#unless there's one I should also watch too???? Is it seven that's important or something idk
hall0wedwyrm · 6 months
Grian and Scar tied in my heart. from forced together to friends til the end....
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Just watched Mutant Mayhem, here are my thoughts!
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Overall: Yes, very good I suggest everyone watch it when they can or I will break your knees :)
I’m going to end up rambling far too much unless I split this properly, so I’m going to break it down into sections starting from what I believe is most important in a movie.
This post is still going to be a mess ngl
Story: 8/10
The story is actually very good! It was paced very well and ended in a very touching way. No character interactions or plot beats felt forced or cliché, and no forced identity politics which is always a plus.
The action scenes - of course they were amazing. Paired with the stellar animation, each action scene was brilliantly directed and choreographed. The start shows the turtles’ origin story is similar to most of the iterations with its own unique factors - in this case the ooze was created by Baxter Stockman.
The conflict of the plot was well written, the final act was great and ends with a hopeful and satisfying ending (there is a mid credit scene that teases something big for the series though!).
If it’s any consolation, it’s also very friendly to new fans of TMNT - I went with someone who has not seen any TMNT media before and they really liked it and understood it easily.
Characters: 9/10
Needless to say, all the characters were very well done. Despite its run time and large cast, each one feels grounded with their own unique personality.
For starters: the four main boys! They were done brilliantly - Mikey being hopeful and optimistic whilst naturally being empathetic, Raph channeling chaotic good energy with his iconic rage personality not being over the top, Donnie being a geek in the best way possible, and Leo trying to be a good leader and anxious, always looking out for his brothers but not a complete teachers pet. All very likeable, and I can’t wait to see them in the series!
Splinter: probably the best since 2003! Openly caring of his sons and worries a great deal about how humans will perceive them. Has his own trauma from his experience with humans so he tries to protect his sons by isolating them completely, but eventually realises that his own view of humans should not affect his son’s happiness and lets them fulfil their dream of trying to be accepted by humans even if he will never like humanity himself. Peak character development, 10/10.
Villain/s: all of them felt fleshed out and I look forward to seeing them in the series! Posed their own genuine threats with varying levels of morals. Again, all were fleshed out quite well and played a role in the story.
April: honestly, she didn’t have too much in it compared to the others but does play a key role in the final act and the ending itself. An interesting iteration of April, curious to see more of her.
Animation: 10000000/10
It was brilliant. What else can I say? Though inspired by Spider-verse it is its own style which is amazing to look at. It thrives in action scenes and landscapes. Another groundbreaking style that I hope to see influence others.
Music: 8/10
It slaps. Almost all of them I will be playing for the next week or so. The soundtracks really set the mood beautifully, especially the sombre track. Paired with the animation - ugh - chefs kiss
Overall Rating: 8/10
I am usually very very harsh with films, so for me to rate anything above a seven is basically unheard of. Probably my favourite movie of 2023, and my favourite TMNT movie. 2003 only just beats it overall but that’s mostly because I’ve known it for longer - who knows, a few more rewatches and it might overtake.
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innytoes · 7 months
33 for callexie (caleb/alex/willie)? ;D
Willie had the perfect plan, okay? It didn't matter that maybe he'd taken one too many Benadryl. He was sure Tomorrow Willie would absolutely agree with his flawless decision making skills.
Like that time he painted his entire kitchen red. Like sure, the next day he'd been kind of confused, but then a week later he tripped while holding a bowl of tomato soup and you couldn't even see the stains! Benadryl Willie was brilliant.
So of course he wouldn't regret crawling across the fire escape, jimmying open the window of his very cute neighbours' place, and all but throwing himself and his laptop (very important!) through.
"Oh hey, you're having dinner, perfect!" Willie beamed at the surprised faces. The lights were all off, except for some candles on the table, which was perfect. That would mean they could see his presentation all the better.
Alex looked positively angelic in the candlelight, his eyes wide and his hair like liquid gold. The shadows made Caleb's jaw look even more perfect, and his eyes seemed to be sparkling with amusement. Probably amusement, right? Willie was a funny guy. Which was point seven!
"Anyway, you can keep eating while you listen," he said, dragging over one of the bar stools from the kitchen to their table. He propped the laptop on top, flipping it open so they could see the first slide.
"Anyway here is my Powerpoint on why you should date me," he started, jabbing the button. The first slide wooshed away with a fun sound effect. "Number one, I am very pretty. Case in point." He clicked again, and some shirtless selfies appeared.
"What the hell is happening," Alex whispered.
"Point one b, I also have very pretty and pettable hair. And abs. Unless I just ate pizza or something." The next slide showed off both. "And a cute butt." He hadn't been able to take a proper picture of that, but he turned a little so they could see his butt anyway. "See?"
"Let him finish, darling, he obviously put work into this," Caleb whispered back.
"Thank you," Willie said, before clearing his throat. "Point Two. You both keep inviting me over to dinner and smiling at me and when we bump into each other in the hall we can talk like forever and we just seem to click and vibe.'
The last slide with his abs disappeared, replaced by one that said VIBES in comic sans. Because that was supposed to be the most easy to read font out there. Or something.
"Number three, I am an excellent boyfriend. I will remember your birthday and get you flowers except I won't because I know Alex is allergic but I'm learning how to make origami flowers except don't tell Alex that it's a surprise for his birthday which by the way is July 19th," he rambled. He clicked the button again, because he was pretty sure there were more reasons he was a good boyfriend.
"Oh, right! I make a mean breakfast in bed and also I totally believe in fair division of labour meaning I will do the dishes because I know Caleb secretly hates them because they make his hands wrinkly but also you can't just put wine glasses in the dishwasher."
"You're absolutely right," Caleb agreed.
"Don't encourage him!" Alex hissed.
"Point... um..." He clicked the power point again. "Five. Right. I am amazing in bed. Ten out of ten ex boyfriends agree. Or they would if I had ten. I have four. They're all great, except for Joey Keaton, but I never slept with him anyway because we were both twelve and he dumped me because I wouldn't give him my shiny Charizard Pokemon card."
A picture of his shiny Pokemon Card, which he still owned (suck it Joey!) popped up on the screen.
"You skipped point four," Alex pointed out, and Willie blinked. He went back a slide. Then forward again. Then back.
"Okay point four is your eyes are very pretty and I want to kiss you," he said resolutely. "Anyway point six! If you date me you will always have a tie breaker. If you can't pick a restaurant? TIE BREAKER! Not sure what movie to watch? Tie breaker! Also you need like three people to play Twister which is also very important. Point seven is I'm very funny and eight is... oh that's a picture of the raccoon who comes by the dumpster sometimes to see if there's pizza. We're friends. He can vouch for me. Point nine is I'm great in bed and also very cute."
Was it just him or was the room getting all spinny? He swayed a little, and Caleb caught his arm.
"You're strong," he said, smiling. "That's not a point, though. I mean it's a point on why I wanna date you, but I didn't get to that PowerPoint yet."
"Why don't you sit down," Caleb said, gently settling him down in his chair. Alex looked even prettier from across the table.
"You're even prettier from this angle," he told Alex.
"I- thank you?" Alex said. "Are you okay?"
"Peachy!" Willie said. Oh man, this food smelled so good. He took a bite. "I'm not done though. I still have to get to point twenty four, which is super important. I give really good hugs. You like hugs don't you?"
"Willie, did you take something?" Caleb asked gently. His hand was on Willie's back and it was warm and he leaned into it. That was nice. He was kind of cold. And shivering a little. Haha.
"No, I don't do that anymore, I have a real job now," he said. "And an apartment. And I can buy my own food and clothes and treats for Throckmorton - that's the raccoon by the way, I'll introduce you if you want."
"Did you ingest any substances?" Caleb tried again.
"I took some Benadryl," Willie said. "And some of this pasta. It's really good, have you tried it? Anyway, point... point ten. I'm a good cook. I know how to make eggs like five different ways, and that's not even including French Toast!"
"How about you come lie down on the couch for a moment?" Caleb asked.
"I feel like you’re not taking this PowerPoint presentation about why you should date me very seriously," Willie pouted. He'd worked very, very hard on it.
"How about we go sit on the couch to look at the rest, huh?" Alex said. Alex was so smart. "I'll carry your laptop, okay?"
They sat down on the couch, and Alex put the laptop on the coffee table. Willie nodded, ready to go back to his presentation, but then Caleb wrapped a blanket around his shoulders and kept his arm there, and Alex gently brushed the hair off his forehead - and rested it there for a moment, which was nice. He leaned into the touch.
"You're burning up," Alex said.
"Yeah, I'm hot, that was like point one, do I have to start over?" Willie asked. He tried to reach his laptop with his foot. He hadn't bothered to put on shoes, so his fun socks were showing. "Oh, I didn't even include that on the PowerPoint. I have lots of cool socks. See, these are of cats in space."
"They're very nice," Alex agreed, gently tipping him over into Caleb. "Why don't you tell us all about your socks? How many pairs do you have?"
"Well, I have the cats in space, and dogs in space, and raccoon socks, and skateboards, and little hotdogs, and..." Slowly, his brain started to shut down, but that was okay, because Caleb was warm and comfy, and Alex was holding his hand, and he was pretty sure the sock argument was winning them over more than point twelve (I give great head!) and thirteen (I'm great at keeping plants alive! Look at my spider plant!).
And okay, when he woke up twelve hours later feeling like death, on a couch that was more comfortable than his own bed, with two very handsome and very doting neighbours willing to feed him soup and nurse him back to health, he had to admit that maybe Benadryl Willie had been right about something.
Because he did leave that apartment with two boyfriends.
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notwantedonthemoon · 10 months
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I gave Lucy and Ham a design update! Originally I only wanted to do Ham but Lucy barged into the room and no one can make her leave.
Design notes:
• I really was not satisfied with their original colour schemes. I know that Lucy was described as wearing a rose-coloured gown but she’s so purple in my head. • And Ham should be more red. He’s associated with red in the novel (and his brothers with yellow and blue- they’re the primary colour brothers) and that image of Misa Amane in the top left corner was my original reference for him, but he simply doesn’t look right to me unless he looks like a walking Valentine’s Day card. Misa Amane’s picture got to stay because a). I love her and b). I’m gonna talk about her later. • His hair also had to change- I’m probably going to redo Hannah at some point. I was thinking of saving Ham’s original reddish brown colour for Hannah instead, and I don’t want them to look too similar. So now his hair looks like a fox- which is fitting for his character and also very funny because his wife is terrified of foxes. • Don’t ask how the darker ends work without hair dye, we’re going off cartoon logic here. • I am now certain that Lucy’s height exists solely to torment me whenever I want to draw her next to someone else. I was in tears drawing this, wondering why Findley couldn’t have been happy with a six foot tall angel. • Lucy is seven foot five. I have no idea if I drew her tall enough or if I ever will.
The part where Misa Amane is relevant
• Ham’s character felt like he was being set up for a much more important role than he actually got, and I was waiting for a twist or a character arc or something, but it never happened. This guy is determined to stay irrelevant forever. I saw a source somewhere describe Ham as less of a character and more of an excuse to introduce Lucy. It cracked me up so I had to include it in here. • Just to be clear: I do like Ham as is. He’s an entertaining and also very heartfelt character- one of his defining traits is just, ‘Loves Things A Lot’ (kinda reminds me of Pat of Silver Bush- everyone go read Pat of Silver Bush that book is fantastic). • But also: he could have been better. His character got 10 times more likeable to me when I realized that he kind of resembles Misa Amane from Death Note, so by that logic he’d be a better character if you just make him more like Misa Amane from Death Note. • Also: I only ever watched the Death Note musical and I know next to nothing about the anime. But I heard that Misa is pretty annoying in the anime? Shame. • The parallels are already there. Both characters have complicated relationships with death- Ham’s first action in the book is being forced to kill a lamb, Misa’s entire family got murdered- and then cheating death somehow; Ham spent his childhood nearly dying of like, plague or whatever, and a death god sacrificed his life to extend Misa’s time on Earth. They’re both characterized as being incredibly loving, with Ham defined by his “love of life so great that he could not bear to kill” and Misa being defined by her love for her family that drove her to pledge her loyalty and give away half her life to their unknowing avenger.
• If I were writing Ham I’d establish him as a character who is deeply loyal- to his family and to his values. He thought that that loyalty had to extend to his father be default- they’re family, despite their very very tense relationship. The sacrifice at the start of book one made him do an immediate 180 on that, and it was why he was so willing to throw his oar in completely with Lucy. • That 180 turn was motivated by an unbelievable amount of pent up rage and spite. In terms of general ideals I’d say Ham is pretty traditional and goes along with whatever’s popular because it causes less problems for him- the only principles he sticks firmly to are his scientific ones. He’s not like Lucy, who knows what she believes in and fights for it- him opposing Doctor Noyes is an emotional, reactionary decision, not based off of any deeper principles (other than the no-killing one) or self-reflection about his existing worldviews. • A lot of his development will be directly tied to Lucy, since she’s the more significant character out of the two. And being with Lucy would make him much more willing to make impulsive decisions; which actually isn’t very far from canon, Ham is pretty impulsive. When I first got to the two-day-engagement part of the book I was convinced that a love potion had to be involved somewhere, because I couldn’t wrap my head around the designated ‘logical scientist character’ making such a reckless decision. But then I got further into the book and Ham… runs into a burning building. Keeps on fumbling conversations by blurting out his opinion and immediately regretting it. So… he’s kind of just like that. That lines up. • For a scientist character he’s very emotional- which I like a lot! It’s a nice change of pace. Being a scientist doesn’t automatically make you more rational and reasonable than anyone else. Sometimes you can be a really good scientist and still have the emotional intelligence of a sea sponge. Ham strikes me as someone who doesn’t really ‘get’ emotions because he can’t logic his way through them like with most of the stuff he studies, so he ignores them until they explode ‘completely out of nowhere’. My conclusion here is that someone should hand him a book on mindfulness. • (The real question is why Lucy was down for the two-day-engagement; it’s not to survive the flood. She and Ham were engaged before Yaweh came up with the flood plan.)
