#ur either one or the other and if ur the second pls stay far away from me
inzaynety · 3 months
him: stoic & sincere ⤫
➢ summary: random scenarios that tell you about what zayne is like
➢ content: zayne x fem!reader, 2306 words, not canon au but he’s in med school (college au bc i can)
➢ notes: pls i just saw a youtube short about ready-to-be airport dads lmao so it made it into this; also yes ur roomie’s name is that and yk why 😭 not beta read 👍🏼
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When he walks down the street he’s not stopped by many vendors. His face is enough to draw them away and while he doesn’t get much of that in the hospital, all his patients love him, the same thing can’t be said when he’s just out and about.
The rain doesn’t seem to be letting up and Loren watches as the sky is relentless in its attacks. The concrete is barely visible with the streams of water passing by and she’s grateful to have worn her boots to work that day, however, she forgot her umbrella. The coworker who left before and brought the lost-and-found umbrella from the back and the others were still working and came in their respective cars.
She stays under the overhang for a little more until she really has no choice but to move. The sun, though it was hidden behind the thick clouds, was going down and she would have an earful from her sister if she returned too late.
Taking a deep breath, she steels herself before a hand comes into her view. She whips her head over to the side and comes face to face with a stranger. His face was visible and she couldn’t stop the gasp that escaped her, luckily muted by the rain and wind.
He was handsome, yes, and familiar.
Thinking back to earlier in the week, she was the one who served him during lunch. He seemed unapproachable when he walked through the door but spoke politely when guided to his table; sitting alone and reading over a small notebook he pulled from his coat pocket. His order was also something out of the ordinary for someone of his looks and she never saw him look up except to thank her for the meal and to wave over the check, but now that she was able to look him in the eye, she was speechless.
“Did you need an umbrella?” He offers the one in his hand and it must have been a few seconds too long as he asks again. Loren shakes her head after the second time and waves her hands.
“O-Oh, no thank you! I wouldn’t want you to get caught up in the rain either. The station’s not too far so it’s okay if I just run over!” She gives him a smile but the man raises a brow and shakes his head, insisting that she hold the handle.
“No worries, I insist.” Seeing as there was no way she was going to reject his offer, and seeing as how the rain did not let up, she accepted the umbrella with a nod.
“I can return this to you in that box,” she points over to the umbrella holder outside of the cafe, “I assume you come around this area quite a few times?” Loren thinks she’s imagining it when she sees a small hint of a smile on his face that disappears as quick as it comes. The man only nods and walks away towards the cafe’s doors. He must be having a quick dinner before he goes home.
Loren holds the umbrella tightly in her hands and rushes over to the crosswalk. Thankfully, his umbrella was sturdy and as she waits at the red light, she finds her gaze trailing over to the glass of her workplace. The lights inside make it easy to see who was in front and she’s surprised.
The man had his arms around a girl who looked excited over something she was saying and upon looking at his face, it was filled with nothing but adoration. The coldness was gone and replaced with a sight she felt she was intruding on.
Loren blinks and turns away, walking briskly when the light turns green.
What a gentleman.
Tara hasn’t seen you for the longest time due to your busy schedules, and what better than to have a double date with you, her, Zayne, and her new boyfriend.
You haven’t seen much of him except for the pictures she would send, but from her words he was a nice guy who genuinely loved her, and that was all you could ask for for your friend.
It’s a small family owned diner that you both settled on meeting and with Zayne’s hand in yours you guide him over to the table Tara and her boyfriend were seated at. Upon this being your first official meeting, he politely introduces himself as do both you and Zayne. You notice he’s a little nervous but that could just be due to first impressions; you are one of Tara’s closest friends.
But no. While Jack was nervous about meeting you, the piercing gaze and stone-cold features of the other man were enough to make his palms sweat a little. While you did most of the talking, Zayne would look between you, Tara, and him and with just a glance he could stop talking all together. He had this aura about him, but he just met the man for crying out loud.
Tara talked about you and Zayne from time to time mostly just about when you’d be seeing each other and all she gave about him was “He’s a doctor, tall, really nice, and I think you guys would get along!” That was clearly not enough information.
Being the best girlfriend with the ability to read his mind, Tara squeezes the back of his hand and he looks over to see her smile for his comfort. She suspected he’d had the same reaction she did when you first introduced him. She was skeptical at first from his expression being the most jaded thing she noticed, his actions around you were far from that.
“So, Jack,” Zayne says after you point out the things you wanted from the menu to him, “I heard you’re also into medicine.” Their conversation flows easily and he sees how well-spoken he is. There aren’t any awkward pauses or words he regrets saying: it’s all natural and nothing like how he felt only moments before.
When the waiter comes to the table in the middle of Jack’s story, Zayne recites your order perfectly along with his own all the while holding her hand beneath the table. And when the waiter leaves after going through everyone, he returns to the conversation, “What were you saying about the…”
What a nice thing to do.
Your roommate Xavia thinks Zayne is funny. Not in a funny “haha” way but a funny “he’s an interesting guy” way. You both were friends since diapers and moving into your shared apartment was a childhood dream. Where you were going for school, how you were going to decorate, and what things you guys could do were endless.
When you moved in now both in your last two years, Zayne, who had been your boyfriend for a years now since the beginning of college, helped unpack. He took the heavier boxes along with Xavia’s brother who made it into a friendly competition. You would think Zayne would have brushed it off, but he accepted the challenge and soon both men were walking up the steps with about five boxes in each arm. Even you had stopped and stared at them as they looked ridiculous coming up the steps with nothing but the top of their heads visible. In the end, unloading was probably the quickest thing done that day.
You offered to go down to the grocery store to pick up some drinks and Xavia’s brother was also tasked with helping when Zayne took a phone call in another room. Xavia was unpacking one of the living room boxes when he walks out from the hallway and asks about your whereabouts. After she tells him, he nods and asks her if she needed any help. She expected that he would be a lot better than her brother, which he was, but he was also meticulous. It was like he knew where things were supposed to go to look the best and honestly, she was thankful that he did.
A few minutes passes and you texted that you were on your way back. Xavia stands up and pats down her jeans but a small sounds stops her. She turns around and on the balcony is a kitten pawing at the glass. The sliding door was slightly open and it looks like it saw it as it quickly made its way over and squeezed through.
She panics a little as a small animal running through all the new furniture and boxes wouldn’t be the most ideal. Zayne sees it too and crouches down when it practically splints inside, quickly scooping up the kitten in both of his hands. It looks surprised but doesn’t move, the two of them watching at it nuzzles down into his palms and closes its eyes.
The door opens and both you and Xavia’s brother see her and Zayne frozen with a small ball of fluff purring loudly. Your boyfriend cranes his head to face you and darts his eyes from yours over to the kitten. Xavia can’t help but laugh at the sight.
What a funny guy.
Zayne’s apartment might as well be yours now too with how much time you spend the night. It’s gotten a lot more familiar with your presence from the drawer filled with you undergarments, the vanity cluttered with your skincare and makeup, and even the pantry overflowing with snacks he says he would never get but for you they’re there.
The heater is turned up for your sake, and since he runs a bit cold as well it’s for him too, but it’s just a little too hot for him though you never complain when he walks around without a shirt.
And you also rarely sit on the couch alone. Your legs are always placed over his as he massages your calves while watching your favorites. His attention is split between the dialogue between the main characters and your commentary should you have any, and you don’t usually need to repeat yourself because he listens to every word.
“This is such a dumb show, I love it,” you mumble after your breath and Zayne’s quirks his lips into a small smile upon looking you way. You mumble something about spine magic and creampuffs and he can’t help but let out a small chuckle. Humming in response, you don’t pause the episode but you do turn your head slightly his way. “What?”
“Nothing.” He comments and reaches down to roll out the tenseness in your muscles from the day. You watch in silence for a few more moments until he gets a text. Reaching for his phone, he unlocks it with a few quick taps of your birthday and looks up towards you again. “Are you packed for tomorrow?”
There’s a few beats of a pause and you’re rushing to your feet and down the hall to his (your shared) room. He’s got some suitcases you left there and practically a whole wardrobe of your stuff anyway. “I knew I forgot something!”
Zayne sighs, reaching over to the coffee table to pick up the remote and pause the show before getting up from the couch and following in suit.
The airport is surprisingly not as crowded at this time but you’re a bit upset. Zayne would laugh if it wouldn’t put you in a worse mood but you looked very cute in sweats and his hoodie, standing beside him as he got your bags dropped off at the terminal. But anyway, clearly you were not a morning person.
Winter vacation was a perfect time to see family and friends back home and he was more than happy to accompany you this time like you had for him the year before. At least the upside to arrive at the airport nearly five hours before your flight was that you were flying with him.
The attendant finishes up checking your larger bags in and hands Zayne your tickets. He thanks her and puts away your passports and papers into his coat before taking his carry on in one hand and your hand in his other, after making sure you have your own bag, and pulling you along to the security.
You don’t know exactly why he’s in a rush considering there’s not many people and your flight is literally a few hours away, though it’s a little endearing. You lift your phone to record a few instances.
After security, he grabs a cart to place your bags on and follows you around to the duty free stores so you can shop hands-free.
“You can sit down, you know?” You tell him and he only shakes his head.
“I’ll follow you around. Where are you going next?”
On the flight he’s clutching tightly to your passports as you know for sure you’re going to lose it, and when you land he’s already taking both of your carry ons down from the overhead compartments. You make it to the carousel for your bags and there’s an elderly couple who seem to be having trouble picking up their luggage and he rushes over without delays to get it for them.
Zayne leans down to hear one of them describe what their bags look like and he grabs it all, receiving a pat on the cheek and a bag of sweets from the elderly woman.
“You’re a kind young man,” he only shakes his head and thanks her for the treats as they go about their day. When he walks back to you, you smile and press a kiss to his cheek. Looking behind him here’s a lot more people around now waiting for their stuff. You beckon him to you and he leans closer.
“Our bags just passed by. We have to wait for it to turn around another time.”
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trigunwritings · 1 year
helo ur works have been a delight to read so far and may i please request a stampede wolfwood x wife reader??? 👀👀👀 reader is a sniper and they got separated during a massive shoot out. wolfwood is looking for her while traveling with the gang and when wolfwood reunites with his wifey- everyones just shook cuz ‘ur married???’ lmao please thank you so muchhhshs!! 🤩🤩
(bonus if wolfwood is handsy or obsessed with his wife pls ahshd 😍)
In the oppressive midday heat, there weren’t all that many people milling about the main roadway of the town. It was a small place, without a plant of its own but stuck between two larger cities that were each a day or two’s worth of a drive either direction.
So in other words, the only place to charge up a vehicle after it goes dry and residents fully prepared to jack up the price twofold or more.
Wolfwood wasn’t unfamiliar with the strict rules of the landscape; without a way to produce their own goods, the main source of income for a town like this seemed to be in travelers passing through and staying long enough to empty a few bottles then spend an extra day recovering from a hangover. A fair business strategy, all things considered.
But the man wasn’t interested in vices like that at the moment. Despite the appearance of loafing around next to the old man’s truck, Wolfwood was in fact on guard duty. He was to make sure none of the locals got any stupid ideas while the others found a place they could charge it up and grab a few extra supplies for the next stretch of desert. It was sweltering even under the shade casted by the vehicle, but it was still better than roaming around the town all day—Wolfwood was still absolutely exhausted from having to help push the damn thing the last couple miles.
He had earned a chance to sit down and do fuck all.
Besides, his appearance did well enough to keep even the most curious of teenaged boys a fair distance away. Who would in their right mind think to antagonize a man dressed in all-black, wearing sunglasses, and carrying around a giant cross?
In fact, the man felt so comfortable in his natural source of deterrence that he was almost tempted to close his eyes and take a nap. That is, until—
A flicker of motion in his vision. It caught his attention, but it took his brain a few seconds to catch up with exactly what he saw. Could it—? No, he must have been seeing things. He stared at the doors of the saloon across the street, watching them rock back and forth from the motion of someone stepping inside just a moment before. Someone familiar.
The bar is relatively quiet, which isn’t uncommon for that time of day. Most folk came in shortly after sundown when the air cooled off and the wind felt lighter, but you’d gotten used to the peace of helping to clean everything up for another night of drunken travelers—much like when you had first wandered into the town, but the mechanic still doesn’t have the parts for your bike and you don’t have money for the parts. Didn’t help that the caravans coming through never had room to take on another body.
So there you are, stuck in the literal middle of the eastern patch, having to clean tables and keep drunk men from fighting one another inside the saloon to make enough money to try and get out of town.
It’s been over a month since the shootout. Though the memory is a bit hazy around the edges, you can still feel the rapid thump of your heart and the sounds of shrieking bullets flying past your head. The last time you had seen—
“Hey there-“
A man’s voice was the first to set off your instincts, the second being his hand pressing down upon your shoulder. Without meaning to you whirl around and immediately thrust out your arms at the same moment that you’re kicking his legs out from beneath him—the man crumples like paper as you fall on top of him in such a way that he’s pinned to the ground and unable to get up.
Keep the wrists apart, knees against the hips and they can’t pivot back up-
It’s like you’ve seen a ghost.
“Hello to you too babe,” he wheezes, and in that same breath you’re scrambling off of his body and trying to help him back onto his feet. “Lose you for a few weeks and that’s the kinda greeting I get?”
Though his humor makes you smile, you huff indignantly, “What do you expect me to do when someone sneaks up behind me?”
A moment passes, letting the two of you glance over your bodies in something of a habit. He hasn’t lost any limbs it seemed, nor gotten any major injuries since last seeing him—none that he hadn’t already healed with those vials of his. But before you can say out loud how grateful you are that he’s okay, the man—your husband—quickly wraps his arms around you in a hug so tight that it’s almost hard to breathe.
“So happy you’re safe,” he murmurs, lips near your ear and fingertips curling into the fabric of your shirt. “Thought I’d lost you. Couldn’t figure out what direction you went, didn’t see any tracks and thought…”
The words trail off. You return his hug, arms clinging to him in a desperate and grateful moment of relief.
“I’m okay,” the words are murmured into his shoulder. “Was chased for a bit before I finally got a good line of sight, and by the time I was able to walk back you were already gone.”
Wolfwood releases you only so that his hands can reach up and cup your face against his palms. Thumbs brush idly over your cheeks, and even behind the dark lenses of his glasses, you know that he’s looking at you in a way only noticed from sneaky glances and during the intense pleasure of lovemaking. Looking at you with so much love that it almost hurts.
“We’re together again,” he says, then presses his lips to yours in a kiss so quick and desperate that it steals the breath from your lungs. For a moment you think that he’s going to press on further, hands settling needily over your hips and his body crowding yours backwards until a table edge hits the back of your knees.
And then there’s a new voice—outside and distant, but the sound of it makes Nicholas go still all of a sudden.
“Ah fuck, I forgot about the damn truck.”
“The truck?” you ask curiously, raising a brow as he pulls himself away from you reluctantly.
“Long story, but let me come introduce you to the group I’m movin’ around with.”
Hand-in-hand, the two of you step out of the saloon’s swinging doors to see a truck parked across the sandy street, three people stepping around it as if searching for something in confusion. One is an older man, the second a young woman and the third a man with the brightest red jacket you’ve ever seen. He is the first one to turn his attention towards both of you, bright eyes blinking behind golden glasses.
“There he is! Yo, Wolfwood, weren’t you supposed to be with the truck?”
“Something unexpected came up,” he says, gesturing with his free hand towards you. “Want you all to meet my wife.”
The blonde stares at him, and then at you, his expression getting more and more tense in a way you couldn’t describe. Was it disgust? No—maybe confusion? His eyes look between you and Nicholas again, then towards the building behind you.
“What in the world were you doing in the saloon to get married in half an hour?”
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
can you please do angst 37 with robin x f!reader??? pls take ur time 🤍
“You shouldn’t have come, I don’t want you here.”
I have the fattest crush on Robin so I'll gladly write her. Even if I gotta break my own heart.
I hope you like it! If it's not what you wanted please let me know so I can rewrite it :)
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There was one thing the group didn't understand. They somehow understood the upside down, how to kill Vecna, but they couldn't wrap their heads around this one thing: Robin and Y/N.
Two girls ,who were very alike in many ways, could not be in the same room together. No one knew what happened between them. One second they were best friends, and the next Robin was begging to never be left alone with Y/N ever again. She even asked the group to not plan so many events with Y/N around. They just didn't get it.
Y/N didn't either. They were best friends, and both had a similar secret: they liked girls. When Robin came out to Y/N, she feared she'd see her differently, but she never did. Instead, she admitted she also liked girls. This realization led to deeper feelings for each other, more than just friendship. As they grew up together, and their minds and bodies matured, it was hard to keep things plantonic. So they gave up trying to hide their attraction. Y/N acted on it first; it was just a normal sleepover, they got back from a night at the arcade, and Robin was ranting about Steve's latest bimbo. She was talking fast, her hands moving widely in the air and her cheeks turning red from running out of breath. Y/N couldn't stop herself, and, before she knew it, she landed on Robin's lap, capturing her lips in a heated kiss, a rented comedy film playing in the back. It took their breath away. And since that night, their lips have never strayed far apart.
Robin was horrible with her feelings. It was easier to be rejected by someone straight than by another girl who was gay. Robin had always had the tendency to fall for girls she had no chance with. She'd been hurt too many times in the past, and she was done with it. So when she overheard a cheerleader whispering about how well Y/N made her orgasm last night, she was filled with jealousy. Robin should have figured Y/N was out of her league. She's a band geek, on the bleachers, and Y/N wore tiny skirts and was made for the main stage. Robin was a side character, and one who doesn't get the girl. So Robin's plan was simple: to break Y/N's heart before she broke hers. Robin wasn't going to let herself be a second choice. And she wasn't going to sit around and let Y/N lead her on. She was done. And honestly, it was a little too late because her heart hurt.
Her plan started with cutting off lingering gazes and touches. As both girls were not fully out to everyone at the school, they kept their ingagments hidden. A sly wink here and there, a quick kiss if they crossed paths in the bathroom, staring in the lunch room, and holding hands underneath the chemistry table. Then she moved on to harder things. Keeping her distance, slowly cutting off communication, and moving on. dodging out on sleepovers, staying clear of being alone together, and refusing to look in her direction.
Y/N didn't know what to do. One day, Robin and her are making out on her bed, and the next Robin won't even look at her. Did Y/N get the wrong idea? Did Robin not like her in that kind of way? Was she just easy because she knew she liked girls? Insecurity filled her. She's never felt so small, used, and unlikeable. Y/N hated to think that Robin got carried away with the fast-burning romance and realized she only liked the idea of them. And what sucked was that Y/N couldn't even talk to her. She ran in the opposite direction. Y/N didn't come out to anyone in the group, so she couldn't bring it up during hangouts. She only told a few friends she was gay, and now she feels like telling Robin was a mistake.
The distance was hurting both of them, but Robin refused to show it. She could see Y/N breaking away more and more, but that was how she knew her plan was working. Robin wanted nothing more than to scream at her, scream that it was unfair to make her feel desired and special. She yelled until her lungs burned from the pain of knowing she was with someone else. Y/N simply used her, cheated on her, one might say, and for that, Robin didn't care a damn about Y/N's tears.
Steve wasn't dumb; he knew Robin was in love, and in love with her best friend. Steve couldn't understand the pain of loving someone of the same gender, so he didn't know how to comfort Robin. But he did know a thing about unrequited love. And seeing his best friend go through it hurt. Robin's birthday was coming up, and he wanted to surprise her with a huge party. She'll hate it, but he loved to make her life hell. But the one gift he vowed to himself to bring was Y/N. He was going to fix this.
Y/N was talking with Chrissy about how her life took a very bad turn. Chrissy was one of her main friends who knew about Robin. Chrissy adored Robin and loved that they were falling in love. Chrissy was confused about the sudden hostility between the two, and she hated that she couldn't help Y/N figure it out. Chrissy was quick to stop talking when Steve walked up to them in the parking lot.
Robin was taking her time leaving school, so Steve decided that this was his chance to talk to Y/N, invite her to the party, and hope for the best. He didn't know what happened between them. He figured Robin was upset her best friend was straight and could never love her, but Steve knew losing Y/N all together would hurt Robin worse, even if she didn't know it.
"Hello, ladies." He greeted her with a charming smile. Y/N smiled at the sight of him. She and Steve got along well. She adored how he cared for Robin and kept her secret from everyone. She felt bad that she never told him about her being gay; she wasn't ready yet. "I'm throwing a party for our girl's birthday. It's a surprise, and you two are invited." He exclaimed, like he was planning a dinner for the president.
