#unless they’re sociopaths
astrababyy · 2 years
Okay, but in all honesty, what would’ve happened to Sophie if Bronte had gotten his way in the first book? Like, these people uprooted her entire life and tore her away from her family, dumping her with a new one whose sanities hang by a freaking thread. If Sophie hadn’t gotten into Foxfire, if Bronte had gotten his way, what the hell would’ve happened to her? It says somewhere in the book that Bronte might push to have her sent to Exillium. I just can’t wrap my head around the amount of audacity a person has to have to force a freaking twelve year old through all that then still not give her the benefit of the fucking doubt like who does that.
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ninzied · 7 months
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and that's how it works
a co-worker au. based on the prompt: kiss out of spite. ~2.4k.
Alex can’t stand him from the start.
He tries not to actively dislike any co-workers, as a general rule. It takes effort, and time, neither of which he wants to spend on this guy—unless said work has been affected, which, Alex has to admit that it hasn’t.
But there’s something about him that rubs Alex the wrong way the moment they get introduced.
He’s hard-working, Alex supposes, and the quality of the work isn’t lacking. He’s punctual, and to-the-point in his emails. None of those things are an issue. He does make a habit of helping himself to Alex’s office supplies, but a few missing staples and running out of printer paper don’t exactly justify a grudge.
The guy’s personality is, objectively, annoying. He has the worst taste in ties, which to Alex says a lot, and he can’t go more than five minutes without alluding to his pedigree in some way (Alex knows this because he and Nora have made a drinking game out of it at work functions).
Still, it doesn’t explain the weird surge of resentment he gets every time he looks at the guy. And not understanding it might be the most annoying part of all.
He just wishes he knew why.
Alex works in the legal department, but the coffee’s way better in HR down the hall, so most mornings he’s using their break room. Most mornings, and at lunchtime too, and in the afternoons more than once until Nora starts cutting him off, which. Fair.
Apparently he’s not the only one who’s discovered HR’s superior coffee, though, because he’s always there too, and always at the same time as Alex. Seriously, can he not? It’s bad enough that they share a cubicle. Now Alex has to suffer the insult of watching him fucking microwave his coffee like some kind of sociopath, too?
“Are you following me?” Alex demands to know one morning, a little ridiculously. He’s aware that HR is not the best place to be throwing accusations around, but he’s kind of had it with this guy. “Because—”
At that exact moment, the door is opening, and Henry Fox is walking into the room.
“Oh, hey,” says Alex.
Henry glances at him the way he always does, that is to say, a little bemused as to what Alex is doing here. But Henry had been his point person when he was hired six months ago, so he must know Alex works here, right? Besides, he’s been coming to drink their coffee every day of those past six months now, and he knows Henry knows this because their breaks usually overlap and the way Henry barely says two words to him half the time is starting to feel kind of personal.
“It’s Alex,” says Alex, because, well, just in case.
“Yes, I’m aware,” says Henry. After a beat that’s long enough to get awkward, he says, “Err. Right then.”
And then he smiles and waves at Hunter, who isn’t even supposed to be here either, and walks over to take the seat Hunter has saved him like they’re all in fucking high school.
Hunter says something smarmy about a new art gallery or what-the-fuck-ever he went to last night, using a slightly too-loud voice that’s clearly meant to be overheard. Alex grits his teeth.
“Oh, I’ve been meaning to go,” says Henry. “What did you think?”
Alex scowls. Fuck, he fucking hates Hunter.
“So how’s the transfer going?” asks Hunter one day.
Alex jerks involuntarily and splashes hot coffee all over his hand. “Motherfucker,” he says, and then, because his filter is fully shot now anyway, he glances over at Henry. “You’re transferring? Like, jobs?”
“Oh. Um. No. Departments,” says Henry. Alex supposes that’s all he’s getting—four whole words must be some kind of record—but then Henry continues. “To editing. Starting first thing next week.”
“Oh,” says Alex. “Cool. That’s…a big move.” Literally. That’s, like, whole floors away. He opens the freezer door with his good hand, and wonders what the coffee tastes like up there in editing, if it would be weird to find out sometime. He grabs a fistful of ice.
“Yes,” Henry is saying. “It will be quite the change, and I—wait. Sorry.” He stands abruptly, and Alex stares in surprise as Henry comes over and stops right in front of him. “Please put the ice down.”
“Um,” says Alex. “O…kay?”
“You should use lukewarm water,” says Henry. “Cool, at best. For your hand.”
“Oh,” says Alex. “Right. Thanks.” He turns to the sink, feeling weirdly aware of the fact that Henry is still standing there. “It’s too bad,” Alex says before Henry can decide to sit down next to Hunter again. “Kind of a big loss for HR.”
Henry’s brows knit back together. “Is it?”
Alex shrugs. “To my knowledge, no one else personally escorts new employees to their cubicles on the first day of work. Like you did with Hunter here, for example.” He levels Henry with a grin. “I was there when you showed him around, in case you don’t remember.”
Henry’s expression is inscrutable. “I do,” he says.
Alex makes a point to not look away. “Guess that wasn’t a thing back when I started.”
“Ah,” says Henry. He’s flushing for some reason now. “No, I suppose not.”
Alex considers him. He can’t decide if Henry’s playing dumb, or if he really doesn’t remember that he’d been the one to help hire Alex. Then he decides he doesn’t care, because both options make him feel like something on the bottom of Hunter’s shoe, which he hates.
“Think I’m gonna head back.” Alex looks expectantly at Hunter, who only lifts his mug like he’s still planning on being a while. Fucking fine.
He can still see the two of them through the glass pane in the door when Nora walks by with a stack of folders.
“You okay?” she asks, in a tone that says she’s guessed the answer.
“Fucking no,” says Alex anyway. “What are they even doing? Talking?”
Nora sneaks a peek through the window. “Appears so,” she deadpans. “Talking in the break room. Unbelievable.”
“I know, right?” Alex scowls, then realizes he’s left without his coffee, which makes him scowl even harder.
Nora sighs, then slips her free arm through his. “Let’s walk.”
“Do you think Hunter likes him?” asks Alex. Because—not that he’s spent a lot of time on this—Alex thinks that Hunter does, and nothing is worse than the thought of Henry liking him back because he doesn’t know any better.
Maybe Alex should say something.
Nora is looking sideways at him. Alex isn’t sure why. “I think what Hunter likes is people with a pedigree,” she says. “Anyway, what’s not to like? Henry’s a snack.”
“What?” says Alex. Objectively, Henry looks a bit like an Adonis, but, “That is so beside the point. And just because Hunter’s like Harvard royalty or whatever doesn’t give him the right to come in here and trick people into liking him when—”
“When you were here first?” Nora supplies.
“What?” Now Nora is really missing the point. “This has nothing to do with me, or with Henry. I just meant, like, you know. In general.”
“Right,” says Nora. “I must have misunderstood.”
Alex keeps going back to the break room, of course. The coffee’s still better, and he can keep bothering Nora even though she’s transferring soon too (to marketing two floors down, the traitor). None of those things have changed just because Henry is no longer there every day.
The one thing that does change, Alex notices with a dark kind of satisfaction, is that Hunter does not go back to the break room. In fact, he starts bringing his own coffee each morning (Starbucks, which seems very on-brand). If anything, Alex only has more reason now to escape to HR and not spend any more time around Hunter than necessary.
About a week after Henry’s transfer, Alex realizes he’s used the last of the break room’s cinnamon. Again. Goddamn it, he thinks. He’s just spent the morning in back-to-back meetings, he’s getting his coffee hours later than usual, and now this?
He rifles through the cupboards for a second and then a third time just in case there's a rogue bottle somewhere. “Fuck me,” he mutters.
“What’s the occasion?” comes a voice from the door, and Alex turns to find Henry leaning against it. His arms are crossed, and he’s doing that chin-tilty thing that apparently means Alex has zero control over what comes out of his mouth.
“What are you doing here?” Alex blurts.
Henry raises an eyebrow. “I could’ve been asking you the same thing for the past six months or so, but I haven’t.” He uncrosses his arms and comes over. “Would you believe me if I said I came here for the coffee?”
“No,” says Alex, with absolute certainty. “You don’t drink coffee.”
