#unsafe workplace practices
fanbynature · 6 months
A post from Dani Howe, who recently left smosh after working in the marketing team
"From Pet to Threat" - This just happened to me AGAIN and after 10+ years in this biz, I’m sick of having to get over it in silence for fear of being blacklisted, or labeled as “difficult to work with” because I chose to be open about my working experience. I won’t go into details, as this isn’t meant to be that kind of post, but I want to share this research because the “Pet to Threat" phenomena keeps happening to me and so many of my peers, particularly over the last few years here in LA. It’s truly an abusive cycle that repeats for far too many people in the workplace, but especially and aggressively for Black women in the entertainment/media industry. So many of us work extremely hard from a place of love, peace and genuine passion for our crafts. We choose to put our prowess out there, hoping that it’ll be reciprocated with that same authenticity by our leadership/mentors/peers, only to be undermined and vehemently devalued in favor of this insistence for power and control at every turn. I’ll never understand the need to prioritize pettiness & ego over doing the right thing for another team member or putting the best, most collaborative work out there for your company. What’s the point of hiring an expert or someone with big potential, just to diminish them? I'm tired of entering spaces I was promised were full of golden potential and stability, only to have to abruptly leave that space a short while later, lest endure unsafe + toxic working dynamics if I choose to brave it. The feelings of shame, guilt and confusion that come after are all too familiar, and yet they never get any easier to deal with. Constantly being in an anxious place of trying to figure out what went wrong and changing my approach, while the world you left couldn’t even be bothered to think twice about you, feels like a losing game. Why even play anymore? I'm only left jobless with no prospects, broke, and burdened with heavy feelings of sadness that I feel really dumb for having. Because it’s just a job, right? And the house always wins.
Some of you might question why even share all of this. Well, I fully believe transparency is one of the best ways to educate and inspire those around you. By sharing this article and a bit about my experience, I hope others feel encouraged to choose themselves and stop letting lazy business practices suppress their potential. I have no idea what’s next for me - this post has probably tanked any chance of me continuing a career in entertainment marketing. But what I do know is that I’m not accepting being overlooked anymore. Not having my true potential nurtured or recognized because the mentors I believed in would rather act out of insecurity than help me thrive is total BS. I deserve better than that, and so do you. I hope today is the day you know your worth."
Im interested in who are they going to blame now. It was once Defy - but now that it's in the hands of the original creators and owners - the same mistakes seem to be popping up. Hmmm
Also if fans start villanizing her the way they did with Boze and Saige - 👊👊👊 i will find you and i will punch u in the fucking face
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Space Karen is a monster. They had opportunities to unionize but they succumbed to pressure from Elongated Muskrat and Texas Republicans and now they’ll be living on the production line. How stupid are you to reject unionization? Now they’re slaves like every other non-union employee in the country.
Republicans in red states pass laws called “right to work”, which is more Republican name trickery. “Right to work” laws prevent unions/organized labor. What it literally means is that companies have the right to make YOU work without any benefits, for minimum wage, without any right to protest wage theft or unsafe conditions, no recourse against unfair labor practices, and to put you on “on demand schedules,” The latter means no set regular hours, 9-5 today then 9-9 the day after, then 1-8, or no hours at all for days or weeks until you quit and can’t collect. “On demand scheduling” is abosolutely cruel. You never get to recover properly, you can never make plans outside of work, you can’t attend school or have a second job, and you miss out on all the major life events of your family. This leads to resentment, divorce, and alienated children who feel unloved.
Even blue states have bare minimum labor laws in place to control abuses by employers. Try going to the state for help in a dispute with your boss. Try hiring a lawyer when you’re poor or even if you’re not lawyers don’t want to touch these cases.
We are already a nation of hopeless wage slaves. Biden and the Democrats are making progress in passing laws to protect workers and unions but it will all be swept away if Republicans regain the White House and Congress. Some people won’t learn until they’re chained to a machine in a building with suicide nets outside the windows like in China.
It took almost two hundred years to get unions, workers rights, and work place safety laws put into place. They’ve nearly all been eroded into a forgotten past since Republican Ronald Reagan, and Fox News, was elected in 1980. Nearly all of you reading this don’t even know a time when workers only needed one job to support a home and family, had pensions, and had health insurance that was provided. Now you live with 2-3 jobs, have no health insurance, can’t afford a home (or rent), can’t afford college or even a new car, and make less than your grandparents. The media glosses this over calling the extra jobs “side hustles” and your lack of a career with dignity is because you’re a generation of “self starters.”
You weren’t born to be a wage slave for billionaire oligarchs and the petty tyrants they hire to be middle managers. Spread the word and unionize. Fight for it. People in the 1800’s literally battled armed mercenaries, cops, and the military for the right to union jobs that let them live and earn with dignity. Don’t let their spilled blood and deaths be in vain. The United Auto Workers and other unions tried repeatedly to get Tesla unionized. Unions are out there and willing to help. It only takes a few phone calls to get the ball rolling.
Muskrat promised his workers free frozen yogurt and a roller coaster ride from the parking lot to factory if they voted against unions, I shit you not. He never delivered either. He did spend millions on union avoidance firms to come in and lie and scare workers into voting no. Now they’re treated like cotton plantation slaves and told they will be literally living on a production line.
To put this into the identity politics millennials are drawn to, unions are the only working environment where marginalized people are protected and have recourse against discrimination and mistreatment in the workplace. If you are mistreated you can file a grievance and if the management doesn’t redress the issue then they are taken to contractually mandated arbitration or court with union supplied lawyers. If you have never worked in a union shop you have no idea what it’s like to not be fearful, to have dignity, and to know people are obligated to protect you from management.
It’s the only non-union automaker in the country.
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wifeyoozi · 1 month
Someone in my inbox (they asked not to tag them) asked me about the repost I made regarding Moumita case so I want to tell you all about it, both because I want more people aware of this and because this has got a lot of rage in me which I want to let out.
My dear followers of you have just some time to read this post and do as least as pray for the poor soul of Moumita and several others I'll talk about in this post after reading this I'll really appreciate. There are heavy mentions of brutal rape and assault cases so if that is too triggering for you refrain from reading.
