#upbeat SF
savantefolle · 1 year
"Kuiper Pancake" published in Analog Science Fiction & Fact
Kuiper Pancake, my chocolate-hard SF short-story, is now out in the May-June issue of ANALOG ! I am proud of this, because this is one of my most fun, but still science-based stories, ever!  And, yes, another food-sounding title after Rare Earths Pineapple! Consult the table of contents (because they grace only one writer with the cover honors!) Ma nouvelle Kuiper Pancake vient de sortir dans le…
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dearweirdme · 7 months
JK is a couple of years below the mandatory enlistment date so him enlisting via the companion system was the only way to ensure that he actually got in the year he wanted to. Otherwise, any recruit of mandatory enlistment age would have been prioritised before him and with knowledge that so many members of BTS were due to enlist, that recruitment year would have been stacked and JK's enlistment would have been held until there was space for him or until he reached the mandatory requirement age. (Application always goes up when a popular idol is enlisting in the same year)
By enlisting with a member who is of that age, it effectively means he puts himself under their enlistment bracket and requirement rather than his own. It's probably the best hope of legitimately jumping the queue and securing a place that he had.
As for why not Tae, it's simple. Taehyung wanted to join SDT and the companion system is not in play there. This isn't something Tae would have decided overnight. He would have had to have spent a while preparing, he probably had some long talks with Hyungsik etc. Like nobody walks into that kind of recruitment process without some solid preparation beforehand.
Maybe JK also applied for SF (since he did mention wanting to. I think the unit he wanted to join was the same one Lee Seungi completed. The name escapes me) and either didn't get in or was told that he would have to wait a few years since places for those units are much smaller--and that could be why he seemed kinda disheartened and laid back about his MS when everyone was expecting him to be the most upbeat and gung ho about it.
I do feel like there's an element of going through the motions when it came to how JK approached MS but for Tae, he has spoken about how much of a positive influence his father found doing MS and Tae has a good network of male friends who have already competed their service to an accomplished level so he seems to have viewed MS as a self growth opportunity rather than just a task that needs to be ticked off (and either approach is fine)
Hi anon!
I definitely think you are right. I think members enlisting the way they did was very calculated. We basically only have to go six months with all members gone. I think BTS is priority to all of them (and Bh ofcourse) so Jk enlisting before he has to makes sense to me. The army isn’t something he want to make a career of, and he has to enlist anyway.. so doing it now only makes sense.
I think there was never a real chance of Tae and Jk enlisting the way Jk and Jm have… for obvious reasons. But Tae also really seems to make this a good experience for himself. I was under the impression that Jk’s tattoos also restricted his options a bit?
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💖 >:3
(For the askbox game)
Now I would list off my favorite episode in this particular answer BUT I wanna wait until I have seen ever S2 episode before that because I have a hunch that either one of the last three episodes to go is gonna wind up being my favorite of the entire series because this already-impressive and addictive show has vastly improved since it came back....with that said, I can list off my favorite S1 episode, or at least three contenders for the title.
While the "Whodunnit" plot is a tale as old as time and has been in numerous animated works for decades, I can safely say that "Who Violently Murdered Simon S. Salty?" might be my favorite take on this trope because not only does it avoid playing this plot straight like others, there's a couple of fun twists so the payoff/punchline to the mystery is legitimately hilarious, also I love how the episode showcases Pim and Charlie's dynamic so well here with how they approach the situation and how well they bounce off of each other with Pim being the sensitive and caring one while Charlie is the trying to present himself as the more gruff and business-like of the two while also coming across as a bit of a goofball, also that cute bit at the end satisfied this obvious Charpim shipper. But what happens when you get an episode where it's one without the other and will it work as well as the boys bouncing off of each other? Well...
"A Silly Halloween Episode" is a spooky fun romp where Pim being the wholesome and lighthearted character stars by himself in the dark side of the forest on a dark and stormy night while being targeted by a mysterious force. Why this works so well is that even though Pim is not playing off of Charlie's cynical disposition, instead he is juxtaposed to this uncanny Silent Hill/Blair Witch aesthetic and is clearly terrified while trying to keep it upbeat. I like how it feels like a Courage the Cowardly Dog episode or that Mickey Mouse short with the Mad Scientist. The beginning setting up the episode's ending is also a clever punchline. Now that we covered a SF episode with Pim as the focus and Charlie out of the picture, the last episode of S1 I will cover is the opposite.
"Charlie Dies And Doesn't Come Back" is actually the first episode of this show I watched from beginning to end. Long story short: Believe it or not, there was a time before 2022 where I hated Smiling Friends, because I tried to watch the pilot and initially wasn't impressed for reasons I'll get into when I feel like expressing in another in-depth editorial, another reason for my bias was because at that period I was just more invested in serious adult cartoons like Final Space and Primal. But then I considered giving the show another chance once I saw thumbnails on YouTube of nothing but glowing reviews for this show so I figured I'd give it a second chance in the future...coincidentally I did give it a chance when I was lucky enough to catch the [AS] 2022 April Fools Day broadcast on YouTube and I was not only impressed I was grinning like a fool the entire time and I was still chuckling about it the next day, I just had to bingewatch the rest of the show. What makes this episode work is like the last ep I covered: instead of Pim having a solo episode with a dark tone, Charlie stars in an episode bouncing off a more comedic-toned episode instead of bouncing off of Pim and the episode is even better after seeing the rest of the show because after witnessing Charlie trying to look more stoic than he really is for most of this chaotic show his pokerface is dropped once he makes it clear how freaked out by his unhinged violent environment. The climax-leading-to-the-ending is also incredibly sweet not just for Pim and Charlie's reunion but in retrospect this is because it would turn out to be one of the last voice performances of comedy legend Gilbert Gottfried before his passing in mere days after I saw the episode it made the climax when the character he voices even more of a pleasant surprise, what a way to cap off a carrier...
I know, big shocker I used to hate this show before it came out when it ended up becoming my biggest non-Anime obsession at the moment, but it's not the only shocking opinion I have regarding this show as I have two yellow hearts to answer with a bombshell to reveal for each.
