mentesinrecuerdos · 5 months
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poetrybyonur · 1 year
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Love is not something we can shut off and on like a water tap. We don’t unlove someone overnight. But a person can certainly unlove another little by little. When you love someone who emotionally abused you over time, you begin to unlove the person bit by bit, as they chip away at your heart, piece by piece, with each uncaring word, each lie, each insensitive act, each attempt at gaslighting, until there’s no more heart to love them with. All that’s left is nothing. You nothing them.
I am in the process of redoing my older pieces to give them fresh life. This one is from 2021.
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tenderperversion · 1 month
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hélène cixous, stigmata, or job the dog
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magicinmyboness · 2 months
Why is it so hard to move on?
She is everywhere. Not a single picture to remind me of her. But like old times, she is there in the most subtle things. The songs I listen to, the colours I paint with, the canvas I paint on, the pages I write on, the poems I write on, in my most random thoughts when I just sit in peace, the couch on which I used to sit and talk to her for hours, literally everywhere abstract. Imagine trying each day, but something really random pulls you back.
She was my routine.
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d0ll0rwh0re · 6 days
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im the hottest girl ever
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letras-de-humo · 2 years
"Ya no será ya no viviremos juntos no criaré a tu hijo no coseré tu ropa no te tendré de noche no te besaré al irme nunca sabrás quién fui por qué me amaron otros."
Idea Vilariño - Ya no será
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nugothrhythms · 10 months
"Unlove," a 2023 single by Louisville, Kentucky-based darkwave solo artist Scary Black
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onlinemgc · 1 year
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nebulatriz · 1 year
E eu que tanto transbordava, hoje sequer tenho o que secar.
Parte de mim diz que já transbordei tudo o que tivera por dentro. E agora apenas jaz aqui a terra rachada, que antes sempre encharcada pecava em transbordar sem nem por chuva passar. 
Eu que achava ser fonte de água mineral, hoje me encontro em racionamento daquilo que me fazia vibrar por dentro. 
As libélulas que se agitavam em meu estomago, hoje estão bem longe, ou mortas. Afinal, a água secou e eu nem sei que fim a última gota tomou.
Quando me dei conta, já estava assim. Seca. Tal como a areia que é levada com o vento, eu rodopio no ar, sem ter onde parar. 
O vento seco que paira no ar quente e sem umidade. Não me lembro sequer da saudade que tive de alguém que eu pudera um dia amar. 
Estático. Assim se dispõe aquilo que eu chamava de correnteza forte como o (a)mar. Rachado, após tanto tempo seco ficar.
Viajantes passam por mim. Me agrada a sombra e respingos de água que temporariamente podem me dar, enquanto lhes ofereço caminho firme para atravessar. Uma troca. É agradável com eles compartilhar. 
Contudo, sinto falta de transbordar. Mesmo que eu sequer consiga recordar.
Um dia eu desaguei no (a)mar. Mas acho que colidi forte nas rochas, não me recordo como foi estar lá.
Sequei e não sei mais como me hidratar.
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mentesinrecuerdos · 18 days
tú y yo
ya no existimos,
pero la forma en que te quise
nunca se irá de mí
ni de ti.
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albertayebisackey · 11 months
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I’m not sure it it has been the right decision, hopefully it was not an unrepairable mistake
I’m willing to take the risk
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saddcloud · 1 year
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"I know that this can't be healthy but it is my safety"
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redblueandhue · 1 year
it scares me to live the life without you in it while all i want is you in every time of living it
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magicinmyboness · 1 month
I don’t regret you, but sometimes I wish I could sleep in peace. Because you were the only one my heart fell for, so deep that all I ever did was love with every part of me. Now all of it only see me blank and lost while I am trying to heal them and get back what I lost — myself without you. And that’s the hardest part of losing you.
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I belong to a place that never stays the runs the ground no strings attached And if someone asked would you come back I would say yes in every life
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