So this thing happened in India (where I live) on 9th August. Yes that recent. Dr Moumita Debnath was a doctor in Kolkata at RG kar medical College which as far as my knowledge is is a Government College and hospital. To get into this college students need to pass neet exams which one of the toughest exams in the world. She was a doctor in practice. A few interns were running a sex and drug racket INSIDE the hospital. Moumita got to know about this and threatened to expose on social media and tell the authorities. She was unaware that the said authorities was also involved in the racket. She was troubled for the next few days including her new car being vandalized and making her work 36 hour shifts. One night as she was in the hospital on a shift ON DUTY as a DOCTOR, she was caught, held and raped brutally. I won't get into too much details because it is very disturbing and graphic but one of the offenders was a GIRL who helped the men by tying up Moumita. Moumita was raped and beaten up by over 10 people and in the end AFTER she was dead her corpse was assaulted again by a scapegoat who is later sent to jail (keyword, as a scapegoat).
Sadly the story didn't end there. Moumitas parents weren't allowed to see her body for 3hours after arriving at scene. The cause of her death was told suicide. The place where the incident happens was broken down under the name of renovation. The police and government were involved in the tempering of evidence since the interns were from very influential backgrounds. People began peaceful protests and went for candle march to demand justice for Moumita and her soul.
The government's replies? The CHIEF MINISTER of West bengal who's herself a WOMAN states that Moumita was a "characterless" woman , she had a body which would tempt boys , boys can make mistakes so it's okay (??????) , she had affairs and was pregnant (idek why this is related true or not) and that people should not protest and March and should instead just mourn silently.
Shame on her for saying this as a woman herself.
During this candle march one of the protesters (female) was brutally raped, beaten and killed for the sole reason that she was part of the rape.
Sadly this is not the only thing that is happening in India right now.
A 3yo was assaulted by her can driver in woods in Mumbai.
A man eloped with a woman and the woman's family gangraped the man's sister
A man in dehli is arrested for raping his own daughter for the past 2 years
A vizag man rapes a woman in public and the onlookers film her instead of calling police
85 year old woman in up does after being raped
A catholic bishop assaults a nun
And these are only the cases which came forward in news in the past few days just in the span of a week or two.
Men aren't blamed. Women are the ones questioned. Women's character's were judged. Women are the ones told to protect themselves. Where is a woman safe? When is a woman safe? How is a woman safe?
She is still unsafe wearing a doctor's coat, a diaper, a saree, a burkha, anything. She is unsafe in her home, in a hospital, in her school, in public, in her workplace, at night, in morning. No matter how much she fights back she is still unsafe.
And she is still questioned.
It's heinous. Not just the crime but how the public and government reacts to this. And these are just the crime that are known. Hundreds and thousands and who knows how many rapecase files are just buried. Many more than those are never reported. Marital rapes and date rapes aren't even considered criminal.
On 15th august, it was India's 78th independence day. But what are we, the women, really independent from? 78 years and women still don't have half the security and rights as they deserve. Yes, women are now "allowed" to work and study. But they are still getting assaulted at workplaces and schools, no matter how noble the profession or how you g the student.
And Today itself I get a message from the place where I live - a popular gated community which prides itself for 24/7 security that a schoolgirl (12-13 yo) who was in her school uniform was followed by a creepy looking man outside her home and catcalled her (I am not sure if physical harassment took place). Yes, it was dark but the girl was probably coming from a tuition or class. You know what our community head said? "Due to this incident we advice women and children from roaming alone on the street after dark." Something snapped in me and I just wanted to tell this gentleman how about we stop the boys from stepping foot outside after dark instead?
Now as I come to an end of my rage, I just want to tell everyone that this post is not to downgrade my country. I do not want people to think all indian men are harmful or anything like that. Men like that are everywhere. Do not label our country slurs without knowing all of it.
I do not expect you to do anything about this. If possible, pray for these poor souls and let's hope for our government to take some, any serious action regarding this issue.
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poorlydrawnkankri · 4 months
Y9u kn9w, I 6elieve a pr9per intr9duction is in 9rder.
Greetings, my name is Kankri Vantas, avid sch9lar 9f s9cial p9litics 9f vari9us 9rigins; 6ef9ran, Alternian, Human, Carapacian, the list g9es 9n.
Tumblr media
As f9r this 6l9g I figured it w9uld make f9r a g99d way t9 s9cialize with 9thers scattered acr9ss the c9nfinds 9f Parad9x space as well as 9ffer assisted t9 9thers if they have questions inv9lving anything, th9ugh I cann9t pr9mise I have every answer.
6e advised, I am an adult, and as such much heavier t9pics may make it's way here. I will n9t shy away fr9m such things 6ut I will insist as 6est I can a6s9lutely n9 depicti9ns 9f anything unsafe f9r workplace envir9nments will 6e sh9wn 9n this 6l9g.
6esides, I am quadrant n9n-practicing. It n9t like m9st will happen anyway.
Update Edit: I aid in giving care t9 @ask-cronus-grub n9w.
Lastly, my list 9f my pers9nal triggers:
Uns9licited Physical C9ntact.
Uns9licited Eye C9ntact.
C9mplementary and Anal9g9us Hate Speech.
Hatespeech 9f Any Kind, really.
Castist Rhet9ric.
T9xic Signist Language.
A6leist Slurs.
Directed Class 9ppressi9n.
Uns9licited Pr9ver6i9us Attenti9n.
Culling Culture and Vi9lence Against Gru6s
Depicti9ns 9f G9re and Vi9lence.
Depicti9ns 9f Lusus A6use.
Tallks 9f Pail Filling, Slurries And 9ther C9ncupiscent Fluids
Lifespan Shaming.
Menti9ns 9f The Signless.
Ign9rance t9 Lifespan Privileges.
Pr9m9ti9n 9f Pr96lematic W9rldviews.
Pr9m9ti9n 9f Unhealthy Lifestyle Ch9ises.
I'm 22 years old and I advise those that find this blog to be at minimum 16+, no NSFW will be depicted here but idk man Tumblr is weird someone already asked fo rizz this man up lmao.
OOC: Hello! I am @celesticalcryptids!! I've been wanting to make a badlydrawn/poorlydrawn since I first learned of them a few months ago so here I am!! I was especially inspired by blogs such as @shittydrawnsollux @badlydrawnmeulin @badlydrawnkankri @badlydrawnjohn @poorlydrawnvriska
I'm totally down for character interactions oc or canon, I'm also down for things like shipping (no proships) and what not!! All I ask is ask me in DMs first or reach out to me on discord (same name)
Be extremely weird in the inbox and I will pretend I do not see.