Henry blinks. “I could,” he argues after a moment, then straightens a little. “In fact, maybe I planned to start today.”
“Uh huh.” Alex gestures for him to have at the machine. “Do you even know how to use it?”
“Can’t be that difficult,” says Henry. He gives the machine a dubious look, and Alex doesn’t mean to but he starts to laugh.
“Here, I got it. Was about to make some for myself anyway.”
“Ah.” Henry looks abashed suddenly. Even the tips of his ears have turned pink. “Suppose you’ll be wanting this, then.” He pulls a ground cinnamon bottle from his pants pocket.
Alex shakes his head in disbelief. He could actually kiss Henry right now. “How did you—?”
“Well, you were running low last I was here,” says Henry, like that’s a totally normal thing to have noticed when Alex has never seen him touch the spice rack once. “Figured you'd be out by now, so I nicked some from the break room upstairs. No one’s been using it there anyway.”
The shock on Alex’s face makes him backtrack. “Sorry,” he says, flushing an even deeper pink now. “I—didn’t know you’d be here. You’re usually, um. Earlier. I can return it, if you’d like.” He says all this in a rush.
“No, it’s great,” Alex says emphatically. “Don’t you dare take it back.” He’s still staring a little, but that can’t be helped. Henry knows how he likes his coffee. And Henry had planned to restock the cinnamon without Alex ever knowing.
Henry clears his throat, looking around them. “You didn’t bring Hunter with you today,” he notes.
“No,” says Alex immediately. “God, no. And I don’t bring him anywhere, he just. Shows up. Honestly, I can’t stand the guy.” Shit. Maybe he shouldn’t have said that.
“Oh, thank Christ,” Henry says, looking immensely relieved. “Now that I don’t work in HR anymore, can I just say how little I enjoy his company?”
This is way better news than when Henry had first reached out to Alex with his offer letter and starting salary. He grins. “You can. In fact, please say more.”
Henry looks rueful. “I really shouldn’t.”
“It’s just that—” Alex sobers a little. “He was the only person you seemed willing to talk to.”
“It was easier, for me.” Henry takes a breath. “I feel less shy around people whose opinion of me doesn’t matter as much.” He pauses, something meaningful in the way he looks sidelong at Alex now. “I do want to be better about it.”
Alex nods, considering this. He tries hard not to smile. Probably not hard enough. “I can work with that.”
“You do realize neither of you work in this department,” says Nora, pulling food from the fridge.
Henry sips the tea Alex has just made him. Coffee, turns out, had been a lost cause. They’re both leaning against the counter, elbows not-quite-touching but getting closer to it every day, by Alex’s estimation.
“Do any of us, at this point?” Henry muses.
Nora shrugs. “Fair.”
“Just don’t tell You Know Who,” says Alex.
“Who’s You Know Who?” Hunter asks from the doorway. He has a confused smile on his face as he looks from Henry to Alex back to Henry again. Normally the sight of Hunter fills Alex with the most profound irritation, but now he’s feeling kind of pleased.
That’s right, he thinks smugly at Hunter: Henry is mine.
Huh. Suddenly things make a lot more sense now.
“Hey, did you get my email about the museum opening this Friday?” Hunter asks Henry, and Alex bristles instantly. Did Hunter not get the look Alex just gave him?
“Ah,” says Henry awkwardly, and it would be endearing if he didn’t also look so deeply uncomfortable. His awkwardness now is so different from the bashful kind of awkward he used to be around Alex; honestly, Alex can’t believe he’d never been able to tell between the two until now. “Actually, I’m—”
“Going,” says Alex, “already. With me.”
Henry looks at him in happy surprise. “Really?”
“Really,” Alex says firmly. And then, because he likes how dumbstruck Hunter looks right now, and because Henry doesn’t pull away when Alex puts an arm around his shoulders and he really, really likes that too, he does the only thing left that makes sense to him, which is to lean in and kiss Henry. He kind of feels like he might die when Henry kisses him back.
Henry’s eyes are still closed when Alex leans back. He’s dimly aware that Nora has shooed Hunter out and closed the door behind them. He’s more acutely aware of how Henry licks his lips, then opens his eyes with an oddly vulnerable expression and says, “Alex, please tell me you didn’t just kiss me for Hunter’s benefit.”
“What? No. I mean—not exactly.” Fuck. Why can’t he use only the words that he needs? “The answer’s still no, but I might’ve used it as an excuse if I’d kissed you like two weeks ago. But that’s not why I kissed you just now, and it’s not why I’m going to kiss you again.”
“Oh, you think you’re going to kiss me again, do you,” Henry says with a hint of a smile, lifting his chin in a kind of challenge that Alex does not intend to back away from.
“One-hundred-percent,” he says, then pauses. “Unless you plan on reporting me to HR.”
“Honestly,” says Henry, “I might have to report you if you don’t.”
“Well, we can’t have that,” Alex says, very seriously, and he pulls Henry back in.
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He’s Like A Puppy
kai parker x reader
summary: an argument starts up when damon and bonnie return to the boarding house to find you and kai spending time together. it goes south when you start to defend kai against your friends' remarks.
≪ originally publishes on ao3: 2/24/23 ≫
tags: discussion of murder, cupcakes, small biblical references, fluff
word count: 967
“Don’t you see that he’s dangerous? You’re insane to think otherwise,” Bonnie scolds you, pointing at Kai in the corner.
Kai, who, at this very moment, is sitting on a stool with a cupcake, a bit of the frosting on his nose.
“Very dangerous,” you comment, holding back a chuckle. 
She rolls her eyes, “you didn’t see him in the prison world. You don’t know what he’s done.”
“Killed some people? Doesn’t everyone do that around here?”
“So you think it’s okay?”
“I mean, no, it’s not okay, but if we’re gonna declare Kai evil because he killed a couple folks, then everyone else here is, too. I mean, hell. Stefan’s been a ripper, Damon’s… Damon, Elena’s famous for turning off her humanity, Caroline’s temperamental.”
“Y/N, he massacred his family, there’s a difference.”
“Is there? Killing your family, or killing strangers who had lives and families that you know nothing about? And for all we know, maybe it was a Menedez’ brothers situation.”
“Okay, yes, I see your point about the strangers. But are you implying it’s okay to kill your family if they hurt you a teensy bit?”
“May I just say it was more than a teensy bit?” Kai interrupts.
“Shut up-”
“You shut up, Damon, I’m trying to hear all sides of this story.”
“Y/N, you’re talking crazy right now! He’s a liar. A manipulative, sociopathic liar. Besides, his name’s Malachai, for heaven’s sake! He said it himself, ‘it’s like his parents expected him to be evil’.”
You chuckle.
“What’s so funny about that?” Damon’s eyes narrow. 
“You do know that ‘Malachai’ literally means ‘angel’, right? In fact, it’s a Biblical name. Malachai was a prophet of… y’know that actually doesn’t matter. Regardless, you can’t tell that someone’s evil based on their name. Unless that name is literally, like, Lilith. Or Lucifer.”
“Whatever. You can’t trust someone based on their name, either,” she counters.
“Didn’t say I trust him off his name. Just said we should treat him as we do everyone else in this massive fucking house that’s killed a bunch of people. And how do we treat them? Oh yeah - with understanding, and reason.”
“He stabbed me in the gut, Y/N.”
“So has Damon.”
“Yeah, but I have the right to kill her because we’re friends.”
“Do you even hear yourself when you speak, or is it white noise in your head while a little mouse plays scrabble with sentences?”
“Uncalled for.”
“Was it?”
They’re left at a standstill. No one is sure what to say next. 
“Okay,” you carefully start, “whether or not you trust Kai, he’s here. And, for reasons I don’t know but I also don’t care, he’s been staying here, at the boarding house. Now, since I’m your out-of-town friend, I am also staying here, at the boarding house. So what’s wrong with us hanging out since we’re quite often, literally the only two people here?”
They, again, see the point in your statement, but continue to bicker about it anyway.
“He could hurt you.”
“Could, yeah. But we were chilling for two hours before you guys came back. Nothing happened.”
“Except he’s eating the cupcakes that Elena specifically made for the party tonight.”
“Maybe you shoulda labeled them ‘no touching’ or something.”
“Are you defending him over this now?”
“Well now I’m just pointing out the obvious.”
