#until i get there asdfghjk
fabdante · 5 months
WIP Meme
I was tagged by @ro-blaze!! (thank you for tagging me!!). After finally wrapping up The Grunge Band AU tm I'm completely free to work on other things, the dilemma now being I have too many things I am working on asdfghjk
The most pressing of things though is probably getting at least one of the next parts of Circumnavigators of Celestial Bodies done before the end of Zutara month so I picked a little chunk I really like from one of those (I call this one 'The Sparring One'):
But, as she assumes her starting stance across from Zuko, she see’s the middle of his chest and falters. Because that’s not how his chest used to be and she knows it. She stands limp and sees lightning and doesn’t even really hear him say her name. And Katara, feebly, asks, “does it still hurt?” Because it looks like it hurts. She’s worried that it hurts. The way the flesh is knotted with fresh scar tissue, pink and healing still. It’s been months, sure, but the scar hasn’t really had all the time to acclimate like the old one has. It’s different to, how the skin’s twisted across itself. The colors it makes. She supposes that all has to do with the fact it’s not from a traditional burn, it’s from lightning. The middle, she supposes, is more like burns she’s seen. Like the scar on his face. Or the scars on plenty of Earth Kingdom people she’s seem. Her hands, even. Scars like her friends mother back home, who’d just gotten a little too ambitious cooking by the fire and they’d all swarmed her immediately to keep the damage as light as possible but still there was damage. That sort of burn. But it splinters out from there, like roots digging into the earth. All these little lines, jutting across his skin. Rivers and streams diverging from a lake. It’s strange. She’s never seen a burn like that. She’d never treated lightning before either. That, to, she still thinks about. How he still sparked with it, how it felt to piece together his insides while it tried to get out. An animal stuck in a trap, really, unable to gnaw off its own foot. She wonders sometimes if it’s still stuck in him. Wiggling around like a fish all tied up in a net. When she looks at him, though, it occurs to her that he maybe doesn’t think about this that often. Or maybe, he does and he just…didn’t think she did.
I'm tagging @thevampireauthoress and @robinainthood ! (only if u guys want tho)
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yumichikah · 1 year
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"How has another year passed already..."
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fabdantes-sims · 2 years
if any of you were wondering where i’ve been, i was trying to clean my 85gb (23′000+ file) mods folder then somehow ended up with a 106gb (25′000+ file) mods folder instead. but now it’s organized so there’s that
also i owe sims 4 mod manager and turning off the boot up checklist my life
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uravitypng · 7 months
I loved it!!
But what would Bully!Tsukishima would do if his beloved starts dating someone that isn’t him.
I feel like he’d destroy the guy and then go claim her saying shit like “you’re fucking mine understand?”
I love Tsuki and I love Bully!Tsuki
~ Anon ❄️
-( i'm glad you loved it!! <33 i love him so much too! i had a dream about him last night asdfghjk ) (i had to put this under a cut because it is slightly longer than all my other parts)
i think tsukishima would say he had nothing to do with it, even though you both know the truth. i think he'd be like, "i don't know what happened but whatever did happen to him was his own fault"
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it would be very rare for you to actively pursue someone or date someone not knowing the kind of wrath tsukishima would have towards you but recently you've just started a new relationship and it's going so well, you've never had one since starting uni and they're so nice to you. they help you study, insist on paying whenever you both visit the cafe just outside of campus before classes and wait for you outside of your classes to walk you home. they're amazing and whenever you think about them your heart flutters but it was only a matter of time until tsukishima found out.
when class ends he leaves just behind you ready to pull you somewhere quiet but instead he finds you and your partner, he sees them kiss your cheek and take your bag from you to start slinging it over his shoulder, "hey! stop doing that. i can carry it."
"i could never allow that babe. you're far to pretty to carry it," he grins and holds your hand before you both walk off.
tsukishima's jaw clenches. who the hell is holding your hand? who is kisses your cheek? complimenting you? how dare they, how dare you for thinking you could do that.
he's never even seen the guy around before, boring and dull looking, someone punching above their weight and it pisses him off however he doesn't do anything, he just watches you leave, seething. if you looked around for just a second you would realise how angry he is by his expressions that you've gotten so good at identifying since he first started terrorising you.
he doesn't do anything, at least for a few days. whenever you pass each other in corridors he'll still make sneering comments and sit behind you in classes. it still makes you tear up and cry but you hide it all from your partner.
when tsukishima realises they're still there walking you home and making you smile after a few days he knows he has to do something. he's gotten good at cornering people by now with how much he does it to you. tsukishima is tall and can be very intimidating when he wants to and right now he does want to.
he throws them against the wall and grabs hold of their collar, glaring at them. your partner is in complete shock. he knows of tsukishima, everyone does, he's popular and his friends are even more popular, all the girls like his cool demeanour and he's been playing volleyball for years even before he joined uni back when he was still just a teenager but he's never interacted with your partner before and they have no idea why he's so furious at them.
the shocked expression just pisses tsukishima off even more and he holds them tighter, not in any fear that they'll try and leave but because he can and he wants to scare them. he wants to hurt them. it's only fair for laying their hands on you.
your partner tries to sort through their thoughts to say something but tsukki won't allow for that. "you've got some nerve."
"what?" they're completely confused, having not one clue about what he's talking about.
"did you really think you could get away with touching my girl?" he spits.
"what?" they repeat themselves. "your girl? i promise you i haven't been talking to anyone. i have a girlfriend."
"your girlfriend?" he glares. "she was mine before she was yours and she'll always be mine." your partner still looks confused but then whispers your name. tsukki smirks and leans closer, "that's her. touch her again and you'll see what'll happen." he pushes them harder against the wall and then lets go, causing them to fall. he thinks about the consequences but does it anyway as he punches the side of their face, definitely leaving a heavy bruise by tomorrow morning.
that night you get a phone call after not hearing from your partner all day, you didn't have any classes so you've been studying at home, you grin as you pick up.
your partner cares about you a lot, they really do but they had no idea you knew tsukishima and you had told them you never dated in university before. your partner believes you, you'd never lie to them but obviously there is something you haven't told them about tsukishima. they want to stay with you. they want to ask you about it. they really do like you and they don't want to break up with you but then they feel the bruise on their cheek and remember the threat.
your partner stays silent and you wonder if they accidentally called you. you ask if they're okay. they start talking so quietly you have to turn the television off so you can hear them. "hi, babe. i don't really know how to say this but i think we should break up." as soon as the words left their mouth they felt immediate regret.
all the warmth left your body, "what?" you say just as quietly.
he gets a flashback of tsukishima cornering them as they kept repeating 'what'. "...yeah. let's break up." he hangs up the phone and you sit in silence crying all night.
the next day you go to and seek them out in campus, wanting to talk to them face to face. you can't just end a relationship like that, you don't even know why he broke up with you. if you've done something wrong you want to try and apologise, you want to work it out, even if them breaking up with you hurt and over the phone hurt even more, you want to try and make it work.
you see a huge bruise on his face. you gasp loudly. "are you okay? what happened?" you ask worried. all thoughts about your relationship leaving your brain just concerned about them.
