#unstoppable father son duo
deadghosy · 3 months
Platonic slytherin boys with a keeper friend🐍
Ft: Tom Riddle, Mattheo Riddle, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Lorenzo Berkshire
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Warning: it may be bad cause I only wrote this for fun and I don’t know "much" about the Slytherin boys 😭 but I only did this cause I’m getting Hogwarts legacy soon for my birthday!
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Tom Riddle
You hold ancient magic? He’s using you like the evil bastard he is until he actually feels a connection with you. Maybe protectiveness. He might just still use you though.
Waking you up in the middle of the night in his uniform, towering over you with a dark look as he just kicks your bed. Vibrating it. Making you jolt up disoriented from your woke.
“Get up. I require your presence and help for something. And don’t ask for anything.”
“What the fuck?”
He absolutely loves it when you do your magic spells, he finds them unique and intriguing. You easily doing your blue lightning.
Especially he finds it very easing how you can one shot your enemies and make them disappear into thin air. He’s surely gonna make you his right hand.
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Mattheo Riddle
“I want you to strike that bitch right over there.”
“Mattheo no.”
I feel like mattheo would try to make you blast a person he hates to dust just for fun. He is definitely a Kendrick type of hater and he knows it.
He found it secretly hot when you did struck down an enemy that tried to harm you. Mattheo would be that mf that would joke about wanting you to smite him. He also wanted you lift him up and down as if he was flying. He was high when he asked.
“Smite me. Just once.”
“Get the fuck out my room riddle.”
But honestly he likes how powerful you are, and with Mattheo being the son of the dark lord. He deems the two of you a powerful duo and he’s living for it.
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Theodore Nott
Idk how to write about this one…but stick with me.
This beautiful Italian man honestly wouldn’t ask a lot of questions and just roll with the fact that you are a keeper of ancient magic. He only would ask one question a month, probably overthinking that he might annoy you with a lot of questions.
“Do you ever wish to have normal magic?” He asked you as he leans against your lap.
You look down, combing his hair with your fingers as you hum. “Eh I guess so. But I was chosen to be a keeper. To have this responsibility to harvest ancient magic.”
He only hummed and closed his eyes. And just like that another question would pop up another month.
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Draco Malfoy
“Wait until my bestie hears about this!” “Wait until L/N destroys you!” Is all people hear when they have "crossed" the malfoy boy.
Harry was a victim to this of course, he was slightly scared because of the rumors went around that you held ancient magic. He knew you were practically unstoppable.
So when Harry first met you, he was shocked that you were kind and told him that you weren’t gonna fight him. It was funny to see Draco scold you and drag you away with your arm.
His father might consider you worthy of “courting” his son, but really Draco sees you other than a spouse. And more like a good friend he can count on when times are rough.
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Lorenzo Berkshire
Immediately wants you to teach him some of your ancient magic skills if you can.
When he watches you dual with others, he’s taking notes with a smile. Happy to have you as a friend but mostly he has something to do.
He would asks you questions, like random in the night type stuff. The stuff where you’re asleep until he’s shaking you in the crack of dawn just to ask you a simple question.
“When you feel a burst of magic, do you just throw it at enemies like that muggle show called dbz?”
“What?” Straight up you turned to him shocked as you didn’t even expect that from him.
Honestly he just wants to learn more about you, he loves to listen to you. So why not educate him on your magic.
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hawkeyetrained · 1 year
Step Away From Him, Now
Dean Winchester x Fem!reader established relationship (nothing too detailed)
Other Characters: Sam Winchester (barely there), John Winchester
Warnings: canon violence (kinda?), language, mention of wounds, blood, wendigo mention, arguing, that’s it I think?
Summary: She's finally had enough of John treating Dean so horribly
A/N: This is kinda my take on how Dean used to talk about his dad. Probably made John out to be a little worse than he really was, but I always saw him as someone who pushed Dean to his limits when they hunted together
Word Count: 2712
John Winchester. Everyone in the hunting world knew that name. Winchester. Now, his sons Sam and Dean held the legendary last name in all the stories that were passed around.
John had been married to Mary, an amazing woman with hunter parents, who had wanted nothing more than to get out of the life she knew. She wanted to run as far as she could from the world of monsters and have a normal life with a husband who loved her and maybe a few little babies along the way. She did eventually make her way out of the hunting world and build the life she wanted. John loved her so much, and she did end up having two little baby boys after a few years, but the world of monsters didn’t leave her alone for long. She had gotten up one night to check on her youngest baby, little Sam Winchester, only for her world to come crashing down.
The story was well known now amongst hunters across the country. Sam and Dean were then raised in the world of monsters by their father who wanted nothing but revenge against the thing that killed his wife and mother of his boys. Now, that doesn’t mean John was winning ‘Father of the Year’ awards, his boys learned the hard way how to survive in the world filled with evil. Dean was practically forced to become his fathers little soldier, always taking orders, and doing as he was told in order to protect his younger brother.
My own mother had been friends with Mary before she left hunting to build her family, so when John and his boys turned up on our doorstep years after she died, my family didn’t hesitate to bring them in.
Over the years the Winchester boys and I grew up to be incredibly close. We learned to rely on each other during hunts, and once Sam had taken off for college, Dean and I became an unstoppable duo on hunts John sent us out on. We worked seamlessly together, always covering the others back and making sure everything was handled before the local law enforcement could catch up to us.
That doesn’t mean I always followed John’s orders. Dean took orders without hesitation while I stopped to question John when I knew a plan wouldn’t work or seemed a little too good to be true. Dean and I had been placed in the field as bait far too many times for me to blindly allow John Winchester to order me around anymore. My mother taught me well while I was growing up. She told me to always double check things before committing, make sure me and my partner were safe, and always watch my back.
Sam coming back to help Dean and I track John down made hunting even easier. A third set of eyes and a fresh take on the cases helped in ways Sam couldn’t even understand. Once we found John and managed to work a few cases as a group of four, I started picking up on things I hadn’t noticed when Sam wasn’t with us.
John was now always double-checking leads, making sure Sam was sent with plenty of weaponry and back up, while Dean and I were nearly forced to figure out our half the plan on our own without the promise of proper gear or even the availability to call for backup if something were to happen.
I had finally had enough when we were sent on a wendigo case John deemed “simple enough for the two of us to handle” and ended up with Dean and I nearly killed.
“I can’t take this anymore.” I half growled as we pulled into the motel parking lot John and Sam were staying in. “We’re gonna get killed one of these days because your father doesn’t give a shit about us.”
“Stop.” Dean parked the car. “He didn’t know there were more than one in those caves.” Again, Dean had an excuse to not blame his father.
My eyes were wide and mouth hanging open at his words. “You’re kidding, right? We didn’t do any of the research because he ‘had it covered’.” I moved my fingers with the quote John had said an hour before Dean and I left for the hunt. “He’s the one that said it was one and would be a simple case.” Dean stepped out of the car, favoring his right side from being tossed into some stone. I followed, carefully getting out of the sleek black Impala, and grabbing my bag from the back seat.
Everything in my body screamed in pain. My arms were bruised from where the creature had grabbed me, digging its nails into my skin, and bruising my once clear skin. Scrapes and deeper scratches littered my legs and arms from falling in rocks and being dragged down one of the tunnels. “Just stop.” Dean groaned, joining me on my side of the car and resting a hand on my cheek. “The important part is that we’re alive.”