“I just… Elena’s going to be pissed when she finds her cupcakes gone.”
“Only one’s gone, she’ll barely notice.”
“I’ll tell her he stole it.”
“Yeah, what’s she gonna do? Make him throw it back up?”
“One, gross. Two… maybe I’ll just let her finally kill him. That would solve a lot of our problems.”
You can’t help but smirk, “and we’ve come full circle. House of killers.”
Damon’s eyes widen as he realizes, “wait. No, wait. But it’s, ack, you suck. Fine. She won’t kill him. Just get him out of the kitchen.”
You shrug and make your way over to Kai, who’s now licking icing off his fingers. “Wanna go watch a movie?”
“Sure.” The answer is hesitant, but his excitement is given away with a sparkle in his eyes. 
“What? This was the original problem, Damon! They can’t be alone together! What if he snaps again?”
“Bonnie,” you take a deep breath, “he’s not going to hurt me.”
“How do you know that?”
“Look at him - he’s like a puppy. Just needs a friend and he’ll be okay. I’ll be fine. We’re gonna go get out of your hair, get out of your cupcakes, and watch a movie.” You state, taking his hand. 
“Call if you need anything,” Bonnie just rolls her eyes.
“Might need a grocery store run, but I won’t need help.”
Halfway up the stairs, Kai looks behind him to face you, “why’d you call me a puppy?”
“Because you are one. Y’know, I mean what I said. I trust you, and you’re safe with me. You just need some company, Kai. It couldn’t have been easy being isolated for eighteen years.”
“So… you’re gonna be my company?”
“Is that okay?”
He smiles, his dimples showing on the sides of his face, “mhm.”
“Good. But two things… one, if you’re ever feeling angry or uneasy, come to me first, okay? I don’t want them to hurt you, so give me a chance to help you through it.”
“And two, let’s not eat any more of Elena’s cupcakes. I know, pissing her off is fun sometimes, and they’re really good cupcakes. But we can make our own so Damon doesn’t kill us.”
“Fine, I won’t eat hers.”
“Sounds good. Thank you, Kai.”
“Thank you, actually. Um, for defending me earlier, and being a friend.”
“Of course. Now, let’s go watch a movie. I have Oreos in my room.”
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bloodywankers · 2 months
tw; yandere, psychopath vs sociopath yandere, not proofread, 445 words | navigation
We often describe yanderes as psychopaths but i'm here to argue that a sociopath yandere would be a lot worse. 
Psychopaths are a lot more cold, maybe because of their lack of understanding of human emotion but they have no trouble following concrete rules. A psychopath can easily pass as a functional member of society. Sure, the way they love (if even at all) will be very different from the average person but you could spend your entire life not knowing your partner is one. They may not understand why you’re upset, but at least they know you are upset. 
In contrast, a sociopath is a lot more irrational, impulsive and all. You could say their biggest flaw is their emotions, they know right from wrong. Unlike a psychopath who may follow rules despite not understanding the purpose behind them, sociopaths just dont care for them. They cannot live a normal life and they will make it your problem. They know hurting you is wrong, but, does it really matter? Especially when it brings them so much joy to see you beg at their feet? They’ll rationalise it one way or another. 
Psychopaths would be a lot more delusional but easier to manage because they are straightforward, do as they want and you should be fine, unless they benefit more from you being dead then alive. Maybe you’re about to reveal their true nature, that would be troublesome so they’re left with no other choice. It’s your own fault, really. They may come off as cruel but it's not intentional, their course of action is just the most rational thing to do in order to ensure their self preservation. 
Whereas, a sociopath would be more lucid in my opinion. They simply don’t care, as long as they have what they want but that in and of itself is impossible when you can’t figure out what it is that they want. Things are never so straightforward with them, not when one moment they are as kind as an angel and the next they look at you as if they’ll kill you any moment now. Their constant fits of anger and inconsistent behaviour make them hard to predict and that leads to your downfall. Behaviour that was perfectly fine to them before might suddenly become the root cause of an outburst and you’re the only one who comes out hurt from that.
Of course, I’m not saying these are the only two personality aspects possible, there are a lot more nuances to this but this is the impression I got from my minimal research into this topic. 
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jewbeloved · 1 year
hi there, love your writing! would you be willing to write main 4 + clyde, where they’re hanging out with their crush late at night, and their crush falls asleep on them?
Team Stan + Clyde hanging out with their s/o at night🌃😴🌌❤️
Warnings: None
Gender: Neutral
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💙 Stan Marsh ❄️
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Learning to go on crazy adventures and some mischievous things with the boys, you texted Stan if you both could hang out at midnight.
Stan agreed, quality time is one of his love languages and he wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to spend time with you <3❤️
You both made sure your parents (or siblings) were asleep before you guys started your midnight crazy fun.
You guys played video games down in the basement, tp a teacher's house because she pissed you both off, pillow fights, and etc.
You were having so much fun that you ended up falling asleep while rambling about everything you both did together.
Stan blushed a bit and he didn't know what to do so he just stayed still while you sleep on him before drifting to sleep himself after a while. 💙💙💙💙💙💙
💚 Kyle Broflovski ♻️
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He was a bit annoyed and confused on why you called him at midnight. The boy just want his beauty rest >:C
Being stubborn, you climbed up the tree that was near his window and jumped onto his bed because, in south park. The windows are always opened 😋
Kyle made a pouty face while you refuse to get out of his room. But you know that he's secretly happy that you're here, why wouldn't he enjoy your presence?
So you guys ended up doing the fun ideas you had planned for this night.
Even though Kyle was a bit tired, he tried his best to keep his eyes opened as you rambling about something random you thought while you both watch something on your (device).
After another couple of mins, you both fell asleep together at the same time <3.
Ike eavesdropped on you both the whole time 💚💚💚💚
❤️ Eric Cartman 🍓
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Being the little devious child he is, he is obviously the one who purposed the idea of doing something mischievous with you after everyone else is asleep.
You basically often follow out with Cartman's plans unless it's something dangerous then no.
You do worry for Cartman's safety even though the stuff he does pisses other people off, you can understand why they would be upset with him. After all, you're friends with/dating a sociopathic racist kid :>
Once your little hangout is over, you both managed to get back to bed without being spotted. I wonder what Cartman did to make you both have such good luck with that :O
You soon realized that this was going to be a daily night routine-❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
🧡 Kenny Mccormick 🎃
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You both are always on the same page, you didn't have to tell each other what you were going to do this night.
Oh my god, you both ended up doing 49 activities together in one single whole night! Kenny definitely didn't make any dirty jokes in between.
How did you both managed to not caught? You both placed corks into your parents' ears so they couldn't hear a single thing. (You also did the same to your siblings if you have any).
When you first fell asleep on Kenny after a lot of fun together, he will chill and calm about it. He let you lean on him while he wrapped his parka around you like a blanket so you would get cold.
He secretly likes it whenever you sleep on him, it gives him an excuse to snuggle up close to you🧡🧡🧡🧡
❤️ Clyde Donovan 🔫
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He almost pissed himself when you suddenly appeared onto his bed and scared him. (You were hiding in his room while in the dark.
You always liked to tease Clyde playfully and hang out with him, and since your parents are asleep you saw this as a perfect opportunity to bring him over to your house to talk about stupid stuff, play games, and etc together.
You even taught Clyde how to crave a jack-o'-lantern since he wasn't sure how to do it.🎃🎃
Clyde was a complete blushing mess when you fell asleep on him. Like Stan, he wasn't sure what to do besides staying still and letting you sleep on him.