"nothing happened i'm fine."
"you're not fine. it looks like you were punched."
they get frustrated, they like you a lot but you're the reason that they're ended up like this. "it's because of you that this happened."
"what?" they turn around, leaving you confused and mostly upset blaming you for something you had no control of and no knowledge of.
you walk aimlessly away, not wanting to be left next to them. you find yourself on a bench and you can't stop the tears from streaming down your face.
tsukishima fortuitously finds you while he was walking back from practise. he sees you looking down at the floor and he can tell why, your partner is now your ex. he smirks and walks up to you, before he announces himself he hides the smirk and crosses his arms. "what's wrong with you princess?"
still looking down you reply, "go away tsukishima."
"don't be like that. i just want to know what happened."
"i got dumped."
without misses a beat tsukishima responds, "it's for the best. you two don't work together. it's wrong that you were with them."
when hearing this you look up with watery eyes, still sniffling, "did you have something to do with this kei?"
you've gotten use to what his slight change of expressions and body language really mean but there wasn't any indication this time even though this might be the biggest reaction he's ever had to you before. you called him kei. he always hated when people called him nicknames growing up, only really letting yamaguchi get away with it but you, you calling him by his given name? he wants to hear you say it everyday, it sounds so beautiful coming out your mouth. what would it sound like if you were moaning his name?
he has no physical reaction at you saying his given name, staying collected, as he lies to you, "i don't know what you mean princess."
"it looked like he was punched. he has a huge bruise on his face."
"nothing to do with me. i'm sure whatever it was he deserved it though."
"i don't believe you." and you don't, the way he knew you were even dating someone in the first place is suspicious and it does seem to you that it is something tsukishima would do, punching someone, breaking up your relationship, and then not admitting to it.
tsukishima tilts up your chin making you keep eye contact with him and then squeezes your chubby cheeks, not hard enough to hurt you though. "that's fine by me princess. just know you're fucking mine."
you start crying again and you're not even sure why, maybe it's because tsukki tilted your head up so carefully or maybe it's because he called you princess. maybe it's because he said you're his. maybe it's because of him that you got dumped. maybe it's because he looks really attractive in that purple shirt he's wearing. you don't know. tsukki kisses your forehead. "i've got to go and meet kuroo but i'll see you soon alright. make sure you go inside soon, it's going to get cold and it might rain," he murmurs gently. he squeezes your chubby cheeks one more time and wipes your eyes before getting up and leaving to go meet kuroo.
you hold your hand on your cheek to where tsukki's hand was and take a deep breath to calm down. you hurry to take cover inside before it rains.
bully tsukishima masterlist
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i-am-hungry-24-7 · 4 months
Wait the lower one is from me but i don't really remember the whole details of what I've written there 😭😂 lemme dig my brain first 😔 but i remember mentioning something abt TF 141 with good smelled reader and they can't keep themselves from clinging or getting closer to reader (?)
Sharkiee 🥹 I'm lucky enough since you still remember a bit of the request! and actually I was thinking about good smelled reader these days too, but my ass get caught in my job these days 🫨 here's some hcs but I feel like there's still a lot of things I can brainrot, I'll add more to this when I can form them into words asdfghjk, as always tyvm for the ask🫡💖
Price He rarely smokes when you’re aside because it will cover your scent.  Invades your personal space on the helo when you guys are heading back to base so he can bask in your smell. It’s refreshing and unlike those stinky men he says. The sleep-deprived captain got a lavender pillow from you, and he threw his old one immediately, hadn’t been so excited to end the day and sleep after years, because you used the same pillow, and your hair smells literally like it, and he relaxed lot more with it. (when you're both on leave then he will ditch it since he has you instead)
Soap Kick him into the shower before he smears his sweat on you with how much he likes to cling to you and is unable to pry off after missions. Getting called Soap is obviously unrelated to his body wash, the plain 3 in 1 one that makes you just shove your shower gel in his grasp. You know he just wants to steal yours so he can smell like you, but if you buy him the same product he’ll still snatch yours. Makes you wear his shirts so he can get it back and wear your scent like cologne around, he doesn’t care if you yell ew at him, nor he care that others might tease him for getting claimed by you, to be honest, that’s his goal. Everyone should know he’s knee-deep for you.
Gaz He smells good or at least not bad after missions, but still loves to tail after you. Maybe you two share the same perfume, but he insists that it smells different on you (bastard just want to find an excuse to squish himself against you, but the rejections always swallowed by you before they can come out, his beautiful eyes aren’t just decorations, he knows you’re weak when he looks at you with pleading eyes) Personally think that Gaz probably has some weird obsession with your nape, and when you spray your perfume there every morning, it’ll attract him like he’s a pokemon, sneak a chance to sniff and press a kiss there until you scowl at him. You put on lotions after showers to prevent dry skin? He won’t miss the chance to help you. Maybe that’s the secret you always smell so enchantingly, if you shoo him off and say you can do it yourself, he will look at you with sad eyes till you feel guilty and hand him the bottle of body lotion.
Ghost Caught him secretly sniffing around you after a mission and he didn’t talk to you the whole night out of embarrassment. He just sat on the bed and tried to intimidate you with his stare (0 damage when his cheeks were pink whenever you tease him). In the end he just gave in and admitted he loves how well you smell 24/7, and when you’re both on leave, he will drown himself in your bed sheets or the plushie you have. The plushie is his now, don’t expect to have it back unless he feels like your scent on it fades, that’s when you can squeeze it between you and him during sleep.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 2 months
Do you have any NSFW AGSZC headcannons??