His broken down and tired voice reduced my anger as I took in just how exhausted he looked. He and I had grown close over the years of hunting together, and that closeness eventually turned into love, that’s why we made such a great pair. I sighed and nodded my head, leaning in closer to his hand. “Ok, I’ll drop it for now. Just wanna grab a shower and pass out for the night.”
A soft smirk covered Dean’s face. “You and me both baby.” His arm drifted across my shoulders and pulled me into his side as we headed into the motel room to meet up with his family.
The moment the door was opened, and our bags were tossed to the floor, John was already up from the table and handing us a folder. “Got another one for you. A couple hours west of here that needs taken care of now.”
My hands clenched into fists as Dean took the folder and drifted over to the bed he and I shared to take a look. Everything in my body ached and I knew Dean was in the same boat, plus, he could do with about three days of sleep to make up for lost sleep over the last week. He was barely running on black coffee and the little food he ate between fighting monsters and catching maybe an hour or two of sleep each night. At the first sight of his eyes slipping closed as he read through the folder, my anger got the better of me.
“No.” I snapped, grabbing my bag from the floor, and moving to my side of the bed opposite Dean. “We’re not taking a hunt hours away tomorrow.”
“Excuse me?” John turned from the table.
I crossed my arms defiantly. “I said no. Can’t you hear?” Sam glanced at Dean in a way to figure out where my anger was coming from. “Dean and I haven’t had a break in weeks, John. Weeks. We need sleep, and time to heal.”
“People are dying out there. Don’t you get that?” John snapped, slapping down another few folders and a notebook.
“I do, and that sucks, but seriously? People die every day, sometimes luck runs out, and yeah, it’s really shitty to die from a monster mommy and daddy tell you isn’t real, but that’s the world we live in. If you’re so concerned about these people, then you can go deal with it.”
John looked like I had just smacked him across the face. “You need to get control over her.” His eyes had slipped over to Dean’s. “You’ve both got three hours till your asses better be on the road for Colorado.”
My mouth had dropped open in shock from John thinking Dean could or would control anything I did like that. I was prepared to give him a real piece of my mind when Dean finally spoke up. “No.” he stood from his spot on the bed and joined my side. “You know, we were nearly killed today. The freak got the drop on us with one of its buddies and dragged her down a tunnel. All because your research was wrong.” His voice was slowly growing in volume, and I was beyond thankful the motel was practically empty tonight. “You haven’t even taken a moment to ask if we’re ok. But yeah, dad, were gonna be fine.”
John launched into a rant on how Dean and I have been messing up every hunt over the last few months, coming back with more and more wounds, more complaints, and requesting more time between hunts. He threw every little thing at Dean’s face like he wasn’t already in pain from the day. I watched as Dean’s face slowly fell from the confident and angry man trying to protect me, to the look of a kicked puppy as his dad belittled him with his younger brother watching on. I could tell Sam didn’t know how to step in and stick up for Dean, so it was up to me to protect the oldest Winchester when no one else would.
“Back up.” That same angry growl from the car scratched at my words as I stepped beside John who had cornered Dean into the wall of the motel. “Step away from him, now.” My hands balled into fists, tighter and tighter with the longer John was taking to back away from his son. “I said back the hell up, now.”
His dark eyes flashed to my face as he stepped back half a foot. “The hell you say to me?”
I pushed my way between John and Dean, making sure to keep eye contact with John Winchester while I did. “You do not get to talk to him like that. Dean isn’t some little soldier toy for you to throw at the problems you think he can fix. He isn’t indestructible like you think he is. He’s human and needs a god damned break every once in a while. How can you not see that he doesn’t want to let you down but that he’s struggling to keep up with your constant demands? He does everything you ask, “keep an eye on Sammy, don’t let anything happen to Sammy”.” I started quoting him from the past few years. “You have two sons, John. Don’t you remember that? Two! Dean deserves the protection you give to Sam as well. He’s your kid too!”
Silence filled the motel room after my little outbreak, but I couldn’t tell if John was going to let it go for the night or continue to fight. “Dean’s the oldest. He knows the responsibilities that come with that.”
It felt like my skin was on fire with the anger that radiated through my body. “I need you to shut the fuck up and listen for once in your life.” Sam was silent and still as a statue on the bed, papers still scattered around him. “I don’t give a shit about if he’s the oldest or whatever is stuck in your twisted head. I understand you lost your wife, and baby Sam never got a chance to know his mother, and that’s horrible. But Dean lost his mom too. He lost her just like you and Sam did, but because he was four and not a baby, that means to you that he now deserves to be your slave for the rest of his life. It means hunting what you deem necessary and when you say so? He isn’t someone you get to command around for eternity.”
“And who the hell do you think you are, telling me what to do with my family. Last I checked, you weren’t a part of this family.” John’s anger was boiling over at this point. His face was bright red, and I swore I could see a vein in his neck pulsing. “You’re just some tag-along who thinks she can stick around with Dean long enough to be more than a piece of ass to him.”
That caused a deafening silence to flood the room that even a gunshot couldn’t overpower. “Right.” I nodded, willing the sting in my eyes to go away so John wouldn’t have more ammunition to throw at me. “Right. I’m here simply because I wanna be a late-night booty call to him…it couldn’t possibly be because someone needs to be on his side for once. Couldn’t be that he needs someone to watch his back on hunts because his father doesn’t care enough. Or it couldn’t be that I simply love him and want to be here for him, right? No, it’s absolutely because I wanna be his hook-up on the few nights where he isn’t struggling to stay awake because he has to finish some research you and Sam couldn’t do, or the other nights where he’s too busy being beaten by monsters.” I took a deep breath and stepped back an inch, barely leaving enough space between John and I before I turned towards the bed to grab my purse and gear bag. “Go to hell, John.” My shoulder slammed into his as I walked past him and out of the motel room.
I didn’t make it very far down the row of rooms before a voice could call and stop me in my tracks. “Wait a minute!” Dean’s voice echoed over the nearly vacant parking lot.
“What?” I asked as he joined my side, his green bag hanging from his hand. “Wait, I…Dean. Did he…”
“No. He didn’t throw me out.” Dean’s free hand came to rest on my shoulder. “I just ditched. I couldn’t let you leave alone after that.” Guilt tugged at my chest as I thought of Dean walking away from the only family he had left.
“I shouldn’t have said anything. It wasn’t my place and…”
He cut me off again. “No one’s ever stood up for me like that.” Dean was quiet as his eyes met mine. “I’ve never had someone in my corner against my dad before.”
“You don’t deserve the way he treats you.”
“I know. It’s always been hard to tell him when I need time off, or even just a break. He’s so driven and focused all the time on getting the thing that killed mom that I don’t think he even notices how he acts sometimes.”
I dropped my bag. “God, Dean. There you go again. You make up these excuses for the way he acts like its ok to treat you like a damn dog. I don’t care that he wants to find the thing that killed her, you and Sam want that just as badly but you two don’t go out endangering each other at every little possible chance you get. I’m sorry you guys lost her, that sucks, and I can’t imagine the pain you all felt, but he needs to understand that you can’t keep risking your life like he expects you to.”