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Hello hello~ I've been meaning to request some headcanons from you for ages, I adore your style of writing and your interpretation of the characters! So, could I ask you about how US and SF bros and UT grillby and Muffet would react to being shipwrecked in a remote island with nothing but the clothes on their backs? Could be with a S/O or best friend, with each other or just alone, you choose. Sorry if it's already been asked before! Thanks in advance, you're incredible~
(Hehe aww thanks, do not pay any mind to how late this UwU)
Washed Up
Blue: He's... Actually a lot calmer than you would think. Or well, that's what you think. He's pretty good at keeping a straight face or a calm facade but he does know what he's doing, for the most part. While *he* doesn't necessarily need to eat himself, he can't say the same for you. Most of his attention goes to you, making sure that you're healthy and not injured whilst trying to figure out how to get out of this.
He still has his more upbeat personality, but you can tell some days where it's a bit off and he can't shake off the anxiety that's just looming over him. In his effort of looking after you and trying to keep you safe whilst finding a way out, he won't pay any attention to himself, make sure to look after him (even if this means forcing him to sleep by wrestling him into it-)
Stretch: "Oh boy... Oh boy, y/n, we're really in it, now.. " Stretch tries, he really does, but man, he's the biggest worrywart ever. He can't even think to cover his fear because of just how anxious he feels and trust me, his anxiety will rear it's ugly head as soon as it dawns on him what's going on. After being assured by you (and him checking on you once he's calmed down), he's pretty resourceful (how he can climb trees is beyond you but it works-)
That doesn't mean his carefree, goofy self is gone. While he's a little more nervous than usual, it can be quelled for a bit when he's with you and crackling jokes, his worries melting away when you roll your eyes or giggle at his jokes. He does think if it weren't for you being there, he'd be in shambles.
Black: Is probably one of the few people who's somehow prepared for everything and anything. As soon as you both realize what's going on, he's quick to react, making sure that you are unharmed before deciding to build a shelter first. He's super resourceful, and you get to see what his training may have been like as he climbs trees and sneaks upon predators if there are any.
Is your best bet if you were to be stranded anywhere, he refuses to sit still.
Which... Isn't all that good for his own health. He doesn't really think much for his own well-being since he doesn't heavily depend on food like you do. But that doesn't mean the tiredness doesn't creep in. You would have to force him to sit down for a bit and actually debate him on why he should be sleeping for more than two hours a night-
Rus: "Aw ffs-" While he doesn't seem like the type to have it all together, you're only semi correct- Rus is resourceful, and smart when he wants to use those braincells for other things aside from memes. Being Black's younger brother meant that he too was no exception from training. Whatever you need, he's got it, (with a few trial and errors, of course-) but for the most part, he does a good job at keeping you safe.
But it's only during the late nights when you're alone that you get to see the side that he hides around you. One full of anxiousness and worry as he mulls over what could happen, if he can keep you safe for as long as possible. He doesn't try to push you away if you bring it up to him, but expect him to be surprised since he wouldn't really mention it.
Muffet: Well... This is, an interesting scenario. Having once been in a tough spot while she was underground, Muffet is no stranger to having to improvise on how improve her living situation. With that being said, you may or may not be subjected to unique concoctions of food and drinks crafted by her. It's relatively safe, but whether the effects make you feel funky or not is... Debatable. Being a spider, she instinctively knows the best places for shelter, as well as it being comfortable to house the two of you, of course.
She does express worry, not wanting to be in a similar situation such as in her past. But with you around, it's not so bad, the added company does help her ease up from her nerves. You may not see this side very often as unlike Milord, Muffet actively does try to push those thoughts away. She's got to keep her poise regardless of her situation.
Grillby: Seems calm, almost too calm... But that's literally because he can't emote due to not really having a face... Or well, the basic components to make an expression- But this calmness he has is helpful, and he's aware of it and uses it to his best ability as it becomes night and he sees you worry. Besides the obvious things, becoming a literal nightlight and perfect for creating a fire when it's time to cook, he's very silent and like muffet, is creative.
If you weren't close to him, or really observant, you wouldn't realize that when he worries, his flame flickers ever so slightly. You only notice it when a rainstorm was brewing about as you two were seeking for shelter, thankfully finding one before it began pouring. He thinks a lot, wondering if anyone has an inkling that he's missing, that you would be okay. So many thoughts on his mind but he can't say any of them. What he can do, in the meantime however, is keep you safe and warm.
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ .75
Something spectacular by Alexis Hall
Peggy Delancey's not at all ready to move on from her former flame, Arabella Tarleton. But Belle has her own plans for a love match, and she needs Peggy's help to make those plans a reality. Still hung up on her feelings and unable to deny Belle what she wants, Peggy reluctantly agrees to help her woo the famous and flamboyant opera singer Orfeo.
She certainly doesn't expect to find common ground with a celebrated soprano, but when Peggy and Orfeo meet, a whole new flame is ignited that she can't ignore. Peggy finds an immediate kinship with Orfeo, a castrato who's just as nonconforming as she is - and just as affected by their instant connection.
They've never been able to find their place in the world, but as the pair walks the line between friendship, flirtation, and something more, they may just find their place with each other.
I really am yet to find an Alexis Hall book that i don't enjoy.
Something Spectacular has everything i loved in Something Fabulous; there's adventures and interesting characters, there's development of previous side characters and the return of very loved characters too! I was captivated by this story right away, with Peggy's inner turmoil through the book and how she slowly figured herself out even if it meant going through a little bit of heart break.
Orfeo is such an interesting and devastating character, they broke my heart and healed it at the same time, they truly are spectacular and captivate you throughout the book.
Beloved characters from Something Fabulous make a return and seeing Bonny and Valentine be themselves and be happy, honestly made my entire week.