• All this is setting Ham up as Lucy’s eventual closest ally and the most fiercely loyal friend she could ever ask for. He thinks the world of her and would do just about anything for her… but he wouldn’t kill for her. That’s a line he crossed once and wouldn’t ever again.
• And Lucy loves him. Of course she does. But sometimes she wonders if her friend’s loyalty is anything like her brother’s blind devotion to Yaweh. She doesn’t like that thought.
• In the novel their relationship is largely just. Very lacklustre, with no development or indication that they really care about each other. But since they’re such a blank slate I can do whatever I want with them, and what I want is Lucy the revolutionary and her aggressively supportive science bestie. • I like to think that Ham and Lucy’s relationship would be best described as a queerplatonic relationship- though they wouldn’t have the vocabulary to describe that exactly. I know that they’re married but… they really don’t have any romantic chemistry. I’m sorry to anyone who thinks that they make a good couple (if you exist. At all) but I simply do not see it.
• (If someone does have an interpretation of their relationship that is romantic I would absolutely love to see it. If someone has anything to say at all about this book I would love to see it.)
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inmarbleimmobility · 8 months
1.1.6 - How He Protected His House
THE ONE WITH THE CHAIRS!!! my youngest brother and i goof about this chapter All The Time because this is as far as he ever made it in the brick. so sometimes we'll be at a holiday gathering and my mother will inevitably ask about how many of us there are while setting the table and my brother will go, "seven? yeah we have enough chairs for that, we could do up to eleven actually, it would be more but that one upstairs is too big-"
"the most beautiful of altars [...] is the soul of an unhappy man who is comforted and thanks god" is fascinating. on the surface obviously he's talking about how compassion and love are more important than material goods. but also, the altar is *the* single most important part of a physical church to the point that the church is essentially built around it - compassion and love are the center around which Myriel's entire belief system (and the one Hugo argues for) is built.
I love that Myriel has "pupils from the secondary school" over!!! I'm imagining like tea in the headmaster's office but it's with the nice old bishop who just loves hearing about everything you've been learning lately
the bit about Baptistine's sofa dreams is actually kind of crushing?? "whoever attains the ideal"???? Hey Hugo, I know this is The Miserable Book but that's a little bit of a downer even for you. like, no, material things shouldn't be the ideal, of course! beautiful furniture is no substitute for the things that truly matter! (which, if I had a nickel...) But I feel so bad for her here. Let a woman have her one velvet sofa. (also, for someone who's going to talk so much about a certain "priest of the ideal" later, that's a weird way to talk about your ideal!)
it's fascinating also that Myriel still has the "grooming articles that betrayed the elegant habits of the man of the world"! it's a surprising bit of vanity that maybe he doesn't even realize is vanity? or maybe his 10 step skincare routine really is that good.
Myriel's "copper crucifix with traces of silver" caught my eye, because Valjean's crucifix in his terrible room in the Rue de l'Homme Arme is copper too. probably I'm reaching here and and all 18th century crucifixes were made of copper, but either way it's an interesting bookend.
i'm about to get very Red String Conspiracy Meme here for a second BUT! The Candlesticks. the church says you Must have a certain number of (specifically beeswax) candlesticks present on or near the altar at any mass. the absolute minimum is two, but the number increases up to 7 depending on who's celebrating mass/what type of mass is being celebrated. someone who needed a quick 1500 word essay could make something out of this - the fact that aside from the silver cutlery (which there were practical reasons for keeping) the only other Thing he has is those two silver candlesticks, the fact that two candles specifically are used for the low mass, the table/altar comparisons, the altar being a surface on which a sacrifice is made... all of this is an extreme reach but playing with catholic aesthetics is fun, okay, so sue me.
"The beautiful is as useful as the useful. [...] Perhaps even more so."
there sure are a lot of Guys Who Like Flowers in this novel, huh! Myriel, Mabeuf, Jean Prouvaire, even Valjean... I'm sure that means nothing at all!
"Nisi Dominus" etc is Psalm 127:1, "Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain."
"[the bravery of priests] should be peaceable" - and this is where we run into the limit of the Myriel Approach. his need to remain peaceable is the core of that whole interaction with G- and his aversion to the scaffold - he does not believe violence can be justified, which is why he can't change the system, he can only try to mitigate the pain it causes. it feels to me like a direct parallel of Enjolras' "death, I abhor thee, but I use thee".
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asumofwords · 1 year
almost everybody wants gwayne,aegon or alys to be her revenge lover simply bc they're in proximity to aemond and it would deal the biggest blow to him to have his wife's paramour so close and familiar. im curious on your thoughts as an author as to who it should be if its not going to be either of them. not necessarily name wise, but just their overall character if you were going to make one up
I feel like the reader would go for someone safe, someone they know is level headed and won’t hurt her. I know she would also go for someone in close proximity, because she can’t exactly leave the Keep, and I doubt any guard or knight would fall for her trick because they fear Aemond enough to not want their dick sucked lol
The reader would most likely go for someone who is quiet but dedicated to the Greens, someone who no one would exactly suspect and someone who is important to the King, so if push comes to shove, nothing can happen unless it damages the Kings council and control. She would also go for someone that she felt could be easily manipulated to sway towards the Black side or do favours for her like sending secret letters.
She couldn’t boast or mock Aemond about it either. It would have to be a secret, because if Aemond found out, he would have her under stricter lock and key. She would be watched by guards 24/7. And then she would be fucked.
Otto would absolutely not fuck the reader. He’s too pious and far too dedicated to his grandson being on the throne and also the Seven. He is also smart enough to know what she was trying to do.
Same with Ser Cole. He would know EXACTLY what she was trying to do, and he would report her for being up to something immediately. And also he learnt his lesson with Rhaenyra lmao.
Anyone who knows her or her family intimately would not be a wise to pursue. None of the Hightowers would bite, except Aegon who’s just horny and a shit stirrer. They would have all been given the rundown to not trust you or anything. Rhaenyra is known as a Whore Queen so they would assume the apple does not fall too far from the tree.
We will see what the reader does soon
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zapposter · 1 year
The list to refer back to when I realise I’ve been doomscrolling again
1. Read that history book on the nightstand 📚
last time you were in Kraków you Were complaining how you don’t remember any facts anymore, do something about it
2. Try to learn some card tricks🃏
You’ve got two books on this with you, you’ve had them for years, high time to grind that skill out. Especially considering your brother suddenly got into card tricks too and that has always been your thing
3. Paint in the studio 🎰
You’ve already emailed everyone and made sure that you can, now just move your ass and go. Leave for few hours, do some painting. Just zone out, it’s therapeutic
4. Go for a walk 🧳
Just go
5. Draw with ink 🖋️
You’ve got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight… eight different colours. Go ham
6. Draw with dry pastels 🥫
Go get dirty, you know you like it
7. Work on the zines for your friends 📠
We ball, I know you’re gonna make it the best zine you possibly can. Add some cool quotes from songs you both know
8. Watch a figma tutorial 💽
It’s new and you’re just learning, so I know it might be scary, but no harm has ever came from just trying. If it doesn’t work out? Just fuck it, go girl
9. Design something 🎪
Create your own one, copy or upgrade some other design. No rules and doesn’t have to be good. Remember to just enjoy the process, you’re designing just for you
10. Illustrate🎖️
Make an illustration, just a baby one. No big projects (unless you feel like it). Just get back into the groove, have fun with it
11. Play some music 🎫
The harmonica? The kalimba? Up to you, or just belt it out
12. Do some yoga 🌬️
(Idc if it’s past 11:30 or before 4:30, get movin love)
13. Go to the library 📔
So many books, it’s free, you can sit there as long as you want. Also it’s literally the peak of academia core and you get a walk. No downsides
14. Watch a movie 📽️
You’ve got a movie list, turn the projector and watch. All these movies are amazing. The vibe is immaculate and you can multitask if you want to
15. Watch a video essay 📺
You’ve got some good ones queued up and its 100x better than scrolling. Learn something new
16. Paint some gouache 🍂
You can make little gifts! Or paint something you like, or make illustrations. And you don’t even have to leave your room (but you can, go for a walk and paint en plein air)
17. Solve a sudoku 🍰
50 to go, you can solve them wrong 50 times for all I care. But by the end of it you’ll have done it and it won’t be so scary anymore
18. Journal 🧃
Just anything, empty your mind out
19. Phone a friend 🎟️
You’re alone as it is, don’t alienate yourself even further please, make sure you get some contact
20. Animate something 🎞️
It can be anything, and remember baby steps. Just try to be more at ease. Remember other programs felt complicated and unfriendly at first too. It will al get better, just trust the process
21. Learn some zippo tricks 🐛
You’ve got a new zippo, it’s was a lovely, thoughtful gift. Imagine if you learn some trick to show him
What’s important in the end is to remember to trust the process and keep in mind that most of the things on the list (just like eating well, waking up at reasonable time and going to sleep at fairly early times. All which you should also be doing) is forms of delayed gratification when you compare it to the option of doomscrolling. The whole day will flash before your eyes before you realise it. The week will pass by, the month and the summer will follow.
Grab life by the horns, look her in the eyes and make out. Tell her you love it. Have fun
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evedreams · 28 days
Tonight by Westlife
Entry Number: 26 Dream: Calvin Oftana (10) Summary: Calvin hasn't been in the best mood lately, and it's hurting Eve. Rating: PG
Calvin had been in a bad mood for days. Eve tried her best to cheer him up but to no avail. After another game loss, she tried her best to lift his spirits up once more. But he had snapped at her. It hurt, and she asked why he had to lash out at her.
“I’m trying my best to give you all you need and you still don’t appreciate it,” she murmured.
“There’s nothing to appreciate, Eve. I know what you’re doing but I’m sorry it’s not working. We’ve been losing for weeks. We’re on the brink of not even going eighth place. And if we do, we’ll be facing your beloved San Miguel.”
She blinked her tears away. “I’m just…trying to help.”
“Well, you’re not.” He shook his head and exhaled. “Look, let’s just go to sleep. I still have early training.”
She nodded. “Okay. I’ll see you there.”
He shook his head once again and headed inside the room.
But instead of following, Eve went to the kitchen and took out her favorite ice cream. She was not in any mood to think; she just ate. She half-expected Calvin to call her, but the other half, the one that expected him not to even bother checking up on her, prevailed.
There was another game a few days later, and Eve was contemplating whether she should go or not. But she promised him that she was going to go to all his games unless something important came up. She did not want to lie, and maybe this would make him feel a little better if she went. ‘I doubt it but it’s worth a shot.’
She was seated in her usual spot, right behind the bench of TNT. When she saw him come out of the locker room, she smiled at him, but his head was bowed down. She swallowed and nodded her head. She wished Sage was with her, but she had an exam, and Eve did not want to take her away from something so important just for something like this.
“Good luck,” she whispered.
She watched as TNT scrambled to get another win against Blackwater. They were doing well, but Blackwater was also trying to catch up. At the end of the game, TNT finally won, and Eve applauded. She tried her best to find Calvin, but she remembered that he was BPG. She decided to wait for him outside of the arena.
He finally came out, and she caught up with him. He was with some of his teammates, and she knew they were going to celebrate. She just wanted him to know that she was happy for them. “Hey.”
Calvin smiled. “Hey.”
“Thanks. We’re heading out to celebrate. Join us?”
She knew he was just being nice. There was a tone in his voice that made her want to cry again. “No,” she said, shaking her head. “You guys have fun.”
The team bid her goodbye, as did Calvin. She watched them go and she went home.
TNT had begun to win all their games again. The two of them were back to normal. They reached fourth place and had to win against NLEX. Luckily, they won all the games and reached the finals. However, it was them against SMB. Calvin had begun to become cold towards her once again.
“What’s wrong?” she finally asked.
“It’s nothing,” he replied, not turning to face her. “I’ve got training in a bit. I’ll see you later.”
As he reached the door, she called out, “I love you.”
“You, too.”
Eve closed her eyes and shook her head.
During the games, Eve decided not to attend even one. Calvin did not even bother to ask why. He simply said, “Okay.” She was also making sure that she stayed away from him as much as possible.
The day of Game 7 arrived, and Eve contemplated whether she should go or not. Then, she remembered the date. May 18. She knew he would be hurt, but with how he was acting right now, did he even feel hurt? She hadn’t been going to his games and yet, he had not once shared his thoughts about it.
The calendar landed on May 18.
“Game’s at seven-thirty.”
“Good luck.” She checked if she had everything in her bag before booking a Grab. “Daddy and I will be watching you.”
Calvin must have noticed that she was leaving because he asked, “Where are you going?”
“Home. It’s Alessandro’s birthday. I have to be there.”
His eyes widened. “Alessandro’s birthday? You’re going to his birthday over my finals?”
“It’s Alessandro. And even if it’s Astrid, you know I’d still go.”
“Since when did you care about me going to your games lately?” she snapped.
“What are you talking about? I’ve been in a bad mood because you haven’t been going to my games.”
“Right.” She rolled her eyes. “You were in such a bad mood ever since you found out you’d be going against San Miguel.”
“I’m sorry,” he stressed. “I wasn’t sure who you’d root for.”
Eve narrowed her eyes. “You’re really asking that question? SMB is my team, but you are my love. There’s a big difference.”
“So you’re telling me you’d root for TNT?”
“Of course! My family understands; they have nothing against it.”
Calvin pursed his lips. “I’m sorry.”
She shrugged. “Well, it’s done. I’ll see you tonight.”
“You’re going to the game?”
“No, I’m still going home. I’ll see you back here.”
She moved past Calvin, trying her best not to let her tears fall.
San Miguel still won, and although Eve could not help but cheer, she knew Calvin was devastated. How was she going to face him when she got back?
