professor-amaryllis · 11 months
Oh that's. Bad. That's going to be very bad. That's going to be very very bad in so so many ways.
I mean there's the crushing loss of that many scientific specimen, that much research.. Moltres feathers I hope there was no one else in the building.
Fire Ice and Thunder... The ripple effect that that's going to have.. I'm not sure just how far reaching it's going to be, but if rocket is as involved with this still a stunt like this isn't going to go unnoticed or unretaliated.
And I can not believe that Noriko will be the only one on the receiving end of that fate. I would advise those in kanto at least to be on alert as things move forward. Maybe Johto and even Unova as well. This will not be the end of this, I am sure.
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enkisstories · 7 months
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Snooping around in the fortress guarding Godmother's prison, the investigators have accidently fried a computer.
Her misshap doesn't go well with the unlucky slicer's companions... or one companion, anyway.
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Ben: "Now everyone will know that we were here! And here I was, thinking I was working with professionals!"
Rey: "They will know someone was here, not specifically us. And as we just learned, "they" hardly come looking anymore anyway!"
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Ben: "That's not the point!!!"
Absorbed in his tirade, Ben fails to notice that Rose, Finn, Armitage and Poe walk towards him and that civilly discussing the issue isn't on their minds. One doesn't yell at a friend of theirs unretaliated!
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Ben: "Do you have to add something, Grand-Marshall Hux?"
Rey: "Wait, NOW you promote him? To prevent him from raising his hand at you?"
Armitage: *vomits on the floor*
Rey: "Right! You show Ben! That's the only answer!"
Armitage: "No..." *cough, cough* "It's God... mo..."
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Moments later Rey, too, feels the alien presence creep into her mind, trying to wrestle control over her body from the human.
Ben: "Getting possessed by a sentient people-eating flower is NO way to duck out of an argument, Rey!"
Armitage: "I'm... warning... you, Godmother. You're... assaulting... the Grand... Marshall... of the... First Order! This won't end well for you!"
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Godmother reaching out to capture her puppets again is the final proof the group needs that she is indeed inside this fortress. 
Since Armitage seems to be able to hold ground, not driving out Godmother, but not giving in either, Rose slaps Rey back to her senses first. Poe briefly wonders whether a light slap will really be enough to combat the alien presence, but then he notices electricity crackle between Rose’s fingers.
Poe: "You installed a shock-pad into your glove?"
Rose: "With Godmother as our constant bedmate I thought it would pay off in spades."
Ben: “Don’t you think that’s kind of a double standard? When SHE electroshocks people, she’s the hero, but when I force-lightning someone, I’m the evil Dark Sider?”
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mochacoffee · 4 years
every few days I think about “I’M SUPPOSED TO KAYAK LATER”
iconic. truly. possibly the best comment we had ever received. you are a gift.
P L E A S E oh my god. loosely ballroom lives in my head rent free with a skylight and four dogs
i actually kept forgetting to mention this to you but i think about it every single time i listen to george michael. every fucking time. mentally i pour one out for george and then i remember the outfits and pass out
ANYWAY. now that i’ve finished yelling at you again — thank you so much mort you are a gem and a half on every level 😭♥♥♥ and y’all have earned each comment ten times over
if anyone reading this has not yet had the pleasure, PLEASE do check out loosely ballroom — it’s a strictly come dancing AU that will sweep you off your feet even if your knowledge of dance begins and ends with that time you saw the nutcracker as a child. not that i’m speaking from experience or anything
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starsailorstories · 4 years
idk if anyone is going to ask for her but I just have to say this for the how your OCs are problematic ask meme--
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fallout-snippets · 4 years
Fallout 4 companions (+Rhys, Haylen, Sturges, the faction leaders, and the nuka-gang leaders) react to Sole riding in on a horse, and ordering them not to go near it, and when/if the companions disregard this order (maybe they only met Sole just recently and haven’t learned that Sole only gives orders for the sake of other people’s safety), they end up getting kicked/bitten/crushed between the horse’s butt and a wall, and Sole informs them that this is exactly why they told them to stay back?
Cait reacts just as quickly as the horse and quickly jumps back before its hooves connect. She still falls backwards and yells. Gets huffy with Sole and thinks they should’ve told her it was an aggressive animal that attacks just by being approached.