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autumnaaltonen · 2 years
Headcanons for alucard with a touchstarved s/o who badly wants physical affection, and affection general really, but is nervous to accept it or ask for it because she’s unused to receiving it? (She/or pronouns, if you can!)
Hella relatable my dude. Despite years of practice, I still tense up when people touch me without warning. But yet I still want cuddles from time to time, just like anyone else.
Warnings: She/Her female presenting reader, sorry gays and theys
When you first began your courtship with Alucard, you had zero expectations for what kind of love language he may present
You assumed, with being the cool vampire that he is, he would be aloof and nonchalant with his affections. Not brushing you aside, mind you, but perhaps simple and elegant when approaching you in a romantic sense
Boy were you fucking wrong
Look up PDA in the Urban Dictionary, and you'll see Alucard's photo taking up the entire page
You were wholly unprepared for the amount of physical affection your lover would throw at you immediately into your relationship
Man has zero shame
He will pick you up and carry you around bridal style, one arm under your ass, with everyone around to watch
Sneaks through walls to block your path in the hallways to wrap his arms around you and kiss you all over
If ever you're stagnant for a long period of time, he'll find his way to you and cuddle up close as he can, while you continue your business (though he is a great distraction)
One of Alucard's favourite pass-times is feeling you up, your chest in particular being his front-runner fondle spot
Sometimes you go without a bra just to surprise him 😉
Hellsing staff have gotten used to catching you two in many *ahem* compromising situations around the manor
Integra, in particular, has learned to knock when entering your or Alucard's personal spaces, scarred from the many times she's seen hands where hands should not be inside a workplace environment
And honestly, you love all of it, you really do
But being the girl you are, it becomes very daunting, very fast
What if you eventually mess up and turn him off?
Where the hell are you supposed to put your hands when he's pinning you against a wall?
Does he get annoyed if you squirm too much in his hold?
Will he realize just how pathetic you are if you ask him any of this?
All these questions and more run through your mind every time Alucard has you in his embrace, and being the observant vampire he is, it does not take long for him to notice
In an attempt to be more respectful of your space, Alucard would dial down on his advances after realizing you may not be as comfortable with PDA as he is, or any physical affection in general
He's not too disappointed, he's hundreds of years old and can wait a little while longer until you both find a good middle-ground
But the moment you realize his affections for you have begun to dwindle, the ache for his kisses and caress' barrel in, tenfold
What gives? Did he finally realize just how inexperienced you are and decide he was better off alone?
Did you fuck up when you chastised him for grabbing your ass in front of Walter a couple of days ago?
When you eventually find the courage to approach him yourself, you're trembling like a leaf
You've never outright asked for physical touch before, and with your lover being The Dracula you were obviously fearful of the rejection that may come
You will hesitantly ask him if there was something you had done, and that you are sorry and hope there was a way you could fix it
He was confused at first, knowing you have been his perfect darling girl as always, but when you mention how he has not held you as of late, he quickly puts the pieces together
He pats his lap, which you greatfully sit down upon, missing the firmness of his thighs under your rear
Alucard will mention your previous hesitance whenever he put himself upon you, and ask for clarification if he has ever made you feel unsafe or uncomfortable
That's when you finally explain your predicament, how you've never actually experienced romantic touch before, that it's all very new to you, and you were afraid he would be put off if you messed up while returning his affections
Alucard does not laugh or belittle you, and listens intently to your reasoning
However, the moment you mention how much you've missed having his arms and lips on you, that smug smirk will finally return with a vengence
Things go back to normal pretty quickly after that, thank god
Now whenever you twitch or squirm while Alucard smothers you with new sensations, it just riles him up even more knowing that he is the one who gets to teach you how to touch and take what you want
He is always ready to beckon you into his arms, no matter what the situation, and it ends up making the both of you that much more inseparable
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dimespin · 2 years
So ipswich was trying to do magic/magic was happening to him, and that caused his twin. What was the intended affect of the spell that made him such an interesting fellow?
Ipswich worked in a factory sometimes handling industrial magic - industrial magic is different than bespoke magic like what Hyssop does, the spells are written, installed and sealed into hardware that allows people who do not know anything about spellwriting to use the spell over and over to accomplish the same task repeatedly.
Ipswich himself is completely ignorant of how spellwriting works, his entire understanding of magic begins and ends at maintaining and running these industrial mechanisms.
The factory Ipswich worked at had an industrial grade duplicator to augment production of the objects they produced (I waffle on what, but let's say ceramic dinnerware) and this thing was 1. old 2. slowed things down severely to perform maintenance in a safe manner 3. clogged with junk regularly making maintenance necessary
Ipswich ended up inside that thing while it was running due to bad workplace management and unsafe practices.
The spell performed completely as expected.
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strawbunnycakes · 1 year
Are you sewing the plush toys yourself or is it factory made? If factory made/ordered, what’s the environmental policy of the factories you order from, and what guarantee are you given that slave labor is not used? Your designs are really cute and I’d love to support you, but I can’t support unsafe practices.
Firstly, as a Chinese person myself, this assumption about Chinese manufacturers using slave labor is so extremely racist and sinophobic, and it kind of disgusts me. I hope you don't get anything ever from billion dollar companies that say "made in China", seems to put this racist assumption on small shops rather than big huge companies who are usually the ones exploiting others. As a one person shop, I myself can make sure everyone has a safe and healthy work environment, and gets due time off.
Secondly, from working with Chinese manufacturers, it's very easy to see the building and inside the workplace at which they make items. A reputable place will be transparent and share photos of their workspace for the employees, how many they have, down to the actual building. Also, they are constantly on breaks for holidays that stretch weeks on end to sometimes even an entire month, and during those periods no one works at the buildings, and therefore the items are delayed at these times, making it obvious they sure get more vacation time than here in the US, thats for sure. Additionally, they always have weekends off as well. To clarify, I think it's wonderful they get so much time off to rest.
These extremely racist and harmful caricatures, assumptions, negative propaganda, and stereotypes about Chinese people is really gross and you should rethink why you thought the need to send this in the first place, and that you assumed that the manus I use use slaves based solely on them being Chinese. I can assure you from my experience working with them and doing my research, they treat their employees a whole lot better than a lot of European countries and the US.
Maybe you should instead check in with the countries who have active strikes going on right now due to inhumane labor practices.
