.d.. Mormons - Religion in America
Church of Jesus Christ Wikia, 2023. United States List of Stakes of the Church
History, 7 October 2021. Mormons
James T. Duke, n.d.. Eternal Marriage
Mormon Wiki, 28 April 2021. Eternal Progression
BBC, 8 October 2009. Baptism for the Dead
American Experience, n.d.. Polygamy and the Church: A History
Brooke Crum, 21 July 2013. Mormon church to end door-to-door missionary practice
Rachel McRady, 12 December 2022. 'Sister Wives' Guide: Everything to Know About Kody Brown's Wives, Children and Who Is Legally Married
Episode 55: Organ Donation - A more fundamental-style episode, Jeffrey and I talked about how Americans can sign up to have their organs donated as well as being sure to make your wishes known to your family, friends, or both. Communication is key! A few weeks after this episode came the fed's big investigation into UNOS, which is quite unfortunate timing on our end, but hopefully there can be more equity in our donation process moving forward.
UNOS, n.d.. The history of organ donation and transplantation
One Legacy, n.d.. Organ Donation Step by Step
ISOS, n.d.. Illinois Organ/Tissue Donor Registry
Iowa Donor Network
Maggie Koerth, 3 April 2019. Our Organ Donation System Is Unfair. The Solution Might Be Too.
A.P., 9 March 2022. A man who got the 1st pig heart transplant has died after 2 months
Hanae Armitage, 30 August 2022. Stanford Medicine researchers take early, critical step toward growing organs
Episode 56: The Long History of Fanfiction - This is Jeffrey's solo episode for the term! I hope tumblr can take to this one as well :-).
Sources - Waiting on Jeffrey, will amend this post ASAP!
Episode 57: IDKHOW and Reincarnation... - I know this one could probably use its own post, especially because it seems to be the most relevant to tumblr's interest, but it would be unfair to separate my solo work out again I think you know? This episode starts off where I ended The Brobecks episode from last term. It was recorded JUST BEFORE some of the recent drama, there was very little evidence at the time I had presented this. Oh how cruel time can be...
Ryan Seaman and Friends, May 2022. Anthony Purpura
TELLEXX, n.d.. Stress Evaluation
iDKHOW LORE, n.d..
Twitter, 21 October 2018. SRCH PRTY
The Brobecks, 2012. Quiet Title
Instagram, n.d.. iDK HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME
Instagram, n.d.. Dallon Weekes
Instagram, 18 February 2023. 2nd album recording announcement
P.S. Here's a thing I intended to have for the IDKHOW solo post before winter quarter killed my soul...
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sereneceramics · 6 years
HJ Magnolia ...
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Large Sculpture: Garden of Eden.
Featuring Cheongpyeong, Cheon Jeon Gung, Hyojeong Hospital, & Blessed Tree.
#hyojeong #sereneceramics #hj #jeongseong #jungsung #peace #peacesculpture #sculpture #figurativesculpture #fineart #art #korea #australianartist #unification #ceramics #seanjackson #gold #lustre #lustres #sunmyungmoon #hakjahanmoon #trueparents #proudunificationist #cheongshim #gardenofeden #cheonjeongung #blessedtree
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In this electrifying fantasy novel, The City & the City by China Miéville, Inspector Tyador Borlú is a top notch detective on a murder case in a world where two cities overlap. While walking through his city, the decaying, dreary Beszél, he must unsee anything he glimpses of the modern, vibrant Ul Qoma. He must not acknowledge the Qoman train that passes by his apartment window. He must not interact with any Qoman cars or enter any total Qoman space. Doing so would bring Breach onto his head, a shadowy unknown terror that keeps the cities from accidentally crossing. But Tyador's new case seems to involve both cities, the nationalists and the unificationists and the conspiracy theorists besides that straddle both worlds, and it promises to bring him into dangerous territory. 