He nodded at my words. “I know.” It was barely a whisper coming from him now. “I just don’t know how to tell him. You’ve seen it, the way he gets when he sets his mind to something.”
“I know.” It was my turn to nod. “You get it from him. You’re so focused sometimes on the hunt or helping someone that everything else kinda blurs.” I gently cradled his face in my hands. “There is one huge difference though. When your partner is hurt, or even struggling, you drop everything as fast as you can to go help them. You’re there in time to save me, every time I need you.”
“And I always will be, you know that, right?” Dean’s hands rested softly on my hips, drawing me in closer to his chest.
“I do.” I smiled up at him. “Now, what do you say to a drink at the bar down the street and a night spent in the car in the middle of nowhere?”
“I’d say that sounds like a great plan to me.” He let me grab the bag I dropped, pressed a soft kiss to the side of my head, and led me towards the infamous black Impala.
@thetallassgirl @hallecarey1
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lint-beetle4 · 1 month
What are your Monkie kid headcanons?
General Headcanons:
MK has ADHD and inherited it from Wukong
Mei has ADHD which runs in the dragon lineage
MK and Mei are known as the "Always Go" duo by the locals, because their joined determination and lack of impulse control is an unstoppable force
Mei and MK were once detained by the police for accidentally setting an abandoned building on fire with fireworks that none of them could've gotten at their age
None of them snitched, and the police ended up just keeping them there until their parents picked them up
Mei's family met Tang for the first time as they were collecting their kids--Pigsy was seeing family at the time and was yelling on the phone until MK confirmed he was no longer in jail
Tang and Red Son have autism, and they both use Pigsy's Noodles as a safe area
Red Son has savant syndrome and struggles with socializing and emotions
Tang struggled in school a lot before he found his passion in history and is sensitive to taste and temperature
Wukong makes himself taller, because he doesn't like it when people look down at him (it makes him bitey)
Macaque makes himself slightly taller than Wukong despite them being the same height
Sandy runs a tea shop/ cat cafe combo to raise awareness about therapy animals and strays
Mo is actually a sentient demon who sticks with Sandy because of how much respect Sandy gives him and the other cats
Ao Lie prefers being a horse than any of his forms because he has a tendency to burp up fire in any other form
Tang and Pigsy married each other in college for tax purposes, they had been dating for 2 years at that time
Tang is greatly valued by Pigsy because his taste buds are sensitive enough for him to give a detailed review on each dish Pigsy and MK experiment with
Pigsy made his restaurant as sensory-friendly as possible, because MK and Tang will get migraines if the lights are too bright or if it's too loud outside
Tang home-schooled MK and used that moment as a retirement period for his teaching job; he later became a historian
Macaque sometimes hides in a closet in Pigsy's shop, the closet later became sound-proofed
Macaque has issues with communication (canon) and sent MK and his friends a bunch of gifts and a weirdly written letter to say his apologies (he forgot to sign all of them)
PIF visits Nezha on a regular basis, because she once found him sleeping on the ground at his station when she was still in the celestial realm
DBK and Red Son have father-son days where they train together and have ice cream. It usually ends with Red Son trying not to cry from joy and partial grief of having his father sealed for so much of his life
DBK doesn't like crying in front of his son, but he does it to show Red Son that it's strong to be weak sometimes
If Wukong stands too close to Macaque, his shadows will bite at Wukong's ankles until he's a respectable distance away
Macaque and Wukong visit each other every few days or so, and they hang out in pure silence, trying to feel the same connection they did in the past
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year
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It doesn't matter if you're his actual child or not, he will get over protective of you one way or another so there's just no denying or escape from him. You could meet him by being a friend of Taehun's as surprising as that is or you could take Taekwando lessons from him. It doesn't matter what you do, you're a literal angel in his eyes who can't do anything wrong. Ever. Frankly he's surprised that you've managed to befriend his hot tempered son but he's still glad his son has someone to rely on
You'd drop by his house most of the time and Hansu looked forward to your visits, you were such a sweet little thing, always checking up on him and asking him about his day and you even manage to get his son on line. Taehun might be a platonic yandere for you as well in this scenario and honestly, I wish you luck because these two when they work together as a duo, consider them to be an unstoppable father son duo. Hansu will feel his over protective instincts kick in instantly when you tell him you feel like learning Taekwando from him because of bullies in your school. He might look calm and collected on the outside but inside, he's a seething and raging volcano. How dare a bunch of random brats pick on you? He gets annoyed at teenagers these days who have nothing better to do than make others feel insecure about themselves and you can bet your allowance he and Taehun will take care of those punks for you. And by taking care of them, I mean kicking them to another dimension altogether till they forget their name by using their famous 1440 kick
He will never let you go anywhere by yourself, he has free time on his hands so he's always willing to drop you wherever you need to go. If you're meeting with someone else, he'll have pages and pages of their biodata with him to simply ensure you're not meeting with someone suspicious that can possibly threaten your life and safety. What? He's simply making sure you're safe and no, he's not following you around or stalking you like how Taehun puts it. Actually scratch that, he totally is but in his defense, he does get quite paranoid about your safety. He's already dealt with Taehun running away from home plenty of times, he can't let the same happen to you. Besides, he's made far too many enemies in his lifetime, he'll be DAMNED if he lets anything happen to you
He feels reluctant to let you leave his house, he just wants to keep you safe. Pretty soon, his over compulsive need to safeguard you and protect you will overcome him and before you know it, you'll now be living with him and his son. He knows it's a big change for you and it'll take some time for you to adjust but don't worry, he's willing to do whatever you want and will give you whatever you ask for. Except for your freedom of course. He treats you like a fragile porcelain doll that'll break at any given moment and sometimes that does a bit frustrating. He knows how trapped and uneasy you feel about the situation but he really can't help it, he doesn't like the way your parents are supposedly taking care of you. What parent doesn't even realize their child returning home late at night? If he was actually your parent he'd have a damn heart attack and possibly prevent you from going wherever you wanted to in the first place anyway
He won't keep you locked up forever though, he knows you need some time outside so if there's anywhere you want to go, Taehun will be ready to accompany you and he doesn't need any convincing to keep an eye on his new sibling. Hansu isn't borderline insane to keep you locked up forever. However he'll have to put his foot down when you tell him you feel like fighting other people, you can expect a firm no from him. It doesn't matter what form of martial arts you've learnt or how many awards and trophies you've won for MMA boxing or wrestling, a no means a no. That's it. He does have a good reason to be worried for you though, his son is always busy getting into fights, he does NOT need to worry about you injuring and hurting yourself. As much as Taehun loves Taekwando, he might teach you a few basic moves but that's it. He doesn't want you getting involved in fights either and putting yourself at risk
They might be over protective of you and they'll do whatever it takes to ensure no harm befalls upon you. I can't really say the same for your enemies or rivals though. Boy, they're going to rue the day they've met you and avoid you like the damn Corona after Taehun and Hansu are done dealing with him by kicking them to oblivion. They will show zero mercy on anyone who dares to even THINK to lay a single finger on your head. Yakuza boss, drug addict, teenager they don't give a damn
Unfortunately for you, you won't even be allowed to be a part of the Hobin Yoo company either since they're always getting into some kind of dangerous mess. If you're into reading books Hansu will buy you all the books you want. If you love writing, he'll love reading your works and encourage you with your writing. If you love to sing, he'll be more than happy to listen to you sing and will of course, kick Taehun on the head when he tells you that you sing like a screening cat, jokingly of course. If you're into cooking, you can share your recipes with Hansu but he won't allow you to come near the fire or touch the knives and the stove so, you're out of luck there. Be glad he didn't end up baby proofing the house instead
You aren't allowed to talk to guys either so you can say sayonara to your love life. As long as he's alive he won't allow to even TALK to another guy other than Taehun, the idea of you dating someone else is a pretty far fetched idea altogether. He's just worried someone will try to steal you away which is something he clearly doesn't want happening. Doesn't matter if it's a girl either, no dating for you. He'll just give the person you're interested in a death glare till it literally burns a hole through their soul and if they're smart enough, they'll get the hint and severe ties with you. You'll be upset but don't worry, your dad is there to comfort you and provide you with whatever support you need. You can tell him anything you want, except everytime you tell him about how someone wronged you, they'll be dealt with
All in all, Hansu really cares for you as his own. He adores you and just wants to see you happy, like any other parent. Is it so wrong to protect your loved ones from the harshness and reality of the world?