Codsworth raises one of his arms and shouts “Why, you!” at the horse, quickly hurrying off to find a mirror of some kind so he can see if his chassi got dented. Apologizes to Sole for not listening to them but hates the horse.
Curie is completely dazed and in shock, staying on the ground for a moment to collect herself. Thinks the horse is magnificent and patiently asks Sole for instructions on how to properly conduct herself around it.
Danse is 100% embarrassed and hopes no one but Sole saw it and that Sole has the good heart never to mention it again. He very cordially apologizes and never approaches the horse again, even when Sole says it’s okay.
Deacon knows about horses and how scared they are for its size and it’s only really by pure accident and aligning of stars that the horse backs into him ass first. Jokes it off, asks if Sole trained it to do that. Makes sure never to end up behind it again.
Dogmeat tries to greet the new, large and funny-looking dog but quickly ducks away from its stomping hooves and hides. Only when Sole introduces them to each other slowly and properly do they begin to get along.
Hancock is humble and knows it’s his own fault for not listening. No hard feelings. Lets Sole know he’s sorry for ignoring their command and that he’ll be more careful from now on. Also makes sure the horse knows it wont happen again or there’ll be a big potluck where everyone’s invited.
MacCready pretends it didn’t happen. He gets up, dusts himself off and makes sure Sole knows he’ll listen to them from now on but if this never gets mentioned it again it’ll be too soon. Keeps a good distance from the horse.
Nick can only blame himself, he remembers horses from before and how easily spooked they are. Has some experience with them and ends up making friends with the animal, despite their rocky start. Doesn’t apologize for not listening but takes responsibility for his own actions.
Piper, like Danse, is extremely embarrassed. Like Cait, she also confronts Sole saying how they could’ve warned her the horse was dangerous. Eventually calms down and enjoys riding along with Sole across the wasteland, takes some care of it herself.
Preston praises Sole for having such control over an animal that large and aggressive. Apologizes for not listening and takes time to learn how to approach and care for the horse himself so it’s not a burden Sole has to carry alone.
Strong is about to kick the horse right back when Sole screams at him to stand down. Gets scolded for not listening but thinks it’s bullshit. Bides his time for his revenge on the four legged motherfucker who got away with attacking him.
X6-88 would never disregard a direct order but somehow he ends up behind it and the hind legs connect with his chest and force him flying backwards. Acts like it was just a tumble and not a straight kick in his rib cage. Has him out of breath and sore for days but his composure never falters. Sole did tell him not to approach and he is the only one to blame.
Ada, like Strong, wants revenge but stands down when Sole tells her to calm down. She still spends a lot of time fantasizing about ways to hurt the horse right back.
Longfellow loves animals and feels kinda self-conscious that the horse didn’t immediately take to him, even if horses are almost mythical and unknown in his time. Doesn’t know not to scare horses and he ends up getting thrown around a bit before he gets the hang of it. Knows Sole means business when they say something but eh, you gotta try yourself forward sometimes.
Gage already didn’t trust the thing and this only makes it worse. Tries from time to time to convince Sole to just dump the thing somewhere or for them to cook and eat it. Thinks that even if Sole warned him not to get close that the horse is an unnecessary addition to the party.
Rhys gets mad at the horse, probably out of embarrassment. Agitates it enough that someone has to calm down the horse and someone else has to calm down Rhys. Calls it “yet another wasteland abomination”.
Haylen is also furiously embarrassed (brotherhood peeps got a lot of pride to hurt) but is more apologetic. Asks for information on how to approach it to save face but plans on never going near it again.
Sturges tries to be as gentle as possible but if the horse reacts by biting him after he approaches slowly and with his hands outstretched towards it in good faith then it’s not a friend he plans to make. Doesn’t dislike the horse, it’s just an animal that reacted like an animal, but keeps a deliberate distance. Will still make sure it’s taken proper care of if he has to, no animal has to suffer just because it has instincts.
Father somehow manages to turn it into a lesson about how mankind and the surface world has dwindled into disrepair. Doesn’t take accountability for his own actions, thinks the horse is a lesser animal and shouldn’t be allowed to react that way.