Mieville's crime novel is equal parts a superb suspenseful mystery noir and an eerie, strange fantasy classic rooted heavily in the uncanny. What would it mean to live in two cities, but force yourself, train your mind, to only live in one? What would it mean to have tourists or foreign investment or archaeology in such a world? What would it mean to live in two cities, one old, traditional, all spires and markets, another new, booming, all new buildings and subway systems?
Among other things, Mieville's book is an astounding metaphor for what it is like to live in a history that survived history yet now is being overtaken by Western influence, capitalism, and globalization, a city with corners you do not recognize, with places that are crosshatched, that overlap, with others that are only new or only old. When your maps don't match between the two, when your own familiar world doesn't match up to the one you're walking in now. 
The fantasy is excellent, but of course the suspense is also rich, and between the two, you have an intricate noir that's difficult to put down. It deserves all the awards it received—Hugo, Locus, World Fantasy, and the list goes on. So happy to have finally read this one! 
Content warnings for murder, xenophobia. 
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                                                        Did Jesus really appeared in the clouds during the Korean War?
Unificationists and many other people have been fascinated by a mere photomontage of Jesus appearing in the Korean clouds and they have believed that such a “miracle” happenned in 1951. But it didn’t... 
On that year Sun Myung Moon wrote “Wolli Wonbon”. The book has just recently been translated by Hee Hun Oh and Andrew Wilson. Not surprisingly it shows that Sun Myung Moon didn’t demonstrate more clairvoyance than anyone else…
The problem is that the so-called Korean messiah has always claimed to have an exceptional ability to detect right from wrong and truth from lies. He pretended to grasp what others could not catch. His words were absolute. They were God’s unaltered Truth.
However one can clearly notice now how his megalomania constantly led him to believe that anything which seemed useful toward justifying his so-called divine mandate were a genuine sign from God.
Wolli Wonbon illustrate perfectly Sun Myung Moon’s undeniable ability to first fool himself to then fool those who believe him.
He wrote in 1951: “Korean War should realize the purpose of Second Coming on the earth, along with the Second Coming in the air that is mentioned in the Bible… God’s purpose is to have the people of the world advance together towards the realm of God’s direct dominion. It was for this purpose that during the Korean War God performed an amazing work that surprised the world. This was Jesus Christ’s appearance in the sky, which was unprecedented in history”
This fascinating explanation however is now becoming an embarrassing testimony of Sun Myung Moon’s spiritual blindness and bogus justifications. It clearly exposes his compulsive readiness to indistinctly use anything possible to promote himself with an obvious lack of messianic discerning mind.
Even though Sun Myung Moon” knew” that God performed the amazing work of Jesus appearance in the sky in Korea in 1951, he didn’t grasp that this “miracle” was a pure hoax as it has been revealed not too long ago.
(See:  https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/jesus-in-the-clouds and https://www.vintag.es/2017/08/jesus-in-clouds-short-story-behind.html )
The original picture had actually been taken in 1943 in Europe during WW2. Then a technician in a lab had then painted Jesus in this picture and multiplied it to sell it to Air force pilots as souvenirs at that time.
This fascinating photomontage was later erroneously mentioned and published in newspapers as a real picture which had been taken in 1951 during the Korean War.
God knew it perfectly. Not Sun Myung Moon.
Later in 2003, Unificationists have even got Jesus (fake) testimony about this pseudo-miracle.                                                                      (see: Jesus over Korea http://www.eurotongil.org/swedish/english/ej50.htm)
“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”. This law of propaganda attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels seems to perfectly work within the UM.
                      [email protected]
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gotinterest · 4 years
A Libertarian Walks Into A Bear is good so far I'm like a 1/4 of the way through the book. You can tell that this was written by a journalist... it has that sort of tone to it. Not too long ago I watched Fundie Friday's video on the Unification Church so it was really interesting to read the parts where he was interviewing a former Unificationist.
Like, knowing what I know about the Unification Church, Reverend 문선명, and his children put her words into a bit of a different perspective than what would have been given by the book alone.