I do (╥ ╥) and let how late I'm posting this be a testament to how shy I am posting it on this blog lmao
WARNING: Actual NSFW under the cut
✮ Genesis
Foreplay - He has two moods (fitting cuz the man is a s w i t ch) either talking his partner through blowing him, hands gripping their hair and forcing his length down their throat while showering them in praise, or kissing every inch of their skin until he reaches between their legs. He also likes the opposite for himself
Sex - Genesis is a worshipper and his attitude seeps into whatever he's doing, therefore he sees his partner as a deity and sex as an act of devotion (I don't see him as promiscuous). He doesn't shy away from different positions to seek both thrill and pleasure in multiple ways. He's veryy vocal, and it shows even when his lips are busy humming against his partner's neck, thighs, and other sensitive areas while his tongue does the work. But of course Genesis is also needy, likes being pampered and having his brains thoroughly fucked out.
✮ Sephiroth
Foreplay - I don't know how else to say this but he's a tits man, okay? okay?? Does not matter the gender or size, he will be sucking them. Foreplay with Sephiroth also includes him eating, licking, sucking, and doing just about anything he can to bring them towards the edge, and then back again.
Sex - Sephiroth loves getting reactions from his partner and is fascinated by how easily they get aroused and how he can make them aroused. He enjoys the feel of their heels and their nails digging into his back. He's a bit touchy about things that mark his skin, but if it's his partner, he's all for it (seriously pls give him hickeys). C u r i o u s. Explores different ways to tease, sometimes being a bit cruel by edging his partner and seeing just how long they can go before begging, squirming and needing release. One of his favorite positions is pinning their thighs down while he thrusts into them, so he can watch their whole body, the blush spreading over their skin, and their facial expressions. He has a lot of stamina and can go for hours if you let him. OH. and hair pulling. He likes hair pulling. To pull and be pulled.
✮ Angeal
Foreplay - Spanking? Spanking. I also get the vibe that while he can be rough, he'd mostly prep his partner by being gentle, littering their body with kisses and soft touches BEFORE the spanking/ biting/ etc.
Sex - Angeal is a teacher at heart, and even though he's a big softie and nurturing in his relationships, that dominant side of him comes OUT when he's fucking his partner. He doesn't tolerate bratty or disobedient behavior (side eye… he likes it), and will hold his partner down and discipline them if needed. He loves throwing them partner around regardless of their size, and is a fan of manhandling (emphasis on hand, emphasize on finger because his are magic). His favorite position is holding both of his partner's wrists down while he fucks them.
✮ Zack
Foreplay - The man cannot and will not keep his hands off his partner, and is eager to touch them before even getting to a secluded location. His idea of foreplay is touches that linger just a little too long, touches under the table, questionable hand-placements and leaning over, grazing his lip against their ear, asking them to trust him before leading them to a second location.
Sex - He's eager to make his partner feel good and will fuck them just about anywhere, anytime (the spontaneity might as way turn him on). Multiple rounds are his forte, and his energy is seemingly endless. But while his pace is fast and *cough* hard, he can be incredibly tender and knows when to slow down and be gentle — think soft kisses against their skin and entwined hands while he whispers in their ear just how good they're being for him.
✮ Cloud
Foreplay - I don't usually read/write about Cloud in this context, so forgive me in advance asdfghjk. I feel like he'd need a deep connection before he can be intimate with someone, but when he gets that connection he doesn't hold back. He loves his partner, and showing them that he loves them comes before anything else. He'd do foreplay with soft awkward but genuine touches and asking them how they want it. It takes the pressure off knowing that he can deliver what they want without having to worry about whether or not what he's doing is the right thing. He does enjoy going down on his partner and watching their reaction — spitting, fingering, using his breath to get a reaction from them, that sort of thing.
Sex - And then his partner finds out why he's called Strife dun dun dun. no seriously, I cannot stress 'he doesn't hold back' enough. He's of the 'put his partner's legs over his shoulders, bury his face in their neck and feel turned on by them pulling his hair' variety. More vocal than you'd expect, and has a way of acting like every touch sets him on fire, which is highly amusing for the other person if he's *cough* switching positions and letting them take over.
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
i love your royal au so so much, it brings me life. I'm also about to go read your college au because it looks amazing and i just love your writing sm asdfghjk
also! i read in the tags of one of your posts that you want to talk about abram and branding. and i want to hear about abram and branding. so really it's a perfect match!
really though i just want you to know that youre amazingly talented and i love what youre making🥰 have some validation✨ you deserve it!!!
Two asks about the branding + two parts of the branding = I love you, it IS a perfect match! (Also ty very much I saw your ao3 comment as well and you’re SO nice ahhh)
Anyway find part one of Abram’s brands [here], welcome to part two (feat. a buuuuuunch of ideas from @jtl-fics ✨)
Find the royal au writing masterpost here 💕
In the morning, Abram wakes not on the carpet but in Day’s bed. He can make out Day’s blurry form across the room, hunched over and focused at his desk.
Abram stays there for a while, fighting sleep and crushing disappointment to try and figure out what he’s going to do now. If the prince doesn’t want him around anymore, he’ll have to go back to a cramped barrack room. He’ll need to gather his admittedly meager belongings, he’ll need to figure out how to handle sleeping around strangers.
He doesn’t bother to get up until there’s a knock at the door. Shortly after, Day comes to check on him, finally realizing Abram is awake. The prince is outside, Day tells him. He wants to see you.
Abram takes a long while to think, to panic a little, to let himself shake. But he tells Day he doesn’t need to send the prince away. Eventually Abram can get up and go to the hall.
Andrew’s been rehearsing this ever since he’d determined to come find Abram. He can’t just say we need to talk or I need to know or come with me. Even just at the door he can see how close Abram is to running. They don’t even need to have a real conversation. Andrew just needs to explain himself.
“Good morning,” Andrew says, though it’s closer to midday, and is happy with how easily Abram finds his eyes even with the blurry sight. He brushes his fingers against Abram’s knuckles the way he’s seen Day do when he wants to lead Abram somewhere. “I have much to tell you about.”
After a hesitation, Abram slides his hand up Andrew’s to take hold of his sleeve, silent agreement. Day watches them go from his doorway.
Much like every time before, Andrew is as transparent as he needs to be. Abram’s always needed clarity, now more than ever. Andrew tells him that yes, Day explained the brand. (Not much to lose in translation there. It was exactly what Andrew thought it was.) He’d explained Abram’s panic over it. Yes Andrew had been surprised and angry, but he doesn’t need Abram to leave. (He doesn’t want Abram to leave.) Nothing has to change. Andrew never needs to mention or see that brand again if Abram doesn’t want him to.
