#Chocolate-hard SF
savantefolle · 1 year
"Kuiper Pancake" published in Analog Science Fiction & Fact
Kuiper Pancake, my chocolate-hard SF short-story, is now out in the May-June issue of ANALOG ! I am proud of this, because this is one of my most fun, but still science-based stories, ever!  And, yes, another food-sounding title after Rare Earths Pineapple! Consult the table of contents (because they grace only one writer with the cover honors!) Ma nouvelle Kuiper Pancake vient de sortir dans le…
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keeksandgigz · 9 months
hello i just got home from work n I'm thinking about festive eddie and witchy
Eddie wasn't able to fly into Hawkins for the holidays because of his work schedule, so he brought Hawkins to him.
It's your first Christmas Eve together and he's just locked up the store early to go pick Wayne up from the airport. It's the first time you and Wayne meet.
He's staying at Eddie's one bedroom apartment, your boyfriend taking the chance to sleep over at your house (like he hasn't been sleeping there for the past week anyway).
Anyways, he's taken the week off work where he could to show Wayne around SF, since the man has never left Indiana. Over Christmas lunch, Eddie meets your coven family, that is strangely made up of just women, but he doesn't think too much about it because they fawn over him and how handsome he is, and they keep uncle and nephew well fed.
Wayne think's you're lovely, maybe a bit too odd for him to understand, with your whimsical attitude and the way the energy seems to suddenly change when you're around, but he sees the way Eddie is completely smitten over you, the pile of presents for you he's hidden in his closet. The picture you took of the two of you together at the Palace of Fine Arts on his fridge.
Wayne has even brought you a little present.
"Didn't know what ya liked, so I gotcha some chocolates" he said, taking a See's Candies chocolate box from his suitcase. You blush at the gesture, at how the man has automatically considered you part of his little family. A vintage brown corduroy jacket materializes itself already packaged up on your bed, you didn't know he was going to get you a gift.
But he loves it, as much as he loves the trucker hat Eddie's got him. Silly trucker hats are his thing, Eddie's gotten him one every Christmas for the past five years.
The contender this year is a hat that says- women love me, fish fear me
You laugh about how stupid that sounds, but the real joke is that your aunt Hilda really has the hots for Wayne.
Eddie gets you a new tarot deck. He's actually been taking notes since you've started dating.
Dried jasmine flowers are hard to come by? He's gotten you four small bottles of it. You dropped a crystal? He's got it. You say you like poppyseed chai cookies? He's had his neighbor bake them for you.
The way he dotes on you and fulfills your every need makes you the luckiest girl on Earth. Wayne says so, too.
You don't celebrate Christmas the traditional way, but the pagan version of it, which still calls for a tree and wreaths and evergreen branches all over your apartment, which you spend Christmas Eve in, Circe nuzzling in Wayne's lap as soon as e sits on the couch. You make a Yule log and decorate cookies. Various mistletoe branches hang on your roof.
Even late into the night, after Eddie has dropped off Wayne at his apartment, you tell him about a pagan tradition of performing fertility rituals under the mistletoe. Lit only by the lights of your tree and a fireplace, you end up falling asleep naked on your pink brocade rug.
some tags lol: @strangerstilinski, @eddiesxangel, @reidsbtch, @chaoticharrington, @hideoutside, @monstxrteeth,@thornsnvultures, @strangerfreaks,@aphrogeneias, @chrrymunson, @onegirlmanytales,@m0llygunn , @angel-upon, @lavendermunson, @cowboylikemunson
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nightmarerodent · 8 months
Did someone say more Kombat Kids? No? Too bad!
Kenshi and Takeda make the same “tch” sound when they are annoyed.
Cassie has been kicked out of multiple bars for punching dudes in the face when they won’t leave her/other girls alone. Like father, like daughter.
Cassie runs a TikTok account where she cronicals the random misadventures of the SF squad.
Most of the technology at the Shirai Ryu was pretty dated growing up, with entertainment mostly consisting of old VHS tapes and a few dvds, so Takeda mostly grew up on 80’s and 90’s media. His favorites were Crocodile Dundee and The Golden Girls.
Jin has a collection of souvenirs he’s gathered from every mission. These range from cool looking rocks, dropped weapons, or even small bits of uniforms from fallen foes. He can recount the stories related to each and every one of them and delights in doing so if someone asks.