I am also now THOROUGHLY terrified of bears holy shit. They are cute in pictures and from a distance but I have a newfound respect for their intelligence and physical power.
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Christian Witnesses to a Unificationist This man on the street episode was recorded as part of our Halloween Outreach.
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
Uruguay is Fertile Soil for Moon Church Money (1984)
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The Unification Church of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who like Uruguay's military rulers is strongly opposed to Communism, has become one of the largest foreign investors here.
In the last three years, the church has invested some $70 million in buying Uruguay's third largest bank, a hotel, a daily newspaper and other businesses, according to business leaders, Western diplomats and a top church official. The sources said it had been aided by tax breaks and benefits from the Uruguayan Government of Gen. Gregorio Alvarez.
Opposition political leaders and newspapers have attacked the Unification surge, charging that the church is supporting the military at a time most of the populace is demanding democracy. The military, after a decade in power, has promised to step down next year. But General Alvarez is said to favor delaying the turnover and has been cracking down on dissent in recent months.
The Unification Church began moving into South America in the 1970's, attracted to countries with military rulers who were opposed to Communism. It started trying to win converts in Uruguay in 1978 but stopped, reportedly because it did not want to stir the same bristling Roman Catholic opposition that it encountered in other Latin countries. Uruguay Is their Base.
Business, diplomatic and church sources said it had been using Uruguay instead as a base to make money, strengthen anti-Communism and distribute its religious messages to the rest of the continent.
Of Uruguay's 2.9 million people, no more than 20 are Unification Church members today, according to one business executive who is running the church investments here.
''The Moonies are a suspicious presence,'' Julio Sanguinetti, president of one of the country's two largest political parties, the Colorados, said in an interview. ''They are religious fanatics with no religious activities.''
A popular political weekly, Correo de los Viernes, was recently moved to dub this capital ''Moontevideo.'' Another weekly, La Nacion, asked, ''Will Uruguay be picked by Moon to be the first Unificationist Republic in the world?''
Church officials declined in interviews to respond publicly to the criticisms. However, the church's newspaper, Ultimas Noticias, a daily that does not publicize its church connection, has in recent months toned down its once outspoken support for the Government.
The Unification Church says it has three million followers around the world and assets worth several billion dollars. Mr. Moon was convicted of tax evasion in 1982 in the United States; he is appealing the conviction. His church has been widely accused in North America, Europe and Asia of recruiting young people into an authoritarian cult. Mr. Moon, however, has rejected such charges and defended his church as a Christian organization. Riots two years ago largely chased the Unification Church out of Brazil, where it was estimated to have had some 6,000 members in 60 branches. Angry crowds stoned and sacked its churches in seven cities after a series of sensationalized television reports about the organization's activities.
The church has gained several hundred converts in Chile, where Gen. Augusto Pinochet is President, and in Argentina, which was ruled by juntas for nearly eight years until the inauguration of an elected Goverment last December. But it has aquired no particular influence in either country, apparently because of strong Roman Catholic opposition in their armed forces. In Paraguay, the church has had some success, closely associating itself with the Government of Gen. Alfredo Stroesser.
Church officials said Uruguay was especially attractive because of liberal laws that allow easy repatriation of profits abroad. Aiding church activities is the circumstance that General Alvarez's father-in-law, Segundo Flores, is vice president of the Uruguayan branch of the church's political wing, Causa, which this year will hold its third international congress here in as many years. The president of Causa and editor of Ultimas Noticias is Julian Safi, who for many years was the official spokesman for the regime. Country 'in Good Hands'
Church officials said the two men, who are Catholics, report abroad to Mr. Moon's assistant, Pak Bo Hi, a retired South Korean lieutenant colonel. A United States Congressional committee investigating South Korean-American affairs in 1978 accused Mr. Pak of lavish lobbying in Washington and of being used by the Korean Central Intelligence Agency. Mr. Pak, who has paid a number of visits here in recent years, said in a statement after the military appointed General Alvarez President in 1981, ''I know that the people and country of Uruguay are in good hands.''