Compared to SF, SS is a little bit more angsty, but that doesn't take away from the amazingly still upbeat and fun story. The only reason that I didn't went with 5 stars was because there was a couple of plot points i felt were looked over too fast and I would've liked them to have a little bit more of effort into their resolve, though i think there's probably a story for another book, but I don't remember if Alexis Hall as announced anything else for this universe.
All i can say in the end is, stay with whoever starts a fight or an orgy for you!
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eievuimultimuse · 11 months
yknow ive seen some takes saying that superfly's siblings turned on him way too quickly especially considering he raised them & i frankly have to disagree. because when you really think about how SF acts towards / around them, then you could see it coming from a million miles away tbh. his siblings never even wanted to destroy humans; they just felt like they had no choice, especially when you have superfly insisting on it and evidently acting belligerent when anyone opposes it. this man's insulted and criticized his own siblings, making them 'toughen up;' he criticizes ray's singing, the fact that mondo is clearly more sociable and upbeat, frog's name, etc. also he's literally hurt and even killed people in front of them; we never get to see their reactions to these actions but the way, during the car chase, BOTH wingnut and mondo try to warn the turtles that superfly is coming and he's pissed, it's pretty clear that they're a little more than intimidated by his behaviour. and i'm sure the fact that superfly was now targeting other mutants for the sake of this mission of ''acceptance'' that he was on didn't go unnoticed.
like idk, i just really don't think that them turning on him was that quick nor unexpected when you really think about it. i think SF actually had every opportunity to not push them to this tbh gkjgk
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Title: Z: A Novel of Escape
Author: Stanislaw Lem
Rating: 3/5
His lively, upbeat enthusiasm for the material keeps you reading, even when the book isn't very good
The book is divided into four sections, and I found the first and last the most interesting. The second section is an extended infodump about a bizarre system of detectors and communicators that Lem calls the ZX system. They work by echolocation, and are so sensitive to nearby microscopic organisms that they can be triggered by a leaf blowing in the breeze. The thrust of the infodump is that the system is the exact inverse of radio and television: you can broadcast what you perceive rather than what you think and speak, by imprinting patterns of motion and not by sound or light. (There are precedents for this -- the rabbit-in-the-headlights experiment is the classic one.) I don't see why a world would need to be so absurdly hostile to human life that you have to evolve elaborate ways to communicate silently, but alas there is no making headway in this direction.
Of course, Lem is not trying to present you with a legitimately-conceived plot. He is trying to conceive of a structure for a plot, and use it to talk about larger intellectual issues.
What is interesting about this is that, although he means to use this invented narrative as a springboard into ideas about language and math and communication, the narrative itself is given such a weak, thin and contrived shape that it really doesn't work. (This is even true with the book in mind; I would be able to tell you the basic plot synopsis if it weren't for some 80-page sections with no plot synopsis. It's like something you'd get in a flash game.) But this isn't at all obvious, unless you're looking closely, because Lem's invention is so outlandish and weird that it can't be immediately compared to the ordinary world around us, and thus doesn't immediately look like a failed structure for a plot. It just looks like a different structure for a plot. Unconventional. In the midst of reading, you're not thinking of the book as at all "bad," or at least not in the sense that stories need to be good and interesting if they're to be enjoyed. You're thinking "this is an unusual and thoughtful SF novel; I wonder how the author will use this plot to talk about X." And because it's an unusual and thoughtful SF novel, you think the answer will be there, somewhere -- you're reading it with the expectation that the whole will be greater than the sum of its parts. Lots of SF is like this.
The third section -- "Z-grams," a series of brief, nonfiction-like entries -- is another problem. They are all "Z-grams" from the textbook of the ZX system. They are all, in other words, written in a different language than the first two sections, one with its own invented vocabulary and grammar. Some of them are easy to make sense of, some are harder. Some are genuinely interesting (they include e.g. discussion of the structure of human speech), some are less so. But they are never very convincing or interesting, and I think this is because I just don't care about the ZX system, even though it's a component of the reason the book exists. The ZX system is a component of the reason the book exists, yes, but it's not the reason the book exists, because it doesn't help us understand the fascinating natural world around us.
The last section of the book is Lem's afterword, which is about half biography half reflection on his career. He's a fun writer; he bounces around from topic to topic, telling anecdotes, making casual asides. I liked it.
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ducknotinarow · 11 months
Splintered Fate Michelangelo - All Symbol Headcanons please uwu
| Send me a symbol and I will write a headcanon about…  For multimuse blogs, please specify!
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"Looks like i'm up dudes"
When I write SF Mikey I feel it's pretty obvious that I base him off of 03 at best due to the use of the shriek 03 Mikey sort of known for when he gets spooked. I also actually pull from 12 Mikey as well when it comes to his more insightful and need to annoy sides which is why he was so quick to make fun of Donnie when it comes to Von. Not to kiddish a bit more grown in how he acts since this Mikey is pretty good about having a sort of sense of responsibility like 87 Mikey can be.
𝓕 : My muse’s handwriting. (Is it good, bad, difficult to decipher, do they prefer writing by hand or with the help of some form of machine, e.t.c.) 
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"Like my name stands out already buuut even among my bros I feel it still needs a touch of flare."
As we know of Mikey he is someone who prefers company over others to his own. Not that he can't handle alone time he just more rather be around others. he's not the best at quietly being together but he is good about being in the same space doing his own thing. Mikey often can be found sitting at the TV in the lair watching it or playing games. Donatello never too far off, usually sitting over by his work station. Raph tends to be around training on the wooden dummies or his room. Leo's normally the closest off mediate near by himself. He's always excited to meet new people so he can be a tad intrusive he means well. As you can see mikey likes to put a small star over his eyes this is a sign of his active imagination as someone who reads only comics this shouldn't be a shock. With the way it slants to the left we can see that Mikey can be a bit reserved himself and even introspective. This trait I feel is why Mikey of all can befriend mutants like Slash. Or despite not feeling he is the best of his brothers Mikey always does his best to try and keep things upbeat. And can be good if he can even get Don to join in on his dumb jokes to annoy Leo with.