When she arrived, he wasn’t there yet. She sat down on the couch and scrolled through her phone. All she could see was how SMB won the championship and that they were, again, considered the winningest team in the PBA.
She heard keys jingle and she looked up to see Calvin coming in with his bag. He dropped it on the floor and locked the door behind him. He stayed there for a while and Eve let him. He leaned against the wall and shook his head. “Fuck.”
“Calvin,” Eve called softly.
He looked at her, not saying anything.
“Calvin, I—”
But he did not hear her out. Rather, he picked up his bag and walked to the bedroom.
Days later, Eve was invited to a party. It was her friend’s bachelorette party, and she tried her best to find something comfortable to wear. They were going to a club, and she had no idea what clothes were worn there.
Finally, she found something she thought would look nice. She had asked Sage if it was appropriate, and she gave her approval. “Great,” Eve said. “This is good.”
When she was done getting ready, she looked at herself in the mirror once again before smiling and grabbing her bag. Just as she was about to turn around, Calvin appeared. They were quiet until he asked, “Where are you going?”
“It’s Bea’s bachelorette party,” she answered. “We’re going to Spotlight.”
He nodded. “Have you booked a Grab yet?”
She shook her head. “No, not yet.”
“I’ll drive you then.”
She liked that idea.
While they drove, Eve had her hands on her lap, and unexpectedly, Calvin reached out for hers and brought the back of her hand to his lips. Her heart beat quickened. “Calvin.”
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m sorry.”
Before she could say anything, they reached Spotlight, and he let her go. “I’ll be around the corner. Just call if you need anything or want to be picked up already. Okay?”
She nodded.
“I love you,” he said as she opened the door.
She turned to face him. “I love you, too.”
Once inside, Eve found her friends and tried her best to not think about Calvin. They would probably have the talk later that day. But she couldn’t get him off of her mind, and adding to that, she saw him inside the club, sipping a drink and looking at her.
Bea and some of her friends decided to dance while Eve and another friend watched over their belongings.
“Dance with me.” Eve looked up and found Calvin holding out his hand, a smile on his face. “Please?”
She smiled back, then turned to the other girl.
“Go,” she said. “I got this.” She grinned.
“Thank you,” both Eve and Calvin said at the same time. This made the three chuckle.
Calvin could dance, but Eve couldn’t. So he had been guiding her the whole time. A slow song began to blast, and, with Eve facing the other way, he snaked his arm around her waist and his other hand held her arm. “I’m sorry,” he murmured. He was still too tall for him to rest his chin at the top of her head. “I’m so sorry.”
When it was finally time to leave, Eve turned on the radio, and the song “Tonight” by Westlife was the first to come alive.
“I like this song,” she said.
They had the talk in the car, not where she expected, but still, they talked. That’s all that mattered. He explained to her that cheering for the other team made him lose his confidence, not in her, but in him. He loved her, and he wanted to be good enough.
“You are good enough,” she assured him. “You’re great. You’re the best.”
“You have to say that.”
“No. I don’t. But I am because it’s true.”
“It’s okay, Calvin. It’s okay.”
They reached their place, and once inside, they locked the door behind them and walked quickly inside their room.
She was inside first, and she grinned as she placed her bag on the table. When he came in, he grinned back before closing the door behind him.
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evedreamsof · 4 months
tonight by westlife // c. oftana
entry #53
calvin hasn't been in the best of moods lately, and it's hurting eve
calvin had been in a bad mood for days. eve tried his best to cheer him up but to no avail. after another game loss, she tried her best to lift his spirits up once more. but he had snapped at her. it hurt and she asked why he had to lash out on her.
“i’m trying my best to give you all you need and you still don’t appreciate it,” she murmured.
“there’s nothing to appreciate, eve. i know what you’re doing but i’m sorry it’s not working. we’ve been losing for weeks. we’re on the brink of not even going eighth place. and if we do, we’ll be facing your beloved san miguel.”
she blinked her tears away. “i’m just…trying to help.”
“well you’re not.” he shook his head and exhaled. “look. let’s just go to sleep. i still have early training.”
she nodded. “okay. i’ll see you there.”
he shook his head once again and headed inside the room.
but instead of following, eve went to the kitchen and took out her favorite ice cream. she was not in any mood to think, she just ate. she had half-expected for calvin to call her but the other half, the one that expected him not to even bother checking up on her, prevailed.
there was another game a few days later and eve was contemplating whether she should go or not. but she promised him that she was going to go to all his games unless anything important came up. she did not want to lie and maybe this would make him feel a little better if she went. ‘i doubt it but it’s worth a shot.’
she was seated in her usual, right behind the bench of tnt. when she saw him come out of the locker room, she smiled at him but his head was bowed down. she swallowed and nodded her head. she wished sage was with her but she had an exam and eve did not want to take her away from something so important just for something like this.
“good luck,” she whispered.
she watched as tnt scrambled to get another win against blackwater. they were doing well but blackwater was also trying to catch up. at the end of the game, tnt finally won and eve applauded. she tried her best to find calvin but she remembered that he was bpg. she decided to wait for him outside of the arena.
he finally came out and she caught up with him. he was with some of his teammates and she knew they were going to celebrate. she just wanted him to know that she was happy for them. “hey.”
calvin smiled. “hey.”
“thanks. we’re heading out to celebrate. join us?”
she knew he was just being nice. there was a tone in his voice that made her want to cry again. “no,” she said, shaking her head. “you guys have fun.”
the team bid her goodbye, as did calvin. she watched them go and she grab-ed home.
tnt had began to win all their games again. the two of them were back to normal. they reached the fourth place and had to win against nlex. luckily, they won all the games and they reached the finals. however, it was them against smb. calvin had began to become cold towards her once again.
“what’s wrong?” she finally asked.
“it’s nothing,” he replied, not turning to face her. “i’ve got training in a bit. i’ll see you later.”
as he reached the door, she called out, “i love you.”
“you, too.”
eve closed her eyes and shook her head.
during the games, eve decided to not attend even one. calvin did not even bother to ask why. he simply said, “okay”. she was also making sure that she stayed away from him as much as possible.
the day of game 7 arrived and eve contemplated whether she should go or not. then, she remembered the date. may 18. she knew he would be hurt but with how he was acting right now, does he even feel hurt? she hadn’t been going to his games and yet, he not once, shared his thoughts about it.
the calendar landed on may 18.
“game’s at seven-thirty.”
“good luck.” she checked if she had everything in her bag before booking a grab. “daddy and i will be watching you.”
calvin must have noticed that she was leaving because he asked, “where are you going?”
“home. it’s alessandro’s birthday. i have to be there.”
his eyes widened. “alessandro’s birthday? you’re going to his birthday over my finals?”
“it’s alessandro. and even if it’s astrid you know i’d still go.”
“since when did you care about me going to your games lately?” she snapped.
“what are you talking about? i’ve been in a bad mood because you haven’t been going to my games.”
“right.” she rolled her eyes. “you were in such a bad mood ever since you found out you’d be going against san miguel.”
“i’m sorry,” he stressed. “i wasn’t sure who you’d root for.”
eve narrowed her eyes. “you’re really asking that question? smb is my team but you are my love. there’s a big difference.”
“so you’re telling me you’d root for tnt?”
“of course! my family understands, they have nothing against it.”
calvin pursed his lips. “i”m sorry.”
she shrugged. “well. it’s done. i’ll see you tonight.”
“you’re going to the game?”
“no, i’m still going home. i’ll see you back here.”
she moved past calvin, trying her best not to let her tears fall.
san miguel still won and although eve could not help but cheer, she knew calvin was devastated. how was she going to face him when she gets back?
when she arrived, he wasn’t there yet. she sat down on the couch and scrolled through her phone. all she could see was how smb won the championship and that they were, again, considered the winningest team in the pba.
she head keys jingle and she looked up to see calvin coming in with his bag. he dropped it on the floor and locked the door behind him. he stayed there for a while and eve let him. he leaned against the wall and shook his head. “fuck.”
“calvin,” eve called softly.
he looked at her, not saying anything.
“calvin, i–”
but he did not hear her out, rather, he picked up his bag and walked to the bedroom.
days later, eve was invited to a party. it was her friend’s bachelorette party and she tried her best to find something comfortable to wear. they were going to a club and she had no idea what clothes are worn there.
finally, she found something she thought would look nice. she had asked sage if it was appropriate and she gave her approval. “great,” eve said. “this is good.”
when she was done getting ready, she looked at herself in the mirror once again before smiling and grabbing her bag. just as she was about to turn around, calvin had appeared. they were quiet until he asked, “where are you going?”
“it’s bea’s bachelorette party,” she answered. “we’re going to spotlight.”
he nodded. “have you booked a grab yet?”
she shook her head. “no, not yet.”
“i’ll drive you then.”
she liked that idea.
while they drove, eve had her hands on her lap and, unexpectedly, calvin had reached out for hers and brought the back of her hand to his lips. her heart beat quickened. “calvin.”
“i’m sorry,” he said. “i’m sorry.”
before she could say anything, they reached spotlight and he let her go. “i’ll be around the corner. just call if you need anything or want to be picked up already. okay?”
she nodded.
“i love you,” he said as she opened the door.
she turned to face him. “i love you, too.”
once inside, eve had found her friends and she tried her best to not think about calvin. they would probably have the talk later that day. but she couldn’t get him off of her mind, and add to that, she saw him inside the club, sipping a drink and looking at her.
bea and some of her friends had decided to dance while eve and another friend watched over their belongings.
“dance with me.” eve looked up and found calvin holding out his hand, a smile on his face. “please?”
she smiled back then turned to the other girl.
“go,” she said. “i got this.” she grinned.
“thank you,” both eve and calvin said at the same time. this made the three chuckle.
calvin could dance, but eve couldn’t. so he had been guiding her the whole time. a slow song began to blast and, with eve facing the other way, he snaked his arm around her waist and his other hand held her arm. “i’m sorry,” he murmured. he was still too tall for him to rest his chin at the top of her head. “i’m so sorry.”
when it was finally time, eve turned on the radio and the song tonight by weslife was the first to come alive.
“i like this song,” she said.
they had the talk in the car, not where she expected, but still, they talked, that’s all that mattered. he explained to her that cheering for the other team made him lose his confidence, not in her, but in him. he loved her, and he wanted to be good enough.
“you are good enough,” she assured him. “you’re great. you’re the best.”
“you have to say that.”
“no. i don’t. but i am because it’s true.”
“it’s okay, calvin. it’s okay.”
they reached their place and once inside, they locked the door behind them and walked quickly inside their room.
she was inside first and she grinned as she placed her bag on the table. when he came in, he grinned back before closing the door behind him.
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hostbusters · 2 years
okay sooooo i went to see a psychologist two years ago and she said that i fulfilled the criteria for autism. but then i went to see another psychologist and she said that i wasn’t neurodivergent. it’s kinda confusing but maybe it’s because in the second assessment i was masking my symptoms a lot more because i was a lot more aware of them???because college has been incredibly difficult for me with the disruption in my routine and also i’ve always had an issue with food and sensory issues. my mum thought that i was autistic when i was 15 because of my problems with food. i also have some hyper mobility and when i was younger i saw a speech therapist and i had additional classes for maths because i found it difficult. i also have bad hand eye coordination and find sports difficult.. also idk if this classifies as a special interest or not but when i was 17 i loved gilmore girls.
i watched it once and then during the summertime i watched it four times back to back, also bought all seven seasons on dvd. another thing about me is that this summer i loved stranger things so much that i would spend hours on end analysing it.
do you think that’s similar to anyone else’s experiences on here ??? i’m a little thrown off because of what the second psychologist said😭 but also maybe this is just me but does anyone on here find that people who are loud and bubbly are overwhelming to be around… because they’re always talking and it can be quite overwhelming… and they can just be so bubbly that it’s hard to keep up… they’re so loud that it’s hard to be around them…
i also find the sound of people eating so annoying like the texture and sound is just too much for me also the smells , i find really hard to deal with unless it’s something nice like chocolate or pizza. i just feel like i can get so attached to people really easily and they just aren’t like that and tend to take advantage of me😭😭 but idk if i’m autistic🫠🫠 does anyone find that this relates to them too?obvi you can’t diagnose me, just wondering if anyone relates.
also, i did a couple of tests on here and here are my results.
autism spectrum quotient: 27 out of 50
RAADS-R: 140 out of 227
empathy quotient: 26 out of 80
clinical partners test: 20 out of 30
aspie quiz: 127 of 200
AQ 10: 5 out of 10
AQ: 23
toronto empathy quotient: 60 out of 64
masking test: 131
sounds autistic to me chief! and i mean this in the kindest possible way, but thinking that this is a reasonable thing to send to someone’s ask box is like. double, nay, triple autism ! you should send this to a doctor lol
no but seriously, if you want to get seen again, i would recommend keeping a list or notes of symptoms you have (my psychiatrist had us fill out a form and the interview was jut to clarify some things and get a read of me) and also write down things about masking! one thing about my Syndrome is i am REALLY comfortable speaking to new people when they are medical professionals, therapists or generally people i know who are trying to help me, which is a surprising amount of people. because it’s their job to make me feel safe, it makes me appear far more neurotypical talking to psychiatrists (etc) because i am not afraid of them. mentioning this and how my behaviour differs when talking to strangers or new acquaintances who i don’t know the intentions of was an important footnote, because my social convergence is a part of masking with strangers and even just a few sentences can be exhausting
i don’t know if that helps but honestly i keep notes docs of my symptoms regardless of the issue cos i am bad at remembering symptoms unless i am currently experiencing them! so keep notes!
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90363462 · 2 years
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Brace Yourself: There Are Potential Cons of Using a Vibrator
What could possibly go wrong with your favorite sex toy?
Shellie R. Warren
Sep. 02, 2021 02:25PM EST
Recently, I watched a YouTube video that was so ridiculous (to me, anyway) that I'm not gonna even link y'all to it. The gist was it featured a woman who was going on and on about us not needing men anymore because we've got technology. When another woman refuted her point by bringing up the fact that it takes both men and women to keep humanity going, I thought about a woman in my own world who is currently so fed up with guys that she's now named her vibrator, claiming that is the only "man" she needs. Chile.