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schmorpthe · 9 months
I see a lot of debate on this fandoms found family obsession and I want to add my two cents and headcannons that no one reaaaallllyyyyy cares about.
I think there's a balance of it that's good. For example, I think interpreting Maya and Phoenix as siblings is just as valid as best friends. Siblings can be best friends, my own sister is literally my best friend. It works with the dynamic of them both feeling like they're taking each other in after Mia's death, and I see their banter and can relate it to how my sister and I treat each other.
On the other hand, I don't like it when people give Phoenix and Apollo the father-son dynamic. I think there is a level of protectiveness from Phoenix, coming from seeing some of himself when he was younger in Apollo, as well as knowing he's Trucy's brother. But Apollo is an adult who looked up to Phoenix when he was younger, just his trust betrayed. At first it's a case of never meet your idols for Apollo. He also finds him irritating. I think there is a point where those two can get on good terms and Apollo forgives Phoenix, but they aren't family. It's a different type of love and care. They are mentor and mentee. Apollo will always find Phoenix annoying too, he just gets used to it and that irritation no longer is from a place of resentment, just Phoenix pushing his buttons.
As far as Athena goes, I haven't played much of DD yet because I started as the new trilogy got announced and decided to wait, but I think it's another case of Phoenix being protective but not quite in an adopted kid sense. He sees a young girl who needs some love, care, and guidance. You can love and care for someone a bit like a daughter without going all the way into they are my daughter territory. Trucy and Athena? Best friends. You know how so many of us have best friends that are basically like a sibling but we don't literally feel like siblings? That's them. They are an unstoppable duo.
As far as Edgeworth and Kay goes, I haven't finished AAI but I do see a little bit of adopted father-daughter dynamic, but not as intense. Kay is very self sufficient and made it through her teen years without her own dad or Edgeworth in her life. They are bonded over the shared trauma of losing a parent at the courthouse and Edgeworth is protective of her and his door is always open for her in the good and the bad. The paternal instinct is there and he would help her through anything. I feel like Kay called him Dad by accident one time and that did make them more like family, but apart from emotional times or jokes, he is Mr Edgeworth.
On the note of Edgeworth, I'm not keen on the adopting basically the entire prosecutor's office. I just don't feel like that's Edgeworth. I do think he softens yes. I do think he cares about his employees, but it's the vibe of a good boss being on professionally friendly terms. They can go to him for help, sometimes not work related. He can be a mentor. But he's their boss first and foremost, and in a more Edgeworth sense than Phoenix. More by the book. So yes he cares about them and can sometimes be protective, but not in a family way.
I do like Edgeworth eventually becoming Trucy's other Dad, but it takes time. For a long time he's Uncle Edgeworth and it takes him a long time to adjust to that even. Eventually he starts treating Trucy like a daughter, Phoenix pulls him up on it, he has a bit of a crisis. This is after the 7yg when Phoenix no longer has to live in the shell he did before getting his name cleared, therefore being able to officially be with Miles. Point being it's not immediate. He does immediately live Trucy but his instinct isn't familial for a while.
Honestly me explaining this hasn't completely gotten what's in my head across about I hope you get what I mean.
Also, at the end of the day everyone can have their own interpretation of the game. People will make it what they need it to be and that's okay. As long as what you are going with isn't illegal or straight up gross, go ahead. These are my own conclusions I've come to and it's these interpretations I look for in the media I consume, but whatever fuels your love for this series is what matters ✨
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ju5t777 · 5 months
Your Seven & Blazar art gives me life. Thank you for the Ultra food in gen.
On a deeper note, I'm curious to hear your opinion on how Seven would interact with Gento. Both of them are fathers, & tho Gento transforms into Blazar, you can argue that Blazar is his partner/ "kid" in a way. Both of them would also go above & beyond to protect Earth to the point of self-destruction.
Yet, unlike Seven, Gento wants to be involved with Jun (in 1 episode, he outright tells his dad to stop being a try hard) & makes it known. He's also less uh....morally dubious record-wise.
Ooh! I like this idea! Yes please give me more how Character A interacts with Character B prompts, I live for these kinds of discussions!
For context, I'll be considering Gento during the events of Blazar 2023, and Seven after the events of Mega Monster Battle 2009 (M78 timeline).
Firstly, let's state on record that any invading alien and kaiju is lucky that Seven and Gento are not defending Earth at the same time, because they’d be an absolutely deadly duo. With Seven’s strong adaptability and knowledge on extraterrestrial subjects, coupled with Gento’s leadership and strategic mindset, topped off with their resourcefulness, combat experience and determination -- they'd keep Earth safe for as long as they both lived. If they worked well together and trusted each other, they'd be nigh unstoppable.
Despite this, their interactions could vary drastically depending on how much trust they can establish between them, how willing they are to work together, and whether the safety of Earth is at stake during their interactions.
Gento is a strong leader who places great value in the contributions of his team, and often devises plans with all of his team in mind. While he does give out dangerous orders, he ultimately functions best when all of his team is on board with him on his ideas. Seven is substantially less worried about team rapport and building trust etc., and prefers to work alone as an agent. He does care for his teammates, but believes that some hands-off/harsh treatment is necessary so that his teammates can 'develop' (Taro 1973 Ep 33 & 34, Leo 1975). Thus, Seven wouldn't last long in Gento's team, given how Gento values his team members and their relationships, and how tightly-knit Gento runs his operations. Gento may still decide to work with Seven at arm's length, as he'd recognise that Seven is a powerful ally, or an even more powerful opponent to have.
While their goals and dedication regarding Earth are similar, their values are inherently different. As you’ve pointed out, Gento puts his family as a close priority — it’s unlikely that he’d do anything to compromise his family at this stage. Seven's close to opposite: not only has Seven excused himself from Zero’s upbringing, but has a history of choosing Earth over the lives of his own brothers (Leo 1975, Ep 39), though he does show immense difficulty making those decisions. Any argument/conflict between Gento and Seven would likely force Gento to play the moral side of missions -- which he is admittedly not strong at. There is a high chance that Seven could make Gento follow through with something he'd end up regretting later.