✈ : My muse and  traveling. (If they do it frequently and why, if they never left their home town, e.t.c.)
"Uh mostly just New York, Dad ain't too big on us going to the surface as is anyway."
Seeing how this game is a bit more self contained? Yeah I would say it's safe to say these turtles haven't explored beyond their city but I like to think they will. At best maybe some Neighboring States near New York maybe dip into Canada. Maybe hope a boat and cross of to England or even Japan. Or maybe they will finally get answers on the portals and find out why they sided with the foot, what Baxter had to do with it even.
✿ : My muse and nature. (If they are an ‘outdoorsy type’, like the sound of bird’s singing, if they have never set foot in a forest, e.t.c.) 
"Natures a big deal I am I'm a city turtle but I got my roots still." I feel Mikey would someone who would like the idea of camping and such till he starts to understand that he ain't getting any TV time because no power XD Hell Mikey might be desperate enough to had and keep one of those old school hand crank or portable tvs. HE can't go with out it and expecting him to is unnatural he been conditioned don't be rude to him. I think he dose fine during the day when there is more to do of course.
☼ : My muse’s first memory. (Where it was, who was with them, how this memory makes them feel, e.t.c.) 
"My first memory? I kind of remember Splinter finding the first comic for me? Splinter complains about my obsession now but he got me on the hook so seems unfair ya know dudes?"
Splinter doesn't really mind Mikey's interest its how distracted he gets by it all he minds. Living in the sewers of course meant not having much and Splinter wishing he could provide better for his boys. Anytime he came across anything that might be of interest he would bring it back. One day he found an old comic book discarded and brought it home he read it to all the turtles for bed time for something new and Mikey? well he couldn't sleep so when he got out of bed and went to Splinter he went and tried reading more of it to Mikey to help him sleep. This kind of started a tread Mikey learning to read by having Splinter read to him he got invested and it gave him a reason to learn. Very much how Mikey is when it comes to his ninja training as is in the first place. So to Mikey it's just a nice reminder of this fact that he got special time with his dad when he got interested in comics.
☙ : My muse’s favourite food. (Bonus: A memory, be it good or bad, associated with said food.)
"Pizza is my true love guys if I could I'd marry it be a short marriage though might not last through the wedding."
I feel it a no brainier of course Mikey out of all the turtles loves Pizza the most. He finds Pizza to be the best treat he can eat it hot, cold, and in as many other ways he can think. Outside of this Mikey really dose actually like Splinter's Noodle surprise despite how salty it is. But only because Splinter makes it. Mikey was very much that kid who clung around his parent often since his brothers were more good about being on their own. The reason Mikey can cook unlike his brothers or better even is because like with reading he learned from Splinter. Mikey just liked any extra time he could get with Dad. And this turned into a way to express love through food. Why Mikey doesn't mind being the cook for his brothers. He doesn't feel he offers them much else in truth but at least he can make a good meal for them to enjoy. Even if he gets a tad experimental time to time.
♬ : My muse and music. (What type of music they like listening to and in what context, what music they would never listen to, e.t.c.)
"Rock n' roll is my jam!"
Mikey likes music that is like himself energetic and fun, he listens to rock and pop music very often. Anything he can move to basically he's not much for the slower stuff he can often be found with headphone son when in the kitchen or ready comics heck sometimes he just sits around and listens to music. He can be a tad of a dork about it when it comes to games, sometimes he likes to match his own music to boss fights and because of it many games he just can't beat with out the right song on he has tried and failed! And he can't risk his records and speed runs! he gotta have the right beat!
↺ : My muse and the past. (Do they live in the past and struggle to let go of past grievances, or move on more easily, is there anything in their past they want to forget, e.t.c.) 
"Eh not much to think about there I guess? I mean less you mean when I was a kid?"
Mikey doesn't try to dread much on the lack of what they had as kids growing up, but he knows Splinter sacrificed and scraped together best he could for them. Mikey may come off a bit materialistic but this is in fact because of how they grew up, being older and bit more able to get things like DVD's, games and even comics? despite how he can be he takes really good care of his stuff. he keeps his comics in protective sleeves, When he has them if not? they are safety stored away. Mikey tends to freak out when other mess with his stuff but doesn't really always hold this the other way around he is a baby brother after all.
☾ : My muse and sleep. (How much they sleep, how much they wish to sleep, if there is something that never fails to put them to sleep, e.t.c.) 
"You don't get this pretty without catching them Z's. Why Don and Raph look like the way they do."
Surpisngly Mikey is pretty good about going to bed roughly decent hours himself. He's not much of an all nighter person himself, Mikey himself just has a very good internal clock once ten hits he basically out doesn't really matter what he's doing. I mean outside of them being a mission of course. If he is just at home he just passes right out. Mikey is a early riser so to speak as well, not like Leo but I'd say hes moving about by 6am at best and always wide wake bright as the sun and smiling. He is for sure a morning person he is the worst kind though he can start talking the second his eyes open and he doesn't wait for the coffee cups to be empty before he starts to chatter. He also thinks people wanna hear about his dreams so he often rants on about his dreams to others as well. I fell Donnie suffers this the most if anything, Mikey just thinks Donnie can explain why he dreamt about the moldy cheese escapes the trash bin and came for him with a paint gun with pallets full of acid.
✧ : My muse and art. (If they have an artistic side or not and why, favourite artist if they have one, e.t.c.) 
"Eh it's in the name of course i'm an artis!"
I do feel Mikey's creative has other outlets not just his way of thinking or even the kinds of thoughts he has. Mikey just likes art he isn't very serious about it. But he dose enjoy getting to doddle here and there, he likes to slap stickers on everything. Like his skateboard deck a bit more decorative I guess would be the way to say it. He likes to make food into shapes as well. Not always appropriate though uwu. He learned to make a dick shape pancake and he never dose it around Splinter but he thinks it's the funnest thing to do.
❃ : My muse and social media. (If the muse is/would be on social media and why/why not, their general opinion on it, e.t.c.) 