He probably even went through 5 stages of grief at the moment.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Already October? Damn time flies way too fast.🎃🎃🎃
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treehuggerthegreat · 6 months
something i really need to get off my chest even if i just post this privately is That i really dislike ‘caretakers’ in whump writing. or ‘whumper’ i feel like it makes a character (even if they’re just a hypothetical one) feel very 1 dimensional and it makes me so OKAY JUST HEAR ME OUT!!! whumpee i don’t mind much, it makes the prompt or what your talking about a little clearer. But it feels like it’s putting it into a box and making sort of roles which makes it feel less like a prompt and more like we’re in an omega verse fandom and i mean this really lovingly and affectionately and no hate to any of yall. I have a vast amount of characters and i write stories and books and I can say with out a shadow of a doubt, not ONE of them fall under ‘whumper’ or ‘caretaker’ because i develop them as their own individual character. Not even my antagonist are ‘whumpers’
So one of my main antagonists literally burns cigarettes on the MC and abuses the MC. Tries to kill her on her 18th birthday. Shes her mom, and the main character PHYSICALLY cannot leave that situation with out getting the authorities involved until she turns 18. Mom sounds like an ass, she beats ‘whumpee’ up! why would i NEVER call her a whumper? because she’s a whumpee by that logic. Her mom was extremely emotionally abusive, and half the time not fully there. Her shitty ass dad got murdered in front of her when she was just a kid. but Her mom isn’t a whumper either, because she too would be considered a whumpee. She was a world renowned flapper girl, everyone loved her. she LIVED for the fame and her face in newspapers. But behind the scenes she was actively ignoring her distant parents as they continued to try and marry her off. She was then forced into the marriage when she got pregnant with the guy (much so against her will which is why she killed him.) and ever since she’s been delusional and not fully there. It’s generational abuse.
more ramble under the cut + extra clarification on what I’m trying to say
okay but that’s just generational abuse right? There are other whumpers in the real world! Yeah i guess there’s sadists and serial killers, but like, there’s SOOOO much more guys.
I have a mini antagonist, he’s in highschool and he’s meant to be the toxic narcissistic ex of one of my characters. But he’s falling apart trying to get attention, he’s not fully aware of the damage he IS doing. Ass he may be but again behind the scenes he’s constantly fighting with his dad who refuses to do anything around the house and who is also transphobic (she’s bigender but i’ve been using he to make it less confusing right now) and now she has to take care of her little sister and act like a whole ass mom. As a sophomore. In high school. Not only that but her mom died, so she has to struggle with that. She’s just an annoying ass teenager, she doesn’t understand how to treat people or how she’s supposed to be handling what she’s dealing with. But getting attention and being liked at school? now that’s the shit. That’s like drugs for her. But to what lengths does she go to get that extra validation? He uses his boyfriend almost like an accessory. He’s not considerate of his feelings, and most likely doesn’t understand what a relationship is SUPPOSED to be.
Unless you’re making a sociopath character, which i LOVE a good sociopath character, you have to treat them like they also have humanity. Most of the time villains don’t just. Do shit to do it, they have some sort of background that lead up to this!!! And also even then with sociopaths they’re their own individual characters separate from the people they hurt!!! and also NONE of these are end all be alls and all characters must be developed this way!!!!
just my advice and stuff <3 i love all of you out there and i can understand why using certain roles and terms are the go to, and i’m not stopping you!!! i just really wanted to give my two cents so i can possibly help other writers!!!
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ynbabe · 2 years
Lockwood & Co. Incorrect quotes, pt.5
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Requested by @superpositvecloudshipper​ ​!!!! Thank you for requesting!! Others will be other soon!! 
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Y/n: Your lover doesn't have the mental strength to caramelize onions. Anthony: Your lover thinks it takes 5-10 minutes to caramelize onions. Lucy: Who's fucking caramelizing onions? Have you sociopaths forgotten that apples exist? George: Do you think caramelizing onions is putting caramel on onions.
Lucy, Y/n & Anthony: *screaming* George: *runs into the room* What's wrong, Lucy?! Y/n: Wait, why are you asking Lucy that when Anthony and I are also here? George: Because Lucy wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance.
George: *tapping fingers on table* Anthony: *taps fingers back furiously* Lucy: …What’s going on? Y/n: Morse code. They’re talking. George: -.-- ..- .-. / - …. . / -.-. ..- - . … - Anthony: *slams hands on table* YOU TAKE THAT BACK!
George: We call that a traumatic experience. George, turning to Y/n: Not a "bruh moment". George, turning to Anthony: Not "sadge". George, turning to Lucy: And DEFINITELY not an "oof LMAO".
Anthony: I never said I was gonna get back together with her. But I was thinking, she’s in town, would it be the worst thing in the world if I gave her a call? Lucy: No. No, Anthony, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. It would be the fourth worst thing. Number one: a super volcano. Number two: an asteroid hits the Earth. Number three: All the Evel Knievel movies are lost. Number four: Anthony calls Y/n. Number five: George gets eaten by a shark. George: I’m George, and I approve the order of that list.
George: Yesterday, I watched Y/n try to eat a decorative rock from Anthony's potted plant. Lucy caught her, and told her she can't eat rocks. Y/n started whining something about no food being in the house before walking away.
George: I sleep with a gun under my pillow. Lucy: I sleep with a knife. Anthony: Both of you are pathetic. George: Oh yeah? What do you sleep with? Anthony: Y/n.
Y/n and Anthony: *making loud, shouty gorilla sounds at each other* Lucy: George, exasperatedly: We have a guest.
George, knows what she’s done: Who wants to go out of the country on a road trip? Lucy: Yea, I could drink legally! Anthony: I could hang out with the boys! Y/n: I could hide from the consequences of my actions.
Lucy, talking about a case: They... well, I wouldn't call it inheritance per se. What do you call it when you kill someone and get their stuff? George: Um, murder??? Anthony: Adventuring! Y/n: Tuesday.
Y/n, singing to the tune of I Kissed a Girl: I killed a guy, and I liked it- Lucy, whispering: Should we call the exorcist? Anthony, also singing: The taste of his cherry chapstick. George, appalled: Call the exorcist.
Y/n: We can bake these cookies at 400 degrees for 10 minutes or 4,000 degrees for 1 minute. George: No, that's not how you make cookies. Lucy: FLOOR IT!! Y/n: How about 4,000,000 degrees for 1 second?!? George: yOU'RE GONNA BURN THE HOUSE DOWN- Y/n: I'M GONNA HARNESS THE POWER OF THE FUCKING SUN TO MAKE COOKIES! Anthony: DO IT! George: NO-
Anthony: Today at 7 am, Y/n poured a Monster energy drink in her coffee, said "I'm going to die" and drank the whole thing. Lucy: I watched Y/n brew her coffee with Monster instead of water. Three cups in two hours. I think she ascended into the astral realm. George: The survivability of the human race never fails to amaze me.
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Okay, now I’m thinking about Shadyverse; but also ships, and why do I feel like Shady!Mylene does like Phyllis from the office and gets guys to flirt with her just so she can watch Shady!Ivan beat them up? Also Shady!Nath 10000% made a portrait of Shady!Marc with the blood of someone he hated once.
Myléne is constantly making Ivan jealous so she can watch him beat people up
Ivan knows what she’s doing and doesn’t mind one bit. He gets to show off to Myléne and get in a few practice punches
Their dates mainly consist of going to fancy restaurants and not paying unless the staff members want to be beaten to a pulp
These two are total sociopaths, so you know they have fun
Nathaniel steals the blood of other students while they’re in the school’s infirmary and uses it to paint portraits of Marc, which the latter adores
Marc often shows affection by biting Nathaniel’s arms and neck. Other times, he’ll hug him so tight until it looks like he’s about to pass out
Constantly manipulating the weak-minded for their own enjoyment and making money off of it to buy each other gifts
Zoé buys Cosette all sorts of jewelry, and in return, Cosette lets her know who’s out to take her spot as HBIC
They make look cold and materialistic, but they truly love each other
Austin T makes sure EVERYONE knows Jean belongs to him. He’s got his initials on his choker, jacket, rings, etc.
That doesn’t stop Jean from flirting with just about every guy he sees. He just loves when his boyfriend gets so riled up that he kisses him in front of everyone
Austin T is constantly flaunting Jean wherever he goes, just to let everyone know he’s dating the hottest guy at DuPont
They’ve broken just about every single PDA rule at DuPont, even the ones that haven’t been written yet
Max is always stealing something for Kim and sneaking into his dorm room late at night just to get in a few make outs before their morning make out
Most of Kim’s hoodies are cropped since he knows that those get Max flustered the most
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kdsburneraccount · 7 months
Michael Jordan/Scottie Pippen for the ask game !! 😎✨
Yippee!! Toxic old man yaoi my beloved.
One thing abt me is that I will see nba duos and go “hm that needs to be a ship” so I think I was compelled by that. And ofc they won six championships together and then had a dramatic falling out which is a good reason to ship them.