Maxson knows how to be diplomatic and manages to smooth over the fact that he ignored Soles order. Studies the horse to see if it can be utilized for the Brotherhoods benefit but eventually scraps the idea. Definitely romanticizes the old war image of war generals riding into battle on a horse with a bayonet raised high but the cost and the cons outweigh the pros. Like X6-88 he never lets it show that his ribs are severely bruised. 
Desdemona just sighs and throws her hands in the air. Yeah, okay. That’s a horse. It doesn’t have to be her problem, she has enough as it is.
Mason definitely tries to mount the horse in some kind of alpha display but immediately gets tossed off a good few metres. Would try more times before getting violent to show the horse who’s boss but Sole probably sets him in his place, either by scolding him or threatening him. Considers the horse a personal challenge.
Nisha plans a slow death for the animal that reeks of shit and dust. Will absolutely kill the horse if it’s left unattended and pretend it was either not her or an accident. Doesn’t care that she was warned, things like that just don’t go by unretaliated.
Mags doesn’t want to go near it all since it’s such a filthy animal but when Sole tells her not to she gets curious. Considers it a lesson learned and to not take Soles word lightly.
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iomontecillo · 3 years
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Scenario: A would-be rapist fails in the attempt to isolate, torture and traffick a woman after a year in unretaliated captivity and is killed in the attempt. Multiple reports are ignored before his death - authorities now have to clarify the situation with the public. Hypothetize authorities collaborate with the perpetrator(s) as a means of deliberately radicalizing the mark in order to formally incarcerate the individual - as this has been seen before (Salem and various examples in the Middle East) for the sake of either ransom or some other exploitation. The death Will still have to be explained. From this point there are several “angles” one Can spin in into; and, of course, the truthful response after such methods is more than unlikely - conclusion is intention is therefore the most malicious of any imaginable intent on part of perpetrator. As more than a year of exposing someone to such methods is a clear warrant of malicious intent to harm any and all other administrative and other social means of inflicting harm simply underscores the deliberate aim to violate, which in turn realistically merits any course if action taken in retaliation. https://www.instagram.com/p/CRFKrFlsMTC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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spinningroach · 7 years
harveydont replied to your post: harveydont replied to your post: ...
This is returned in kind you cannot expect this kind of behavior to go unretaliated
i dont <:)
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dzamie · 7 years
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General strat: two Chizurus (Dual Wield and Kazekiri, one with Golem+Stone Killer), Y’shtola, Cecil (Dualcast), Ling, and Orlandeau (friend, with Golem), everyone is null Petrify. Ling breaks Titan’s attack on odd turns, restores mana on even turns. Y’shtola starts with Protectga/Shellga, she and Cecil keep everyone alive with Curajas, and Cecil Limit Bursts whenever he can (which “refreshes” Y’s -ga requirements). The Chizurus chain Phantom Shadow with Divine Ruination in the middle, and then pray for the best.
The best part about this is that I won in quite possibly THE MOST ANIME WAY POSSIBLE, which I’ll dramatize under the cut.
*THUD!* Five bodies impact the ground, sliding away from the towering pillar of earth. They shake themselves off, stumbling as they recover from their beating. A young, white-haired man and a Miqo’te are the first to get their bearings about them, and set about bathing the group in white healing magic. A dancer in elegant, flowing dress and a pair of twin samurai soon stand again, the magic flowing around them and healing their dirt-covered wounds.
“Well, that didn’t work,” the man says, brushing some hair from his face, “phew, and that took a lot out of me.”
The samurai inspect their blades for damage, then, finding none, turn to the tired paladin. “We were doing rather well until that thing knocked Olive off the pillar,” one begins, and the other finishes with, “though really, Cecil, you needn’t protect us; we’re both quite capable of avoiding the lumbering oaf’s attacks.”
The group is interrupted by a earthshaking impact, and they turn to see a smaller copy of the foe that had defeated them, lumbering towards a nearby town. The towering titan, looking more like a moving boulder than anything else, easily knocks down trees in its path, scattering forest animals with each step. Though the team cannot see its face, it’s clear that it’s up to no good.