"Oh I'm on it pretty often here and there I like talking to people online about games and such it's fun since my bros aren't into all of that."
Mikey I feel is mostly a twitter person, but I feel he dose have a youtube channel for gaming stuff as I mentioned speed runs earlier he likes to post his speed runs online seeing as Mikey can't often get new games and plays what he owns a lot he has had time to learn all the ways to exploit glitches and such to finish games faster. As mentioned in an ask Mikey follows don and von on twitter. I feel Mikey loves to tag Donnie in things all the time he thinks Donnie might like mostly dumb jokes. Once von is around? I can see him doing the same spamming her here and there. He likes to randomly pop into their threads and post annoying gifs mostly ones telling them to just fuck. But if his heckling ever attracts others to give their two cents? Mikey jumps into defense like excuse you now on invited you here XD. Miekys gifs I feel mostly go ignored anyway by Von and Don so he will sort of fight with the random people to go away XD.
His own context is as mentioned just comics and games. Sometimes he posts pictures from around the city. He has a pretty good following because he is just very personable so he draws in followers pretty easy. So he's collab with others who make context like himself, luckily no ones thought much about him not having camera they tend to buy him being poor which isn't really a lie.
✉  : My muse and others. (If they social and outgoing or more introverted, and why. If they prefer communicating with others face to face or in written form, e.t.c.). 
"I love meeting new people! I like handing around them to I get bored being alone."
As for here it's kind of set that Casey was the first human they ever really met. And I feel Mikey too some interest there similar to 03 mikey he sees Casey as this cool older brother who lets him get away with more than his own will. But he still gets pretty annoyed with Casey simallir to a sibling. Ironic. But he often jokes about April being the real first human they met. Because Casey doesn't count he's just the stray that never left. With April, Mikey tends to be a bit more accommodating around Simallir to how he was when Von first came around. I think Mikey's just good about getting along with others as mentioned it's said he's friends with Slash so no one really too of putting for him to be friendly with. He just makes exceptions like Casey again this is more because they have known Casey a bit longer. They were all kind of younger when Casey first came around so he get more family like acceptance from Mikey.
Same goes for him only as I mentioned a bit in the previous section he someone that just talks to others pretty often here and there. When he's scrolling through online. A few he dose consider friends. He has meet a few of them in person and they don't mind the turtle thing. Really all Mikey cares about is he wants to find people he can vibe with he doesn't care much for if their interests don't match sometimes he find it makes things more interesting like with Von and April.
▶ : My muse and level of education. (If the muse has some form of education, what education they perhaps wish they had, e.t.c.). 
"uh? I mean ninja school I guess?"
Mikey has basic knowledgeable and that is about all. He still needs to count with his hands which is hard when you only have three fingers. As mentioned he did learn to read from Splinter and comic's is sort of where he learned ti write as well. No where like Don of course he just learned what he needed and that all he needs but he still doing better than Raphael who tends to says things wrong all the time. Though for some I feel he just stands there and nods along as if he understands, till someone points out raph is wrong so he shakes his head as if he knew that.
◐ : My muse and animals. (If they like animals and treat them well, do not care for them at all, e.t.c.). 
"aww i like them they are cute! I like cats the most!"
Mikey and cats that is all I can really say. Mikey of course like animals they are cute and well animals tend to be more accepting then humans are of him so he likes to pet any strays he comes by he is a bit of animal whispering so if he finds a stray and knows where its owners are he'll drop the pet off at the door. Don't thinks this is only in good will if a reward is offered he finds a way to make sure he can get it as well.
❒ : My muse and gifts. (If they are good/bad at finding gifts, good/bad at receiving gifts, good/bad at wrapping gifts, e.t.c.) 
"I never turn down a present!"
He dose not. Mikey can be easily bought just get him something he wants. Casey and Raph want the tv? just slip him a new comic or CD he don't got and hell move. Wanna buy his silence? give hims something. Want him ti side with you in a fight? same deal XD Mikey loves to receive presents and hell complain because it means hell get more stuff down the road. Other way around? he's not the best gift giver but he tries he really dose. He tries to find useful stuff for Donnie, gets candles for Leo, ducktape for Raph because it''s way to fix his punching back all the time or patch holes in his hammocks. Not out there but he dose think about it if he find something his brothers like more so? he cant wait to give it to them he runs home with it hes more excited then they might be to get it even.
☘ : My muse’s relation with their family. (If they speak with each other and how much, if they are close or estranged, e.t.c.). 
"Family's kind of all I got so they mean everything to me. I dunno where I be with out my brothers watching out for me."
As independent Mikey wishes to be? He isn't all that great at it. I feel in part his brothers have always looked over and after him out of habit of being older than him. So he is kind of dependent on them for many things. Mikey looks up to brothers and even their friends later down the road. he is someone who can always see something to admire about others and wish he could have those traits himself and just dosen't always see what he himself offers or brings to the table. Mikey tends to think people only like home because he is always upbeat and funny. And if he isn't? then they would like that. Sometimes it's an act sometimes he has his down days where he isn't ass energetic he might wanna curl up in bed and be alone he might not want to be online. But then what would others say or think? They would think something wrong and well there isn't he just needs a moment to himself but he can't really have that without feeling like he's missing out. if he isn't involved then what?
He tends to feel this most with his brothers, he feels he has this role he needs to stick to. Might be a bit harder to hide this from them but he hopes he dose. His brothers do so much for him as is he relies on them to much already. he knows the pressures on them. Leo's always gotta keep it together he has to be focused and serious and that lets Mikey goof off. Don has to be the one to make sure things are always working with out him they just don't have any of their resources. Raph is always trying to protect them keep them together even Mikey is selfish his brothers do so much he just wants them all to have something to be selfish with as well.