Ok so apparently MJ was drafted a few years before Scottie was?? I think that sort of explains the dynamic of like Michael being the top dog and Scottie kind of being put into the sidekick role. Would assume they got along just fine in those formative years. Like they had respect for each other while on that ascension to greatness. It is interesting to see how Scottie has shifted his public opinion about Michael over the years, from admiration to publicly calling him a bad teammate. Idk what went on there, probably ego; it’s been said Michael is not one to apologize so maybe Scottie’s stubborn ass wants him to do so, in some kind of twisted sense. Men and their refusal to ever accept being wrong, or whatever.
The Last Dance probably caused a lot of stuff to open up and there was no turning back from there. The two year gap where Scottie was leading the bulls while Michael was having a mid life crisis probably would make for an interesting time to explore, wherein they realize they kind of need each other to succeed so after that period of tension they get back together for… you guessed it… a last dance (well, a couple championships before that). It probably sort of made Scottie a little resentful bc of the narrative that he couldn’t succeed without Michael even tho the Bulls were like fine with him as the main guy. But like he needs him! So they’re gonna win and Scottie will bury that part of himself and it’ll intermingle with his other more complicated feelings about wanting Michael in other ways. Even tho Michael Jordan is very much insane and Scottie isn’t even really sure if they are in “love,” at least in the conventional way.
I feel like a part of Scottie probably knows there is no getting to Michael at this point (men buying sports teams instead of getting therapy) but he still wants to out of some sense of pettiness. Like will they ever have that reconciliation arc idk (unless something drastic happens). However the narrative is still compelling to me bc those two are forever bounded together by their accomplishments together. Don’t think I have any unpopular opinions abt this ship I’m still sort of trying to figure out how exactly to characterize Michael 🤔 like he’s intense but probably not a sociopath in his interpersonal relationships (I think).
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queercodedvillains · 1 year
any sasodei headcanons you’d be willing to bless us with? some of mine are:
sasori is extremely obsessive when it comes to deidara; once sasori takes a liking to something or someone, he’s the type to go IN. He wants to peel all of deidara’s layers one by one, dissect his thoughts, past, habits and attitudes, inspect every inch of his body in and out, get to know him deeply and intimately and figure out all there is to deidara, like he does with his craft. in my head, not only does he find deidara to be extremely fascinating (and stupid, he really doesn’t know why he’s in love with him) and is very captivated by him, but due to the loss of his parents, he forms an obsessive, borderline morbid attachment to deidara that manifests in things like having to know where he is at all times, ensuring he’s safe, thorough clinical check ups after battle, freaking out and getting angry at deidara when he’s putting himself in danger/gets hurt, etc. Though deidara is capable of taking care of himself and sometimes finds sasori’s behavior to be patronizing or belittling, he’s a HUGE attention whore and he LOVES all the doting and attention sasori gives him, good or bad. I think they’re both extremely starved for connection and love, and it manifests in obsessive attachment for sasori, and extreme attention whoring for deidara.
as opposed to sasori, i actually like to think that deidara was just born that way, and i don’t mind the lack of explicit tragic backstory to deidara (but also acknowledging that war and shinobi training on a child was probably damaging to an extent). He definitely strikes me as a sociopath/narcissist, and one of the things i enjoy about him is his nonchalance and lack of remorse for his actions; he’s less of an uwu baby and more of a chill little psycho to me.
speaking of chill: imo deidara is actually very laid back and funny, and i refuse and reject the “hot-headed comic relief” role he was given on later in the anime. While he’s no doubt arrogant and temperamental and has an inferiority complex, he’s also smart, quick, witty, deadly and mostly cool calm and collected (unless a sore spot is hit). Sasori on the other hand… sasori has a very short fuse, and is very prone to quick anger outbursts when things slip from his control or don’t go according to plan. But sasori is also more mature, and often has to reign in deidara and his ire.
sasori’s love language is definitely acts of service. He’s no good with expressing his feelings, and doesn’t have deidara’s desperate need to touch and to be touched, but he shows his love for deidara via things like bathing him after a battle, washing his hair, brushing it for him, doing deidara’s mani and pedicure, etc.
in his earlier days, deidara deeply resented the akatsuki and itachi for forcing him to be part of the organization, when all he wanted to do was be free and do his thing; i see deidara as a petulant and bratty child who had his freedom taken away, and started acting up terribly as a result of this. He’d throw temper tantrums, have screaming matches with sasori, blow shit up, cry and make horrible choices in retaliation, which he’s often get disciplined for by the akatsuki. he often would try to escape the basement, only for sasori to drag him back by his hair and punish him. As he grew up he calmed down and started minding the akatsuki less and less.
deidara is obsessed with birds, and is a huge people watcher/very observant; in his downtime he often tries to convince sasori to do “normal people” things with him.
deidara has a raging teenager libido that sasori had to develop a human- form jutsu for, in order to appease deidara’s appetite regularly and often, or he becomes insufferable. Pleasure is well and okay, but for sasori sex is all about exercising the control he has over deidara.
speaking of power dynamics… deidara cedes most control to sasori in various aspects of their partnership, but is actually very difficult to break; he always makes sure to hold some control for his own, just in case things get out of hand. Sasori has managed to bring him past that a few times, and he most treasures the instances when he gets deidara to submit fully and without reserve. Sasori values devotion the most.
I have so many its real hard to organize them into something coherent but here goes nothing!! 
-Sasori has Severe Attachment Issues, for obvious reasons. And like you said, it definitely comes out as obsessive behavior over Deidara. He can't quite admit he's attached, he likes to pretend its just because they're forced to be partners and keeping him alive is just another one of his job duties. Everyone but him knows he's lying to himself. Especially Deidara. He is well aware of his importance to Sasori, despite only having the vaguest idea of why Sasori is so skittish around attachments. Between his parents and Komushi, everyone he loves dies, so if he just doesn't love, then they can't die, right? Or if they do, it won't hurt, right? 
-Wrong. Deidara can be reckless and bold, but overall he's a very skilled shinobi and tactician, so he doesn't actually get into severe life threatening danger too often. Plus, as exhibited in their first appearance, Sasori actually trusts Deidara to get the job done on his own (and he's RIGHT). HOWEVER. One genuine near death experience where Sasori had to rush him back to HQ and do his damn best to keep Deidara alive with his skills far better suited to dead bodies made him absolutely panic. Phantom heartbeat and all. Pacing the shop while Deidara sleeps it off, heavily sedated, covered in poultices and bandages, Sasori realizes that refusing to admit attachment wouldn't make it hurt any less if he lost Deidara. 
-Its all over for the hoes (Deidara). He wakes up to a completely new Sasori that sets him entirely off kilter for Days. He's overbearing and fussy and overprotective and spoiling Deidara with as many acts of service he can possibly contrive, all while being verbally just as cold and dismissive as always. Deidara is smug and flattered and allows it, never pushes Sasori to admit anything because he really doesn't need to. He does however make this up to himself by taking advantage of it at every possible opportunity. He looooves attention. Even when Sasori gets way too overprotective.
-Deidara's got a gnarly fuckin pain tolerance and he'd like to be treated as such!! It kinda drives him nuts when Sasori acts like Deidara needs to be maintained like one of his puppets. Like its flattering too so he puts up with it because thats how Sasori shows he cares, but they definitely get in arguments about it. But arguments are just foreplay for them so its kinda part of the fun. He riles Sasori up for fun, knowing that the more pissed he is, the more sadistic he'll be later. Sasori still fusses over him in aftercare, but not in the same panicked and obsessive way he does after a battle because he knows Exactly what he did to Deidara and also exactly how to treat it, knowing it is all always fixable, even if it requires specialized antidotes and/or a few days to walk it off.
-Sasori as a human had a shockingly low pain tolerance for a shinobi. Part of why he wanted a puppet body. He would bitch and moan and languish over getting knicked by a kunai. That's part of why he created Hiruko. Even if he can't feel, it doesn't mean he needs to put his body at risk willy nilly. He's also Obsessive about keeping his puppet body in absolutely perfect condition, not even a scratch on the varnish.
