wlwarhammer · 3 months
The way they tried to turn Louis into a violent evil seductress of the innocent white man…death is too kind
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dendromancer · 11 months
what looking at ofmd twitter feels like
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c0mpvt3r-k1zz3r · 15 days
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I love my malewife computer
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starrypawu · 2 months
another tco and tdl animatic! hope u enjoy :3
(song used: "icantbelieveiletyougetaway - aldn")
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lesbinewren · 3 months
any version of “the jedi got what was coming to them” completely invalidates all of your opinions on them to me. btw ❤️
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canisalbus · 4 months
Since your boys have a lot of traction now, do you feel like people have misinterpretations of them?
Hmm h, not that I've noticed?
Sometimes I worry that since they have a lot of contrasting traits, people might end up thinking they're polar opposites in every way, which isn't true. For example, Machete is melancholic and brainy so of course Vasco should be foolish but happy. Vasco is light-hearted and gregarious and doesn't always think things through as carefully as he perhaps should, but I'd say he's just as smart as Machete and heaps wiser. His intelligence manifests as high social skills, wittiness and fast, practical thinking. Whereas Machete is a glass cannon that excels at one or two things and gets stuck in paper bags the rest of the time, Vasco can resolve and overcome almost any obstacle that gets thrown his way thanks to his broader and more well-rounded skillset. He doesn't frolic through life unaware and unaffected by pain and hardship, he just makes it look easy because he has better tools to deal with them.
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CSA is bad because it harms REAL children.
Rape is bad because it harms REAL people.
Bestiality is bad because it harms REAL animals.
Notice, there, the similarities.
All of them cause harm to REAL beings.
So, what difference is there between those who do the above and you if you use your personal disgust towards UNREAL things to justify harming REAL people?
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mongeese · 4 months
Frankly if I were in Kipperlilly's position I probably would have chosen the rage star too. Like sorry if I was 16 and a trusted teacher said that my worst most upsetting thoughts and feelings were actually right and justified, and he could make me feel like they were right and justified, while also giving me the power to change all the things I was most angry about, I would almost certainly take that deal. Hell I'm not even 16 anymore and I would still consider it
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cl0ckwise · 7 months
Original Sin ~~
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i had a lot of fun with this doodle, i could also just be slightly crazy and enjoy drawing narinder possessed to an unusual extent
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illmoraineakoi · 15 days
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Has this been done yet--
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needlebeetles · 4 months
the funniest thing about Kipperlilly Copperkettle’s grudge is that she chose Riz specifically to get mad at. My sister in Cassandra he is in a party with Fabian Aramais Seacaster, the Adaine “heir to Oracular power in freshman year” and Kristen “chosen one” Applebees. They’ve arguably got an unfair advantage as a party but Riz Gukgak certainly didn’t up until the end of sophomore year.
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scientia-rex · 6 months
It can simultaneously be true that it's complicated and also no it's not.
It's complicated to end genocidal violence in the Middle East with the United States' history of backing Israel for sociopolitical reasons that largely have nothing to do with supporting Jewish rights as well as the undeniably bad optics of the US yet again trying to be World Police while also dealing with a deeply divided internal political establishment where Biden lacks a lot of the votes he needs to get things moving quickly or at all (see: our failure to pass aid for Ukraine due to Republican holdouts, when the Ukraine issue is much less divisive among the American public than Israel) as we also grapple with global events like Putin's absolute need to subdue Ukraine for both power and oil, the threat of China using nuclear weaponry against Taiwan, and the collapse of Haiti's government likely to lead to a massive influx of refugees in states that have hostile governments.
It's also not: Biden should be over there personally telling Netanyahu he's going to make all of their worst nightmares come true if they don't stop this right now. Not next week, not next month, RIGHT NOW. Yesterday! A month ago! Those were the times to take a fucking firm stand! But right now is the next best time!
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lettuce-king · 9 months
Found out Gale's voice actor, Tim Downie and legendary Matt Berry were on Toast of London together so in honor of out my previous and current hyperfixation I got Gale Dekarios saying one of the b e s t lines from Laszlo Cravensworth
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plutobuckley · 4 months
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(Stole this from someone on here but I'm not gonna tag them cause they were being mean and rude to the bucktommy fans in their post)
Not gonna lie, I giggled! Cause no matter how hard you hate, the people and fans you're hating will always look like the bigger person in the argument... why are you so mad over an interview that will probably, I don't know, be about experiencing the exploration of sexuality later on in life or just the overall storyline
It honestly just makes you look like bullies and I'm pretty sure the cast and crew don't side with things like that
Why can't we all just enjoy what is handed to us so far, I'm extremely pleased with what abc has done with this show, s7 is honestly top tier
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
AU: Dick When Bruce "Dies."
When Tim comes to Dick with his evidence (it's literally just a family portrait) of Bruce being alive, Dick pauses. He's a detective as well. He knows that unless the Waynes committed a lot of in-breeding, it's impossible for a late late late family member of Bruce's to have both the Kane and Wanye genetic traits. It's not possible for someone to look so such like Bruce.
Unfortunately, this would mean that Tim is right.
Dick glances up at Tim and plasters on a sympathetic and concerned smile. "Tim... I understand that losing Bruce is hard, especially with all of the lo-"
"You don't believe me." Tim's voice is filled with betrayal, disappointment, and incredulity.
Dick winces as his gaze drifts away. "I'm sorry."
And Dick is. He knows that the lack of support will hurt his younger brother. He knows he's betraying Tim's trust. He knows what this will do to Tim and to their relationship. Dick watches as Tim's barriers get thrown down, and his face loses all tells. He watches his younger brother put emotional distance between them as a form of protection. He watches the immediate damage and knows that, if he fixed it now, they may return to normal. He knows the consequences of his next words.
"There's a grief counselor in Metropolis-"
"You want to-" Tim cuts himself off as he stares at the older man in shock. "You think I'm crazy."
"No! Tim. I think you're going through a rough time right now and yo-"
Tim's laugh is sharp, and his eyes, the only tell the younger one has left, are full of pain. "I see."
"Tim, I-"
"No," Tim shakes his head. A bitter smile is flashed before his face melts into impassiveness. "It's okay, Dick. I understand."
Dick doesn't think the teen does. If Tim truly did understand, he wouldn't react this way. If Tim knew why he was being rejected, the teen would do what Dick is trying to prevent him from doing.
Instead, Dick is a silent observer to Tim becoming more withdrawn. Dick reaches out to the Justice League and expresses his concern for Tim (while implying that Tim's theories are from a mental breakdown). Dick takes Robin away from Tim and cuts out any support the young man might receive. He knows it will hurt Tim. He knows it is currently hurting him.
Dick still does it.
When Tim returns to Gotham with evidence of Bruce's presence in the timestream, Dick grieves. All of his effort, all the pain he put them both through, it was all for naught.
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bruciemilf · 7 months
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Adam should be more worried about his son’s admirers than some bisexual’s hotel (Hazbin hotel folks you’re welcome)
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