#unpublished editions
garadinervi · 1 year
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Dick Higgins, (1977), The Nature of Fish, (postcard), Unpublished Editions, Kensington, CA, n.d. [1978] [Unoriginal Sins, The Old Primary School, Temple, Midlothian. © Dick Higgins]
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hiddentake · 2 years
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Pedro Pascal
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sskk-manifesto · 5 months
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And why are you as a straight man getting the glitching rainbow frames distortion 🤨
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martyrbat · 2 years
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[ID: an uncoloured drawing for a panel next to the publicized version. They're both from the comic Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #194. In them, Batman is shown from the waist up. He's looking at Jim Gordon, who's off panel, with a penitent expression after being accused of something he secretly did do. He has his palm pressed against his chest and is blocking the bat emblem as his other hand is clasped ontop of it. In the initial drawing, there's a halo floating above his head as well as several tiny hearts mixed in with the lights that surround him. In the publicized panel, the hearts and halo has been removed and two speech bubbles have been added. He's in front of a terra rose background and is starting to say, “Jim, I don't even know what you're...” But Jim cuts him off, saying, “Stop it. I'm tired of this.”
The third photo is a description of the drawing from the artist's (Seth Fisher) website. It reads: This is another page that the DC editors changed: no halos or hearts around Batman, no matter how (disingenuously) contrite he is. In the final edition, the halo and heart in the center bottom frame have been excised.]
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hiddenqveendom · 9 months
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*OC NEW YEARS CHALLENGE 2023 — day 002: i polish up real nice
↳ ft. tara garcia (stranger things)
tag list :@erraticrandomficwriter, @jewishbarbies , @sgtbuckyybarnes ,  @decennia , @veetlegeuse,@arrthurpendragon , @raith-way , @scootermcooter , @stanshollaand , @chrissymunson , @foxesandmagic , @eddiemunscns ,  @waterloou , @endless-oc-creations, @kingsmakers, @https-svnshine, @starlit-epiphany, @dyhlanobrien, @fragilestorm , @nolanhollogay , @carmens-garden , @impales , @emilykaldwen, @darkwolf76, @princessmadelines, @iloveocs, @nectarines-rule , @nyra-fireheart , @rebloggingocs , @conaionaru , @eddysocs , @xoteajays
send me a message to be added / removed !
gif credit: [ x , x , moi ]
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paupelou · 1 year
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lotus-pear · 1 year
Do you think I should get back into bsd cause I haven't watched it since middle school 😭😭(bro I keep seeing edits on my fyp this is ur fault somehow)
sumi! what a pleasant surprise. i wouldn’t recommend it since ur playing genshin and alr mentally ill enough as is /j
but if u want to try then have at it ur fav has been saving the agency’s ass these past two seasons i’m sure you’ll be happy to see him be more of a major character now
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fi3stazo · 2 years
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Hc that mk and ddd pulled a Bambi when they met
Do NOT repost, edit, trace, or use my art in any way. Thanks. 
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lejoursobre · 1 year
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Happy good omens y'all
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killemwithkawaii · 5 months
Why didn't anybody tell me that, upon the stroke of midnight on my 30th birthday, I would suddenly be struck with the irresistible compulsion to completely refurnish my bedroom???
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aquilamage · 1 year
so I just remembered this line (spying the bedbug in defiant root after you use it)
Leif: Oh, dear Pibu…
Kabbu: Pibu?
Leif: We named him. Perfect, don't you think?
Vi: That's super lazy, Leif. It's just the sound it makes! It's like a river named Pshh!
Leif: Or like a Vi named Ugh.
Vi: HEY!
(minibubble) Kabbu: Pfft.
and of course I was like “huh I wonder if that’s really A Thing vi says.” So I did some research and. Short answer: yes
long answer: going through everything, “Ugh” is used 62 times throughout the dialogue of the game. Thirty-four of those instances are Vi. The others who say it more than once are: Leif (five, technically six but I didn’t count the above dialogue because it’s not the spirit of using it as intended), Mothiva (5), Kina (4), and the whack-a-worm game attendant (2).
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rubylarkspur22 · 20 days
Not gonna lie, very sad AO3 is down. I was looking forward to reading a fic that had updated just before the site went down.
But! I'm also very glad I have my own stories to read as we wait. Sometimes a little late night reading is good for editing. Or inspiration. Or getting possessed by the collective love of every single shipper of a certain pairing you also ship.
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funkytoes · 2 years
i was looking through my files and i,, i almost forgot i have,,
unpublished chapters written for Consort of the Sun 😱
I don't remember why i stopped posting that story and admittedly these chapters need a Hel of a lot of editing to make them palatable lol--maybe even some rewrites in some areas...
but would anyone even be interested if i continued that story?? HTTYD fics still being read these days???
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deepseaspriteblog · 1 year
Commissions Are Open!
A bit sudden, but yeah! I might as well just open commissions. 18 slots for the regular spritesheet, + 4 of the bigger spritesheet!
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chirp-a-chirp · 2 years
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What don’t you understand Belphie? It’s just a show with 5+ tropes blended into one!
Levi—I get you sweetie. Why have one story hook when you can have them all!
…this may explain why half of my in-progress/unfinished fanfics are disasters though…
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elialys · 6 months
literally finding things in my fringe fic folder(s) that have been buried in there for 10+ years and that i don't even remember writing
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