The Unification investments began that year. The church deposited more than $50 million in the Banco de Credito and then took it over. It bought the newspaper, three printing plants and the Victoria Plaza Hotel, which sits on this capital's central square, facing the presidential palace.
In 1983, plans were announced for the building by the church of a 35-story office tower and convention complex across the street from the hotel. Ground is scheduled to be broken this year for the project, for which the Government granted generous tax concessions.
The Minister of Labor, Nestor Bolentini, a retired colonel close to General Alvarez, said in an interview that the concessions were normal inducements for needed foreign investment. As to church activities, he said, ''This is a free country.''
Opposition politicians have vowed to investigate the church once civilian rule returns, and some say this explains the recent de-emphasis by the church newspaper of its support for the military rulers. ''We're watching them very closely,'' Mr. Sanguinetti, the Colorado leader, said.
Related articles below
Speculating on Banco de Crédito
Banco de Credito out of Moonie hands
Rev. Moon’s followers turn Brazil swamp into paradise
New York Times: Suspicion Following Sun Myung Moon to Brazil (1999) $16,000.00 Life Offering and the Brazilian providence. Unification Church under siege in Brazil (2002) Brazil FFWPU has many corruption problems Ferabolli of FFWPU Brazil may be a child predator Sun Myung Moon’s Drug Paradise ‘Privatizing’ covert action: the case of the UC / FFWPU
UC member Barbara Burrowes had connections to the CIA-sponsored fascist dictatorship of Guyana
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“Children … taken from the parents and placed in nurseries for three years,” Margie Laflin.
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The Milwaukee Journal, December 29, 1981   page 1 and page 3A
New Berlin – Two months ago, Margie Laflin, 20, was selling flowers on street corners and preaching the principles of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon.
Now she is free … and said she wanted to warn other young people not to get involved with a cult as she did. She said she planned to speak at area colleges and high schools. …
To marry, a member must be in the cult for at least three years and must be between the ages of 24 and 29. Marriages are performed by Moon, she said, and the partners are then separated and allowed to consummate the marriage only with Moon’s permission. Children of such marriages are taken from the parents and placed in nurseries for three years, she said. They are taught Korean which many believe will become a universal language, Laflin said.
Lodi News-Sentinel, September 6, 1980   San Francisco (UPI)
By Lidia Wasowicz
“… I accepted an invitation to lunch at the San Francisco C.A.R.P. headquarters … At a Sutter Street flat, I was delivered into the hands of Loretta, a magnetic woman of 29, who impressed me, and the other newcomers, with her soothing voice, assuring smile and sincere warmth. …
By dinner time, Loretta had showed me pictures of two of her babies, who were staying with other Moonie children at the Unification Church nursery in upstate New York while the parents travelled spreading God’s word.”
The Bulletin, Bend, Oregon May 27, 1984    page B4
Moonie marriages – Arranged matches typically unconventional.
Washington (UPI)
Like other sun Myung Moon inspired rituals in the Unification Church, marriage is far from conventional.
The 64-year-old church leader hand-picks a spouse for each of his followers. Then he presides over a mass ceremony, cloaked head to toe in white.
One such spectacle on July 1, 1982, paired 2,075 couples in Madison Square Garden. Three months later, Moon married 5,837 couples in Korea. A large percentage are Western-Oriental or black-white mixes. Part of the ceremony called for followers to drink wine tinged with blood from the “True Parents,” Moon and his wife.
Unificationists rely on them to choose their mates because “Reverend Moon knows better than us – he can see the future,” says Jack Harford, a member for more than eight years who is married to a Japanese woman.
Marriage and procreation are viewed as an essential for entry into the kingdom of heaven. …
Although members may request partners of a particular ethnic background, the final decision is up to Moon. As soon as the matchmaking takes place in a special ceremony, couples spend some time together to see if marriage looks feasible. Moon’s first choice is usually honored, although he has been known to match a follower several times before finding an acceptable mate.