Y/N loved the idea, but fear settled in her stomach. Did Robin want her there?
"Does she want me there?" She asked the question aloud. Steve's expression fell when he heard the anxiety in her voice. He just wanted to comfort her and fix these girls' hearts at once.
With a smile and a fast nod, "of course she does."
What a fucking lie. Robin, in fact, did not want Y/N there. The second she walked into the party, Robin sent glares at Steve. He raised his eyebrows in confusion.
"Sorry we arrived late, our practice ran long." Chrissy explained with a small smile. She was worried about Y/N. She knew she was hurting just standing here, staring at her. Chrissy had to pull over three times on the way here to calm Y/N down. If you looked closely, you could see Y/N's eyes were slightly wet, and her nose tip was red. She heard Y/N take a deep breath and step forward.
"Happy Birthday, Rob." She gave the best smile she could. She felt like she was made of glass. Everyone could see through her, and that she was going to break with a single look. Her hands shook as she held the small pink wrapped box.
Robin's mouth moved before her brain, not enough time to think of what her words could do. There wasn't enough time to consider the long-term consequences of her new words. not enough time to realize she was officially going to break Y/N's heart once and for all. "You shouldn’t have come. I don’t want you here. "
The group went still. Their eyes were bulging out of their skulls at this point. They knew Robin was dealing with some feelings toward the poor girl standing across from her, but they didn't think it came to the point of Robin truly not wanting Y/N around, ever.
Y/N didn't know what to do. Her brain just stopped, as well as her heart. She was both hurt and embarrassed. Her eyes quickly lifted to Steve, betrayal laced in them. He lied to her. He told her Robin wanted her here. "You told me she wanted me here," she said. "You lied to me."
Steve was quick to jump into action, "Rob, come on, don't be so harsh." He pleaded. He could see both girls were one word away from breaking.
Robin was pissed. Steve ignored her pleas and brought her here. She felt like no one cared how she felt. Robin was pissed. Steve ignored her pleas and brought her here. She felt like no one cared how she felt. "Yeah, Steve, why did you lie? You know, I didn't want her around any of us anymore." She was seething now.
Y/N felt even more hurt by the fact that Robin was so pissed at her that she was trying to turn the group against her. "Rob, that is not fair. You can be mad at me, for some reason I do not know, but don't drag our friends into this. " She spoke up. Robin's head snapped back to the sound of her voice.
Finally, their eyes met. The first look in days, and it was cold. It was bitter. Robin let out a fake booming laugh. "Not fair? What's not fair is you fucking me nightly, then turning around to mess around with Lacey fucking Harper. " Once again, Robin's mouth ran before her brain caught up. Her anger was washed out by a cold bucket of regret. She realized she had just outed her best friend in front of everyone. She took her deepest secret and laid it on the table for every single one of them to take a look at.
Y/N, once again, was speechless. Her eyes burned with tears, and her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment. She wanted to tell everyone she was gay, but even with the best people, it can still be hard. And she felt betrayed that Robin wanted to hurt her so badly, she threw her secret around without a care in the world. with everyone's eyes staring at her, questioning her. She threw the box on the ground and ran out the door, sobbing.
"That is so fucking low, especially for you." Chrissy spat out. She was vivid. She picked up the small gift off the floor, and shoved it into Robin's chest. "She never did anything with Lacey. She was all in it for you. " With that, she turned around and walked out.
Robin felt a sob at the back of her throat. She refused to cry. She didn't deserve it. She fucked up. She turned herself against someone she was in love with before asking questions. She allowed herself to see Y/N as a bad guy without a second glance. She was the villain in her own story.
She ran to her room before anyone could say anything. She felt horrible for treating Y/N the way she did. And she hated it more than anything. She betrayed her trust just to hurt her. something she was certain Y/N would never do.
She ignored the knocks at her door as she unwrapped the pink gift. A shattered photo frame lays in the box. A photo strip of Robin and Y/N from the arcade. It was the same night they kissed for the first time. Robin cited a kiss mark at the bottom of the strip. It was the same lipstick Y/N wore that night.
Well, Robin's plan failed. She broke Y/N's heart but broke her own way before.
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
HI MOMMY- i mean pinnie, uh, hello, so like do you remember this little thingadooo https://www.tumblr.com/eldritch-spouse/696860216754569216/i-absolutely-adored-that-part-in-the-morell-nebul?source=share well ok so i was thinking bc i'm a hoe, uh, like c-can we get this? in writing?? pretty pls with like, 20 cherries on top of a mound of whipped cream??? only if you're up to it tho cause i know ur busy and stuff but im a little whore for pumpkin cream pie it's my absolute favourite dish ughghghghgnjfgnjkedjnf
[I'm not good with follow-ups/alt scenarios, so this'll end up being less interesting. I don't think I can do the whole team at once rn. You can call me that.]
Fem reader. Based on this ask.
TW: Sadism; "Mystery" partner/Sharing; Body horror.
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You should have thought twice about the time at which you started this. Really, your original plan was to somehow catch all of them on break, but you weren't early enough for that.
By the time the elevator doors opened and you went in, guiding Patches' naked, headless body by the hand, only two of them were there. The jester, and the mimic. You don't know either of the two very well... The orange and purple doll-thing is something you've been told to stay far away from, and the other is not that talkative, stalking around the garden area more often than not. They work together however, you've seen it before.
Well, you figure they'll do just fine.
With a slap to the green monster's ass, you send him tumbling forward and wave at the two freaks, who were previously merely having a conversation, before stuffing yourself into the elevator and racing to Patches' lab, where you left his head. He can't see who you've chosen after all! It's part of the game.
Though you do feel a bit guilty about leaving him with an unabashed sadist and a deliberately feral monster. Eh, he can take it, he's dead after all!
" Are you ready, my little pumpkin pie? " You coo, scooping his gourd head and nuzzling it.
" W- Who's grabbing me? " The dullahan mutters.
Something mean shines in your eyes when you set him down to start undressing. " Guess. "
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" ... Did she seriously just do that? " Vinnel starts, already biting back some laughter while the pair observes Patches tremble, hands covering his junk.
Sybastian offers a shrug, pointing at his head as if to imply you have a few screws loose.
" What do you reckon she gets from this, hm? " The jester floats around his coworker pensively.
" ... Punishment? " Syb guesses.
" You think, dingus?! I wouldn't be surprised if he was hard right now! In fact- " Vinnel bats Patches' hands away from his privates, the dullahan jumping a bit. As predicted, the monster had already chubbed a good bit. " See? What a teeerrible punishment, he totally isn't into it. "
Sybastian rolls his eyes at the attitude.
" Tch, perverts. "
The performer swipes his tail into the undead's ankles, sending him tumbling to he floor, hard. Both of them watch Patches struggle like a worm, trying to get up, though Vinnel quickly kicks him back onto his stomach.
" Alrighty then! A toy's a toy- I call dibs on his neck holes! "
The mimic isn't even surprised, prowling behind the green monster to take a look at the goods. Vinnel does exactly as he said, grabbing the dullahan's neck none to gently and jerking it closer as he kneels on the carpeted floor. Clothed fingers circle the rim of the undead's bare neck teasingly, all it takes are a couple of seconds of flirting with his trachea for Patches to start heaving and squirming. He must be trying to cough, but not a single sound is coming out, how odd.
The shifting does annoy Sybastian, who roughly grabs the dullahan's legs and spreads them, eyeing the bobbing length between them. Vinnel forces one of the undead's hands towards his concealed erection, only having to move it back and forth for a couple seconds until Patches gets the memo and takes over, trying to decipher the deformed slime's hidden cock. The jester leans into the motions and hums, watching what his coworker's up to.
The mimic's huge tongue claps out of that large chest, flattening against the scientist's belly and stealing one long, gross lick from belly button, to cock, balls and ass. A thorough slobbering if ever there was one, even the undead shudders.
" Grooooss! Hoo hoo, bite him! " Vinnel titters, carefully adjusting his mask so that a goopy mouth can be barely exposed, already dripping a runny black liquid the moment his own crooked tongue slides out.
The thing, black like molten tar, hovers in the air for a fraction of a second before Vinnel roughly jams it in Patches' esophagus. It's disgusting, terrifying, the way he feeds more and more of himself into the other's body, flirting with areas that make the poor undead jerk and try to escape, contracting around the jester's sloppy tongue hard enough to make him moan in glee. It would be better if Vinnel could hear the dullahan gag or try to scream, but he's not complaining. Vinnel chuckles wetly as he bobs his head back and forth, adding heft to his movement inside the other. Globs of his slime separate and fall to the floor, others slide down the length of his tongue and accidentally enter the undead's trachea, likely causing horrendous discomfort. Not that it matters to either of them, it just means he'll squeeze tighter.
This assault causes Patches to flinch back onto the mimic's insistent tongue-bath, and, incidentally, his pearly teeth. Sybastian doesn't care if the dullahan cuts himself, savoring the monster's odd flesh as much as he does his girth. It's when Sybastian moves on to the puckered prize above that his front teeth drag across the dullahan's throbbing member, and Patches trembles like a leaf in the wind, probably expecting his dick to get promptly bitten off at any moment. It's curious though, Sybastian swears he's leaking even more precum now. Although the mimic is hard against his cloth, he doesn't touch his hardness for the time being, more focused on forcing as much of his fat clapper as he can inside the undead's ass.
Meanwhile, Vinnel gurgles in satisfaction, hips bucking faster into his headless coworker's faulty rubbing and compressing the dullahan's neck to create and even tighter vacuum around his tongue.
He wonders how the loser is doing, wherever the fuck his head is right now...
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" Hhr- Ngh-!! "
" Those aren't words, try again... "
Patches enters another violent fit of coughing and gagging. Some form of conjured drool running down his chin, tears welling up in his sockets.
You suspect someone's using his throat pretty hard. Hm, they must be really pent up, you hope Patches pleases them well. Your fevered motions on yourself stop. " I'm bored here, tell me what's happening. "
" Hrk- Inside me! " He wheezes for breath, before it's stolen from him again. " Ch- Choking! " His eyelights roll slightly.
" Where? Someone fucking your throat? "
" B-Both. "
" Both holes? "
Patches tries to nod, forgetting his body isn't there, ending up making a vaguely affirmative noise that morphs into a screaming-moan. " Ghff- Big-! "
Neither of them were small, you imagine he must be getting quite the workout regardless of which one's claimed his ass.
You giggle, pleased by the drunken look on his features, lowering yourself back over his face so you can continue to grind on the dullahan. " Keep me updated, baby! " The more Patches cries and groans, the more you coo at him, rewarding him whenever he can gather enough wit to lick at you.
" See? You're such a good fucktoy, such a sweet guy, helping all your coworkers de-stress- This should be your only job, right? " He gags, whimpering what you think might have been a plea for god. " You ever talked to Admin about that? "
This goes on for a while, you start getting into the motions, fucking his face almost viciously, each little pathetic vocalization only making you burn with need. As soon as you start feeling the tingles of an approaching peak, gasping in pleasure, Patches makes a garbled noise beneath you, followed by a desperate inhale.
" GAH- A- Another one! Phf- Fuck! "
Oh. Oh, this you want to hear.
Peeling off his green pumpkin head for a second, not without admiring the strands of slick clinging to him, you stroke his cheeks. " Yes? Tell me everything, firefly. "
Patches takes a moment to steady his breathing, apparently having his throat finally released. " There's- " He pants. " Three of them. "
" Oooh, who's the new guy? "
" C- Can't tell. Mmfff- Oh ffuck meee... " He yowls, like the true bitch in heat you're so proud of.
" I'm sure they will, it's what you're for anyway. " You're pretty sure he keened at that. With a cackle, you part your folds over him and revel in his wanton staring before you lean back and resume using his angular face.
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" No no! I didn't come here to join your disgusting little fornication fest, unhand me! "
Belo's squawking is swiftly ignored by both the jester and the mimic, who quickly and forcefully disrobe the angel. If he really didn't want this, he'd already have them writhing on the floor, neither of them care that he likes to play hard to get.
" Oh shut the fuck up, you stupid whore- " Vinnel spits, fingering the furred monster's slit as soon as Syb's got that black suit down his legs, grabbing greedy handfuls of his pale ass. " You heard us, didn't you? You want to have a bit of fun too, hm? Doesn't he, Syb? "
Belo blinks and trembles, length steadily slipping out when Vinnel pulls his digits back, wiping the wetness on the angel's own fur. The mimic makes an odd chortle. " Yes. "
Patches is writhing on the floor, trying to recover from the thorough tonguing he just received on both ends. Getting up proves itself easier said than done. And though he has no idea what's happening, the jester decides to fill him in. Sparing Sybastian a mischievous grin, the two monsters nod to each other.
Vinnel zooms off to grab Patches like a ragdoll, lifting him and walking towards the mimic, who holds Belo from behind, licking at his neck while he forces the angel to walk forward as well.
Once angel and dullahan meet, Belo's pink cock pressing against the dullahan's rump, both get what's about to happen, the undead jumping in place. " Buh- But just what do you think you're doing?! " Belo's melodious voice cracks.
" Ugh, are you that fucking dumb? " The jester and the mimic switch places, Vinnel using a spare cloth in his vest's pocket to tie Patches' hands behind the angel. " You'd be surprised how tight he is, just easy enough for a loser like you though. "
Sybastian nods, grabbing the undead's legs and lining him up perfectly with Belo's dick. Vinnel hums a ditty playfully, stroking down the guard's pretty wings before cruelly plucking one. Belo squeals and lurches forward, giving Sybastian the perfect moment to impale Patches on the other's erection.
Both shake and sway in shock, Belo making choked moans, visibly throbbing as he's hilted by the mimic's doing. Patches' back knocks against the angel's chest, and everyone knows he's crying out like the shameless slut he always is.
Sybastian doesn't really care what the performer's up to when he moves away, merely tearing his loin cloth off to stroke both his and the dullahan's girths, each rock forcing Belo to move inside the dullahan, creating a lovely feedback of friction. " Mmmrr- Move! " Syb growls when Belo refuses to do anything. Even Patches squirms and bucks as if unsatisfied.
" Nn- D- Don't you dare make d-demands of- AH! "
Out of nowhere, Vinnel throws himself at the angel's back, forcing everyone forward against Syb, who purrs happily. " Whooopsie daisy! Hope I didn't miss anything good. "
" B- Bastard! " Belo grits out, knees weak.
Even though the guard refuses to thrust, the jester behind him does most of the work, pistoning through the suit in a steady rhythm that keeps everyone stimulated. Himself enjoying humping at Belo's fluffy body, and Patches getting the best of both worlds as he's stuffed and frotted against. The mimic's tongue flops out while he grunts his satisfaction.
The performer begins giggling manically when he brandishes whatever he was looking for a while back, this very sharp-looking throwing knife. Everyone there sort of tenses a little, as trusting Vinnel with sharp objects is about the same as giving a chainsaw to a ten year old. Both Belo and Syb calm down when the jester poises the blade on Patches' chest, noting the instant rise in his heaving chest.
Against the undead's expectations, Vinnel quickly slashes at his thighs. Fast but deep and merciless, like his skin is mere butter. It's one of those days where the undead doesn't have much blood to offer, merely dark green droplets streaming out, disappointing the jester. At random intervals, he's cut mercilessly on both legs, often in tandem with the others' thrusting. Inflicting harm on the squirming monster apparently has Vinnel huffing, insistently grinding against Belo.
It culminates in the jester releasing a snarled expletive, plunging the knife straight through the dullahan's body, right beneath the ribs. The force was jarring enough that even Belo trembles, as if the weapon would somehow go through Patches and stab him as well. Nonetheless, it does the trick, making Vinnel cling to Belo while he cums in his own suit, panting.
Patches has been teased this entire time, not allowed to reach orgasm by Sybastian, who would pull him slightly away from Belo before the undead could reach his climax. It must be frustrating, but the mimic is unempathetic, only now squatting to lewdly lick at the area where Belo thrusts in and out of Patches, servicing both monsters while pumping his own length to a speedy finish. Judging by Belo's clipped whines and Patches' inability to hold his weight properly, they'll both join in no time.
Vinnel sits back, clapping and whistling at the show, apparently in a post-nut high.
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" Mmmmake it stop- Ughn- Make it stop, please! "
You roll your eyes. Theatrics. Not once has he used the safeword.
" Make what stop, pretty boy? "
You've long since coated his cute face in your cum, now just lovingly wiping your loser stalker's head while you hear him cry and scream senselessly. They're getting really rough with him, it's a good thing he loves it.
" 'S too much, too- Too much- " He babbles, gasping and heaving, having difficulty breathing again. A while back he yelled his lungs out, could it be that they're stabbing him again or is it just that he's a dramatic little thing?
" I'm sure it is, but you're a big boy, right? You can take it. " You kiss his tears away, smiling.
" Jus wanna come- I just wa- Wanna come so bad- "
Yes, you're surprised he hasn't yet. Then again, his coworkers probably know he's a quickshot by now. Makes sense they wouldn't let him have it so easily.
" Well, I'm sure if you beg them enough- Oh, that's right, they can't hear you, can they? " You click your tongue, feigning genuine surprise. " Guess you'll just have to take what you're given. "
In a couple of moments, Patches makes the cutest face, sockets widening and mouth trembling when he's finally, finally given his sweet mercy. You're not sure how to classify the sound that comes out of his mouth, this high-pitched cry that clips off abruptly, like he really has no air left to finish it, before his eyelights flicker out and he garbles a series of pathetic whore noises, shouting your name amidst a myriad of curses in a different language.
You laugh openly, clutching his head close and showering it in tender kisses while he babbles and drools. " Awww, lookit you!! So cute... " He can barely meet your eyes, apparently only now getting hit with some shame. " See, I told you they'd let you come. "
" Hhng- 'M tired... "
" I bet you are. "
Moments pass as the undead winds down, with you gently holding him.
" H- Hey firefly? " He starts.
" Hm? "
" I can't walk... "
You snort, getting up. " Don't worry, I'll get dressed and then we can fetch your body. "
What's left of it.
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sayorithot · 3 years
if ur sex positive and anti kink, no ur not
2 notes · View notes
hereforhalstead · 3 years
Hungry Eyes
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*Gif not mine, credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader 18+
• Requested: Yeeeess by my bestie @halsteadlover who always sets the bar so high and provided me with this.
reader's friend that come to visit her and Jay is jealous but nobody knows about their relationship so he can't even say anything about it and then he corners Reader when they r alone and shows her who she belongs to iykyk kwnejekwnsked i know this is a shitty idea but whit ur writing bestie it'd be ✨ chef's kiss ✨’i
• Warnings: swearing/Daddy kink/smut references
• Summary: Jay gets jealous after an old friend turns up at the district to ask you out for lunch and reminds you who you belong to.
• Words: 4218
• A/N :lysm you’re the best but pls don’t come after me if this disappoints hahah Enjoy🤭
You woke up with that feeling in the pit of your stomach that you didn’t like, instantly feeling sick with nerves for no explanation. You tried to start your morning as best and to routine as you could to try and push out the thoughts but nothing worked. 
You made your way into the kitchen to grab some ice out of the freezer for your drink, you found yourself gazing out of the window being transfixed on cars going by. You flinched as you felt a squeeze on your sides, you looked over your shoulder to see Jay’s mischievous smile grinning back at you, a sight that would always put your mind to rest but on this day it wasn’t doing the trick. 
He softly pulled on the round neck of your tshirt, exposing your shoulder to which he placed a light kiss to your skin “Everything alright?” he questioned, still stood behind you as you filled your glass. You nodded in response but you both knew this wasn’t enough for him, you span to exit the kitchen but he stood his ground to block your path.
“You wanna trying lying to me again?” he probed, gently outlining the side of you face with his fingers. You pressed your lips into his cheek but he still wouldn’t budge “Jay, I’m fine” you attempted to reassure but he simply gave a light chuckle in response.
 “Baby, you know I call out people who lie for a job. Right?” You lean your head forward onto his chest and huff “Just one of those days” you mumble into his shirt and he tuts “And you couldn’t tell me that because?”.
You look up at him and roll your eyes “Because doofus, now you’ll be watching my every move when you need to be focusing on yourself” You push your finger into his chest as you speak, he flicks his eyes down onto your hand and then back up to your worried expression “We’ll be fine. Always are, I know how to look out for both of us” he leans in to place a chaste kiss to your lips but you still feel that sinking feeling wasn’t going anywhere fast.