True confession here — I have never used a vibrator before. Even when I used to be a big-time masturbator, there was no electronic device that helped me along my merry way. Still, it's not like I don't get that there aren't some pluses when it comes to those who choose to have one — or seven or 10 of them. I mean, anything that can give you an orgasm can help to relieve stress. With a vibrator, you don't have to worry about getting an STI/STD (unless you're sharing it with them) or pregnant from one. And if you struggle with climaxing during intercourse, a vibrator can help you to figure out why and/or it can deliver to you what you can't seem to (at least currently get) any other way. Check. Check. And check.
Still, if you read enough of my content, you already know that I'm all about balance and also making sure that you are clear on the motives behind why you do what you do. So, if you happen to be like the woman that I know who thinks that vibrators don't have a potential "downside" like just about everything else in life, I just want to take out a couple of minutes to offer you some things to think about.
It Could Lead to Clitoral Discomfort
According to one study that I checked out, around 53 percent of women admitted to using a vibrator (personally, I think it's significantly higher than that). Many of them said that they used theirs at least four times a month with 71 percent of them saying that they didn't experience any side effects. Glad to hear it. Still, something to keep in mind is, if you're using your vibrator constantly, it could lead to some level of clitoral discomfort over time. How in the world can that happen? If you're continually giving your clitoris direct stimulation, the discomfort could come from the vibration stimuli that never really lets up.
Is there a "hack" for this? One of the main things to keep in mind is that you should use lube with your vibrator (that will significantly decrease the chances of any minor "rub burns" from happening) and that you try and avoid always applying direct pressure to your clitoris with your vibrator as much as possible.
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It Could Give/Spread an Infection
If you're the only one who is using your vibrator, how in the world can it give you or spread an infection throughout your body? Well, bodily fluids are just that and if you're using your vibrator without thoroughly cleaning it after each and every use, that could cause bad bacteria to "double up" and give you some sort of infection. Or, say that you like to penetrate your vagina and your anus. Remember how we were instructed to wipe from front to back while growing up? If you're not applying this similar take on the sexual tip, you could give or spread an infection throughout your system that way too.
This is why it's so important to use a vibrator that's made of nonporous materials such as silicone or glass; that you use a washcloth, an antibacterial soap, and warm water to clean your vibrator, and that you store it in a box or pouch, so that dust and debris doesn't get onto it.
It Could Cost You a Couple of “Orgasm Phases”
You've probably heard that there are several phases/stages to having an orgasm before. Well, while some sex and wellness experts believe that there are eight of them (climax, resolution, restoration, turn-on, peaking, excitement, plateau and stillness) most say that there are only four — desire, arousal/plateau, orgasm and resolution. Desire is what happens when you're in the process of getting excited about getting turned on. Arousal/plateau is your body's response to sexual stimulation that helps to bring you to an orgasmic state (such as foreplay, oral sex and intercourse). Orgasm is your climax. Resolution is what happens when your orgasm is completed, you start to come down from your "high" and satisfaction (and oftentimes fatigue) transpire.
Well, here's the thing about a vibrator. Once you get a handle on how to make it work for you, oftentimes you jump right to the orgasm while basically bypassing desire and arousal. While you might be reading this and thinking "OK…and?", the point here is you deserve to experience all stages including being turned on and the true pleasure that comes from foreplay, oral sex, etc. Besides, there are things that happen during those phases that oftentimes don't get talked about, nearly enough. This brings me to the next point.
It Could Cause You to Miss Out on Hits of Nitric Oxide and Oxytocin
A colorless gas and essential molecule that your body needs is nitric oxide. A natural hormone and chemical messenger that's in your system is oxytocin. Nitric oxide is essential because it can improve your blood pressure, decrease muscle soreness, strengthen your heart, help to manage type 2 diabetes and keep your blood vessels nice and healthy. Oxytocin gets discussed quite a bit over this way because, not only does it help partners to bond during sex, it also reduces stress, promotes physical healing, cultivates emotion-related memories, increases sexual arousal and encourages sound sleep.
Thing is, when you constantly opt for a vibrator over a human being, it could cause you to skip right over the arousal phase which is how both of these things are substantially triggered. So, you could be missing out on some of the chemical and hormonal benefits that sex with an actual person is able to provide you that sex with a vibrator does not.
It Could Negatively Affect Your Communication with Your Partner
One of the challenges that I have with some of the clients that I work with is when they are mad at their husband, they decide to "take it out on their vibrator". Since all they seem to be concerned with is spiting their man (by not giving him any) and getting the stress out from being pissed, they can end up, oftentimes without even noticing it, becoming addicted to this approach. This prevents them from fully talking things through with their partner, so that a healthy sexual (and emotional) connection can resume. Another challenge is when a newly-married woman has been so used to relying on her vibrator (and/or faking orgasms with her partner) gets married and realizes the responsibility that comes with marital sex (meaning, it's not just something that you should do randomly; it needs to be seen as a staple in the union), she doesn't really know how to effectively communicate with her partner what she needs in order to be (or remain) sexually fulfilled.
Yep. That's another challenge that comes to totally relying on a vibrator for sexual satisfaction — it can have you internalizing your needs while taking on the mindset, "Screw him. Where's my vibrator at?" and when you're in a serious long-term relationship…yeah, that's not good.
Patterns are patterns and vibrators can put you into one like anything else. That said, if all you're really concerned with is getting off and nothing else, once you do have sex with a human being, you could find yourself so caught up in immediate gratification that you don't know how to enjoy everything that leads up to climaxing or even all of the pleasure that can come after it (check out "Sure, Your Foreplay Game Is On Point. Now What About The 'Afterplay'?"). It can have you so self-consumed and even selfish that you end up being impatient with and perhaps unrealistic about what it means to engage another individual.
As you can see, everything has a flip side to its coin. A vibrator has pros and potential cons, if you're not careful. So, before you push play on Whitney Houston's "All the Man That I Need" as you get your vibrator out of its box, reflect on what I just said. A vibrator can be a source of pleasure yet it shouldn't be treated like a replacement for sex with an actual person. Because let's be real — there isn't one.
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A thing I need to say about exile arc: you cannot always rely on recaps unless they were day by day. I recently found out that several recap videos didn’t mention half of the stuff that happened since there was so much of it. One of the popular ones didn't even mention Tommy being suicidal at all. Sometimes I think I should rewatch and make my own recaps just because I know I won’t miss anything, and I still might if I have the time.
(/rp of course)
For those who weren’t here for the exile arc, here’s a few important lines and events that I've seen left out, plus a few common misconceptions cleared up:
1. Tommy either attempted or seriously considered suicide at least seven times over the course of exile
2. Dream did not just take the invitations from Ghostbur, Dream took the invitations and then sent him out into a snowstorm planning for him to die and Ghostbur would have died if he hadn’t found Techno’s house
3. Dream did in fact know that Tommy was suicidal, having stopped him the first time he tried to kill himself. Also when Tommy flat out said it, Dream’s response was basically “Neat wanna see Drista again before you kill yourself”
4. Dream killed Mexican Dream
5. Dream immediately after killing MD tried to convince Tommy that MD had died of an overdose despite the fact that he literally killed him in front of Tommy
6. Tommy saw Mexican Dream as his last real friend and after he died said “I’ve nothing left to live for now”
7. Tommy killed Jack Manifold out of anger that Jack hadn’t come to visit before, then Tommy apologized right after it happened. He still to this day doesn’t know it was a canon death. Jack retaliated by destroying HOTTER Girl, it’s unclear if “killed” is the correct term
8. When Tommy and Tubbo were given the compasses, Dream told Tommy that Tubbo had burned his because he didn’t care about Tommy anymore
9. Multiple times, Tommy would set himself on fire in the nether and let himself burn, then refuse to eat even if he was on half a heart
10. When Dream destroyed Tommy’s items, he sometimes forced Tommy to light the tnt himself
11. Near the end of exile, if Tommy didn’t have any weapons or armor, he would make extra just for Dream to burn. He also referred to Dream destroying his things as a “bonding thing”
12. Ranboo was the only person other than Dream and Ghostbur to visit Tommy more than once
13. “I exiled you for a reason- I mean- Tubbo exiled you for a reason.”
14. ‘Tommy’s exile arc was sad but we all knew he would be okay’ Absolutely not. There was a point somewhere for almost everyone that we were pretty sure that he would either kill himself or risk it to get back to L’Manberg and get killed by Dream
15. When Quackity visited and found Tommy writing How To Sex 3, he thoguht Tommy was writing a suicide note. He actually wasn’t too far off, as Tommy had planned to kill himself right after he finished writing it.
16. When Tommy hid things from Dream, he was never planning to attack him. Originally it was mostly tools and pictures of L’manberg and Tubbo. He only added his weapons and valuables right before he planned to kill himself on the final day, because he said that people other than Ranboo didn’t visit him, and so they didn’t deserve them. (Ranboo knew about the secret room)
17. Dream didn’t only take Tommy’s weapons, he also took any tools, armor, and (attempted to take) all his pictures of Tubbo and L’manberg except for one picture of L’Manberg and a picture of the queen, which he did later destroy as well when he found the secret room
18. When Dream found Tommy’s secret stash, he (in order) destroyed everything that was in the chests, made Tommy drop everything in his inventory, killed Mushroom Henry, blew up all of Logsteadshire, blew up Tommy’s tent, destroyed the nether portal, then made Tommy drop everything he had managed to salvage and destroyed that too. Every time he went to destroy something else, he would say “Come over here, I want you to watch.” and then would wait until Tommy got there so that he could destroy the things in front of him.
19. Through that whole time, Tommy was desperately apologizing and Dream was yelling at him that he thought they were friends and that Tommy obviously didn’t care about him since he felt the need to hide things and also accused Tommy of plotting to kill him
20. “(scoffs) Tommy, you and I both know you could never actually… y’know. [kill yourself]”
21. The only people Tommy told about Dream destroying his items every day were MD and Ranboo, and when Ranboo expressed concern, Tommy defended Dream and said that it was okay because he deserved it and “It makes sense because I’m in [Dream’s] domain”
22.Tommy hallucinated Tubbo visiting him so many times that when he went to L’manberg he ignored Tubbo completely because he was convinced it was another hallucination
23. “You can’t go to the nether. No one can visit you until you learn to listen.”
24. Tommy never faked his own death. He was 100% intending for it to be a real death, he changed his mind right on the edge. After Logsteadshire was destroyed by Dream, Tommy built a tower up almost to the block limit that he was planning to jump off. He changed his mind after realizing that he could escape from Dream.
25. It’s a relatively common misconception that Tommy didn’t jump because he realized Dream was manipulating him. Quite the opposite, his first reaction to realizing that was thinking that it meant no one cared about him. He jumped into the water because the only reason he hadn’t left in the past was because of Dream, and Dream had planned on not coming back for a week as punishment for disobeying. (See when he got close to Techno’s house before saying “Dream wouldn’t want me to be here” and turning back)
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just-jordie-things · 3 years
A Lover And A Fighter - Richie Tozier
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word count: 3122 warnings: swearing, sight sexual harassment summary: Richie promised (y/n) that he wouldn’t get into fights anymore, but sometimes he just can’t help himself.  Especially when it comes to protecting her.
It was an understatement to say that Richie was protective of you.  The boy was downright insane about it.  Everyone in Derry knew not to fuck with (y/n), not unless they wanted Richie Tozier tracking them down and beating them half to death.
You’d given him a talk numerous times.  But not once did they work, it always went in one ear and out the other..
He’d beaten up three ex boyfriends, a couple guys that looked at you the wrong way, and Greta Keene.  He was proud of that amount.
But he’d promised that he would try his best not to act out on your behalf anymore.  And you made him pinky promise.  That’s a big deal.  And he didn’t want to break your trust or your promise.
However… once he walked past Henry Bowers and his dumbass friends, and heard your name being mentioned, he couldn’t stop himself from getting involved.
“What was that?” He spoke before he could think things through.
The boys turned to him, each bearing a scowl that wasn’t out of character.
“I said, (y/n’s) not fucking worth it,” Henry practically growled out.  “Now why don’t you fuck off, Tozier?”
“Your damn fucking right it’s not worth it,” Richie spat back, turning away, doing the right thing.  “I’d break your goddamn nose” He muttered under his breath.
“It’s not worth it to try and get in her pants,” Henry called out before Richie could walk far enough away.
He stopped in his tracks.
“Cause she’s such a slut anyways, it’s not a real victory to fuck-”
Richie had never whipped around so fast.  And with the punch he delivered went all common sense, and all the promises and reassurances he’d given you to prove he was going to ‘mature’ as you’d begged him to do. ___
“Hey, Richie,” You held your phone between your ear and shoulder as you painted your toes.  “This is like, my fifth message… so… call me back, I guess.  Okay, bye”
You sighed as you set the phone back on it’s holster.  Richie wasn’t the type of guy to stand you up, especially on taco tuesday.  And even if something came up, he always always, called.  But now he couldn’t even bother to return one of your calls, leaving you to assume that he was upset with you for some reason, and therefore ignoring you.
You weren’t sure what you did, and at this point, you also weren’t sure that he was going to tell you either.
When Richie didn’t want to talk to someone, he was the damn best at avoiding them.
But he’d never given you the cold shoulder.  And there was a time that you’d thought he never would.  Richie was your best friend, you trusted and confided in him more than anyone else, even the other Losers.  And in the last seven years of being his best friend, he’d never treated you this way.  In fact, he always treated you amazingly, like a princess, it was very surprising actually, the way he cared about you.
It was that care that always led him to picking fights where he shouldn’t be, though.  It started with your ex boyfriend.  He broke up with you once a ‘better, prettier’ girl showed interest (his words), and the next thing you knew, Richie was throwing him against the lockers.
