kaivenom · 1 month
Being Venom's host and dating Spiderman HCS
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He is amused at first.
He is a big geek for comics and nerd about science so when he saw an alien with a parasite form who is an antihero and plus is unified with an atractive human, inmediatly obsessed.
This means that your first dates were in reality lab dates, with him making tests on the symbionte and chatting with you.
Like all spidermans, he doesn't like the killing part but he makes all his efforts to prevent it from happening.
Which means always having chocolate snacks on his bag and even making like protein snacks with the substance you need.
Venom says it tastes really bad but you oblige him to not say anything because Peter looks really happy to help you feed.
Spontaneous dates where you both climb onto the empire state or things like that.
Always being lab partners and eating together.
He got used to Venom's pressence really fast, you were worried he would be uncomfortable with it but he accepted it was a part of you.
He even ends up being the pacifier if Venom and you are angry at each other. One time even unifiying to Peter to make you jealous and making him see their point.
Many sessions of cuddles and emotional support since you sometimes feel like a monster.
He is the most understanding and lovable boyfriend.
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He is scared of you at first.
He intented to escape you always or arrest you for being a villain.
After some time he started to get to know you a little better, and that made it a lot easier to get along.
He starts to see more the person you are and not the homicidal killer Venom makes you.
You ask him to date, he got nervous but said yes, and for a couple of weeks, you thought he was scared to say no.
But surprisingly, he was a good boyfriend and tried to be the best at taking care of you both.
So your worries faded out.
Dating him It's like dating a pomeranian dog while you are a Big doberman.
You both tried to date like normal people and dont involve your heroes counterparts because yes, he tries to convince Venom to be a hero.
Even with that efforts, you still manage to be protective over him while he gets on night watches.
You are ussually the one iniciating the affections and physic contact but he always corresponds you.
He is a very awkward and clumsy boyfriend.
Miguel O'hara
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He hates you at first.
And you both never quite make your relationship oficial.
Every Spider has a Venom but he surely cant stand you at first, and he says that to you very often.
But Its like you are stuck together in that mess.
But then you save his life, and then he is in the need of doing the same, and so on...
Until he started to hate you more for saving him and not being such a bad person, but in reality he started to hate the fact that he found you attractive.
He tries to insult you but you snap him back and that just makes him like you more.
His efforts to continue hating you weren't good which means, one day he couldn't stand It more and kissed you angrily.
That happened again the next day and that other, until almost daily.
You never make it oficial but you know the way he is with you is especial, even with the grumpyness.
He indeed, likes your strenght and determination.
He always tries to look mad and angry at your actions, some times he even is, but he cant be away from you too much so he goes back almost inmediatly.
He is a grumpy and stressed boyfriend
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doodlegirl1998 · 11 months
Oh no, now you've sent me on a rabbit hole surrounding Momo being from a Quirk marriage/designer baby situation 😂.
Given what we've seen from her home and such, I think she comes from old money - at least on one side of her family. It's a common headcanon that her father had an incredibly successful hero support gear company, but I'm wondering if he'd also be old money or not. I think either way, they would have had an arranged marriage to join their companies/assets together, and given how kind Momo's mother seems to be in the 3rd light novel, I think it'd be a pretty stable and happy marriage.
Hi @nutzgunray-lvt 👋,
Definitely. I would imagine that Momo's situation would be a direct contrast to the Todoroki's.
Here's how I would picture it:
Momo's mother and Father's marriage was arranged by their parents for a mutually beneficial quirk marriage and to unifiy their massive assets.
Momo's parents knew of each other beforehand either by both being aristocrats or the heirs to successful, prestigious companies (here's where the fathers family business of making hero support gear comes in.)
Given the situation they both found themselves in (thanks to their own parents) they wished to make the best of it and make each other happy. (Rather like Todoroki Rei's thinking when she decided to marry Endeavour.)
Gradually, Momo's parents became good friends and actually fell in love.
When they each agreed that they were ready for children, they conceived Momo, as per the condition of the marriage arranged by their parents.
Momo was the "successful product" of her parents quirk marriage
After this, Momo's parents mutually decided to have no further children and focus on raising Momo alone.
Due to this, Momo faces a lot of pressure from her grandparents to live up to the family name (from both sides) so she hates when they come to visit.
Outside the family, Momo also faces a lot of pressure, her family is well known and prestigious, so she feels like has to live up to expectations and that she will be scrutinised by others in higher circles more. (Such as the HPSC president, who met her via her father's work event and suggested that she would make an excellent hero with that quirk.)
Momo's parents are loving, her mother being a stay at home mum and an heiress is around more. Her Dad is around less but still loving and calls whenever he can.
Please feel free to add further ideas. I like this AU.
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Hi @houseofmateots4
This is the Pink House. It’s the house of goverment of Argentina. (couldnt paint it pink here because of the building elements)
It has much potencial for a palace and you will find interiors to work with. 
It’s asimetric because there were plans to tear it down. Thay started but couldn´t complete the work because of negative public opinion. 
It was 2 separate buildings and Tamburini was in charge of unifiying the buldings and chose a huge triunfal arch for the task. He also added tha italianate extension of the left side amd the back. 