Everyone agrees that Jacqui is the most terrifying member of the team because she does not need some kind of special power passed down from some mystical ancestor to beat the crap out of someone. She has fists for that.
Frost suffers from frequent nightmares and when they get particularly bad the only thing that can lull her back to sleep is a very specific recipe for hot chocolate Kuai Liang makes.
Takeda has an irrational fear of those antique porcelain dolls so naturally when Jin found this out it became his life’s mission to lock him in a room full of them.
Cassie once made the mistake of admitting that she had really wanted a brother growing up and Takeda and Jin spent the rest of the day annoying the shit out of her to “show her what she missed out on”.
Sonya once tried to enforce a swear jar to encourage professionalism amongst the team but that ended when Frost and Jin put $50 in the jar each and just started yelling “fuck” at the top of their lungs repeatedly for an hour.
No one encourages the chaotic nature of the kids more than Kung Lao. Watching them give everyone else a hard time brings him a sort of joy that he can enjoy only describe as “payback”.
Kung Lao is the one that made the engagement ring Takeda gave to Jacqui. It is one of his proudest works and keeping the whole thing secret was difficult because Jin kept trying to butt his nose in trying to figure out why his best friend was suddenly spending a lot of time talking with his uncle.
A lot of the grunts working for the SF have a distrust of Takeda due to his status as an outsider and a Shirai Ryu, some even thinking he’s just there to spy on them for the clan. No one voices these complaints though because the last guy that did got the snot beat out of him by Jacqui. Same thing with the person who said Cassie only got her position because of her mother. Now everyone keeps their mouths shut and stay far, far away from the specialist.
Both Frost and Takeda are completely incapable of sitting in a chair normally. Takeda always perches on the arm or on the back of a sofa or bench, while Frost is always sitting sideways, leaning back against the arms.
Jin first thought that most of the team only ever tolerated his presence which caused him to act out, further alienating him from them. Frost of course saw right through him and called him out on it privately. Since then he’s been getting better at recognizing that the others actually do really want him there and enjoy his company, but sometimes the insecurities rise back up.
Hanzo found out Jacqui was dating his Chujin by visiting him at the SF base one morning, and was about to knock on his door only for it to open revealing Jacqui, who had very clearly spent the night, dressed in one of Takeda’s shirts, about to leave. That was a very, very awkward morning and a very embarrassing conversation that they do not speak of.
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starsreminisce · 3 months
Sorry for being so late, but I had to check which questions you've already answered😅
3 & 4 for the Elucien Ask Game🩷
3. What is your favorite Elucien fanart?
Oh man, Elucien artists and commissioners have kept us fed with their visions that it’s so hard to pick a favorite one. With that, these are probably the first that came to mind. First, commissioned by @separatist-apologist by poppypola_, I still believe that even if Lucien is High Lord/High King, he won’t act unless he and Elain agree. I want it to be the same as Cardan and Jude where Elain has the final say. Second, commissioned by @acourtdelaluna by leofoxart, even though SJM stopped talking about Elain and Lucien, the fact that she pinned an Elucien art after SF tells us what she plans to do with them, and it definitely doesn’t scream friendship. Lastly, by @works-of-heart because of how much of a mess it was that Lucien said they were mates, I sort of want the acceptance to be just as messy. Even if it’s based on intent, Elain is so hellbent on making the perfect acceptance meal that she accidentally accepts it.
4. Do you have any Elucien headcanons?
I know I’ve mentioned that Cthona and Solas scream Elucien, but I wonder if it’s actually more than just that—that they are reincarnations or representatives of Cthona and Solas. I wonder if Mala and Solas also have a connection, considering they are both Sun deities, with Mala especially connected to fire. SJM really went in-depth with them as Ember and Randall, and it’s interesting how they both ended up in Prythian for a week.
Also, the fated mate quiz mentioned having earth powers, and no one in Prythian has them, despite descendants of the Valbaran fae having such powers. Elucien’s bond snapped after Lucien used his Day Court powers to get to Elain, and Elain said Nesta could get her sunshine. It’ll be interesting to find out just how intertwined Elain and Lucien actually are, where even their powers are connected. SJM likes when females are strong by themselves but are even stronger with their mate lending them their strength, and she’s going to hit it on the head with Elain and Lucien.