Detractors see the process as a disaster.
“His marriages are the worst P.R. mistake Moon has ever made. That is the number one criticism I hear from people who left the church,” reports of Dr. Lowell Streiker, who works with former members and their families at his Freedom Counselling Center in Burlingame, California.
Marriage practices are precisely the reason a former church leader left.
“The marriage itself is treated like an engagement,” he remembers.  “You go through a separation after the ceremony, 40 days to five years. You can’t sleep together until Moon gives the say-so.
“That’s not why I quit, though,” he adds. “I left the church because Moon said all the families would have to separate for three years and the kids would go in a church nursery and wives would go on an evangelizing tour of college campuses. We put our eight-month old daughter in a nursery and my wife, who was pregnant, went on a bus tour.
“That made us think that Moon was not who he claimed he was. Here’s his ‘ideal family’ where the wife is one place and the kids as someone else.”
His family fled the church five years ago and requested anonymity so they can “cut it clean” with their past.
Some church critics also find Moon’s matchmaking techniques “shocking,” as a Washington, D.C., mother of a member puts it. Revealing her name would “cause problems for my son,” she said.
“He married a Japanese girl, at Madison Square Garden, who he had never met until a week or two before the wedding,” she said. They work apart now; I think he’s maybe seen her once or twice a year. I’m numb at this point.”
Another East Coast mother is equally distraught.
“My daughter was sent to Korea to marry a man she had never seen before,” she says of the ceremony that took place in the fall of 1982. “She said she was crying so hard during the ceremony, she didn’t even know what nationality he was.” As it turned out, he was a Jewish New Yorker.
When asked if her daughter loves the man, the mother says: “She says if you love God more than you love yourself and if your partner loves God more than he loves himself, you should be able to live happily ever after with anybody…”
Followers, however see it all differently. Argues Bento Leal, a member for 10 years: “We are not his slaves. Reverend Moon is just more spiritually advanced than most. His marriages are a very rich experience.”
Linda Feher has written on this topic:
Don’t forget that it wasn’t only demanded of earlier members. I know so many “sisters” who joined the UC and were told they had to “sacrifice” their “blessed” children in order to “save” the “Cain” children of the world. So they abandoned their children to fundraise and witness for Moon. (The purpose of witnessing was to bring in more fundraisers.)
Also, when the marching orders came for all sisters all over the world to leave their blessed children to join the IOWC (International One World Crusade) teams and travel all over the USA, I witnessed much suffering and tears.
When I asked some who I saw suffering and crying the most why they didn’t just stay home with their children I was told, that they were told, “If you don’t sacrifice your blessed children Satan will attack them”. To me that is spiritual terrorism. They left their children and joined mobile IOWC teams because they were threatened with harm to their children. It makes my blood boil! …
Moon convinced the leaders that Satan will attack us if we didn’t follow his every whim, they believed him and then learned from Moon to use that same form of spiritual terrorism to control our every thought, feeling and action.
One sister on my IOWC team left to visit her husband to start their family. During the 3 day ceremony she got pregnant. She was told that she was not supposed to get pregnant during her 3 day ceremony. That it was “bad luck” and that her child would be invaded by Satan. I watched her cry day in and day out on the IOWC team because she was made to fear for her unborn child’s life. That kind of teaching/belief is evil and sickening.
Living on the IOWC team was like living at a funeral 24/7 because so many sisters were hurting over the fact that they had left their children for what was an UNSPECIFIED time period. We had to move to a new city every 21 days. never knowing how many years we would have to serve on IOWC teams. Even that fact, never knowing how long we’d have to be on IOWC traveling teams was a form of spiritual terrorism. Would it be months, years? No one knew and so we were always kept in an emotionally unstable frame of mind. …
How many couples and how many children have suffered because Moon terrified them into abandoning their families in order to serve him and his insatiable appetite for power and wealth?