When your next boyfriend straight up cheated on you, Richie took care of him too.
He broke the third one’s nose.
And then there was the Greta Keene incident… Beverly may have let it slip that Greta had been writing nasty rumors about you in the girls bathrooms.  And Richie declared that he didn’t have a problem beating up a girl if it was justified (and if that girl had man arms).  That was when you drew the line, and made Richie swear to try and control his anger.  And he pinkie promised to work on it, and that he wouldn’t get into any more fights over you.
You weren’t sure why he got so enraged over these things.  It was just drama, and you found it pointless that he tried to bring you justice, since he was so reckless about it.
It was getting late, and you knew that Richie wasn’t going to return your calls.  So you finished painting your toenails blue, and decided to spend the night in your room, reading, alone.
Even though you should have been eating a bunch of tacos and gossiping with Richie.
Just as you got situated in bed, and had turned off the overhead light in exchange for the soft glow of your lamp on the bedside table, there was a knock on the window.
When you glanced over, you could tell it was Richie by his silhouette, and you frowned slightly.
Nonetheless, you got up and unlocked the window, before sliding it open.
“Where the hell have you been?” You asked.
He could tell that you couldn’t see his face very well.
“Busy, you gonna let me in?” He grinned.
“Richie, it’s-” You glanced over your shoulder to the alarm clock on your table, before glaring back at him.  “-midnight.  Are you kidding me? Did I do something to piss you off?”
“What? (y/n/n), no-”
“Then how come you were dodging all my calls? And you’re seven hours late?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest..
Richie crawled in through the window, even though you hadn’t invited him in yet.  But he figured it was only a matter of time before you cave anyways.
Your distressed face disappeared as you caught sight of him now that he was in the light.  His left eye was bruising, and so was his right cheekbone.  Along with a split lip and a bloody nose, it was clear what had happened.
“Oh, Richie…” You mumbled, hand reaching up to cover your mouth as your eyes widened at the sight of him.  “Tell me you didn’t-”
“Look it’s not what you think-” Richie tried to protest.
“Don’t give me that shit”
He knew he fucked up, because you weren’t yelling.  Your voice was soft, and low.  You were heartbroken.
He stared down at the ground, too anxious to look at you anymore.  Not when you looked so disappointed in him.  
“You promised- you-you pinky promised me-”
“I know-! I know and I’m sorry, really, I’m really fucking sorry” He told you, desperately hoping that you’d forgive him.
You shook your head at him, and gestured for him to sit before you left the room.  Richie was the most frustratingly complicated person that you knew, and it drove you insane.  Why he couldn’t just walk away and not beat the shit out of people… you weren’t sure.  But it really hurt you that he didn’t even seem to try, and he broke his promise.
Richie was sitting on the side of your bed when you came back into the room.  He chuckled as he eyed the first aid kit in your hands, the same one that you’ve used the last four or five times you dealt with the aftermath of his episodes of rages.
“You don’t have t-”
“Yes I do” You cut him off and unpacked what you’d need.
You were upset, you were fuming, actually.  It angered you that Richie broke his promise, not even a month after making it.  That promise was important to you, because he was important to you.  And now here he was, waiting to be fixed up by you once again after he so stupidly, so recklessly got himself beaten to a pulp.
But no matter how angry you were, you remained silent.  Dabbing at the excess blood under his nose, which at least wasn’t bleeding anymore.  And when you were finished with his cheek, you moved on to rubbing cream over the bruise on his cheek.  Richie’s eyes fell shut as he sighed in relief at the feeling of the cool lotion, and your gentle fingers.
He knew your silence wasn’t a good thing.  In fact, it was the worst thing.  It meant he messed up beyond redemption.  And he’d never fucked up that bad before.  Sure, he’d pissed you off and frustrated you on the daily, but that was just the hallmark of his friendship, and it was never anything serious.  Just when he dragged you out in the middle of the night for slushies, or got you in trouble in class because he was running his mouth.  He’d never made you this genuinely upset before.
“Save it” You muttered before he could even start with the apologies.
That was another hallmark of his friendship.  You knew what came next.  The apologies, the excuses, the begging for your forgiveness, followed by a playful ‘you know you love me, you need me’ and puppy dog eyes that you couldn’t refuse.  Except tonight, you might just be able to.
He took you by surprise when he didn’t protest, and snapped his mouth shut.  Your eyes met his for a moment, before you started applying a smaller amount of lotion on the bruise surrounding his eye.  It was going to look a lot worse in the morning, but this would help with the pain now.
You hated that your heart ached for him right now.  You hated that you wanted to cry and hold him and make him feel better.  Because you were so fucking mad-
“I don’t understand,” The words suddenly spilled out of your mouth, as if your mind just couldn’t take them swimming around in your head anymore.  “I just- I- I don’t fucking get it”
He nodded, ducking his head down, only for you to lift it back up by his chin and continue with the lotion.
“I care about you, dumbass, and all I asked, which I thought was simple, all I asked was for you to stop with the fighting-”
“I know” He mumbled back.
You stared at him skeptically, wondering if he really did know, or if he’d show up again in a few weeks with the same battered face and guilty look in his eyes.  Richie didn’t look back at you.  He couldn’t.
“Who?” You asked, trying to soften your voice so he wouldn’t whither away from you like he was doing right now.
“You’re not gonna like it” Richie answered, fingers pinching at your bedsheets in an attempt to distract himself.  From the pain that burned across his whole face, or from the intensity in your eyes, he wasn’t sure, but he needed the distraction.
He hadn’t had a smoke in months, but it sounded pretty damn good right now.
“Well, newsflash, I don’t like any of this,” You told him.  “But I think I deserve to at least know what happened”
Of course you do, Richie hung his head in his hands.  You deserve so, so much better.
You watched as he rubbed his palms over his eyes, and it took everything in your power not to take his hands and hold them in yours, to tell him it was okay and you forgave him.
He muttered the single word without even looking at you.  But he didn’t have to look at you to know exactly what you looked like in that moment.  You probably had a dropped jaw and furrowed brows.  Disappointment, disgust, anger, all displayed in one heartbreaking look.
“Richie…” You murmured without meaning to.  “Why? Why would you-”
“I had to, okay?” He shot up suddenly.  “I know that you hate it, and as soon as I swung I- I knew I fucked up, but I had to”
You wanted to argue it, argue that there’s always another option, that he can always walk away.  But you bit your tongue.  Something about the way he spoke told you that there was more to this than his stupidity.
“I’m sorry, (y/n/n), I am.  But I… I don’t regret it”
Your heart sunk all the way down to your stomach.  Richie had such a toll on your emotions and he didn’t even know it.
“Tell me what happened” You said quietly, and shifted closer to him.
You wanted him to know he had your undivided attention, and that he should have the chance to at least explain what happened.  You pulled your leg up to rest on the mattress, and turned your body to face him.
Richie looked at you before looking back down at his hand, which was now fisted in your blankets.
“Richie,” You hummed, brows furrowing as you saw how reluctant he was to opening up.  “Tell me” The words were so soft, it was almost inaudible.
You wondered what Henry could have done that Richie didn’t want to tell you about.  He must have really outdone himself.
“He was just talking shit-”
“Richie,” You cut off his bullshit before he could even start.  “Come on, the truth”  
“It’s not-”
“I deserve to know, Tozier! Whatever it is, I don’t care, okay? Just tell me-”
“He said you weren’t worth sleeping with!”
Just like that, you’d gotten him to snap.
And you shut up instantly, shocked by the outburst.  His words processed slowly in your head.
“He said it wasn’t worth trying because you’re- because you’re a slut, and it wasn’t fucking true!” Richie continued to yell.  Not at you, he just couldn’t contain his own anger anymore.
And you thought you were pissed.
“Motherfucker had your name in his nasty fucking mouth and he was telling his buddies fucking lies and I couldn’t- fuck I couldn’t walk away.  I should’ve fucking killed him”
You were staring at him, speechless.  You should’ve known it was about you, Richie was always so fiercely protective of you.  And Henry’s wouldn’t be the first nose that he’d broken protecting you.  But this wasn’t like before.  He’d beaten on your ex boyfriends after they broke your heart.  Henry hadn’t said or done anything to you, he was just doing what boys do.  (Make shit up because they think it makes them impressive when really they’re even shittier than they look)
“I didn’t mean to break your promise,” Richie huffed.  His face was slightly flushed after his mini tantrum.  His hands grabbed both of yours, holding them close to him.  “I’m so sorry I put you through this again”
You were still silent, but he knew this wasn’t a bad silence.  You were still processing, still trying to figure out how to forgive him while making sure this was the last time he crawls through your window looking like this.
“I hope you know that it came from a place of- of caring about you,” He added.  “Caring about you too much, I guess” He mumbled as an afterthought.
Your stupid lovesick heart skipped a beat at the sweet words.  Richie wasn’t one for words, at all, but he somehow managed to say the most loving things without even realizing it.
“I can’t promise it won’t happen again, that much is clear.  And if Bowers says one more goddamn thing about your ass I’ll fucking string him up- I will- but I can promise I’ll try, okay? I will, I’ll really try”
He squeezed your hands a little bit, hoping you believed him, hoping you trusted him.
Your eyes flickered between his for a moment, and you could see in them that he was being sincere, and that he was broken up over hurting you.
“You…” He started to speak, but trailed off unsurely.  “You deserve better” He finished.
His eyes flickered to yours for a brief moment, before he turned away.
You shake your head, before you let go of one of his hands, and took his chin between your thumb and index finger, turning him to look back at you.
You cut him off when you leaned in and gently kissed him, trying to be mindful of his split lip.
Richie’s eyes remained focused on your closed ones, too stunned to close them, or really kiss her back.
He wanted to kick himself when you pulled away.  He managed to miss his fucking chance because he was too slow to do anything about it.
Your eyes fluttered open in such a beautiful way Richie swore you were holding his heart in your perfect little hands.
His brows were furrowed like you’d confused him, and you absolutely had.  He hadn’t expected you to kiss him.
“Why’d you do that?” He asked breathlessly, and your cheeks burned pink.
Your shoulders raised a bit in a shrug, and you had to bite your lip to keep from smiling too much.
“I just… wanted to” You whispered.
A smile twitched on the corner of Richie’s lips before his hand cupped your cheek, and he pulled you in again, so he could kiss you right this time.
Your lips were just as soft, if not softer, than he’d imagined they’d be.  And he’d imagined countless times what they’d feel like.  Daydreaming in class, before he fell asleep, and being right by your side for the last seven years.
Kissing you was bliss.
He did it again, taking your face in both of his hands and pulling you impossibly closer.  He could feel your lips smiling against his own, and once again, his heart was beating out of his chest trying to get to yours.
“I’m in love with you, (y/n/n)” He murmured when you parted, and you laughed softly.
“That makes sense,” You replied, reaching a hand up to play with the curls on the back of his neck.  “And… I love you too”
Richie gave you a sunshine smile, which you couldn’t help but return.
“I’m still upset, by the way,” You told him, still playing with the curls.  “But only cause I’m tired of seeing you covered in bruises, okay?”
He nodded, and you leaned your cheek further against the palm of his hand.
“I promise to try” He said, and then raised his pinky.
You looked from his hand and then back to him, a slight glare in your eyes.
“Come on, just do it,” He urged, you rolled your eyes, but he was persistent.  “Just link fuckin’ pinkies with me”
With a giggle you hooked your pinky with his, and held it for a moment.
“You want to go get tacos now?” He asked, and you grinned, nodding your head.
“You read my mind” You answered, and followed him back out the window.
It dawned on you that Richie was both your lover and your fighter.  And he held those titles proudly.
As he took your hand and walked alongside you down the street, he decided there were no other title he’d want to be labeled, besides yours. ___
taglist: @thegr8kush​
xoxo ~ jordie
957 notes · View notes
shreddedparchment · 3 years
A Wife for Thor Pt.24
What She’s Done
Pairing: King!Thor x Reader         Word Count: 5,590
Warnings: language, angst, fluff, Loki being the best bro, pregnancy problems
A/N: I’m sorry this is so late. I’m not going to explain too much as I want the focus to be on the chapter but I’m feeling better. Hope you all enjoy this one and I hope you can forgive me. haha As always, if you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work! xoxo
Please DO NOT repost my work on any other sites or blogs!
REBLOGS are always welcome!
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The sound of the fanfare outside is muted. The heavy doors of the main room are shut.
Thor sits on his large steel, silver, and wooden throne. Normally, your own throne would have been moved into the room so that you could sit beside him. Today however, he wants you standing.
Loki stands on Thor’s left, his hands moving across his tablet at godly speeds. He’s busy. Always busy. While Thor has the final say, Loki sets everything up for him and comes to him with the choices that must be made.
He’s indispensable and both you and Thor know it. So, when the large doors are thrown open and Thor takes his hand off of your lower waist where he’d been massaging the knots away, as Ambassador Coates walks forward, you glare right at him and his judging distrustful look at the sight of Asgard’s Prince.
The music outside, large horns that sound more like a call to battle, slowly die and are completely cut off when the doors are shut. Just outside you know two Valkyrie are standing guard.
Inside, two more regular guards stand at attention.
“Ambassador Coates, I’m glad you saw fit to accept my invitation,” Thor says casually.
One wouldn’t know that Thor is angry. He sounds so welcoming. The charm he’s exuding is one you’ve never seen him use before but Loki doesn’t seem surprised by it. Instead, Loki’s lips seem to curve upwards a little in the teeniest smirk.
The Ambassador does as he’s expected and once he’s near the foot of the raised wooden floor where Thor’s throne sits, he gives a quick bow meeting first Thor’s singular eye and then your own blank gaze.
Keeping your anger in check is easy. You’re able to wipe your face of all emotion and it’s a skill now that you’re glad you learned in the orphanage you’d grown up in. Never letting anyone know how sad or hurt you are was key to your survival.