-Sometimes when Deidara is just too fucking cute/beautiful/perfect/whatever Sasori is gripped with emotions he cant handle or explain and it turns into hostility. He's got that squish instinct where he hears kill bill sirens and wants to crush anything that crawls under his skin and makes him *feel* these weird fuzzy emotions that he shouldn't be able to have. He hates it, its really confusing and weird and uncomfortable but he's also so fascinated he can't help himself.
-Speaking of emotions. His puppet body isn't quite capable of them, he doesn't have the mess of neurochemicals and physiological responses that most people have. No racing heart, sweating, trembling hands, headaches and stomachaches, sore muscles, bruises, hunger, exhaustion, none of it. So when something can reach into his heart and make him feel shit... he's not the best at handling it. can't really recognize what it is, most of the time.
-Deidara can, though. He's startlingly emotionally intelligent, as in he's perceptive and a tactician who understands what's happening and knows well enough not to go poking landmines. He sidesteps this so deftly Sasori has no idea he knows, while Deidara is far more aware of Sasori's emotions than he is.
-With this said though, Deidara's still super unstable, volatile, prone to quick and violent mood swings. Just because he understands on a logical level doesn't mean he is immune to them. He's impulsive and prone to overreacting to shit and he doesn't feel particularly motivated to hold himself back most of the time. His emotions strike like a match and burn out just as fast, usually leaving craters in their wake though. He likes blowing shit up, and honestly, good for him he needs an outlet for all that.
-Sasori's outlet is his puppetry, obviously. Nothing makes him feel more powerful than being elbow deep in a not-quite-dead skilled shinobi's chest cavity, pulling them apart and rearranging them to best suit him. I think he used to be veryyyy squeamish as a human, but now that he's exempt from death and does not have the same physiological disgust reactions, its very clinically detached and calculated for him.
-Sasori's other outlet is Deidara. Deidara lets him do damn near whatever the fuck he wants, and he loves the heady power trip of watching Deidara react for him. He likes to control him. He's possessive and demanding and selfish, but in a deeply sadistic way where it always translates to doing some depraved shit to Deidara just to hear him beg. Likewise, being under Sasori's control is the only way Deidara can let go and feel that sort of bliss that comes with allowing himself to be entirely mindless. He trusts Sasori so much, very literally with his life when it gets into the kinkier sides of their dynamic. Deidara is a pain slut and Sasori has control issues and a nasty case of bloodlust. Just go look at those gifs of Human Sasori in battle. Go on, I'll wait. You know that face he makes where his eyes widen and he smiles way too wide? Yeah. He's delighted by causing pain, and Deidara is delighted to receive it from him.
-They are so fucking kinky. I mean its already literally canon that Deidara calls Sasori 'master' and Sasori calls him 'brat' like come ON the precedent is set!! Even the english dub version of 'my man' is pretty fucking gay too. So yeah, theyre master and brat, Kishi said so, I'm just making it explicit. I could write dissertations on their dynamic but this is getting long enough so I will keep it so simple. For now.
-A non exhaustive list of what they're into: domination/submission, complete power exchange, bratting, brat taming, orgasm control/denial/overstimulation, praise!!, impact play, bondage (hello that coil gets put to good use), wax/temperature play, under the influence/poison play, literally anything that makes Deidara feel and scream while Sasori laughs. Deidara wants transcendence, Sasori wants control, they both get everything they need in whatever way Sasori deems fit. He does what he wants and Deidara learns to like it or loves when he hates it. Its complicated, but it works for them.
-They never really talk about it, they don't verbalize their feelings or spend too long negotiating scenes or rehashing after they're over. Bad bdsm etiquette, yes, but honestly they don't really need to. They understand each other implicitly, they've been partners in battle for years at this point, they know what real pain and fun pain looks like. Plus it adds this twist of angst where they both sit with these feelings they are so aware are reciprocated, but they're not comfortable or maybe even able to express it like that. They're artists though, they're used to alternative forms of self expression.
-Sasori is meticulous about aftercare. Fussy, overbearing, kind of annoying but Deidara fucking loves it he's so needy and starved for affection and recognition and praise and tenderness and care. And Sasori loves that Deidara is enamored by him, too fascinated to ever leave and Sasori will nurture that dependence because he likes being needed. They're so fucked up but they work perfectly for each other and only each other. Thats the only mother fucker in any of the shinobi nations who can handle him (mutual).
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pumpkinstrawbrew · 7 months
Out of curiosity, thoughts on Scriddler?
i thought, that one day, i’d might be asked this lol. 
i’ll be frank, the nature of popularity of that ship kinda confuses me to this day. not in irked sense, i just generally was surprised to see so much stuff for them. like, i don’t remember them interacting in anything, that i’ve watched / read. which tbh, doesn’t say much, since i’m very picky about what i engage with, when it comes to superhero media outlets. so maybe, it did happen somewhere an’ i just didn’t see it. i remember casually browsing a few of accs, who shipped it, curious, if they had some specific comic strip or cut scenes from the game, which depict those two together an’ that’s what lead them to idea of this ship. but i saw nothing of sorts. an’ it’s not a problem, naturally. but for me, an outsider, who ships a completely different thing, it was a bit puzzling. just how it came to be this broad, if there wasn’t any huge kickstarter. or well, not the one, that i’ve glimpsed. 
either way, i’ll begin with saying scriddler doesn’t personally work for me. nor does it have smth, that i seek in my otps. with this in mind, i have no intention to belittle anyone with what will follow below. it’s just my own whimsical outlook on it, based on many individual criteria, that might be vastly different for others, who see things in that ship, that i’m incapable of. similar to how i see things in my rare ships, that i know would make many folks quirk a brow as to why ‘that’s even a thing’. 
now, about jon an’ edward. a pair that might sound good on paper, depending on what you include in said paper, but for me it’s like putting a hardcore dnd fan into a pit with hardcore bookworm, an’ expect them to get along swell, just bc they’re both outcasts. ignoring how the first one is more show-offish an’ loudly proud of his abilities, an’ the other one is kinda shut-in with occasional god complex lol. one of them tends to throw ugly tantrums, the other one prone to meltdowns. both are sociopaths, who have little understanding of ‘how to human’, unless they need to pretend *for small periods of time*. 
in short, i cannot see them having enough patience to handle one another in almost 95% of their interactions. i can’t imagine antisocial, snappy jonathan to be able to tolerate edward’s endless need for praise an’ attention. more so, i struggle to picture jon even knowing how to react in those situations, or being willing to put aside a book, an’ listen to nygma’s newest scheme, if he’s not in the mood for it. or see edward going along with whatever crane has cooked up *some fear plan*, if he already has his own in drafting. it doesn’t help, that they’re also a slightly different ‘breed’ of villains too. 
indeed, they’re both operate more on intellectual level vs brute force *not without use of it tho*, but where riddler’s tick is the actual level of intelligence or level of knowledge, the scarecrow is a mindrape kind of villain. nygma likes building traps an’ labyrinths, giving quests an’ a chance to ‘win’, even if it’s all be a faux in the end. jonathan, on other hand, is mix between being sadistic an’ pragmatic. they both want / need a very different things *usually*, when they kick bruce or whoever else around. or in other words, they’re kinda useless to each other’s obsessions an’ it’s hard to imagine them functionally combining their efforts, without smth going wrong or one of them getting pissed off at the other. which was one of few reasons why jonathan got fed up with the joker, when they had their team-up *during the bane era*. crane doesn’t play well with others, an’ he also has a short temper, when someone keeps doing things, that he views as useless or silly. an’ nygma being prideful as he is, most likely won’t just swallow jon’s critic, esp bc he would have some of his own stored as well. neither of them is actually a team player. so here goes their supposed villain team up for me, like even from a technical aspect. they don't strike me as villains, who can have buddy-buddy relationships, even in part bc of their 'big personalities'.