Nansook Hong from her book In the Shadow of the Moons:
I do know that my brothers and sisters and I were luckier than some children. Some of the Reverend Moon’s followers simply left their sons and daughters in orphanages in order to preach the word. A few never returned for them.
from Chapter 2
Nansook Hong In The Shadow of the Moons book
Why Love Matters – book by Sue Gerhardt
Infants abandoned by UC parents in the US. Two die at Jacob House.
UC babies dying and UC members starving
Michael Warder’s reasons for leaving. As a top UC leader in the US in the 1970s he reported directly to Moon.
Moon instructed: “Whenever the Blessed couples have children, as soon as the child become 100 days old, they will put him in the nursery school.”
Life Among the Moonies [in Oakland] book by Deanna Durham
Jacob House: A Chorus of Sorrows: Limi Bauer Parts 1 & 2
Beautifully Packaged Lies and Misplaced Good Intentions with Jinae Sun Part 1
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(via Saving Sanctuary Church: an Open Letter to Timothy Elder, Dr. Panzer; and Sean, (Hyung Jin) Moon | The Third Course of Restoration unto Canaan at the Global Level in Reality)
This is Christopher Witt Diamant.
Also known as Salvation Rose.  Also known as the Scribe of God.  Also known as the Lamb’s Wife.
If I wanted to keep going, we could probably go through a few dozen of his titles, mostly granted to him by some cosmic entity or names revealed through Bible prophecy. I have vaguely known of this obscure figure for some time.
I stumbled upon his website years ago, www.newunificationchurch.com , hoping that I was discovering a new Moonie sect. 
What I came across, though, seemed to not quite be a Moonie sect, but at the same time it seemed to be more than that. To be honest, I did not know what to think.  
Diamant seemed to be quite knowledgeable of Unification Church history and culture, but also seemed to have a much different spin on vital aspects of Unificationist doctrine.
And, well, I knew he had a different spin, but I did not quite understand how it was different. My attention got lost somewhere in the length of his exegesis and revelations. 
The Scribe himself will be the first to admit that he can be a bit wordy. His website was and is no exception. That being said, only recently has my interest in this figure been roused.
His name has been confronting me throughout the internet for years. He has been fervently preaching his message consistently all throughout the world wide web. 
You will find him posting on forums, social media sites, articles, etc., and his determination reveals something about his message… like maybe it is worth listening to.
So I decided to contact Mr. Diamant. We emailed back and forth, and he agreed to me posting the content of our emails online. Enjoy:
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sereneceramics · 6 years
Larger Than Life ...
Massive larger than life sculpture project. #peacestartswithme
#hyojeong #sereneceramics #hj #jeongseong #jungsung #peace #peacesculpture #sculpture #figurativesculpture #fineart #art #korea #australianartist #unification #ceramics #seanjackson #gold #lustre #lustres #sunmyungmoon #hakjahanmoon #trueparents
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wagyubeefy · 6 years
OK Su and i are gonna answer cult questions (like i mentioned before) like tonight or tomorrow so SEND IN QUESTIONS IF UR CURIOUS ABOUT THE FOLLOWING: An international cult originating from south korea that involves blind arranged marriages, a weird fixation on reproduction, all the fucked up parts of confucianism with a catholic twist, a demand for literal perfection in order to not be miserable for eternity, a compound where people get sick and starve themselves, and so much more! Look up the moonies/the unificationist church for more info 
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                                                          Any entertaining fiction story should obviously evoke plausible elements to remain understandable. Only then it might be accepted as a meaningful story by the targeted public its imaginative author confidently tries to convince.
Does the DP teaching of the “fall of man” appears plausible? For indoctrinated Unificationists it absolutely does, as long as they don’t question too much its highly improbable authenticity.