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f1 · 2 years
Leclerc remains confident that 'something special is definitely possible' in Jeddah despite 10-place grid penalty
Charles Leclerc is set to take a 10-place grid penalty at this weekend's Saudi Arabian Grand Prix. And while he knows it's not been an ideal start to the season, following his DNF in Bahrain, the Ferrari driver is still confident that a special result in Jeddah is very much possible. While running in third place last time out in Bahrain, Leclerc stopped on track with a power unit issue, just after Ferrari had replaced the Energy Store and Control Electronics on his engine prior to the season opener. READ MORE: Ferrari confirm Charles Leclerc will be hit with grid penalty for Saudi Arabian Grand Prix Following an investigation into the issue, the Scuderia announced on Wednesday that they would be fitting Leclerc's SF-23 with another Control Electronics power unit component – giving him a 10-place grid penalty for the second race of the season. “It’s the way it is. It’s the beginning of the season. Of course it’s not the ideal start that I wish I had at the beginning, starting in Bahrain, but what can I do about it? Now we need to focus on what is ahead, what we can do to be a better team, to do better,” said five-time race winner Leclerc. “This weekend we are starting from the back foot, but our target is to try and do something special. I like this challenge of starting a little bit more on the back foot and trying to do something special and come back to the front as quickly as possible.” Leclerc was forced to retire in Bahrain with a power unit issue When asked whether his role has been to galvanise his squad since the DNF in Bahrain, Leclerc replied: “Well yes, because it’s only the first race of the season and we’ve still got many, many races to go and we still need to be fighting like crazy to be back at the top and keep pushing. “I still believe in it and of course we still need to all believe in it because it’s only the first race. So, it hasn’t gone as planned, and when it’s Ferrari [and a situation] doesn’t go as well as it should, then there are lots of voices and all of this around the team.” BARRETTO: How new Ferrari boss Fred Vasseur is attacking the toughest job in F1 Leclerc added: “But we need to be good at spending our energy right inside the team, pushing in the same direction to make a difference and come back stronger.” Even with the DNF, Ferrari, by their own admission, had struggled to match rivals Red Bull for pace in Bahrain. But when asked if that could change in Jeddah, Leclerc said: “It should suit us a little bit better. Sainz was also confident that Ferrari could bounce back in Jeddah “Bahrain is also a very specific track, so I hope the delta pace we’ve seen will not be the same here. But our car characteristics should fit a bit better at this track, so hopefully it will be the case. But something special is definitely possible in this car.” His team mate Carlos Sainz – who finished fourth in Bahrain – was also feeling confident about Ferrari’s chances in Jeddah, as he also cited the different nature of the track as a reason for the Scuderia to feel upbeat heading into the weekend. IT'S RACE WEEK: 5 storylines we’re excited about ahead of the 2023 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix “I want to think so,” said Sainz, when asked if a podium finish is possible in Jeddah. “The track is completely different to Bahrain, the tarmac, high speed nature, [but is it] enough to beat the Red Bulls? “Given how tough and how competitive they were in Bahrain, it’s going to be extremely difficult. But I want to be more optimistic after Bahrain, and this weekend I feel we have a good chance to be back on the podium.” via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
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thepotentialof2007 · 3 years
ode to the house of weeping queers: #1 by stevie redwood
we trade notes about loving each other & killing capitalism—
flicked under bedroom doorways, left on the hallway mirror, taped
to the coffee grinder. laid out across the butcher block m found
propped against a telephone pole on bougie-street trash day
before they hauled it home & got the gristle out. they sanded & polished it
until it was slick & manicured as jeff bezos’s idle hands, & less stained
with the blood of other creatures. until it was well-oiled,
gleaming like teeth, so clean we could have eaten
the rich right off it. until one day we did,
& found out they don’t taste like chicken after all. we knifed the rich
into mouth-sized bites & ate with tiny silver spoons
k stole from the minimalist housewares store that got a whole building
of seniors evicted. we chewed & chewed, hungry for a heart
-y cut, but m said when they sliced behind the breast
there was nothing there. we gorged ourselves anyway & bickered
about whether we were still vegetarians. m said yes,
that things only count as meat if they were alive once. k said no,
but it was worth it.
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seirindono · 2 years
A bit random, but what are the skeletons' favorite genre of music? You don't have answer to all of them (just incase)! ^_^
Any question is welcome anon, don't you worry (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b
Ahem, so after discussion with my fellow Discord members (thanks to them for the fun suggestions bwahaha), here's a list:
Mel - Cartoon songs (will sing along) but is open to any genre if she likes either the lyrics or beat.
UT Sans - started listening country and pop songs for the joke but ended up actually enjoying it. Can't really remember any lyrics though
UT Papyrus - Had a hard metal period but now he mostly listens to upbeat with some flowery language sometimes.
UF Sans - Rock and indecent songs. Secretly listens to mellow emotional ones when he's in a mood
UF Papyrus - Metal, classic and movies soundtracks. Sometimes gets emotional with the last two.
SF Sans - Jazz, only. No lyrics.
SF Papyrus - Nobody really knows but they assume it's some cursed playlist
US Sans - Cartoons (will sing along too), upbeat and dramatic songs. Curious about musicals these days.
US Papyrus - Anything
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amesliu · 2 years
i am totally going to imagine annabeth writing "back to december" after lukabeth ends for the second time. maybe when her and percy are becoming friends again. i imagine he was kinda confessing his feelings (during the san francisco scene) and she realizes she regrets it but cant do anything about it and theyll just be friends again. but i know it totally doesnt fit the storyline because of the lyrics and their relationship. i just LOVE the idea of her writing that thinking about him and regretting it
i feel like Message in a Bottle (which I also put on the playlist) kind of plays that role (if a little more upbeat, and also not like the 'just be friends' or at least not forever).
i've written the SF scene alr and there's like no confession but it's still like... wildly intimate (in the sfw fluff way) and when they tell their friends all of them are like "BRUH???"
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bthebeachboi · 2 years
Since I can't get myself motivated to draw part 2 of the cities, have some headcanons bout looks of few states (+ San Diego who I forgot, idfk how could I forget the golden child of Cal "[...] and we all like San Diego" ~ California)
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first Florida, who has doesn't have all teeth bc why not, gave him freckles bc SUNNY STATE. His shirt says "I don't talk to cups" and U is deffinetly hiding O under it, poor Gov tried his best, but his sewing skills aren't the greatest.