For something more lighthearted, Lucien is an absolute trash panda when it comes to pastries, and Elain loves teasing or pulling pranks on him so he has fallen victim to a chocolate covered Brussels Sprouts. More than once.
Thanks for asking!!
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Food log 8-21-24
Breakfast: liquid iv (20 cals) jimmy deans eggwhich (260 cals)
Lunch: white cheddar rice cakes (90 cals) tuna (70 cals) and sf jello grapes (64 cals)
Dinner (have to completely guess): iced white chocolate lavender mocha (320 cals) fries (I had like a handful but idk 310 cals)
Snacks: pumpkin chai (90 cals)
Total: 1,224
I think I’m gonna try to finish this month strong and lower my calories, so hard with everyone making plans with me these days but the last few days I have just felt so glutinous and gross
also so frustrating because I’ve been bouncing between 117-119 for a hot minute :(
Feeling disheartened because I really wanted to reach my goal of 115 for this month but I’m unsure if I can get there in time
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rainyfestivalsweets · 21 days
Slim Pickins
Ever seen those reels or tik toks that tell you to run to the dollar tree?
Ya'll. Is dollar tree sponsoring just an epic shitton of those videos?
Because I was just there and it was terrible. It was the last of the 3 stores in my vicinity that I hadn't visited yet.
So you know I have some some hauls there before, on the hunt for some healthy shit. Pickles, banana peppers, a hidden gem here and there (True North 4 packs, iykyk).
It is barely worth mentioning today. I did pick up some sf hard 🍬 candies & some little bags of Russell Stover sf chocolates (portion control). The only other notable item was a couple cans of G Fuel. And consumer alert- watch the caffeine content in those. Idk if they all are, but some are 300 MG caffeine.
What else did I get? A 6 pack of pretzels. Again, small bags = portion control. Especially for me with carbs. My activity level is pretty high tho so I am trying to give myself on watching the carbs but.... I am starting to think I have a gluten intolerance from some recent lab work.
I got some drink mixes too, but I am pretty sure they are cheaper at walmart. (Confirmed- $1.08 vs 1.25)
Sf Cherry jello 🍒 4 pack
Some coffee. Jim Beam Bourbon Vanilla small bag.
Green tea.
But I swear I looked for some things that people keep saying to run to the dollar tree for ...and didn't find shit. No fun lotions. No quantity of health food.
You also have to watch out because at $1.25 some items are cheaper at walmart, or in packages too small to be a deal. See the drink packs above and the tuna and salmon below.
I did see a pack of freeze dried strawberries and 1 other freezer dried fruit. But the price point on that should be ... a 6 pack like the pretzels or at least a 3 pack. It was a 1 serving bag.
This time, I knew to pass on the tuna & salmon, spices, and certain other staples. They did have nuts but I passed on those because I have some already and too many nuts can make a deficit become a surplus really fucking fast. And I have been plateaued for a bit now.
The plus side is that the store was well kept and maintained, and it was busy so you know product turn over was high.
I remarked on the store being busy and the cashier said, "Yeah, we are always busy the first of the month." That broke my heart a little because the food picks were pretty damn sparse and like I stated earlier- cheaper elsewhere. If people are on food benefits, those little cents add up and it might mean they don't have transportation to Walmart or a grocery store.
I picked up a couple cans of spaghetti sauce, turkey gravy, & white cheese sauce. I thought about getting some pepper stir fry- which I think is a good price still 🤔 but I think my freezers are full right now.
Alot of their other freezer stuff was .... just pre packaged garbage. I think the pepper stir fry was the only vegetable in sight.
Sometimes saving money means not buying stuff at dollar tree even though all those influencers are highlighting their products. If it isn't a good deal and won't save you time or actual money, it's ok to pass. It's OK to walk to the dollar tree. And be skeptical. Price check.
Also beware of items that have higher prices. I think the reason I used to like them is because I didn't have to think about the price so much just see and grab. But that is when everything was a $1, before the 25% price hike. 🤔 but now they have $3 items and $5 items. Be skeptical!
An example of a time/energy/diet saver is when you are in desperate need of lunch and you are in a sea of fast food places. You see a dollar tree and boom, you could be saved: A jar of pickles, a pack of tuna = $2.50. Spring for a beverage for 3.75 total... that is still beating out most fast food places for a meal... or some of them even a plain ass little burger. Idk about ya'll but without a veggie just a burger doesn't really satisfy me right now.