“Your Majesties,” the ambassador states, the irritation in his voice loud and clear for all of you to hear.
It looks like Thor’s plan to roll out the red carpet as if the ambassador were visiting royalty got his message across clearly.
“I hope I find you in good health? Are you faring well with the pregnancy?”
You don’t answer him. You simply stare.
“We’re well enough,” Thor begins. “Forgive me in my haste to get to the point, Ambassador Coates but as I hear it from my brother, you have been making it very difficult for Her Majesty the Queen of Asgard to meet with you, despite her warnings that what she had to share was imperative to the safety of Earth and human-kind.”
The ambassador blinks. He doesn’t attempt to speak or react in any other way than to show that he’s processing Thor’s words. All signs of irritation at his welcome gone.
“Would you say that is a fair statement for her having sent, what was it? Four emails and three phone calls?” Thor asks Loki.
“Seven emails and four phone calls,” he corrects.
“Right. Seven and four.”
“Your Majesty…”
“I think you have been under the impression that my marriage to my wife has been one in name only. She’s Queen but not really? Right? She has no power or authority? Is that what you think?”
Ambassador Coates swallows hard, sweat beading along his temples. He’s not a stout man. In fact, most women would think him good looking. Nothing to Thor or Loki, but for a human he’s handsome. His sweating in this climate makes no sense unless he’s suddenly stressed.
Maybe you shouldn’t feel bad but you do just a bit. You can’t imagine what he must feel being scrutinized by Thor, yourself, and Loki. Clearly he did something wrong and now he knows it.
“Your Majesties, I-I meant no offense. Unfortunately this is a busy time for myself and my colleagues and-”
“We have no time for your excuses,” Thor sits up straighter and draws his legs a little closer together before he licks his lips and holds his hand out towards you.
Taking it, you watch him get up and then he helps you sit before checking on you, “Better, cherub?”
You nod, looking up at him as he caresses the side of your head.
“The only reason you hold the job that you currently do is because my people and I chose to settle on Earth. You might say you owe it to us. Perhaps you’d still have been employed should we not have come here but from what I understand, your salary is considerably more than what it would have been were you in some other position.
“You are married and have children, too. Don’t you?” Thor asks.
“Y-Yes, Your Majesty.”
“So, it’s important to keep your job. Isn’t it?”
He says nothing, this time simply looking down at Thor’s feet.
“My wife is not just Queen in name but she has been exemplary in her devotion of ruling the people of Asgard at my side with honor and grace. The people love her. I’m not sure what made you think you could slight an Asgardian Queen but let me be clear. If our people should find out that there was such disrespect, believe me when I tell you that the loss of your job would be the last thing you’d have to worry about.”
“And just to be clear,” Loki cuts in as Thor’s taking a breath. “My brother is not threatening you. This is a statement of fact. We Asgardians are fiercely loyal and easily offended.”
You like that Ambassador Coates isn’t glaring at Loki anymore. The fear in his eyes is worrying, but you also know that your husband and brother would do nothing to actually hurt this idiot. They’re just making sure he knows where he stands.
Thor crosses his large arms across his wide chest. Though you don’t think he means it to be intimidating, you can see from the ambassador’s gulp that Thor’s minor flex has great impact.
Gods, he’s huge.
“As it just so happens, aside from being a Queen without fault to this kingdom, the Queen of Asgard has seen fit to continue to perform in her duties as the bridge between our two peoples. She refuses to let us make decisions for the human race and was attempting to contact you to warn you of impending dangers. And you, what was the phrase, love?”
“Blew me off.”
“That’s right, you blew her off. And yet we welcome you with respect and grace.”
“Your Majesties,” the ambassador begins, but Thor holds up his hand and he stops.
“Let this be a lesson in humility for you. I love Earth and for that reason alone, in addition to the fact that this is my wife’s home and now mine, we will forgive this lapse of judgement on your part,” you’ve never heard Thor sound more like a King than in this moment.
It’s also one of those moments where you really want to drag him back to the room and get him naked. He’s never been this attractive.
The ambassador bows his head, taking his punishment with dignity.
“Forgive me, your Majesties,” he begins to say something, but then stops himself.
“Speak your mind, Ambassador Coates,” Loki urges, seeing something you and Thor don’t.
“I merely wish to apologize for my lack of forethought. I was not the only one dismissing Her Majesty the Queen of Asgard but will be sure to rectify the behavior with my colleagues when I return.”
Loki smiles, turning his gentle gaze on you as he realizes that you were right. It wasn’t misogyny. Not on Ambassador Coates’s part. That might not be the case for everyone though.
“Perhaps I should schedule meetings with your colleagues so that we might have a quick talk about the expectations we have for our relationship going forward?”
Loki’s threat is veiled heavily, but Ambassador Coates still picks up on it and his face goes a little pale.
“I don’t think that’s necessary, Your Highness. I will pass along the sentiments, if you will let me.”
There’s a burning satisfaction in your chest. Something about watching Ambassador Coates finally show not just you but Loki the respect he deserves makes you so happy.
“My Queen?” Loki prompts you, looking to you to wait for your reply.
“I think we can give him a chance to express our disappointment for us. He is our ambassador. Isn’t that right Ambassador Coates?”
Coates looks relieved, pressing his hand to his chest as he bows his head to you again.
It’s a strange sensation to see the gratitude on his face and his posture relaxes as a result. You literally just did that. You gave him some forgiveness and it really does make all the difference.
“I will support you and the Asgardian throne with more fervor from here on out, Your Majesty.”
“Cool,” you shrug, reaching to place your hand on the back of Thor’s neck, absolutely beaming at him.
He chuckles and puts his hand back on your waist, giving you a gentle squeeze and shake.
“Are you happy, my cherub?”
You nod, unable to contain the smile that stretches across your lips and you lean into him.
“Good. My job here is done then. Now, I have some things to do,” Thor rises and moves around until he’s facing you and pulls you up into a chaste but loving kiss.
With a caress to your belly, he looks at Loki and nods.
“I’ll leave the rest to you and my Queen, brother.”
“Sif will meet you by the docks,” Loki nods.
“Wonderful. I’ll see you later, love. If you need me, just tell Loki and I will come running.”
“‘Kay,” you smile.
Thor turns back to your guest and moves towards him, clapping his shoulder as he passes, “Do better, Ambassador Coates. Do better.”
All three of you watch Thor strut for the large front doors. The guard opens it for him and when he’s out of sight, the doors shutting behind him, you move to take your seat on the throne. Loki scoots a little closer to your side but stands with his tablet ready.
“Now, I think we should get down to the reason I wanted to meet with you,” you start and Ambassador Coates stands a little straighter. “But...I don’t know about you but this whole towering over you sitting on a throne thing is not really my style and feels a little forced. Let’s go to my sitting room.”
Loki smirks as Ambassador Coates relaxes a little more and even smiles, “Yes, Your Majesty.”
As the three of you walk up the steps to the right of the throne room to climb up to the small sitting room that had been set aside for you and your private entertaining, you steal a few glances at Ambassador Coates.
He still looks a little rattled and you stroke your stomach, the long silk dress you’re wearing, ruffled skirt and loose waist giving it a soft flowing quality is still noticeable and Ambassador Coates steals a few glances.
“Didn’t think I was really pregnant?”
He blanches, “What? N-No, Your Majesty! I had no reason to doubt you.”
“It’s okay. A lot of people didn’t believe it until I came back from my little vacation. I just wanted to make sure that it would take. We’re all so dependent on this little one and a lot is riding on my having Thor’s heir quickly.”
“No one who has seen you rule since your marriage would doubt your commitment to this union, Y/N,” Loki assures you gently.
He’s your number one supporter and you’re so damn grateful for him.
All three of you fall into silence but with your heavy belly and your slow walk, it stretches on.
“I’m sorry about Thor’s enthusiasm to put you in your place,” you give Coates a small apologetic smile but he quickly shakes his head. “He can be a little passionate.”
“No, Your Majesty, the mistake was mine. I should have paid you the respect you deserved. It’s-You work in an environment for too long and you begin to adopt certain behaviors that you should know aren’t acceptable but when everyone is doing it and-I was wrong. I can’t blame Thor for setting me straight.”
“Thank you, for understanding,” you shrug.
“Thank you for not holding it against me and letting me do better.”
It takes only another few minutes to reach the sitting room and you make a beeline for the small loveseat before dropping into it and leaning back against the soft plush cushions.
“Whew, I probably should have done my research on how pregnancy would affect all aspects of my life before agreeing to it,” a joke and Coates gets it because he looks respectfully amused.
Loki scoffs, “With Thor, I doubt you’d have had much choice in the matter. He is also believed to be a God of fertility, you know?”
The small shock on your face really makes Coates laugh this time and your neck, ears, and cheeks burn.
Not wanting to drag this meeting out for a long time you clear your throat and Loki sits down on the armchair beside you opposite Coates’s own seat.
“I should really be more formal, but I’m not kidding when I tell you that this pregnancy is taking a toll on me.”
“Think nothing of it, Your Majesty,” Coates assures you.
“I’m not sure what you’ll be able to do with this information and maybe it’ll be best if, with your help, you can get a meeting in front of both the United Nations and NATO scheduled for me to speak to them directly.
“Thor and Loki would be there with me, of course, but it was my idea to even bring this to your attention.”
“I will be of any assistance that I can be,” Coates nods, face serious and attentive.
“We wanted to wait until we had more concrete information to give Earth’s leaders but our Queen is adamant that an early warning is better than detailed information,” Loki explains.
“Is the Earth in danger?” Coates asks, worried now.
“Sort of,” you nod. “Truth is, we don’t know. What we do know is that there’s an energy signature that we’ve been monitoring for months. Almost my entire first year of marriage. What we do know is that the energy signal was strong enough to bring Doctor Foster here to look for an explanation and my brother-in-law has kept his eye on it too. It’s familiar to him and not unthreatening so we’ve been preparing watch stations across the globe. We have one in North and South America, Australia, almost every continent so that we won’t miss any kind of danger that comes falling from the sky.
“We don’t want a repeat of New York,” you look at Loki and Coates looks at him too but neither of you have any kind of judgement in your expressions.
Maybe a little for Coates, but he quickly turns his gaze back on you.
“I wanted to give the people of Earth time to prepare for that kind of attack. The Avengers are already on the case and have been helping build up a defense but they can only do so much. Their focus is going to be on the bigger fight if it comes to that. I want to give us a fighting chance on the ground where regular people are often the ones to get hurt and suffer from big threats like this.
“I don’t want the casualties to look like they have in the past when something or someone threatens us. So, I just want to give world leaders a briefing on what we’ve found, what we’ve built in defense, and give them the resources to keep track of what we’re keeping track of.
“We’re at a unique advantage with not only Asgard’s knowledge, technology, and resources. We’re still a growing nation and what we do have is lots of strength. I’ve been thinking about it a lot and while the Valkyrie have to stay here to protect my family, we have a sizable guard that can be split into a few regiments to send out to the places that will need it most and still have enough forces to protect New Asgard.”
Coates is thinking hard, then his hand dives into his pocket and he pulls out his phone, “I’ll start making calls and can probably have something set up the day after tomorrow. If the threat is serious enough to make you worry about us humans this much, I think the sooner the better.”
“It is serious enough,” Loki assures him. “Even if it turns into nothing, we would all rather have done everything we could to minimize damage to both the humans of Earth and New Asgard.”
“Then I’ll get started. Is there any kind of data that I should see in order to convince my bosses?”
You look to Loki and reach out, placing your hand on his arm, “Loki, take Ambassador Coates down to the dungeon and let him get a look at anything we’ve gathered in the monitoring station. You’ll forgive me for not coming with you, Ambassador Coates? I really can’t stand walking around much longer today.”
“Of course, please do not mind me,” he assures you, giving you a small bow.
“Shall I have your lunch brought in here?” Loki asks.
He nods and with a gesture at Ambassador Coates, leads the way to the door.
“When you’ve made any significant progress, I will be in here. Can you come and let me know?”
Coates nods, the phone now pressed to his ear, “As soon as I know something, Your Majesty.”
They leave you in an appropriate rush and you relax against the cushions of your sofa feeling like a small burden’s been lifting off your shoulders.
You’ve done your part now. You’ve warned your Ambassador, now it’s his job to convince his higher-ups and hopefully they listen.
Estrid does eventually come with your lunch and you eat slowly, thinking through your options for Coates and the rest of the governments of the world. Splitting the Asgardian army up isn’t ideal, but they pack a punch. Even just a handful of soldiers in a city would make a difference.
You finish eating and you finish your tea. You get up to walk a little around the sitting room but as the afternoon wears on, you start to feel suffocated inside and Estrid happily goes with you down to your gardens.
Most of your plants have been well taken care of.
“His Majesty made sure that we kept all of your plants healthy for you,” Estrid informs you, moving to walk a few steps behind you as you walk around with a small watering can.
His consideration brings a smile to your lips.
Thor really can be so sweet. So loving. You hate that some of the time from your first year was stolen by what happened with Jane, but it couldn’t be helped. He had to discover what it would mean to lose you and you had to learn that depending on yourself is still just as important married as it was when you had no one.
Maybe it’s even more important now? You can get lost in your relationship with Thor and while that’s super tempting, to have your world start and end with Thor and your married life together, you are still your own person.
You have goals for your career and shared dreams with him too. You’ve got your hobbies and Thor has his. Both of you needed the distance.
Despite that, even though you know that the space was good for both of you, even if it hurt like hell to get it the way you two did, you’re actually really happy to be back home.
As you reach over to water one of your taller butterfly bushes, you gasp and pull your arm back against your body as a small sharp pain rocks your senses and blinds your vision for a split second.
“Your Majesty?” Estrid hurries forward.
“I’m fine, Estrid,” you assure her, waiting another second to see if the pain will come back.
Reaching down you rub the spot on your tummy where you’d felt it and wonder if maybe the baby is just kicking especially hard today.
“Shall I fetch the doctors?”