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Louie just gives me long hair vibes, idk. Also, ofc the hat isn't his, he just needed to play into his beautiful shirt remade by Gov (poor guy). If you are wondering, it was Pot stealer before. Also, freckels were given only bc I am weak.
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LA doesn't enjoy PA(pa), he heared some stories. Penny isn't that bad, he's just usually quite upbeat (and an ass) unless he's hangover, then he's just tired. Tbh I think he's look didn't change that much, his hair is just more fluffy, ya know, because.
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Texas!! I had to convince myself to like him, but his looks were set for me pretty quickly, he just gives those blond, blue-eyed type of white guy, ya know? Scar on his mouth is bc, of course, the Alamo. (If anyone wonders, Austin - who will be drawn by me probably few times, since Cal adores him. - looks a lot like him, just no scar, he has his hat down and doesn't always have a small beared bc he gives the same golden boi vibes as San Diego.) Also, San Francisco will absolutly throw hands if they'll ever meet, maybe Cal forgets, but SF does not forgive.
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Hopefully obvious, it's Mass, my own golden (raccoon) child, he also did not change much, looks a little more,, snarky? annoying?? His scar is from Boston Massacre.
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And York(ie), ofc, whom I adore. He has eyebags bc "City that never sleeps" shit and I gave him visible hair for one, and only purpuse - I hate drawing him without them, it makes it look like he's bald, sue me.
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And the golden boy, Diego!! He has a tattoo on his chest of a bible vers in spanish. While drawing him I noticed how close he looks to Dio (Florida). "Todo tiene su tempo y todo lo que se quiere debajo del cielo tiene su hora" - is the quote, not sure if it's good tho bc I can't speak spanish, I'm learning french at the moment.
Also, I do have a look for Oklahoma, but sadly SOMEONE won't give me more stuff with him, I am still waiting for a proper welcome to the table ._.
All the hats that are missing were fully stolen by Louisiana, if any of you are confused. Those who still have theirs are emotionally attached to them and they would deffo try to kill him if he'd take them. Flo gave away his hat only if Louie promised to wear it.
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nighttimepixels · 4 years
Night!! You like Llamagoddess, right?? Well, I was curious - what three or four skeletons would you put together in an Aggre-style setup? If you like that?
Oh dude, @llamagoddessofficial​ rocks. Seriously, if you like skeleton x reader content, you’re missing out if you’re not following her! (Go follow her and shower her in praise, 12/10 sweetheart and high-quality storyteller)
I’m guessing you mean like... what skeletons would I throw together in an xReader stirfry to see what delightful shenanigans result?
Llama’s got the corner on that sweet sweet UT, UF, & HT Sans (Sans, Red, & Skull, for her!) + MF Sans (Hit) content (seriously, are you reading Aggre? You should be) - so I’ll choose differently so I don’t step on her toes there!
That said, here’s a few of the guys that I think would be fun:
US, UF, and HF Sans (Caelum, Red, and Hickory, for me)
Honestly I love a strong & upbeat but secretly-struggling-with-depression US Sans; coupled with Red’s brashness but deep down softness, and Hickory’s... everything, the dynamic is rife with potential
It would’ve been Caelum’s fault; he accidentally messed with his brother’s machine and caused this mess trying to fix it (he came pretty far too, but...)
Hickory would almost certainly go a bit feral at some point or other after the ‘wrench’ was thrown in (Science!Sans, pulled in as well and convinced he could fix all this, and gets obsessed w/ Reader), ends up kidnapping Reader
There’d be a race between Red & Caelum to see just how they deal w/ Science!Sans - kindly, or permanently....
UT, US, and SF Pap (Papyrus, Cider, and Rus for me)
Cider’s fault in this one; the machine’s probably straight exploded... but plot twist not because of him, because of the MafiaFell!Pap that got dragged in too
Papyrus has got some secret baggage with knowing more than he lets on about the machine, and how to fix it even - but he doesn’t let on until halfway through
Rus is reluctant to help but also not; mixed feelings about going back. When he finds out about MF!Pap things go to hell, and there’s a whole arc re: methods chosen, and MF!Pap actually gets Rus secretly on his side for a good while before things happen that force Rus to choose a side, and he betrays MF!Pap and lets Reader escape
UF and SF Pap, and US Sans (Vex, Rus, and Caelum for me)
Vex’s fault in this one; after getting in a fight with Red he triggers the machine rather than breaking it. He refuses to admit wrongdoing, blames Red, Red goes ‘missing’ in response - making fixing the machine nigh impossible, with only Rus with a vaguely beneficial amount of knowledge that could help (though Caelum’s quick on the pickup)
Caelum very nearly convinces Reader to come back with him, honestly - neither of them have been able to break through to Vex or Rus for long enough - Vex is so up Rus’ case that it’s hard to get them to get along. Eventually there’s a breakthrough though when Caelum finally snaps and calls them out on it - just in time for Reader to go missing
Turns out HF!Pap (aka Birch) came through as well, and had actually kidnapped Red in the first place (getting him to work on a new machine), as well as now Reader - and he’s a lot more clever than the other guys would’ve guessed. It’s nigh impossible to get them back - but in the end, it’s Red & Reader working together to convince Birch that gives the guys an opening enough to keep Birch from succeeding in using the machine (to merge worlds, rather than kidnap Reader - it’d free his people, he reasons, and then there’s no problem with her staying with him, right?)