After that, Abram’s fears shift wildly, if not diminish. Where before Andrew brushing against the bandage, clothed or not, made Abram shudder in discomfort, now he thinks it wouldn’t be so bad. Andrew had been very clear that he didn’t think less of Abram, he’d even threatened High Prince Riko for it in such a way that Abram almost really laughed. It’s more convenient to have a second person able to help him with it until he can see well enough.
Maybe later, well into their courtship, Abram gets in his head about it again. Could be a trigger, could be something more about him and the prince and touch - Andrew doesn’t try to touch him much, he’d been avoiding even more casual contact ever since Abram returned from Evermore. Maybe Andrew doesn’t like to feel the new scars and marks.
(Of course, Andrew is just being conscientious of Abram’s new boundaries. He has no way of knowing those boundaries have changed since then until Abram tells him, but Abram still hasn’t quite figured out that kind of communication.)
Maybe Abram asks if Andrew is going to turn him away. Or if Andrew is only tolerating Abram’s touch, the feel of his skin. If it isn’t comfortable, Abram promises to never ask again, as long as it means he gets to stay at Andrew’s side.
Andrew takes a moment to process that.
He asks again, “Do you want me to touch you?”
“Not if you don’t want -”
“I already know what I want,” says Andrew. “Don’t concern yourself what you think I like and dislike. Do you want me to touch you?”
Abram gives a breath that shakes his shoulders.
With communication comes understanding, comes Andrew realizing that Abram still hates that cattle brand. Abram thinks Andrew hates that brand. Or at least that it makes him want Abram less. Andrew can’t tell Abram not to hate it, but he can prove that he doesn’t. He takes Abram’s hip and presses his palm squarely over the place he knows the brand is.
“You don’t have to believe me now,” he says, “but there is not a single part of you I would not want to someday be allowed to touch.”
And miraculously, incredibly, finally; that isn’t something Abram dreads.
(And oh, when that day comes it would be a hip kiss to rival canon.)
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wombywoo · 3 months
I need to know more about Quinncent 🫶🏻so I would like to request some much needed answers for 15/25/39 aaaand 50 please ☺️
Thanks for creating them!
thank you for asking <33
15. What kind of sense of humor do they have? Or do they have one at all?
asdfghjk I think Quinn would have a really dry, crude sense of humor. Like, he's very blunt about it, just blurting out something crass in his yorkshire accent. Vincent is a bit more refined in his comedy, carefully timing a joke, having a quick response to something in the moment. They'll both laugh at the other making a fool of themselves (tripping, getting mildly hurt, saying something dumb) It's Vince's secret goal to get Quinn to laugh more often, so he doesn't mind being the butt of a joke 😭
25. Do they have a daily/nightly routine?
Quinn, not so much. He tends to lay in bed for a while at night, flipping through the tv or on his phone. Teeth get brushed, a shower is had, but he doesn't really coordinate things as a routine. In the morning , he lies there for quite a while, until he desperately has to pee and then he forces himself to go through the motions. This is all when he's on leave--when he's on duty, he's rather disciplined, but his behavior is more...robotic. Just as a side-note--Quinn actually sleeps on a pullout couch in his flat; he has a bedroom, but he's developed a habit of preferring the sofa bed (which means Fig gets the queen size for herself 💅) so part of his morning routine is to fold up the crappy mattress back into the couch
Vincent's nights vary. Sometimes, he feigns normalcy and goes about a typical nighttime routine (wash up, put on pajamas, read) before laying down in bed and ~meditating~ (he still can't sleep normally) Other times, he's busy with research or other work all night and doesn't notice the time passing. In the morning, he usually has his serving of blood 🩸 He likes it warm, so he'll often dilute it with some hot water and sip it from a teacup (class 👌) If he's spent the night with Quinn, he'll begin preparing him breakfast and regular tea~
39. Would they ever crash a wedding?
Quinn--probably no. He wouldn't see the point in intruding on the occasion, and it's not really a scene he'd prefer to be involved in. Vincent might be inclined, only if he's feeling bold and they've got a decent playlist, lol.
50. What is your favorite thing about them?
Hoenstly...I just like that they're my boys, hehe. I mean..I think the most compelling part of them is that I get to make up all this stuff on my own. I like how they're interesting as separates; I wanted to give them each enough characteristics and backstory to make them stand out as individuals, but as a duo, I think they complement each other really well ✨To actually answer the question:
My favorite thing about Quinn is how utterly tragic he is, but deep down--he's soft, he's scared, he wants to be loved 🥺
My favorite thing about Vincent is that despite possessing enhanced abilities and power, he's still vulnerable. He's caring and considerate and he doesn't want to be a monster :'D
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dantedeservedbetter · 2 years
I don’t think anyone understands just how much I want origin stories of everyone else in Mystreet like they all have really interesting backgrounds that are just tossed to the side of the main plot points (lol abt to be a really long threat again sorry)
Aaron- Didn’t actually get character lore OR a personality until S3 but like I want MORE because tbh I feel like his parents gave him a lot more trauma than what’s shown in the series, and even the stuff IN the actual seasons (the emotional neglect, his military schooling, the tense relationship w/Melissa etc;) are fixed and shoved off like no he might ACTUALLY need therapy bruh PLEASE
Katelyn- I think she was (?) in therapy in the beginning for her anger issues and the loss of her mother but like it was kind of forgotten about tbh. I think she needs more positive moments in the series honestly bc in the later seasons we’re shown she’s partially abusive towards Travis the first time they went out, and ends up being written off as prejudice towards werewolves bc of past experiences??? Naw the Katelyn I know would never do that. AND HER DREAMS OF WORKING IN THEATRE TOO HELLO??? Also, her mom quite literally used her in the Forever Potion experiments as a child?? I feel like that’s important to her character too :/
The Ro’meave Brothers- I don’t actually know where to start tbh because I feel like ALL THREE of them could use some kind of character depth aside from Dumb Blonde, Emo One, and the Forgotten One. Especially Vylad, probably having to witness this entire Lycan situation grow from an outsiders perspective with no contact from his family in forever. It’s shown that Zane is immensely interested in the family business too like hello??? Garroth himself is kind of just written off as a comedic effect most of the time, but he quite literally has no other goals (possibly because he KNOWS he’s going to inherit the business one day whether he cares to or not).