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feckcops · 1 year
Why Has the Left Deprioritized COVID?
“Left failures to incorporate an analysis of disability and ableism are detrimental to our vision and organizing capacity. Capitalism itself is fundamentally ableist, awarding the food and shelter necessary for survival on the basis of an individual’s ability to work for pay. Capitalism ensures its own survival by turning disabled people unable to work, along with other unemployed people, into a surplus population whose existence disciplines employed workers into accepting poor working conditions and little pay, lest they fall into the abject poverty and exclusion experienced by many disabled and unemployed people. Work under capitalism is a disabling process, as workers become debilitated through unsafe jobsites, injuries from accidents or repetitive stress, and the mental and psychological tolls of a work culture that is almost universally unsustainable …
“In 1970, the Young Lords, an organization that fought for self-determination for Puerto Ricans and all colonized people, occupied Lincoln Hospital in the South Bronx to demand better healthcare. In 1977, disability rights activists occupied a federal building in San Francisco for 26 days, demanding the right to access any service that receives federal funding: hospitals, universities, schools, public transportation, government buildings, libraries, and more. That sit-in wouldn’t have succeeded without the support of the Black Panther Party, Gay Men’s Butterfly Brigade, and United Farm Workers, who provided the occupation with food, security, and personal attendant care. These groups understood that their members had a stake in disability rights, whether or not they were disabled themselves.
“The left needs to unite against pandemic ableism, not out of goodwill or charity towards disabled leftists, but for our movement’s survival. Organizations limit their potential membership when they romanticize pre-pandemic organizing practices, where everything happened in person and those who couldn’t attend due to disability or illness, lack of transportation, a work conflict, or family caregiving duties simply couldn’t participate. When unions fail to understand – or act on the understanding – that scarce, poverty-level disability benefits and the end of pandemic unemployment supports are political attacks on all workers, whose exploitation happens in relation to the parallel misery of unemployment, they miss an important opportunity to help build power for the working class as a whole …
“We need to organize collective action that builds bridges between our individual workplaces, issues, or identities. We need to work together as teachers, nurses, school staff, retail workers, seniors, and disabled people whose lives are increasingly dangerous and isolated, to shut down production and consumption to demand a public health response that puts life over profit. To get there, we need to call the pandemic what it is: an exercise in eugenics, a mass disabling event, and an escalation of racialized class warfare. The left’s job is not to accept the narrative of events that corporate media and government officials give us – ‘the pandemic’s over’ – but to craft our own, showing each other how many more people could be kept alive with policies such as universal free healthcare and housing; abolition of prisons, borders, and nursing homes; and broad mask requirements, ventilation upgrades, and widespread, accessible testing. We don’t need to accept mass infection. To survive this pandemic and the next one, we need to recognize that we all have a stake in transforming this extractive system, and together we have the power to shut it down.”
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dollsonmain · 6 months
Ok so this:
Physical Requirements:
Ability to use computers and other communication systems required to perform job functions
Perform repetitive hand and arm motions
Bend and lift products weighing up to 15 lbs. continuously, 25 lbs. frequently, and 50 lbs. on occasion
Pull or push up to 75 lbs. on occasion
Stand 100% of the time, frequently walking short distances
Be able to handle a variety of substances associated with cleaning and packaging materials, fresh fruits, vegetables, house plants/flowers and household cleaners
Use hands to frequently/continuously handle currency (paper and coin) as well as operate a variety of equipment such as cash register, lottery machine (where applicable), scanner, computer, and calculator
Frequent reaching and grasping at waist level: occasionally above shoulder or below waist level
Meet established volume activity standards for the position
Tolerate working in extreme hot/cold temperatures for up to 20 minutes at a time
Have sufficient visual ability to check ID cards, checks, invoices and other written documents
Is from a listing for a person that runs a meat grinder and manages perishables at the grocery store.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Maintain an atmosphere of enthusiastic customer awareness with primary emphasis on fast, friendly, and accurate customer service to create a positive shopping experience
Courteous and helpful to other associates
Understand and use company tools such as; average cost inventory system (ACIS) and ordering (CAO)
Receive deliveries, code where applicable, rotate and put in appropriate storage area
Ensure that ordering, receiving, preparation, conditioning and displaying of merchandise is done in accordance with policies and guidelines
Maintain proper product levels in all areas within the Perishable Department including meat, lunchmeat, frozen, dairy, ice cream
Process beef and grinds as directed from the planned production tool and as requested or needed
Wrap, label, weigh and stock meat case as requested or needed
Assemble, disassemble, and clean the grinder as requested or needed
Properly clean and sanitize the department
Maintains variety and layout standards
Ensure that all advertising and sales promotion materials applicable to the department are properly utilized
Maintain a complete understanding of and adherence to company guidelines, policies and standard practice
Understand and follow Food Safety and Workplace Safety guidelines and procedures
Observe and correct all unsafe conditions that could cause associate or customer accidents
Report all associate and customer accidents in accordance with established Food Lion procedures to the
It seems odd to me that the perishables person that's running the grinder would be pulled to a register. Ever. That's not their job.
Though it does have the big red flag of "other duties as assigned".
This is the first full time job listing to pop up at literally any of the grocery stores in my area but it's also not one I want to do. One of the things I hate the most about cooking is handling meat.
If there's an opening in their cheese dept. though....
Actually, I don't think they have a cheese department. The other grocery does, but got rid of most of the staff and started stocking only pre-packed cheeses mid-pandemic.
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mbti-notes · 1 year
Anon wrote: Hi! I’ve read a lot of your posts, especially your ones about the inferior functions which was really informative to me. (Thank you!). I am fairly sure that I am an XSTJ type. I was wondering if you could give your insight on which one you think is more likely? I can’t figure out the order of the functions but I think I use Si Te Ne and Fi. Sorry this is kind of long.
For background on my Fi section - I have recently had some problems in a workplace — bullying/unsafe practice/poor management. It escalated and fell apart in a big way (I got screwed over basically lol) and I eventually made the tough decision to leave for my own well-being. I had been involved with the company for 2 years and gave everything I had to that company. It was my dream job and I worked so hard for it. And I worked so hard for my degree too. My friends and family and even colleagues told me it wasn’t my fault and they would’ve quit too and they told me I handled it well. I feel like I defined myself on my work. I was so proud of my … success? I guess. I don’t even know.