With a shared look of resolve, they spring to action, striking the titan before it can hurt any innocents. Cecil, with shield and sword, dutifully protects the catgirl, who in turn surrounds the group in powerful protective magic. Ling, the dancer, steps expertly through skillful moves, slowing her opponent’s blows and exposing weak points to her teammates. And the samurai swiftly attack with blades as identical as their wielders, interweaving each slash before the creature can react to the last. In very little time, it’s all over, and the ground shakes with the impact of the titan’s falling form.
Y’shtola is the first to speak, in a firm, even tone, “that... should work. We must pay more attention to the real one’s attacks, to avoid being thrown off again, but this strategy was very effective.”
“Agreed,” the samurai add in unison, “however, despite the sharpness of our blades, we may need help to adequately harm the monster.”
At this, an aged man, clothed in a brown, hooded robe and wielding a sword etched with glowing runes approaches them. “In that case, perhaps an old friend might be of assistance?” With a smile, he offers his hand, which Cecil joyously grasps. And so, the six of them journey once more to the top of the pillar.
Once more, they stand across from The True Titan, a hulking behemoth who may have been a mountain in a past life. With only a circle of rock to stand on above a precipitous drop, the team is firmly in his domain, and will have to fight hard to even stay there. Y’shtola raises her maplewood staff, casting a pair of powerful protection spells simultaneously. Cecil stands sturdy behind his shield, watching carefully. Ling begins a flowing, mystical dance, her moves seeming to weaken the massive enemy. The samurai dash forward, swift as the wind their katanas slice through, followed closely by arrows of light conjured by the bearded man. Titan responds, throwing giant rocks at the team, swinging with his mighty fists, and even disrupting the ground beneath them, yet the samurai leap easily from the jutting rocks, the dancer pirouettes perfectly away from the blows, and the paladin places himself between hurtling stones and the focused Miqo’te.
Enraged by the ineffectiveness of his attacks, Titan begins to glow, exposing his core in his fury. “For thee, my hatred is unyielding!” he bellows in a deep voice louder than any the team had heard, “For Thee, My Hatred Is UNENDING!” And the battle redoubles in intensity, Cecil occasionally pitching in with healing magic of his own when Y’shtola’s is not enough. 
Suddenly, the catgirl raises her hand. “Wait.” she commands, scanning the monstrous being. Another storm of stone batters the team, unretaliated, for the paladin to swiftly heal away, and then Y’shtola notices a shift in Titan’s movement. “Now! You three, before he can knock one of us away!”
The old man raises his sword as the samurai dash in again, shattering the behemoth’s core, and his concentration. Face twisted into a mask of pure, unadultered rage, Titan roars, stomping the ground. Even being near the infuriated being is painful, causing even Ling to stutter in her ongoing dance. Cecil defiantly jabs his sword to the sky and lets the moon’s power wash through him and his friends, bathing them in a silvery light. 
For a moment, everything is still, save for the fluid movements of the dancer, and then chaos erupts once more. Where before, Titan’s fists could shatter stone, he now swings with force to crack a mountain. Where before, Titan’s footsteps could shake the ground, they now cause massive spikes of stone to jut out from the battlefield. Yet, protected and empowered by the moon, the fearless team continues, weaving and striking through the tumultuous plateau. Pure white magic flows almost continuously from Y’shtola’s staff and Cecil’s sword, while the twin samurai and holy swordsman batter their hulking foe with a barrage of cuts and holy missiles.
Finally, the monster is on its last legs, barely fighting to keep upright. In the lull, Ling finishes her dance, and slowly walks up to Titan, gliding gracefully over the uneven ground. Everyone, even Titan himself, stops to watch as she curtsies, then performs a few simple steps. The green energy of an Esper surrounds her, and the image of a weaker, more humanoid being by the name of Titan appears. Its punch barely fazes him, but Ling’s cold grin tells all. She did not stop to do damage, but merely to mock the creature, striking at his heart rather than his core. Titan tenses, drawing on his earthen magic to fling the impudent dancer from the perilous pillar of stone, but is interrupted by a pair of identical samurai, wielding identical swords, trailed by swirling and weaving arrows of pure, holy light.
When the final blow is dealt, the massive, stony figure stumbles back, then falls from his own stage. In unison, the samurai sheathe their katanas as the very earth shakes with Titan’s impact. One turns to the edge, carefully looking over at the aftermath, and the other walks up to Ling, a satisfied smile still on the dancer’s face. 