Laurance- He’s not really a character anymore, but from what we’ve actually SEEN in Mystreet he had enough development to become something outside of a potential love interest for Aphmau. He has a fondness for cooking and was seen to be EXCEPTIONAL at it, and I think he still carried an interest in baseball (or idk it was SOME sport asdfghjk the point is he was good). And he was also shown to still help out his family here and there (babysitting Caleb, his baby brother, in numerous episodes). Idk, I feel like there were so many pieces of Laurance that could’ve been explored and touched upon and we hardly got anything. Also… Garrance. Quite literally hate to be that person but it was literally the biggest piece of queerbaiting I’ve ever seen fr I wish it was explored as much as Aarmau was :( (willing to bet the popularity had something to do with what I call the ‘Heartstopper’ treatment but that’s just me tho)
Nana (KC)- The most under appreciated character in-universe I actually had to go and make a separate post about this LOLOL expect it in like five minutes from now bc I just save everything in my drafts.
Travis- Lol no surprise here but him too dude honestly I have no idea where to start with him atm, his entire family’s lore needs a full in depth analysis on themselves because Aphmau’s series just BARELY touches the surface of Travis’s character
Dante/Gene- Honestly BOTH of them were done so dirty I find it funny how no one ever talks abt it because they’re so beautiful to me. Gene already had his redemption arc so I can kind of see why they just tossed him aside but Dante literally had nothing tbh. He had a messy relationship with KC in PDH and then made that same mistake in LLP. Okay, cool, give us more of that. Let him learn from his mistakes and be self aware now. Or better yet let him grow without tossing love interests into the formula in order for it to happen!! Seems like his family life is pretty good though, worst thing abt him was the peanut allergy.
Lucinda- Queen actually has very little to no background that actually centers around her. We know she had a really bad relationship with Ivan but like I’m pretty sure that’s it.
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fabdante · 5 months
*adds "Careless Whisper" by Seether to the DMC reboot playlist, for Kat, Vergil, and Dante*
So, do you think Vergil would be jealous of Dante if Dante and Kat got together after the events of the first game? How do you think he'd deal with it?
My short answer is Badly tm.
Like, really badly. I'm going to try and answer this as neutrally as possible asdfghjk
Downfall is kind of full of canon reasons why I would assume this.
The biggest reason is definitely how Hollow Kat actually uses this exact type of thing to goad Vergil into killing her. Vergil spends the first third of Downfall recreating how him and Kat met more or less except this time he gets to fight the demon and try to save her. And then he finally gets to Hollow Kat and he tries to explain himself to her. Up until she starts calling Dante a real man and all that. It's when she implies not only that Dante is better but that she likes Dante better that he kills Hollow Kat.
But Downfall in general gives us more to suggest he'd uh, Deal Very Badly with Kat and Dante dating. There's of course how Downfall very strongly asserts in it's first third that Vergil really cares for Kat. There's of course the 'what would you do if you had another chance' scene where Vergil can only think about Kat, what happened with Kat is the only regret he has about this whole situation. Not Dante, not the plan, not any of that, it's just what happened with Kat. So he clearly values her more then we're left to assume he did in the main game. Plus there's Hollow Vergil telling us that he loves these people in some way. All of this is to say he cares about her a lot.
But further then that we also know from Downfall that Vergil has a lot of insecurities when it comes to feeling like he's lesser then his brother. He seems to worry, a lot, that Dante is better then him and is just so naturally better then him. Which is another thing Hollow Kat is leveraging, this insecurity about Dante and feeling lesser to him and that of course Kat would run off to him.
There's implications of this in the main game to, I have a post on that, but to summaries that, Vergil does not seem to like when Kat and Dante start getting along. Why he doesn't like this is never exactly spelled out but I think it's fair to assume it's because he likes Kat and thinks she's going to run off with Dante (as is implied with the Hollows in Downfall).
All of this suggests to me that he wouldn't handle it uh...Well.
But if I can delve a bit more into my personal thoughts on the matter, I definitely don't think he'd handle it well. Like jealousy feels almost too soft of a word for it.
If we assume something was going on with Kat and Vergil as I personally believe from the text (really long unhinged post elaborating on that here in the form of a very long list), I don't think he'd handle the idea of Kat moving on well at all. Part of this is probably because I think Vergil might just assume some day she'll come back to him. But part of it is I definitely write Kat and Vergil as a bit codependent which is not particularly healthy for either of them but how I tend to write then none the less. So I don't think he'd handle the idea that she's dealing with this 'normally' and he's not, if that makes sense. Like that she's able to move on and he's not.
But there's also the fact that Dante is his brother which probably feels like a low blow with all of the insecurities Vergil has related to Dante and how those insecurities specifically relate to Vergil's relationship with Kat. Particularly how there are ways Dante can relate to her that Vergil can never. I feel like in a lot of ways, Dante and Kat dating would kind of stoke a lot of fears Vergil has/had about his relationship with Kat which would be upsetting for him.
I just think it'd trigger a lot of his insecurities. That and if we assume he also likes Kat, there's definitely going to be a lot of frustration and jealousy there that she's with Dante and not him.
TLDR: Ngl I think Vergil might just kill Dante if he ever started dating Kat asdfghjkl I don't think he'd handle this well and would not think very rationally
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daybreakrising · 16 hours
almost fell asleep in the comfy swing chair during my daily dogsitting routine bc i am so very, very tired. my own fault of course bc i was awake until 5am in the end so only got four hours of (broken) sleep-
may take a nap when i get home bc if i have to play a 3-4 hour game in this state it's not gonna go well asdfghjk
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beckyblah · 10 months
your cellbit gives off huge silver fox vibes. like I get the white streak is canonical and everything but I just feel like every time I see him I'm expecting him to also have some white specks in his beard too. like it fits his vibe
ASDFGHJK he's like an old man To Me!! I swear i thought he was RPing an older character until very, very recently, and at this point i refuse to change it. He's a middle aged man bc he had to go through The Horrors or something...