You will need a 64x64 lot.
Hope you enjoy it!
I’ll try to finish San Martin Palace for the royal household soon!
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twdmusicboxmystery · 1 year
Do you think that Maggie's photos were retrieved from the farm during the missing 17 days after "Coda"? I'm inclined to believe that they were.
In the following episode we see Glenn and Rick admitting that they both wanted to kill Dawn after Beth was shot and "killed". It makes the most sense to me that Glenn would go out of his way to ease Maggie's pain over losing both her dad and her sister by returning to the farm and seeking out any kind of mementoes that might remain.
I suppose it could possibly explain how they were able to create a painting of Beth later on in the show if there was a photo for reference.
Just a side note, but did you pick up on the water themes in the spin offs? We last saw Rick by the water, Maggie and Negan crossing the river, and now Daryl washing up across the sea in France. I'm sure that you've tied Beth to water symbolism before so I'm curious to hear your thoughts.
Yeah, definitely. You just laid out exactly what we were thinking. It just makes sense that they would have gone back and gotten them at some point. And it would fit right into a lot of the questions we've had over the years.
Yes, there are definitely water themes all over the place. I'm positive that's intentional. The water always represents something. Usually, life. But bodies of water are both a unifiying and dividing force, so it's always interesting to see how the show makes use of them.
Great observations, Nonny. Xoxo! 🎆😍
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mega-aulover · 2 years
What's sparked the rebellion? Was it Katniss' volunteering for Prim, Rue’s death, the berries, or was it before all of that?
How does many THG victors joined or being recruited for the rebellion?
Thank you 😊
Hey @curiousnonny another great question.
I think the rebellion existed but they were fractioned. Much like the rebellion in the colonies before the revolutionary war.
I also think there were a few Victors activily involved in the rebellion., but they couldn't do anytihng because the nation was so fratured. The Capiotl kept the Districts seperated, travel inbetween the Districts wasn't allowed. The only nationally broadcasted program I think was the Hunger Games. Out side of that the Distircts didn't know of the unrest that was occuring in the other Distircts.
In my mind, it was Katniss and Peeta who helped unifiy the nation. The star-crossed-lovers was the united we stand divided we fall call to arms.
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Isn't interesting that the colonies were 13 and there were 13 districts. That's a discussion for another day.
However there is no doubt in my mind that Katniss became the rallying point for the rebellion in all of the districts. She became the unofficial face of the cry for freedom. It's so funny that Snow arose to power on the back of a girl from District 12, and he fell from power on the back of a girl from District 12.
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cobrawolfmeiji · 4 months
Surff: Kwami of Sailing
Name: Surff
Aspect: Sailing
Animal form: by-the-wind sailor (Velella velella )
Color: Purple and Blue
Miraculous Iteam: Mariner's astrolabe
Miracle Box: Atlantean Miracle Box (Father Box)
Owner: N/A (Juleka in future chapters)
Transformation Phrase: Surff! Sails Up!
Detransformation Phrase: Sails down
History: Surff is one of the Kwami's of the Atlantean Miracle Box, though lost when Atlantis Sank, only to be found and brought to Paris by Anakra Couffaine and Jagged Stone and later end up in the prosesson of Juleka Couffaine.
Note: a Later Chapter of "Miraculous Ocean Storm" will see Juleka use Surff to become a Velella themed Heroine and also Unifiy Surff with Jawws
Please like and Comment please and also Reblog if you want
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gulyas069 · 6 months
what does "unifiying power of music" even mean anyway? what is being unified for what purpose? do you mean your fans? do you mean you want/have fans who have racist views towards other fans?
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subiysu-chan · 6 months
So, magical girl outfits MTG mana inspired
So...To make sure they are all tied together, they would need a unifiying element, and I think...At the knee skirt, high waist seem or none, embroidery and some frills.
For mono-blue: I think her clothes should be the simpliest with a waistless garment with long-sleeves. I think a 1850s nightgown inspired garment with long sleeves (to protect from chaffing) would be nice, and perhaps a lower neckline with a deep blue ribbon, and some lace at the bottom. I think some knee-high stocking with blue garders would also help to tie the look together, and would be lovely combined with a little bathrobe, perhaps very simple. Would have some simple embroidery around the neckline, in blue thread, but that's really it.
For monoblack:
Now...Since, marshlands in MTG feature the greatest amount of chromatic variety, and it does show some XVIIIth century aesthetic elements, plus a more fantasy look to it. I think :"beautiful executioner's daughter" would be a very good look to her. Her wings do have a late XVth century aesthetic to them, so to be combined, the conical body of the XVIIIth century have to go. Which, does give plenty of info. Now, the aesthetic preferences of the Sanson family did fall into the dark murky colors. Ombré wool would work quite well, especially in dark murky colors of green, brown and grey. It would all form a dress with a at the flaring slightly above the natural waist, with some watteau pleats at the back. In the front, it would have an embroidered stomacher. Her neckline would be more squared, and the sleeves would be long and cuffless, with some buttons. Also, she'd have a box-pleated petticoat thta could be either plad or have a stylized renoncules pattern. I think the only place to put frills in this style would be by the gathers of the shift at the neckline.