An "I'm craving something sweet" could be those freeze-dried fruit packs or sf jello, a beef jerky & a beverage. It's totally worth it if it stops you from going into a different store and being inundated by all the various high calorie prepacked garbage.
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c2-eh · 2 years
Thank you @artemispt for the tag <3
hot or cold showers // texting or calling // earbuds or headphones // paperback or hard cover // matte or gel // 12 hour clock or 24 hour clock // blue or green // sunsets or sunrise // tulips or orchids // candle light or moonlight // sci-fi or horror // pen or pencil // pandas or koalas // gold or silver // sneakers or boots // denim jacket or leather jacket // pink or purple // chocolate or sour sweets // deodorant or perfume // drive in movie theatre or cinema // pastel colours or neutral earth tones // lemonade or fruit juice // past or future
I'm tagging @rang-sf @panisperna @sluts-inc @vamossainz55 and everyone who wants to do this just say I tagged you <3
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formeryelpers · 2 months
Crispian Bakery, 1700 Park St, Ste 120, Alameda, CA 94501
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Crispian Bakery, established in 2014, specializes in French-inspired American breads and pastries, including macarons, cookies, scones, croissants, Bostock, Danish, cakes, cupcakes, pies, quiche, naturally fermented breads made with seasonal produce from local farmers’ markets. Prices were lower than what I expected (I’m sure the same items would be more expensive in SF and LA). The chef-owners both worked at Bouchon Bakery in NYC.
Everything in the pastry case looked good. They also serve coffee and tea, including drip coffee, espresso drinks, cold brew, tea lattes.
Gluten-free pumpkin muffin: small but nice and moist, with love pumpkin spices, a little chewier than a non-GF muffin
Chocolate chip cookies (pack of 4 for $6.50): these were wrapped in plastic and on the smaller side (but not mini cookies). They were about medium thickness with small chocolate chips. The cookies were hard, dry, and didn’t have enough chocolate. They also didn’t seem fresh.
Cheese roll: on the dry side, needed more cheese and more butter or something
0n Tuesday – Wednesday, there’s a limited menu of pastries and coffee. On Thursday – Sunday, you’ll find the: full menu of bread, pastries, and coffee.
3.5 out of 5 stars
By Lolia S.
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ship-wreckedrp · 2 years
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A Winter’s Ball--hosted by The City of San Francisco
Black Tie New Years Eve, adult only, invitation only event
Open bar with ales and hard ciders on tap, champagne, wine, specialty cocktails, mocktails, and other alcoholic & non-alcoholic beverages for guests
4-course dinner & dessert served for each guests--vegetarian & vegan entrees available upon request
Dance floor with San Francisco Symphony performing contemporary covers
Donation boxes for the charities stationed around the ballroom
Silent Auction available for participation
All donations and winning bids from the silent auction will be evenly divided and donated to the following charities:
Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area
Raphael’s House
Project Night Night
La Casa De Las Madres
Muttville Senior Dog Rescue
Mission Food Hub
NAMI San Francisco
4 studio audience tickets to E!’s The Real Sheet
Basket of Books--donated by One Page At A Time
Electronics package (includes Bose Quiet Comfort headphones, Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10″ Tablet, 2 years of ESET computer security/virus protection, & INIU High Speed Portable Charger)--donated by Best Buy
Free 2-hour photoshoot by professional photographer Nichelle Young
Autographed Harry Styles Record: Harry’s House--donated by Sebastián Castillo De Leon
1 Hour boxing lesson with professional boxer Surge Rodriguez
2 Hair & facial treatments (wash, color, cut & style for 2 people or 1 person with 2 separate appointments)--donated by Kendra’s Beauty Salon
2 tickets to Taylor Swift’s July 29th concert at Levi Stadium--donated by Sebastián Castillo De Leon
Free event planning consultation--donated by professional event planner Aldrich Palermo
Harry & David chocolate & wine gift basket--donated by The City of San Francisco
3 days of full childcare services (dates must be booked in advance during the 2023 year)--donated by Golden Gate Nannies
Autographed Saturn’s Rings box set--donated by Celeste Barbosa-Meier
Lunch with a ballerina/SF Ballet soloist Amaya Veerapen (lunch includes gifts from The Nutcracker)
Autographed Funko Pop Miles Morales, signed by Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse actor Shameik Moore--donated by Luna Zuniga
1 week of doggy daycare services--donated by Mr. Muggles’ Dogs
Autgraphed Batman film props--donated by Chris Grimaldi
Vacation package: All-inclusive trip for 2 to Catalina Island (includes transportation and 3 days, 2 nights hotel stay on the island)--donated by Trip Advisor
4 (2 adult, 2 children) Sleepover tickets to the California Academy of Sciences--donated by The California Academy of Sciences
2 tickets to SNL (includes a round trip flight & 2 night stay at the Ravel)
Professional housekeeping services, (deep cleaning, 2 times a week for 3 consecutive months)--donated by Sparkling Clean Pro
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littlemissjrgd · 2 years
06/25/2022- 06/28/2022: Hey June
I recently got promoted as a Senior Quality Assurance Tester which was so surreal. I was so excited that all the hard work that I put in towards my job have been recognized. Of course, with the promotion comes new responsibilities that I need to get used to. In short, I got a little stressed and overwhelmed so I decided that I needed a break. I needed a change of scenery, so I decided to fly to San Francisco.