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uravitypng · 10 months
𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰
pairing: denki kaminari x reader
word count: 1.7k words
content warnings: piss kink/watersports, degradation, praise, hard dom denki, nicknames (baby, babe, good girl, whore), unprotected sex, oral (male receiving), mentions of facefucking, possessive denki
both the reader and denki are in their mid to late 20s and are in an established relationship! they love each other so much, it's kind of gross! but their piss kink is grosser! PLEASE CHECK THE PREVIOUS CONTENT WARNINGS AND THREAD CAREFULLY BEFORE CONTINUING. / MDNI!
plus to the people who were saying i should give in and write about how denki has a piss kink i hope you guys like it, i've spent hours writing it asdfghjk
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anyone who knows your boyfriend could have a good guess that he'd be pretty kinky, and they'd be right. denki's flirtatious attitude and the way he carries himself is a dead giveaway. that's how you had a good idea on how kinky he is before you started dating and just how kinky he could be, but luckily you're just the same. even at the beginning your sex life together was kinker than most. denki has always leaned more on the dominate side which is good for you because you've always considered yourself a sub. you've tried switching dynamics once or twice but it never works out well, one minute denki's tied up and you're ordering him not to touch you and the next he's broken out of his ties and flipped you around so you're below him and he's getting you to beg for him.
one night things changed and a new kink got added frequently to your sex life, a kink that denki never told you he had and one you were unaware that you had as well. at least once a week at some point while fucking piss is involved somehow and it started two months ago.
"holy shit babe, you're so hot," denki groans while smirking down at you. he's got you in a mating press and he's most definitely leaving bruises where he's holding onto the back of your plush thighs.
you whine as you become overstimulated, you feel like denki's been fucking you all night, it feels so good and you've already came three times and you have a feeling he's not going to stop until that's doubled. "ffffuck it's too much, please," you whimper while denki grins as he sees the tears running down your face.
"you can take it baby," he kisses you on the cheek and gives you a particularly hard thrust causing you to shriek and him to laugh.
"don't be s'mean," you turn your head away from him and bury your head into the pillows.
denki slows his thrusts, "hey, hey, look at me baby," he asks you gently. you turn your head back towards him and you see him looking at you sweetly and smiling softly. "that's my good girl. you okay pretty?" you hum and nod your head, still sniffling a bit. "need words babe."
"i'm okay denki, i promise," you tell him while continuing nodding.
"good girl," denki tenderly strokes your thigh and places a kiss there, "tell me if you're not," he mumbles against your soft skin.
after he checks in on you his thrusts speeds up again. he removes one of his hands from your thighs and rests it on his shoulder. denki moves his hands up the side of your body, purposely tickling you lightly, causing you to try and squirm away from him and his actions which are causing him to chuckle. he goes to pinch your nipple hard and he considers going over to his wardrobe where he keeps all his sex toys to fetch nipple clamps but he currently can't bring himself to leave your warm and wet pussy. that's when he decides he needs to pee, his pace only gets more rough and precise. "i need to take a piss babe," he moans through all the hickeys he's leaving down your neck.
you start moving your arms so you can lift yourself up and let denki go to the bathroom but he pulls you back. "i didn't tell you to move, did i?"
your eyes widen as you realise what he means. "yeah?" he lowers his voice, sending shivers down your spine and silently asking for permission.
you reply back a breathy, "yeah," curious to know exactly what denki has install. he grins at you wide. then he groans, loud. you didn't know what to expect but it wasn't him stilling inside you and pissing in you. you didn't know what it would feel like having someone pee in you but you really liked it. warmth filled your body like when denki cums but more, you feel the pressure hitting inside your pussy and you feel it spilling down your thighs and the bottom of your ass.
it's humiliating but it feels so good especially when you're hearing the noises your boyfriend is making who is obviously enjoying it just as much as you are as he groans and moans. "you're so perfect babe. the best, so sexy," he grips even tighter on your thighs and starts his fucking you again, this time his pace is more sloppy and not as steady. it doesn't take either of you very long to cum after. you hold each other close and he caresses you. "amazing?"
"amazing." you respond, playfully biting his shoulder lightly, he yelps and rubs his shoulder feigning severe pain. "love you denki."
"love you too," he draws you closer to him so you're laying on his chest.
the next time you experiment with piss in the bedroom was a week after, when you've been to a party together and kaminari wasn't happy with you. he's not particularly a jealous boyfriend but when you've purposely ignored him all night and talked to shinsou, he got pissed. it took him so long to get hitoshi to warm up to him yet shinsou is already smiling and you're laughing at something he said. he knows you're doing it on purpose, using his friend who he hardly sees anymore because of their conflicting schedules to aggravate him, and it's working. by the time you arrive home denki is pulling you into the house and giving you a look that makes your whole body tingle.
denki doesn't even say anything which is unusual for him, you know you've gotten to him. he leads you both into the bedroom and starts taking off his belt, your eyes immediately flick down, wanting him so bad. you want nothing more than to take off his black jeans and suck his dick. denki is still mad but a smirk creeps on his face as he sees the hunger in your eyes. he grabs your chin and makes you look at him, "such a greedy whore, huh? want my cock that much? couldn't wait until when we got home, needed attention so bad you'd flirt with my friend," he sneers at you.
you shake your head quickly, "no, no. it wasn't like that denki, i wasn't flirting," you try and tell him. he knew you weren't but he didn't care.
"betcha any cock would do. right?" his grip on your chin tightens and his stare hardens.
"just you, you. only you. only want your cock. only want you," you beg him to listen.
"i love you," you say quietly. he beams as he hears you say what he wanted you to say, about how you love him, moving his hand to cup your cheek in a delicate manner and starts kissing you, biting your bottom lip, gently, giving him an opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth against your own tongue. he kisses you until he's satisfied for now and pulls away from you, making you whine wanting to kiss him more, he laughs at how needy you are.
he pushes you down by your shoulders, "you know what to do babe," he winks at you and you giggle.
you cheekily respond "yes sir," in a tone that some army solider would say while following orders from a higher up. denki laughs and rolls his eyes, pushing you down harder.
as you sink to your knees you undo his jeans and kisses his inner thigh making him blush but you're none the wiser pulling down his boxers. you get more comfortable on the floor and take him in your mouth. it's always a struggle to fit all of denki's cock in your mouth, he teases you about it every time but he loves hearing the gagging noises you make when you try. that's one of reasons why he enjoys facefucking so much, hearing you gag, seeing tears constantly streaming down your face while you're trying desperately to keep up and make him feel good. currently you're in control though, still occasionally gagging.