an’ circling back to their obsessions, it’s pretty much a core of their persona. the root of their disease an’ addiction. an’ also a thing, that usually pushes them to engage with anyone in a meaningful way at all *at the very beginning, at least* an' it’s kinda clinical in that regard too. i don’t think that jon would be engaged with riddler’s fear in any intimate fashion, for one. i don’t think, that past abuse or trauma or hardship is enough for him to get obsessed with a person. in fact, i think that he usually simply gets pleasure from making someone feel awful as simple as it sounds. unless, they’re his bully or someone, who has wronged him, he seems to just forget about those, who he hurt along the way. it’s unflattering aspect of the antisocial brain, but that’s just how it is. nygma’s past won’t be able to be memorable for him, partly due to crane’s general lack of ability to relate to others, without it being very heavily connected to his own woes. an’ even then, he tends to misunderstand it. an’ in return, doubt that nygma would understand why jonathan was that affected by bullying, considering that in edward’s eyes, it’s an attention *no matter what kind* an’ attention is good. after all, he did say that people usually literally looked past him, not even jocks were interested in tormenting him, until he became smth ‘worthy’ of their aggression. so from his perspective, he might think that jon being dramatic about it, since crane was on opposite side of the issue, he always attracts attention to himself. a very bad, bad kind, but attention anyhow. meanwhile, nygma *in his own eyes* has to fight tooth an’ nail to get any. an’ it might start as one time fight, but it will be an always looming issue, that eventually would blow into their faces. there is no denial, that it played a huge part of what made them so dependent on their gimmicks in the first place. the way the world around them engaged with them or in nygma’s case, the way, it did not. so yeah,  it’ll be a big ole mess, an’ neither would be able to navigate such a situation. 
from what i saw, people tend to depict them as ‘two evil old men in relationships’, an’ it feels like they both more put together in those set ups, than they usually are. or like jon is very receptive toward edward’s attempt to befriend him, an’ nygma actually is pretty good at figuring out what scarecrow might like an’ what not. an’ the problem with it is that i don’t see edward being this thoughtful about anyone. ever. period. in most cases, his disorder just won’t let him be this considering, even if he would have wanted to. like, even if we take newest batman 2022 movie, in there riddler is very-very delusional about the bat, an’ it doesn’t even occur to him, that bruce might have different needs / goals vs what edward imagined him to lol. an’ jonathan is this, but even worse. he openly tends to dehumanise an’ objectify others, seeing them only as tools or props to get what he wants. i don’t think that such person would suddenly act differently around nygma, who on top of everything is also clingy an’ needy. for jonathan, who doesn’t have any experience with companionship at all, an’ who lived most of his life alone, that’s be overwhelming an’ confusing, an’ also annoying. whatever good qualities they have, an’ whatever we love them for, it’s given that both jon an’ nygma be hard to be around in long term, an’ would at times get hella unpleasant too. picturing them trying to mend things in 'normal' ways, or talking about it like normal people is smth that i personally cannot invision at all. or in other words, from my perspective, they’re too mentally ill for each other. in fiction, it's often be a positive thing. like, that two mavericks with huge problems can make it work together, but my personal experiences pretty much prevent me from seeing it this way. unless, one of the two is at least somewhere leveled or tries to be, there is just no way for such relationships to hold on for too long. in jon's an' riddler's case, we talking about an actual extremes on top of all, so it's be even harder for one of them to pull up the other, when they themselves unwell. one might argue, that there is potential for them to make each other worse, then. but they already *objectively* suck on their own as people. the corruption only works if there is smth too corrupt to begin with. some versions of the scarecrow an' riddler are already too far gone, for anything else to make them suck more lol. an' once again, they don't share gimmick, they don't share worldview or have the same goals, so it's hard to picture them infecting the other with their own desease, so to speak.
there is kinda more, that i can say on the topic, but it’s getting hella long already, so i’d skip a few things an’ will go straight to my next point. i suppose, that i already gave an outline of why i cannot see them working together personality wise, so next i’d get to their general aesthetics or visuals. the surface stuff, if you may.
i love their general designs *some more than the others, naturally*. but when i look at them side by side, i’ll be honest, i just see two bottoms lol. an’ while yeah, there is such a thing as switching, i kinda rarely vibe with it. an’ with jon an’ edward, it’s just that. they're purebred bottom cocksuckers in my eyes. them havin’ twink on twink sex isn't very sexy or hot to me. i feel like they both would want or at least have that not-so-secret fantasy about being domed into ground by a 'superior man'. bottoms fighting each other about who should top is more of a comedy set-up in my eyes, than anything else. esp bc they both will be like 'you should top' vs 'i wanna top' lmao. i also will add, that i hc both edward an' jon as kinda shallow in sense of who they find attractive. i picture them pawing after men, who are *technically speaking* out of their league. my personal joke about them is that they're both middle aged virgins with hilariously high standards, who won't beat it just to anyone or anything. they pick misery over everything else lol.
an’ that’s all that i’ve got on the topic of scrridler, pretty much! hopefully, this mini essay did explain my view on the pair. an’ i also hope that it was at least, kind of entertaining to read as an outsider's pov. in the end, if you ship it, i do encourage you to just see this as some rando sharing their opinion an' nothing more.
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e-l-i-s-s-a · 2 months
Part 10
I make a police report and random xpressions writes about more personal phone calls
I kind of just discuss what the police originally told me because at this time I did not have proof of the hacking, only cyber stalking which is a misdemeanor where I am. He is across the country from me so they will not go arrest him unless he comes here.
But… then I do discover evidence of the hacking that evening. Again, if you have ever been approached to play a virtual game of big brother you need to message me asap.
Part 11
I review Facebooks policy ( hello does mark zuckerberg not owe me an apology or maybe a lifetime of personal security and therapy???? Because of him agreeing to allow this professional hacker to use their app on Facebook ((he has people login with their fb username and password)), I now have a stalker. Idk more on that later when I don’t feel like my life is in danger )
I realize that my phone is completely hacked and my ex can hear everything my mic can as well as see everything my camera can. I break down and cry out asking him why he was doing this and if he was going to hurt me. His response is in this video detailing how he is a sick psychopath that takes pleasure in slitting throats ( which he has written previously about to me before WITH SCREENSHOTS )
* like for real you guys, I know first hand how beautiful of a soul random xpressions seems BECAUSE HE HAS ADOPTED MY PERSONALITY. HE IS ME. HE TOLD ME THIS LIKE HELLO
Anyway I also show a private conversation I’m having with a friend where I refer to my ex as hollow and within moments, another post by random xpressions is made letting me know: I am still listening
Part 12
My experience with pursuing a restraining order
( update 8/2/24: still waiting on him to be served. I have had to attend court twice already for it to be continued )
My experience with trying to report the hacking
( update 8/2/24: the case is reopened and the abrasive LIEutenant doesn’t work there anymore and also lied about being a lieutenant apparently )
Part 13
I kinda rant about my frustration at the time but again ( as of 8/2/24 the case has been reopened)
There are more screenshots of randoms posts writing about things I’m watching, doing, saying etc
Please watch this entire series before accusing me of being “ mentally ill ” or a liar.
I have devoted my life the last 4 years to healing my soul. A lot of you already know that, and my platform and reputation speak for itself.
A lot of people throw around the terms “narcissist” or “sociopath” in everyday conversations when in actuality they are missing the exact signs of being able to identify one. ( rightfully so, they’re extremely skilled. It took me 7 years to discover someone I THOUGHT I LOVED IS A PREDATOR and now my family and I are in extreme danger. )
I only want to spread the message to those that want to hear it and try to prevent what is happening to me to happen to others because there ARE other victims.
Please be safe. Please trust yourselves. I love you.
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2dfd-simp · 1 year
This Blog Is Now Dead
FYI: This is a semi rant.
TLDR - I won’t be active on this blog anymore
I’ve only been back on Tumblr for a couple of months. And already I’m remembering why I fucking hate it. For a multitude of reasons.
1) Every single type of media allows for explicit material. It’s about managing who sees it. The internet made it even more accessible then ever before. And yet Tumblr removes so many posts that the censorship becomes more obscene than the material that’s being censored. And having over 10 blogs deactivated it gets tedious starting again from scratch. Fuck Tumblr.