 “How do you always know what to do to make me feel better?” you tease, trying your best to ignore the wave of anxiousness overwhelming your body “It’s just as much of my job as it is to be a detective” he proudly replies and you can’t stop the smile creeping on your face “Smooth” you compliment, earning another toothy grin from your boyfriend 
“Come on you, the quicker we get out of here the quicker we get home”. He slings an arm round your shoulder before stopping to pick up the drink you had previously poured yourself as he calmly reassures “Don’t worry about it. Everything’s gonna be fine”
As normal, Jay drops you off in his truck a few roads away from the district. You’d both decided it was best to keep your relationship between yourselves for the time being as god knows word spreads fast within Chicago and Voight would be less than impressed to say the least. 
Seeing how he reacted to Kim and Adam served as a warning of how harsh he can be and implement punishments for the smallest of things. He often eyes the pair of you so you have an inclining he’s caught on but as far as you’re aware you’d gotten away with it so far which seemed a miracle. There’d been a few close encounters, you and Jay getting carried away in the evidence room, one acting out when the other is in danger or the most popular one being when either one of you is hit on and you can’t say a word. 
Jay found this the hardest as Voight encouraged you to use your charm and sarcastic character on suspects, often helping to break their barriers and admit things they didn’t know they were admitting. This came at a cost, you openly flirting with another man in the interview room was now a regular occurrence and to Jay’s dismay he was often sat right by your side as you did so. 
Most of the time you had fun with this as it never took much to get Jay jealous, a simple double take at you had him aggravated within seconds so for you to have taken on the role as ‘Intelligence flirt’ did not sit well with him. You’d considered having words with Voight about it, expressing how it made you uncomfortable but as much as sometimes you didn’t like it, it did often lead to success so you had to put your dignity to one side and do the job at hand. 
It was another one of those days where you were called into the interview room as soon as you walked up the stairs, Jay handing you a paper file as he passes your desk. Just like every morning, acting like you hadn’t been in bed together just a few hours earlier or traipsing round his apartment in nothing but his T-shirt.
“He’s just your type” Kim calls out to you, smirk beaming from her face “and how do you know what my type is?” you sarcastically respond, eyebrow cocked in confidence “Believe me, I know what your type is” she is quick to reply, already back focusing on a pile of paperwork sat in front of her. You narrow your eyes at her and then cast your eyes over to Jay who is still enthralled by the thought of you.
“Will you just get in there and do you thing. We need to nail this bastard” Voight’s rough voice echos out, hurrying you to hang your coat up on the way to the interview room “Good luck” Jay announces with an amused tone “I think you’re the one who needs the luck” you hit back. He bores his eyes down to you as he leans forward to open the door with one hand and allowing you to enter the room first. 
The suspect immediately slumps back in his chair as you slam the thick paper file onto the desk “Think you better sit up and pay attention sunshine, I haven’t got all day” you jest, Jay remaining stern in the seat next to you as he’s ready to play good cop bad cop. “Oh I can tell I’m gonna like you already” his eyes roam about your body but Jay is quick to harshly click in front of the mans face to distract him “Eyes up here big man”. 
You conceal your laugher, not even 2 seconds in and Jay’s pissed off “Why don’t you let her do the talking pretty boy” the suspect flirts and you scoff “You’re already looking at 25 years in jail if you don’t start talking so we’ll get started if you don’t mind” you open the file in efforts to break eye contact with the suspect but Jay was still showing a disgruntled stare over the table “I’m all yours”. 
Safe to say the interview didn’t get much better, no matter how much you leaned into him, he wasn’t saying a word. Forcing you to try and go above and beyond with the flirting technique but still nothing. You marched back into the office with Jay, him stuck at your side but staying silent when usually there would be some form of sarcastic comment but today there was nothing.
 “How could you say he was my type, are you blind? He was about 50 with half a mouth of teeth and I can’t imagine the last time he showered” you call out to Kim who laughs “My idea of fun” she contests, handing you a cup of coffee “Hilarious” you comment under your breath as she returns to her desk next to you. 
You were still reeling from the interview, annoyed at yourself for not getting him to break so you could charge him with more but by the sounds of it, it wasn’t his first offence so knew how to play the game and also play you. You scanned the pages in front of you, head in your hands as you sat propped with your elbows on the desk “He was just a dick who knows how to work the system, don’t let it get to you” Jay speaks as he leans on the desk next to you. 
You huff and sink into your chair “Surprised you’re talking to me” you joke as Jay shrugs “Gotta do what you gotta do” he calmly admits, complete change of attitude to his normal tense and quiet self after these interviews but you still knew him well enough to know he was bluffing “Now who’s the one lying” you raise your eyebrows at him with a slight smirk across your face.
He leans down to you to speak but you hear Trudy clear her throat from behind him “Y/N, you got someone down here for you” she bitterly announces, you both turn to look at her as she spins to head back down the stairs “Did they give a name, or?” you ask after her but as per usual she was hardly in a mood to converse “Do I look like a receptionist? No” she tuts “Was cute though” you’re taken back as she adds her little comment and disappears back down the stairs. 
“Well, best get myself down to this hottie then” you stand from your seat, ensuring you graze yourself along Jay as you pass “Don’t wanna keep him waiting” you quietly add so only he can hear. 
He keeps his arms folded in front of his chest and watches you intently as you walk off, feeling his eyes burn into your back as you follow Trudy’s path down to the main area. Slight grin as you enjoyed winding Jay up and as much as he didn’t want to admit it he also got a kick out of it. 
Him watching you think you have the dominance in the relationship truly amused him, all while knowing he could have you pinned up against a wall and struggling to find words within seconds frequently crossed his mind as he sat watching you work opposite him. 
You got to the bottom of the stairs only to be met by an empty room, you look over to Trudy who is aimlessly scrolling on the computer and walk over to her desk “Where is he then?” you ask but get no response, instead she simply looks over your shoulder to the room next to the main doors. 
She glimpses back over to you before returning to her work “Always so helpful Trudy, what would I do without you” you mock, tapping the desk before turning to see who had asked after you.
You didn’t even have a chance to get yourself together before he was stood in front of you, your best friend from college who you hadn’t seen in years was stood before you and Trudy was right, he was looking just as cute as he did the last time you see him all those years ago. “There she is! The hot shot detective” he exclaims before engulfing you in his arms. 
It took you by surprise so took you a few seconds before you could grasp what was happening “Kyle? What are you doing here?” you pull back, leaving his arm still resting on your hip as he towered over you “My folks moved to Chicago a few weeks ago so thought I would come visit. Then remembered you worked here so made it all the more easier for me to take the trip” he happily admits as you nudge his shoulder “Still the flirt I see” you tilt you head and he nods “Can’t help it when it comes to you”. 
You come to your senses that you’re still stood in the middle of the open space at the district, Trudy without a doubt ogling at you from her desk and silently judging with her scowl and condescending manner. 
You take a quick sweep of the area to see if anyone else is around but it was just the two of you which made the silence even more awkward. As much as you wanted nothing more than to catch up with Kyle, this was hardly the ideal scenario as you could basically hear a pin drop and knew Trudy was listening in on every word. 
You check your watch and note it was nearly 1pm which led you to the perfect excuse of leaving “Wanna grab some lunch?” he questions to which you quickly agree “Let me just grab my stuff and we can go”.
Just as you turn to head back upstairs you hear Trudy call out from behind you “Chuckles, get Y/N’s bags for her will you. She's being whisked off for lunch on a hot date” whilst still facing away you subtly shake your head and huff “I’m gonna kill her” you joke, Kyle awkwardly laughs along with you which doesn’t help with the glare Jay was sending in your direction. 
“Thanks but I can get them myself, thanks though” you grimace to Trudy as you pass her desk “Won’t be long” you call back to Kyle who takes a seat on the chairs “Just text me if you need a moment before we go!” Jay shoots him a lingering glare, you nudge his shoulder to pull him from his trance with the aggravated scorn to Kyle.
 You place your hand onto the scanner and feel Jay breathing down your neck from how close he is stood behind you “So you’ve got a hot date?” he whispers, so quiet that you’re sure no one else heard “Don’t start” you warn as the door buzzes and loosens to allow you to open it.
“Don’t know what you mean” Jay innocently responds, still hot on your trail as you make your way up “Jay, your jealousy is showing” you tease with a hint of smugness in your voice “I don’t get jealous baby” he takes you off guard with the pet name but you try your best to act unfazed “A lot of lying going on today, isn’t there?”. 
You make your way over to your desk and rummage around in the drawers looking for the purse your usually leave in there with a few bank cards and loose change. “Who’s the hunk then Y/N?” Hailey asks from her desk on the other side of the room “It’s her boyfriend” Jay answers before you even have a chance to respond. You continue looking through your desk, rolling your eyes at his comment but grateful no one can see as you look down.
“He’s a friend from college” you correct him, shooting him a glare to which he sneers. “And he’s taking you to lunch? Lucky you” Kim adds, earning a less than impressed glance from Adam “I’m right here you know” he mocks and you laugh to yourself of the irony of Adam getting jealous when you knew Jay was sat there reeling and no one knew. 
“Wait, isn’t Kyle the one who-?” Kim starts but you widen your eyes her to give her the message to stop “The one who?” Kevin probes, aware that now everyone was in on this would only add to Jay’s annoyance “He wa-” Hailey speaks up “Uh” you interrupt, admiring the joy she had flashed across her face. Adam pats Kevin on the shoulder as he passes “Girl code bro, we’ll never find out”. 
“I didn’t know I was running a gossip circle? Back to it” Voight demands from the doorframe of his office. The team turn back to their work as you give up looking for your purse and decide to head to the lockers to see if you left it in there earlier in the week. 
Once in the hall, alone you run your fingertips over the creases in your forehead. Partly in trying to remember where you last had your purse but also wishing Kyle hadn’t come to the district or atleast gave you some forewarning that we was in town. 
That soon explains the reason for your gut feeling this morning that something wasn’t going to go right, although you were slightly relieved as it wasn’t half as bad as you expected when you first woke up and felt the anxiety swirling in your stomach but still wasn’t ideal. 
You leant your head against your locker before taking a deep breath, anyone would think you were being overdramatic but with the interview the morning where you had truly pushed yourself with the flirting already leaving Jay on the back foot this was not what you had in mind for the rest of the day. 
Normally, a quiet afternoon with the odd doting look and occasional private moment between the pair of you had you back in his good books but that was clearly out of the window and now with this he was just feeling worse. 
You searched in your locker but still no sign, you pulled out your phone to text Kyle and was shocked you still had his number after all these years. You clicked away on your phone before a presence in front of you makes you flinch. 
You look up to see Jay leaning with one arm on the locker and the other holding your purse “You can text your boyfriend to say your other boyfriend found your purse” he dangles the purse in front of you but snatches it back when you go to grab it “Jay, leave it alone” you taunt but he simply drops your purse on the bench behind you with a swift motion and turns to head out. 
Slightly shocked you don’t get more of a reaction out of him leaves you wanting more, a twisted affect he had on you when he left you craving him if he didn’t give you what you wanted.
“You don’t want me to introduce the pair of you then?” you call out, causing him to stop in his tracks on route to the door. You heart instantly picks up as you know you’ve got him “Do what you want” he spits out, still with his back to you. You make your way over to him and run your fingertip up and down his spine, causing him to shiver under your touch.
 “Someone in a mood?” you innocently ask, knowing full well what you’re letting yourself in for but using it as more motivation to keep going. He hangs his head in laughter and takes a moment before he inhales through his flared nostrils, even facing away from you you can see the bitter look on his face as he bites the inside of his lip in frustration. 
“Why don’t you just go and have a nice little lunch with your boyfriend and we’ll speak about this at home later” his calmness still confuses you and didn’t satisfy your craving and as much as you knew you shouldn’t provoke him you can’t help but continue to do so.
“You don’t Atleast want to know who he is? You could be letting me go to lunch with a murderer for all you know” you joke but he is not amused, not in the slightest. He deeply huffs which, to his frustration you know is a good sign you were getting what you wanted “No Y/N. I don’t want to know who the fuck he is” he finally bursts, turning in his spot and now staring down on you.
“I don’t give a shit who he is, I don’t give a shit what you’ve done together” the way his chest rises and falls in his passion truly awakes something within you and you no longer care how quick you feel overpowered by him.
“That’s not very kind” you respond, innocent tone paired with your eyelashes fluttering as you look up at Jay’s rage filled face.
“Kind? I don’t care about kind when it comes to other men flirting with my girl, baby” he starts taking steps towards you, forcing you to walk back under his demand. 
Your back soon hits the bank of lockers with a thud, his eyes filled his hunger as he rests his arm to the side of your head and leans into you “He was only my first fuck, no big deal” you mumble but his spiteful chuckle tells you he heard it loud and clear, slightly regretting your honesty when you’re truly under his thumb and not getting out of his hold anytime soon.
“Say that again” he taunts, hand gripped onto your waist and getting tighter with each heavy breath. You don’t say a word as you know nothing will help what you’ve just said, he leaves it a moment before he continues. 
“No?” He questions as you remain standing in silence, you shake your head to see the exasperation flashing across his face. “Why did you even tell me that?” He further asks and in all honesty you begin to question that yourself, you just knew it would be the worst thing you could admit and therefore it had to be done.
“Oh, I know why” he drops his head as he smiles to himself, hand running along his jawline as a smug smile makes its way onto his face. Not a second later his attention is back on you with the hunger in his eyes that you now desperately longed for.
“You want me to remind the name that I know you’re wishing you could moan right now” he teases as he pushes himself onto you further “straight up against these lockers, with my hand over your mouth to quieten them desperate pleas”. His eyes search your face for any form of resistance as he darts his knee inbetween your legs to separate them “Tell me I’m wrong baby?”.
You feel your body melt under his slightest touch, his words making you crumble into his grasp on you. With your mind no longer on Kyle or the fact you were at your place of work with the chance of getting caught at any moment “Your team just on the other side of that wall not having a single clue what’s going on”. He was clearly enjoying this as much as you were, his lips finding their way to your collarbone and lightly nipping at the skin.
“My girl wants me to fuck her so hard that she can’t even walk out of this room without me helping her” he proceeds to run his lips along your jawline, leaving lingering kisses as he goes “Not so mouthy now, hm?” He grasps at your hip to straighten you from your slumped position, feeling your legs turn to jelly as you yearn for his dominant touch “Use your words, baby”.
He catches you off guard with a deep and hungry kiss as his lips crash into yours, using his hand on the small of your back to steady you as you stumble from the sudden harshness. As you leaned into his desires, you wanted to use the tiniest bit of power you have left to well and truly push him over the edge. Something you knew that would have you playing this moment over in your head for weeks on end, him falling at your mercy and pushing him over the edge “Yes daddy”.
His eyes widen, something he had only heard you say a few times in the past but only after being encouraged at the height of passion and never on your own accord. The fingers digging into your hips told you all you needed to know, whether he liked to admit it, you’d won this hands down.
You run your to tongue over your bottom lip, now slightly swollen from the rough contact. His eyes follow your movement, the darkness in his eyes turning more intense as every second went by “oh baby” he chuckled, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist to lift you up and secure yourself to him with your legs wrapped round him and your back pushed up against the lockers “you have no idea what you’ve just let yourself in for”.
Inbox and requests always open👀 am working through my current requests and one will be up in a few days💃🏼
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elysianslove · 3 years
your brain is so big and sexy‼️ your writing makes my mouth froth‼️ could u write some smut headcannons for big boy eren yeager? im in love w ur writing plS ㅠㅠ
please i love u sm wtf 
and omg tysm for requesting for eren,,, i spend hours just watching edits of him and levi i am: in Love. i hope you enjoy this <333
nsfw under the cut! eren’s aged up, my loves! i listened to west coast and meet me in the pale moonlight by lana del rey, but both slowed, while writing this, and idk why it fit so well? anyways <3333
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i have a feeling that even timeskip eren is the farthest thing from experienced, so it’s more than likely you’ll be taking a lot of his firsts. but he’s a very diligent and determined person in general, so he definitely makes up for it with his enthusiasm. 
however, once the awkwardness and hesitant stage is over,,, 
i wouldn’t go as far as saying he prefers oral giving over receiving, but he truly is in heaven in between your thighs. maybe it’s an ego thing, but he adores hearing his name leave your lips breathlessly and endlessly, loves to see the way you arch your back or twist your fingers in his hair. and when you try to push him away but his mouth stays latched onto your cunt? holy shit. 
while on the topic of giving oral, he wants you sitting on his face, or hoisting you up against the wall, your legs perched on his shoulders. he loves the way you slowly and eventually give into him, trusting him to hold you up, or noticing how you no longer hold yourself up and you’re just pushing your cunt down against his mouth shamelessly. he loves it!!! 
he does love to receive oral too. i think it’d make him a little shy the first few times he did it, or the first few times you offered. he still would never really initiate it, but he never declines. he doesn’t fuck your throat, per se, but he can cum in seconds if you deepthroat him. he will unintentionally thrust up into your mouth and have his cock graze your throat, and yes when he really gets into it, he might grab your hair and push your face harsher and deeper against him, forcing you to swallow more of him. especially when he’s seated, he doubles over almost over at the feel of your warm mouth around him. 
in regards to where he likes to cum,,, well
eren probably really likes it messy ngl 
so if you’re blowing him, almost always will he pull out and cum on the tip of your tongue, smearing the tip of his cock all along your lips. if it gets anywhere else, he’ll collect it on the tips of his fingers and push them into your mouth
wait i know i’m getting sidetracked but eren definitely has a thing for you sucking on his fingers holy shit. he absolutely just shoves them into your mouth while you two are fucking, or just pushes them onto your tongue to force your mouth open so that you’re drenching his palm and your chin with drool. i’m telling y’all, he likes it messy. 
anyways back to what i was talking about. the same way he pulls out of your mouth to see you coated in his cum, more often than not he’ll do the same as he’s fucking you. he’ll pull out till the tip of his cock barely rests inside of you, spilling all over your inner walls. but because of how he isn’t really inside of you, it so easily seeps out of you, which then he’s given the courtesy of fucking it back into you. this is so filthy im so sorry. 
eren’s an ass man. can’t convince me otherwise. of course, he loves titties, can kiss and suck at them for days, but the ass,,,
it’s not even sexual at this point he just likes groping you in general
i also believe eren’s a huge kisser during sex. like he’s always either sloppily kissing all over your mouth, sucking on your tongue, both your lips glossy cause of the saliva. or he’s serenely kissing you, both hands cupping your cheeks as he fucks into you at a steady pace, so deep, not insanely fast, not teasingly slow
honestly? he’d be more willing to sub than dom. it’s not that he’s not a top, because he definitely is, it’s more that he’s willing to sacrifice control than enforce it on you, you know? 
wait one more thing. you know that face grabbing thing that some do during sex? like your eyes are rolling back and your face is red and your mouth is hanging open, your tongue slightly lolling out and you’re so far gone? at that point eren would absolutely adore just grabbing your face with one hand, squishing your cheeks together. you just look so pretty like this beneath him. like i said, he’s definitely a top,,,
this is already so long should i talk about his kinks
im gonna talk about his kinks
praise kink! huge praise kink! he loves to praise you, loves you praising him! tell him how good he feels, how he’s perfect for you, and he’ll tell you all about how pretty you look beneath him/on top of him like this, how well you take him, such a good girl...
dumbification kink. he’s not going to explicitly degrade you and call you stupid, or stupid for his cock specifically, but he loves seeing how so visibly your kind hazes over, how you willingly let him do anything to you because you trust him all that much
dacryphilia. it ties into dumbification. he does not want to hurt you, he just likes seeing you so overwhelmed with pleasure that tears start to fill your eyes, slipping down your cheeks. it’s not a sadism thing, honestly, it’s more of a guarantee that yes, you’re enjoying yourself this much.
edging, but on him. please, he would so be into getting edged, even to the point of hours. i don’t know why, but i’m so sure of the fact that he’d like being reduced to such a mess, begging and sobbing for you to let him cum, his cock, so swollen and full, leaking so much precum, the tip nearly purpling. he just adores it when that band finally snaps and he’s able to let go; it’s incredibly satisfying 
voyeurism, but only in the sense that he wants to watch you pleasure yourself. he strikes me as someone that is very possessive of their partner, so he wouldn’t want anyone else to see you in such a state, only him. but he really does get off to watching you, like so much. 
marking. again: possessive. he loves marking you in any possible way, which means whether it’s from his bruising grip on your waist and hips or his lips and teeth sinking into every other part of your body. 
choking, but him receiving it. he will never lay a hand on you, and he’d never trust himself to ever choke you. but your hands are so small in comparison to all of him that the pressure around his throat is barely there, but it feels nice. like he’s all yours. 
that being said, he wouldn’t be into impact play at all. nothing that involves every hurting you like i said.
okay im so sorry this was so long clearly i have too much to say this is embarrassing 
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cherrykamado · 2 years
OK BUT KATAKURI MY BELOVED??? I ain’t even got to the whole cake island arc but this pastel goth looking mf has my whole heart n COOTER 🥺
Katakuri with a chubby baker!reader who works for him ‘n his family on their castle/estate 🥺 used to being overlooked n shamed by your looks, especially compared to the other female inhabitants of this island, you don’t even expect anybody to look your way. Much less the second most prominent member of the Charlotte family.