This first part I have this sort of recurring issue in my life where something goes wrong at work for example and I start feeling this way when normally i’m fairly level headed and ambitious. I think it’s Fi, and maybe inferior? I thought I was an ISTJ but your description of inferior Fi really landed with me lol.
It’s like I’m having some sort of existential crisis. I feel like I don’t know who I am anymore or maybe I never did. I question everything about myself. I am trying so hard to figure out what matters to me and I can’t. I don’t know where to go in life. I’m so emotional for no reason. I feel embarrassed and ashamed of myself. I’m pushing my friends and family away because I’m embarrassed that I had to leave my job. I’ve isolated myself from everyone. I feel so irritable all the time and I hate it. I feel like I failed.
People close to me have told me I need to stop being so hard on myself but I don’t know how. I feel like I’m wasting my time and my life by being so emotional. It’s so incredibly frustrating. It’s not like me, usually I bounce back and try again but this has really shaken me up. I feel like I should ‘follow my heart’ so I can be happy and fulfilled but I don’t even know what I want and I’m wasting time trying to decide, the more time passes the more restless I feel. I’m so scared of getting old and dying with regrets about the way I’ve lived my life. I think I’m also scared of not being able to make my family proud or make myself proud. I’m so torn and lost. I don’t know how to stop defining myself and my worth on like … working lmao.
More generally, I think I can get stuck in patterns where I worry excessively about my values and who I really am. It happens maybe a couple times a year lmao. But I also think I usually do know my values? There are things I don’t tolerate and have no patience for and like I wouldn’t change my mind on it cos it’s one of my core values. Like, bullying/injustice/unfairness etc. So I don’t know if my Fi is inferior. I have a lot of feelings, I just usually like to avoid them but I’m getting better at dealing with them on a day to day basis, unless something happens like my work drama. I don’t share my feelings with people easily cos I don’t like feeling vulnerable. I know it’s like a necessary part of the human experience though.
When I was in my teens I went to therapy and didn’t cry in therapy for years lol. Every time I almost cried I stopped talking and pushed it down until I could continue. They always told me it’s okay to cry but I always told them I hate crying cos it makes me feel weak. I’ve grown up some since then lol and i know crying or emotion isn’t a weakness. Logically I know that and would never consider someone else weak for crying or expressing emotion. I think it’s a good thing and healthy. Still, I struggle to stop seeing it that way in myself and always beat myself up when I know I shouldn’t. It’s one of my biggest struggles in life. I do cry in front of some people now though hahaha. (And then feel v embarrassed later!) lol.
For Ne, I have a tendency to catastrophize and assume the worst. Like, if one of my family members goes out for a drive and doesn’t text me when I know they should have arrived at the destination by now. I start to think something bad must have happened to them and I start panicking.
It used to be way worse when I was younger and I did it with everything. Car trips, plane rides, being picked up late from school, etc. Maybe that’s just anxiety tho? I tend to prepare for the worst because I don’t like getting caught off guard. I’m known for being a worry-er in my family lol. I worry about everyone. I heard that like imagining multiple worst scenarios for a situation can be low/ inferior Ne.
I think I can use Ne sometimes though. I’m bad at mind mapping and stuff like that, it doesn’t come naturally but I’m good at planning holidays and coming up with ideas of places to go or things to do/see. I get excited about stuff like that, and I like thinking about the future and possibilities of things I could do. I just tend to be more focused on like my life in the here-and-now. And I have to try pretty hard to think in that big expansive mind-map way lol. I sucked at doing mind maps in school.
I think I’m maybe a Si user, because I don’t think I’d even exist without memories. Everything I do and see and experience is for and guided by my memories. Idk though that’s probably true for everyone, do individual people even exist without their memories? it’s like, what makes us unique. There’d be hardly any difference between people if it weren’t for their memories and experiences. Everything i’ve ever done, ever seen, smelled, touched, tasted or heard has made me who I am. I can’t go anywhere without being reminded of the experiences and connections i’ve had before. It’s just intrinsic to who I am. Part of the reason I love music is just the way it can bring you back to an exact moment in time and you can relive it like you’re there. It’s the way I navigate the world I think. I know what to do because i’ve seen it before and if I haven’t then i research to figure out how. I can’t just do things with no preparation.
Te — I think it’s maybe Aux or not dominant because i find it hard to think about how I use it lol, I just do. but idk I’ll try. I rely heavily on data and facts and statistics. I won’t believe anything without proof. I won’t make a claim if I can’t back it up with reliable evidence. I care about efficiency, I like things to be done and done right lol. I often end up doing things myself in group projects and organising the work + delegating tasks to everyone else. When I was studying I organised like all the group work cos otherwise nothing got done lol. And I usually ended up editing and cutting it together at the end so I could make sure it was coherent and looked good.
I like to help my family organise their life admin stuff because I’m good at it. I plan holidays cos I’m good at it, I know how to make a plan that makes sense and works. I research where things are in relation to each other so I can make an itinerary that gets the most done each day with the least amount of time wasted on travelling from A to B etc. I was good at making step by step plans for essay writing at uni and then followed them to get it done. I love writing to do lists for myself and using schedules. I can’t work without a to do list or a schedule lol i write one like every day. Even when I had jobs where I did the same thing every day I wrote a list to keep me on track.
When my friends have their lives falling apart they usually come to me to help them with a game plan lol. Sometimes I do get overwhelmed and stressed, but I feel like in serious crisis situations I’m usually able to put aside any feelings and just get shit done. I’ve had family medical emergencies on my hands before or a loved one getting evicted before and have managed to just go into action mode and deal with the problem first and then feel however i feel about what happened a few days later lmao. Feelings get in the way in situations like that imo and there’s no time for it when shit is hitting the fan. I can be bossy sometimes in moments like that but usually apologise later and people understand that I was just dealing w the problem at hand lol and my bossiness wasn’t personal.
I just thought of an example of what I think is me using Te. There was one time where I was with my mum and brother. Somehow a chemical got spilled on the tiles, was left there overnight and kinda destroyed them. My mum was like absolutely devastated and got so emotional and angry, she was blaming herself and also thinking we would have to spend a lot of money to get it fixed and then regretting buying the house in the first place because it has these tiles haha like she was so upset, my brother was mostly just standing there looking concerned and trying to calm her down. I had no idea how to clean chemicals off that type of of tile nor what to do to fix it when it was destroyed by chemicals.