“No, really. I’m fine, Estrid.”
You move to the next plant and water a few more as you head towards the small greenhouse with the Asgardian plants you’re still trying to perfect the care for but as you reach for the door, you double over as a shooting pain stretches across the same side as before then moves down onto the base of your belly.
The watering can falls from your hand as you reach out to brace yourself against the door and hits the floor with a clunk as the water goes all over your flats, soaking your feet.
“Your Majesty!”
Estrid races to you, hands placed on your back and arm to support you as she looks to steal a glance at your face.
With your eyes shut tight, you groan and whimper as the pain just gets sharper.
“Estrid…” it takes a moment to catch your breath. “Get the doctors.”
“Guard!” Estrid calls, forcing you to let go of the door so that she can lead you to a bench. “Guard, send for the doctor!”
“Thor,” you whimper, sitting slowly and gasping as the pain intensifies. “Get Thor.”
“I’ll send for him, my Queen,” Estrid assures you and now that you’re seated, she leaves you to run and hurry the guard.
“What’s wrong?”
“Loki?” you call breathlessly, searching for his face for the comfort you know it’ll give you to have him close.
“Here,” he calls out for you and hurries around the corner. “I’m here. What’s happened? What’s wrong?”
He hovers over you, leaning over, his hands carefully pressed to your cheek and the other on your stomach.
“It hurts,” you sob without tears, “Loki…”
“It’s alright,” he promises. “You and my nephew will be fine. Come on, put your arm around my neck.”
His certainty does help and you get your arm around him. With ease he squats down and lifts you into his arms and with you moves back into the palace.
It feels like a long time when you open your eyes again. You’re dizzy a little and weak. Your body feels heavy and it’s a struggle to sit up.
Looking around, you realize you’re in your bedroom alone. The sky outside is dark and the room is dim with only the fireplace lit to cast a warm orange glow around the dark room.
“Loki?” you try, remembering him carrying you when he found you in the garden.
No movement.
“Thor? Estrid?” You’d sent her to get the doctors and to get Thor. Had the doctors come?
Thor’s favorite armchair is placed by your bed, angled towards you so he must have been in here sitting by you waiting for you to wake up.
With a heavy sigh, you realize that he must have been out of his mind with worry when he heard what happened. Is the baby okay?
You put your hands on your tummy and wait for movement. He does wiggle around a little. Normal for you and him and that makes you feel better about the pain that had come out of nowhere.
It takes you too long to get up and out of bed. You’re in your nightgown, a long simple piece with modern touches but it’s also very similar to some of the long flowing white ones you remember seeing in history books.
Taking extra time to stretch up onto your feet just in case the pain comes back, you breathe a sigh of relief when you take your first step and find that you’re okay.
“Oh, baby,” you reach down and rub the sides of your bump. “You scared me, rascal.”
You know that you should probably stay still. Staying in bed is probably what your Doctors suggested but the empty chair has you worried about Thor and what state he might be in.
So instead of staying where you should, you open your bedroom door and step out into the hallway.
The spots to either side where there’s usually a guard are empty.
You look up towards the other end of the hall and see that the two soldiers have moved to stand at the center of the hall, shoulders tense and obviously distracted. Further down, at what you think they must be staring at is a grouping of palace staff. People you recognize. Estrid stands among them, frowning at the small crack in the door through which pours a line of bright white light from the sitting room you share with Thor.
Did something happen?
As you pass the two guards the jump and hurry back to the sides of your bedroom door where they belong. Their flurry of movement must have drawn the attention of the others standing by the door. They also seem to jump, look shamed and worried, before they move away from the door and head in all different directions to get back to work.
One of the maids that passes you curtsies before she scurries off stealing a look of regret at you.
Estrid stands rigid, hands clasped to her front before she steps back a bit to give you room.
“What is it, Estrid?”
She doesn’t say anything. She looks upset, her lips fixed into a severe line, eyes full of anger as she shakes her head.
“Where’s Loki? Thor?” you check, stopping by her and she only looks at the door.
You can hear muted voices from inside and your heart begins to pound.
Is it the doctors? Are Thor and Loki getting bad news? The baby was just moving though!
Your baby has to be okay. Healthy even. Nothing was wrong before you came back home.
Clinging to your bump, you move towards the crack in the door and with the breath leaving your lungs in fear of what you’ll overhear you just go ahead and push the door open because eavesdropping hasn’t served you well in the past.
If something needs to be said, you want to hear it without hiding.
Of course, what you aren’t expecting to find is Loki facing you by the long sofa where Thor usually lounges, resting his head on your lap. Behind Loki, what must have given him that frustrated look on his face is Thor, Jane clinging to his arm as she finishes speaking the thought you just interrupted as they all turn to look at you.
“-can’t help it. I love you. I-”
The absolute fury that engulfs you is indescribable.
For one year-long second, you inhale and a million thoughts cross your mind. The one you grasp onto, in favor of the ones involving murder and hurt and violence, is the one of your baby.
This kind of anger is bad for him. You can’t let it consume you. Not when you need to stay good for him.
Loki looks down at his feet, disappointment and shame overcoming his pale, handsome features.
Thor quickly jerks his hand out of Jane’s grip and moves towards you but stops when you speak only a few feet away.
She swallows hard, then frowns, “I only came to warn Thor that the readings have gotten stronger. I-”
“I don’t care why you’re here. I only care that you are here. You aren’t welcome in my house, near my husband, or on any piece of land in this Kingdom,” you take a step towards them and stop as you stroke your belly to remind you to keep calm. “I want you gone. Out of my home, away from my people, and if you trespass here again, I’ll have you thrown in jail. You aren’t welcome in New Asgard.”
“You can’t ban me from an entire Kingdom,” she argues, moving forward towards you.
“Try me,” you warn. “Out of respect for what you meant to Thor in the past, I’ve kept your name clean. I haven’t told anyone what you tried to do here, but here you are trying again. Now either you want me to trash you, or you seriously can’t take a hint.
“We don’t want you here.”
“Thor invited me himself, if he didn’t want me here, why would he do that?”
You grind your teeth, again stroking your tummy, “You’re right. I don’t know why my husband would invite you here when I have made it very clear that you aren’t welcome. Whatever the reason, he and I will discuss it together, because we’re married. Husband and wife. Until the day I die, at least, since he’ll outlive me by two thousand years.
“And whatever you two had in the past is gone. So, get out or I’ll have you thrown out.”
She opens her mouth to argue and you take two steps towards her, “I might be pregnant, but I can still do plenty of damage in the minute that it’ll take Thor and Loki to pull me off of you. Please, say something. Please, please I beg you. Give me an excuse. I have a really bad temper and I am dying to express myself. Please.”
Jane turns towards Thor, waiting for some kind of rebuttal from him but he’s got his eyes trained on you and you alone. The shame on his face, the agony of what you finding them all here might mean is not lost on him.
When he doesn’t say anything, Loki clears his throat, “I think it’s time to go, Jane.”
His urging helps and with a look of hurt and disbelief, she tears her eyes off of Thor and stomps out past you.
You watch her go, Estrid scurrying after her to lead her out the back instead of the front where she might be spotted.
He turns to you, waiting.
“I don’t want anyone to know she was here. Anyone other than the group of palace staff that was standing by the door fucking listening to what was being said in here. Can you get Heimdall and send her home that way?”
“I’m on it,” he assures you and hurries past you, disappearing into the palace.
“I-” Thor begins.
He shuts his mouth.
“Not here.”
Turning, you lead the way back to the bedroom and the guard opens the door for you, Thor following closely behind.
As the door shuts you don’t stop until you’re sitting on your bed, hands stroking your belly as you shut your eyes and try to calm yourself.
“I asked you for one thing. One thing, Thor. I asked you not to make a fool of me. Seven people from our staff were listening to you and Jane. Seven! By tomorrow that’ll be twenty and by the weekend the tabloids will have picked up on the story.”
“I’m sorry,” he starts but you growl in frustration.
“I stood in front of our people and told them that Jane Foster was not welcome in our Kingdom and you walked her right in! I-I can’t do this. I can’t do this right now.”
You get up and point at the large doors.
“I need you to get out. I need space and I don’t care why you let her in. I don’t care why you’d make me look like such a stupid fucking joke I only know that you did and I’m done. I need you out. Don’t come looking for me. When I’m ready, if I’m ever ready to talk to you again, I’ll find you. Until then, leave me alone.”
“NO! You don’t get to do this shit, Thor-You don’t get to undermine me and bring that woman back into our lives and still get to explain yourself after she lied to you about being pregnant, and making a mockery of our marriage. You don’t get a say. You get out of my room, you keep away from me, you wait until I’m ready to hear you. Until I’m not angry anymore. Until I’m not hurting anymore.
“I don’t understand what it is about this woman that you just-can’t you see what she is? What she’s done? Don’t you understand why she can’t be here? Don’t you get-You know what? Just get out. I don’t care. I don’t care if you get it or not. Get out.”
“Y/N, please, I-”
The silence that follows your outburst is interrupted only by the crackling of the fire. In the dim light, Thor’s face is grave and broken. You can’t feel bad for him though.
As much as you love him, as much as you wish this hadn’t just happened, as much as you hate to see him hurt, you can’t ignore the pain in your own chest, drowning you again in betrayal.
This is why you’d wanted to keep your distance. This agony is why you’d wanted to keep him at arm’s length.
This is why you can only depend on yourself.
Eventually, Thor bows his head and with heavy feet, he leaves your room shutting the door behind him leaving you to sob and throw pillows in anger.
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not a soldat | part 17.
Summary: Y/N L/N is not a superhero. No serums, no agencies. Just a civilian from a long line of family that’s served in the military. Y/N’s a history buff and bit of a spy in her own special way. This somehow lands her in trouble she never saw coming and straight into the hands of Falcon, Captain America, and Black Widow… if she doesn’t get caught in the unbreakable grasp of the Winter Soldier first.
Warning for the Series: violence, angst, slow burn
Pairing: Bucky x black!reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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It was a doctor’s appointment turned vacation. Bucky had to go back to Wakanda to get his arm checked and decided to turn it into a couple’s retreat for you two. The team already knew not to contact him for a mission unless the literal world was ending.
“Two weeks. Just give me two weeks with my princess, please guys,” Bucky asked as the quinjet was headed home from a recon mission.
“I think we can stop the bad guys for two weeks without Barnes and if we can’t maybe we should all retire.” Sam clapped Bucky on the back who smiled in appreciation.
“I’m leaving too. It’s Coop’s birthday, we’re taking the kids to Disney,” Clint said.
The team exited the elevators and stepped into the common room. They could see you on the couch, asleep. You always tried to work late and stay up whenever you got wind that they were coming home from a mission so you could greet them. It worked about sixty-seven percent of the time. This was not one of those times. The rest of the Avengers watched Bucky crouch down in front of you and lightly shake your shoulder. Your eyes fluttered open and a large smile appeared on your face.
“You’re back.”
“Just got in, darlin’.”
Bucky looked down at the journal that was underneath you. It looked relatively new so he assumed it was your personal one. He chuckled as he held it up— the page was smudged from where your face had been rubbing against it, and there was a small drool stain.
“Slept good?”
“Oh no,” you grabbed it from him. “Don’t tell me I ruined it.”
The page wasn’t bad. Only the drawings were a little smudge but the drawings weren’t exactly important— just references for a clearer picture.
“What is it?”
“Infinity Stones… I think, at least that’s what this Asgardian explorer called it but I’m pretty sure he, I think it’s a he, Asgardian names are kind of hard to make out gender hmm might not have a gender but he picked it up from Titans.”
“Infinity Stones?”
“Mmm hmm. They give the wearer God-like powers but would definitely kill most people if all six were used at once. And…”
“Let me guess,” Steve said when you faltered. “Someone’s looking for them?”
“Arn— the explorer — says it’s a Titan but his descriptions are vague. I’ve been piecing it together but I don’t think the Titan wants it just for power. I think he’s on a mission, something happened. It doesn’t matter though, no one really knows where the stones are… well except for Vis, but the rest are currently lost in location.”
“Well, how about we continue piecing it together after bed, printesa?”
You nodded and stood up. Gathering your stuff, you let Bucky lead you with his hands on your shoulders towards the elevators.
“Your room or mine?”
“My floor is closer, printesa.”
Bucky’s suitcase was filled with clothes for the both of you because your suitcase was filled with papers. You also put in a two week vacation form with S.H.I.E.L.D. but the papers were all Infinity Stone related. You felt compelled to figure this out. It was probably nothing considering the planet Titan was apparently wiped out or damn near a few years ago but still. If Arn seemed concerned, you were as well.
It would’ve been easier with Thor and Bruce to help you figure out anything— the stones seemed very science based— but they were still gone doing who knows what. You assured Bucky that he and Wakanda were the main focus of your trip and the books were mere background.
Despite the fact that T’Challa opened outreach programs to the world after the whole Killmonger incident, Wakanda itself didn’t get many tourists— not that they were complaining. And most tourists didn’t stay long, didn’t go very far, and were black. So when you guys stepped off the quinjet, Bucky was still greeted with the shouts of random children calling him White Wolf. You also earned a nickname, Little Raven. Amongst the historian, Caliber, and a few others you didn’t care for, Little Raven wasn’t that bad. They called you that because of your cleverness like the bird and because ravens hung around wolves.
“You two need to visit more often!” Shuri practically pounced on you, followed by Okoye.
“I’ve missed this place, Wakanda is honestly a second home.”
“Then come visit your cousins.”
“My fault, I’m afraid. Missions keep us kind of busy,” Bucky said as he took the suitcases and started walking towards a car.
You and him were stopped before he could put them in the trunk.
“Where do you two think you’re going?”
“Our apartment… did you guys sell it?”
“We moved you.”
Okoye took a bag from Bucky and you both followed her. This apartment was a little closer to the palace than your last one, considering it was within easy walking distance. After seeing the place you understood why they moved you guys. The old apartment was a two bedroom— both bedrooms small and made for roommates. This two bedroom was made for an actual couple/small family. One of the rooms was significantly bigger, clearly the master bedroom.