I can just vividly picture minding your business and prepping the kitchen for the day ‘n the rest of your fellow bakers/pastry chefs. The aforementioned mumbling about a certain Charlotte and speculating about his looks under the scarf. At first you stay out of it because,, s’not your business though it isn’t their’s either but then you hear one badmouth him, maybe suggesting he’s a stoic brute who eats n terrorizes people, and you just black out from there.
You’re ranting n going off on them for their poor behavior, that they’re better than this petty slanderous gossip, not even realizing how far your voice carries in the vast empty castle halls. You manage to get out a “how dare you slanderize a fine, honorable man—“ and stop at the feel of a massive vibration shaking your core, indicating one of the family members are headed your way. The heavy pit in your stomach aching when you turn towards the doorway of the kitchen and lock eyes with the second son of the Big Mom Pirates, the Candy Commander himself...
You’re so embarrassed, thinking he heard you fangirl about him, eyes shying away from his massive form n shooing your coworkers to their stations. Shoving yourself into more prep work to make yourself look busy in poor holes that he doesn’t acknowledge you.
Yet, he says nothing! He eyes you with his somber red eyes and just,, goes about his business.
Your coworkers anxious chatter turn into little giggles as they watch your face darken with embarrassment, teasing your wistful expression.
You think about the incident all day, head still foggy with humiliation at the thought of your unrealistic crush hearing your deep admiration of him. But, towards the end of the day, your mind finally gives you a bit of respite.
If he said nothing he likely didn’t hear me, right? Katakuri was never one to not speak his mind...
Distracted by clean up of the massive kitchen, you don’t even notice a looming shadow in the corner of the kitchen. Bending over inside the fridge putting away excess dough; your heart leaps out of your chest when you get up to close the fridge door and once again, lock eyes with Katakuri.
The swiftness with which I would smooch ‘n r i d e that redwood of a man is almost embarrassing 🤧
Katakuri pickin me up n pinning me to the counter to eat me out when??? I’m but a fleshlight sir
'n ofc he would've heard it all, and he would have known about your crush on him from the very start. something in him goes 😳 when he hears you defended him ndsnfsjkgns
pls when you even get to look at him while eating and not be freaked out by his look he'd so fall for you 😫 lets you into his merienda time just to grab you by the plush of your hips and place you right on his face 'n eat you out as a thank you for bakin' his fav donuts, his sharp teeth gently grazing your puffy lips😵
@starrybrujita come get ur mans pls 🥵
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hi, do you think you could do another blurb for ethan? maybe something nsfw? like, a party hookup? im thinkin about fratboy!ethan 👁👄👁
(wc: 5.5k) pls im always thinking about fratboy ethan :,) but yes i can do this 100 % ! this ask prompted something deep in me and i ended up making a playlist to go with it as well 🤧here’s the link to that if ur interested https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4yXuVtAKBHexm5ifE9NQ2B ! A L S O i’m sorry this took forever to get to ,,,, life has been a lot recently lol . reblogs are always appreciated ! <3
AYO LOOK AT THESE ! : smut (obvious but still) , sex while under the influence (with explicit consent given) , softdom! ethan , marajuana use , alcohol use , unprotected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it , plz) , swearing , college au , an unus annus reference if u look close enough , and i believe thats it . enjoy ! xoxoxoxo , starlight .
a little party never killed nobody
it was the exact same as every other college party you’d ever been to. shitty music, shittier alcohol, shittiest people- except for him. 
when ethan nestor had invited you to a frat party, you’d laughed in his face. you knew that he was a member of data data data, but he wasn’t the type that made it his whole personality. as far as you’d observed, he wasn’t the partying type, either, but there he was, texting you the house address.
“so you’ll come tonight? it’s going to be a pretty big thing- a lot of people coming. you should be able to walk right in, but if anyone gives you shit just tell them you’re with me,” he said, a slight smirk playing on his lips. you and ethan hadn’t been talking for long; technically, you hadn’t even known that he’d existed two weeks ago. 
when ethan had first sauntered up to you in physical sciences, that same smirk painting his face, you’d picked up on the underlying chemistry right away. he was a flirt by nature, but he seemed to play it up even more around you- the brunette boy had asked for your number the first day you met, and you’d been talking almost constantly since. he was funny and sweet and extremely charismatic, and he made your heart flip in your chest with the smallest glance. the two of you hadn’t hung out alone yet, so this party felt like a big deal.
or, at least, that's what you’d thought.
when you showed up at the front door of the frat house loud, bass-filled music was already shaking the window panes in their frames, and you could hear what sounded like a hundred different voices all talking over each other. ethan hadn’t been kidding when he said that it was a big party; at least half of your year was here, plus the older and younger students interspersed throughout the throngs of people as well. as you made your way to the kitchen, ethan was nowhere to be found. you felt as if all eyes were on you as you started to pour a drink, and dimly, you wondered if people could tell that you didn’t belong.
however, most of your anxious thoughts had been subdued after the first solo cup of vodka lemonade, and you were now well through your second. the music pounding throughout the house felt as if it had infiltrated your veins, filling them with a warm, buzzing sensation that loosened your limbs. at some point, a guy had come up to chat with you. then another. you weren't sure how many times you’d given out your snapchat tonight, but it had been a lot, and you were about to do it again. 
the guy you were currently talking to introduced himself as danny. he was some sort of business major, much like every other guy that you’d spoken with tonight, and was very clearly trying to hit on you. even through the alcohol-induced haze, you remembered who you came here for and you weren't leaving without him. you put a hand on danny’s shoulder, effectively cutting him off in the middle of his sentence.
“hey, do you know where ethan is? ethan nestor, i mean? he’s the one who invited me here.”
danny looked disappointed, but seemed to shift and slot puzzle pieces together in his head, snapping his fingers. “you're the girl he invited? that makes so much sense, actually. yeah, he’s out back- toking up, probably,” he explained, gesturing towards a door you would’ve never noticed. “out there and down the stairs. need an escort?”
you almost denied his advances but spotted an old fling loitering by the hidden door. giving danny a tight smile, you drained the rest of your drink and held up a finger. “one sec! stay here.”
butterflies flooded every inch of your being as you stumbled over to the makeshift bar, pouting a variety of liquors into your cup. you were going to see ethan outside of class. on his turf. something about it shook you to your core, but you couldn’t quite figure out why. 
sure, ethan was hot- that was obvious. but he’d been flirty, too. were the two of you a thing? if you weren’t, why had he been talking to danny about 'the girl he was inviting’? clearly, ethan had been talking about you, you just weren't sure of the context. you tried to swallow all these fears as you topped off your cup with lemonade, taking a small sip. trying not to spit it out, you added more juice; you’d made the strongest mixture you could think of, and it tasted like some sort of poison. that didn’t stop you from taking another small sip, then a bigger one. you needed the buzz.
“okay! let's go.”
danny led you out the door and down the stairs with no issue, and you quickly realized how tipsy you were - the stairs seemed to bob and warp under your feet, and you grabbed onto the handrail with a death grip. he noticed this easily, laughing a bit. “are you good?”
“great. it's the heels and alcohol- they don't mix well.” you laughed at yourself, regretting the chunky, heeled boots you’d thrown on.
“you can ditch them, if you want. we’re going out onto a deck, so you won't be in grass or anything,” danny explained, pointing to a pile of shoes by the door you were about to exit. you weren't going to argue with that, thankful that you’d chosen cute socks as you wrestled the footwear off and tossed it onto the pile. your stomach flipped as danny opened the door, cool night air biting into your warm skin, waking you up a bit. the sourish-sweet scent of marijuana flooded the small stairwell, and danny chuckled. “told you he was smoking.”
nothing could’ve prepared you for the way you felt watching ethan take a long drag off of some sort of pen, letting the vapor pour from his lips in pale blue plumes. something about the easy way the smoke seemed to float from his mouth went straight to your center, and you dug your nails into your palms, trying to get yourself under control. ethan finally realized that more people had joined the small crowd on the bench, and his heavy-lidded eyes seemed to light up as they roamed all over you lazily. this only furthered the sensation between your legs, the coils starting to tighten in your lower stomach. 
what the hell?
“y/n, you made it,” ethan said, a smile taking over his face. he quickly hopped down from where he’d been sitting on the guardrail and made his way over, wrapping an arm dangerously low around your waist. he hugged you tightly, making your heartbeat stutter as you squeezed him back.
you mumbled a ‘hello’ into his neck as ethan let his touch linger, your body held tightly to his. someone cleared their throat, conversation starting back up, and ethan reluctantly pulled away, dropping his eyes to yours. he kept a hand on the small of your back, sending electricity running up and down your spine. “having fun?”
you could barely talk as you forced yourself to respond. “yeah, lots. you’re a hard person to find.”
ethan grinned again, letting his head fall back as he laughed. “my bad. i thought you would text me when you got here. found someone to take care of you , though?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow. the facial expression did absolutely nothing for the situation building up under your skirt- only worsening your want for the tall boy in front of you. 
ethan smirked, dropping his lips to your ear. “that's what i like to hear. you look pretty, y/n.”
the way he said your name practically undid you, ripping your self-control apart at the already weakened seams. you let a hand wander up and down one of ethan’s sculpted arms, outlining the planes of muscle through his hoodie as you crossed your legs; sure, it was the ladylike thing to do, but you were desperately looking for some sort of friction, anything to lessen the need for him.
“thank you.”
ethan nodded, the hand that had been perched on your back sliding over your hip before finding your hand. he laced his fingers into yours, and you were shocked at how forward he was being. the two of you had flirted heavily- and okay, maybe you’d sent some suggestive pictures back and forth- but ethan seemed to be claiming you as he led you over to the round table where all his friends were sat. again, you carved half-moons into your palms with your nails as you added up all the chairs- there wasn’t enough. you began to let go of ethan’s hand, ready to boost yourself onto the railing, but he gave your fingers a gentle squeeze. you watched as ethan settled into the overstuffed outdoor chair, gesturing at his lap.
you took a brief moment to admire the mess you’d gotten yourself into before you gingerly sat on ethan’s lap, trying to make yourself as small and weightless as humanly possible. that didn’t last long, though. ethan circled an arm over your hips, pulling you onto his lap firmly. you couldn’t breathe as you settled into him, crossing your legs tightly. your lower body was tucked away, hidden under the table, but still. you tucked a small portion of fabric between your thighs, ensuring nothing would slip. 
you didn’t say much as ethan continued to conversate with his friends, passing the silvery, skinny device around the table. 
soon, the talk turned from school and classes to typical, stuttering stoner laughing; everyone besides ethan and danny seemed to be a complete lightweight, gone after one hit of the cartridge. however, both the boys were on at least their fourth hit and still seemed relatively composed. they’d started to talk about some sort of economic study, and you’d quickly grown bored and confused. after sitting through 10 more minutes of the terminology you didn't understand, you began to wiggle around on ethan’s lap, loosening his grip on you. 
at the same moment, you and ethan both shifted in just the right way, causing one of his legs to end up between both of yours just as your hips rolled forward. delicious friction flooded your system, and you bit down hard on your lower lip, trying to stifle a moan. you fought with everything in you not to rock your body again, sensation overwhelming your impulse control. before you could do anything, one of ethan’s large hands found your hips, squeezing just enough to leave fingerprint-shaped marks on your skin. ethan knew what he’d done- you could hear the satisfaction threaded through his voice.
“you okay? what d’you need?”
you tried to steady your voice, painfully conscious of the people around you. while most of ethan’s friends were high enough that they wouldn’t notice, you knew that danny would pick up on any changes in your demeanor. you swallowed hard before answering him.
“i'm gonna go get another drink.” another gentle squeeze practically lit your skin on fire, and ethan held the pen up to you. 
“wanna try this instead?”
you weren’t going to lie- you’d been a bit jealous of the boys, not even thinking of passing the device to you. with shaky hands, you reached to accept the cartridge, but ethan had different plans. a sinful look found its way into his slitted eyes as ethan held the pen up to your lips. “go ahead.”
you could’ve passed out from the command, the look, the way that he’d started to bounce his leg. it was as if he was trying to break you- like he wanted you to give him some sort of sign that you wanted him. you did, more than anything. desire seemed to curl its way into every inch, every cell of your body, its spurs digging into your skin. 
you met ethan’s eyes deliberately as you accepted the cold metal into your mouth, inhaling deeply. you took immense pleasure in the look that crossed ethans face as you pulled away with lungs full of the hazy drug. you held your breath for as long as possible before letting the vapor drift from your lips, just as ethan and done earlier. you watched his adam's apple bob as he swallowed hard, his eyes snapping off of yours and over to danny.
“i’m gonna take y/n to get a drink. watch them, will you?” he asked, gesturing to the rest of his friends. danny just nodded, mumbling a low ‘have fun’ as ethan practically lifted you off of his lap. adrenaline coursed through each and every one of your veins and ethan laced his fingers through yours, leading you inside. 
ethan barely let the door shut before his hands were on your hips, pinning you to the wall of the small stairwell. his lips met yours roughly, and you couldn’t hold back the whimper that had been building in your throat for the past hour. you felt ethan smirk at the soft noise before he bit at your lower lip, dragging the soft flesh between his teeth. again, you let out a whine full of pleasure- he just felt so good. you let your arms circle ethans neck, one of your hands knotting in his dark hair. you pulled at the roots gently as ethan’s tongue rolled against yours, your body entirely succumbing to him.
he forced himself to pull off of your body, and you let out a small whine; you’d been waiting on this. ethan smirked, his laugh coming out dark and much raspier than usual. “don’t worry doll, i'm not done with you yet. just can't have you here.”
the words went right through you, only adding to the ache between your thighs. ethan took your hand with a profound gentleness, and dropped a soft kiss on your forehead. “before this even starts, are you sure?” 
you nodded eagerly, getting up on your tiptoes to recapture his lips, but ethan pulled back. you furrowed your eyebrows at the tall boy, confused- until he brought a hand up to your face, holding your jaw. ethan tilted your head up, forcing you to meet his eyes. “i need words, baby. are you positive? i can-”
“so sure. i promise.” you nodded at him, your eyes never leaving his. “i want you.”
ethan swore under his breath and kissed you hard before leading you up the stairs. you started to feel the effects of the drug as ethan took you from kitchen to living room, up some stairs… you lost track of all the places you’d been, allowing the weed to cloud everything in a gauzy veil. you felt good; light and somehow heavy at the same time, and you enjoyed the way that everything seemed to slow down. finally, ethan opened a door and pulled you in behind him. you realised where you were- his room. it smelled like ethan, like citrus and musk and something you could only describe as boy. 
you let out a small giggle as ethan reached for a remote, colored lights dousing the room in a sultry red glow. “setting the mood?”
quickly, you were shut up in the best possible way. ethan kissed your roughly, all teeth and tongue and hands everywhere as he backed you against one of his walls. you let yourself get lost in him, basking in the warmth of your hunger for him. one of ethan’s cold hands made its way under your shirt, the other holding your jaw in place as he bit into your bottom lip once again, making you whine. 
“feel good?” ethan asked, breathlessly. you could hear the smirk in his voice, but you couldn’t help the way your back arched at the simple question. your nails dug into his shoulder as ethan slid his thumb under the band of your bra, and he let out a rough moan, managing to undo the clasp with one hand. ethan pulled away from you long enough to rid you of your shirt, discarding your bra on the floor as well while you practically ripped his hoodie off, desperate to feel his skin against your own. he clearly wanted the same, judging by the way he wrapped an arm around your back, pulling you flesh against his chest. 
ethan managed to capture both of your wrists in one of his hands, pinning them above your head. you were unfamiliar with the feeling of being restrained, but the sensation seemed to send your heart thrumming even faster. he kissed you until your lips were sore and your knees were weak before finally dropping his forehead to yours. ethan took his chance, letting his eyes roam all over you and you watched his pupils grow larger until his eyes were practically black. “jesus fuck, y/n. you’re beautiful.”
your voice came out high and breathy as you responded. “ ‘could say the same about you.” you were practically panting, your body no longer responding to your mind as your back arched. ethan let out a hard breath. 
“do you know what you do to me?”
your eyes fluttered shut as ethan’s lips met the sensitive skin of your neck, his tongue exploring the delicate flesh. he quickly found your weak spot and focused his attention there; he let his teeth gently sink into your skin, making you gasp before using his soft tongue to soothe the spot. he repeated this process all over your neck, sucking on your flesh when he found a sweet spot. you knew that you’d be covered in purple-blue bruises, but you’d wear them proudly- that was ethan’s motivation for marking you up.
ethan trailed soft, wet kisses all the way down your neck to your collarbones, groaning at the way you pushed your chest toward him. he hesitated, but started kissing back up your neck, your jaw, back up to your lips. he released his grip on your wrist and you quickly cupped his face in your hands, kissing him with everything in you. you wanted the boy to feel the way you wanted him, and you knew he could as his lips seemed to slow, the kisses getting deeper and deeper. you lost yourself completely in ethan, unsure of where he started and you ended. you could feel his heartbeat against your own, the two thumping rapidly, almost erratic.
the two of you stayed pressed up against each other, your back firmly against the wall for a while, until ethan finally pressed a soft kiss to your cheek. “bed?”
you nodded eagerly, wanting the boy all over you. the two of you stumbled, half kissing over to the mattress, falling together. ethan quickly situated himself on top of your body, caging you in between his arms. he began kissing down your body at a torturously slow pace, tracing the dark marks he’d already left with his soft tongue, driving you insane. ethan took his time working down to your breasts, finally taking one of your sensitive nubs into his mouth. you let out an almost guttural moan at the sensation, pleasure overwhelming your senses. ethan hummed at your reaction, only intensifying the feeling. you tangled a hand in his hair, the other digging into his back, leaving long, red scratches on his pale skin. 
ethan swirled his tongue around your bud, taking extreme pride in the way you let your head fall back against the mattress, moans of his name spilling from your lips. he tucked an arm under the arch of your back, pulling your body even closer to him- he didn’t want any space dividing the two of you. ethan pulled off of your puffy nipple with a soft moan, wasting no time in kissing over your chest, pulling the other into his mouth. he covered your chest in dark, deep bruises, admiring his work under the sensual glow of the red lights. “so pretty..”
you couldn’t form full sentences to respond with, just broken moans and pleads and tugs on his hair. ethan found it endearing, the way you wanted him so badly. he couldn’t help but give you what you needed.
he kisses hastily down your body leaving small lovebites here and there on your ribs, your stomach. ethan hooked his thumbs in the waistband of your skirt and pressed a kiss to the exposed skin right above the fabric. “this okay?”
“yes, i- please,” you pleaded, lifting your hips to make it easier. ethan got rid of the piece of clothing, discarding it on his bedroom floor, quickly followed by your panties. he let out a throaty moan, his eyes working over you lazily, like he had all the time in the world. he admired your body until you wriggled underneath him, needing some sort of stimulation. 
“what do you want, baby?”
“you,” you whined, desperation weaving through your voice. ethan pressed gentle, warm kisses on your hip bones, fighting a laugh. 
“i know that. what specifically?”
“fuck, ethan. anything, just touch me. please.”
“okay, okay. and you're positive this is alright?”
“yes. i’m so sure. i swe-” your words died in the back of your throat as ethan pressed his thumb to your clit, rubbing small, soft circles. “holy fuck.”