2) I’m here to goon to the amazing content that gets posted on here. That’s all I want to do. I enjoy gooning (obviously) but this blog is just getting full of shit to the point it feels like a chore. Gooning while getting shitted on isnt wxactky what I’m after unless that’s literal rather then metaphorical. Incase it’s not obvious I’m submissive. I’m a beta loser and well aware of it. I’m not even a switch and the rare times I do do it I don’t enjoy it. I do however enjoy encouraging each other to be worse. There is a line though between making each other worse and just trying to get domme’d for free. If you just want to be dominated pay a femdom. Guess what? You have to pay for literally every other service out there too, even ones essential to living such as water and food. The amount of people on here trying to use reverse psychology to get me to domme then is insulting. The fact you think you’re being clever is even worse. Fuck You. And this bit is to one specific guy who has messaged me over and over asking to be controlled and then saying his wife is his Mistress and that I’m a loser for not controlling him and his wife thinks the same. Firstly, here’s a secret about me. I’m a sociopath. Genuinely. What does this mean to you? It means I don’t care what you or your “wife” think about me. Your strangers. I don’t have empathy towards people I do k ow and have to fake it. I certainly am not going lose sleep over what you are what is probably the nickname for your hand think of me. Secondly if you had a wife who was your mistress you wouldn’t be asking for others to control you over and fucking over again. Because you already have a Mistress. It’s not Pokémon. You don’t need to find and collect every person to domme you, you only need one and apparently you’re married to one. Fuck you and your bullshit
3) Fucking exposure. People who have known me across multiple blogs will know I’ve done exposure captions or invaded your privacy with your consent etc, starting back years ago from when I met x-loservirgin-x. When I’ve done things like log into your Facebook etc I’ve only ever done what was agreed same as with people who have done the same with mine. Today has been the second time I’ve been interrogated because somethings been found out about someone. As mentioned above, I’m here to jerk off and goon. If you want exposure then be prepared for the risks that come with it and when you talk to multiple people about it. I’ve seen posts about both people on other sites and captions I’ve made saved and posted on other sites too. I can’t control that. Being hassled over the consequences because you didn’t think it through is t exactly what I’m here for so from now on I won’t be doing exposure at all. It’s not worth the fallout. Also aimed at one person: if what you did to your sister is true then you deserve anything that happens. Anyway. Fuck Exposure.
4) Fucking Findom. As soon as my pinned post was about paying money to a girl with screenshots showing it had happened i’m suddenly flooded with Findoms messaging. Sorry but I shut most of you down. Would you want your betas giving money to another Findom? And I would guess half of these “Findoms” don’t even have any losers paying them to begin with as they’re nothing but scam artists. There was one other Findom. I did pay because my biggest fetish is Asian Supremacy and @reigntina is amazing as fuck but that was only a small one, and I apologise. Please dont take my non reply the wrong way, my best friend was a Findom before…welll long story. Anyway, I fucking hate free loaders with a passson. And the fact I had only sent a small gift meant I didn’t want to waste your time as I felt like a free loser myself. Anyway, if anyone does want a Findom I seriously suggest you visit (and pay) her. And as for the guy who wanted a small tribute and I said I would on payday and then you kept nagging and using reverse psychology on me, go fuck yourself.
4) You know who you are. Yes I love to be made a worse person and corrupted. Yes, I’ve jerked to non-nude social media pics of 15yo before. But holy fuck. The amount of people “encouraging” me to find pre teen? No. I’m not searching on my IP for it, I’m not saving it, I’m not sharing it. That’s not corrupting me to be worse, that’s you getting me to do your dirty work for you. Most certainly fuck you.
So yeah. Between fake Findoms and others telling me to send, people regretting choices and being asked for stuff that I’m not doing I’m not having fun any more in this blog. I won’t deactivate it as there’s posts on here you isn’t enjoy, and I know people like to goon looking back on messages and I’ve made about 10 AI chatbots which can only be accessed via links I sent in private message so I don’t want you to lose them, but I’m done on here. But I do love Tumblr despite the hate. So I’m starting a new blog. No I won’t share it in here as I’m burning ducking bridges. If you find me you’re more than welcome to follow me, I know people always do in the end. And despite the frustration and amount of fucks being given out, I do enjoy chatting and not just about gooning etc. I’ve talked to others about Sword Art Online, Destiny etc as well as the girl I saw in the street and I rushed home to jerk off to. But I’d I get the inking it’s gonna become one of the things that’s pissed me off about this blog, I will just block you going forward. I’m here to goon and be as pathetic as possible. The only frustration I want is from not cumming.
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tinogiehd · 1 year
it’s not that deep cause it’s literally all out of context and dramatized. it’s not gonna change anyone who actually likes george and cares to watch hims opinion on him, and it’s also not gonna change any cc’s opinion on him unless they’re super dumb. it’s just a reason for those who already hate him to brag about hating him. i do think it’s insane how crazy they’re being tho like calling him a sociopath and heartless and now he’s making jokes about cancer because he played a soundboard during an event for a charity made in honor of george’s friends who passed away from cancer likes it’s quite honestly insane. i don’t even know if i’ve seen a dream controversy get this big over something so little with no fire given to it like yes when dream responds and makes it worse but over nothing is crazy
yeah like it’s mostly circulating spaces of people who’ve already decided dnf are the scum of the earth and are deeply set against them or don’t care and don’t watch. it’s crazy as fuck how they’re calling him a psycho and shit and saying how he tried to kill karl or whatever and it’s crazy how much traction it got for straight up lying but I don’t think it’s anything to worry about in terms on gontroversy/drontroversy atm we should all take a nice deep breath
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celestialrealms · 1 year
btw i literally cant like or even tolerate any obey me characters unless straight people write 10000 think pieces about how they’re evil sociopaths and secretly the main villain and put them in every single tag with no readmore. if they don’t have that, the character simply isn’t spicy or cunty enough for me. if u even care 😔
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absurdist-void · 10 months
Last night I took a bath and realized I haven’t dreamt about Sam in a while. Probably for the best. Hope he died.
When I fell asleep during a nap, I became lucid. I found myself in a modern office building. Big windows. Sterile. A lot of space and not enough decoration. Very corporate. Isolating.
I walked around and looked for anyone to mess with. In lucid dreams, I like to be sadistic and play with people like they’re Sims and I’m their pool ladder deleting god. Well, I don’t actually like killing them. I like psychological torture more. When they’re dead, they’re boring.
My mental state is very different from how I am when awake. I have a hard time being mean to people unless they’re mean to me first. In lucid dreams, I’m a traumatized little sociopath.
No one in the building caught my attention. The building was only filled with maybe 5 or 6 men in suits. Boring targets.
I tried to summon people to play with. No one appeared.
I walked into a bathroom and washed my hands and face. I felt ill and tired like I had the flu or a bad hangover.
I got a funny feeling that Sam was somehow involved.
Even though I felt terrible, I was also bored and horny.
I called for him out loud. At first he didn’t appear.
I sat on a couch in the middle of a room, and unzipped my pants.
I yelled, “I guess I’m going to have to pleasure myself if nobody else is going to show up.”
Like the dog that he is, he appeared next to me.
I told him to take me somewhere else because the office building was boring.
He picked me up and carried me.
When he appears, he likes to carry me around. It also feels like he’s attached to my back like a monkey clinging to me or a heavy backpack.
He took me into a red, black, and gold gothic Victorian
There were clothes strewn across the floor. I noticed women’s dresses. Short, silky. Dresses you would wear to a club.
I assumed they were deliberately placed or left there.
I snorted. Typical.
In the middle of the room was a large coffin covered in roses. The room had no other furniture.
I wondered if he slept in there like a vampire. It would be very on brand for him.
I laughed. “What? Are we going to fuck in a coffin?”
We did not. In fact, I think his entire goal was to annoy and frustrate me.
At time went on, I got more annoyed with him and started arguing. I was tired of being carried around like a child and tired of whatever stunt he was pulling.
My annoyance turned into anger and I wanted to fight him.
“I bet you wouldn’t do this to L. She wouldn’t allow it.”
I implied that he shouldn’t treat me differently just because I’m a squishy human.
He chucked at that.
I think I annoyed him with my complaining. He squeezed me tighter to the point where I felt my organs being crushed. This is something he does when I get too defiant.
It felt like he was trying to crush me into two. It is some of the worst pain I’ve ever felt. Like a combination of kidney stones and having your guts reorganized.
I pushed through the pain and told him to gut me if that’s what he wanted to do. Don’t just be a tease and threaten me with a good time.
He continued to squeeze.
My voice got deeper, raspy, and demonic. Like Linda Blair in the Exorcist. It was like something inside me took over. I threatened him to stop or I was going to crush him like a worm under my boot.
He threatened to rape me with a barbed cock. Every time I tried to pull away it would tear me up.
I had enough and woke myself up.
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