Their relationship could go either way. If they were to interact on good terms, it's likely that they'd establish an odd informant/agent relationship. It wouldn't take Gento long to figure out Seven isn't human, but he'd likely see that as a resource more than anything. Given Gento's penchant for holding important secrets, he'd keep any interaction with this weird alien informant as a secret from his team and/or family. On healthy terms, they'll spend their off times exchanging grapevine news, comparing monster research, sharing stories about their sons, or maybe engaging in some hiking or fishing together. Seven and Gento can relate on many things, including the stresses of their duties, any accident or alien related trauma, or their concern for their families. On a deeper level, they could talk about their decisions, regrets, fears, or the times where they came close to becoming the monsters they were fighting so hard to protect Earth from. They'll disagree on a lot of things, but they'd hold a decent respect for each other as fellow Earth protectors.
On the other hand, if they're unable to build any sort of trust between each other, and if saving the Earth requires a sacrifice of any of their values, Gento and Seven could turn out as rivals or foes. Both of them are stubborn and unwilling to compromise on their values -- Gento will go against any plans that risk the loss of his family or his team, and Seven will not accept anything that puts many humans at risk of any danger, even if it's other humans. Seven is a horrible enemy for any species to deal with; his lethal special techniques, astute observations and his unwavering willpower makes him dangerous and difficult to oppose. Equally, Gento's charisma, composure and methodical approach to strategy means that he'll find way more allies and resources, and he'll be able to form more elaborate plots against Seven once he figures out Seven's weaker points. It would take a third party to stop their fight from worsening (maybe their sons, their teammates, or even Blazar), because any actual conflict between Gento and Seven wouldn't end until one of them has been removed from the picture.
Regardless, I don't think they'd be in any position to ignore each other -- their duties and lives are way too similar for them to stay as strangers!
I can imagine that their first interaction would be anything but normal ;D Maybe someone found some aliens attacking cities and towns, claiming they were original inhabitants of Earth before the humans apparently invaded. Maybe Seven’s in the middle of investigating a weird Ultraman with a warbling warcry and a fondness for veggie juice. They’d probably only meet at times when the Earth is in serious danger, and Seven's oddly timely appearances during times of crisis would 100% arouse suspicion from SKaRD. Simultaneously, Seven's got a track record of being weirdly interested in humans -- he'd end up following Gento in the distance during his missions, popping up to interfere with missions or to part with cryptic advice, which will cause Gento no end of confusion or frustration. Then eventually, when Seven inevitably gets caught by the authorities and pulled into interrogation as Dan Moroboshi, or when Gento gets caught in some alien skirmish while a human-sized Seven is in action, or when SKaRD witnesses some bird-like or buffalo-like kaiju materialise to help Blazar in a fight -- they'll get a chance to properly talk.
That's just my initial thoughts! I'd expect that there'd be more nuance between Seven and Gento, as there are a lot of parallels between their characters. Their dynamics would be different depending on which iterations of those characters we'd be using: e.g. Gento would have a lot to teach 1967 Seven on how not to be gullible weirdo who doesn't listen to his team, and he’d have a lot to say about 1974 Captain Moroboshi. Also, Heisei Seven is a force of terror that I don't want to subject either Gento or SKaRD to. If they'd ever meet up in stage-shows/movies though, I'd like for them to be friends.
TL;DR Gento and Seven could turn out as confidantes, or they'll end up stopping each other from saving Earth. Now I want fanfic of this
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call-me-ian · 6 months
Randy Meeks
• Stu and Randy first met in first grade and has been best pals since.
• Randy smokes, when he wants to get stress off his shoulders he’ll buy weed.
• His father isn’t the best, his mother will try but she is kinda a alcoholic.
• Randy loves to cuddle, no matter what. When he’s in a bad mood he’ll be all clingy to someone he’s close to.
• Randy met Robbie around 2010 thanks to Sid taking him to visit Martha, he was randomly walking to a coffee shop when he saw Robbie getting beaten up by random bullies. Ever since he helped Robbie, both of them have been the unstoppable father son duo.
• Randy’s fave show/mini series is It 1990.
• His room isn’t his room, it’s just a big horror collection with a bed at the corner of the room with a tv next to it.
• he cried while watching the titanic.
• he is a closeted bisexual (and trans ftm).
• he takes a shower for hours.
That’s it for now ^^ Robbie will be next!!
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syscultureis · 7 months
Plural culture is having a little alter AND an older fellow who collectively adore the same group of characters for incredibly opposing reasons.
I see that silly little character show up on screen and I go LOOK it's my baby it's my son my sweet child
But the little alt sees a different character from the same group and is so happy because he knows that character would be such a big sibling or parent if they were real and both of our energies fill up the body with happy ~ 🐺
It's rather unfortunate we don't get along because we'd be an unstoppable father son duo taking on host's issues together then
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bigusbossus · 1 month
Liquid being slut whore just proves how he got his genetics from Kaz 🤣
if only kaz raised liquid lord only knows what wouldve happen like... liquid hates bb, kaz hates bb, they wouldve been unstoppable, they wouldve been like a real father and son duo
i can imagine liquid telling kaz hes gonna go out or something and kaz looks at his outfit and goes like " nuh uh not like that. i didnt raise you to dress like a prude, dress sluttier."
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lokischickadee · 1 year
Save you
Loki x female reader
Warnings- fluff, death mentioned. If there are anymore please let me know.
This will be a long one lol
Requests are open!
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Mobius has to leave in the middle of Loki's interrogation but you step in.
"So you are my new interrogator," loki says, clearly annoyed
You laugh. "No im here to free you."
He rolls his eyes. "Sure and how exactly are you going to do that?" He leans forward, not looking patient any more.
Your eyes go black. "I am the daughter of Hades."
His eyes go wide and his jaw drops as he takes a slight step back. He looks at you nervously. "Had-Had-Hades!?"
Your eyes go back to normal. "Its ok! I won't harm you! I want to help you."
He lets out a shaky breath. "What do you want in return then?"
"Nothing," you reply.
"Lies!" He scoffs and looks you in your eyes. "Gods never do anything out of kindness. You expect me to believe that? From the daughter of the god of the underworld?"
"Im not cruel like that I assure you. I want nothing in return. How can i prove it to you?"
"I...I.. What do you know about me, hm? Tell me a secret," he gives you a half hearted smirk.
"You are a jotun, you were kidnapped as a baby, you blame yourself for your mother's death."
He flinches. "How-how'd you know that? That's a secret I told nobody."
"I know you loki," you respond.
He looks you up and down and smiles. "Well, it seems you do. So what's your plan, little one? What are we going to do?"
"Everyone in this place is dead," you say smiling.
He raises his eyebrow, smirks, and leans back in his chair. "Oh really? Everyone? Even Mobius?"
"Look outside."
He gives you a curious look, but he does as you say. He stands up and walks over to the window. His face goes white as he stands there, looking at the massacre. "What did you do?"
"I saved you."
He looks down at you scared. "Yes but this...the damage is irreversible. This wasn't supposed to happen."
"You weren't supposed to be here thats what wasn't supposed to happen. My father gave me permission. He has great respect for you."
