lorata · 7 months
one of the things that's really hitting me hard in this iliad reread is how during the battles nobody dies unnamed. we get inured to death in modern war stories, you know, we watch both sides slice through countless unnamed soldiers and the action only slows down when someone we recognize falls, but in the iliad everybody gets named.
and yeah, sure, now we don't know these people anymore but like. it's important. they are killed and here are their names, take a moment and remember
what really gets me is how many times the narrator pauses to give little asides when people die. like, where they're from, or who they're related to, or who they're friends with, or an attribute of theirs, a little something to make them human in the moment of their death (e.g. Pylaemenes, match for Ares, lord of the dauntless warriors with shields, the Paphlagonians and [his] driver, Mydon, whose father was Atymnius, who served bravely as his attendant)
and then there are the ones who get more, like this:
Then Diomedes, master of the war cry, slaughtered the son of Teuthras, Axylus, who used to live in beautiful Arisbe. He had a rich estate and wealthy home, and everybody loved him. He was kind, and generous and welcomed everyone who passed that way as guests inside his home. None of his friends stepped in to help him now. No one protected him from bitter death. His life was taken.
or this:
Euryalus ... then chased both Aesepus and Pedasus, twin brothers, sons of Abarbarea. She, a naiad, bore them to great Boucalion, who was the oldest son of King Laomedon, born out of wedlock. And Boucalion had been out herding sheep when he had met the water goddess and had joined with her in love. They slept together. She conceived and bore these twins. But now Euryalus, son of Mecisteus, destroyed them both. He took the life from both these handsome men and stripped the arms and armor from their backs.
like hello????? suddenly the endless chorus of Name, Son of Name isn't rote or archaic convention, it's a reminder that this person will never see their family again. which then makes the rare times when someone goes on a rampage and mows through a whole list of names without pause (Athena turned his mind towards the crowd of Lycians, among whom he killed Coiranus, Alastor, Chromius, and Halius, Alcander, Prytanis, and Noemon) super chilling
it's so funny i expected to have feelings about hector (and i do) and all the things that destroyed me previous times (and i am!) but here i am stuck on Menesthius, who used to live in Arne. Phylomedusa with the oxen eyes bore him to lord Arethous, club-bearer
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my mum lost her driving license yesterday while on a walk, made a knot to san cucufato as she got home, and the police just rang the bell to give her her retrieved driving license. once again san cucufato you'll always be a real one fr fr
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how the ABSOLUTE FUCK am i supposed to write, draw, play my instrument, unknot my yarn and crochet ALL AT THE SAME TIME, BRAIN?? PLEASE BE RATIONAL COME ON NOW ISTG-
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tineymang · 1 month
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i cant believe i havent posted these yet..... ive been collecting some plushies over a while to represent the guys in my eos team (and lumi) and i thought it would be a fun way to officially christen them by sewing them some lil accessories to match the ones i draw them with!
a few wip pictures below the cut!
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bijoharvelle · 3 months
oh no i forgot that every fandom is stupid
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sleephearts-archived · 11 months
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art-of-mathematics · 1 year
I have too many interests, too few time, too few mental capacity and duuuh. it sucks. It would be nice to compress 72 hours into 24 hours - and only needing 1 or 2 hours of sleep time per day. Additionally it would be great to get nutrition via a power cable instead of needing to buy far too expensive food and half-heartedly composing very awful meals - the fastfood trash (a la microwave french fries or "Nudeltüten" or whatever.... )... or eating raw bread fresh outta the bread sack....
Eating is a waste of time. and buying groceries also requires far too much time Also: Buying groceries and eating is exhausting as fuck. The resulting exhaustion of these unliked activities increases the need for sleep and rest time and additionally elso reduces the time left for engaging with beloved special interests (which is a very helpful factor for actually reducing the exhaustion and "big sad" )
But sleeping and resting are awfully boring. It exhausts me mentally to be forced to rest and/or sleep. I hate laying in bed like a half-dead slice of bread.
This feels like an endless downwards spiral... duuuhhh.
maybe i am just too dumb to get my shit together and work more efficiently.
maybe I am like a sack of bread. It"s said you are what you eat. so perhaps its true i am a brain crumb crumbling into pieces of nonsense gibberish.
my brain is turning into slimy dough again....
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alectoperdita · 8 months
i have just been shrimping in my seat and clenching my jaw all day. 0/10 i do not recommend.
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kitttenteeth · 1 year
Kittiest girl updates s'il vous plait, mwah!
nothing good Anon I feel like when a twitchy animal knows they R going 2 die soon . and i ate a chocolatechip croissant this morning that I got kittyfur on
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fierceawakening · 1 year
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king shit
(they seem to think they were being menacing there? I'm just like BABIIIIIESSSS)
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Don't fret Thxmir, that's just my new band, Horrible Flesh Noise
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thychesters · 2 years
someone should really just go up to enel and tie his super long ear lobes in a bow. that might shut him up for a few minutes.
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tails-boogie-board · 2 years
im sorry but I have to let you know that Tails cant tie his shoes. He can tie knots and do fine wirework and can build a computer from scratch but he cant figure out the hand movement on his own shoes and he has better things to do than learn so he wears velcro 
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stealthatsweater · 2 years
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calamitouscynic · 1 year
got frustrated with the first embroidery project so im starting another, more complicated one. obviously this will not also lead to frustration
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citrine-elephant · 1 year
May I suggest...?
Allowing yourself to explore those weird little interests without shame is... so freeing.
The weird shame from gaining interests from people around you or from media is annoying.
I've found that I've got a serious interest in carpentry and mechanical things, and while I'm not sure if I'll actually enjoy it, the urge to explore it further and further feels good! I keep thinking about the problem solving of it. How would this work? How would that work?
The fear feels like it grows weaker the more questions of exploration I have.
The feeling of ""accepting"" that you're not going anywhere as a kid, that you're ""not good enough"" coming out of the shadows and showing itself to be nothing more than a pathetic little shadowpuppet of self doubt and fear - that those worries are absolutely POWERLESS.
Feels great!
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sonar-taxlaw · 2 years
i have been thinking a lot about stimming and how i naturally move and am in the world because i am almost constantly moving in rhythmic ways from when i get up in the morning to when i go to sleep. it's just part of who i am and how i interface with the spaces around me
like if i'm standing i'm swaying unless i'm consciously thinking about not swaying, if i'm sitting i might be rocking or i might be swishing back and forth in my chair or i might be jiggling my leg or clenching and releasing my toes or sitting on one leg or a combination of these, if i'm lying down i'm doing cricket feet, if i'm walking i typically bounce on my toes a little
i make noises and hum and whistle, i echo sounds, i mouth my inner monologue (which masks are great for btw no one can tell that i'm moving my lips if i'm wearing a mask)
i shake my hands back and forth at the wrist if i'm in transition between tasks or i'm thinking
i have a whole host of subtle stims (rubbing my fingertips together, tapping my thumb to each of my fingers, going through the alphabet and numbers in asl, moving my toes back and forth in my shoes, rubbing my fingernails, moving one foot and then the other in the same way)
anyway i don't have a point to this i just wiggle in the world and this is an aspect of me that is not well conveyed online but is in my bodyspace
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