The most obvious and simple solution to me was to just google what to do and find out. (and part of me was surprised that they hadn’t done it yet lmao). So I did that, found out what kind of tiles they were and how to clean off the chemical without making it worse etc. (checked a few different sources to make sure it was reliable info) And then I told them what I’d read and suggested we try it. And then i told everyone what we needed to get and what we needed to do and the 3 of us got to work lmao. And the tiles looked sooo much better after. Everyone stopped freaking out and it was fine, we ended up having fun cleaning the tiles together lol. And then my mum and brother were like ‘good job!’ and were thanking me. I remember thinking it was kinda silly to thank me for that cos I barely did anything to be thanked for, like I literally couldn’t imagine going about that situation in any other way. it was the only thing to do that made sense.
Anyway ok I’m gonna leave it here. If you read this far thank you so much for your time. I’d be grateful for your opinion but I also understand you get a lot of asks like this so I get it if not! Thanks again!
All type assessment requests must follow the instructions on the contact page carefully. You must answer all the questions from the Function Theory Guide for every function of the two stacks you are comparing. It is especially important to address all the points meticulously when you are comparing two very similar types like ISTJ and ESTJ.
Since you didn't follow the instructions properly, the info you provided isn't enough for me to draw any firm conclusion about your type. The most I can say is that nothing you've brought up makes me doubt ISTJ. What you seem to believe is inferior Fi (grip) isn't very convincing to me so far. You also mention receiving therapy and did not specify the reason, but that would be a very important clue for determining unhealthy aspects of your function use.
About the existential crisis: There's nothing wrong with taking pride in your work. As an individual, you have the freedom to decide how much to value work among all the other things in your life. While it's important to know and honor your values, in the real world, you don't have the time, energy, or resources to value everything equally. There are no perfect decisions, no such thing as "having it all". When you choose one path, other paths become unavailable to you. Practical limitations and constraints force you into valuing some things more than others, and you have to make some difficult trade-offs in order to keep life moving forward.
Every trade-off you make will have its up and down sides. The downside to devoting so much of yourself to career is that you will be prone to feeling some form of devastation when things go wrong in that area of your life. Similarly, the stay-at-home parent who identifies too strongly with being a parent will suffer some form of devastation when the kids grow up and move out. The price of living a life fully engaged with what you're doing is feeling a sense of loss or grief when it inevitably ends.
Every trade-off you make in life has consequences. You might not feel them right away, but they will come eventually. How do you deal with them? There are a variety of possibilities:
"Diversification": Make your trade-offs wisely so that you mitigate the impact of the consequences. For example, don't put all your eggs in one basket. Have other equally valid ways of defining your identity. However, this means spreading yourself more thinly.
"Commitment": Follow through with your decisions to the very end. Take full responsibility for the trade-offs you make, which means fully embracing the consequences incurred. In other words, accept the reality of your situation and keep moving along.
"Change": Perhaps the devastation was a sign that you need to do things differently or make different choices. Enact the change that is required to avoid suffering the same sort of devastation again.
"Reframe": Look at your devastation from various angles. Is there a different way to find meaning in it? For example, perhaps you're blowing the situation out of proportion? The problem wasn't that you failed? The problem was you were working for a company with terrible leadership that did not allow you to flourish? Therefore, the lesson isn't to quit the work and give up your identity, but to quit the company and find a better company that truly appreciates your talent and devotion. Or start your own company with full control over how it operates.
You mention recurring issues with managing feelings and emotions. It seems to stem from a tendency to interpret situations much more negatively than is warranted, which leads you to get trapped in the most negative perspective available. The stubborn refusal to see your experiences differently even when others point out how wrong you are might be indicative of Si+Fi loop. The lack of open-mindedness, in terms of not being able to acknowledge or generate alternative viewpoints, might be indicative of inferior Ne. ESTJs are usually more mentally flexible than that and also much more willing to rationalize away their failures, which doesn't fit with your tendency to feel excessively responsible, embarrassed, and ashamed for everything.
Thus, there is compelling evidence that Te+Ne development is required for getting out of the (Si+Fi) mental trap, which suggests that your extraverted funcitons are the weaker pair. It sounds like the most logical way out of the existential crisis is to take control of your life and start a new chapter, to find a place where you can feel both fulfilled and appreciated. Are you resisting proper use of Te? If so, perhaps you need to reflect on why.
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sarasa-cat · 1 year
Gov. Greg Abbott, Republican of Texas, is expected to sign a bill in the next few days that would make it immeasurably more difficult for cities in the state to govern themselves. The bill would strip cities of the ability to set standards for local workplaces, to ensure civil rights, and to improve their environments, trampling on the rights of voters who elected local officials to do just that.
The bill, recently approved by the Texas House and Senate, would nullify any city ordinance or regulation that conflicts with existing state policy in those crucial areas, and would give private citizens or businesses the right to sue and seek damages if they believe there is a discrepancy between city and state. That means no city could prohibit discrimination against L.G.B.T.Q. employees, as several Texas cities have done. No city could adopt new rules to limit predatory payday-lending practices. No city could restrict overgrown lots, or unsafe festivals, or inadequate waste storage. Cities would even be banned from enacting local worker protections, including requiring water breaks for laborers in the Texas heat, as Dallas, Austin and other cities have done following multiple deaths and injuries.
Already the state won’t let cities ban discrimination against low-income renters, and it prohibits them from cutting their police budgets. Dozens of other bills have been introduced to restrict election reforms by Texas cities and counties, including one that would let an official, most likely a Republican, overturn election results in a single place: largely Democratic Harris County, which includes Houston. “The bill is undemocratic,” Mayor Ron Nirenberg of San Antonio told The Texas Tribune. “It is probably the most undemocratic thing the Legislature has done, and that list is getting very long. Local voters have created city charters, and I can’t imagine that they will be pleased to have their decisions usurped by lawmakers.”
Link above has an embedded unlock code that should slip you past the paywall for the rest of it.
The link above isn’t just about Texas but all of the states purposefully changing laws to roll back any progress or protective measures that have already been passed by voters or to disenfranchise the voice of voters in the near future.