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The last time I was in San Francisco was in 2016 and during that time I drove, this time I flew and took the public transportation. I rode the BART, Muni, Bus, Cable Car, Scooter and über. I had a blast! I think I was able to experience what San Francisco is all about this time around. I guess it was because I felt freer. My finances are in a much better state, so I did not have to worry about budgeting. I was also able to prove to my relatives that I can handle myself and that I am a responsible adult, so they do not have to check on me as if I am a teenager also I think it was because I did not bring a car so I do not have to worry about parking and all the other responsibilities that comes along with bringing a car. It truly is another experience in the books. There's really something about the San Francisco sky that's refreshing and fun and through this entry I want to share to you how my trip went and hopefully this can give you an idea on how to plan yours in the future.
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 DAY 1
I took the 6:45 AM flight from John Wayne Airport to San Francisco International Airport, there were a lot of delays, but I am just glad the flight did not get cancelled. I took the BART and the bus to Holiday Inn Express and Suites Fisherman’s Wharf. I checked in, left my bags, freshened up and went to Boudin SF to have lunch, after which, I went around Fisherman’s Wharf, went back to my hotel to relax a little and had dinner at Supreme Crab.
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 DAY 2
I explored the city via the Big Red Bus. I saw Lombard Street, I went to Chinatown where I ate Dim sum and bought Japanese cake, I went to Alamo Square to see the Five Painted Ladies, I went to the Palace of Fine Arts to snap some artsy pictures, I walked around Union Square, I passed by the Golden Gate Bridge and took photos as well because duh I am in San Francisco,  I went to Pier 39 to buy some trinkets, I went to Ghirardelli Square to smell the chocolates, I went to the Maritime Historical Park, I went to Treasure Island. It has been a tiring day and I couldn’t think of any better way to cap of the day other than by eating Krazy Krunchy Fried Chicken.
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This is my last full day in San Francisco, I saved this for the Alcatraz Tour. I really made sure to not miss this experience this time around because the last time I went this was something I did not do because I had no clue that I have to book in advance. I also did a one last walk at the Fisherman’s Wharf, and I also met my friend Excel.
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This day is not that exciting, I just spent this day packing, heading to the airport and preparing myself mentally to get back to work the next day. The only highlight of this day is waiting for my flight at the United Club lounge.
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  I love San Francisco but I don't see myself living in it. It feels good to be back home in Southern California.
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jaimiewillgoplaces · 2 years
San Francisco, California
I recently got promoted as a Senior Quality Assurance Tester which was so surreal. I was so excited that all the hard work that I put in towards my job have been recognized. Of course, with the promotion comes new responsibilities that I need to get used to. In short, I got a little stressed and overwhelmed so I decided that I needed a break. I needed a change of scenery, so I decided to fly to San Francisco.
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The last time I was in San Francisco was in 2016 and during that time I drove, this time I flew and took the public transportation. I rode the BART, Muni, Bus, Cable Car, Scooter and über. I had a blast! I think I was able to experience what San Francisco is all about this time around. I guess it was because I felt freer. My finances are in a much better state, so I did not have to worry about budgeting. I was also able to prove to my relatives that I can handle myself and that I am a responsible adult, so they do not have to check on me as if I am a teenager also I think it was because I did not bring a car so I do not have to worry about parking and all the other responsibilities that comes along with bringing a car. It truly is another experience in the books. There's really something about the San Francisco sky that's refreshing and fun and through this entry I want to share to you how my trip went and hopefully this can give you an idea on how to plan yours in the future.