He looks down at you, giving you an incredulous look. "Why? Why would he have respect for the son of Laufey, king of the frost giants?"
"It's all because of Odin."
He raises his eyebrow. "And why does he hate Odin? It's well known that the two are enemies but I don't know why."
You sigh. "Odin is a vile, evil and disgusting creature and my father has a special place waiting for him. But he has paradise waiting for you."
Loki blushes slightly "why me? Im not exactly a saint. Does he really?"
You smile. "Yes he does. Would you like to meet him?"
He looks at you and smiles. "I would love to meet him. Im honored that you are offering. Is there anything I can do in return?"
"All I ask is friendship." You smile.
"Of course! You've done so much for me and with no expectations of a return."
You smile excitedly. "We will be an unstoppable duo. What do you wish for most?"
Well freedom of course! But not just mine. I want the whole universe to be free....a universe without limits," he says with excitement in his eyes.
"Consider it done," you say while smiling.
His whole face lights up, as he laughs out of surprise and joy. "You're actually going to do it? You're going to give everyone freedom? Really, girl, you would make a wonderful Queen of the Underworld!"
You laugh. "Yeah I am next in line."
A spark of mischief in his eyes, he smiles. "Then why wait? Why not take your rightful place? You'd make the perfect Queen of the Underworld. You don't need to wait until your father passes his seat to you."
"I am wanting a king to rule at my side."
He looks at you with a lopsided smile. "Oh? And who would you choose for your king?"
You smirk. "I was thinking the god of mischief."
His eyes go wide and his cheeks turn bright pink and a small smile appears as he rubs the back of his neck. He seems flustered to have been chosen. "Really? You would pick me to be your king?"
You kneel to him. "Yes."
A look of shock crosses his face and it takes a moment to understand what's going on. When it finally sinks in, an enormous grin spreads across his face, and he pulls you up to your feet and grabs you in a tight hug. He looks at you with all the wonder and love a king could have for his Queen. "I'm honored to be your king! My Queen!"
You giggle. "Hold on to me and I will take us to our kingdom."
He holds on tightly and you teleport you two to the underworld's palace. He looks up at the palace in all its majesty and wonders. "My goodness...what a palace! Its such a palace fit for a Queen as magnificent and graceful as you. It really fits you my queen."
You smile and take his hand. "My father said he will give me the throne when i have found a king. Ihave found my king."
He looks touched and smiles at you. "I'll try my best to be a good king for you, my dear queen. You're perfect! You're you were born to rule."
"So were you my love."
He blushes, his face turning soft and warm pink. He smiles, a smile you haven't seen before. It wad a soft smile. You've never seen loki smile like this, with such warmth and kindness and love. "Do you truly believe so my queen?"
"I know so," you say before kissing him passionately.
He kisses you back, his heart filled with lovr and warmth. When he pulls away, he can't help but smile, a full-blown, happy smile. "I love you my queen and thank you. Thank you so much for choosing me."
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skzkiyoon · 4 months
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she has a solid relationship with her father, it’s always been like that since she was born. she was more of a daddy’s girl than anything, but she loved her parents equally. her dad always had work but always made time for her and her siblings before the mother passed away. she still continues to enjoy hanging out with just her dad because of the inside jokes they have and humorous things he says. they’re both the type to laugh at something random over the phone or when they see something in person. kiyoon has never had a fight with her father, their relationship has always been very stable. through her depression state of her mother passing, her father was there for her through everything. he was supportive of her dream to become an idol and has supported her throughout her entire journey. he has come to every concert and fan meeting. her dad tries to be funny by showing up as a “fan” at fan meetings and says hello to all the other members before he spooks her by surprising her. it’s always fun when the entire family gets together during parties or concerts because it’s always lively. kiyoon and her dad are an unstoppable daddy-daughter duo and nothing has ever changed that.
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CONTACT NAMES: ha-yoonie 🫠, bby bro aisan ❤️
it’s ironic that ha-yoon is twins with nari but hates her guts, whereas when it comes to kiyoon he’s always chill. even though he was raised by both is parents before the incident, he would always stick to his older sister’s side. when he was a baby, kiyoon got to hold him in her arms. kiyoon and ha-yoon are 6 years apart, but it always seems like they’re the actual twins. they get along well and as normal siblings do they’ve had a couple of arguments here and there growing up, but their relationship has always been stable and they’ve never gone out of contact ever since kiyoon became an idol.
aisan is the youngest of all the siblings, him and kiyoon are 9 years apart. she’s never actually had a sibling fight with him, he’s always been a very good kid growing up and got to experience fun every day. it was lively growing up with aisan when he was only a toddler because he was one of those kids who had so much energy. you would tell him no to something and he would go do something again and you would have to tell him no yet again.. and so on. you’ve only had to get onto him once or twice but really he’s always been well behaved. growing up now he’s in his last year of highschool. he’s grown up to be such a great kid and you express that to him everyday.
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CONTACT NAME: lily pad 🍀💌
nari and kiyoon are definitely attached at the hip. when kiyoon isn’t busy doing her normal work things, and it’s always a fun time. nari is practically a mini version of kiyoon, she’s just way more nice and playful. nari’s got the nickname “lily pad” because her name means lily, so her older sister thought it was a great idea to give her that nickname. car rides are always the best when it’s just the two of them, they both blast music in the car. nari was the one to suggest that kiyoon get 15 inch bass speakers in her car. nari will take the aux in the car just to blast spanish music such as anuel aa, daddy yankee, or nicki jam. never a dull moment between them, especially when they’re the life of the party. their bond has always been strong and it only grew stronger as the years went by.
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kiyoon has had her cat since 2021, loves her cat very much. yeosin is a white and black maine coon cat that is always grumpy. yeosin lives with kiyoon’s family as of right now, but they live fairly close so she can visit her cat anytime. kiyoon was the one that adopted yeosin and they’ve been together ever since. yeosin is very fond of his family and even though he’s always grumpy he’s never done anything wrong. he has the best life with his mom and other family members and is very playful and cuddly.
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sc0tters · 11 months
How is Trevor with bubs? I feel like once he can walk and talk they’re an unstoppable duo
Trevor and Bubs are best buddies.
Like he just loves his son, the amount of times Daisy had been meant to do something with Bubs but Trevor did it instead.
Daisy doesn’t mind it though because she thinks that it’s really cute that he’s literally obsessed with his son.
The amount of times Daisy has come home to see Trevor just watching the baby monitor or sat telling Bubs a story like he can understand what is going on.
But Bubs literally adores his father, he eats everything that Trevor says up.
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This is the semifinals bracket, full bracket pre-revivals here
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These two families have gone up against numerous others, making it through every time to finally face off against each other. One, a father-son duo who strive to control the each other, a Principal and the Student Council President, the son put through harsh conditions to become the best. The other, a line of assassins, isolated and trained to become unstoppable, their children put through harsh conditions to become the best.
Finals start tomorrow, Saturday October 14!
FINAL FIGHT: The Asanos (Assassination Classroom) VS the Zoldycks (Hunter X Hunter)
Third place fight: The Ushiromiya family (Umineko When They Cry) VS Fire Nation Royal Family (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
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mizuseyebrows · 7 months
Blue Eye Samurai characters as ATLA non/benders part 2
🏜️; Ringo —Sandbender
every pic in this post is from pinterest, I just did the collages
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He’s a little more difficult to place in a single element. I even thought he might be a non-bender, but that came more from internalized ableist thinking, and I feel horrible for that. Ringo would definitely be a bender, but I'm starting to wonder which one to put him in.