“already so worked up,” ethan mumbled, pressing kisses to your inner thighs. “this because of me?”
you were taken aback by the way your high seemed to multiply the pleasure by tens of thousands- ethan was barely touching you and you could feel your high approaching quickly. you couldn’t find the words to answer him as ethan shifted between your legs, giving himself a better view of your sex. “does that feel okay?”
a stream of swears left your lips as ethan quickened his pace, hooking one of your legs over his shoulder. “so fucking good, just like that.” the knots in your stomach continued to tighten as you balled the sheets in your fist, tugging at his hair with the other hand.
ethan pressed a kiss dangerously low on your hip, looking up at you. “can i?”
your hips bucked at the tone of his voice, and you nodded vigorously. ethan kept his eyes on yours as he ran his tongue through your folds, lapping your arousal up. he couldn’t help but groan at the taste of you, the way you pulled at his hair, putting his mouth where you wanted it before letting your head fall back onto his bed. ethan started to suck at your sensitive bud, rolling his tongue over the bundle of nerves and you knew you wouldn’t last much longer.
“i- fuck- i’m close.”
he hummed, the vibrations sending you over the edge. your eyes rolled back into your head while you tugged at his hair, your orgasm completely undoing you- the high only added to the sensation, making it that much better. your hips bucked under the skillful work of his soft tongue as ethan let you ride out your high on his face. 
ethan dropped a gentle kiss on your clit before peppering your entire body with them, giggling at the way you squealed. he finally attached his lips to your neck, your jaw, back to your lips. you kissed him hard, tasting yourself off of him. finally, when your exhaustion won out you pulled away, running your hands through ethan’s fluffy hair. 
“how was that?”
you propped yourself up on your elbows, pecking ethan’s lips. “so, so good,” you mewled between heavy breaths. ethan bit down on his lower lip and smiled, pride filling his system. 
“god, you look good moaning my name. you're beautiful, you know,” he said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. ethan looked at you with a tenderness in his eyes, placing another kiss on your lips. “think you can go again?”
ethan started trailing down your body again, not waiting for an answer. he was laser focused on pleasuring you, making you whine and whimper for him- only for him. before he could get far, though, you were grabbing at his arm and shaking your head. he flushed, peeling away from you while starting to profusely apologize, but you pressed a finger to his lips. 
“want you. inside of me,” you explained between pants, still exhausted from the first round of stimulation. ethan threw his head back, swearing. 
“jesus christ, y/n. need me that bad, baby?”
his choice of words drowned you in desire, and you were all his. “yes. please, ethan?”
he wanted to fuck you until all you could do was moan his name just like that, over and over again. before you could process what was happening ethan had his hands all over you, roaming your body as he practically drooled at the sight before him: your already fucked out body, the sweet look painting your face, begging for him. ethan could barely control himself, his words coming out as rough murmurs.
“protection? i mean, i have it.”
you bit at your lip, hard. you were on birth control, and you wanted him- all of him.
shaking your head, you explained. “birth control. we’ll be fine, if you’re comfortable.”
you jumped as ethan moved a finger to your entrance, dipping into your sex. he groaned at the way you clenched around the appendage, his cock jumping in his boxers. “want my cum inside you?”
“yes- fuck, ethan, please,” you begged, reduced to nothing. all you wanted; all you needed was him inside you, ruining your body until you couldn’t take anymore pleasure. 
“so tight,” he mumbled, lining another finger up. you bucked your hips, the sensitivity almost too much as he stretched you out, watching the way your face contorted under his influence. ethan placed a large hand low on your abdomen, applying light pressure. “if you can’t take this, you won’t be able to take me.”
you nodded, pace almost desperate for him to continue. “feels good baby. so good.”
you took note of the pleased expression that stretched over ethan’s face as you praised the boy- you were just telling the truth, but clearly he liked to hear what a good job he was doing. ethan brought his thumb up to your clit, rubbing tight circles on the bundle of nerves and you grabbed at his wrist, nails digging into skin. 
“gonna make me cum again,” you warned, but ethan only smiled at you, nodding almost condescendingly.
“wanna finish on my fingers, pretty girl?”
you wanted to say no, wait to come undone around him, but his movements felt too good. you dug your nails into his arm even harder, your other hand clawing into ethan’s soft sheets as the knots in your stomach came undone, your walls contracting around his fingers tight enough to make him moan. 
ethan let his pace slow, extending your orgasm as you practically rode his hand, crying out in absolute euphoria as he increased pressure on your clit.  unable to form words, you released your grasp on the boy’s arm, bringing your hand up to his face instead. you pulled ethan’s lips down to meet yours, whining at the feeling of his clothed cock grinding against your center.
ethan couldn’t take it anymore, quickly ridding himself of the soft sweatpants. you watched as his manhood sprung up, hitting his abdomen; the sight in and of itself enough to make you let out another bliss-filled noise. ethan let his eyes fall to yours as he stroked himself, shuddering at the heavenly friction. again, his voice came out low as he lined himself up with you.
far beyond words, you nodded and laced your fingers through his. 
ethan returned your grasp with a sweet squeeze, gliding the tip of his cock through your folds- coating himself in your arousal. the two of you moaned in sync; a sweet, satisfied sort of harmony. finally, ethan pushed into you slowly, gasping at the feeling. you couldn’t help the way your eyes rolled back into your head, the feeling of him inside you almost too much. 
“you okay?”
“so good,” you breathed, trying not to yelp at the feeling spreading through your lower body. ethan was well endowed- the biggest you’d ever taken- and it was an addictive sort of pain. he moved slowly, stopping a few times; allowing you to adjust around his length. when he’d bottomed out, ethan let his head fall back, groans escaping his throat.
“so fucking tiny,” he gasped, a groan cutting his statement off. “feel so good around me, gorgeous.”
you nodded at him, trying your best to meet ethan’s eyes as you praised the boy. “so fucking big- you feel so good,” you whined, your hips bucking. “want you so bad.”
a breathless laugh escaped ethan’s lungs as he maneuvered a hand behind one of your thighs, lifting your leg to hook over his shoulder. he pushed even deeper into you and black spots began to crowd the sides of your vision, the pleasure overwhelming. slowly, ethan started to pull out of you, eliciting filthy words and moans from you before he slid his length back in. 
“fucking hell, y/n. so tight,” he said, voice tipping up into a whimper at the end. he quickened his pace, the noise of sleeping skin filling the room. you could barely contain yourself, no longer fighting the stream of murmurs and swears leaving your lips as ethan continued to pump in and out of you. your next orgasm was already building, the coils tightening rapidly in your lower belly.
ethan let his hand wander down to your sensitive bud, almost coming undone at the sight of your eyes fluttering shut. you traced up his forearm, scraping at his sweet skin before knotting your fingers in his hair, tugging at the roots. 
“eyes open, baby. look at me.”
you could’ve cum then and there, the instructions only turning you on further. you forced your eyes open, meeting his as ethan sped up again. an almost animalistic noise left your throat as ethan thrusted into you roughly- you weren’t going to be able to hang on much longer. ethan felt the way your walls were clenching around him, fluttering and tightening as he increased his speed on your clit.
“close?” he asked, unable to say much more than that. your grip around him was euphoric- he was closer than he’d like to be. it hadn’t been more than 20 minutes, but with the way you were pulling at his head, almost crying in completely bliss, ethan wanted to fill you to the brim with his cum then fuck it into your sensitive pussy, overstimulating the sweet flesh.
you nodded, humming a small “mhm,” as you looked at him with wide eyes. ethan paused for a moment, shifting your leg up even higher onto his shoulder before plunging back into you. you felt the head of his cock hit a new, even more delicious spot and you became almost delirious. looking at him with furrowed eyebrows, you felt a tear crawl down your cheek.
“gonna cum, ethan-”
“fuck- me too. let go, baby.”
your entire body seemed to shake and shudder under the force of your orgasm- it hit you like a fucking train. you felt ethan’s thrusts get sloppier as he buried himself inside you, his head dropping to the crook of your neck. he whimpered as he shot his cum deep into your pussy, the sensation all consuming. the two of you stayed like that for a while- riding out your highs with each other, rough moans turned to honey-sweet mewls. 
as your heart rate started to come down, you peppered the boy's face with soft, careless kisses: ones that he gladly returned. ethan finally found your lips, pressing tender, long kisses to the swollen skin. 
“you’re a fucking god,” you murmured, stressing the word as ethan’s face flushed even hotter than it already had been.
“that,” he huffed, breathing still hard and uneven, “would be you.”
you giggled at the statement, your voice hitching as ethan slowly pulled out of you. you could feel a mixture of him and you spill out, the substance flowing over your things as ethan kissed down your body, taking in the sight between your legs. 
“so pretty, baby,” he whispered, sinking a long finger into your pussy. your whole body spasmed at the feeling, completely overstimulated. ethan pulled out of you softly, watching the way his cum seemed to spill out of you endlessly. he placed small, delicate kisses to the marks he’d left covering your thighs, admiring his work. “can i keep you here for the night?” he asked, eyes turning affectionate.
you nodded at the boy as he came back up to meet your lips, then your forehead. as you settled onto his chest, drawing lazy patterns on his skin, ethan's voice seemed to return to normal.
“such a good girl.”
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bl00dgutsgl0ry · 4 years
ahh i’ve read all ur childe fics and they are absolutely amazing 🥺 i also live for angst and the way you portray ur characters emotions is emasculate *chefs kiss* is it possible if i may request an angsty childe fic where his s/o feels betrayed after finding out hes only been with her as part of the fatui’s plans but throughout the process childe actually falls in love and never meant to hurt them? and pls a fluffy ending bc my heart can’t take angst 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Pairing - Childe/Tartaglia/Ajax x Reader
Warnings - Spoilers for Childe’s background.
Other Comments - Hello!! I am so glad that you are enjoying my stuff! I never would have imagined that I would receive so much positive feedback as I just started doing this but everyone has welcomed me with open arms hehe!!  (//▽//) Anyway you are in luck because I absolutely love writing angst so lets go! Also these are heavily inspired by the songs Decode and All I Wanted by Paramore so I kinda recommend listening to them while you read. (๑˘︶˘๑)
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      Everyone you have encountered along your journey have been so friendly; all of them going out of their way to assist you. You have gained many friends along your way which have caused you to become quite a trusting person, to a fault at this point. Every person you have met with try their best to help you with your journey and leave a lingering friendship which you are incredibly grateful for. When you first decided you wanted to become an adventurer, your parents were extremely apprehensive, not trusting the world around you. You were determined to prove them wrong, and so far you have. 
      You had decided you wanted to settle down in Liyue for a while, exhausted from the constant traveling. This way you were always able to stay close around the Adventurers Guild. Along your journey of living in Liyue you had continued to meet many lovely and helpful people; one being a tall copper headed man. 
      During your travel and adventuring you had started to become a fairly big name, as you were incredibly skilled and managed to help save Mondstadt on a variety of occasions; even getting to know the grand master of the Knights of Favonius. So when a tall young man approached you, already knowing your name you weren’t all too surprised. You had already settled down into your small cozy apartment when he had come up to you.
      “Excuse me, you don’t happen to be (y/n) do you?” You looked up, your eyes meeting bright blue ones as you found the owner of the soothing voice.
      “Oh uh, yes that’s me. Is there something I can help you with?” A pleasant smile graced your face as the tall man gave a polite smile back before continuing. 
      “I was wondering if you could assist me with a domain, I seem to be having a bit more trouble with it than I had expected. I’ve heard you’re one of the best out there right now.” Your face flushed, something about this man was so endearing, and helping him out couldn’t be too hard, you had been able to defeat most of the domains in the area anyway so why not?
      “Sure, I’d be more than happy to help you out! Are you an adventurer like I am?” You heard Childe let out a low chuckle.
      “Oh no I am a Fatui Harbinger.” Wait- did he just say he was a Harbinger? You didn’t know much about the Fatui, but what you did know and have heard from other people was that the Fatui were always bad news. He didn’t seem like what everyone was saying though.
      “Well then, when would you like to go?”
      That was the beginning of your relationship with the Harbinger. After that you two both seemed to get along surprisingly well, and you found yourself struggling to stop seeing him. He was always on your mind, and with him almost always being around you that wasn’t helping either.
      “So, where shall we go today darling?” Childe had decided to take up space in your already cramped apartment, not that you were complaining. It had been about six months since you had settled down in Liyue and you decided it was finally time to start traveling again. You had formed a really close connection with Childe, he always seemed to be your savior in situations that you needed it. You hoped that Childe would come along with you, but part of you had a feeling that he had to stay here for some reason.
      “Well I was thinking I would go back to traveling again, I have stayed for about half a year so I think it’s time.” The smile that always seemed to find its place on Childe face quickly dropped, and you saw something change for a split second before returning back to normal.
      “Oh well if that’s what you want then I am not going to stop you, but I can no longer accompany you, you better leave as soon as possible though.” Now what could he have said that for. 
      “So you can cover as much ground of course!” Childe must’ve picked up on your questioning gaze when he said that, as a reassuring smile found its way back to his face.
      “I suppose you’re right, I need to say goodbye to the friends that I’ve made here though. Could you help me pack my things while I go do that?” A strong nod came from Childe before you granted yourself permission to leave.
      It took you longer than you had anticipated to track down and say goodbye to all of the friends you had made here and Liyue, which you could blame Xiangling for as she made sure to make plenty of your favourite dishes for your trip.
      As you approached your building you saw the back of the boy you knew so well, duck into a dark alley. Something could’ve been wrong, so to make sure he was okay you quietly followed a little ways behind. 
      “Are you deaf or just stupid? Your job was to get close to the dumb bitch and then bring them in. What is taking so long are you kidding?” A shorter man with a large hat was currently talking to Childe, surely they couldn’t be talking about you.
      “Listen I know what my orders were, I was just waiting for a good time.” Childe’s voice was quite and his eyes were focused on the ground.
      “If they’re leaving today, you better hope that they are still in Liyue for your own well being.” With that the shorter man quickly turned away and stormed off. So it was all a setup. Everything they did and talked about... All the things he told you... You as you were backing away in disbelief your shoe scuffed against the ground, causing Childe to whip around, those once familiar blue eyes meeting yours blowing out wide.
      “(Y/n) wait-” You didn’t let him finish before you took off sprinting up to your apartment, hoping to get up there and lock yourself in. Was he going to kill you for over hearing?
      You tripped a couple times going up the stairs hoping to the gods that you would still have enough time to shut and lock your door, all the while Childe was behind you begging for you to stop, for you to come back. Relief washed over you as your eyes found your door, adrenaline still pumping wildly through you. 
      “Please please please gods let me in!” You franticly attempted to unlock your door, the adrenaline making you shaky causing you to miss the keyhole. Your feverish prayers were answered when you flung the front door open, Childe’s loud footsteps pounding against the floor behind you. Right as you were slamming the door closed Childe’s body flew against the door, causing it to swing back open, hitting you in the process and tossing you to the ground; knocking the wind out of you.
      Childe stood over you, panting as he tried to catch his breath. Was this the end? Were you going to die? Your wild eyes found his, the fear in them causing him to falter. He never wanted to see fear in your eyes, especially not because of him. The darkness of the night made it hard to see, the only light spilling in from the hallway through your open front door, spotlighting your face and the tears you had falling down your cheeks. You don’t remember when you started crying but it was obvious now. Neither of you spoke for a while, not knowing what to say. It was clear that Childe wasn’t going to kill you, but that still left a plethora of issues.
      “You...” You began to speak, your voice shaky and uncertain. Childe’s eyes silently begged for you to stop.
      “You took advantage of me. Everything was a lie. Was anything that came out of your mouth true?!” Sadness and anger flushed your face and you slowly rose to your feet.
      “(Y/n) please... I never meant for it to go on this long.” That didn’t help his situation, that sentence having the same effect of putting water on an oil fire. Anger bloomed from your chest, almost making it hard to breathe.
      “I trusted you! I guess this is all my fault for putting my trust into a Fatui Harbinger! Childe’s not even your real name! I know NOTHING about you!! And... and I let you stay with me! Keep me company! I let you put your filthy hands on me! You kissed me!!” Tears began to spill faster, but not just from you this time.
      “(Y/n) please my feelings and actions towards you were no lies!! I admit this was all set up, but then I began to truly fall in love with you!! You have to believe me!” A loud broken laugh escaped your lips, almost like a bark.
      “Believe you?! Again I don’t even know your real name-”
      “Tartaglia.” This stopped you in your tracks, you couldn’t quite make sense of what he said.
      “What?” Your words were barely above a whisper.
      “My name. It’s Tartaglia. My family calls me Ajax. I am the 11th Harbinger of the Fatui. I moved to Liyue as a debt collector. I don’t want to be in the Fatui, not ever since I met you. You knew who the Fatui were and still chose to trust me. No one except my family has ever looked at me the way you do. I am from Snezhnaya. My birthday is July 20th. I enjoy ice fishing and combat. I have many siblings, a couple younger brothers named Teucer and Anthony and I have a sister named Tonia. See? You know so much more now!” You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything, you just stared at him. Childe or Tartaglia rather, was clearly getting anxious at your silence, as he shifted around more or fiddled with his gloves. He was normally so confident, so seeing him like this was shocking.
      “(Y/n) please, say something; anything.” The desperation in his voice made your chest tighten. What could you say? On one hand you wanted to just forgive him and fall into his arms, on the other hand he had completely destroyed your trust; were you really willing on forgiving him that easily?
      “Childe... I...” You could see Tartaglia flinch, not used to the tone of his code name on you tongue. He wanted so desperately for you to just say his real name. He wanted to embrace you, for you to forgive him. He would find a way out of this for the both of you. 
      “(Y/n) I will help you. I fell in love with you. I knew the second I set my eyes on you that I say going to fall for you. I will get you out of this situation, I have to. I know it’s stupid to say this now, but you have to trust me on this. After I get you out of here is when you can hit me scream at me and tell me never to see you again. I just need to make sure you’re safe.” You couldn’t hold yourself back anymore as you began to cry again. Tartaglia stepped close to you, slowly to make sure that you had a way to back up if you didn’t want him to get closer. When you didn’t move he took that as an ‘okay’ to get close, and that’s what he did.
      Slowly the distance between the two of you closed as Tartaglia sunk to his knees and clung to you. His hold on you was iron tight, as he waited and hoped for you to return the hold; which much to his surprise you did. You clung to him and cried. 
      “I will make you trust me again (y/n). I will make you trust me and I will keep you safe. You have my word. I love you.”
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heauxzenji · 4 years
I just came across you nsfw with Osamu and I really enjoyed it I was wondering if You could do one for Kita?
Hi love! This is for u 💕 and all the kita fuckers worldwide- myself included bc I’m in love with him now 🥺
NSFW Alphabet - Kita Shinsuke
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Nsfw below da cut g
gn!reader focus in this hoe
A/n: ty @honey-makki for being my partner in degeneracy and my wife ilysm bc she can read when I can’t
𝕬 - 𝕬𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖊
Will feed you a full meal. His way of making sure you’re cared for is keeping you well fed. He will cuddle you and spoon feed you himself if he has to, as long as you eat every single bite. He has a routine for everything, aftercare is no exception. He runs you a bath, then, while you soak, he cooks. Will make sure to throw a hoodie in the dryer before heading to the kitchen so it'll be warm for you post shower. Then he feeds you and holds you, playing with your hair or your hands until you fall asleep.
𝕭 - 𝕭𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙
You already know what the fuck is going onnnn! Kita is honestly so well sculpted that it really doesn’t matter but let’s talk about his back/shoulders. He’s so mf broad and it's very sexc of him. He’s also very fond of when you cling onto and scratch it up…. delicious
He loves your hands. He loves to hold them, especially when he’s looking straight into your eyes as he drills the hell out of you- he’ll lift one up and kiss it bc ✨romance✨
𝕮 - 𝕮𝖚𝖒
Oh he’s going to fill you so full of cum that it pours out of your ears. He has a big breeding kink, and huge loads to match. But he’s also very healthy and takes good care of himself so his cum isn’t bad on your tongue on the off chance he hasn’t already cum inside you 600 times prior to finally doing so in your mouth. And he’s going to kiss you after- very sexc of him.
𝕯 - 𝕯𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕾𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙
Lost his virginity in a barn. Got a tick on his ass of all places. The barn isn’t the secret tho... the tick is.
𝕰 - 𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊
When you got together- he was definitely a virgin. Had only gone as far as MAYBE second base. But you used that to your advantage, because you’ve essentially built him up and trained him to be PERFECT for you. You also helped him find out what he likes and what makes him feel good too. Sure there was a lil’ corruption involved, but in the end you’re both very happy with your sex life.