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Manni & Quinn {Original}
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Title: Manni & Quinn {Original}
Author: Crazy_Comet_97
Tagline: Manuello thought that his whole life was just going to be cleaning the tacky tiled floors of the mall he'd worked at since he was in high school. Little did he know that a strange set of circumstances (as well as his sexual tastes) would throw him headfirst into a new life he couldn't have even thought to imagine. [PREG]
Warnings of crude descriptions, cultural references to the Hispanic community, Agalmatophilia (sexual attraction to mannequins, duh), descriptions and acting out of unsafe workplace health and safety (WHS) practices, rapid pregnancy and graphic labour.
Word Count: 4405
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38102206
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oodlenoodleroodle · 1 year
From the perspective of occupational health, work-related stress constitutes a hazardous exposure and significant safety risk for the health care workforce. Due to an onslaught of work-related stressors, from staffing shortages to resource constraints to entrenched social injustices, most of the U.S. health care workforce currently practices in unsafe conditions. It is time to see clinician burnout for what it is: a problem of hazardous work environments.
I had never thought of it, but it makes so much sense: if your work is causing you stress (which is bad for your health, we know this), then your workplace has unsafe conditions. The article is talking specifically about healthcare workers, but it applies to all workplaces, imo. And instead of externalising it to the workers and telling them to do mindfulness or something, we need to change the workplace and its culture to make it so that it isn't stressful for the workers anymore.
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stanleypollable · 1 year
if the parable practices proper workplace safety, their computers should be using three pin connectors. if they arent, that could increase the electrical fire risk, which... well, actually, that already happened, didnt it. darn.
...does osha have jurisdiction over the parable? this seems like a very unsafe workplace
i mean, i doubt osha could've ever done an inspection of this place at any given time. we should probably get on that sometime, get osha in here.
related, i found the section about this in the files. all of them are power cords, they just output power at different rates or something.
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pr-vistas-2022 · 2 years
Stage Round CSR- Corruption, Scandal, and Rancid
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The hallmark of a successful organization is not its profits or how many individuals they employ but rather the trust that the people have in them and the positive impact the companies have on society. Corporate Social Responsibility is undoubtedly one of the most popular and efficient tools to measure how companies have given back to society. In a nutshell, CSR is a model that helps a company be socially accountable to itself, its stakeholders, and the public. Companies can be conscious of the kind of impact they are having on all aspects of society, including economic, social, and environmental.
Companies like Infosys, Microsoft, The Tata group, and Rolex have proactively managed their reputation and delivered the messages their stakeholders were looking for via the right communication channels. By having done so, they can now enjoy the trust of their investors, employees, or customers, and they are seen as caring about many other issues apart from profit – like ethics, innovation, environmental causes, or well-being at the workplace.
While there are companies that have a good image in front of the public and are the torch bearers of the sound practices that an organization should follow, famous organizations like Uber, Meta, BMW, and others have come under scrutiny for following malpractices and exploiting their employees and the environment for their own benefits.
Take at hand You are required to make a Report and a PPT (of not more than 5 slides) consisting of
Executive summary
Defence strategies
PR strategies
A New CSR campaign for the company
A New product line to improve their public Image
Press release
SUBMISSION DEADLINE - 5:00 Am. Submit your Report and PPTs to [email protected]
Allegation 1 The Chinese government has held back more than one million Uyghur Muslims and other ethnic minorities against their will over the years in mass internment camps. In March 2020, a report from the Australian strategic policy institute revealed that hundreds of young Uyghur women were forced to produce Nike Shoes. Nike was aware about this yet they partnered with Chinese government run forced labour programs that are linked to crimes against humanity. After these workers finished stitching and gluing Nike shoes for the day, they would have to attend “patriotic education” night classes.
Allegation 2 Over the last 20 years, Nike has been consistently targeted regarding their poor labour conditions. These issues include forced labour, child labour, low wages, and horrific working conditions that were deemed “unsafe”. Most of their factories are in third world Asian countries like Vietnam, and Indonesia. Nike has been using sweatshops since the 1970s. In 2017, Nike severed its ties with the Worker Rights Consortium, which let labour rights experts monitor their factories. This was a huge disservice to the countless laborers who spend their days hunched over making their 200 dollar shoes. Their commitment to ethical labour practices is inconsistent at best. In 2017, they saw a new wave of protests organized by United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS). USAS spoke up against the mistreatment of workers in several of their sweatshops, including one in Vietnam where workers “suffered wage theft and verbal abuse, and laboured for hours in temperatures well over the legal limit of 90 degrees, to the point that they would collapse at their sewing machines.”
Allegation 3 Nike also has a bad track record for not hiring minority workers. In July 2020, about 30 demonstrators lined up outside the Nike headquarters near Beaverton, Oregon to protest. Oregon
Lives says that despite Black athletes and Black culture helping make Nike their money, people of colour are not welcomed into their corporate culture behind closed doors. Recently, a former employee accused Nike of discrimination based on his Croatian origin.
Allegation 4 Former female employees also pointed out that sexual harassment and misconduct was very common in the company. The New York Times conducted interviews with 50 former and present Nike employees to investigate the company culture. Through the interviews, it was established that Nike did have a toxic working environment, where sexual misconduct was rampant. Multiple female employees reported that they had complained to the HR but saw no action being taken from their part. The women were left devastated and felt unsafe while working at Nike. Some even left their jobs.
Allegation 1 We are aware that cars being sold in America had a "defeat device" - or software - in diesel engines that could detect when they were being tested, changing the performance accordingly to improve results. The German car giant has since admitted cheating emissions tests in the US.
Allegation 2 The company has also been accused by the EPA of modifying software on the 3 litre diesel engines fitted to some Porsche and Audi as well as VW models.
Allegation 3 EPA has said that the engines had computer software that could sense test scenarios by monitoring speed, engine operation, air pressure and even the position of the steering wheel. When the cars were operating under controlled laboratory conditions - which typically involve putting them on a stationary test rig - the device appears to have put the vehicle into a sort of
safety mode in which the engine ran below normal power and performance. Once on the road, the engines switched out of this test mode. The result? The engines emitted nitrogen oxide pollutants up to 40 times above what is allowed in the US.
Allegation 4 A peer-reviewed study published in Environmental Research Letters estimated that approximately 59 premature deaths will be caused by the excess pollution produced between 2008 and 2015 by vehicles equipped with the defeat device in the United States, the majority due to particulate pollution (87 percent) with the remainder due to ozone (13 percent). The study also found that making these vehicles emissions compliant by the end of 2016 would avert an additional 130 early deaths.