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 DAY 1
I took the 6:45 AM flight from John Wayne Airport to San Francisco International Airport, there were a lot of delays, but I am just glad the flight did not get cancelled. I took the BART and the bus to Holiday Inn Express and Suites Fisherman’s Wharf. I checked in, left my bags, freshened up and went to Boudin SF to have lunch, after which, I went around Fisherman’s Wharf, went back to my hotel to relax a little and had dinner at Supreme Crab.
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 DAY 2
I explored the city via the Big Red Bus. I saw Lombard Street, I went to Chinatown where I ate Dim sum and bought Japanese cake, I went to Alamo Square to see the Five Painted Ladies, I went to the Palace of Fine Arts to snap some artsy pictures, I walked around Union Square, I passed by the Golden Gate Bridge and took photos as well because duh I am in San Francisco,  I went to Pier 39 to buy some trinkets, I went to Ghirardelli Square to smell the chocolates, I went to the Maritime Historical Park, I went to Treasure Island. It has been a tiring day and I couldn’t think of any better way to cap of the day other than by eating Krazy Krunchy Fried Chicken.
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This is my last full day in San Francisco, I saved this for the Alcatraz Tour. I really made sure to not miss this experience this time around because the last time I went this was something I did not do because I had no clue that I have to book in advance. I also did a one last walk at the Fisherman’s Wharf, and I also met my friend Excel.
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This day is not that exciting, I just spent this day packing, heading to the airport and preparing myself mentally to get back to work the next day. The only highlight of this day is waiting for my flight at the United Club lounge.
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  I love San Francisco but I don't see myself living in it. It feels good to be back home in Southern California.
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peacemaker-ic · 3 years
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Content Update: July 2021
Hi everyone!
Just wanted to update people on some updates i have been uploading over the past week. I had some things i needed to fix, and some things I wanted to implement, and some things that needed tweaking for one reason or another. So what has been fixed? Thanks for asking!
All chairs that slotted to a surface have been fixed. These include dining chairs, barstools, desk chairs, and high chairs. You can redownload, or if that's too hectic, grab S4S and run their batch fix, that is all I did. 
I enabled desks and dressers to snap under bunk beds. This was a little thing I wanted for my game, so you all benefit. Not mandatory though. Other objects that snap like loveseats, living chairs and alike already snapped so didn't need and update
do note that my bedding will not snap. Because I use separated bedframes it would require a larger overhaul to how I slot bedframes to mattresses which was out of the scope of this update
The new double showers I needed to make for Hamptons Getaway and Serenity Bathroom still had occluders leading to a dark spot, that has been rectified. 
Lennox Kitchen 4 seater table was missing a shadow group, cannot believe it's taken years to notice that...
Because this totalled in 27 custom sets and 3 addons, it's a lot of sets that needed to be reuploaded. Because of that I am not listing and linking, I will be here all week. If it has anything listed above, it was updated so please use some common sense. If you are unsure, ask on this post to keep it all in one place.
SFS was giving me grief and throwing a "key not found" error during this process. If you get this try hard refreshing (crtl+F5) first to see if that helps. I did test all the files to make sure they loaded to download page as I went, but issues may still arise. In that case, grab file from Google Drive. If you are experiencing this, be very specific and tell me what file specifically, otherwise I am unable to help (telling me "you can't download" something is as useful as a chocolate teapot). 
If you do think I have missed updating a file (very likely) please also be specific so I can double check. I have made a lot of CC and even I go "hey that looks familiar, did I make that?
In that process I dumped all Onedrive links which will no longer work, there should at least be a link for google drive for older content, and if the item no longer exists, then it is no longer available. So please don't ask because i wont be about to help (I think it was just 2 cowhide rugs and early TS4 houses which are still on the gallery). 
Anyway, I think that is it. 