He has the versatility and adaptability of a waterbender, my baby can function in any scenario and I love him for that. He also has the spirituality, lightness and fluidity of an airbender, he can be anyone's spiritual guide, because of his enormous sense of hindsight and optimism. Have I told you that I love him? At the same time, he also has the resilience, strength, patience, and ability to listen and wait for the right moment of an earthbender. I also consider that he has the liveliness and burning spirit of a firebender... perhaps Ringo can be the avatar?
It would be interesting to see an all-powerful avatar who managed to overcome his disability. In ATLK we had Ming Hua, she not only had no hands, she had no arms, and yet she is one of the most powerful waterbenders we have seen so far in the avatar universe. What can stop Ringo from achieving something similar? nothing, just himself. But we already have a character who does not allow his "limitations" to be an impediment to achieving what he wants.
However, I don't want to name anyone an avatar in my theories. I feel it is not necessary to emphasize how powerful benders they could be. So, I was thinking about some element or sub-art that could compact all the characteristics of Ringo's personality.
And that's when I got to sandbending. It is an elemental art that caught my attention ever since I saw the episode of Appa's kidnapping. It is a sub-art that has a little bit of everything. It has the fluidity and speed/agility of airbending. The bending techniques are very similar to those we see in waterbending, plus it is a branch derived from earthbending. I think it would be the perfect element for Ringo.
While I'm sure Ringo would be a competent earthbender, I feel like this sub-art fits who he is much better. A unique elemental art for a unique character. Yes, give me three.
Furthermore, after having the most powerful god and owner of my insides, Gaara of the Desert, we can have an idea of how potent and advantageous it could be to have control of an element as changeable, light and potentially dangerous as sand.
And if we continue with my theory of Mizu being a waterbending prodigy, this duo would become a real threat to everyone. Just imagine Mizu teaching all the water techniques to Ringo so that he can improve his sand control, homie will be unstoppable.
Sidenote, if Ringo were a non-bender, he would be a descendant of the air nomads, which would explain his enormous connection to the spirit world. Additionally, he could have the recessive airbending gene. It would also be interesting if his story was based on Ringo trying to learn the history of his ancestors.
Ringo's potential backstory in the world of ATLA during the hundred years’ war
A diamond in the rough that just needs a little polishing
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I don't think his story will change that much. His father's restaurant could be in one of those isolated desert villages. That idiot may not even know that his son is a bender, his little head can’t conceive that someone without hands could achieve anything in life.
Maybe Ringo learned a little from watching the desert bandits who stop by from time to time for a nice bowl of soba. He could look forward to the sandstorms, so he could measure how much his control has improved.
One day he met a strange traveler, with a strong and stubborn spirit, with exceptional control of water. Ringo knew that his story to greatness began that same day and decided to follow that strange man so he could learn from him.
Although at first the relationship was cold and a little uncomfortable, over time everything improved and they became an unstoppable duo.
Ringo was filled with Mizu's physical wisdom, and Mizu was filled with Ringo's spiritual wisdom. You could say that they were meant to come together and complete each other, creating a good balance between them.
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here's Mizu
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deadpuppetboi · 11 months
Goretober Day 17: Twin
By theory, twins have a remarkable connection that can’t be matched.
Two figures born into the world, hand in hand, cry out once their pink skin is exposed to the elements. Yet, being held on their mother’s bare chest, they calm down, chests moving slightly as they finally sleep.
Waylon and Lisa Park considered themselves the luckiest parents in the world to have created two adorable baby boys. Having gone through the mental and physical strain of being new parents, they hold each other in an embrace with their boys in their arms. They figured that they could do this, together, and they wouldn't have to face so many problems soon.
Unfortunately, the two didn't realize how much work it took to care for two boys, especially when they were twins.
When one cried out, the other cried.
When one was upset, the other was upset.
When one was asleep, the other was asleep.
When one was in trouble, the other was in trouble.
The chaos was endless.
It was like the two were connected to the hip, nothing could have happened without the other half knowing what was what and why.
Kole and Cole Park were an unstoppable duo that stopped at nothing to either cause havoc or just have fun. Being a pain not only to their parents but to anyone who was in their line of sight. Now, even with punishments in line, the two did have their positives such as their childlike minds and their need to do better.
Either way, the two would do anything with each other, hand in hand, running off with a smile on their faces.
However, this night proved to be the most difficult and terrifying experience they’ll ever face.
They knew their father wasn't crazy.
He was just fine.
If something was bad, he would have told them so, he wouldn't have gone crazy at a whim and be thrown into an asylum just because. There was just no way he would have lost it, not unless he was trying to get his rebellious sons to bed, he was just doing his job.
Their mother’s explanation didn't help either, sure adults would have meltdowns but that wasn't like their dad. He was calm and collected even in the most stressful situations he would go out of his way to fix it without an issue. He was a great guy, not perfect mind you, but never one to be at the edge.
The boys then hatched a plan, due to everyone else having their hands tied, they went out of their way to find their father.
Knowing that their mother would be worried sick, they each wrote a letter and left it by their bedside. Packing what they considered to be reasonable for their trip over to the asylum, they ventured forth late into the night. Their heads held up high and questions needing to be answered, nothing could have stopped them.
But this place.
It was insane.
Completely and utterly insane.
There wasn't even a guard up at the front, just a Jeep, coupled with military trucks parked, all of them empty. Passing through, the two snuck through an open window, finally noticing the destruction that resided from the inside.
They should have left, called the police, or even run back home, but they didn't. They stayed and continued forth, hearts beating a bit faster as they clutched their pocket knives in their fists.
Hours had passed.
But it felt like days.
Crawling through the vents like rats, the twins found themselves lost as they roamed the asylum, the only thing keeping them going was the hope that their father was still inside and alive somehow. They've been spat on, bit, kicked, and even punched by various mentally and physically ill men. Having spent all their energy on running, all the two could do now was crawl into the vents, anxious to avoid any madman in their path.
They were dirty, exhausted, and second-doubting themselves on the whole operation. They had used whatever was left in their backpacks, their supplies getting lower, and they only had each other to depend on.
“We should go home,” Cole muttered.
“No, we’re close, I can feel it,” Kole argued, nearly stumbling over a dead rat.
Cole huffed, following his brother in dismay as they kept going. In his opinion, they should have stopped the second they stepped out of their home, worry settled into his stomach about how their mother must have felt. His letter wasn't so helpful and he's sure that Kole’s letter wasn't that good either.
So what was the point?
“How close then? I'm hungry and I think I threw up dinner an hour ago.”
Kole rolled his eyes.
“You’re complaining about that now,” he hissed, his voice cracking, “I think there are other things we should worry about!”
“What? The creepy priest or those naked guys? I wanna go home, we went too far, we’ll die here before we even find Dad!”
Kole stopped crawling, nearly making Cole knock into him, he turned back, anger laced into his facial features
“Dad’s not dead,” he cried out, “He’s just not!”
Cole shook his hands from side to side.