"you're going to swallow," denki tells you which confuses you because denki never cums so early, ever, and you always do swallow when he cums. that wasn't what he was talking about though. warm liquid which you now realise is piss fills your mouth, you probably should have understood what he meant about swallowing a second ago but it's too late now as it quickly fills your mouth. you swallow as you've been told to do although some drips out your mouth. it happened all so quickly and the taste lingers for a couple of seconds. afterwards you're in a daze and extremely turned on. denki takes his cock and wipes it on your face, grinning as he sees your glazed over expression.
he picks you up gently by your arms, helping you stand up and keep stable. as you start to get stabilised, you reach to denki's shirt trying to take it off, he's momentarily shocked by your rushed behaviour but smirks. "yours are coming off first," he murmurs in your ear making you shiver, before he takes off your clothes so quickly it would be a surprise if they didn't rip in the process. he moves you down so you're laying on the bed and teases you about how maybe he should keep his shirt on, causing you to pout. "awe, with that face who am i to be able to deny you." he sniggers, takes his shirt off and moves above you. some of his hair falls down over his face now that he's hovering over you, you lift a hand up to correct his hair and tuck if behind his ear but he catches your hand and kisses the back lovingly. "you've been so good for me tonight baby, now you get your reward," he eases his dick inside slowly, both of you moan.
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lovepmd · 1 month
The Heroes get a few admirers their physical age and—nope! There is just part of their mind that cannot get past the fact they are most likely older than they feel in addition to how every other Pokémon registers as an animal. They get a full body shudder every single time someone asks them about starting a non-platonic relationship. “Nope. Not for me.”
They will shut down any attempts of trying to parcel out their “type”. If someone tries to guilt them into a date, they will say “When have I ever implied that I am remotely interested in any sort of romantic relationship?”
along with just general amnesia and not remembering a whole lot about themselves or where they came from, their age is another thing they don't quite remember. they can guess but???? an exact number??? a (birthday) date??? nope
hero makes their own assumptions on themselves cuz of that, they believe they're in a certain range and that feels right, so they'll go with that
it's a lot to handle with just themselves, but add other pokemon into the mix that are expressing any sort of interest and it just makes things a bit more confusing (then there's more questions of "what was i?? has that changed? why would that change but I don't really remember??")
so until hero is a bit more sure and comfortable with themselves and others, any attempts thrown their way are met with "no"s all around
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rottenpumpkin13 · 4 months
Ello!!! Hope it’s been a lovely day, my friendo! 💕 I can say mine has been made 10x better after reading your “Sephiroth turns invisible” prank 😂❤️ Another golden post by the Pumpkin master! (´∩。^ᵕ^。∩`) ♡ Anywho, in light of how much I adored that post, I’ve been inspired to pose a similar ask!! *deep breath* Here goes:
For another prank, as the last one didn’t work out so well (or it can be disconnected all together), Zack decides to pretend that Sephiroth is very much visible, very much there, except everyone pretends that they don’t know who he is. Angeal pretends like he’s meeting Seph for the first time, as do Genesis and Zack; even Cloud wants to join in on the fun/pretends he doesn’t recognize his hero. What they think is a harmless joke to give Seph a break from his fame turns into something rather distressing for the poor man, until he ultimately just breaks down under the crushing illusion that he lost his treasured friends forever. Only then do the gang break the act <33
Really craving some Pumpkin-flavored angst/fuff!! There ain’t anyone who can deliver it quite like you can!!!
Ughhh I owe you Cloud content ˙◠˙ I forgot to include him in this one fhfhfhfh forgive me Pichu 😭💛🖤 But at the same time you owe me tissues for both the brilliant one-shot you write with the prompt I asked you about and the emotional damage this insanely good prompt caused me (seriously, I had to hold back tears because I was in public and didn't want to seem like a lunatic asdfghjk). Enjoy the angst!
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Jokes were supposed to be funny, that much he knew. Sephiroth recalled a time when he was utterly floored by Glenn’s claim of “getting his nose” after pinching his lightly between two fingers. After he had been confused, the older SOLDIER explained that it was a joke—although Sephiroth was not amused by the concept of stealing one’s nose.
Another instance, during the initial stages of their friendship, involved Angeal's determined endeavor to coax more smiles out of Sephiroth. This pursuit took the form of a barrage of jokes, some of which sailed right over Sephiroth's head at first. "What do you call a fake noodle?" Angeal asked him one day, the inquiry that left the younger SOLDIER utterly flummoxed.
"I'm not certain there's a designated term for—"
"An im-pasta," Angeal interjected, flashing a wide grin.
Angeal then found himself investing the next two minutes in a patient explanation of the joke to Sephiroth, who had mistakenly interpreted the term "im-pasta" as the actual designation for fake noodles. Though he did understand one thing straight away: jokes weren’t meant to hurt you.
It all began one morning when Sephiroth went looking for them. Angeal was nowhere to be seen around the training room or his office, a fact that piqued Sephiroth's curiosity since he knew Angeal didn't have any missions scheduled for that morning. Likewise, Genesis was conspicuously absent from the public archives, his office, and even the break room, his usual spots. Just as Sephiroth was contemplating checking for Genesis at his apartment, he finally caught sight of the duo.
They were near the data room, engaged in lively conversation and laughs.. It was a scene that never failed to warm Sephiroth's heart, for his friendships were the only true source of joy in his otherwise mundane days. He approached eagerly, ready to share the news of beating his personal record in the training simulator.
But then the laughter stopped, and the air immediately soured with a hint of awkwardness as they both looked at him, confused, before turning back to each.. “Do we know you?” Genesis asked, followed by Angeal’s “I don’t think we do.”
Sephiroth paused, confused. “What do you mean?”
His friends provided no answers as they merely looked at each other, laughed, and walked away.
Sephiroth stood there, alone and confused, as a thread of understanding began to weave its way into his mind. He realized why Genesis and Angeal had seemingly disregarded him: he must have done something to upset them.
The remainder of the day was spent pondering over the possible words or actions that could have soured their view toward him. Had he been too harsh on Angeal while correcting his footwork? Perhaps he had been too exhausted from his latest mission to give Genesis the attention he deserved when discussing the new Loveless play he had been invited to critique.
Eventually, after a day filled with distraction and a multitude of potential scenarios swirling in his mind, Sephiroth decided to confront the issue head-on. He found them in the mess hall that evening, seated at their usual table, the aroma of food wafting through the air stirring his neglected appetite and reminding him that he hadn’t eaten since yesterday.
Approaching them, Sephiroth didn't even attempt to take a seat, uncertain if his presence would be welcomed. "What have I done to upset you?"