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2021 best of
best parts
Antonio Durao - The Hardbody Video
Kyle Wilson - Portions
Mason Coletti - Venture
Mark Suciu - Flora III / Spitfire
Jordan Trahan - Bunny Hop
Tanner Burzinski - WKND
Grant Taylor - Constant
Chima Ferguson - Nice to See You
Jack O’Grady - Pass~Port
Dashawn Jordan - Vaccine
Eddie Cernicky - Magic Art Supplies
Braden Hoban - Vaccine
Will Marshall - Dime / Quartersnacks Crazy T Remix
Carlisle Aikens - Bunny Hop
Joey O'Brien - [untitled] 005 / AWS
Rowan Davis - Spitfire ‘Scenic’
Tyler Surrey - Vagando
Magnus Bordewick - 1Dah / Corona Files
John Shanahan - PANGEA JEANS
Ben Kadow - Triple Backflip
Jacopo Carozzi - BAKER
Jake Wooten - Santa Cruz
Bobby De Keyzer - GRAND PRAIRIE
Marek Zaprazny - Genetic Diversity
Simon Perrotet - SWISS [P]
frog - secret video / i love ferrets / Evan Frankie
Pedro Delfino - UNCROSSED
Charlie Birch - Portions
Martino Cattaneo - Madness
best full lengths
Austin Bristow - Portions
The Hardbody Video
Bronze 56k - ***THE REUBEN***
Chocolate - Bunny Hop
Toy Machine - Vaccine / Scorched Earth
Deathwish - UNCROSSED
Vans - Nice to See You
limosine - paymaster
Foundation - STAR & MOON
Emerica - THIS
UMA Landsleds - Punch a Hole in the Sky
Pyramid Country - Setting Up
Pizza - Ethereum
best independent
HITOPPvideo - Weed is Tight
income taxes - Lone Star
Fritte Söderström - Jante 10:34 / 13:37
Paul Coutherut - Hit Video
tristan mershon - fool's gold
Tim Savage - GRACE
Jon Colyer - Sanitizer
Jack Brooks - LOUPE
best medium length / promo
Krooked - Magic Art Supplies
Venture - Space is Only Noise
HUF SF rough cut
Geoff Campbell - Dill Slinger
Pop Trading Company - Pop Recycled ‘21
City Boy - gambler
Primitive - Testing 4
Dad skateboards - Bastards
Pusher bearings - High Stakes / TCHIN TCHIN tour
Mason Silva SOTY trip
eS Terminal 001
Few Pounds Co. - FPC21
Roger - Cold Brew
Lurk Hard - Always Triggered
Darkroom - Incubator
Maxallure - Born Free
expanded youtube playlist version of this list here
another crazy year in the world, another great year in skateboarding
all the best to you & yours
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hi! could i request some h/cs for the ut sans / uf bros /sf bros and mt sans? skellies had a really bad day and are in a really sour mood and s/o is just there at the wrong time asking them to do sth and they accidently snap at them? like, they respond a lot harsher than they meant, maybe not even realizing it was s/o at first? and s/o just quietly says : "oh. okay, i'm sorry, i'll leave you alone". how would the bros try to make it up to s/o? thank you very much!!
Undertale Sans - He immediately feels terrible and runs after S/O to apologize. Sans has no reason to be angry against S/O and he is quite in distress if he snaps at S/O, so the chances are he really just wants to talk and he might just cry if S/O rejects him again. Sans is not like that usually, and by now, S/O must know he's only acting like this when he has big troubles.
Underfell Sans - Well, shit. He calms down almost instantly when he sees he hurts S/O. Though, it's best if he's not stepping in right now. He's pissed and he doesn't want to hurt S/O even more by getting angry while talking. So he goes for a walk, buy some chocolate and then comes home with puppy eyes and say to S/O they are a fuckin' idiot and that he was not angry after them, and that he is sorry for snapping, and that he is calm enough to talk about this now. It's ok if you reject him, he can still try later. He's not giving up that easily.
Underfell Papyrus - "N-NO WAIT". He stops you before you can leave and just hugs you. That's how you know he's really not well. It's like the only way he finds to explain it without saying it. Edge is not a hugger, and if he gets clingy, it's a code message to ask for help. He's sorry for snapping, don't leave him now.