“I didn't say that! I said we could die! That's completely different!”
“I’m not stupid, Cole, I know what you meant!”
“I'm not calling you stupid!”
“Yes, you are!”
The boys then started to argue, the verbal insults then turning physical as they both wrestled within the metal vent. And like the child that they were, without the supervision of their parents, they started to land on near-critical hits. Although, because of their size and how skinny they were, they could only do enough damage.
It only stopped when Kole held Cole down, his face red and eyes wet with tears. Cole looked up at him, almost like a mirror, he copied his exact facial expression, right down to the strands of black hair that fluttered on top of their heads.
“We didn't get all this way just to go back! We came here to see Dad again and we’re going to see him again! Whatever this place said about Dad is a lie! You know it, Mom knows it, and I know Dad knows it because he wouldn't willingly work in a place like this without doubt the right thing!”
Cole just looked up at his brother.
“And Dad did the right thing! I know he did and we have to bring him home! I don't want to spend another day without him, Cole! I just don’t!”
Cole stayed silent, watching helplessly as his brother began to cry. Fat globs of tears ran down his cheeks, falling on top of his face and mixing with his own.
“Sorry,” the boy got off his brother, drying his tears, “I’m sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry.”
Cole got himself up, unsure what to do, he awkwardly watched as his brother continued to let the tears fall. He let time fly by as he watched his brother cry, unsure if he would want a hug or not, he kept his eyes over the opening of the vents to distract his mind. With his brother’s cries invading his hearing, he tried to focus on the darkness behind him, the opening unnerving him the more he peeked into it.
He squinted his eyes, trying to make something out, thinking it was his mind playing tricks on him. He focused even more, moving his head forward before something began to move from the darkness.
Cole went to reach for his brother.
“Dirty, filthy rats!” A ragged voice screeched as two decrepit hands reached out, grabbed at Kole’s hair, and dragged him out of the vent.
A variant had held onto the boy, hoisting him up in the air with the hair on his scalp, as if he had caught the catch of a lifetime. Screaming complete nonsense as he shook him from side to side, effectively making the poor boy grow ill. Cole immediately crawled out of the vent and screamed at the man, pocket knife in hand, he tried his best to be as intimidating as possible.
It failed, of course.
The deformed variant looked right at Cole, jagged teeth spitting out saliva each time he spoke.
“Damn rats,” he hissed as he hoisted a struggling Kole in the air, “Always making a damn scene! Making too much noise! I just wanna sleep but you keep skittering around in piss and shit like you don’t give a damn!”
His grip on Kole tightened, making the boy cry out.
“I can't take it anymore, I want you to just shut the Hell up!”
He then threw Kole onto the ground, face first, right in front of Cole. Cole cringed at the sound of something cracking, like a carrot stick, and watched as his brother crumbled from the impact. Falling over to his side, his face turned over towards Cole, his nose snapped right to the side as blood flowed like a river. His eyes had a dazed look in them, maybe his brain had scraped against his skull to make that happen although Cole prayed that wasn't the case.
The variant then stepped over Kole, face twitching slightly as his blank eyes stared right into Cole’s black ones.
“Loud,” he wheezed, “You’re too damn loud!”
He lunged forward, Cole only having enough time to hold his pocket knife to protect himself.
His body was fueled with adrenaline, the animalistic need to protect himself had invaded his mind. His heart raced, his mind running with every possibility, his palms clammy, and his limbs shaking. All of that, and yet that very moment, the boy had felt a sense of cold overtake him.
It was as if it had phased through him, like the gust of a cold wind breeze. He thought to shiver but his body refused to do so, having to instead freeze up as his eyes caught onto what had caused it.
The variant paused mid-lunge, eyes wide, and he started to shake his head. Struck with the same coldness as Cole did, he began to back away, shaking as he did so.
“The Walrider…” He whimpered and before he could turn and run he was subsequently grabbed and hoisted into the air.
His screams pierced the broken room, and both the boys snapped out of their dazed minds to see what was going on. To them, the variant was up in the air, struck up by some unknown force not seen by the naked eye. And yet they could hear the snapping of his bones, the gurgle of the blood that pooled into his mouth, and the outlines of cuts that seemed to appear all around his body.
As the blood seeped through, Cole thought through his terror and ran over to his brother, holding onto him in a vice grip.
Kole hadn't answered him, eyes still on the spectacle before him, his eyes widened as he examined the variant’s body and began to split itself apart. Feeling dread come onto him, Cole had the split-second decision to look up as well, before an array of red had covered his vision.
The variant had been torn to pieces.
Witnessing the gruesome final seconds of his life, the boys watched as his body split itself into various pieces and flew across the room. Blood and guts rained down on them, splattering in a disgusting heap that squished and churned like how food was in a blender.
Silence fell upon the boys.
Struck with the fear of whatever they had just seen, not a single word could have expressed how terrified they were.
They wanted to cry.
They wanted to run.
They wanted to throw up.
They even wanted to faint.
But they didn't.
They just sat there, covered in another man’s flesh and bones, shock striking their senses before they finally began to notice a figure appear before them. Immediately, the two crawled back, Cole helping his brother as his body struggled to keep up with the conflicting thoughts within his head.
The figure wasn't a man although its form reassembled one greatly.
Wrapped within the wisps of black and gray alike, it stood (or rather floated) before the twin boys, inspecting them like how a scientist inspects a test subject. Although not saying a word, the boys had a pretty good idea of what it was capable of, having been the witnesses of the murder it just committed.
Cole held onto his brother and dragged him back, still raising his pocket knife, he pointed it straight at the phantom before them.
The Phantom tilted its head to the side, seemingly confused by the action before it backed off entirely. Disappearing through the walls of the enclosure, the boys were sure that they could have seen a form of a face appear upon its blank state. It looked concerned although pleased at what it had done, giving a sorrowful look on its face before it disappeared completely.
The boys were then left to their devices, soaked in blood, and their eyes wide with fear.
What was that?
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morbidwlws · 1 year
I’d like to introduce you guys to my most evilest blorbos: Spencer and Levi Gibson!
Unstoppable (and unstable) sibling duo! Their favorite hobbies include being queer, committing atrocities, fantasizing about patricide and bendin’ God’s ear.
Their story isn’t fully fleshed out yet but I think these mixes paint a pretty good picture. Like the woods, they’re ever growing changing. The first one I’ve given the same [rough] title as the story. For the most part it follows the siblings’ relationship with one another but it also notes on their relationships within the community!
The title for the characters individual playlists I pulled from Beowulf where the poet describes Grendel as “…driven by evil desire, swollen with rage…” because… yeah. That line made me crazy.
So, here we have Spencer: a young girl forced to grapple with the loss of her mother, sister and individuality all within the same year. She grew up fast, and resentful and into a woman that no one wanted her to become. The only things which remain fixed through it all are her brother’s love and her father’s anger. And the beers in the fridge. And the scabs on her knees.
And Levi: the firstborn son of a so-called righteous man. His first reacion is violence, except especially where Spencer’s concerned, although he wished it didn’t always have to be that way. But that town was full of nasty bastards - which meant it had to be that way. Somewhere along the way the wires get crossed, the need to be close to her becomes suffocating, grief and desire crash into one another at breakneck speed.
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