DP lecturers usually avoid mentioning how an originally dropped couple of naked teen agers growing up together in the wilderness would absolutely need to have strong God given sexual desires to ensure the hypothetical survival of human species. Especially since living in nature among hungry carnivorous animals, doesn’t guarantee a very long life span to fragile young defenseless humans. The challenging adventurous discovery of wilderness might have been rather perilous for naked teenagers who definitely weren’t equipped with any Karr-Arm AR15…
This probably explains why people who have somehow enjoyed the Disney’s Jungle book movie wouldn’t leave their own children alone in the jungle. They tend to believe it would neither be realistic nor fun, but rather frightening and risky for them to grow there.
Didn’t few years ago a hungry pagan anaconda actually killed and swallowed a young Japanese man who had ingenuously come to visit the Unificationist idealized Jardim area (the very place where all members were supposed to get a foretaste of the imminent kingdom of God on earth)?
The Biblical Adam and Eve story is however a pure fiction story which never took place.
Modern science clearly explains today that Adam and Eve never existed as one unique original human couple. That’s definitely not the way humankind has appeared and multiplied on our planet.
Hence the legitimate following question:
How then could Sun Myung Moon ever pretend to intimately know and thousands times state that “Adam and Eve broke the heart of God” since they never existed?
For centuries, the Biblical account of Adam and Eve has been providing a symbolic explanation which is presently proven inaccurate and obsolete.
Sun Myung Moon however had the nerve to declare his extrapolated fantasies were genuine revelations from Heaven…
The “Divine Principle” teaching based on the literal Adam and Eve story, is just a misleading human construct. It has however been the 20th century Korean messiahs’ efficient tool to manipulate their followers.
Sun Myung Moon will then be remembered as both an outstanding charlatan and a real pathological liar. He has maliciously been abusing Unificationists’ credulity to control them through subtly promoting himself as the chosen one “who knew the heart of God”.
                                 [email protected]
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mitigatedchaos · 7 years
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@phoneus, here is your answer, and complimentary vaporwave-themed Mitigated Chaos sticker.1
The American Revolution is special. Most revolutions end with governments that aren't that much better than what they started with, or with something bloody like the French Revolution. Many people fancy themselves revolutionaries, but are unaware of this fact.
While exotic, most of my policy proposals and viewpoints are in a strange center, center-right, or center-left position in practice.
I favor the use of technology to improve human abilities above human baseline. I'm broadly in favor on issues such as designer babies once the technology is safe enough.
I believe that the organization of the world into multiple individually sovereign territories with friction around migration is healthier than most other ways to organize human civilization on Earth.
Type-19 Paramilitary Cyborg.
1. I believe Americans should have the right to high-output human augmentations under the Second Amendment, once they become available - and in fact, I believe they will. In order for the citizens to have any chance at standing against a military equipped with powered armor and heart monitoring and stabilization electrical meshes.
2. This is also part of the persona I present as when engaging in futurist shitposting, and is something of a personal goal.
Wanted time criminal.
1. I was future-shocked by the 2016 Presidential election.
2. We are currently living in the cyberpunk future.
3. As part of futurist shitposting, this blog posits different futures (such as white nationalist Richard Spencer becoming a Han Chinese cyborg detective) and alternate timelines.
4. As part of discussing future trends, the Union Girl persona I sometimes post under is from a much more post-national future, where social progressivism has continued, and ordinary civic nationalism is considered deeply right-wing and reactionary - and has traveled back in time with the intent of preventing that from happening, hoping to revive the North American Union. (See also the #supervillain tag.)
Class A-3 citizen of the North American Union.
1. I'm a citizen of the United States of America.
2. Class-based citizenships may be used as a possible change to immigration policy in the future, particularly if North America is formed into a North American Union, a continent-spanning superstate beyond even the USA's current continent-spanning-superstate glory.
Opposed to the Chinese Hyper Mind-Union,
In the future, it may become possible to share thoughts through the use of cybernetic implants. Ideologues may seek to create a hivemind to create true equality of the likes never seen before. This is bad.