Swapfell Sans - "OH COME ON, I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING". He growls, but you already out of the house. Shit. He's angry for being so stupid and for being angry at you for no reason. He can't stop walking in circle in the living-room, more silent as the seconds passed. He feels bad. S/O knows how hard it is for him to apologise, so he just takes a few steps back and thinks for several hours about what to say... And eventually falls asleep in the couch. When S/O comes home, he jumps awake and just immediately let out a huge monologue about how he is an idiot and to justify himself. He's speaking so quick you don't understand half of what he said, but the puppy eyes at the end are enough to make you sigh and for him to run into your arms.
Swapfell Papyrus - Rus has difficulties to see the limit of what's right to say and what's wrong, so he doesn't really understand you reaction and it's just stressing him even more. Like everytime he's facing a difficulty, he gives up quite quickly and immediately goes for the cigarettes as a self defense mechanism. You managed to stop him just before he lights it on. That's not how it's working with Rus. You need to say the things right at his face or he will just panic and do something bad. He's happy you're not really mad at him, but just concerned because of his attitude. He calms down and starts to talk. You win.
Mafiatale Sans - Oops. He thought it was another guy from the mafia who came to piss him even more that he was already, and he froze when he saw S/O. He calms down immediately and runs after them to apologise. You know how it is, lot of paperwork and people who keeps disturbing him. He was not angry at you. Then he kisses you as an apology, hugs you, and goes back to work in a sigh.
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formeryelpers · 1 year
Wise Sons Jewish Deli, 9552 Washington Blvd, Culver City, CA 90032
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It’s been many years since I’ve been to Wise Sons because I moved to LA…forgot that they opened in Culver City in 2021. The interior design with the family photos and the menu board reminded me of the SF location.
Wise Sons Culver City offers Jewish deli sandwiches (e.g., Reuben, schnitzel, smoked trout), deli classics (e.g., latkes, matzo ball soup), sides, breakfast sandwiches, bagels, French toast, etc. You can also get coffee, tea, and drinks. They make their own pastrami and bagels. They also use cage-free eggs, sustainably farmed fish, non-GMO beef, etc. Housebaked goods include babka, rugelach and breads (rye, challah, seeded wheat).
* Chocolate babka slice ($5): moist, thick slice with lots of mini chocolate chips, not super sweet, topped with a crunchy crumble
* Chopped liver plate ($9): pickled onion, radish, hard-boiled egg, served with rye toast. For some reason, mine didn’t come with rye toast but it did include fresh butter lettuce leaves. Tasty…creamy and rich chopped liver, creamy egg, crunchy radish and tangy onions.
* Sesame bagel: on the small side and the sesame seeds fell off easily, the bagel had a firm crust and was fairly firm throughout. I seemed a bit dry but it was late in the afternoon.
Still loving the décor – it feels like a modern deli but homey because of the family photos. Classy white and black color scheme. Traffic is hard to find in the area.
4 out of 5 stars
By Lolia S.
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boldlysizzlingvoid · 2 years
Amphibia AU Concept: Shifted Fatez
Plot/Storyline: In this AU, things are a bit different then they are in the original Amphibia; Anne is a bit disabled, so she has no arms, and has a hard time socializing with people. Marcy is also half human, and half frog in this AU, and she was raised by the Plantars, and sort of plays a role as Sprig and Polly's older sister, and Hop Pop's daughter. Andrias, Leif, and Barrel also discover what Leif saw in her vision was true, and decide to escape from his father, King Aldrich. And also, Sasha doesn't ever meet Anne or Marcy (well up until one point in the AU). Another thing that's different is that Captain Grime and his toad army are actually good guys in this Alternate Universe, and are trying to overthrow Aldrich. Though, there is also some other things, such as Anne and Marcy learning how to use they're calamity powers at one point as well in the story, and also a lot of character development for Anne too!
Anne Savisa Boonchuy
Age: 13 years old
Gender: Female
Personality: Shy, timid, constantly nervous and anxious. Doesn't really talk a lot to people, besides her parents or pet cat, Domino. Very cowardly and weak due to herself being disabled from her arms. Doubts herself a lot because of her disability, thinking she's going to fail her parents and her family.
Appearance/Looks: Tall, really skinny and slightly pale. Has really baggy, tired eyes. Arms are nothing more then stubby hands that she has a hard time doing normal things with. Has really messy, chocolate brown colored hair, with a faint blue stripe in hair high lights. Has slender legs that she tends to constantly trip on a lot.
-Fact: SF! Anne gets her own prostatic robot arms that Marcy creates for her.
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