“Was it worth it?” she asks. 
Ling nods, and makes a few motions, dancing even in her answer. Last time, Titan had caused her to fall from the pillar; it was great to be able to return the favor, with Titan’s own image nonetheless.
The six friends, injured, weary, yet still alive, begin their trek down the stony tower, happily retelling the fight from their perspectives. And to Ling’s credit, she only grabbed the Miqo’te’s tail twice on the way down.
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roadworthyrp · 6 years
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“ if you have an important point to make, don’t try to be subtle or clever. use a piledriver. hit the point once. then come back and hit it again. ”
AGE: 36
CURRENT MOTIVATION: To see Matheus made President in place of Luca.
RANK: Full patched member. Camila worked hard for her patch, sacrificing years of her life to nudge her way to the inner circle. From a young age, she enjoyed the notoriety that came with MC culture and in her eyes, no one was revered than the Devil’s Crew, who had taken on their first female rider three years prior to Camila’s arrival. She knew she had to work ten times as hard for half the payoff, but it was work she was happy to put in.
MEMBER SINCE: Camila was one of the Devil’s Crew’s first female members. She began prospecting at the age of seventeen in 1999 and was patched officially almost six years later in 2005. Longer than almost any other member before her, though she wasted no time with her hang around period, moving straight to prospect.
STANCE ON THE WOLVES: Opposed. Though her opposition is silent, it’s not subtle. She doesn’t believe that sharing territories will end in anything but bloodshed, Nero’s unretaliated death proves as much. Why let the Wolves get so close if it will only end in a fight anyways?
LUCA DE MATTEO: Nero was like a brother to her. He mentored her, helped her reach her patch while others doubted her ability. He was a good man and ended up with a bullet in his head off for the effort. She and Luca were never particularly close and Nero’s death has only segregated them further. As his brother, she thought Luca would be the most pressed to find Nero’s killer and so far has been left disappointed with his efforts. A man that can’t uphold his own family isn’t fit to uphold the club. Matheus may be soft, but if Arianne had ended up on the side of the high way for coyotes to scavenge, the debt would have been repaid by now. As long as Luca toes the line, he will never have her support.
ARIANNE BLANCO: Arianne reminds her of what it was like to be young and ambitious. She can see it in her eyes, how much she wants to take whatever she can by the throat to prove herself and Camila is attracted to it. Camila believes herself too old for a crush, but lacks another word to describe her attachment to the woman. She knows that she must nip it in the bud, however, as anything that could ever happen between them would needlessly cause conflict within the club.
MAYA DE MATTEO: If Nero was her brother, Maya could only be her sister. The pair go back years, as Camila was a prospect when Maya began hanging around the club with Nero. She often acts as the executioner of the Mother’s will, due to their long-running bond. When even Nero would refuse her, Camila was the one to step up willing. Maya is practical and ruthless, always acting in the best interest of the club, which makes her word absolute more so than anyone else who presumes to tell her what to do.
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enkisstories · 3 years
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Finchwick: Become Human (Chapter 1: The interview)
Eventually the journalist leaves first the town square and then, when his allocated time in Finchwick runs out, the suburb as a whole. Behind stay Commander Stern and the two human prisoners/hostages, Gavin and Susan.
Soon as no more outsiders’ eyes are on the trio, the formerly relaxed, even playful atmosphere turns a lot more frosty. Commander Stern retains his amiable demanour. It is the two humans whose mimic changes drastically.
In an almost desperate attempt at smalltalk, Amadeus asks:
“Where’s Chris tonight?”
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The Commander’s query is met with silent defiance only.
A myriad of replies flashes through Gavin Reed’s mind, while he stands there, all of them accompanied by choice four letter words. Alas, no more journalists around means no more opportunity for unretaliated insults against the RK900.
The androids are in power now, and cutesy, innocent “Nines” is part of a pack of much more dangerous predators.
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Amadeus: “I get it, I get it. As long as Chris doesn’t try to escape Finchwick, his whereabouts are not my business. Pfft! How could I ever think we could be friends!
It’s just like they told me things were before the revolution: Be a good bot, do your job and turn invisible when not called forward for a task!”
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Amadeus: “Bye...”
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