𝕱 - 𝕱𝖆𝖛𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝕻𝖔𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
Full on mf wrestling mating press. He’s going to have his cock so deep inside of you that if he even pushed a bit more his body is gonna go in too. Then he’ll just live there. He’s fine with that.
𝕲 - 𝕲𝖔𝖔𝖋𝖞
Unintentionally so. Every once in a while, you’ll both giggle or laugh because you have to reposition when you start to cramp up or you accidentally hit him in the face when tying to pull him closer or something. But he’s a firm believer in the whole “if you can’t laugh with the person you’re having sex with you shouldn’t have sex with them” addage, so he’s very grateful for those light moments.
𝕳 - 𝕳𝖆𝖎𝖗
It could definitely be neater. He isn’t abysmal, but he is hairy and could stand to trim a tiiiny bit more often. He’s just very low maintenance down there. As long as it’s clean he's good, which is both true and a decent place to start but pls tell him to get a little off the top of you know what I mean.
𝕴 - 𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖈y
He’s! So! Loving! He’s always going to go the extra mile to make you feel special. He likes to keep things on the softer side I’d say 8/10 times. He prefers to make love instead of just fucking it out- but if you get into an argument or he’s frustrated, he will happily go hard… but still with candles and a massage. Also I said it already but he’s gonna hold your hands while he demolishes you- interlaced fingers and all that cute shit even tho you’re getting railed.
𝕵 - 𝕵𝖆𝖈𝖐 𝕺𝖋𝖋
His grandma is one of those old ladies that’s like “don’t do that you’ll go blind,” so poor baby was a lil pent up before he got older. Now, he still doesn't do it often, but he does it once a month or so as part of his routine. He uses coconut oil because he likes the smell and that it melts easily.
𝕶 - 𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖐
Breeding, listen it’s just embedded in country boys to fuck and fill. He is no exception.
Spanking, moreso as a way to direct you. Moving too much? slap to stay still. Changing positions? Slap to get you moving. Just wants to see you jiggle? Yeah that too. Motivational slaps also come into play when he wants you to know you’re doing a good job.
Auralism, He LOVES to hear you. The sound of your breath, your moans, the way you chant his name when you’re close… he eats that shit up. It feeds his ego and boosts his pride. He also makes a lot of noise himself, mostly really deep moans but there’s a sprinkling of praise throughout too.
𝕷 - 𝕷𝖔𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
He needs privacy. So he’s definitely one to want to keep it at home or at least somewhere secluded and away, where he knows only you and him are there and will know about it.
𝕸 - 𝕸𝖔𝖙𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
He doesn’t care how he does it, but his number one priority, is making sure that you cum. Kita is a giver. And he will make sure to give you whatever you want from him.
𝕹 - 𝕹𝖔!
He’s not into SUPER rough stuff. He’s not vanilla, but he is the kind of guy that sees sex as “lovemaking” so he’s not gonna punch you in the face or throw you around like a ragdoll. It’s just not his style. Of course if it's what you want, he will… but never expect him to ever bring it up or do so on his own.
𝕺 - 𝕺𝖗𝖆𝖑
Ok so- he's… teachable. I’m not gonna lie, he would start off as absolute trash. But the good thing about him is how adaptable he is, and how willing he is to learn. You’d have to have him work at it a lot but once he gets good he’s great. He’ll love the feeling of accomplishment he gets from you getting off with only his mouth- it does wonders for his pride.
𝕻 - 𝕻𝖆𝖈𝖊
It’s very even- until he starts to get close. When he’s close he’s going to speed up so much that you have to brace yourself against anything that’ll hold you. He is definitely a headboard grabber too.
𝕼 - 𝕼𝖚𝖎𝖈𝖐𝖎𝖊
He likes to take his time with you. For that reason, he isn’t a huge fan. You would really have to convince him that it's worth it. He doesn’t see the point in instant gratification, and thinks you should be patient. Good things come to those who wait and all that Kita stop being so stoic and rail me at the farmers market challenge
𝕽 - 𝕽𝖎𝖘𝖐
Lmfao you think this mans is really gonna go for a public or semi-public scene? Think again. Now, he’s into sex outdoors sure, but only in your fenced in, enclosed backyard. He’s not letting anyone see you point blank periodt, you’re for his eyes only.
𝕾 - 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖆
Excellent self control. He can hold off on cumming for as long as you need him to. Usually he’ll tap out himself after you’ve gotten through at least 3 of your own highs- but his record is 6. Has a super long refractory period tho- so he does things this way to make sure you get everything you need in one go.
𝕿 - 𝕿𝖔𝖞
He actually likes using toys on you. He has a bunch of different plugs and vibes that he uses to suit the situation. He prefers to use a hitachi wand on you while he’s fucking you, but all the others he uses for foreplay- or after to keep you full to the brim of his cum.
𝖀 - 𝖀𝖓𝖋𝖆𝖎𝖗
You both tease each other absentmindedly. He doesn’t know why he gets so turned on by you scrubbing the floor on all fours (that’s why), but he does. He also doesn’t understand why you think its hot when he cuts firewood in winter or wipes his forehead with his shirt during the summer. He thinks he’s gross and sweaty- but you can only think of a million other ways to make him sweatier.
𝖁 - 𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖚𝖒𝖊
Listen we stan. He’s not quiet in bed by any means, but he’s not overly loud either. He’s the type who takes deep breaths and then on the exhale let’s out a moan from deep in his chest- you know the one. And he does that shit on purpose. Not really, but he does think of it as his way of letting you know that he feels as good as you feel. Will also 100% hit you with the “is that it baby? Is that the spot?” While you’re practically turning into jello underneath him bc he absolutely knows that’s the spot he just likes to make you say it.
𝖂 - 𝖂𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖉
Wants to recreate the sex scene from tthe notebook with you. He can’t explain why, he just has an unexplainable urge to suck your face off in the rain and then proceed to raw you after peeling all the damp clothes from your body. Please oblige him.
𝖃 - 𝖃-𝕽𝖆𝖞
He’s got the thickness. Not coke Can thickness but like… you remember the Alaskan bull worm from ep of SpongeBob? Well he’s the whole worm, not just the tongue. I’m going to hell for that reference but ya he has a nice dick. The perfect thickness and and I’ll say a pretty good 5.5-6 inches worth. It’s also very veiny on the underside which- yes I love that.
𝖄 - 𝖄𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌
Normal sex drive, since you tend to do it at least 2 times a week. He only seems to get a little needier when you CAN’T have sex regularly- ie, one of you is sick or you’re away from each other. When that happens, he’s a little edgier than usual, can snap sometimes but not often.
𝖅 - 𝖅𝖟𝖟
He’s the type to get a second wind after. He’ll only go to sleep after he makes sure all your aftercare needs are met, and even then, he’s only going to power-nap it for maybe 10mins. He’ll stay still and cuddle you while you sleep, but he’ll most likely watch tv or scroll through his phone while you enjoy his warmth. Every once in awhile he’ll give you a kiss while you stir.
Taglist Starseeds (check ur privacy settings if your url is in bold): @honey-makki @crushzone @yumekosgamblingroom @boujiesav @onesingleravioli @ushijimasfarmhat @trouvelle @nekoma-hoe @right-shoe-jpg @atsumusc0ck @nivky0-0 @animoozies @charmarsmith @tsumue @disasteren @hoe4abbacchio @sillykittt @ukaisbaby
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b0rista · 3 years
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: only slightly suggestive, but mostly reader friendly. language!
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: literally, moblit needs more attention 🥺 i wish he had more of a character arc in the series, he really was interesting and likable like pls my CHILD
moblit berner x fem! reader.
❝︎ for all that you're yet to become, i love you. ❞︎
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of course, moblit is still hange's main assistant. he's her second in command/her messenger, as always. you're her assistant in a more scientific sense. you provide aide during experiments, providing useful input while also putting your intellect to the test.
hange adores you with every fiber of her being. not only does she have a science buddy, but somebody who genuinely understands her field and all of the seven hour long stories that come with it! certainly, you aren't as overzealous as her, but you're able to actually converse with her over your shared projects. there aren't a lot of scientists— they need you, you were handed your position fairly quickly.
moblit's crush on you began,, immediately. quietly, he was relieved that he no longer had to suffer hange's hopeless antics alone. sure, he felt baD for you, but yay, a friend! and a pretty one, too.
there was a single moment where it was your very first day underneath her command, and right as you walked in, hange was literally braiding strands of titan hair she'd pulled from an experiment. from across the room, moblit locked eyes with you, and just mouthed,, "run away."
the two of you didn't start dating until a long while; work was miserable, and it took up far too much brain power for either of you to even think about romance.
then again, there were those moments,, you were extra concentrated, and moblit was staring at you. even when you didn't try, you were absolutely stunning.
^ cue hange asking him what the hell he's staring at, causing him to fLincH and start sweating profusely.
now, two people are screaming at their relentless commander whenever she does something heinously moronic. the iconic "HANGE-SAN" is now doubled, and it's just as great, tysm.
sometimes, when hange is getting a little too rambunctious, you literally have to bury your face in moblit's shoulder to spare yourself from having to waTch that bullshit. it's funny, he has one arm shielding your face while the other one swings around in hand gestures of pure distress.
he claims that he stays late at the office because hange left him with extra work, but really, he just wants to be able to walk you home.
you arrived post sawney & bean, so he's the one that has to fill you in on that whole arc. it's,, funny.
"wait, wait. she cried whenever she had to preform physical experiments on them?"
thank you, y/n, for being sane. ❤️
as always, i'll leave the how you got together part up to you, because this post is meant to be centering more towards the relationship itself, but i imagine that it was both simple & really cute! moblit's a cutie, it was probably along the lines of an accidental confession.
the two of you tried keeping your relationship secret, for obvious reasons. it was a joint decision, settled for the sake of your safety. your boss is scary, mmk.
that being said, sneaking around is inevitable. i don't see moblit flat out enjoying having to sneak around, but it's definitely a little exciting, and it makes working at the office a bit more fun than he'd ever imagine.
when you're alone, and working, he likes to wrap his arms around you from behind, burying his face into the crook of your neck while you concentrate on whatever it is you're working on.
"as important as i'm sure this work is, maybe we should-"
"sorry, love. i can't leave until i'm finished."
cue a small nuzzle into your neck, "understood."
one night, you had to pull an all nighter at the workplace. despite you giving him the okay to head on home, moblit stayed with you, and the two of you crashed on the sofa. the following morning, hange practically fAinted at the sight of you, passed out on moblit's chest while his hand lay comfortably beneath your shirt, resting on the bare small of your back.
she screamed, which led to you screaming, which led to moblit bursting up, which led to the two of you bonking heads.
yeah, she hounded y'all for days.
"how long has this been a thing?"
"why didn't you TELL me?"
"do you not trust me?"
"if anything happened on that couch, i suggest you clean it up before levi arrives-"
"h A Ng E - sA N"
one time, the two of you had gotten a tad bit distracted and started making out on your desk. hange walked in, said something stuPid, and you literally biT your poor boyfriend's bottom lip. you felt awfuL, and promised to make it up to him later 😉
because you're only a scientist, it isn't often that you're out in the field. however, because there are times where you're needed outside of the walls, you're an occasional guest during missions/expeditions.
the first time you were requested somewhere while moblit and hange were sent elsewhere, he didn't like it at all.
had you held combative experience, he wouldn't be so worried. but, in all honesty, there aren't many people in the world that he genuinely trusts to keep you safe.
when you came back in one piece, he bombarded you with questions. did you get hurt? were you scared, did they keep you safe? were you ever, ever placed in harm's way?
mans was worried 🥺
whenever you join hange during live titan experiments, it's literally funny.
"be caRefuL-"
one time, you shot him a glare so devilishly stern, he fucking guLped. srry babe, do ur thing. you look sexy standing ontop of that titan's abdomen!
whenever you're angry, even when it isn't at him, he's literally so fucking terrified. like, he's scared.
however!! it became a thing where whenever you're frustrated, he knows to sit you down and tend to your joints. if your hair is up, he'll take it down, letting your scalp breathe. he'll rub your shoulders, all while quietly reassuring you. it's simple, but effective, and incredibly intimate.
he's already decided on the names of your future children. do you know this? fuck no, and you never will.
you move in together fairly quickly! because you want time together away from work, it was decided that you would move into moblit's place. not only do the two of you get ready together in the mornings, but you unwind together after hours. the two of you sleep on the sofa more than you do the bed— you're exhausted, and just fucking flop onto one another the moment you get home.
he's an amazing boyfriend, and your relationship is fun. 🥺
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tsukishumai · 3 years
HELLO! i was wondering if your requests are open,,, if they are can i pls request prompt 44 from angst with oikawa??? THANK YOUUU!!!. p.s the kita angst broke me i- TT
HELLO!! Yes, requests are open, tysm for requesting something! 💘 & aw I’m sorry haha, I wasn’t too confident abt that one so to hear that u liked it makes me uwu 🥺 hope u like this one!
Send me a prompt + ur fav character here :)
44. “What am I in your life? Because as of lately I feel as though I’ve been nothing to you.”
Word count: 1.2k
A/N: Eek, again I suck at angst so I apologize if this is terrible <3
You really only had one goal in life, and that was to be successful. There was no nuance to it, no specific path you intended to follow. Hell, even which career you wanted for yourself was up in the air. But all of those things were just minor details. Regardless of whichever mountain you decide to climb, you had every intention of sitting yourself right at the very top.
It was only natural to want to be the best, isn’t it? You couldn’t think of one good reason why you should be satisfied with anything other than first place. That’s why out of all the applicants, you were the one awarded a scholarship to the prestigious Aoba Johsai. It wasn’t a stroke of luck, nor an answered prayer; and it truly irked you when people tried demeaning all your efforts by simply boiling it down to happenstance. You studied your ass off, spent days and nights with your nose buried in a book or camped out in a library, and in the end it paid off.
Not a lot of people understood. If people were trying to be nice, they would say you were just ambitious. But if people were trying to be mean, they would call you shrewd and cold. None of those things mattered to you either way; the view of their upturned faces as you looked down on them from your pedestal provided you enough fuel to warm your lonely nights.
It’s not that you didn’t value friendship; you managed to cultivate a few acquaintances, and it’s not like you sat by yourself a lunch. But high school just felt so arbitrary; Aoba Johsai was just one of many steps towards your future, what was the point in forming connections with people you would probably never have met if not for the fact you were all born around the same time? You watched as your classmates settled into their cliques, formed their little groups, and - as much as any high schooler could - fall in love.
You didn’t hate love. You just didn’t see the point, really. You saw the way some of your friends start obsessing over their significant other; friendships start to break, grades start to slip, mental health goes on the decline. Why would you want that? Not after spending all your time in setting up the foundation for yourself; there wasn’t a single part of yourself that you were willing to give to anyone else.
So why was it you were standing in front of Oikawa Tooru, eyes nearly swollen shut from the tears that forged a streaky path down the planes of your cheeks, snot disgracefully dripping from your nostrils as you desperately choked back a sob?
“How long have you known?” You asked, but you weren’t prepared for the answer.
“A year,” he mumbled shamefully, unable to even look you in the eye. If you did, you would see tears of his own threatening to spill, but at the moment all you saw was red.
“You’ve known... for a year?”
“Y/N,” Oikawa attempted to reach out to you, but you stepped back and slapped his hand away.
“Is this why you’ve been blowing me off lately,” you whispered, Oikawa’s odd behavior finally beginning to click in heard.
You haven’t felt the touch of Oikawa’s hands in weeks; the very same ones that always reached out for you, guiding you to exactly where you need to be with their permanent presence on the small of your back. His eyes that always seems to be able find you in any crowd were downcast, shifted away until you forgot what it felt like to melt under their intensity.
At first, you simply chalked it up to his devastating loss against his oh so beloved kohai. Nationals had been a dream of Oikawa’s that will now never come into fruition. You, of all people, knew the overwhelming heartache of coming up short. It was his passion and dedication to the sport that drew you to him, after all.
But after weeks of near radio silence, you start to feel yourself begin to unravel. Had you done something wrong? Was he still this upset about the loss? Is there something more you could to help alleviate some of his stress? Is he starting to lose interest in you? Maybe he doesn’t find you attractive anymore?
These were thoughts that would never have even had the chance to cross your mind before. Now, the lack of sleep and uneasiness building in your chest had you two seconds away from bursting.
Instead, you felt your whole existence deflate when you had been handed back your first failing grade. The angry red marks began to swim in your peripherals, wondering how you could possibly have let yourself fallen this far.
You had one goal. One clear goal. Now, your vision had been expertly muddled by wavy brown hair and bright teal volleyball shorts.
“And you just made this decision without even thinking of me?” Your voice cracked at the last accusatory word of your question, growing increasingly irritated Oikawa’s unusual silence.
It’s infuriating the more you thought about it, really. You didn’t want this. You never wanted any of this. You just wanted to graduate high school at the top of your class, get into a good college, and start working your way up in the world. You were content to stay in your little bubble if it meant that you’d be able to achieve your dreams.
But Oikawa was Oikawa. He was simply too bright to ignore. And like Icarus to the sun, you thought yourself invincible until you flew close enough to burn from his radiance.
“What am I in your life?” You spat out, and the words left a bitter taste in your mouth, “Because as of lately I feel as though I’ve been nothing to you.”
Oikawa’s head snapped up, anguish stamped on his features as he desperately said, “You’re not nothing to me!”
“Then how could you do this?” You pleaded, disgusted at your pathetic groveling.
Oikawa shook his head, as if begging you to understand. “It’s not about what or how much you mean to me. I have to do this for myself and my future.”
It was so ironic, it made you livid.
Oikawa Tooru had successfully wedged himself into your life, deconstructing your walls brick by brick, gracing you with the warmth of his presence and the ardor of his love.
Only so he could be face to face as he drove the knife into your heart himself, allowing you a taste of pseudo happiness until it was time for him to take it away.
“Good luck in Argentina, Oikawa.”
His eyes widened at use of his last name, panic shooting across his features as he tried to stop you from leaving.
“Wait, Y/N -“
“Good bye.”
And you knew it wasn’t fair to him. You knew he was only doing what he felt was right, you understood that much too perfectly. It was irrational of you to shed tears over the most logical choice for Oikawa to make. You should be supportive, you knew that. But the embittered thought of being left behind was just too heavy to bear.
You walked away and never looked back, leaving behind two broken hearts.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
(You look up at the sky as an airplane left trails of clouds that blasted through a sunset painted with pastel pinks and purple hues.
You briefly wondered if this plane was taking Oikawa Tooru back home.
It never is.)
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joontier · 4 years
mercedes midnight runs | drabble 
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synopsis: ur thirsting over jk driving you around in a mercedes
pairings: jungkook x reader
rating: R
genre: smut, angst | warnings: pwp basically (the thirst is real and unquenchable) with lidol angst ; swearing ; degradation ; car sex (pls dont do this while driving fjlaksas)
word count: 2.1k
g/n: this is the first installment for my ‘between the lines’ collection! ackkk ive been wanting to do this for so long because ive always thirsted over the boys driving and imagining jk driving his mercedes around seoul is just,,,,, eye ---- btw, this is heavily unedited nhnghgnhgn i just had to share the thirst with yall real quick 
between the lines navi. |  navi. | m.list
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You’ve already planned out a quiet night to yourself tonight to rest and get your mind off of things, but all of a sudden, just as you were about to settle in bed, Jungkook sends you a text, telling you to get ready in half an hour because he’s going to pick you up and take you out somewhere. 
It isn't new news anymore that he’s texting you at this hour because he’s only permitted to go out after his schedules, which usually also end late at night. Superstar problems, can’t relate. 
Well, that and because your relationship with him warrants these types of late night meet-ups. It’s that type of arrangement you’d never thought you’d agree to, but eventually, learned to cope with. Your phone pings - a new message.
[🕺] 12:45AM
im out front
When you exit your apartment, you see an unfamiliar silver car parked in front of the building, you back up the stairs, wary of who might be inside the mysterious vehicle. The window rolls down halfway, and you see Jungkook takes a peek through the small space. 
Going back down the steps, you quickly climb inside the vehicle. “New car?” 
“Yeah, you like it?” 
You hum in agreement, tracing a hand along the sleek design of the dashboard. “It’s very...you,” you remark, in awe at how this new Benz fits Jungkook so well. “C’mere,” Jungkook tugs at your elbow, closing the distance between the two of you. “Fuck, you don’t know how much I missed you.” He presses his lightly chapped lips against yours, nipping gently at your bottom lip. Abruptly, you pull away, worried. 