It was also a lot nicer than the other place. To the point where for a brief second you and Bucky were concerned it would take up a whole paycheck from one of you, even with the sizable salaries S.H.I.E.L.D. (Tony) provided. T’Challa insisted you guys didn’t have to pay but you two wanted to do things as normal as possible in life and paying for an apartment was something civilians did.
Shuri was pleased with the tests being run on Bucky. His arm seemed in fine condition as well as his brain, they would try to help him with the nightmares. While he ran tests, you worked on the journals. Bucky came back to the apartment very late to see you on the bed looking at a loose sheet of paper. He walked over and carefully climbed on the bed, not one to mess up your work. You smiled but kept working as Bucky’s weight slowly settled on top of you— he still kept himself propped up a little. Bucky moved your hair out of the way and you almost shuddered as you felt his breath against the back of your neck.
“Is this okay?”
“I’m working.”
He backed off and just hung his head over your shoulder to see what you were doing. Bucky watched you finish a sketch of a gauntlet and next to it… a giant purple man?
“Who’s this?”
“Thanos. I think. Another explorer actually gave a name of the Titan and a description. Big, purple, large chin, beady eyes. I’m guessing this is what he looked like.”
“So that’s who wants the stones?”
“His planet was dying, he thought that would make it better. Titan was gone before he could find out, and then he went dark.”
“The new explorer’s journal. It’s a refugee diary. Thanos couldn’t save his own planet and now wants to save others. He wiped out half their population.”
“To stop them from overpopulating and dying like Titan. And from what it seems, he’s got a lot of resources to do it. I wish I had his journal, could know exactly what he wants instead of third hand accounts. But Thanos doesn’t strike me as a notebook keeping type, huh?”
You finished the drawing and showed Bucky more of what you found. He was impressed. Just like with Victor you managed to get into the head of Thanos and figure out what they wanted.
You showed him a crude drawing of the universe, your attempt at mapping all the planets outside the solar system and locating Titan— you wanted to give it to Thor, since he trusted you with the Asgard files, you wanted it to be an Asgardian that went back to Titan. Snapping the book shut, you put your work off to the side and turned around underneath Bucky so you could look him in the eye.
“It’s kind of sad, don’t you think? I mean it’s wrong but he’s trying to fix a problem. He just doesn’t even see that he’s not actually helping.”
“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
“Yeah. Still, I wish we could talk to him… help him.”
“Does he want to be helped?”
“I don’t know. But I want to find him and tell S.H.I.E.L.D., if anyone can help it’s the Avengers.”
“You sound like those cheesy skits about us.”
You batted your eyelashes and sighed dramatically. “Oh thank goodness you’re here, Mr. Winter Soldier. I need an Avenger to save me.”
“Cheesy, darlin’.”
“I’m a damsel. I’m in distress. And I need a strong Avenger to save me.”
You reached up to grab Bucky’s face. He rolled his eyes, laughing, but dropped his head down to kiss you. Your hands fisted in his shirt as his tongue swiped against your bottom lip. Bucky pulled away and you whined a little. He pecked your lips once more and then lifted you up once he got off.
“Tomorrow, do you want to go to the jazz bar?”
“That sounds fun, Buck.”
You two showered together like you almost always did— the exception being when he was covered in blood that wasn’t his own from a mission. You settled easily into Bucky’s right side. He always preferred you on the right since it was his flesh arm. Bucky rubbed your arm until you fell asleep, following shortly after.
You felt Bucky’s grip tighten slightly and felt movement from underneath you. He was having another nightmare, you could tell from the movement. Without even opening an eye, you stretched your hand and gingerly brushed your fingertips against him until you reached the metal arm. You found that he woke up sooner when you knocked on the metal, the sound of the knocking combined with the touch pulled him into the real world quicker.
Bucky stilled for a moment and his eyes flashed open. He looked down at you. Your eyes were closed but you were still knocking, unaware that he was awake now. Bucky grabbed your hand to stop it. He watched you sigh as he kissed your knuckles. When he let go, your hand fell to where it was wrapped around his waist before the nightmare had started. You snuggled in harder and were once again out like a light. Bucky just watched you for a moment before closing his eyes and settling back down. You didn’t blink, didn’t complain, and weren’t scared. You just tapped him awake like it was nothing and went back to sleep. For that he was forever grateful.
(Part 18)...
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verymuchimmortalcat · 3 years
As You Were Once
For Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month Day 14: De-aged
Marinette was waiting at the airport for her dad, Cass, Damian, Tim and Steph. Lucius had said that there were some important things to handle in the Paris branch of WE and had insisted upon Bruce dealing with it himself. Then the others wanted to join him, leaving Dick as Batman for the week, Signal, Red Hood, Oracle and the Birds of prey to protect Gotham. Alfred had decided to go on a vacation when most of the Manor's occupants were coming to Paris and Duke would be staying with Jason for the next week. 
The five of them had promised that they wouldn't interfere in case of an akuma attack. Though Marinette was sure that they weren't going to sit back if they decided their help was needed. But hopefully they wouldn't deal with anything too severe this week. 
She waves as she spots her siblings, all of them with the exception of Steph trying not to draw attention to themselves. 
“B’s still getting everything sorted at customs and immigration,” Tim informs her once she’s finished hugging all of them.
She frowns, “was there a problem with something?”
“He’s keeping up his cover,” Damian states.
“He’s being unnaturally friendly to someone he hasn’t done a background check on,” Steph says.
“It was starting to get creepy,” Cass adds.
Marinette probably would have run away too. Galas were one thing, everyone there had been through an extensive background check but the whole Brucie Wayne act in front of people he knew absolutely nothing about was a completely different level of strange.
Their conversation turns to everything she’s missed since their last conversation. She gets a very detailed update on Damian’s pets 
They weren't waiting long before they were joined by B. Though he had to leave almost immediately to WE apparently whatever he had come for had been more urgent than they had realised. 
Once her dad is gone the five of them head to the bakery, while there wasn't space for everyone to stay at the bakery, all of them had wanted to spend time with the Dupain-Chengs. 
They're all at the bakery when the screaming starts. All of them immediately jump up but before any of them can join her she stops them and tells them to cover for her. Tom and Sabine don't know her identity and her siblings can't risk theirs over what’s probably a simple akuma attack. 
Promising them she'll call if she needs help she transforms and heads in the direction of the akuma. Adrien's already there but the others aren't supposed to transform unless needed. It's pretty close to WE. Marinette hopes her father actually remembered his promise and didn't become a target. 
She stops to rescue a larger number of children then she'd normally have to. Why are there so many children outside during an akuma attack?
It's only when she stops in front of a boy who appears to be about seven who looks exactly like the photos Alfred has of her father at that age does she figure out what the akuma's powers are. 
De aging. 
Marinette asks him anyway, there is always the possibility that a random Parisian child looks exactly like a seven-year-old version of her father.
It is not a random Parisian child. Marinette is the holder of the miraculous of good luck, you really would think she’d have better luck.
She crouches down so that she’s at his eye level, “I’m going to take you somewhere safe. Is that ok with you?”
He looks unsure but he nods. Picking him up, she swings back to the bakery as fast as possible. She calls Nino, Alya and Kagami and tells them there's a family emergency and to take care of the akuma and to bring it to her so she could purify it. 
Landing in an alleyway near the bakery, she de-transforms. She doesn't bother with telling him to keep her identity a secret. He already knows in the future and he's definitely not going to talk to someone who doesn't already know who she is.  
Holding his hand she leads him to the bakery. She tells Damian to get the others up and takes her dad (wow, is it strange to think of an approximately seven year old as her dad) to the living room.
She tells Tikki to give tiny Bruce something to occupy his time while she and her siblings figure something out. As they all join her upstairs, she sees as each of them realise what's happened and go from shock to laughter. 
"He doesn't remember anything. The others are taking care of the akuma. Figured you’d need help taking care of him," she says before Tim can ask. 
"Hasn't happened yet," Cass states. 
The laughter from a few seconds ago is gone. They all know what she's talking about. This Bruce Wayne hasn't lost his parents. 
This Bruce Wayne also seems to be glaring at them, he also looks scared. She can’t blame him, he wasn’t offered much of an explanation before she brought him here.
"Where are my parents?” he demands, “The girl who brought me here obviously seems to be some kind of superhero. Who are the rest of you?"
None of them look shocked that he knows that she’s Ladybug but none of them are dwelling on that. He asked for his parents what could they even tell him? They obviously can't tell him his parents are dead but they also know it wouldn't be fair to lie to him. 
"Would you like to talk to Alfred?" Tim asks suddenly. They all sigh in relief when he nods. 
Marinette calls Alfred but doesn't hand the phone to tiny Bruce immediately, it would definitely be more painful for Alfred than any of them to deal with him in this state. 
As soon as he picks up, Marinette starts speaking, "there was an akuma and dad became small and he's asking for his parents and we offered to call you instead."
Alfred being Alfred remains calm and asks her to hand the phone to tiny Bruce. All of them are staring at him as he talks to Alfred over the phone. Even though they can hear only one side of the conversation, tiny Bruce seems to calm down. 
Once he ends the call, he hands the phone back to her and says, "Alfred says that some kind of magic made me small and that all of you are very important to me when I become big."
"You're strangely adorable," Steph says. 
He frowns at that and he’s never before looked more like Damian.
“So, what do you like to do when you're bored?” Marinette asks, bending down in front of him and they all watch as one of the world’s greatest heroes rambles on about something his mom showed him last week.
This is the most they’ve ever heard Bruce talk about his parents and Alfred. They’re all listening intently about the woman who was their grandmother right now. Neither of them want to ask for more information. It wouldn't make sense to not know his parents if they were close to him. Alfred mentioned once that Marinette looks startlingly similar to Martha Wayne, Tim wonders if B’s picked up on it yet. Even if he has, Tim supposes, there wouldn’t be any reason for him to dwell on it as far as the Bruce in front of them is concerned his parents are alive and well.
They’ve all snuck pictures of him talking animatedly, he’s too carefree to notice, has no reason not to be. He’s already sent a few to Alfred and the others and immediately switched off notifications. Marinette and Damian do it too when their phones start blowing up, Steph’s just ignoring it and still taking photos and Cass is spamming them back. 
He goes back to watching Bruce talk without the weight he’s been carrying in all the time Tim’s known him.
It's strange, Cass thinks, to see him like this. The closest he's ever been to this relaxed is when all of them are at the manor for something other than a gala or bat business. 
She's alternating between listening to Bruce and tormenting her brothers who stayed back in Gotham. She’s sure if patrol wasn’t starting soon, they would’ve been here already for varying reasons.
She wonders if he’ll remember any of this when he comes back to normal, she’ll have to ask Marinette.
They moved to Marinette’s room in case the Dupain-Chengs check on them. Father’s taking a break from talking and is going through Marinette’s designs, Stephanie and Cassandra are with him. Drake seems to have taken on the responsibility of tormenting the others remaining in Gotham or he’s just texting his boyfriend, Damian doesn’t want to know.
He’s watching as the three of them go through Marinette’s designs, and watches as she gets progressively more flustered as they bury her in compliments, well mostly Stephanie, Cassandra and Father aren’t as vocal but it’s also the most he’s heard Father compliment someone sincerely.
It’s strange to think of the child in front of him as his father. He smiles a lot more and even laughed several times.
And then Stephanie mentions that Damian draws and Father’s asking him if he could look at his drawings. Damian offers him a small smile and unlocks his phone and shows him the recent painting of Titus, Alfred, Ace and Jerry and watches as his Father analyses the whole painting.
Maybe the child in front of him is not the father he’s gotten to know but it is nice to see him all the same.
Marinette’s starting to get worried. It’s been an hour and the others haven’t returned with the Akuma yet. They can’t keep tiny Bruce occupied forever. She’s considering transforming and checking it out when Tim pokes his head out from where he’s sitting on her bed and says, “hey Mari, delivery for you.”
Alya’s standing next to him with the akuma in a jar, looking confused. Marinette sighs, explaining this is going to be interesting.
She climbs up and heads to the balcony before transforming. Alya hands her the jar and Marinette purifies the akuma, calls for her lucky charm and throws it up in the air.
“So…” Alya starts, “wanna explain what that was about?” 
“Family emergency. I’ll tell you about it later. Bye!” and then Marinette’s back in her room. Her siblings seem to be panicking and her dad’s not there. The Miraculous Ladybug should have taken him back to where he was. He’s probably standing in the middle of the street completely disoriented.
Detransforming she joins their discussion, or more accurately panicked argument, to let them know what happened. They’re all on their way to the Paris branch of WE in a few minutes. She’s sure one of the employees is bound to have found him and explained things to him but they’re still going just in case.
He’s attacked by hugs when they find him in the lobby of the building, he looks confused as to why but none of them offer any explanation. Steph’s the first one to pull away when her phone starts ringing.
“Shit. We forgot to tell Alfred everything’s fine again.”
Letting go of her dad, she checks her phone and there at the very top of her notifications is a missed call from Alfred. Just one, he’s not anything like the rest of the family as proven by the hundred notifications below that. Steph’s already picked up the call and handed it to B. Marinette sends Dick a message to let him know that everything’s back to normal and to please not come to Paris once patrol’s done.
There are people staring at them, which isn’t surprising but makes her uncomfortable all the same and she knows the rest of them probably feel the same, though Tim might've gotten used to it. They watch in silence as B finishes talking to Alfred and hands Steph’s phone back to her.
He looks over the bunch of them and asks, “did you have something to tell me?”
It feels like forever that they stand awkwardly looking at him before Marinette says, “nope! Nothing important,” and drags her siblings out of the building and back to the bakery. They can talk to him later and Damian’s yawning on their way back. It’s been one hell of a first day in Paris for them, she can’t wait for the rest of the week.
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