US and SF Sans, and UF Pap (Caelum, Sable, and Vex for me)
Listen I’m a sucker for US & SF Sans dynamic, okay? It’s great, and through in some Vex, and hot damn that’s a spicy meatball-
Wrench in the works is once again MafiaFell!Pap - only this time he’s working on both Vex and Reader; Vex tracks Reader one night and they meet that way. They’re ‘similar’ enough that Vex is swayed (in the ‘both of them are crossing their fingers behind their backs’ sort of way) - it isn’t until Vex realizes just how brutal MF!Pap’s true plan is that Vex reveals everything
Big wholesome-teamwork-at-last and blowout fight moment when the guys join together to beat MF!Pap’s veritable army after he successfully drags them all through the portal to his own world - the guys were an accident, but MF!Pap is nothing if not quick on his feet... how on earth will they get out of this one~?
UF, SF, and HF Sans (Red, Sable, and Hickory for me)
This one might seem like an odd dynamic but it’s fascinating to me okay - Red and Hickory are dangerously similar in so many ways, but despite all the fights Red realizes just how much he has in common w/ Sable too... reminding him of uncomfortable truths, in this au where he’s semi-estranged from his brother on the surface for Complicated Reasons
Hickory and Sable end up as a surprisingly killer (literally woops) duo - same hat re: certain emotional traumas :c
ScienceFell!Sans is the wrench in the works here - a mirror to all the flaws for all the guys in different ways (Red abandoning his previous path, where he could’ve achieved so much as a researcher/scientist; Hickory, the same, plus added ‘a whole version of me’, because Hickory was still on the science path when he got his injury; and for Sable, both half a reminder of his brother, and half a vision of what his father always wanted him to be, but he was never cracked up to be) - and ScienceFell!Sans is a damn smooth operator on top of being a literal genius - he manipulates it to where Reader loses her job... but he’s able to get her a job as his assistant... uh oh
US, SF, and HF Pap (Cider, Rus, and Birch for me)
Three lads that can’t gd be honest with their feelings to the umpteenth degree, oh gods. For real though, an interesting dynamic - they’d actually fight way less, so a lot of their conflict would be exploring socio-cultural differences, personal self-esteem/worth issues, and their secret selfishness in wanting Reader to themselves while also ‘knowing’ they’re no good-
Wrench in the works here is MafiaFell!Pap again- in this one though he actually works himself into the ‘main’ group, even more effective by getting them a bigger apartment (but not too suspiciously ostentatious...), ‘finds employment’, etc.... but the whole time is plotting to take Reader back with him
They’re all betrayed, so different layers of pain here, and he almost succeeds because of it - the other guys lose so much faith in themselves (after all, what one ‘version’ of them is able to do...) they almost lose Reader - but thanks to MF!Pap being around more there’s more Reader’s cottoned on to, so is able to evade for long enough to break free the separately jailed/etc guys and snap them out of it, cue big fight, esp once they get Birch free 👀
... all that said, just go read Aggre for your sweet sweet fix of this variety, Llama knocked it out of the park with that fic <3
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vex-bittys · 5 years
How would the fullsized boys react to an owner coming home from a hard day of work and just faceplanting on the couch like "ughhh i hate everything" type thing?
*Sadly, that sounds all too familiar. So for anyone who comes home after work and feels this way, here are the lamia reactions (in full-size):
Papython (UT!Papyrus): brings you a delicious snack, snuggles close, doesn’t ask about your day but listens if you want to unload
Corny (UT!Sans): enters full clown mode, tells jokes and puns, makes silly faces, will do anything to make you smile
Krait (Gaster): prepare for maximum snuggles and gentle words of comfort and encouragement
FireRing (Grillby): offers you his soothing warmth and some tea of cocoa if you enjoy those drinks, may do some little sparkler tricks to make you smile
Honey Bo (US!Papyrus): brings you some soothing or upbeat jams depending on your preferences, offers a proverbial listening ear
Pygmy (US!Sans): brings you his favorite toy, peers over the edge of the sofa to see if you’re enjoying it, will play like a kitten to cheer you up
King (UF!Papyrus): saddened that your job leaves you feeling like this, considers speaking to your supervisor, bundles you in blankets 
Coral (UF!Sans): not that he cares or anything but one of his favorite shinies may find its way into your hand, he hopes it makes you happy
Chain (SF!Papyrus): will wrap you in a blanket and pull you into a snuggle, time for some TV and takeout
Mamba (SF!Sans): will gladly hate the world with you, group ranting is so much better than doing it alone, right? expect much shaking of tiny fists
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mr-kamiyama · 4 years
Ver "2020 Apocalypse Playlist" en YouTube
2020 (America) Apocalypse Playlist! Which is 44 songs!
Compiled with some input from @wide-eyed-stare , originally started as a joke with her.
I tried to arrange it so that there wasn't *too much* depressing without something upbeat to break all the sad up. But be warned. 90s music really fits this year.
Some stuff refers to when this was the sky all day in the SF Bay Area the other day
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Yeah, that's 9.45A.M. The ashes from all the wildfires that didn't used to happen north of SoCal but now happen all along the West Coast blocked out the sun all day 9 September 2020. We had no day that day.
And yet they'll still deny climate change, which the line about "those who will not see" is the only reason for the inclusion of "I Know You're Out There Somewhere" by The Moody Blues.
Some songs may just allude to the mass actute mental health crisis that started around April, or the number of DV cases and divorce cases that arose in shelter in place, or be there for the Airbnb-induced artificial housing shortage, which is why Lisbon and some city in Scotland have banned Airbnb, but God forbid America impose laws on a business these days....
"Man on the Corner" is for everyone who was trying to tell us things were wrong years ago and no one listened. I've been this person on multiple issues, which you can see me scream about on this blog if you go through it, all the way up to *generations* of people from the developing world sounding the alarm on climate change and the Amazon forest or police brutality.
"Beds Are Burning" is not only fire, but if Native Americans continued ruling and governed how we treat our land, the ones in CA had a whole system for preventing wildfires, and this wouldn't be a thing.
Also, one of the Cui Jian songs is sort of there for how sick and tired POC/AsAms are but moreso, HK right now, even though it's mostly America-focused playlist.
The last song, someone actually*did* do a "We Didn't Start the Fire" paro! Back in April. Fittingly called "This Year is a Dumpster Fire." It really is, so let's all just let music soothe and feel with us.
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