“Kook...what if someone sees?” 
“I got the windows tinted. I got this car for us.” His words resonate throughout the car, and you're afraid he might hear your heart thudding strongly in your chest. You choose to ignore the implications of his words, focusing on his presence and not your treacherous thoughts. 
You give him a chaste kiss on his cheek in reply, sending a smile in his direction. You hope he doesn't see your real emotions swimming in your eyes. “Where are we escaping off to tonight?”  Internally cringing at your careless choice of words, you take off your hoodie and place it at the backseat, along with your purse, all the while giving him a generous display of your cleavage as a distraction.
Jungkook’s tongue darts out to moisten his lips. “I’m having second thoughts now, if we should really leave or not,” he says, unabashedly staring at your chest, eyeing your nipples, pert against the fabric of your low-cut top. “No bra?” 
“You told me you’d be here in twenty minutes, so I had to hurry….” 
“Wearing a bra takes you twenty minutes now?” Jungkook snorts, shaking his head at your lame excuse. 
“Yup, especially when all I could think about is having you take them off. So be grateful, because I’m doing you a favor.” You give him a wink, giggling when he huffs and starts the car. You’ve outwitted him once more. Silently, deep within the recesses of your brain, you wish you had the same amount of control you had over your words with your heart, especially when you’re around Jungkook. 
Connecting your phone to the car’s music player via bluetooth, you scroll through your recents and pick on your favorite playlist when you’re with Jungkook. ‘Sexy Can I’ by Ray J and Yung Berg comes first on shuffle. 
“That sounds like a very promising playlist.” 
Your conversation slowly lulls into silence, the two of you seated there quietly as you feel the enhanced bass reverberate throughout the new car. Leaning against the headrest, you glimpse at the man beside you, studying his features. 
Sometimes you find it funny how never in a million years did you even dream of being this close to the Euphoria crooner. If it wasn’t for your cousin Eunkyung - an idol who debuted the same year as Jungkook did, who’s likewise a very good friend of the latter, then you don't think you would even come close to breathing the same air as the global sensation beside you. 
Judging by the movement of Jungkook’s lips, you reckon he’s been speaking to you for the last five minutes, but you definitely have not processed a single word from him, for all you care. You couldn't blame yourself though, and Jungkook is certainly the one who is to take responsibility for your momentary preoccupation.
“You okay babe?” 
If you were going to be completely honest, you were far from okay. Besides the many thoughts swirling inside your head, your trusty menstrual cycle tracker app is telling you that you’re bound to welcome your monthly visitor in a week - which means you’re PMSing - which further means you’re only in one certain state of mind - you’re insatiably horny. 
Unfortunately for you, Jungkook is absolutely no help at all. Not when he constantly looks like sex personified - muscular thighs, veiny arms, the whole package. Plus, there’s something about Jungkook behind the wheel that’s ultimately driving you crazy. 
A major part of it is your hormones for sure, but then again, even your hormones are thirsting over Jungkook driving, veiny forearms on display as he grips the wheel, or the way he backs up with only one hand on the steering wheel, or the way he sometimes keep a hand on your thigh as he drives. The formula is clear: Jeon Jungkook will be the cause of your insanity.
Jungkook pulls up the sleeves of his Carhartt sweater, revealing his nearing full-sleeve-tattooed right arm. The sight instantly makes you water, or wetter. Whichever the case may be. 
You hadn’t seen him in a week, busy working on his mixtape, amongst other stuff. And you miss him terribly, sex with him included. As desperate and slutty that sounds, Jungkook is that type of person that leaves you wanting, yearning for more. 
“What’s going on then?” 
“If this is about Eunkyung…you know we already talked about that…”
“I don’t wanna talk about that, Jungkook.” 
“What’s wrong then?” 
You don’t answer, just silently watching the muscles on his forearm ripple as he pulls on the hand brake when you get to an intersection. You gulp, looking away as you push your thighs together, hoping that somehow the friction will help the desire pooling between your legs. The action doesn't go unnoticed by Jungkook, whose eyes instantly  darken, now all too aware of your state. 
“Tell me what’s wrong baby girl.” 
Your resolve nearly breaks at the pet name, looking out the window to avoid his gaze. The light turns green again, and as he continues to drive, he rests a hand on your exposed thigh, strategically placing it just in the middle, the action gentle, yet enough to add fuel to your frustration. 
His tattooed fingers gingerly trace patterns on your bare thigh. Fuck Jungkook and his thing for skirts. You weren't one to complain about his sexual fantasies though, not when wearing the skirts he buys for you gets you a good fucking afterwards. 
You stay quiet in your seat, not giving the satisfaction that Jungkook gets knowing that he’s getting you all riled up. Two can play at this game. 
Gingerly, you place a hand on top of his, gently guiding his hand north towards your core. The man driving beside you lets out a cough, sitting up straighter. Keeping his hand sliding up until he’s fully cupping your core, Jungkook chokes on thin air as he realizes you’re not wearing panties either. 
“Let me guess, wearing underwear is too mainstream?” 
Shrugging, you spread your legs wider, guiding his fingers to slide against your already glistening folds. A shot of electricity runs through your spine. “Fuck, baby girl, you’ll be the death of me,” Jungkook growls, taking a sharp intake of breath as he teases you, shallowly dipping a digit through your wet cunt. 
“You’re fucking soaked. You seem to enjoy the thought, princess. Christening my car seats like the slut that you are?” He drawls, this time fully pushing a finger in as you get to another stoplight. 
“Jungkook, don’t tease me like that baby.” Biting your lip to stop the moan that’s threatening to spill, your own hand reaches out to grab at Jungkook crotch. He hisses at the sensation. You smirk to yourself. Seems like you’re not the only one who’s greatly affected. 
Encouraged by Jungkook’s reaction, you slip a hand through the waistband of his sweats, taking hold of his already hard cock. “And you’re surprised I don’t wear underwear? Bit rich coming from you now isn’t it?” 
“Better watch your mouth and stop teasing me, baby girl. You might just get punished for that.” 
“And what if I want to get punished?”
Jungkook huffs, pulling out his finger as the light turns orange. He brings his slick-covered finger to your lips, “Suck,” he orders. You oblige, sucking on his slender digit and swirling a tongue around it. 
“You’re in for a fucking treat, naughty girl.” 
It’s green again. With a sigh, Jungkook gets back to driving, this time religiously looking for a discreet place to stop over so he can fuck you properly. He finally finds a filling station, now driving with newly found urgency. 
He parks in one secluded corner of the station, with just a singular parking space separating you from a parked truck, the driver snoring away happily. 
The tension is thick in the air, inevitably making you feel hot even with the air conditioning on full blast. With no words needed to get the message across, you both unbuckle your seatbelts hastily, finding each other in a heated kiss shortly after. 
Making another grab at Jungkook’s dick - outlining against the confines of his Puma sweats, you urge him to pull them down to his thighs so you can have a taste of your alleged ‘treat’. Likewise, he orders you to lift your skirt up, giving him easier access to have you writing on his fingers alone. 
Scooting closer, you bend over the center console, taking Jungkook’s length in your hands. You place a tentative kiss on the tip before diving in, taking his cock inside your mouth. Jungkook lets out a guttural groan at the sensation, taking your hair into his hands, forming a makeshift ponytail on your head. 
“You’re so fucking hot, you know that right?” His head throws back as you take him to the hilt, the tip hitting the back of your throat. At his compliment, you swallow and as you watch Jungkook visibly shudder, you give yourself a mental pat on the back. 
As you continue to bob up and down Jungkook’s length, your hand travels between your legs, fingers easily finding your nether bud. With Jungkook starting to buck his hips upwards, helping you with your task, you quicken the pace of the fingers toying with your clit. You’re so close, but you’re doubtful you’ll even get to orgasm, considering your perched precariously over the console - definitely an uncomfortable position for you to orgasm in. 
Jungkook senses your discomfort and tells you to sit down, and you’ll both do this together. As soon as you get seated, you scoot closer to the middle, when Jungkook’s hand extends to return its attention to your dripping cunt. You give Jungkook’s erection stands tall, likewise calling for attention. Heeding to its silent call, you wrap your fingers around his shaft, stroking his length languidly. 
For a full minute, you both stay like that, trying to get each other to orgasm. Jungkook’s breathing gets labored by the second - the tell-tale signs he’s getting close. As your hand momentarily leaves his dick to massage his balls, his phone blares, startling you both out of your wits. 
Letting out an annoyed huff, he grabs the phone and switches mute button down then thrusting the device somewhere on the dashboard. Pretending as if nothing happened, you continue your handjob until Jungkook can’t take it any longer, pulling you up from your seat and telling you to come and sit on his lap. 
As soon as Jungkook pushes his seat back, you crawl over to his side, unceremoniously sitting on his lap, gyrating your hips as you slide your wet folds against the muscular expanse  of his thigh. You’re almost there, Jungkook taking your breasts in his hands for more stimulation - that is until his phone vibrates loudly against the surface of the dashboard. 
“You should probably get that,” you pull away, retreating to your seat: cockblocked for the second time. You check the dashboard for his phone, and get a glimpse of the caller’s ID on his screen. Eunkyung. 
You place the device into Jungkook’s hands yourself. 
“It’s your girlfriend calling.”
© hhyungz 2020. All rights reserved.
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marvels-writings · 4 years
Something Beautiful
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Maria Hill Masterlist
Requested by Anon: Hi!! I absolutely love ur writing!! I was wondering if u could write a Maria Hill x fem!reader and they’re like married with a little girl and R gets hurt on a mission with Maria and Maria is trying to keep R conscious until the medical team arrives by telling R stories abt the day they got married, the day they adopted their daughter, their babies first birthday with them, etc. With a happy ending pls! Thx!!
Word Count: 4.4 K (long and angsty but def worth it)
A/N: This took me four days to write. So worth it. Take my advice and read it.
Warnings: A bit of gore, a bit of blood
Moonlight streamed lazily through the blinds. The sounds of a movie playing in the background and a soft lullaby filled the room as you rocked your daughter, putting her to sleep. She had been having a harder time sleeping knowing both of you might be gone when she woke up. It had taken you hours to calm her down, let alone put her to sleep.
When you began to take a little too long to put her into bed, Maria joined both of you. Her figure stood in the doorway, distorting the light coming from the hallway. You tucked her in, pulling the covers up to her chin before sighing.
“Do both of us have to leave?” You asked, probably for the millionth time in the last few hours. Seeing your daughter so upset was harder than you had anticipated.
“Y/n,” Maria began with a sigh, reassuring you time and time again. “you know we have to.”
You sighed again, stroking her hair gently. This wasn’t the first time you had to leave on a mission. You doubted it would be the last. But both of you were leaving. Not just you or Maria. One of you couldn’t stay home to reassure her that the other would be alright. You were leaving your daughter without either of her mothers.
Nervousness still nagged at you. You knew she would be safe, more than anybody. After all, she was in the Avengers compound surrounded by superheroes. All of them would be around her, all the time. It didn’t make sense to be afraid, but fears are never rational.
“She would be safe,” Maria assured you, patting your back. “she’s in the most protected facility in New York.”
Maria stated the obvious, over and over again in hopes of reassuring you. It did little to comfort you. You knew she was trying to help you, her nervousness wracking her all over, she just didn’t show it.
“I know,” you sighed, hoisting yourself off the bed and giving her a small smile. Your hand slid into hers like it had so many times before. Your fingers squeezed hers in assurance, fear just underlining it.
“let’s let her sleep.” You said, tugging her out of your daughter’s room.
Both of you left, not before glancing at her one last time before morning came. Closing the door behind you, you headed towards your room in the compound. You and your wife had decided to bring her to the compound to sleep rather than rushing through the motions in the morning.
Laura didn’t seem to mind, neither did the rest of the team. They enjoyed having Laura there more than anyone. Most of them seemed adamant about spoiling her, even Natasha. The redhead claimed to be her favorite aunt, a notion no one dared to contradict, even Wanda.
Morning came quicker than you had expected. Even after all the hours it took you to fall asleep, the sunlight streaming through your blinds seemed like it had taken shorter to come there. You knew that wasn’t the case as you got ready early for your mission.
Getting ready for a mission with your wife was usually noisy and involved multiple shouts to double-check everything. Now, it was quiet. Whether it was in fear or anxiety, you didn’t know. But you didn’t want to disturb it, scared of starting another argument about leaving your daughter alone.
In all honesty, the mission wasn’t that important. It was a basic recon mission to get information from an abandoned HYDRA base before they took it down. Nothing the Avengers or a basic SHIELD agent couldn’t handle. But Fury was adamant about having both of you there just for security. Despite yours and Maria’s best efforts, you had to go on the mission.
Everything was packed. The jet was ready. All you needed to do was leave, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to go.
Just before Maria dragged you onto the jet, somehow having more willpower to leave than you. Natasha came through the hangar doorways, your sleepy daughter in her arms. Laura’s head lolled from side to side as she tried desperately to keep awake.
“Nat, what are you doing?” You asked, heading over to both of them, tapping Maria’s shoulder on your way there. Your wife turned around and followed you towards your daughter. Laura reached out for both of you when you were just feet away.
“She wanted to see you before you left.” Natasha sighed, guilty for letting the little girl guilt trip her into this. The redhead knew neither you or Maria wanted her awake while you were leaving. Laura’s puppy eyes and pleading far too convincing for her to resist.
“Sweetheart,” Maria sighed, softening when she took her daughter into her arms.
Her posture softened slightly as her arms stroked her hair. Still holding onto some composure, she said her goodbyes softly, showing less affection than she normally would around your daughter. Maria cared too much about what others thought about her to be less professional.
You, on the other hand, couldn’t care less about being professional if your family was concerned. Everyone who knew you knew your family mattered more than anything to you. It didn’t matter to you what a random stranger thought of you. All that mattered was your family.
Once Maria said her goodbyes, you eagerly scooped your daughter out of her arms and excitedly twirled her around. Laura’s giggles broke out. She squirmed slightly to get away from you as you hugged her tightly.
“Mommy!!!” Laura squealed, her arms flailing.
Maria watched both of you lovingly, a small smile painting her face. You twirled your daughter once more before holding her in your arms. Her little face looking up at yours eagerly.
“Now, we’ll see you,” You smiled at her, bumping her nose playfully. The little girl giggled, waving your hand away from her face. Smiling, you leaned your face so your nose nudged against hers, causing her to laugh harder.
“The second we get back, okay?” You said, a sad smile creeping onto your face as your goodbyes came nearer. Laura sighed and hugged you tightly, sleep still threatening to take over her tired form. Natasha would put her to sleep once the two of you left.
“Miss you,” Laura muttered sleepily into your chest. You sighed and patted her back gently, pulling her closer to sleep. Maria moved to eye level with your daughter, lifting her chin to face her.
“We’ll miss you too,” Maria said, smiling at her sadly before kissing her forehead. The little girl closed her eyes, leaning into your wife’s touch.
“But we’ll be back before you know it.” She said hopeful, pulling away so you could say your goodbyes. Standing by Natasha, she watched you nuzzle your nose against Laura’s playfully. The little girl still sleepy, but staying awake so she could say her goodbyes to both of you.
“We love you,” You said, squeezing her tightly before hesitantly handing her over to Natasha.
“be good for them.” You kissed the top of her forehead, pulling away to catch her looking at you with sad eyes. Her hands grasped for you a little as you pulled away, breaking your heart to leave.
“I will,” Laura replied, her little hand waving in the air at both of you.
If she had begged either of you to stay, you would have stayed without hesitation. The little girl was much smarter than you gave her credit for, knowing if you left for one day you’d be home for longer.
“bye Mama, bye Mommy.” Laura waved as both of you walked away and into the jet. You smiled at her, watching her through teary eyes.
“Bye sweetheart,” Maria said, waving at her while walking into the jet. She turned the switch to let the hangar doors shut closed. A sigh left your lips when you couldn’t see her anymore.
You moved to sit down in the cockpit while Maria joined you in the pilot's seat. There was nothing to do until you got there. The ships automatic guiding system would take you there, even land you. You needed something to do, maybe rechecking the bags, anything else.
Maria sat next to you, watching out the window in silence. Her hand crept towards yours until she could secure your hand in hers. The gentle touch the only thing bringing you comfort. They thought you would see your daughter in two days bringing you more comfort.
You would come back, there was no possibility where this could go wrong. Even if it did, you would make it back, you had to. Your daughter needs you, nothing else mattered.
More went wrong than anyone had imagined. The info you had received was false. The base was crowded with HYDRA agents. The rest of the team you’d been sent in with, about 20 people you’d hardly gotten the names of had gone in with you. So far, only 10 had made it out. The other ten, you’d lost.
Maria had gotten everyone she could find out while you were getting the information. The information was in your hand, but it came at a high cost. The three guards you had to fight to get it were on the ground. But they had left their mark.
Your ribs were cracked and some were even broken as you limped towards where your wife was. Each breath was painful. Maria’s hand slid into yours as she tugged you towards the exit. All you wanted to do was lie down and rest. It was the last thing you could do.
“Just a little further,” Maria urged, grinning to herself when she saw the exit in sight. The helicopter was another half a mile, but she could call the chopper in a little early. Both of you knew it would still be another half an hour before you were safe.
“we’re almost out.” She pulled you further until you were in the last corridor. You chuckled and pulled her to a stop, needing a rest. Breathing ragged and broken, you leaned back against the wall.
“Always the optimist.” You remarked, eyes fluttering shut in relief as your ribs stopped jostling. Maria chuckled and squeezed your hand, wiping the cut on your forehead. Your blood came off on her hands, she wiped it off on her suit and helped you up.
“Only for you.” Maria winked as you chuckled, letting her help you towards the exit.
A HYDRA agent stood in the corridor, gun pointed at both of you. The thing that struck you first wasn’t the gun, it was his age. He was barely 20, scared out of his mind. He was only doing what his superiors told him to do. If that meant to shoot your wife, so be it.
You couldn’t let it happen, instead of jumping protectively in front of Maria. Your eyes locked with your attacker’s for one brief second. He flinched as he pulled the trigger. The explosion sounded in the room, evidence he’d shot. As he glanced down at the gun, still not believing he’d used it.
“NO!” Maria shouted, the explosion echoing in her ears as your body felt against hers. Her knife was drawn the instant he was about to shoot again. Without a second thought, she threw it at his chest, unbothered to see if he was dead.
You were sure she had never killed someone that easily. Even on missions, when someone had killed a member of a team, she showed them mercy. Now, the knife was burrowed into his chest, a pool forming around him.
Silently, Maria helped you outside, ragged breathing filling the air around you as you were helped onto the grass. The tiny blades slowly turning red as you were laid down upon it. Maria began to apply pressure onto your wound, wincing when you cried out in pain.
“Hey, stay with me okay?” Maria said rapidly, her free hand cupping your cheekbone, leaving your skin stained with your blood.
“You’re safe?” You asked, wanting to make sure she was okay. Clenching your jaw tightly, you tried not to show you were in pain. Her hands shook as she applied pressure, wedding ring digging into your wound.
“You’re the one that’s stabbed!” Maria shouted in panic, blue eyes meeting yours. She was alright if she could yell at you, she was okay. Letting your head loll back, you chuckled weakly. The sky above you was a bright blue, seem so happy, so beautiful, oblivious to what was under it.
Your wife rang in on comms for a medical, her face morphing into anger as she shot out a series of commands. After some whispering on the comms, she told them she would wait and cut out. Her hand returned to your wound. Her wedding ring slowly getting stained with your blood.
“Just a few minutes, stay awake,” Maria begged, pressing harder on your wound when your eyes began to flutter shut. “please.”
your body jerked in pain, trying in vain to get away from the pressure on your wound. You couldn’t help the groan escaping your lips, knowing it was hurting your wife to see you like this.
“So tired.” You muttered, head lolling lazily from side to side as your eyes began to flutter shut. A hand came up to cup your cheekbone, staining it with blood, lightly patting you awake. In a panic, Maria shook your shoulder, still applying pressure.
“Stay awake for me, okay?” Maria pleaded, moving up to make eye contact with you. “For me, just keep your eyes open.”
Her eyes met yours, bright blue searching yours for a will to stay fighting. Gulping, you clenched your jaw tightly, biting your tongue to keep yourself awake. It wasn’t helping. You remembered learning in training to keep talking to someone if they were bleeding, it helps them stay awake.