For monowhite:
Now, the colorpalette for white plains in MTG are typically yellows, whites, golden and light sky blue, and usually feature brown shadows. Now, how about a simple tunic, with some lace at the short drappy sleeves and at the hemp. Somewhat open back to fit the wings.
For monogreen:
Classic medieval fantasy elf-inspired outfit, with a puffy shift, a corset and a skirt. The shift would be off-white, the corset brown and the skirt half-circle green, somewhat open back.
For monored:
Red is for mountain bioms, and many creatures have armor, so cold-adapted. It is also somewhat demonic. Not sure what to make for red...Probably armor. They also have traditional East Asian designs...Too many choices, and not in a color palette I like. So how about a shorter version of a mangolian deel, with wide waistband and a short, laced skirt underneath, plit, and with some puffed pants underneath.
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yhwhrulz · 1 year
Worthy Brief - May 22, 2023
Awaken, and abide in His True Light!
Matthew 6:23 But if your eye is evil, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!
In the early 1700s, the western world including the United States, was being swept under the influence of a philosophical and cultural movement known as the Age of Enlightenment, also called the Age of Reason. At this critical time in history, the First Great Awakening was birthed by the Lord in the American colonies of the "New World". Led by preachers such as Jonathan Edwards and George Whitfield, a spiritual renewal took place which became a unifiying cultural foundation for the American Revolutionary War, which began in the late 1770s.
While the church had been stagnant, institutional, bound by tradition and formality, the First Great Awakening dramatically revivified the spiritual landscape with Holy Spirit inspired Biblical preaching, and it swept thousands of nominal churchgoers and atheists alike into vital and personal relationship with God. The preaching of the era ministered the light of the true Gospel of Christ, with deep conviction of human sinfulness, the need for repentance demonstrated by contrition and resolution to forsake sin, and the opportunity to receive God's forgiveness and salvation by grace alone.
So just at a point in history, when the enemy was offering the false light of rationalism as his remedy for the Dark Ages, our God expressed His sovereignty over history and sent forth a revival, renewing the knowledge of His true Light to the world.
We are now at another critical point in history as it seems the enemy is launching a two-pronged attack, either to persecute and extinguish the true Light of Yeshua (Jesus), or to counterfeit it with his false light… we must recognize, expose, and oppose his evil work.
There is false light, a "light that is darkness"; [Matthew 6:23] and a ministry of "righteousness" that is not authentic; [2 Corinthians 11:14-15]. We must recognize them. This is not our Light or our Righteousness. We are awake to the true Light of the world who gives light to every man. Now, more than ever, don't hide it under a bushel, sleeper….Awake! Perhaps, here and there, even before the Lord comes, you also, may inspire a great Awakening!
Your family in the Lord with much agape love,
George, Baht Rivka, Obadiah and Elianna (Dallas, Texas)
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sereneceramics · 6 years
HJ Magnolia ...
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Large Sculpture: Garden of Eden.
Featuring Cheongpyeong, Cheon Jeon Gung, Hyojeong Hospital, & Blessed Tree.
#hyojeong #sereneceramics #hj #jeongseong #jungsung #peace #peacesculpture #sculpture #figurativesculpture #fineart #art #korea #australianartist #unification #ceramics #seanjackson #gold #lustre #lustres #sunmyungmoon #hakjahanmoon #trueparents #proudunificationist #cheongshim #gardenofeden #cheonjeongung #blessedtree
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its-me-dawn-flange · 6 years
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freeloadinnn · 6 years
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queergutterpunk · 6 years
How to get started in Unifii in and get spillover.
How To Get Started in Unifii And Get Spillover.
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How To Get Started in Unifii And Get Spillover.
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fatcashmoney · 6 years
How To Get Started in Unifii And Get Spillover.
How to get started in Unifii and get referrals.
  Learn all you need to know in the cryptocurrency markets with the Prosperity U educational section of this eye opening system. This is perfect for either newbies or more advanced players in this field. Get live crypto signals daily. Get valuable up to date information that allows you to build and secure your cryptocurrency for the future. You can access this very easily in just five minutes, on either your laptop, PC or even your phone if you prefer. There is also the Alt coins reports. This is where you will find the latest research and information on developing ICO's, their tokens or coins and what value they will bring into the market. Watch this informative video on How to get started in Unifii and get referrals and see the reasons why you probably should check this out at this important time in its development. You can get a ton of info, tools and support from what marketing expert Mike Klingler has to offer his team. It will at the very least give you some valid reasons as to why you should join Unifii today and also why that could be one of the best things you do in 2018.
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euco70 · 6 years
How to get started in Unifii and get referrals.
How to get started in Unifii and get referrals.
How To Get Started in Unifii And Get Spillover.
  Learn all you need to know in the cryptocurrency markets with the Prosperity U educational part of this amazing system. This is perfectly suited for either newbies or more advanced players in this area.
Receive live crypto signals daily. Get the latest up to date information that allows you to build and secure your cryptocurrencies for the future.…
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