Allegation 1 H&M has tried to position itself as a brand that cares about the environment by installing in store recycle bins. But according to environmentalist Elizabeth Cline only 1% of the clothes are being collected out of which only 25% of the clothes end up going into sorting plants. And 35% of the clothes which are sorted only are recycled.
Allegation 2 H&M on its website states that their recycle bins are a way to ensure that customers textiles are reused and don’t end up in landfills. But not all the clothes that have been collected are recycled and people who live in these areas where clothes are dumped and manufactured are affected by H&M’s actions.
Allegation 3 H&M is also accused for failing to ensure living wage for supply chain workers. It has been accused of failing to fulfil a commitment to pay all garment workers enough to keep them above
the poverty line, a week after claiming that almost one-million employees are covered by its "fair living wage" approach.
Allegation 4 They are also accused for child labour. According to a book published by Sweden next week H&M worked with clothing factories in Myanmar where children as young as 14 were toiled for more than 12 hours a day. It was also found that high prevalence of forced overtime and low pay by the company. When confronted with these allegations, H&M replied that they don’t consider 14-18 years old working as child labor.
Allegation 5 Chelsea Commodore filed a complaint against fast-fashion giant H&M on July 22 in New York. In the complaint, Commodore accused H&M of greenwashing with “‘misleading’ environmental scorecards” associated with clothing in the brand’s Conscious Collection. Commodore noted that “a majority” of H&M products that are marketed as being sustainable are “no more sustainable. H&M responded as:  “We are taking the allegations very seriously and look into them thoroughly. We kindly ask for your understanding that we have no further comment to share at this point.”
Allegation 1 On February 25, 2010 a lawsuit was filed on behalf of eight plaintiffs in the Supreme Court of the State of New York against The Coca-Cola Co. and Coke processing and bottling plants in Guatemala. This case involves charges of murder, rape and torture. The plaintiffs include union leaders and family members.
Allegation 2
In a district court the company was accused for generating 2.9 million metric tons of plastic each year, which they claim is the biggest producer of plastic waste in the world and they also mentioned that in contrary to  Coca-Cola's representations, the company has made no significant effort" to transition to an economical system that would lead to less waste from plastic.
Allegation 3 In a article written by Paul Brown, an environment correspondent mentioned that Coca-Cola plant in India is being accused of putting thousands of farmers out of work by draining the water that feeds their wells, and poisoning the land with waste sludge that the company claims is fertiliser.
Allegation 4 The company was also accused for cheating their California workers out of overtime wages, rest and meal breaks, a class action lawsuit alleges. Plaintiff Brian Simmons filed the class action lawsuit in a California state court against The Coca-Cola Company, alleging violations of California wage laws
VER 3 - H&M
VER 1 - Nike
VER 10 - Volkswagon
VER 12 - Coca Cola
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Hire An Employment Lawyer to Represent Your Company Or Yourself
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If you're looking for an employment lawyer in Glendale, California, there's no better place to start than with a firm like the Law Offices of Robert W. Moore, P.C. We have a strong history of helping clients through all aspects of employment law, including discrimination claims and wrongful termination suits. If you've been mistreated at work or if your company has been accused of misconduct by its employees, it's time to talk with one of our experienced attorneys about how we can help protect your interests.
Employment Lawyers Handle Discrimination Cases
Discrimination cases are common. You may hear these referred to as “discrimination claims,” but they are actually legal actions that can be brought by employees or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Discrimination claims can be based on race, gender, religion, national origin, disability, or age.
When an employee files a discrimination claim against you as the employer or against another employee who has discriminated against him/her, employment lawyers help you defend yourself.
Employment Lawyers Handle Wrongful Termination Cases
An employment attorney will have the knowledge and experience to help you if you believe that your employer wrongfully terminated you.
Employment lawyers handle a variety of workplace issues, including wrongful termination suits, which are defined as terminations based on discriminatory or retaliatory reasons. For example, an employer cannot fire someone because they have filed a workers' compensation claim or because they blew the whistle on unscrupulous practices at their company.
Employment Lawyers Handle Wages and Hours Cases
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When you are an employee, it is the responsibility of your employer to pay you for all of your work. If they do not, or if they fail to pay you correctly or on time, then this can be grounds for a wage and hour case. Wage and hour cases can be complex depending on the circumstances involved. There are many laws that determine what employers are required to pay their employees and how much in order for them to be considered exempt from overtime laws among other things. An employment lawyer can help explain these laws so that you understand why your employer hasn't paid you correctly or on time.
Employment Lawyers Are Not Just for Workers
Employment lawyers can also aid employers. In fact, they often do so as part of their practice. Employers who fail to understand their legal obligations and how best to minimize the risks of lawsuits and other claims are more likely to suffer financial losses. They may also lose productive employees due to high turnover rates or poor morale caused by unfair treatment that violates the law.
The most common type of employment dispute involves an employee who believes they were wrongfully terminated or otherwise treated unfairly in violation of local or state laws. For example, an employer might be required to pay certain benefits after a separation from service such as unemployment insurance benefits when an employee loses his job through no fault of his own (such as being fired for refusing unsafe working conditions). Failure to do so could result in legal action against both you and your company by a former employee seeking compensation for those funds owed them under applicable law.
An Employment Lawyer Can Help Protect Your Business in California
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As a business owner, you likely have many responsibilities and challenges on your plate. Not only do you have to make sure that your clients are happy with the services they receive, but you also need to make sure that every employee of your company is treated fairly and paid correctly.
Employment law can be complex and confusing—and it’s even more so when dealing with multiple states. An employment lawyer can help ensure that you remain compliant in California, as well as other states where your company operates. Employment lawyers can help protect your business in California by helping ensure that all employees are paid correctly, enforcing non-compete agreements if needed, drafting employment contracts and policies for new hires or promotions within organizations (as well as enforcing those same policies), assisting with ongoing HR issues within companies such as sexual harassment claims from both employees against one another or against supervisors/managers/owners of businesses themselves who may abuse power over others working under them due to seniority positions within different departments within organizations).
You can count on the Davtyan Law Firm, Inc. law firm in Glendale, CA to provide you with experienced legal counsel and representation for your employment law case. We have handled hundreds of state and federal employment cases over the years, representing employees, employers, and third-party witnesses involved in wrongful termination or other disputes that arise from employment relationships.
Davtyan Law Firm, Inc.
880 E Broadway, Glendale, CA 91205
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