But in our time, I'm opposed to Communism.
the Ultra-Caliphate,
As oil revenues decline in the middle east, and climate change takes its toll, we may see the collapse of governments throughout that area and the formation of a new theocratic order. That's not really a good thing, though they're probably too fragmented even then for it to happen.
In our time, I'm opposed to both radical and fundamentalist Islam, and basically any form of Islam that aren't as watered down as much of modern Christianity, and would take measures to subject Islam to the same pressures that caused so much of Christianity to engage in less suppression.
Also I'm against both cousin marriage and polygamy.
Google Defense Network,
This became less likely now that Google sold off Boston Dynamics, and is therefore significantly less likely to become either a de facto government in grand cyberpunk style, or Skynet.
But also in our time, the power of a handful of large corporations over the Internet is dangerous.
the People's Republic of Cascadia
So basically, my opinion of modern SJ progressive leftism in combination with Socialism or Communism is that it lacks the necessary safeguards to prevent turning into a terrifying place no one wants to live in, where IRL callout posts take the form of police coming to arrest you for even the smallest transgression if you aren't well connected within the Party.
National Separationist,
As the popularity of Open Borders as a position increases, wanting to keep the nations of Earth separate will gain its own label as a position, whereas currently it is the default.
enemy of the World Federation government and its unificationist allies.
As open borders as an idea takes off, it will become necessary to create an international police agency to track the criminals across the borders. Over time, it will be gradually given more power by ordinary liberals and progressives, the kind that I recently had suggest using the UN to enforce human rights.
However, even after the first attempt at a world government is formed, there will be holdouts. The political faction which believes in uniting humanity under one world government will gain a name of its own.
The median government on Earth is not as well run as the United States, much less Switzerland or Singapore. The world government would not only have little accountability as each vote is tiny and insignificant in size, but since control of it would mean control over all of humanity itself, the stakes incentivize every single political faction to enact total war to try to take it over, while those within it would attempt to use its resources to expand their power by conquering territories that aren't part of the Federation.
Blogs Topics: Cyberpunk Nationalism.
This blog discusses Nationalism as ideology for the 21st century, rather than the now-obsolete movements of the 20th century.
Futurist Shtposting.
I use futurist shitposting as a method to encourage people to think about the coming politics before they get here, and with the intent of more closely examining the politics of today. Here's an example using Richard Spencer, posted weeks before the rally at Charlottesville (link includes bonus discourse questions):
The year is 2064. Having given up on America and Europe, the last remaining members of the Alt Right undergo racial alteration surgery and genetic splicing to join Chairman Liu’s Neo-Chinese Empire, a governmental franchise operating seven megacities on the Asia-Pacific rim.
As a security officer at the front of the Empire’s fight against the Pan-Islamic Caliphate, a sort of distributed theocratic government with enclaves throughout Africa, the Middle East, and Europe, Victor Fang (born Richard Spencer, many years ago) is returned to Hong Kong after being injured by an IED, but he’s about to find out just how deep the Caliph’s conspiracies run…
How does this relate to the modern day? Well you see, with CRISPR (for genetic engineering), tissue engineering, and cybernetics, white supremacy is going to be an obsolete philosophy even on its own terms within a number of decades. (Robotic limbs and lab-grown organs already exist, they're just not refined yet.) See the #augmented reality break and #chronofelony tags for more examples.
Timeline Vandalism.
Posts related to the Union Girl persona and time travel generally, tagged #chronofelony.
Harassing owls over the Internet.
I send asks to Tumblr user Argumate, who as a running joke everyone pretends is an owl.
Use whichever typical gender pronouns you like.
I have not revealed my race, sex, or gender. You may refer to me as 'she', 'he', or 'they'.
Not all content will have sufficient warning tags.
I engage in only limited content (trigger) warning tagging. Users read this blog at their own risk.
Oh, and, for current contemporary positions, see #policy, #flagpost, and #national technocracy.
1Actual sticker not supplied. User must print own sticker using provided image. Mitigated Chaos Blog, LLC assumes no liability for sticker performance characteristics.
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