The response felt like a punch to the gut. They exchanged a glance before fixing their gazes back on Sephiroth. "Sorry," Genesis shrugged, his expression showing a hint of a smile. "We don’t know you."
Sephiroth walked away, his heart heavy. Not only had he upset them, but he had seemingly committed an unforgivable act, risking the loss of his closest friends. He couldn't bear the thought of losing them; his friendships were the very essence that kept him going each morning, the reason that infused life into every waking moment. What had he done to squander it?
That night, sleep eluded him, and the gnawing hunger in his stomach went unnoticed as he lay awake in bed, tossing and turning, replaying every single interaction he'd had with them over the past week. As the clock struck 5 AM, he hurried down to the mess hall once more, determined to seek answers.
Spotting Zack heading in for breakfast, Sephiroth swiftly intercepted him, pulling the younger SOLDIER aside with urgency. "Has Angeal mentioned anything to you about what I've done to upset him and Genesis?" he inquired, his tone clearly displaying the desperation he felt.
Zack's eyes widened, and for a brief moment, Sephiroth thought he detected a hint of amusement.. "I'm sorry," Zack replied, "Who are you again?"
Sephiroth refrained from attempting to approach them again that day, whether it was Angeal, Genesis, or Zack. He had committed some unfathomable wrongdoing, and the guilt gnawed at him like teeth biting down deeper and deeper into his skin. It was exacerbated by his inability to recall what he had done. He had squandered the one good thing in his life.
Then, at once, the reason for why they were upset with him came to mind. And it made so much sense. He hastily gathered his thoughts and made his way towards Angeal's office that evening, the usual meeting place for the four of them at the end of the day.
He didn't bother with the formality of knocking—after all, could he possibly worsen their anger towards him? Sephiroth pushed open the door, coming face-to-face with the startled expressions that greeted him. Genesis dropped the book he had been reading into his lap, his mouth agape.
Zack, who had been perched on Angeal's desk, leaped to his feet, his expression a mixture of concern and alarm. Angeal nearly choked on the water he had been drinking. "Seph, have you been crying!?"
"I understand why you're upset with me," Sephiroth began, his voice trembling. "It's because I declined the offer to go see a movie with you all last weekend, isn't it?" His words caught in his throat as tears threatened to overwhelm him. "I'm sorry," he choked out, gasping for air. "I didn't mean to show disinterest in spending time with you, but I was completely depleted after enduring an exhaustive examination session with Professor Hojo throughout the day."
Pausing briefly to compose himself, Sephiroth was oblivious to the tears streaming down his face as he continued, his voice cracking. "I couldn't focus on anything, and I was feeling utterly drained, but I should have made the effort to be there with you all. I understand how you might feel that I didn't care for our friendship," He sniffed, "but I assure you, I do. I understand if you never wish to speak to me again—”
Angeal enveloped him in a hug before Sephiroth could utter another word, the warmth of the embrace causing him to surrender to his emotions completely. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he buried his face in Angeal's neck, his sobs muffled but very much audible to the other two people in the room, who looked at each other, stunned.
"Sephiroth, it was just a joke," Angeal exclaimed, his tone tinged with exasperation. "We thought you knew."
"We never imagined it would upset you like this," Genesis interjected, joining the embrace from behind and wrapping his arms around Sephiroth. "Sure, we expected you to be a bit annoyed, but we never anticipated this level reaction!"
Feeling Zack's hand rest gently on his shoulder, Sephiroth looked up, meeting his friend's gaze. "We're not angry with you,” Zack’s voice shook, his eyes wide. “We never were, and I don't think I could ever be!" Zack gripped his shoulder tighter. "We–we had no idea this joke was hurting you. If we had known, we never would have gone through with it!"
“Never,” Angeal added.
“But,” Sephiroth sniffed, blinking the tears from his eyes, “You Weren't speaking to me, so I thought—”
"Seph, look at me," Genesis gently turned Sephiroth to face him, tenderly wiping away the tears that stained his cheeks, his own eyes glistening with tears of his own. "We were just playing a prank on you, we thought it would be a harmless joke, something we'd all laugh about. We were never angry with you, and I'm truly sorry for how much this has distressed you."
Sephiroth glanced away, his voice small. "You're not angry?"
"No, Sephiroth, no!" Zack's voice cut in, his own tears mirroring Sephiroth's. "I'm so sorry," he sniffled, enveloping them all in a tight embrace.
"Me too," Angeal added, his arms pulling Zack into the hug. "We promise we won't ever pull a prank like this again. We should have realized it could hurt you."
"Can you forgive us?" Genesis asked.
Sephiroth felt himself deflate, his tension dissipating as he melted into the embrace. "But I'm not angry," he murmured. "I just wanted to understand."
Lazard was on his way to deliver some papers to Angeal when he paused outside his office door, his attention drawn by a commotion sounding from the other side. Concerned, he hesitated for a moment before pushing the door open.
What was on the other side made him do a double-take. Sephiroth sat on the floor, flanked by Zack, Angeal, and Genesis, all four of them huddled together on the ground, sobbing as they clung to one another. Lazard was almost tempted to ask if someone had died, almost.
“What a strange bunch,” Lazard muttered, shaking his head and closing the door.
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corduroyserpent · 11 months
⭐️ for Double Trouble ❤️❤️❤️
Double Trouble [Post-Canon, Jūn Wú/Méi Niànqīng, Bái Wúxiàng/Jūn Wú/Méi Niànqīng]
okay so the seeds for this fic were actually sown waaaay back in 2021 when i was writing When I Was Older. i was working on the jun wu & bai wuxiang dream scenes and was like "hey...this is kinda... 😳"
and then my beloved beta reader (hi syd) started leaving comments like this –
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and this –
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so i was thinking about it, and thinking about it, and thinking about it...and then i put those thoughts into the microwave where they rotated for like 2 years until i found an excuse (thanks junmei week) to slap them down
but mainly the idea of jun wu having to be sexually intimate with another version of himself even though they both get turned off when they look at each other, so they have to put mei nianqing in the middle, made me laugh asdfghjk so i was like WHAT THE HECK might as well write it
i started with this section and wrote the rest of the fic around it
“A qi deviation at your age.” Bai Wuxiang laughs. “How sad.” “Mm. It is sad,” Jun Wu agrees, the hint of a wry smile curling his lips. “This is what your future looks like. Excited?” Bai Wuxiang’s mirth dispels in an instant. 
it was a lot of fun!! 😆💜
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