“Maria, tell me something.” You whispered, hoping she caught your weak words. Both of her hands centered on your wound, stopping the bleeding.
“What?” Maria asked jaw clenched tightly as she adamantly refused to show any emotion.
Too many things running through her mind, she couldn’t lose you. You, the person who had taught her how to love. The amazing person who had married her and brought life into this world. There were too many stories you would never get to tell, too many memories you would never get to make.
“I don’t know,” You tried weakly to shrug when a weak smile crossed your face. “tell me something beautiful,”
Maria pursed her lips, searching her mind for something to tell you. A story she made up wouldn’t do anything, maybe a memory. A beautiful memory, like your wedding. The details came to her mind quickly, she started talking about them rapidly.
Everything from the table setting to the people invited, she didn’t miss a single detail while describing it to you. The first song, your vows, the first dance. She romanticized everything, making it seem more beautiful than it could have been, though she doubted it was possible.
It still wasn’t working, your eyes began to flutter shut again. Your breathing slowed. Your head stopped lolling from side to side. You were slipping.
“Please, y/n,” Maria begged, her left hand coming up to stroke your cheek. The wedding ring scratching against the skin. “stay awake.” you didn’t show any sign of waking up, your body relaxing as your breathing slowed. Clenching her jaw, she tried harder.
“If not for me, for Laura, she needs you.” Maria urged, shaking your shoulder to try to keep you awake. Hearing your daughter’s name, you stirred and squirmed, keeping your eyes open.
Your eyes met hers, trying to urge her to talk about your daughter, to tell you to stay awake. You knew you couldn’t leave, no matter how tired you were.
Maria began to talk about your daughter. The day you brought her home. The day she started walking. Her first birthday. Everything. She wove it into a fairy tale of sorts, managing to convince you that your life was a dream. A dream you couldn’t leave.
For a while, it was working. Your eyes were open wider as you looked around for the medical team. They were only a few minutes out, the jet was already visible as they made their way to you. Maria saw it too, a grin forming on her face as she continued to describe your daughter’s first day at school.
As the blood seeped out of you, you began to lose more of your conscience. Your responses were blurry and slurred, she had to shake your shoulder to try to keep you awake. She could only pray the medical team came faster. There was only so much she could do.
In the middle of her sentence, she heard a buzzing from your suit pocket. A light frown on her face, she stopped speaking. Reaching into your pocket, she pulled out your phone. Natasha’s name was on the screen, she was calling you.
Both of you had told Natasha to only call in emergencies or if you were late. Maria could only assume it was one of the two. She sighed and held it up to your face, knowing it would ring for a little longer.
“You were supposed to leave this in the jet,” Maria muttered, ready to push the answer button when she noticed you were trying to speak. A lazy smirk spread across your face as you reached for the phone.
“Couldn’t help myself.” You smirked, still reaching for your phone. Maria rolled her eyes and answered the phone. Laura’s voice sounded on the other side, but she cut her off before she could talk.
“Hey sweetheart,” Maria greeted, whacking your hand away from the phone. “we’re a little busy right now.”
“Can I talk to mommy?” Laura asked, cutting off her mom. Maria blinked in surprise, she knew her daughter missed you the most when you were away. It was something you teased her about constantly, jokingly of course. But she never thought your daughter would call you because of it.
“In a second, can you hand the phone to Natasha?” Maria asked, persuading the little girl to hand it over to the redhead. Shuffling sounded on the other side as the phone was handed over.
“Sorry, she wanted to talk to Y/n and she was about to start crying,” Natasha confessed nervously, knowing Maria won’t be happy about it. Maria sighed into the receiver, ready to give Natasha an earful about letting Laura do this.
Before she could, you reached for the phone again. Maria glared at you and applied more pressure on your wound in a warning. You winced, still reaching for your phone before Maria whacked your hand away again. You couldn’t talk to your daughter like this, it would scare her. Death frightens the young the most.
More shuffling sounded on the other line. Laura cleared her throat angrily before speaking into the receiver again. She had been spending too much time around Tony and Natasha.
“Is mommy there?” Laura asked, almost pleading Maria to hand the phone over.
Hearing your name, you reached over again. The brunette couldn’t deny you to talk to your daughter. She knew you wouldn’t do anything to scare her, let alone let her know you were in any sort of pain. Handing over the phone, she watched you lift it to your ear before you started speaking.
“Hey,” You greeted, a bright smile crossing your face. Maria glanced nervously at the wound, hoping it wasn’t still bleeding. It had slowed dramatically, the only thing she could do was try to bandage it to make it easier for the medics.
“Mommy!” Laura shouted excitedly on the other line, causing your face to break out in a larger grin.
“how’s my favorite, favorite girl doing?” You asked, stuttering when Maria lifted your shirt and cool air met your wound. Laura didn’t seem to pick up on the pain in your voice.
Instead, she began to ramble about what she had done in your absence. It had only been a little under a day that you’d been gone, but she had done so much it felt like weeks. The avengers had tried their best to keep her occupied and her mind off of her mothers, it still hadn’t worked.
Her rambling continued, you made a hum or a short laugh whenever the moment called for it. Every laugh hurt your ribs a little more, but you didn’t mind. It made Laura happy to know her mother had paused a mission just to talk to her. You weren’t about to take that away from her.
Maria continued bandaging your wound, only stopping when she saw the medics approaching. They had all their gear ready, even a gurney to help lift you. Her stomach lurched when the severity of the situation sunk in.
��Y/n, the medical team is here.” Maria nudged your shoulder, you nodded to her. Waiting for Laura to stop rambling so you wouldn’t need to cut her off. But the little girl kept on speaking a mile a minute, adamant on covering the last few hours in a matter of minutes.
“Laura?” You interrupted, using her name. She stopped immediately, knowing you only used her full name when you were serious. You usually called her pet names or even nicknames, only by her full name when it was something serious.
“I have to go for a bit,” You said, hearing a loud sigh on the other end. “but me and Mama will see you the second we get back, okay?”
Another sigh sounded before she seemed to agree. Not wanting her mothers away from her but knowing you would come back soon.
“Okay mommy, will you be alright?” She asked curiously, noticing you’d been quieter than normal. You smiled at her concern, wanting nothing but to be home with your daughter.
“Of course, I love you, my daughter.” You reassured her, sniffling a little. Maria nodded to you, ready to take the phone away when you held it closer to your ear. Laura usually didn’t say it back, implying it instead when she hugged you after. Still, you hoped you could hear her voice say it.
“I love you too mommy, I miss you,” Laura admitted quietly. A smile broke out on your face. You wanted to hand the phone to Maria so she could get her goodbyes in. But there wasn’t enough time, there never is when it’s needed most.
“I miss you too baby, I’ll be back before you know it.” You assured, speaking quickly to get every word in before Maria took your phone away. Her hand quickly snatched it away, ending the call as the medics approached you.
They lifted you on the gurney, the bloody bandages hanging off the gurney, dripping onto the ground. Maria followed you despite the medic’s warnings. Her wedding ring still soaked with your blood. One hand held her phone tightly, the other reaching for you.
You were brought into the ambulance, an oxygen mask on your mouth. You’d passed out, in pain or out of blood loss, no one knew. Your body was limp. The heart monitor was attached to you, the steady beeping of your heart the only sign you were alive.
The medical team hurried to patch you up. Peeling off the bandages and sewing it up. Nervous eyes flitted up to Maria’s. Her intense glare making sure you were treated with the best care possible. The medics were careful, patching up the wound so you would barely feel any pain.
They continued to tend to the rest of your injuries, but they needed the jewelry off to clean you. Maria took off your wedding ring, holding it in her hand, wiping it off in vain. Your blood was on your ring, she tried to wipe it off with grubby fingers.
Sighing, she put it on the ring finger of her right hand, holding the phone with the same death grip as before. Maria didn’t let you out of her sight, even when you were being escorted from the ambulance into surgery.
The door slammed in her face, guards escorting her away from the scene. She tried to enter but found herself too numb to do anything. Instead, taking a seat in the waiting room, refusing to leave.
It took a few hours for the surgery to get over. Even longer till you were awake. Maria sat by your side through all of it. The wedding ring was back on your finger, cleaner than ever. She had slipped on the second she got the chance.
Half the day passed before you woke up. The moment you were awake, you wanted to see your daughter. You’d been away longer than you’d promised. It didn’t matter if you were injured, you needed to see your daughter.
So Maria got you out of the room and on the jet back to the tower. On the way there, you took a nap with your head resting on Maria’s shoulder, your left hand intertwined with hers. The wedding rings clinking together whenever the jet shook.
The sound comforting Maria, along with your soft snores. It assured her you were here, you weren’t leaving her. She spent the entire time awake, guarding over you, feeling lucky you were there with her.
Once the plane landed, Maria helped you out of the jet. A few of the guards took your things inside. Natasha appeared at the doorway with your daughter holding her hand. Laura grinned at both of you, oblivious to the way your back was hunched over as you walked.
“Mommy! Mama” Laura screamed, running towards both of you.
Grinning back at her, you straightened up and opened your arms. Maria patted your shoulder in a silent warning to be careful. She nodded to Natasha as a thank you, the redhead nodded back while the little girl barreled into your arms.
Twirling her around in your arms, you ignored the pain. Your daughter buried her head in your shoulder while your wife gently patted her back. Smirking, you leaned down to whisper something in her ear.
“Told you we’d be back before you know it.” You whispered, Laura giggled and pulled away.
Maria propped her up on her shoulders while the three of you walked inside. Laura chattered away about how much she had missed both of you. You were oblivious to the chatter, too caught up in the emotion of being back with your family.
Your wife had been right. The life you had was like a dream. A beautiful dream you never wanted to end.
A/N: Save my sanity and tell me what you think!
Tag List: @capcarolsdanver, @versdan, @lesbian-girls-wayhaught, @lovebotlarson, @dhengkt, @hstoria​, @natasha-danvers​, @veryfunnyal, @xxxtwilightaxelxxx , @ophelias-heart  , @never-didbefore​ , @justarandomhumanhere, @the-most-unicorn-of-them-all , @thatssocamryn , @lesbian-x-blackwidow , @wlw-imaginesss , @hcartbyheart , @summergeezburr , @imnotasuperhero   , @a-stressedstudent , @aaron-despair , @rooskaya-yelena , @thewitchandtheassassin , @wannabe-fic-reader , @izalesbean, @higherfurther-romanova   let me know if you’d like to be in any of my tag lists!
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lightskinrry · 3 years
spill about the nymph fantasy pls!!! also take care & i hope things get better really soon for u and ur family <3
Omfjsjsj thank you for indulging me and being sweet ily❤️
This became incredibly long and poorly written im sorry lmaofhfn but I’ve been composing this story in my head for weeks so there’s so many details😭😭😭 well I put it under the read more <333 also pls picture either harry answering fanmail or harry in the golden mv but in a prince Philip from the little mermaid outfit for this lmaofejfn
Soooo hear me out Harry is a prince in a far away land and outside of his prince duties he loves to play music he loves art and he doesn’t like the high society life so everyday once he’s done at the castle he travels to the forest near by and there’s this enchanted place hidden behind the bushes deep in the forest and there’s a pond and a small waterfall and a big tree with a huge branch and it’s so beautiful and he comes here everyday to play music and write and sing and every day the nature around him in this little hidden haven responds; the wind blows to the rhythm of what he’s playing, the water dances around when he sings and he just feels so at home and safe in this place he leaves little offerings and gifts
he doesn’t know exactly what it is about this place but there’s something there that he loves and then one day he’s talking to himself about a song he’s writing trying to find lyrics and he feels water dripping down on his forehead and he catches a glimpse of someone perched up on the branch watching him but they disappear before he actually can make a form out of them and he tries to shake it off but everyday he discovers a little bit more of whoever is hiding there; he hears a giggle when he’s playing out of tune, humming when he plays the strings of his guitar, a foot print in the wet grass and everyday he talks to them without ever seeing them reassuring whoever lives there that he won’t harm them and that he wants to know them but they never show up
until one day the land is attacked and Harry is wounded during battle he runs to the refuge hoping no one would find him he tries to heal his wound but he passes out sure he’s going to die and when he awakes someone is leaned over him their lips so close to his he thinks an angel wants to kiss him but the moment his eyes open fully the person runs away from him he tries to stand up and ask them to stay but the pain of his wound hold him down he looks down on it and realize it’s almost completely healed he looks around him and he sees little pots and other items and food used to heal him he crawls to the water pond to drink and he looks at himself the peach fuzz on his face indicating that’s he’s been out for almost a week and someone took care of him all this time he’s so baffled he rambles thank yous endlessly he asks the person if he can at least see who saved his life and he promises over and over again he won’t hurt them but there’s still not a peep ....
he lays down and fall asleep bc he’s still very weak and when he wakes up again he keeps his eyes closed and he feels water dripping down on his forehead again he speaks before moving or he doesn’t even open his eyes, he’s softly greeting the person who helped him thanking them and reassuring them again,,, he can hear their breathing and the droplets of water still hit his forehead in the most gentle way so he knows they’re still here.
He decides to open his eyes very slowly and he finally sees the person perched up on the branch, their naked body laying on it and gazing down on him, water dripping down their hair and twigs and flowers inside their hair,, he can’t quite believe his eyes for a second but once they make eye contact he just stares silently, the nymph stares back; eyes big with wonder... they stay there like that silently for a while he doesn’t dare to speak by fear they’ll run away again but in the silence the nymph gets down of the tree.
Harry stays down on the grass his head looking at the sky not wanting to make a move,,, he can feel them walk around him, looking at him and he feels safe.... the nymph kneels next to him and touch his face with their fingertips, softly tug on the curl that’s falling on his forehead, they check on his wound and grimace at the look of it, they get water and plants to put on it and Harry flinches at the pain but doesn’t make a sound. When they’re done they make eye contact again but they don’t speak and the nymph leaves and as they walk away Harry tries to stop them and ask them for at least a name and they just turn around and smile at him before disappearing again....
Harry realizes his wound is finally healed and he knows he has to get back to the castle so he leaves promising to come back again the next morning he finally makes it back home and it’s a celebration that the prince has returned safely and the next morning he takes his guitar and some food to bring to the pond and he stays there offering the food to the nymph waiting for them to come out he stays there and wait all day but they don’t come out he’s starting to think that maybe he made the whole thing up in his head bc of the pain but just as he starts to leave he hears branches and twigs breaking behind him and the food he brought is not there anymore he takes a deep breath and looks up to the branch where he saw them for the first time and they’re there!! Laying on their tummy gazing at him and eating the food he brought.... before he can speak the nymph gets down of the tree and analyzes him, they walk around him in a circle looking to see if he’s maybe hurt, they check his wound and smile contently at the sight of it healed,,, Harry doesn’t move and doesn’t speak but the nymph touches his face before their name fall out of their lips....
They are finally talking and Harry couldn’t be happier he knew it was real!! He speaks ever so softly scared that if he speaks louder he might scare them away again,, he doesn’t dare to touch them not even their hands let alone their arms and he doesn’t look at their eyes too long he’s so intimidated by their beauty and grace he can barely make sense but he profusely thank them for saving his life and he rambles about knowing there was someone living here. The nymph interrupts him to ask him to sing bc they love to hear him and he’s so taken aback he can only say yes so they sit next to him and listen while he plays the guitar and sings songs about long forgotten love stories and heartbreak
He stays there for hours just playing and singing, the nymph doesn’t say a word they just listen... until it’s dark and Harry excuses himself because he has to go home,,, the nymph finally asks him if he would teach them how to play the guitar and he promises he’ll back tomorrow to teach them
And he comes back... every day for weeks, teaching them the guitar, writing songs, listening to them sing, bringing them food and flowers and other trinkets he finds that he thinks they would enjoy and everyday the nymph speaks more and more and they tell him how much they love the sun and their favorite flower and color
One day Harry comes back and the nymph greets him gleefully jumping on their feet so happy to see him and he stays there all day they play and sing and write and eat as they do and by the end of the day as the sun sets and the pond is washed over in golden tones he pulls out a gold necklace with a sun pendant,, he explains to the nymph that it’s a gift for them that he saw the sun pendant and it reminded him of them,, he asks if he can put it on them and the nymph agrees so filled with tenderness from his gesture,,, they tell him they love it and that they’ll keep it forever and once he’s done placing it on their neck as they turn around to face him their eyes meet and it’s like time is frozen, they kisses his cheek to thank him and wishing him a good night... Harry is slightly disappointed but he kisses their cheek back for the first time and the nymph gets so flustered and so Harry starts to leave but right before he could get out of the bushes the nymph appears in front of him and thank him again they caress his cheek right where they kissed it a few moments ago and in a deep breath Harry cups their face to bring it closer to his and as their lips are barely inches away he whispers can I kiss you to which the nymph only answers by pressing their lips to his,, when their lips finally detach they’re both blissfully looking at each other,, the nymph says good night and watch Harry walk away promising again he’ll be back the next morning
When he comes back the next morning bringing the nymph his usual offerings; food and flowers and crystals and rocks just things he knows they enjoy they spend the day again talking playing and singing they don’t mention the kiss but when the day ends and Harry is about to leave the nymph offers him a necklace they made out of pearls specially for him they ask if they can put it on him and as they’re done placing the necklace on Harry and he turns around to face them; they lean over to his face, eyes closed and lips pouted ready for a kiss... Harry giggles looking at their silly face expecting a kiss and they get embarrassed they explain to Harry that they thought it was custom to kiss after giving a gift and Harry cups their face and kiss their nose,, telling them how cute they are for being a little clueless on social norms,, he kisses their forehead and their eyelids and finally their lips before whispering that he loves to kiss them
From now on they make it a little tradition to kiss everytime they give each other something, making their own little social rules in their own little world
One day Harry arrives at the pond and the nymph is nowhere to be found but two other beautiful nymphs are there, they analyse him with despise talking among themselves that they don’t understand why the nymph of the pond would find interest in a human like him, they do refer to him as pretty and magnetic but that he’s a man and he’s never to be trusted... Harry doesn’t necessarily understands what’s happening but he just asks if the nymph is here referring to them by name and the nymph comes out and cast the others away, apologizing if their siblings were rude to him... Harry tells them that there’s no need to apologize and they keep their little ritual and learn about each other more
It’s only when the sun starts to come down that they’re laying on the grass, the nymphs head on Harry’s chest that they contemplate the sky in silence and the nymph kisses Harry’s chin and jaw and as the breeze passes them by they start to kiss, their hands traveling all over their bodies and their heartbeats synchronising... the soft evening air starts to feel heavier and it’s like there’s a wave of heat in the pond,, the nymph straddles themselves on Harry never unlocking their lips and when he breaks the kiss to breathe he’s suddenly very aware of what the other nymphs said about him; he becomes hesitant and shy away from the nymph’s mouth,,, he asks them if they really want to go further than a kiss, further than touches, if they’re sure they want him; if they really trust him 
and the nymph only grabs his face to kiss him deeper to let him know that they never had a doubt and so they make love right there on the grass; the nymph on top of him, their hips moving to the rhythm of the water and their face gleaming in the golden hour and Harry can only say how beautiful they are, how perfect they are, how they feel so good.... Hes sitting up while the nymph rides him so he can make eye contact and kiss their lips, his hands resting on their waist, sliding on their hips and sometimes grabbing their ass, always moaning on the nymph’s lips about how magical they are and its when he picks them up to fuck into them that he finally hears them talk between muffled breaths and moans; repeatedly calling his name... he thrusts harder every time the word harry leaves their mouth until they both come undone on each other, the nymph first : waves of water covering Harry and a last moan of his name against his lips and barely seconds later Harry releases himself inside the nymph,,, thanking them time and time again 
and now they’re staying in this position, their lips trying to find each other in the dark now that the sun has set, giggling in each other’s mouth its only after a while that Harry finally gets up to leave and the nymph is somehow terrified by the idea that he might never come back but right as he leaves, same as every night, he kisses them and promises to come back tomorrow....
so yeah thats about where im at in the nymph fantasy lmaodvnh from then he keeps coming back and they keep fucking in every possible positions so its just horny ass shit and then I thought maybe he’s gonna ask them to come to the city to visit the castle and attend a ball and since theyre a bit clueless on social cues it will be fun and awkward and maybe there’ll be conflict like he’s already promised to someone else or maybe he’s actually the god Apollo trapped in his human form and he’s found a new muse but now that hes in love he doesnt know what to do who knows my brain is full of possibilities lmaohsdvbhv
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